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... Furthermore, while customer satisfaction embraces extent and frequency of interactions with a service, perceived service quality may depend on perceived value of a service, as well as outside experiences. [11] The development and evolution of the SERVQUAL model The SERVQUAL model consisted of the acknowledgment of total number of 97 characteristics that are likely to affect service quality. Such attributes were at first categorized into ten dimensions that were later purified through two cycles of dimensions purification. ...
... Ideally, the model should be applied several times a year for measuring the quality of service that is delivered and an appropriate tool for enhancing service delivery. The SERVQUAL model is also deemed useful for categorising customers in terms of their perceived service quality, providing the means for marketing-strategic segmentation [11]. ...
... Thus, a healthcare organization that does not meet some minimum standard of quality may be unused, or may be viewed as a relatively undesirable option . [ 11 ] Service quality in healthcare is typically assessed through two dimensions: Accordingly, there are two perspectives, which are technical quality and functional quality. Technical quality relates to the precision in diagnosis and the way that treatment is administered, normally this is hard to be accessed by the patient. ...
This study aims to evaluate the service quality of Venice Dental Center, a local dental care facility in Benghazi, Libya, by focusing on patient satisfaction across five dimensions: Tangibles, Responsiveness, Reliability, Empathy, and Assurance. The research also seeks to identify the impact of demographic factors on patient satisfaction. A total of 90 patients participated in the study, selected via social media through Google Forms between February 1 and March 3, 2024. Data analysis was conducted using Microsoft Excel 2016, and Minitab 17, employing appropriate descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. The reliability and validity of the instrument, measured through Cronbach’s alpha, confirmed its appropriateness for assessing the five dimensions of service quality. The findings indicate that patient satisfaction is generally favorable across all dimensions, with average satisfaction scores exceeding three out of five. Additionally, no statistically significant differences were found in patient satisfaction based on gender, age, education level, number of visits, or presence of insurance. These results suggest that while the Venice Dental Center performs adequately in meeting patient expectations, further efforts are needed to enhance specific service quality dimensions to ensure comprehensive patient satisfaction. Keywords: Service Quality, Patient Satisfaction, Dental Care, SERVQUAL, Demographic Factors.
... En la literatura del Marketing, podemos definir la satisfacción del cliente en términos de comparativa entre sus expectativas y la calidad percibida (Oliver, 1980;Parasuraman et al., 1988). El SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al., 1988(Parasuraman et al., , 1991 (2021), la percepción de una experiencia positiva en el encuentro de servicio genera en el cliente mayores niveles satisfacción con el servicio y de lealtad con el vendedor. ...
... En la literatura del Marketing, podemos definir la satisfacción del cliente en términos de comparativa entre sus expectativas y la calidad percibida (Oliver, 1980;Parasuraman et al., 1988). El SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al., 1988(Parasuraman et al., , 1991 (2021), la percepción de una experiencia positiva en el encuentro de servicio genera en el cliente mayores niveles satisfacción con el servicio y de lealtad con el vendedor. ...
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¿Puede una simple acción no verbal cambiar las percepciones que el cliente tiene acerca del vendedor en un encuentro de servicio? En esta tesis hemos examinado, por primera vez en una muestra española y a través de tres estudios, cómo un leve toque del vendedor en el hombro o en el brazo del cliente y/o una sonrisa “Duchenne” del vendedor al cliente influyen en las evaluaciones que el cliente hace de la calidez y de la competencia del vendedor, utilizando para ello el Modelo de Contenido de Estereotipos (Fiske et al., 2002). En el primer estudio (con datos de 2018), estudiamos el efecto del leve toque y de la sonrisa del vendedor sobre las evaluaciones que el cliente hace de su calidez y su competencia, así como la interacción de la sonrisa sobre los efectos del leve toque del vendedor en las evaluaciones del cliente (estudiada por primera vez en un encuentro de servicio). En el segundo estudio, replicamos el primero, pero con datos tomados en 2022, para analizar el efecto pandemia. Y en el tercer estudio, con datos de 2023, estudiamos si el sexo del vendedor y del comprador modula el efecto del leve toque del vendedor en las evaluaciones que el cliente hace de su competencia y su calidez. Además, introducimos la extraversión de cliente (estudios 1 y 2) y el Confort con el Tacto Interpersonal del cliente (estudio 3) como variables moduladoras. Los resultados encontrados muestran que, tanto la sonrisa como el leve toque del vendedor tienen un efecto positivo sobre la evaluación que el cliente hace de su calidez, a lo largo de los 3 estudios. Cuando el vendedor, además, de tocar al cliente, le sonríe, el efecto positivo del tacto sobre la evaluación de la calidez del vendedor es menos intenso, tanto antes como después de la pandemia. En cuanto a la percepción de la competencia, la sonrisa “Duchenne” del vendedor también provoca un efecto positivo sobre el efecto que el tacto del vendedor en las percepciones del cliente, sin efecto pandemia. Sin embargo, el leve toque del vendedor sufre una evolución a lo largo de nuestros tres estudios en cuanto a su efecto sobre la evaluación de su competencia, pasando de ser positivo en 2018, a no ser significativo en 2022 y a tener un efecto negativo en 2023. Así mismo, la interacción de la sonrisa sobre el efecto que el tacto del vendedor tiene sobre la evaluación que el cliente hace de su calidez no es significativa, ni antes ni después de la pandemia. En cuanto a la modulación del sexo del vendedor y del comprador sobre el efecto del leve toque del vendedor en las evaluaciones de los clientes, encontramos que las evaluaciones de los clientes no están influidas por el sexo de los vendedores, sean hombres o mujeres; mientras que el sexo del comprador sí influye, siendo los compradores hombres los que mejor evalúan a los vendedores, en comparación con las clientes mujeres. Se discuten los resultados encontrados y se exponen las implicaciones gerenciales.
... Indikator pengukuran untuk kepuasan nasabah terdiri dari beberapa aspek yang relevan dengan kualitas layanan dan pengalaman nasabah. Menurut (Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, 2020) beberapa indikator utama dalam mengukur kepuasan nasabah adalah: kualitas layanan (Service Quality) yang meliputi: dimensi seperti keandalan, responsivitas, jaminan, empati, dan bukti fisik (tangibles). Kualitas layanan adalah salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kepuasan nasabah (Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J., & Gremler, 2020). ...
This study aims to analyze the impact of Bank Service Quality (BSQ) and digital technology utilization on customer satisfaction at Bank BCA. This research is conducted due to the importance of enhancing service quality and digital technology in the banking industry. The study subjects are customers using new savings account services at the Surakarta branch of Bank BCA, with a sample of 120 randomly selected respondents. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire and analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results indicate that BSQ and digital technology utilization significantly affect customer satisfaction, with an R Square value of 0.956, meaning 95.6% of the variability in customer satisfaction can be explained by these two variables. The t-test shows that both variables have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction, both individually and simultaneously. The study's limitations include a sample restricted to a single bank and limited variables, which may not capture all factors influencing customer satisfaction. Future research is advised to expand the scope and variables and to use more diverse research methods. This study recommends improving service quality and digital technology to enhance customer satisfaction.
... One of the obstacles that must be overcome by educational institutions is how to manage a quality and quality educational institution, where currently there are many efforts by administrators or managers of educational institutions to improve the quality and quality of their education. the formulation of the problem as follows: There are five dimensions of quality, namely direct evidence (tangible), empathy (empathy), reliability (reliability), assurance (assurance), and responsiveness (responsiveness) [4]. Tangible are all aspects that are physically visible, empathy is the ability of employees to care and pay attention to each of their customers by trying to meet their needs, reliability is the ability to have reliable performance or performance, assurance is the ability of employees to provide trust and security to customers, Responsiveness is the ability to respond to customer needs and desires and provide fast service [5]. ...
An initial survey conducted through interviews with several students and parents found dissatisfaction with school services. This is supported by data on customer dissatisfaction complaints, and there was no effort from the school to fix it; no previous research has focused on this. The purpose of this study was to determine the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of service. The population in this study were grade 12 students. The sampling technique used a questionnaire, while the analysis used was the integration of the Servqual, Kano, and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods. The results of the study using the Servqual method obtained 25 service attributes with negative results. While the Kano method obtained 22 important category attributes. Based on the results of the integration of Kano’s service quality method into the QFD method, it was found that 3 attributes became priorities for improvement, namely implementing 5S, holding teacher and employee polls, and adding practical tools. The improvement solution for the Brantas Vocational School is implementing 5S management, conducting regular employee performance assessments by holding polls and adding practical equipment in the department. Keywords: customer satisfaction, servqual, kano, QFD
... Nowadays, customers are primarily focused on the standard of service quality because it can influence the customer experience, level of satisfaction, and happiness, which can lead to positive feedback and repurchasing and customer loyalty to the fast-food industry. Parasuraman et al. (1988) suggested that the most effective way to measure service quality is through the SERVQUAL instrument using the RATER model, which consists of five components: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. Aftab et al. (2016) identified five service quality categories, including tangibility, reliability, assurance, empathy, and responsiveness, as fundamentals contributing to the success of fast-food restaurants. ...
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Fast food restaurants play a significant role in contemporary dining culture, offering convenience and quick service to customers. Understanding the factors that contribute to customer satisfaction and happiness within this sector is crucial for both businesses and researchers. Customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants is often influenced by various factors such as perceived price, service quality, food quality, and the physical environment of the premises. This study investigated the determinants of customer satisfaction and happiness towards fast food restaurants in Sarawak, Malaysia. Data from 414 respondents aged 18 and above were analysed using SPSS through Spearman’s correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The findings showed that all variables, perceived price, service quality, food quality, and physical environment quality had significant correlations with customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was also found to influence customer happiness positively. The results of this study show that the best method to increase customer satisfaction is to offer a fair price and improve the quality of the service, food, and physical environment of the premises. All these factors consequently affect customer happiness with fast food restaurants. These findings provide valuable insights into customer perceptions and behaviour in the fast-food sector in Sarawak. Identifying key determinants of satisfaction and happiness offers the basis for strategic decision-making and service improvement initiatives to optimize the dining experience for consumers. Abstrak: Restoran makanan segera memainkan peranan penting dalam budaya makanan kontemporari, menawarkan keselesaan dan perkhidmatan yang pantas kepada pelanggan. Memahami faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada kepuasan dan kebahagiaan pelanggan dalam sektor ini adalah penting bagi kedua-dua perniagaan dan penyelidik. Kepuasan pelanggan di restoran makanan segera sering dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor seperti harga, kualiti perkhidmatan, kualiti makanan, dan persekitaran fizikal premis. Kajian ini mengkaji penentu-penentu kepuasan dan kegembiraan pelanggan terhadap restoran makanan segera di Sarawak, Malaysia. Data daripada 414 responden berumur 18 tahun ke atas dianalisis menggunakan SPSS melalui korelasi Spearman dan analisis regresi linear mudah. Penemuan menunjukkan bahawa semua pembolehubah, harga, kualiti perkhidmatan, kualiti makanan, dan kualiti persekitaran fizikal mempunyai korelasi yang signifikan dengan kepuasan pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan juga didapati mempengaruhi kegembiraan pelanggan secara positif. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa kaedah terbaik untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan adalah dengan menawarkan harga yang adil dan meningkatkan kualiti perkhidmatan, makanan, dan persekitaran fizikal premis. Semua faktor ini seterusnya mempengaruhi kegembiraan pelanggan terhadap restoran makanan segera. Penemuan ini memberikan pandangan yang berharga mengenai persepsi dan tingkah laku pelanggan dalam sektor makanan segera di Sarawak. Mengenal pasti penentu-penentu utama kepuasan dan kebahagiaan, menyediakan landasan untuk membuat keputusan strategik dan inisiatif penambahbaikan perkhidmatan untuk mengoptimumkan pengalaman makanan kepada pengguna.
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In the era of globalization and advances in information technology, business competition in various sectors is getting tighter, including in retail industries such as supermarkets. Supermarkets are not only a place to meet daily needs, but also become part of the busy lifestyle of urban people. In this context, the quality of services and products offered by a supermarket has a very important role in maintaining and increasing market share and customer satisfaction. The survey was conducted both directly in the Super Indo Kenjeran Supermarket area and online through an online survey platform. The survey design used is a cross-sectional survey, where data is collected at one particular point in time to measure the relationship between the variables studied. In this context, research on the effect of service quality and product quality on customer satisfaction at PT. Lion Super Indo Kenjeran becomes relevant and important to do. With a better understanding of the factors that affect customer satisfaction, PT. Lion Super Indo Kenjeran can identify areas that need improvement and design more effective strategies in maintaining and increasing customer loyalty. Lion Super Indo as one of the leading supermarkets in Indonesia, with a long history and strong reputation, certainly does not escape from increasingly fierce business competition. Therefore, a deep understanding of the factors that affect customer satisfaction is a strategic key in maintaining the existence and developing the business of PT. Lion Super Indo.
Using the SERVQUAL model, this study analyzed the service quality provided by TESDA Training Centers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The research aimed to define service quality through five dimensions: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The study revealed that there is a strong positive perception among respondents regarding various service dimensions of the SERVQUAL model. Participants expressed high satisfaction with the tangible services, reliability, responsiveness, professionalism, and empathy demonstrated by the staff of the training centers. Overall, the findings indicate that the TESDA training centers in Nueva Ecija effectively meet the needs of their clients, fostering a supportive and competent learning environment.
Salon Glowing is a beauty salon located in Pacet Mojokerto. Social media is a means used by Salon glowing as a place to promote and display all forms of services. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the effectiveness of the use of social media, promotion, and service quality in increasing the income of the Glowing Pacet Mojokerto salon. The research method used in this study uses a quantitative research method by collecting data through surveys and analyses carried out using the distribution of questionnaires on visitors to Salon Glowing. The results showed that the effectiveness of the use of social media, promotion, and service quality on income was partially and simultaneously and together had a positive effect on the value of the regression coefficient (B) X1:0.192; X2:0.166; X3:0.183. For the three variables of the effectiveness of social media use (X1), Promotion (X2) and Service quality (X3) which have a dominant and significant relationship to Revenue (Y), the variables of the effectiveness of social media use (X1) can be seen from the regression coefficient value (β) of 0.329, T calculate x1 = 2.685 > t table = 1.987 and the sig value x1 0.009 <0.05. By understanding these factors, Salon Glowing at pacet was able to optimize their marketing strategy and improve efficiency in the use of social media.
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This research aims to optimize the handling of imported goods and the management of fabric documents to improve the quality of bonded warehouse services at PT Sunjaya Mentari Abadi Semarang. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, which involves direct observation, interviews, and documentation studies. This study identifies inefficiencies in handling goods and document management and their impact on service time and customer satisfaction. The results show that implementing optimization strategies, including increased coordination between departments and using more efficient information systems, can significantly improve the quality of bonded warehouse services. The study recommends system improvements that reduce wait times, improve document accuracy, and improve customer satisfaction. These findings are expected to be the basis for companies to formulate better policies in managing imported goods and documents
This last chapter is focused on the final part of the consumer journey, when consumers form their perception of SE after having used it. In this phase, consumers go through different layers of consideration as they compare their previous expectations with the experienced service to assess its quality, arrive at a level of (dis-)satisfaction, and, as a result, decide whether to return to that SE service. The chapter deals with these decisions, as well as the consequences of satisfaction, such as recommendation or switching intentions. The chapter also includes remarks on the regime shift that may occur because of SE, when consumers go beyond repurchase and loyalty and decide to substitute their traditionally owned assets with shared options.
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