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Efficacy of ayurvedic medicine in the treatment of uncomplicated chronic sinusitis



Thirty patients suffering from uncomplicated chronic Sinusitis were enrolled in a clinical study to asses the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicine comprising of Tribhvan kirti rasa (Tablet) along with inhalation of steam of Dasamulakwath (Decoction) followed by nasya (intranasal instillation) with Anu tailam. The Tribhuvan kirti rasa was administered at a dose of 250mg b.d with Adrak swaras (Juice of Ginger).Steam inhalation of Dasmula kwath was given two times a day followed by nasya of Anu tail at a dose of 4 drops in both nostrils. The duration of the treatment varied from 45 days to 90 days. Radiological tests were done periodically. The patients were examined clinically in every week to asses the effect of medicine. The overall clinical efficacy was 96.6%. This medicine along with steam inhalation followed by Nasya was found to be well tolerated in general and no side effects were reported. Hence this treatment could be recommeed for treatment of chronic Sinusitis.
Ancient Science of Life Vol : XXVI (1 & 2) July, August, September, October, November, December 2006
Ex- Lecturer, A&U Tibbia College & Hospital, New Delhi.
Research Officer (Ay.), Central Research Institute, Punjabibagh, New Delhi.
Received : 12-4-2006 Accepted : 12-6-2006
Abstract- Thirty patients suffering from uncomplicated chronic Sinusitis were enrolled
in a clinical study to asses the efficacy of Ayurvedic medicine comprising of Tribhvan
kirti rasa (Tablet) along with inhalation of steam of Dasamulakwath (Decoction)
followed by nasya (intranasal instillation) with Anu tailam. The Tribhuvan kirti rasa
was administered at a dose of 250mg b.d with Adrak swaras ( Juice of Ginger).Steam
inhalation of Dasmula kwath was given two times a day followed by nasya of Anu tail at
a dose of 4 drops in both nostrils. The duration of the treatment varied from 45 days to 90
days. Radiological tests were done periodically. The patients were examined clinically in
every week to asses the effect of medicine. The overall clinical efficacy was 96.6%. This
medicine along with steam inhalation followed by Nasya was found to be well tolerated in
general and no side effects were reported. Hence this treatment could be recommended for
treatment of chronic Sinusitis.
Sinusitis is an infection of the Para nasal sinus and the nose,most commonly
caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, Morexella cattarhalis. Accumulation of
mucus in the sinus secondary to obstruction and inflammation facilitates
pathogen growth. Approximately 30 million Americans develop sinusitis
annually. Clinical symptoms include mucopurulent nasal discharge, nasal
congestion, and facial pain or, tenderness lasting 7 to 28 days during attack.
Diagnosis is therefore often presumptive, being based on clinical presentation
and diagnostic interpretation, and may include culturing. Diagnostic technique
includes sinus radiography, sinus transillumination, sonography, and
computerized tomography.
The clinical features of sinusitis bear resemblance with “Suryavarta” as described
in the Ayurvedic texts. According to Ayurveda, the main dosha involved is vayu
and kapha dosha. Hence steam inhalation of Dasamoola kwatha was chosen for
inhalation followed by nasya of Anu taila.
pages 6 - 11
The present study is confined to uncomplicated maxillary and frontal sinusitis.
Tribhuvan kirti rasa, a medicine described in Bhaisajya Ratna vali written by
Govinddas (B.S2033) was selected. For steam inhalation Dasamoola Kwatha was
selected followed by Anu tail nasya.
Procurement of Medicines:
The medicines were procured from IMPCL (LTD) and dispensed at Central
Research Institute, New Delhi.
Study Design:
This was a randomized non comparative trial performed in OPD of Central
Research Institute Delhi, designed to comply with current food and drug
administration guidance for demonstrating clinical efficacy in the treatment of
chronic uncomplicated sinusitis. Written informed consent was obtained from all
the participating patients before study enrollment.
Eligibility and accrual:
Patients who were eligible to participate in the study included adults (18yrs of
age or, more) whose medical history, physical examination and radiographic
findings suggested chronic uncomplicated sinusitis and in whom oral out patient
therapy was indicated.
Inclusion criteria were facial pain, tenderness over one or both maxillary area,
purulent discharge from back of throat, or, nose. Women of child bearing
potential were required to have a documented negative serum or, urine
pregnancy test before the start of therapy. They also had to sign an agreement
pledging to use effective contraceptive throughout the trial. X-ray (Water’s view)
was done and read by a qualified radiologist and should have been positive at
least for one of the following criteria-
Opacification or, haziness of sinus.
>6mm. of mucosal thickening.
Air fluid level.
Key Exclusion criteria included hyper sensitivity to any of the trial medicine,
complicated sinusitis, cystic fibrosis or, an abnormality of the maxillary sinus
ostium that impaired drainage, history of sinus surgery within 3 months, intake
pages 6 - 11
of a systemic antibiotic within 14 days of entry into the study, presence of
significant hepatic disease , known renal insufficiency, pregnancy and lactation.
Treatment and Compliance:
Subjects were assigned randomly from OPD of Central Research Institute New
Initially the patients were given Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa 250mg with adrak swaras
(juice of ginger) twice a day. The patients were then advised to inhale steam of
Dasmoola kwatha by a steam inhaler for 15 minutes twice a day. After the
inhalation of steam, the patients were advised to take nasya of Anu tail in a dose
of 4 drops in both the nostrils and lay flat with slightly extended head for 10
minutes. During this period the patients were advised not to take curd, rice, and
banana. The total duration of this treatment was 90 days. No other systemic
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory or, nasal decongestant were permitted during the
course of the study. Compliance was measured by noting the exact dose taken,
reason for missed dose and the amount of study medication returned by the
subjects at the end of treatment.
Study procedure:
The assessment of patients was conducted 4 times –
Within 48 hours of dosing.
Day 7 to 15day.
Day 30 to 45 day.
Day 60 to 90 day.
At base line, after subject provides written consent, the inclusion criteria and
exclusion criteria were reviewed. Then demographic, medical history, and drug
and non drug therapy were collected. A targeted physical examination, clinical
assessment of sign and symptoms was also done. X-Ray PNS and routine
examination were the investigation procedures. Pregnancy test was done for
women of child bearing potential. At the end of the study, X-Ray was taken and
compared with base line.
Criteria for evaluation :
Clinical response were classified in to three category-
pages 6 - 11
Clinical success: Resolution or, improvement of three cardinal signs and
symptoms (Sinus pain, sinus tenderness, purulent discharges) with clear X-Ray
PNS, without any additional therapy.
Failure: Persistence or, worsening of signs and symptoms.
Unable to determine: Not taken medicines or fewer than 7 days, received an
additional therapy before evaluation or, lack of follow up.
Disposition of the patients: All 30 patients completed the study according to
protocol. In a patient, proper follow up was not done however he has completed
the treatment regimen.
Demography: Approximately 2/3rd of all the patients were from Delhi city. The
median age was 39 years (range 18-62). The study population composed of 60%
of women.
Clinical Findings: The most frequently noted symptoms of sinusitis were
purulent nasal discharge (96.66%of patients),nasal congestion( 93.33%),sinus pain
(90%) facial pain (80%) post nasal drip (83.33%) , head ache (90%) and sinus
tenderness (80%)
In 84% of the patients, both maxillary sinus were involved and in 16% of cases it
involves only one sinus.
In 90% of cases, X-Ray on Water’s projection showed opacity in the sinus,
mucosal thickening, or, air-fluid levels . However in 10% of cases , only mucosal
thickening was noted.
Therapeutic Efficacy: Data of all the 30 patients who completed the study was
eligible for analysis. Treatment with Ayurvedic medicine resulted in significant
improvement from week 2 onwards in the following signs and symptoms like
frontal headache, pain over jaw, tenderness and nasal discharges. 13 patients
were completely free from symptoms in 25 days, 7 patients on 35th day, and 8
patients on 47th day.
But all the patients were advised to continue same treatment upto 90 days. The
minimum time required for relief of symptoms was the 25th day .Maximum
duration required for relief of symptoms was observed to be 46th day.
pages 6 - 11
At endpoint , the radiological examination showed no opacity or haziness in the
sinus which suggested good sinus drainage and proper sinus ventilation. No
evidence of mucosal thickening was found. No signs of ostial edema was found
after treatment.
Safety Evaluation:
No adverse effects or side effects were found during the study.
Table No-1
Showing Age distribution in studied cases
Table No-2
Showing Sex incidence
Table No-3
Duration of present illness
Age in year No. of Patients %
18-28 1 3.34
29-39 21 70
40-50 6 20
50-60 2 6.66
Total 30 100
Sex No of patients %
Male 12 40
Female 18 60
Total 30 100
Duration No. of patients %
6month-1yrs. 17 56.6
1-2yrs. 12 40
2-4yrs. 1 3.33
More then 4 yrs. nil 00
Total 30 100
pages 6 - 11
Table No-4
No. of Sinusitis Episode in 12 months
Table No. 5 (History of Prior treatment)
Table No-6
Involvement of Sinus
Table NO-7
Radiological Findings
No. of attack No. of Patients %
2 to 3 18 60
4 to 6 12 40
More then 6 Nil 00
Total 30 100
Prior medication No. of Patients %
Systemic Antibiotic 27 90
Surgery Nil 00
No prior Medication 03 10
Total 30 100
Site No of Patients %
Unilateral 12 40
Bilateral 18 60
Total 30 100
BT % AT Relief %
Haziness in Sinus 30 100 0 100
Mucosal thickening 27 90 0 100
Air-Fluid level 30 100 0 100
pages 6 - 11
Table No-8
Overall assessment of Symptoms
Symptoms BT(No of
% AT(No. of
Relief %
Pain over Sinus 27 90 0 100
Tenderness over sinus 24 80 0 100
Purulentnasal discharge 29 96.66 0 100
Frontal headache 27 90 0 100
Post nasal drip 25 83.33 0 100
Nasal congestion 28 93.33 0 100
Facial pain 24 80 0 100
Table No-9
Overall assessment of efficacy recorded after 3months of Treatment
Degree No. of patients %
Clinical success 29 96.6
Failure 0 0
Unable to determine 1 3.4
Total 30 100
Sinusitis is a common respiratory tract infection which often goes undiagnosed
and untreated. A delay in diagnosis and failure to institute effective therapy may
lead to development of complications like abscess, cellulitis, epidural empyema,
osteomyelitis, and meningitis. This study confirms the anti-inflammatory effect
of Dasmoola kwatha, Tribhuvan kirti rasa and steam inhalation which
potentially sooth the mucous and facilitate sinus drainage. Anu tail helps to
decongest the sinus ostium.
A 90 day course of Ayurvedic medicine was well tolerated, safe, and effective
clinically in adult with uncomplicated sinusitis. The overall clinical success rate
was 96.6%.
On the basis of clinical and radiological findings, it is inferred that indigenous
medicine like Tribhuban kirti Rasa, Dasamoolakwatha inhalation, Anu tail Nasya
proves to be an effective treatment of choice in chronic uncomplicated Sinusitis.
pages 6 - 11
Thanks are due to Prof. G.S.Lavekar, Director, CCRAS, New Delhi, Dr.
T.Bikshapati, Director,CRIA, New Delhi Dr. H.K.Khushwah, Dr.K.K.Sijoria, Dr.
B.K.Jaisingh,Dr.M.Panda for their valuable guidance during the study.
1. Bailey and Love, Short practice of Surgery, 21st edition ELBS publication, 1998.
2. Dhingra, P.L Disease of Ear nose and Throat B.I.Churchill Living stones publication, 2000.
3. Sastri,A.D , Susruta Samhita.Published by Chowkhumba publication.
4. Sastri, Ambika dutta Bhaisajya Ratna vali Commented by R.D Sastry 2nd Edition
Chowkhamba Sanskrit office Varanasi 1969
pages 6 - 11
... The probable mode of action of Vacha oil Nasya has already been explained in detail by Acharya Charaka and Vagbhata. They mentioned that the medicine, administered through the nasal cavity, can easily spread in the shiro bhaga, can be absorbed fast, and can eliminate all the doshas from urdhva jatrugata pradesh 7 . The head's low position is maintained throughout the procedure so that the medicine is well installed on the nasopharynx, which increases the contact time of the medicine with the mucosa. ...
When the mucus membrane within the sinuses becomes infected and inflamed, the condition is called Rhinosinusitis. The causative factors are uncommon; we can consider some causative factors like viral upper respiratory tract infections, bacterial infections, allergy, adenoid vegetation, airway pollutants, some structural anomalies, gastroesophageal reflux disease, immunologic defects, and cystic fibrosis. A disease termed Pratishyaya and Pinus, mentioned in different Ayurvedic Samhitas, has similar symptoms to Rhinosinusitis. Forty patients whose medical history, physical examination available imaging reports, and blood parameters suggested chronic Rhinosinusitis were recruited in the study. Ayushakti herbal medicines, along with Breathe easy Nasya treatment, were administered to the patients for 90 days and were found effective and safe without any side effects. If chronic Rhinosinusitis can be treated successfully, acute cases directly seeking this therapy can be cured and we can restrict them from going into the chronic phase.
... This group is advised to use herbs and ayurvedic drugs such as Chitrakadivati, Dashamool kwath, GoJihvadhu Quath, Kantakari Avaleha, Lakshmi Vilas rasa, Pippalirasayan, Sanjeevani Vati, Sitopaladi, Talishadi, Vyaghriharitaki, and Yashtimadhu (Rastogi et al., 2007;Bisht et al., 2009;Makhija et al., 2013;Srikanth et al., 2019). (Panigrahi, 2006;Bisht et al., 2009). The oral and sublingual routes of administration are suitable for the intake of these formulations due to their nanoparticle size, enhancing their absorbability and absorption in the body. ...
... However, the results show a stressed and apathetic life. In this context, the revival of Yajna's sacrificial fire in a therapeutic form known as Yagyopathy gives solutions to all human-made issues (Panigrahi et al., 2006;Raghuvanshi et al., 2009;Raghuvanshi et al., 2004). ...
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Indian Ancient Vedic Science, which has fascinated the world researchers, has become more relevant in the 21st century because of other global crises and threats. It has shown a powerful impact in all the areas of life, especially in curing physical and mental ailments. The various violent incidents in European countries and the USA have forced the world political, religious and science leaders to find alternative remedies. Mental fitness has been a great challenge. Yajna Science has multiple advantages and affirmative responses in this direction. The author's team presents this study that measures Vedic Mantra and Yajna Sciences' effect on stress, anxiety, and checks its impact in a worldwide depression-like scenario. The data analysis and visualizations have been done in python to show the different mental fitness angles, taking various demographic parameters into account.
... These patients require tertiary care from the beginning itself but canalso be co-prescribed with Ayurveda medicines in order to reduce the impact of thepathology and to buy more time to have intensive management [24]. Recommendedformulations here may include Pippali rasayana [22], Laghu Vasant Malati, Sanjeevani vati, Tribhuvankeerti rasa [25], Brihata Vata Chintamni rasa, Mrityunjaya rasa, and Siddhamakardhvaja rasa [26]. ...
... Inhalation of menthol has also been reported to suppress coughs in an evoked cough model [16] ; menthol can also stimulate receptors for cold in the upper airway and reduce respiratory discomfort associated with loaded breathing [17] . Steam inhalation has been a traditional remedy for respiratory tract infections like coughs and cold [18] ; as such, it comes as no surprise that inhalation with just steam only was one of the choices of people in homesteads of Bangladesh as a therapy for COVID-19 induced coughs and breathing problems. Since home remedies in Bangladesh is influenced by its long association with Ayurveda, it is to be further noted that Ayurveda prescribes steam inhalation for uncomplicated chronic sinusitis [19] . ...
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Serous Otitis media is having symptoms like a nonpurulent effusion of the middle ear that may be mucoid or serous. Symptoms usually involve deafness and heaviness of ears but typically do not involve pain or fever. In the present study we have discussed a case of a 34 years-old male patient who came to ENT OPD with complains of blockage of ears with heaviness in head and hearing loss since 1 month. Patient was getting often attack of blockage of nose on and off. On examination tympanic membrane was seen with the changes of serous otitis media. Patient was given Ayurvedic management with Anu Taila Nasya with Sitopaladi Churna and Haritaki Churna orally was given, Lavangadi Vati was given for chewing for Eustachian tube exercise and ventilate middle ear so to make middle ear pressure on normal level. Excellent result was found after two weeks of treatment and patient was able to hear better as normal. With this study we can manage conductive type of deafness due to middle ear effusion without any surgical intervention and help them to live their life in a better way.
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Viral infections play a significant role in human illnesses. In late December 2019, a previously unidentified coronavirus, named as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 by ICTV on February 11, 2020), also named as 2019 novel coronavirus, originated from Wuhan, China, and caused outbreak in many countries. Presently, despite the advancement made in immunization and drug development, this virus lacks preventive vaccines and effective antiviral remedies. Thus, identification of specific antiviral medicine is of critical importance. However, classical Ayurveda preparations may play an excellent role in the management of this outbreak. Ayurveda has a unique method of approaching the newly detected disease. Rather than focusing on the microbial etiology, Ayurveda embraces a holistic technique for elaborating the details of the disease at hand. In this paper, we summarize the interpretation, diagnosis, treatment principles, and medicines described in different texts of Ayurveda to treat viral infections.
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Ayurvedic Measures In Preventive And Curative Aspect Of Childhood Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (Pratishyaya).
Objectives This article provides a comprehensive systematic review and qualitative analysis of the current research investigating Ayurveda chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) treatment. Content PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews was followed and our search utilized MEDLINE, Embase, Ayush Portal, and Cochrane Library databases. Articles published prior to March 2022, 10 or more patients that investigated Ayurveda as a treatment for CRS in humans were included. This resulted in thirteen articles meeting inclusion criteria. Ayurvedic treatments included herbal medications for oral consumption, nasal instillation, and steam inhalation used alone or in combination. All studies concluded that Ayurvedic therapy led to improvements in subjective CRS symptoms and objective radiographic and hematologic criteria. However, all 13 studies had a significant risk of bias due to study design and statistical methods utilized. Summary Ayurvedic therapy may be a useful CRS treatment for some patients and overall appears to be well tolerated. However, definitive recommendation for when Ayurvedic treatments would be beneficial in the treatment of CRS remains not possible. Outlook Given the overall positive effects shown in the current published evidence and growing interest in complementary and integrative therapies, Ayurvedic treatments for CRS deserve further investigation in the form of well-designed controlled trials.
Rinosinusitis adalah suatu kondisi peradangan pada hidung dan sinus paranasal. Rinosinusitis disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor termasuk faktor lingkungan, anatomi dan penyakit sistemik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik penderita rinosinusitis di Bagian/KSM THT-KL RSUDZA Banda Aceh tahun 2019-2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian deskriptif retrospektif dengan pengambilan data sekunder berupa rekam medis pasien. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode total sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 335 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa distribusi pasien rinosinusitis tertinggi pada kelompok usia 36-45 tahun (22,69%), jenis kelamin perempuan (56,12%) dan berasal dari Kota Banda Aceh (33,13%). Berdasarkan lama penyakit, penderita rinosinusitis kronis adalah yang paling banyak ditemukan (60,30%). Pasien paling banyak mendapatkan pelayanan rawat jalan (78,81%) dan terapi medikamentosa (78,81%).
Ambika dutta Bhaisajya Ratna vali Commented by R.D Sastry 2 nd Edition Chowkhamba Sanskrit office Varanasi
  • Sastri
Sastri, Ambika dutta Bhaisajya Ratna vali Commented by R.D Sastry 2 nd Edition Chowkhamba Sanskrit office Varanasi 1969 pages 6 -11
Disease of Ear nose and Throat B.I.Churchill Living stones publication
  • P Dhingra
Dhingra, P.L Disease of Ear nose and Throat B.I.Churchill Living stones publication, 2000.