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Wake Measurements of a Multi-MW Wind Turbine with Coherent Long-Range Pulsed Doppler Wind Lidar


Abstract and Figures

Long-range Doppler wind light detection and ranging (lidar) measurements at a wind turbine were carried out for the first time. The turbine was of the type Areva M5000 and is located at a site near the coastline in Bremerhaven, in the northern part of Germany. This wind turbine is the prototype for the German offshore test site ‘‘alpha ventus’’ and has a rated power of 5 MW. Information about the ambient wind field before and after this multimegawatt wind turbine was obtained. In this paper the measurement technique is discussed and the results of measurements in the diurnal layer and in the stable nocturnal boundary layer are shown. The main focus of this work is to determine the reduction of the wind speed at certain distances downstream from the rotor.
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Wake Measurements of a Multi-MW Wind Turbine with Coherent
Long-Range Pulsed Doppler Wind Lidar
Deutsches Zentrum fu
¨r Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut fu
¨r Physik der Atmospha
¨re, Wessling, Germany
Research Group Wind Energy Systems—ForWind, Center for Wind Energy Research,
University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany
(Manuscript received 15 April 2010, in final form 8 June 2010)
Long-range Doppler wind light detection and ranging (lidar) measurements at a wind turbine were carried
out for the first time. The turbine was of the type Areva M5000 and is located at a site near the coastline in
Bremerhaven, in the northern part of Germany. This wind turbine is the prototype for the German offshore
test site ‘‘alpha ventus’’ and has a rated power of 5 MW. Information about the ambient wind field before and
after this multimegawatt wind turbine was obtained. In this paper the measurement technique is discussed and
the results of measurements in the diurnal layer and in the stable nocturnal boundary layer are shown. The
main focus of this work is to determine the reduction of the wind speed at certain distances downstream from
the rotor.
1. Measurement technique
Lidar is a remote sensing technique that transmits
tered light is detected. The pulsed Doppler wind lidar,
which was used for the measurements in Bremerhaven,
Germany, takes advantage of the fact that the center
frequency of the received laser pulses is shifted compared
to the outgoing pulses because of the Doppler effect,
which occurs from backscattering on moving particles.
This shift in frequency provides information about the
line-of-sight (LOS) component (component in beam di-
rection) of the wind vector. The Doppler lidar of the
German Aerospace Center [Deutsches Zentrum fu
Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)] is based on a WindTracer
transceiver unit of Lockheed Martin (which acquired
Coherent Technologies, Inc. and its division CLR
Photonics, Inc.; Ko
¨pp et al. 2004). It has been modi-
fied by the DLR and has been used for wind and tur-
bulence measurements from the ground, as well as from
its research aircraft in the past (Rahm and Smalikho 2008;
Smalikho et al. 2005). The most important aspect was the
addition of a scanner that makes different scan patterns at
variable scan speeds possible. The measurement range on
ground is between 500 m and 10 km. The maximum range
used for the measurements in Bremerhaven was 3 km.
The main system parameters and important information
for data acquisition and processing are summarized in
Table 1. The specifications of the lidar do not completely
coincide with those discussed in Smalikho et al. (2005)
because of modifications of the laser system.
Figure 1a shows a map of the area in Bremerhaven
(using the software program OpenStreetMaps). The 2-mm
lidar is located at a distance of about 1820 m north-
east of the wind turbine M5000. Technical data of the
wind turbinecan be found in Table 2. Furthermore, it can
be seen in Fig. 1a that there are other wind turbines in the
measurement area. One of them is of the same type as the
Areva Multibrid M5000. Two different scanning tech-
niques to analyze the ambient wind field of the prototype
of the Multibrid M5000 were carried out: azimuth scans
(Fig. 1a) and elevation scans (Fig. 1b). For the azimuth
scans, the elevation of the laser beam was constant and the
azimuth angle was continuously changed. The duration of
an azimuth scan was 15 s and the scan speed 28s
. For
Corresponding author address: Yvonne Ka
¨sler, Deutsches
Zentrum fu
¨r Luft- und Raumfahrt, Mu
¨nchner Str. 20, Oberpfaffen-
hofen, D-82234 Wessling, Germany.
¨SLER ET AL. 1529
DOI: 10.1175/2010JTECHA1483.1
Ó2010 American Meteorological Society
the elevation scans, the azimuth angle was not changed
but the elevation was increased continuously. One single
elevation scan measurement took 10 s. The scan speed
for these types of scans was 18s
. The great advantage
of the measurements is that it is possible to obtain in-
formation about the airflow in front and behind the wind
turbine at the same time. This is in contrast to wake
measurements that were carried out previously with
a focused continuous wave lidar system (Bingo
¨l et al.
2010; Trujillo et al. 2010).
2. Results
Figure 2 shows two measurements of the ambient
field of the Multibrid M5000 in the nocturnal boundary
layer: one elevation scan (Fig. 2a) and one azimuth scan
(Fig. 2b). The wind was blowing from the northeast di-
rection, parallel to the laser beam. Atmospheric conditions
were very stable when the measurements were taken. The
turbulence intensity at hub height (102 m) upstream
from the wind turbine was only 2.8%. This means that the
wake effects are expected to be very distinct (Barthelmie
et al. 2003). To determine this turbulence intensity, the
LOS velocity at a range of two rotor diameters upstream
from the M5000 at hub height was observed for 10 min.
This corresponds to 46 scans or a time series with
46 values. The turbulence intensity I was then calculated as
In this equation s
is the standard deviation and LOS
is the mean of the time series of the line-of-sight velocity
(Stull 1988).
It needs to be considered that s
and I, which were
determined by the lidar data, are significantly damped in
comparison to anemometer measurements because of
the long pulse length (cf. Table 1) of the pulsed wind
In Fig. 2a, the elevation scan through the rotor blades,
only the wake effects of the prototype of the Multibrid
M5000 can be seen. The range is the distance from the
2-mm lidar, and the height reflects the elevation of the
TABLE 1. The 2-mm lidar system parameters and data acquisition.
FWHM is the full width at half maximum.
Slave laser (Tm:LuAG)
Wavelength 2.022 mm
Repetition rate 500 Hz
Pulse energy 1.5 mJ
Pulse length (FWHM) 0.5 ms575 m (0.5 ms3cO2)
c: speed of light
Telescope Off-axis type
Aperture: 108 mm at lidar
with afocal setting
Scanner Double wedge with
variable speed
Measurement range Maximum: 500 m to .10 km
Processed data: 500 m to 3 km
Data acquisition
Sample length 0.3 m
Width of lidar
range gates
512 30.3 m 5154 m
Number of range gates
in 3 km
Sampling rate between
two scans
Elevation scan: 14 s
Azimuth scan: 22 s
FIG. 1. (a) Map of the area in Bremerhaven with the position of
the 2-mm lidar and the wind turbines. A top view of an azimuth scan
is given in the layout plan. (b) Side view of an elevation scan.
laser beam. The position of the wind turbine and the
wind direction are indicated in the picture. Between
1800 and 2600 m, a decrease of the absolute value of the
LOS component of the wind vector downstream from
the Multibrid M5000 can be clearly observed. One rotor
diameter (116 m 51D) downstream from the LOS ve-
locity at hub height is reduced about 66% (the maximum
of LOS velocity reduction) in comparison to the values
upstream. After 7Ddownstream (18% reduction of the
LOS velocity at hub height), the wind field only recovers
very slowly. The velocity deficit downstream from the
wind turbine is shown in Fig. 3. Because of data storage,
the maximum range recorded in this measurement was
9Ddownstream. At this range the reduction of the LOS
velocity was 16% of the initial value. The black and red
horizontal lines at a range between approximately 1700
and 2100 m in Fig. 2a indicate the areas where the laser
beam hits the rotor blades. The backscatter of the blades
is several orders of magnitude stronger than the atmo-
spheric backscatter. The two lines represent two differ-
ent rotor blades. The position of the wind turbine is at
a range of 1823 m. One needs to consider that the pulse
length of the laser (0 to 0) is approximately 400 m. When
the beginning of the laser pulse hits the blades, there are
120 m in front of the turbine that are influenced by the
blade because of the length of the laser pulse. With a
symmetric laser pulse, one would expect that the black
lines would end approximately 120 m after the turbine
(i.e., at a range of approximately 1940 m) when the end
of the laser pulse hits a part of the blades. The laser pulse
has a small tail containing little energy. Therefore, the
horizontal lines are longer after the turbine than in front
of the turbine. As a result, the shadows are approximately
400 m long and not only 240 m. If not only part of the
laser beam but the whole beam hits a blade, there is a
black line behind the position of the turbine until the end
of the measurement range (cf. Fig. 4). The different colors
of the horizontal lines (black and red) therefore depend
on the LOS velocity of the blades.
In Fig. 2b an azimuth scan through the rotor blades
can be seen. The width indicates the different azimuth
angles. The elevation was 3.38for this measurement.
This resulted in a scan through the rotor blades only
somewhat above hub height. In comparison to Fig. 2a,
this scan also covers the disturbance of the wind field by
other wind turbines near the Multibrid M5000 prototype
(M5000-1). The location of the different wind turbines
can be estimated by the horizontal lines where the laser
beam hits the rotor blades. There is another wind tur-
bine (M5000-2) of the same type as M5000-1 and two
turbines of different types. According to the horizontal
lines, the laser beam hits one blade of the M5000-2 and
TABLE 2. Technical data of the M5000.
Rotor diameter 116 m
Hub height 102 m
Length of a rotor blade 62 m
Rated power 5 MW
Rated wind speed 12 m s
Maximum elevation height of the rotor 164 m
Speed range of the rotor 4.5–14.8 min
FIG. 2. (a) Results for the LOS component of the wind vector for
an elevation scan through the rotor blades at night. The wind was
blowing from the northeast parallel to the laser beam. Wind di-
rection and position of the wind turbine are indicated in the figure.
The white vertical line indicates the rotor disc. (b) Azimuth scan at
night covering the ambient wind field of several wind turbines,
including the M5000-1 prototype. The vertical white lines indicate
the position of the rotor discs of M5000-1 and M5000-2.
FIG. 3. Velocity deficit downstream from the wind turbine derived
from the elevation scan in Fig. 2a.
¨SLER ET AL. 1531
two blades of the M5000-1. It needs to be considered that
it is possible to hit one or more blades with one azimuth
scan. It seems as if the turbines different from M5000
have a smaller effect on the wind field. But the shorter
wakes are due to the elevation of the azimuth scan. This
means that for these wind turbines, the wake is only cut
by the scan. By analyzing the length of the wake of the
M5000 wind turbines of this measurement, it can be
found that the results correspond to the results of the
elevation scan. Thus, it can be shown that for the mea-
surements of the Multibrid M5000 turbines, the eleva-
tion scan as well as the azimuth scan captured the whole
wake and not only cut it.
Figure 4 shows an azimuth scan during daytime with
a turbulence intensity of more than 15%, two rotor di-
ameters upstream from the wind turbine at hub height.
Notice that this measurement was taken on another day,
and that the wind was blowingfrom a southwest direction
parallel to the laser beam. As mentioned before, wake
effects are supposed to be less distinct in a turbulent at-
mosphere (Barthelmie et al. 2003). This is evident when
Fig. 2b is compared to Fig. 4: the length of the wakes of
the M5000 turbines is shorter in Fig. 4.
To sum up, it can be said that ithas been shown that the
2-mm Doppler lidar is a convenient tool for wind energy
research and could help to improve the modeling of wind
turbine wakes for single turbines, as well as for wind
parks. A method for wake capturing has been developed.
We plan a detailed analysis for these measurements in
the nocturnal boundary layer, and of measurements, were
taken during daytime in a more turbulent atmosphere.
Furthermore, a comparison with the Parallelized Large-
Eddy Simulation (LES) Model (PALM; Steinfeld et al.
2009; Raasch 2010) is already in preparation.
Acknowledgments. This work is done in the framework
of the project ‘‘LIDAR-Development of LIDAR tech-
nologies for the German offshore test field’’ of the German
Federal Environment Ministry (BMU; Contract 0327642).
Thanks are given to Areva - Multibrid GmbH for pro-
viding access to the M5000 wind turbine and to the whole
Lidar group of the Endowed Chair of Wind Energy at
the University of Stuttgart, especially Juan Jose
for his helpful discussions and cooperation.
Barthelmie, R. J., L. Folkerts, F. T. Ormel, P. Sanderhoff,
P. J. Eecen, O. Stobbe, and N. M. Nielsen, 2003: Offshore wind
turbine wakes measured by sodar. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.,
20, 466–477.
¨l, F., J. Mann, and G. C. Larsen, 2010: Light detection
and ranging measurements of wake dynamics. Part I: One-
dimensional scanning. Wind Energy, 13, 51–61.
¨pp, F., S. Rahm, and I. Smalikho, 2004: Characterization of
aircraft wake vortices by 2-mm pulsed Doppler lidar. J. Atmos.
Oceanic Technol., 21, 194–206.
Raasch, S., cited 2010: PALM—A parallelized LES model. [Available
online at
Rahm, S., and I. Smalikho, 2008: Aircraft wake vortex measure-
ment with airborne coherent Doppler lidar. J. Aircr., 45, 1148–
Smalikho, I., F. Ko
¨pp, and S. Rahm, 2005: Measurement of at-
mospheric turbulence by 2-mm Doppler lidar. J. Atmos. Oce-
anic Technol., 22, 1733–1747.
Steinfeld, G., S. Raasch, J. Tambke, J. Peinke, and D. Heinemann,
2009: Development of a large-eddy simulation (LES) model
for modelling the far-wake effects of offshore windfarms.
Proc. Euromech Colloquium 508 on Wind Turbine Wakes,
Madrid, Spain, E.T.S.I. Industriales and Universidad Polite
de Madrid, in press.
Stull, R. B., 1988: An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 666 pp.
¨l, G. C. Larsen, J. Mann, and M. Ku
2010: Light detection and ranging measurements of wake
dynamics. Part II: Two-dimensional scanning. Wind Energy,
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FIG. 4. Azimuth scan during daytime covering the ambient wind
field of several wind turbines including the M5000-1 prototype. The
white lines show the position of the rotor discs of M5000-1 and
... Lidar measurements may be used to diagnose key metrics such as the magnitude of the velocity deficit, the spatial extent of the wake, and the trajectory followed by the wake. Building 20 from promising early deployments for wake measurements in the early 2000s (Käsler et al., 2010), scanning lidars have become a staple in many field campaigns for assessing wind turbine wakes (Aitken et al., 2014b;Aitken and Lundquist, 2014; Barthelmie and Pryor, 2019;Bodini et al., 2017;Brugger et al., 2020;Gottschall, 2020;Menke et al., 2018b;Smalikho et al., 2013;Wildmann et al., 2018b) and other complex flow features like recirculation zones (Menke et al., 2019a) or urban flow features (Newsom et al., 2008). 25 Investigations of turbine wakes with lidar were initially conducted in fairly simple terrain (e.g. ...
... 25 Investigations of turbine wakes with lidar were initially conducted in fairly simple terrain (e.g. Käsler et al. (2010) ;Aitken et al. (2014b); Bodini et al. (2017)). For a detailed summary of lidar measurements of wakes, see Gottschall (2020). ...
Full-text available
Scanning lidars enable the collection of spatially resolved measurements of turbine wakes and the estimation of wake properties such as magnitude, extent, and trajectory. Lidar-based characterizations, however, may be subject to distortions due to the observational system. Distortions can arise from the resolution of the measurement points across the wake, the projection of the winds onto the beam, averaging along the beam probe volume, and intervening evolution of the flow over the scan duration. Using a large-eddy simulation and simulated measurements with a virtual lidar model, we assess how scanning lidar systems may influence the properties of the retrieved wake using a case study from the Perdigão campaign. We consider three lidars performing range-height indicator sweeps in complex terrain, based on the deployments of lidars from the Danish Technical University (DTU) and German Aerospace Center (DLR) at the Perdigão site. The unwaked flow, measured by the DTU lidar, is well-captured by the lidar, even without combining data into a multi-lidar retrieval. The two DLR lidars measure a waked transect from different downwind vantage points. In the region of the wake, the observation system interacts with the smaller spatial and temporal variations of the winds, allowing more significant observation distortions to arise. While the measurements largely capture the wake structure and trajectory over its 4–5 D extent, limited spatial resolution of measurement points and volume averaging lead to a quicker loss of the two-lobes in the near wake, smearing of the vertical bounds of the wake (<30 m), wake center displacements up to 10 m, and dampening of the maximum velocity deficit by up to a third. The virtual lidar tool, coupled with simulations, provides a means for assessing measurements capabilities in advance of measurement campaigns.
... DWLs conventionally measure high-resolution wind to the top of the wind turbine or to hub height (the centre of the wind turbine's rotor, up to 250 m). Such measurements are used to understand turbulent wind fluctuations in the surface layer that are influenced by weather, terrain, turbine wake effects, or shear across the rotor-swept area (Bakhshi and Sandborn, 2020;Banta et al., 2013;Iungo and Porté-Agel, 2013;Krishnamurthy et al., 2013;Mann et al., 2010). ...
... Yuan et al., 2020;Gisinger et al., 2020;Baidar et al., 2020), and (3) to monitor the flow in wind farms (e.g. Käsler et al., 2010;Zhan et al., 2020;Schneemann et al., 2021). The coherent detection DWL employed in this study has a wavelength of 2022.54 nm (approximately 2 µm), being eye-safe and operating in the Rayleigh scattering regime. ...
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Measurements of wind and momentum fluxes are not typically at the centre of field studies on (shallow) cumulus convection, but the mesoscale organization of convection is likely closely tied to patterns in wind. This study combines in situ high-frequency turbulence measurements from a gust probe onboard a Cessna aircraft with downward profiling Doppler wind lidar (DWL) measurements onboard a Falcon aircraft to study variability in the wind profile and momentum fluxes in regions of convection. The dual-aircraft measurements were made during three prototype flights in shallow convective regimes over German agricultural areas (two of which had hilly topography, one flat) in late spring 2019, including forced cumulus humilis under weak winds and “popcorn” cumuli during stronger wind and wind shear after front passages. All flights show pronounced meso-gamma (2–20 km) scale variability in the wind, with the largest wind variance (on the order of 2–4 m2 s-2) towards cloud base and in the cloud layer on flights with large vertical wind shear. The wind and wind variance profiles measured in situ and by lidar compare very well, despite the DWL's coarse (∼ 8 km) horizontal footprint. This highlights the presence of wind fluctuations on scales larger than a few kilometres and that wind lidars can be used more deliberately in field studies to map (mesoscale) flows. Cloudy transects are associated with more than twice the momentum flux compared with cloud-free transects. The contribution of the updraft to the total momentum flux, typically one-third to two-thirds, is far less than the typical contribution of the updraft to buoyancy flux. Even on the same flight day, momentum flux profiles can differ per track, with one case of counter-gradient momentum transport when the updraft does carry substantial momentum flux. Scales beyond 1 km contribute significantly to the momentum flux and there is clear evidence for compensating flux contributions across scales. The results demonstrate that momentum flux profiles and their variability require understanding of motions across a range of scales, with non-negligible contributions of the clear-sky fluxes and of mesoscales that are likely coupled to the convection.
... Doppler Wind LiDAR systems (DWL) are used in a broad spectrum of applications like quasioperational measurements of the wind vector at meteorological observation sites (Päschke et al. 2015), wind profiling from satellites (Chanin et al. 1992;Witschas et al. 2020), detection of gravity waves in the strato-and mesosphere (Baumgarten et al. 2015), monitoring wind shear for flight safety (Nechaj et al. 2019), or wind-energy applications (Käsler et al. 2010;Liu et al. 2019;Wildmann et al. 2019). Numerical weather models (NWP) need vertical profiles of state and process variables in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) to improve the prescription of initial conditions for the simulations (Knist et al. 2018). ...
One of the most widely used systems for wind speed and direction observations at meteorological sites is based on Doppler Wind LiDAR (DWL) technology. The wind vector derivation strategies of these instruments rely on the assumption of stationary and homogeneous horizontal wind, which is often not the case over heterogeneous terrain. This study focuses on the validation of two DWL systems, operated by the German Weather Service (DWD) and installed at the boundary layer field site Falkenberg (Lindenberg, Germany), with respect to measurements from a small, fixed-wing uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) of type MASC-3. A wind vector intercomparison at an altitude range from 100 to 500 m between DWL and UAS was performed, after a quality control of the aircraft’s data accuracy against a cup anemometer and wind vane mounted on a meteorological mast also operating at the location. Both DWL systems exhibit an overall root mean square difference in wind vector retrieval of less than 22% for wind speed and lower than 18° for wind direction. The enhancement or deterioration of these statistics is analyzed with respect to scanning height and atmospheric stability. The limitations of this type of validation approach are highlighted and accounted for in the analysis.
... Accurate wind measurement by Doppler lidar is helpful in comprehending the underlying physical mechanisms of atmospheric phenomena and improving wind simulation models, meanwhile, it can also provide solutions to boundary layer (Cheynet et al. 2020;Fernando et al. 2015;Santos et al. 2020;Vanderwende et al. 2015), wind energy (Banta et al. 2015; Barthelmie and Pryor 2019;Käsler et al. 2010;Mikkelsen 2014;Newsom et al. 2015), aviation safety (Liu et al. , 2022Shun and Chan 2008) and air quality (Barlow et al. 2011;Collier et al. 2005). The Doppler Beam Swinging (DBS) (Strauch et al. 1984) and Velocity Azimuth Display (VAD) (Browning and Wexler 1968;Lhermitte 1961) are the classical methods of wind measurement for a single-lidar, which have already been verified to achieve high accuracy in flat and homogenous terrain (Gottschall et al. 2012;Pauscher et al. 2016). ...
... The CDWL is widely utilized for wind detection in various applications such as wind farms [1], wind shear alarms [2], and meteorology studies [3]. It usually measures the wind speed by emitting laser pulses into the atmosphere to get the Doppler frequency shift introduced by moving particles through a fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis to the beat signal. ...
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The coherent Doppler wind lidar (CDWL) has long been thought to be the most suitable technique for wind remote sensing in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) due to its compact size, robust performance, and low-cost properties. However, as the coherent lidar exploits the Mie scattering from aerosol particles, the signal intensity received by the lidar is highly affected by the concentration of aerosols. Unlike air molecules, the concentration of aerosol varies greatly with time and weather, and decreases dramatically with altitude. As a result, the performance of the coherent lidar fluctuates greatly with time, and the detection range is mostly confined within the planetary boundary layer. The original data collected by the lidar are first transformed into a spectrogram and then processed into radial wind velocities utilizing algorithms such as a spectral centroid. When the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low, these classic algorithms fail to retrieve the wind speed stably. In this work, a radial wind velocity retrieving algorithm based on a trained convolutional neural network (CNN) U-Net is proposed for denoising and an accurate estimate of the Doppler shift in a low-SNR regime. The advantage of the CNN is first discussed qualitatively and then proved by means of a numerical simulation. Simulated spectrum data are used for U-Net training and testing, which show that the U-Net is not only more accurate than the spectral centroid but also achieves a further detection range. Finally, joint observation data from the lidar and radiosonde show excellent agreement, demonstrating that the U-Net-based retrieving algorithm has superior performance over the traditional spectral centroid method both in accuracy and detection range.
... The tower requires more infrastructure than a ground-based wind LiDAR but often provides superior measurements. Wind farm profiling, rocket launches, and profiling winds near buildings and bridges are use-cases that need this type of wind monitoring [26][27][28][29][30]. In NASA flight tests, a smoke tower was used to visualize turbulent vortices generated by a passing aircraft [31][32][33][34]. ...
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This paper presents a fundamentally different approach to wind estimation using Uncrewed Aircraft (UA) than the vast majority of existing methods. This method uses no on-board flow sensor and does not attempt to estimate thrust or drag forces. Using only GPS and orientation sensors, the strategy estimates wind vectors in an Earth-fixed frame during turning maneuvers. The method presented here is called the Wind-Arc method. The philosophy behind this method has been seen in practice, but this paper presents an alternative derivation with resulting performance evaluations in simulations and flight tests. The simulations verify the method provides perfect performance under ideal conditions using simulated GPS, heading angle, and satisfied assumptions. When applied to experimental flight test data, the method works and follows both the airspeed and wind speed trends, but improvements can still be made. Wind triangles are displayed at each instant in time along the flight path that illustrate the graphical nature of the approach and solution. Future work will include wind gust estimation and a Quality of Estimate (QoE) metric to determine what conditions provide good wind speed estimates while preserving the method’s generality and simplicity.
... Many applications such as maneuvering target detection radar, [1][2][3][4][5] weak biological signal detection, 6,7 rotating machinery fault diagnosis, [8][9][10][11] and long-range wind lidar [12][13][14] require the detection of periodic weak pulse signals buried in strong noise. Many effective periodic weak signal detection algorithms have been proposed in the last few decades, including long-time coherent integration (LTCI), [1][2][3][4]15 wavelet transform, [16][17][18] chaotic oscillator, [19][20][21] and stochastic resonance. ...
Phase-weighted stacking (PWS) is an efficient noise reduction technique widely used in exploration seismology. It uses the coherence of the instantaneous phase to enhance signals by reducing incoherent noise. However, the high computational cost makes it difficult to apply PWS for the real-time detection of weak signals with high repetition frequency. This paper proposes a novel simplified PWS method with low computational complexity. The complex plane is divided into four quadrants, and the instantaneous phases in the same quadrant are simplified to the same phase. Based on the proposed method combined with a one-bit analog-to-digital converter, a novel field-programmable gate array-based high-speed real-time periodic weak pulse signal detection technique is presented. A prototype is implemented to verify the proposed technique. For weak pulse signals with an input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -21 dB to -15 dB for 2500 cycles, the results obtained show that the simplified PWS algorithm can improve the SNR of the coherently integrated signals by about 10-15 dB with a latency of about 2 µs.
... Coherent Doppler wind Lidar (CDWL), as a widespread wind remote sensing method, has been used in the fields of aerodynamic, aviation safety and wind power generation [1][2][3]. The CDWL recodes the Doppler peaks of the backscattered signal to retrieve the radial wind speed. ...
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Doppler peaks extraction from massive raw data is a tricky part of coherent Doppler wind Lidar (CDWL) optimization. In this paper, a hybrid genetic/Powell algorithm (HGAP) is proposed to process the power spectrum of the measured signal from CDWL. The HGAP has excellent global exploration capability, which likes traditional genetic algorithms and fast convergence, which like the Powell method. Hence, the HGAP has advantages to find the center frequency of the Doppler peaks from massive raw data, especially to search multiple peaks in complex wind field measurement. Compared with other notable algorithms, the HGAP shows excellent performance in numerical optimization when we use it to solve 27 typical benchmark functions. Then, our algorithm is used to process the raw data in a field experiment of radial wind measurement. The results show that the HGAP can obtain wind speed components quickly and accurately and has value for application in complex wind field analysis.
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The construction of Germany's offshore test site "alpha ventus" situated 45 km north of the island of Borkum marks the starting point of large-scale exploitation of offshore wind resources in German waters. Therefore, extensive Research at "Alpha VEntus" (RAVE) is funded by the German Federal government. One of the aims of this research is the verification of essential aspects in the design and operation of offshore wind turbines (OWEA project). Besides measurements also numerical simulations of the flow conditions in offshore wind farms will be carried out. Here, we report on the development of a large-eddy simulation (LES) model that will finally be applied for simulations of flow conditions within and in the surrounding of the "alpha ventus" test site. Results of a first validation of the new LES tool against previously published LES results and measurements for the wake of a single wind turbine are presented. Our results are in good qualitative agreement with earlier published results. Quantitative differences to the measured wake flow might be related to the fact that the actuator disc model used does not take into account the rotation of the flow behind the wind turbine.
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A ship-mounted sodar was used to measure wind turbine wakes in an offshore wind farm in Denmark. The wake magnitude and vertical extent were determined by measuring the wind speed profile behind an operating turbine, then shutting down the turbine and measuring the freestream wind profile. These measurements were compared with meteorological measurements on two offshore and one coastal mast at the same site. The main purposes of the experiment were to evaluate the utility of sodar for determining wind speed profiles offshore and to provide the first offshore wake measurements with varying distance from a wind turbine. Over the course of a week, 36 experiments were conducted in total. After quality control of the data (mainly to exclude rain periods), 13 turbine-on, turbine-off pairs were analyzed to provide the velocity deficit at hub height as a function of the distance from the turbine. The results are presented in the context of wake measurements at other coastal locations. The velocity deficit is predicted with an empirical model derived from onshore measurements based on transport time dependent on surface roughness. The measurements are closer to those predicted using an onshore rather than an offshore roughness despite the relatively low turbulence experienced during the experiments.
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An experiment for airborne Doppler lidar measurement of wake vortices generated by a large transport aircraft in the free atmosphere has been successfully carried out. In this paper, the description of the experiment, data processing procedure, and measurement results are given. It was shown that the use of smoke generators placed on large transport aircraft wings allows some high-quality wake vortex measurements with 2/μm coherent Doppler lidar installed in a second aircraft. Copyright © 2008 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.
At first glance, the large number of equations developed in Chapters 3-5 would suggest that we have a fairly complete description of turbulent flow. Unfortunately, a closer examination reveals that there are a large number of unknowns remaining in those equations. These unknowns must be dealt with in order end up with a useful description of turbulence that can be applied to real situations. In this Chapter, the unknowns are identified, and methods to parameterize them are reviewed. Simulation techniques such as large-eddy simulation are discussed in Chapter 10.
Two methods for the estimation of the turbulence energy dissipation rate (TEDR) from data measured by a 2-μm coherent Doppler lidar are described in this paper. Based on data measured at the Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées International Airport in summer 2003, height profiles of TEDR have been retrieved. The results of TEDR estimation both from the Doppler spectrum width and from the velocity structure function are compared. Moreover, the experiment has been treated by numerical simulation and the theoretical results have been used for verification of the described methods.
The 2-μm pulsed Doppler lidar, already successfully used for wind and turbulence measurements, has been modified for long-range wake-vortex characterization. In particular, a four-stage data processing algorithm has been developed to achieve precise profiles of tangential velocities from which the vortex parameters such as trajectories, core separation, tilt angle, and circulation can be derived. The main advantage of the pulsed lidar is its long-range capability of more than 1 km. This allows for observations over long periods from the moment of wake generation to a progressed state of vortex decay. With the field experiment at Tarbes airfield the potential of the 2-μm pulsed Doppler lidar for full-scale wake-vortex characterization has been demonstrated. Two examples showing the parameters of wake vortices generated by large transport aircraft (LTA)-type aircraft will be presented.
A nacelle-mounted lidar system pointing downstream has been used to measure wind turbine wake dynamics. The new measurement and data analysis techniques allow estimation of quasi-instantaneous wind fields in planes perpendicular to the rotor axis. A newly developed wake tracking procedure delivers the instantaneous transversal wake position which is quantitatively compared with the prediction of the Dynamic Wake Meandering model. The results, shown for two 10-min time series, suggest that the conjecture of the wake behaving as a passive tracer is a fair approximation; this corroborates and expands the results of one-dimensional measurements already presented in the first part of this paper. Consequently, it is now possible to separate the deterministic and turbulent parts of the wake wind field, thus enabling capturing the wake in the meandering frame of reference. The results correspond, qualitatively and to some extent quantitatively, to the expectations from CFD simulations which are compared in the paper. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The vast majority of wind turbines are today erected in wind farms. As a consequence, wake-generated loads are becoming more and more important. In this first of two parts, we present a new experimental technique to measure the instantaneous wake deficit directly, thus allowing for quantification of the wake meandering, as well as the instantaneous wake expansion expressed in a meandering frame of reference. The experiment was conducted primarily to test the simple hypothesis that the wake deficit is advected passively by the larger-than-rotor-size eddies in the atmospheric flow, and that the wake at the same time widens gradually, primarily because of mixing caused by small-scale atmospheric eddies. In this first paper, we focus on our new measurement technique, and test if the wake meandering follows the wind direction fluctuations, i.e. if it is advected passively in the lateral direction. The experimental results are used as a preliminary verification of a wake meandering model that essentially considers the wake as a passive tracer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The 2-mum pulsed Doppler lidar, already successfully used for wind and turbulence measurements, has been modified for long-range wake-vortex characterization. In particular, a four-stage data processing algorithm has been developed to achieve precise profiles of tangential velocities from which the vortex parameters such as trajectories, core separation, tilt angle, and circulation can be derived. The main advantage of the pulsed lidar is its long-range capability of more than 1 km. This allows for observations over long periods from the moment of wake generation to a progressed state of vortex decay. With the field experiment at Tarbes airfield the potential of the 2-mum pulsed Doppler lidar for full-scale wake-vortex characterization has been demonstrated. Two examples showing the parameters of wake vortices generated by large transport aircraft (LTA)-type aircraft will be presented.