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Visual Exploration of Large-Scale Evolving Software


Abstract and Figures

The comprehensive understanding of today's software systems is a daunting activity, because of the sheer size and complexity that such systems exhibit. Moreover, software systems evolve, which dramatically increases the amount of data one needs to analyze in order to gain insights into such systems. Indeed, software complexity is recognized as one of the major challenges to the development and maintenance of industrial-size software projects. Our vision is a 3D visualization approach which helps software engineers build knowledge about their systems. We settled on an intuitive metaphor, which depicts software systems as cities. To validate the ideas emerging from our research, we implemented a tool called CodeCity. We devised a set of visualization techniques to support tasks related to program comprehension, design quality assessment, and evolution analysis, and applied them on large open-source systems written in Java, C++, or Smalltalk. Our next research goals are enriching our metaphor with meaningful representations for relations and encoding higher-level information.
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Visual Exploration of Large-Scale Evolving Software
Richard Wettel
REVEAL@Faculty of Informatics
University of Lugano, Switzerland
The comprehensive understanding of today’s software
systems is a daunting activity, because of the sheer size and
complexity that such systems exhibit. Moreover, software
systems evolve, which dramatically increases the amount
of data one needs to analyze in order to gain insights into
such systems. Indeed, software complexity is recognized as
one of the major challenges to the development and main-
tenance of industrial-size software projects.
Our vision is a 3D visualization approach which helps
software engineers build knowledge about their systems. We
settled on an intuitive metaphor, which depicts software sys-
tems as cities. To validate the ideas emerging from our re-
search, we implemented a tool called CodeCity. We devised
a set of visualization techniques to support tasks related
to program comprehension, design quality assessment, and
evolution analysis, and applied them on large open-source
systems written in Java, C++, or Smalltalk. Our next re-
search goals are enriching our metaphor with meaningful
representations for relations and encoding higher-level in-
1. Introduction
Understanding today’s software systems is a daunting
and costly activity. While software maintenance claims up
to 90% of the cost of a software system [7], more than half
of the time dedicated to it is spent in program comprehen-
sion tasks [21]. This is due to the complexity of the systems,
i.e., one of the major challenges of industrial-size software,
and to their sheer size. Moreover, because of the evolution-
ary nature of software [12], the amount of data one needs to
analyze when it comes to several versions of such a system
is overwhelming. In this context, tool support is essential.
An efficient means for synthesizing large amounts of data
and for building a mental model of a software system is
visualization. We propose an integrated software analysis
environment based on a city metaphor, described next.
2. The City Metaphor
In the context of the EvoSpaces1project, which aims
at exploiting multi-dimensional navigation spaces to visu-
alize evolving software, we have experimented with several
metaphors [3] to provide some tangibility to the abstract na-
ture of software. We settled on a 3D city metaphor [17], for
it confers a complex exploratory environment with a clear
notion of locality, which counteracts disorientation (an open
challenge in 3D visualization). This led to the adoption of
the metaphor in the project’s supporting tool [1].
color metric
Figure 1. Principles of our city metaphor
We represent classes as buildings and packages as the
districts in which the buildings reside (See Figure 1). The
visual properties of the city artifacts depict metric values.
Our typical configuration is: for classes, the number of
methods (NOM) metric mapped on the buildings’ height
and the number of attributes (NOA) on their base size, and
for packages the nesting level mapped on the districts’ color
saturation (i.e., root packages are dark, while deeply nested
packages are light-colored districts). The package hierarchy
is thus reflected by the city’s district structure.
3. Approach and Validation
We applied our approach in 3 contexts: program compre-
hension, evolution analysis, and design quality assessment.
3.1. Program Comprehension
We conducted a program comprehension experiment,
described in detail in [16], on ArgoUML, a 140 kLOC Java
system. The overview of the city of ArgoUML shows the
system’s structure and points out the outliers in terms of the
mapped metrics (Figure 2). We identified three archetypes
of prominent buildings: skyscrapers (i.e., classes with many
methods and few attributes), parking lots (i.e., classes with
few methods and many attributes), and massive buildings
(i.e., classes with both many methods and attributes).
NOA 79, NOM 176
NOA 85, NOM 204
NOA 3, NOM 349
NOA 1, NOM 337
NOA 173, NOM 0
NOA 152, NOM 0
NOA 24, NOM 91
NOA 146, NOM 0
Figure 2. The city of ArgoUML
The city exhibits an interesting symbiosis: parking lots
closely-located to massive buildings. After inspecting these
entities and their relations, we learned that the three parking
lots are interfaces defining many attributes, while the mas-
sive buildings are parser classes, which use the attributes
(i.e., tokens) defined in these interfaces. Besides the pair
for C++ code (i.e.,STDCTokenTypes and CPPParser), there
are two homonymous pairs for Java code (JavaTokenTypes
and JavaRecognizer) defined in different packages. Apart
from names, the pairs also share large amounts of dupli-
cated code, which can be refactored. Our hypothesis at the
time was that one pair was gradually replacing the other,
with both co-existing in the system during the process.
Another striking pair is composed of the two skyscrapers
representing the interface Facade and the class FacadeM-
DRImpl, which dominate the city’s top. A closer look re-
veals an odd situation: there is no other class which imple-
ments the large number of methods defined in the Facade
interface (i.e., over 300). Whether there were other imple-
mentors in the past is again a matter of system evolution.
3.2. Evolution Analysis
The unanswered questions left behind by the previous
experiment only strengthened our belief that the history of
a software system carries important insights, which cannot
be revealed outside the evolutionary context. Therefore, we
devised a number of visual techniques for evolution analysis
[19]. The one called time travel allows stepping through
the versions of the system and observing the changes inside
the city. To enable such observations we ensure consistent
locality, i.e., each artifact representing a software entity is
assigned a lifetime real-estate in the city. The empty spaces
left behind by the removal of entities are never reallocated.
Sept. 2002
Aug. 2003
Dec. 2003
Jul. 2004
Apr. 2005
Feb. 2006
Aug. 2006
Oct. 2006
ModelFacade ModelFacade
Figure 3. Time travel in ArgoUML’s history
Traveling through ArgoUML’s history (Figure 3) sheds
light on the case of the only implementing class of the
Facade interface. In release 0.14 the large ModelFacade
class appears, then explodes in size in 0.16. Release 0.18.1
carries the signs of a large refactoring: The removal of
ModelFacade coincides with the appearance of an interface
(i.e.,Facade) and a class (i.e.,NSUMLModelFacade) of the
same size. Our hypothesis is confirmed by version 0.20,
when a second implementing class (i.e.,FacadeMDRImpl)
appears, justifying the existence of the interface. In re-
lease 0.22, the first implementor class is removed, leaving
FacadeMDRImpl the only implementor of Facade to these
days. A developer of ArgoUML confirmed our hypothesis.
By applying another technique called age map, discussed
in [19], we learned a fact that discards our other hypothesis:
the two pairs called JavaTokenTypes and JavaRecognizer
were part of the system from the very beginning.
3.3. Assessing the Quality of the Design
Although software metrics can hint to de sign problems,
relying solely on metrics is not accurate enough and often
leads to false results. We base our design quality assessment
on the results of applying detection strategies [14] to reveal
design disharmonies [11]. Our disharmony map technique
[20] integrates the design problem data in the code cities,
which allows us to localize the affected elements and as-
sess the distribution of design disharmonies throughout the
system. Inspired by disease maps, we assign vivid colors
to the design harmony breakers and shades of gray to the
unaffected entities. This enables us to focus on the design
disharmonies in the presence of a non-distracting context.
NOA 79, NOM 176
NOA 85, NOM 204
NOA 39, NOM 98
NOA 13, NOM 76
NOA 8, NOM 17
org.argouml.uml.notation.uml org.argouml.model.mdr
NOA 3, NOM 349
NOA 2, NOM 154
NOA 1, NOM 337
NOA 9, NOM 22
Figure 4. ArgoUML’s design problems
ArgoUML has 17 Brain Classes (yellow) and 33 God
Classes (blue), 9 of which are affected by both dishar-
monies (red), and 17 Data Classes (green), distributed
rather sparsely throughout the system, as Figure 4 shows.
Some of the disharmonious classes are not surprising, given
their high number of methods, such as the massive JavaRec-
ognizer and CPPParser, which both happen to be gen-
erated classes that do not require manual maintenance.
Package org.argouml.model.mdr hosts many problematic
classes, including the God Class FacadeMDRImpl (3 at-
tributes, 349 methods). A less obvious example are the
3God Classes FigNodeModelElement (39 attributes, 98
methods), FigEdgeModelElement (13 attributes, 76 meth-
ods) and FigAssociation (8 attributes, 17 methods), which
are core classes of the system and thus subjected to con-
tinuous maintenance. A disturbing case appears in pack-
age org.argouml.uml.notation.uml with one rather small and
three barely visible God & Brain Classes: although the
four classes have 8 to 24 methods, they contain incredible
amounts of code (i.e., 450 to 1,538 LOC), which explains
why they are detected as design harmony breakers.
3.4. Experimental Results
During the program comprehension experiment, our ap-
proach brought to light a number of interesting cases, which
represent potential starting points for upcoming mainte-
nance efforts. However, tracking the origins of a problem
requires observing the system’s history. The evolutionary
visualizations helped us (in)validate our initial hypotheses,
before the “reality check” with the system developers. Fi-
nally, the disharmony maps pointed out further candidates
for refactoring, in the form of actual design problems. Over-
all, the insights obtained with our complementary visualiza-
tions lead to a holistic view of the system.
4. Related Work
3D visualizations have been around for more than a
decade [15]. Over the last years, several approaches based
on a city metaphor have been proposed. Knight et al. [8]
and Charter et al. [4] use a city metaphor to explore soft-
ware systems, but at a finer granularity level (i.e., methods
are buildings and classes as districts), which does not scale.
Balzer et al. propose a very interesting type of 3D visu-
alization, called software landscapes, [2] to visualize single
versions of software systems. The drawback of their ap-
proach is that it does not visualize system evolution. More-
over, due to their level-of-detail-based navigation, it is not
able to produce a “big picture” of the system.
In their approach based on poly cylinders, Marcus et al.
[13] use the third dimension of this city-like metaphor to
map more metrics on the artifacts. The major advantage
compared to this approach is the ability of our approach to
go beyond single version analysis and to include additional
perspectives, such as the disharmony map.
Langelier et al. [9] have a similar approach to ours.
They use 3D visualizations to display structural informa-
tion by representing classes as boxes with metrics mapped
on height, color and twist, and packages as borders around
the classes placed using a tree layout or a sunburst layout.
These layouts, while very appealing, do not enable an easy
interpretation of the package hierarchy as our layout does.
The authors also target design problems, however by visu-
ally correlating several metrics to find candidates. By using
the results of detection strategies, we depict the real prob-
lems in a system, without the risk of getting false positives
or false negatives. Recently, the same authors extended their
approach to evolution analysis using animations [10]. Un-
fortunately, the idea is not backed up by a configurable tool
and the authors present an analysis of class-level changes
only. Our approach allows us to observe changes also at the
method level, which led to many intriguing results [19].
Another advantage of our approach over all the presented
related work is the availability of the supporting tool.
5. Tool Support
We built CodeCity [18] on top of the Moose framework
[6], which provides an implementation of the language-
independent FAMIX [5] meta-model for object-oriented
systems. FAMIX’s language-independence allows us to vi-
sualize systems written in several programming languages,
including Java, C++, and Smalltalk. Since we first released
it in March 2008, CodeCity is freely available2and has been
downloaded more than 1,700 times over a period of about
11 months.
6. Conclusions and Future Work
We have presented an integrated visual approach includ-
ing visualization techniques aimed at supporting program
comprehension, design quality assessment, and evolution
analysis tasks. By using CodeCity, the tool we implemented
to support our research, we applied our approach on several
open-source systems, represented here by ArgoUML.
While the entity representation, the mapping techniques,
and the layouts are in place [16], our approach still lacks
a meaningful representation for the relations between enti-
ties. Finding efficient ways to express the various relations
(e.g., inheritance, invocation, access) is the main direction
for our future work. Besides working on explicit representa-
tions for relations, we envision devising implicit ones, such
as making relations a decisive factor in the layout of the en-
tities (e.g., force-based layouts).
Another possible direction is exploring ways to detect
and encode in our code cities higher-level information about
the systems, e.g., an architectural view.
Acknowledgments. We gratefully acknowledge the fi-
nancial support of the Hasler Foundation for the project
“EvoSpaces - Multi-dimensional navigation spaces for soft-
ware evolution” (Hasler Foundation MMI Project No.
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