Cash, T.F., & Pruzinsky, T. (Eds.). Body Image: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice
... How often were you able to do heavy housework such as vacuuming without help? 15 How often were you able to do your daily work, either at home, as a volunteer at school, or at a paid job? TRANSFER 16 How often do you have trouble getting in or out of bed? 17 ...
... Improvements in body image are of utmost importance, as a positive body image is associated with better mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being. A positive body image can enhance an individual's confidence and quality of life, while a negative body image can contribute to psychological distress and potentially lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety [15]. Therefore, the observed improvements in body image are encouraging and may indicate that interventions or treatments have positively influenced participants' selfperception. ...
A limited study was done on health-related quality of life in osteoporosis in the study site area, to explore the relationship between bone mineral density (BMD) in rural and urban populations and measure the value of health-related quality of life among Indian patients. All patients of both genders were attending the outpatient ortho clinic settings within a period of six months and followed by fulfilling the following criteria were included in the study sample. Whereas ages between 15-75 years and above, however, diagnosed with Osteoporosis and bone fractures are included in the study. Tools: Three tools were used to collect the needed information: Tool one: an interview questionnaire sheet was developed by the researchers. It included two parts: Part I: included the socio-demographic data of the study sample such as age, sex, marital status, education, occupation, and Dietary habits. Part II: Included the presence of health problems. Patients' records were used to obtain bone mineral density measurements, family history, Physical activity, Menopausal stage, Dietary intake of Calcium, and history of fracture Tool two: An assessment sheet was developed by the researchers. Tool three: HRQOL-34 questionnaires for the evaluation of the health-related quality of life in elders with osteoporosis were used. It was initially pretested using self-report in a small number of patients to ensure comprehensibility. The total number of osteoporosis subjects included during the study period based on inclusion/exclusion criteria was found to be 220 subjects (Male n=92 and Female n=128). Their age ranged from the study populations with a mean age of 23.07±19.77 years for males and 30.55± 27.44 years for females. Most of the females aged in years was found to be 30-50 years 51%. Whereas 84% were reported from a rural background of the Dharmapuri district. The proportion of female occupation dominance who were reported to be housewives was 51%, meanwhile not working 09 % were reported. The HRQOL scores calculated show an improvement over different time interval. HRQOL with osteoporosis should therefore be thoroughly investigated in patients with fractures, to develop appropriate interventions that would empower patients to effectively manage all stages of the disease. The quality of life has improved because of the availability of modern technology. This article provides a value of health-related quality of life questionnaire step-by-step approach findings that the short version of HRQOL is a reliable, valid, and responsive measure in assessing the quality of life in patients with osteoporotic vertebral and non-vertebral fractures.
... Skala body image dibuat berdasarkan teori dari Cash (2002) yang terdiri dari lima aspek yaitu evaluasi penampilan, orientasi penampilan, kepuasan terhadap bagian tubuh, kecemasan fisik sosial, pengkategorian bagian tubuh. Skala kepercayaan diri dibuat berdasarkan teori dari Lauster (2003) yang terdiri keyakinan akan kemampuan diri, optimis, objektif, bertanggung jawab, dan rasional. ...
... Smolak (2009) mendefinisikan body image sebagai proses di mana individu belajar tentang bentuk tubuh, dimulai dengan tinggi badan, ukuran tubuh, dan aspek lain yang mengarah pada sebuah penilaian terhadap fisik individu tersebut. Hal ini didukung oleh Cash (2002) yang menyebutkan body image merupakan suatu sikap individu dengan bentuk tubuh yang dimiliki, yang dapat berupa penilaian negatif maupun positif. Setiap remaja harus memiliki body image yang positif karena pada usia ini, seorang individu selalu tertarik dengan apa yang orang lain pikirkan tentang penampilan mereka. ...
This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the correlation between body image and self-confidence in victims of body shaming, especially Instagram users. The method used in this study uses quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires, which consist of 2 (two) variables, namely the self-confidence variable (Y) and the body image variable (X). Respondents in this study were teenagers to adults aged 18-25 years who experienced body shaming as many as 134 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is purpose sampling where the sample is taken by adjusting to certain criteria. Based on calculations using the spearman's rho non-parametric correlation technique with the IBM SPSS 24 for windows program. The results obtained are rxy 0.362 with a significance value of p = 0.000 where p <0.05. That is, the higher the body image, the higher the self-confidence of adolescent Instagram users, so the research hypothesis "there is a positive relationship between body image and self-confidence in victims of body shaming Instagram users.
... According to Cash theory (2002) perceptual aspect refers to the extent to which a person assumes that their worthiness is measured by their appearance. The feedback aspect includes the components of evaluation (dissatisfaction with body appearance), investment (importance of internalizing ideal body appearance and the importance one attaches to one's body), and affect (emotions evoked in relation to one's body) [4]. It can be positive (self-esteem) or negative (depression). ...
... The structure of negative body image is described as body image disorder, dissatisfaction with the body and a lot of mental preoccupation with body image. A person with a negative body image may be eager to engage in behaviors that are detrimental to physical and mental health [4]. The more a person does not have a good body image towards himself and does not have a good perception and feeling towards himself, the more cognitive distortions increase in him and he attributes more negative thoughts and emotions to himself. ...
... An established risk factor in the development and maintenance of disordered eating behaviour is negative body image. Body image is a multidimensional construct that represents an individual's perceptions and attitudes about their physical-self and encompasses an evaluative function through which individuals compare perceptions of their actual "self" to "ideal" images [23]. This comparison may produce feelings of dissatisfaction about one's own body image if a significant discrepancy exists between the actual and ideal self-image [23]. ...
... Body image is a multidimensional construct that represents an individual's perceptions and attitudes about their physical-self and encompasses an evaluative function through which individuals compare perceptions of their actual "self" to "ideal" images [23]. This comparison may produce feelings of dissatisfaction about one's own body image if a significant discrepancy exists between the actual and ideal self-image [23]. Body image is not necessarily congruent with actual physique, with research demonstrating that women categorised as having a healthy body mass index (BMI) nonetheless report dissatisfaction with their weight and engage in restrictive dietary behaviours to reduce their weight [24]. ...
Videos glamourising disordered eating practices and body image concerns readily circulate on TikTok. Minimal empirical research has investigated the impact of TikTok content on body image and eating behaviour. The present study aimed to fill this gap in current research by examining the influence of pro-anorexia TikTok content on young women’s body image and degree of internalisation of beauty standards, whilst also exploring the impact of daily time spent on TikTok and the development of disordered eating behaviours. An experimental and cross-sectional design was used to explore body image and internalisation of beauty standards in relation to pro-anorexia TikTok content. Time spent on TikTok was examined in relation to the risk of developing orthorexia nervosa. A sample of 273 female-identifying persons aged 18–28 years were exposed to either pro-anorexia or neutral TikTok content. Pre- and post-test measures of body image and internalisation of beauty standards were obtained. Participants were divided into four groups based on average daily time spent on TikTok. Women exposed to pro-anorexia content displayed the greatest decrease in body image satisfaction and an increase in internalisation of societal beauty standards. Women exposed to neutral content also reported a decrease in body image satisfaction. Participants categorised as high and extreme daily TikTok users reported greater average disordered eating behaviour on the EAT-26 than participants with low and moderate use, however this finding was not statistically significant in relation to orthorexic behaviours. This research has implications for the mental health of young female TikTok users, with exposure to pro-anorexia content having immediate consequences for internalisation and body image dissatisfaction, potentially increasing one’s risk of developing disordered eating beliefs and behaviours.
... Body image: An individuals' thoughts and feelings about their body and physical appearance (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002) Ectomorphy(ic): Relative linearity, thinness (Monsma et. al., 2008), the thin body build (Spillman & Everington, 1989). ...
... This was further broken down by Cash and Pruzinsky (2002) into two dimensions: body image investment and body image evaluation. Body image investment illustrates the "degree of cognitive and behavioral importance" that people assign to their body and appearance (p. ...
Fitness and body image are two topics that are at the forefront of society. “A
persons’ physique is often used by others to judge their character and abilities” (Wykes & Gunter, 2005, p.193). Reactions to a persons’ body type are immediate and instinctual. The perception of someone’s body type projects information about that person, but also influences the character traits others expect of them. As a professor instructing others it is important to understand the influence of their appearance.
This study surveyed undergraduate students at two Midwestern universities
enrolled in an exercise science class in the fall of 2014. They were shown images of
William H. Sheldon’s three somatotypes with definitions, and 15 characteristics
regarding professor credibility on a 7-point Likert scale.
Students surveyed were between the ages of 18 and 22 and consisted of 180 participants, 48% female (n=86) and 52% (n=94) male. Participants also reported their self-perceived body type. Of the 180 students surveyed 27% (n=48) determined they were ectomorphs. There was a 66% (n=120) response for mesomorphs, and 7% (n=12) responded as having an endomorph body type.
There was a statistically significant difference between how students perceive faculty credibility based on the faculty members’ somatotype, F(2, 178) = 49.14, p=.000. The participants rated the ectomorph (thin) image as most credible with an overall mean total of 4.61, the mesomorph (muscular) image was rated with an overall mean total of 4.46, and the endomorph (overweight/obese) image was perceived as least credible with an overall mean total of 3.87.
The Faculty Credibility Scale is comprised of three composites: competence,
character, and caring. It appeared that overall the ectomorph and mesomorph
somatotypes were favored over the endomorph somatotype in two of the three composite means (Competence and Caring), and all three somatotypes were aligned for the third composite mean (Character).
When looking at students’ perceptions of faculty credibility based on the faculty’s
body type and students’ own self-reported body type, there was no significant difference. Also, when looking at students’ perceptions of faculty credibility based on the faculty’s body type and students’ gender, there was no significant difference noted.
... Definition of Terms 1. Body Image (type): An individual's thoughts and feelings about their body and physical appearance (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002) 2. Endomorphy(ic): Relative roundness, fatness (Monsma et. al, 2008), the heavy body build (Spillman & Everington, 1989) predominance of fatty tissue (Butler et. ...
... 568). This is further broken down by Cash and Pruzinsky (2002) into two dimensions: body image investment and body image evaluation. Body image investment illustrates the "degree of cognitive and behavioral importance" that people assign to their body and appearance (p. ...
Fitness and body image are two topics that are at the forefront of society. It can be
argued that physique-related perceptions influence the way people are viewed and may have an influence on what is perceived as their intelligence level. It has been suggested that social stereotypes may account for a major share of the correlation between physique and personality. Reactions to body build are likely to be important features of the individual’s social environment both in terms of the way an individual is treated by others and the personality and character traits others expect of them. Appearance is the first piece of information a person shares with others and it can powerfully influence perceivers’ behavior.
A study was performed on 107 college students at a Midwestern public university
using a p-value of .05. Each student was shown photographs (male and female) of
Sheldon’s three somatotypes and asked one question about each photo. This study aimed to gain an understanding of professors’ body type on their perceived intelligence level as judged by the student. A Wilks’ Lambda distribution concluded at least two of the means for professor body type groups were significantly different with a value of 0.728 and the p-value of less than 0.001. A pairwise comparison analysis was conducted which indicated that all of the group means were different from each other. Upon further examination of the data a statistical significance was found using a multinomial logistic regression. The researchers’ hypothesis was confirmed in that there was a difference in the way Health and Wellness students perceived exercise science professor’s intelligence based on the professor’s body type.
... A construção psicológica da percepção do indivíduo em relação ao seu corpo como um todo ou partes dele pode ser definida como imagem corporal 1,2 . O construto de imagem corporal pode ser dividido em perceptivo (julgamento de tamanho e forma corporal) e atitudinal (abrangendo o comportamental, cognitivo e afetivo) 3 , podendo sofrer influência do ambiente, relações sociais, características físicas e também da construção pela mídia de corpos ideais musculosos para homens e magérrimos para mulheres 2,4 . Quando essa autoavaliação acontece de forma negativa, ou quando há discrepância entre a forma corporal autorreferida atual e a forma considerada ideal pelo indivíduo, pode ser caracterizada como insatisfação corporal 5,6 . ...
... Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 29(5):[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] 2024 ...
Resumo A percepção negativa da imagem corporal está relacionada à piora da saúde física e mental. Estudo transversal objetivou descrever a relação entre imagem corporal e fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e comportamentais nos estudantes do nono ano de 25 escolas municipais de ensino fundamental em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul. Participaram 810 estudantes (85% dos elegíveis), de 13 a 22 anos (média de 14,9 anos). Dados foram coletados mediante questionário padronizado e pré-codificado e a relação entre o desfecho (estar satisfeito, indiferente ou insatisfeito em relação à imagem corporal), e variáveis independentes, foi analisada por Regressão Logística Multinomial. Prevalência de insatisfação corporal de 31%, maior entre as meninas que experimentaram fumo ou álcool, sofreram bullying, se percebiam como gordas ou magras e tentavam perder ou ganhar peso. Maior indiferença nas que atribuíram pouca ou nenhuma importância à imagem. Nos meninos, mais chances de insatisfação entre os que experimentaram fumo, sofreram bullying, atribuíram pouca ou nenhuma importância à imagem, se percebiam gordos e tentavam ganhar peso. Maior indiferença nos meninos que atribuíram pouca importância à imagem e estavam obesos. Cerca de um terço da amostra apresentou insatisfação, que esteve associada a alguns fatores comportamentais.
... Body image is a person's perception of their own body and how they see themselves (Cash and Pruzinsky 2002). In the digital age, social media plays a fundamental role in the formation of self-image. ...
... Additionally, more specifically, other studies have associated the ways that new technologies are used with the prevalence of eating disorders (Kaewpradub et al. 2016;Frieiro et al. 2022). appearance is not the only thing that matters and that there are many other qualities and skills that are equally important (Cash and Pruzinsky 2002;Viteri et al. 2023). For this reason, it is important in this digital age that people learn to manage the pressure exerted by social media to have a perfect appearance and by society in general (Tiggemann and Slater 2015). ...
Eating disorders in adolescents are an increasingly important issue nowadays. Although they have been shown to be a pathology with multifactorial causes, the objective of our study is to determine the degree of influence that body dissatisfaction and the use of social media (time and type) might have on the risk of manifesting eating disorders. To perform this, the Sick Control One Fat Food scale was used as part of a randomized survey carried out among 12 schools in Almería (Spain). The sample consisted of 605 students in Compulsory Secondary Education between the ages of 12 and 17 years (M = 14.27; SD = 1.44), 48.42% female and 51.52% male. Cross-tabulation tables were constructed to observe the relationship of sex and age with the risk of manifesting EDs, and, subsequently, a two-factor ANOVA was performed using the risk of suffering from an eating disorder as a dependent variable. The results show that 29.3% of the respondents express an elevated risk of suffering from an eating disorder. There are no significant differences regarding sex, but there are differences regarding age. It was also observed that dissatisfaction with body image is a significant risk factor, but not the time that young people spend on social media. Furthermore, the type of content displayed on social media has a significant influence, both independently and together with body dissatisfaction. The main conclusion highlighted in this study relates to the importance of self-perceived body image (satisfaction and dissatisfaction) and its relationship with the type of content seen on social media. For this reason, it is essential to work on self-esteem at an early age as well as learn to value others and oneself beyond just the physical.
... In this context, maladaptive perfectionism is expected to be negatively associated with self-reinforcing ST, and positively associated with self-critical and socialassessing ST. On the other hand, negative body image depends on criticism from others and a fear of social assessment (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). Body dissatisfaction (Brytek-Matera, 2010;Kantack, 2014), similarly to maladaptive perfectionism (Chai et al., 2019;Zeigler-Hill & Terry, 2007), is also related to lowered self-esteem. ...
... The most surprising finding of our study is the fact that, contrary to the hypothesis, social-assessing ST was not a mediator between maladaptive perfection-ism and negative body image. Many authors underscore the role of social assessment in the development of negative body image (Brytek-Matera & Charzyńska, 2009;Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). Although our study indicated that maladaptive perfectionism was associated with social-assessing ST, this type of ST had no significant effect on negative body image. ...
A negative body image often stems from high standards in the physical domain and perfectionism, which leads to upsetting self-related experiences. Under these circumstances, self-talk may be a self-regulatory strategy. Therefore, we tested whether the relationship between perfectionism and body image was mediated by different types of self-talk.
Participants and procedure
Participants were 214 women with overweight or obesity in the process of losing weight. They completed the Body Attitude Test, the Self-Talk Scale, and the Polish Adaptive and Maladaptive Perfectionism Questionnaire.
We found two parallel mediators in the analyzed relationship. Maladaptive perfectionism: (a) favored self-critical self-talk, which resulted in a negative body image; (b) decreased the chance of self-reinforcing self-talk, which could have prevented a negative body image from developing. Contrary to our hypothesis, social-assessing self-talk was not a mediator in this relationship.
Replication of the result that social-assessing self-talk is not a mediator in the studied relationship may be of great importance for psychological practice. It means that the unfavorable assessment of our body by others will not be a source of our negative body image as long as we do not begin to criticize ourselves and block praise directed at ourselves. Minimizing self-critical self-talk and replacing it with self-reinforcing self-talk may prove to be a promising path in therapeutic work to improve body image.
... In the past, old media like magazines are the main exposure to the ideal body shape. But as technology grows, new media like social media replaces the role of old media in providing exposure to the ideal body shape (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). ...
... We try to combine two theories in determining the independent variables that have the potential to affect body image. From Cash andPruzinski (2002) &Grogan (2001), we try to formulate the variables of gender, sociocultural conditions (including socioeconomic status and social support), and mass media. Then we try to explore the variables of mass media using the uses and effects theory approach by Sven Windahl (1979). ...
This study aims to determine the effect of gender, socioeconomic status, social support, TikTok usage duration, TikTok body shape content exposure, and TikTok user activity level on body image. We try to combine theory from Cash and Pruzinski (2002), Grogan (2001), and uses and effects theory by Sven Windahl (1979) to identify various variables (including TikTok) that can affect body image. This research is quantitative cross-sectional. It involved 220 students taken from the population of 19,992 students using an incidental sampling technique. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate (chi-square), and multivariate (multiple logistic regression). Variables related to body image are social support (p = 0.033), body shape content exposure (p = 0.001), and user activity level (p = 0.00). The Variable that affects body image is the user activity level in the low-high category (p = 0.005, OR = 10.644).
... From a cognitive-behavioral perspective, socio-cultural determinants are considered to be key factors influencing body image formation [5]. One of the most commonly used theories explaining the development of body image dissatisfaction is the Tripartite Influence Model. ...
Background/Objectives: Orthorexia Nervosa (ON) is an emerging behavioral pattern characterized by an obsessive focus on healthy eating. Despite its prevalence, ON lacks formal diagnostic criteria in major classification systems like the DSM-5 and the ICD-10. This study aims to investigate the impact of socio-cultural attitudes towards body image and the role of social media on the risk of ON among female football players from Poland, Turkey, and India. This study hypothesizes that socio-cultural pressures and media usage significantly influence the risk of developing ON, particularly in cultures more exposed to Western beauty ideals. Methods: The study was conducted from May to August 2024, employing the Computer-Assisted Web Interview method. A total of 142 female football players aged 16–36 from Poland, Turkey, and India participated. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire that included demographic information and health metrics, the Socio-Cultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire, and the Duesseldorf Orthorexia Scale. Statistical analyses included an ANOVA, the Kruskal–Wallis test, the chi-square test, and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: The study found that nearly half of the participants were at risk of or presented with ON, with the highest prevalence being among Indian athletes. Statistically significant relationships were observed between the risk of ON and factors such as age, dietary exclusions, social media usage, and sources of nutritional information. However, no significant correlation was found between socio-cultural attitudes and the risk of ON, suggesting that other factors may play a more critical role. Conclusions: While socio-cultural pressures and media use are contributing factors to the risk of ON, psychological factors and individual behaviors appear to be equally, if not more, significant. This study highlights the importance of targeted educational programs and psychological support for young athletes, with a focus on promoting healthy dietary practices and positive body image perceptions across varying cultural contexts. Additionally, the results suggest the need for further research into the specific psychological and behavioral mechanisms underlying ON.
... Body image can be defined as an individual's cognitive perceptions, emotional responses, and behavioral inclinations toward their own physique, serving as an important basis for self-concept [1]. Approximately 80 ~ 90% of women experience dissatisfaction with their bodies [2,3], particularly during pregnancy and postpartum. ...
Body image dissatisfaction, leading to a variety of negative emotions and adverse pregnancy or birth outcomes. Studies on body image interventions for pregnant and postpartum women have been reported, yielding mixed results. Existing evidence lacks a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of body image interventions for pregnant and postpartum women.
The aim of this study was to systematically review interventions which aimed at improving body image during pregnancy and postpartum in women of childbearing age, and further to explore their effectiveness.
A comprehensive literature search was conducted using electronic databases, including PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, SinoMed, CNKI, and Wanfang Database, to retrieve relevant studies. Body image was reported employing descriptive analysis, whereas the Cochrane Handbook tool was used to evaluate the quality and potential bias of each included study.
Following established inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 studies were identified from an initial 1,422 records for further analysis, involving 1290 participants. This systematic review grouped body image interventions into lifestyle interventions and psychological interventions based on their content. These interventions yielded more pronounced positive effects on improving body image in pregnant and postpartum women when compared to control groups. And, the statistical difference on psychological interventions is more significant on the whole.
Our work offers a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness of body image interventions for pregnant and postpartum women. Psychological interventions are considered to be a suitable measure to improve body image for pregnant or postpartum women. Additional research and practical applications are recommended to enhance the mental health and well-being of perinatal women.
Trial registration
PROSPERO registry: CRD42024531531.
... BI refers to how individuals perceive and feel about their own bodies, including thoughts and feelings about appearance, function, size, and shape (Cash, 2004;Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). A positive BI is associated with self-acceptance and confidence, while a negative BI correlates with various mental health issues, such as lower self-esteem (Zhao et al., 2018) and poorer QOL (Sarroca et al., 2021). ...
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the characteristics, levels, and relationships between body image (BI) and quality of life (QOL) among adolescents living with congenital physical disabilities in Korea.
Method: The web-based self-report survey was conducted with 135 adolescents with physical disabilities in Korea. The survey questions included demographic variables, the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Cronbach's α, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis.
Results: The mean BI score was 3.00±.46. By domain, the mean scores were as follows: Health evaluation (3.28±.73), Health orientation (3.24±.63), Fitness orientation (3.07±.63), Appearance orientation (M=2.94, SD=.69), Fitness evaluation (M=2.85, SD=.93), and Appearance evaluation (M=2.63, SD=.75). The mean QOL score was 3.28±.61. By domain, the mean scores were as follows: Environment (M=3.43, SD=.71), Social relationships (M=3.36, SD=1.04), Physical (M=3.28, SD=.66), and Psychological (M=3.02, SD=.66). Furthermore, BI significantly differed according to gender, age, type of disability, and activities of daily living (ADLs), while QOL significantly differed according to gender, age, and ADLs. All domains of BI, except for appearance orientation, were strongly positively correlated with QOL.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the BI and QOL of Korean adolescents with physical disabilities are generally positive. Gender, age, and ADLs are significant predictors of both BI and QOL among adolescents with physical disabilities in Korea. Additionally, physical fitness and health-related BI are more strongly associated with QOL than appearance-related BI. These findings highlight the need for targeted interventions that consider these factors to improve the healthy growth and development of this population.
... Among the variables related to media influence, the internalization of the media's thin ideal, and perceived pressure from the media, significantly heighten the risk of subsequent body dissatisfaction in women [14,25]. The thin ideal is a cultural concept that emphasizes an unrealistically slim body type, particularly for women, that emphasizes low body fat (e.g., a very slender physique with minimal visible fat), minimal curves (e.g., a flat stomach, a lack of any visible abdominal definition), and a focus on thinness (e.g., a significantly narrower waist compared to the hips and shoulders) as a marker of beauty and social value [26]. The thin ideal, propagated by the media (e.g., [27]), delineates the societal standard of attractiveness within a particular culture and profoundly impacts how young individuals perceive and evaluate themselves and their bodies through social comparisons [28]. ...
Background: Body dissatisfaction (BD) has been consistently linked to adverse consequences on mental health and overall well-being, and is recognized as a significant contributing factor in the initiation and persistence of eating disorders (EDs). Empirical evidence has demonstrated that an elevated body mass index (BMI) and media influence and pressure about a thin ideal heighten the risk of subsequent BD. Moreover, suggestibility, a propensity to accept and act upon messages without critical evaluation, has been shown to be positively associated with greater susceptibility to the influence of sociocultural messages that endorse the thin ideal. This study aimed to assess whether suggestibility moderates the association between BMI and BD in women. Methods: A total of 117 women completed assessments using the Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3) BD subscale and the Suggestibility Inventory, which encompasses a general suggestibility index and a subscale that evaluates susceptibility to influence by others. We conducted moderation analyses employing the PROCESS macro, with BMI as the central predictor, BD as the outcome variable, and suggestibility and its subscale as moderators. Results: The findings revealed statistically significant positive moderating interactions for both the general suggestibility index and susceptibility to influence by others. Specifically, women who exhibited high levels of suggestibility and susceptibility to influence by others demonstrated a more pronounced increase in BD as their BMI increased. Conclusions: These outcomes are in line with the sociocultural model of EDs, suggesting that greater susceptibility to external influences amplifies the impact of societal pressures to conform to thin ideals.
... According to another research study, the concept of body image is another aspect of psychological health that can be positively affected by exercise [24]. Research suggests that female adolescents are particularly vulnerable to negative body image due to societal pressures related to physical appearance [25]. ...
In this study, the positive contributions of regular physical activity habits to the social development and self-confidence of young women are emphasized. In the search for scientific literature for this review, data from the US National Library of Medicine (PubMed), MEDLINE, and SportDiscus were used, and the terms "female adolescent health", "self-confidence", "physical activity", and "self-esteem" were used. The relevant literature has also taken its source from the research of relevant articles from reference lists derived from data searches. Self-esteem is defined as a person's general assessment of one's worth and is recognized as an important measure of psychological health. Since physical activity is any form of bodily movement performed to maintain or improve physical structure and general health, physical activity is thought to be associated with improved self-esteem in young adolescent females, and these two concepts are considered intertwined concepts. Regular exercise and physical activity are known to have numerous benefits for the physical and psychological development of young adolescent females. Exercise and sporting activities have been shown to help improve physical fitness, reduce depression, and increase self-confidence, and these positive effects help to create a psychological support system in young females. It is predicted that female adolescents who participate in physical activity during adolescence will have higher levels of self-esteem in adulthood compared to those who do not participate in physical activity. It is also accepted that female adolescents who develop physical activity habits during adolescence continue to carry positive sociopsychological and general health effects into adulthood.
... Body image is generally defined as an individual's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about their physical body. This includes how they perceive their appearance, size, shape, and overall body aesthetics (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). ...
This study explores the significant impact of obesity on self-confidence and body image among obese individuals. Utilizing theoretical frameworks from psychology, sociology, and cultural studies, the article examines the multifaceted impacts of obesity on psychological well-being. It explores how societal stigma, media portrayal, and identity factors contribute to altered self-perceptions and beliefs among obese individuals. The research highlights the importance of understanding these dynamics to develop effective interventions aimed at enhancing the mental health and overall well-being of obese populations. This exploration underscores the need for a holistic approach that considers the interplay of individual, societal, and media influences on self-confidence and body image.
... Body image is generally defined as an individual's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about their physical body. This includes how they perceive their appearance, size, shape, and overall body aesthetics (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). ...
This study explores the significant impact of obesity on self-confidence and body image among obese individuals. Utilizing theoretical frameworks from psychology, sociology, and cultural studies, the article examines the multifaceted impacts of obesity on psychological well-being. It explores how societal stigma, media portrayal, and identity factors contribute to altered self-perceptions and beliefs among obese individuals. The research highlights the importance of understanding these dynamics to develop effective interventions aimed at enhancing the mental health and overall well-being of obese populations. This exploration underscores the need for a holistic approach that considers the interplay of individual, societal, and media influences on self-confidence and body image.
... Body image is a mental schema that represents individual experience and positive or negative feelings toward one's body (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). The contexts of body esteem formation are different in men and women (Franzoi & Shields, 1984). ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many students refused to turn on their webcams during synchronous online classes. Students may intentionally remain invisible to teachers and colleagues for reasons related to their motivation and emotions. However, less is known about the relationships between students’ activity and frequency of turning on the webcam during synchronous online classes and their self-compassion. In our study (N = 450, Polish students aged 18 to 28), we examined the relationship between students’ self-compassion, self-esteem, body esteem, and discomfort when using webcams with their activity and frequency of turning on the webcam during synchronous online classes. We found that men scored higher than women on self-compassion, self-esteem, and body esteem, but lower on discomfort when using the webcam. In both genders, higher self-compassion was associated with higher self-esteem, higher body esteem, higher activity during synchronous online classes, and less discomfort when using the webcam. Moreover, in women, higher self-compassion was linked with more frequent turning on the webcam. We also observed that discomfort when using the webcam and self-esteem mediated relationships between self-compassion and activity and turning on the webcam during synchronous online classes. Our results indicate the importance of improving self-compassion in students during online education.
... Body image in the psychological context can also be related to the construct of the physical self (Cash and Pruzinsky, 2002). The concept of self can be defined more broadly as a three-dimensional image that each person has of him or herself (Salerno et al., 2017), or as the sum of several identity factors (including the body among the material ones), emotions, feelings, and the actions that drive self-seeking and self-preservation (James, 2011). ...
Body image concerns related to breast cancer surgery may challenge patients’ quality of life and their treatment outcomes, thus representing a key aspect to be assessed in the psycho-oncological settings. The present longitudinal study is aimed to (1) investigate the association between preoperative body image and postoperative psychological symptoms in breast cancer patients; (2) explore the impact of pre−/post-surgery variation in body image on psychological symptomatology.
N = 72 women undergoing breast cancer surgery were preoperatively screened (T1) using the Body Uneasiness Test (BUT) and were assessed postoperatively (T2) using the Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90-R) and re-administered the BUT. Spearman’s correlation was used to investigate the relationship between age, preoperative body image and postoperative psychological symptoms, and variation in body image. To predict post-surgical psychological symptomatology, two separated multiple regression models were used to evaluate preoperative body image and its variation after surgery controlling for covariates (i.e., education; intervention type). P significance was set as 0.05 for all analyses and adjusted for multiple comparisons.
At T1, anxiety in relation to body image scores emerged as the most frequently experienced psychological symptomatology after surgery (all adjusted p < 0.05). Significant correlations were observed between all SCL-90-R scores at T2 and avoidance behaviors and depersonalization scores at T1. The associations were most significantly strong for somatization, depression, anxiety, and hostility (all adjusted p < 0.05). However, change in body image between pre- and post-intervention was not associated with psychological symptomatology at T2 (all adjusted p > 0.05). Pre-surgery body avoidance was significantly associated with post-intervention psychological symptoms (SOMβ = 0.453, p = 0.0001; DEPβ = 0.507, p = 0.0001; AXβ = 0.459, p = 0.0001; HOSβ = 0.410, p=. 0001). However, increased weight phobia between pre- and post-surgery was statistically associated with increased somatization, anxiety, depression and hostility at T2 (βSOM = 0.439, p = 0.0001; βDEP = 0.454, p = 0.0001; βANX = 0.471, p = 0.0001).
Overall, pre−/post-intervention body concerns were significantly associated with primary psychological symptoms in breast cancer patients undergoing surgery. Higher levels of body avoidance and weight phobia were significantly associated with the primary psychological dimensions assessed. As body concerns might act as quality-of-life predictors, their evaluation is crucial in fostering patients’ well-being and treatment adherence.
... In addition, there is considerable room for further exploration in studying body image in AN, given that existing research has been dominated by a focus on negative aspects, which does not offer a comprehensive understanding of the body's experience. Body image includes positive and negative features alongside perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about one's body [6,7]. Positive body image (PBI) is a multidimensional construct not defined in opposition to NBI. ...
Recent data suggest a close association between positive body image (PBI) and eating disorder recovery. Nevertheless, the specific mechanisms through which PBI may facilitate recovery from anorexia nervosa (AN) remain unknown. To advance understanding of these mechanisms, this study examined core indices of PBI within AN, exploring its association with emotion regulation and well-being outcomes. Data were collected from 159 female participants, 64 with AN diagnosis and 95 healthy controls (HCs), who completed measures of PBI (body appreciation, functionality appreciation, and body responsiveness), emotion regulation, and psychological well-being (depression, anxiety, stress, and psychological quality of life). The AN group reported lower levels of PBI and psychological well-being, along with greater difficulties in regulating emotions, relative to HCs. PBI variables significantly predicted emotion regulation and psychological well-being in AN, accounting for 36% to 72% of the variance, with body appreciation emerging as the strongest predictor. These findings lend credence to the view that PBI can serve as a catalyst for psychological health. We hypothesize that enhancing PBI can improve interoceptive awareness, which is crucial for emotion regulation and reducing maladaptive food-related coping. Emphasizing a mind–body connection in lifestyle could be a relevant element to consider for both treating and preventing AN.
... Body image is an individual's perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about their body and physical appearance (Cash and Pruzinsky 2002). It is a multi-dimensional concept that includes body satisfaction and dissatisfaction, body size estimation, and emotional attitudes towards one's body. ...
Culture affects individuals’ perceptions and experiences of their bodies. In order to provide the most effective solutions to body image-related issues, it is necessary to understand cultures and their influences on body image in various populations. This paper focuses on the effects of culture on body image. Therefore, a systematic literature search following PRISMA guidelines was performed in the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases, yielding 2064 articles published between 1990 and 2023. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 54 articles were selected. Our findings showed a strong influence of culture on body image, highlighting the impact of societal expectations on individuals’ mental well-being. Western cultures, with their preference for thinness, differ from non-Western ideals. The findings also showed the impact of regional variations within the same culture and society on body image. Furthermore, the study found that the young demographic, especially females, is the most vulnerable to body image issues; however, emerging research within our review also indicates a growing concern among males. This study underscores the necessity of culturally considering interventions to address body image issues, which are integral to improving mental health concerns like body dissatisfaction, eating disorders, depression, low self-esteem, and anxiety.
... After being deprived from a vital part of body is a natural consequence of surgery 15 . There are further apprehensions of more complications after surgery which leads the patients to more distress 20 . Research supports the role of environment, close friends, parental and family support help the patients to adjust in the environment and increase their resilience 21 . ...
Objectives: To explore the relationship among body shape satisfaction, distress
and resilience in women with breast surgery and to explore the predictors of
resilience in women with breast surgery.
Methodology: The study was conducted in Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer
Hospital and Research Center, Lahore and Inmol Cancer Hospital, Lahore. The
current research was carried out by using a within-subject research design. Sam-
ple comprised of 100 indoor patients admitted for general surgery. The age range
of the sample was from 40 to 65 years. Body Image Satisfaction Scale (Cash,
2000), was used for assessing body image satisfaction, Depression, Anxiety,
Stress Scale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995) for measuring distress and Hiew’s
State-Trait Resilience Checklist (2000) was used to measure the resilience of the
research participants.
Results: In pre-assessment, the mean scores of body image satisfaction were
higher than in post-assessment. Similarly, scores were higher on distress and re-
silence on pre-testing as compared to post-testing. Scores on body image sat-
satisfaction and resilience in women with lumpectomy were higher than women
with mastectomy.
Conclusion: There were significant differences in body image satisfaction, dis-
tress and resilience in pre and post-assessment of women with breast cancer
... Other comparisons include comparing body image within a range of demographic factors such as between athletes and non-athletes [6], age [7], nationality and ethnicity [8]. Cash and Pruzinsky [9] have defined five dimensions of body image, which work together to create an overall body image. However, these dimensions fails to mention the broader cultural and social contexts that influence body image [10]. ...
Purpose: There is growing evidence to suggest that competitive male athletes in aesthetic sports that scrutinize their body image may experience undesirable mental health outcomes. However, there is limited research to address these issues in strength sports, particularly the sport of Powerlifting. Methods: This study employed the Multidimensional Body Image Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ), which recruited 365 male participants across the following subgroups. Powerlifters (P) (n = 133), Active Subjects (AS) (n = 79), Appearance Based Sports (ABS) (n = 68), Strength Sports (SS) (n = 47) and Other Sports (OS) (n = 38). Results: One–way ANOVA showed significant (p < 0.05) results between all groups across six of the nine MBSRQ subscales. Post hoc comparisons found nine significant results with the powerlifting group achieving two of them against OS (p < 0.01) and AS (p < 0.01) groups respectively. Conclusions: Overall, the results showed that male powerlifters expressed their bodies-as-function rather than their bodies-as-object with regard to health evaluation and fitness orientation. This is supported by their stable and balanced scores across the MBSRQ subscales which indicates they have healthier and lower perceptions of negative body image concerns. The powerlifters results implied that a focus on objective performance improvement and maintaining a healthy body to prevent injury had body image benefits. Applications in Sport: The study concludes that male powerlifters present healthy body image perceptions compared to the other males in their respective sports and focus on their body functionality objectively rather than the subjective perception and presentation of their body image.
... The emphasis on thinness has also been an essential motif in fashion. These slender body standards, have been questioned for their propensity to accelerate body image problems [10]. This emphasis on thinness upholds a limited definition of beauty by ignoring the diversity of body types and shapes. ...
Through different sections, this paper discovers the complex relationship between social exposure and body image perceptions among young individuals. In the era of technological development, the significance of media exposure to young people cannot be underestimated. The Causes and Consequences section is divided into the previous studies and theories and the consequences of frequent media exposure. These two parts separately discussed the possible reasons for media influencing young people and the results, for instance, anxiety, lack of confidence, or dissatisfaction with their body image. It examines how these portrayals reinforce traditional gender roles, cultivate body dissatisfaction, affect interpersonal relationships, and shape societal norms and expectations. The third part introduces some mitigating factors and interventions. Including education initiatives and media literacy programs to support young people’s critical thinking and viewing skills when facing media exposure, it also includes policy interventions through government agencies and health services to improve young people’s mental health. This research fosters a healthier relationship between young people and media exposure.
... Namun, ketika pikiran seperti itu sering muncul secara otomatis, hal ini akan menyebabkan remaja memiliki efek yang bertahan lama pada perasaan harga diri yang mendasar dan mungkin memiliki konsekuensi perilaku seperti pola makan yang terganggu (Verplanken & Velsvik, 2008). Hal ini sesuai dengan pernyataan bahwa body image merupakan sikap yang dimiliki individu terhadap tubuhnya berupa penilaian positif dan negatif (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002), juga didukung oleh hasil penelitian -penelitian terdahulu yang menjelaskan bahwa adanya hubungan antara body image negatif dengan eating disorders. ...
Remaja yang merasa tidak puas dengan penampilan dirinya, dapat mengalami eating disorder. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh konsep body image seseorang yang buruk (persepsi negatif) dan ketidakpuasan terhadap tubuh yang dimiliki sehingga dapat menimbulkan dorongan untuk menjadi lebih kurus. Adapun empat faktor penyebab gangguan makan anorexia nervosa dan bulimia nervosa yaitu faktor sosio-kultural, faktor psikologis, faktor keluarga, dan faktor biologis. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu studi literatur dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukan bahwa adanya kesesuaian dengan pernyataan bahwa body image merupakan sikap yang dimiliki individu terhadap tubuhnya, berupa penilaian positif dan negatif, juga didukung oleh hasil penelitian – penelitian terdahulu yang menjelaskan bahwa adanya hubungan antara body image negatif dengan eating disorders. Hal ini berkolerasi dengan hasil penelitian yang menjelaskan bahwa 26,1% body image berpengaruh terhadap kecenderungan seseorang memiliki eating disorder.
... These differences can emerge due to unique historical events, cultural shifts, technological advancements, and social influences experienced by each generation (Twenge & Campbell, 2008). 'Body image': Refers to the mental representation and perception one has of their own body, which may or may not correspond to their actual physical appearance (Cash & Pruzinsky, 2002). 'Bruneian Chinese community': Refers to people of Chinese ancestry who live in Brunei Darussalam. ...
This research paper examines the role of "fat talk" in relationships in Bruneian Chinese society. "Fat talk" refers to negative comments about one's weight or body shape towards oneself or others. Using qualitative research methods, the study explores the perceptions and experiences of Bruneian Chinese individuals regarding "fat talk", factors leading to the discussion of the topic, and its impact on their relationships with their peers. The findings suggest that while "fat talk" is prevalent in Bruneian Chinese society, it can have both positive and negative effects on relationships. The study aims to highlight the importance of addressing the "fat talk" issue in Bruneian Chinese society to promote body positivity and healthy communication in relationships.
... Early research on body image mainly dealt with eating disorders, but since the 1980s, it has been extended to research targeting the general public in the field of social psychology. 14,15 Body image is defined as the overall feeling that individuals have about their physical function, appearance, and condition 16 and consists of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions. 17 If body-image satisfaction is low, negative attitudes increase, self-confidence and selfesteem decrease, and satisfaction with life decreases, which can cause social and psychological problems. ...
The purpose of this study was to verify the moderated mediating model of management of appearance in the association between body image, hope, and successful aging of the elderly. For the analysis, using SPSS WIn.25.0 and PROCESS macro 3.5, we carried out descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and moderated mediation model analysis. The research results were as follows. First, Pearson correlation analysis showed statistically significant correlations between body image, hope, appearance management behavior, and successful aging. Second, hope had mediated in the link between body image and successful aging. Third, the relationship between body image and hope was moderated by management of appearance. Fourth, the association between hope and successful aging was moderated by management of appearance. Fifth, in the influence of body image on successful aging via hope, the moderated mediating effect of management of appearance was verified. This result will be used as a new model to promote successful aging of the elderly.
... In this perspective, body image was defined by Cash and Pruzinsk [9] as a multifaceted construction based on perceptual components such as the perception of physical appearance, thoughts, feelings, and attitudes about the body, which may be influenced by cultural and economic conditions of each region [10]. The assessment of body image has important implications, with a positive judgment in people with positive feelings about their appearance, fitness, or health and a negative evaluation in dissatisfied, depressed, and lonely people [11]. ...
To investigate the relationship between weight gain and body image perception in in middle-aged women.
Cross-sectional study with 453 women. Body image was assessed using the Stunkard scale, in which women were classified as: satisfied or dissatisfied (general, thinness or obesity). The identification of possible factors associated with body image dissatisfaction was performed using binary logistic regression analysis.
The mean age was 55.7 (±9.6) years; 80.8% were classified as dissatisfied with body image. As for body composition, women satisfied with their body image had lower values of body fat and higher values of lean mass. In the logistic regression, for general dissatisfaction and obesity, the associated variables were BMI, education and physical activity. As for “dissatisfaction with thinness”, only BMI was associated.
Thus, the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction is high in women and part of associated factors are linked to lifestyle behaviors.
Many individuals encounter situations that may elicit body-related concerns and impact how they think and feel about their weight, daily habits, and physical attractiveness. Research shows body image threats can predict poor health behaviors, but approaching those difficult moments with self-compassion—being kind, forgiving, and nonjudgmental—may reduce the impact of that threat and promote engagement in positive health behaviors. However, trait rumination, or tending to perseverate on negative events, may both dampen the benefits of a self-compassionate state and predict poor health behaviors. The present study examined whether a brief self-compassion writing exercise, after recalling a negative body-related event, predicted intent to perform health-promoting behaviors, and whether trait rumination attenuated this relationship. Participants (N = 217) completed a measure of trait rumination, underwent a body image threat, and were randomly assigned to cope with self-compassion or a distraction. Subsequently, participants completed a measure of health behavioral intentions. Analyses revealed participants in the self-compassion condition reported greater health-promoting behavioral intentions compared to control, with no significant main effect of trait rumination. However, a condition-by-rumination interaction emerged, suggesting the self-compassion condition was associated with higher health behavioral intentions, but only for participants with low trait rumination levels. These effects washed out when controlling for participants’ self-rated health. The findings suggest that a self-compassion practice can help mitigate the adverse effects of a body image threat and facilitate health-promoting behavioral intentions, although its efficacy may depend on individual levels of trait rumination and perceived health.
While some authors have reported a correlation between BMI and negative or positive body image components, numerous other studies have highlighted a non-linear evolution of self-perceptions across BMI classes. As body dissatisfaction, appearance investment and body appreciation are linked to psychological health, the aim of this study was to determine whether they are also related to BMI among women and, if so, whether a BMI-defined classification would be useful for identifying thresholds in self-perceptions. Body dissatisfaction, appearance investment (including motivational salience and self-evaluative salience) and body appreciation were assessed using three validated scales in 505 women, aged 19 to 78. The women were then stratified into five BMI groups: healthy weight, overweight, obesity class I, II, and III. Discrepancies in body dissatisfaction, appearance investment and body appreciation were identified through a comparative analysis of BMI groups (ps < 0.01). The results showed that women with obesity have an altered negative and positive body image compared to those with a lower BMI. Some variables seem to plateau above a certain BMI threshold. This ‘tipping point’ occurs from overweight upwards in the case of body dissatisfaction and from class I obesity for body appreciation. Our results offer an insight into the value of BMI classes in defining levels of negative and positive body image and adapting care for women. From the very onset of overweight, the support offered should aim to restore body appreciation, limit dysfunctional appearance investment, and curb body dissatisfaction.
200 Pounds Beauty (2006) is one of the popular Korean Romantic comedy films. It tells the story of Kang Hanna, a woman who faces societal discrimination due to her weight. This film explores her significant decision to undergo cosmetic surgery and the irony that her change does not make her completely happy. This study examines the causes and effects of Kang Hanna’s cosmetic surgery. The main theory for this study is the theory of body image. The findings show that Kang Hanna's negative body image and societal discrimination drive her decision to undergo cosmetic surgery. Additionally, it turns out that cosmetic surgery not only gives an initial effect on Kang Hanna but also further effects.
ARTICLEINFO ABSTRACT Background: SCI represents a disabling injury that leads to disruption of bodily functions, psychological makeup, low resilience, increased anxiety, and a lack of SOC. Most traditional rehabilitation programs leave the psychological issues unaddressed. The practice of mindfulness-based yoga promotes holistic approaches and may enhance both physical and psychosocial functioning in persons with SCI. However, only a few studies specifically investigated the long-term psychological resilience and SOC effects of yoga in this population. Objective: The present longitudinal study investigates the effects of a tailored mindfulness-based yoga intervention on psychological resilience and SOC in SCI patients over a period of six months. Methods: The study was conducted at Patanjali Wellness Centre, Haridwar, India, and enrolled 60 SCI patients who were randomized to either intervention, comprising mindfulness-based yoga, or a control group comprising standard care. Yoga was imparted to the participants of the intervention group three times a week for six months. SOC was measured by the SOC-13 scale, and psychological resilience by the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Measurements were taken at baseline, post-intervention, and at six months of follow-up. Qualitative data obtained through semi-structured interviews and focus groups gave supplementary information on psychological benefits arising from the program. Results: Compared with the control group, the intervention group showed significant improvement in SOC and psychological resilience, maintaining the benefits even after six months of follow-up, at p < 0.01. Enhanced self-awareness, emotional regulation, and personal empowerment were found in qualitativeresults. Conclusion: Mindfulness-based yoga practices augment the standard rehabilitation program in SCI patients by enhancing psychological resilience and strengthening SOC. These findings suggest that such practices, if integrated into standard rehabilitation protocols, may have better long-term mental and emotional recoveries and improvement in the quality of life for SCI patients. Further studies are necessary to understand their broader psychological effects and fine-tune these interventions for various patient populations.
Pada masa remaja terjadi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan pada fisik, kognitif, sosial, dan emosional. Perubahan fisik pada masa remaja menjadi salah satu sumber permasalahan utama yang dihadapi remaja, khususnya remaja perempuan yaitu permasalahan berat badan dan penampilan diri sehingga membuat remaja memperhatikan bentuk tubuh dan membangun body image nya. Kepedulian terhadap penampilan dan body image yang ideal mendorong remaja melakukan perilaku diet untuk mendapatkan bentuk tubuh yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara body image dengan perilaku diet pada remaja perempuan di SMK Negeri 3 Kendari. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria populasi yaitu melakukan perilaku diet sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 55 orang dari 410 populasi remaja perempuan di SMK Negeri 3 Kendari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian korelasional. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan skala psikologi, yaitu skala perilaku diet dan skala body image. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Uji korelasi Pearson’s Product Moment. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang negatif antara body image dengan perilaku diet pada remaja perempuan di SMK Negeri 3 Kendari.
Background: Spinal cord injury (SCI) greatly affects not only physical capabilities but also psychological welfare—an adjustment that is normally experienced with body image disturbance and decreased self-esteem. More often than not, current rehabilitation programs do nothing to reverse this specific psychological dysfunction. Yoga, because of its integral approach, has been embraced as one of the interventions that may further improve the situation. Objective: To assess the long-term impact of a specialized yoga program on body image and self-esteem in a group of patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: This was a longitudinal, mixed-method study that conducted its research at Patanjali Wellness Centre in Haridwar, India, on 60 SCI patients, who were randomly divided into two groups: an intervention group, which received yoga treatment, and a control group, which received standard care. The yoga group practiced a tailor-made yoga program three times a week over 6 months. Quantitative data were collected at baseline, post-intervention, and at follow-up using the Body Image Scale (BIS) and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) belonging to the participants. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and focus groups, and thematic analysis was used for the analysis of the data. Results: The intervention group showed significant improvement in body-image and self-esteem, which were sustained up to 6 months (p < 0.01). Changes in these variables were not significant in the control group. Participants also reported the yoga intervention to be empowering and change indicating. Specialised yoga brings rather tangible benefits to the body image and self-esteem of SCI sufferers; its inclusion in the programs of medical rehabilitation could be considered as a measure for the purpose of holistic recovery and improvement in quality of life. There is a need to further study the broader psychological impacts and refine these interventions.
Penelitian ini menguji hubungan antara kepercayaan diri dan citra tubuh pada remaja. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari 200 remaja perempuan berusia 22-27 tahun. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling, yang cocok digunakan untuk memilih sampel dari populasi besar seperti penduduk suatu negara, provinsi, atau kabupaten. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data melibatkan penggunaan skala, khususnya skala citra tubuh dan skala kepercayaan diri. Item-item skala dirancang menggunakan model Likert, yang terdiri atas dua jenis: item favorable dan unfavorable. Item-item favorable mendukung konstruk yang diukur, sementara item-item unfavorable menyangkal konstruk tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Hipotesis diterima karena terdapat hubungan negatif yang sangat signifikan antara kepercayaan diri dan citra tubuh pada remaja. Semakin tinggi kepercayaan diri remaja, semakin negatif citra tubuh yang dimiliki. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah kepercayaan diri remaja, semakin positif citra tubuh yang dimiliki. Kepercayaan diri memberikan sumbangan sebesar 75,2% terhadap citra tubuh. Kepercayaan diri yang tinggi berhubungan dengan ketidakpuasan terhadap tubuh jika individu tidak mencapai standar tubuh ideal. Hasil kategorisasi menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar subjek penelitian memiliki tingkat kepercayaan diri dan citra tubuh pada kategori sedang.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan social comparison dalam memediasi dietery behaviors terhadap body dissatisfaction pada perempuan emerging adulthood. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 partisipan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur skala perilaku diet, Iowa Netherlands Comparison Orientation Measure untuk mengukur perilaku membandingkan diri dengan orang lain, dan MBSRQ-AS untuk mengukur body dissatisfaction. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah path analysis dengan bantuan program Process By Hayess pada aplikasi SPSS 27. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif dari dietery behaviors terhadap social comparison (B=0.251, p=<0.05), terdapat pengaruh positif dari social comparison terhadap body dissatisfaction (B=0.11, p=<0.05), terdapat pengaruh postif dari dietery behaviors terhadap body dissatisfaction (B=0.25, p=<0.05) dan social comparison mampu memediasi peran dietery behaviors terhadap body dissatisfaction (LLCI=0.03, ULCI=0.11).
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation between Body consciousness, Fear of negative appearance evaluation and Self-esteem among Middle aged women. The study took place among between middle-aged women, ages 40 to 65. To learn more about how these variables interact and affect mental health, especially at important life stages like pregnancy and the physical changes that middle-aged women go through, a sample of 165 adults was examined. All three hypotheses were validated by the investigation. Body Consciousness and Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation showed a strong positive correlation. Second, a strong inverse relationship between self-esteem and body consciousness was discovered. Finally, there was a noteworthy inverse relationship between self-esteem and the fear of a negative appearance evaluation. These results offer insightful information on middle-aged women's psychological health and indicate that addressing issues related to body image and the fear of receiving a poor assessment may be crucial to boosting self-esteem and mental health in this demographic. Interventions targeted at enhancing middle-aged women's perceptions of their bodies and sense of self can be informed by an understanding of these relationships.
This article explores the distinctive psychological and social characteristics of Post Digital Generation. The core psychoanalytic challenge for these generation is the question of identity-how to define and construct it in meaningful way. Psychoanalysis offers valuable insights into this issue, particularly through the concept of subjectivation, which involves the development of an autonomous ego and the creation of a personal psychic space. Key functions of the subject include self-creation, self-belonging, freedom, shared illusion, and the ability to form psychic ties. Insecure attachment and inadequate mentalization processes with caregivers can hinder subjectivation, leading to defensive mechanisms such as alexithymia and narcissistic traits. Understanding these aspects is crucial for clinicians, highlighting the need for further research into the pathogenesis of subjectivation and its implications for identity formation in contemporary society.
Key findings pertaining to power and cultural dynamics, positionality and health inequities, Deficit Discourse, identity versus cultural differences depicted health service delivery to Queensland MPI families. Theoretical lens of neo-colonial and cultural safety underpins the methodological framework which revealed misconceptions that predisposed transculturalism as Cultural Safety.
The unwritten standard of beauty for women is white and clean. As a result, women face more emotional distress to achieve ideal beauty, but this standard of beauty is challenged in Song of Songs 1:5-6, which calls black and beautiful. This study is motivated by the gap in researchers who provide an understanding of the opposition to emotional distress from the standard of beauty from the perspective of women who say I am black but beautiful. The method used in writing this journal is qualitative with a literal study approach. In this writing, the author attempts to see and provide an understanding of the existence of self-acceptance beyond beauty standards based on Song of Songs 1:5. Thus, this research found that a false perspective of beauty can affect women's emotional disorders if it is not accompanied by self-acceptance and self-love.
Standar kecantikan bagi wanita secara tidak tertulis adalah putih dan bersih. Akibatnya wanita menghadapi lebih banyak mengalami tekanan emosional untuk mencapai kecantikan yang ideal, namun standar kecantikan ini ditentang pada Kidung Agung 1:5-6, yang menyebut hitam dan cantik. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kesenjangan peneliti yang memberikan pemahaman tentangan gangguan emosional dari standar kecantian tersebut dari sudut padang Wanita yang mengatakan memang hitam aku, tetapi cantik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literal. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis berusaha melihat dan memberikan pemahaman tentang adanya penerimanan diri diluar standar kecantikan berdasarakan Kidung agung 1:5. Sehingga dengan demikian peneltian ini menemukan bahwa memiliki prespektif yang keliru terhadap kecantikan dapat mempengeruhi ganguan emosional wanita, jika tidak barengi dengan penerimaan diri sendiri dan self love.
This research aims to determine the influence of body image on interpersonal competence in young men who attend the gym in Padang City. This research uses quantitative methods with a correlational quantitative design. The data collection technique uses Accidental Sampling. The research sample consisted of 272 respondents. The research instrument uses an interpersonal competence scale which is based on aspects of interpersonal competence according to Buhrmester, et al (1998), as well as a body image scale based on aspects developed by Cash & Pruzinsky (2002). The results of the analysis used simple linear regression analysis and the results showed that body image had a positive and significant effect on interpersonal competence in teenage boys who attended the gym in Padang City.
The primary objective of this study is to assess the efficacy of a Virtual Reality (VR) intervention when compared to an integrated multimodal medically managed Inpatient Program (IP) in a cohort of 24 female patients diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa (BN). Psychological measures (i.e., EDI-2) were assessed at three points: pre-treatment, post-treatment, and at 1-month follow-up. Behavioral measures (i.e., BMI) were evaluated at 6 different time points, instead (i.e., pre-treatment, post-treatment, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months from the discharge date). The VR treatment was more effective in improving the EDI subscales EDI-DT (i.e., drive for thinness) and EDI-BU (i.e., binging-purging behaviors). In particular, patients in the VR condition showed a reduced EDI-BU score at 1-month follow-up and post-test in comparison to the pre-test, as well as a lower EDI-DT score at 1-month follow-up compared to the pre-test. Conversely, no significant changes were noted in the IP group for either subscale. Regarding the behavioral measures, the group undergoing the VR condition reported the maintenance of the BMI in the long term compared to the IP. Specifically, in the VR group BMI decreased from the pre- to post-test, and from the pre-test to the 12-month follow-up. In the IP group, BMI improved from the pre- to the post-test, and from the pre-test to the 12-month follow-up. However, a relapse pattern was observed in the IP condition during the follow-up period, with a significant BMI increase from the post-test to the 9-month follow-up, from the 3 to the 9-month follow-up, from the 6 to the 9-month follow-up, and a decrease of BMI between the 9 and the 12-month follow-up. In conclusion, these results suggest that integrating VR treatment into the care of individuals with BN could enhance both immediate and sustained treatment outcomes. This may offer valuable insights for future studies to expand and delve deeper into the field of EDs.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intensitas penggunaan sosial media Instagram terhadap body dissatisfaction pada Wanita dewasa awal. Penggunaan instagram dapat mempengaruhi keyakinan dan kekhawatiran terkait penampilan wanita dikarenakan konten dalam Instagram dapat menciptakan standar kecantikan yang tidak realistis dan mendorong perasaan tidak puas terhadap tubuh sendiri. Individu yang merasa kondisi fisiknya tidak sesuai dengan gambaran tubuh yang diinginkan akan mengalami perasaan kurang secara fisik sehingga dapat menimbulkan rasa tidak puas pada tubuhnya yang disebut sebagai body dissatisfaction. Partisipan pada penelitian ini melibatkan 307 wanita dewasa awal yang memiliki profil Instagram, berusia dari 18 hingga 25 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan Sampling purposive digunakan sebagai metode pengambilan sampel. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu alat ukur intensitas penggunaan Instagram yang dikembangkan oleh Sukmaraga (2018) dan Body Shape Quetionnaire-34 (BSQ-34) oleh Cooper, Taylor, Cooper, dan Fairburn (1987). Temuan dari penelitian ini menghasilkan adanya pengaruh Intensitas Penggunaan Instagram terhadap Body Dissatisfaction pada Wanita Dewasa Awal dengan nilai sebesar 0,137 atau 13,7%. Dapat diartikan bahwa semakin tinggi intensitas penggunaan instagram pada wanita dewasa awal maka akan menimbulkan body dissatisfaction.
Penelitian ini peneliti buat untuk melihat dan mengetahui bagaimana citra tubuh berkorelasi dengan subjective well-being pada perempuan dewasa awal yang sekarang ini sedang tidak berpacaran. Body image sendiri adalah cara pandang individu terhadap dirinya sendiri mengenai penampilan fisik dirinya. Peneliti menerapkan kriteria pada subyek adalah perempuan dewasa awal dengan rentang umur 20 hingga 40 tahun dengan mengumpulkan partisipan sebanyak 350 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengambilan non-probability sampling. Saat pengambilan data dimulai, peneliti menyebarkan data dengan menggunakan purposive sampling dengan metode snowball. Dari hasil perhitungan korelasi di setiap dimensi body image, didapatkan hasil hasil semua dimensi memiliki hubungan dengan subjective well-being dengan rincian dimana dimensi (1) r=0.506 dan p=0.000< 0.01 yang artinya berhubungan yang positif dan signifikan, (2) r=0.042 dan p= 0.430> 0.01 yang berarti berhubungan tetapi tidak terlalu kuat, (3) r=0.458 dan p=0.000< 0.01 artinya berhubungan positif dan signifikan, (4) r=0.430 dan p=0.000< 0.01 yang berarti berhubungan secara positif dan signifikan, (5) r=0.038 dan p=0.000 < 0.01 yang artinya berhubungan positif, (6) r=0.505 dan p= 0.000 < 0.01, berhubungan positif, (7) r=-0.015 dan p=0.773> 0.01, berhubungan tetapi berbanding terbalik, (8) r=0.617 dan p=0.000< 0.01, berhubungan positif, (9) r=0.200 dan p=0.0000.01, berhubungan berbanding terbalik.
O conceito de Imagem Corporal (IC) vem sendo tratado por diferentes campos de conhecimento. Fenômeno multifatorial, envolve componentes perceptivos, cognitivos, afetivos, comportamentais e sociais. Este estudo propõe uma operacionalização do conceito de IC, a partir de um viés analítico-comportamental e contextual. Para tanto, realizou-se um levantamento sobre as principais propostas de IC na psicologia baseada em evidências, bem como nas propostas behavioristas. Então, partiu-se para um estudo teórico em busca da operacionalização da IC e suas contingências de instalação e manutenção, articulando os conceitos de self, identidade, seleção por consequências, comportamento simbólico. Apresenta-se IC como uma unidade funcional, produto das interações operantes e respondentes (públicos e privados), que envolvem, principalmente, tatos sobre si e sobre a aparência corporal e discriminação destas características a partir de modelos socialmente estabelecidos. Configura-se como um processo identitário ao ser um conjunto estável (embora flexível) de descrições de si a partir da IC e sua influência em outros repertórios comportamentais. A partir da análise de práticas culturais sobre corpo, beleza e atratividade e da Teoria das Molduras Relacionais, propõe-se o enfoque selecionista das práticas culturais e em como estas modificam as relações verbais que estabelecemos com o próprio corpo e, consequentemente, na maneira que se simboliza e age diante da própria imagem. Conclui-se que a IC se situa no campo das relações verbais e simbólicas estabelecidas nas aprendizagens (emocionais, operantes verbais e não verbais) selecionadas na relação do sujeito com as práticas culturais relacionadas ao corpo.
Fitspiration is a current online craze that aims to inspire Pakistani female students to eat well, stay confident and exercise. The objective of the study was to investigate the phycological (disordered eating), social (body shame) and physical (exercise behavior) implications among Pakistani female students who consume fitspiration content on Facebook. Fitspiration content on Facebook is the independent variable whereas the social, physical and psychological aspects of Pakistani female students are the dependent variables. The study was exploratory in nature and quantitative approach was applied. Convenience sampling technique was applied and the data was collected from 600 Pakistani female university students from 3 public and 3 private universities of Lahore to cater the quantitative part. Social comparison theory was applied in this study. A survey questionnaire was developed to collect data from the respondents. The current study employed partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) method. The empirical findings indicated that exposure to fitspiration content on Facebook have a significant impact on exercise behavior, body shame and disordered eating of Pakistani female university students.
Low levels of body satisfaction have been consistently linked to disordered eating behaviors among women. However, few researchers have explored the mechanisms explaining this relationship among subgroups of women, who because of their social positioning (e.g., gender, race, and athlete status) may differ in the etiology of disordered eating. Accordingly, we surveyed 354 Black women student athletes (ages 18–24) to assess psychosocial health factors (resiliency, self-compassion, and social support) contributing to body satisfaction and disordered eating among this group. First, through a frequency analysis we determined approximately 50–60% of Black women student athletes reported being satisfied with their bodies, particularly with the muscularity and overall size and shape of their bodies. Second, a structural equation model supported the hypothesis that higher levels of self-compassion and social support contributed to greater body satisfaction, which, in turn, predicted athletes reporting fewer disordered eating behaviors. Our results suggest that body satisfaction is multidimensional, and there are specific psychosocial health factors that may bolster body satisfaction and protect against disordered eating among Black women student athletes.
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