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Biological notes on a fungus-growing ant, Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Attini) attacked by a diverse community of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae)


Abstract and Figures

A number of wasps in the family Diapriidae, subfamily Diapriinae (Proctotrupoidea), are parasitoids that specialize on ant larvae. These wasps are abundant and diverse in the Neotropics, but little is known about their biology. We studied parasitism rates by an array of diapriine wasps that attack the larvae of fungus-growing ants, Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki, in a single population (near Gamboa, Panamá). Relatively little is known about the biology and natural history of these ants, so we also present data on colony size and nest architecture. We excavated 136 colonies in central Panamá from June to September 2006, and 20 nests from July 2009. We reared six wasp morphotypes; two of them in the genus Mimopriella Masner and Garcia, one Oxypria Kieffer, two Szelenyiopria Fabritius and one Acanthopria Ashmead. The mean intensity of larval parasitism per ant colony was 33.9% (2006), and its prevalence across all ant populations was 27.2% (2006 and 2009). Parasitism rates were not positively correlated with host colony size. A single case of super-parasitism was documented in which two Oxypria males were reared from the same host larva. KeywordsDiapriinae-Fungus-growing ants-Parasitoid wasps-Adaptive radiations- Trachymyrmex
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Biological notes on a fungus-growing ant, Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Attini) attacked by a diverse
community of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae)
B. Pe
´rez-Ortega H. Ferna
M. S. Loia
´cono P. Galgani W. T. Wcislo
Received: 10 March 2009 / Revised: 13 November 2009 / Accepted: 18 February 2010
!Springer Basel AG 2010
Abstract A number of wasps in the family Diapriidae,
subfamily Diapriinae (Proctotrupoidea), are parasitoids that
specializeon ant larvae. These wasps are abundantand diverse
in the Neotropics, but little is known about their biology. We
studied parasitism rates by an array of diapriine wasps that
attack the larvae of fungus-growing ants, Trachymyrmex cf.
zeteki, in a single population (near Gamboa, Panama
´). Rela-
tively little is known about the biology and natural history of
these ants, so we also present data on colony size and nest
architecture. We excavated 136 colonies in central Panama
from June to September 2006, and 20 nests from July 2009.
We reared six wasp morphotypes; two of them in the genus
Mimopriella Masner and Garcia, one Oxypria Kieffer, two
Szelenyiopria Fabritius and one Acanthopria Ashmead. The
mean intensity of larval parasitism per ant colony was 33.9%
(2006), and its prevalence across all ant populations was
27.2% (2006 and 2009). Parasitism rates were not positively
correlated with host colony size. A single case of super-par-
asitism was documented in which two Oxypria males were
reared from the same host larva.
Keywords Diapriinae !Fungus-growing ants !
Parasitoid wasps !Adaptive radiations !Trachymyrmex
The New World fungus-growing ants (Hymenoptera, Formi-
cidae, Attini) are especially diverse in the tropics (Weber,
1972). As is true for most social insects (Schmid-Hempel,
1998), they accumulate significant stores of resources within
their nests, attracting a diverse array of predators, microbial
pathogens, parasites, and parasitoids (e.g. Feener and
Brown, 1993; Schultz et al., 1998; Loia
´cono et al., 2000; La
Polla et al., 2002; Masner and Garcı
´a, 2002; Mueller et al.,
2005; Powell and Clark, 2004; Ferna
´n et al., 2006,
2009). Considerable attention has been given to the
microbes attacking attine ants, but their insect enemies are
less well studied, except for phorid flies (e.g. Feener and
Brown, 1993).
Diapriine wasps (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea, Diaprii-
dae) are mainly Neotropical, and are frequently associated
with ants; little is known of their biology and there are
numerous undescribed species (Loia
´cono et al., 2000;
Masner and Garcı
´a, 2002; Ferna
´n et al., 2006).
The subfamily contains an estimated *1,000 species in
Costa Rica alone (Hanson and Gauld, 2006), so the taxo-
nomy is difficult. Some diapriines apparently mimic their
hosts’ morphology (e.g. Loia
´cono et al., 2000; Masner and
´a, 2002), which presumably aids them in avoiding
detection by host ants, but there are few behavioral data on
host-parasitoid interactions.
We studied aspects of the intensity and prevalence of these
little-known diapriine wasps that attack the larvae of a fun-
gus-growing ant, Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki (Attini); we also
provide notes on the ants’ nest architecture, and host-parasi-
toid behavioral interactions. We discovered a remarkably
diverse community of parasitoids within one host population
near Gamboa, Panama
´. High rates of parasitism should
effectively slow the demographic growth rate of the ants,
B. Pe
´rez-Ortega !H. Ferna
´n(&)!P. Galgani !
W. T. Wcislo (&)
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa,
Apartado 0843-03092 Anco
´n, Republic of Panama
W. T. Wcislo
M. S. Loia
Museo de La Plata, Divisio
´n Entomologı
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Insect. Soc.
DOI 10.1007/s00040-010-0086-1 Insectes Sociaux
by removing recruits to the work force, with potentially
important consequences for understanding social biology.
Materials and methods
Nest collections
Established colonies of Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki were col-
lected near Pipeline Road in Parque Nacional Soberanı
near Gamboa in central Panama
´(9"0703800N, 79
Collections included eight nests from June to August, 2005,
which were used only to obtain taxonomic identifications;
we collected 136 nests from June to September 2006 and 20
from July 2009. Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki were easily found
on the banks of creeks where they were abundant, as well as
on nearby slopes. Data are given as mean ±standard devia-
tions. Voucher specimens of ants and wasps were deposited
in the Museo de La Plata, Argentina; the Museo de los In-
vertebrados de la Universidad de Panama
´, Panama
´, and the
Dry Reference Collection, Smithsonian Tropical Research
Nest architecture, demography and nesting biology
Nests were excavated using a hand pick and a small knife.
During excavations, we recorded the following features of
nest architecture. The auricle surrounding the entrance was
measured as the longest vertical axis and the shortest
horizontal axis, and its height was measured from the base
to the highest part. We measured the diameter and length of
the tunnel that led to the first chamber, and the width and
height of each chamber. We also noted the positions of
tunnels that connected adjacent chambers; the shape and
location of any structures that supported the fungus gardens
away from the soil chambers; the location of eggs and
brood within the garden; and the location of the nest in the
field. We collected the resident ants and brood using an
aspirator. After excavating each nest the entire garden and
all resident ants and brood were transported to the labo-
ratory and maintained in a plastic box for 2 months using
standard methods (Weber, 1972), and all brood that were
present at the time of collection were repeatedly examined
for evidence of parasitism until ants or parasitoids emerged
as adults, or until the brood died, using methods given in
´n et al. (2006).
Intensity and prevalence of wasp parasitism
For each nest we counted the number of queen(s), workers,
eggs, larvae, and pupae using a stereomicroscope. The
numbers of immatures and workers may be underestimates
because some may have been lost during collections, if
some immatures were buried in soil or adults escaped
running. We recorded the number of older larvae parasit-
ized by wasps, which were easily recognized by the dark
coloration through the cuticle of an ant larva in which a
wasp was developing (Ferna
´n et al., 2006). For
some nests, larvae from separate chambers were main-
tained in the laboratory in separate containers, in order to
determine whether larvae in chambers that were closer to
the entrance were more heavily parasitized. When a para-
sitized larva was identified, it was removed and maintained
in a separate Petri dish until the wasp emerged or the larva
died. Data on parasitism rates were pooled across morpho-
species, because of difficulties in identifying morphotypes
with a high degree of accuracy coupled with low survival
rates of untended brood. These morphotypes will be descri-
bed in a forthcoming paper with Dra. M. Loia
´cono (Museo
de La Plata, Argentina).
Behavioral interactions between ants and parasitoids
Five nests of T. cf. zeteki were observed continuously in the
field from 0800 to 1600 between 21 and 28 September
2006 (when nests contained parasitoids and hence adult
females were active), each for 8 h to observe attempts by
wasps to invade the nests. In the laboratory, behavioral
interactions were recorded with a color CCTV camera
attached to a stereomicroscope and illuminated with fiber
optics, using minimal light levels. We subsequently viewed
the recorded behaviors on a monitor. We observed six
parasitized nests for *30 min each, and recorded the
number of ant larvae within the field of view. Each
recorded video was analyzed using scan sampling every
3 min: behaviors scored included contact with the larva or
passing it; grooming the larva; and moving it.
Nest architecture, demography and nesting biology
Nests were located along creeks and on slopes, below roots,
stones and dead branches, which presumably provide protec-
tion against water run-off. Mature colonies of Trachymyrmex
cf. zeteki were conspicuous due to an auricle at the entrance,
made of packed soil (Fig. 1d). The auricle measured
28.6 ±7 mm along the vertical axis, 21.3 ±5.3 mm along
the horizontal axis and 16.2 ±8.5 mm in height (n=103),
and surrounded a single entrance that opened into a small
antechamber, which in turn opened into a narrow tunnel that
was 3.9 ±0.5 mm in diameter and 12.1 ±9.2 mm long
(n=11). There was a positivecorrelation between the number
of workers and the number of chambers (Pearson’s r=0.6;
B. Pe
´rez-Ortega et al.
P\0.0001; n=125). Nests with one or two chambers were
the most common (45.6 and 36.8% of 125 nests, respectively),
but some nests had three (16%) or four (1.6%) chambers.
The chambers were connected through a tunnel that opened in
the floor and led to an opening in the ceiling of the next
chamber. The chambers were generally semi-spherical
(width =35.3 ±10.2 mm, height =30.4 ±6.0, n=11)
with rootlets entering the chambers, which suspended the
fungus gardens free from the soil in 50%of the cases; in 30% of
the chambers the gardens wereattached directly to the soil floor
and in the remaining chambers (20%) the gardens were sus-
pended by living rootlets but contacted the soil at one point on
the floor. In all cases the juveniles, larvae and pupae were
located in the periphery of the garden, while the eggs were
distributed inside it (n=136).
For 136 nests excavated, 83 nests had one queen, and ten
nests had between two and four de-alate females; in 43
nests the queens were not found. The number of workers
varied from 3 to 397 individuals per colony (!
x=78.3 ±
66.2) and worker number correlated positively with queen
number (Pearson’s r=0.30, P=0.003, n=93). Eggs
and other brood were found in all months of this study and
there was a positive correlation between colony size and
total brood number (Pearson’s r=0.55, P\0.0001,
n=136). The number of colonies with alate ants was
greatest in June 2006; most of these ants were males,
except one colony that had 1 female and 11 male alates. In
July and September only one colony had alate ants and all
were males (Table 1).
Intensity and prevalence of parasitism by wasps
There was no significant correlation between colony size
and the proportion of parasitized larvae (Pearson’s r=
-0.01; P=0.9, n=136). Of 136 nests, 33 (24.3%)
contained parasitized larvae. Within nests 3.1–100% of
Fig. 1 ac. Diapriidae parasitoids of Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki (Formicidae): aSzelenyiopria sp., female, scale bar =0.6 mm; bMimopriella
sp., female, scale bar =0.6 mm; cAcanthopria sp., male, scale bar =0.7 mm; dnest entrance auricle of host ant, scale bar =10 mm
Biological notes on a fungus-growing ant
larvae were parasitized, and the overall mean intensity of
parasitism was 33.9%. The nests with 100% parasitism
rates had relatively few adult workers (N=4, 9, and 41).
Prevalence and intensity per month are given in Table 2.
Six wasp morphotypes were reared from Trachymyrmex
cf. zeteki larvae; two of them belong to the genus Mimo-
priella (Masner and Garcia), one to Oxypria (Kieffer), two to
Szelenyiopria (Fabricius), and one to Acanthopria (Ash-
mead). Although our information is limited, some nests were
parasitized by more than one parasitoid wasp morpho-
species. In one nest we reared wasps of Mimopriella morpho-
species 1 and Szelenyiopria morpho-species 2; another nest
had wasps of three morpho-species including, Mimopriella
sp. 1, Szelenyiopria sp. 1, and Acanthopria sp. 1. Based on
nine colonies from 2009, we found one nest with one
Acanthopria wasp; five nests with Mimopriella sp. 1; one
nest with Mimopriella sp. 2; three nests with Szelenyiopria
sp. 1, and one nest with Szelenyiopria sp. 2. We found one
case of super-parasitism in which two males of one Oxypria
morpho-species were reared from the same larva. Overall
the wasp sex ratio reared from ants was female-biased
(1:2.72, m:f, n=119 wasps, 2006 only).
The nest entrance architecture was not associated with
overall parasitism rates. All correlations between the size
of the auricle and parasite intensity were insignificant
(vertical axis: r=-0.2, P=0.324; horizontal axis:
r=-0.12, P=0.563; height: r=-0.23, P=0.259;
n=27). Of nests with multiple chambers, 18.2% had
parasitized larvae in all chambers; 27.3% had them only in
the outermost chamber; 12.1 and 3% had them only in the
inner second and third chambers, respectively; and in 9.1%
of nests we could not determine which chambers were
infested because the chambers collapsed during excava-
Behavioral interactions between ants and parasitoids
During 41.5 h of observations in the field we never
observed diapriine wasps close to the ants’ nests, despite
rearing wasps from nests collected at the same time and
despite observing wasps in the field. Observations in the
field suggest that ants do not discriminate between para-
sitized and unparasitized larvae, because when the first
chamber that contained brood was opened, workers moved
both parasitized and unparasitized larvae and pupae to the
next chamber. In the laboratory, however, worker ants
contacted larvae with parasitoids more frequently than
those without parasitoids (5.2 ±2.87 and 1.9 ±1.33 con-
tacts per larva, respectively), and moved them more
frequently as well (1.2 ±1.73 and 0.58 ±0.95, respec-
tively) (n=40; 3 min scans). Sample sizes were small and
the significance of the behavior is unclear because the ants
did not destroy the parasitized larvae.
The diapriine wasps, including Mimopriella, Oxypria,Szele-
nyiopria, and Acanthopria in our study are koinobiont
parasitoids of the larvae of Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki ants.
This finding provides further evidence that diapriine wasps
are associated with fungus-growing ants (Attini) (Kistner,
1982; Loia
´cono et al., 2000; Masner and Garcı
´a, 2002;
Table 1 Demography of Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki from 136 nests excavated along Pipeline Road, Gamboa, Panama
´. Data are given as mean
±SD with ranges given below in parentheses
Date (2006) Colonies N N N N
Collected With alates Eggs Larvae Pupae Workers
June 46 8 6.57 ±5.89 14.13 ±13.32 12.38 ±21.65 82.87 ±79.28
(0–28) (0–52) (0–67) (4–397)
July 44 1 9.66 ±6.48 13.89 ±8.61 10.89 ±10.82 64.75 ±38.88
(0–36) (1–38) (0–51) (9–196)
August 19 0 10.47 ±6.7 16.58 ±12.18 11.89 ±11.73 103.0 ±80.67
(2–26) (3–56) (0–43) (13–376)
September 27 1 8.56 ±6.63 13.19 ±13.00 8.22 ±10.32 75.15 ±63.65
(0–22) (0–59) (0–43) (3–253)
Table 2 Intensity and prevalence of diapriine wasps that attack T. cf.
zeteki fungus-growing ants along pipeline road, Gamboa, Panama
Month (2006) Colonies Prevalence Intensity
Collected Parasitized (%) (%)
June 46 10 21.7 47.4 (0–100)
July 44 15 34.1 33.3 (0–71)
August 19 3 15.8 17.1 (0–24)
September 27 5 18.5 19.3 (0–31)
July (2009) 20 9 45.0
Total 156 42 26.9 33.9
B. Pe
´rez-Ortega et al.
´n et al., 2006). Between *15 and 34% of
ant colonies were parasitized by wasps, and in several cases
involving small colonies, 100% of larvae were parasitized,
suggesting these wasps inflict a heavy cost on the ants,
roughly comparable to parasitism rates by diapriine wasps
that attacked Cyphomyrmex ants (Ferna
´n et al.,
2006). To date, however, there are no comprehensive studies
that examine colony growth rates as a function of the number
of worker ants per colony, so the impact of these wasps
on colony demography remains to be determined. We lack
information concerning competition among parasites that
attack Trachymyrmex.
Some features of nest architecture are frequently assu-
med to play a role in defending stored resources against
natural enemies. Our data indicate that the nest entrance
structure is not associated with parasitism rates, unlike the
situation in species of sweat bees (Halictinae) or Camp-
onotus ants (Formicidae), for example, which construct a
narrow collar at the nest entrance that decreases the like-
lihood that predators and parasites enter the nest (e.g.
Sakagami and Michener, 1962; Smith et al., 2003; Powell,
2008). The use of multiple brood chambers may render
larvae in the outermost chamber more susceptible to parasi-
toids than larvae in inner chambers, although interpreta-
tions of data are complicated by the fact that ants some-
times move larvae between chambers. Some cavity-nesting
stingless bees (Meliponini) construct an empty cavity as a
false nest, adjacent to the nest entrance, and then construct
a second cavity further in, which is thought to deter
predators (Wille and Michener, 1973; for other taxa, see
Tepedino et al., 1979; Munster-Swendsen, 2000; Ası
Our scant data on behavioral interactions are inconsistent
with respect to whether ants are able to detect parasitized
brood, as inferred from rates of contact and movement
involving parasitized and unparasitized larvae, but our
sample sizes are too small to warrant firm conclusions.
Ramos-Lacau et al. (2007) report that Cyphomyrmex ants do
not discriminate between brood infested with Acanthopria
parasitoids versus uninfested brood. In our study ants did
not destroy parasitized larvae, suggesting the latter are not
recognized, nor is there any evidence that parasitoids
actively manipulate host behavior to enhance the fitness of
We reared six morpho-species from four genera of
wasps in a single host population, which is a more diverse
assemblage than observed for those that attack Cypho-
myrmex (Attini) (Ferna
´n et al., 2006). We found
some nests with more than one morpho-species reared from
the same colony, so the limited comparative data suggest
super-parasitism may not be unique to Trachymyrmex
´cono et al., 2000; Ferna
´n et al., 2006; Ramos-
Lacau et al., 2007). Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki are found in
the same habitats in central Panama as is C. rimosus, and
both have high parasitism rates, but they do not share di-
apriine morpho-species (compare Results with Ferna
´n et al., 2006). Detailed studies are needed on host
selection behavior to understand what factors might pro-
mote the coexistence of so many parasitoids in a single host
population, and what factors preclude coexistence within
host colonies (see ‘‘Discussion’’ in Ferna
´n et al.,
Combined with earlier work (Loia
´cono et al., 2000;
Masner and Garcı
´a, 2002; Ferna
´n et al., 2006),
our study hints that these tiny wasps play a significant role
in the population biology of attine ants, and thus warrant
the attention of biologists studying the roles that natural
enemies play in shaping the social evolution of attine ants
(e.g. Ferna
´n et al., 2009).
Acknowledgments We are grateful to Adam Smith, Simon Tierney
and two anonymous reviewers for help with comments on the man-
uscript; to the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente de la Repu
´blica de
´for research, collecting, and export permits; and to the rest of
the staff of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) for
logistical support. BPO received financial support from the Internship
Program of the Office of Academic Programs at STRI; HFM was
supported by a Post-doctoral Fellowship from the Smithsonian
Institution, and a Postdoctoral fellowship from the Secretarı
´a Nac-
ional de Ciencia, Tecnologı
´a e Innovacio
´n, Panama
´. We gratefully
acknowledge additional funding from the F. H. Levinson Fund, and
general research funds from STRI to WTW.
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B. Pe
´rez-Ortega et al.
... Six diapriine wasp morphotypes, two of them of the genus Mimopriella, one Oxypria, two Szelenyiopria and one Acanthopria were found parasitizing larvae of the fungus-growing ant Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki [19]. Diapriids that attack higher Attini display both solitary and gregarious habits [20] [21]. ...
... In the case of the fungus growing ant Trachymyrmex cf. zeteki, 15% to 34% of field collected nests were found to be parasitized by diapriid wasps [19]. The frequency of S. talitae parasitism in A. subterraneus nests was slightly lower than that observed in basal attines such as Cyphomyrmex and Trachymyrmex. ...
... In the case of Diapriidae attacking T. cf. zeteki, the mean rate of larval parasitism per nest was 33.9% [19]. In Panama, the within-nest parasitism of C. rimosus by Acanthopria was 34%, but in Puerto Rican populations, it was as low as 16% [18]. ...
... To reduce the risk of Type I error, only measurements with a Bonferroni corrected P-value (p < 0.003) were included. With our retained variables, we performed non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) with the vegan R package, using the 'metaMDS' function (Oksanen et al., 2019). This function calculates the Bray-Curtis distances, applies a square root transformation, and scales the distance measures down to k dimensions. ...
... This function calculates the Bray-Curtis distances, applies a square root transformation, and scales the distance measures down to k dimensions. We set k = 2 and searched for a solution with 1,000 random starts (see McCune & Grace, 2002;Glon et al., 2019;Oksanen et al., 2019). We subsequently produced a diagnostic Shepard plot with the 'stressplot' command from vegan. ...
... Gynes establish nests from the start of the rainy season (May) into July. They nest in vertical clay embankments with entrances shaped like funnels (i.e., auricles) with flared margins (Mueller & Wcislo, 1998;Pérez-Ortega et al., 2010). Colonies are often tucked under roots or overhangs and occur in high densities (as close as ∼5cm apart) along creeks or are isolated in the forest at the base of trees. ...
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The fungus-growing ant Mycetomoellerius (previously Trachymyrmex ) zeteki (Weber 1940) has been the focus of a wide range of studies examining symbiotic partners, garden pathogens, mating frequencies, and genomics. This is in part due to the ease of collecting colonies from creek embankments and its high abundance in the Panama Canal region. The original description was based on samples collected on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. However, most subsequent studies have sampled populations on the mainland 15 km southeast of BCI. Herein we show that two sibling ant species live in sympatry on the mainland: Mycetomoellerius mikromelanos Cardenas, Schultz, & Adams and M . zeteki . This distinction was originally based on behavioral differences of workers in the field and on queen morphology ( M . mikromelanos workers and queens are smaller and black while those of M. zeteki are larger and red). Authors frequently refer to either species as “ M . cf. zeteki ,” indicating uncertainty about identity. We used an integrative taxonomic approach to resolve this, examining worker behavior, chemical profiles of worker volatiles, molecular markers, and morphology of all castes. For the latter, we used conventional taxonomic indicators from nine measurements, six extrapolated indices, and morphological characters. We document a new observation of a Diapriinae (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) parasitoid wasp parasitizing M . zeteki . Finally, we discuss the importance of vouchering in dependable, accessible museum collections and provide a table of previously published papers to clarify the usage of the name T . zeteki . We found that most reports of M . zeteki or M . cf. zeteki —including a genome—actually refer to the new species M . mikromelanos .
... Attina; Ward et al., 2015) are diverse and abundant in Panama (Kaspari, Pickering, Longino, & Windsor, 2001;) and likely radiated from South America into North America due to ecological changes Ješovnik et al., 2017; see also Barrera et al., 2021) and the success of their obligatory ant-fungal mutualisms (Mueller et al., 1998;Nygaard et al., 2016;Schultz & Brady, 2008). In addition, a broad network of complex symbioses evolved alongside the ant-fungal mutualism including social parasites (Adams et al., 2012), parasitoid wasps (Pérez-Ortega et al., 2010), fungal parasites (Currie et al., 1999(Currie et al., , 2003, and bacterial mutualists (Sapountzis et al., 2019). ...
... However, the successful founding of ant colonies does not solely rely on the fungus symbiosis but also on the ecological conditions they have dispersed into. The presence of garden pathogens and host ant parasites may also decimate a colony or limit the production of reproductive castes (Adams et al., 2012;Currie et al., 1999;Pérez-Ortega et al., 2010;Wallace et al., 2014). ...
The coevolutionary relationship between fungus-growing ants (Formicidae: Attini: Attina) and their symbionts has been well studied in the Panamanian rain forests. To further understand the ecological context of these evolutionary relationships, we have examined the population-genetic structure of the fungus-growing ant species Mycetomoellerius mikromelanos Cardenas, Schultz, Adams 2021 in the Panama Canal Zone. We specifically investigated the presence of population structure, the signifi- cance of geographic features (i.e., creeks) limiting gene flow, and relatedness between ant colonies. To accomplish this, we genotyped 85 ant colonies from nine creeks across an approximately 30 km transect in Parque National Soberanía, Panama, using double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing. We did not find distinct population structure using two genetic clustering methods; however, we did detect an effect of isolation by distance. Furthermore, related colonies were frequently de- tected on the same creek or neighboring creeks, and some at further geographic distances. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that new colonies tend to establish on natal creeks and occasionally on distant creeks following long-distance dispersal events. We discuss how population-genetic patterns reveal the natural history of M. mikromelanos in Parque National Soberanía and how these results fit into the context of fungus-growing ant mutualisms.
... Many studies have focused on microparasites of attine ants (Currie et al. 1999, Fern andez-Mar ın et al. 2006a), but their macroparasites are less well known (Weber 1972). These natural enemies include diverse flies (Phoridae) that attack foraging adults of leaf-cutting ants, Atta spp., usually at low rates (<0.02%; Brown 1993, 1997), and diapriine wasps that attack larvae of several attine species (Loi acono 1987, Fern andez-Mar ın et al. 2006b, Pérez-Ortega et al. 2010, Loi acono et al. 2013. ...
... However, most Central American species of Pseudogaurax (Wheeler 2010) and the larval habits of only a few species have been documented. The impact of Pseudogaurax parasitoidism on host demography is unknown, and prevalence is relatively low compared to diapriine wasps or phorid flies that attack other attine ants (Feener and Brown 1997, Fern andez-Mar ın et al. 2006b, Pérez-Ortega et al. 2010. Pseudogaurax larvae appear to have high survivorship rates, at least in the laboratory, because almost all larvae identified and not manipulated emerged as adults. ...
Fungus-growing ants (Attini) are abundant and diverse, yet only one taxon of flies (Phoridae) and one of wasps (Diapriinae) are known parasitoids, and the biology of most species is not well known. Here we describe the first evidence for an ant parasitoid in the family Chloropidae (Diptera), in which larvae of Pseudogaurax paratolmos Wheeler, new species, parasitize larvae of the ant, Apterostigma dentigerum Wheeler, 1925. Larval flies are solitary ectoparasitoids, each of which attaches to a single ant larva and develops from larva to pupa in ∼2 wk, consuming nearly the entire host, and then ecloses as an adult ∼1 wk later. Overall parasitism prevalence was 6.8% of 203 nests, and flies were active during both the dry and rainy seasons. Intensity of parasitism ranged from 18.2 to 100% of larvae attacked per parasitized nest. No other species of Apterostigma that nested in the same localities were parasitized by the flies, including A. pilosum (Mayr, 1865) (n = 93 nests) and A. auriculatum (Wheeler, 1925) (n = 10 nests). All immature ants, parasitized or not, as well as immature stages of Pseudogaurax paratolmos, were attended by adult ants that exhibited normal brood care behavior, including covering immatures with mycelia, grooming, and maintaining brood in the fungus garden.
... Data on the biology of the Diapriidae have been accurately compiled and supplemented by Yoder (2007), although the reliability of host associations has not been assessed. According to these data and some studies published later, many Diapriidae species from 30 genera are noted as myrmecophilic (Pérez-Ortega et al., 2010;Borowiec, 2013;Loiacono et al., 2013;Rodrigues et al., 2015;Rocha et al., 2020;Staverløkk & Ødegaard, 2021). Most of them (23 genera), including Cordylocras, belong to the tribe Diapriini (Huggert & Masner, 1983;Masner & Garcia, 2002). ...
The female of Cordylocras abscondita de Paz & Popovici sp. nov., is described and illustrated from the province of Salamanca (Western Spain). The female and male of C. mirabilis Kozlov, 1966 are redescribed and illustrated and new data on the distribution, and photographs of the holotype are provided. The possible biology of Cordylocras species is discussed.
... However, mites in Acromyrmex nests appear to be saprophytic, not parasitic (Peralta and Martínez, 2013), making this alternative transmission route unlikely. Parasitic phorid flies could also serve as a common vector between all three ant species (Brown and Feener, 1998;Fernández-Marín et al., 2006;Pérez-Ortega et al., 2010;Guillade and Folgarait, 2015), however, so far there is no data suggesting they have contributed to HT events (Dedeine et al., 2005). ...
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While strict vertical transmission insures the durability of intracellular symbioses, phylogenetic incongruences between hosts and endosymbionts suggest horizontal transmission must also occur. These horizontal acquisitions can have important implications for the biology of the host. Wolbachia is one of the most ecologically successful prokaryotes in arthropods, infecting an estimated 50–70% of all insect species. Much of this success is likely due to the fact that, in arthropods, Wolbachia is notorious for manipulating host reproduction to favor transmission through the female germline. However, its natural potential for horizontal transmission remains poorly understood. Here we evaluate the fundamental prerequisites for successful horizontal transfer, including necessary environmental conditions, genetic potential of bacterial strains, and means of mediating transfers. Furthermore, we revisit the relatedness of Wolbachia strains infecting the Panamanian leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex echinatior, and its inquiline social parasite, Acromyrmex insinuator, and compare our results to a study published more than 15 years ago by Van Borm et al. (2003). The results of this pilot study prompt us to reevaluate previous notions that obligate social parasitism reliably facilitates horizontal transfer and suggest that not all Wolbachia strains associated with ants have the same genetic potential for horizontal transmission.
... Ramos Lacau et al. (2008) hypothesized that the fungal mycelium might facilitate moulting by aiding degradation of the soon-to-be moulted cuticle. A mycelial brood cover may also protect against adverse abiotic envi- ronmental factors (Mueller, Ortiz & Bacci 2010) and may provide protection against predators such as army ants or macroparasites such as parasitoid wasps ( LaPolla et al. 2002;Powell & Clark 2004;P erez-Ortega et al. 2010). However, none of these appear to be compelling general explana- tions: abiotic factors seem unlikely to vary in an under- ground nest beyond what ants can normally control by moving their brood around. ...
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Fungus‐growing ants (Attini) have evolved an obligate dependency upon a basidiomycete fungus that they cultivate as their food. Less well known is that the crop fungus is also used by many attine species to cover their eggs, larvae and pupae. The adaptive functional significance of this brood covering is poorly understood. One hypothesis to account for this behaviour is that it is part of the pathogen protection portfolio when many thousands of sister workers live in close proximity and larvae and pupae are not protected by cells, as in bees and wasps, and are immobile. We performed behavioural observations on brood covering in the leaf‐cutting ant Acromyrmex echinatior, and we experimentally manipulated mycelial cover on pupae and exposed them to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum to test for a role in pathogen resistance. Our results show that active mycelial brood covering by workers is a behaviourally plastic trait that varies temporally, and across life stages and castes. The presence of a fungal cover on the pupae reduced the rate at which conidia appeared and the percentage of pupal surface that produced pathogen spores, compared to pupae that had fungal cover experimentally removed or naturally had no mycelial cover. Infected pupae with mycelium had higher survival rates than infected pupae without the cover, although this depended upon the time at which adult sister workers were allowed to interact with pupae. Finally, workers employed higher rates of metapleural gland grooming to infected pupae without mycelium than to infected pupae with mycelium. Our results imply that mycelial brood covering may play a significant role in suppressing the growth and subsequent spread of disease, thus adding a novel layer of protection to their defence portfolio.
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Raids by the army ant Neivamyrmex rugulosus (tribe Ecitonini) on a nest aggregation of the fungus-grow- ing ant Trachymyrmex arizonensis (tribe Attini) resulted in major brood loss and partial destruction of the fungus-gar- dens in the attacked nests. T. arizonensis workers attempted to rescue their brood by carrying them to ad-hoc shelters under rocks above ground, but the army ants pursued the workers to retrieve much of the brood. Raids on single colonies lasted about half an hour, after which the escaped T. arizonensis workers returned to their nest with any res- cued brood. Raids on single nests occurred repeatedly dur- ing the 24-hour period the army ants swept through the T. arizonensis nest aggregation. Compared to unraided colonies, raided colonies were left with only about 25 % of their brood. Army ant predation thus is an important source of brood loss to T. arizonensis and probably also to all attine ant species. The behavioral, morphological, and nest-archi- tectural defenses of fungus-growing ants against army ant predation are discussed.
The subfamily Diapriinae (Diapriidae: Proctotrupoidea) in the New World is reviewed at the supra specific level. Three tribes and 52 genera are recognized. Sixteen new genera are proposed: Apopria (Diapriini), Avoca (Diapriini), Chilomicrus (Spilomicrini), Cruzium (Diapriini), Doddius (Spilomicrini), Eladio (Diapriini), Epomium (Spilomicrini), Ferrugenus (Spilomicrini), Hansona (Diapriini), Leucopria (Diapriini), Mimopriella (Diapriini), Omopria (Diapriini), Ortona (Psilini), Peckidium (incertae sedis) Psychopria (Diapriini), and Turripria (Diapriini). The following new species are described: Apopria coveri ♀ (USA), Asolenopsia gibba ♀ (Costa Rica), Avoca collaris ♀ (USA), Chilomicrus pecki ♂ (Chile), Cruzium amphorale ♀ (Costa Rica), Eladio cruzi ♀ (Costa Rica), Epomium cicatrix ♀ (Chile), Ferrugenus chilensis ♀ (Chile), Hansona pauli ♀ (Costa Rica), Leucopria cylindricornis ♀ (Ecuador, Costa Rica), Omopria brevipalpis ♀ (Brazil), Ortona hansoni ♀ (Costa Rica), Peckidium enigmaticum ♀ (Antilles, Central and South America, West Africa, Philippines), Psychopria hoguei ♂ (Costa Rica), Turripria woldai ♀ (Panama). New generic synonymies are proposed: Acanthopria Ashmead (=Adelioneiva Fischer), Asolenopria Kieffer (=Euplacopria Ferrière), Bruchopria Kieffer (=Aulatopria Brèthes), Doliopria Kieffer (=Martinica Risbec), Megaplastopria Ashmead (=Xyalopria Kieffer), Notoxoides Ashmead (=Psilogasteroides Brèthes), Pentapria Kieffer (=Antipapria Fabritius, Bakeria Kieffer, Plutopria Kieffer, Spilomicrinus Ogloblin), Spilomicrus Westwood (=Hoplopria Ashmead, Linkiola Kieffer) , Szelenyiopria Fabritius (=Gymnopria Loiácono). New combinations are proposed: Aulatopria tucumana Brèthes to Bruchopria, Bakeria rugosa Dodd to Doddius, Gymnopria lucens Loiacono to Szelenyiopria, Mimopria pentatoma Borgmeier and Mimopria splendens Borgmeier to Mimopriella, and Xanthopria nitida Brues to Acanthopria. The 52 genera are keyed (keys in both English and Spanish); for each genus the synonymies, diagnoses, descriptions, recognition and relationships, distribution, and biology are given. Twelve plates with 107 figures are included.
A review is presented of recent developments of the combustion of single droplets with the object of stimulating discussion and future work in the field. Among the areas covered are the combustion of stationary and moving droplets in an oxidising atmosphere, the combustion of monopropellants, the influence of high pressures and the ignition of droplets. The application of droplet theories to the modelling of various combustion systems is also outlined.
The subfamily Diapriinae (Diapriidae: Proctotrupoidea) in the New World is reviewed at the supra specific level. Three tribes and 52 genera are recognized. Sixteen new genera are proposed: Apopria (Diapriini), Avoca (Diapriini), Chilomicrus (Spilomicrini), Cruzium (Diapriini), Doddius (Spilomicrini), Eladio (Diapriini), Epomium (Spilomicrini), Ferrugenus (Spilomicrini), Hansona (Diapriini), Leucopria (Diapriini), Mimopriella (Diapriini), Omopria (Diapriini), Ortona (Psilini), Peckidium (incertae sedis) Psychopria (Diapriini), and Turripria (Diapriini). The following new species are described: Apopria coveri ♀ (USA), Asolenopsia gibba ♀ (Costa Rica), Avoca collaris ♀ (USA), Chilomicrus pecki ♂ (Chile), Cruzium amphorale ♀ (Costa Rica), Eladio cruzi ♀ (Costa Rica), Epomium cicatrix ♀ (Chile), Ferrugenus chilensis ♀ (Chile), Hansona pauli ♀ (Costa Rica), Leucopria cylindricornis ♀ (Ecuador, Costa Rica), Omopria brevipalpis ♀ (Brazil), Ortona hansoni ♀ (Costa Rica), Peckidium enigmaticum ♀ (Antilles, Central and South America, West Africa, Philippines), Psychopria hoguei ♂ (Costa Rica), Turripria woldai ♀ (Panama). New generic synonymies are proposed: Acanthopria Ashmead (=Adelioneiva Fischer), Asolenopria Kieffer (=Euplacopria Ferrière), Bruchopria Kieffer (=Aulatopria Brèthes), Doliopria Kieffer (=Martinica Risbec), Megaplastopria Ashmead (=Xyalopria Kieffer), Notoxoides Ashmead (=Psilogasteroides Brèthes), Pentapria Kieffer (=Antipapria Fabritius, Bakeria Kieffer, Plutopria Kieffer, Spilomicrinus Ogloblin), Spilomicrus Westwood (=Hoplopria Ashmead, Linkiola Kieffer) , Szelenyiopria Fabritius (=Gymnopria Loiácono). New combinations are proposed: Aulatopria tucumana Brèthes to Bruchopria, Bakeria rugosa Dodd to Doddius, Gymnopria lucens Loiacono to Szelenyiopria, Mimopria pentatoma Borgmeier and Mimopria splendens Borgmeier to Mimopriella, and Xanthopria nitida Brues to Acanthopria. The 52 genera are keyed (keys in both English and Spanish); for each genus the synonymies, diagnoses, descriptions, recognition and relationships, distribution, and biology are given. Twelve plates with 107 figures are included.
Summary • Ecology can have a profound influence on social evolution. However, the role of ecology in the evolution of specialized altruistic phenotypes or ‘castes’, a recurrent theme in insect societies, is poorly understood. • Cephalotes ants nest in pre-existing arboreal cavities, and extant species span four incremental steps in the evolution of a soldier caste that is morphologically specialized for blocking cavity entrances. I address the hypothesis that ecological specialization, defined as specialized use of cavities with entrances close to the area of one ant head, has selected for a morphologically and behaviourally specialized soldier in Cephalotes. This is done with comparative studies of four Cephalotes species, with one representative for each of the four character states of soldier evolution. • By quantifying nesting ecology, nest defence and foraging behaviour, I provide strong support for two key predictions of the focal hypothesis. First, the least specialized nesting ecology is seen in the species with the ancestral state of no-soldier. Thus, more individuals are needed to block the average entrance than in other species, and the variation in entrance area is also greater. Second, a systematic increase in ecological specialization (lower mean and variance of entrance area), and behavioural specialization of soldiers, is associated with each of the three transitions to more specialized soldier morphology. This pattern culminates in the consistent use of cavities with an entrance area equal to one soldier head, and a strict soldier-only blocking defence, in the species representing the most specialized and derived soldier morphology. All species used some entrances equal to one ant head, thus it was specifically the specialization on such nests that was associated with increased morphological and behavioural specialization of the soldier. • Overall, theses findings provide strong comparative support for the hypothesis that ecological specialization has played a key role in the evolution of a specialized soldier caste in Cephalotes. This pattern is opposite to classic theoretical prediction that a broader resource base should select for caste evolution. The idea that ecological specialization could be a general force in caste evolution is explored, with critical comparative and experimental tests discussed.