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The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine Vector Model in the rotor flux oriented reference frame


Abstract and Figures

The paper presents the vector model of the brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) in the rotor flux oriented reference frame. The rotor flux oriented reference frame is well known in the standard AC machines analysis and control. Similar benefits can be sought by employing this method for the BDFM. The vector model is implemented in MATLAB/SIMULINK to simulate the BDFM dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The predictions from the vector model are compared to those from the coupled circuit model in simulation. The results are shown for the cascade mode of operation.
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The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine Vector Model in
the Rotor Flux Oriented Reference Frame
(1)Farhad Barati,(1)Hashem Oraee,(2)Ehsan Abdi,(2)Shiyi Shao and (2)Richard McMahon
(1) Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
(2) Electrical Engineering Division, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Corresponding author:
Abstract-The paper presents the vector model of the
Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) in the rotor flux
oriented reference frame. The rotor flux oriented reference
frame is well known in the standard AC machines analysis and
control. Similar benefits can be sought by employing this
method for the BDFM. The vector model is implemented in
MATLAB/SIMULINK to simulate the BDFM dynamic
performance under different operating conditions. The
predictions from the vector model are compared to those from
the coupled circuit model in simulation. The results are shown
for the cascade mode of operation.
Keywords: Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine, Vector Model,
Rotor Flux Oriented Reference Frame
111 ,, cba
stator1 phase voltages
222 ,, cba
stator2 phase voltages
21 ,ss RR phase resistances of stator1 and stator2
omi RRR ,, inner, middle and outer loops resistances
21 ,lsls LL leakage inductances of stator1 and stator2
21 ,ss LL self inductances of stator1 and stator2
lolmli LLL ,, inner, middle and outer loops leakage
omi LLL ,, inner, middle and outer loops self
iomoim LLL ,, mutual inductances between loops of a nest
oommii MMM ,, mutual inductance between identical loops
of 2 nests
iomoim MMM ,, mutual inductance between non-identical
loops of 2 nests
omi rsrsrs MMM 111 ,,
mutual inductance between stator1 phase
winding and inner, middle and outer loops
in each nest
omi rsrsrs MMM 222 ,,
mutual inductance between stator2 phase
winding and inner, middle and outer loops
in each nest
BJ , rotor moment of inertia and friction
dtd operator
21 ,PP pole pairs of stator1 and stator2 windings
,, 21 arbitrary functions of time in stator1,
stator2 and rotor transformations
rss ',, 21
time-derivatives of rss
,, 21
111 ,, sss IV
stator1 voltage, current and flux in the
vector model
222 ,, sss IV
stator2 voltage, current and flux in the
vector model
rrr IV
,, rotor voltage, current and flux in the vector
real part of r
imgreal , real and imaginary parts of a complex
complex conjugate of
t transpose of a matrix or vector
The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) has the
potential to be employed as a motor in Adjustable Speed
Drive applications (ASD). It can also be an alternative to the
Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DIFG) in wind power
applications [1].
The BDFM consists of two independent non-mutually
coupled balanced three phase windings wound on the same
core in the stator and a special rotor which couples both
fields of the stator. The nested-loop type is the most well
known rotor for the BDFM [1, 2]. The nested loop rotor
consists of nests which are equally spaced around the
circumference. The number of nests is equal to the sum of the
stator windings pole pairs. Fig. 1 shows the nested loop rotor
for the prototype machine at Cambridge University. The
machine has 4/8 - pole stator windings. Therefore, there exist
6 nests in the rotor cage. In the Cambridge prototype, there
are 3 loops in each nest. All the loops on the rotor are
connected via a common end ring on one end of the rotor [2].
For the purpose of machine study, a suitable mathematical
model for the BDFM is required to describe the machine
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dynamic and steady-state performance in different operating
Fig.1: Nested loop rotor of Cambridge BDFM
Several research activities have been carried out on the
BDFM modeling and analysis. These include the derivation
of the machine mathematical model based on the real rotor
structure, development of d-q models for the machine, vector
representation of d-q models equations and analysis of the
machine performance in different modes of operation.
A team at Oregon State University developed a detailed
mathematical model for a prototype BDFM for the first time.
Based on this model, a d-q model was derived for the
machine. The d-q model was then employed for the machine
operation analysis [3, 4, 5]. Later, work was done at
Cambridge University on BDFM modeling and analysis by
Williamson [6, 7]. A significant contribution was then made
by Roberts [8]. He developed a generalized framework for a
coherent and rigorous derivation of models for a wide class
of BDFMs, of which machines with nested-loop design
rotors are a subset. This framework was used to derive
coupled-circuit, d-q axes, sequence components and then
equivalent circuit models for the class of machines. The
coherence between the different models allows parameters
calculated for the coupled-circuit model to provide
parameters values for the other models. Poza in [10]
developed a vector model for the BDFM with the nested loop
rotor with one loop per nest.
The authors have recently developed a vector model for
the BDFM [11]. This vector model is a generic model, it is
not specified to any reference frame, and is derived for a
machine with 3 loops per nest. The approach presented in
[11] can be easily generalized to machines with any number
of loops per nest.
This paper describes the generic vector model in the rotor
flux oriented reference frame. At first the generic vector
model equations are presented in section II which is then
followed by introducing the rotor flux orientation concept in
section III. The vector model is implemented in
MATLAB/Simulink and is employed to simulate the
machine operation in the cascade mode. The predictions
obtained from the vector model are compared to those from
the coupled circuit model and are shown in section IV. Since
the coupled circuit model for the BDFM has been
experimentally verified in [2, 8], it can be used as a
benchmark for verification of the vector model in simulation.
The mathematical models of AC machines can be
converted to d-q or vector models by employing appropriate
transformations [12, 13]. For the first time, a d-q model was
developed for the BDFM by Li et al at Oregon State
University [3]. Poza in [10] also presented a d-q model for
their BDFM which has one loop per nest.
Based on the mathematical model derived for the BDFM
by Roberts and Abdi, the authors have developed a vector
model for the machine by utilising appropriate
transformations [11]. The vector model has 3 free parameters
associated with 3 transformations employed in the derivation
of the vector model equations for stator 1, stator 2 and the
rotor circuit. They are 21 ,ss
and r
. Although any values
can be assigned to these parameters, depending on the
application of the model appropriate assignment of these free
parameters will simplify the model.
In this section, the vector model equations are presented in
the generic form. The free parameters of the model will be
specified appropriately in the next section. The equations for
the voltage, flux and torque are as follows:
111111 ssssss jpIRV
+= (1-a)
222222 ssssss jpIRV
+= (1-b)
2.0 +== (1-c)
is the rotor circuit resistance
The above are the voltage equations for stator 1, stator 2
and the rotor circuit in the BDFM vector model. As it can be
seen from equation (1-c), the rotor circuit voltage vector is
set to zero. This is due to the fact that the rotor loops are
shorted in the nested loop rotor.
The flux equations of the vector model are:
rssslss IeMILL
++= 11111 3)
( (1-d)
22222 3)
rssslss IeMILL
++= (1-e)
2211 2
)( s
++= (1-f)
Where ],,[ 1111 o
rsrs MMMM = is the stator1-rotor mutual
inductance vector, ],,[ 2222 o
rsrs MMMM = is the stator2-
rotor mutual inductance vector,
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L is the nest self inductance
M is the nest-nest mutual
inductance matrix, rsr
22 1
and )(42 2
++= rsr .
is the rotor position angle and
is the displacement angle
between the two stator windings in the stator core.
The machine torque for a 4/8-pole BDFM can be calculated
from the vector model quantities as:
}..{18}..{.9 )
++= j
srrse eIIrealMeIIrealMT (1-g)
rrlrre pTBJpT
=++= , (1-h)
where T
e and Tl are the machine and load torques
respectively and r
is the rotor shaft speed.
The above equations form the BDFM vector model. This
vector model is an appropriate tool for the analysis of the
machine operation both in dynamic and steady state regimes
and for development of vector control systems for the
machine. In order to employ the vector model for the
machine study or control purposes, the free parameters of the
model must be specified appropriately.
A suitable approach for specifying the free parameters of the
model is to use the rotor flux oriented reference frame
concept. This approach has yielded satisfactory results when
utilised for standard AC machines.
The method is to choose the rotor free parameter in the
vector model, r
, such that the rotor flux vector which is in
general a complex vector becomes real.
The selection of the stator1 and stator2 free parameters in the
vector model, 1
and 2
, is then performed by assuming
in the vector model.
The rotor flux oriented reference frame has been employed
for AC machines vector models yielding satisfactory results
in the analysis and control of these machines [12, 13].
Similar benefits may be sought by employing the same
approach for the BDFM.
Therefore, the free parameters of the vector model are
specified according to the rotor flux orientation concept. By
setting 0==
1= (2-a)
= rrs (2-b)
The remaining free parameter r
is selected according to the
rotor flux orientation concept. The method is that the free
parameter of the rotor transformation is selected such that the
rotor flux vector which is generally a complex vector
becomes real. Therefore:
= (2-c)
where ).(
rkr e
is the flux vector of the rotor kth nest which consists of
the rotor loops fluxes. In the prototype BDFM, the nested
loop rotor has three loops in each nest which are called the
inner, middle and outer loops. Hence, rk
has three elements
corresponding to the three loops in the kth nest.
If r
is specified such that:
= (2-e)
then the rotor flux vector becomes real, that is:
== * (2-f)
The machine vector model equations in the rotor flux
oriented reference frame can be arranged by assuming
in the vector model and drrr
== *.
Fig.2: Reference frame representation of the vector transformations
In Fig.2 reference frame representation of the vector
transformations is shown. In this figure, 1
and 2
according to Eq. (2-a, b).
is assumed to be the stationary
reference frame. 1dq and 2dq are other two reference frames
shown in the figure. It can be shown that the stator1 and rotor
quantities in the vector model belong to the 1dq reference
frame while the stator2 vector quantities are in the 2dq
reference frame. It can also be seen from the figure that 1
axis is aligned with the
r which is the rotor flux vector
with respect to the stationary reference frame. In other words,
1dq reference frame is the rotor flux oriented reference
The vector model in the rotor flux oriented reference frame
can be utilised for the machine simulation, analysis and
control. In order to employ it to simulate the machine
behavior, the followings should be performed:
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sync +
- Determining the machine inputs. The machine has a
mechanical input, Tl , and in general two
independent electrical inputs. Depending whether
the power supplies to the machine are voltage or
current source supplies, the electrical inputs may be
voltages, currents or a combination of those.
- Arranging the machine state equations. In general,
the machine states include rrss
,,, 21 and r
. If
the machine is fed from two voltage source supplies,
then the full state equations are used. For a machine
with one current source and one voltage source
supplies, the stator flux corresponding to the
winding supplied with the current source supply will
be omitted from the machine states. If the machine
is fed from 2 current sources, both of the stator
fluxes will be removed from the machine states and
the rotor flux, rotor position and rotor speed would
make the machine state vector.
Based on the above, the machine vector model equations in
the rotor flux reference frame are implemented in
MATLAB/Simulink to simulate the machine behavior under
different operating conditions.
By employing the rotor flux oriented reference frame vector
model for the analysis of BDFM, the vector model quantities
such as voltages, currents and fluxes become constant when
the machine is in the steady state. Therefore, all the
derivatives in the vector model are equal to zero and a set of
algebraic equations is obtained.
The BDFM vector model is derived assuming linear
characteristic for the machine core and fundamental
components for the rotor–stator mutual inductances. Such
assumptions are made to simplify the derivation of the vector
model equations. In practice, the machine core characteristic
is of hysteresis type rather than linear and also there are
harmonic components in the rotor-stator mutual inductances.
However, in general, these effects will not be significant in
commercially available machines and under normal operating
conditions. Therefore, the vector model is expected to give
predictions which are reasonably close to practice.
By arranging the equations of the rotor flux oriented
reference frame vector model for the rotor flux vector, then:
.).( 2211
rsrdrrdr iMiMMNNLNrMNNLNrp +=+
It can be seen from Eq. (3) that the d components of the
stator1 and stator2 currents determine the rotor flux and
therefore by controlling one or both of these, the rotor flux
can respectively be partially or fully controlled.
The prototype machine torque equation in the rotor flux
oriented reference frame vector model is:
In this equation, the machine torque is described based on the
rotor flux and stator1 and stator2 currents d and q
Equations (3) and (4) form the basis of the control of the
rotor flux and the machine torque.
In the BDFM, one of the stator windings, i.e. the control
winding, is often supplied by a controlled supply, while the
other winding, i.e. the power winding, is connected directly
to the grid. Therefore, the control inputs in the machine
model are the d and q components of the control winding
currents (or voltages). These control inputs must be well
regulated in order to achieve a high performance control
Based on the above discussions, it can be concluded that the
main advantage of the machine vector model is its simplicity
of implementation for the machine study and control while
retaining reasonable accuracy in predicting the machine
The BDFM has several modes of operation including the
doubly-fed synchronous mode, the cascade mode and the
simple induction mode. In the two latter modes, the machine
has asynchronous operation. In the doubly-fed mode, both
windings are supplied and the BDFM has a synchronous
speed which only depends on the frequencies of the power
where 1
and 2
are the stator1 and stator2 angular
frequencies respectively. The synchronous mode is the main
operating mode of the BDFM.
In the cascade mode, one of the stator windings is short
circuited while the other supplied from a three phase
balanced source. This mode has benefits in the machine study
and operation. For example, the machine parameters may be
extracted by performing suitable curve fitting methods on the
results from the cascade operation [9]. Further, it is shown in
[14] that the cascade mode can be used in starting the
machine as a motor for certain applications.
In this section, the predictions from the vector model are
compared to those obtained from the coupled circuit model.
The machine is operated in the cascade mode. The coupled
circuit model for the BDFM has been verified against
experimental tests in, for example, [2, 8]. Therefore, it is
used as a benchmark for verifying the vector model presented
in this paper.
Two operating conditions are simulated including:
A) The 8-pole winding is excited at 220V, 50Hz and the 4-
pole winding is shorted;
B) The 4-pole winding is excited at 220V, 50Hz and the 8-
pole winding is shorted.
In both cases the machine is run at no load.
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Figure 3: Machine quantities in the 8-pole excitation cascade mode
a- rotor speed b- machine torque c- phase “a” current of stator1
d- phase “a” current of stator2
solid line: vector model , dotted line: coupled circuit model
Figure 4: Machine quantities in the 4-pole excitation cascade mode
a- rotor speed b- machine torque c- phase “a” current of stator1
d- phase “a” current of stator2
solid line: vector model , dotted line: coupled circuit model
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A. 8-Pole Excitation
Figure 3 shows the machine quantities during the 8-pole
excitation cascade mode. It can be seen from Fig. (3-a, b) that
the machine reaches from standstill to its steady state in
about 0.5s. In Fig. (3-c), the 4-pole winding current is shown.
In steady state, the stator2 winding currents are balanced.
The phase “a” current of the stator2 winding is shown in Fig.
(3-d). The machine torque is settled to the load torque i.e.
‘zero’ in steady state.
B. 4-Pole Excitation
The machine quantities for the 4-pole excitation cascade
mode are shown in Fig. 4. Similar behavior to that of the 8-
pole excitation can be seen in the 4-pole excitation.
From Fig. (3) and (4), it can be seen that the vector model
and the coupled circuit model predictions are in close
agreement. In the results from the couple circuit model, high
frequency ripples can be seen in the machine currents and
torque. But the vector model results do not show these
effects. This is most likely due to the harmonic components
of the stator-rotor mutual inductances being neglected in the
vector model.
The rotor flux oriented reference frame vector model for
the BDFM is presented in this paper. The model is an
appropriate tool for the machine analysis and control. The
derived vector model equations have been presented and the
free parameters have been specified to represent the model in
the rotor flux reference frame. The resulting model has been
implemented in MATLAB/Simulink and simulation results
for the machine operation in the cascade mode are provided.
The results have been compared to the predictions from the
coupled circuit model and satisfactory agreement has been
achieved. Although the comparison is made for the cascade
mode, we expect similar behaviors of the models in the
synchronous mode, which is the main operating mode of the
machine, as well.
The vector model approach offers a simple method of
modelling the BDFM operation while giving good accuracy.
Further, it can be used in developing appropriate control
algorithms for the machine.
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... More recently in 2008, control algorithms for the grid-side and control-side converters were presented [15]. These methods showed soft and fast synchronization at the minimum rotating speeds. ...
... There, it was confirmed that by exploiting well-known induction motor vector control philosophy, the BDFIM can produce similar dynamic performance under this type of control to that of the DFIM. In [15,18], a vector model was derived for a BDFIM where all the loops in each nest of the rotor were considered. Later, in [19], a performance analysis through simulations was presented. ...
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The brushless doubly fed induction machine (BDFIM) is being considered as a possible solution for low-speed wind energy generator applications. It has been proposed as an alternative to the doubly fed induction machine (DFIM) due to its robust rotor structure as well as low operational maintenance requirements. However, due to its complicated control philosophy, higher overall machine size due to the extra set of control windings in the stator, and slightly lower efficiency, it is yet to be adopted in commercial applications. In this paper, a simplified vector control scheme for the control winding of a cage+nested loop (cage+NL) rotor BDFIM is proposed. Experimental results are compared with simulations to validate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
... In [16], [17], a vector model was derived for the prototype BDFM considering the effects of all loops in each nest which was employed for the BDFM performance simulations and analysis in [18]. The approach presented in [16], [17] is generalized for a generic BDFM with p 1 /p 2 pole-pair stator windings and N loops per nest in [19]. ...
... In [16], [17], a vector model was derived for the prototype BDFM considering the effects of all loops in each nest which was employed for the BDFM performance simulations and analysis in [18]. The approach presented in [16], [17] is generalized for a generic BDFM with p 1 /p 2 pole-pair stator windings and N loops per nest in [19]. It is confirmed in [19] that the generalized BDFM vector model behaves accurately in predicting the machine performance under different operating conditions. ...
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This paper presents a generalized vector control system for a generic brushless doubly fed (induction) machine (BDFM) with nested-loop type rotor. The generic BDFM consists of p1/p2 pole-pair stator windings and a nested-loop rotor with N number of loops per nest. The vector control system is derived based on the basic BDFM equation in the synchronous mode accompanied with an appropriate synchronization approach to the grid. An analysis is performed for the vector control system using the generic BDFM vector model. The analysis proves the efficacy of the proposed approach in BDFM electromagnetic torque and rotor flux control. In fact, in the proposed vector control system, the BDFM torque can be controlled very effectively promising a high-performance BDFM shaft speed control system. A closed-loop shaft speed control system is composed based on the presented vector control system whose performance is examined both in simulations and experiments. The results confirm the high performance of the proposed approach in BDFM shaft speed control as well as a very close agreement between the simulations and experiments. Tests are performed on a 180-frame prototype BDFM.
... In [13], a vector model is developed for the BDFIM with a nested-loop rotor, and vector transformations for the vector model extraction are proposed in a general form such that it can be adapted in various reference frames for different applications. In [14], a vector control system is proposed for BDFIMs using the vector model in [13], and simulation and experimental results are analyzed under various operating conditions. In [15], to cancel the coupling between direct (d) and quadrature (q) channels in vector control, a decoupling matrix is introduced by modeling the BDFIM as a two input-two output system. ...
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Recent advancement in design and control of brushless doubly-fed induction machine (BDFIM) has substantially improved its performance. In this article, two high efficient vector control schemes are proposed for the BDFIM drive based on Lyapunov nonlinear techniques. The first scheme aims for speed control with a one-level structure without an inner loop controller, and the rotor speed error is delivered to a backstepping speed controller. The second scheme has a two-level structure with a backstepping controller and a model reference controller for torque and speed control, respectively. To enhance the performance, the proposed control schemes are based on a novel maximum torque per Ampere (MTPA) control strategy, and their stability is proven by Lyapunov control theory. The proposed controllers are validated experimentally on a 3-kW prototype D132-BDFIM by a TMS320F2833 microcontroller synchronized with a personal computer, and show superior performance over optimal proportional-integral controllers under changing reference speed and load torque.
... To achieve the desired cross-coupling effect, both PW and CW must induce currents in the rotor bars with the same frequency (Barati et al. 2008). The synchronous rotor speed, x r , determined by the excitation frequencies of the two stator windings, is expressed as: ...
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Brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) has drawn significant attention in recent years in variable speed drive applications due to such features as simple and robust construction, favorable operating characteristics and reduced maintenance. The objective of BDFIG control is to achieve better performance compared to the doubly fed induction generator using the well-established vector control method. Control of a BDFIG with back-to-back PWM converters using an artificial intelligence approach, fuzzy PID controller, is proposed for a BDFIG-based variable speed wind energy conversion system. The proposed controller is adaptive in the manner that the controller parameters are modified online by using the fuzzy control rules. Comparative performance of the BDFIG with the proposed fuzzy PID controller and the conventional fixed-parameters PID controller under various operating speeds, stator reactive power references and a 100% voltage dip is investigated. Results of simulation studies using MATLAB® reported in the paper show that the limitations of the conventional PID controller can have negative effects on both quality and quantity of the generated power. Performance of the system can be improved with the proposed adaptive fuzzy PID controller under dynamic conditions.
... This is due to the fact that this energy source production of electricity is emission free [3] [4] [5]. Currently to the industry is heavily relying on the doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) for variable speed wind energy applications [1] [3] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [42]. ...
Conference Paper
This paper discusses the control of a new topology of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable speed wind energy generation. The BDFIG has gained renewed attention in variable speed drive applications in recent years for the features of simple structure, favorable characteristics and economical operation. The goal of BDFIG control is to achieve a similar dynamic performance to the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), exploiting the well-known induction motor vector control philosophy. Here fuzzy-PID Controller for a BDFIG used in wind energy systems. The performance of fuzzy-PID has been investigated and compared with the conventional PID controller based BDFIG. The simulation results show that fuzzy-PID controller is superior to PID controller under dynamic condition
... This is due to the fact that this energy source production of electricity is emission free [3,4,5]. Currently to the industry is heavily relying on the doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) for variable speed wind energy applications [1,3,6,7,8,9,10,11]. The use of the DFIG, however, increased the cost and complexity of the wind turbines [1,2,12,13,14]. ...
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This paper discusses the control of a new topology of a brushless doubly-fed induction generator (BDFIG) using back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variable speed wind energy generation. The goal of BDFIG control is to achieve a similar dynamic performance to the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), exploiting the well-known induction motor vector control philosophy. Here hybrid fuzzy logic proportional plus conventional integrator-derivation (Fuzzy P+ID) Controller for a BDFIG used in wind energy systems. The performance of Fuzzy P+ID has been investigated and compared with the conventional PID controller based BDFIG. The simulation results show that fuzzy P+ID controller is superior to PID controller under dynamic condition
... A new rotor construction that combines the features of both a reluctance and cage rotor is the reluctance ring rotor [6]. The mixed pole machine can be used as an alternative adjustable-speed drive when it is doubly fed78910. In this case, the machine is considered as a brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM). ...
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This paper introduces a generalized theory for the operation of mixed pole machines (MPMs). The MPM has two stator windings, namely the main winding with pole pairs P1 and the control winding with pole pairs P2. The MPM has shown promise in the field of adjustable speed drives for large machines and in the field of wind energy electrical generation. The operation of MPM relies on the interaction between the two fields produced by the two stator windings through the intermediate action of a specially designed rotor (nested-cage or reluctance rotor). The machine theory is described from a physical aspect rather than mathematical derivations. A simple representation is also presented, from which the machine d–q model can be readily deduced. The effect of mechanical loading on the relative positions of the machine fields is also presented.
Static and rotary electric power converters have different structures but there are common failure factors in both of them. In this chapter, causes of failure in electric power converters is described. All of the failure factors which are described in this chapter are catastrophic factors and lead to destructive damage in the systems. Other types of failure without destructive effect on converter like electromagnetic interference will be presented in the next chapters. All descriptions are based on details of operation of the converters which were presented in the previous chapter. Over temperature, over voltage, mechanical forces and environmental effects like humidity are the main factors of failure in systems. Origins of these factors are described in this chapter. Over temperature is a special factor among them because other failure factors finally act as over temperature in failure process of the converters. Since over temperature is the main failure factor in electric power converters, loss model of components in electric power converters are presented in details. In addition, practical technique for measuring power loss is described. Sample industrial examples of damaged equipments due to these failure factors are shown to give a real sense to reader about failure results.
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Micro-grids have spread in many distribution systems worldwide. They offer safe and reliable operation for their consumers by managing the micro-grids' power generation and trading with the main grid. Furthermore, micro-grids can help in integrating and promoting for Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and reducing the environmental impacts of traditional centralized generation. This paper proposes a novel Energy Management System (EMS) in micro-grids using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) technique to solve the generation dispatch problem. A combined cost optimization scheme is investigated to minimize both operational cost and emission levels while satisfying the micro-grid's load demand. Furthermore, the proposed EMS is used to evaluate promoting RES implementation in micro-grids despite of their high capital cost using the combined economic emission dispatch problem. The proposed EMS was implemented using MatLab and tested on two case studies with and without RES-WindTurbine (WT). The obtained results from the proposed technique are compared with those calculated using two other Techniques; Lagrange and Gradient to evaluate the proposed method. The outcomes are evaluated and discussed. Finally, conclusions are reported.
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This paper is aimed at proposing a current based vector control model of the brushless doubly fed induction generator, modelling the presented control method, as well as implementing the proposed algorithm by DSP. In order to achieve the purpose, by presenting a detailed coupled circuit model of BDFIG, the vector model and then the current based vector control algorithm of the mentioned machine are acquired. The way of independent control of torque and power, and also the structure of speed controller amongst the proposed control model are discussed. Additionally, the concepts behind the proposed structure of the speed control system and the way of determining the model parameters are explained. Then the general model is simulated in Matlab/Simulink environment. In continue, in order to get the simulation results in the real drive system, an efficient BDFIG's driver with the purpose of attaining the acquired results of simulation is built. The implementation process, including the design and selection of the driver components, and the implementation of the algorithm on DSP is presented with details. The evaluation of implementation results reveals that the designed controller, based on the proposed algorithm, meets drive requirements sufficiently with an appropriate dynamic performance and a stable operation in the duration of working in generator mode.
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The Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) shows promise as a variable speed drive and generator. The BDFM is particularly attractive for use as a generator in wind turbines as the machine's brushless operation reduces maintenance requirements. However, a deeper understanding of the machine is needed before full size generators can be designed. This dissertation contributes towards this goal through machine analysis, modelling and instrumentation. A system of measuring rotor bar currents in real-time is developed using a Rogowski probe to transduce the signal and Bluetooth wireless technology to transmit data from a moving rotor back to a computer for logging and analysis. The design of the rotor is critical to good performance and direct measurements of rotor currents would help to build confidence in rotor performance as machine sizes increase. As well as verifying theoretical predictions, measurements of rotor currents are employed to acquire parameter values for machine models. A coupled-circuit model is developed for a general class of BDFMs. A simple analytical method to calculate the parameter values is presented. An equivalent circuit model is derived from the coupled-circuit model by performing suitable transformations. The order of the rotor states is reduced to allow parameter values to be computed for a simple equivalent circuit representation of the machine. Both coupled-circuit and equivalent circuit models are verified by experimental tests on a prototype BDFM. An experimental method of parameter estimation is developed for the equivalent circuit model, based on the curve-fitting approach. Three widely adopted optimisation algorithms are implemented as the solution methods to the nonlinear problem. The proposed algorithms are compared with respect to their performance, computational cost and simplicity. Rotor current measurements are employed to estimate the parameter values for the full equivalent circuit. A method of obtaining the rotor current in the equivalent circuit from the measured bar currents is presented. The effects of iron saturation in the BDFM modelling are investigated. A method of calculating the parameter values for the coupled-circuit model, taking tooth saturation into account, is presented. The model is able to calculate the flux density in the machine air gap and stator and rotor teeth. These flux densities are also measured using the flux search coils. The issue of the specific magnetic loading for the BDFM is discussed and its calculation from the fundamental components of the air gap flux density is presented. The equivalent circuit parameter values are derived from the coupled-circuit model and from experimental tests under saturation. It is shown that the predictions of the equivalent circuit model are within acceptable accuracy if its parameter values are obtained at the same operating specific magnetic loading.
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The paper presents experimental results to assess the performance of a variety of rotors used in a Brushless Doubly Fed Machine (BDFM). In the experiments the torque-speed characteristics were measured on a BDFM fitted with four rotors with five different windings. The measurements were made of the machine excited with just one stator supply with the second stator supply first open circuit, and then short- circuited. The results give valuable insight into how different rotors, including a novel design of BDFM rotor, will perform in a BDFM configured as a variable speed generator. The results highlight important differences between the rotors related to their winding construction.
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The paper presents a vector model for a Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM). The BDFM has 4 and 8 pole stator windings and a nested-loop rotor cage. The rotor cage has six nests equally spaced around the circumference and each nest comprises three loops. All the rotor loops are short circuited via a common end-ring at one end. The vector model is derived based on the electrical equations of the machine and appropriate vector transformations. In contrast to the stator, there is no three phase circuit in the rotor. Therefore, the vector transformations suitable for three phase circuits can not be utilised for the rotor circuit. A new vector transformation is employed for the rotor circuit quantities. The approach presented in this paper can be extended for a BDFM with any stator poles combination and any number of loops per nest. Simulation results from the model implemented in Simulink are presented.
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This paper presents dynamic and steady-state performance of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) operating as a variable speed drive. A simple closed-loop control system is used which only requires a speed feedback. The controller is capable of stabilising the machine when changes in speed and torque are applied. The machine starts in cascade mode and then makes a transition to the synchronous mode to reach the desired speed. This will allow a uni-directional converter to be used. The experiments included in this paper were carried out on a 180 frame size BDFM.
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Control of the brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) based on traditional multiple reference frames is complex. To simplify the control scheme, a new and simpler derivation of the dq model of the BDFM is proposed, leading to a unified-reference-frame model. This way, a simple dq model can be established, which could be an interesting tool for control-synthesis tasks. In order to determine the unified reference dq model, restrictions related to BDFM operation, as well as the exact rotor-cage configuration, have been considered. The proposed model has been validated by several experimental results. The work could facilitate future research on improved BDFM field-oriented control strategies
The authors develop the concept of the brushless doubly-fed machine, from consideration of the frequency and distribution of the EMFs induced in bars of a conventional doubly wound cage motor. These considerations lead to the development of a rigorous mathematical model which is suitable for the analysis of BDFM operating in the synchronous mode. Expressions for all impedances and electrical and mechanical quantities are derived from first principles and the concept of load angle is discussed Indexing ternis: Brasilias doubly-fed machine, EMF, Cage motor
The book develops a systematic approach to motor drives. While the emphasis is on practice; extensive modeling, simulation and analysis is developed to assist readers in their understanding of the subject matter from fundamental principles. Also, each motor drive is illustrated with an industrial application in detail at the end of chapters to enable readers to relate theory to practice.
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This paper discusses the development of a current-forced model for a brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM). The current-forced model is analyzed both in dynamic as well as in steady-state operating conditions. The simulated characteristics of the BDFM under dynamic operating conditions are presented using the parameters of an existing 5-HP laboratory prototype machine. Comparisons are shown between the simulated steady state characteristics and laboratory experimental data. It is concluded that this current-forced model representation of the BDFM, while retaining all the information pertaining to machine dynamics in a reduced order model, simplifies the analysis aspects of machine characteristics, stability and control
The performance of the brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) is analysed using a per-phase equivalent circuit. An expression for the rating of the machine as a function of magnetic and electric loadings is developed, and the rating is compared to those of the doubly-fed induction machine and cascaded induction machines. As the magnetic field in a BDFM is complex, the magnetic loading is considered in detail and a new generalised loading is derived. The BDFM suffers a reduction rating of about one-quarter in comparison to comparable conventional machines, arising from penalties in magnetic and electric loadings consequent on the presence of two stator to rotor couplings. The handling of reactive power has an important effect on the machine performance and this point is illustrated with experimental results from a frame size 180 BDFM. The tests were carried out at modest flux densities to avoid the effects of saturation, but the implications of saturation are considered.