Conference PaperPDF Available

Evaluation of HaloDot: Visualization of Relevance of Off-Screen Objects with over Cluttering Prevention on Mobile Devices

  • LASIGE, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


The complexity of presenting and exploring large amounts of graphical data, on mobile devices, increases due to their small screen size. To mitigate this problem several approaches have been proposed to give clues about objects that are located off-screen. In this paper we present a user study comparing the Halo off-screen visualization technique with HaloDot, our approach that aims to improve direction awareness, as well as, relevance of off-screen objects, and to avoid cluttering of Halos. The study shows that searching and pointing relevant Points of Interest (PoI) can be achieved faster than with Halo and that the proposed aggregation method is useful. KeywordsVisualization–Mobile Devices–Off-Screen Objects–Relevance
P. Campos et al. (Eds.): INTERACT 2011, Part IV, LNCS 6949, pp. 300–308, 2011.
© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2011
Evaluation of HaloDot: Visualization of Relevance of
Off-Screen Objects with over Cluttering Prevention on
Mobile Devices
Tiago Gonçalves, Ana Paula Afonso,
Maria Beatriz Carmo, and Paulo Pombinho
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Abstract. The complexity of presenting and exploring large amounts of
graphical data, on mobile devices, increases due to their small screen size. To
mitigate this problem several approaches have been proposed to give clues
about objects that are located off-screen. In this paper we present a user study
comparing the Halo off-screen visualization technique with HaloDot, our
approach that aims to improve direction awareness, as well as, relevance of off-
screen objects, and to avoid cluttering of Halos. The study shows that searching
and pointing relevant Points of Interest (PoI) can be achieved faster than with
Halo and that the proposed aggregation method is useful.
Keywords: Visualization, Mobile Devices, Off-Screen Objects, Relevance.
1 Introduction
Presenting and exploring large amounts of graphical data on small screens are key
research topics. To search Points of Interest (PoI) in large maps on mobile devices,
panning and zooming can be used to explore surrounding areas that are not visible on
screen. However, as these techniques are cognitively complex and frequently
disorient the user, different approaches to give visual clues of off-screen objects have
already been proposed [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Another important issue in mobile visualization is the development of mechanisms
to show the most relevant information to the user, reducing the amount of information
displayed to avoid cluttering. The relevance in a mobile context should capture not
only the location of an object, but also other contextual factors, such as, temporal
constraints and properties or attributes of an object. Research approaches in this topic
aim to establish an appropriate distance function that integrate several contextual
factors beyond the location, namely semantic and temporal relevance [6,7].
In this paper we describe and evaluate our approach, HaloDot that enriches the
Halo off-screen visualization technique [1], aiming to improve direction awareness of
off-screen objects, to give hints about their relevance, and, to prevent cluttering when
there are a large number of off-screen objects.
Evaluation of HaloDot: Visualization of Relevance of Off-Screen Objects 301
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes related work about off-
screen visualization techniques and relevance visualization. Sections 3 present the
HaloDot technique. Section 4 describes the experimental evaluation and reports the
results. Finally, section 5 points out our conclusions and future work.
2 Related Work
There are several approaches to provide hints to the existence and location of objects
that are not visible on the display area. They consist of graphical representations, such
as, lines, arcs or arrows, disposed along the borders of the display area to convey
information about the distance and direction of off-screen objects. Burigat et al. call
them Contextual Cues [8]. Some examples are arrows, Scaled and Stretched arrows
[2], City Lights [3], Halo [1], EdgeRadar [4] or Wedge [5]. Halo is one of the most
known techniques. It consists in surrounding the off-screen objects with rings, which
are just large enough to reach into the border region of the visible area. Based on the
visible portion of the ring, users can infer the location and the direction of the object
at the center of the ring, taking into account the arc position and arc curvature [1]
(Fig.1 left).
The Halo has been compared with other off-screen visualization techniques and is
considered as a successful technique for awareness of the presence of off-screen
objects [2, 4, 5]. However, these studies have also observed that Halo had lower
accuracy in some tasks caused either by the underestimating of the distances or a Halo
cluttering problem.
In the initial phase of our work [9], we observed that none of the visualization
techniques of off-screen objects conveys their relevance. The concept of relevance
and how to represent it has also been subject of various research studies. It is not
enough to select the most relevant objects but it is essential that the filtered objects
show their relevance values [10]. Reichenbacher has suggested the use of “warm”
colors, like red and orange, to represent more relevant spots, while the less relevant
ones would be represented with “colder” colors. Such practice is also mentioned in
[11], that states that colors can be used to represent various meanings, one of them
temperature (warm = red, cold = blue). Wolfe J.M [12] also points out the importance
of color along with other attributes, such as, motion, orientation and size, to guide
users’ attention.
We aim to provide visual clues (based on color and transparency attributes) to
convey information about the relevance and the distance of off-screen objects, i.e., the
distance between its location and the area visible on-screen. Moreover, we want to
avoid cluttering. We started our work using the Halo technique [4] and a function that
returns a value of the relevance of a PoI belonging to [0, 1]. The value of the
relevance of each PoI, is calculated according with the user preferences and his
geographic position [7]. This means that the relevance takes into account the distance
between the geographic location of the user and the PoI, which is different from the
distance represented by the Halo’s arc.
302 T. Gonçalves et al.
3 HaloDot Techniq
We have designed HaloDo
satisfy the relevance and
when a large number of
describe our solutions and
3.1 HaloDot: Improving
Halo provides location and
shape of the visible portio
arc’s size, we decided to e
arc’s position. We have dr
intersection between the H
area where the Halos are
provided in City Lights t
adaptation, called HaloDot
3.2 HaloDot + Color + T
Let us consider the follow
area wants to find restaura
is the off-screen Italian res
and 2 are equidistant from
the user prefers Italian res
not give awareness of the r
We have decided to us
objects, since color is kno
“warm-cold” analogy [10,1
with red (warm/hot), the
intermediate relevance wit
Fig.1 (right) shows the
most relevant object is re
represented with a blue an
Fig. 1. An example of
that adapts and enhance the Halo interaction techniqu
irection awareness and prevention of the clutter prob
ff-screen objects are presented. In the next sections
mprovements applied to the Halo technique.
the Awareness of Direction
the distance of the off-screen object based on the size
of the arc. Since the distance is already provided by
rich the Halo indirect direction representation given by
wn the arc of the Halo with a small circle at the poi
lo's arc and the intrusion border, i.e., the inner limit o
visible. This approach combines Halo with the direc
chnique. Fig. 1 (right) shows an example of this s
ansparency: Awareness of Relevance
ng scenario: a user A standing in the center of the vis
ts with preference to Italian ones. Suppose that the re
aurant 1 and the Japanese restaurant 2. Although, obje
the user A, restaurant 1 is more relevant than 2, bec
aurants. As shown in Fig. 1 left, the Halo technique
levance of off-screen objects.
color to represent the relevance of the various off-sc
n as a good attribute to guide people’s attention. Usi
1], we have decided to color the most “relevant HaloD
less relevant with blue (cold) and the objects with
purple (tepid).
use of this approach applied to the above scenario.
resented with the red HaloDot and the less releva
more transparent HaloDot.
aloDot with color. Original Halo (left) and HaloDot (right).
t of
ct 1
g a
t is
Evaluation of Ha
However, our approach
with the color visibility o
object 1 (Italian) is further
transparency to deal with
with the distance of the
of the most relevant obje
(Fig. 1 left).
We decided to apply a
away still have a visible H
an object is [10], if the tra
the off-screen object to the
object off-screen was fur
HaloDot's arc would be m
object. To avoid this, th
relevance. An interval of
the object’s relevance. Th
HaloDot than a less releva
Fig. 2. HaloDot without
3.3 HaloDot Aggregatio
As mentioned by several
cluttering problem when a
the use of the color and tr
by allowing users to visu
screen objects is very large
In resemblance of what
aggregation approach to
(Fig. 3 right). We consider
coordinates, overlaying the
grid has a default size, th
situation, where a HaloDot
be drawn for each cell wit
will have as many HaloDo
corresponds to the most rel
oDot: Visualization of Relevance of Off-Screen Objects
to represent the relevance brings another problem rel
the most relevant object. Suppose that the most rele
away than the object 2 (Japanese). The original Halo
distance [1] and the arc’s transparency grows accor
ser to the off-screen object, which means that the
t will be less visible than the arc of the least rele
inimum transparency level, so even objects that are to
loDot. Assuming that the more visible, the more rele
sparency level was selected only based on the distanc
visible area, there would be the risk that, if a relevant (
her away than a less relevant (blue) one, the sec
ore visible. This could induce the user to pick the wr
transparency level is also dependent on the obj
inimum and maximum transparency is set according
s way, a relevant object will always have a more vis
t one (Fig. 2 right).
(left) and with (right) color+transparency to show relevance
+ Numbering: Cluttering Prevention
authors [1, 2, 5] one of the Halo’s limitations is
arge number of off-screen objects are presented. Altho
nsparency characteristics of HaloDot could reduce cl
lly separate the mos
relevant, when the number of
the visualization could be very difficult (Fig. 3 left).
is done with on-screen icons cluttering [7], we propos
itigate the clutter problem when arcs density is
the existence of a hypothetical grid, based on geogra
map, which divides the geographical space into cells.
ugh it can be changed by the user. Unlike the prev
would be drawn for each off-screen object, a HaloDot
at least one object. This means that, in the worst case,
s as cells. The color and transparency shown by a Halo
vant object it represents.
304 T. Gonçalves et al.
Fig. 3. Halo (left) and HaloDot with aggregation and number clues (right)
To show the number of objects represented by a HaloDot with aggregation we
have investigated several approaches. We tried to change the thickness of the arc
and/or the point of intersection based on the number of objects represented. However,
these demonstrated being very intrusive, even incomprehensible. We have developed
another solution that gives textual information, the number of off-screen objects it
represents, near the point of intersection with the intrusion border (Fig. 3 right).
To overcome the cluttering problem at the corners, in analogy with EdgeRadar,
where the corners represent a larger off-screen area than the borders [4], we have
decided to merge all HaloDots on the corners. Although this means that the HaloDots
at the corners might represent more points, since they correspond to bigger cell areas
and that the aggregations may change by panning the map, we believe that this will
improve the technique, since it greatly reduces the overlap and the intrusiveness of the
HaloDot, therefore, improving interaction.
Even with this merging, there is the risk that some HaloDots, located in different
cells, have centers with a close latitude or longitude, meaning they can overlap the
HaloDots and their textual information. To solve this problem we have considered
two approaches: to aggregate all HaloDots that are in cells arranged orthogonally to
the borders or to aggregate the HaloDots that have their intersection points too close.
Another problem is related with the representation of the center of the aggregated
HaloDot. We have explored two options: the center being the midpoint of the objects
represented or the most relevant object. While the first may be more intuitive, the
second guides the user’s attention to the most relevant objects of his/her search, while
still not hiding information about the others.
4 User Study
We have conducted a user study to evaluate whether the proposed solutions assist the
user in searching for off-screen objects according with their relevance. We intend to
explore and validate our current solutions for the improvement of the representation
of the direction, the representation of the relevance and the aggregation to solve the
problem of cluttering, as well as to collect users’ preferences about our approaches.
To compare the HaloDot improvements with the original Halo, we have done a
experiment where tasks were presented to participants through scenarios.
Evaluation of HaloDot: Visualization of Relevance of Off-Screen Objects 305
We also want to understand the best solution when several design alternatives are
explored, namely: aggregation of HaloDots based on the orthogonally cells
arrangement or based on closeness of intersection points; always display the number
of objects represented by the HaloDot or only if there exists more than one off-screen
object; representation of the center of the HaloDot as the most relevant object or as
the midpoint of the objects represented.
Considering these objectives, our assumptions in the study were the following:
1. Once we have explained the meaning of colors, we expect that users will not
have any difficulties identifying the relevance of PoI. We also expect that users
find the most relevant PoI faster that using original Halo.
2. The aggregation is a useful method and the users will prefer the aggregation of
HaloDots based on cells arranged orthogonally to the borders, since that means,
there are less objects being drawn.
3. The users will prefer the center of the HaloDot being the most relevant object,
since that object satisfies their information need.
4. The users will prefer to always see the textual information of the HaloDot,
because they will find it easier to work with it.
4.1 Participants and Apparatus
This study had the participation of sixteen volunteer subjects balanced in gender (7
female, 9 male) and background (10 from computer science and 6 from other
scientific disciplines and humanities). Their age ranged from 21 to 51 (M=27,
SD=9,2). All users had some familiarity with mapping applications on the Web, such
as Google Maps for planning routes or finding PoI. Seven out of 16 users had used
mobile maps applications occasionally and one uses it daily for finding PoI and
navigating in city environments. Participants had experience with zooming and
panning but none were familiar with halos. Three participants stated they had used
off-screen techniques in video games, such as arrows and mini-map.
The study was carried out on a touch-screen HTC Desire device, running the
Android OS 2.2 featuring a 1GHz processor and a 3.7-in touch screen with 480x800
of resolution. During the study, the map covered all the available screen area of the
device, and it was based on the Google Maps application.
4.2 Tasks
The study consisted of five tasks that correspond to different scenarios. Before the test
the users were informed about the three visualizations techniques in a tourist map
application: no contextual clue about off-screen objects; Halo visualization technique
and HaloDot. The tasks were performed in the same order (task 1, 2, 3) but the order
of the techniques has been counterbalanced as well as the location and relevance
configuration of off-screen PoI to reduce sequence and learning effects.
In the first task the participants were asked to find all the PoI (3 restaurants)
ordering them in increasing distance from the map center (user position). To execute
the task the user had to provide their answer by tapping on the corresponding icon of
the PoI. The dependable variable was the time to complete the task and a rating of the
difficulty in a five point scale. In addition, at the end of the session the users were also
306 T. Gonçalves et al.
interviewed to rate their preference for a particular visualization and if they
understood the characteristics of HaloDot, namely, its textual representation.
In the second task the participants were asked to find the most relevant PoI (i.e. PoI
with the highest relevance value), namely a specific restaurant (e.g. “Good Pizza”).
The number of PoI is exactly the same (20) for each visualization condition.
However, in the HaloDot visualization there is only one red arc that corresponds to
the most relevant PoI. The dependable variable was the time to complete the task and
a rating of the difficulty in a five point scale. In addition, at the end of the session the
users were also interviewed to rate their preference for a particular visualization and if
they understood the characteristics of HaloDot, namely, the color as the representation
of the relevance, and if the most relevant HaloDot arc (red) is the one that guides their
In the third task we intend to compare the use of HaloDot with two different
conditions in the number of relevant PoI: in the first condition, the number of PoI
with higher relevance (red arc) is one in a total of 20; in the second one: the number
of PoI with higher relevance is higher than one.
The fourth task intends to test the effectiveness of the proposed aggregation
approach. The users were requested to explore the map freely, three times, with 10,
50 and 124 PoI, respectively. The last task intends to compare the different design
alternatives of HaloDot, namely, presentation of the center of the aggregated
HaloDot; the presence of the number of PoI awareness and the aggregation method
preferred. The participants were interviewed to rate their preference for a particular
4.3 Results
The values of mean completion times for the first task are reported in Fig.4 (left). We
have not noticed any relevant result in this task as there is no different effect of the
type of visualization configuration (Halo or HaloDot) in the completion time, beyond
the difference between the use of an off-screen visualization and no technique at all.
At this point few users have noticed the difference between the Halo and the HaloDot,
namely in the point of intersection and only one user did not understand the meaning
of the number awareness in the HaloDot technique, probably due the existence of
few PoI.
For the second task (Fig. 4 middle) a significant main effect was observed for the
“type of visualization”. A significant difference was found between Halo and
HaloDot. This confirms our first hypothesis: users find the most relevant PoI faster
that using original Halo. For the third task and based on Fig. 4 (right) we can see that
even with more “relevant HaloDots”, the users were able to more quickly find the
desired PoI. This also supports our first hypothesis: once we explained the meaning of
colors, we expected that users would not have any difficulties identifying the
relevance of PoI. Comments collected after the execution of these tasks revealed that,
although few users (31%) have associated the color clue with the relevance of the
object, a large number mentioned that the red HaloDots were more visible and
provided clues to guide their attention.
Evaluation of Ha
Fig. 4. Mean completion ti
(middle); and third task (right
In the last two tasks,
alternatives of design. In
large number of users expr
was very usefull and 75
orthogonally to the border
their preferences about the
a positive evaluation of o
HaloDot with a center on
textual information (num
confusing since it was inte
being the total number of
one had a high relevance.
Overall users prefered t
main reason pointed was
reduce the amount of arcs
relevant information. Wit
improvement of direction
feature, however some sug
5 Conclusions and
In this paper we described
to give relevance clues a
application was developed
showed that HaloDot enabl
aggregation is a useful
extended and precise co
representations (e.g. arro
understand and how to opti
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oDot: Visualization of Relevance of Off-Screen Objects
es with standard deviation bars: first task (left); second
the user expressed their preference between sev
he fourth task, despite the increase of PoI on the ma
ssed that HaloDot was still usable and that the aggrega
% prefered the aggregation based on cells arra
. This confirms our second hypothesis. When asked a
various configurations of the HaloDot, the results exp
r third and fourth hypotheses: 75% prefered to see
the most relevant PoI, 62% prefered to always see
er of PoI). The color of the number revealed to
preted as the number of the most relevant PoI, instea
oI represented by the aggregate HaloDot, where at l
e HaloDot in comparison with the original Halo, and
he usage of different colors and the aggregation as
rawn and consequently improve the perception of the
respect of the utility of the point of intersection a
warness, users have commen
ed that it was a very hel
ested that other shapes could be used, like arrows.
uture Work
the HaloDot technique to improve cluttering problems
out the off-screen objects. An Android tourist mo
to compare the proposed technique with Halo. The st
es users to search faster for relevant PoI than Halo and
ethod. The next step of this work is to perform a
parison with other variations of the off-screen obj
s, lines) and relevance hints. This will enable u
ize them to represent relevance of off-screen objects.
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4. Gustafson, S.G., Irani, P.P.: Comparing visualizations for tracking off-screen moving
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5. Gustafson, S., Baudisch, P., Gutwin, C., Irani, P.: Wedge: clutter-free visualization of off-
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6. Swienty, O., Reichenbacher, T., Reppermund, S., Zihl, J.: The role of relevance and
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7. Pombinho, P., Carmo, M.B., Afonso, A.P.: Evaluation of Overcluttering Prevention
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... To mitigate this problem, some techniques were proposed, such as HaloDot [12], EdgeRadar and EdgeSplit [13]. The HaloDot improves Halo including an aggregation method that merge overlapping arcs into a unique Halo. ...
... POIs are represented in the AR view as colored squares where the color represents their relevance [12]. We follow an attention-guiding design methodology [26] to help the user find what is essential, displaying the relevance of each POI according to the user's preferences. ...
... We follow an attention-guiding design methodology [26] to help the user find what is essential, displaying the relevance of each POI according to the user's preferences. We use color, since it is known as a good attribute to guide people's attention and apply a warm-cold analogy [12], [27] to color the most relevant POIs with red, the less relevant with blue and the POIs with an intermediate relevance with magenta. ...
... The reason for that could be that when a large number of off-screen POIs needs to be visualized, Halo results in overlapping, cluttered arcs that are hard to interpret [24]. As a solution to this problem, Gonçalves et al. [18,19] introduced HaloDot, which aggregates the arcs of off-screen POIs that are close to each other into a single arc. ...
... e., leftor-right, front-or-rear, and above-or-below). To additionally also encode the target's distance, we color-coded our visualizations based on a warm-cold analogy [18,43]. Therefore, we first define a max distance based on the furthest target. ...
... Also, for 3D Bezieŕ Curve and 3D Halos a strategy would need to be developed for minimizing overlap, for example, by aggregating the visualization of object clusters (cf. [18,19]) e. g., encoded in the thickness of 3D Bezieŕ Curve. Secondly, instead of out-of-view objects in terms of the FOV, future work could investigate using 3D visualizations for indicating occluded objects, e. g., as previous works for head-mounted AR did in an assembly [34] and repair scenario [16]. ...
... The trend of indicator and visual cue design is to take up less space on the display; for instance, Apple redesigned the volume interface in the iOS13 system to reduce the space needed on the side of the display (Apple Inc, n.d.). In recent years, there has been a design approach regarding the existence of interface hints and the location of off-screen targets as visual cues provided along the border of the screen (Gonçalves et al., 2011;Li & Zhao, 2017). Those visual cues are also referred to as contextual cues (Burigat & Chittaro, 2011). ...
... However, those works did not provide a way to track and search for off-screen targets to improve users' wayfinding performance. Various related works have explained how visual cues affect users' wayfinding performance on maps as wayfinding aids, including City Lights (Zellweger et al., 2003), Halo (Baudisch & Rosenholtz, 2003), HaloDot (Gonçalves et al., 2011), EdgeRadar (Gustafson & Irani, 2007), and Arrows and Wedge (Burigat & Chittaro, 2011). Those visual cues help provide users with location awareness pertaining to offscreen targets on a small screen. ...
... The route recognition task results showed that the borderline visual cue is significantly superior to the dot and the short-line cues. This finding may have verified an earlier study conducted by Gonçalves et al. (2011) who argued that the information displayed in the border region may reduce the required screen space and avoid cluttering. Burigat and Chittaro (2011) also emphasized that the visual cues to offscreen targets that appear in the screen's border region may help users utilize the visual cues as wayfinding aids, considering the device's limited screen size. ...
There is an increasing use of mobile devices to view maps for wayfinding purposes. However, viewing maps on a small screen often creates difficulties for users. Two possible solutions to this problem are dynamic peephole interfaces and visual cues to off-screen targets. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of visual cue design and response time on users’ wayfinding performance with a dynamic peephole interface on a mobile device. Both 1 s and 3 s response times were examined. Three different visual cue designs, i.e., the dot, short-line, and border-line, were adopted. The experiment was a 2 × 3 between-subjects design. Sixty participants were invited to complete four wayfinding tasks and subjective preference questionnaires. The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX) questionnaire was also adopted. The results revealed that: (i) Visual cues with different response times can affect users’ wayfinding performance; (ii) When planning a route, the border-line visual cues exhibited better outcomes with the 1-s response time; (iii) When users distinguished the order of the targets, the 3-s response time had better user performance than 1 s; and (iv) Participants perceived lower physical demand with the border-line visual cue design.
... By choosing between different interest functions, the user can control the visibility of the nodes. Although further studies are required, The HaloDot (Gonçalves et al. 2011) consists on a variation of the Halo technique that includes the representation of the relevance. Like the Halo, this technique provides information about the location and the distance to the off-screen object based on the size and the curvature of the visible portion of the arc. ...
... Previous studies also suggest that the least relevant objects should be less visible (Swienty et al. 2008). Therefore, transparency is used to emphasize the representation of the relevance (see Figure 3), i.e. the less relevant, the more transparent (Gonçalves et al. 2011). ...
... Previous results (Gonçalves et al. 2011) reveal a higher efficiency in finding relevant POIs and the users' positive feedback towards the HaloDot's relevance representation, in comparison to the original Halo technique. ...
Conference Paper
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When exploring map information on mobile devices, relevant points of interest (POIs) are often located off-screen. Despite the existence of several techniques that allow the exploration of the surrounding areas, none represents the POIs' relevance. Furthermore, when the number of POIs increases, the visualization of the information often becomes unintelligible. This paper presents: our approach to enhancing off-screen visualization techniques with the representation of relevance and cluttering reduction; and a comparative study, using three modified techniques with the proposed approach, HaloDot, Scaled Arrows and Mini-Map. We concluded that while Scaled Arrows has advantages when analysing the distance to the most relevant objects, the Mini-Map provides better information about the distribution of the POIs, helping users on navigational tasks. Also, the choice of an off-screen technique depends, at least, on two factors: number and geographic distribution of POIs.
... To reduce the number of symbols drawn Gonçalves et al. proposed the HaloDot [9] that extends Halo providing the aggregation of symbols. The aggregation is based on a hypothetical grid, attached to the map, which divides the space into cells. ...
... To solve this problem, we follow an attention-guiding design methodology [14] to help the user finding what is really important, displaying the relevance of each POI based on information about the context and the user's preferences. Following the work of Gonçalves et al. [9] POIs are represented in AR as coloured squares where the colour represents their relevance. The most relevant POIs are red, the less relevant are blue and for intermediate levels of relevance they are coloured in magenta, combining the two colours. ...
... The relevance of the aggregation is shown by thickness or transparency. Yet, different object classes are not considered [17]. Games and Joshi [15] carried on the concept of off-screen visualization and applied visual cues to statistical diagrams. ...
... Then, along this line the object is mapped to the border region of the viewport. In addition, we adapt the idea of HaloDot [17], and use transparency as indicator for the distance between off-screen object and viewport, namely the relevance; objects located near to the viewport are considered to be of higher interest than objects located far apart. This is because it is likely that the user is interested in the surrounding of the area she is currently exploringonce she drills down from overview to detail. ...
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Exploring vast spatial datasets often requires to drill down in order to inspect details, thus leading to a loss of contextual overview. An additional challenge rises if the visualized data is of multivariate nature, which we encounter in various domains such as healthcare, nutrition, crime reports, or social networks. Existing overview-plus-detail approaches do provide context but only limited support for multivariate data and often suffer from distortion. In this paper, we dynamically integrate star glyphs as insets into the spatial representation of multivariate data thus providing overview while inspecting details. Star glyphs pose an efficient and space saving method to visualize multivariate data, which qualifies them as integrated data representative. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usefulness of our approach in two use cases: The spatial exploration of multivariate crime data collected in San Francisco and the exploration of multivariate whisky data.
... This would allow a more detailed study of a subset of the trajectories. Additionally, to mitigate the clutter problem of origin/destination arrows when the number of trajectories is very large, we intend to apply an aggregation approach in resemblance of what is done with icons cluttering [24]. We also plan to support a refinement of spatial filters to allow the specification of the place of origin/destination on the map, instead of only the distance. ...
We propose RoseTrajVis, a visual analytics system for studying commuting behaviours using classic rose diagrams, which, given a location in a map, aggregate trajectories by direction, show additional summary information, such as average speed bands, and allow the application of spatial-temporal filters. The rose diagrams also include colored arrows on the border that point to the origin and destination of the trajectories and show the average speed. To support analytical work, the user can also adjust the aggregation radius, move a location marker to a different position on the map with automatic update of the corresponding rose diagram, and create multiple diagrams for the same location with different filters applied. We developed two prototypes of RoseTrajVis, which were evaluated through user studies covering various types of analytical tasks with trajectories. Results suggest that the concept of rose diagrams was well understood, that the system was easy to use, and reveal that most tasks were executed with no errors. RoseTrajVis provides an innovative way of aggregating trajectories and offers features that enable the analysis of commuting movements and other exploratory tasks on a map, to support urban planning and operation.
... Within these studies, they have also been partially compared to Overview-and-Detail systems (application of a second viewport). To the best of our knowledge, existing evaluations have only considered up to 124 off-screen objects, which were presented in an aggregated manner [16]. This evaluation was also carried out against the usage of a second viewport. ...
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The visual exploration of large data spaces often requires zooming and panning operations to obtain details. However, drilling down to see details results in the loss of contextual overview. Existing overview-plus-detail approaches provide context while the user examines details, but typically suffer from distortion or overplotting. This is why, there is great potential for off-screen visualization. Off-screen visualization is a family of techniques which provide data-driven context with the aid of visual proxies. Visual proxies can be visually encoded and adapted to the necessary data context with respect to scalability and visualization of high dimensional data. In this paper, we uncover the potential of off-screen visualization in visual data exploration by introducing its application examples to different domains through three derived scenarios. Furthermore, we categorize supporting tasks of off-screen visualizations and show areas of improvement. Then, we derive research challenges of off-screen visualizations and draw our perspectives on the issues for future research. This paper will provide guidance for future research on off-screen visualization techniques in visual data analysis.
... To improve scalability, HaloDot [GACP11] aggregates POIs on a grid with color, transparency, or thickness for its relevance. According to Gonçalves et al. [GACdM11], aggregation combined with relevance clues improves search for relevant POIs, yet does not consider different classes of POIs. Besides navigation or orientation, visual cues have recently also been used to support representations of statistical diagrams. ...
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When exploring large spatial datasets, zooming and panning interactions often lead to the loss of contextual overview. Existing overview-plus-detail approaches allow users to view context while inspecting details, but they often suffer from distortion or overplotting. In this paper, we present an off-screen visualization method called Ambient Grids that strikes the balance between overview and details by preserving the contextual information as color grids within a designated space around the focal area. In addition, we describe methods to generate Ambient Grids for point data using data aggregation and projection. In a use case, we show the usefulness of our technique in exploring the VAST Challenge 2011 microblog dataset.
... Also, like in the detailed view, the overview contains a thematic layer with the distribution of all POIs contained on the information space (Burigat et al., 2011b). The POIs displayed on both layers are adapted according with their relevance (Reichenbacher, 2007), by the use of a colour and transparency code (Gonçalves et al., 2011). Besides, we have considered that the context of visualization is limited to that of the information space, i.e. the geographical area where the queried POI can be found. ...
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Overview & Detail is a visualization technique suitable for finding points of interest (POIs) located outside the detailed view. In this study we aim to analyze the effects of the size of the overview on the users' performance on mobile devices. For that purpose we compared three different interfaces, a traditional one, with smaller dimensions overlaying the detailed view; a larger overview, yet not overlaying the detailed view; and one with a resizable overview. Our results show the users' preference for a resizable overview and for a larger, non-overlapping overview.
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It is a delicate task to design suitable geovisualisations that allow users an efficient visual processing of the depicted geographic information. Today, such a design task is subject to three major challenges: the ever growing amount of geospatial data at various levels of detail, the diversified applications of that data, and the continuously expanding range of display sizes. In this work, the aim was to enhance the visualisation of relevant geographic information by focusing on utility and usability issues of designing geographic information representations. The relevance of information as an element of utility and its cognitively adequate visualisation as an element of usability was considered. To enhance utility, irrelevant data was separated from relevant data by implementing relevance as a filter and embodying relevance values as attributes of the selected objects. To represent these relevant objects and the context information design principles were formulated and a design methodology proposed that tends to facilitate a user’s attentional capacities when processing geovisualisations. In order to design this attention-guiding geovisualisation, use was made of approaches and findings from relevance theory and cognitive psychology with emphasis on neuroscientific principles. A combination of relevance filtering and a cognitively adequate visualisation improved the overall usefulness of geovisualisations and made a substantial contribution to their practical acceptability. This interdisciplinary approach allowed a more precise and valid evaluation of geovisualisation designs.
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To overcome display limitations of small-screen devices, researchers have proposed techniques that point users to objects located off-screen. Arrow-based techniques such as City Lights convey only direction. Halo conveys direction and distance, but is susceptible to clutter resulting from overlapping halos. We present Wedge, a visualization technique that conveys direction and distance, yet avoids overlap and clutter. Wedge represents each off-screen location using an acute isosceles triangle: the tip coincides with the off-screen locations, and the two corners are located on-screen. A wedge conveys location awareness primarily by means of its two legs pointing towards the target. Wedges avoid overlap programmatically by repelling each other, causing them to rotate until overlap is resolved. As a result, wedges can be applied to numbers and configurations of targets that would lead to clutter if visualized using halos. We report on a user study comparing Wedge and Halo for three off-screen tasks. Participants were significantly more accurate when using Wedge than when using Halo.
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The increasing popularity of mobile devices has fostered the development of visualization applications for these devices. However, the reduced screen size and different interaction devices, which people are not familiarized, present some challenges to visualization in a mobile environment. This paper describes how, as a proof of concept, a combination of two different techniques can reduce the over cluttering of icons on a mobile device screen. An evaluation of these tech- niques is also presented.
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Browsing large information spaces such as maps on the limited screen of mobile devices often requires people to perform panning and zooming operations that move relevant display content off- screen. This makes it difficult to perform spatial tasks such as finding the location of Points Of Interest (POIs) in a city. Visualizing the location of off-screen objects can mitigate this problem: in this paper, we present a user study comparing the Halo (2) approach with two other techniques based on arrows. Halo surrounds off-screen objects with circles that reach the display window, so that users can derive the location and distance of objects by observing the visible portion of the corresponding circles. In the two arrow-based techniques, arrows point at objects and their size and body length, respectively, inform about the distance of objects. Our study involved four tasks requiring users to identify and compare off-screen objects locations, and also investigated the effectiveness of the three techniques with respect to the number of off-screen objects. Arrows allowed users to order off-screen objects faster and more accurately according to their distance, while Halo allowed users to better identify the correct location of off-screen objects. Implications of these results for mobile map-based applications are also discussed.
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When navigating large information spaces on mobile devices, the small size of the display often causes relevant content to shift off-screen, greatly increasing the difficulty of spatial tasks such as planning routes or finding points of interest on a map. Two possible approaches to mitigate the problem are Contextual Cues, i.e. visualizing abstract shapes in the border region of the view area to function as visual references to off-screen objects of interest, and Overview+Detail, i.e., simultaneously displaying a detail view and a small-scale overview of the information space. In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of two different Contextual Cues techniques, Wedge (Gustafson et al., 2008) and Scaled Arrows (Burigat et al., 2006), and a classical Overview+Detail visualization that highlights the location of objects of interest in the overview. The study involved different spatial tasks and investigated the scalability of the considered visualizations, testing them with two different numbers of off-screen objects. Results were multifaceted. With simple spatial tasks, no differences emerged among the visualizations. With more complex spatial tasks, Wedge had advantages when the task required to order off-screen objects with respect to their distance from the display window, while Overview+Detail was the best solution when users needed to find those off-screen objects that were closest to each other. Finally, we found that even a small increase in the number of off-screen objects negatively affected user performance in terms of accuracy, especially in the case of Scaled Arrows, while it had a negligible effect in terms of task completion times.
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City Lights are space-efficient fisheye techniques that provide contextual views along the borders of windows and subwindows that describe unseen objects in all directions. We present a family of techniques that use a range of graphical dimensions to depict varied information about unseen objects. City Lights can be used alone or in conjunction with scrollbars, 2D overview+detail, and interaction techniques such as zoomable user interfaces.
Color mapping is an important technique used in visualization to build visual representations of data and information. With output devices such as computer displays providing a large number of colors, developers sometimes tend to build their visualization to be visually appealing, while forgetting the main goal of clear depiction of the underlying data. Visualization researchers have profited from findings in adjoining areas such as human vision and psychophysics which, combined with their own experience, enabled them to establish guidelines that might help practitioners to select appropriate color scales and adjust the associated color maps, for particular applications. This survey presents an overview on the subject of color scales by focusing on important guidelines, experimental research work and tools proposed to help non-expert users.
Mobile map based services and location-based services (LBS) are going places. Yet, they face acceptance problems for such reasons as lacking user focus and relevance. This paper looks at the concept of relevance and its potential for and application to mobile cartography. First, theoretical concepts of relevance from other disciplines are studied followed by an analysis of different approaches for the assessment of relevance. A basic model for the determination of geographic relevance is postulated and the application modes of relevance to mobile cartography are elaborated. Two applications of relevance to mobile cartography are discussed with an emphasis on visualisation techniques for the presentation of relevance in maps. Some final remarks conclude the comments on relevance in mobile maps.
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In games, aircraft navigation systems and in control systems, users have to track moving targets around a large workspace that may extend beyond the users. viewport. This paper presents on-going work that investigates the effectiveness of two different off-screen visualization techniques for accurately tracking off-screen moving targets. We compare the most common off-screen representation, Halo, with a new fisheye-based visualization technique called EdgeRadar. Our initial results show that users can track off-screen moving objects more accurately with EdgeRadar over Halos. This work presents a preliminary but promising step toward the design of visualization techniques for tracking off-screen moving targets.