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Daphnia as an Emerging Epigenetic Model Organism


Abstract and Figures

Daphnia offer a variety of benefits for the study of epigenetics. Daphnia's parthenogenetic life cycle allows the study of epigenetic effects in the absence of confounding genetic differences. Sex determination and sexual reproduction are epigenetically determined as are several other well-studied alternate phenotypes that arise in response to environmental stressors. Additionally, there is a large body of ecological literature available, recently complemented by the genome sequence of one species and transgenic technology. DNA methylation has been shown to be altered in response to toxicants and heavy metals, although investigation of other epigenetic mechanisms is only beginning. More thorough studies on DNA methylation as well as investigation of histone modifications and RNAi in sex determination and predator-induced defenses using this ecologically and evolutionarily important organism will contribute to our understanding of epigenetics.
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Genetics Research International
Volume 2012, Article ID 147892, 8 pages
Review A rticle
Daphnia as an Emerging Epigenetic Model Organism
Kami D. M. Harris, Nicholas J. Bartlett, and Vett K. Lloyd
Department of Biology, Mount Allison University, 63B York Street, Sackville, NB, Canada E4L 1G7
Correspondence should be addressed to Vett K. Lloyd,
Received 23 August 2011; Accepted 25 October 2011
Academic Editor: Jennifer Brisson
Copyright © 2012 Kami D. M. Harris et al. This is an open acce ss article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Daphnia oer a variety of benefits for the study of epigenetics. Daphnia’s parthenogenetic life cycle allows the study of epigenetic
eects in the absence of confounding genetic dierences. Sex determination and sexual reproduction are epigenetically determined
as are several other well-studied alternate phenotypes that arise in response to environmental stressors. Additionally, there is
a large body of ecological literature available, recently complemented by the genome sequence of one species and transgenic
technology. DNA methylation has been shown to be altered in response to toxicants and heavy metals, although investigation
of other epigenetic mechanisms is only beginning. More thorough studies on DNA methylation as well as investigation of histone
modifications and RNAi in sex determination and predator-induced defenses using this ecologically and evolutionarily important
organism w ill contribute to our understanding of epigenetics.
1. Introduction
The unusual life cycle of the freshwater microcrustacean,
Daphnia, has been studied for more than 150 years [1]. Most
species are cyclic parthenogens able to produce two types of
eggs, diploid parthenogenetic eggs or haploid sexual egg s,
in response to environmental cues [2, 3]. Sex determination
is likewise environmentally controlled; males are produced
in response to suitable environmental cues [3]. Additionally,
Daphnia exhibit a range of spectacular polyphenisms, phe-
notypic alternations including helmet and neckteeth forma-
tion, in response to predators [4, 5]. This makes Daphnia
an excellent candidate for studying environmental influences
on epigenetic developmental programs. Most importantly
in the context of epigenetics, clonal lines are genetically
identical yet consist of phenotypically divergent individuals.
This oers a unique opportunity to separate genetic and
epigenetic influences on the phenotype, an invaluable asset
when studying epigenetics. The attractiveness of Daphnia as
a potential epigenetic model organism is further enhanced by
the fact that they are easy and inexpensive to maintain and
have a rapid life cycle. As a primary consumer and a food
source for invertebrates and fish [6], there is an extensive
body of literature on their ecological role, de velopment, and
the evolution of parthenogenesis. Thus, Daphnia is an ec-
ologically important organism well-studied in the con-
text of evolution, ecology, ecotoxicology, predator-induced
polyphenisms, and genomics [7, 8]andoers unparalleled
opportunities to study epigenetics in these biologically im-
portant processes.
Epigenetics is the study of mitotically or meiotically her-
itable changes in phenotypes that occur without changes in
the DNA sequence [9]. Altered gene expression can be caused
by DNA methylation, histone modifications, and RNA in-
terference as well as other, less well-studied, epigenetic mech-
anisms such as variant histones, nucleosome phasing, higher-
order chromatin structures, and nuclear localization [4, 9].
DNA methylation, p erformed by either de novo or main-
tenance DNA methyltransferases, has been associated with
transcriptional regulation, chromosome inactivation, and
transposable element regulation, among other funct ions
[10]. Although DNA methylation is found in a wide variety
of eukaryotes, the amount of methylation and its org ani-
zation within the genome dier dramatically between species
and developmental stages [4]. DNA methylation interacts
with other epigenetic processes [11]. Modifications to the
amino- or carboxyl-terminal histone tails aect the inter-
actions of histones with DNA, other histones, and other
2 Genetics Research International
chromatin-associated proteins [12]. These modifications
are performed by specialized enzymes and include acety-
lation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, phosphorylation, and
methylation, all of which can alter gene expression [12].
DNA methyltransferases and histone modifying enzymes can
recruit each other by way of a mutual attraction to the
modifications imposed by the other [11]. DNA methylation
and histone modifications also interact with the RNA
silencing system [13]. The RNA silencing system operates
through the production of small noncoding RNA molecules
(ncRNA) and is referred to as RNA interference (RNAi).
Small RNAs, microRNA (miRNA) and short interfering RNA
(siRNA) are excised from larger double-stranded molecules
can form RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC) that
target complementary nucleic acid sequences and recruit or
activate DNA methyltransferases and histone modifying en-
zymes [14].
Epigenetic marks are modified by external environmental
factors such as nutrition and exposure to chemicals, as well
as developmental cues [15]; these epigenetic alterations can
enhance the cell and org anism’s ability to respond to its
environment and thrive [16]. DNA methylation, histone
modifications, and RNAi are all mitotically transmissible.
Additionally, as epigenetic changes can be adaptive, selec-
tion for meiotic transmission might be expected to allow
epigenetic information to be passed between generations [4].
Such transgenerational inheritance has been documented in
Arabidopsis [17], mice [18], Drosophila [19], and humans
[20, 21] and is postulated in Daphnia [16]. However, identi-
fication of transgenerational eects can be problematic when
the embryo undergoes development in the mother’s body, as
is the case in Daphnia. In such situations, maternal exposure
to environmental factors could aect the ospring either
by retention of maternal epigenetic states in the germ line
cells that give rise to the embryo, a true transgenerational
eect, or more simply by exposure of the somatic cells of the
embryo while it is in the mother. To resolve this ambiguity,
the persistence of the trait needs to be monitored in the F3
and subsequent generations, those which were not exposed
as either the embryos that produce the F1 or the embryonic
germ line that produce the F2.
Spurred by the use of Daphnia as a subject of ecological
and developmental research, numerous techniques have been
developed that can equally enhance its use in epigenetic stud-
ies. Conventional cytological methods have been employed
[22] and more recently these have been extended to include
fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) [ 23]. This could
allow examination of higher-order chromatin structures that
have been associated with the epigenetic status of genome
regionsinotheranimals[24]. Recently Daphnia pulex was
the first crustacean to have its genome sequenced, revealing
the largest number of genes yet found in a single organism,
yet present in a remarkably compact genome [25]. The large
duplication events, and approximately 30% of the genes
are unique to Daphnia [25]. The availability of the genome
sequence allows for the development of microarrays for
genome-wide transcriptional studies [26]. Daphnia embryos
are transparent and can develop independently of the
mother, and as a result embryogenesis of Daphnia has been
well documented [2,
27, 28]. With the genomic sequence
available, conventional embryology can be extended to look
at specific gene products. Methods for in situ immuno-
hybridization and immunohistology have been developed
so the tissue- and developmental-specific localization of
RNAs and proteins can be examined [29]. In the context
of epigenetics, this approach could be used to detect devel-
opmental and tissue-specific histone modifications. While
there are no immortalized cell lines currently available for
Daphnia, methods for primary culture have been developed
[30]. These cells are viable for at least one week and can
be transformed to study the role of overexpression of en-
dogenous or foreign genes [30]. More recently, Kato et al.
[31, 32] showed that it is possible to insert double-stranded
RNA to reduce the expression of genes by RNAi-based gene
knockdowns. The same technique can be used to over-
express selected genes [33]. Knockdown of specific genes
encoding for DNA methyltransferases, histone modifying
enzymes, and their interacting proteins would allow for
an assessment of the role of DNA methylation, histone
modification, and related epigenetic processes correlated
with the well-defined phenot ypes that arise from epigenetic
2. The
Life Cycle and Epigenetic
Phenotypic Variation
2.1. The Daphnia Life Cycle. Most Daphnia can reproduce
either asexually or sexually, depending on environmental
cues. In both cases, eggs are produced by stem cells in the
ovary [2]. In sexual eggs, meiosis is conventional and the
haploid oocytes are fertilized. Parthenogenetic oocytes un-
dergo only the equational meiotic division and so remain
diploid and embryogenesis occurs without fertilization. Early
embryogenesis commences as the egg matures on route to the
brood pouch. Sexually produced eggs are typically produced
in pairs, arrest in the blastula stage in the brood pouch, and
the carapace overlying the brood pouch is modified into a
tough, desiccation-resistant structure called the ephippium,
which allows the eggs to survive harsh environmental con-
ditions [2]. Parthenogenetic eggs complete embryogenesis in
the brood pouch and are released as miniature versions of the
adult [2]. Once hatched, the neonates typically undergo four
to six larval instars, depending on species, before reaching
reproductive maturity (Figure 1)[7, 38].
2.2. Epigenetic Regulation of the Life Cycle. Epigenetic
changes in gene expression can modify an organisms pheno-
type and these changes are particularly obvious when there
are no genetic dierences between individuals of any one
strain. Sensitivity of the epigenome to environmental cues
occurs at dierent stages of the Daphnia life cycle. In general,
the embryonic stages appear important for establishing the
epigenetic states of genes involved in phenotypic variation,
whereas exposure to environmental cues in the postembry-
onic larval stages is important for maintaining the epigenetic
state (Figure 1).
Genetics Research International 3
Sex determinism
Kairomone sensitive period
for establishment of
helmets and neckteeth
Initiation of neckteeth
Kairomone sensitive
period for
maintenance of
helmets and neckteeth
4–6 instars
Daphnia life cycle
Brood pouch
Meiosis occurs
in ovaries
versus sexual
Figure 1: The Daphnia life cycle. The life cycle is shown with the stages at which the epigenome is sensitive to the environmental inputs that
regulates sexual reproduction, sex determination, helmets, and neckteeth (indicated in red).
The production of sexual versus asexual eggs is environ-
mentally cued by environmental factors such as photoperiod,
temperature, food abundance, and crowding [3]. In sexual
eggs meiosis is conventional whereas asexual partheno-
genetic eggs arise from an abortive first meiotic division,
resulting in diploid eggs able to initiate development in the
absence of fertilization [2]. In parthenogenetic eggs the first
division is abortive; however, many of the same meiotic genes
are expressed in parthenogenetic as in sexual reproduction
[39] and bivalents are produced [40]. Nevertheless, genes
suppressing recombination are overrepresented in the Daph-
nia genome relative to those promoting recombination [39],
chiasmata are not observed [40] and genetic evidence of
recombination has not been observed [41]. Thus, barring
rare conversion, mitotic recombination or mutation events
[42] parthenogenetic progeny are genetically identical. Since
the ovary can simultaneously contain parthenogenetic and
sexual eggs [2], the cues must act during the first meiotic
division, as the oocytes form (Figure 1). How these environ-
mental signals are interpreted and the molecular mechanism
by which meiosis is regulated, remains unknown. The pro-
duction of males is triggered by similar environmental cues
as sexual egg production [3]; however, the control of male
sex determination is independent of the regulation of female
meiosis [2, 43]. Males are produced in either mixed or,
more typically, all-male broods [3, 44, 45] and at least in
some species can emerge from fertilized sexual ephippial eggs
[46]. Despite obv ious morphological dierences—males
being smaller, having testes, modified appendages, and
carapace—all parthenogenetic ospring , male or female,
and their mothers, are genetically identical. The mechanism
of sex determination is thus clearly environmental and
epigenetic. As juvenile hormone analogs induce males even
in the absence of environmental cues, this suggests envi-
ronmental cues are transduced by the endocrine system
[33, 45]. Based on the production of intersexes in D. magna
and D. longispina, induced by altered temperature or inter-
mediate hormone concentrations, respectively, the determi-
native events in sex determination have been shown to act
in oocyte maturation before the first embryonic division
[44, 45]. Interestingly, Sanford [44] shows that intersex
progeny are produced in broods long after the mother has
been moved from the inducing conditions. This underscores
the epigenetic nature of sex determination and might rep-
resent an example of transgenerational inheritance, but
could equally reflect the early developmental action of the
sex determination process. Many genes show dierential
expression between males and females [47], including the
core sex-determination gene, doublesex, that is expressed at
higher levels during embryogenesis in males than in females
[33]. This suggests that, in Daphnia, environmental sex de-
termination arose by imposing environmentally mediated
4 Genetics Research International
regulation on the conserved doublesex genetic sex determi-
nation pathway. Identification of dierences in the epigenetic
status of the doublesex gene in males and females would fur-
ther our understanding of environmental sex determination
and the role of epigenetics in such a key aspect of the life
3. Epigenetic Regulation of Helmet Formation
Predators are an important aspect of an organisms envi-
ronment, and various predator-induced defenses, such as
helmets, have been well documented in Daphnia [16]. Hel-
mets are cranial extensions of the exoskeleton that have been
shown to decrease the daphnids’ chances of predation [48].
Helmet growth is induced by kairomones, w hich are aquatic
chemicals released by predators [48]. Circulating kairomones
can double the relative helmet size in some daphnids [49].
Agrawal et al. [ 16] have shown that kairomones induce
helmet growth in Daphnia cucullata both in the genera-
tion exposed to the kairomones and in their nonexposed
progeny (Ta ble 1). Newly hatched animals were exposed
to kairomone-containing water, or control non-kairomone
water and the size of helmets were monitored. Additionally,
females were exposed and successive broods of their progeny
were monitored for helmet production to detect transgener-
ational eects.
Exposure of neonates to kairomones induced helmet
formation and removal of kairomones reduced helmet size
[16]. This shows that kairomones act directly during early
larval stages to promote helmet growth. Interestingly, when
mothers were exposed, helmets were present in their neonate
progeny, even if the progeny were not exposed [16]. Helmet
formation in the neonates foll owing only maternal exposure,
could arise either from a transgenerational eect, transmis-
sion of the altered maternal epigenome to the F1 progeny via
the oocyte, or, as the embryos are brooded in the mother,
sensitivity of the embryonic somatic cells to kairomones.
The latter is suggested by the fact that final helmet size is
diminished in successive broods, which would have been
younger, with fewer somatic cells, at the time of exposure,
and that the F2 was not strongly influenced by grand-
maternal exposure [16]. This finding also implies that late
embryonic stages are more sensitive than earlier ones.
The eect of kairomone exposure on helmet size was
cumulative; the largest helmets were obtained when b oth the
mother and the neonates were exposed [16]. This additive
eect indicates that both stages are sensitive. The possibility
of dierent epigenetic events contributing to cuticular
growth during embryonic and larval stages is suggested by
similar studies on neckteeth formation (see below) [48].
Growth of the helmet is accomplished by mitotic division of
diploid epidermal cells, thought to be triggered by sig-
nals from adjacent polyploid epidermal cells [50]. It is
possible that kairomone exposure during late embryonic
stages induces cell fate changes producing more polyploid
cells whereas kairomone exposure during the larval stages
increases the mitogenic activity of these polyploid cells.
4. Epigenetic Regulation of
Neckteeth Formation
Another common predator-induced defense is exhibited by
several species, including Daphnia pulex. In the presence
of kairomones produced by Chaoborus (phantom midge)
larvae, Daphnia pulex produces structures known as neck-
teeth, small protrusions on the neck region accompanied by
a strengthened carapace [48, 51]. Daphnids that have these
outgrowths have a higher predator escape rate, presumably
due to the thickened exoskeleton that makes handling and
consumption more dicult [48]. Development of the neck-
teeth begins in the first larval instar and growth continues
until the third instar [52]. Withdrawal of the predatory cue
at the first, second, or third instar reduces the number of
neckteeth at successive instars [52]. Thus, the maintenance
of epigenetic mar ks on the genes controlling the growth of
neckteeth requires kairomone exposure in the larval stages
[52]. However, Miyakawa et al. [51] were able to show
that production of neckteeth involves at least two additional
critical stages in late embryonic development. Few or no
neckteeth form when kairomones are absent during embryo-
genesis, even if kairomones are present during the postem-
bryonic larval stages [50]. Thus, as for helmet formation,
embryonic exposure appears to be required to establish cell
fates, while larval exposure is required to maintain and
express the phenotype. Dierential Display 1 (DD1)isagene
identified as having altered expression in the embryonic stage
in kairomone-exposed daphnids [51]. It is proposed that
DD1 plays a role in kairomone reception and/or cell fate
determination that establishes the epigenetic state of target
genes leading to the formation of neckteeth [51]. Multiple
endocrine and morphogenetic genes, such as Hox3, exd,
JHAMT, Met, InR, IRS-1, DD1, DD2, and DD3, were shown
to be upregulated in the exposed postembryonic larvae [51].
The Hox gene upregulated in kairomone-exposed daphnids
encodes a transcription factor associated with chromatin
[53]. The exd and met gene products can similarly act as
transcr iption factors and potentially alter the epigenetic
status of downstream genes [54, 55]. Thus, the upregulation
of these genes supports the conclusion that the maintenance
and growth of neckteeth production is a result of epigenetic
5. Epigenetic Regulation of Growth
In much the same way that external environmental cues
such as kairomones can aect the development of helmets
and neckteeth, environmental toxicants can aect the body
length and growth in Daphnia magna [34]. Again, as the ani-
mals are all genetically identical, dierences between exposed
and nonexposed animals must be epigenetic. Among many
others, 5-azacytidine, genistein, biochanin A, vinclozolin,
and zinc, all of which can alter DNA methylation, were
shown to have an eect on body length (Ta ble 1)[34, 56].
This growth eect, however, was transient as it was only
seen in 7-day-old animals but not adults [34]. Additionally,
zinc exposure significantly reduced body length of 6-day-old
animals in the untreated F1 generation [56]. This finding
Genetics Research International 5
Table 1: Epigenetic assay systems.
Assay system Species F0 treatment F0 eects F1 F2 Reference
D. cucullata Kairomones n.d. Increase Increase [16]
D. cucullata Kairomones Increase n.d. n.d. [29]
D. lumholtzi Kairomones Increase n.d. n.d. [29]
D. ambigua Kairomones Increase n.d. n.d. [29]
Neckteeth D. pulex Kairomones Increase n.d. n.d. [29]
Growth D. magna
(day 7 only)
(day 7 only)
Genistein Decrease n.s. n.s. [34]
Vinclozolin Decrease n.s. n.s. [34]
(day 6 only)
(day 6 only)
n.s. [35]
Reproduction D. magna
5-azacytidine Decrease Decrease n.s. [34]
Genistein Decrease n.s. n.s. [34]
Vinclozolin n.s. n.s. n.s. [34]
Zinc Decrease n.s. n.s. [36]
Global DNA
D. magna
Zinc n.s. Decrease Increase [37]
5-azacytidine Decrease Decrease Decrease [34]
Genistein n.s. n.s. n.s. [34]
Vinclozolin Decrease n.s. Decrease [34]
Data summarized here is for a treated F0 generation with subsequent generations untreated. n.s. denotes nonsignificant results. n.d. denotes that those trials
were not done.
might be an indication of a transgenerationally heritable
eect but as it did not persist to the F2 generation, it is more
likely the result of embryonic exposure (Ta ble 1).
6. Epigenetic Regulation of Fertility
Fertility was also shown to be aected by chemical treatment.
While vinclozolin exposure had no significant eect, 5-
azacytidine, 5-aza-2
-deoxycytidine, genistein, biochanin A,
and cadmium all reduced reproduction in surviving females,
in comparison to nonexposed females (Ta ble 1)[34, 57].
Zinc exposure was found to have complex eec ts; exposure
decreased reproductive success in the F0, but not in the
subsequent F1 and F2 generations when these were raised
in control medium (Tabl e 1)[36]. When animals were con-
tinuously exposed to zinc, reproduction was reduced in
the F0 and F1 but not the F2 [36]. These results were
interpreted as an acclimation eect [36], which would be
interesting; however, this conclusion would be strengthened
by results from a larger number of reproducing females and
corroborating molecular data.
The eects of chemical exposure occurred in genetically
identical individuals and in some cases were heritable be-
tween generations, suggesting that the phenotypic variability
is epigenetic. This possibility is reinforced by the fact that
some of these chemicals have been shown to alter DNA
methylation [34].
7. Epigenetic Mechanisms—DNA Methylation
The role of epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methyla-
tion, histone modification, and RNAi in normal Daphnia
development and the epigenetic adaptations described above
is still in its infancy. Vandegehuchte et al. [57] were the
first to determine that D. magna is capable of methylating
DNA. They found genes homologous to the three main
human DNA methyltransferases and confirmed that DNA
methylation occurred. Through the use of ultraperformance
liquid chromatography (UPLC) and microarrays, Vandege-
huchte et al. [34] examined the DNA methylation and
transcription levels, respectively, in D. magna exposed to
various chemicals. They measured direct eects on methy-
lation in the exposed generation as well as the eects in
subsequent generations (Ta ble 1). Global or localized DNA
methylation levels were found to be aected by 5-azacytidine,
vinclozolin, genistein, and zinc but were not aected by 5-
-deoxycytidine, biochanin A, and cadmium [34, 57].
5-azacytidine is known to hinder DNA methylation in
humans by inhibiting DNA methyltransferases and, consist-
ent with this, D. magna treated with 5-azacytidine showed a
decrease in global DNA methylation [ 34, 58]. Interestingly,
the untreated ospring of 5-azacytidine exposed daphnid
mothers also showed decreased methylation when compared
to nonexposed daphnids of the same generation (Ta ble 1).
Vandegehuchte et al. [34] interpreted this as a transgenera-
tional eect; however, the F1 were exposed to the toxicant as
embryos, a time shown to be sensitive to epigenetic pertur-
bations in many animals [20, 59, 60] including Daphnia
[51] so these results are more likely due to exposure of the
F1 as embryos rather than a true transgenerational eect.
Conclusive evidence for a transgenerational eect would be
the persistence of the eect into nonexposed generations be-
yond the F2, a result not observed in this series of experi-
ments. The sensitivity of this experiment and confirmation
6 Genetics Research International
of any transgener ational eectswouldbeenhancedbyexam-
ination of gene-specific epigenetic alterations as opposed
to global DNA methylation levels, and monitoring changes
persisting to the F3 and subsequent generations.
In comparison to nonexposed daphnids, when the F0
was exposed to zinc, there was decreased methylation of the
F0 and F1 generations followed by a significant increase in
the F2 generation (Tabl e 1 )[37]. Vandegehuchte et al. [37]
attributed the increase in the third generation to acclimation.
While possible, this explanation cannot be confirmed until
the study is repeated with a larger sample size. Additionally,
as age aects DNA methylation levels in Daphnia [37] the
age of the daphnids would have to be tightly controlled.
Treatment with vinclozolin showed a significant decrease in
DNA methylation in D. magna in the F0 and F1 exposed gen-
erations; however, the F2 showed a nonsignificant increase
in overall methylation levels [34]. This implies that while the
fungicide v inclozolin does alter DNA methylation, evidence
for a transgenerational eect is still lacking. Unusual results
were seen with genistein treatment. In mammals, genistein
causes global DNA hypomethylation [61]butinD. magna it
yielded hypermethylated DNA [34]. This confounding result
could be attributed to dierences in genomic organization
between mammals and daphnids, the possibility exists that
the sequences that are hypermethylated in the much larger
daphnid genome do not exist in humans.
The microarray platform used for these studies was origi-
nally designed for investigation of developmentally regulated
genes and allowed monitoring of only a subset of those
genes, so it was not ideal for global transcription assessment
[36]. Until the D. magna genome is ful ly sequenced and a
more complete microarray can be employed, it would be
preferable to monitor specific genes or to use a species with
a fully sequenced genome, such as D. pulex. Additionally,
bisulfite sequencing, methylated DNA immunoprecipitation
(meDip), or DNA methylation sensitive restriction enzyme
digests, which allow monitoring of the methylation status
of individual genes would be more biologically informative.
Candidate genes include those that are involved in repro-
duction and growth since brood size and body length is
aected by toxicant exposure in D. magna [34, 36, 56, 57],
sex determination [47], as well as those involved in helmet
and neckteeth formation [16, 51].
8. Conclusion
Daphnia have the potential to be invaluable animals for
epigenetic study. They are already well-studied in the context
of their important ecological and evolutionary roles, as well
as being readily available and inexpensive to maintain. The
ability of Daphnia to produce clones parthenogenetically
allows for the elimination of genetic var iability, a valuable re-
source in the study of epigenetics. Obvious phenotypic assay
systems such as sexual reproduction, helmets, neckteeth,
growth, and fertility allow correlations to be made between
such phenotypic responses and the epigenetic changes that
accompany them (Tabl e 1 ). Further, potential tr ansgener-
ational eects in the production of polyphenisms, inter-
sex individuals, and other epigenetically determined states
remain to be explored [44, 45]. There are also many classical
and molecular tools available for use in studying epigenetics
in Daphnia.
The next steps in establishing Daphnia as an epigenetic
model organism will be to determine the genetic and
epigenetic mechanisms responsible for the establishment and
maintenance of phenotypic responses to the environment
such as sexual reproduction, helmets, and neckteeth. It is also
essential to extend the research on epigenetic mechanisms
to include histone modifications, RNAi, and further define
the baseline levels and changes in DNA methylation in re-
sponse to environmental stimuli throughout development.
Documenting the epigenetic dierences between sexual and
asexual Daphnia and stressed and unstressed individuals
would prove a fruitful area of research with important
implications for evolutionary and developmental biology.
Authors’ Contribution
All authors contributed to the writing of this review. Kami D.
M. Harris and Nicholas J. Bartlett contributed equally.
This paper was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engi-
neering Research Council grant to V. K. Lloyd T he authors
would like to thank M. J. Beaton and the anonymous review-
ers for discussion and comments on this paper.
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... Among invertebrates, there are several iconic models for biological studies. These include the water flea genus Daphnia O.F. Müller, 1776 (Crustacea: Cladocera) (Ebert, 2022;Harris et al., 2012;Lampert, 2011;Shaw et al., 2008), which is, perhaps, the most intensively studied invertebrate model after Drosophila. Easily cultivated in the laboratory, with a very short generation time, and possessing a cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle that allows the maintenance of a solely parthenogenetically reproducing clonal lineages for a long time, this genus is now the subject of thousands of scientific publications per year (Seda & Petrusek, 2011). ...
... Several morphological innovations of this genus, such as the caudal needle (spine), variously shaped helmets, neckteeth, dorsal crest and sharp fornices on the head shield, have received particular attention in recent decades. Numerous authors at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries have usually investigated the formation (or changes of expression) of each such structure separately (Harris et al., 2012;Juračka et al., 2011;Tollrian, 1993), rarely focusing on several structures in parallel (Baludo et al., 2024;Ritschar et al., 2020). The obvious morphological changes in different Daphnia body parts are nevertheless only part of a more general system of the body 'fortification' in response to the presence of a particular predator (Herzog et al., 2016;, the presence of which (usually indicated by kairomones) triggers the phenotypic, behavioural and life-history responses of the prey. ...
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Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera) has been frequently used as a model taxon for studying prey antipredator defences. Among numerous representatives of this genus, there are several taxa within the subgenus Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) with a morphological innovation unique for these cladocerans, a head plate. In some populations, the margin of this anterior projection of carapace into the head shield is adorned with a remarkable 'crown of thorns', which has been shown to be an antipredator adaptation against tadpole shrimps (Notostraca). This structure is phenotypically plastic, dependent on the presence of these omnivorous crustaceans in the respective water bodies. We aimed to evaluate the monophyly of Eurasian 'crowned' Daphnia species (i.e., those forming the 'crown of thorns' under some circumstance) based on genomic phylogenies and morphology. For this study, we have individually sequenced the genomes of five daphniids, four representing taxa able to form 'crowns' (two specimens of different clades of the D. (C.) atkinsoni complex and two specimens of D. (C.) triquetra from distant populations), and D. (C.) mediterranea distantly related to D. (C.) atkin-soni that lacks the head plate. We analysed them along with genomes obtained from GenBank, focusing on either full mitochondrial or partial nuclear datasets (BUSCO). Our main hypothesis on a monophyly of all 'crowned' daphnids was rejected. Genomic analyses confirmed existence of two independent lineages able to express this phenotypic trait in the Palaearctic: (1) a monophyletic D. (C.) at-kinsoni s. lat. and (2) D. (C.) triquetra, formally redescribed here. These lineages form a well-supported clade together with several other species lacking a head plate (including D. (C.) mediterranea). Genomic analyses indicate that D. (C.) atkinsoni s. lat. is closely related to D. (C.) tibetana; mitochondrial markers also suggest a close relationship of D. (D.) triquetra with D. (C.) studeri, both D. (C.) tibetana and D. (C.) studeri, are lacking this morphological feature. Molecular clock estimated the time of the differentiation of the major clade containing both 'crowned Daphnia' to the Late Mesozoic, confirming an antiquity of the head plate as antipredator defence.
... Daphnia sp. vertebrate-like myogenic heart, fully sequenced genome and known epigenetic responses to environmental cues also makes them ideal for cardiotoxicity, genetic and epigenetic studies, with possible uses as a model species for human health research (Colbourne et al., 2011;Harris et al., 2012;Jeremias et al., 2018;Pirtle et al., 2018;Santoso et al., 2020;Spicer, 2001;Trijau et al., 2018). In addition, D. magna has been emerging as a relevant model species in neurodegeneration and neurological studies (Campos et al., 2016;Gómez-Canela et al., 2019;Rivetti et al., 2019), namely involving aquatic neurotoxins (Bownik and Pawlik-Skowrońska, 2019;Brooke-Jones et al., 2018). ...
... The observed decrease in total 5-mC DNA methylation may be explained by changes in DNA methyltransferases activity and/or alterations in the methionine cycle affecting the availability of methyl donors, in a similar way to changes in the methylome caused by other environmental contaminants (Angrish et al., 2018;Athanasio et al., 2018;Cuiping et al., 2023;Donkena et al., 2010;Guo et al., 2021;Harris et al., 2012;Huang et al., 2022;Lindeman et al., 2019;Šrut, 2021). Changes in DNA methyltransferases activity may be a direct result of oxidative stress that inhibits the expression and biological activity of these enzymes, critical to maintaining existing and establishing de novo DNA methylation marks (Donkena et al., 2010;Huang et al., 2022;Šrut, 2021). ...
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Harmful algal blooms and the toxins produced during these events are a human and environmental health concern worldwide. Saxitoxin and its derivatives are potent natural aquatic neurotoxins produced by certain freshwater cyanobacteria and marine algae species during these bloom events. Saxitoxins effects on human health are well studied, however its effects on aquatic biota are still largely unexplored. This work aims at evaluating the effects of a pulse acute exposure (24 hours) of the model cladoceran Daphnia magna to 30 μg saxitoxin L-1, which corresponds to the safety guideline established by the World Health Organization (WHO) for these toxins in recreational freshwaters. Saxitoxin effects were assessed through a comprehensive array of biochemical (antioxidant enzymes activity and lipid peroxidation), genotoxicity (alkaline comet assay), neurotoxicity (total cholinesterases activity), behavioral (swimming patterns), physiological (feeding rate and heart rate), and epigenetic (total 5-mC DNA methylation) biomarkers. Exposure resulted in decreased feeding rate, heart rate, total cholinesterases activity and catalase activity. Contrarily, other antioxidant enzymes, namely glutathione-S-transferases and selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase had their activity increased, together with lipid peroxidation levels. The enhancement of the antioxidant enzymes was not sufficient to prevent oxidative damage, as underpinned by lipid peroxidation enhancement. Accordingly, average DNA damage level was significantly increased in STX-exposed daphnids. Total DNA 5-mC level was significantly decreased in exposed organisms. Results showed that even a short-term exposure to saxitoxin causes significant effects on critical molecular and cellular pathways and modulates swimming patterns in D. magna individuals. This study highlights sub-lethal effects caused by saxitoxin in D. magna, suggesting that these toxins may represent a marked challenge to their thriving even at a concentration deemed safe for humans by the WHO.
... Daphnia magna is one of the organisms most frequently used in toxicological studies, among other reasons, due to its high sensitivity to a wide range of chemical compounds. D. magna is a model organism in various fields of research (Harris et al. 2012;Seda and Petrusek 2011). ...
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Commonly used medicines, when discarded or improperly disposed of, are known to contaminate freshwater ecosystems. Pharmaceuticals can be toxic and mutagenic, and can modify freshwater organisms, even at environmentally relevant concentrations. Chloramphenicol (CAP) is an antibiotic banned in Europe. However, it is still found in surface waters around the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of chloramphenicol contamination in freshwater on the model organism Daphnia magna. Specific life history parameters, proteome, and host-associated microbiome of four D. magna clones were analyzed during a three-generation exposure to CAP at environmental concentrations (32 ng L⁻¹). In the first generation, no statistically significant CAP effect at the individual level was detected. After three generations, exposed animals were smaller at first reproduction and on average produced fewer offspring. The differences in D. magna’s life history after CAP treatment were in accordance with proteome changes. D. magna’s response to CAP presence indicates the high stress that the tested organisms are under, e.g., male production, upregulation of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 and calcium-binding protein, and downregulation of glutathione transferase. The CAP-exposed D. magna proteome profile confirms that CAP, being reactive oxygen species (ROS)-inducing compounds, contributes to structural changes in mitochondria. Microbiome analysis showed a significant difference in the Shannon index between control and CAP-exposed animals, the latter having a more diverse microbiome. Multilevel analyses, together with long exposure in the laboratory imitating conditions in a polluted environment, allow us to obtain a more complete picture of the impact of CAP on D. magna.
... They also serve a crucial part in aquatic food chains in water as prey for fish or a variety of invertebrate predators (Ebert, 2022). It has been used as a model organism to study the effects of environmental stressors on zooplankton communities for several decades as they are an essential component of the trophic structure of aquatic ecosystems (Harris et al., 2012). Furthermore, they are engaged in critical biogeochemical processes related to ecosystem functioning and are sensitive to environmental changes. ...
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Daphnia is one of the important members of the phylum Branchiopoda (also called Phyllopoda) and belongs to the suborder Cladocera which are small crustaceans. They also serve a crucial part in aquatic food chains in water as food for fish or a variety of invertebrate predators. It has been used as a model organism to study the effects of environmental stressors and toxicological intervention studies. The current work is preliminary study on laboratory culture method with the main focus on preparation of low-cost laboratory culture of Daphnia using field water, Dry yeast, Spirulina, Peanut meal and Jaggery.
... The freshwater crustacean genus Daphnia has been a species of interest to environmentalists and experimental biologists for more than 150 years (Harris et al., 2012). ...
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Production and use of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in consumer products has significantly increased in the last decades due to their unique characteristics. This results in ENMs being released into the environment and interacting with living organisms. In parallel, the increase in plastic use worldwide leads to their breakdown into micro (MPs) and nano plastics (NPPs), further increasing environmental particle burdens. A key question addressed in this thesis is whether particles of very different characteristics affect aquatic organisms in a similar manner. Polystyrene (PS) is a popular representative of MPs/NPPs widely used in many applications. Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) are recently emerged ENMs, used in a wide range of applications. Daphnia magna (D. magna) is an important freshwater environmental indicator for toxicity assessments. The toxicity of PS, GQDs and MoS2 towards D. magna was assessed, considering factors controlling their physicochemical properties and toxicity, to address literature gaps. The toxicity of particles mainly depended on their size (smaller > larger), surface charge (+ve > -ve), ageing, chemical additives, and the composition of dispersant solutions. Applying environmentally relevant conditions greatly reduced the toxicity of the NMs relative to standardized test medium, suggesting the need for updating of regulatory test guidelines.
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Maternal effects have been shown to play influential roles in many evolutionary and ecological processes. However, understanding how environmental stimuli induce within-generation responses that transverse across generations remains elusive, particularly when attempting to segregate confounding effects from offspring genotypes. This review synthesizes literature regarding resource- and predation-driven maternal effects in the model system Daphnia , detailing how the maternal generation responds to the environmental stimuli and the maternal effects seen in the offspring generation(s). Our goal is to demonstrate the value of Daphnia as a model system by showing how general principles of maternal effects emerge from studies on this system. By integrating the results across different types of biotic drivers of maternal effects, we identified broadly applicable shared characteristics: 1. Many, but not all, maternal effects involve offspring size, influencing resistance to starvation, infection, predation, and toxins. 2. Maternal effects manifest more strongly when the offspring’s environment is poor. 3. Strong within-generation responses are typically associated with strong across-generation responses. 4. The timing of the maternal stress matters and can raise or lower the magnitude of the effect on the offspring’s phenotype. 5. Embryonic exposure effects could be mistaken for maternal effects. We outline questions to prioritize for future research and discuss the possibilities for integration of ecologically relevant studies of maternal effects in natural populations with the molecular mechanisms that make them possible, specifically by addressing genetic variation and incorporating information on epigenetics. These small crustaceans can unravel how and why non-genetic information gets passed to future generations.
Sertraline, one of the most commonly used antidepressants, has exhibited a progressively escalating trend in usage over the course of the last decades years, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, this study assessed the transgenerational effects of sertraline on the aquatic microcrustacean Daphnia magna, a parthenogenetic model species. The parental D. magna (G0) were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of sertraline (0.1 and 10 μg/L) for 21 days at individual and population level, and observed exposure triggered specific increased fecundity and desynchronized molting. These alterations were partially inherited through three subsequent non-exposed generations (G1, G2, and G3), as evidenced by increased fecundity and disordered molting in G1, reduced fecundity in G2, and reduced body size of G3-offspring. The molt-related genes neverland 1 and hormone receptor 3 were significantly different to the control group simultaneously only in the exposed generation, which may well be responsible for the molting asynchrony. Vitellogenin plays an important role in reproduction, and our results indicate that its abnormal expression persists up to G3, which was highly correlated with the expression of serotonin transporter, the drug target of sertraline. This finding suggested that sertraline possesses a sustained reproductive toxicity and disrupting potential and may be associated with serotonin dysregulation caused by compensatory feedback of serotonin transporter. In combination with male birth and upregulation of doublesex and vitellogenin, sertraline was deemed to trigger a self-defense response of D. magna, known as “abandon-ship” by increasing reproductive inputs. However, no males was found in individual reproduction test in each generation, which may suggest some interaction between sertraline and population density. Our findings emphasize that the toxic effects of sertraline can be transferred to unexposed generations, even with different adverse consequences, implying that future studies need to focus on transgenerational delayed effects and the underlying mechanisms.
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Daphnids are small crustaceans ubiquitous in fresh water; they have been a subject of study in ecology, evolution, and environmental sciences for decades. To understand data accumulated in daphnid biology at the molecular level, expressed sequence tags and a genome sequence have been determined. However, these discoveries lead to the problem of how to understand the functions of newly discovered genes. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-mediated RNA interference (RNAi) is a useful tool to achieve specific gene silencing in nontransformable species. Hence, we established a technique to inject exogenous materials into ovulated eggs and developed a dsRNA-based RNAi method for Daphnia magna. Eggs were collected just after ovulation and injected with dsRNA specific to the Distal-less (Dll) gene, which functions in appendage development in invertebrates and vertebrates. We found that the dsRNA successfully triggered the degradation of Dll mRNAs, which induced the truncation of the second antenna in a dose-dependent manner. This effect was sequence specific in that: (1) an unrelated dsRNA did not induce any morphological abnormalities and (2) two non-overlapping Dll dsRNAs generated the same phenotype. This is the first report of an RNAi technique in D. magna and, together with the emerging genome sequences, will be useful for advancing knowledge of the molecular biology of daphnids.
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Sex-determining mechanisms are diverse among animal lineages and can be broadly divided into two major categories: genetic and environmental. In contrast to genetic sex determination (GSD), little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying environmental sex determination (ESD). The Doublesex (Dsx) genes play an important role in controlling sexual dimorphism in genetic sex-determining organisms such as nematodes, insects, and vertebrates. Here we report the identification of two Dsx genes from Daphnia magna, a freshwater branchiopod crustacean that parthenogenetically produces males in response to environmental cues. One of these genes, designated DapmaDsx1, is responsible for the male trait development when expressed during environmental sex determination. The domain organization of DapmaDsx1 was similar to that of Dsx from insects, which are thought to be the sister group of branchiopod crustaceans. Intriguingly, the molecular basis for sexually dimorphic expression of DapmaDsx1 is different from that of insects. Rather than being regulated sex-specifically at the level of pre–mRNA splicing in the coding region, DapmaDsx1 exhibits sexually dimorphic differences in the abundance of its transcripts. During embryogenesis, expression of DapmaDsx1 was increased only in males and its transcripts were primarily detected in male-specific structures. Knock-down of DapmaDsx1 in male embryos resulted in the production of female traits including ovarian maturation, whereas ectopic expression of DapmaDsx1 in female embryos resulted in the development of male-like phenotypes. Expression patterns of another D. magna Dsx gene, DapmaDsx2, were similar to those of DapmaDsx1, but silencing and overexpression of this gene did not induce any clear phenotypic changes. These results establish DapmaDsx1 as a key regulator of the male phenotype. Our findings reveal how ESD is implemented by selective expression of a fundamental genetic component that is functionally conserved in animals using GSD. We infer that there is an ancient, previously unidentified link between genetic and environmental sex determination.
Defining ParasitesAlthough parasites have traditionally been defined by a combination of conceptual and taxonomic features, I use an entirely conceptual definition here. I consider a parasite to be any small organism (including viruses) that lives in close association with a host organism and for which it seems reasonable to assume that the host carries some cost. These costs may be clearly visible, in the form of reduced fecundity or survival, but may in some cases be subtle. For example, reduced sexual attractiveness (leading to reduced mating success) or reduced competitive ability may not be very visible. I devote an entire chapter to discussing the fitness costs caused by parasites. This conceptual definition of a parasite includes members of various taxa, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, but also includes functional categories (not taxonomically defined), such as pathogens and helminths. In contrast to typical predators, parasites do not always kill their hosts, and if they do, it may take a considerable amount of time, during which the parasite may be transmitted to other hosts, and the host remains in the community competing with other organisms for space, food, and mating partners.In the literature on Cladocera and more specifically on Daphnia, parasites are often distinguished from epibionts. Whereas the former are usually endoparasites, i.e., located within the body of the host, the latter are located on the body surface and may therefore be labeled as ectoparasites. In the main part of this book, I concentrate on endoparasites and exclude epibionts. However, this is not to say that epibionts are not parasites or are not important. In fact, I believe that most epibionts fulfill the definition of parasites used here, because they are often closely associated with their hosts and cause harm to their hosts. This harm may not be directly visible, but there are certainly increased costs for swimming, which may have consequences for other fitness components, such as fecundity, survival, competition, and mate finding (Threlkeld et al. 1993). It has also been suggested that epibiontic filter feeders compete with their hosts for food (Kankaala and Eloranta 1987). On the other hand, it has been suggested that under certain conditions, high loads of algal epibionts may provide additional food for the host and thus result in a net benefit (Barea-Arco et al. 2001). However, this form of a food supplementation is certainly not the typical effect of epibionts. I do not include epibionts in this book, because I feel that there is less need to discuss the epidemiology of this functional group than for endoparasites. However, I will refer to them whenever it might further our understanding of Daphnia–parasite interactions.
The factors inducing sexual eggs, as well as the offspring sex ratio preceding sexual egg formation, were investigated in a cyclic parthenogen, Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera). Laboratory experiments were conducted on individual animals living in flow-through chambers, making it possible to separate the effects of two density-dependent factors: food limitation and a chemically mediated cue. These factors were studied under a short-day photoperiod and in permanent light. The simultaneous actions of an inductive photoperiod, food limitation and chemically mediated crowding, were all needed to induce sexual egg formation. When only two stimuli were present, the offspring sex ratio was 0.50 or lower, and no sexual eggs were produced. By contrast, environmental conditions inducing sexual eggs also effected strongly male-biased asexual offspring, with an average sex ratio up to 0.8 (even 1.0 in individual females).