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Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Avda. Espan
˜a 400 norte, 5400 San Juan, Argentina,
ABSTRACT—Prosauropods are basal sauropodomorphs that were the major terrestrial faunal components from the
Norian until their extinction during the Toarcian. Their status as a natural group is debatable. In the present work I
describe Adeopapposaurus mognai, a new sauropodomorph from the Can
´n del Colorado Formation, in northwestern
Argentina. Diagnostic autapomorphies and combination of characters of Adeopapposaurus include a series of large
foramina in a sub-vertical row on the lateral surface of the premaxilla; strongly rugose depression bordered by a
protuberance with a series of foramina in a sub-vertical row, on the lateral surface of the anterior end of the dentary;
eleven anteroposteriorly elongated cervical vertebrae and thirteen dorsal vertebrae with neural arches taller than the
respective centra. Phylogenetically Adeopapposaurus is resolved as the sister group to Massospondylus; differing from the
latter based on differences in mandible and premaxilla and addition of one dorsal vertebra to the neck. The specimens
described here reveal numerous herbivorous adaptations, including the presence of a highly vascularized bony plate in the
premaxilla and dentary, which indicates that it had a horny beak.
Prosauropods are a diverse and cosmopolitan group of omniv-
orous to herbivorous dinosaurs ranging from the Ladinian (Mid-
dle Triassic) to the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) (Galton and
Upchurch, 2004). Their monophyly is questionable, with most
proposals considering them to be paraphyletic to the Sauropoda
(Huene, 1956; Romer, 1956; Colbert, 1964; Charig et al., 1965;
Bonaparte, 1969, 1999; Bonaparte and Vince, 1979; Gauthier,
1986; Bonaparte and Pumares, 1995; Yates, 2003a, 2007; Leal
et al., 2004; Pol and Powell, 2005) or a paraphyletic arrangement
including a reduced monophyletic group of prosauropods (Yates
and Kitching, 2003; Yates, 2004; Upchurch et al. 2007). Prosau-
ropod monophyly has been supported by several authors
(Cruickshank, 1975; Sereno 1989, 1997, 1998, 1999; Gauffre,
1995; Wilson and Sereno, 1998; Martinez, 1999; Galton and
Upchurch, 2004; Barrett et al., 2005). While the taxonomy and
phylogeny of these basal sauropodomorphs has received much
attention, few works (Cooper, 1981; Benton 1983; Galton, 1985a,
1985b, 1986a; Crompton and Attridge, 1986, Barrett, 2000; Mar-
´nez, 2002a; Barrett and Upchurch, 2005, 2007) have explored
the adaptive conditions that determined their diversification
during the Norian to their ultimate Toarcian extinction. During
this time they were the most abundant component of continental
biomasses (Galton, 1985a). In this report, I describe and analyze
several new sauropodomorph skeletons originally referred to the
African genus Massospondylus (Martı
´nez, 1999a, 2002a).
Institutional Abbreviations—BP, Bernard Price Institute for
Paleontological Research, Johanesburg, Republic of South
Africa; PVSJ, Instituto y Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Univer-
sidad Nacional de San Juan, San Juan, Argentina.
Anatomical Abbreviations—A: articular; ac: acetabulum; ad.
q: anterodistal keel; a.f: articular facet; AI: axis intercentrum; al.
f: alveolar foramen; am.p: anteromedial process of the maxilla;
AN: angular; ANA: atlantal neural arc; ao.f: antorbital fossa; a.
pr: anterior process of the ilium; ar: rticular surface for the
radius; a.r: anterior ramus of the jugal; As: astragalus; ATI:
atlantal intercentrum; au: rticular surface for the ulna; AX: axis;
B: basisphenoid; BO: basioccipital; b.p: basipterygoid process;
b.tb: basipterygoid tobera; C: calcaneum; cfb.m: caudifemoralis
brevis m. insertion; c.i: crista interfenestralis; c.r: caudal rib; D:
dentary; dp: diapophysis; d.p: dorsal process of the maxilla; dpc:
deltopectoral crest; dc1,2,3: distal carpals 1, 2 and 3; dt.III,IV:
distal tarsals III and IV; EC: ectopterygoid; e.m.f: external man-
dibular fenestra; EO: exoccipital; EP: epipterygoid; ep: epipo-
physis; ES: esclerotic ossicle; ESP: splenial; Esp.f: splenial
foramen; ext.n: external naris; f: foramen; f.c: fibular condyle;
f.m: foramen magnum; f.o: fenestra ovalis; f.r: frontal ramus of
the postorbital; h: head of the humerus; h.b.p: horny beack plat-
form; IC: intercoronoides; ic.m: insertion for ischiocaudalis mus-
cle; i.c.f: internal carotid foramen; ifi.m: insertion for iliofibularis
muscle; if.m: insertion for iliofemoralis muscle; i.h: head for
articulation with the ilium; i.m.f: internal mandibular fenestra; infra-meckelian foramen; in: intermedium; isc.h: head for
articulation with the ischium; i.p: internarial process; i.ped:
ischiadic peduncle; J: jugal; j.r: jugal ramus of the postorbital; L:
lacrimal; l.b.p: lower bony platform; ; l.c: lateral crest; l.f: lacri-
mal foramen; LSP: laterosphenoid; lesser trochanter; m.l:
medial lamina of quadrate; m.f.i.o: mithotic fisure internal open-
ing; major trochanter; m.t: maxillary teeth; MX: maxilla; n.
c: neural chanel; n.f: nutritive foramen; n.s: neural spine; o: olec-
ranon; o.c: occipital condyle; OD: odontoid; o.f: obturator fora-
men; OP: opistothic; P: parietal; PA: prearticular; p.h: head for
articulation with the pubis; PAL: palatine; pap: parapophysis;
PE: parasphenoid; Pl.b: posterolateral border of the quadrate;
PO: postorbital; po.s.s: postorbital sutural surface; poz: postzy-
gapophysis; p.ped: pubic peduncle; posterior process of the
ilium; prz: prezygapophysis; PRO: prootic; p.s.s: parietal sutural
surface; PRF: prefrontal; PMX: premaxilla; po.r: postorbital ra-
mus of the Jugal; PT: pterygoid; p.p: posterior process of the
premaxilla; protrator pterygoid m. attachment; Q: quad-
rate; q.f: quadrate foramen; QJ: quadratejugal; quadrate
process of pterygoid; QJ.s.f: quadratejugal sutural facet; q.r:
quadrate ramus of the pterygoid; rc: radial condyle; SA:
surangular; sa.c: supraacetabular crest; SO: supraoccipital;
SQ: squamosal; sq.r: squamosal ramus of the postorbital;
s.t: silla turquica; sn.f: subnarial foramen; t.c: tibial condyle;
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(1):142–164, March 2009
#2009 by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
tf.c: tibiofibular condyle; u.b.p: upper bony platform; uc: ulnar
condyle; VO: vomer; v.q: ventral keel; V-XII: cranial nerves; w.f:
wear facets; 1cv: first caudal vertebra; 1sr: first sacral rib; 1sr.c:
contact surface of the first sacral rib; 1sv: first sacral vertebra;
2sr: second sacral rib; 2sr.c: contact surface of the second sacral
rib; 2sv: second sacral vertebra; 3sr: third sacral rib; 3sr.c: contact
surface of the third sacral rib; 3sv: third sacral vertebra;
fourth trochanter.
Sauropodomorpha Huene, 1932
Prosauropoda Huene, 1920
Massospondylidae Huene, 1914
Adeopapposaurus, gen. nov.
Diagnosis—Same as for the species.
Type Species—Adeopapposaurus mognai, sp. nov.
Etymology—Adeopapposaurus from the Latin adeo, meaning
‘far,’ pappo, ‘eating,’ and saurus, ‘lizard.’ The name refers to the
long neck characteristic of this taxon. The specific epithet refers
to the locality of Mogna in San Juan province, Argentina.
Diagnosis—Sauropodomorph with the following autapomor-
phies and combination of characters: series of large foramina in
a sub-vertical row on the lateral surface of the premaxilla;
strongly rugose depression bordered by a protuberance with a
series of foramina in a sub-vertical row, on the lateral surface of
the anterior end of the dentary; eleven anteroposteriorly elon-
gated cervical vertebrae and thirteen dorsal vertebrae with neu-
ral arches taller than the respective centra.
Holotype—PVSJ610, an incomplete skeleton including com-
plete skull with mandible in occlusion; complete cervical, dorsal
and sacral vertebral series; nine articulated caudal vertebrae
with corresponding chevrons, pectoral girdle, forelimbs, incom-
plete pelvic girdle and incomplete hindlimbs.
Hypodigm—PVSJ568: Partial skeleton consisting of partially
articulated skull; atlas-axis complex; four articulated caudal ver-
tebrae, presumably tenth to thirteenth, and fragments of indeter-
minate vertebral bodies; distal end of right femur; tibia, fibula,
astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsals III and IV and articulated
right hindfoot. PVSJ569: partial skeleton, smaller than the holo-
type, consisting of 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae without neural
spines; six sacral ribs; sequence of first 46 caudal vertebrae,
articulated; incomplete pelvis, lacking part of right ilium and
pubis; hindlimbs lacking right tibia and the full complement of
right phalanges. PVSJ570: right and left humeri, left with only
proximal posterior border, and centrum of 2nd sacral vertebra.
Horizon and Locality—All specimens found within the Upper
Pelitic Member (Martı
´nez, 2002b) of the Lower Jurassic Can
del Colorado Formation (Martı
´nez, 1999b) (Fig. 1), from out-
crops situated in southwestern Sierra de Mogna, San Juan,
Argentina. The holotype specimen, PVSJ610, and PVSJ570 and
PVSJ568 were found 148 m from the base of the formation,
while PVSJ569 was found 10 m below the first site.
The sources of comparative information used in the descrip-
tion are from the literature and personal observation of Herrer-
asaurus,Eoraptor and Riojasaurus. To avoid the excessive
citation of specimen numbers and references, these sources has
been listed in the Table.
Skull—The description is based on specimens PVSJ610 and
PVSJ568. The complete skull of PVSJ610 (Figs. 2, 3) is articulat-
ed with the mandible, and exhibits left lateral distortion with
displacement of nasals and prefrontals, as well as a transverse
fracture at the level of the premaxilla-maxilla suture. The mostly
articulated cranium of PVSJ568 (Figs. 4, 5) lacks its dorsal
bones, and preserves a disarticulated left quadrate, squamosal,
postorbital, and lachrymal, and right prefrontal and parietal. The
left mandibular ramus is complete but the posterodorsal portion
of the right ramus is missing. The left sclerotic ring is somewhat
distorted, and the right one is covered by the right frontal bone.
The palatal elements are situated approximately in their original
positions and articulated to each other.
Skull Roof and Side Wall—The premaxilla is subquadrangular
in lateral view (Fig. 6). Viewed laterally, the anterior rim is
TABLE. Sources of comparative anatomical data used in this study.
Anchisaurus polyzelus: Galton (1976)
Efraasia minor: Yates, 2003b
Eoraptor lunensis: PVSJ512; Sereno et al. (1993)
“Gyposaurus sinensis”: Young (1941)
Herrerasaurus ischigualastensis: PVSJ373; PVSJ474; Novas (1994);
Sereno and Novas (1994)
Coloradisaurus brevis: Bonaparte, 1978
Jingshanosaurus xinwaensis: Zhang and Yang (1994)
Lessemsaurus sauropoides: Bonaparte (1999); Pol and Powell (2005)
Lufengosaurus huenei: Young (1941); Barrett et al. (2005);
Massospondylus carinatus: Cooper (1981); Sues et al. (2004); Yates and
Vasconcelos (2005); Barrett and Yates (2006)
“Massospondylus” sp.: Attridge et al. (1985)
Melanorosaurus readi: Yates (2007)
Mussaurus patagonicus: Pol and Powell (2007)
Plateosaurus spp.: Huene (1926); Galton (1985b, 1986b, 2001)
Pantydraco caducus: Kermack (1984); Yates (2003a); Galton, Yates and
Kermack (2007)
Riojasaurus incertus: PVSJ849; Bonaparte (1972); Bonaparte and
Pumares (1995)
Thecodontosaurus antiquus: Benton et al. (2000)
Unaysaurus tolentinoi: Leal et al. (2004)
Yunnanosaurus huangi: Young (1942, 1951); Barrett et al. (2007)
Specimen numbers denote specimens examined by the author at first
hand, other data was obtained from the literature.
FIGURE 1. Map showing geographic location of the outcrops of the
´n del Colorado Formation, type locality of Adeopapposaurus mognai.
directed dorsally, and after 10 mm it forms a curved surface that
continues posterodorsally as a thin internarial process. This con-
dition differs from Mussaurus and Yunnanosaurus. The postero-
lateral process partially covers the anterodorsal edge of the
maxilla and ends as a thin lamina that overlaps the maxilla
dorsolaterally. The dorsoventral width of this process is one
third of the premaxillary width, as in Melanorosaurus, broader
than in Massospondylus, and thinner than in Riojasaurus,
Unaysaurus,Coloradisaurus and Lufengosaurus. The posterior
premaxillary border and the anterior maxillary border define a
conspicuous deep subnarial foramen exposed externally below
the posterolateral process and internally located posteroventral
to the palatine projection. A deep groove on the internal surface
of the premaxilla receives the anteromedial process of the max-
illa. The teeth roots are covered medially by interdental plates
that encircle them and projects as triangular plates with apex
FIGURE 2. Stereopairs of the skull of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ610). A, right dorsolateral view; B, left ventrolateral view; C, occipital view.
Scale bar equals 50 mm.
covering the space between two adjacent roots. This plate is
perforated by nutrient foramina associated with each root. Be-
cause they were weakly ossified, or eroded by diagenesis or
perhaps overpreparation, in the third and fourth teeth these
foramina opens at their ventral edge, exposing the root
(Fig. 6B). The external surface of the premaxilla is characterized
by a bony platform that extends dorsoventrally from the base of
the internarial process to the alveolar rim, and anteroposteriorly
from the anterior edge to the level of the third tooth, similar to
that of Riojasaurus, although in the latter it is thinner, extending
until the level of the second premaxillary tooth. A series of
foramina bound this platform posteriorly, three of which stand
out, dorsoventrally aligned from the base of the internarial pro-
cess. The largest of these foramina opens anteroventrally near
the ventral premaxillary rim, at the level of the second premaxil-
lary tooth (Figs. 6A, 7). This condition with foramina in a sub-
vertical row differs from the premaxillary scattered foramina of
The maxilla is cuneiform in shape, tapering posteriorly
(Fig. 6). A deep narial foramen opens at the anterior margin of
the base of the dorsal process; from this position, a series of
neurovascular foramina parallel to the alveolar border open
ventrally except for the posterior-most, which is larger than the
rest and opens posteriorly. Specimen PVSJ568 has eight forami-
na, whereas PVSJ610 has only six; this may be ontogentically
variable as in Massospondylus (pers. obs. BP/1/4934 and BP/1/
4376). The anterodorsal margin has an anteromedial process that
extends behind the premaxilla. The ascending process is almost
vertical, thin, with straight medial surface and convex lateral
surface. This process forms the entire anterior border of the
antorbital fenestra. The antorbital fenestra is anteroventrally
bordered by a reduced medial lamina as in Mussaurus,Massos-
pondylus, and Yunnanosaurus, different from the anteroposter-
iorly broad medial lamina of Riojasaurus,Coloradisaurus,
Unaysaurus,Lufengosaurus, Melanorosaurus and Plateosaurus.
The contact with the lachrymal above the antorbital fenestra is
visible in lateral view. The medial surface of the maxilla has two
medial wedge-shaped enlargements, an anterior one which
forms the anterior process, extending above the palatine expan-
sion of the premaxilla, and a posterior one which fits against the
palatine, extending to the posterior end of the maxilla (Fig. 6B).
The anterior portion of the medial surface of the anterior pro-
cess fits against the other maxilla, and the posterior portion fits
against the head of the vomer. In the medial surface of the
maxilla, as in the premaxilla, the teeth roots are covered by
interdental plates perforated by nutrient foramina.
The nasals are preserved partially disarticulated in PVSJ610
(Figs. 2A, B; 3A, B), and are the only skull bones absent in
PVSJ568, an indication of incipient skull disarticulation such as
seen in Plateosaurus (Sander, 1992). The nasal forms the poster-
odorsal border of the external nasal opening. It has a complex
suture on the dorsal maxillary process and, as in other sauro-
podomorphs, does not contribute to the dorsal border of the
antorbital fenestra or the antorbital fossa, as in Eoraptor and
Herrerasaurus. There is a marked nasal depression between
both nasal bones with an elliptical internasal fenestra as
in Lufengosaurus,Plateosaurus and Massospondylus. The ros-
trolateral process is wider than the rostromedial process.
As in other saurischians, the caudolateral process overlaps the
The lachrymal forms the posterodorsal border of the antorbi-
tal fenestra and the anteroventral border of the orbit (Fig. 8C,
D). The dorsal end is expanded, subquadrangular in section, and
with a thin laminar projection. It sutures anteriorly with the
dorsal process of the maxilla, posteriorly with the ventral process
of the prefrontal, and laterally with the nasal. The ventral end is
laminar, suturing with the maxilla in a dorsal groove on the
latter and with the medial surface of the anterior jugal process.
A distinct ridge extends dorsoventrally along the rostral edge of
the shaft, delimiting a narrow and deep excavation on the rostral
surface of the bone. The ventral third of this ridge forms the
posterior rim of the antorbital fossa which extends over one
third of the total lachrymal length as in Lufengosaurus,Massos-
pondylus and Plateosaurus, differing from the extended fossa of
Eoraptor,Herrerasaurus, Pantydraco and Riojasaurus. This fossa
is not present in Anchisaurus and Melanorosaurus. A groove in
the dorsal third of the posterior surface of the lachrymal ends in
a deep lachrymal foramen.
As in the basal saurischians Herrerasaurus and Eoraptor and
most of the basal sauropodomorphs, the prefrontal contributes
largely to the anterodorsal border of the orbit. In dorsal view it
has a parallelogram shape with a posterodorsal and anteroven-
tral acute and pointed ends, differing from the parallel medial
and lateral margins with rounded posterodorsal end of Massos-
pondylus and Lufengosaurus. A dorsally and ventromedially ori-
ented lamina diverge from the lateral border of the prefrontal, to
give it a triradiate shape in transverse section. Posteromedially
the prefrontal fits into a deep groove on the anterolateral border
FIGURE 3. Skull of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ610). A, lateral
view; B, dorsal view; C, occipital view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
of the frontal. The anterolateral border of the frontal fits be-
tween the dorsomedial and a ventromedial prefrontal laminae.
The internal surface of the dorsomedial lamina sutures with the
nasal in a long and straight contact, as in Massospondylus,Col-
oradisaurus and Lufengosaurus. The anteromedial overlaps the
posterodorsal border of the lachrymal.
The frontal is typically longer than wide, with expanded ends
(the posterior end more expanded than the anterior) (Figs. 3A,
4B). The median suture is straight. The strongly curved lateral
edge forms the entire dorsal border of the orbit where it com-
prises 35% of the orbital perimeter. This strong contribution to
the orbital border is similar to Pantydraco, Efraasia, Mussaurus,
Massospondylus, and Coloradisaurus, and differs from Rioja-
saurus, Unaysaurus, Plateosaurus, and Lufengosaurus, in which
the frontal contributes little to the orbital border. The anterior
end of the lateral edge presents a deep groove that sutures with
the prefrontal. The anterior end contacts the nasal by means of a
depression overlapped by the nasal. The posterior edge is char-
acterized by a marked depression that forms the anterior edge of
the supratemporal fossa, as in Riojasaurus,Unaysaurus,Massos-
pondylus,Lufengosaurus, Plateosaurus, and in the subadult
Mussaurus. A transverse groove serves as a suture with the ante-
rodorsal edge of the parietal. There is a deep notch at the pos-
terolateral process where the frontal process of the postorbital is
inserted. At this contact the postorbital overlaps the frontal,
which in turn partially covers the distal end of the postorbital.
The external surface of the frontal is smooth, without rough
patches or ornamentations, with a smooth medial depression
surrounding the orbital border and deepening in the frontal-
nasal sutural area.
The parietal contacts the frontal anteriorly, the laterosphenoid
ventrally, the squamosal, supraoccipital and paraoccipital
process posteriorly, and the frontal ramus of the postorbital
laterally. This latter contact, present in “Massospondylus”,
Lufengosaurus,Anchisaurus, and Riojasaurus, occurs neither in
basal dinosaurs such as Herrerasaurus and Eoraptor, nor in some
basal sauropodomorphs such as Pantydraco and Plateosaurus.
The outer surface is smoothly curved, with a depression that
marks the supratemporal fossa.
The postorbital is gracile, typically triradiate (Fig. 8G, H). It
forms the anterolateral corner of the supratemporal fenestra and
the anterodorsal corner of the infratemporal fenestra. The
orbital edge describes an almost perfect arch, is practically flat,
somewhat convex longitudinally, and forms the entire posterior
edge of the orbit. The ventral process or jugal ramus is the
thinnest. The external edge is thickened, the medial border is
laminar and has a deep groove-like depression on its posterior
surface. This depression represents the contact surface for the
posterodorsal process of the jugal. This contact surface extends
along half the length of both rami, as in most prosauropods with
the exception of Pantydraco. The posterior process or squamosal
ramus of the postorbital is laminar, broad, triangular in section
and forms a beveled end that sutures over a depression in the
dorsal surface of the anterior end of the postorbital ramus of the
FIGURE 4. Skull of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ568). A, dorsal view; B, ventral view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
squamosal. The dorsomedial or frontal process is the most ro-
bust of the processes. As in Lufengosaurus, the frontal process
contacts the parietal and forms a long sutural area with the
frontal, bordered by a tongue-like extension that inserts onto a
posterolateral depression of the frontal. A ventral lamina of the
frontal process sutures with the laterosphenoid.
The jugal is composed of three processes. The anterior process
is the most robust with a sharply pointed rostral end (Figs. 3A;
8A, B) contacting the maxilla ventrolaterally and the lachrymal
anteromedially. As in primitive saurischians such as Herrera-
saurus and Eoraptor, and in other sauropodomorphs such as
Massospondylus,Lufengosaurus, and Anchisaurus, this process
does not contribute to the posteroventral border of the antorbi-
tal fenestra in lateral view, as in Riojasaurus,Plateosaurus,
Efraasia,Pantydraco, and Yunnanosaurus. The dorsal process,
along with the dorsal edge of the anterior process, forms the
posteroventral edge of the orbit. The dorsal process is curved
and transversally flattened. Its tip overlaps the postorbital at the
level of a longitudinal groove on the posterior edge of the latter.
Because of this contact the postorbital bone covers the distal
third of the dorsal jugal process at the orbit. The posterior jugal
process is a thin lamina that covers two-thirds of the ventral edge
of the subtemporal fenestra. This process is slightly undulate in
FIGURE 5. Reconstruction of the skull of Adeopapposaurus mognai
based on PVSJ568 and PVSJ610. A, lateral view; B, dorsal view; C,
occipital view; D, ventral view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 6. Premaxilla and maxilla of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ568). A, lateral view; B, medial view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
FIGURE 7. Premaxilla, maxilla and dentaries of Adeopapposaurus
mognai (PVSJ568) in lateral view, showing the bony plates and vascular
foraminas. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
dorsal view and overlaps the anterior process of the quadratoju-
gal, covering it dorsolaterally. Thus the suture between these
processes forms a diagonal line directed posteriorly from ventral
to dorsal border as in Coloradisaurus,Massospondylus,Lufen-
gosaurus,Yunnanosaurus, and differing from the triangular
suture of Riojasaurus,Unaysaurus and Plateosaurus.
The quadratojugal is flat and thin (Fig. 8A, B). The distal two
thirds of the anterior process suture with the posterior jugal
process by means of a groove at the dorsal border. The dorsal
process is flat, its proximal two thirds covers the anterolateral
margin of the quadrate, and the distal end encircles this margin
contacting with its medial side, and with the quadrate ramus of
the squamosal. The rostral process is longer than the dorsal
process as in Lufengosaurus, differing from the similar sized
processes of Coloradisaurus,Unaysaurus,Riojasaurus and Mas-
sopondylus. The angle between both processes is acute as in
Coloradisaurus,Unaysaurus and Massospondylus, and differing
from the straight angle of Riojasaurus,Mussaurus, and Melanor-
osaurus. The caudoventral corner is rounded, lacking the distinct
heel present in Lufengosaurus, and to a lesser degree in Plateo-
The quadrate forms the posterolateral extent of the skull
(Fig. 8E, F). The outline of the articular surface is kidney-
shaped, with the mandibular condyles directed anterolaterally
and medially. The anterolateral condyle is bulbous and corre-
sponds to the articular area of the quadratojugal. The medial
condyle is larger, as in Pantydraco, forming an elongated bulge
that extends onto the entire posterior border of the ventral tip.
A transversly depressed area lies between both condyles. The
quadrate narrows to form a neck above the condyles, expanding
dorsally into two wing-like projections: the lateral lamina and
the pterygoid lamina. The lateral lamina is thin, originating at
the articular tip and ending a little short of the dorsal tip. Its
internal surface is smooth, and there is an oval depression on the
external side that is limited posteriorly by a thin ridge. The
posteroventral margin of the quadratojugal sutures into this
depression. This sutural zone extends along the anterior border,
presumably up to the middle part of the lamina. The quadrate
foramen opens at the base of the lateral lamina, 15 mm above
the condylar surface, and behind the area of suture with the
quadratojugal. This foramen is deep as in Herrerasaurus,Eorap-
tor,Efraasia, and Plateosaurus, in contrast with Pantydraco. The
pterygoid ramus comprises 75% of the quadrate length and ends
at the dorsal tip. The ventral border of the ramus is thickened
and its medial edge is sharp. Its anterolateral surface is smooth,
and the posteromedial surface bears a markedly rough and
depressed area for contact with the quadrate ramus of the ptery-
goid. The dorsal end of the quadrate is elliptical and strongly
The squamosal forms the posterolateral angle of the supra-
temporal fenestra and the posterodorsal angle of the infratem-
poral fenestra (Figs. 2, 3). It is tetraradiate, having three dorsal
processes, a posterolateral paroccipital ramus, anteromedial
parietal ramus, and anterolateral postorbital ramus, and one
thin, sharp ventral process, the quadrate ramus. The quadrate
ramus anterolaterally encloses the fossa for articulation of the
quadrate, covering the dorsal portion of the anterior lamina of
the quadrate in lateral view. The tip contacts the dorsal ramus of
the quadratojugal. The paraoccipital ramus is laminar and lance-
olate. In posteromedial view the entire surface forms a depres-
sion where it sutures with the paraoccipital process. The parietal
ramus is somewhat broader than the posterolateral process. The
medial side presents a depression at the level of suture with the
parietal. The postorbital ramus is the broadest of the three
dorsal processes and presents a deep triangular depression on
its external side corresponding to the suture area with the poste-
rior process of the postorbital.
Palate—The vomer forms the anterior part of the palate and
medially isolates the nasal sinuses from the nares (Figs. 4; 5D;
9A, B). The vomer length is 0.65 times the length of the palatal
ramus of the pterigoid, similar to Massospondylus and Lufengo-
saurus, and different from the long vomer of Plateosaurus and
Melanorosaurus. It is formed by two laminae in L-shaped ar-
rangement. The horizontal lamina forms the anterior part of the
palatal complex and the vertical lamina is located at the skull
midline. In ventral view, the former has a straight medial edge
and a sinuous lateral edge that forms an anterior expansion. The
middle of the lateral edge of the vomer contacts the palatal
expansion of the maxilla. The anterior end of this edge slightly
overlaps the anteromedial maxillary process. The proximal two
thirds of the palatal lamina are flat, while its distal third has a
smooth dorsal depression for articulation with the anterior pro-
cess of the palatine. The medial or vertical lamina originates as a
thin dorsomedial ridge at its anterior end, and progressively
increases in height toward the rear end. Both vomers attach
suturally in their anterior third. The posterior two-thirds sepa-
rate and form an elongated depression where the anterior pro-
cesses of the pterygoids are suturally united.
The palatine contacts the vomer anteromedially, the pterygoid
posteromedially and the maxilla laterally (Figs. 4; 5D; 9A, B).
It is linguiform in ventral view, anteroposteriorly elongated, with
the typical anvil-shaped lateral expansion, more reduced than in
Plateosaurus. The medial lamina is thin, with a sharp internal
border, and the anteroposterior rim of the external border limits
the anterior palatal fossa posteriorly. The anterior end of the
palatine sutures over the posteroventral end of the vomer, and
the posterior end sutures over the pterygoid. The palatine lack
the distinctive peg present in Plateosaurus and in some indivi-
duals of Massospondylus.
The ectopterygoid is triangular, laminar, with a very long and
thin jugal process that contacts the medial side of the anterior
process of the jugal (Figs. 4; 5D; 9A, B). The thin jugal process is
similar to Pantydraco and differs from the broad process of
FIGURE 8. Skull bones of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ568).
A, jugal and quadratejugal in lateral view; B, jugal and quadratejugal in
medial view; C, lachrymal in lateral view; D, lachrymal in medial view;
E, quadrate in lateral view; F, quadrate in medial view; G, posorbital in
lateral view; H, postorbital in medial view. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
Herrerasaurus. The posterior border sutures with the ventral
surface of the posterolateral pterygoid expansion. This contact
is inverted at the medial border, suturing onto the medial lamina
of the pterygoid. The ventral surface is smooth, with a slight
depression in the posteromedial area that extends onto the pter-
ygoid, lacking the pneumatic recess of Pantydraco.
The pterygoid makes up most of the palatal complex (Figs. 4;
5D; 9A, B). The anterior or palatine ramus is laminar, with a
fold along the midline that sutures with the opposite pterygoid.
This fold in the lamina forms a ventral rim that becomes thinner
anteriorly. The anterior third of the palatine ramus is a medial
vertical lanceolate lamina that contacts the contralateral bone,
separating the caudal two thirds of the vomers. The lateral edge
is straight and laminar from the contact point with the antero-
medial edge of the pterygoid, which it overlaps ventrally. The
lateral flank is aliform, with a posterolaterally directed posterior
edge. This thick rounded flank becomes progressively thinner
from the quadrate ramus toward the lateral edge. The anterior
border overlaps the ectopterygoid dorsally in the sutural zone.
The quadrate ramus is directed posterolaterally, and it becomes
divided into two thin processes, one dorsal and one ventral,
diverging from each other at approximately 90. The sharp pos-
terior edges of the dorsal and ventral processes suture medially
against the anteromedial and ventral borders, respectively, of
the pterygoid ramus of the quadrate. The medial surface of the
quadrate ramus is traversed by a ridge that originates in the
middle base of the dorsal process and extends posteroventrally
along the ventral process. The basipterygoid flank projects
posteromedially as a long process, subtriangular in section.
Together with the base of the quadrate ramus, this process
demarcates a depression for articulation of the basipterygoid
Braincase—The braincase of PVSJ568 is disarticulated from
the rest of the skull, and is dorsally eroded, exposing its cranial
cavity (Fig. 10). The basicranium of PVSJ610 is articulated with
the rest of the skull (Figs. 2, 3).
The dorsal surface of the basioccipital forms most of the floor
of the cranial cavity. The anterior half is polygonal with a slight
longitudinal middle ridge that separates two lateral depressions.
The anterior edge is straight and sutures with the basisphenoid.
The anterolateral edges demarcate the internal opening of the
metotic fissure together with the prootic. The posterior half is
narrower and is flanked by the exoccipital with which it forms
the narrow base of the foramen magnum. The basioccipital
forms most of the occipital condyle, which is reniform in posteri-
or view and separated from the remainder of the bone by a
distinct neck (Fig. 10D). The tips of the condyle are formed by
the dorsolaterally-oriented exoccipitals. The posterior surface of
the condyle is convex and its ventral margin is in line with the
parasphenoid rostrum as in Massospondylus,Pantydraco and
Melanorosaurus. The basal tubera are robust, slightly divergent
ventrolaterally and medially separated by a shallow recess as in
Melanorosaurus,Lufengosaurus, and Plateosaurus, and differing
from the deep recess of Massospondylus and Riojasaurus.
The basisphenoid forms the cranium floor from the tubera to
the basipterygoid processes (Fig. 10A, B). The dorsal surface is
slightly concave, with a soft middle longitudinal ridge that con-
tinues on the basioccipital. The posterior border sutures with the
basioccipital. It contacts the prootics laterally. The anterior zone
of its dorsal surface ends as a sharp edge that represents the
posterodorsal border of the sella turcica, which is formed by a
deep circular depression with both foramina of the internal ca-
rotid artery on its posteroventral surface. The sharp edges limit-
ing the sella turcica are formed by the anterior edges of the
prootics laterally and by the basisphenoid-parasphenoid group
anteroventrally. The prootic overlaps the anterodorsal border of
the lateral surface of the basisphenoid. This surface narrows
anteriorly forming a depression for the vidian nerve foramen. In
lateral view this opening is partially covered by an expansion of
the prootic that would have supported M. protractor pterygoi-
deus. The posterodorsal border of the basisphenoid presents a
groove continuous with the fenestra ovalis. The posterior border
covers the lower end of the crista interfenestralis and more ven-
trally, the ventral edge of the basioccipital. The posterior border
of the ventral surface forms the tubera basipterygoidea
(Fig. 10A), with two laterally rounded processes that unite medi-
ally as a pair of posterior expansions limiting a deep oval notch,
deeper and bigger than in Herrerasaurus and Eoraptor. The basi-
sphenoid is short anteroposteriorly and the basipterygoid pro-
cesses diverge ventrolaterally. These processes are oval in
section, laterally compressed with a rounded posterior border
and a sharp anterior border. The parasphenoid forms the anteri-
or end of the basicranium. The posterior suture with the basi-
sphenoid is not obvious. The dorsal surface of the rostral process
is traversed by a longitudinal groove from its origin at the ante-
roventral border of the sella turcica. The edges of this groove are
sharp and decrease anteriorly. The posterior third of the ventral
surface has a longitudinal depression limited laterally by sharp
edges that are continuous with the anterior edges of the basip-
terygoid processes.
The laterosphenoid is quadrangular and forms the anteroven-
tral border of the supratemporal fenestra. The posterior surface
is concave conforming to the outline of this fenestra. The anteri-
or surface forms the posteromedial zone of the orbit. The dorsal
border sutures by means of a conspicuous groove with the ven-
tral surface of the posteroventral border of the parietal. Later-
ally it sutures with the midventral projection of the postorbital.
FIGURE 9. Palatal complex of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ568).
A, ventral view; B, dorsal view with overlapping prefrontal and frontal
bones. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
Anterior to the postorbital contact, a thin anteriorly-projected
process contacts with the frontal. The posteromedial border
sutures with the prootic and has a groove that forms the anterior
edge of the foramen for the trigeminal nerve.
The prootic forms most of the lateral surface of the basicra-
nium (Fig. 10A–C). The sutures of the posterodorsal border
overlap the opisthotic and form a complicated suture with the
supraoccipital. The ventral border forms a diagonal fold in the
basicranium that extends from the ventral border of the opistho-
tic to the vidian canal opening. This fold forms the anterior
border of the fenestra ovalis, forming a thin edge at its suture
with the basisphenoid and partially covering the vidian canal
opening. A laminar expansion at the anteroventral end of the
lateral prootic surface would have supported the M. protractor
pterygoideus. A thin groove along the middle third of the ventral
border represents the opening of the facial nerve. The suture
with the basisphenoid at its anteroventral end is not visible. The
anterior border presents a medial depression that forms the
posterior border of the trigeminal nerve foramen. The internal
surface is slightly concave. Halfway between the fenestra ovalis
posteriorly and the posterior border of the trigeminal foramen
lies the internal opening of the facial nerve. The dorsal end of
this surface forms a rather marked depression centered at the
suture with the supraoccipital bone.
The supraocciptal is subtriangular and slightly sloping ante-
riorly. It contacts the parietals dorsally, the base of the paraocci-
pital processes of the opisthotics posterolaterally and with the
prootics anterolaterally. The exterior surface has a strong medial
convexity flanked by two depressions in the area of contact with
the parietals; the postemporal foramina open within these
depressions. It forms the roof of the foramen magnum and the
internal surface has marked depressions where it contacts the
The exoccipital-opisthotic sutures are unusual in being clearly
discernable in both Adeopapposaurus skulls (Figs. 3C, 10D). The
exoccipital forms the posterolateral border of the basicranium. It
is triangular with a posterior process extending over the basioc-
cipital to form the ventrolateral edges of the neural canal. In
Herrerasaurus and Pantydraco the exoccipital forms the dorso-
lateral sector of the occipital condyle, whereas in Plateosaurus,
Efraasia, and other basal sauropodomorphs it forms a dorsolat-
eral ridge-like structure in the condyle. The anterior border
forms the posterior edge of the metotic fissure, the hypoglossal
foramina open posterolaterally and parallel to this border. The
ventral border is straight, horizontal and sutures along its entire
length with the basioccipital. The dorsal border sutures with the
base of the paraoccipital process of the opisthotic. The openings
of the hypoglossal foramina are on the inner lateral wall of the
foramen magnum, aligned and parallel to the exoccipital-basioc-
cipital contact.
The opisthotic expands in a tongue-like fashion at both ends.
It diverges posterolaterally with slight ventral inclination. The
base of the paraoccipital process sutures with the supraoccipital
dorsally, with the prootic anterolaterally and with the exoccipital
ventrally. The opisthotic forms the laterodorsal border of the
foramen magnum, which it surrounds as a shelf. Its posterior
side is convex in its middle, smoothly concave in its distal third,
and has a depression in the area near the foramen magnum that
indicates the area of proatlas articulation.
Mandible—Both mandibular rami of PVSJ568 (Fig. 11) and
PVSJ610 (Fig. 3A) are preserved, although the middle part of the
former’s right mandibular ramus is missing. Mandibular length,
FIGURE 10. Braincase of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ568). A, ventral view; B, dorsal view; C, lateral view; D, occipital view. Scale bar
equals 20 mm.
from the articular to the symphysis, is shorter in both specimens
than cranial length from the quadrate to the anterior tip of the
premaxilla. This difference has been reported for “Massospon-
dylus” although debated by others (Sues et al., 2004).
The dentary comprises approximately 60% of the mandibular
ramus length; it is straight posteriorly and curves anteriorly
(Fig. 11). Laterally, its posterior edge forms the entire anterior
border of the external mandibular fenestra. The dentary is
divided into two posterior processes that limit this fenestra. The
dorsal process sutures with the surangular, overlapping this bone
at the dorsal border of the fenestra and wedging against it at the
anterodorsal border of the fenestra. The ventral process projects
rather more posteriorly, it is triangular and overlaps the angular
laterally. The ventral border of the dentary forms the mandibu-
lar edge in the anteriormost 20 mm of the mandible; from there
the suture with the splenial starts and extends on the medial
surface and covers the Meckelian canal. The medial side of the
dentary is covered by the splenial posteriorly and the intercoro-
noid dorsally. The latter covers the inner alveolar zone up to the
level of the fifth tooth, so that only the alveolar borders of the
four anteriormost teeth are exposed. The dorsal border has
strongly marked alveolar edges. The first alveolus is situated 4
mm from the symphysis and the last alveolus is almost at the
posterior end of the dentary. Mean dorsoventral width of the
dentary is 23 mm. The dorsal and ventral borders are parallel to
each other until approximately 25 mm from the symphysis, at
which point the ventral border diverges smoothly. The maximum
width of the dentary occurs at the level of the symphysis, where
it is 27 mm wide. The anterior edge of the mandibular symphysis
is straight and posteroventrally sloped, so that its ventral tip is 12
mm behind the level of the dorsal end. The lateral side of the
dentary is convex, has a slight depression at the level of the 4th
tooth and is enlarged at the area nearest to the external mandib-
ular fenestra. The outer surface is smooth, except at the anterior
region, where around the symphysis it has a strongly rugose
depression bordered by a protuberance. The lateral surface pre-
sents numerous foramina that can be sorted into two groups
according to their distribution. The first group comprises at least
ten foramina aligned parallel to one another three mm from the
alveolar edge. They open dorsoanteriorly and are subequally-
sized with the exception of the foramen situated between the
13th and 14th teeth, which is larger and extends backward in a
deep 10 mm long groove. The second group comprises approxi-
mately eight foramina arranged in a semicircle that bound the
rugose depression mentioned above (Fig. 12A). This feature is
different than the cluster of scattered foramina present in Her-
rerasaurus and Massospondylus.
The intercoronoid is a thin bony plate, approximately 3.5 mm
wide, that covers the lingual alveolar zone of the dentary from
the fifth to the last dentary tooth (Fig. 11B). It is uniformly wide
at its posterior two thirds, and from that level it narrows progres-
sively, forming a tip at the level of the fourth tooth. The inter-
coronoid is partially overlapped by the splenial from its middle
region, and by the prearticular in the area of the internal man-
dibular fenestra. It forms the anterodorsal border of the internal
mandibular fenestra. Its posterior end is thinner and curves
smoothly along the shape of the anterior border of the coronoid
eminence, attaching onto its medial surface, presumably onto
the coronoid.
The surangular forms practically the entire dorsal border of
the mandibular ramus from the anterior edge of the mandibular
fenestra to the retroarticular process of the articular. Its anterior
end bifurcates into two processes that border the external man-
dibular fenestra dorsally and posteroventrally. It contacts the
dentary, coronoid and splenial anteriorly, the angular, prearticu-
lar, and articular ventrally. Its dorsal border forms the entire
coronoid eminence. The anterior part of the dorsal edge of the
FIGURE 12. Lower jaw and teeth of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ568). A, lower jaw in anteroventral view; B, tooth crown showing
form of the denticles; C, premaxillary and dentary teeth showing the
tooth to tooth wear facets. Scale bars equal: A, C: 20 mm; B: 1 mm.
FIGURE 11. Lower jaw of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ568).
A, lateral view; B, medial view. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
coronoid eminence is concave, with a large foramen opening
anteriorly. The rest of its dorsal border is convex and rugose,
especially the posterior third where an anteroposteriorly elon-
gated foramen opens. The medial side is concave forming a
groove in the medial side of the mandible, interrupted by a
medial septum-like process that apparently contacts the prearti-
cular. The posterior end forms a tubular wrapping with a medial
opening into which the articular fits.
The splenial is a laminar bone that covers the dentary medi-
ally; it fits into a ventral groove on the medial side of the dentary
and its upper border partially overlaps the intercoronoid. The
splenial foramen is situated anteroventrally (Fig. 11B). The an-
terior end is divided into two thin sharp processes parallel to the
dorsal and ventral borders of the dentary. The anterior ventral
process runs close to the ventral border of the dentary, following
the meckelian canal. The anterior dorsal process, somewhat
shorter than the ventral one, lies between the intercoronoid and
the dentary. Posteriorly the splenial also splits into two process-
es. The posterior dorsal process, short and triangular, overlaps
both prearticular and intercoronoid. The posterior ventral pro-
cess is longer and extends beyond the posterior edge of the
mandibular fenestra, covering the prearticular medioventrally
and forming a longitudinal fold at its posterior end into which
the anterior end of the angular fits and both bones surround the
infra-Meckelian foramen. This fold or curved border of the sple-
nial represents the ventral edge of the mandible for nearly its
entire middle third.
The angular forms the posteroventral border of the external
mandibular fenestra. A lateral notch on its anterior edge is over-
laid by the posteroventral process of the dentary. The ventral
border is covered by the splenial and is completely overlapped
medially by the prearticular and splenial. The rear half of the
angular ventrolaterally overlaps the surangular. Ventrally it con-
tacts the prearticular, forming with the latter two parallel ridges
that represent the ventral edge of the mandibular ramus.
The prearticular is a thin lamina, axially rolled upon itself,
forming the anterior portion of the ventral edge of the internal
mandibular fenestra. The anterior end is flat and covered by the
splenial medially and ventrally, and by the angular laterally, so
that a large anteroposteriorly elongated foramen is formed be-
tween these bones. The posterior zone of the prearticular unrolls
forming a funnel-like structure with the larger opening directed
posterodorsally, contacting the dorsomedial process of the sur-
angular at its anterior border. Posteriorly the prearticular
extends as a thin horizontal plate onto which the articular
sutures. The lateral edge of this plate contacts the surangular
along its entire length.
The articular is irregular, but appears triangular in dorsal
view. The dorsal surface has a marked lateromedial depression
for articulation with the quadrate. The posterior end expands to
form a reniform rugose retroarticular process that would have
supported the M. depressor mandibulae. The ventral side bears a
longitudinal keel-like expansion that fits between the surangular
and the prearticular. The lateral border fits inside a canal formed
by the posterior end of the surangular. The anterior border is
bulbous, enclosed in the cavity formed by the surangular and the
Ceratobranchial—The ceratobrachials are preserved between
the lower jaws in both PVSJ610 and PVSJ568. They are thin,
subcircular in transverse section and almost constant in diame-
ter. The preserved fragment is 61 mm long, and the total esti-
mated length is at least 70 mm, it projects posteriorly in a
straight line for two thirds of its complete length, at which point
it curves medially. A 5 mm long longitudinal ridge in the curved
sector could be natural or caused by fracture. The partially erod-
ed anterior end has a funnel-shaped ventromedial expansion.
Dentition—The general design is the same for all teeth: the
crown laterally compressed, with the lingual side more convex
than the labial side. The root is cylindrical and the crown base
expands to become spear-shaped in the distal two-thirds. The
anterior and posterior carinae are serrated with denticles paral-
lel to the basal-apical axis as in Massospondylus (Fig. 12B). The
crown tips are slightly curved medially and overlap so that the
posterior edge of a tooth covers the anterior edge of the next
one in lateral view.
The premaxilla bears four subequal teeth that are longer and
broader than the rest of the teeth (Fig. 6). The crowns are more
elongatedly lanceolate, practically from the alveoli, and end in a
sharp posteromedially-curved tip. The three anteriormost teeth
are aligned so that the posterior edge of a crown contacts the
anterior edge of the next one, while the fourth tooth is slightly
rotated so that its anterior edge is partially covered by the poste-
rior edge of the third tooth. The third and fourth teeth have a
wear facet on their edges, the third tooth on the anterior and
posterior edges while the fourth has only one on the posterior
edge (Figs. 6, 7, 13B). Those facets matchs facets on the first and
second dentary teeth, indicating that they were caused by tooth-
to-tooth wear (Fig. 12C).
Both PVSJ568 and PVSJ610 have 15 maxillary teeth or empty
alveoli. These decrease in size toward the rear, and are
juxtaposed according to the pattern described above, but gener-
ally somewhat disordered. All teeth have a cylindrical notch at
the crown base; it is almost imperceptible in the anterior teeth
and comprises almost half of the crown length in the posterior
teeth. Some of the teeth have straight crowns, whereas others
have medioposterioly-curved tips. The anterior teeth in particu-
lar exhibit strong wear on the crown edges, so the serration is
practically absent. When present, serration are parallel to the
basal-apical axis as in Massospondylus (Fig. 12B).
The left ramus of PVSJ568 has 20 mandibular teeth in their
corresponding alveoli, whereas the right ramus of PVSJ610 has
18 teeth or alveoli. All are inclined anteriorly and arranged
according to the imbricated pattern described for other teeth.
They decrease in size posteriorly. The five anteriormost teeth
are longer and widely spaced, with gaps visible between them in
lateral view. The serrated crown edges of these teeth are con-
spicuously worn, appearing sharper than the posterior teeth
(Fig. 6, 7). The sixth left tooth of PVSJ568 is erupting and its
crown is parallel to the long axis of the dentary, implying that
imbrication is acquired during the growth of the tooth.
Axial Skeleton—Specimen PVSJ568 preserves a disarticu-
lated atlas and axis (Figs. 13, 14). The complete articulated cer-
vical series of PVSJ610 is preserved (Fig. 15), although the
atlantal elements are not completely exposed. The presence of
all cervical and dorsal ribs articulated to the vertebrae, unequiv-
ocally shows the differentiation between the last cervical rib and
the first dorsal rib, indicating that Adeopapposaurus has 11 cer-
vical vertebrae including the atlas.
Cervical Vertebrae—Both proatlases are disarticulated. In lat-
eral view, the proatlas is rhomboidal with an anteriorly oriented
long axis. It is laminar and becomes thicker toward the anterior
end. The anteroventral border is straight, with rounded edges,
bulbous posteroventral end and a flat anterodorsal end. This bor-
der articulates with the exoccipital and supraoccipital in a depres-
sion dorsolateral to the foramen magnum. The anterodorsal
border is straight and directed anteroposteriorly. This border con-
tacts the other proatlas along its entire length, forming the roof of
the neural canal. The posterior end or postzygapophysis is thin and
ends in a sharp tip as in Riojasaurus, and contrasting with Herrer-
asaurus, in which it is rounded. The dorsal border is convex and the
ventral border is concave, so that it is wedge-like. The medial side
of the postzygapophysis is slightly concave for the articulation of
the prezygapophysis of the atlantal neural arch.
All the atlantal elements are preserved, although not articu-
lated. The atlas is composed of a centrum or odontoid, an inter-
centrum and two neural arches (Fig. 14).
The odontoid is subcircular in dorsal view. The dorsal surface,
which floors the neural canal, is slightly concave. The anterior
articular surface of the odontoid is partially broken. The posteri-
or end is convex, with a slight dorsoposterior projection that fits
into a depression on the anterior side of the axis centrum. The
ventral surface has a pair of deep grooves that originate in each
posterolateral edge, converge medially near the anterior border,
and then diverge, not forming two separate grooves until they
reach the posterior edge. These grooves delimit a distinct sinu-
soidal ridge that fits into a deep canal situated near the dorsal
posterior border of the atlantal intercentrum. The posterior
borders of the two lobes defined by the grooves in the
ventral side contact the two anterolateral lobes of the axis inter-
centrum. The intercentrum is subrectangular, reniform in dorsal
view, U-shaped in anterior view and subtriangular with an
anteriorly-oriented apex in lateral view. A transverse ridge on
its dorsal surface delimits two laterally-oriented concavities. The
deep posterior concavity serves as the area of articulation for the
odontoid. The anterior concavity is shallow, limited anteriorly by
a thin wedge-like border that articulates with the occipital con-
dyle. The posterior border of the intercentrum is rounded, with
paired lateral bulbous processes that contact the axial intercen-
trum. The ventral surface is smooth, with a pair of lateral depres-
sions. The neural arch is anteroposteriorly elongated. Its
anterior end has a rounded anteroventral projection that articu-
lates with the laterodorsal edge of the intercentrum and with the
occipital and exoccipital at the occipital condyle. At the dorsal
border, a bilobed dorsomedial expansion forms the lateral wall
of the neural canal. The lateral surface of the anterior of these
lobes forms the prezygapophysis that articulates with the proa-
tlas. The postzygapophyisis is oriented ventromedially. On the
lateral side of the neural arch, from the point where the anterior
end converges with the prezygapophysis, a keel rises forming a
ledge with concave dorsal and convex ventral surfaces that
diverges posterolaterally to form the epipophysis.
The centrum of the axis is 3.5 times longer than it is high, with
strongly marked lateral and ventral compression that is greatest
at a third of its length from the anterior end (Fig. 14). Ventrally,
a longitudinal ridge runs along its entire length, becoming less
sharp anteroposteriorly. It is somewhat depressed dorsally, al-
most flat along the neural canal. The posterior articular surface
of the centrum is strongly concave. The anterior surface presents
a concavity or depression at its dorsal third, limited ventrally by
tuberosities that articulate with the intercentrum. The parapo-
physes are situated ventrolaterally in the anterior end, appearing
as anteroposteriorly-elongated rugose protuberances. They are
limited inferiorly and posteriorly by a groove, and dorsally by a
slight depression. A slightly rugose area on this depresssion
could indicate the presence of a diapophysis. In basal saur-
ischians such as Herrerasaurus the axis body is shorter than the
interzygapophyseal distance, whereas in Adeopapposaurus and
other basal sauropodomorphs it is longer. The axial intercen-
trum, fused to the ventral half of the anterior end of the axial
centrum, is shaped like a horseshoe or crescent moon. In anteri-
or view it presents three bulbosities, one at each end and a third
one at its center, separated in the central area by fold-like
grooves. The lateral edges are rounded, while the ventral edge
is sharp and somewhat anteroventrally projected. In lateral view,
posterior projections of the intercentrum contact the centrum
parapophyses. The neural arch is as long as the centrum and
strongly fused to the latter. The prezygapophyses are elliptical,
with slightly convex dorsolaterally-oriented articular surface,
and limited posteriorly by a depression. The anterior border is
curved and sharp. Both prezygapophyses converge medially
forming the anterior roof of the neural canal. The neural spine
is laminar and Y-shaped in dorsal view. Although its dorsal edge
FIGURE 14. Atlas - axis complex of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ568). A, lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, ventral view. Scale bar
equals 20 mm.
FIGURE 13. Reconstruction of the skeleton of Adeopapposaurus mognai. Scale bar equals 300 mm.
is broken, it has an anterior expansion that does not surpass the
anterior border of the prezygapophyses. The lamina is thin and
high anteriorly, becomes thicker at the bifurcation point and
decreases rapidly at each of the posterolaterally diverging rami
that form robust epipophyses. The postzygapophyses extend to
the level of the posterior edge of the centrum. The articular
surface is slightly concave. The postzygapophyses unite medially
as a thin plate and are Y-shaped in posterior view. This plate
forms the posterior roof of the neural canal.
Adeopapposaurus has nine postaxial cervical vertebrae. The
body of all the cervicals is elongate, shaped like a parallelogram
in lateral view (Fig. 15). The third vertebra is almost twice as
long as the axis (Fig. 15A). This abrupt elongation of the third
vertebra is similar to Coloradisaurus (Yates, pers. comm.) and
differs from the condition of basal saurischians such as Herrer-
asaurus and other basal sauropodomorphs such as Plateosaurus,
Riojasaurus, and Yunnanosaurus, in which the third cervical ver-
tebra is only one third longer than the axis. Cervical vertebrae
four to seven show the maximal elongation, and the posterior
vertebrae are progressively shorter. All the centra are strongly
compressed both ventrally and laterally, with a sharp ventral
keel that is more pronounced in the posterior vertebrae, differ-
ing from Herrerasaurus, in which this keel diminishes posterior-
ly. The height of neural arches of mid-cervicals is slightly lesser
than the centrum diameter, as in other basal sauropodomorphs.
The parapophyses are at one third of the height of the centrum
and near its anterior border, except in the last two vertebrae in
which they shift progressively to a more posterior position, so
that in the eleventh vertebra they are at the anterior third
of the centrum. The diapophyses are the only elongated
protuberances situated close to the anterior edge of the centrum
from the first to the eigth vertebrae; in posterior vertebrae they
form a ventrolateral aliform flank that becomes progressively
larger. The pre-postzygapophysis distance is always greater than
the maximum centrum length. The zygapophyses are practically
horizontal and have flat articular facets with a slight dorsomedial
slope up to the sixth vertebra; from the seventh vertebra onward
they are strongly elevated with respect to the centrum and have
more inclined articular facets. The epipophyses are fused along
their entire length and never overhang the rear margin of the
postzygapophyses. The neural spines are low, long and situated
at the posterior part of the neural arch. The length of the spines
increases progressively up to the eighth vertebra, and it decreases
from the ninth vertebra as their height increases. The eleventh is
the only cervical vertebra with a well developed prezygodiapo-
physeal, postzygodiapophyseal, anterior centrodiapophyseal and
posterior centrodiapophyseal laminae (Wilson, 1999).
Cervical Ribs—As in other sauropodomorphs, the cervical ribs
are long, thin, smoothly curved and posterolaterally oriented in an
imbricate pattern. In Adeopapposaurus the total length of the rib
exceeds the length of the corresponding vertebra, extending up to
80% of the length of the following vertebra. The ribs are of three
different types according to their position. The atlantal and axial
ribs lack differentiated articular heads and are slightly shorter than
the posterior ones. The atlantal rib is laminar in contrast to all the
others which are conical. The anterior postaxial ribs have a poorly-
developed capitular process delimiting a capitulum that extends
longitudinally with respect to the rib. The tubercular process pro-
jects transversally forming a thin tuberculum. The posterior post-
axial ribs are thicker, with better developed capitular and
tubercular heads limited by a strong notch or neck at their base;
both the tuberculum and the capitulum are subcircular.
Dorsal Vertebrae—The complete dorsal series is preserved in
PVSJ610 (Fig. 15), articulated to the sacral and cervical series.
Adeopapposaurus has 13 dorsal vertebrae, in contrast with the
15 dorsals of Herrerasaurus,Eoraptor and Plateosaurus or 14 as
in Lufengosaurus. The smaller number of dorsal vertebrae
reflects the incorporation of at least one dorsal vertebra into
the neck. As in other sauropodomorphs, the vertebral bodies
are amphicelous, with a marked central depression both laterally
and ventrally. The centra are elongated, with approximately 3/2
length/height ratio, similar to Massospondylus and differing
from the short centra of Herrerasaurus,Eoraptor,Riojasaurus,
and Lufengosaurus. The first dorsal vertebra is the only one with
the marked ventral keel characteristic of the cervicals, and dif-
fers from the last cervical by being shorter and by the poster-
odorsal shift of the parapophysis. The absence of a ventral keel
FIGURE 15. Cervical and dorsal vertebrae of Adeopapposaurus mog-
nai (PVSJ610) in lateral view. A, third cervical vertebra; B, fourth cervi-
cal vertebra; C, fifth cervical vertebra; D, sixth cervical vertebra; E,
seventh cervical vertebra; F, eighth cervical vertebra; G, ninth cervical
vertebra; H, tenth cervical vertebra; I, eleventh cervical vertebra; J, ninth
dorsal vertebra; K, eleventh dorsal vertebra. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
in the dorsal vertebrae differs from the first three keeled verteb-
rae of Massospondylus (Yates, pers. comm.) and is more similar
to other “prosauropods” such as Plateosaurus and Lufengo-
saurus. The body of the first dorsal vertebra has a series of
ventrolateral nutritive foramina at both sides of the keel. All
the vertebral bodies have a similar width, with the exception of
the last dorsal vertebra that is considerably stouter than the
anterior ones. In the first dorsal vertebra the parapophysis is an
oval protuberance placed dorsally and anterior to the centrum
midline; its ventral 80% is formed by the body and its dorsal
20% by the neural arch. Posteriorly, the parapophysis is situated
progressively more onto the neural arch, so that in the third
dorsal vertebra this ratio is inverted, and in the fourth, the para-
pophysis is placed entirely on the neural arch. From the third
dorsal vertebra until the tenth, the parapophysis are situated
next to the anterior border of the neural arch; from the eleventh
vertebra it is situated progressively more caudal, until the four-
teenth in which the parapophysis is fused to the diapophysis. The
neural arches are higher than their respective centra, a condition
differing from the norm for “prosauropods,” with the exception
of Unaysaurus and the extreme case of Lessemsaurus,in
which the neural arches are higher than the vertebral bodies.
The neural arches are longer than the bodies, considering pre-
postzygapophysis distance. They are situated at the middle of
the centra, with similar anteroposterior prominence of the zyga-
pophyses, except for the first six dorsal vertebrae in which the
posterior end of the postzygapophyses is level with the posterior
end of the centrum. The neural spines are thin plates with
progressively increasing anteroposterior width, from the first to
the penultimate, and again decreasing in the last dorsal vertebra.
The prezygapophyses are long, horizontal and have dorsomedial
articular facets. The postzygapophyses are long and horizontal up
to the ninth vertebra; and dorsocaudally sloped from the tenth
vertebra. All the vertebrae have hyposphenes consisting of infra-
postzygapophysial cavities limited ventrally by a posteroventral
plate subparallel to the postzygapophyses (Fig. 15).
The transverse processes are dorsolaterally oriented at the
middle of the centrum length, forming a pronounced postzygo-
diapophyseal lamina in all the vertebrae; in contrast, only the
first eight vertebrae present a prezygodiapophyseal plate. The
posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina is thick and prominent,
demarcating a deep posterior infradiapophyseal cavity. The an-
terior centrodiapophyseal lamina is present from the last cervical
to the second dorsal vertebra. The paradiapophiseal lamina is
pronounced and thin except in the penultimate dorsal vertebra,
in which this lamina is absent because the parapophysis is fused
to the diapophysis. The anterior infradiapophyseal cavities are
deep in the first vertebrae, and decrease posteriorly until they
disappear in the eighth vertebra. The central infradiapophyseal
cavities are poorly marked depressions.
Dorsal Ribs—The complete series of articulated dorsal ribs is
preserved in PVSJ610. The first dorsal rib is completely different
from the last cervical rib. As are all the dorsal ribs with the
exception of the last one, it is more than twice as robust and long
as the last cervical, elliptical in transversal section, and with an
expanded distal end that has rugosities at the sternal zone. The
anterior postaxial ribs have a poorly developed capitular process
that delimits a capitulum extending longitudinally with respect
to the rib. The capitulum has a well-developed head, oriented in
the direction of the rib and limited by a short neck. The tubercu-
lar process projects anterotransversally forming an 80angle
with the rib. Their transverse sections, as well as the tubercular
articular facet are elliptical. The tubercular processes become
increasingly shorter and project more in the direction of the rib
because the position of the parapophysis changes posteriorly,
shifting closer to the diapophysis. The tuberculum and capitulum
of the last rib form a single articular surface. This rib, in contrast
with the others, is short, laminar and clearly floating.
Sacral Vertebrae—Specimen PVSJ610 has the centra of
sacrals 1, 2 and 3; parts of the neural arches; and all the sacral
ribs. PVSJ569 preserves sacral centra 1 and 2 and all the sacral
ribs (Fig. 16). Specimen PVSJ570 only preserves centrum 2. The
posterior two have very broad attachments to the iliac blade and
clearly represent the primordial tetrapod pair, although they are
not fused together. As in Riojasaurus,Massospondylus and
Lufengosaurus (Galton, 1999) the sacrum is composed by a first
dorsosacral vertebra plus sacrals two and three which are the
primordial sacrals. The centra of the sacral vertebrae differ from
the dorsal ones by being less laterally and more ventrally com-
pressed. The centra are twice as long as they are wide, elongated
as the dorsal centra and one third longer than the centrum of the
first caudal vertebra. The anterior and posterior articular sur-
faces are slightly oval in section, with a laterally oriented greater
axis. As in the dorsal vertebrae, the anterior and posterior edges
of the first and second vertebrae are grooved, while the edges of
the third vertebra are smooth, with no depressions or grooves.
FIGURE 16. Sacrum of Adeopapposaurus mognai (PVSJ569). A, left
lateral view; B, dorsal view; C, ventral view. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
The body of the second sacral vertebra has a longitudinal de-
pression along its ventral side. The parapophyses are oval and
situated dorsolaterally with respect to the anterior border, and
extend for one third of the total centrum length in the first sacral
vertebra. They extend for one half of this length in the second
sacral vertebra, and for two thirds of it in the third sacral verte-
bra. The dorsoventral extension of the parapophyses increases
from half the height of the centrum in the first one, to two thirds
in the second one and the entire height of the centrum in the
third one. The facet articulating with the rib is markedly rugose
and anteroposteriorly concave. The dorsal edge of the parapo-
physis corresponds to the contact surface with the foot of the
neural arch, the anterior edge merges with the edge of the ante-
rior surface of the centrum, and the ventral and especially the
posterior edges are strongly curved forming ridges. The articular
facets of the centra are nearly flat, slightly concave. The neural
canal of the second vertebra is subcircular in transverse section,
wider at its posterior third and bears a foramen in its middle part
that is present only in PVSJ569. The neural canal of the third
vertebra is much more laterally compressed and less deep. The
transverse processes of the first and second sacral vertebrae are
higher than those of the dorsal vertebrae. The transverse process
of the first sacral vertebra is subtriangular, similar to that of the
last dorsal vertebra, and ends in an elliptic diapophysis with
anteroventral-caudodorsal orientation that joins the parapophy-
sis to form a single articular surface for the rib. The transverse
process of the second sacral vertebra is aliform, with a vertical
septum on its ventral side that joins the parapophysis to form a
continuous articular surface for the rib. Although neither neural
spines nor neural arch of the third vertebra are preserved, the
rest of the sacral complex is similar to that of Massospondylus.
Sacral Ribs—The first sacral rib is “C”-shaped in section, with
strong posterior concavity (Fig. 16A). The anterior surface is
smoothly convex. It contacts the ilium by means of two pro-
cessses, one posterodorsal and the other posteroventral. The
shaft is thin and laminar, with thickenings near the abovemen-
tioned processes and strongly expanded proximal tip. The artic-
ular surface for the parapophysis is subcircular, vertical and
dorsally continuous with the articular surface for the diapophy-
sis, which is triangular and exposed dorsomedially. The two ar-
ticular processes on the internal surface of the ilium are
separated by a thin sharp plate. The ventral articular process
has a strong distal expansion with a slightly concave, reniform
articular surface. The posterior edge of the ventral process bears
a facet or bevel that corresponds to the contact area with the
second sacral rib. This process contacts the ilium above the
thickening that corresponds to the root of the pubic peduncle,
on the reverse surface of the supra-acetabular ridge. The other,
dorsal, articular process of the first sacral rib is a thin horizontal
stalk leaning onto the iliac plate near its anterodorsal border.
The second sacral rib forms an inverted “T” in section
(Fig. 16A). The major beam or base of the “T” is almost vertical
and slighly slanted lateroanteriorly, and is one of the arms that
contact the ilium. This process is laminar in section. The dor-
somedial border is rugose where it sutures with the diapophysis
of the neural arch. The ventrolateral border thickens distally at
the contact with the midpoint of the iliac plate, near its upper
edge. The transverse beam of the “T” expands distally in an
elliptic base with sharp edges, except for its anterior and posteri-
or end that have beveled contact facets for the first and third
sacral ribs, respectively. The articular surface is slightly concave
and articulates with the ilium on the reverse side of the supraa-
cetabular ridge, nearer to the ischial peduncle than to the pubic
peduncle. The surface formed by the two “arms” is strongly
concave in anterior view and slightly convex in posterior view.
The contact surface with the parapophysis is semicircular with a
rugose surface and is divided into two facets, anterior and poste-
rior, so that it appears wedge-shaped; the anterior facet is larger.
The third sacral rib is the most robust of the three sacral ribs,
and has ample contact with the parapophysis, which covers al-
most two thirds of the anteroposterior length and the entire
height of the centrum (Fig. 16A). It is aliform, oblique, inclined
60from the horizontal, with concave anterodorsal and convex
posteroventral surfaces. The diaphysis of this rib is medially thin,
thickening at its posterodorsal and anteroventral edges. A strong
proximal expansion demarcates the sutural surface with the cen-
trum. The distal is slightly expanded forming two processes for
articulation with the ilium. The anteroventral process is elon-
gately reniform, with concave anterior edge and convex posteri-
or edge. This process articulates against the internal side of the
laminar expansion of the posterior iliac edge. The other process
is posterodorsal and articulates with the internal rim of the pos-
teroventral border of the iliac posterior end.
Caudal Vertebrae—PVSJ569 preserved the first 46 caudal
vertebrae, of which the last is fragmentary. The total number of
caudals is no more than 47. The centra are generally laterally
compressed, with a ventral longitudinal sulcus and platycelous
(Fig. 17). The more distal centra are increasingly elongated. The
proportion between length and mean height at the anterior bor-
der is lower than one in the first vertebrae and increases progres-
sively to values close to two in the 28th vertebra and close to
three in the 45th vertebra. The edge of the anterior surface
forms a marked rim that broadens ventrally presenting a convex
contact area with the posteroproximal edge of the haemal arch
of the preceding vertebra. The edge of the posterior surface is
much more ventrally expanded than the anterior surface edge
and has two defined facets with slightly convex surface for artic-
ulation with the haemal arch. The transverse processes are thin
plates laterodorsal to the centrum, somewhat shifted anteropos-
terioly and oriented dorsoposteriorly. The transverse processes
FIGURE 17. Sixth caudal vertebra of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ569). A, posterior view; B, anterior view; C, left lateral view;
D, dorsal view; E, ventral view. Scale bar equals 20 mm.
decrease posteriorly in size and robusticity until the last one in
the 35th vertebra. The proportion between length of the process
and centrum length is 1.13 in the first vertebrae, 0.28 in the 26th
vertebra and approaches zero in the last vertebrae of the series.
The proximal ends of the processes of the seven most proximal
vertebrae are robust, oval in section and disarticulated from the
centra and neural arches. The medial and distal part of these
processes is dorsoventrally flattened, with sharp edges and a distal
expansion so it appears spatulate. The processes are fused to the
centra from vertebra 8 onward. In these processes the proximal
end is flattened, whereas the anteroposterior width progressively
decreases distally, without the spatulate expansion of the first ver-
tebrae. From approximately vertebra 29 the processes are repre-
sented only by an anteroposteriorly elongated protuberance. The
prezygapophyses are frontally oriented without lateromedial devi-
ation and at a 30-45angle with respect to the horizontal. The
prezygapophyses of the first vertebrae are short, slightly surpassing
the anterior edge of the centrum. They are inclined at 45with
respect to the horizontal. The articular surfaces are slightly convex
and mediodorsally exposed, at 80with respect to the horizontal.
The ventral edges unite medially at the level of the anterior border
of the centrum, forming the roof of the neural canal. The dorsal
borders meet one third behind the anterior edge of the centrum to
form the anterior border of the dorsal spine; the V-shaped cavity
left between them encloses a deep orifice. The inclination of the
prezygapophyses decreases distally, reaching no more than 30in
the central vertebra. Their length increases progressively and the
articular surface takes almost vertical orientation from vertebra 17.
The union of the dorsal borders is progressively more posterior, so
that the anterior border of the neural spine is increasingly more
posterior. The neural spines are long, thin, uniformly thick and
oriented dorsoposteriorly. Their anteroposterior width decreases
progressively and their height also decreases from vertebra 6, so
that at vertebra 28 the spine is a small ridge between the postzyga-
pophyses. At the posterior border, the postzygapophyses appear as
a bifurcation on the lower third forming short posterodorsal pro-
cesses. The postzygapophyses are progressively higher in position
with respect to the neural spine, while extending less far past the
posterior edge of the centrum. The surfaces for articulation with
the prezygapophyses become progressively vertical so that they
are parallel to each other.
Chevrons—The chevron of the first caudal vertebra is a
lenticular oval intercentrum, with transverse greater axis, concave
articular surface and convex external surface. Chevrons from the
second vertebra back to the last preserved element have the typi-
cal “Y” shape, with both arms expanded at their proximal ends.
The proximal tip forms a curved intercentrum with slightly convex
surface that contacts the articular facets of the posteroventral
border of the vertebral centrum. The general design of the chev-
rons is laterally flattened with spatulate posterior expansion of the
distal two thirds. On both the anterior and posterior surfaces, a
deep groove extends medially beyond the junction of both arms of
the Y. These arms define an oval foramen for passage of blood
vessels. From vertebra 27 or 28, the proximal ends do not meet,
and both arm expansions contact with the vertebral centrum.
Their size decreases progressively and after the vertebra 33 or 34
until the last preserved vertebra the distal ends of the chevrons are
proportionally more expanded anterolaterally, and end at the
point where the arms meet, becoming “V”-shaped, with the distal
end slighly expanded anteroposteriorly.
Appendicular Skeleton—The appendicular skeleton of Adeo-
papposaurus is generally similar to that of other “prosauropods.”
Pectoral Girdle—The scapula is laminar, thinner and pro-
portionally longer than in Massospondylus. The acromion is well-
developed, with a gently curved anterodorsal border and abruptly
separated from the blade. The thickened dorsal margin of the
acromion is stouter than in Eoraptor,Herrerasaurus,Unaysaurus,
Riojasaurus, and Plateosaurus. The dorsal margin delimits a large
supracoracoid fossa that is semicircular as in Eoraptor and Unay-
saurus and different from Massospondylus in which is anteropos-
teriorly short. In lateral view the midsection of the scapular
blade is strap-shaped with subparallel margins. The proximal end
is expanded with a strong anterior projection of the anterior edge
of the blade as in Unaysaurus (Fig. 18A, B).
The coracoid is oval and laminar (Fig. 18C, D). Its anterior
edge is expanded, forming a well-developed supracoracoid fossa
together with the scapula. This resembles the condition of Unay-
saurus and differs from the anteroposterioly short coracoid of
Massospondylus. The coracoid tubercle is prominent and forms
with the glenoid a flat caudoventrally facing surface. The ante-
roventral border is sharp and the posteroventral is thickened.
Laterally, the coracoid foramen opens in the middle part,
10 mm below the scapula-coracoid suture.
Both sternal plates were found disarticulated in association
with the shoulder girdle. They are laminar, elliptical in outline,
with a slightly concave dorsal surface and a slightly convex ven-
tral surface (Fig. 18E, F). The anterodorsal end is thick, and the
posteroventral edge is thin. Sternal plates have been reported for
Massospondylus,Yunnanosaurus,Lufengosaurus, and Jingsha-
Two slender bones associated with the shoulder girdle are
interpreted as clavicles. They are thin, with a slender proximal
end that is circular in section, and a broader distal end, that is
oval in section (Fig. 18G, H). A similar element has been
reported in Plateosaurus and Massospondylus.
Forelimb—The forelimb is short as in Saturnalia,Plateosaurus
and Massospondylus, differing from the long forelimb of Rioja-
The humerus is gracile and delicate, with long slender diaphy-
sis (Figs. 18I, J; 19). The humeral head is robust and the articu-
lar facet is sinuous. The medial border of the head is convex and
its dorsal border has a marked tuberosity that forms the thickest
part of the humeral head. The deltopectoral process is
FIGURE 18. Pectoral girdle and forelimb of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ610). A,B, right scapula in lateral and medial view; C,D, right
coracoid in lateral and medial view; E,F, right sternal plate in dorsal and
ventral view; G,H, right clavicle in ventral and dorsal view; I,J, left
humerus in anteromedial and anterolateral view; K,L, right radius, ulna
and manus. Scale bar equals 50 mm.
prominent and short, reaching 41% of the humeral length as in
“Gyposaurus” and shorter than in Unaysaurus,Riojasaurus,
Plateosaurus,Massospondylus, and Jingshanosaurus. The cranio-
lateral margin of the deltopectoral crest in cranial view is sig-
moid as in Riojasaurus,Lufengosaurus, and “Gyposaurus.” The
anterolateral side of the proximal third of the humerus is slightly
concave and its dorsolateral side is convex. The diaphysis is
elliptical in transverse section and shows the typical torsion that
rotates the humeral ends approximately 25. The distal condyles
are separated by a deep fossa as in Unaysaurus and Massospon-
dylus, differing from the second because in Adeopapposaurus
the radial condyle is more robust than the ulnar condyle.
The radius is gracile and short, with a radius : humerus length
ratio of 0.62. The shaft is thin with an elliptical middle section
(Fig. 19I–L). The proximal end is more expanded and the distal
end relatively more circular in transverse section than in Massos-
pondylus. The distal condyle is subcircular in distal view, and the
distal articular surface is slightly concave (Fig. 18K, L; 19I, J).
The ulna is 0.72 times the length of the humerus. Its proximal
end is subtriangular in proximal view, with similar lengths of the
anteromedial and anterolateral processes and with a shallow
medial depression for the radius on the medial face (Fig. 19M-
R). It has a well developed, rounded olecranon, delimiting a
smooth anterior sigmoid cavity as in other “prosauropods.” The
distal end has no evidence of a tuberosity such as mentioned for
Massospondylus and its articular surface is prominent and
Both hands of PVSJ610 are preserved (Fig. 15K, L). The full
articulation of both hands obscures the proximal and distal sur-
faces of the bones.
Adeopapposaurus has four ossificated carpals: three distal car-
pals and a questionable intermedium (Fig. 19S, T). The first
distal carpal is narrower transversely than metacarpal I, differing
from the wider distal carpal of other basal sauropodomorphs
except Asylosaurus (Galton, 2007). The proximal surface is
convex and the distal surface is silgthly concave. It articulates
distally with the first metacarpal and the second distal carpal,
laterally with the ulna, and proximally with the radius. The sec-
ond distal carpal is small and articulates proximally with the firt
distal carpal, medially with the first metacarpal, distally with the
second metacarpal and laterally with the ulna, and laterodistally
with the smaller “intermedium”. The third distal carpal is subte-
tragonal in proximal view and anteroposteriorly flat. It articu-
lates proximally with the ulna, medially with the “intermedium”
and second metacarpal and distally with the third metacarpal.
The “intermedium” is a subspherical small bone that articulates
medially with the second metacarpal, proximomedially with
the second distal carpal, dorsolaterally with the the third distal
carpal, distally with the third metacarpal and proximally with
the ulna.
The first metacarpal is short and stout, twice the width of the
second metacarpal (Fig. 19S–U). The proximal width is 0.83
times the metacarpal length. The proximal end is inset into the
wrist and articulates laterally with the second distal carpal. The
distal end has the lateral condyle bigher than the medial, and the
transverse axis through the distal condyles is slightly twisted
relative to the proximal end. The second metacarpal is the lon-
gest. The shaft is slender with elliptical section. The distal end is
laterally wider than the proximal end. The medial condyle is the
bigger and more prominent than the lateral condyle, differing
from Massosopondylus and Plateosaurus. The third metacarpal
is shorter and more slender than the second metacarpal. The
distal condyles are ventrally wider than dorsally. The fourth
metacarpal is shorter than third, with a subtrigonal rounded
proximal articular surface. The proximal end is wider than the
distal end. As in the third metacarpal, the distal condyles are
ventrally wider than dorsally. The fifth metacarpal is the shortest
metacarpal, 0.6 times the length of the fourth metacarpal. The
section of the shaft is elliptical. The proximal end is robust and
almost twice the width of the distal end. As in the third and
fourth metacarpals, the distal condyles are ventrally wider than
dorsally, but they are smaller than in the others.
The phalangeal formula of the manus is 2:3:4:3:2 (Fig. 19S–U),
with the first three digits functional and the rest vestigial.
FIGURE 19. Forearm and manus of Adeopapposaurus mognai
(PVSJ610). A–F, left humerus in medial, lateral, ventral, dorsal, proxi-
mal and view distal view; G–L, right radius in medial, lateral, anterior,
posterior, proximal and distal view; M–R, right ulna in medial, lateral,
anterior, posterior, proximal and distal view; S,T, right manus in dorsal
and palmar view; U, right metacarpals and phalanges in medial view.
Scale bar equals 50 mm.
The first phalanx of the first digit is the bigger than the
corresponding ones. The proximal end is subtetragonal, with
concave ventral and medial faces and convex dorsal and lateral
faces. The section of the shaft is subcircular. The distal end has
well developed ventrally wider than dorsally distal condyles,
with deep collateral fossae. The rotational axis of the distal
condyle forms an angle of 50with that of the proximal end.
The phalanges of the second and third digits are similar in
shape. The proximal width is similar to that of the distal end.
The ventral face of the shaft is slightly concave. The distal gin-
glymus is broader ventrally than dorsally, with collateral fossae
opening outwards and upwards. The distal condyles are sepa-
rated anterodorsally by a deep groove. The second phalanx of
digit two and the third and fourth phalanges of digit three have a
prominent dorsal process.
The first and second phalanges of digit four are small and
subcylindrical, with a concave ventral surface (Figs. 18L, 19U).
The distal ends are rounded and lack the collateral fossae. A
pronounced ridge along the dorsal border of the distal end of
the phalanges limits hyperextension. The third phalanx of the
fourth digit is small and conical, with a flat subcircular articular
surface. The first phalanx of the fifth digit is subconical, with a
lateral margin convex and the medial margin concave. The distal
end lacks the expansion and the distal articular surface is flat and
subcircular. The second phalanx of the fifth digit is similar to the
third phalanx of the fourth digit.
The ungual of the first digit is robust, very large, laterally
compressed and strongly curved. Laterally and medially, a deep
groove runs from the distal end to the base of the ventral corner
of the proximal articular facet. The flexor tubercle is prominent
and rugose. The second and third ungual phalanges are similar
to the first ungual but are less curved and lack the prominence of
the flexor tubercle.
Pelvic Girdle—The ilium is gracile, with the outer surface of
the iliac plate concave at the area where the m. iliofemoralis
would have inserted (Figs. 20A, B; 21A, B). The anterior end is
subtriangular in section and longer than in Massospondylus. The
posterior end is triangular in section and also triangular in lateral
view as in Massospondylus (Yates, pers. comm.). The supraace-
tabular ridge is completely developed on the lateral side of the
pubic peduncle. The acetabular wall of the pubic peduncle is
concave, while in the ischial peduncle its anterior half is concave
and its posterior half is convex. On its internal side, the first
sacral rib sutures at the base of the anterior process, at the level
of its ventral border; the second sacral rib contacts with the
ventromedial part of the iliac plate; the third sacral rib contacts
FIGURE 20. Pelvic girdle and hindlimb of Adeopapposaurus mognai. A,B, left ilium of PVSJ569 in medial and lateral view; C,D, left pubis of
PVSJ569 in lateral and anterodorsal view; E, left ischium of PVSJ569 in lateral view; F,G, right pes of PVSJ568 in dorsal and plantar views; H,I, left
femur of PVSJ569 in medial and anterior view; J,K, left tibia of PVSJ569 in anterior and lateral view; L, left fibula of PVSJ569 in posterior view.
Scale bar equals 50 mm.
with the posterior expansion of the caudal border of the iliac
plate. The ischial peduncle is short, elliptical in section, and the
pubic peduncle is long, semicircular in section.
The pubis is long, approximately 82% of femur length
(Figs. 20C, D; 21E, F). The surface that articulates with the
ischium is flat and triangular with anteromedial apex. The obtu-
rator foramen is elliptical and smaller than in Massospondylus.
The ischium is thin, gracile and shorter than the pubis
(Figs. 20E, F; 21C, D). The area for articulation with the pubis
has a flat surface and is triangular in section. The proximal plate
is laterally convex and medially concave. The posterior border
has a sharp, laterally grooved rim. The diaphysis is elliptical in
section, almost straight in lateral view and slightly curved with
posterior concavity. The ischiadic symphysis has three zones
with different union type. At the proximal third the contact
boundaries are finely laminar; in the middle third it has three
sharp longitudinal ridges that demarcate two narrow grooves
between them, and the distal third shows flat contact between
both ischia. The distal end is slightly expanded.
Hindlimb—The femur is gracile, sigmoid in lateral view,
straight in anterior view, with femoral head rotated anterome-
dially at a 60angle with respect to the longitudinal axis of the
distal end, and with a marked ventral emargination (Figs. 20G,
H; 21I–M). The femoral head is reniform in proximal view, with
concave medial border and convex lateral border. The femoral
neck is elliptical in section, with anteromedially directed greater
axis. The greater trochanter forms a marked ridge, which is
sinuous at its proximal third and straightens gradually to become
straight distally, extending along a third of the total femur
length. The lesser trochanter forms a straight ridge, with concave
posterior edge and convex anterior edge. Its proximal end termi-
nates below the femoral head as in Melanorosaurus,Pantydraco,
Riojasaurus and Plateosaurus. As in other “prosauropods” the
fourth trochanter is linguiform and hanging, and its distal border
is situated above the femur midlength as in “Gyposaurus,” Mas-
sospondylus,Plateosaurus,Pantydraco and Yunnanosaurus, dif-
fering from Melanorosaurus and Riojasaurus in which it extends
below the midlength. The distal end is the most robust portion of
the femur, with a marked anterior intercondylar depression and
a wide posterior popliteal fossa separating both condyles. The
tibial condyle is oval, with flat medial surface. The fibular con-
dyle is semicircular in section, more prominent than the tibial
condyle and separated from the tibiofibular crista by a marked
The tibia length is 0.93 times the length of the femur. It is
straight, with its proximal end more massive than the distal
one (Figs. 20I, J; 21N–S). The proximal end has a smooth
posterior protuberance that forms the internal condyle. The
external condyle is separated from the cnemial crest by a
marked depression. The cnemial crest is prominent, projects
anterolaterally, and becomes smoother a third from the proxi-
mal end. The middle section of the diaphysis is triangular with
rounded vertices. The distal end is smoothly expanded, sub-
trapezoidal in section, with anteriorly oriented long base and
transverse width greater than craniocaudal width as in other
basal sauropodomorphs except Saturnalia and Pantydraco. The
anterior distal process is elevated, with flat ventral surface and
separated from the distal posterior process by a marked de-
pression. The distal process is subtriangular with smoothly
concave anterior surface.
FIGURE 21. Pelvis, hindlimb and pes of Adeopapposaurus mognai.A,
B, left ilium of PVSJ569 in lateral and medial view; C,D, left ischium of
PVSJ569 in medial and lateral view; E–G, left pubis of PVSJ569 in
posteroventral, anterodorsal and lateral view; H–M, left femur of
PVSJ569 in lateral, medial, anterior, posterior, proximal and distal view;
N–S, right tibia of PVSJ569 in anterior, posterior, lateral, medial and
distal view; T–W, right fibula of PVSJ569 in lateral, medial, posterior
and anterior view; X–Z, right astragalus and calcaneum of PVSJ568 in
anterior, posterior and proximal view; A’,B’, right pes of PVSJ568 in
dorsal and plantar view; C’–E’, left metatarsals and phalanges of
PVSJ569 in dorsal, proximal, plantar and lateral view. Scale bar equals
50 mm.
The fibula is long, gracile and thin (Figs. 20K, L; 21T–W). The
proximal end is expanded anteroposteriorly, with a convex later-
al edge and medial edge that is straight posteriorly and concave
anteriorly. The articular surface for the femur is smooth and
convex. The diaphysis is curved, is medially concave in anterior
view and straight in lateral view. The medial side bears a nutri-
ent foramen situated 10 mm below the aforementioned depres-
sion. The distal third of the diaphysis is thinnest. The distal end
is less expanded than the proximal end, elliptical in section and
with its greater axis rotated approximately 35with respect to
the latter. The articular edge is smooth and convex.
The astragalus is subtrapezoidal and laterally expanded in
dorsal view (Fig. 21X–Z). The distal surface is smooth and ante-
roposteriorly convex. The medial zone of this surface is convex,
whereas the lateral zone is concave. The calcaneal articular area
is expanded laterodistally, so that in anterior view the astragalus-
calcaneum complex is strongly concave distally. The ascendant
process is prominent, laterally expanded and situated anterolat-
erally on the proximal surface. Behind the ascendant process,
the surface of the proximal surface is markedly concave, with a
pronounced posterior rim. The anterior surface of the astragalus
is laterally concave with a long medial transverse depression.
Three deep coalescent foramina open at the base of the ascen-
dant process. The area of fibular articulation is concave and
situated on the lateral wall of the ascendant process, whereas
the surface of contact with the calcaneum is ventrolateral and
smoothly convex.
The calcaneum is small and subtriangular in dorsal view
(Fig. 21X–Z). Its distal surface is smooth and convex, whereas
the proximal surface is slightly concave. The medial surface is
concave with a protuberance at the posteroventral border. The
lateroanterior border has a deep depression with some small
There are two distal tarsals, the medial one corresponds to
distal tarsal III, and the other to distal tarsal IV (Fig. 21A’, B’).
Distal tarsal III is subrhomboidal in proximal view. It articulates
with the astragalus on its proximal surface, with metatarsal III
on its distal surface and with distal tarsal IV on its lateral sur-
face. It has several foramina, a small one on the medial border,
two on the lateral border and two on its distal surface. Distal
tarsal IV is subtriangular in proximal view. It articulates with the
astragalus, calcaneum, distal tarsal III and metatarsal IV. There
are two foramina inside an elongated cavity on the medial bor-
der of its anterior surface.
The metatarsals articulate with each other by juxtaposed con-
tact of their proximal thirds, so that metatarsal I overlies meta-
tarsal II, II overlies III and so on. In this arrangement metatarsal
V is practically under metatarsal IV. The proximal articular
surface of metatarsal I is lenticular with a sub-vertical long axis
(Fig. 21C’–E’). The shaft is constricted with elliptical section.
The distal end is slightly twisted relative to the proximal end.
The distal ginglymus is laterally expanded with a robust protrud-
ing lateral condyle, with a deep collateral fossa. The medial
condyle is small and lacks the collateral fossa. The proximal
articular surface of metatarsal II is subpolygonal with concave
edges and vertical long axis. The medial and lateral margins of
the proximal end are concave. The distal condyles are twisted
15relative to the proximal end. As in metatarsal I, the lateral
condyle is more developed than the medial condyle. Metatarsal
III is the longest. The proximal articular surface is subtrigonal.
The dorsal, ventrolateral and dorsomedial faces of the proximal
third of the shaft are concave. As in metatarsal II, the distal
condyles are rotated 15to the proximal end and the distal gin-
glymus are slightly asymmetrical. The proximal articular surface
of metatarsal IV is subtrigonal with horizontal axis twice wider
than the vertical axis. The distal condyles are less developed than
in the other metatarsals and the medial condyle is more robust.
The distal articular surface lacks the dorsoventral depression.
The metatarsal V length is 45% of metatarsal III length. It is
funnel-shaped in dorsal profile. The proximal articular surface is
dorsoventrally flat, with a lateral dorsoventral expansion. The
distal end is rounded and lacks the collateral fossae.
The phalangeal formula of the pes is 2-3-4-5-1, the longest
digit is III followed by IV, II, I and lastly by vestigial V. All the
phalanges of Adeopapposaurus, except the unguals, are similar,
with a proximal articular surface subtrigonal, compressed shaft,
transverse width of proximal and distal ends more or less 0.75
times the length, distal condyles ventrally wider than dorsally
with a deep collateral fossae facing outward and upward and
the distal articular surface deeply grooved.
The proximal articular surface of the first phalanx of digit I is
reniform and lacks the dorsal process. The distal end is twisted
15relative to de transverse axis of the proximal end. The first
phalanx of digit II has a reniform proximal articular surface and
lacks the dorsal process. The proximal articular surface of the
second phalanx of digit II is subtrigonal with a lateral half con-
cave and the medial half convex. The dorsal process is promi-
nent and acute. The proximal articular surface of the first
phalanx of digit III is similar to that of the first phalanx of digit
II, but with a more prominent dorsal process. The second pha-
lanx of digit III has an smooth dorsal process and less deep
collateral fossae. The third phalanx of digit III has the lateral
condyle more developed than the medial condyle. The proximal
articular surface of the first phalanx of digit IV is subcircular,
concave and lacks the dorsal process. The distal condyles are
assymetrical with the medial collateral fossa opening medially
and the lateral opening upward. The second phalanx of digit IV
has a small dorsal process and deep intercondylar groove. The
distal condyles of the third phalanx of digit IV are separated by a
deep groove that extends dorsally more than in the other pha-
langes. The fourth phalanx of digit IV is the smallest phalanx,
and has deep collateral fossae.
The ungual I is the most robust, laterally compressed, with a
deep groove on the medial and lateral faces, running from the
distal end to ventral border of the flexor tubercle. The articular
surface has two assymetrical depressions, the lateral bigger and
deeper than the medial. The flexor tubercle and the dorsal pro-
cess are robust and prominent. The ventromedial edge is sharp
and the ventrolateral edge is rounded. The unguals II, III, and
IV are similar to the ungual I, decreassing in size and in curva-
ture from the first digit to the fourth digit.
In order to determine the phylogenetic position of Adeopap-
posaurus mognai within Sauropodomorpha, I have decided to
use the data matrix published by Upchurch et al. (2007) because
it is the most comprehensive and complete study done, including
all published sauropodomorphs from Argentina.
A heuristic search, using T.N.T. (Goloboff et al., 2003), has
been applied to the Upchurch et al. (2007) data matrix with the
addition of Adeopapposaurus (see Appendix). Following their
procedures (i. e., all characters are binary, except for the charac-
ter 144 which was treated as an ordered multiestate character;
polymorphism was treated as uncertainty; the topology of the
non-sauropodomorph taxa was constrained to conform to that
found by Langer (2004) and all the heuristic searches in T.N.T.
employed replicates of Wagner trees with random addition
sequences followed by TBR branch swapping). The new analysis
produced 4 most parsimonious trees with tree lengths of 739
steps, with the posterior deletion of Blikanasaurus, following
the Upchurch et al. (2007) criteria, reducing the number of sepa-
rate tree topologies from 4 to 1, and the tree lengths from 739
to 736.
The analysis produced a single tree with Adeopapposaurus
nested within Sauropodomorpha as the sister taxon of
Massospondylus. The MPT obtained in the present analysis dif-
fers from the consensus tree published by Upchurch et al. (2007),
in the resolution of the “non-anchisaurids” prosauropods. The
relationships of these taxa are stable with Plateosauravus,Yun-
nanosaurus,Lufengosaurus and Plateosauria (as has been de-
fined by Sereno (1998, 1999)) including Massospondylidae
(Massospondylus and Adeopapposaurus) as a sister taxa of Pla-
teosauridae (Plateosaurus,Riojasaurus, and Coloradisaurus)
(Fig. 22).
Prosauropods feeding habits and herbivorous adaptations
have been extensively discussed (Lull, 1953; Bond, 1955; Swin-
ton, 1970; Raath, 1974; Cooper, 1981; Galton, 1985a, 1986a,
1990; Crompton and Attridge, 1986; Norman and Weishampel,
1991; Barrett, 2000; Galton and Upchurch, 2004; Barrett and
Upchurch, 2005, 2007). Prosauropods were the first terrestrial
vertebrates capable of consuming plants situated more than one
meter above the ground (Galton 1985a), possibly, the main rea-
son for their dramatic Upper Triassic radiation. The main spe-
cializations that set them apart from other basal groups were
their body lengths, skull reduction, serrated teeth, gastroliths
and the capacity for a tripodal posture which dramatically ex-
panded their vertical range of available plants (Figs. 5, 13). In
addition, Adeopapposaurus has features conforming a unique
characters combination: (1) The mandible is 10 mm shorter than
the upper jaw (Fig. 7), as has already been reported for “Mas-
sospondylus” (Attridge et al., 1985; Crompton and Attridge,
1986), although this has been debated (Sues et al., 2004). Adeo-
papposaurus has a mandible length (distance between rostral tip
of the dentary and the caudal border of the articular bone) 10%
shorter than the composite length of premaxilla, maxilla, jugal,
quadratejugal and quadrate. This overbite (premaxilla extending
rostral to the rostral end of the articulated mandible) differs
from the slight overbite present in some basal sauropodomorphs
(Barrett and Upchurch, 2007); (2) The lateral surface of the
premaxilla has a protuberance or bony platform, similar, but
anteroposteriorly wider than in Riojasaurus and Plateosaurus
(Sereno, 1997, 2007); (3) Set of large neurovascular foramina in
a vertical row on the lateral surface of the premaxilla; (4)
Strongly rugose depression bordered by a protuberance on the
lateral surface of the anterior end of the dentary (Figs. 7, 12); (5)
Series of foramina in a sub-vertical row on the lateral surface of
the anterior end of the dentary, bounding the depression men-
tioned above; (6) Eleven anteroposteriorly elongated cervical
The maxillary and dentary features are interpreted as the sup-
porting area for a horny beak. Although the presence of a bill has
been proposed for other prosauropods (Attridge et al. 1985;
Crompton and Attridge, 1986; Sereno, 1997, 2007), it has been
recently hardly debated (Barrett and Upchurch, 2007), perhaps
because of the little evidence supporting the presence of dentary
and premaxillary beaks in all the known basal sauropodomorphs,
with the exception of the premaxillary platform of Riojasaurus.
Adeopapposaurus has the first evidence supporting the presence
of both, a lower and upper bill. Although it could be proposed
that these indicated the presence of mobile lips, such as in the
living hippopotamuses and manatees, the absence of the neces-
sary facial muscles in the Dinosauria renders this highly unlikely.
Having a horny beak as a component of the masticatory appa-
ratus, in conjunction with a longer neck, by the addition of a
dorsal vertebra, would have significantly enhanced the ability of
Adeopapposaurus as a plant eater, increasing the feeding dis-
tance and the cutting capabilities.
I thank Mathew Colbert, Jeffrey Wilson, Diego Pol and Oscar
Alcober for their help and suggestions on several versions of the
manuscript. I also thank the reviewers Paul Barrett, Peter Gal-
ton and Adam Yates, with their helpful comments they improve
this paper. Photographs were made by Ivan Zabrotski. I am
especially grateful to the Jurassic Foundation, CICITCA, and
Museo de Ciencias Naturales of Universidad Nacional de San
Juan for funding this research.
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Submitted July 31, 2006; accepted June 5, 2008.
APPENDIX. Character coding for Adeopapposaurus in the data matrix
of Upchurch et al. (2007).
1010111010 0010111000 1100111110 1010011011 0010010100 110001110?
0011110110 0011000000 1101111000 0101010011 0111100000 0001110000
0100100100 0000101010 0010110000 0010000110 0000001100 01000000?0
1111011101 1001110110 0100100011 0010000011 0000100111 0101100000
0100000001 0100101100 0011000000 1111101011 0011100011 10