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Seed induced growth of binary Ag/Au nanostructures on a graphite surface
N. Lidgi-Guigui,1,a兲P. Mulheran,2and R. E. Palmer1
1Nanoscale Physics Research Laboratory, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom
2Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Strathclyde, James Weir Building,
Glasgow, G1 IXJ, United Kingdom
共Received 2 June 2008; accepted 27 August 2008; published online 23 September 2008兲
The growth of Ag on a graphite surface decorated by size selected Au “seed” nanoclusters is
investigated. Compared with the behavior on bare graphite, the deposition of the Au clusters
decreases the lateral diffusion of Ag atoms and enables the growth of Ag/Au nanostructures on/
around the top of the initial Au clusters. Depending on the Au cluster shape, which can be tuned by
the cluster deposition energy, Ag deposition either leads to 2 ML high platelets or three-dimensional
nanoclusters. This cluster seeding technique shows potential for the rapid production of binary
model catalysts, biochips, and optical films. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2988188兴
Noble metal nanostructures are the focus of growing in-
terest for several reasons. The main one is that these objects
combine the physics emerging at the nanoscale with the in-
trinsically high stability of their constituent element. This
explains why the use of such nanostructures is reported in an
increasing number of publications centered on very different
topics, such as biomedical imaging,1,2surface enhanced Ra-
man scattering,3–5or catalysis.6–8Among noble metal nano-
structures, nanoparticles made from Au and Ag are of par-
ticular interest since their localized surface plasmon
resonance peaks lie in the visible or near UV regions. Com-
binations of these two elements show even more diverse
properties. As one example, bimetallic particles have proved
to be more efficient in catalysis than their individual
elements.9–12 Bimetallic nanoclusters can be synthesized by a
variety of chemical methods.13–15 however, some physical
approaches also exist, mainly laser ablation from an alloy
target.16,17 In this latter approach, the clusters generated most
often are nanoalloys. In the chemical approach, the concept
of seeding is often exploited,18–20 e.g., Au colloids are syn-
thesized in solution with a shell of ligand molecules having
affinity to Ag+; after a final reduction step, the molecular
shell is removed leaving a AucoreAgshell structure. There is a
recent report of seeding in the context of a physical method,
but Cazayous et al.21 did not employ size selected clusters
nor investigate the underlying growth mechanisms.
Here, we investigate the evaporation of Ag atoms on a
graphite surface predecorated by the deposition of size se-
lected Au nanoclusters, with the aim of growing bimetallic
nanostructures on the surface. The model graphite 共highly
oriented pyrolytic graphite兲surface is chosen because the
defect density is very low and so the probability of growing
Ag only clusters by nucleation at natural defects is reduced
to a minimum.
The size selected Au clusters were produced with a
radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, gas condensation
cluster beam source described previously.22,23 The clusters
were mass selected by a lateral time-of-flight mass selector24
operated with a resolution of ⫾2%independent of the cluster
mass. Two sizes of clusters were used, Au250 and Au2000 共i.e.,
clusters consisting, respectively, of 250 and 2000 atoms of
Au兲. They were deposited on freshly cleaved graphite
samples in one of two ways. The first consists of depositing
Au clusters at high energy 共typically 20 eV/atom兲in order to
self-pin the clusters on the surface:25–28 the cluster impact on
the substrate displaces a surface carbon atom from the graph-
ite lattice, and the Au cluster is then trapped by this defect.
The maximum available energy in our setup is 5 keV/cluster,
so as a consequence Au250 is one of the biggest Au clusters
that can be efficiently self-pinned. The second technique is
soft-landing the clusters onto an assembly of defects made
by in situ sputtering of the graphite surface with an Ar+beam
at 500 eV.29 In both cases, immediately after the Au cluster
deposition, the nanostructured graphite samples were trans-
ferred into a home made thermal evaporator,30 where Ag was
evaporated. The evaporation rate was calibrated by measur-
ing the thickness of a Ag layer deposited on glass and was
about 1012 atoms/s.
The characterization of the samples was carried out
mainly using an atomic force microscope 共AFM兲共Digital
Instruments Dimension 3100兲equipped with a Nanoscope
IIIa controller. The tips used were standard oxide-sharpened
silicon nitride tips with a spring constant of 0.6 N/m. How-
ever, the Au250 clusters self-pinned on graphite were below
the resolution limits of the AFM. So the corresponding scan-
ning tunneling microscope 共STM兲head was employed in-
stead 共also in ambient conditions兲. Typical imaging param-
eters were a sample bias of +0.4 V and a tunnel current of
+0.4 nA. Mechanically cut PtIr tips were employed. For
both the AFM and STM measurements, the maximum cluster
height was measured, after height calibration on graphite
steps, using the grain analysis module of the SPIP 共Ref. 31兲
image processing program.
Figure 1共a兲shows a tapping mode AFM scan of Ag 共0.01
ML兲evaporated on a submonolayer film of immobilized
Au2000 clusters 共with mean spacing of 162 nm兲. The behavior
is different from the case when Ag is evaporated in the ab-
sence of Au clusters. Quite different features are observed32
because the lateral Ag diffusion length is reduced by the
clusters. To minimize the probability of Ag cluster growth on
a兲Present address: Laboratoire d’Electronique Moléculaire, SPEC / IRAMIS
bat 125 CEA, Saclay 91125 Saclay Cedex, France. Electronic mail:
0003-6951/2008/93共12兲/123107/3/$23.00 © 2008 American Institute of Physics93, 123107-1
Downloaded 30 Oct 2008 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
isolated Ar+defects, we have deposited as many Au clusters
as Ar+defects. The height distribution of Au2000 soft-landed
on Ar+sputtered graphite before and after Ag evaporation, as
shown in Fig. 1共b兲, presents a mean height shifted upward by
almost 1 nm after Ag evaporation. No peak is found at the
Au2000 mean height after Ag evaporation.
To understand the nature of the clusters observed after
Ag evaporation, we have performed simulations based on a
point-island model of cluster nucleation and growth during
vapor deposition.33,34 The substrate is represented by a lattice
that contains randomly chosen sites to represent the seed
clusters. Monomers are deposited at random at a given rate.
Free monomer diffusion is simulated by the nearest-neighbor
hopping of free monomers. New clusters are assumed to
nucleate if two or more monomers occupy the same lattice
site. Results are shown in Fig. 2. Ag growth only on the Au
cluster seeds creates a distribution of cluster masses centered
on the average value of 5000 atoms. Growth without seeds
produces a broader asymmetric distribution of sizes centered
on the average size of 3000 atoms, but which extends from 0
to about 6000 atoms.35 The case of growth on the seeds
alongside an equivalent number of nucleation events pro-
duces a bimodal size distribution. If we assume that the clus-
ters are growing in a three-dimensional fashion, then the
cluster height correlates with the cube root of mass and a
bimodal distribution of heights would be observed experi-
mentally if there were significant nucleation of Ag only
clusters—but this is not the case. Alternatively, we might
suppose that the clusters grow to a constant height, once they
are large enough. In this case, we need to consider how many
nucleated clusters would be observed in the AFM. As can be
seen from Fig. 2, many of the nucleated clusters in the simu-
lation are of comparable size to the initial Au2000 seeds, and
so would appear in the data. In this case, the density of
clusters observed after Ag deposition would be significantly
greater than that found before, and this is also not the case.
We can conclude that the majority of the deposited Ag is
being captured by the Au seeds.
To extend the experimental investigation further the
same experiment was performed using Au250 clusters instead
of Au2000. The results are illustrated by the STM image and
the corresponding height distribution shown in Fig. 3. As for
Au2000, a shift of 1 nm toward larger sizes is observed for
Au250 after Ag evaporation. The growth of Ag on Au seeds is
thus a general feature independent of cluster seed size. As
previously mentioned, Au250 can either be soft-landed on Ar+
sputtered graphite or self-pinned at sufficiently high cluster
impact energy 共which also leads to flattening of the clusters兲.
The height of Ag clusters grown on both kinds of samples is
shown in Fig. 3共b兲. 3 ML high Ag platelets 共i.e., 0.4 nm兲are
observed when Ag is deposited onto self-pinned Au clusters.
This contrasts with the, on average, 1.5 nm high clusters
found when Ag is evaporated on the graphite surface deco-
rated with Au clusters soft-landed on Ar+defects. Evidently,
the atomic structure of the Au seed particles regulates the
morphology of the binary structure generated from it. It
seems likely that this behavior reflects the different facets
and edge atoms presented by the two different cluster
In summary, the growth of Ag/Au binary nanoparticles
on graphite by evaporation of Ag atoms on size selected Au
clusters 共seeds兲has been demonstrated through a combina-
tion of experiment and computer simulation. Moreover, our
results show that the morphology of the nanostructures pro-
duced is strongly influenced by the shape of the seed clus-
ters. The results suggest several avenues for additional ex-
perimental investigations of these original systems, e.g.,
atom-resolved electron microscopy studies.28 From an ap-
plied perspective, the regulation by size selected cluster
seeds of the size and morphology of binary nanoparticles in
which most of the atoms are simply deposited by evaporation
共a cheap and efficient method兲suggests a practical route to
the generation of nanostructured functional films.
We acknowledge financial support by the UK Technol-
ogy Strategy Board “Clusterbeam” project as well as the
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲共a兲AFM image of Au2000 clusters soft-landed on Ar+
sputtered graphite after silver evaporation 共3
m2兲.共b兲Height dis-
tribution of the clusters before 共red兲and after 关green, as 共a兲兴 0.01 Ag mono-
layer evaporation.
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲Cluster mass distributions from three simulations:
growth only on the seed particles 共black兲, nucleation and growth without
seeds 共blue兲, and growth on seeds plus significant nucleation 共red兲.
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲共a兲STM image of Au250 clusters self-pinned on
graphite. 共b兲Height distribution of self-pinned Au250 clusters, as 共a兲, after
Ag evaporation 共green兲and height distribution of Au250 clusters soft-landed
on Ar+sputtered graphite after Ag evaporation 共red兲.
123107-2 Lidgi-Guigui, Mulheran, and Palmer Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 123107 共2008兲
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