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Bayesian Time Delay Estimation of GNSS Signals in Dynamic Multipath Environments


Abstract and Figures

A sequential Bayesian estimation algorithm for multipath mitigation is presented, with an underlying movement model that is especially designed for dynamic channel scenarios. In order to facilitate efficient integration into receiver tracking loops, it builds upon complexity reduction concepts that previously have been applied within maximum likelihood (ML) estimators. To demonstrate its capabilities under different GNSS signal conditions, simulation results are presented for both BPSK modulated and BOC(1,1) modulated navigation signals.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
International Journal of Navigation and Observation
Volume 2008, Article ID 372651, 11 pages
Research Article
Bayesian Time Delay Estimation of GNSS Signals in
Dynamic Multipath Environments
Michael Lentmaier,1Bernhard Krach,2and Patrick Robertson2
1Vodafone Chair Communications Systems, Dresden University of Technology, TU Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
2German Aerospace Center DLR, Institute of Communications and Navigation, Oberpfaenhofen, 82234 Wessling, Germany
Correspondence should be addressed to Michael Lentmaier,
Received 1 August 2007; Revised 7 December 2007; Accepted 17 March 2008
Recommended by Letizia Presti
A sequential Bayesian estimation algorithm for multipath mitigation is presented, with an underlying movement model that
is especially designed for dynamic channel scenarios. In order to facilitate ecient integration into receiver tracking loops, it
builds upon complexity reduction concepts that previously have been applied within maximum likelihood (ML) estimators. To
demonstrate its capabilities under dierent GNSS signal conditions, simulation results are presented for both BPSK-modulated
and BOC-(1,1) modulated navigation signals.
Copyright © 2008 Michael Lentmaier et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
A major error source within global navigation satellite
systems (GNSSs) comes from multipath, the reception of
additional signal replica due to reflections, which introduce
a bias into the estimate of the delay lock loop (DLL) of
a conventional navigation receiver. For ecient removal of
this bias, it is possible to formulate advanced maximum
likelihood (ML) estimators that incorporate the echoes into
the signal model and are capable of achieving the theoretical
limits given by the Cram´
er Rao bound. The drawback of
ML estimator techniques is that the parameters are assumed
to be constant during the time of observation. Independent
estimates are obtained for successive observation intervals,
whose length has to be adapted to the dynamics of the
In this paper, we consider the important practical case
of dynamic channel scenarios and assess how the time-
delay estimation can be improved if information is available
about the temporal evolution of the channel parameters. Our
approach is based on Bayesian filtering, the optimal and well-
known framework to address such dynamic state estimation
problems [1]. Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods [2,3]
are used for computing the posterior probability density
functions (PDFs) of the signal parameters.
Figure 1 gives an overview of the relationships between
dierent multipath mitigation and estimation approaches. In
fact, we have chosen to discriminate approaches according
to their primary objective. The left column represents the
class of techniques that attempt to mitigate the eect of
multipath in dierent ways. This can for example be achieved
by modifications of the antenna response, either by means of
hardware design or with signal processing techniques (e.g.,
beamforming). The majority of the remaining mitigation
techniques are in some way aligning the more or less
traditional receiver components (e.g., the early/late corre-
lator) to the signal received in the multipath environment.
The probably most simple technique is the adjustment of
the correlator spacing applied in the Narrow Correlator
[4]. Other well-known examples of this category are the
Strobe Correlator [5], the Gated Correlator [6], or the Pulse
Aperture Correlator [7]. To incorporate new signal forms
(such as BOC), these methods need “tuning” in order to
suer as little as possible from multipath. On the other
hand, multipath estimation techniques (right column) treat
multipath (in particular the delay of the paths) as something
to be estimated from the channel observations, so that its
2 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
Mitigation Estimation
Modification of standard DLL
Narrow correlator
Double-delta correlator
Strobe correlator
Pulse aperture correlator
Antenna characteristics
Choke ring
Static Dynamic
Maximum likelihood
Vision correlator &
Newton-ty pe
Antenna array signal
processing techniques
.Practical ML integration:
Signal compression
Loop-aided ML
MAP with static prior
Sequential estimation
Bayesian filtering
Kalman filter
Sequential Monte
Carlo methods
Figure 1: Classification of multipath mitigation approaches.
eects can be trivially removed at a later processing stage. For
the estimation techniques, we have dierentiated between
static and dynamic approaches, according to the underlying
assumption of the channel dynamics. Examples for static
multipath estimation are those belonging to the family of
ML estimators, often using dierent ecient maximization
strategies over the likelihood function [813]. For static
channels without availability of prior information, the ML
approach is optimal and performs significantly better than
other techniques, especially if the echoes have short delay.
An estimator based on sequential importance sampling (SIS)
methods (particle filtering) for static multipath scenarios has
been considered in [14], which has the advantage that prior
channel knowledge can be incorporated.
As a first step towards addressing dynamic channels, one
can incorporate ML estimators in receiver loops or formulate
quasisequential estimators [15,16]. Finally, dynamic esti-
mators that target the computation of the posterior PDF
conditioned on the received channel output sequence at the
receiver can be applied on a per single range basis or operate
in the position domain. In this paper, we concentrate on
dynamic estimators applied per each range. The sequential
Monte Carlo approach has also been suggested in the com-
munications field for estimation of time-varying channel
responses in spread spectrum systems [17,18].
Assume that the complex valued baseband-equivalent
received signal is equal to
ei(t)·ai(t)·c(t)gtτi(t)+n(t), (1)
where c(t) is a delta-train code sequence that is modulated on
a pulse g(t), Nmis the maximum number of allowed paths
reaching the receiver (to restrict the modeling complexity),
ei(t) is a binary function that controls the activity of the
ith path, and ai(t)andτi(t) are their individual complex
amplitudes and time delays, respectively. The signal is
disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise n(t). Grouping
blocks of Lsamples at times (m+kL)Ts,m=0, ...,L1,
together into vectors zk,k=0, 1, ...,nwhilst assuming
the parameter functions ei(t), ai(t), and τi(t) being constant
within the corresponding time interval and equal to ei,k,ai,k,
and τi,k, this can be rewritten as
In the compact form on the right hand side, the samples of
the delayed pulses g(τi,k) are stacked together as columns
of the matrix G(τk)=[g(τ1,k), ...,g(τNm,k)], Cis a
matrix representing the convolution with the code, and the
delays and amplitudes are collected in the vectors τk=
[τ1,k,...,τNm,k]Tand ak=[a1,k,...,aNm,k]T,respectively.
Furthermore, for concise notation we use Ek=diag [ek]
whilst the elements of the vector ek=[e1,k,...,eNm,k]T,
ei,k[0, 1], determine whether the ith path is active or not
by being either ei,k=1 corresponding to an active path or
ei,k=0 for a path that is currently not active. The term sk
denotes the signal hypothesis and is completely determined
by the channel parameters τk,ak,and ek. Using (2), we can
write the associated likelihood function as
(2π)Lσ2L·exp 1
The likelihood function will play a central role in the
algorithms discussed in this paper; its purpose is to quantify
the conditional probability of the received signal conditioned
on the unknown signal (specifically the channel parameters).
Michael Lentmaier et al. 3
3.1. Efficient likelihood computation
In [11], a general concept for the ecient representation
of the likelihood (3) was presented, which is applicable to
many of the existing ML multipath mitigation methods.
The key idea of this concept is to formulate (3) through
avectorzc,kresulting from an orthonormal projection of
the observed signal zkonto a smaller vector space, so that
zc,kis a sucient statistic according to the Neyman-Fisher
factorization [19] and hence suitable for estimating sk.In
other words, the reduced signal comprises the same infor-
mation as the original signal itself. In practice, this concept
processing the received signal (2) with a bank of correlators
and a subsequent decorrelation of the correlator outputs.
A variant of this very general concept, applied in [13], has
also been referred to as the Signal Compression Theorem
in [20] for a set of special projections that do not require
the step of decorrelation due to the structure of the used
correlators. For instance, unlike the correlation technique
used in [8], the one suggested in [13] already projects onto
an orthogonal and thus uncorrelated subspace, similar to the
code matched correlator technique proposed in [11]. Due to
complexity reasons, all practically relevant realizations of ML
estimators [8,13] operate in a projected space, namely after
correlation. The corresponding mathematical background
will be discussed below, including also interpolation of the
likelihood and elimination of complex amplitudes as further
methods for complexity reduction.
3.1.1. Data compression
As explained above, the large vector containing the received
signal samples zkis linearly transformed into a vector zc,kof
much smaller size. Following this approach, the likelihood
according to (2)canberewrittenas
(2π)Lσ2Lexp zH
·exp RzH
(2π)Lσ2Lexp zH
·exp RzH
with the compressed received vector zc,kand the compressed
signal hypothesis sc,k:
and the orthonormal compression matrix Qc, which needs to
to minimize the compression loss. According to [11], the
compression can be two-fold so that we can factorize
Qc=QccQpc (7)
into a canonical component decomposition,givenbyanL×Ncc
matrix Qcc,andaprincipal component decomposition,given
by an Ncc ×Npc matrix Qpc.In[11], two choices for Qcc are
Qcc =
cc Signal matched,
cc Code matched, (8)
where the elements of the vector τbdefine the positions
of the individual correlators. The noise-free outputs of the
corresponding correlator banks are illustrated in Figure 2.To
decorrelate the bank outputs (CG(τb))Hyand C(τb)Hy,as
mentioned above, the whitening matrix Rcc can be obtained
from a QR decomposition of CG(τb)andC(τb), respectively.
Apart from practical implementation issues, both correlation
methods given by (8) are equivalent from a conceptual point
of view. For details on the compression through Qpc,the
reader is referred to [11].
3.1.2. Interpolation
In order to compute (4) independently of the sampling grid,
advantage can be made of interpolation techniques. Using
the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT), with Ψbeing the
DFT matrix and Ψ1being its inverse counterpart (IDFT),
we get
cCΨ1diag Ψg(0)ΩτkEkak
with Ω(τk) being a matrix of column-wise stacked vectors
with Vandermonde structure [10,11], such that the element
at row pand column qcomputes with
IΩτkp,q=−sin 2π(p1)τq,k
Ngis the length of the pulse gin samples. The advantage
of the interpolation is that it can take place in the reduced
space. The most costly computations in (9) can be carried out
in precalculations as the matrix Msc, whose row dimension
corresponds to the dimension of the reduced space and
whose column dimension is Ng, is constant.
3.1.3. Amplitude elimination
In a further step, we reduce the number of parameters by
optimizing (4) for a given set of τkand ekwith respect to
the complex amplitudes ak, which can be achieved through a
closed-form solution. Using
and obtaining S+
c,kby removing zero columns from Sc,k,one
yields the corresponding amplitude values of the active paths:
4 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
Delay (μs)
(a) BPSK signal matched
Delay (μs)
(b) BPSK code matched
Delay (μs)
(c) BOC(1,1) signal matched
Delay (μs)
(d) BOC(1,1) code matched
Figure 2: Output of the canonical component type correlator banks CG(τb)andC(τb) for BPSK and BOC(1,1).
As we have introduced a potential source of performance
loss by eliminating the amplitudes and thus practically
are disregarding their temporal correlation, we propose to
optimize (4) using
with the adjustable averaging coecient Q. When evaluating
(4), we substitute sc,kby
sc,k=Sc,kak, (14)
where the elements of the vector akthat are indicated to
have an active path (ak,i:iek,i=1)aresetequalto
the corresponding elements of a+
k. All other elements (ak,i:
iek,i=0) can be set arbitrarily as their influence is masked
by the zero elements of ek.
3.2. Review of the ML Concept
The concept of ML multipath estimation has drawn substan-
tial research interest since the first approach was proposed in
[8]. Despite being treated dierently in various publications,
the objective is the same for all ML approaches, namely to
find the signal parameters that maximize (3)foragiven
observation zk:
sk=arg max
The signal parameters are thereby assumed as being constant
throughout the observation period k.Dierent maximiza-
tion strategies exist, which basically characterize the dierent
approaches. Despite oering great advantages for theoretical
analysis, the practical advantage of the generic ML concept is
questionable due to a number of serious drawbacks.
(i) The ML estimator assumes that the channel is static
for the observation period and is not able to exploit
Michael Lentmaier et al. 5
its temporal correlation throughout the sequence
k=1, ...,n. Measured channel scenarios have shown
significant temporal correlation [21].
(ii) Despite being of great interest in practice, the esti-
mation of the number of received paths is often not
addressed. The crucial problem here is to correctly
estimate the current number of paths to avoid over
determination, since an overdetermined estimator
will tend to use the additional degrees of freedom
to match the noise by introducing erroneous paths.
There exist various techniques based on model selec-
tion that can be employed to estimate the number
of paths [22] but they suer from the problem of
having to dynamically adjust the decision thresholds.
Typically, only a single hypothesis is tracked, which
in practice causes error event propagation.
(iii) The ML estimator does only provide the most likely
parameter set for the given observation. No relia-
bility information about the estimates is provided.
Consequently, ambiguities and multiple modes of the
likelihood are not preserved by the estimator.
ML estimators require that the estimated parameters
remain constant during the observation period. Due to data
modulation and phase variations in practice, this period,
which is often referred to as the coherent integration time,
is limited to a range of 1 millisecond–20 milliseconds. To
reach a sucient noise performance with a ML estimator
in practice, it is required to extend its observation interval
approximately to the equivalent averaging time of a con-
ventional tracking loop, which is commonly in the order of
several hundred coherent integration periods. To overcome
this problem, the observations are forced to be quasicoherent
by aiding the ML estimator with a phase locked loop (PLL)
and a data removal mechanism [8].
4.1. Optimal solution
In Section 3, we have established the models of the under-
lying time-variant processes. The problem of multipath
mitigation now becomes one of sequential estimation of a
hidden Markov process. We want to estimate the unknown
channel parameters based on an evolving sequence of
received noisy channel outputs zk. The channel process for
each range of a satellite navigation system can be modeled
as a first-order Markov process if future channel parameters
given the present state of the channel and all its past states
depend only on the present channel state (and not on any
past states). We also assume that the noise aecting successive
channel outputs is independent of the past noise values; so
each channel observation depends only on the present channel
Intuitively, we are exploiting not only the channel
observations to estimate the hidden channel parameters (via
the likelihood function), but we are also exploiting our
prior knowledge about the statistical dependencies between
successive sets of channel parameters. We know from channel
Measurements (observed)
State transition PDF
Hidden states
Figure 3: Illustration of the hidden Markov estimation process for
three time instances. Our channel measurements are the sequence
{zi,i=1, ...,k}, and the channel parameters to be estimated are
{xi,i=1, ...,k}.
measurements that channel parameters are time varying but
not independent from one time instance to the next; for
example, an echo usually experiences a “life-cycle” from its
first occurrence, then a more or less gradual change in its
delay and phase over time, until it disappears [21]. These
measurements also show that the common channel models
considered in communication systems [17,18]arenot
adequately reflecting the properties that are crucial for high-
resolution signal delay estimation as required in navigation
Now that our major assumptions have been established,
we may apply the concept of sequential Bayesian estimation.
The reader is referred to [23] which gives a derivation of
the general framework for optimal estimation of temporally
evolving (Markovian) parameters by means of inference,
and we have chosen similar notation. The entire history of
observations (over the temporal index k)canbewrittenas
Zk={zk,k=1, ...,k}.(16)
Similarly, we denote the sequence of parameters of our
hidden Markovian process by
Xk={xk,k=1, ...,k}.(17)
Here, xkrepresents the characterization of the hidden
channel state, including the parameters that specify the signal
hypothesis skgiven in (2). Our goal is to determine the
posterior PDF of every possible channel characterization
given all channel observations: p(xk|Zk) (see Figure 3).
Once we have evaluated this posterior PDF, we can either
determine that channel configuration that maximizes it—the
so-called maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate; or we can
choose the expectation—equivalent to the minimum mean
square error (MMSE) estimate. In addition, the posterior
distribution itself contains all uncertainty about the current
range and is thus the optimal measure to perform sensor data
fusion in an overall positioning system.
6 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
It can be shown that the sequential estimation algorithm
is recursive, as it uses the posterior PDF computed for time
instance k1 to compute the posterior PDF for instance
k(see Figure 4). For a given posterior PDF at time instance
k1, p(xk1|Zk1), the prior PDF p(xk|Zk1) is calculated
in the so-called prediction step by applying the Chapman-
Kolmogorov equation:
pxk|Zk1=pxk|xk1pxk1|Zk1dxk1, (18)
with p(xk|xk1) being the state transition PDF of the
Markov process. In the update step, the new posterior PDF for
step kis obtained by applying Bayes’ rule to p(xk|zk,Zk1)
yielding the normalized product of the likelihood p(zk|xk)
and the prior PDF:
The term p(zk|xk)=p(zk|sc,k=sc,k) follows from (4)and
represents the probability of the measured channel output
(often referred to as the likelihood value), conditioned on a
certain configuration of channel parameters at the same time
step k. The denominator of (19)doesnotdependonxk,and
so it can be computed by integrating the numerator of (19)
over the entire range of xk(normalization).
To summarize so far, the entire process of prediction
and update can be carried out recursively to calculate the
posterior PDF (19) sequentially, based on an initial value of
p(x0|z0)=p(x0). The evaluation of the likelihood function
p(zk|xk) is the essence of the update step. Similarly,
maximizing this likelihood function (i.e., ML estimation)
would be equivalent to maximizing p(xk|Zk) only in the
case that the prior PDF p(xk|Zk1)doesnotdependon
Zk1, and when all values of xkare a priori equally likely.
Since these conditions are not met, evaluation of p(xk|Zk)
entails all the above steps.
4.2. Sequential estimation using particle filters
The optimal estimation algorithm relies on evaluating the
integral (18),whichisusuallyaverydicult task, except for
certain additional restrictions imposed on the model and the
noise process. So, very often a suboptimal realization of a
Bayesian estimator has to be chosen for implementation. In
this paper, we use a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) filter, in
particular a sampling importance resampling particle filter
(SIR-PF) according to [23]. In this algorithm, the posterior
density at step kis represented as a sum and is specified by a
set of Npparticles:
k, (20)
Movement model
Figure 4: Illustration of the recursive Bayesian estimator.
where each particle with index jhas a state xj
kand has a
weight wj
k. The sum over all particles’ weights is one. In SIR-
PF, the weights are computed according to the principle of
importance sampling where the so-called proposal density
is chosen to be p(xk|xk1=xj
k1), and with resampling
at every time step. For Np→∞, the approximate posterior
approaches the true PDF.
The key step, in which the measurement for instance k
is incorporated, is in the calculation of the weight wj
for the SIR-PF can be shown to be the likelihood function:
k). The characterization of the channel process enters
in the algorithm, when at each time instance k, the state
of each particle xi
kis drawn randomly from the proposal
distribution, that is, from p(xk|xj
4.3. Exploiting linear substructures
If there exist linear substructures in the model, it is possible
to reduce the computational complexity of the filter by
means of marginalization over the linear state variables [24],
also known as Rao-Blackwellization [25]. In a marginalized
filter, particles are still used to estimate the nonlinear states,
while for each of the particles the linear states can be
estimated analytically. In our case, since the measurement
zkis a linear function of the complex amplitudes ak, the
likelihood function can be factorized as
where the function g(zk,τk,ek,ak) is Gaussian with respect
to ak,and f(zk,τk,ek) is proportional to p(zk|sc,k).
Marginalization of (21) over the linear state variables gives
Assuming that the amplitudes are block-wise independent
(Q=1), it follows that the weights of the SIR particle filter
are equal to p(zk|xj
Michael Lentmaier et al. 7
If there exists a temporal correlation of the amplitudes,
an optimal marginalized filter requires the implementation
of a separate Kalman filter for each of the particles. As we do
not want to increase the complexity per particle, we take the
correlation into account by adjustment of Qin (13).
4.4. Choice of appropriate channel process
To exploit the advantages of sequential estimation for
our task of multipath mitigation/estimation, we must be
able to describe the actual channel characteristics (channel
parameters) so that these are captured by p(xk|xk1).
In other words, the model must be a first-order Markov
model, and all transition probabilities must be known. In our
approach, we approximate the channel as follows.
(i) The channel is totally characterized by a direct path
(index i=1) and at most Nm1echoes,
(ii) each path has complex amplitude ai,kand relative
delay and Δτi,k=τi,kτ1,k; where echoes are
constrained to have delay τi,kτ1,k, that is, Δτi,k0,
(iii) the dierent path delays follow the process:
(iv) each parameter αi,kthat specifies the speed of the
change of the path delay follows its own process:
K·αi,k1+nα, (24)
(v) the magnitudes and phases of the individual paths,
represented by the complex amplitudes ai,k, are elimi-
nated according to (12)and(14) for the computation
of the likelihood (4),
(vi) each path is either “on” or “o,” as defined by channel
parameter ei,k∈{1“on,0“o },
(vii) where ei,kfollows a simple two-state Markov process
with a-symmetric crossover and same-state probabil-
pei,k=0|ei,k1=1=pono, (25)
The model implicitly incorporates three i.i.d noise sources:
Gaussian nτand nαas well as the noise process driving the
state changes for ei,k. These sources provide the randomness
of the model. The parameter Kdefines how quickly the
speed of path delays can change (for a given variance of nα).
Finally, Δtis the time between instances k1andk.We
assume all model parameters (i.e., K,Δt, noise variances, and
the “on”/“o” Markov model) to be independent of k(see
Figure 5). The hidden channel state vector xkcan therefore
be represented as
Note that the model implicitly represents the number of
as a time-variant parameter.
When applied to our particle filtering algorithm, drawing
from the proposal density is simple. Each particle stores
the above-channel parameters of the model, and then the
new state of each particle is drawn randomly from p(xk|
k1) which corresponds to drawing values for nαand nτas
well as propagating the “on”/“o” Markov model, and then
updating the channel parameters for kaccording to (23)–
4.5. Practical issues
4.5.1. Model matching
It is important to point out that a sequential estimator is
only as good as its state transition model matches the real
world situation. The state model needs to capture all relevant
hidden states with memory and needs to correctly model
their dependencies, while adhering to the first order Markov
condition. Furthermore, any memory of the measurement
noise aecting the likelihood function p(zk|xk)mustbe
explicitly contained as additional states of the model x,so
that the measurement noise is i.i.d.
The channel state model is motivated by channel
modeling work for multipath prone environments such as
the urban satellite navigation channel [21,26]. In fact,
the process of constructing a channel model in order to
characterize the channel for signal level simulations and
receiver evaluation comes close to our task of building a
first-order Markov process for sequential estimation. For
particle filtering, the model needs to satisfy the condition
that one can draw states with relatively low computational
complexity. Adapting the model structure and the model
parameters to the real channel environment is a task for
current and future work. It may even be possible to envisage
hierarchical models in which the selection of the current
model itself follows a process. In this case, a sequential
estimator will automatically choose the correct weighting of
these models according to their ability to fit the received
4.5.2. Integration into a receiver
For receiver integration, the computational complexity of
the filtering algorithm is crucial. From a theoretical point
of view, it is desirable to run the sequential filter clocked
corresponding to the coherent integration period of the
receiver and with a very large number of particles. From the
practical point of view, however, it is desirable to reduce the
sequential filter rate to the navigation rate and to minimize
the number of particles. Existing ML approaches can help
here to achieve a flexible complexity/performance tradeo,
as strategies already developed to extend the observation
8 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
Direct path
First echo
Nm1’th echo
··· ···
State xk2State xk1State xk
Figure 5: The Markov process chosen in this paper to model the channel with Nmpaths. Dotted arrows—shown only for a small subset of
the transitions—indicate the constraint that Δτi,k0. For an explanation of the terms, see the text leading up to (27).
periods of ML estimators can be used directly to reduce the
rate of the sequential filtering algorithm.
To demonstrate the capabilities of the SMC-based Bayesian
time delay estimator proposed in Section 4,wehavecarried
out computer simulations for both static and dynamic
channel environments. The signal-to-multipath ratio (SMR)
was chosen constant and equal to 6dB, while the relative
phases are changing according to Δϕi,k=2πΔτi,kfcwith
fc=1575.42 MHz being the frequency of the L1 carrier. The
Bayesian estimator uses a time interval of Δt=1 millisecond
corresponding to the duration of a codeword. The amplitude
averaging coecient is set to Q=10, and signal compression
is applied with Ncc =41 (code-matched correlators) Npc =
i,α,K,and p(ei,k|ei,k1)are
selected to fit the statistics of a real channel according to [21].
The SIR-PF uses the minimum mean square error (MMSE)
criterion to estimate the parameters xkfrom the posterior.
5.1. Static multipath scenario
The capability of multipath mitigation techniques is com-
monly assessed by showing the systematic error due to
a single multipath replica plotted as a function of the
relative multipath delay in a static channel scenario. In
Figure 6, the root mean square error (RMSE) is shown
for the proposed sequential estimator, implemented as a
SIR-PF with Ns=2000 particles. For comparison, the
performance of conventional DLLs with Narrow Correlator
Relative delay (m)
RMSE (m)
SIR-PF, path activitiy tracking
SIR-PF, single path model
SIR-PF, two path model
DLL narrow correlator
DLL strobe correlator
Figure 6: Static scenario: performance of SIR-PF for BPSK
modulation as function of relative multipath delay for dierent path
and with Strobe Correlator is also shown. The simulated
signal corresponds to a GPS L1 signal with c(t) being a Gold
code of length 1023 that is modulated on a bandlimited
rectangular pulse. The chip rate is 1.023 Mchips/s so that
the duration of the codeword is 1millisecond. The one-
sided bandwidth of the resulting navigation signal is 5 MHz.
Estimators with fixed two-path model or fixed single path
model are also shown for comparison with the implicit path
Michael Lentmaier et al. 9
Relative delay (m)
Probability of two path model
Figure 7: Static scenario: average probability of a two-path model
for the estimator with path activity tracking.
Number of particles
RMSE (m)
Figure 8: Static scenario: RMSE performance as function of
number of particles Nsfor BPSK modulation.
activity tracking. The performance of a single path estimator
is comparable to that of a DLL with infinitesimal correlator
spacing and shows a considerable bias over a large delay
range. The estimator with fixed two-path model successfully
mitigates the multipath bias for delays greater than 30m.
However, for smaller delays it shows an increasing variance
and is outperformed by the single path estimator. The
estimator with path activity tracking is capable of combining
the advantages of both models. From the posterior, it
is possible to calculate the estimated average probability
P(Nm,k=2|Zk) of a two-path model, which is shown in
Figure 7, and indicates the transition between the models:
for small delays the two paths essentially merge to a single
one. Note that in these simulations, the model parameters
of the sequential estimator are still the ones designed for the
dynamic channel and not optimal for this static scenario. The
RMSE as function of the number of particles Nsis shown
in Figure 8 for a relative multipath delay of 14 m, which
corresponds to the worst case in Figure 6.
5.2. Dynamic scenario
The dynamic multipath channel scenario with up to Nm=3
paths, used in the following simulations and depicted in
Figure 9, has been generated according to the movement
model, whereby the parameters K=25000, σnα=1010,
Time (s)
Pseudorange (m)
Figure 9: Considered dynamic multipath scenario: pseudoranges
over time of the direct path (continuous line) and the temporarily
present echoes.
Time (s)
Error (m)
Figure 10: Dynamic scenario: performance of the DLL with narrow
correlator for BPSK modulation (upper/grey) and BOC(1,1) modu-
lation (lower/black). The segment marked with a dashed box shows
a situation where BOC(1,1) is clearly superior to BPSK.
σnτ=108,andpono=poon =0.0001 were chosen
to resemble a typical urban satellite navigation channel
environment [26].
Figure 10 shows for this multipath scenario at a carrier-
to-noise ratio of C/N0=45dB-Hz the BPSK and the
BOC(1,1) performance of a DLL with a narrow correlator
spacing of 107seconds, corresponding to a tenth of a
code chip. A DLL loop bandwidth of 1Hz was selected,
which appeared to deliver the best DLL performance for this
channel. For a fair comparison of the dierent modulation
techniques, both signals were generated with the same C/A
code sequence of length 1023, the same receiver bandwidth
of 5 MHz (one-sided), a sampling rate of 1/Ts=10.23 MHz,
and a coherent integration time of LTs=1 millisecond.
Although the results show an improvement for the BOC(1,1)
modulation, there still remains a considerable error due to
the multipath. This behavior is confirmed by a comparison
with the multipath error envelope, depicted in Figure 11.
While in some multipath delay regions, the error is reduced
by the BOC(1,1) modulation (see, e.g, the segment marked
by the dashed box in Figure 10), more sophisticated multi-
path mitigating techniques are required to reduce the errors
due to short range multipath.
The simulation results for the particle filter-based estima-
tor with Ns=20000 particles are given in Figures 12(a) and
10 International Journal of Navigation and Observation
Relative delay (m)
Error envelope (m)
Figure 11: Multipath error envelope of the DLL with narrow cor-
relator for BPSK modulation (dashed) and BOC(1,1) modulation
Time (s)
Error (m)
(a) BPSK modulation
Time (s)
Error (m)
(b) BOC(1,1) modulation
Figure 12: Dynamic scenario: Performance of the sequential
estimator with particle filtering (black) compared to the DLL
(grey). The sequential estimator is clearly superior for multipath
12(b) for the same channel as in Figure 10. They show that
the performance could be improved substantially, resulting
in a reduction of the root mean square (RMS) error from
3.77 m to 0.769 m for BPSK modulation and from 2.61 m to
0.694 m for BOC(1,1) modulation, respectively.
The RMSE as function of the number of particles Nsis
shown in Figure 13.
Number of particles
RMSE (m)
Figure 13: Dynamic scenario: RMSE performance as function of
number of particles Nsfor BPSK modulation.
We have demonstrated how sequential Bayesian estimation
techniques can be applied to the multipath mitigation
problem in a navigation receiver. The proposed approach
is characterized by code-matched, correlator-based signal
compression together with interpolation techniques for e-
cient likelihood computation in combination with a particle
filter realization of the prediction and update recursion. The
considered movement model has been adapted to dynamic
multipath scenarios and incorporates the number of echoes
as a time-variant hidden channel state variable that is tracked
together with the other parameters in a probabilistic fashion.
A further advantage compared to ML estimation is that
the posterior PDF at the output of the estimator represents
reliability information about the desired parameters and
preserves the ambiguities and multiple modes that may occur
within the likelihood function. Simulation results for BPSK-
and BOC-(1,1) modulated signals show that in both cases
significant improvements can be achieved compared to a
DLL with narrow correlator. In this work, we have employed
two methods to reduce complexity: the signal compression to
facilitate the computation of the likelihood function as well
as a simple form of Rao-Blackwellization to eliminate the
complex amplitudes from the state space. Further work will
concentrate on additional complexity reduction techniques
such as more suitable proposal functions or particle filtering
algorithms such as the auxiliary particle filter that are
possibly more ecient with respect to the number of
particles when applied to our problem domain.
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... Furthermore, Antreich et al. (2005) proposed a method that featured the use of the space alternating generalized expectation-maximization (SAGE) algorithm for iterative approximations of the ML estimator. Bayesian solutions have also been proposed (Lentmaier et al., 2008). One drawback shared by of these advanced algorithms is that they all require an accurate replica of the received signal. ...
... In [7], a multicorrelator-based technique is proposed to estimate the delay and phase of individual paths from an ACF output in multipath channels: however, it is impractical to require prior knowledge on the number of total incoming multipath. Studies in [8], [9], and [10] introduce a grid search-based technique, a Rao-Blackwellization [11] technique, and Newton's method to reduce the computational costs of ML-based FPD techniques, respectively. The space-alternation generalized expectationmaximization (SAGE) algorithm [12] reduces the dimensions of channel parameters for the fast convergence of iterative estimation techniques, and, in [13], SAGE is applied to estimate the channel impulse response (CIR) in multipath channels. ...
BPSK modulated GPS L1 CA signal is the most widely used GNSS signal to date, and the first path detection (FPD) of the conventional GPS L1 CA signals is the most challenging problem to ensure reliable GPS positioning in multipath environments. In this paper, we propose an FPD network (FPDN) based on multi-layer perceptron (MLP)-Mixer to extract the first path from the discrete autocorrelation function (ACF) output accurately with low computational cost. In addition, the proposed FPDN is useful in practice because it is robust to noise and achieves a high FPD performance without any prior assumption on the number of total incoming multipath, which is required for conventional signal processing-based FPD techniques. We compare the performance of the proposed FPDN to that of diverse conventional techniques, such as techniques based on narrow correlator, super-resolution, and some widely used CNNs such as VGGNet, ResNet, and U-Net, through simulations and field tests. As demonstrated, the proposed FPDN outperforms all of the compared FPD techniques in terms of the computational cost and accuracy for wide range of carrier-to-noise (C/N 0 ) ratios.
... 42 These methods are widely applied in traditional receivers based on the idea of estimating multipath parameters before eliminating the multipath disturbances. [43][44][45] Once the multipath parameters are calculated, the reconstruction of multipath signals becomes easy. Subsequently, the multipath influence from direct signals can be reduced by deducting the reconstructed multipath signals from the received signals. ...
This study investigates the multipath error modelling and mitigation for triple-frequency global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals inside South Korea. Multi-frequency global positioning system (GPS), globalnaya navigatsionnaya sputnikovaya sistema (GLONASS), and Galileo data are collected in an environment where the receiver must track these three constellations in both low and high multipath scenarios. First, an advanced power spectrum analysis technique known as Welch method is performed using experimental data, and its benefits and drawbacks are described. In the second attempt, the spectrogram method is utilized to perform multipath feature time–frequency analysis. Although the abnormal frequency peak presented by the spectrogram is stable, the spectrogram does not support the precise recognition of the multipath error peak occurrence. Hence, in the third attempt, continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) are applied to highlight this type of peak resolution. The CWT function successfully indicated the maximum and minimum peak resolutions and exhibited a clear wavelet energy spread. In the final stage, experimental data are reconstructed by inverse continuous wavelet transforms (ICWT), and comparative results in terms of root mean square before and after the ICWT are estimated. After implementing the inverse wavelet method in high and low multipath error of experimental data, overall average percentages of multipath mitigation reduction compared to actual multipath error are estimated to be 95.74% and 98.79%, respectively. This study demonstrates the high efficiency of the wavelet method as well as the effectiveness as a multipath error reduction approach. These improvements can be considered as significant in achieving high-precision positioning accuracy.
To assure the successful operation of connected and automated vehicles, it is critical to detect and isolate anomalous and/or faulty information in a timely manner. To do so, anomaly detection techniques should be implemented in real-time where if the probability of anomalous information exceeds a certain threshold, the information is dealt with accordingly. Traditionally, the threshold for judging whether the data is anomalous is fixed and determined a priori . However, not only does this approach fail to account for the feedback obtained during a trip on the performance of the algorithms, but it also fails to respond to potential changes in rates of anomalies. Hence, it is important to develop an approach that can dynamically alter this threshold in response to exogenous factors to assure reliable and robust system operation. We develop a mathematical framework which utilizes a dynamic threshold for an anomaly classification algorithm in order to maximize the safety of a trip. Specifically, we develop and pair an anomaly classification algorithm based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), with a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) model. We solve the resulting POMDP model using the asynchronous advantage actor critic (A3C) deep reinforcement learning algorithm. The prescribed policy determines the anomaly classification threshold in real-time that maximizes the performance. Our numerical experiments show that the POMDP model outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks, especially under more difficult to detect anomaly profiles.
Positioning with cellular signals has been gaining attention in urban and indoor environments where global navigation satellite system signals have limited availability due to interference, blockage, or multipath. However, accurate and reliable tracking of cellular signals under highly dynamic urban channel conditions remains a challenging task. This paper presents a cellular long-term evolution (LTE) signal tracking algorithm implemented by an adaptive multipath estimating delay lock loop (AMEDLL) to achieve carrier phase synchronization and time-of-arrival (TOA) tracking under severe multipath propagation conditions. The analytical expression of the coherently integrated correlation result over multiple slots with the LTE cell-specific reference signal is derived. A multipath estimator along with a simple, yet efficient multipath estimation monitoring approach is developed to estimate the parameters of all detected multipath signals. Several heuristic monitoring criteria based on historical multipath parameter estimations are established to enable adaptive adjustment of the estimated path number. Real LTE signals are collected in an urban environment for the signal tracking performance evaluation. This paper presents two case studies with varying levels of multipath effects and signal power to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed signal tracking algorithm. Instead of a TOA truth reference, open-loop carrier phase estimations are used to analyze the TOA tracking error. Our analyses demonstrate that the AMEDLL-based tracking algorithm provides improved TOA estimation accuracy over the existing super-resolution algorithm-based and delay lock loop-based tracking schemes.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a Bayesian inference problem is set up to infer the time delay and the resistance models from the dynamics of a connected automated vehicle. The delayed rejection adaptive Metropolis Markov chain Monte Carlo method is applied to obtain the posterior distributions of time delay and resistance parameters simultaneously using experimental data. The estimations of the time delay are shown to be consistent among multiple datasets and different resistance models. The distribution of the posterior indicates that there exist multiple modes in time delay, corresponding to different behaviors in acceleration and deceleration.
Conference Paper
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The direct implementation of the maximum likelihood estimator for the time-delay estimation problem is practically intractable for navigation signals due to its complexity, especially when due to multipath reception several superimposed replica are taken into account. In particular, the complexity arises from the evaluation of the likelihood, which requires operations upon a data set of many thousand samples for each code period of the received signal. Thus within conventional navigation receivers tracking loops are used for estimating the signal parameters. Recently it has been shown that signal compression techniques can overcome the problem of computational complexity, as the likelihood function can be formulated efficiently upon a reduced data set of much smaller size compared to the original data, where the reduced data set forms a sufficient statistic for the estimated signal parameters. As a consequence, the evaluation of the likelihood becomes feasible with moderate cost, which might enable a paradigm change in terms of information handover within the receivers, as much more information can be handed over from the signal domain to the navigational part of the receiver. Within this paper a novel approach for integrating a conventional tracking loop with a likelihood evaluator is proposed. It is shown that the parameter information can be kept recursively in a data set of small size in a sequential estimation procedure by using a bank of first order IIR filters, such that an approximate posterior can be reconstructed from the filtered data set. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by computer simulations. The results show that the conventional delay lock loop is outperformed with respect to noise performance as well as with respect to the multipath bias whilst providing capabilities with respect to multipath monitoring and mitigation.
Conference Paper
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The implementation of the maximum likelihood estimator for the time-delay estimation problem is practically intractable for navigation signals due to its complexity, especially when due to multipath reception several superimposed replica are taken into account. Recently it has been shown that signal compression techniques can overcome this problem, as the maximum likelihood estimator can be formulated efficiently upon a reduced data set of much smaller size compared to the original data, where the reduced data set forms a sufficient statistic for the estimated signal parameters. This paper focuses on the formulation of such a signal compression based estimator. Furthermore the integration of the estimator into navigation receivers is addressed, in particular by considering the delay lock loop architecture that is employed within conventional navigation receivers. A novel approach for integrating the efficient maximum likelihood estimator into a generic tracking loop is proposed. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by computer simulations. The results show that the conventional delay lock loop is outperformed with respect to noise performance as well as with respect to the multipath bias.
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The main objective of the thesis is the development of efficient multipath mitigation techniques for navigation systems. By efficient mitigation we refer to the use of asymptotic efficient estimators, and also to the minimisation of their computational burden. In this thesis, the efficient estimators are derived from the Maximum Likelihood Principle in several important scenarios. The computational burden is reduced in two ways. One is through data compression techniques that yield receiver implementations of small complexity and small data sizes. The other consists of the efficient implementation of Newton-type methods for the computation of the Maximum Likelihood estimators. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to present the fundamentals of synchronisation in a navigation receiver, and to the state of the art in multipath mitigation. Afterwards, several results concerning the interpolation of a band limited signal in a finite interval are introduced, that will later make possible to design efficient estimators. After this introductory part, several data compression methods are presented, wellsuited for a DS-CDMA navigation signal that has been corrupted by multipath. The Principal Components and Canonical Components methods are the theoretical tools employed in their derivation. Once the data compression methods have been researched, the thesis deals with the design of efficient computation methods for the Maximum Likelihood estimators. For this, the Newton-type methods are proposed. Though these methods are the most efficient in unconstrained optimisation problems, they are not usually employed because they require the computation of the gradient and the Hessian of the cost function, or an approximation to the latter. However, in this part of the thesis a new symbolic methods is presented that makes possible to derive compact expressions of these differentials. In this way, it is possible to compute the Maximum Likelihood estimators through the Newton-type methods in a small number of operations. In the last part of the thesis, the former results are applied to the multipath mitigation in a receiver equipped with a single antenna and an antenna array, respectively. For a single antenna receiver, two channels are discussed, the static and the slowly fading. In the case of the static channel, a complete numerical example is presented, in which the best achievable performance only through signal processing is evaluated. The main performance measure is the Root-Mean-Square error. In the case of a fading channel, it is shown that the best achievable performance only through signal processing is better than in the static case, with a small complexity increase. For an antenna array receiver, several Maximum Likelihood estimators are presented, and the subspace methods based on a polynomial structure are applied, respectively. For the Maximum Likelihood estimators, the main question is how the antenna array should be modelled, so that the estimator is able to distinguish short-delayed navigation signal replicas, being at the same time robust against calibration errors. Three antenna array models are presented: the deterministic, the one parameterised in angles of arrival, and the one parameterised in angles of arrival and calibration errors. For the subspace methods, an interpolation technique is designed that builds on the antenna array technique and on the Principal Components method. Using this interpolation technique, a new TLS-ESPRIT algorithm is derived in which a continuous range of frequencies is interpolated.
Historically, conventional GPS receivers have used 1.0 chip early-late correlator spacing in the implementation of delay lock loop s (DLLs), However, there are distinct advantages to narrowing this spacing, especially in C/A-code tracking applications. These advantages are the reduction of tracking errors in the presence of both noise and multipath. The primary disadvantage i s that a wider precorrela- tion bandwidth is required, coupled with higher sample rates and higher digital signal processing rates. However, with current CMOS technology, this is easily achievable and well worth the price. Noise reduction is achieved with narrower spacing because the noise components of the early and late signals are correlated and ten d to cancel, provided that early and late processing are simultaneous (not dithered). Multipath effects are reduced because the DLL discriminator is less distorted by the delayed multipath signal. This paper presents the derivation of these narrow correlator spacing improve- ments, verified by simulated and tested performance.
In direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS-SS) based navigation systems, multipath can degrade seriously synchronization performance causing time delay and code phase estimates to deviate from the actual value. This bias depends on the rel- ative amplitudes and delays of multipath replicas with respect to the direct signal. The error in the estimated position due to multipath, when using a standard Delay Lock Loop, can be on the order of several tens of meters, which is a critical aspect in high-precision applications. This works presents a Sequential Monte Carlo based algorithm which tries to iteratively estimate complex amplitudes and delays of the direct signal and multipath replicas by characterizing the posterior probability density function of these parameters relying on particle filter theory.
This paper provides an overview of the general principles and early performance results of the Vision Correlator. The Vision Correlator is a new method of measuring and processing the synchronization signals of a received PRN code. It is a significantly different process than any of the various correlation methods used in GNSS receivers today. It works by precisely measuring the received Radio Frequency (RF) characteristics in the time domain of the phase transitions of the modulated signal broadcast from the satellite. It is particularly useful in detecting and removing close-in multipath. Simulation results show that the Vision Correlator can remove the effects of a multipath signal on the code and carrier measurements when the delay of the multipath signal is less than 10m from the line of sight signal, and mitigate their effect to a fraction of a meter (code). It also provides a very useful statistic that can be used for Signal Quality Monitoring of the received signal. This statistic can be used to filter data that is unrepairable.
The reduction of multipath biases on GPS measurements has traditionally been achieved through innovative antenna design, such as choke ring ground planes, and careful antenna site selection. These methods, although effective, are not always practical, especially in a kinematic environment. The implementation of Narrow Correlator spacing design in GPS receiver code tracking loops has greatly reduced the multipath bias and the measurement noise on C/A code pseudorange measurements. Even with these advancements the bias due to multipath is still dominant in GPS position calculations. This paper introduces NovAtel's Pulse Aperture Correlator (PAC) tracking loop which takes full advantage of the Narrow Correlator spacing design, but in addition, is much more resistant to multipath effects on the correlation function and thereby reduces the multipath bias on the pseudorange measurements. The theory behind this tracking loop design is identical to that of NovAtel's Multipath Elimination Technology (MET), first introduced in NovAtel's OEM2 GPSCard. The difference in the OEM4 PAC implementation is that the algorithms are implemented in the hardware rather than the software and we see a performance improvement in PAC over MET due to the increased pre-correlation bandwidth of the OEM4. The theory behind PAC and MET will be presented along with its implementation into existing receiver hardware. Test results showing the performance of a PAC receiver compared with a Wide Correlator receiver Narrow Correlator receiver, and MET are also presented.