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Abstract and Figures

Microbially-unsafe water is still a major concern in most developing countries. Although many water-purification methods exist, these are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural areas. Ayurveda recommends the use of copper for storing drinking-water. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of copper pot on microbially-contaminated drinking-water. The antibacterial effect of copper pot against important diarrhoeagenic bacteria, including Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella flexneri 2a, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica Typhi, and Salmonella Paratyphi is reported. When drinking-water (pH 7.83 +/- 0.4; source: ground) was contaminated with 500 CFU/mL of the above bacteria and stored in copper pots for 16 hours at room temperature, no bacteria could be recovered on the culture medium. Recovery failed even after resuscitation in enrichment broth, followed by plating on selective media, indicating loss of culturability. This is the first report on the effect of copper on S. flexneri 2a, enteropathogenic E. coli, and Salmonella Paratyphi. After 16 hours, there was a slight increase in the pH of water from 7.83 to 7.93 in the copper pots while the other physicochemical parameters remained unchanged. Copper content (177 +/- 16 ppb) in water stored in copper pots was well within the permissible limits of the World Health Organization. Copper holds promise as a point-of-use solution for microbial purification of drinking-water, especially in developing countries.
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Storing Drinking-water in Copper pots Kills
Contaminating Diarrhoeagenic Bacteria
V.B. Preethi Sudha1, Sheeba Ganesan1, G.P. Pazhani2, T. Ramamurthy2,
G.B. Nair2, and Padma Venkatasubramanian1
1Centre for Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutics and Pharmacology, Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine (formerly Foundation
for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions), 74/2 Jarakabande Kaval, Yelahanka via Attur, Bangalore 560 0106, Karnataka, India and
2National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, P-33, CIT Road, Scheme XM, Beliaghata, Kolkata 700 010, West Bengal, India
Microbially-unsafe water is still a major concern in most developing countries. Although many water-puri-
fication methods exist, these are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural areas.
Ayurveda recommends the use of copper for storing drinking-water. Therefore, the objective of this study
was to evaluate the effect of copper pot on microbially-contaminated drinking-water. The antibacterial
effect of copper pot against important diarrhoeagenic bacteria, including Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella flexneri
2a, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica Typhi, and Salmonella Pa-
ratyphi is reported. When drinking-water (pH 7.83±0.4; source: ground) was contaminated with 500
CFU/mL of the above bacteria and stored in copper pots for 16 hours at room temperature, no bacteria
could be recovered on the culture medium. Recovery failed even after resuscitation in enrichment broth,
followed by plating on selective media, indicating loss of culturability. This is the first report on the effect
of copper on S. flexneri 2a, enteropathogenic E. coli, and Salmonella Paratyphi. After 16 hours, there was a
slight increase in the pH of water from 7.83 to 7.93 in the copper pots while the other physicochemical
parameters remained unchanged. Copper content (177±16 ppb) in water stored in copper pots was well
within the permissible limits of the World Health Organization. Copper holds promise as a point-of-use
solution for microbial purification of drinking-water, especially in developing countries.
Key words: Bacteria; Copper; Diarrhoea; Drinking-water; Vibrio cholerae; India
J HEALTH POPUL NUTR 2012 Mar;30(1):17-21
ISSN 1606-0997 | $ 5.00+0.20
Providing safe drinking-water to the majority of
the world’s population, especially to those in devel-
oping countries, is still a major problem. Approxi-
mately a billion people lack access to safe drink-
ing-water (1). Water and food contaminated with
bacteria, viruses, and protozoa cause infectious
diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes
of mortality and morbidity, especially in children
of developing countries (2) and claims two million
lives each year (3). The major aetiological agents
that account for over a million diarrhoeal deaths
per year, particularly in developing countries, are
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), rotavirus,
Vibrio cholerae, and species of Shigella, which are
spread through contaminated water and food or
from person to person (4). In India, many states
still have outbreaks of cholera. During 1996-2007,
at least 222,038 individuals were affected by chole-
ra (5). Shigellosis, also known as acute bacillary
dysentery, is associated with complications, such as
haemolytic-uraemic syndrome which can be fatal
(6). Shigella flexneri causes approximately 10% of all
diarrhoeal episodes among children aged less than
five years (7). Infection with ETEC is associated
with traveller’s diarrhoea, and the rate of infec-
tion is higher in India compared to other develop-
ing countries (8). Among the viruses, rotaviruses
are the most common cause of diarrhoea in infants
and children. In Asia, rotaviruses are responsi-
ble for 45% of hospitalizations for severe infantile
diarrhoea (9). Microbial quality, though only one
of the parameters of safe drinking-water, is a major
problem and is a cause of epidemics in developing
Sudha VBP et al.
Copper kills diarrhoeagenic bacteria
countries. The existing community interventions
to provide safe drinking-water to the people have
many shortcomings, and studies have shown that
point-of-use (PoU) household interventions con-
tribute to 30-40% reduction in diarrhoeal diseases
(10). Moreover, in countries such as India where
only 28% of households have piped water (5), PoU
interventions are a sustainable way to providing
safe drinking-water.
Storing water in copper and silver pots finds men-
tion in ancient texts of Ayurveda for purification of
water (11). Our previous study provided laboratory
evidence of the antibacterial activity of copper pot
in distilled water (12). We had also reported the
benefit of using a copper-based device, contrived
by us, which was as effective as the pot but at
a fraction of the cost (12). Since distilled water is
slightly acidic (pH 6.7±0.05) which might en-
hance copper leaching, we have demonstrated the
effect of copper pot in regular drinking-water (pH
7.83±0.4) against important bacterial pathogenic
strains that cause diarrhoea.
Bacterial strains
V. cholerae O1 IDH 02474 (VC), S. flexneri type 2a
IDH 02196 (SF), Salmonella enterica Typhi 500865
(SET), and enterotoxigenic E. coli (LT+ST) IDH
01254 (ETEC) were obtained from the National Ins-
titute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED),
Kolkata, India. S. Paratyphi A B/05 (SPT) was pro-
cured from the St. Johns Medical College, Banga-
lore, India and confirmed at NICED. Enteropatho-
genic E. coli E 2347 (EPEC) was obtained from the
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, India.
Preparation of bacterial cultures
Cultures from the nutrient agar culture-stab were
streaked onto selective media, including eosin
methylene blue (EMB) agar medium (HIMEDIA,
Mumbai, India) for E. coli species, xylose lysine dex-
trose (XLD) medium (HIMEDIA) for Salmonella spe-
cies, Henktoen enteric agar (HEA) medium (Difco,
USA) for Shigella, and thiosulphate-citrate bile-salts
sucrose (TCBS) medium (HIMEDIA) for V. cholerae,
and were incubated at 37 0C for 16-18 hours in a
bacteriological incubator (IN 18 DF, Servewell In-
struments Private Limited, Bangalore, India). After
incubation, a single colony was picked and inocu-
lated into 2 mL of Luria Bertani broth (Difco) and
incubated for 16-18 hours in a bacteriological incu-
bator at 37 oC. This overnight culture was serially
diluted in normal saline (NaCl, 0.85%) for inocula-
tion in water.
Antibacterial activity of copper pot on drinking-
water inoculated with enteric pathogens
The experiment procedure followed was essen-
tially as per Sudha et al. (12). Copper pots of 2-L
capacity (test) purchased from local vendors were
thoroughly cleaned and autoclaved each time be-
fore use. Presterilized 1-L glass bottles (Schott Du-
ran, Mainz, Germany) acted as controls.
Water was collected from the tap (groundwater,
pumped to the overhead tank) from the Microbiolo-
gy Unit of FRLHT (Foundation for Revitalisation of
Local Health Traditions), Bangalore and was auto-
claved. The sterilized water was inoculated to
~500 colony-farming unit (CFU)/mL with serially-
diluted overnight culture of the diarrhoeagenic
bacteria. The same was enumerated by spread plate
method on nutrient agar (HIMEDIA). Two litre
of inoculated water was poured into copper pots
(2x2L) and one litre into each of the two prest-
erilized Schott Duran bottles. After incubation at
room temperature (26±2 oC) for 16 hours, 100 μL
of samples was withdrawn, after mixing, from each
container and plated on nutrient agar for the enu-
meration of bacteria. Resuscitation of sublethal-
ly-damaged cells was monitored by enrichment
method (13). Three mL of test or control water
sample was mixed with an equal volume of double-
strength peptone water (enrichment medium) and
incubated for 24 hours at 37 oC. After incubation,
the medium was observed for turbidity, and also a
loopful of the enriched culture was streaked onto
respective selective media as mentioned earlier and
observed for growth after incubation for 24 hours
at 37 oC. All experiments were conducted three
times with duplicates maintained each time.
Analysis of physical and chemical parameters
of water
Tests and controls of the inoculated water were
assessed before and after incubation for physi-
cochemical properties, including pH, turbidity,
total dissolved solids (TDS), alkalinity, hardness,
contents of chlorides and sulphates as per proto-
cols of the Bureau of Indian Standards (14). The pH
was measured using a pH meter (DI 707; Digisun
Electronics, Hyderabad, India). Copper content was
estimated using Spectroquant (Merck, Darmstadt,
Germany), a commercially-available, ready-to-use
kit, as described in Sudha et al. (12).
Antibacterial activity of copper pot on drink-
ing-water inoculated with enteric pathogens
VC, SF, ETEC, EPEC, SET, and SPT inoculated
into water could not be recovered on the specific
Sudha VBP et al.
Copper kills diarrhoeagenic bacteria
Volume 30 | Number 1 | March 2012 19
Table 1. Effect of overnight storage of tap-water inoculated with diarrhoeagenic bacteria in copper pots
and glass bottles
Copper pots Glass bottles
After incubation After incubation
Bacterial count
Bacterial count
V. cholerae O1 IDH
2474 506±11 No growth Not detected 516±11 Detected
S. flexneri 2a IDH
02196 533±28 No growth Not detected 530±26 Detected
ETEC IDH 01254 513±23 No growth Not detected 866±83 Detected
EPEC E2347 506±11 No growth Not detected 600±10 Detected
S. enterica Typhi
500865 170±53 No growth Not detected 109±66 Detected
S. Paratyphi A 453±109 No growth Not detected 361±67 Detected
CFU=Colony-forming unit; EPEC=Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli; ETEC=Enterotoxigenic Escherichia
growth medium as mentioned in methods (Ta-
ble 1). In the control glass bottles, on the other
hand, the number of bacteria inoculated either
remained the same or slightly increased (Table 1).
After incubation in the enrichment broth, there
was no visible turbidity in the test samples, and
no bacteria could be recovered when the enriched
cultures were streaked onto selective media. With
controls, turbidity in enrichment medium and
subsequent growth of bacteria on selective me-
dium were observed (Table 1), where VC exhib-
ited as typical yellow colony on TCBS medium,
SF as typical small green colonies on HEA medi-
um, and Salmonella species as pink colonies with/
without black centre on XLD medium whereas
ETEC and EPEC exhibited typical metallic sheen
colonies on EMB agar medium. This indicates
that the bacteria in the test samples were either
completely killed or had lost their culturabili-
ty on media.
Physical and chemical parameters
The level of copper that had leached into the test
samples was 177±16 ppb which was well within
the WHO limit of 2000 ppb (Table 2). TDS, alkalin-
ity, hardness, contents of chlorides and sulphates
remained the same before and after incubation in
both test and control samples, except that the pH
had slightly increased from 7.83±0.4 to 7.93±0.3 in
the test samples (copper pot) after incubation for
16 hours (Table 2).
None of the test pathogens was recovered from
drinking-water stored in copper pots even after
enrichment culture. This is the first report on the
antibacterial activity of copper against pathogenic
strains of SF, EPEC, and SPT. Copper pot is as active in
regular drinking-water (pH 7.83±0.4) as that report-
ed by us earlier (12) in distilled water (pH 6.7±0.05),
and the level of copper leached in the former is far
less (177±16 ppb) than that in distilled water (~420
ppb). Other studies have shown that copper ves-
sel is lethal to E. coli in water at different pH and
temperature conditions, with the fastest inacti-
vation occurring as the pH shifts away from neu-
trality and 35 oC (15). Copper has also been shown
to act, to a greater or lesser extent, on E. coli in the
presence of organic and inorganic constituents in
water (16). In laboratory experiments, copper has
been shown to kill meticillin-resistant Staphylococ-
cus aureus (17), Campylobacter jejuni, and S. enterica
(18). Findings of these studies suggest that copper
can act on a range of organisms under different
conditions. It is still important to test the effect of
copper on various sources of drinking-water under
different field conditions. Safety of leached copper
does not appear to be an issue since studies have
shown that the current WHO guideline of 2 mg
Cu/L is safe (19,20), and the levels leached in the
study were ~1/20th of the permissible limits. It has
been observed in the present study that the other
physicochemical parameters of drinking-water re-
main unchanged after copper intervention, which
makes them amenable for public use.
We observed that the unrecovered bacteria in the
test samples did not get resuscitated even after
enrichment and plating on selective media. This
indicates that they have lost culturability on non-
selective medium and on enrichment and selective
media. However, we still need to confirm whether
Sudha VBP et al.
Copper kills diarrhoeagenic bacteria
Table 2. Physicochemical quality of tap-water before and after incubation in copper pot and in
glass bottles
Parameter Permissible limit
After incubation
Test Control
Alkalinity (mg/L) 600 25 25 25
Hardness (mg/L) 600 280 280 280
Turbidity (NTU) 10 0.47 0.47 0.47
TDS (mg/L) 2,000 700±49.5 655±35.4 690±14
Chlorides (mg/L) 1,000 35.45 35.45 35.45
Sulphates (mg/L) 400 86.5 86.5 86.5
pH 8.5-9.0 7.83±0.4 7.93±0.3 7.83±0.4
Copper content (mg/L)*2 <DL 0.1 0.177±0.016 <DL
*Detectable limit=0.02 mg/L; BIS=Bureau of Indian Standards; DL=Detecting limit; NTU=Nephelometric
turbidity unit; TDS=Total dissolved solids; WHO=World Health Organization
they have transformed into the viable but non-
culturable (VBNC) state. VBNC is a state in bacte-
ria where the cells do not grow onto routinely-
employed media but are still viable (21). VBNC
bacteria have been studied using several methods,
including alteration in temperature (22), use of en-
richment medium (23), changes in the growth
medium, using chick embryo yolk sack, passage
through rabbit illeal loop (13), or co-culturing
with eukaryotic cell cultures (21). VBNC bacteria
have been observed using viable stains (22) and
microscopy (21,24,25).
Studies have shown that copper surfaces completely
kill bacteria. E. coli inoculated on to copper coupons
were completely killed. The studies concluded that
the copper ions brought about complete killing of
bacteria by membrane damage (26). However, the
mechanism of action of copper on bacteria is not
completely understood.
Although studies have shown the merits of copper
surfaces for their use in improving public hygiene
in healthcare facilities, the potential use of copper
for the purification of drinking-water, especially in
developing countries, has not been widely stud-
ied. Therefore, results of our study indicate that
copper holds potential to provide microbially-safe
drinking-water to the rural masses in develop-
ing countries. The use of copper pots in Indian
households is common and is, therefore, likely to
be socially accepted by the people. Its functioning
is not dependent on fuel, electricity, replaceable
filters, intensity of sunlight, etc. to operate or
maintain it; it is simply a passive storage of water.
This takes into account the conditions prevailing
in rural villages and the urban slums of developing
countries. The health benefit that can be achieved
by using copper pot as a PoU water-purification de-
vice will far outweigh the cost of the pot, if divided
over the members in a rural family, especially as it
will be a one-time investment with no recurring
costs. However, it is important to challenge its use
under real-life conditions in the dynamics of the
target households in developing countries to fully
understand the limitations.
The study was supported by the ETC CAPTURED
Programme, The Netherlands (Grant No. DGIS/D).
The authors thank Mr. Darshan Shankar, Advisor,
IAIM, for his constant encouragement.
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... and room temperature. It was observed that all bacteria was inactivated [31]. However, there is limited data in the literature regarding copper's disinfection properties in SWH. ...
... Notably, a contaminated water sample having 500 CFU/mL of diarrhoeagenic bacteria including Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella flexneri 2a, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica Typhi, and Salmonella Paratyphi was completely sterilized within 16 hours at pH 7.83±0.4 at room temperature using copper pots [31]. It was found that copper surface with 99% Cu, eliminated Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli within 2, 3, 5, and 6 h, respectively [25]. ...
This study investigated the passive thermosyphon solar water heater (TSWH) as a domestic size point-of-use water disinfection treatment system for inactivating bacteria by utilizing both the germicidal properties of copper in heat exchanger and the heat generated in thermal convection loops. Additionally, life cycle analysis and manufacturing cost analysis were conducted to reveal its environmental and economic benefits. Initially, the germicidal capacity of copper tube against E. coli and total coliform in rapidly flowing polluted water was tested in laboratory settings with contact times ranging from 1.5 to 94 min. Without any additional heat, the copper tubes achieved 99.9% (log 3.01) removal of E. coli, and 99.24% (log 2.12) removal of total coliform after 94 min of contact. In the presence of heat (50 to 80 ºC), complete removal of the bacteria was achieved after only 1.5 mins of contact time at 50ºC. A domestic-sized passive TSWH with a copper tube heat exchanger was evaluated for disinfecting 20 L/day of microbiologically polluted tap water and synthetic groundwater in a field study. The average contact time of polluted water in copper tube heat exchanger was 5.58±1.2 min in the morning (with an outlet water temperature of 87.3 ºC), and 11.83±1.41 min in the afternoon (with an outlet water temperature of 78±5.1 ºC). These contact times and temperatures, achieved throughout the year, were sufficient to meet the required minimum for complete bacterial removal in the synthetic groundwater. Importantly, the system achieved complete inactivation of pathogens at pasteurization temperatures below 75 ºC, relying solely on the combined effect of copper and thermal convection loops, without pumps or electricity. Compared to an active TSWH using circulating pumps and controls, the passive system generated 62.2% less green house gas, had 55.5% lower cumulative energy demand and cost 323.3 comparedto544.64 compared to 544.64 . Highlighting significant economic and environmental benefits, the passive TSWH offers a promising solution for disinfecting water in low-income areas with limited access to safe water.
... Copper is one of the essential micronutrients required for several biological processes including adequate growth, cardiovascular integrity, lung elasticity, neovascularization, neuroendocrine function, and iron metabolism [36]. However, it can cause several health problems including kidney damage, inhibition of urine production, and anemia due to rupture of red blood cells, when consumed in excess amounts [37]. ...
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This study aimed to determine the levels of some heavy metals in the Koche River and the potential health risks. A replica of water samples was taken from 12 sampling sites purposely selected in the dry season. Heavy metal levels were determined using a flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer following the APHA (1998) procedure. Heavy metal pollution index (HPI), heavy metal evaluation index (HEI), chronic daily intake (CDI), hazard quotient (HQ), hazard index (HI), total hazard index (THI), and incremental lifetime cancer risk were calculated on the basis of the results. The heavy metals detected were Fe > Mn > Cu > Zn > Cr. The Cr, Fe, Mn, and Cu contents were above the maximum allowed limit of WHO for drinking and irrigation water at most of the sampling sites. The HPI and HEI values also surpassed the maximum limit of the study sites. The highest HPI and HEI values were found at the Yam1site. Oral ingestion represented 99.55% and 97.85% of CDItotal (CDIingestion + CDIdermal contact) in adults and children, respectively. The mean CDItotal and the noncarcinogenic risk values were found in the order of Fe > Mn > Cu > Zn > Cr in both ages. CDI, HQ, HI, and THI scores were higher in children. The HIoral and THI values were also higher than 1 in both ages except in DK 2, Sour 1, and Sour 2 sites. However, the HQdermal level was higher than 1 only for Cr in children. The ELCR obtained also indicated a high carcinogenic risk of Cr (0.75 ± 0.44 and 1.15 ± 0.66 in adults and children, respectively). In general, most of the study sites had heavy metal pollution levels that exceeded the maximum allowed limit. Therefore, effective management of sources of pollution and continuous monitoring of river quality to minimize health risks are very important.
... "Tamra jal" is well known for its therapeutic use and is prepared by storing drinking water in the vessel made up of copper or brass metal. Storage of water in the copper vessel has been reported since ancient period of time in Ayurveda (Sudha et al. 2012). Thespesia populnea commonly called as Portia tree, its leaves, flowers, bark exhibits curative effects against skin infections. ...
... "Tamra jal" is well known for its therapeutic use and is prepared by storing drinking water in the vessel made up of copper or brass metal. Storage of water in the copper vessel has been reported since ancient period of time in Ayurveda (Sudha et al. 2012). Thespesia populnea commonly called as Portia tree, its leaves, flowers, bark exhibits curative effects against skin infections. ...
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Green synthesis of nanoparticles has gathered attention, since it is sustainable, reliable and eco-friendly. It can be used as an alternative to reduce the harmful effects of traditional chemical and physical methods. Moreover, the method is fast, cost effective and safe. Plant extracts contain secondary metabolites that promote reduction, formation and stabilization of nanoparticles; they help in the synthesis by reducing metal ions in case of metallic nanoparticles. Plant-based nanoparticles exhibit small size, high surface area, excellent stability and versatility. They display antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer properties. Candida species are human commensals, but undergo transition into pathogenic forms in immunocompromised patients. Candida albicans is considered as the most important fungal pathogen, but in recent years, non-albicans Candida species, such as C. parapsilosis, C. krusei, C. glabrata and C. auris, are associated with community and nosocomially acquired infections with high rate of transmissibility and limited treatment options. The emergence of multidrug-resistant Candida species like C. auris, along with intrinsically drug-resistant species (C. krusei), has become an important cause of concern for medical community. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop novel antifungal agents for the treatment of fungal infections, and plant-based nanoparticles are considered as viable alternative options to combat various fungal infections.
... Traditional areas of copper use are the electrical, energy, telecommunications and construction sectors, and the most important copper products are electrical wiring and equipment. Over the years, the biostatic properties of copper have been used for sterilizing water [1,2]. Its antifungal action has been used for many years in agriculture and crop protection [3]. ...
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In order to systematize and expand knowledge about copper-containing composite materials as hybrid ion exchangers, in this study, fine metallic copper particles were dispersed within the matrix of a carboxyl cation exchanger (CCE) with a macroporous and gel-type structure thanks to the reduction of Cu2O particles precipitated within the matrix earlier. It was possible to introduce as much as 22.0 wt% Cu0 into a gel-type polymeric carrier (G/H#Cu) when an ascorbic acid solution was used to act as a reducer of Cu2O and a reagent transforming the functional groups from Na+ into the H+ form. The extremely high shrinkage of the porous skeleton containing –COOH groups (in a wet and also dry state) and its limited affinity for water protected the copper from oxidation without the use of special conditions. When macroporous CCE was used as a host material, the composite material (M/H#Cu) contained 18.5 wt% Cu, and copper particles were identified inside the resin beads, but not on their surface where Cu2+ ions appeared during drying. Thermal analysis in an air atmosphere and under N2 showed that dispersing metallic copper within the resin matrix accelerated its decomposition in both media, whereby M/H#Cu decomposed faster than G/H#Cu. It was found that G/H#Cu contained 6.0% bounded water, less than M/H#Cu (7.5%), and that the solid residue after combustion of G/H#Cu and M/H#Cu was CuO (26.28% and 22.80%), while after pyrolysis the solid residue (39.35% and 26.23%) was a mixture of carbon (50%) and metallic copper (50%). The presented composite materials thanks to the antimicrobial, catalytic, reducing, deoxygenating and hydrophobic properties of metallic copper can be used for point-of-use and column water/wastewater treatment systems.
... Ayurveda suggests using copper pots to purify water because they have been scientifically shown to have antibacterial properties against major bacteria that cause diarrhoea, such as Salmonella enterica typhi, Shigella flexneri, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, and Vibrio cholerae. [1,14] Furthermore, numerous Rasayanas and Ayurvedic formulations have been clinically verified in a variety of in vivo settings. In this regard, the Ayurvedic rasayana Amalaki and the organometallic derivative of mercury Rasa Sindoora have been found to be beneficial for Drosophila melanogaster's longevity, development, fertility, stress tolerance, and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein levels. ...
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Ayurveda is a life science that uses customized medicine and a holistic approach to wellness. Comprising thousands of medical principles and hypotheses, it is one of the oldest medical systems. It's interesting to note that many chronic illnesses that are incurable in modern medicine, like cancer, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma, can be successfully treated with Ayurveda. Unfortunately, this priceless inheritance from our forefathers is disappearing because different views lack empirical confirmation. Therefore, more breakthroughs in research methods are required for Ayurveda's global recognition and acceptability, as evidence-based research is crucial. The current study covers a wide range of research areas, including Ayurvedic literature, basic, medicinal, and clinical research. The article's primary goal is to enhance Ayurvedic research technique, with a particular emphasis on foundational research. Young scholars will undoubtedly be inspired to work on a variety of research topics for the advancement and promotion of Ayurveda by this endeavour.
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Current estimates of the global burden of disease for diarrhoea are reported and compared with previous estimates made using data collected in 1954-79 and 1980-89. A structured literature review was used to identify studies that characterized morbidity rates by prospective surveillance of stable populations and studies that characterized mortality attributable to diarrhoea through active surveillance. For children under 5 years of age in developing areas and countries, there was a median of 3.2 episodes of diarrhoea per child-year. This indicated little change from previously described incidences. Estimates of mortality revealed that 4.9 children per 1000 per year in these areas and countries died as a result of diarrhoeal illness in the first 5 years of life, a decline from the previous estimates of 13.6 and 5.6 per 1000 per year. The decrease was most pronounced in children aged under 1 year. Despite improving trends in mortality rates, diarrhoea accounted for a median of 21% of all deaths of children aged under 5 years in these areas and countries, being responsible for 2.5 million deaths per year. There has not been a concurrent decrease in morbidity rates attributable to diarrhoea. As population growth is focused in the poorest areas, the total morbidity component of the disease burden is greater than previously.
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Metallic copper surfaces rapidly and efficiently kill bacteria. Cells exposed to copper surfaces accumulated large amounts of copper ions, and this copper uptake was faster from dry copper than from moist copper. Cells suffered extensive membrane damage within minutes of exposure to dry copper. Further, cells removed from copper showed loss of cell integrity. Acute contact with metallic copper surfaces did not result in increased mutation rates or DNA lesions. These findings are important first steps for revealing the molecular sensitive targets in cells lethally challenged by exposure to copper surfaces and provide a scientific explanation for the use of copper surfaces as antimicrobial agents for supporting public hygiene.
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To more accurately define the annual incidence of cholera in India, believed to be higher than reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). We searched the biomedical literature to extract data on the cases of cholera reported in India from 1997 to 2006 and compared the numbers found to those reported annually to WHO over the same period. The latter were obtained from WHO's annual summaries of reported cholera cases and National health profile 2006, published by India's Central Bureau of Health Intelligence. Of India's 35 states or union territories, 21 reported cholera cases during at least one year between 1997 and 2006. The state of West Bengal reported cases during all 10 years, while the state of Maharashtra and the union territory of Delhi reported cases during nine, and Orissa during seven. There were 68 outbreaks in 18 states, and 222 038 cases were detected overall. This figure is about six times higher than the number reported to WHO (37 783) over the same period. The states of Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Assam and Chhattisgarh accounted for 91% of all outbreak-related cases. The reporting of cholera cases in India is incomplete and the methods used to keep statistics on cholera incidence are inadequate. Although the data are sparse and heterogeneous, cholera notification in India is highly deficient.
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This study provides information on the effects of inorganic and organic constituents on inactivation and sub-lethal injury of Escherichia coli in water stored in a copper vessel. E. coli suspensions were stored for up to 24 h in copper vessels containing one of the following dissolved constituents at 1 g/l: salts of inorganic ions, carbohydrates, proteins and complex natural organic mixtures. Samples were surface plated onto (i) nutrient agar, incubated under standard aerobic conditions to provide conventional counts for uninjured bacteria count and onto (ii) nutrient agar plates with 0.5 g/l sodium pyruvate incubated under anaerobic conditions to enumerate sub-lethally injured (oxygen-sensitive) bacteria alongside their healthy counterparts. The concentration of dissolved copper in the stored water was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The addition of chloride salts resulted in a faster inactivation of E. coli compared to pure water with no dissolved additives, irrespective of the counterion. In contrast, a slower inactivation was observed in the presence of Na(2)SO(4), NaNO(3) and NaNO(2) when compared to NaCl. Addition of the carbohydrates glucose, lactose and starch gave broadly similar results to those obtained using unsupplemented water. However, the addition of amino acids, proteins, humic acid or complex organic mixtures caused a dramatic decrease in inactivation of E. coli, with evidence of a greater number of sub-lethally injured bacteria than was seen with other added constituents. The amount of copper was highest in stored water containing amino acids and complex organic constituents, with the slow inactivation most likely to be due to complex formation between leached copper and these organic constituents. The present study clearly demonstrates that water composition, particularly natural organic constituents, has a substantial impact on the antibacterial effectiveness and dissolved copper concentration of water stored in copper vessels and that both aspects will need to be considered in terms of their impact on the practical use of copper-based systems for small-scale water treatment.
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Copper has been used as a disinfectant since ancient times and recent research has demonstrated that antimicrobial copper surfaces may have practical applications in healthcare and related areas. The present study was carried out to establish the effects of temperature and pH on inactivation and sub-lethal injury of Escherichia coli in water stored in a copper vessel, to determine the operational limits of the process in terms of these variables. To investigate the effects of temperature, a bacterial suspension at pH 7.0 was stored for up to 48 h in copper vessels at 5, 15, 25 and 35 degrees C. For pH, a bacterial suspension was stored at 30 degrees C for up to 48 h in copper vessels at pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0. Both temperature and pH had substantial effects on inactivation and injury, with the fastest inactivation observed at elevated temperature and at pH values furthest from neutrality, while the greatest amount of sub-lethal injury, manifest as sensitivity to conventional aerobic enumeration, was observed at a temperature of 35 degrees C. These findings have important implications for the practical application of copper-based water disinfection methods, in terms of their likely efficacy under environmental conditions.
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Olivier Fontaine and colleagues applied a priority-setting methodology to identify research priorities aimed at reducing global diarrhea mortality by 2015.
VBNC Vibrio cholerae O139 VC-280 obtained by incubation in 1% solution of artificial sea water IO at 4°C for 74 days converted to the culturable state when co-cultured with CHO cells. Other eukaryotic cell lines, including HT-29, Caco-2, T84, HeLa, and Intestine 407, also supported conversion of VBNC cells to the culturable state. Conversion of VBNC V. cholerae O1 N16961 and V. cholerae O139 VC-280/pG13 to the culturable state, under the same conditions, was also confirmed. When VBNC V. cholerae O139 VC-280 was incubated in 1% IO at 4°C for up to 91 days, the number of cells converted by co-culture with CHO cells declined with each additional day of incubation and after 91 days conversion was not observed.
Many bacteria, including a variety of important human pathogens, are known to respond to various environmental stresses by entry into a novel physiological state, where the cells remain viable, but are no longer culturable on standard laboratory media. On resuscitation from this 'viable but nonculturable' (VBNC) state, the cells regain culturability and the renewed ability to cause infection. It is likely that the VBNC state is a survival strategy, although several interesting alternative explanations have been suggested. This review describes the VBNC state, the various chemical and physical factors known to induce cells into this state, the cellular traits and gene expression exhibited by VBNC cells, their antibiotic resistance, retention of virulence and ability to attach and persist in the environment, and factors that have been found to allow resuscitation of VBNC cells. Along with simple reversal of the inducing stresses, a variety of interesting chemical and biological factors have been shown to allow resuscitation, including extracellular resuscitation-promoting proteins, a novel quorum-sensing system (AI-3) and interactions with amoeba. Finally, the central role of catalase in the VBNC response of some bacteria, including its genetic regulation, is described.
Fifty-one published studies of travelers' diarrhea (TD) were examined to look for regional differences in pathogens identified. Enterotoxigenic E. coli was detected in 1,678/5,518 (30.4%) of TD cases overall, with rates in Latin America/Caribbean (L. America), Africa, south Asia, and Southeast Asia of 1,109/3,302 (33.6%), 389/1,217 (31.2%), 153/499 (30.6%), and 36/500 (7.2%), respectively (P < 0.001). Enteroaggregative E. coli was the second most common agent in L. America, found in 166/689 (24.1%), compared with 3/165 (1.8%) in Africa and 33/206 (16%) in south Asia (P < 0.001). Other significantly regional differences were seen for enteropathogenic E. coli, diffusely adherent E. coli, Campylobacter, Shigella spp., Salmonella, Aeromonas spp., Plesiomonas, Vibrios, rotavirus, noroviruses, Giardia, and Entoamoeba histolytica. The regional differences in pathogen identification identified will serve as a baseline for antimicrobial therapy recommendations and vaccines strategies.
Water inoculated with 500-1000 colony forming units/ml of Escherichia coli, Salmonella Typhi and Vibrio cholerae was stored overnight at room temperature in copper pots or in glass bottles containing a copper coil devised by us. The organisms were no longer recoverable when cultured on conventional media, by contrast with water stored in control glass bottles under similar conditions. The amount of copper leached into the water after overnight storage in a copper pot or a glass bottle with a copper device was less than 475 parts per billion, which is well within the safety limits prescribed by the WHO. The device is inexpensive, reusable, easy to maintain, durable, does not need energy to run and appears to be safe. It has the potential to be used as a household water purification method for removing enteric bacteria, especially in developing countries.