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Shesher and Welala Floodplain Wetlands (Lake Tana, Ethiopia): Are They Important Breeding Habitats for Clarias gariepinus and the Migratory Labeobarbus Fish Species?

The Scientific World Journal

Abstract and Figures

This study aims at investigating the spawning migration of the endemic Labeobarbus species and C. gariepinus from Lake Tana, through Ribb River, to Welala and Shesher wetlands. The study was conducted during peak spawning months (July to October, 2010). Fish were collected through overnight gillnet settings. A total of 1725 specimens of the genus Labeobarbus (13 species) and 506 specimens of C. gariepinus were collected. Six species of Labeobarbus formed prespawning aggregation at Ribb River mouth. However, no Labeobarbus species was found to spawn in the two wetlands. More than 90% of the catch in Welala and Shesher wetlands was contributed by C. gariepinus. This implies that these wetlands are ideal spawning and nursery habitats for C. gariepinus but not for the endemic Labeobarbus species. Except L. intermedius, all the six Labeobarbus species (aggregated at Ribb River mouth) and C. gariepinus (spawning at Shesher and Welala wetlands) were temporally segregated.
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The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2012, Article ID 298742, 10 pages
The cientificWorldJOURNA
Research Article
Shesher and Welala Floodplain Wetlands (Lake Tana, Ethiopia):
Are They Important Breeding Habitats for
Clarias gariepinus
the Migratory
Fish Species?
Wassie Anteneh,1Eshete Dejen,2and Abebe Getahun3
1Department of Biology, College of Science, Bahir Dar University, P.O. Box 79, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
2FAO-Su b Re g ion al Oce for Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 5536, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
3Fisheries and Aquatic Science Stream, Faculty of Life Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Correspondence should be addressed to Wassie Anteneh,
Received 25 December 2011; Accepted 19 January 2012
Academic Editors: S. Brucet and K. Halaˇ
Copyright © 2012 Wassie Anteneh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
This study aims at investigating the spawning migration of the endemic Labeobarbus species and C. gariepinus from Lake Tana,
through Ribb River, to Welala and Shesher wetlands. The study was conducted during peak spawning months (July to October,
2010). Fish were collected through overnight gillnet settings. A total of 1725 specimens of the genus Labeobarbus (13 species)
and 506 specimens of C. gariepinus were collected. Six species of Labeobarbus formed prespawning aggregation at Ribb River
mouth. However, no Labeobarbus species was found to spawn in the two wetlands. More than 90% of the catch in Welala and
Shesher wetlands was contributed by C. gariepinus. This implies that these wetlands are ideal spawning and nursery habitats for C.
gariepinus but not for the endemic Labeobarbus species. Except L. intermedius,allthesixLabeobarbus species (aggregated at Ribb
River mouth) and C. gariepinus (spawning at Shesher and Welala wetlands) were temporally segregated.
1. Introduction
The contemporary Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana (Ethi-
opia) form the only known remaining intact species flock
of large cyprinid fishes, since the one in Lake Lanao in the
Philippines has almost disappeared due to destructive fishing
[1]. The vast majority of cyprinids occur in rivers, but some
Labeobarbus and Labeo species are adapted to a lacustrine
environment [2]. However, these lake-dwelling cyprinids
spawn in rivers, by undertaking a single annual breeding
migration up rivers [3]. This spawning strategy makes the
large African cyprinids vulnerable for modern fisheries, since
the fishermen target spawning aggregations at river mouths
by eectively blocking them ofrom the lake, preventing ma-
ture individuals from reaching the upstream spawning areas
[4,5]. Although the causes for the decline are not properly
identified, the migratory riverine spawning species of Labeo-
barbus in Lake Tana have undergone drastic decline (>75%
in biomass and 80% in number) from 1991 to 2001 [6,7].
The other commercially important species in Lake Tana,
C. gariepinus [8], at the beginning of the rainy season (June-
July), moves through the littoral areas towards the inundated
floodplains and upstream inflowing rivers for spawning [7,
8]. Clarias gariepinus is the most dominant species during the
rainy season upstream of the turbid Ribb River probably due
to the availability of extended floodplain [9]. When the water
level starts to decrease (October–December), C. gariepinus
migrates back through the littoral zone towards the pelagic
zone (Lake Tana). Clarias gariepinus is targeted by the com-
mercial gillnet fishery when migrating between the flood-
plains (spawning areas) and the lake [7]. Although the large,
older individuals proved to be vulnerable for increased mort-
ality by the commercial gillnet fishery, it is known that, com-
pared with Labeobarbus spp.,C.gariepinusis only moderately
susceptible to fishing pressure in Lake Tana. This is because
C. gariepinus is found to be more resilient [10]. In the last
decades, as a result of the low monetary value and poor pre-
ference to this species by the Ethiopians, it was not selectively
2The Scientific World Journal
Lake Tana
Ribb River
Wore t a
To w n
0 1.5 3 6 9 12
Wetlands (study area)
Gumara River
Figure 1: Map of Lake Tana and Ribb River and associated Shesher and Welala floodplain wetlands (after Atnafu et al. [18]).
targeted by the commercial gillnet fishery and is mainly
landed as bycatch [7]. However, according to Atnafu [11], C.
gariepinus recently has become highly preferred fish by the
commercial fishermen in Lake Tana area for dry fish export,
especially to Sudan.
Various studies [9,1217] showed that seven (L. macro-
phthalmus, L. truttiformis, L. megastoma, L. brevicephalus, L.
tsanensis, L. platydorsus, and L. acutirostris) of the 15 endem-
ic Labeobarbus species migrate more than 50 km up rivers
during the rainy season to spawn in fast flowing, clear and
gravel bed streams. However, mass spawning migrations for
the remaining eight Labeobarbus species (L. nedgia, L. dainel-
lii, L. gorguari, L. longissimus, L. intermedius, L. gorgorensis, L.
surkis, and L. crassibarbis) were missing from all tributaries
studied so far. According to de Graaf et al. [14], these mis-
sing species may spawn in the lake or adjacent floodplain
The Shesher and Welala wetlands are located 3–5 km
away from Lake Tana (Figure 1) and are valuable for the local
community. They provide fishes, water, and grazing for
livestock. They also harbor large diversity of bird species
including internationally endangered and threatened ones
[18]. They are the buering zones of Lake Tana [17]. How-
ever, due to unsustainable farming activities by local farmers,
the existence of these floodplain wetlands and associated eco-
der threat [18,19]. It was observed that the local farmers were
draining and pumping the water to expand farming land.
Another potential threat is the large dam under construction
on Ribb River that could minimize the water overflowing to
these wetlands [20]. To have management plans for the two
wetlands and also to conduct environmental impact assess-
ment studies for all future development projects around the
Lake Tana are strongly recommended.
Probably due to remoteness and inaccessibility, data
about the ecological importance of the two prominent wet-
lands, Welala and Shesher, for the migratory fishes of Lake
Tana are totally absent. Ribb River charges these wetlands as
it overflows during the rainy months (July to October) and
form direct connections with the lake during the rainy season
The Scientific World Journal 3
Tab l e 1: Sampling sites, estimated distance from the lake, coordinates, elevation, and bottom types of the sampling sites.
Sampling site
distance (km)
from the lake
Coordinates Elevation Bottom type
Ribb River mouth N11
3306.1 1788 m Mud an d Silt
Welala I 3.5 N11
3612.3 1789 m Mud
Welala II 3.5 N11
3634.9 1789 m Mud
Welala III 3.5 N11
3618.6 1789 m Mud
Shesher I 4 N11
3716.4 1791 m Mud
Shesher II 4 N11
3727.5 1791 m Mud
Shesher III 4 N11
3735.3 1791 m Mud
through fringes. Therefore, the aim of this study was to in-
vestigate whether Labeobarbus species and C. gariepinus use
these wetlands as spawning and/or nursery habitats.
2. Methods
2.1. Description of Study Area. Lake Tana, Ethiopia’s largest
lake and the source of Blue Nile River, has a surface area of ca.
3200 km2. It is situated in the northwestern highlands at an
altitude of approximately 1800 m. It is a shallow (maximum
depth 14 m, mean 8 m) lake. More than 60 small seasonal tri-
butaries and seven perennial rivers (Gumara, Ribb, Megech,
Gelgel Abbay, Gelda, Arno-Garno, and Dirma) feed the lake
[17]. The only outflowing river is the Blue Nile; however, the
ichthyofauna is isolated from the lower Blue Nile by a 40 m
waterfall located 30 km from Lake Tana. Fogera and Dembia
floodplains are the largest wetlands of the country and border
Lake Tana in the eastern and northern parts, respectively.
Welala and Shesher wetlands (Figure 1) are located in the
Fogera floodplain.
Fogera Wore d a (district) is one of the ten Woredas
bordering Lake Tana and is found in South Gondar Admin-
istrative Zone. It is situated at 115800 N latitude and
374100 Elongitude[18]. Woreta, capital of the Fogera
Woreda is found 620 km from Ethiopia’s capital city, Addis
Ababa and 55 km from Bahir Dar, the regional capital,
(Figure 1). Ribb River originates from Gunna Mountains,
at an altitude of above 3000 m and has the length of ca.
130 km and drainage area of about 1790 km2[21]. In its
lower and middle reaches, the river flows over the extensive
alluvial Fogera Floodplains. The river meanders and flows
slowly over this floodplain, and this resulted in river channel
deposition and overflowing of riverbanks and charging water
to Welala and Shesher during the rainy season.
According to the information from the local people, She-
sher dries usually in February or March; whereas, Welala
dries in April or May. In some years, when there is high over-
flow from Ribb River, Welala never dries throughout the year
(personal communication with the local people). This is be-
cause Welala is smaller in size and deeper (maximum depth
2.5 m in the rainy season) as compared to Shesher which is
wider and shallower (maximum depth 1.75 m in the rainy
season). Location, distance from the lake, elevation and bot-
tom types of the sampling sites are summarized in Ta b l e 1.
Coordinates and elevations were assessed with a GPS. The
bottoms of these two wetlands are muddy (Tab l e 1) and now-
adays, during the post rainy season, the local farmers drain
the water by digging canals from these two wetlands to get
fertile land (the muddy bottom) for crop production [18].
The drastic changes in the areas of Shesher and Welala
wetlands in the last two decades are shown in Figure 2.In
1987, the total surface area of Shesher and Welala was
ca. 1557 and 298 hectares, respectively (Figure 2(a))[19].
Whereas, in 2008 the surface area of Shesher shrunk to
136 hectares (91% shrinkage) and Welala shrunk to 159
hectares (47% shrinkage) (Figure 2(b))[19]. These wetlands
are shrinking at an alarming rate, mainly because of unsus-
tainable farming practices by the local inhabitants [18]. The
local farmers drain the water of these wetlands to expand
their farmland and pump water for irrigation. The large
irrigation dam under construction on Ribb River is another
potential threat. This dam prevents overflow from Ribb River
into the wetlands and disrupts the connection with Lake Tana
which is vital for the survival of these wetlands [1820].
2.2. Sampling. Sampling took place from July 2010 to
October 2010. Three sampling sites were selected in each wet-
land, two shore sites and one site at the middle. In the shore
sites, gillnets were set at the mouth of the inflow from Ribb
River overflow and at the outlets to Ribb River main channel.
The outflow from Ribb first enters to Shesher, from the
north, and when Shesher is filled, it overflows to Welala, and
finally to Lake Tana (Figure 1). Besides Welala and Shesher
wetlands, samples were collected at Ribb River mouth. Fish
and physicochemical parameters were collected nine times
at the seven selected sites, once in July (third week), three
4The Scientific World Journal
344000 348000 352000 356000 360000
344000 348000 352000 356000 360000
0.8 0.4 0 0.8 1.6 2.4
344000 348000 352000 356000 360000
344000 348000 352000 356000 360000
Figure 2: Extent of Shesher and Welala wetlands in 1987 (a) and their current (2008) extent (b) (after Nemomissa [19]).
times in August (first, second, and fourth weeks), three times
in September (first, third, and fourth weeks) and twice in
October (first and fourth weeks).
2.3. Physicochemical Parameter Measurements. At all the sa-
mpling sites, observation of bottom type and measurements
of depth and Secchi depth (using 30 cm diameter Secchi-
disk) were taken. Similarly, dissolved oxygen, temperature,
and pH were measured (using probes) at the surfaces of all
sampling sites and at all times, in the morning immediately
after overnight gillnet catch collection.
2.4. Fish Collection. Multifilament gillnets (6, 8, 10, 12, and
14 cm stretched mesh size) with a panel length of 100 m
and depth of 1.5 m were used. Gillnets were set usually at
6 : 00 PM, and catches were collected in the following mor-
ning at about 6 : 00 AM. All of the fishes caught were iden-
tified to species level with immediate inspection (for C. gari-
epinus) and with the help of identification key developed by
Nagelkerke and Sibbing [22]forLabeobarbus species. After
identification to the species level, each fish was dissected; the
gonads were examined visually and sexed. The gonad matur-
ity stage of each specimen of Labeobarbus species was de-
termined visually, using the key developed by Nagelkerke
[17], but for C. gariepinus the gonad maturity stage was de-
termined according to Wudneh [8].
2.5. Data Processing. All the statistical computations were
done using Minitab version 14 and SPSS version 11 software.
Pairwise comparison of dissolved oxygen content (mgL1),
temperature (C) and vertical transparency or Secchi depth
(cm) of the seven sampling sites were compared through
one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) followed by
Bonferroni’s post hoc tests for multiple comparisons if sig-
nificant variance was evident. One-way ANOVA was also us-
ed to investigate temporal segregation of Labeobarbus species
aggregating at Ribb River mouth and C. gariepinus spawning
in Shesher and Welala wetlands. Only fish with ripe and spent
gonads were considered for temporal segregation analysis
as reproductively immature fishes would not be expected
to show temporal variation in aggregation and migration.
Catch per unit of eort (CpUE) was defined number of fish
per overnight gillnet setting.
3. Result
3.1. Physicochemical Parameters. There was a highly signifi-
cant overall variation on dissolved oxygen (F(6,56) =33.85;
P<0.001) but not in temperature (F(6,56) =2.15; P>0.05),
pH (F(6, 56) =0.83; P>0.05), and vertical transparency
(F(6, 56) =0.47; P>0.05) among the sampling sites (Tables 2
and 3). All the sampling sites in Shesher and Ribb River
mouth have significantly higher dissolved oxygen concen-
tration (P<0.001; Tab l e 3) than the sites in Welala. The
pairwise comparison also showed that the sampling sites of
Shesher, except site II, have higher dissolved oxygen concen-
tration (P<0.001) than Ribb River mouth (Tabl e 3 ). The
average dissolved oxygen concentration of Shesher (when the
three sites pooled), 6.13 ±0.22, is higher than Welala, 5.14 ±
0.06 (Tab l e 2 ).
3.2. Fish Species Composition and Abundance. A total of 2403
fish specimens were collected from Ribb River mouth and
Shesher and Welala floodplain wetlands. From this catch,
1725 (72%) specimens were contributed by Labeobarbus
species, followed by C. gariepinus (21%, 506 specimens),
Oreochromis niloticus (7.1%, 170 specimens) and Var i c orh i -
nus beso (with two specimens only). Clarias gariepinus and
Labeobarbus spp. were dominant at the two wetlands and
Ribb River mouth, respectively (Figure 3).
A total of 469 (250 and 219 from Shesher and Welala,
resp.) fish specimens were collected from all the sampling
The Scientific World Journal 5
Tab l e 2: Mean ±SE (Standard Error) values of oxygen concentration, temperature, pH, and Sechi-disk depth at the sampling sites. Nrefers
to number of samplings.
Site name NOxygen
(mgL1)Tem p . ( C) pH Secchi-disk depth (cm)
Ribb River mouth 9 5.66 ±0.09 21.2±0.14 6.97 ±0.03 4.56 ±1.04
Welala I 9 5.12 ±0.05 21.5±0.22 7.02 ±0.03 5.33 ±0.76
Welala II 9 5.15 ±0.05 20.9±0.21 7.01 ±0.01 5.32 ±0.51
Welala III 9 5.14 ±0.08 21.1±0.23 6.99 ±0.10 6.11 ±0.92
Shesher I 9 6.17 ±0.37 21.6±0.22 6.96 ±0.02 6.22 ±1.06
Shesher II 9 6.02 ±0.09 21.7±0.24 7.02 ±0.01 6.11 ±1.01
Shesher III 9 6.19 ±0.19 21.4±0.21 7.03 ±0.05 6.00 ±0.83
Tab l e 3: Pairwise comparison of dissolved oxygen concentrations (mgL1) among sampling sites. Abbreviation used: RM =river mouth.
Ribb RM Welala I Welala II Welala III Shesher I Shesher II Shesher III
Ribb RM ×
Welala I ∗∗ ×
Welala II ∗∗ NS ×
Welala III ∗∗ NS NS ×
Shesher I ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ×
Shesher II NS ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ NS ×
Shesher III ∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ NS NS ×
P<0.05; ∗∗P<0.01; ∗∗∗P<0.001; NS: not significant; P>0.05.
n=1934 n=250 n=219
Ribb RM Shesher Welala
V. b e so
O. niloticus
C. gariepinus
Labeobarbus spp.
Figure 3: Percentage composition of fish collected at Ribb River
mouth and its associated wetlands: Shesher and Welala. Data from
all sites (for Shesher and Welala) and months pooled. “n”refersto
the number of fish.
sites of Shesher and Welala wetlands. Clarias gariepinus was
the most numerous (Figure 4) fish species and contributed
about 93% (421 specimens) of the total catch from all sam-
pling sites of the two wetlands. However, Labeobarbus species
were incidentally caught at Shesher and Welala wetlands
(Figure 4). Only 27 (6.2% of the total wetland catch)
S1 S2 S3 W1 W2 W3
C. gariepinus
n=90 n=61 n=85 n=92 n=46 n=74
Figure 4: Percentage contribution of Labeobarbus spp. and C.
gariepinus collected from the six dierent sampling sites of Shesher
and Welala wetlands. Pooled data collected from July to October. “S”
and “W” stand for Shesher and Welala, respectively. “n”, n u m b e r o f
specimens of Labeobarbus were collected from the wetlands.
The Labeobarbus spp. collected from the two wetlands in-
clude L. acutirostris (1 specimen), L. brevicephalus (8 speci-
mens), L. megastoma (3 specimens), L. intermedius (14 speci-
mens), and L. tsanensis (1 specimen). Together with C. garie-
pinus and Labeobarbus spp., only ten specimens of O. nilot-
icus were collected from the two wetlands.
6The Scientific World Journal
Tab l e 4: The abundance of the six most dominant Labeobarbus
species collected from Ribb River mouth, and their catch from
Shesher and Welala wetlands.
Species Number of specimens
Ribb River mouth Shesher Wolala
L. brevicephalus 206 10 3
L. intermedius 675 7 10
L. megastoma 273 2 2
L. platydorsus 81 0 0
L. truttiformis 196 0 0
L. tsanensis 164 1 0
From the 15 endemic species of Labeobarbus described in
Lake Tana, 13 species were collected from Ribb River mouth.
However, from these 13 Labeobarbus species, only six species
(Tab l e 4 ) were the most dominant contributing nearly 95%
(1595 specimens) of the total Labeobarbus catch from Ribb
River mouth. Seven species (L. acutirostris, L. crassibarbis, L.
gorgorensis, L. longissimus, L. macrophthalmus,L. nedgia,and
L. surkis) were incidentally captured and contributed less
than 8% of the Labeobarbus catch from Ribb River mouth.
Two sp e ci e s, L. dainellii and L. gorguari, were totally missing
from the catches of the river mouth.
3.3. Gonad Maturity Stages. From the total of 1668 spec-
imens of the six Labeobarbus species collected from Ribb
River mouth, only 101 (6%) were immature (gonad stages
II and III); whereas 1563 (93%) specimens were ripe (gonad
stages IV and V), and 14 (1%) were spent (gonad stage
VII) (Figure 5(a)). However, no running (gonad stage VI)
Labeobarbus specimen was collected at the river mouth
(Figure 5(a)). However, from the total of 88 specimens of
C. gariepinus collectedfromRibbRivermouthonly11
(12.5%) were ripe or spawning (gonad stage IV), 77 (87.5%)
were immature (gonad stage I–III) and only one specimen
was spent (gonad stage V). Of the gonads of C. gariepinus
collected from Shesher and Welala wetlands, 133 (32%) were
ripe, 197 (46.5%) were immature, and 91 (22.5%) were spent
(Figure 5(b)).
3.4. CpUE and Temporal Segregation. Collectively, the peak
CpUE value for the six Labeobarbus species aggregating at
Ribb River mouth was observed in September (Figure 6(a)).
However, the peak CpUE for C. gariepinus collected from
Shesher and Welala wetlands was in July (Figure 6(b)), and
the slope of the graph remained negative for the whole study
The monthly catches of the six Labeobarbus species ag-
gregating at Ribb River mouth, except L. intermedius, showed
significant temporal segregation (P<0.05; Tab le 5 ). Signifi-
cant temporal segregation (P<0.05; Tab le 5 ) was also evi-
dent for C. gariepinus spawning at Shesher and Welala wet-
lands. The details of temporal segregation trends and appar-
ent overlaps among the six Labeobarbus species aggregating
at Ribb River mouth is shown in Figure 7.Labeobarbus mega-
stoma and L. intermedius were apparently the first to appear
Tab l e 5: One-way ANOVA result on the catch data of the six
Labeobarbus species from Ribb River mouth and C. gariepinus from
Shesher and Welala wetlands, for dierences in the four spawning
months (July–October).
Species Source of
variation MS F(3,5)
value P
L. brevicephalus Month 695.19 17.04 ∗∗
L. intermedius Month 2216.72 5.24 NS
L. megastoma Month 873.41 65.51 ∗∗∗
L. platydorsus Month 103.69 6.23
L. truttiformis Month 589.46 36.02 ∗∗
L. tsanensis Month 176.13 8.32
C. gariepinus Month 391.54 33.57 ∗∗
P<0.05; ∗∗P<0.01; ∗∗∗P<0.001; NS: not significant, P>0.05.
at Ribb River mouth for prespawning aggregation (during
July). The peak CpUE for these two species was in September
(Figure 7), but it declined from August to October. Whereas,
a reverse trend was observed for L. brevicephalus, CpUE in-
creases from August to October. The other three species: L.
platydorsus, L. truttiformis, and L. tsanensis aggregate during
August and September, but their CpUE declined sharply
during October.
4. Discussion
The water temperature and pH values obtained in the present
study (Tab l e 2 ) from Shesher and Welala wetlands lie within
the same range as Lake Tana’s [23]. This is due to the fact
that these wetlands have hydrological connections with Lake
Tana. Dissolved oxygen was significantly higher (P<0.05) in
Shesher than in Welala and Ribb River mouth sampling sites.
This is probably due to high mixing by wind, since Shesher
is shallow and has no shore vegetation cover. Similarly, high
dissolved oxygen concentration was obtained in Shesher by
Atnafu et al. [18]. However, as compared to the Labeobarbus
spawning streams in Gumara [9]andMegech[15], tribu-
taries of Lake Tana, these two wetlands have lower dissolved
oxygen concentration, high turbidity, and lack gravel sub-
Prespawning aggregations and upstream migrations of
Labeobarbus species to the tributary rivers of Lake Tana was
intensively studied in the last two decades [9,1216,2426].
These studies showed that seven species of Labeobarbus,after
making brief prespawning aggregations at the river mouths,
migrate more than 50 km up rivers and spawn in clear, fast
flowing, well-oxygenated, and gravel bed small streams.
Almost all African Labeobarbus, whether lake dwelling or
riverine, require these conditions in their spawning grounds
[3]. However, unlike the other African Labeobarbus,eightof
the 15 species in Lake Tana, are absent in all the seven peren-
nial tributaries. The most acceptable assumption is that like
many other cyprinid genera, the eight missing (species not
found to spawn in river tributaries) Labeobarbus species most
probably breed in the lake and adjacent floodplain wetlands
[14]. The use of marginal vegetation of the lake’s shore and
The Scientific World Journal 7
n=206 n=675 n=273 n=81 n=196 n=164
L. brevicephalus
L. intermedius
L. megastoma
L. platydorsus
L. truttiformis
L. tsanensis
C. gariepinus
Figure 5: Gonad stages of immature (gonad stages I–III), ripe (gonad stages IV and V) and spent (gonad stage VII) of the six most abundant
Labeobarbus species aggregating at Ribb River mouth (a), and C. gariepinus collected from Shesher and Welala wetlands (b). Note that gonad
maturity stage V is ripe for Labeobarbus spp., but spent for C. gariepinus.
CpUE (river mouth)
CpUE (wetlands)
Figure 6: CpUE of Labeobarbus and Clarias at Ribb River mouth (a) and in Shesher and Welala Wetlands (b).
adjacent floodplain wetlands shelters from predators and
provides high densities of prey for larvae and juveniles [27].
Contrary to the above assumption, in the present study,
these missing Labeobarbus species (L. nedgia, L. dainellii, L.
gorguari, L. longissimus, L. intermedius, L. gorgorensis, L. sur-
kis,andL. crassibarbis) were not found to spawn in the most
prominent adjacent floodplain wetlands, Shesher and Welala.
This is probably because none of the requirements for Labeo-
barbus spawning were satisfied in the adjacent floodplain
wetlands. During the spawning months, these wetlands were
so turbid, poorly oxygenated, and the bottom is muddy, in-
stead of gravel (Tabl e 1 ). Unlike C. gariepinus and Nile tilapia,
Labeobarbus species in Lake Tana are ecologically specialized
and highly vulnerable [7]; hence, it is unlikely that the lar-
vae of Labeobarbus will survive under these poor spawning
ground conditions. Another explanation could be the exist-
ence of C. gariepinus in mass in these two wetlands (Figures
3and 4) that predate on fish. The larvae and juveniles of
Labeobarbus couldbepreyeduponbyC. gariepinus [8];
hence, coexistence of C. gariepinus and early life stages of
Labeobarbus in this relatively small wetlands would result in
high mortality rates of juvenile Labeobarbus.
In the present study, a large number of C. gariepinus were
collected from Shesher and Welala Wetlands. Clarias garie-
pinus is well adapted to the environmental conditions of the
turbidity. Although the CpUE of C. gariepinus during our
sampling declines from July to October, the presence of a rel-
atively high percentage of spent implies that a substantial
proportion of the fish may not drift back to the lake, rather
8The Scientific World Journal
L. brevicephalus
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
L. megastoma
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
L. truttiformis
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
L. tsanensis
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
L. intermedius
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
L. platydorsus
Mean catch (number of fish per
overnight gillnet setting)
Jul. (1) Aug. (3) Sep. (3) Oct. (2)
Figure 7: Mean abundance (number of fish per overnight gillnet setting) with 95% confidence limits (CL) of the six Labeobarbus species
aggregating at Ribb River mouth during the spawning months (July to October).
they spend the rest of their life, after spawning, in these wet-
lands. The presence of a relatively high proportion of im-
mature individuals (46.5%) in our catch indicates the pre-
sence of feeding migration of C. gariepinus to these wetlands
as well. It was indicated by the local people that they observe
mass of juveniles of C. gariepinus in these wetlands during
the postrainy season (end of October and November). Most
of the dry C. gariepinus exported to neighbouring countries
such as Sudan is obtained from Shesher and Welala wetlands
[11], and intensive fishing activities by local people using
seine nets takes place in February and March. Probably, most
of the juveniles of C. gariepinus in the nearby shallow in-
undated floodplains move to these wetlands for growth, since
these wetlands get dry usually in April or May. What the local
people intensively catch are those immature feeding migrants
that stayed in these wetlands, young of the year (juveniles),
and those spent C. gariepinus that remained in the wetlands.
Unlike C. gariepinus, only few specimens of Labeobarbus
species aggregating at Ribb River mouth have reproductively
immature gonads, more than 80% were ripe. However, no
running (gonad stage VII; shedding eggs and sperm) Labeo-
barbus was collected from Ribb River mouth. This supports
the suggestion made by Palstra et al. [9] which states that, if
spawning maturity is only reached when the fish arrives at its
spawning ground (more than 30 km up rivers), there could
be a fine-tuning between homing and gonad development.
Figure 7 shows the details of temporal segregation and over-
lapping during the spawning months (July to October)
among the six Labeobarbus species aggregating at Ribb river
mouth. All these six Labeobarbus,exceptL. intermedius,were
temporally segregated in their spawning aggregation at Ribb
River mouth in the four spawning months. Labeobarbus in-
termedius is the only Labeobarbus species in Lake Tana that
spawns throughout the year, and ripe individuals are always
common in the river mouths [14]. Labeobarbus megastoma
migrates from the lake to the river mouth, starting in July,
and the CpUE declined after September. Three species, L.
truttiformis, L. platydorsus and L. tsanensis, start to aggregate
in August and CpUE reached peak in September and then
started to decline. The last species to aggregate was L. brevi-
cephalus, its peak is in October. Strong temporal segregation
during prespawning aggregation at the river mouths among
the migratory riverine Labeobarbus species was reported by
de Graaf et al. [14]. In addition to the six species found to
aggregate at Ribb River mouth in the present study, de Graaf
et al. [14] observed two more species, L. acutirostris and
L. macrophthalmus in four tributaries of Tana (Gelgel Abbay,
Gelda, Gumara and Ribb) from July to October [14]. More-
over, these two species were also found to migrate more-
than 30 km in Gumara River upstream [9]. But, similar to
The Scientific World Journal 9
the present study, both species did not form prespawning ag–
gregations in other tributaries, Dirma and Megech Rivers
[25] and Arno-Garno River [16]. These irregularities proba-
bly originate from the traditional fish migration study meth-
ods used (e.g., CpUE data). Other modern fish migration
study methods such as radio-tracking may supplement the
existing information and clarify the secrecy of the spawning
grounds of those eight Labeobarbus species not found in the
tributaries of rivers.
The hypothesis that the eight Labeobarbus species that
do not migrate to rivers for spawning may spawn in adjacent
floodplain wetlands [14] was not supported in the present
study. The other possibility is that they may spawn in the
rocky shores of Lake Tana [14]. Although the absence of these
species in the tributary rivers and adjacent wetlands does not
automatically mean they spawn in the lake, lake spawning
now seems the best option. However, we again strongly re-
commend the application of radio-tracking or other depend-
able methods to investigate the actual spawning place(s) of
these eight missing Labeobarbus species. Since Lake Tana and
its shore wetlands are under heavy human pressure, mapping
the spawning habitat is essential to conserve this unique
Labeobarbus species flock.
The authors thank the Bahir Dar Fish and Aquaculture Re-
search Center for the logistics support. The authors also need
to thank Asratu Wondie (fishing assistance), Endalamaw
Asres (boat driver), Ayenew Gedif (boat driver), and Getnet
Temesgen (fishing assistance). They also thank Dereje Tew-
abe for his support in the field works. The research was fund-
ed by World Bank-financed Ethiopian-Nile Irrigation and
Drainage Project Coordination Oce, Ministry of Water
Resources, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and International Found-
ation for Science (IFS) Grt A/4922-1 (W. Anteneh).
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... Lake Tana is a heart-shaped lake situated in the northwest region of Ethiopia and is the largest and most enormous lake in Africa ( Figure 1). It is a rich sub-basin with abundant water resources and has great potential for hydropower, irrigation, tourism, transportation, and biodiversity [8,58,59]. The lake has over 45 islands, and 19 of them are the home to monasteries and/or churches of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. ...
... A thorough description of the lake is provided in Table 1. It is a rich sub-basin with abundant water resources and has great potential for hydropower, irrigation, tourism, transportation, and biodiversity [8,58,59]. The lake has over 45 islands, and 19 of them are the home to monasteries and/or churches of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church. ...
... Description of Lake Tana with respect to main physical variables (adopted from McCartney et al.[6] and Anteneh et al.[58]). ...
Full-text available
Lake Tana is a well-known tourist spot in northern Ethiopia that lures both domestic and foreign tourists. The lake’s value is still underrated, despite the site’s immense potential for recreation and tourism. In this study, the recreational value of Lake Tana is estimated, and consumer characteristics associated with recreational demand are analyzed. The study employs a Zero-Truncated Poisson (ZTP) regression model for data generated by the Individual Travel Cost Method (ITCM) and draws information from 1094 on-site surveys. According to ZTP regression results, variables that are significantly and positively associated with demand for Lake Tana recreation include the monthly income and age of the visitors and their preference for other recreation destinations like Tis-Abay and Gondar Fasiledes Royal Castle. However, respondents’ leisure time, overall cost, and residential distance from the recreational site are all negatively associated with the demand for recreation. It is also evident that Lake Tana is endowed with a wealth of attributes, ranging from natural beauty to ancient religious and cultural heritages, making the lake a highly desirable recreation destination. According to the estimation, the Lake Tana has a yearly recreational value of around 68.5million.However,italsodemonstratesthatifthelakesettingsweretoimproveinquality,thevalueofLakeTanawouldriseconsiderably,reaching68.5 million. However, it also demonstrates that if the lake settings were to improve in quality, the value of Lake Tana would rise considerably, reaching 151 million. The value of sentimental attachment implies that determining the Lake Tana’s recreational value is a key element in the resource’s sustainable utilization and management. To make greater use of Lake Tana’s recreational amenities, however, uncontrolled waste disposals, favorable recreation facilities, and the spread of water hyacinth should be addressed immediately. Furthermore, it is imperative to maintain the lake’s diverse attributes, as the integration of these attributes is what gives the lake its primary appeal.
... This resulted in the use of agricultural inputs (chemical fertilizer, improved crop, insecticide, and herbicide) [38]. These have contributed to the biodiversity loss of the Fogera floodplain wetlands, as previous studies confirmed [26,39]. For example, rice cultivation allowed for a landscape rich in diversity, particularly in macroinvertebrates, fish, and waterfowl until the early twentieth century in rice-producing Asian countries, but the intensification of agricultural practices has changed their ecological character significantly [40,41]. ...
... In aquatic ecosystems, hydrological regimes create biotic diversity, and hydrological variation is recognized as a primary driving force [45]. When humans alter the flow regime, the normal cycle of hydrologic variation and ecosystem dynamics is disturbed [39,46,47]. ...
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More than half of the world's population consumes rice. The area under modern rice varieties has expanded, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has increased in various countries. The hydrology of wetlands are also influenced by its chemical and physical characteristics. Hence, this research focused on temporal and spatial changes in crop patterns, input usage, and hydrological change in Fogera floodplain, with the objectives: a. what are the spatial and temporal trends in crops production pattern? b. What inputs have been used in the past and present to produce rice and other crops? c. What looks like the hydrological alteration of the area? The primary data was gathered through a questionnaire, focus group discussions, interviews, and field observations. Secondary data from Landsat imageries, SWAT input data, water flow, normalized difference vegetation index, and hydrological alteration of the site were collected. To analyze data, tables, graphs, and charts percentage, mean, and correlation were used. NDVI results indicated that rice crop is growing while other variables are decreasing. artificial inputs are currently used but before the introduction of rice were not. Recession farming activities have also diminished wetland. Annual average water flow and rainfall have been trending upward. Flow of water with Nitrogen and Phosphorous has a negative correlation, with Pearson's values − 0.069 and − 0.072, respectively whereas the value 0.242 indicates that nitrogen and phosphorus have a positive relationship. In conclusion, these extended and intensification of farming practices have an impact on the biodiversity of fauna and flora of the area.
... This resulted in the use of agricultural inputs (chemical fertilizer, improved crop, insecticide, and herbicide) [38]. These have contributed to the biodiversity loss of the Fogera floodplain wetlands, as previous studies confirmed [26,39]. For example, rice cultivation allowed for a landscape rich in diversity, particularly in macroinvertebrates, fish, and waterfowl until the early twentieth century in rice-producing Asian countries, but the intensification of agricultural practices has changed their ecological character significantly [40,41]. ...
... In aquatic ecosystems, hydrological regimes create biotic diversity, and hydrological variation is recognized as a primary driving force [45]. When humans alter the flow regime, the normal cycle of hydrologic variation and ecosystem dynamics is disturbed [39,46,47]. ...
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More than half of the world’s population consumes rice. Recently, the area sown with modern rice varieties has expanded, and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has increased in various countries. Wetland hydrology is also influenced by chemical and physical characteristics. Hence, this research focused on temporal and spatial changes in crop patterns, input usage, and hydrology in the Ethiopian Fogera floodplain, with the following objectives: (a) What are the spatial and temporal trends in crop production patterns? (b) What input changes have occurred to produce rice and other crops? (c) What hydrological changes have occurred in the area with intensification of production systems? Primary data were gathered through a questionnaire, focus group discussions, interviews, and field observations. Secondary data were obtained from Landsat imageries, the SWAT model, water flow measurements, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). NDVI results indicated that the area cultivated for rice is increasing while the area of other crops is decreasing. Agricultural inputs are used in rice systems but were not used before the introduction of rice. Recession farming activities have also diminished wetland areas. Water flow showed a decrease, whereas Nitrogen and Phosphorus showed an increase with Pearson’s correlation values 􀀀0.069 and 􀀀0.072, respectively. Flow of water was negatively correlated with N and P water concentration, whereas N and P contents were positively correlated. In conclusion, growth of intensive rice systems has had negative environmental consequences on wetland ecology. Therefore, policies to regulate and manage wetland uses are recommended.
... Eastern Lake Tana wetlands are suitable for nesting and rearing grounds for different macro-and macro-invertebrates, including sh (Anteneh et al., 2012). ...
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The Lake Tana area owns several wetlands and is one of the best places for local and migratory birds in Ethiopia. The wetlands are subjected to anthropogenic pressure, which in turn affects wetland-dependent fauna and flora. This study aimed to assess species diversity and the abundance of birds in the flooded wetlands. The transect and point count methods were used to locate birds across five sites from December 2021 to November 2022. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis was used to show the species composition similarity of waterfowl across the study habitats, and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices (H′) were employed to quantify the diversity of avian species. A total of 35 bird species, representing 21 families and 13 orders, were identified in the study area. Globally threatened (vulnerable) species such as wattled cranes and black-crowned cranes are common in the farming landscape and the wetlands. Shesher and Sendye wetlands had the highest richness (S = 32 and 28), respectively. The highest dominance index (D = 0.16) was found in Sendye wetland. The difference in species richness among habitats might be due to resource availability and the degree of human influence. Lake Tana wetlands have deteriorated from time to time due to heavy human involvement and a recent invasion by water hyacinth ( Eichhornia crassipes ), affecting the overall ecological integrity of the system. Hence, sustainable wetland management interventions, legitimate environmental preservation, and administration endeavors ought to be actualized to conserve birds in their territories.
... Similar studies in Sudan confirmed that all the farmers cultivated vegetables in greenhouses harvested their vegetables within 2-3 days after pesticide spray . Though Fogera district shares 39.14% of the wetlands of the Lake Tana watershed (Hunegnaw et al., 2013) and is important breeding habitats of fish species (Anteneh et al., 2012;Dejen et al., 2017), they have been exposed to the toxic pesticide residues year round. Fishing by poisoning the feeds of the fish in water bodies might aggravate the negative effects of pesticide residues on aquatic ecosystems of Fogera District. ...
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The effects of pesticides are largely a function of toxicity, exposure time, dose rate and its persistence in the environment. Previous studies conducted in the study area mainly focused on the knowledge, attitude and practices of farmers against implementation of pesticide safety instructions during application and storing the pesticides. Hence, the objectives of the present study were to assess the pesticides applied on crops per a cropping season; the pesticide application practices of farmers and the health risks of pesticide residues on humans and the ecosystems. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, and qualitative data were grouped and summarized. The findings of the study confirmed that crops were sprayed with pesticides up to 26 times per a cropping season. A hectare of farmland might be sprayed more than 14 kg and 28 kg of pesticides per a cropping season and per a year. In addition to solid formulations, farmers used more than four liters of pesticides per crop per hectare. Farmers sprayed highly toxic pesticides without following the safety instructions and supplied the sprayed crops without waiting for the post-spray time interval. Most pesticides used in the district are in the lists of highly hazardous pesticides and are highly toxic to aquatic organisms including fish. There were also practices of fishing using pesticides in rivers of Fogera District and symptoms of surface water pollution used for drinking. Hence, pesticide residues might be one of the major health risks for farmworkers, consumers and ecosystems of the District. Therefore, monitoring the pesticide supply chain starting from suppliers to end users, continuous ecosystem assessment and food safety monitoring using GC-MS are needed to minimize the effects of pesticide residues on human health and the ecosystems.
... The largest area of land is converted to cropland use, which is susceptible to land degradation and ultimately affects the economic, political, and social units of a nation [2,3]. However, in most countries, including Ethiopia, much of the fertile cropland has been converted to exotic plant species such as Eucalyptus [4,5]. Eucalyptus trees can grow in the tropics, subtropics, and temperate regions, which cover 0.5% of the global forest area [6]. ...
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Converting fertile, cultivated land into Eucalyptus plantations has become a common practice in Ethiopia. Integrating geospatial techniques with socio-economic data analysis can be a useful method to evaluate the expansion of Eucalyptus and its underlying factors. The objective of this study is to detect the spatio-temporal patterns and main factors contributing to Eucalyptus expansion in the Mecha district of Ethiopia. To quantify the spatial extents of Eucalyptus plantations, the study employed Landsat images from 1991 to 2021 with supervised image classification in ERDAS Imagine 2015. In addition, 120 households were chosen using random sampling technique to incorporate socioeconomic factors related to Eucalyptus expansion. The result shows that, Eucalyptus plantations expanded significantly across the study area during the last three decades. Eucalyptus plantation covered 908.87 ha, 3719.05 ha, and 26261.9 ha in 1991, 2006, and 2021, respectively. The increment was mostly at the expense of fertile cultivated land use. The main reasons for its expansion are linked with farmer’s expectations of a better source of income, apprehension about the detrimental effects on nearby cropland, and its affordable production cost. In conclusion, the study area faces challenges from the uncontrolled expansion of Eucalyptus plantations on productive lands. Therefore, careful management and intervention strategies should be established to manage its rapid expansion.
... The crisis reached its climax, which was highly invaded by the weeds. Scholars [44,45] confirmed that water hyacinth, as an aquatic invasive weed, has received wider stakeholders' attention lately in Ethiopia due to the infestation of the country's largest lake-Lake Tana. Water hyacinth spreads in the fragmentation of plants and may re-sprout out of rhizomes or germinate from seeds [46]. ...
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Alien species are a challenge to developing countries in Africa. Ethiopia is the most affected. Lake Tana is diseased with weeds. The study aimed to analyze how stakeholders participated in the campaign and mobilized against water hyacinth. Professionals promoted, advocated and combated the challenges through different scenarios. A qualitative design was selected to obtain data through cross-sectional online web-based scientific documents. Data were analyzed using analytical discussions. The length of shoreline infested by the weed has increased alarmingly and is a major cause of the loss of biodiversity in the lake. However, the multifaceted efforts to save Tana are the greatest endeavor to protect it against the water hyacinth. The efforts are opportunities to undermine the enlargement of the weeds in and out of the lake. The finding indicates the identification of the water hyacinth problem was delayed. The findings show that most of the campaigns are not based on participatory planning. Participation was not well institutionalized in Ethiopia. The stakeholders’ role in environmental management was limited, and minimal attention was given. Inclusive planning and community-based management are indispensable to combating water hyacinth. The planning and participation of the campaign should be prolonged and repeatedly used to eradicate alien species.
... Mixed farming and fshery are the dominant livelihoods for people living around Lake Logo, and mixed farming and Catha edulis selling are the dominant livelihood for the people living around Lake Ardibo. A similar study was reported for lakeassociated wetlands in other areas in Ethiopia (Shesher and Welela) in Lake Tana [45,46]. Te contribution of fsheries in the wetlands of Ethiopia was reported by Hailu [47], Abebe et al. [48], JERBE (Ethio Russian Biological Expedition) [49], Berihun et al. [50]; Assefa et al. et al. [28], Deng [51], and Zekarias et al. [52]. ...
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The wetland ecosystem is among the most important ecosystems globally. It is a source of ecosystem services that can contribute to the income and means of livelihood for communities living near the vicinity of wetlands especially in developing countries. Ethiopia is among the least developing countries in Africa where many communities around the wetlands depend on ecosystem services for their livelihoods. However, these wetlands are being degraded both by anthropogenic and natural factors. Te objectives of the study were to assess the status of the major wetlands and their contribution to the livelihoods of communities in South Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State located in NorthEastern Ethiopia. Districts in South Wollo with wetland potential were selected purposely in collaboration with Zonal Agricultural Ofce experts. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 114 respondents living around the wetlands for the interview. In addition to this, three focus group discussions and key informant interviews were conducted to gather data focused on types of wetlands, major provisioning ecosystem services, and major threats to wetlands. In the study area, 9 natural and 3 manmade major wetlands were identifed. Tese wetlands have provisioning ecosystem services such as food production; source of grasses for animal feed; ceremonial activities; roof making and handicrafts; and water for drinking, livestock watering, and irrigation which are the major sources of livelihoods. Tough these wetlands have important roles in livelihood, they are highly afected by settlement, conversion for agriculture, overgrazing, excessive water abstraction, deforestation, sand mining, pollution, invasive species, and climate change. Terefore, wetland management intervention plan should be prepared and implemented through a community-based restoration approach.
... Previous studies in the Lake Tana sub-basin were focused on the abundance and species richness of lake plankton (Dejen et al., 2004;Imoobe and Akoma, 2008;Gashaye, 2016;Melaku, 2017), fish, waterbirds, and mammals (Aynalem and Bekele, 2008;Mengistu, 2018;Zelelew and Archibald, 2021). Specifically for the wetlands in the subbasin, benthic invertebrates (Gezie et al., 2017;Gezie et al., 2019), fish (Anteneh et al., 2012), macrophytes (Getnet et al., 2021), and water-birds (Aynalem and Bekele, 2008) have been studied. The capacity of these systems for sediment and nutrient retention has also been investigated (Mucheye et al., 2018). ...
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Plankton is an integral part of wetland biodiversity and plays a vital role in the functioning of wetlands. Diversity patterns of plankton in wetlands and factors structuring its community composition are poorly understood, albeit important for identifying areas for restoration and conservation. Here we investigate patterns in local and regional plankton richness and taxonomic and functional community composition in riverine papyrus swamps, river mouth wetlands, and lacustrine wetlands in the Lake Tana sub-basin, Ethiopia. Data on phytoplankton, zooplankton, and environmental variables were collected from 12 wetlands during the dry and wet seasons of 2018. Redundancy analysis, and linear mixed effect models, were used to investigate differences in local environmental conditions and variation in plankton community richness and composition between wetland types. We also assessed the ecological uniqueness of the plankton community by calculating the contribution of a single wetland: local contributions to overall beta diversity (LCBD) and contributions of individual species (SCBD) to overall beta diversity (BDTotal). Beta regression models were used to investigate the relationships of LCBD and SCBD to environmental variables, wetland, and taxa characteristics. A total of 85 phytoplankton taxa, distributed among 18 Reynolds functional groups, and 57 zooplankton taxa were observed over the entire set of samples. Local plankton taxon richness was significantly higher in riverine papyrus swamps (mean taxa of 30 phytoplankton and 21 zooplankton) compared to river mouth wetlands (mean taxa of 27 phytoplankton and 13 zooplankton). Several local environmental variables and the composition of the plankton community differed significantly between the three wetland types. The highest phytoplankton ecological uniqueness (LCBD) was detected in lacustrine wetlands, whereas the riverine papyrus swamps had the highest zooplankton ecological uniqueness. Based on our analyses, we recommend protecting the wetlands with high LCBD values and stress the importance of various wetland types for preserving the diverse plankton communities of Lake Tana wetlands.
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The spawning migration of Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana to Arno-Garno River was studied from July to December 2010. Five sampling sites, based on the nature, flow-rate of the river, human interference and suitability for fish spawning were selected by preliminary survey. Fish were sampled monthly in the non-peak spawning season (July, November and December) and bimonthly in the peak spawning season (August to October) using 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 cm stretched mesh size gillnets. A total of 1077 Labeobarbus specimens were collected. Labeobarbus intermedius, L. brevicephalus, L. nedgia and L. tsanensis were the dominant species, contributing 93.03% of the total catch. The monthly gonado-somatic index indicated that the peak spawning season for Labeobarbus species was from August to October. Labeobarbus intermedius and L. tsanensis were the first species to aggregate at the river mouth starting from July and L. brevicephalus and L. nedgia aggregate starting from September. Labeobarbus intermedius was the first to migrate to the upstream sites starting from the end of July followed by L. tsanensis. The last migrant species was L. brevicephalus starting from the fourth week of August. Pairwise comparison of the Labeobarbus spp. showed temporal segregation in all sampling months, except L. intermedius and L. brevicephalus that did not show temporal segregation with L. nedgia. The best management option to protect these species is closed season that should be strictly implemented during the spawning season (from July to October).
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Stocks of the indigenous catfish species of Lake Victoria have decreased dramatically since the beginning of the 1980s. This decline coincided with the Nile perch boom and concomitant ecological changes in the lake. In deep water, where Nile perch densities were higher, the decline proceeded more quickly than in shallow water. In the former all catfishes eventually vanished. Of the two largest species, Clarias gariepinus and Bagrus docmak, juveniles disappeared faster than adults. This indicates that predation by Nile perch may have played an important role in their decline. Other possible impacts were the deoxygenation of deepwater areas and the decline of haplochromine cichlids which were an important food source for B. docmak, C. gariepinus and Schilbe intermedius. The various catfish species were not all affected to the same extent. The endemic Xenoclarias eupogon, which lived predominantly in deep water, may have become extinct, B. docmak currently seems to be mainly restricted to refugia in rocky habitats. Synodontis victoriae and S. afrofischeri are still present in small numbers in shallow littoral areas. Schilbe intermedius and C. gariepinus seem to be the least affected of the catfishes in littoral and sublittoral areas. This may be caused, among other reasons, by their smaller habitat overlap with Nile perch than the other species. S. intermedius is partly pelagic, and a considerable part of the C. gariepinus stock lives in bodies of water surrounding the lake. The patterns of decline of the catfishes are very similar to those observed for haplochromine cichlids in the lake. The importance of catfishes for the fisheries in the lake is currently negligible.
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Precocious Barbus intermedius sensu Ruppell, 1836 males of SL 11-19 cm (2-3 years old) and females of 17-23 cm SL (3-4 years old) were most abundant among barbs of different morphotypes which spawned in tributaries of Lake Tana in September-November 1994. The spawning took place in gravel riffles beginning soon after the sunset. Eggs were laid into the upper layer of bottom substrate. The same spawning sites were repeatedly used by many spawners; density of eggs and larvae in the substrate at spawning grounds reached 1000 per m2. Water temperature at the spawning grounds varied between 18.5 and 23 C. The average fecundity of the precocious and big "intermedius" was 4.6 and 11.7 thousand eggs, respectively. Eggs developed for 4 days before hatching (at 18-20 C). Artificial crosses of precocious "intermedius" with several other morphotypes of large Tana barbs were successful producing normally developing embryos and viable fry (at least up to 1 month old) thus indicating the absence of post-copulative reproductive isolation between these morphotypes. Precocious "intermedius" differed in external and cranial characters both from immature "intermedius" of their size caught in the lake and from big B. intermedius (SL > 23 cm) caught spawning in the rivers. We suggest that the precocious barbs after the first spawning skip one spawning season living in the lake and turning into big B. intermedius which acquire with age characters of "carplike" morphotype.
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The ecological status of the Welala and Shesher Wetlands, on the eastern side of Lake Tana, were studied during pre-rainy, main-rainy, post-rainy and dry seasons from May 2009 to January 2010. Species composition, diversity and abundance of macrophytes, benthic macro-invertebrates and birds were assessed and physico- chemical parameters were measured. Phosphate and silicate concentrations, conductivity, TDS and turbidity varied significantly (p < 0.05) between dry and wet seasons in both wetlands. Physico-chemical parameters did not differ (p > 0.05) between the two wetlands. The values for dissolved oxygen and pH ranged between 4.8 - 7.8 mg/l and 6.7 - 7.6, respectively. The values for nitrate and phosphate ranged between 0.2 - 3.1 mg/l and 0.2 - 3.3 mg/l, respectively. A total of 274 benthic macro-invertebrate individuals belonging to 5 families were collected, 32, 699 individual birds belonging to 62 species were enumerated and 13 species of macrophytes were identified. The two wetlands are shrinking at an alarming rate, mainly because of unsustainable farming practices and a huge irrigation project on Ribb River which is at presently under construction. Farming practices include draining and pumping of water for irrigation and expansion of farmland at the cost of the wetlands. The construction of a dam in Ribb River prevents overflow from Ribb River into the wetlands and disrupts the connection with Lake Tana which is vital for the survival of these two wetlands. We conclude that the Welala and Shesher Wetlands are valuable wetlands which need urgently protection.
This chapter aims to cover the key areas of cyprinid reproduction and life history, and in particular to highlight areas (such as the timing of reproduction and the survival of eggs and larvae) where the need for more information is greatest. In most topics covered there are many suitable examples from northern latitudes and especially from those parts of Europe where cyprinids dominate the fish fauna. The literature shows that cyprinid species exhibit a wide range of life histories and reproductive styles. This variation can be both inter- and intraspecific and occurs both within and between habitats. The within-habitat variability, together with the paucity of detailed information from some areas, particularly sub tropics and tropics, limits the scope for exploration of broad geographical trends, and highlights the need for the emphasis of future research to be less skewed towards the northern latitudes.
Systematics and biogeography - an overview, G.J.Howes T.M.Cavender morphometric investigations in cyprinid biology, S.A.Schaefer molecular and cytological investigations, D.G.Bluth et al cyprinids of Eurasia, P.M.Banarescu and B.W.Coad cyprinids of Southeast Asia cyprinids of Africa, P.H.Skelton et al cyprinids of the New World, R.L.Mayden cyrinids of Australasia, A.R.Brumley.