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El Niño related coral bleaching in Palau, Western Caroline Islands

  • coral reef research foundation

Abstract and Figures

Mass coral bleaching is currently viewed as a major threat to the long-term health of coral reef communities. Here we quantify coral bleaching in Palau coincident with the 1997/1998 El Nio Southern Oscillation event and with local sea surface temperatures of 31 C, which were 1.0-1.25 C higher than long-term, satellite-derived climatological maximum monthly means for the region. We sampled nine sites, including protected lagoon and fringing reefs, vertical reef walls, and exposed barrier reefs. The percentage of living scleractinian coral tissue that was bleached was 53.4&#456.2 (range: 32.3-79.3, n=8 sites) at 3-5 m depth and 68.9&#456.2 (45.7-91.7, n=6 sites) at 10-12 m and did not differ significantly between depths. The overall mean percent cover of bleached scleractinians was 18.9&#451.5 (meanǃ SE, n=9 sites), while the cover of healthy corals was only 15.6&#452.0. Nearly half (48%) of 946 surveyed colonies belonging to 20 scleractinian taxa were totally bleached, while 15% were partially bleached. Overall, the results indicate that the 1998 coral bleaching episode in Palau was relatively severe and widespread across depths, sites, habitats, and coral taxa.
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J.F. Bruno áC.E. Siddon áJ.D. Witman áP.L. Colin
M.A. Toscano
El Nin
Äo related coral bleaching in Palau, Western Caroline Islands
Received: 3 January 2000 / Accepted: 8 January 2001 / Published online: 4 July 2001
ÓSpringer-Verlag 2001
Abstract Mass coral bleaching is currently viewed as a
major threat to the long-term health of coral reef
communities. Here we quantify coral bleaching in Pa-
lau coincident with the 1997/1998 El Nin
Äo Southern
Oscillation event and with local sea surface tempera-
tures of 31 °C, which were 1.0±1.25 °C higher than
long-term, satellite-derived climatological maximum
monthly means for the region. We sampled nine sites,
including protected lagoon and fringing reefs, vertical
reef walls, and exposed barrier reefs. The percentage of
living scleractinian coral tissue that was bleached was
53.46.2 (range: 32.3±79.3, n=8 sites) at 3±5 m depth
and 68.96.2 (45.7±91.7, n=6 sites) at 10±12 m and
did not dier signi®cantly between depths. The overall
mean percent cover of bleached scleractinians was
18.91.5 (mean1 SE, n=9 sites), while the cover of
healthy corals was only 15.62.0. Nearly half (48%) of
946 surveyed colonies belonging to 20 scleractinian
taxa were totally bleached, while 15% were partially
bleached. Overall, the results indicate that the 1998
coral bleaching episode in Palau was relatively severe
and widespread across depths, sites, habitats, and coral
Keywords Coral bleaching áDisturbance áEl Nin
Palau áSea surface temperature
Coral reefs throughout the world are currently experi-
encing accelerated degradation (Wilkinson 1992, 1999;
Sebens 1994). The changes generally comprise reduced
coral cover, ®sh abundance, and overall species diversity
(Wilkinson 1992; Hughes 1994; Edmunds and Bruno
1996; Jackson 1997). Although there are certainly many
causal factors (e.g., over®shing, outbreaks of coral dis-
eases and predators, sedimentation and nutrient inputs;
Sebens 1994; Jackson 1997; Wilkinson 1999), coral
bleaching is currently viewed as a major agent of change
in coral reef communities (Brown 1997; Hoegh-Guld-
berg 1999). Bleaching refers to the loss of symbiotic di-
no¯agellates (zooxanthellae) from the host tissue of
scleractinians and other cnidarians, a reduction in zoo-
xanthellae pigmentation, or both (Hoegh-Guldberg
1999). Bleaching is considered to be a response to en-
vironmental stresses including elevated seawater tem-
perature (Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith 1989; Jokiel and
Coles 1990; Gates et al. 1992), high irradiance (Lesser
et al. 1990; Gleason and Wellington 1993), calm weather
(Jaap 1979), and decreased salinity (Goreau 1964). Ef-
fects on coral populations range from total recovery in 1
or 2 months to mortality rates of nearly 100% (Glynn
1984, 1990; Harriott 1985; Fitt et al. 1993). On a scale of
months to years such high mortality rates may not aect
many other reef inhabitants since the dead coral skele-
tons remain in place and should continue to provide
spatial refuge. However, prolonged recovery and sub-
sequent bioerosion can result in habitat loss with cas-
cading eects on numerous ®sh and invertebrate species
(Glynn 1993; Sebens 1994).
Although biologists have been aware of localized
bleaching for over a century (Glynn 1993), mass
bleaching episodes that result in large-scale coral mor-
tality were ®rst recorded in the early 1980s (Glynn 1983).
Coral Reefs (2001) 20: 127±136
DOI 10.1007/s003380100151
J.F. Bruno (&)áC.E. Siddon áJ.D. Witman
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA
P.L. Colin
Coral Reef Research Foundation, P.O. Box 1765,
Koror, Palau 96940, Western Caroline Islands
M.A. Toscano
SSMC3 Room 3608, 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, USA
Present address: J.F. Bruno
Department of Marine Sciences,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina 27599±3300, USA
Tel.: +1-919-9620263
Since then there have been several similar bleaching
events on reefs around the world (e.g., Roberts 1987;
Lang et al. 1992; Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat 1995;
Brown 1997), and there is strong evidence that the fre-
quency and severity of bleaching have increased (Glynn
1991, 1993; Goreau 1992; Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat
1995; Brown 1997; Winter et al. 1998; Hoegh-Guldberg
1999). A leading explanation for such mass bleaching
events is the interactive eect of increased tropical sea
surface temperatures with El Nin
Äo Southern Oscillation
events (ENSO) (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999), which also may
be increasing in intensity (Stone et al. 1999; Fedorov and
Philander 2000). The most recent widespread bleaching
event occurred in association with the 1997/1998 ENSO,
which resulted in sea surface temperatures 1±4 °C above
normal summer highs over a broad geographic range,
and by some measures was the strongest ENSO on re-
cord (McPhaden 1999). Coincident mild to catastrophic
bleaching was reported from many locations worldwide
including the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, East Africa,
Southeast and East Asia, and the Eastern and Western
Paci®c (Baird and Marshall 1998; Berkelmans and Oli-
ver 1999; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Wilkinson 1999;
Aronson et al. 2000).
The purpose of this study was to document wide-
spread coral bleaching in the Republic of Palau, Western
Caroline Islands, that was associated with the 1997/1998
ENSO. We assessed the 1998 bleaching event in Palau
using several methods, including line transects at nu-
merous sites, and qualitative in situ and aerial surveys
over a larger area. We quanti®ed the percentage of living
coral cover that was bleached at one or two depths (3±5
and 10±12 m) at nine sites to determine the spatial extent
of the bleaching across sites, depths, and habitats. A
variety of habitat types were sampled, including highly
protected lagoon and fringing reefs, vertical reef walls,
exposed barrier reefs, as well as reefs with both high and
low tidal current velocities. We also surveyed 964 colo-
nies from ®ve sites and 20 coral taxa to determine how
general the bleaching was within the Scleractinia.
Initial qualitative observations
The ®rst indications of coral bleaching in Palau were
seen in late June 1998, as small portions of healthy coral
colonies became light in color. By mid-July it was evi-
dent that numerous species were starting to bleach, and
through August the extent of bleaching increased
markedly. In September 1998 aerial surveys undertaken
to assess the geographic extent of bleaching indicated
that bleaching was evident throughout the Palau archi-
pelago. Bleaching of large colonies, particularly Porites
lutea and P. lobata, could be seen from 2,500 m altitude.
Qualitative observations suggested that bleaching in-
tensity peaked during September and October, with
large numbers of colonies of numerous species totally
bleached or already dead. In situ surveys using SCUBA
in lagoon areas indicated bleaching was common to
depths of at least 35±40 m. On outer reef drop os,
bleaching was observed to depths of 55±60 m, the lower
limits of most colonial scleractinians in Palau (P. Colin,
unpublished data). Many other coral reef organisms
were bleached including a majority of colonies of com-
mon Alcyoniid soft corals such as Sarcophyton spp. and
Lobophyton spp., and a large number of giant clams
(Tridacna gigas).
Study location and sites
The Palau archipelago in the Western Paci®c (07°N, 134°E) is a
group of hundreds of small and large islands and lagoons sur-
rounded by an extensive barrier reef. Palau has the highest shallow
water marine species diversity found in Micronesia, with nearly 400
species of scleractinian corals reported (Veron 1986, 1995; Maragos
and Cook 1995), plus at least 200 species of other anthozoans.
Six of the nine sites that were sampled quantitatively (Fig. 1,
Table 1; Risong Lagoon, Ot Lagoon, No Name, Ngerikuul Pass,
Wonder Pass, and Big Drop O) were located in the southern rock
island region of Palau which consists of hundreds of small lime-
stone islands that are often surrounded by a narrow (5±30 m),
shallow (1±5 m depth) shelf/fringing reef that ends at a near-ver-
tical drop-o that usually extends to 20±30 m in depth. The rock
island sites are all protected from open ocean swells but experience
a range of local tidal ¯ow conditions (J. Witman, unpublished
data). The other three sites (West Pass, Siaes Reef, and Short
Drop O) were located on the 120-km-long, exposed outer barrier
Quantitative survey techniques
The spatial extent of scleractinian bleaching was quanti®ed in
November 1998 using the point-intercept technique (Lang et al.
1992) in two depths: at 3±5 m on the horizontal fringing reefs or
reef crests at eight sites, and at 10±12 m on vertical rock and reef
walls at six sites. Three non-overlapping, horizontal 20-m transect
lines were haphazardly placed at each sampled depth/site combi-
nation. The sessile organisms and substrate directly beneath the
point of each 10-cm increment were characterized as one of four
categories: healthy coral (coral tissue with apparently ``normal''
coloration), bleached coral (coral tissue that was obviously pale or
white in appearance), recently dead coral (corals that had appar-
ently died in the last few weeks ± this category includes both the
``just dead'' and ``recently dead'' categories of Lang et al. 1992),
and other (which included bare substrate, dead coral skeletons, and
space occupied by other organisms). Means and standard errors
were calculated from the three replicate transects at each depth/site
We examined variation in bleaching at the colony level within
and among coral taxa in ®ve 1´30-m video transects placed along
the 10- to 12-m depth contour (one per site at ®ve sites: West Pass,
Ot lagoon, No Name, Siaes, and Ngerikuul Pass). Video transects
were analyzed in the laboratory by scoring each coral colony (or
individual coral polyp in the case of solitary corals) that fell within
the transects as healthy, partially bleached, or totally bleached
(>90% of the coral tissue was pale or white). These data were
pooled across sites for analysis.
Sea surface temperature measurements
Sea surface temperature (SST) was measured bi-weekly at an o-
shore reef area (Short Drop O) using a hand-held mercury ther-
mometer, beginning >1 year prior to the bleaching event. We also
consulted the large-scale (50-km) SST Coral Bleaching ``HotSpot''
anomaly images, provided by the United States National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, National Environmental Satel-
lite Data and Information Service (NOAA/NESDIS, http://, as a
forecasting tool for potential bleaching conditions. These images
are based on multi-channel, night-time-only satellite AVHRR
[advanced very high resolution radiometer on NOAA polar orbit-
ing environmental satellites (POES)] SST data (Walton et al. 1998),
and highlight SST anomalies that are greater than 1°above the
maximum monthly mean (MMM) climatological SST at each pixel.
The MMM climatology was developed from satellite SST spanning
the years 1984±1993, exclusive of 1991/1992 (due to aerosol con-
tamination from the Mt. Pinatubo eruption). Degree-heating week
(DHW) accumulations of these SST HotSpot anomalies (http:// 8080/PSB/EPS/icg/dhw/dhw_new.html)
commence at the 1 °C threshold and provide an estimate of the
residence time of anomalously warm water in the region and are
included in this analysis. In addition, we incorporated 15-year SST
time series data for several sites around Palau using NASA/JPL
Fig. 1 Map of study sites in
Palau. Circles Quantitatively
sampled sites; stars qualita-
tively surveyed sites
Table 1 Coordinates and
descriptions of sites used in
quantitative bleaching surveys
in Palau. Flow data (Witman,
unpublished) were obtained
using the dissolution block
technique (Thompson and
Glen 1994)
Site Coordinates Characteristics
Big Drop O 07°06.32¢N, 134°15.25¢E Rock island, med. ¯ow
Ngerikuul Pass 07°19.26¢N, 134°29.78¢E Rock island, high ¯ow
No Name 07°14.80¢N, 134°23.02¢E Rock island, low ¯ow
Ot Lagoon 07°09.48¢N, 134°20.53¢E Rock island, low ¯ow
Risong 07°18.45¢N, 134°28.85¢E Rock island, low ¯ow
Wonder Pass 07°10.88¢N, 134°21.65¢E Rock island, high ¯ow
Short Drop O 07°16.47¢N, 134°31.50¢E Barrier reef, med. ¯ow
Siaes 07°18.79¢N, 134°13.43¢E Barrier reef, high ¯ow
West Pass 07°32.52¢N, 134°28.25¢E Barrier reef, high ¯ow
Oceans Path®nder Best SST (AVHRR) data at 9-km resolution
(; see also Kearns et al. 2000; Kil-
patrick et al. 2001). High (9-km) resolution HotSpot maps were
also prepared from the Path®nder Best SST data and a 9-km
Path®nder-based MMM climatology [1985±1993 inclusive (aero-
sols corrected); Liu et al. 2000; Toscano et al. 2000, unpublished
data). These are presented to illustrate the detailed water heating
around the Palau islands.
Results and discussion
The results of our surveys indicate that the 1998 coral
bleaching in Palau was relatively severe and widespread
across depths, sites, habitats, and coral taxa. The mean
percent cover of bleached scleractinian corals was
18.91.5 (mean1 SE, n=9 sites), and the cover of
healthy corals was only 15.62.0 (when pooled across
sites and depths). The overall percentage of living scle-
ractinian coral tissue that was bleached (i.e. bleaching
severity) was 53.46.2 (range of site means=32.3±79.3,
n=8 sites) at 3±5 m and 68.96.2 (45.7±91.7, n=6 sites)
at 10±12 m and did not dier signi®cantly between
depths (Fig. 2; t=1.741; df=1,12; P>0.05). Although
bleaching severity varied signi®cantly among sites
within depth strata (3±5 m, F
7, 15
=6.28, P<0.01;
10±12 m, F
5, 12
=3.25, P<0.05), the lowest recorded
percentage at any site/depth combination was 32.34.8
(n=3 transects, Fig. 2). Among-site variation in the
degree of bleaching could have been due to variability in
the susceptibility of locally dominant species to thermal
stress and might explain why bleaching intensity did not
correspond to any obvious site characteristics. For ex-
ample, bleaching severity did not vary signi®cantly be-
tween barrier reef and rock island sites (Kruskal±Wallis
test of 3- to 5-m transect data: v
=1.088, df=1,
The percent cover of recently dead scleractinians
ranged from 0±6.6 among sites. Our point-intercept
sampling took place 12±16 weeks after the beginning of
severe bleaching and it is possible that many coral col-
onies died and were overgrown weeks before we quan-
ti®ed the occurrence of recently dead corals. For
example, dead skeletons of tabular Acroporids (e.g.
A.tenuis and A. hyacinthus), still in growth position,
were very common at depths of 1±10 m at many of the
sites we surveyed. However, Palau was aected by a
poorly documented Acanthaster planci outbreak during
Fig. 2 Percentage of the substratum that was covered by Alive
scleractinian corals (including bleached and non-bleached tissue),
and Bthe percentage of that live coral tissue that was ``bleached.''
Data are from quantitative point-intercept sampling at nine sites in
Palau. Bars represent untransformed means1 SE, n=3 transects/
site; asterisks site/depth combination was not sampled
Table 2 Percentage of colo-
nies (or individual polyps in the
case of solitary species) of each
scleractinian taxa that displayed
``normal'' or ``healthy'' colora-
tion, and those that were
partially or totally bleached (i.e.
>90% of surface area). Data
were pooled from 1´30-m-band
video transects at ®ve sites
Taxa Percent healthy Percent bleached Percent partially
Total no.
Acropora sp. 62 32 6 47
Astreopora sp. 41 50 9 22
Favia sp. 16 71 13 80
Favites sp. 23 61 17 168
Fungia sp. 28 51 21 121
Galaxea sp. 60 20 20 5
Goniopora sp. 95 0 5 20
Heliofungia actiniformis 100 0 0 11
Lobophyllia sp. 8 83 9 88
Montipora sp. 92 5 4 83
Pachyseris speciosa 17 58 25 12
Pavona sp. 65 10 25 20
Pectinia paeonia 18 53 29 17
Physogyra lichtensteini 14 86 0 7
Platygyra sp. 41 55 5 22
Pocillopora sp. 60 20 20 25
Porites sp. 35 42 23 168
Psammocora contigua 0 100 0 25
Scolymia sp. 88 13 0 8
Turbinaria sp. 47 13 40 15
Totals 37 48 15 964
the mid to late 1990s which caused near total coral
mortality at some sites (P. Colin, personal observations).
Because plating species of Acropora are a preferred prey
of A. planci (Birkeland 1982; Colgan 1987), it is unclear
whether predation or bleaching (or some other factor)
caused the mortality of these normally common species.
Nearly half (48%) of the 946 colonies surveyed in the
video transects (pooled across 20 taxa) were totally
bleached, and 15% were partially bleached (Table 2).
However, there was considerable variation among taxa
and a few (e.g. Goniopora spp. and Montipora spp.) dis-
played much lower bleaching frequencies. Such taxa-
speci®c bleaching susceptibility could result in a major
shift in species composition on reefs that have been se-
verely or repeatedly bleached (Glynn 1993). Interesting-
ly, at the generic level, the relative bleaching frequencies
we recorded in the quantitative surveys do not corre-
spond to the order of susceptibility reported from pre-
vious Paci®c bleaching episodes in which Acropora spp.
was the most susceptible and Porites spp. was the least
susceptible taxa (Gleason 1993; Hoegh-Guldberg and
Salvat 1995). Variation within genera may account for
the discrepancies between our results and previous re-
ports. For example, qualitative surveys (Table 3) indi-
cated considerable variation in bleaching susceptibility
among Acroporid species as some had apparently expe-
rienced nearly 100% mortality (e.g. A. echinata and
Fig. 3 SST data at the Short Drop O site in Palau for 1997±1999.
In situ measurements were made by hand and 9-km night-time
satellite SST data are from the NASA/JPL AVHRR Oceans
Path®nder program
Fig. 4 Portion of NOAA/
NESDIS Degree Heating
Weeks (DHW) chart for the
eastern hemisphere, covering
the period 1 Jul±30 Sept 1998.
DHW accumulations begin
when the HotSpot anomaly (at
each pixel) reaches the 1 °C
level. One DHW is equivalent
to 1 week of SST 1 °C above
the MMM climatological value.
Two DHW are equivalent to
2 weeks of SST 1 °C above the
MMM, or 1 week of SST 2 °C
above the MMM. Four to seven
DHW had accumulated around
the Palau region during this
period, mainly during August
and early September (see
HotSpot anomaly maps in
Fig. 5)
A. hyacinthus), while other species appeared unaected
(e.g. corymbose Acroporids). Despite strong variation
among taxa, gross colony morphology was not obviously
related to bleaching as some species with massive (e.g.
Porites lutea), branching (e.g. Acropora formosa), tabular
(e.g. Acropora hyacinthus), plating (e.g. Pachyseris spec-
iosa), and free-living (e.g. Fungia fungites) morphologies
all exhibited high frequencies of bleaching (Tables 2 and
3). Hoegh-Guldberg (1999) has suggested that variation
among taxa in bleaching susceptibility may be caused by
dierences in tissue thickness. However, the absence of a
repeatable susceptibility hierarchy indicated by this and
previous studies (e.g. Williams and Bunkley-Williams
1988) seems to preclude a universal explanation.
The exact causes and mechanisms of coral bleaching
have proved dicult to elucidate (Brown 1987; Edm-
unds 1994) and remain controversial (Warner et al.
1999). Nonetheless, a number of experimental labora-
tory studies have demonstrated the importance of in-
creased water temperature (Hoegh-Guldberg and Smith
1989; Glynn and D'Croz 1990; Gates et al. 1992; review
in Brown 1997), and many past mass bleaching episodes
were correlated with sea surface temperatures 1±4 °C
above normal summer highs (Glynn 1984; Gates 1990;
Hoegh-Guldberg and Salvat 1995; Brown et al. 1996;
Winter et al 1998). For example, the 1983/1984 ENSO
caused 2±3 °C SST increases and was related to espe-
cially severe bleaching and high rates of coral mortality
in the Eastern Paci®c (Glynn 1983, 1984, 1990). Glynn
(1993) suggests that SST increases of 3±4 °C for 1±
2 days or 1±2 °C for several weeks are required to cause
severe thermal bleaching. Local temperature records
indicate that surface water temperatures at the Short
Drop O site in Palau were 31 °C for a period of at least
30 days, during the late summer of 1998 (Fig. 3), when
ENSO-related increases in SST peaked in the Western
Paci®c (McPhaden 1999). NOAA/NESDIS 50-km
DHW maps indicated that the equivalent of 4±7 weeks
of thermal stress had accumulated over the 12-week
period spanning 1 July through 30 September 1998
(Fig. 4). High-resolution (9-km; Toscano et al. 2000; Liu
et al. 2000) HotSpot maps focused on Palau (Fig. 5)
show temperature anomalies above the MMM SST of
29.55 °C beginning in late July 1998, with warmth
Fig. 5 Time series of 9-km
HotSpot anomalies for the
waters surrounding Palau
during 1998. Landmasses
and shallow water areas
are masked in black.Gray
areas indicate no satellite
retrievals due to cloud cover.
The scale indicates the level
of SST anomaly above the
satellite-derived maximum
monthly mean (MMM) SST.
The 1 °C threshold level,
above which coral bleaching
is likely to occur, is indicated
in yellow
peaking in August and remaining around the Palau is-
lands into September and October. Long-term satellite
SST for sites around Palau (Fig. 6) indicate that SST
between July and November 1998 were above the
29.55 °C, 9-km MMM, and exceeded that threshold by
at least the 1 °C anomaly level for periods considered
sucient to induce coral bleaching.
Although correlative, the results of this study sug-
gest that ENSO-related STT increases are likely to be
the cause of the 1998 bleaching in Palau. However, it is
not possible to rule out other factors in either the
bleaching or recent coral mortality documented in this
study. For instance, ENSO events can also be associ-
ated with unusually calm periods that can enhance
shallow subtidal irradiance levels (Lesser et al. 1990;
Gleason and Wellington 1993). Although, somewhat
controversial (Warner et al. 1999), it is thought that
increased visible and UV light can induce bleaching or
increase its severity (Lesser et al. 1990; Gleason and
Wellington 1993; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999). Thus, in-
creases in irradiance may have contributed to this mass
bleaching event.
The eects of the 1998 bleaching in Palau are dicult
to assess in more detail because of the lack of quanti-
tative baseline data. A qualitative rapid ecological
assessment of Palau's reefs in 1992 reported that ``coral
reefs in Palau are in excellent condition supporting di-
verse and abundant coral reef, seagrass, mangrove, and
lagoon ecosystems,'' and ``only a few coral reef areas
have been subjected to anthropogenic impacts'' (Mara-
gos and Cook 1995). Ultimately, the eects of the 1998
bleaching will be determined by rates of coral recovery
and mortality and subsequent regrowth and recruitment.
Moderate to severe mortality of corals that were
bleached in 1998 could reduce coral cover to <10±20%
at a number of rock island and barrier reef sites.
As of September 2000, there appears to have been
very little recovery of bleached corals following the re-
turn of SST to normal levels (P. Colin, personal obser-
vations). Preliminary estimates of mortality based on
reefs that were originally sampled with low-altitude
(300 m or less) aerial photographs and resampled using
SCUBA indicate that bleaching-related mortality was
relatively high for some massive reef-building species.
For example, at one patch reef in the central lagoon near
the small island of Ngeragabal (Fig. 1), colonies of
Porites spp. that were bleached in September were dead
by December 1998 in nearly all cases (n=100 colonies).
However, not all Porites spp. colonies on this reef
bleached. Non-bleached colonies were not evident in the
Fig. 6 Fifteen-year night-
time satellite SST records for
northern and southern areas
of the outer barrier reef on
the western side of Palau.
Satellite data are from the
Oceans Path®nder program.
Night-time SST were above
the HotSpot temperature
threshold at both sites for
almost all of the latter half
of 1998, and exceeded the
1°C level during August
and September 1998
aerial photographs, and of 491 Porites spp. colonies
surveyed at this site, 40% were found to be alive, 30%
were heavily damaged by bleaching but a portion was
still alive, and 30% were completely dead. These results
are concordant with qualitative observations at numer-
ous other sites during early 1999, which suggested that
bleaching-related mortality, although variable, was high
for some species.
Reef-building corals have inhabited shallow tropical
waters for >200 million years (Stanley 1981). However,
they only generated coral reef habitats intermittently
during periods when water temperature and ocean
chemistry were favorable to high calci®cation rates
(Veron 1995). During numerous periods of non-optimal
environmental conditions, scleractinians experienced
high extinction rates, were largely restricted to habitat
refuges, and generally did not create large structures
(Veron 1995). If tropical sea temperatures continue to
increase or if ENSO events become more frequent or
severe, reef-building corals may not be able to maintain
their current role as habitat providers to numerous reef-
dependent taxa (Sebens 1994; Brown 1997). Because of
the critical importance of coral reefs to tropical marine
species diversity and human economic interests, their
fate should be regarded as a pressing scienti®c, conser-
vation, and social issue.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank the sta of the Coral
Reef Research Foundation laboratory in Palau for their support.
This research was funded in part by a National Science Foundation
grant (no. OCE-9730647) to J.D.W. and a National Science
Foundation dissertation improvement award to J.F.B. (no.
The additional Table 3 shows bleaching of various
cnidarian species from qualitative observations at 24
sites in Palau (1998).
Table 3 Bleaching of various cnidarian species from qualitative
observations at 24 sites in Palau (1998)
Species Bleaching level and estimated
Lobophytum several spp. Extremely high (90%+), high
mortality of large colonies
Sinularia spp. High, in most species mortality
90%+, species speci®c
Milleporidae Some mortality seen
Stylocoeniella High, high mortality
Palauastrea ramosa Low, low mortality
Pocillopora damicornis Bleaching variable (0±50%
bleached), low mortality
Pocillopora eydouxi High with high mortality
Pocillopora spp. High with high mortality
Seriatopora spp. High with high mortality
Table 3 Continued
Species Bleaching level and estimated
Stylophora spp. High with high mortality
Acropora echinata Very high, mortality approaching
Acropora formosa High, high mortality
Acropora spp. arborescent Variable by species
Acropora hyacinthus Very high, mortality approaching
Acropora other tabulate High, but one unidenti®ed species
moderate, mortality high
Anacropora spp. Total mortality in limited areas while
others were unaected
Astreopora spp. Moderate, moderate mortality
Montipora spp. Many species involved with heavy
bleaching in many, but not all
Poritidae Moderate, moderate mortality
Alveopora spp. Relatively little bleaching and
mortality seen
Goniopora stokesii Variable by habitat, low mortality?
Goniopora spp. Locally high, moderate mortality,
some species not aected
Porites lobata/lutea Moderate, moderate mortality
Porites rus Low to moderate, low to moderate
Porites cylindricus High to moderate, high to moderate
Porites nigrescens Very high to moderate, high mortality
Psammocora contigua Moderate to high, moderate
Psammocora digitata High, high mortality, tips bleached
Leptoseris gardineri High, high mortality
Leptoseris papyracea High, high mortality
Pachyseris rugosa Variable but generally high,
high mortality
Pavona cactus High, high to moderate mortality
Pavona clavus High, high mortality
Pavona minuta Some high bleaching seen, signi®cant
Cycloseris spp. No bleaching seen
Diaseris spp. No bleaching seen
Fungia spp. Variable, often high mortality,
habitat and species speci®c?
Podabacia crustacea Moderate, mortality unknown
Other fungiids Variable, habitat dependent
Acrhelia horrecens Moderate to high, moderate
Galaxea astreata High, high mortality in all areas, one
of the most aected species
Mycedium elephantotus Moderate, moderate mortality
Pectinia lactuca High, high mortality
Pectinia peonia High, high mortality
Cynaria lacrymalis High, mortality appears low
Lobophyllia corymbosa High, high mortality
Lobophyllia nataii High, high mortality
Lobophyllia hemprichii High, high mortality
Lobophyllia pachysepta High, high mortality
Symphyllia spp. High, high mortality
Hydnophora spp. Low, but variable, low mortality
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Table 3 Continued
Species Bleaching level and estimated
Merulina spp. Moderate to high, moderate
Barabattoia amicorum Low to moderate, mortality
Caulastrea furcata No bleaching seen
Diploastrea heliopora Variable, often distinct
color (bleaching) variation
Favia/Favites spp. Variable, high in some, moderate
Goniastrea spp. Variable bleaching among species,
high mortality in some
Leptoria spp. Variable, but generally moderate
Oulophyllia spp. High in some areas, mortality high
Platygyra spp. High in some areas, mortality
Catalaphyllia jardinei Low to none
Euphyllia divisa High, mortality unknown
Euphyllia glabrescens High, mortality unknown
Euphyllia parancora High, mortality unknown
Physogyra lichtensteini Very high, high to near total
mortality of polyps
Pleurogyra sinuosa Generally high bleaching and
mortality, some colonies unaected
Dendrophyllia spp. Azooxanthellate, no bleaching
Tubastraea spp. Azooxanthellate, no bleaching
Turbinaria bifrons Locally high bleaching, mortality
Turbinaria peltata Locally high bleaching, mortality
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... The 1998 marine heatwave caused severe bleaching and mortality in Acropora, Pocillopora and Agariciidae, but lesser and more variable impacts in Poritidae and Favidae 38 . The Acropora and Pocillopora populations have since recovered, with coral assemblages remaining relatively stable since 2010 (except for on eastern reefs impacted by storm Bopha in 2012) 39 . On Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the bleaching susceptibility of coral assemblages decreased in the years post-2016, likely due to significant losses of heat sensitive taxa like Acropora and Pocillopora 15 . ...
... On Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the bleaching susceptibility of coral assemblages decreased in the years post-2016, likely due to significant losses of heat sensitive taxa like Acropora and Pocillopora 15 . However, in Palau these taxa have recovered since 1998 and 2010 39 . Such a lack of profound shifts in coral community composition suggests that the emergence of higher thermal tolerance by 2017 may be a result of other biological mechanisms, although further genus-level or higher-taxonomic-level analyses would be required to confirm this. ...
... As such, we cannot provide probabilities as to which rate of thermal tolerance increase is the most or least likely in the future. By modelling thermal tolerance as a gradually increasing threshold, we have improved on previous work that has fixed thermal tolerance to specific values without any rate of change 20,21,62 , missing key characteristics of trait evolution and community composition shifts 39,63 . However, our model also assumes that rates cannot vary through time, which does not capture the potential non-linearities in evolutionary rates and species turnover rates, particularly when faced with punctuated stress events 63 . ...
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Recurrent mass bleaching events threaten the future of coral reefs. To persist under climate change, corals will need to endure progressively more intense and frequent marine heatwaves, yet it remains unknown whether their thermal tolerance can keep pace with warming. Here, we reveal an emergent increase in the thermal tolerance of coral assemblages at a rate of 0.1 °C/decade for a remote Pacific coral reef system. This led to less severe bleaching impacts than would have been predicted otherwise, indicating adaptation, acclimatisation or shifts in community structure. Using future climate projections, we show that if thermal tolerance continues to rise over the coming century at the most-likely historic rate, substantial reductions in bleaching trajectories are possible. High-frequency bleaching can be fully mitigated at some reefs under low-to-middle emissions scenarios, yet can only be delayed under high emissions scenarios. Collectively, our results indicate a potential ecological resilience to climate change, but still highlight the need for reducing carbon emissions in line with Paris Agreement commitments to preserve coral reefs.
... While differential susceptibility to bleaching mortality among coral species is relatively well documented 12,43-45 , there is also ubiquitous intraspecific variation in coral bleaching 46-53 . Whereas temperature and irradiance are generally accepted to be the main environmental factors contributing to coral bleaching severity 18,54-57 , bleaching severity is often highly variable among individuals within and among nearby sites 41,44,[58][59][60] . Bleaching severity can also be influenced by the environmental conditions the corals experienced before or during the heat stress 47,61-65 . ...
... Temperature and irradiance are generally the main environmental factors underlying breakdown in the symbiosis between the coral host and their endosymbiotic community which drives coral bleaching 18,[54][55][56][57] . However, intraspecific variability in bleaching severity within and among sites is also well documented 41,44,[58][59][60] , including in our study system 20,41,52 . The extent to which endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae community composition contributes to such bleaching variability remains uncertain: some corals maintain stable associations throughout bleaching or revert to pre-bleaching algal symbiont composition 29,30 , whereas others maintain an altered algal symbiont community composition following bleaching events 31,32 . ...
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Coral reefs are iconic examples of climate change impacts because climate-induced heat stress causes the breakdown of the coral-algal symbiosis leading to a spectacular loss of color, termed ‘coral bleaching’. To examine the fine-scale dynamics of this process, we re-sampled 600 individually marked Montipora capitata colonies from across Kāne’ohe Bay, Hawai’i and compared the algal symbiont composition before and after the 2019 bleaching event. The relative proportion of the heat-tolerant symbiont Durusdinium in corals increased in most parts of the bay following the bleaching event. Despite this widespread increase in abundance of Durusdinium, the overall algal symbiont community composition was largely unchanged, and hydrodynamically defined regions of the bay retained their distinct pre-bleaching compositions. We explain ~ 21% of the total variation, of which depth and temperature variability were the most significant environmental drivers of Symbiodiniaceae community composition by site regardless of bleaching intensity or change in relative proportion of Durusdinium. We hypothesize that the plasticity of symbiont composition in corals may be constrained to adaptively match the long-term environmental conditions surrounding the holobiont, despite an individual coral’s stress and bleaching response.
... However, changes in thermal optimum (temperature alone) do not necessarily reflect the ability of an individual to survive cumulative heat stress (temperature and exposure duration) (21). Measured by the degree heating week metric (DHW,°C -week), cumulative heat stress has routinely and successfully predicted mass coral bleaching mortality for many locations (8,(22)(23)(24)(25). ...
Marine heatwaves are intensifying under climate change, exposing populations of reef-building corals to mass mortality and intense selective pressure. It remains unknown whether adaptation can keep pace with warming and maintain reef functioning. We have developed an eco-evolutionary metapopulation model for Acropora , an ecologically important yet highly threatened coral taxon. We find that although corals have some adaptation capacity, they will suffer severe heatwave-induced declines over the coming decades. For a future where emissions lead to ~3°C of global warming, natural selection could allow populations to persist, albeit in severely depleted states with elevated extinction risk and potential loss of ecosystem functioning. Yet, for thermally sensitive coral populations to thrive post-2050 demands rapid reductions of greenhouse gas emissions that limit global warming to 2°C.
... The latter long-term heat stress assay was designed to simulate natural marine heatwave conditions 4,41 . For example, during the 2016 bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef, approximately 30% mortality was initially documented at a reef-wide scale after 8°C-weeks 42 , and mass bleaching occurred in Palau (the location of this study) in 1998 and 2010 from marine heatwaves reaching 7-8°C-weeks 43,44 . ...
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Marine heatwaves are becoming more frequent, widespread and severe, causing mass coral bleaching and mortality. Natural adaptation may be insufficient to keep pace with climate warming, leading to calls for selective breeding interventions to enhance the ability of corals to survive such heatwaves, i.e., their heat tolerance. However, the heritability of this trait–a prerequisite for such approaches–remains unknown. We show that selecting parent colonies for high rather than low heat tolerance increased the tolerance of adult offspring (3–4-year-olds). This result held for the response to both 1-week +3.5 °C and 1-month +2.5 °C simulated marine heatwaves. In each case, narrow-sense heritability (h²) estimates are between 0.2 and 0.3, demonstrating a substantial genetic basis of heat tolerance. The phenotypic variability identified in this population could theoretically be leveraged to enhance heat tolerance by up to 1 °C-week within one generation. Concerningly, selective breeding for short-stress tolerance did not improve the ability of offspring to survive the long heat stress exposure. With no genetic correlation detected, these traits may be subject to independent genetic controls. Our finding on the heritability of coral heat tolerance indicates that selective breeding could be a viable tool to improve population resilience. Yet, the moderate levels of enhancement we found suggest that the effectiveness of such interventions also demands urgent climate action.
... The annual temperatures ranged from 27.84 to 29.67 • C (ΔT ~ 1.8 • C) over the same period and increased at a rate of 0.23 ± 0.04 • C/decade. In 1998 and 2010, thermal-stress events occurred in Palau with temperatures 1 to 1.25 • C above the mean long-term value, relative to the period 1984-1993 (exclusive of 1991/1992), during La Niña episodes (Bruno et al., 2001;Colin, 2018). These warming events caused severe bleaching and mortality of corals, particularly in the north-western lagoon of Palau where the cores were collected (van Woesik et al., 2012;Colin, 2018). ...
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Marine heatwaves (MHWs), increasing in duration and intensity because of climate change, are now a major threat to marine life and can have lasting effects on the structure and function of ecosystems. However, the responses of marine taxa and ecosystems to MHWs can be highly variable, making predicting and interpreting biological outcomes a challenge. Here, we review how biological responses to MHWs, from individuals to ecosystems, are mediated by fine‐scale spatial variability in the coastal marine environment (hereafter, local gradients). Viewing observed responses through a lens of ecological theory, we present a simple framework of three ‘resilience processes’ (RPs) by which local gradients can influence the responses of marine taxa to MHWs. Local gradients (1) influence the amount of stress directly experienced by individuals, (2) facilitate local adaptation and acclimatization of individuals and populations, and (3) shape community composition which then influences responses to MHWs. We then synthesize known examples of fine‐scale gradients that have affected responses of benthic foundation species to MHWs, including kelp forests, coral reefs, and seagrass meadows and link these varying responses to the RPs. We present a series of case studies from various marine ecosystems to illustrate the differential impacts of MHWs mediated by gradients in both temperature and other co‐occurring drivers. In many cases, these gradients had large effect sizes with several examples of local gradients causing a 10‐fold difference in impacts or more (e.g., survival, coverage). This review highlights the need for high‐resolution environmental data to accurately predict and manage the consequences of MHWs in the context of ongoing climate change. While current tools may capture some of these gradients already, we advocate for enhanced monitoring and finer scale integration of local environmental heterogeneity into climate models. This will be essential for developing effective conservation strategies and mitigating future marine biodiversity loss.
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Marine heatwaves and regional coral bleaching events have become more frequent and severe across the world's oceans over the last several decades due to global climate change. Observational studies have documented spatiotemporal variation in the responses of reef-building corals to thermal stress within and among taxa across geographic scales. Although many tools exist for predicting, detecting, and quantifying coral bleaching, it remains difficult to compare bleaching severity (e.g., percent cover of bleached surface areas) among studies and across species or regions. For this review, we compiled over 2,100 in situ coral bleaching observations representing 87 reef-building coral genera and 250 species of common morphological groups from a total of 74 peer-reviewed scientific articles, encompassing three broad geographic regions (Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans). While bleaching severity was found to vary by region, genus, and morphology, we found that both genera and morphologies responded differently to thermal stress across regions. These patterns were complicated by (i) inconsistent methods and response metrics across studies; (ii) differing ecological scales of observations (i.e., individual colony-level vs. population or community-level); and (iii) temporal variability in surveys with respect to the onset of thermal stress and the chronology of bleaching episodes. To improve cross-study comparisons, we recommend that future surveys prioritize measuring bleaching in the same individual coral colonies over time and incorporate the severity and timing of warming into their analyses. By reevaluating and standardizing the ways in which coral bleaching is quantified, researchers will be able to track responses to marine heatwaves with increased rigor, precision, and accuracy.
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Marine foundation species are the biotic basis for many of the world's coastal ecosystems, providing structural habitat, food, and protection for myriad plants and animals as well as many ecosystem services. However, climate change poses a significant threat to foundation species and the ecosystems they support. We review the impacts of climate change on common marine foundation species, including corals, kelps, corals, seagrasses, salt marsh plants, mangroves, and bivalves. It is evident that marine foundation species have already been severely impacted by several climate change drivers, often through interactive effects with other human stressors, such as pollution, overfishing, and coastal development. Despite considerable variation in geographical, environmental, and ecological contexts, direct and indirect effects of gradual warming and subsequent heatwaves have emerged as the most pervasive drivers of observed impact and potent threat across all marine foundation species, but effects from sea level rise, ocean acidification, and increased storminess are expected to increase. Documented impacts include changes in the genetic structures, physiology, abundance, and distribution of the foundation species themselves and changes to their interactions with other species, with flow-on effects to associated communities, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning. We discuss strategies to support marine foundation species into the Anthropocene, in order to increase their resilience and ensure the persistence of the ecosystem services they provide. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Marine Science, Volume 16 is January 2024. Please see for revised estimates.
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Anthropogenic climate change is intensifying natural disturbance regimes, which negatively affects some species, while benefiting others. This could alter the trait composition of ecological communities and influence resilience to disturbance. We investigated how the frequency and intensification of the regional storm regime (and likely other disturbances) is altering coral species composition and in turn resistance and recovery. We developed regional databases of coral cover and composition (3144 reef locations from 1970 to 2017) and of the path and strength of cyclonic storms in the region (including 10,058 unique storm-reef intersections). We found that total living coral cover declined steadily through 2017 (the median annual loss rate was ~ 0.25% per year). Our results also indicate that despite the observed increase in the intensity of Atlantic cyclonic storms, their effect on coral cover has decreased markedly. This could be due in part to selection for disturbance-resistant taxa in response to the intensifying disturbance regime. We found that storms accelerated the loss of threatened acroporid corals but had no measurable effect on the cover of more resilient “weedy” corals, thereby increasing their relative cover. Although resistance to disturbance has increased, recovery rates have slowed due to the dominance of small, slow-growing species. This feedback loop is locking coral communities into a low-functioning state dominated by weedy species with limited ecological or societal value.
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The remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) estimated from the 4-km-resolution Pathfinder SST algorithm is compared to a SST locally measured by the Marine Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (MAERI) during five oceanographic cruises in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, in conditions ranging from Arctic to equatorial. The Pathfinder SST is a product of the satellite-based Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, while the MAERI is an infrared radiometric interferometer with continuous onboard calibration that can provide highly accurate (better than 0.05°C) in situ skin temperatures during extended shipboard deployments. Matchups, which are collocated (within 4 km) and coincident (±40 min during the day; ±120 min during the night) data, from these two different sources under cloud-free conditions are compared. The average difference between the MAERI and Pathfinder SSTs is found to be 0.07 ±0.31°C from 219 matchups during the low- and midlatitude cruises; inclusion of 80 more matchups from the Arctic comparisons produces an average global difference of 0.14 ±0.36°C. The MAERI-Pathfinder differences compare favorably with the average midlatitude differences between the MAERI skin SST and other bulk SST estimates commonly available for these cruises such as the research vessels' thermosalinograph SST (0.12 ±0.17°C) and the weekly National Centers for Environmental Prediction optimally interpolated SST analysis (0.41 ±0.58°C). While not representative of all possible oceanic and atmospheric regimes, the accuracy of the Pathfinder SST estimates under the conditions sampled by the five cruises is found to be at least twice as good as previously demonstrated.
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Large-scale discoloration of Middle Sambo reef, 7.8 km from Boca Chica Key, Monroe County, Florida, was investigated on September 26, 1973. Discoloration of organisms was generally confined to the reef flat. The hydrozoan coral Millepora camplanata displayed greatest discoloration. Some Acropora palmata, Montastraea annularis, and Palythoa sp. colonies were mildly discolored. Corals were still viable.Calm weather, high ambient temperatures, and low tides at midday are believed to have caused water temperature elevation sufficient to produce thermal stress, thereby causing expulsion of endosymbiotic algae, Gymnodinium microadriaticum, with consequent discoloration of cnidarian hosts. Most organisms regained normal color within 6 weeks. Reports of similar coral discoloration incidents are reviewed. Short periods of thermal stress appear to have little lasting effect on shallow reef cnidarian communities.
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EPISODES of coral bleaching resulting from dissociation of endosymbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) from host coral tissues have occurred with increasing frequency over the past decade on reefs throughout the tropics1,2. These episodes have usually been attributed to increases in sea water temperatures3–10, but the mass bleaching events that occurred throughout the Caribbean during 1987 and 1990 were not readily explained by temperature alone11,12. An additional factor that may have contributed to these bleaching episodes is ultraviolet radiation in the 280–400-nm band. At many localities where bleaching occurred in 1987 and 1990, sea conditions were described as extremely calm with exceptionally clear water13. In the absence of suspended organic and inorganic matter in the water column, higher than average intensities of ultraviolet radiation probably reached all depths within the photic zone for several consecutive months. Evidence for a possible link between ultraviolet radiation and coral bleaching has not been forthcoming2. Here we report results of a field experiment showing that, irrespective of high water temperatures, short-term (three weeks) increases in ultraviolet radiation of a magnitude possible under calm, clear water column conditions can readily induce bleaching in reef-building corals.
Widespread bleaching and mortality of reef-building corals occurred in the tropical eastern Pacific region during the severe and prolonged El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event of 1982-83. At the height of the 10 month sea warming period, Panamanian reefs experienced 2-3 bouts of coral bleaching (loss of symbiotic zooxanthellae), which resulted in coral death 2-4 weeks later. Coral reefs in Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia suffered up to 70-90% coral mortality; in the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), most coral reefs experienced >95% mortality. The hypothesis that sea warming caused this disturbance is supported by (a) the coincidence between the warming event and stress responses of reef organisms, (b) the correlation between the magnitude of local temperature deviations and the extent of mortality, and (c) the El Niño simulation experiments that resulted in coral bleaching, mortality, and histopathological changes similar to those observed naturally. El Niño warming usually does not extend north of Ecuador where eastern Pacific coral reefs are best developed. A near-decadal (1976-1988) warming trend over much of the tropical and subtropical Pacific Ocean could have affected the susceptibility of reef corals during the short-term 1982-83 warming disturbance. Zooxanthellate corals were affected most severely in nearly all reef areas, however, other organisms – such as benthic algae, non-zooxanthellate scleractinian corals, black corals, molluscs, barnacles, and crustacean symbiotes of corals - often showed local negative responses associated with non-thermal, El Niño-related conditions (e.g., nutrient depletion, low plankton abundance, high sea level, and wave assault). Secondary disturbances included (a) the elimination of coral barriers, allowing the corallivore Acanthaster planci access to formerly protected coral prey, (b) increased external bioerosion of reef surfaces killed in 1983 because of post-El Niño increases in sea urchin densities, and (c) the establishment of damselfish territories on corals that experienced partial mortality in 1983. Such disturbances are currendy causing longer-term changes to their respective local communities. Estimates of the ages of massive corals that were killed or irreparably damaged, and the interruption of reef framework accumulation suggest that a disturbance comparable to that of 1982-83 probably has not occurred in the Galapagos Islands or Panama during the past 200 years. The initial damaging effects of the 1982-83 disturbance to reef coral populations, combined with persistent secondary disturbances and low coral recruitment, could prolong reef recovery for decades or possibly centuries. Periods of intense upwelling cause localized and moderate levels of coral mortality, but persistent ENSO-related sea warming causes widespread and catastrophic coral mortality. El Niño events of extreme severity may limit eastern Pacific reef growth and diversity as much as do distance and isolation of these reefs from the centers of reef development in the western Pacific.
The most widespread and intense bleaching ever reported in the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic occurred in 1987—1988. South Florida, the Bahamas, and the northern Caribbean were the most severely affected areas. Bleaching occurred there and in parts of eastern Colombia and off Texas from summer through fall of 1987. In late fall to early winter recovery began in these areas, while bleaching began in much of the remaining Caribbean at that time. More than 80 species of coral reef symbionts, representing 3 phyla and 14 orders, and including the most important reef building corals, bleached in the West Indies. Many coral reef symbionts suffered necrotic damage and/or death. Almost all parameters of the event differ greatly between locations, within locations, and among species. High variability may be the most common factor.
Coral reefs are generally considered to be the most biologically productive of all marine ecosystems, but in recent times these vulnerable aquatic resources have been subject to unusual degradation. The general decline in reefs has been greatly accelerated by mass bleaching in which corals whiten en masse and often fail to recover. Empirical evidence indicates a coral reef bleaching cycle in which major bleaching episodes are synchronized with El Niño events that occur every 3–4 years on average. By heating vast areas of the Pacific Ocean, and affecting the Indian and Atlantic Oceans as well, El Niño causes widespread damage to reefs largely because corals are very sensitive to temperature changes. However, mass bleaching events were rarely observed before the 1970s and their abrupt appearance two decades ago remains an enigma. Here we propose a new explanation for the sudden occurrence of mass bleaching and show that it may be a response to the relative increase in El Niño experienced over the last two decades.
Recent ‘bleaching’ and death of hermatypic (reef-building) corals has occurred extensively in Pacific Ocean waters of Panamá (Gulf of Chiriquí), near the Panamá-Costa Rica border. All hydrocorals ( Millepora spp.) and scleractinian corals (5 genera) have been affected to some degree in the non-upwelling environment of Chiriquí. No other members of the macrobenthos showed signs of stress (lowered activities, morbidity) or reduced abundance. The affected area, including the mainland, nearshore and offshore islands, and adjacent waters, is about 10,000 km ² . Further surveys in the Gulf of Chiriquí may reveal even more extensive mortality. This disturbance began in the dry season (January–April 1983), during a period of clear skies, low rainfall, and minimal river drainage. I first observed large, ‘bleached’ coral patches (up to 100 m ² in area) in mid-March, and observations by others indicate that coral ‘bleaching’ occurred in February and possibly as early as mid-January. Normal and ‘bleached’ corals observed in mid-March were ‘bleached’ and dead, respectively, by the end of April, suggesting that the disturbance is protracted. By the end of the dry season, 80 to 95% of all corals in the affected areas were severely ‘bleached’ or dead.
The massive ‘bleaching’ (loss of zooxanthellae) and death of reef corals that occurred in one area (Gulf of Chiriquí) on the Pacific side of Panamá and in the Galápagos Islands during February—April 1983 continued in these areas until September—October 1983, resulting in a catastrophic disturbance. Similar episodes have been reported subsequently throughout much of the tropical eastern Pacific region (Costa Rica, the entire Pacific coast of Panamá, and Colombia), in the central and western Pacific Ocean, in parts of the western Atlantic Ocean (Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica, Panamá, and Colombia), and in the Florida Keys and Bahama Islands.