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Variation in Nectar Volume and Sugar Concentration of Allium ursinum L. ssp. ucrainicum in Three Habitats

The Scientific World Journal

Abstract and Figures

Floral nectar volume and concentration of ramson (Allium ursinum L. ssp. ucrainicum) were investigated in three different habitats, including two types of sessile oak-hornbeam association on brown forest soil with clay illuviation and a silver lime-flowering ash rock forest association on rendzina. Daily nectar production ranged from 0.1 to 3.8 μL per flower with sugar concentrations of 25 to 50%. Mean nectar volumes and concentrations showed significant differences between freely exposed flowers and covered flowers, which had been isolated from flower visitors 24 h prior to nectar studies. Both the amount and quality of nectar were affected by microclimatic conditions and soil properties and varied between populations at different habitats. In the silver lime-flowering ash rock-forest association mean nectar volumes and concentrations were lower than in a typical sessile oak-hornbeam association on three occasions, the difference being significant in two cases. During full bloom, the date of sampling did not have a profound effect on either nectar volume or concentration.
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The Scientific World Journal
Volume 2012, Article ID 138579, 7pages
The cientificWorldJOURNA
Research Article
Variation in Nectar Volume and Sugar Concentration of
Allium ursinum
L. ssp.
in Three Habitats
Agnes Farkas,1R´
eka Moln´
ar,1Tam ´
as Morschhauser,2and Istv´
an Hahn3
1Department of Pharmacognosy, Medical School, University of P´
ecs, R´
okus u. 2. 7624 P´
ecs, Hungary
2Department of Plant Systematics and Geobotany, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of P´
ecs, Ifj´
ag u. 6., 7624 P´
ecs, Hungary
3Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Lor´
and E¨
os University, P´
any stny. 1., 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Correspondence should be addressed to ´
Agnes Farkas,
Received 28 October 2011; Accepted 22 December 2011
Academic Editor: Pekka Kaitaniemi
Copyright © 2012 ´
Agnes Farkas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Floral nectar volume and concentration of ramson (Allium ursinum L. ssp. ucrainicum) were investigated in three dierent habitats,
including two types of sessile oak-hornbeam association on brown forest soil with clay illuviation and a silver lime-flowering ash
rock forest association on rendzina. Daily nectar production ranged from 0.1 to 3.8µL per flower with sugar concentrations of
25 to 50%. Mean nectar volumes and concentrations showed significant dierences between freely exposed flowers and covered
flowers, which had been isolated from flower visitors 24h prior to nectar studies. Both the amount and quality of nectar were
aected by microclimatic conditions and soil properties and varied between populations at dierent habitats. In the silver lime-
flowering ash rock-forest association mean nectar volumes and concentrations were lower than in a typical sessile oak-hornbeam
association on three occasions, the dierence being significant in two cases. During full bloom, the date of sampling did not have
a profound eect on either nectar volume or concentration.
1. Introduction
Allium ursinum L. (ramson or wild garlic) is a perennial
plant, widely distributed in Europe, occurring in various
deciduous woodlands, preferring damp shadow places,
meso- and eutrophic, neutral to moderately acid soils of the
hilly and the mountainous vegetation belt [1]. In Hungary,
the largest populations can be found in Bakony and Mecsek
hills, in the form of a continuous underwood layer in horn-
beam-oak and beech forests [2,3]. The flower stalk of ssp.
ursinum is densely papillated and rough as opposed to the
smooth pedicels of ssp. ucrainicum that lack papillae. The
European distribution of ssp. ursinum is confined to the
western and southern parts, being a subatlantic-submedi-
terranean flora element, while ssp. ucrainicum is distributed
in East Europe, with a western pontic-western sarmatic
character [3]. The populations selected for the purposes of
the present study belong to ssp. ucrainicum.
Besides being consumed fresh or cooked, ramson is a
popular medicinal plant, lowering blood pressure, being ef-
fective against arteriosclerosis, diarrhea, and indigestion [4].
The plant is valued by bee keepers, as well, since ramson
flowers can serve as pollen and nectar sources for honeybees,
completing the spring bee pasture [5]. Ramson blooming
starts in the second half of April and finishes in the first
half of May. The umbel-like inflorescence comprises 8–12
trimeric flowers, with a septal nectary between the base of
the ovary and the stamens of the inner circle, characteristic
for the Alliaceae family [69].
In the genus Allium, nectar secretion starts at the time
of anthesis and ceases parallel with the wilting of the tepals,
stamens, and style [10]. Allium species tend to secrete highly
concentrated nectar: Akopyan [11] measured 70–75% sugar
concentration in the nectar of A. cepa, while Hagler et al. [12]
reported 52–65% for the same species. Kumar and Kumar
Gupta [13] found similarly high concentrations in vegetable
alliums, measuring 52.8–82.6% and 42.0–72.8% nectar sugar
content in A. cepa and A. fistulosum,respectively.The24h
sugar value in the latter two species varied between 0.219 and
0.767 mg/flower.
According to Silva et al. [14] nectar sugar concentration
in A. cepa did not change significantly throughout the day,
2The Scientific World Journal
while mid- to late-morning and late evening peaks were ob-
served in nectar volume. Rate of nectar secretion was influ-
enced by both floral age and environmental factors, from
which relative humidity was the most important, being sig-
nificantly and inversely related to nectar production. Simi-
larly, environmental factors were found to aect the nectar
production of ramson, ranging from 0.16 to 0.42 mg
nectar/flower/day, with an average of 52.13% sugar content
[5]. In this study, sugar value was 0.14–0.25 mg in sunny
weather, but remained below 0.1 mg in changeable, cool
Although the rewards oered by A. ursinum flowers can
play an important role in the strengthening of bee colonies
before the bloom of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.),
which is a major bee pasture in several countries, to date
little is known about the nectar secretion process and nectar
composition of ramson. Investigating the nectar traits of
wild garlic can provide valuable information for beekeepers
as well as for consumers of the honey derived from the
floral nectar of A. ursinum. Although some data are available
regarding the eect of environmental factors such as relative
humidity and air temperature on nectar production in the
Allium genus, the impact of dierent habitats on the nectar
producing capacity of wild populations has largely been
neglected. Therefore, the present study aims at demonstrat-
ing variation in nectar volume and sugar concentration in
various populations of A. ursinum and at determining the
possibleroleofhabitatdierences in this variation.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Location and Time of Studies. Field studies were done
at three dierent locations in the Mecsek hills (South
Transdanubia, Hungary) in the springs of 2007, 2008, and
2010. The selected sampling sites included two of the most
dominant wood types and an edaphic one (for details see
Tabl e s 1and 2).
2.2. 24-Hour Nectar Production Studies. Nectar was extracted
with glass capillaries from 30 to 50 pollen-shedding flowers
each day, at the time of peak nectar secretion, which was
found to occur either at 9 hr or 17 hr in our pilot study. Each
sampled flower represented a separate individual. In certain
experimental designs the flowers have previously been
isolated with a tulle net in order to exclude visiting insects
(covered flowers). The volume of nectar produced in the
preceding 24 hours was determined directly upon sampling
the flowers with calibrated 5 µL micro pipettes (DURAN), by
reading the length of the nectar column within the capillary.
The refractive index—corresponding to the concentration
of nectar—was measured immediately with hand refrac-
tometers (ATAGO N-50E and OG 101/A). Since sucrose
refractometers are calibrated directly in g sucrose per 100 g
solution (% Brix) and the presence of hexose sugars scarcely
aects the relationship between solute concentration and
refractometer reading [15], the refractive index was directly
used for characterizing the concentration of nectar.
In addition, at site 3, repeated nectar sampling was
performed from previously covered, pollen-shedding flowers
on 5 consecutive days (15–19 April, 2007). All 5 study days
fell within the main bloom of ramson. Each day, 25 to 30
flowers were sampled. Each flower was sampled only once
during this period, that is, nectar was measured in dierent
flowers on dierent days.
2.3. Statistical Analysis. Means of data measured in cov-
ered/uncovered flowers, at dierent sites and on dierent
days were compared with either two-sample t-test or ANOVA
with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. Homogeneity of
variances was tested with F-test or Bartlett’s test. If the
variances diered significantly, Welch test was applied. The
normality of data series was checked by using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test. If the normality assumption was violated,
either Mann-Whitney test or Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn’s
multiple comparisons post test was applied. For statistical
evaluation of the results, the software GraphPad InStat (re-
lease 3.0.5) was used.
3. Results
3.1. The Eect of Flower Isolation on Nectar Volume and
Concentration. Ramson flowers produced low to medium
volumes (extreme values: 0.1–3.8 µL/flower) of highly con-
centrated (extreme values: 25–55%) nectar at all three
sampling sites on all occasions, with sugar values varying
between 0.17 and 0.69 mg/flower in the three years of our
study. The 24h sugar values were within the range (0.219 to
0.767 mg/flower) calculated for the flowers of A. cepa and A.
fistulosum [13], but were higher than the values determined
in a previous study on A. ursinum (0.14–0.25 mg) [5].
The eect of 24-hour isolation of flowers preceding nec-
tar measurements was investigated at site 3 on two dierent
occasions (covered versus uncovered flowers in Tab l e 2 ). In
both cases, mean nectar volumes in covered flowers were
significantly higher than in uncovered flowers (Tab le 3).
Similarly, mean nectar concentration values of covered flow-
ers exceeded those of freely exposed flowers in both years,
but in 2010 the dierence was not statistically significant
(Tabl e 4 ). The above results were taken into account in
further evaluation of data, that is, data from covered and
uncovered flowers were not pooled, and comparisons be-
tween various sites or dates were done either for covered
flowers or freely exposed flowers.
3.2. Eect of the Habitat on Nectar Volume and Concentration.
In order to analyze the eect of the habitat on nectar
volume and concentration,ramson flowers that had not
been previously isolated were sampled on three occasions.
On April 27 mean nectar volumes diered significantly in
2007, but in 2008 we did not find any statistically relevant
dierences between the three study sites (Tab l e 5 ). On 9 May,
2008 there was a significant dierence in the mean nectar
volumes of site 1 and site 2, and mean values at site 3 diered
from those at the other two sites. Mean nectar volumes at site
2 were lower than at site 1 on all three days of investigation,
the dierence being significant in two cases.
Similarly to the amount of nectar, its mean concentration
also showed significant dierences at the three dierent
The Scientific World Journal 3
Tab le 1: Characteristics of the sampled forest stands.
Stand ID
Location; latitude ();
longitude ();
elevation (m); aspect;
slope ()
Bedrock; soil type;
soil pH (H2O; KCl)
H: humus content
Plant association; status;
dominant species in canopy layer
(c); shrub layer (s); herb layer (h)
Site description
Status of Allium
ursinum ssp.
Site 1
West-Mecsek hills
1810.825; 370 m;
NE; 26
Loess; brown forest
soil with clay
illuviation (luvisol);
pH: 4.97; 4.05; H:
Sessile oak-hornbeam
association: Asperulo
taurinae-Carpinetum So ´
Borhidi in So ´
o, 1962; zonal; c:
Carpinus betulus,Fagus sylvatica,
Quercus dalechampii;s:scarce;h:
Allium ursinum ssp. ucrainicum
The middle of a
typical occurrence of
sessile oak-hornbeam
Optimal, cool and
humid; dominant
Site 2
Tubes hill
Mid-Mecsek hills;
1811.899; 535 m;
S-SW; 26
Limestone; rendzina
soil (leptosol); pH:
6.37; 5.91; H: 6.93%
Silver lime-flowering ash rock
forest association: Aconito
anthorae-Fraxinetum orni
(Borhidi-Kevey 1996); edaphic;
c: Tilia argentea,Quercus cerris,
Q. pubescens and Q. virgiliana,
Fraxinus ornus s: Cornus mas h:
Allium ursinum ssp. ucrainicum
Close to the border of
the calciphilous oak
Not optimal, warm
and dry; dominant
Site 3
ad peak
East-Mecsek hills
1815.386; 410 m;
NE; 8
Loess; brown forest
soil with clay
(luvisol);pH: 4.44;
3.51;H: 2.29%
Sessile oak-hornbeam
association: Asperulo
taurinae-Carpinetum So ´
Borhidi in So ´
o 1962; zonal; c:
Quercus dalechampii, Carpinus
oxyacantha, h: Melica uniflora,
Allium ursinum ssp. ucrainicum
Next to the border of
Turkey oak wood.
This habitat is
receiving relatively
more irradiation from
the direction of the
Turkey oak wood.
Not optimal, less
humid, more acidic;
mosaic appearance
Tab le 2: Sampling dates and sites, with bloom stage. C: covered flowers; UC: uncovered flowers.
Year Date Bloom stage Site 1
Site 2
Tubes hill
Site 3
ad peak
April 14 Full UC UC
April 15 Full C
April 16 Full C
April 17 Full C
April 18 Full C C
April 19 Full C
April 26 End C UC C
April 27 End UC UC
April 28 End C
April 25 Full UC
April 27 Full UC UC C and UC
April 29 Full UC C
May 9 End UC UC UC
2010 May 4 End C and UC
habitats on both April 27, 2007 and May 9, 2008, but no
such dierences were found on April 27, 2008. Mean nectar
concentrations were lower at site 2 on all three sampling dates
compared to those measured at site 1—the dierence being
significant in two out of three cases (Table 6 ).
3.3. Eect of the Sampling Dates on Nectar Production. In
2007, previously isolated flowers were sampled on five con-
secutive days during full bloom at site 3. Neither nectar
volume (Figure 1) nor concentration (Figure 2) changed sig-
nificantly during this period.
4. Discussion
According to our previous studies, the nectar producing pe-
riod lasts for 4 days in individual ramson flowers, with peak
production on the 2nd day of anthesis [16]. This was in
contrast with the study of Zimmermann and Pyke [17],
4The Scientific World Journal
Tab le 3: The eect of flower isolation on nectar volume at site 3.
April 27, 2008 May 4, 2010
nmean (µL) std nmean (µL) std
Covered 50 1.6560.930 32 0.6370.525
Uncovered 50 1.3180.677 32 0.1720.117
Method Welch-test, P=0.0415 Mann-Whitney test, P<0.0001
Abbreviations: n: sample size; std: standard deviation; indicates significant dierence between covered and uncovered samples.
Tab le 4: The eect of flower isolation on nectar concentration at site 3.
April 27, 2008 May 4, 2010
nmean (%) std nmean (%) std
Covered 50 38.3404.556 32 33.250 6.754
Uncovered 49 35 .8984.793 23 31.130 2.668
Method t-test, P=0.0108 Welch test, P=0.1149
Abbreviations: n: sample size; std: standard deviation; indicates significant dierence between covered and uncovered samples.
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Days in April
Changes of nectar volume between 15 and 19 April, 2007
Nectar volume (µl)
Figure 1: Nectar volume (mean and standard deviation) in covered
ramson flowers at site 3, on five consecutive days of full bloom in
April 2007.
who found that individual flowers of another mass-flowering
species, Polemonium foliosissimum, produce equivalent nec-
tar volumes every day of their lives within a single blooming
season. Although the intensity of nectar production in A.
ursinum flowers was expected to vary also at the popula-
tion level on dierent days of full bloom, no significant
dierences were found either in volumes or concentrations
of nectar on five consecutive days during full bloom. This
might be explained by the dierent approach applied in
the two studies: our previous investigation [16] monitored
nectar secretion from the bud stage until flower senescence,
sampling the same flowers on each consecutive day; whereas
in the present study all flowers were at the stage of anthesis,
and they were sampled on a single occasion.
Standing crop, that is, the quantity of nectar found in
freely exposed flowers at a given time [15] tends to be lower
than nectar volumes measured in isolated flowers, as demon-
strated by several studies (e.g., [18]). The significantly higher
nectar volumes of covered versus uncovered ramson flowers
might be explained by the foraging activity of pollinators
from freely exposed flowers. Various bees, including Apis
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Nectar refraction (%)
Days in April
Changes of nectar refraction between 15 and 19 April, 2007
Figure 2: Nectar concentration (mean and standard deviation) in
covered ramson flowers at site 3, on five consecutive days of full
bloom in April 2007.
mellifera L., A. cerana F., A. dorsata F., A. florea F. and
Trigona iridipennis Smith, and flies like Musca domestica L.,
Calliphora vicina Robineau-Desvoidy, Episyrphus balteatus
De Geer, Eristalinus aeneus Scopoli, and Eupeodes sp. have
been reported as frequent visitors of Allium species [1923].
In our field studies, the most important visitors of wild garlic
flowers were honeybees and ants. The highly concentrated
nectar reported for various Allium species [1013]canmake
it dicult for honeybees to collect the secretion product. In
our experience, ramson flowers might also produce nectar
with concentration values exceeding 50%; however, the
average values are in the range of 25 to 40%, which is suitable
for honeybees, allowing even the production of unifloral wild
garlic honey. Besides foragers, the slightly changed microcli-
mate due to the coverage of inflorescences, which results in
higher temperature and humidity, can contribute to differen-
ces in nectar production between covered and freely exposed
Dierences in microclimate can also lead to variation ob-
served between populations at dierent habitats. The rather
diluted nectar in covered flowers at site 1 can be explained by
The Scientific World Journal 5
Tab le 5: The eect of habitat on nectar volume.
27 April 2007, end of bloom 27 April 2008, full bloom 9 May 2008, end of bloom
nmean (µL) std nmean (µL) std nmean (µL) std
Site 1 33 1.3390.549 50 1.516 0.807 50 1.1620.549
Site 2 31 0.9360.526 50 1.422 0.772 50 0.7320.568
Site 3 49 1.318 0.677 50 0.1040.185
method t-test, P=0.0039 ANOVA, P=0.4298 Kruskal-Wallis test, P<0.0001
Abbreviations: n=sample size, std =standard deviation; indicates significant dierences between sites.
Tab le 6: The eect of habitat on nectar concentration.
April 27, 2007, end of bloom April 27, 2008, full bloom May 9, 2008, end of bloom
nmean (%) std nmean (%) std nmean (%) std
Site 1 33 36.1823.860 50 37.280 4.895 50 44.0404.247
Site 2 31 32.5163.548 50 35.640 4.129 50 40.0804.597
Site 3 49 35.898 0.685 14 32.4293.005
Method t-test, P=0.0002 ANOVA, P=0.1655 ANOVA, P<0.001
Abbreviations: n: sample size; std: standard deviation; indicates significant dierences between sites.
the more humid microclimate in the closed oak-hornbeam
association mixed with beech. The drier microclimate at the
border of the sessile oak-hornbeam and sessile oak-Turkey
oak woods in site 3 may stand in the background of large
amounts of concentrated nectar even in isolated flowers. In-
terpopulational dierences in nectar production were found
in other plant species, as well: for example, in Impatiens
capensis the variation in nectar volume was not significant
among plants, but was nearly significant among populations
[24]. Microclimatic conditions were found to influence
nectar production in other melliferous plants like Ajuga
reptans,Lamium maculatum,Lamiastrum galeobdolon, and
Ocimum basilicum [25,26]. For the latter species, physico-
chemical soil properties were also found to be decisive: from
the three investigated soil types, the highest intensity in
nectar secretion was recorded on eutric cambisol, and daily
nectar peaks were measured at various times depending on
soil type: at 8 am on eutric cambisol, and at 10 am on fluvisol
and humoglay [26].
In our study, the humus content of the investigated soil
types can be considered as good on luvisol (site 1 and 3)
and excellent on leptosol (site 2, see Tab l e 1 ), in accordance
with the meso- and eutrophic soils preferred by ramson [1].
Ramson is known to prefer moderately acid soils, with the
pH (H2O) ranging from 5.5 to 7.9 [27]orevenfrom6.0to
7.5 [28], which corresponds to the values measured at site 2
(pH H2O 6.4). On the other hand, the pH values measured
at the other two study sites fell below the optimal level. The
relatively low pH values at site 3 may be responsible for the
scattered appearance of ramson at this habitat, as opposed
to the continuous coverage of ramson at the other two sites.
The production of new roots was found to be inhibited by the
even lower pH 3.6 in an experiment of Falkengren-Grerup
and Tyler [29]. Low pH combined with high aluminium
concentration has been reported to suppress root extension
and biomass production [30].
Plants with dierent life histories and reproductive strat-
egies (e.g., annuals versus perennials) may react dierently
to the availability of resources. Burkle and Irwin [31]
demonstrated that nutrient addition increased aboveground
biomass and flower production as well as nectar production
in the monocarpic perennial Ipomopsis aggregata in the year
of treatment; whereas in the perennial Linum lewisii repro-
ductive output was not influenced by fertilization in the first
year, but delayed eects were seen in the next year. The nectar
secretion rate of Vaccinium macrocarpon was unaffected
by fertilizer application [32]. Species-specific responses of
nectar traits to variation in soil nitrogen availability were
observed also by Baude et al. [33], who found that litter
amendment to the soil led to an increase in total nectar
sugar content in Lamium amplexicaule, but not in two other
temperate grassland species, Mimulus guttatus and Medicago
sativa. Besides sugar content, amino acid levels of the nectar
can also be aected by soil conditions. Total amino acid
concentrations varied significantly at both the plant and
population level in Impatiens capensis [24]. In Agrostemma
githago, total amino acid concentrations increased signifi-
cantly with increasing fertilizer treatment [34].
A. ursinum applies Clan-of-Clone strategy which can be
characterized among other things with relatively small al-
location to vegetative reproduction, which prolongs local
persistence [35]. Despite being a clonal plant, sexual repro-
duction is prevalent over clonal reproduction in the majority
of natural populations [27,28,36]. Accordingly, A. ursinum
can be characterized with extraordinarily high values of
reproductive allocation, compared both to other woodland
perennials and related species of the Liliales [37]. In a habitat
that cannot provide enough nutrients during the time of
flowering, the plant is not able to invest suciently into
nectar production. This was demonstrated by our measure-
ments as well. From the three study sites, Tubes (site 2) was
the driest and warmest habitat, whose rendzina soil was char-
acterized by the highest humus content and pH values. The
high humus content can be advantageous if there is enough
precipitation in spring—typically in April, at full bloom of
ramson—since in this case nutrients are available in high
6The Scientific World Journal
amounts. Furthermore, rendzina soil is welldrained, which
is important for ramson. Later on—typically in May, at
the end of bloom—when there is less or no rain, the thin
rendzina soil becomes warmer and drier, therefore humus
decomposition is hindered and nutrients cannot be properly
absorbed by ramson. This may account for the fact that
nectar production was twice as high in April 2008 compared
to May 2008 at site 2, as opposed to the less pronounced
decrease in nectar production during the same period at site
1(Tabl e 5 ), characterized by a more humid microclimate and
medium humus content. At site 3 the humus layer is rather
shallow, and as ramson plants develop, the deeper pene-
trating roots reach a nutrient-poor soil layer, where lower
levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrate-nitrogen can
be measured [36]. The poorly drained soil with higher pro-
portion of clay and the lack of sucient nutrients may
explain lower vigour of plants and consequently lower nectar
sugar production.
5. Conclusion
Our study demonstrated that floral nectar volume and con-
centration varies in dierent populations of A. ursinum,
which can be largely attributed to the varying conditions
provided by dierent habitats. Populations in the sessile oak-
hornbeam association, which is the typical habitat of ramson
and provides sucient nutrient levels for nectar secretion,
produced higher volumes of nectar with higher nectar sugar
concentrations, compared with the population in the silver
lime-flowering ash rock forest, where A. ursinum cannot find
its optimal living conditions.
The project was funded by the Grant no. F 48815 from the
Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA).
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... The other revealed that there was great variability in nectar production, and it is evident that higher nectar production occurred at high humidity and low temperature [17]. Differences in microclimate can also lead to variation observed between populations at different habitats [18]. The accumulation of sugar in and near the flower under the influence of low temperatures and increasing permeability of the plasma membrane under the influence of high temperature [19]. ...
... Nectar is more diluted when humidity is high, and honey that is stored at such times is likely to be high in water content [19]. The drier microclimate at the border of the sessile oakhornbeam and sessile oak-Turkey oak woods in site 3 may stand in the background of large amounts of concentrated nectar even in isolated flowers [18]. ...
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Nectar concentration is highly influenced by environmental factors and the objective of the study was also to evaluate influences of some environmental factors on nectar volume and concentrations of Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile. Effects of temperature, relative humidity, daylight time, layers of trees, plants age and soil moisture on nectar volume and concentration of youngest, medium, and oldest age of croton was measured. The result indicated that nectar concentration and volume of youngest age was not more affected by temperature and relative humidity like that of medium and oldest ages. Temperature and age have a significant effect on volume (p = 0.0001) and their interactions are also significant (p = 0.01145). Temperature has significant effects on nectar concentration (p = 0.000). Interaction of relative humidity, time and layers has significant effects on nectar concentration (p = 0.0024012). Oldest plants had highest concentration of 10.1 w/w morning and afternoon 36.5 w/w at 4:00 PM for whereas medium plants had nectar concentration of 5.7 w/w morning and afternoon 16.7 w/w and the smaller or younger plants had nectar concentration of 2.7 w/w morning and afternoon 9.1 w/w and this shows age has a significant effect on nectar concentration and volume. Conclude that future temperature rise could have negative effect on the nectar production since for croton also no nectar could be collected at peak temperature of 30°C and no nectar recreation after this peak temperature that indicates climate change can increase temperature which will have negative influences for honey production in the future unless we combat against climate change which will affects honey production and productivity for the country and we will lose honey and its medicinal values of honey also.
... The other revealed that there was great variability in nectar production, and it is evident that higher nectar production occurred at high humidity and low temperature [17]. Differences in microclimate can also lead to variation observed between populations at different habitats [18]. The accumulation of sugar in and near the flower under the influence of low temperatures and increasing permeability of the plasma membrane under the influence of high temperature [19]. ...
... Nectar is more diluted when humidity is high, and honey that is stored at such times is likely to be high in water content [19]. The drier microclimate at the border of the sessile oakhornbeam and sessile oak-Turkey oak woods in site 3 may stand in the background of large amounts of concentrated nectar even in isolated flowers [18]. ...
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Nectar concentration is highly influenced by environmental factors and the objective of the study was also to evaluate influences of some environmental factors on nectar volume and concentrations of Croton macrostachyus Hochst. ex Delile. Effects of temperature, relative humidity, daylight time, layers of trees, plants age and soil moisture on nectar volume and concentration of youngest, medium, and oldest age of croton was measured. The result indicated that nectar concentration and volume of youngest age was not more affected by temperature and relative humidity like that of medium and oldest ages. Temperature and age have a significant effect on volume (p = 0.0001) and their interactions are also significant (p = 0.01145). Temperature has significant effects on nectar concentration (p = 0.000). Interaction of relative humidity, time and layers has significant effects on nectar concentration (p = 0.0024012). Oldest plants had highest concentration of 10.1 w/w morning and afternoon 36.5 w/w at 4:00 PM for whereas medium plants had nectar concentration of 5.7 w/w morning and afternoon 16.7 w/w and the smaller or younger plants had nectar concentration of 2.7 w/w morning and afternoon 9.1 w/w and this shows age has a significant effect on nectar concentration and volume. Conclude that future temperature rise could have negative effect on the nectar production since for croton also no nectar could be collected at peak temperature of 30°C and no nectar recreation after this peak temperature that indicates climate change can increase temperature which will have negative influences for honey production in the future unless we combat against climate change which will affects honey production and productivity for the country and we will lose honey and its medicinal values of honey also.
... / ¶Allium ursinum peut atteindre une longueur de 50 cm et se caractérise par un bulbe étroit, allongé, ne dépassant pas 6 cm de taille, entouré par les couches de la peau claire (Sobolewska et al., 2015), (Sobolewska et al., 2015;Farkas et al., 2011). ...
... Bulbe (Sobolewska et al., 2006) Polysaccharides (Sobolewska et al., 2015) Protéines Lectines Bulbe / racine / feuille (Alexieva et al., 2014) Acides aminés (asparagine, glutamine, acide aspartique, acide glutamique, arginine, alanine, glycine, thréonine) (Sobolewska et al., 2015) Acide (Farkas et al., 2011;Sobolewska et al., 2006) et prévient la thrombose (Pârvu et al., 2014). ...
... On the other hand, honey contains several other compounds that were not originally present in the nectar. Therefore, the pharmacological properties of the original herbs and honey are not consistently equivocal [8,46,47,56,63,64]. ...
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Background: Traditional and evidence-based medicines, as seen depicted throughout human history, reportedly first begin with the application of medicinal plants, animal products, or inorganic minerals as a basic framework towards effectively engineering the prototypes generally aligned to pharmaceuticals and medical nutrition. The growing global trend of complementary treatments for glaucoma can be explained by the intraocular pressure (IOP)-independent mechanisms of the disease and its interpretation as a progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Unfortunately, the categorical positions of the major fields of applied popular complementary therapies and their relation to glaucoma are consistently neglected. Methods: In consideration of bibliographic resources, the most well-known online scientific databases were searched. Conclusion: The rising popularity and the trends of products coming onto the market cannot escape the attention of pharmacists and ophthalmologists, as their patients suffering from eye diseases are also increasingly looking for such medicinal products. Most of them still lack knowledge of the appropriate evidence and side effect profiles. Our proposed systematic charts demonstrate the position of each mainstream complementary therapy throughout the applied medical sciences and are distinctively unique; we could not find any similar relevant illustration or resource among the published international literature.
... However, most of the models of floral nectar secretion, for example the so-called apoplastic, merocrine and eccrine models, focus mainly on the alternative processes of secretion of the nectar sugar component(Roy et al. 2017 and references therein), while the specific mechanisms ruling transport and secretion of other metabolites are still largely unknown.Beyond this aspect of the knowledge gap, it is now well established that the chemical composition of floral nectar may not only be shaped by phylogenetic constraints but also by ecological drivers (e.g.Nepi et al. 2010, Bogo et al. 2021. Among these it is worth mentioning, for example, interactions with specific guilds of pollinators that may drive selection towards convergent nectar chemistry in unrelated taxa (e.g.Pozo et al. 2015), or interactions with different habitat types (at least in species with wide ecological ranges) (e.g.Farkas et al. 2012) and the influence of human-driven landscape changes such as urbanization, habitat fragmentation and land use (e.g.Tew et al. 2021, Biella et al. 2022). As habitat type and landscape can impart specific local microclimatic characteristics and influence animal communities, both can extensively affect nectar availability and chemistry, not only at the secretion stage, but also through post-secretion modifications, presumably influenced by meteorological conditions (e.g.Corbet et al. 1979, Plowright 1981, Chalcoff et al. 2017, Parachnowitsch et al. 2019) and interaction with floral visitors (e.g. ...
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Floral nectar is central to ecology, since it mediates interactions with pollinators, flower-visiting antagonists and microbes through its chemical composition. Here we review how historical assumptions about its ecological meaning were first challenged, then modified and expanded since the discovery of secondary metabolites in nectar. We then explore the origin of specific neuroactive nectar compounds known to act as important insect neurotransmitters, and how advances in the field of bee cognition and plant-microbe-animal interactions challenge such historical views. As all actors involved in the latter interactions are under simultaneous reciprocal selective pressures, their coexistence is characterized by conflicts and trade-offs, the evolutionary interpretation of which suggests exciting new perspectives in one of the longest studied aspects of plant-pollinator interactions.
... Hal ini sesuai dengan studi yang dilakukan oleh Agus et al. (2021) yang mengungkapkan bahwa landscape atau kondisi vegetasi mempengaruhi tidak mempengaruhi kandungan sukrosa pada madu Tetragonula laeviceps yang diternakan pada lokasi yang berbeda. Sukrosa merupakan komponen utama yang ada pada nectar dan persentasenya bervariasi tergantung jenis tanaman, cuaca, lokasi, dan lingkungan, akan tetapi pada umumnya berada pada rentan 25%-50% (Chalcoff et al., 2006;Farkas et al., 2012;Rodríguez-Peña et al., 2016). Setelah dihisap lebah, nectar yang berada di ...
Meliponiculture becomes popular beekeeping practices during pandemic of covid 19 since it has a good demand and price. Nonetheless, studies related characteristics of stingless bee honey from Riau province are very few and this leads to honey misconception. Objective. To examine the physicochemistry characteristics of stingless bee (H. itama) honey of four locations in Riau province using SNI 8664:2018 as the benchmark. Methods. Honey samples were taken from four regencies, i.e Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Tambang, dan Ukui. Analyzing was conducted toward all samples using procedure stated at SNI 8664:2018. Results. All samples were categorized as honey based on organoleptic test. Moreover, honey color has range from white, light amber, light amber, dan amber depended on the locations. In addition, all samples from four locations met all requirements that are stated on the SNI 8664:2018 in parameter of diastase enzyme, hidroxylmetil furfural (HMF), percentage of reduction sugar, percentage of sucrose, and total free acidity. In moisture content, only sample from Rumbio Jaya met the requirements. Meanwhile, the others had more moisture content that is required by SNI 8664:2018. It is suggested that comprehensive study throughout the year need to be conducted to obtain more comprehensive results.
... ursinum are rough with numerous papillae, while Allium ursinum ssp. ucrainicum Kleopow et Oxner has smooth pedicels without papillae (FarKas, 2012). There is also a significant difference in the distribution area of these two subspecies. ...
Allium ursinum L. (ramson) has been used for centuries as a food and medicinal herb. Generally, the phenology, morphology, as well as health benefits of Allium ursinum plants have been scientifically validated; however, the knowledge about geographic variation in morphological characteristics and antioxidant properties of Allium ursinum are fairly scarce. The aim of this study, therefore, was to reveal the habitat preferences of Allium ursinum in different geographical regions of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and to evaluate its morphological characteristics of stems, leaves and bulbs and its antioxidant properties. Morphological characteristics as well as antioxidant properties of Allium ursinum plants including total phenolics and flavonoids contents, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) were determined. In this study, the high abundance of Allium ursinum plants was recorded at five different locations: Laktaši, Kozara, Prnjavor, Kneževo and Drinić. The results of this study revealed that Allium ursinum prefers forest habitats and that their morphological characteristics and antioxidant properties are strongly dependent on both geographical location and habitat conditions. We hereby suggest that Allium ursinum can be considered a valuable source of phenolic compounds with relevant antioxidant activity.
... ursinum has a rough texture with numerous papillae, unlike A. ssp. ucrainicum that has a smooth petiole without papillae [3,4]. Both subspecies require the same habitat conditions. ...
... Differences in floral reward quality and quantity can vary widely. For example, nectar volume in individual flowers can differ across and within species (Cruden et al., 1983;Potts et al., 2004;Farkas et al., 2012). For most angiosperms, sucrose, fructose, and glucose are the predominant sugars in nectar. ...
This chapter provides an overview of the history of pollination biology, it begins by discussing the basics of pollination and goes on to discuss pollinators and their diversity. Sections also cover the ecology and evolution of floral traits, domestication and its impact on plant-pollinator relationships and how pollinators can impact agriculture. A section on modern agriculture and pollinators is also provided.
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Understanding the invasion potential of any plant species is crucial for early detection in habitat conservation, particularly when observing their expansion within their native region. As a test species, we utilised Allium ursinum L., a dominant clonal species in early spring forest floors. We compared the species' germination capacity in native (Hungarian) and non-native (North American) soils, its seedling growth, and competing performances with two co-occurring dominant species, Melica uniflora Retz. and Carex pilosa Scop., in ten soil types and three soil compositions, respectively. Additionally, the competitive interactions of A. ursinum with Convallaria majalis L., a species already introduced in North America, were assessed under three moisture conditions. The results revealed that A. ursinum exhibited enhanced germination in non-native soils, while its shoot growth was most vigorous in control soil. When grown in soils with different co-dominant species, A. ursinum seedlings exhibited varying growth rates, significantly influenced by solar radiation intensity. A. ursinum shoots displayed superior growth in soil collected from C. pilosa stands compared to soil originating from its own stands. Notably, A. ursinum effectively competed against C. majalis in moderate soil moisture conditions. Furthermore, increasing sand content improved the competitive ability of A. ursinum against C. pilosa and M. uniflora. Based on our findings, A. ursinum possesses an invasion potential for particular North American habitats. However, the extent of its potential is dependent upon soil and climatic conditions. Under medium moisture regime, A. ursinum might outcompete the already established C. majalis from its habitats. Additionally, it can potentially displace native species with comparable ecological characteristics, such as C. pilosa and M. uniflora, especially in loose soils. Similar cross-range seed germination, growth, and paired competition experiments with potential competitor species are highly recommended as these can not only elucidate its native range expansion but also various growth scenarios for its agricultural cultivation.
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Background and Purpose: Ocimum basilicum L. var genovese was grown from seed in selected soil types (eutric cambisol, fluvisol and humoglay) in order to analyse its morpho-physiological flower preference and morphometric characteristics of aerial parts in relation to microclimatic conditions and physico-chemical soil properties. Materials and methods: The soil texture was analyzed using the "pipette method", concentration of CaCO(3) was determined using the volumetric method and percentage of humus and carbon was detected using Tiurin's method. Electrometric method was used for chemical reaction of soil. The amount of nectar per flower was assessed using microcapillary method. Morphometric analysis comprised measurements of plant height, length and width of leaf internode length, petiole length and leaf number. Results and conclusions: Considering the whole flowering period, the most luxuriant growth and the highest intensity of secretion was recorded on eutric cambisol. Results of morphometric analysis showed that statistically significant difference existed between the plants on eutric cambisol and humoglay (p<0.05). With respect to diurnal dynamics of nectar secretion, a pattern with a single daily peak was recorded, irrespective of the type of soil Daily maximum was recorded at 8 am on eutric cambisol (0.104 mu l/flower), and at 10 am on fluvisol (0.166 mu l/flower) and humoglay (0.103 mu l/flower). After reaching the highest values, secretion had decreasing tendency toward evening, and minimal nectar amount was sampled at 6 pm in all soil types (0.006-0.016 mu l). Surprisingly, on nectar collecting day in June, the highest total daily nectar amount per flower was measured on humoglay (0.351 mu l) and the lowest on eutric cambisol (0.288 mu l). Air humidity and evaporation were positively and temperature negatively correlated with diurnal dynamics of nectar production in all soil types.
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Successful pollination of onion (Allium cepa L.) flowers greatly depends on adequate nectar production. In order to understand the nectar production dynamics of onion flowers, nectar was collected at regular intervals during a 24-hour period. Hourly nectar volumes were compared to a variety of environmental conditions, including amount of solar radiation, relative humidity, temperature, wind speed, and evapotranspiration. Production patterns showed mid- to late-morning peaks and late evening peaks in nectar volume. Nectar appeared to be reabsorbed by the flowers during the afternoon and overnight hours. Individual flowers produced the highest amount of nectar several days after initially opening. Nectar production was significantly and inversely related to relative humidity while the effects of temperature, evapotranspiration, wind speed and solar radiation on nectar production were not significant in this study.
At two sites in Himachal Pradesh, India, seed set, seed weight and seed germination were compared for 3 Allium species which were open-pollinated, enclosed in nylon cages or covered with cloth bags. Seed set and germination were significantly higher in open-pollinated than in caged umbels, but there was no significant difference between treatments for mean weight of 100 seeds. The Indian honeybee, Apis cerana indica, was the most frequent insect visitor. Of the three onion species, Allium cepa was preferred by insect visitors over Allium fistulosum and Allium cepa fistulosum. Apis dorsata foraged exclusively for nectar, but although most Apis cerana collected nectar, a small percentage collected both nectar and pollen. The amounts of pollen adhering to the bodies of foraging insects varied greatly, honeybees carrying significantly larger amounts than all other insect species except Eristalis tenax.
(1) The population biology of four Allium ursinum stands was studied in a beechwood on calcareous soil and in a mixed Carpinus-Fagus woodland on a pseudo-gley soil in northern Germany from 1968 to 1977. (2) Under laboratory conditions germination of Allium ursinum seeds occurred after a dormancy period at 15-20⚬ C followed by stratification at 4⚬ C for at least 30 days. In the field, germination is restricted to the late winter and early spring. (3) Development of leaves and inflorescences is also dependent on low temperature. (4) Sexual and vegetative reproduction of A. ursinum first occurs in the fourth year, and lasts no longer than the eighth year. (5) A population of Allium ursinum has four dominant phases of mortality: at the embryo stage, autolysis of seeds during dormancy and stratification, mortality of individuals as they move to lower soil layers by means of contractile roots, and the phase of ageing (after 7-8 years). (6) The existence of pure stands of Allium ursinum is discussed in relation to the concept of Allium as an r-strategist amongst K-strategists, and to possible allelo-chemical and mechanical effects of the dying leaves. (7) The mineral-element content of different organs of A. ursinum is related to the life cycle of the individual plant. The significance of high nitrate concentration in the leaves of Allium in spring is discussed.
The foraging behaviour of insect visitors to onion (Allium cepa L.) flowers was studied in relation to five environmental variables. The dwarf honey bee Apis florea L. was the most abundant flower visitor, and comprised more than 94% of the total visitors. Commencement of flight activity occurred when a minimum threshold of environmental variables was exceeded, while the cessation was governed mainly by decline in light intensity and radiation. The foraging population correlated significantly and positively with air temperature, light intensity, solar radiation and nectar-sugar concentration and negatively with relative humidity. Path coefficient analysis, revealed, however, that the direct effect of temperature was large and positive followed by light intensity and solar radiation while the direct effect of relative humidity was small and negative. The direct effect of nectar-sugar concentration was positive and negligible. Path coefficient analysis thus gave a clearer picture of the effects than did a simple correlation analysis. On average A. florea visited 1.33 +/- 0.26 and 6.17 +/- 0.58 umbels and flowers/min, during different hours of the day. The insect pollinated plots produced significantly more seeds with heavier weights than those isolated from insect visits.
Kovács J. A. (1007): Data to the vegetation biology and coenological relations of Allium ursinum L. stands in Eastern Transylvania. -Kanitzia: 15: 63-76. The analysis of Allium ursinum s. l. stands in the natural forest vegetation of the Eastern Transylvanian area, concluded that this species realize high abundancy-dominancy values (A-D: 3-5) and strong coenological relations especially in the Lathyro-Carpinion alliance with peculiar 'Dacic' (Transylvanian) characteristics. The plant communities of the deciduous forests in the hilly area (oak-hornbeam and hornbeam-beech mixtures) like Lathyro hallersteinii-Carpinetum and Carpino-Fagetum contain the most widespred and representative stands of the wild garlic in the region, fol-lowed by the mountain plant communities of the beech woods and beech-spruce mixed forests like Symphyto cordatae-Fagetum and Leucanthemo waldsteinii-Fagetum. The riparian and the flood-plain forest communities contain rare, local and mostly fragmentary stands of the wild garlic. The stationary observations in three different sites (two in the Transylvanian Basin and one in the Carpathian area) indicate that the available water, soil moisture and humid microclimate, followed by soil rich in nitrogen and absence of aluminium, are the most important ecological factors for the forming of monospecific stands of Allium ursinum. The allelopathic activity of the wild garlic may also be important. Through its soil-mediated and volatile compounds it may influence other herba-ceous plants, inhibing germination and growth. Due to its characteristic vegetation bio-logy and interspecific relations, leading to the formation of monospecific stands, the species may become locally invasive. Introduction The increasing interest manifested in the biodiversity and the wild genetic re-sources of medicinal plants needs more and more scientific investigation, related not only to the chemical content, but also to the biology, ecology and coenology of the species and po-pulations. The species Allium ursinum L. (commonly names: ramson, wild garlic, bear's garlic) were used by the traditional medicine since a long time especially its aerial parts and the bulbs (Allii ursini herba, Allii ursini bulbus) as an antifungal, antihypertensive and antiatherosclerotic agent (ALLEN & HATFIELD 2004, CARLSON 2007, SZABÓ 2005). The pharmacological studies evaluated its anti-infective, antimicrobial, antioxydant and anti-cancer properties and several clinical studies have focused on its potential effect in pre-venting cardiovascular diseases (SOBOLEWSKA et al. 2006, CARLSON 2007). Reports on chemical composition of the wild garlic evidenced the presence of many sulfur com-pounds (cysteine sulfoxides, divinyl sulfides, thiosulfinates), flavonoids and lectins and its allelopathic influences also (DJURDEVIü et al. 2003, SOBOLEWSKA et al. 2006).
Patterns of floral nectar production and standing crop were measured in four populations of the herbaceous perennial plant species Polemonium foliosissimum. Contrary to prediction (Pleasants, 1983), individual flowers in this mass-flowering species were found to produce equivalent nectar volumes every day of their lives. Alternative methods of increasing the reward variability presented to pollinators are evaluated for P. foliosissimum and the relationship between that variability and risk-aversive foraging by pollinators is discussed. Significant spatial and temporal variability in rate of nectar production was found. Populations separated by approximately 200 m exhibited different rates. Nectar production declined significantly as a function of time of the flowering season in two populations but not in a third. In spite of such variability, individual plants showed consistency in production both within a single blooming season and across successive seasons. Because of the variability found in the present study, care should be taken to design appropriate sampling protocols in future nectar studies. Patterns of standing nectar crop were consistent with those expected if pollinators were using an area-restricted searching pattern.