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Structural characterization of coconut tree leaf sheath fiber reinforcement


Abstract and Figures

The coconut palm tree leaf sheath fibers were analyzed by FTIR spectral analysis, Chemical, X-ray and thermo gravimetric methods to assess their suitability as reinforcements in the preparation of green composites. The morphology of the untreated and alkali treated fibers was studied by scanning electron microscopic method. The FTIR and chemical analyses indicated lowering of hemi-cellulose content by alkali treatment of the fibers. The X-ray diffraction revealed an increase in crystallinity of the fibers on alkali treatment. The thermal stability of the fibers was found to increase slightly by alkali treatment. The tensile properties of these fibers increased on alkali treatment. The mechanical and other physical properties indicated that these fibers were suitable as reinforcements for making the green composites. Keywordscoconut leaf sheath fibers-chemical analysis-crystallinity-mechanical properties-scanning electron microscopy
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Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(1): 5358
DOI 10.1007/s11676-010-0008-0
Structural characterization of coconut tree leaf sheath fiber reinforce-
Obi Reddy K. • Sivamohan Reddy G. • Uma Maheswari C. • Varada Rajulu A. • Madhusudhana Rao K.
Received: 2009-06-15; Accepted: 2009-09-29
© Northeast Forestry University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010
Abstract: The coconut palm tree leaf sheath fibers were analyzed by
FTIR spectral analysis, Chemical, X-ray and thermo gravimetric methods
to assess their suitability as reinforcements in the preparation of green
composites. The morphology of the untreated and alkali treated fibers
was studied by scanning electron microscopic method. The FTIR and
chemical analyses indicated lowering of hemi-cellulose content by alkali
treatment of the fibers. The X-ray diffraction revealed an increase in
crystallinity of the fibers on alkali treatment. The thermal stability of the
fibers was found to increase slightly by alkali treatment. The tensile
properties of these fibers increased on alkali treatment. The mechanical
and other physical properties indicated that these fibers were suitable as
reinforcements for making the green composites.
Keywords: coconut leaf sheath fibers; chemical analysis; crystallinity;
mechanical properties; scanning electron microscopy
Since the last decade of the 20th century, the usage of natural
products (wood, fibers and agro waste) as reinforcements in
composites has increased dramatically. Environmental concern is
Foundation project: This work was supported by University Grants Com-
mission, India, Major Research Project (No: 33-397/ 2007 (SRF)).
The online version is available at
Obi Reddy K.Sivamohan Reddy G.Uma Maheswari C.
Varada Rajulu A. ( )
Department of Polymer Science and Technology, Sri Krishnadevaraya
University, Anantapur 515 055, India. Email:
Madhusudhana Rao K
Ion Exchange Limited, Hyderabad 502319, India
Obi Reddy K.
Responsible editor: Hu Yanbo
one driving force that led to the consideration of biodegradable
ligno cellulose fibers for this purpose (Mohanty et al. 2000).
Natural fibers have some advantages over the man-made fibers,
including low cost, lightweight, renewable character, high spe-
cific strength and modulus, and availability in a variety of forms
throughout the world (Mohanty et al. 2000; Rajulu et al. 2002;
Maheswari et al. 2008). The reactive surface and the possibility
to generate energy, without residue, after burning at the end of
their life-cycle, motivate their association with organic polymers
in the preparation of green composites. Hence, many efforts are
being made to make natural fiber reinforcement thermoplastic
and thermosetting composites (Taha and Ziegmann 2006; Li et al.
2004; Teramoto et al. 2004; Sydenstricker et al. 2003; Mohanty
and Nayak 2006; Bledzki et al. 1996; Rajulu et al. 2007).
Coconut tree is native to coastal areas of Southeast Asia (Ma-
laysia, Indonesia, and Philippines), tropical Pacific islands (Me-
lanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia) and westward to coastal
India, Sri Lanka, East Africa, and tropical islands (e.g., Sey-
chelles, Andaman, Mauritius) in the Indian Ocean. Many fibers
are available in different parts of the coconut tree (Satyanarayana
et al. 1982). The sheath is made up of an inner mat which is
sandwiched between two layers of coarse fibers. Only prelimi-
nary studies of coconut leaf sheath fibers were reported in the
literature (Satyanarayana et al. 1982). Though the fibers from
many parts of the coconut trees are put to use, the sheath fibers
are left as huge waste. In the present work, we separated the
coarse fibers from the outer layers and the fine fibers from the
inner mat to study their properties. The effect of alkali treatment
on the properties of these fibers was studied using chemical,
FTIR, WAXRD and TG analyses. Their tensile properties and
morphology were also studied to assess their suitability as rein-
Materials and methods
Extracted coconut tree leaf sheath fibers, sodium hydroxide pel-
lets (Merk, India), benzene, sodium chlorite, acetic acid, sodium
bisulphate and ethanol (S.d.fine-Chemicals, India) were used
Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(1): 5358
as received.
Extraction of the fibers from the trees
The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera) is a member of palm family
(Arecaceae ). Coconut leaf sheath fibers occur in mat form. The
leaf sheaths collected from the trees were dipped in water for one
week, thoroughly washed with tap water followed by distilled
water, and dried in the sun for a week. Cleaned leaf sheath was
separated to inner sheath mat and the outer layer fibers. The fi-
bers of the inner mat and outer layers were separately kept in hot
air oven for 24 h at 105110ºC to remove the moisture. Some of
these fibers were treated with 5% aqueous sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) solution for one hour at room temperature, maintaining
a liquor ratio of 25:1 to remove the hemicellulose and other
greasy materials. These fibers were washed with water repeat-
edly and treated with dilute acetic acid to neutralise them. Finally
the fibers were washed with distilled water before drying in hot
air oven for a period of 24 h.
The scanning electron micrographs of the surface of the fibers
were recorded on a JEOL JSM 820 microscope. The micrographs
of the cross section of the fibers were also recorded. These sam-
ples were gold coated before recording the micrographs.
FTIR spectral analysis
The two types of the fibers were cryogenically cooled and pow-
dered separately. These powders were diluted to 1% using potas-
sium bromide (KBr) and pellets were prepared. The FTIR spectra
of the untreated and alkali treated samples were recorded in the
4,000500 cm-1 region on a Perkin Elmer 16PC FTIR instrument
with 32 scans in each case at a resolution of 4 cm-1.
Chemical analysis
Chemical analysis of the untreated and alkali treated fibers was
carried out as per the standard procedure (Chattopadhyay and
Sarkar 1946; Sarkar et al. 1948; moran et al. 2008). In this analy-
sis, the percents of α- cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were
determined. In each case, five samples were used and the average
values were reported.
Thermo gravimetric analysis
The thermograms of the leaf sheath fibers were recorded on a
Perkin Elmer TGA-7 instrument in nitrogen atmosphere at a
heating rate of 10ºC/min in the temperature range of 50–500ºC.
X-ray analysis
The wide angle X-ray diffraction spectra of the leaf sheath fibers
were recorded on a Rigaku Dmax 2500 diffractometer. The sys-
tem had a rotating anode generator with a copper target and wide
angle powder goniometer. The generator was operated at 40 KV
and 150 mA. All the experiments were performed in the reflec-
tion mode at a scan speed of 4º/min in steps of 0.05º. All samples
were scanned in 2 range of 5º to 50º.
Tensile properties
The tensile properties such as maximum stress, Young’s mod-
ulus and % elongation at break of the leaf sheath fibers were
determined using INSTRON 3369 Universal Testing Machine
at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min maintaining a gauge length of
50 mm. In each case, 10 samples were used and the average val-
ues reported.
Results and discussion
The photographs of the coconut tree with leaf sheath (marked
with an arrow), leaf sheath, sheath inner mat and separated
coarse fibers from the outer layers are presented in Fig. 1 a, b, c
and d, respectively. The average dimensions of the outer layer
(coarse) and inner mat (fine) fibers and the corresponding aspect
ratio were presented in Table 1. From this table, it is evident that
the coarse fibers had an average aspect ratio of 478 whereas fine
fibers had a value of 3 322. Scanning electron micrograms of the
surface and cross-section of the untreated and alkali fine and
coarse fibers at different magnifications were shown in Fig. 2.
From these micrographs it is evident that, for both types of fibers,
surface of the fibers became rough on alkali treatment. Further,
the micrographs of cross-section of the fibers indicate that the
fibers had multicellular structure. Each unit cell of fibers was
composed of small particles of cellulose surrounded and ce-
mented together with lignin and hemicellulose. Similar observa-
tion was made in the case of some other ligno-cellulose fibers
also (Rout et al. 2001; Mwaikambo and Ansell 2002; Ouajaj et al.
2004). Alkali treatment tends the fibers to react with the cement-
ing material hemicellulose, and to increase the effective surface
available for wetting by the resin when used in green composites.
Fig. 1 Photographs of (a) coconut tree with leaf sheath; (b) leaf
sheath; (c) leaf sheath inner mat; (d) separated coarse fibers from
outer layers.
Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(1): 5358
Table 1. Average dimensions of the outer layer and inner mat fibers
of coconut leaf sheath.
Fiber Length (L)
Diameter (D)
L/D Ratio
Inner mat fine fiber 47.5 0.014 3322
Outer layer coarse fiber 47.5 0.099 478
Fig. 2 Scanning electron micrographs of untreated and alkali treated
coconut leaf sheath fibers. (a) Untreated leaf sheath inner mat fiber (20 X);
(b) Alkali treated leaf sheath inner mat fiber (20 X); (c) Cross-section of
untreated leaf sheath inner mat fiber (600 X); (d) Cross-section of alkali
treated leaf sheath inner mat fiber (600 X); (e) Untreated leaf sheath coarse
fiber from outer layer (200 X); (f) Alkali treated leaf sheath coarse fiber from
outer layer (200 X); (g) Cross-section of untreated leaf sheath coarse fiber
from outer layer (2000 X); (h) Cross-section of alkali treated leaf sheath
coarse fiber from outer layer (2000 X).
The composition of both types of fibers was estimated by
chemical analysis as per the method reported in recent literature
(Moran et al. 2008). The chemical analysis of untreated and al-
kali treated fibers (Table 2) indicated the presence of α-cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin. Other compositions, usually regarded
as surface impurities, were the pectin and wax. For comparison,
the chemical compositions of some natural fibers are also pre-
sented in Table 2. From this table, it is also evident that the he-
micellulose content of the fibers decreased on alkali treatment
for all the fibers. Further, it can also be observed that chemical
composition of coir sheath fibers was comparable with that of
Borassus fruit fibers.
FTIR technique was employed to confirm the changes in the
composition on alkali treatment of the coarse and fine fibers. The
FTIR spectra of the untreated and alkali treated leaf sheath fibers
are presented in Fig. 3. It can be observed that for alkali treated
and untreated fibers, well defined bands corresponding to
α-cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were present in the spectra.
But in the case of untreated leaf sheath fibers, additional bands at
around 1 734 cm-1 and 1 248 cm-1 were also present correspond-
ing to hemicellulose (Pandey 1999). On alkali treatment, these
bands were found to be almost absent, indicating the elimination
of the hemicellulose to larger extent. The bands at around 3 435
cm-1 and 2 930 cm-1 corresponded to α-cellulose whereas the
remaining bands belonged to lignin. Thus, the FT-IR studies
suggested the reduction of the hemicellulose content upon alkali
treatment of the leaf sheath fibers. This was supported by the
chemical analysis data of the alkali treated fibers as shown in
Table 2. Almost similar trends were noticed for both the fine
inner mat and coarse outer layer fibers.
Table 2. Chemical composition of some various natural fibers
Chemical component
α - Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin α - Cellulose Hemicellulose Lignin
Untreated Alkali treated
Ridge gourd
a) Top layer 57.2 14 27.7 73 12.5 14.4
b) Bottom layer 60 14.1 25.9 72.7 12.3 14.96
(Rajulu et al. 2006)
Tamarind 59 22 19 64.5 16 19.5
(Maheswari et al. 2008)
Sterculia urens 62.9 24.3 12 81.5 7.5 10.8
(Jayaramudu et al. 2009)
Polyalthia cerasoides 10.7 64.5 22.7 12.6 70.5 18.5
(Jayaramudu et al. 2009)
a) Coarse 45.67 32.76 21.53 48.24 25.42 26.33
b) Fine 53.4 29.6 17 60.02 22 17.98
(Obi Reddy et al. 2009)
*Coir sheath
a) Inner mat 34.3 29.1 36.4 40.2 16.8 42.9
b) Coarse 53.6 22.3 24 60.5 12.5 26.9
The wide angle X-ray diffraction patterns of fine and coarse fibers are shown in Fig. 4. The diffractograms show two reflec-
Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(1): 5358
tions, corresponding to 2θ values of around 16º and 22º, respec-
tively. Among these, the low angle reflection (16º) was broad
whereas the (22º) reflection was sharp and intense. These reflec-
tions were attributed to amorphous (Iam) and crystalline compo-
nents (I002) arising from hemicellulose and α-cellulose, respec-
tively. The crystallinity index of the fibers was determined
(Mwaikambo and Ansell. 2002) by using the following equation
Ic am
= (1)
Where, I(002) (2θ=22º) represents the intensity of crystalline peak
while I(am) (2θ=16º) denotes intensity of the amorphous peak in
the diffractograms. Accordingly, the computed index values for
untreated and alkali treated fine fibers from inner mat were
37.1% and 44.2%, respectively. These values for untreated and
alkali treated coarse fibers were 39% and 41.5%, respectively.
The increase in crystallinity of treated fibers might be due to loss
of amorphous hemicelluloses as indicated in chemical and FTIR
Fig. 3 FT-IR spectra of untreated and Alkali treated Coconut leaf
sheath fibers. (a) Untreated leaf sheath inner mat fibers; (b) Alkali treated
leaf sheath inner mat fibers; (c) Untreated leaf sheath coarse fibers from outer
layer; (d) Alkali treated leaf sheath coarse fibers from outer layer.
Fig. 4 X-Ray diffractograms of untreated and alkali treated coconut
leaf sheath fibers. (a) Untreated leaf sheath inner mat fibers; (b) Alkali
treated leaf sheath inner mat fibers; (c) Untreated leaf sheath coarse fibers
from outer layer; (d) Alkali treated leaf sheath coarse fibers from outer layer.
The primary thermograms of both coarse and fine fibers be-
fore and after alkali treatment were presented in Fig. 5. Using
these thermograms, the initial degradation temperature, 25% and
50% degradation temperatures, refractoriness (T*), inflection
point (where the degradation rate was maximum) and integral
procedural degradation temperature (IPDT) were calculated us-
ing the Doyle (1985) method. As shown in Table 3 in both cases,
the initial and final degradation temperatures of the alkali treated
fibers were slightly higher than those of the untreated fibers.
However, for fine fibers, the IPDT and refractoriness of the fi-
bers increased to a higher extent on alkali treatment. The inflec-
tion point was found to be unchanged for coarse fibers on alkali
treatment. In the case of the fine inner mat fibers, the residue at
500ºC for untreated and alkali treated fibers were found to be
9.2% and 16.4%, respectively. Similarly, these values for coarse
untreated and alkali treated fibers were 26.7% and 28.2%, re-
spectively. Using the thermograms, the moisture content (%) was
also calculated and these values are also presented in Table 3.
For both coarse and fine fibers, the moisture contents were found
to be slightly decreased on alkali treatment. The increase in
thermal stability and decrease in moisture content of the fibers
might be attributed to the increased crystallinity on alkali treat-
ment as in crystalline polymers, the molecular are closely packed
which lowers the permeation of water into them. Further, these
results indicated that alkali treated fibers were suitable as rein-
forcement even in thermoplastic matrix materials with process-
ing temperatures below 275ºC.
Table 3. Thermal degradation parameters of untreated and alkali
treated coconut leaf sheath inner mat fibers and coarse fibers from
outer layers
Degradation sheath inner mat fibers sheath separated coarse fibers
Parameter Untreated Alkali treated Untreated Alkali treated
IDT 280.1 284.6 274.5 275
25%DT 305.7 323.2 313.8 314.6
50% DT 344.8 353.5 356.4 356
IP 352.6 342.1 352.7 352.3
IPDT 155.1 200 234 237.7
RF 184 266.6 371.5 3.9
MC 4.7 4.4 4.6 392.5
IDT: Initial degradation temperature; 25% DT: 25% degradation temperature;
50% DT: 50% degradation temperature; IP: Inflection point; IPDT: Integral
procedure degradation temperature; RF: Refractoriness; MC: moisture con-
Fig. 5 Primary thermo-
grams of untreated and
alkali treated coconut leaf
sheath fibers. (a) Untreated
leaf sheath inner mat fibers;
(b) Alkali treated leaf sheath
inner mat fibers; (c) Untreated
leaf sheath coarse fibers from
outer layer; (d) Alkali treated
leaf sheath coarse fiber from
outer layer.
Journal of Forestry Research (2010) 21(1): 5358
The tensile properties of the fine and coarse fibers are presented
in Table 4. The data supported that for these fibers, the maxi-
mum stress, Young’s moduli and %elongation at break increased
on alkali treatment. As hemicellulose remained dispersed in the
inter-fibrillar region separating the cellulose chains from one
another for the untreated fibers, the cellulose chains were in a
state of strain. When the hemicellulose was removed by the ac-
tion of alkali, the internal strain was released and the fibrils be-
came more capable of rearranging themselves in a more compact
manner and resulted in a close packing of the fibers which led to
improved tensile properties. The tensile properties of the coir
sheath fibers are compared with those of some natural fibers in
Table 4. From this table, it is evident that the tensile properties of
coir sheath mat fibers were superior to those of some natural
Table 4. Tensile properties of some various natural fibers
Tensile properties
Maximum stress
Young’s modulus
(%) at break
Young’ smodulus
(%) at break
Untreated Alkali treated
Hildegardia 46.4 2.3 2.84 57 3 3.3
Jagadeesh et al. 2008)
Tamarind 61.16 2.1 6.22 66.26 3 7.97
(Maheswari et al. 2008)
Sterculia urens 10.03 0.6 2 18.92 2 2.47
(Jayaramudu et al. 2009)
Polyalthia cerasoides 44.3 3.4 2.5 51.6 2.7 5.7
(Jayaramudu et al. 2009)
a) Coarse 50.9 1.2 41.2 53.5 1.6 41.9
b) Fine 65.2 4.9 47.2 90.7 9.8 58.5
(Obi Reddy et al. 2009)
*Coir sheath
a) Inner mat 119.8 18 5.5 128.6 6.8 8.7
b) Coarse 94.3 4.4 6.3 196.8 5.2 5.7
* Present work
The fine fibers from inner mat and the coarse fibers from outer
layers of coconut leaf sheath were analyzed by SEM, FTIR,
XRD and TGA techniques. The amorphous hemicellulose was
found to be eliminated to large extent on alkali treatment. Due to
this, the crystallinity of the alkali treated fibers was found to
increase. Based on the thermal stability, the renewable and envi-
ronment friendly natures, coconut leaf sheath fibers were found
to be suitable materials as reinforcement in green composites.
This work was carried out under the UGC, India Major Research
Project (No׃ 33-397/ 2007 (SRF)). We thank Dr B. Nagarjuna
Reddy, Assistant Director (A.H), CSCC, and Anantapur, India
for his help in cryogenically cooling the samples with liquid
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... The three forms of natural fibers are derived from plants, animals, and minerals. Plant fibers from fruits, stems, and roots, as well as other sources, have been utilized to reinforce composite buildings [6]. Ropes, cords, hats, mats, and strings are some of the plant fiber-based traditional items. ...
... In the presence of acid, sodium chlorite will produce chlorine dioxide (ClO2). The following equations (4,5,6,7) show the breakdown of chlorite. ...
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This study describes the physical, chemical, mechanical as well as morphological characterization of surface modified novel Bauhinia Variegata (BVR) stem fibers. Surface modifications for the fiber are accomplished with bleaching, benzoylation, and alkalization treatments. Using standard test methods, the chemical constituents of BVR fiber are evaluated like α- cellulose 62.5%, hemicellulose 10.8%, lignin18.2% and wax 0.8%. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to see how different the chemical reactions affect the fiber and SEM images confirmed the enhanced rough surface and existence of voids, along with the subtraction of unusual substances from the fiber surface. In both treated as well as untreated BVR, a Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis established the presence of cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin components. X-ray diffraction test evaluated the crystalline index for treated and raw fiber. The thermogravimetric test provides proof of enhanced thermal sustainability in the BVR upon treating chemically. The increased tensile strength and Young’s modulus upon chemical treatment confirm the improvement in the mechanical properties of the BVR fiber. The moisture absorption test revealed that the hydrophilic nature of BVR was reduced after the chemical treatment, promoting greater fiber-matrix adhesion. Presently studied BVR fiber seems to be a good substitute to the harmful man-made fibers for making of bio composites.
... Referring to the analysis of collected data based on the surface morphology, water absorption ability and FTIR spectra, potential applications of each type of nanocellulose were identified in Table 2. Overall, the cellulose that formed is suitable to be applied in the pulp industry. Nanocellulose extracted from coconut leaves is suitable to be applied as an additive in construction materials due to its tough physical structure (Reddy et al., 2010). Sugarcane nanocellulose which is high in water absorption ability can be applied to produce products that require high water adsorbents such as disposable napkins, facial masks, sanitary supplements and other personal care products that act as absorbent (Azadeh et al., 2018). ...
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The agricultural residues that are not well-managed will cause environmental deterioration. In fact, they can be used as alternative sources for production and application in various industries due to their attractive properties such as absorption ability, mechanical properties and biodegradability. In recent advancements, agricultural residues are broadly used to form nanocellulose. In this study, nanocellulose was extracted from plant leaves of coconut (Cocos nucifera), sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) and lemongrass (Cymbopogon) which are abundant agricultural waste. Chemical pre-treatment was carried out by boiling dried leaves at 80°C in NaOH. The extraction was conducted under homogenous conditions using high pressure homogenization with speed at 1000 rpm for 30 mins to produce nanocellulose. The samples were characterized for surface morphology, UV-Vis spectrum, Fourier transmission using FTIR and water absorption. The properties displayed by the formed nanocellulose were analysed and compared for further recommendation. These materials have a high potential to be used in different fields towards a sustainable future.
... This process effectively removed impurities and superficial layers and enhanced the durability of the coconut sheath mats, making them suitable for various structural applications. The final composite exhibited improved strength and resistance to wear and tear compared to untreated mats [22,33,[35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. ...
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The ever-burgeoning sustainable need for humanity to produce lighter, tougher, and more cost-effective materials has led to the development of biodegradable composites. Ever since their creation, natural fiber-based composites have found themselves ubiquitous. Due to their exceptional performance, Natural fiber-reinforced composites have been predominantly used in several engineering applications. Coconut leaf sheath (CLS) is an abundantly available agro-waste that can be easily extracted from the coconut tree. This review investigates the potential of incorporating coconut sheath into polymeric matrices. Also, the effects of surface treatments, synthetic fiber hybridization, and nanofiller-modified matrices were analyzed in detail. It has been observed that surface modification of coconut sheath, hybridization with other natural or synthetic fibers, and nanofiller-modified polymeric composites exhibit better mechanical performance compared to monolithic coconut sheath-based polymeric composites. One of the key advantages of hybrid composites is that they can combine the strengths of different constituents to overcome their individual limitations. Moreover, coconut sheath-based hybrid composites enhance the composites' damage tolerance and reduce the material cost.
... Table 2 shows the comparative analysis of density, moisture content, and tensile strength of important natural fiber [23,[28][29][30][31][32]. Table 3 explains comparative analysis % of improvement tensile strength using NaOH treatment natural fiber [28,30,33,34]. ...
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This study investigates the feasibility of deploying aloe vera, banana, and corn husk fibers that have been treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as reinforcements in composites. The application of NaOH treatment resulted in a substantial enhancement in the tensile strength of all fibers. Among them, banana fibers exhibited the greatest value, reaching 189.7 MPa. The fibers that were treated also showed elevated aspect ratios, especially in the case of banana fibers (178.57), indicating an increased potential for reinforcing. The use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the treatment resulted in a surface morphology that was roughened. The fibers that were treated showed enhanced thermal stability, as determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). FT-IR spectroscopy verified changes in the chemical composition of the fibers, while XRD examination revealed that both untreated and treated fibers had a structure that was both amorphous and polycrystalline. The results emphasize the potential of NaOH-treated natural fibers, particularly banana fibers due to their exceptional strength, as eco-friendly substitutes for synthetic reinforcements in composites.
... Table 2 shows the comparative analysis of density, moisture content, and tensile strength of important natural fiber [23,[28][29][30][31][32]. Table 3 explains comparative analysis % of improvement tensile strength using NaOH treatment natural fiber [28,30,33,34]. ...
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These days, natural fibers are used extensively as reinforcement in biocomposites because of their valuable characteristics, which include biodegradability, non-toxicity, and lightweight. Bagasse, halfa grass, and coir natural fibers are high-cellulose fibers that are cheap and abundant in India. The fibers from bagasse, halfa grass, and coir were extracted and treated with 5% NaOH. The properties of untreated and alkali treated fibers were investigated, and experimental determinations were made for their mechanical, thermal, chemical, and morphological properties, including tensile strength, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FT-IR). A comparative study of untreated and treated fibers was carried out. It is interesting to note that coir fiber possesses significant high tensile of 183 MPa and thermal properties (31% of weight retention at 600 °C) than the others. FT-IR analyses were carried out to ascertain the chemical composition of three raw and alkali-treated fibers. The morphological examination of all three alkali-treated fibers using a SEM interpreted the removal of pollutants on the surface of the treated fibers. This study interprets that alkali-treated coir fiber possesses significantly better mechanical properties compared to other two fibers.
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This study investigates optimized conditions for composite manufacturing using soya stalk flour and High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) matrix. The physical (water uptake and thickness swelling) and mechanical properties (Flexural, tensile and Impact absorbed energy) of the composite were studied. According to the test results, all mechanical properties of the panels (except impact absorbed energy property) were improved when the amount of soya stalk was increased from 50 to 60%. In addition, mechanical properties were increased with increase soya particles size and coupling agent (MAPE) content from 60-80 to 40-60 mesh and 2 to 4% respectively. However, Thickness swelling and water uptake values were increased when the amount of soya stalk particles and soya particle size increased from 50 to 60% and 60-80 to 40-60 mesh respectively. When the amount of coupling agent (MAPE) were decreased from 4 to 2%, Thickness swelling and water uptake values were increased. In summary, the results revealed that soya stalk could be used as reinforcement additives in thermoplastics conforming to the standards (ASTM standard).
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This study investigates the mechanical, structural, morphological, and thermal properties of chemically treated and untreated sugarcane bagasse fibers (SCB). Various concentrations of NaOH were used for the treatment over four hours. The main goal was to investigate the impact of alkali treatment on the overall properties of SCB fibers intended for composite applications. The results indicated that the crystallinity index, thermal stability, and mechanical properties were improved with the treatment, and this is due to the removal of impurities initially present on the outer surface of the SCB fiber and the reduction of amorphous components. This improvement may facilitate better adhesion between the SCB fibers and the polymeric matrices in biocomposite applications. However, it is important to determine the optimal concentration of NaOH that improves the properties of the SCB fiber without damaging the fiber’s structure.
Numerous investigations have been undertaken to discover which natural fibre composites are best suited for certain technical uses. Natural fibres are preferable due to their many positive qualities, including their low density, cheap cost, simplicity of use, durability, and biodegradability. The Pinus roxburghii needles (PRN) are abundant in the Indian state of Uttarakhand's mountainous northern area. Using PRN fibre in bio-composite reinforcement may lessen the need for synthetic fibre and put more of a focus on the use of natural resources. Considering this, this chapter discusses how Pinus roxburghii fibres (PRF) may be used to strengthen polylactic acid (PLA) composites while also being renewable. Study topics include PRF extraction, alkali treatment, and subsequent usage in the creation of PLA-based composites.
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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Dacca University, 1945.
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A great value is nowadays being given to light-weight structures and durable light-weight materials and composites. In this respect, fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) are given more importance and are becoming one of the most distinguishing material categories next to metals. This research provides some results of mechanical properties of natural fiber reinforced polyolefins (PP, PE) in comparison to some biodegradable polymers, combined without any bonding enhancements, such as bonding agents or surface modifications. It is for this reason that the composites in this study do not show significant improvement in the mechanical properties of polymers; however they can be used as reference values for the mere natural fiber reinforcement. A comparison of polyolefins and biodegradable polymers shows that some biodegradable polymers eventually provide higher mechanical properties, mainly depending on the initial properties of the neat material.
Recently the critical discussion about the preservation of natural resources and recycling has led to the renewed interest concerning biomaterials with the focus on renewable raw materials. Because of increasing environmental consciousness and demands of legislative authorities, use and removal of traditional composite structures, usually made of glass, carbon or aramid fibers being reinforced with epoxy, unsaturated polyester, or phenolics, are considered critically. Recent advances in natural fiber development, genetic engineering and composite science offer significant opportunities for improved materials from renewable resources with enhanced support for global sustainability. The important feature of composite materials is that they can be designed and tailored to meet different requirements. Since natural fibers are cheap and biodegradable, the biodegradable composites from biofibers and biodegradable polymers will render a contribution in the 21st century due to serious environmental problem. Biodegradable polymers have offered scientists a possible solution to waste‐disposal problems associated with traditional petroleum‐derived plastics. For scientists the real challenge lies in finding applications which would consume sufficiently large quantities of these materials to lead price reduction, allowing biodegradable polymers to compete economically in the market. Today's much better performance of traditional plastics are the outcome of continued R&D efforts of last several years; however the existing biodegradable polymers came to public only few years back. Prices of biodegradable polymers can be reduced on mass scale production; and such mass scale production will be feasible through constant R&D efforts of scientists to improve the performance of biodegradable plastics. Manufacture of biodegradable composites from such biodegradable plastics will enhance the demand of such materials. The structural aspects and properties of several biofibers and biodegradable polymers, recent developments of different biodegradable polymers and biocomposites are discussed in this review article. Collaborative R&D efforts among material scientists and engineers as well as intensive co‐operation and co‐ordination among industries, research institutions and government are essential to find various commercial applications of biocomposites even beyond to our imagination.
The present article summarizes an experimental study on the mechanical and rheological behavior of high density polyethylene (HDPE)/jute composites. HDPE with short jute fibers of 6 mm length are melt-mixed employing Haake torque rheocord followed by compression molding. Various types of chemical treatments such as mercerization, cyanoethylation, coupling agent treatment, etc. are performed to improve interfacial adhesion between the fibers and HDPE matrix. Variations in fiber loading, surface treatment, coupling agent concentration, and treatment time period as a function of mechanical strength are studied. Mechanical tests show that composites treated with 1% maleic anhydride grafted polyethylene (MAPE) exhibit an increase of 47.3, 26.4, and 28.1% in tensile, flexural, and impact strengths, respectively. The melt viscosity and die swell ratio of the composites with an increase in shear rate, fiber loading, and coupling agent concentration are also investigated using a capillary rheometer. Further, the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of the composites is measured by employing a parallel plate rheometer. Time-temperature superposition is applied to generate various viscoelastic master curves. The treated composites display an increase in storage modulus and complex viscosity indicating improved interfacial adhesion. The fiber-matrix morphology of the extrudates is also examined using scanning electron microscope (SEM).
The uniaxial natural fabric Hildegardia populifolia was coated with polycarbonate and its tensile strength, modulus and percent elongation at break were determined. The effect of alkali treatment and a coupling agent on the tensile properties of the fabric was also studied. The tensile properties were enhanced by alkali treatment and polymer coating in the presence of the coupling agent.
Ridge gourd/phenolic and glass/ridge gourd/phenolic hybrid composites were prepared using resol resin PF-108 as the matrix and the bilayered vegetable fabric ridge gourd as the reinforcement with and without alkali treatment and glass fabric as a co-reinforcement. The natural bilayer fabric of ridge gourd vegetable belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family was treated with 2% aqueous NaOH solution. The tensile strength, modulus and percent elongation values of untreated and alkali treated ridge gourd fabric reinforced resol type (PF-108) composites and glass, ridge gourd fabric reinforced resol type (PF-108) hybrid composites in the absence and presence of two coupling agents were also determined.
Studies on some properties such as the density, the degradation temperatures, the morphology and the spectral features of the ligno-cellulose fiber Hildegardia were carried out in both untreated and alkali treated form. The fibers are found to have good morphology and moderate initial and final degradation temperatures. On alkali treatment, the lignin was found to be eliminated. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 84: 2216–2221, 2002
The composites of aliphatic polyesters (poly(ϵ-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), and poly(lactic acid) (PLA)) with 10 wt.% untreated or acetic anhydride-treated (AA-) abaca fibers were prepared and their biodegradability was evaluated by the soil-burial test. In case of PCL composites, the presence of untreated abaca or AA-abaca did not pronouncedly affect the weight loss because PCL itself has a relatively high biodegradability. However, the addition of abaca fibers caused the acceleration of weight loss in case of PHBV and PBS composites. Especially, when untreated abaca was used, the PHBV and PBS composite specimens were crumbled within 3 months. This result is a marked contrast to the fact that neat PHBV and PBS specimens retain the original shape even after 6 months. Although no weight loss was observed for neat PLA and PLA/AA-abaca composite, the PLA/untreated abaca composite showed ca. 10% weight loss at 60 days, which was caused by the preferential degradation of the fiber.
The newly identified natural fabric from the tree Sterculia urens was characterized by chemical, FT-IR, X-ray and thermogravimetric, tensile test, and microscopic methods. The effect of alkali treatment of the fabric on its properties was also investigated. On alkali treatment, the amorphous hemicellulose was found to be eliminated to a large extent. The improvement of properties of this fabric on alkali treatment was attributed to the lowering of its amorphous hemicellulose content.