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Mathematical Analysis of Wavelength-Based QoS Management in Optical Burst Switched Networks


Abstract and Figures

With increase in time-critical applications over the Internet, the need for differentiating services has become a major endeavor in research communities. One promising paradigm proposed to support such traffic diversity in the next-generation Internet is optical burst switching (OBS). In the literature, two simple but efficient approaches namely, threshold and wavelength-based techniques have been investigated under the resource allocation-based QoS management scheme as solutions to overcome the bandwidth requirement in the backbone. However, to the best of our knowledge, the wavelength-based technique has not been analytically studied for any arbitrary number of service classes. In this paper, we generalize the wavelength-based technique to support any number of classes. Firstly, we present a novel mathematical model for the wavelength-based technique for real-time and non-real-time service classes. The proposed model is then extended to support any arbitrary number of classes. Simulations conducted at the switch level validate the model.
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Mathematical Analysis of Wavelength-Based QoS Management in Optical Burst
Switched Networks
Ali Rajabi 1, Aresh Dadlani 1,2, Ahmad Kianrad 2, Ahmad Khonsari 2,1, Farzaneh Varaminian 2
1IPM School of Computer Science
Niavaran Square, Tehran, Iran.
2University of Tehran, ECE Department
North Karegar Avenue, Tehran, Iran.
{alirajabi, a.dadlani, ak}, {a.kianrad, f.varaminian}
With increase in time-critical applications over the In-
ternet, the need for differentiating services has become a
major endeavor in research communities. One promising
paradigm proposed to support such traffic diversity in the
next-generation Internet is Optical Burst Switching (OBS).
In the literature, two simple but efficient approaches namely,
threshold and wavelength-based techniques have been in-
vestigated under the resource allocation-based QoS man-
agement scheme as solutions to overcome the bandwidth
requirement in the backbone. However, to the best of our
knowledge, the wavelength-based technique has not been
analytically studied for any arbitrary number of service
classes. In this paper, we generalize the wavelength-based
technique to support any number of classes. Firstly, we
present a novel mathematical model for the wavelength-
based technique for real-time and non-real-time service
classes. The proposed model is then extended to support
any arbitrary number of classes. Simulations conducted at
the switch level validate the model.
1. Introduction
The Internet, being the leading communication in-
frastructure, has been experiencing an exponential growth
in IP traffic over the past few decades. With increase in
demand for applications such as video conferencing, voice
e-mailing and high definition television (HDTV), this grow-
ing trend is expected to continue in the years to come. In
spite of the flexibility and robustness of IP in handling In-
ternet traffic, its best effort nature limits quality of service
(QoS) provisioning in the Internet backbone. Such short-
comings as well as need for greater bandwidth have moti-
vated researchers to explore new high-speed transmission
technologies. Among various approaches such as IP-over-
ATM [1] and IP-over-SONET/SDH [2], IP-over-WDM [3]
seems to be the most efficient and feasible candidate for the
next-generation Internet backbone.
One of the most viable paradigms proposed to support
the Internet traffic over all optical WDM networks is optical
burst switching (OBS) [4] which is the result of combining
the best features of the two existing switching techniques
namely, optical packet switching (OPS) [5] and optical cir-
cuit switching (OCS) [6]. Most of the approaches suggested
for QoS provisioning in OPS can be easily adapted in OBS
with slight changes. Several protocols have been introduced
to provide QoS in buffer-less WDM networks by means of
offset-time exploitation [7] or resource reservation [8]. One
such novel protocol is the Just-Enough-Time (JET) protocol
which uses an offset-time in its one-way reservation [9]. By
extending the features of the JET protocol such as exploit-
ing delayed reservation (DR) and extra offset time, a new
prioritized protocol has been suggested to provide QoS in
OBS with two and more traffic classes [10]. In this proto-
col, a higher priority class is distinguished from a lower pri-
ority class by assigning different offset times to each class.
The offset time assigned to each class is dependent on the
average burst length of its lower class.
Another QoS provisioning model is the resource-
reservation-based QoS approach. In this approach, one
traffic class is privileged over the other by adopting some
form of reservation scheme over the available resources.
Based on the types of resources available, the resource-
reservation-based QoS scheme is investigated under two al-
ternatives namely, threshold-based and wavelength-based
techniques. In this paper, we provide a generalized model
for the wavelength-based technique examined under the
resource-reservation-based QoS scheme introduced in [11]
by extending the OBS paradigm to support any arbitrary
number of service classes. In addition, we present an an-
alytical model for the wavelength-based technique under
both, two-class and k-class traffics, and evaluate their per-
formance at switch level through simulation results.
The rest of the paper is structured in the following man-
ner. In Section 2, we provide an overview on OBS net-
works, followed by a concise description on the reservation-
based QoS model for the buffer-less WDM layer in Sec-
tion 3. The analytical models for the 2-class as well as its
generalized k-class scenario are provided in Section 4. Sim-
ulation results validating the proposed models, are given in
Section 5, followed by some conclusions and future works
in Section 6.
2. An overview on OBS networks
Many OBS-related issues have been investigated in the
literature [4-12]. In all these studies, optical switches have
been broadly classified into two categories namely, edge
and core switches. As depicted in Fig. 1, edge switches
are the switches that connect the optical core network to
the outside electronic world. Based on their functionality,
these edge switches can further be classified into two types:
ingress and egress edge nodes. An edge switch is said to
act as an ingress node whenever it aggregates the incom-
ing packets into optical bursts according to their destination
edge address. An egress node is any edge switch at which
data burst disassembling takes place.
The most common burst assembly algorithms can be
categorized into timer-based,threshold-based, and mixed
timer/threshold based. In the timer-based scheme [13], a
timer is set at the beginning of every new assembly cycle so
as to determine the transmission time of the burst into the
optical core network. After a fixed amount of time, all the
packets that have arrived during this time period are assem-
bled into a burst and transmitted through the optical core
network. In the threshold-based scheme [14], a threshold
value determines the number of packets to be aggregated
into a burst and the length of the burst. The incoming pack-
ets are stored in the packet queues at the ingress node un-
til the threshold condition is satisfied. Once the threshold
is reached, a burst is created and sent into the optical net-
work. While timer-based schemes might result in undesir-
able burst lengths, threshold-based assembly algorithms do
not guarantee on the assembly delay experienced by the in-
coming packets. Although having a higher operational com-
plexity, a mixed timer/threshold-based assembly algorithm
might provide better performance, especially under traffic
with self-similar characteristics [15].
Services such as switching-path establishment, dele-
tion and modification are provisioned by protocols known
as signaling protocols. In optical networks, there are
one-way [7][9] and two-way reservations signaling pro-
tocols [6]. In one-way reservation, a control packet re-
Optical Burst Switching Network
Core Switches
Edge Switch 1
Edge Switch 2
Edge Switch 3
Figure 1. A general graphical representation
of an OBS network.
serves the required resources for the corresponding data
burst without any acknowledgement from the destination
node. On the contrary, in a two-way reservation, the con-
trol packet gathers information regarding the link and net-
work topology instead of reserving resources for the data
burst. The acknowledgement packet from the destination
node to the source node reserves resources for the corre-
sponding data burst while traversing along the reverse path.
Since one-way reservation protocols are more flexible, have
lower latency, and are more efficient compared to two-way
reservation protocols, they are mainly adopted in OBS net-
Core switches are responsible for handling contention
resolution and forwarding. When an incoming control
packet enters a core switch through one of its input ports, it
undergoes an optical to electrical conversion (O/E) so that
it can be easily processed in the electrical domain. Based
on the destination information carried within the control
packet, the appropriate output link is determined and the
control packet tries to reserve one of the available wave-
lengths for its corresponding burst prior to its arrival at the
switch. If all the wavelengths are in use, then the burst is
sent into an optical buffer where it is delayed for a definite
amount of time. Since there is no optical random access-like
memory to hold such bursts, they are delayed by employing
fiber delay lines (FDLs) [16]. In case of absence of such
FDLs, the burst is immediately dropped out and considered
3. Resource allocation-based QoS management
This QoS approach is based on resource allocation and
has been reported in [11] and [12]. Although the method has
been originally investigated for OPS, it can also be applied
to OBS with slight changes. The main idea is to allocate
high priority classes with more resources than compared to
lower priority classes. For the sake of simplicity, it is as-
sumed in [11] that only two classes of service namely, High
(H) and Low (L) are available.
Threshold-based approach: In this approach, a burst
belonging to class H may be delayed in an FDL for a
longer time than that of class L. In other words, if Th
and Tldenote, respectively, the maximum amount of
time that bursts of classes H and L might be delayed in
an FDL on encountering a contention in an intermedi-
ate core switch, then This set to be greater than Tl, i.e.
Wavelength-based approach: In this approach, out of
all the Wwavelengths in a single optical fiber, Swave-
lengths are exclusively reserved for class H bursts,
while the remaining WSwavelengths are shared
between both the classes.
4. Analytical model
In this section, we present a mathematical model for
the wavelength-based QoS management with two classes of
service. In what follows, we consider a single switch and
focus on one of its output links.
4.1. Assumptions
In this subsection, we highlight the assumptions made
hereafter in our analytical model.
There are two service classes namely, Low (L) and
High (H) with input rates λ1and λ2, respectively.
Hereafter, unless stated, λiwill be used to denote the
input rate of service class i.
Each optical fiber carries up to Wwavelengths where
bursts of class L are not allowed to use more than WS
wavelengths at any given time.
No FDL is available. Although simplifying, this as-
sumption is justifiable as the common trend in develop-
ing intermediate OBS switches is to use as few FDLs
as possible and instead, try to increase the wavelength
count in the optical fibers.
4.2. The 2-class model
The aforementioned assumptions lead to a two-
dimensional birth and death process as shown in Fig. 2. The
state of the system at each time instant can be characterized
by the pair (n1,n
2)where n1and n2are the number of
bursts of classes L and H being served by the system, re-
spectively. Thus, n1WSand n1+n2W.
1 , W-11 , 1
0 , 1 0 , W
0 , 0 0 , 2
1 , 0
2 , W-22 , 0
WS , 0 WS , W-WS
Figure 2. The Markov model for the 2-class
QoS scheme.
Let πij be the steady state probability of having iand j
bursts of classes L and H, respectively, in the system. De-
riving the detailed balance equation with respect to iand j
πij =ρi
j!π00,0iWS,0jWi, (1)
in which ρi=λiiand μiis the service rate for i=1,2.
From equation (1) and the normalization condition, we get:
00 =
Blocking probability can be derived from the system size
distribution as follows. For class H, an incoming burst is
lost when it finds all wavelengths busy serving other bursts.
Thus, the associated probability, PH,is:
πij =π00
In the case when both classes are equally prioritized, i.e.
WS=W, equation (3) reduces to:
On the other hand, a class L burst is lost not only when
all the wavelengths are busy, but also when the number of
other class L bursts, already being served in the system, has
reached the threshold WS. Thus for WS<W,PLcan be
expressed as:
πij +
where W=WWS.ForWS=W,PLis the same as
PHas obtained in equation (4). Finally, if we define PTas
the total fraction of bursts that are lost, then we have:
4.3. Generalization to k-class model
In this section, we generalize the 2-class model to sup-
port any arbitrary number of service classes (k2).Let
λiand μi(0 ik1) denote, respectively, the ar-
rival and service rates of bursts of some class Si. Also, let
Libe the maximum number of wavelengths for class Si.
Without loss of generality, it is assumed that LiLjwhen
i<jand the output fiber carries Lk1wavelengths, which
is same as the number of wavelengths for class Sk1.Fig.3
demonstrates the case where k=nand each class exploits
two extra wavelengths with respect to its lower class, i.e.
Lj=Lj1+2(1jk1), and L0=2. The state
of the system at each time instant can be fully characterized
by a k-tuple (n0,n
k1), where the jth ele-
ment denotes the number of bursts of class Sjbeing served
(1 jk1). Writing the detailed balance equation
with respect to (n0,n
k1), we get:
in which π0is the probability of the system being empty.
The normalization condition yields:
where γj(0 jk1) is given as:
min Lj,L
l=0 nl;(0 <jk1)
L0;j=0 (9)
Any burst with priority greater than or equal to that of class Si
A burst of class Si
j j
11 1 b1
1 1
2 2
Ȝm-2 b2
Figure 3. An example of the k-class model for
k=nservice classes with Lk1=m=2k.
Over here, λiis used to represent wavelength
i(1 im).
AclassSjburst fails to get service if it either finds, at
the instant of arrival, all wavelengths busy or the number of
class Sjbursts already in system reaching the threshold Lj.
Hence, the associated probability is:
k1) =
5. Simulation results and discussion
We conducted simulation experiments in the Ptolemy en-
vironment [17] to validate the formulas obtained in the pre-
ceding section. A single optical switch with just one output
link and Poisson arrival process was simulated under dif-
ferent data sets. In the following scenarios, the dotted lines
denote the analytical results. Hereafter, we use the notations
PH,PL, and Pclassless to denote the blocking probabilities
of classes H, L, and the classless system, respectively. The
classless system is defined to be a single-class system with
traffic intensity equal to the sum of the traffic intensities of
classes L and H, and total number of wavelengths equal to
those available to class H in the prioritized system.
Fig. 4 validates equation (1) for W=2,WS=1and
ρ1=2.0. For the sake of clarity, blocking probabilities of
states (0,2) and (1,1) have been ignored. It can be observed
that with increase in the amount of ρ2, the probability of be-
ing in state (1, 0) decreases, and for ρ2>2, this probability
falls below the curve for state (0,1).
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity of Class H
Blocking Probability
State (0, 0) State (0, 1) State (1, 0)
Figure 4. Validation of equation (1) for W=2,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Traffic Intensity of Class H
Blocking Probability
Class L Loss Class H Loss Classless Loss
Figure 5. Blocking probability comparison of
class L, class H, and classless systems for
In Fig. 5, the impact of increasing the traffic intensity of
class H on the blocking probability of both classes has been
studied for W=5,WS=3and ρ1=3.0. It is observed
that even for ρ2
1, class H bursts suffer lesser loss than
class L. Blocking probabilities of both classes increase as
ρ2sweeps the values in the range [0.0,3.0]. In order to
demonstrate service differentiation, Pclassless has also been
depicted as a function of ρ2. As can be seen, PHlies below
Pclassless, while PLis above it, implying that bursts of class
H are prioritized to those of class L.
Fig. 6 demonstrates the blocking probability of both
classes, along with that of classless system, in terms of W.
In this figure, ρ1=3.0,ρ2=2.0, and WS=3.Not
surprisingly, with increase in the number of available wave-
lengths (W),PHdecreases and for W>8, this value
actually approaches 0. Although WSis fixed to 3, PL
also decreases with increase in Wsince in this case, class
Number of Wavelengths
Blocking Probability
Class L Loss Class H Loss Classless Loss
Figure 6. Blocking probability comparison of
class L, class H, and classless systems for
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Traffic Intensity of Class 2
Blocking Probability
Class 0 Loss Class 1 Loss
Class 2 Loss Classless Loss
Figure 7. Blocking probability comparison of
classes 0, 1, 2, and classless systems for
L bursts have better chance in utilizing their set of wave-
lengths (WS)more effectively. As in the preceding scenar-
ios, Pclassless falls between PHand PL.
Fig. 7 depicts three different classes with traffic inten-
sities ρ0,ρ1, and ρ2, respectively. In this case, classes 0,
1 and 2 are allocated 1, 3 and 5 wavelengths, respectively.
Traffic intensities of classes 0 and 1 are taken to be 1.5 and
2.5, respectively. The blocking probabilities of all classes
are depicted as a function of ρ2. As can be observed, the
blocking probability of class 0 lies above that of the class-
less system, while the blocking probability of class 2 falls
below the classless curve. Class 1 bursts experience more
loss compared to the classless system for ρ2<1.5.But
as ρ2increases, both systems experience the same blocking
probability. Results obtained from simulation meet closely
with those obtained from equation (10).
6. Conclusions
In this paper, we presented a simple, yet highly accurate
analytical model for the wavelength-based quality of ser-
vice (QoS) provisioning scheme in optical burst-switched
(OBS) networks. The proposed model has been studied for
the classical 2-class traffic service case and then extended
to support any arbitrary number of service classes. Through
simulation results, we demonstrated the influence of multi-
ple service classes on the performance of a single switch in
terms of blocking probability. In all simulation scenarios, a
classless traffic has also been examined to exhibit the ser-
vice differentiation of traffic classes. Numerical results re-
vealed that service classes with more allocated wavelengths
experience lesser loss compared to classless systems, while
those with lesser wavelengths suffer great losses.
The next step of this research is to extend the work to
cover the impact of fiber delay lines (FDLs) as well. Doing
so would allow us to model a complete network of switches
and study the relevant performance dynamics at a network-
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[17] The Ptolemy project for heterogeneous modeling and design,
... Based on these resources, the resource reservation-based QoS approach is investigated under threshold-based and wavelengthbased techniques. In [7], we proposed a generalized model for the wavelength-based QoS technique for any arbitrary number of traffic classes. However, to the best of our knowledge, no analytical model has been Pre-print presented for the resource-reservation-based QoS technique in which both, wavelengths and FDLs are taken into account together. ...
... In this paper, we extend the model proposed in [7] so as to cover the impact of FDLs as well. The analytical model is initially studied under the presence of two traffic classes namely, realtime (H) and non real-time (L) classes. ...
... [7], we presented a mathematical model for the wavelength-based QoS management. In this section, we take into account the impact of both, wavelength as well as FDLs. ...
Conference Paper
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The evolution of optical technology has resulted in the emergence of several promising paradigms so as to realize the next generation Internet backbone infrastructure. Among all the existing switching techniques, optical burst switching (OBS) has shown to support the bursty nature of diverse IP traffic classes more efficiently. Nevertheless, with increase in realtime applications over the Internet, devising mechanisms that guarantee quality of service (QoS) and efficient bandwidth utilization within the OBS network has become a major endeavor. In the literature, resource allocation-based QoS management has been investigated as a possible solution to overcome this necessity. However, to the best of our knowledge, the resource-based technique has not been analytically studied for any arbitrary number of traffic classes taking both, wavelengths and fiber delay lines (FDLs) into account. In this paper, we present a novel mathematical model for the resource-based approach with two service classes namely, real-time (H) and non real-time (L) classes. We then extend the model to cover any number of classes. The effectiveness of the model is justified through simulation experiments.
... The data burst follows the control packet after the offset time without waiting for an acknowledgment that the path is set. This reservation process, known as Just-Enough-Time signaling scheme [2] is considered in this paper. ...
... Most of the approaches suggested for QoS provisioning in OPS can be easily adapted in OBS with slight changes. Several protocols have been introduced to provide QoS in buffer-less WDM networks by means of offset-time exploitation or resource reservation [2]. One such novel protocol is the Just-Enough-Time (JET) protocol which uses an offset-time in one-way reservation. ...
... In this approach, one traffic class is privileged over the other by adopting some form of reservation scheme over the available resources. Based on the types of resources available, the resourcereservation-based QoS scheme is investigated under two alternatives namely, threshold-based and wavelength-based techniques [2]. ...
Conference Paper
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In Optical Burst Switching Network, contention is one of the challenging problems. Contention occurs when more than one burst demand for same output wavelength channel in same time. The deflection routing, fiber delay line (FDL) and wavelength conversion are the methods used to resolve contention in OBS Networks. With deflection routing, contending bursts in send in another route rather than primary route towards it's destination. In this case of wavelength conversion if any contentions occur then one of the burst's wavelength have to be change from its current wavelength to another free wavelength channel. And, FDLs is usual used to provide an extra offset time for deflected burst since deflection route is commonly longer than primary one. This paper is propose a modeling analysis of deflection routing and FDLs with wavelength-based QoS management using Queueing theory to resolving contention problem in OBS Network. Analysis results show that proposed model reduce blocking probability in comparison with models before.
... Since the last few years, the Internet is experiencing an exponential growth in IP traffic [1]. With the increased usage of bandwidth sensitive applications such as video conferencing, voice-on-demand and other multimedia applications, this growing trend is expected to continue for many years to come [2]. ...
... A preliminary version of the 2-class Markov model is presented in [1]. However, in this paper, the description of the model has been improved through hand traced examples used to substantiate the stated mathematical equations. ...
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With the increased usage of time-critical applications, the need for differentiation among service classes has become a major goal in research communities. Optical burst switching (OBS) is one of the most promising switching technologies to cope with heavy traffic diversity. To satisfy the bandwidth requirement in OBS networks, the recent literature suggests two efficient techniques: one is based on offset time and the other is on wavelength reservation. In this paper, we analyze the wavelength reservation based technique to support a given number of service classes. We describe a Markov model to estimate the blocking probabilities of various service classes. Simulation is conducted at one of the output ports of a core node to validate the model.
... Do sự bùng nổ tự nhiên của mạng truyền dữ liệu, tắc nghẽn chùm có thể xuất hiện khi hai hoặc nhiều gói điều khiển cố gắng dành trước cùng một kênh bước sóng ra tại cùng một thời điểm. Vì vậy, vấn đề giải quyết tắc nghẽn chùm là rất quan trọng trong việc giảm bớt xác suất mất chùm trong mạng OBS [2]. Tắc nghẽn chùm có thể được giải quyết bằng cách chuyển đổi bước sóng, sử dụng đường trễ quang FDL (Fiber Delay Link) hoặc định tuyến lệch hướng [3]. ...
Integrating the wavelenght conversion into an optical burst switching (OBS) node is intended to reduce congestion. There were many analysis models of OBS node with partial and limited-range wavelength conversion proposed. In this paper, we consider an OBS node with the share-per-input-link (SPIL) architecture and the capacity of partial andlimited-range wavelength conversion. We analyse theeffect of wavelength conversion basing on the dropped-bursts probability through a Markov model of one-dimensional continuous time. Analysis results show the correct of the proposed model.
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In this paper, we propose a threshold-based burst assembly scheme in conjunction with a burst segmentation policy to provide QoS in optical burst switched (OBS) networks. Bursts are assembled at the network edge by collecting packets that have the same QoS requirements. Once the number of packets in a burst reaches a threshold value, the burst is sent into the network. We investigate various burst assembly strategies which differentiate bursts by utilizing different threshold values or assigning different burst priorities to bursts that contain packets with differing QoS requirements. The primary objective of this work is to find the optimal threshold values for various classes of bursts. We show through simulation that there is an optimal value of burst threshold that minimizes packet loss for given network parameters.
To support bursty traffic on the Internet (and especially WWW) efficiently, optical burst switching (OBS) is proposed as a way to streamline both protocols and hardware in building the future generation Optical Internet. By leveraging the attractive properties of optical communications and at the same time, taking into account its limitations, OBS combines the best of optical circuit-switching and packet/cell switching. In this paper, the general concept of OBS protocols and in particular, those based on Just-Enough-Time (JET), is described, along with the applicability of OBS protocols to IP over WDM. Specific issues such as the use of fiber delay-lines (FDLs) for accommodating processing delay and/or resolving conflicts are also discussed. In addition, the performance of JET-based OBS protocols which use an offset time along with delayed reservation to achieve efficient utilization of both bandwidth and FDLs as well as to support priority-based routing is evaluated.
Optical burst switching (OBS) is a new paradigm proposed to efficiently support the ever-growing broadband multimedia traffic either directly or indirectly (e.g., via IP) over all optical WDM networks. In this paper, we propose a new prioritized OBS protocol based on Just-Enough-Time which can provide Quality of Service in buffer-less WDM optical networks. Specifically, we apply OBS to support two traffic classes: real-time and non-real-time, such that each burst belonging to the former is assigned a higher priority by simply using an additional offset time between the burst and its corresponding control (set-up) packet. We analyze the lower and upper bounds on the blocking probability of each traffic class, and evaluate the performance of the proposed prioritized OBS protocol through analysis and simulation. We show that real-time traffic can achieve a significantly reduced blocking probability by using a reasonable amount of additional offset time. In addition, the overall blocking probability and throughput can be maintained regardless of the additional offset time used.© (1998) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Conference Paper
We develop a performance model for an optical burst switch employing fiber delay lines (FDLs) to enhance system performance. An M/M/k queueing model with balking is derived to predict the system behavior for both classless and prioritized traffic. Simple closed-form expressions are obtained for the burst loss probability of classless traffic. Using a conservation relation, the balking model is extended to model the performance of prioritized traffic classes. A discrete event-driven simulator is constructed to verify the accuracy of the proposed models. Numerical results show that the classless model fits simulation results very well. The model for prioritized traffic provides an accurate fit for the performance of the highest traffic class and lower bounds for the other traffic classes that are tighter than earlier known results.
Conference Paper
This paper considers the problem of service differentiation in an optical packet switched backbone. We propose and analyze a QoS routing approach based on different routing and congestion management strategies for different classes of service. Congestion resolution is achieved by using the wavelength and time domain and QoS differentiation in the single node is achieved by resource reservation in the wavelength domain. This is combined with alternate routing at the network level. In the paper we show that the proposed strategy guarantees very good performance to the high priority traffic with very limited impact on low priority traffic.
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the problem of quality of service management in optical packet switching over DWDM. Asynchronous, variable length packets are considered and algorithms able to offer congestion resolution and quality of service differentiation are presented, with reference to both connectionless and connection oriented network scenarios. The paper aims at showing that it is possible to guarantee differentiation of the quality of service among trafic classes, with very little buffering requirements.
This paper addresses the problem of congestion resolution and quality of service differentiation in optical packet switching. The paper shows that by designing congestion resolution algorithms that combine the use of the wavelength and the time domain it is possible to significantly reduce information loss phenomena and also to guarantee quality of service differentiation among traffic classes. In particular this is achieved by means of QoS algorithms specifically designed to exploit the characteristics of optical technology. The results are different from the QoS techniques typically implemented in electronic networks. Performance evaluation obtained by simulation shows the influence of the main system parameters on packet loss probability and delay for two service classes.
Conference Paper
We consider the next generation optical Internet, where direct communication channels between IP entities are provided through an all-optical WDM layer. Since current IP provides only best effort service, supporting quality of service (QoS) has become a crucial issue. We propose a simple, yet efficient priority scheme to support basic QoS at the WDM layer of the optical Internet. Unlike existing approaches that depend on buffers (queues) and scheduling algorithms (e.g., fair queuing), our scheme does not mandate any buffer in the WDM layer in order to differentiate the services. The proposed scheme is based on the concept of using an offset time between a control (set-up) packet and the corresponding data burst as in optical burst switching (OBS). More specifically, by assigning different offset times to different classes, it is possible for a higher priority class to be isolated from lower priority classes. We quantify the offset time required for class isolation, and analyze the blocking probability of each class
Conference Paper
We investigate a high speed protocol called Just-Enough-Time (JET) based on a tell-and-go (TAG) protocol. It is suitable for bursty traffic where the duration of each burst is neither long enough to warrant circuit switching nor short enough to fit in a packet. The proposed JET protocol can efficiently utilize the bandwidth, reduce the latency and provide data transparency