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A low complexity optimum multi-user receiver for maximizing the BER performance for DS-CDMA systems


Abstract and Figures

A new transformation matrix technique for reducing the complexity of a multiuser receiver for DS-CDMA system is presented. The reduction in complexity of multiuser receiver would result in better bit error rate (BER) performance. The reduction in error rate would allow us to maximize the data throughput of a communication network by minimizing the packet loss. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed technique successfully reduces the computational complexity of an optimal multiuser receiver for the DS-CDMA systems. The complexity of the proposed technique is not polynomial in the number of users, but it still gives comparatively reduced complexity that can be used to achieve optimum performance in terms of a reduced BER and increased network data throughput.
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The decorrelating detector and the linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) detector are known to be effective strategies to counter the presence of multiuser interference in code-division multiple-access channels; in particular, those multiuser detectors provide optimum near-far resistance. When training data sequences are available, the MMSE multiuser detector can be implemented adaptively without knowledge of signature waveforms or received amplitudes. This paper introduces an adaptive multiuser detector which converges (for any initialization) to the MMSE detector without requiring training sequences. This blind multiuser detector requires no more knowledge than does the conventional single-user receiver: the desired user's signature waveform and its timing. The proposed blind multiuser detector is made robust with respect to imprecise knowledge of the received signature waveform of the user of interest
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The detection strategy usually denoted optimal multiuser detection, is equivalent to the solution of a (0,1)-constrained maximum-likelihood (ML) problem, a problem which is known to be NP-complete. In contrast, the unconstrained ML problem can be solved quite easily and is known as the decorrelating detector. In this paper, we consider the sphere-constrained ML problem and suggest an iterative solution algorithm. This detector is maximum-likelihood under the assumption that the detected data vector is constrained to lie within a sphere. Based on the defining Karush-Kuhn-Tucker point, it is shown that the suggested detector is closely related to the MMSE detector. Convergence issues are investigated and an efficient implementation is suggested. The BER performance is studied via computer simulations and the expected relations to the MMSE detector are verified
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The multistage linear receiver of Moshavi et al. (1996) was designed to approximate the decorrelating detector and the MMSE detector without calculating the inverse of the cross-correlation matrix R of the spreading codes directly. However, it is complicated by the need to calculate a set of weights using a procedure involving the inverting of a large matrix. A modified structure is proposed to accomplish the same task without the need for computationally intensive procedures such as matrix inversion
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The detection strategy usually denoted optimal multiuser detection is equivalent to the solution of a (0, 1)-constrained maximum-likelihood (ML) problem, a problem which is known to be NP-hard. In contrast, the unconstrained ML problem can be solved quite easily and is known as the decorrelating detector. In this paper, we consider the constrained ML problem where the solution vector is restricted to lie within a closed convex set (CCS). Such a design criterion leads to detector structures which are ML under the constraint assumption. A close relationship between a sphere-constrained ML detector and the well-known minimum mean square error detector is found and verified. An iterative algorithm for solving a CCS constraint problem is derived based on results in linear variational inequality theory. Special cases of this algorithm, subject to a box-constraint, are found to correspond to known, nonlinear successive and parallel interference cancellation structures, using a clipped soft decision for making tentative decisions, while a weighted linear parallel interference canceler with signal-dependent weights arises from the sphere constraint. Convergence issues are investigated and an efficient implementation is suggested. The bit-error rate performance is studied via computer simulations and the expected performance improvements over unconstrained ML are verified
In this paper, we compare several optimization methods for solving the optimal multiuser detection problem exactly or approximately. The purpose of using these algorithms is to provide complexity constraint alternatives to solving this nondeterministic polynomial-time (NP)-hard problem. An approximate solution is found either by relaxation or by heuristic search methods, while the branch and bound algorithm is used to provide an exact solution. Simulations show that these approaches can have bit-error rate (BER) performance which is indistinguishable from the maximum likelihood performance. A tabu search method is shown to be an effective (in terms of BER performance) and efficient (in terms of computational complexity) heuristic when compared to other heuristics like local search and iterative local search algorithms. When the number of users increases, the tabu search method is more effective and efficient than the semidefinite relaxation approach.
A maximum likelihood optimum detector with an asymptotic complexity per user of 0(1.5K) has been derived for the synchronous DS/CDMA channels. The detector employs a local descent algorithm through the Voronoi regions for the equivalent hypothesis detector
Several emerging communication technologies hold the key to approaching the information theoretic limits of wireless multiple access channels. This article offers an review of those technologies and their promise to meet future demand for wireless data rate
Direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) is a popular wireless technology. In DS-CDMA communications, all of the users' signals overlap in time and frequency and cause mutual interference. The conventional DS-CDMA detector follows a single-user detection strategy in which each user is detected separately without regard for the other users. A better strategy is multi-user detection, where information about multiple users is used to improve detection of each individual user. This article describes a number of important multiuser DS-CDMA detectors that have been proposed
Consider a Gaussian multiple-access channel shared by K users who transmit asynchronously independent data streams by modulating a set of assigned signal waveforms. The uncoded probability of error achievable by optimum multiuser detectors is investigated. It is shown that the K -user maximum-likelihood sequence detector consists of a bank of single-user matched filters followed by a Viterbi algorithm whose complexity per binary decision is O(2^{K}) . The upper bound analysis of this detector follows an approach based on the decomposition of error sequences. The issues of convergence and tightness of the bounds are examined, and it is shown that the minimum multiuser error probability is equivalent in the Iow-noise region to that of a single-user system with reduced power. These results show that the proposed multiuser detectors afford important performance gains over conventional single-user systems, in which the signal constellation carries the entire burden of complexity required to achieve a given performance level.