In Rigveda Soma is an evergreen plant, with thousand stalks yellow hued bestowing auspicious energy. Resembling yellow fibres of hemp ephedra was rained in Chlnoso Ho-Ma, Yellow-hemp. It was Sanskritized as Soma. Being an energizer-cum-euphoriant its juice was consumed thrice daily. Finally it became a drug of longevity, rejuvenation and resurrection even god Soma. As drug it was substituted by Rasayana promisiig rejuvenation but also salvation. Soma with Water and Fire constitutes the proto-cosmology of Rigveda.
The Soma plant conceived to be the most sacred in Rigveda. Its juice (Soma Rasa) was offered to deities and regarded as a sacrificial drink. Its identity has remained a subject of great curiosity, investigations and debates. Its all-pervasive examination is still awaited as the earlier investigators always thought it in isolation and attempted to equate to some plant species in their neighbourhood. The present communication is an endeavour to collate all evidences and thoughts to arrive at home in the state of present circumstances. A literary survey was conducted of the ancient Indian Sanskrit scripts and the modern researches on Soma plant till date. The opinions and understanding of various exponents on the subject matter are introspected to arrive at the present state of knowledge. The various plant species claimed or suspected as ‘Soma Plant’ are enumerated in the Tables I, II and III. Total 26 plant species have been claimed clearly representing Soma plant, including a fungal and a gymnospermic species. Total 14 species are brought to light as substitutes for proper Soma plant. Common or Sanskrit names have been coined after the epithet ‘Soma’ for another 13 species. Soma plant has been a subject of many discussions and object of investigations since the Vedic period. Various authors although endeavoured to decipher its identity based on observations and their wisdom, no one could arrive at satisfactory explanation of Soma plant. However, they emerged triumphant in searching out psychoactive plant species and even their active principles. Vedic Soma plant still remains a botanical enigma.