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Effect of urine pH changed by dietary intervention on uric acid clearance mechanism of pH-dependent excretion of urinary uric acid


Abstract and Figures

The finding reported in a previous paper - alkalization of urine facilitates uric acid excretion - is contradictory to what one might expect to occur: because food materials for the alkalization of urine contain fewer purine bodies than those for acidification, less uric acid in alkaline urine should have been excreted than in acid urine. To make clear what component of uric acid excretion mechanisms is responsible for this unexpected finding, we simultaneously collected data for the concentration of both creatinine and uric acid in serum as well as in urine, in order to calculate both uric acid and creatinine clearances. Within the framework of the Japanese government's health promotion program, we made recipes which consisted of protein-rich and less vegetable-fruit food materials for H + -load (acidic diet) and others composed of less protein and more vegetable-fruit rich food materials (alkaline diet). This is a crossover study within some limitations. Healthy female students, who had no medical problems at the regular physical examination provided by the university, were enrolled in this consecutive 5-day study for each test. From whole-day collected urine, total volume, pH, organic acid, creatinine, uric acid, titratable acid and all cations (Na+,K+,Ca2+,Mg2+,NH4+) and anions (Cl-,SO42-,PO4-) necessary for the estimation of acid-base balance were measured. In the early morning before breakfast of the 1st, 3rd and 5th experimental day, we sampled 5 mL of blood to estimate the creatinine and uric acid concentration in serum. Urine pH reached a steady state 3 days after switching from ordinary daily diets to specified regimens. The amount of acid generated ([SO42-] + organic acid - gut alkali)was linearly related with the excretion of acid (titratable acid + [NH4+] - [HCO3-]), indicating that H + in urine is generated by the metabolic degradation of food materials. Uric acid and excreted urine pH retained a linear relationship, as reported previously. Among the five factors which are associated with calculating clearances for both uric acid and creatinine, we identified a conspicuous difference between acidic and alkaline diets in the uric acid concentration in serum as well as in urine; uric acid in the serum was higher in the acidic group than in the alkaline group, while uric acid in the urine in the acidic group was lower than that in the alkaline group. These changes of uric acid in acidic urine and in serum were reflected in the reduction of its clearance. From these observations, it is considered that uric acid may be reabsorbed more actively in acidic urine than in alkaline urine. We conclude that alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed alkaline -prone food is effective for removing uric acid from the body.
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RES E AR C H Open Access
Effect of urine pH changed by dietary
intervention on uric acid clearance mechanism of
pH-dependent excretion of urinary uric acid
Aya Kanbara
, Yoshisuke Miura
, Hideyuki Hyogo
, Kazuaki Chayama
and Issei Seyama
Background: The finding reported in a previous paper - alkalization of urine facilitates uric acid excretion - is
contradictory to what one might expect to occur: because food materials for the alkalization of urine contain fewer
purine bodies than those for acidification, less uric acid in alkaline urine should have been excreted than in acid
urine. To make clear what component of uric acid excretion mechanisms is responsible for this unexpected finding,
we simultaneously collected data for the concentration of both creatinine and uric acid in serum as well as in urine,
in order to calculate both uric acid and creatinine clearances.
Methods: Within the framework of the Japanese governments health promotion program, we made recipes which
consisted of protein-rich and less vegetable-fruit food materials for H
-load (acidic diet) and others composed of
less protein and more vegetable-fruit rich food materials (alkaline diet). This is a crossover study within some
limitations. Healthy female students, who had no medical problems at the regular physical examination provided
by the university, were enrolled in this consecutive 5-day study for each test. From whole-day collected urine, total
volume, pH, organic acid, creatinine, uric acid, titratable acid and all catio ns (Na
) and anions
) necessary for the estimation of acidbase balance were measured. In the early morning before
breakfast of the 1st, 3rd and 5th experimental day, we sampled 5 mL of blood to estimate the creatinine and uric
acid concentration in serum.
Results and discussion: Urine pH reached a steady state 3 days after switching from ordinary daily diets to specified
regimens. The amount of acid generated ([SO
] + organic acid gut alkali)was linearly related with the excretion of
acid (titratable acid + [NH
] [HCO
]), indicating that H
in urine is generated by the metabolic degradation of
food materials. Uric acid and excreted urine pH retained a linear relationship, as reported previously. Among the five
factors which are associated with calculating clearances for both uric acid and creatinine, we identified a conspicuous
difference between acidic and alkaline diets in the uric acid concentration in serum as well as in urine; uric acid in the
serum was higher in the acidic group than in the alkaline group, while uric acid in the urine in the acidic group was
lower than that in the alkaline group. These changes of uric acid in acidic urine and in serum were reflected in the
reduction of its clearance. From these observations, it is considered that uric acid may be reabsorbed more actively in
acidic urine than in alkaline urine.
Conclusion: We conclude that alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed alkaline -prone food is
effective for removing uric acid from the body.
Keywords: Hyperuricemia, Gout, Dietary intervention, Acidbase
* Correspondence:
Department of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Faculty for Human
Development, Hiroshima Jogakuin University, 4-13-1 Ushita-higashi
Higashi-ku, Hiroshima 732-0063, Japan
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2012 Kanbara et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39
In a previous paper (2010) [1], we reported a potential
utilization of dietary intervention for reducing hyperuri-
cemia :diet-induced alkaline urine excretes more uric
acid than acidic urine. Taking into account the observa-
tions by Griesch and Zöllner (1975) [2] and Clifford,
Riumallo, Young and Scrimshaw (1976) [3] that purine
bodies loading through the diet induce a proportional
increase in serum uric acid concentration, the more pur-
ine bodies were loaded in the acidic diet, the more uric
acid should have been excreted in the urine. However,
what we observed in a previous study was the exact op-
posite. One way to resolve this issue is to measure sim-
ultaneously the concentrations of both uric acid and
creatinine in serum as well as in urine, to calculate uric
acid and creatinine clearances. By so doing, one can ob-
tain information on how uric acid is handled along the
renal tubule after the filtration, in such a way that uric
acid reabsorption proceeds in the proportion of decrease
in urine pH.
In this report, we provide conclusive evidence for the
efficiency of dietary intervention for the prevention of
hyperuricemia by showing that acidic urine causes less
uric acid to be excreted from the body than alkaline
urine does.
Eighteen female university students (five students for
2010 and thirteen students for 2011), 21-22 years old,
participated in this study. The ethics committee at Hiro-
shima Jogakuin University approved the study protocol.
All subje cts signed informed consent documents. Al-
though four out of the eighteen participants during the
acidic diet period and three during the alkaline diet
period were obliged to discontinue the project due to
menstruation, the rest continued to participate in this
project. Thus, this became a crossover study in which
subjects were not completely overlapped. The health
condition of all participants was monitore d by measur-
ing body weight, changes in which were very limited
during the experiment periods (within less than 1% com-
pared to body weight at the beginning).
Values for protein, energy and purine contents were
extracted from the available data in the standard tables
of food composition in Japan 5th revised and enlarged
edition issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology Japan for all diets
ingested by the eighteen subjects. Resu ltant calculation
of the contents of whole protein and purine bodies in
food materials yielded 56.2 g/d in the alkaline diet and
95.4 g/d in the acidic diet for protein, and 351 mg/d in
the alkaline diet and 494 mg/d in the acidic diet for pur-
ine bodies, respectively. Amino acids in the diet which
can generate an acid in the catabolic process, such as ar-
ginine, lysine, 1/2 histidine, methionine and cystein (in
mmol), were present in 57 mmol/d in the alkaline diet
and 124 mmol/d in the acidic diet. Each diet period
lasted five days. During each five-day period, diets made
by different recipes but using the same compositions of
natural food materials were served. Foods used during
the experimental period in 2011 for both the acidic and
alkaline diets are listed in the Appendix as representative
data. Subjects had free access to mineral water. The first
and second diet periods were separated by one month.
Collection of specimens
Twenty-four-hour urine specimens were collected in
bottles and stored in a refrigerator. Volume, pH, titrat-
able acid, organi c acid and creatinine were measured in
a sample from urine collected the day before the meas-
urement. A four mL urine sample for each experimental
day for every person was stored in a deep freezer for
later ion analysis. Blood samples were collected in the
early morning before breakfast on the 1st, 3rd and 5th
experimental days.
Analytical methods
According to Lennon, Lemann, Jr. and Litzow (1966)
[4], the production of endogenous acid is determined by
the sum of 1) the oxidation of sulfate in the sulfur-
containing amino acids, 2) the endogenous formation of
unmetabolized organic acids, and 3) the net gastrointes-
tinal absorption of alkali produced by the oxidation of
organic cations and anions. Using the simplified method
proposed by Oh (1989) [5], data necessary for the net
gastrointestinal absorption of alkali (Na
) (mEq) were obtained using HPLC.
The details of methods employed may be consulted in a
previous paper [1]. The excretion of endogenous acid
consists of titratable acid, ammonium ion and bicarbon-
ate ion [4]. Titratable acid was estimated as the amount
of 0.1 mol NaOH necessary to titrate back to pH 7.4
from urine pH. Organic acid salts were measured by the
Van Slyke and Palmer method (1920) [6]. The organic
acid salt measured was corrected for titration of creatin-
ine which was determined by the Folin method. Bicar-
bonate concentration ([HCO
]) was calculated using the
Henderson-Hasselbach equation for which the solubility
coefficient of carbon dioxide was taken as 0.0309 mmol/
mmHgL and P
and P
were assumed to be 6.10
and 40 mmHg, respectively. Urine pH was measured at
37 °C with a pH meter. Uric acid was measured by the
conventional uricase-peroxidase method, using an
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 2 of 7
Statistical analysis
Data were presented as mean ± SD. The student t test
was used to test the significance of changes in measured
parameters between the acidic and alkaline periods. Dif-
ferences were assumed to be significant when p < 0.05.
Relationship between acid generation in the body and
acid excretion in urine
In order to confirm that the proper loading of acid had
been achieved, we measured several factors related to
the endogenous fixed acid production and urinary acid
excretion. We listed urinary ammonium, phosphate, ti-
tratable acid, bicarbonate and sulfate together with urin-
ary pH as typical representatives in Table 1 and cationic
and anionic ion species in relation to the net gastrointes -
tinal absorption of alkali in Table 2. The significant dif-
ference in urine [SO4 2] between the acidic and
alkaline diets was associated with the amount of sulfur-
containing amino acid in foods of 28.8 mmol/d in the
acidic and 14.5 mmol/d in the alkaline diets. Urinary
ammonium, phosphate and sulfate were inversely related
to the time course of urinary pH. On the intake of the
alkaline diet, these values were significantly lower than
those in the acidic diet (Table 1). It is interesting that
gut alkali {([Na
] + [Ca
] + [Mg
] + 1.8
])} in the acidic diet yielded much smaller value
than in the alkaline diet (Table 2, bottom line). Because
the gener ation of acid is calculated by ([SO
] + organic
acid gut alkali) [4], gut alkali in the acidic diet contri-
butes to the small decrease of acidity compared with
that in the alkaline diet.
The calculated total effective fixed acid production
correlated closely with renal acid excretion (Tables 1 and
2), indicating that the metabolic degradation of food
materials results in H
appearing in urine.
Effect of urine pH on uric acid excretion
It took 3 days to reach a steady level of urine pH of 6.7
in the alkaline diet and pH 5.9 in the acidic diet after
switching from an ordinary daily diet to either of the
designed diets (Figure 1 and Table 1). When urine pH
reached a steady state on the third experimental day,
data for the excretion of uric acid in urine on the last
three experimental days, a s expressed a s uric acid excre-
tion in mg per day (mg/d), were plotted against urine
pH (Figure 2A). The amount of excreted uric acid
increased with the increase in luminal pH, and this gen-
eral trend is consistent with the finding in our previous
paper. However, when these data were examined in de-
tail, two different regression lines could be applied to
each group of data for acidic and alkaline diets. Given
that the content of purine bodies in the alkaline diet was
less than in the acidic diet and uric acid in serum is said
to be dependent on the loading of purin e bodies [2,3], it
is reasonable to deduce that the data for alkaline diet
may have been underestimated compared with those for
the acidic diet. When one roughly corrects these data
for the loading difference in purine bodies by multiply-
ing the data for alkaline urine by the ratio of purine bod-
ies in the acidic diet and that in the alkaline of 1.74 for
the year 2010 and of 1.4 for 2011 , data appear to be
aligned along a single straight regression line, as shown
Table 1 Comparison of estimated urinary excretion of
ions associated with the acidbase balance
alkaline diet (n=30) acidic diet (n=27) p
urine volume (L/d) 1.37 ± 0.35 1.37 ± 0.65 NS
pH 6.51 ± 0.34 5.92 ± 0.28 <0.01
ammonium (mmol/d) 24.11 ± 12.78 52.13 ± 13.27 <0.01
phosphate (mmol/d) 24.64 ± 10.37 35.76 ± 14.69 <0.01
sulfate (mmol/d) 9.94 ± 3.25 21.51 ± 6.21 <0.01
titratable acid (mEq/d) 8.7 ± 3.6 25.6 ± 4.1 <0.01
urinary bicarbonate
4.7 ± 2.3 0.8 ± 0.4 <0.01
uric acid (mg/d) 413.4 ± 81.7 302.8 ± 134.7 <0.01
Table 2 Comparison of gut alkali ions excretion in acidic diet with those in alkaline diet
alkaline diet acidic diet p (between *and**)
1st day 3 ~ 5 day* 1st day 3 ~ 5 day**
(n = 13) (n = 30) (n = 14) (n = 27)
(mEq/d) 124.4 ± 56.2 94.8 ± 37.1 134.4 ± 58.3 108.6 ± 46.5 NS
(mEq/d) 63.4 ± 38.0 66.7 ± 19.6 55.6 ± 30.0 34.6 ± 11.5 <0.05
(mEq/d) 4.9 ± 3.4 5.8 ± 4.2 6.8 ± 4.7 5.0 ± 4.1 NS
(mEq/d) 3.3 ± 3.3 1.7 ± 1.7 5.5 ± 4.3 2.6 ± 1.8 NS
(mEq/d) 127.2 ± 35.4 72.9 ± 24.9 86.1 ± 35.8 89.1 ± 29.3 NS
(mEq/d) 30.1 ± 12.7 27.6 ± 9.9 42.1 ± 19.3 52.7 ± 15.1 <0.01
gut alkali(mEq/d) 38.5 ± 97.3 66.3 ± 38.1 14.3 ± 88.1 8.7 ± 45.3 <0.01
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 3 of 7
Figure 1 Effect of acidic (square) and alkaline (diamond) diets on urine pH. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Asterisks indicate the
statistical significance between the two groups (p < 0.002).
Figure 2 Relationship between excreted uric acid as expressed in mg uric acid in urine per day and urine pH. In A. Diamonds indicate
data for the alkaline diet and squares those for the acidic diet. The equation for the straight line obtained by the least square method is
y = 118.9x-335.8 (r2 = 0.2098, n = 57, p < 0.01). In B. Corrected relationship between excreted uric acid as expressed in mg uric acid in urine per
day and urine pH. Given the loading difference of purine bodies, data for uric acid excreted in alkaline urine were multiplied by correction factors,
as described in the text. The equation for the straight line obtained by the least square method is y = 332.25x-1525.6 (r2 = 0.5406, n = 57, p < 0.01).
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 4 of 7
in Figure 2B, indicating, at least in part, that their load-
ing difference may well be responsible for the data
Differential effects of urine pH on the clearances for
creatinine and for uric acid
We conducted simultaneous measurements of creatinine
and uric acid in both the serum and urine in order to
confirm which factor was responsible for the pH
dependent uric acid excretion. Necessary data were
available to calculate both creatinine and uric acid clear-
ances creatinine and uric acid concentrations in both
serum and urine, as shown in Table 3. In this paper, be-
cause data for the first experimental day was not under
influence of designed diets but of ordinary diets, it is
reasonable to use them hereafter as baseline data. We
calculated the absolute creatinine clearance and uric acid
clearance with a correction of body surface area [7]: the
mean value of creatinine clearance in alkaline urine was
133.9 ± 19.7 (n = 19) mL/mi n/1.73 m
and that in acidic
urine 138.8 ± 21.4 (n = 19) mL/min/1.73 m
Although the difference in dietary protein loading
should have produced a fluctuation of blood flow in the
kidney [8], which in turn might increase urine volume
and affect creatinine clearance, its fluctuation in our case
was limited, as seen in Table 2. In spite of the difference
in mean values, statistical significance was not recog-
nized (p > 0.1). On the other hand, it is noteworthy that
the uric acid clearance with a correction of body surface
area only in acidic urine significantly decreased from the
baseline value of 10.0 ± 1.8 (n = 14) mL/min/1.73 m
the mean value on the 3rd and 5th experimental day s of
6.0 ± 2.2 (n = 19) mL/min/1.73 m
, while that in the alka-
line urine remained more or less unchanged in the range
between the baseline value of 8.9 ± 2.0 (n = 13) mL/min/
1.73 m
and the mean value of the 3rd and 5th experi-
mental days of 8.6 ± 2.3 (n = 19) mL/min/1.73 m
. Statis-
tical significance was recognized (p < 0.02) in the
difference of mean values on the 3rd and 5th experimen-
tal days between acidic and alkaline urine. In the case of
uric acid, the mean concentrations of excreted uric acid
changed from 37.4 ± 17.1 (n = 14) mg/dL for the acidic
diet and 45.3 ± 20.4 (n = 13) mg/dL for the alkaline diet as
the ba seline value to 25.9 ± 10.0 (n = 19) mg/dL of aver-
age value for the 3rd and 5th experimental days in the
acidic diet and to 37.0 ± 11.2 (n = 19) mg/dL for the 3rd
and 5th experimental days in the alkaline diet, respect-
ively (Table 3). Meanwhile, the mean concentration of
uric acid in serum for the ba seline value in the acidic diet
of 4.3 ± 0.6 mg/dL increased to 4.9 ± 0.6 (n = 19) mg/dL
for the 3rd and 5th experimental days, but that in the
alkaline diet of 4.2 ± 0.8 remained in the same range of
4.3 ± 0.8 (n = 19) mg/dL for the 3rd and 5th experimental
days, respectively (Table 3). These data indicate that the
disparity of the serum concentration of uric acid be-
tween the two diets at least depends on the difference
in purine bodies loading , because, in our experiment,
the acidic diet contained more purine body at 494 mg/d
than the alkalin e diet at 351 mg/d. The data obtained
are consistent with previous reports [2,3] that serum uric
acid concentration is proportion al to dietary loading of
purine body. When the uric acid clearance was calcu-
lated, the difference in uric acid con centration in both
urine and serum between the acidic and alkaline diets
showed a strikingly lower uric acid clearance in the
acidic diet compared with that in the alkaline diet
(Table 3).
In the circumstance, as in this study, in which healthy
students live sedentary lives, taking nearly ordinary diets,
these stable creatinine clearances may be reasonably
assumed to be close to the glomerular filtration rate.
Thus, to make it easy to resolve what mechanism was at
work here, we took the ratio of uric acid clearance to
creatinine clearance:fractio nal uric acid excretion, calling
it R where R = ([uric acid in a unit urine] × [creatinine in
a unit serum]/[uric acid in a unit serum] × [creatinine
in a unit urine]) × 100 (%). While creatinine clearances
in both acidic and alkaline diets remain in a similar
range, it has been found that uric acid clearance in an
acidic diet is suppressed. Thus , it is reasonable to assume
that R in an alkaline diet should be larger than in an
acidic diet. As shown in Figure 3, that was the case. R in
the alkaline diet on both the 3rd and 5th experimental
days was consistently greater than that in the acidic diet
after the settling down of urine pH to a steady state level.
The most conspicuous result in this study is the
provision of additional experimentally prov en evidence
for the previous study, that uric acid excretion is more
favorable in alkaline urine than in acidic urine. The
strategy taken here for reconfirming our previous study
Table 3 Effect of diet-induced H
load on factors for both
creatinine and uric acid clearances
alkaline diet acidic diet p
(n = 19) (n = 19)
serum uric acid (mg/dL) 4.3 ± 0.8 4.9 ± 0.6 <0.01
serum creatinine (mg/dL) 0.58 ± 0.08 0.63 ± 0.06 NS
urine uric acid (mg/dL) 37.0 ± 11.2 25.9 ± 10.0 <0.01
urine creatinine (mg/dL) 78.9 ± 24.3 79.3 ± 18.0 NS
urine volume (mL/day) 1270 ± 436 1429 ± 320 NS
Uric acid clearance (mL/min/1.73 m
) 8.6 ± 2.3 6.0 ± 2.2 <0.01
Creatinine clearance (mL/min/1.73 m
) 133.9 ± 19.7 138.8 ± 21.4 NS
All numerical data were collected from records during the 3rd and 5th
experimental days.
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 5 of 7
was to collect data for calculating the clearances for both
uric acid and creatinine. As seen in Table 3, among the
five parameters, uric acid and creatinine concentrations,
both in urine and in serum and urine volume, a differ-
ence between alkaline and acidic diets is only detected in
the concentration of uric acid in serum and in urine. Both
the decrease in uric acid excretion and the increase in
serum uric acid concentration in the acidic diet during
the 3rd and 5th experimental days made the uric acid
clearance significantly lower than that in the alkaline diet.
Taking into account that in the physiological condition
urate handling involves urate glomerular filtration fol-
lowed by a complex array of reabsorptive and secretory
mechanisms taking place in the proximal tubules, result-
ing in fractional excretion of urate being 10% [9] of glom-
erular filtrate, either secretive or reabsorptive function of
uric acid may be able to participate in excretion of urate
modified by the change in urine pH. Although the relative
importance of the reabsorption and secretion mechan-
isms has not yet been determined in detail due to the
complexity of renal urate handling, a dominant factor for
controlling urate excretion is considered to be reabsorp-
tion, because a hereditary dysfunction of URAT 1(urate/
organic anion exchanger)-lack of reabsorption of luminal
urate through URAT 1- causes severe hypouricemia [10].
Thus, for the sake of simplicity in this paper modification
of renal urate transport by the change in urine pH is ten-
tatively assumed to be confined to the reabsorption
mechanism. The findings so far obtained show that uric
acid excretion was greater in the alkaline diet than in the
acidic diet, indicating that reabsorption ability may be
enhanced in an acidic medium. Further confirmation of
reabsorption enhancement in an acidic medium is given
by the calculation of clearances for both creatinine and
uric acid. Resultant creatinine clearances for acidic and
alkaline diets were in a similar range, indicating that the
glomerular filtration rate in both acidic and alkaline diets
remains stable. As shown in Figure 3, Rs in the alkaline
diet are consistently larger than in the acidic diet after
urine pH has settled down to a steady state level. These
findings strongly indicate that, after complicated absorp-
tion and secretion processes on both apical and basolat-
eral membranes in the proximal tubule have taken part in
uric acid transport after filtration [9-11], uric acid
excretes more favorably in alkaline urine than in acidic
urine. The molecular identity responsible for pH-
dependent uric acid transport is still unclear, but at the
moment not quantitative but qualitative characteristics of
human organic anion transporter 4 (hOAT4) [12] support
our findings, because a main urate transporter in the
proximal tubule is claimed to be URAT1 [9].
Since the study was conducted exclusively on female stu-
dents, experiments of the same kind need to be performed
on male students, on older populations and also on people
with hyperuricemia at baseline for generalization of dietary
intervention. Given the recent dramatic increase in the inci-
dence of gout and hyperuricemia associated with cardiovas-
cular diseases and metabolic syndrome [13], it is highly
desirable to introduce a safe and economic way to reverse
these trend s. The dietary intervention procedure for cardio-
vascular diseases [14] and diabetes mellitus, including
metabolic syndrome [15] and cancer [16], shares with its
similar focus on gout and hyperuricemia the recommenda-
tion of taking a sufficient amount of alkaline-rich fruits and
vegetables. Because people can take a preventive procedure
for these diseases without side effects by following this sug-
gestion, we believe that the dietary intervention we are pro-
posing is one of the best choices.
Figure 3 Change in fractional uric acid excretion, Rs (uric acid clearance/creatinine clearance) were obtained and plotted on each
experimental day. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance between the two groups (p < 0.002).
Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 6 of 7
(alkaline diet)
White rice 100 g, rye bread 70 g, pasta 80 g , starch 20 g,
hard tofu 50 g, silken tofu 50 g, pressed tofu 30 g, fried
tofu 6 g, okara 40 g, green soybeans 10 g, milk 150 g, car-
rot 20 g, leaf vegetable 65 g, tomato 120 g, pepper (red &
yellow) 30 g, pumpkin 80 g, green onion 15 g, onion 50 g,
cucumber 60 g, cabbage 60 g , lettuce 30 g, garlic 5 g, po-
tato 100 g, aroid 45 g, yam 30 g, mushroom 40 g, kiwi
70 g, pineapple 50 g, walnuts 15 g , dried seaweed 1 g,
sugar 8 g, honey 20 g, olive oil 5 g, salad oil 10 g, dressing
8 g, butter 10 g, soy saurce 5 g, vinegar 3 g, soup prepared
from dried bonito and tangle 180 g, alcohol for cooking
15 g, miso(fermented soybeans paste) 7 g, sauce 20 g,
Japanese basil 1 g, sweet cooking rice wine 4 g, salt 0.5 g,
pepper 0.06 g, mayonnaise 10 g.
(acidic diet)
White rice 185 g, roll 75 g, pasta 20.5 g, starch 6 g, pork
shoulder 90 g, cero 90 g, chicken breast fillet 30 g, squid
30 g, egg 100 g, processed cheese 20 g, carrot 50 g, broccoli
20 g, snap pea 20 g, asparagus 20 g, green onion 10 g, bam-
boo sprout 40 g, corn 25 g, onion 50 g, burdock 15 g,
sprout 20 g, tomato saurce 15 g, soy source 6 g, salt 0.8 g,
sweet cooking rice wine 12 g, alcohol for cooking 20 g,
pepper 0.09 g, miso 9 g, consommé 1 g, soup prepared
from dried bonito and tangle 170 g, mayonnaise 9 g, butter
3 g, salad oil 6 g, sugar 9 g, strawberry jam 20 g.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
This work was supported in part by a Hiroshima Jogakuin University research
Author details
Department of Nutrition and Health Promotion, Faculty for Human
Development, Hiroshima Jogakuin University, 4-13-1 Ushita-higashi
Higashi-ku, Hiroshima 732-0063, Japan.
Department of Medicine and
Molecular Sciences, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima
University, 1-2-3 Kasumi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima 734-8551, Japan.
Authors contributions
AK carried out the analysis of all urine contents and the integration of data
into the report. YM, HH and KC participated in the design of the study and
helped to draft the manuscript. IS conceived of the study, helped to draft
the manuscript and participated in analysis and integration of data. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Received: 17 December 2011 Accepted: 7 June 2012
Published: 7 June 2012
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Cite this article as: Kanbara et al.: Effect of urine pH changed by dietary
intervention on uric acid clearance mechanism of pH-dependent
excretion of urinary uric acid. Nutrition Journal 2012 11:39.
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Kanbara et al. Nutrition Journal 2012, 11:39 Page 7 of 7
... Thus, to reduce the dietary acid load of the modern Japanese diet, increased vegetable (cationrich food) intake and adequate protein (anion-rich food) intake should be considered. Although a previous study reported that urinary pH for alkaline diet was significantly higher than those for acidic diet 18) , few reports have documented the outcomes of dietary intervention tests under strictly controlled diet conditions. Th us, we conducted the rigorously controlled dietary intervention test to determine the effect of lower dietary acid load on metabolic indices. ...
... Previous studies have reported that alkalization of urine occurs by consuming alkaline foods (such as vegetables and fruits) 18,34,35) and that urinary pH is an indicator of dietary acid-base load, i.e., fruit and vegetable intake and meat intake 36) . Additionally, it has been reported that adhering to dietary recommendations (increased GIAA and decreased acid load) may normalize urinary pH in stone formers 37) . ...
... In this study, there was a significant decrease in urinary pH and a nonsignificant change in urinary UA excretion after 5 days intervention in group F (diet with insufficient vegetables and more acidic diet), resulting in a significant increase in serum UA concentration. A previous study reported that urinary pH decreased and serum UA concentrations increased in acidic diet compared with those for alkaline diet 18) , and the changes observed in this study are consistent with the previously reported study. Thus, our result indicates that decrease in urinary pH due to acidic diet intake may be responsible for the increase in serum UA concentration. ...
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Aim: We aimed to elucidate the effect of a healthy diet containing adequate amounts of protein and vegetables on metabolic indices. Methods: In this randomized crossover study, twenty-two healthy Japanese participants ingested two different test meals: fish diet (F) or fish diet with adequate vegetable content (FV). Each 5-day diet load test was separated by a washout period of at least seven days. Metabolic indices were measured in fasting blood and 24-h urine samples. Results: The delta (Δ) plasma glucose and Δserum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations were significantly larger in the participants in group FV than in group F (p=0.042, p=0.013, respectively). The urinary pH in participants in group F on day 6 was significantly lower than on day 1 (p=0.008), and the Δurinary pH and Δnet gastrointestinal absorption of alkali of participants in group FV tended to be smaller than in group F (p=0.070, p=0.075, respectively). Conclusions: This study showed that a healthy diet containing adequate protein and vegetables reduced the dietary acid load and improved plasma glucose and serum LDL concentrations in healthy Japanese participants.
... Jumlah asam yang dieksresikan akan tergantung pada kandungan asam amino makan. Penelitian yang dilakukan Kanbara et al (2012) mendapatkan bahwa kelompok dengan acidic diet memiliki kreatinin serum, kreatinin urin, dan klirens kreatinin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok dengan alkaline diet, namun hasil uji statistik kedua kelompok tersebut menunjukan hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata (Kanbara, Miura, Hyogo, Chayama, & Seyama, 2012). ...
... Jumlah asam yang dieksresikan akan tergantung pada kandungan asam amino makan. Penelitian yang dilakukan Kanbara et al (2012) mendapatkan bahwa kelompok dengan acidic diet memiliki kreatinin serum, kreatinin urin, dan klirens kreatinin yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok dengan alkaline diet, namun hasil uji statistik kedua kelompok tersebut menunjukan hasil yang tidak berbeda nyata (Kanbara, Miura, Hyogo, Chayama, & Seyama, 2012). ...
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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects the structure and function of the kidneys. The burden of disease from CKD is expected to increase as the prevalence of CKD increases from year to year. The quality of the diet plays a role in the management and treatment of CKD. The diet quality of CKD patients is assessed using dietary acid load (DAL) which is estimated based on protein and potassium intake. A high score of DAL can lead to more rapid decline in renal function, rapid decline in GFR, and low-grade subclinical acidosis. This study was aimed to analyze the relationship between dietary acid load and kidney function in CKD patients with hemodialysis at the Bogor City Hospital. This study used a cross sectional design involving 50 subjects with CKD on hemodialysis. Data was collected by interview using a questionnaire for data characteristics and Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQ-FFQ) for data intake. There was a significant relationship between DAL and eGFR, urea, and creatinine (p<0,05). The level of DAL plays an important role in the development and severity of CKD. Therefore, dietary recommendations for patients CKD on hemodialysis need to focus to the dietary acid load derived from foods and to the condition of hyperkalemia. Further research is expected to be carried out with an intervention, case control or cohort design, as well as using different equations in estimating DAL such as the net acid excretion (NAE), potential renal acid load (PRAL) equation.
... Another study recommended drinking more than 2 L of water daily to reduce stone recurrence [14,15]. The US Environmental Protection Agency and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend pH be in the interval from 6.5 to 9 for drinking water quality [16]. The WHO did not find it necessary to recommend any pH value for health [16]. ...
... The US Environmental Protection Agency and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend pH be in the interval from 6.5 to 9 for drinking water quality [16]. The WHO did not find it necessary to recommend any pH value for health [16]. In fluids, pH can be measured with a pH meter or color comparator method. ...
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Aim: The aim was to determine whether urine pH changed or not with different pH values of drinking water. With the results obtained from animal studies, comments can be made about the effect of water with different pH levels that people drink on kidney stones. Method: A total of 24 Wistar Albino rats were divided into three groups containing eight rats each: the first group was given water with pH 5.5, the second group was given water with pH 7 and the third group was given water with pH 8.2 in the same environment and conditions during 13 days. All rats consumed water in line with their natural feeding habits. All rats had urine pH measurements performed and recorded every day at the same time. The groups were later compared in terms of daily pH values. Results: When daily urine pH values were compared, there were statistically significant differences between pH measurements on the first, fourth and seventh day (p=0.02, p=0.017 and p=0.007, respectively). When first-day values are compared with post-hoc analyses, the urine pH in Group 2 was identified to be lower compared to Group 1 and Group 3 (p<0.001). When the fourth-day values were assessed, the urine pH of Group 2 was observed to be higher than Group 1 and Group 3 (p<0.001). On the seventh day, Group 3 had higher urine pH compared to the other groups (p<0.001). Conclusion: The variation in drinking water pH does not directly change urine pH; however, it causes a change in the urine pH on different days.
... Managing UA levels emphasizes the concept of "food as medicine," with dietary adjustments effectively controlling UA levels. Alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed food could be effective for removing UA from the body [57,58]. It's crucial to identify foods suitable for individuals with high UA levels and provide tailored meal plans and eating schedules. ...
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Hyperuricemia (HU), characterized by elevated uric acid (UA) levels in the blood, represents a global health concern associated with various conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, gout, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, renal dysfunction, and neurodegenerative diseases. This review offers a contemporary analysis of HU, encompassing its causes, associated health risks, diagnosis, treatment, and future outlook. Recent studies have underscored the multifaceted origin of HU, implicating genetic predisposition, dietary patterns, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences. Genetic variations affecting enzymes and transporters involved in purine metabolism and UA excretion have been identified, laying the groundwork for personalized treatment strategies. Advances in diagnostic imaging and omics technologies provide enhanced precision in the detection and evaluation of risks. While pharmacological interventions remain central to managing HU, persistent challenges such as treatment resistance prompt exploration of novel drug targets and lifestyle modifications. Chinese herbal medicines offer a potentially alternative approach with fewer side effects. Emerging research on the impact of gut microbiota on UA metabolism opens new therapeutic avenues. Despite progress, challenges such as optimizing treatment duration and understanding long-term effects persist. Collaborative efforts are crucial to address these challenges and advance our comprehension of HU. The integration of precision medicine and holistic patient care approaches holds promise for improving outcomes and enhancing quality of life for individuals with HU.
... Dietary intake could spontaneously change the pH of the urine, which could affect the treatment of urolithiasis and kidney stones. Higher meat intake with less intake of fruits and vegetables has been correlated with lower urinary pH, whereas lower meat intake with higher fruit and vegetable intake has been correlated with elevated urine pH [31], and these dietary effects were examined to change the pH of the urine within 3 days of switching diets [32]. However, the pH changes 9 of 14 in these mice resulted from mechanistic changes, i.e., inhibition of the carbonic anhydrase by ACZ, and were not due to alkali loading. ...
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In calcium nephrolithiasis (CaNL), most calcium kidney stones are identified as calcium oxalate (CaOx) with variable amounts of calcium phosphate (CaP), where CaP is found as the core component. The nucleation of CaP could be the first step of CaP+CaOx (mixed) stone formation. High urinary supersaturation of CaP due to hypercalciuria and an elevated urine pH have been described as the two main factors in the nucleation of CaP crystals. Our previous in vivo findings (in mice) show that transient receptor potential canonical type 3 (TRPC3)-mediated Ca2+ entry triggers a transepithelial Ca2+ flux to regulate proximal tubular (PT) luminal [Ca2+], and TRPC3-knockout (KO; -/-) mice exhibited moderate hypercalciuria and microcrystal formation at the loop of Henle (LOH). Therefore, we utilized TRPC3 KO mice and exposed them to both hypercalciuric [2% calcium gluconate (CaG) treatment] and alkalineuric conditions [0.08% acetazolamide (ACZ) treatment] to generate a CaNL phenotype. Our results revealed a significant CaP and mixed crystal formation in those treated KO mice (KOT) compared to their WT counterparts (WTT). Importantly, prolonged exposure to CaG and ACZ resulted in a further increase in crystal size for both treated groups (WTT and KOT), but the KOT mice crystal sizes were markedly larger. Moreover, kidney tissue sections of the KOT mice displayed a greater CaP and mixed microcrystal formation than the kidney sections of the WTT group, specifically in the outer and inner medullary and calyceal region; thus, a higher degree of calcifications and mixed calcium lithiasis in the kidneys of the KOT group was displayed. In our effort to find the Ca2+ signaling pathophysiology of PT cells, we found that PT cells from both treated groups (WTT and KOT) elicited a larger Ca2+ entry compared to the WT counterparts because of significant inhibition by the store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) inhibitor, Pyr6. In the presence of both SOCE (Pyr6) and ROCE (receptor-operated Ca2+ entry) inhibitors (Pyr10), Ca2+ entry by WTT cells was moderately inhibited, suggesting that the Ca2+ and pH levels exerted sensitivity changes in response to ROCE and SOCE. An assessment of the gene expression profiles in the PT cells of WTT and KOT mice revealed a safeguarding effect of TRPC3 against detrimental processes (calcification, fibrosis, inflammation, and apoptosis) in the presence of higher pH and hypercalciuric conditions in mice. Together, these findings show that compromise in both the ROCE and SOCE mechanisms in the absence of TRPC3 under hypercalciuric plus higher tubular pH conditions results in higher CaP and mixed crystal formation and that TRPC3 is protective against those adverse effects.
... On average, UpH is slightly acidic with a pH of 6.0, and acidic urine means a pH of less than 5.5 [1]. It is known to be influenced by systemic factors such as an individual's diet, insulin resistance, hydration status, diuretics, and chronic kidney disease medications [2][3][4][5]. ...
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This study aims to determine the association between UpH (<5.5), Community Periodontal Index (CPI), and the number of remaining teeth—cumulative indicators of oral health—using data from the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES, 2016–2018), which represents the Korean population. Data from 12,689 adults aged 19 years and older who had periodontal examinations were analyzed. Logistic regression analysis was performed after adjusting for demographic, health, and health-related behavioral factors as covariates to determine the association between UpH, CPI, and the number of remaining teeth. This study found that UpH (<5.5) was associated with CPI and the number of remaining teeth. For UpH (<5.5), the odds ratio for CPI (≥4 mm) was 1.19 times (95% CI: 1.06–1.33). The risk of tooth loss was 1.25 times (95% CI: 1.06–1.48) for those with 0–19 remaining teeth and 1.20 times (95% CI: 1.07–1.34) for those with 20–27 teeth. The results revealed an association between UpH, CPI, and the number of remaining teeth. However, further longitudinal research on UpH and oral status is necessary.
... The existence of sufficient evidence that alkaline foods can interfere with urate transporters in the proximal tubule and thereby increase urinary excretion of urate [11], proposed this hypothesis that there may be a relationship between the dietary acid load and the risk of hyperuricemia. A positive association between nutritional acid loads and serum uric acid was the major finding of two crosssectional studies performed on German adults [12,13]. ...
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Purpose: Dietary acid load plays a key role in regulating serum uric acid levels. We hypothesized that dietary acid load indices would be positively associated with the odds of hyperuricemia. We aimed to test this hypothesis in a representative sample of Iranian adult population. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 6145 participants aged 35–65 years were recruited from MASHAD cohort study. Dietary intakes were assessed using a 24-h dietary recall. Diet-based acid load was assessed as the potential renal acid load (PRAL), net endogenous acid production (NEAP), and dietary acid load (DAL). Hyperuricemia was defined as serum uric acid greater than the 75th percentile. Multivariable logistic regression models were applied to determine the association between diet-based acid load scores and hyperuricemia. Results: The mean age of participants was 48.89 ± 8.09 years. Overall, 25.7% had hyperuricemia. According to the full-adjusted model, there was a significant association between higher tertile of PRAL, and DAL and hyperuricemia (Q3 PRAL; OR (95% CI): 1.23 (1.05–1.43), Q3 DAL; OR (95% CI): 1.22 (1.05–1.42)). Regarding NEAP, there was no significant association with hyperuricemia. We also found that dietary intake of total sugars, fiber, calcium, and magnesium was associated with the odds of hyperuricemia in our population. Conclusion: This study showed a significant positive association between two indicators of dietary acid load (PRAL, and DAL) and odds of hyperuricemia among Iranian adults.
... This is probably due to a decreased bicarbonate (HCO3 − ) absorption in the proximal tubule, leading to a consequent increase in urinary bicarbonate excretion and elevating the urine pH [33]. Kanbara et al. tried to estimate the influence of alkaline and acidic diets on urine pH, and noted that the dysfunction of renal tubules was correlated with uric acid excretion and consequently urine pH [34]. Naqvi et al. evaluated the fractional excretion of sodium, potassium and magnesium to determine its value in cyclosporin (CsA)-induced nephrotoxicity in renal allograft transplant recipients. ...
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Neuroendocrine tumors (NEN) are a group of neoplasms that arise from hormonal and neural cells. Despite a common origin, their clinical symptoms and outcomes are varied. They are most commonly localized in the gastrointestinal tract. Targeted radioligand therapy (RLT) is a treatment option which has proven to be successful in recent studies. However, the possible outcomes and true safety profile of the treatment need to be fully determined, especially by new, more sensitive methods. Our study aimed to present an extended analysis of acute and chronic renal complications during and after radioligand therapy using, for the first time in the literature, innovative and complex renal parameters. Forty patients with neuroendocrine tumors underwent four courses of radioligand therapy with [177Lu]Lu-DOTATATE or [177Lu]Lu/[90Y]Y-DOTATATE. Radioisotopes were administrated in intervals of 8–12 weeks, with concurrent intravenous nephroprotection. New detailed and sensitive renal parameters were used to determine the renal safety profile during and after radioisotope therapy for standard treatment of NEN. During the first and fourth courses of RLT, no change in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was observed. However, long-term observations one year after the treatment showed a 10% reduction in the GFR. During the first course of treatment, the fractional urea and calcium excretions increased, while the fractional potassium concentration decreased. The fractional calcium excretion remained highly increased in long-term observations. Decreases in urine IL-18, KIM-1 and albumin concentrations were observed during RLT. The concentrations of IL-18 and KIM-1 remained low even a year after therapy. The ultrasound parameters of renal perfusion changed during treatment, before partially returning to the baseline one year after therapy, and were correlated with the biochemical parameters of renal function. A permanent increase in diastolic blood pressure was correlated with the decrease in the GFR observed during the study. In this innovative and complex renal assessment during and after RLT, we found a permanent 10% per year decrease in the GFR and noticeable disturbances in renal tubule function. The diastolic blood pressure also increased.
... People who consume plant-based food had lower serum uric acid levels [32]. Higher alkalinity in a vegetarian diet, such as fruits and vegetables, soybeans and tofu, nuts, and seeds may facilitate the excretion of uric acid and lower serum uric acid levels [33,34]. In Asia, only the Tzu Chi Health Study investigated the link between vegetarian diet and incident gout, and showed that a vegetarian diet was related to a decreased risk of gout incidence in Taiwan. ...
Background and aims: A vegetarian diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, and soy products. Although vegetarian diet is beneficial for improving the health outcomes such as body mass index, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and mortality rate, the association between a vegetarian diet and gout incidence is not well known. Methods and results: We linked the MJ Health Survey Data and MJ Biodata 2000 with the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD) and the National Registration of Death (2000-2018). Information on the diet was collected from the MJ Health Survey Data, and the incidence of gouty arthritis was confirmed using the NHIRD. The Kaplan-Meier survival curve and log-rank test were used to compare the differences between vegetarian and non-vegetarian participants. Cox regression models were used to estimate the risk of the incidence of gouty arthritis. Among 76,972 participants, 37,297 (48.46%) were men, 2488 (3.23%) were vegetarians and the mean age was 41.65 ± 14.13 years. The mean baseline uric acid level was 6.14 ± 1.65 mg/dL. A total of 16,897 participants developed gouty arthritis, including 16,447 (22.08%) non-vegetarians and 450 (18.9%) vegetarians over a mean follow-up of 19 years. Significant differences were observed in the Kaplan-Meier survival curves between vegetarians and non-vegetarians (log-rank p < 0.001). Vegetarians had a significantly decreased incidence of gouty arthritis compared with non-vegetarians (hazard ratio = 0.87, 95% confidence interval = 0.78-0.98, p = 0.02) after adjusting for potential confounders. Conclusion: People with a vegetarian diet had a significantly decreased risk of developing gouty arthritis compared with non-vegetarians in Taiwan.
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Increase in the incidence of hyperuricemia associated with gout as well as hypertension, renal diseases and cardiovascular diseases has been a public health concern. We examined the possibility of facilitated excretion of uric acid by change in urine pH by managing food materials. Within the framework of the Japanese government's health promotion program, we made recipes which consist of protein-rich and less vegetable-fruit food materials for H+-load (acid diet) and others composed of less protein but vegetable-fruit rich food materials (alkali diet). Healthy female students were enrolled in this consecutive 5-day study for each test. From whole-day collected urine, total volume, pH, organic acid, creatinine, uric acid and all cations (Na+,K+,Ca(2+),Mg(2+),NH₄+) and anions (Cl⁻,SO₄(2-),PO₄⁻) necessary for the estimation of acid-base balance were measured. Urine pH reached a steady state 3 days after switching from ordinary daily diets to specified regimens. The amount of acid generated ([SO₄(2-)] +organic acid-gut alkai) were linearly related with those of the excretion of acid (titratable acidity+ [NH4+] - [HCO3⁻]), indicating that H+ in urine is generated by the metabolic degradation of food materials. Uric acid and excreted urine pH retained a linear relationship, where uric acid excretion increased from 302 mg/day at pH 5.9 to 413 mg/day at pH 6.5, despite the fact that the alkali diet contained a smaller purine load than the acid diet. We conclude that alkalization of urine by eating nutritionally well-designed food is effective for removing uric acid from the body.
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Hypertension, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias and valvular heart disease, coagulopathies and stroke, collectively known as cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), contribute greatly to the mortality, morbidity and economic burden of illness in Canada and in other countries. It has been estimated that over four million Canadians have high blood pressure, a comorbid condition that doubles or triples the risk of CVD. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, CVDs caused 36% of deaths in 2001 and were responsible for 18% of the total hospital costs in Canada. The majority of Canadians exhibit at least one CVD-related risk factor, such as tobacco smoking, physical inactivity, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, a lack of daily fruit and vegetable consumption, and psychosocial factors, making these people more prone to developing a serious CVD-related illness in the future. It is therefore important that CVD-related causes and concerns be addressed. Given the scope and prevalence of CVDs, it is obvious that a population health approach - 'prevention is better than cure' - would be the most appropriate model to adopt to deal with this ubiquitous health problem and to reduce the costs of hospitalization, long-term medication and rehabilitation. The focus of the present review is to evaluate and compare the results of epidemiological, experimental and clinical studies, reporting on the influence of physical activity, dietary intervention, obesity and cigarette smoking on cardiovascular health and the prevention of CVDs. The prophylactic measures must be dealt with collectively because there is overwhelming evidence that the occurrence of CVDs can be reduced by approximately 80% by making lifestyle modifications. The preventive strategies against CVDs must be targeted at a primary health promotion level before some of the important underlying causes of CVD seriously afflict a person or a population at large. Such preventive approaches would help in reducing not only employee absenteeism but also the hospital and drug costs burdening the health care systems of both developed and developing countries.
The measurement of net G-I absorption of alkali by analysis of diet and stool is complicated by several problems, including inconvenience and imprecise timing of prolonged stool collection and inhomogeneity of stool samples. The purposes of this study are to describe a new method for measurement of net alkali absorption from the G-I tract, to present empirical evidence supporting the validity of this method, and to provide theoretical evidence for the superiority of urinary measurements over measurements in food and feces.
Adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, xanthine, adenosine-5'- monophosphate (AMP), guanosine-5'-monophosphate (GMP), and inosine- 5'-monophosphate (IMP) were given in single oral doses at 0.1 mmoles/kg body weight to normouricemic, hyperuricemic and gouty humans, and serum and urinary uric acid levels were monitored to evaluate the effect of dietary purines on serum and urinary uric acid. Oral hypoxanthine, AMP, GMP, IMP and adenine elevated serum uric acid levels while guanine and xanthine did not affect serum uric acid. Hypoxanthine, AMP, GMP and I VIP produced a greater hyperuricemic effect on subjects with gout com- Eared with hyperuricemic and normouricemic controls. Urinary uric acid ;vels were increased equally by all purines except for guanine, which did not alter urine uric acid levels. The effect of oral purines on urinary uric acid levels was the same for all groups of subjects. Although the purines are closely related compounds biochemically, they are metabolized differ ently and produce different alterations in uric acid metabolism when ad ministered to normal, hyperuricemic and gouty humans. J. Nutr. 106: 428-450, 1976.
Uric acid is the metabolic end product of purine metabolism in humans. It has antioxidant properties that may be protective but can also be pro-oxidant, depending on its chemical microenvironment. Hyperuricemia predisposes to disease through the formation of urate crystals that cause gout, but hyperuricemia, independent of crystal formation, has also been linked with hypertension, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, and diabetes. We discuss here the biology of urate metabolism and its role in disease. We also cover the genetics of urate transport, including URAT1, and recent studies identifying SLC2A9, which encodes the glucose transporter family isoform Glut9, as a major determinant of plasma uric acid levels and of gout development.