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Lessons From a Real World
Evaluation of Anti-Phishing Training
Prior laboratory studies have shown that PhishGuru, an embedded
training system, is an effective way to teach users to identify
phishing scams. PhishGuru users are sent simulated phishing
attacks and trained after they fall for the attacks. In this current
study, we extend the PhishGuru methodology to train users about
spear phishing and test it in a real world setting with employees of
a Portuguese company. Our results demonstrate that the findings
of PhishGuru laboratory studies do indeed hold up in a real world
deployment. Specifically, the results from th e field study show ed
that a large percentage of people who clicked on links in
simulated emails proceeded to give some form of personal
information to fake phishing websites, and that participants who
received PhishGuru training were significantly less likely to fall
for subsequent simulated phishing attacks one week later.
This paper presents some additional new findings. First, people
trained with spear phishing training material did not make better
decisions in identifying spear phishing emails compared to people
trained with generic training material. Second, we observed that
PhishGuru training could be effective in training other people in
the organization who did not receive training messages directly
from the system. Third, we also observed that employees in
technical jobs were not different from employees with non-
technical jobs in identifying phishing emails before and after the
training. We conclude with some lessons that we learned in
conducting the real world study.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
D.4.6 Security and protection, H.1.2 User / Machine systems,
H.5.2 User interfaces, K.6.5 Security and protection education.
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Security, Human factors.
Embedded training, phishing, email, usable privacy and security,
real world studies.
User edu cation is a frequently-recommended and widely-used
approach to countering phishing attacks [1, 12, 33], but few
studies have evaluated the effectiveness of this approach in the
real world. Researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of
PhishGuru, an embedded training system [20, 21]; and Anti-
Phishing Phil, an online game [31] in laboratory studies.
However, laboratory studies are unable to fully replicate real
world conditions: they may lack ecological validity and do not
sufficiently approximate real-world situations, which in turn may
impact external validity - that is, the ability to make generalized
inferences from the results [3]. The focus of this paper is to build
on the earlier PhishGuru laboratory studies by conducting a
similar study in a real world setting.
PhishGuru motivates users to pay attention to anti-phishing
training materials by taking advantage of teachable moments.
PhishGuru users are sent simulated phishing attacks via email and
are presented training materials when they fall for the attacks.
These emails might be sent by a corporate system administrator,
ISP, or training company. The training materials present the
following concepts in the form of a comic script: the definition of
phishing, steps to follow to avoid falling for phishing attacks, and
how criminals conduct phishing attacks easily.
Our goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of PhishGuru training in
field trials and to study the effect of variations in the content of
the PhishGuru training messages. To evaluate PhishGuru in the
real world, we conducted a study with employees in a Portuguese
company. The simulated phishing emails were all spear phishing
emails targeted at the employees of the company. To investigate
the effect of different training messages, we used one that had
instructions on how to protect against regular phishing scams
(generic training) and one that had instructions for protecting
against spear phishing scams (spear training).
Our results demonstrate that the findings of PhishGuru laboratory
studies do, indeed, hold up in the real world. As with the
laboratory studies, our field study results showed that a large
percentage of people who clicked on links in simulated emails
proceeded to give some form of personal information to fake
phishing websites, and that participants who received PhishGuru
training were significantly less likely to fall for subsequent
simulated phishing attacks one week later. In addition, we found
the people trained with the spear phishing training material did not
make better decisions in identifying spear phishing emails
compared to people trained with the generic training material.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In the next
section we describe related work, including several training
Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Steve Sheng,
Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Jason Hong
Carnegie Mellon University,,,,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy
otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
Conference’04, Month 1–2, 2004, City, State, Country.
Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-000-0/00/0004…$5.00.
methods, and some relevant experimental studies. In Section 3, we
present the study setup, participant demographics, and hypotheses
that guided our study. In Section 4, we present the results of our
evaluation, demonstrating that PhishGuru is effective in educating
people in the real world. We discuss the effect of training people
in the real world in Section 5. In Section 6, we present some
limitations along with lessons learned. Finally, we present our
conclusions and future work in Section 7.
In this section we present an overview of security training
methods; describe several methods for studying users’ behavior in
the context of phishing; and describe other experimental studies
that have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of phishing
2.1 Security training methods
ISO and NIST security standards, which many companies are
contractually obligated to follow, include security training as an
important component of security compliance [13, 26]. These
standards describe a three-level framework that includes
awareness, training, and education. S ecurity awareness activities
are intended for all employees of a company and often include
videos, newsletters, and posters. Training is generally intended
only for employees who are involved with IT systems, mainly to
provide basic computer security knowledge. Training is delivered
primarily through classroom lectures, e-learning materials, and
workshops. Education, intended for IT security specialists, is
usually delivered via seminars or reading groups [25]. Our
research offers some new approaches to delivering security
awareness and training effectively.
There are many approaches to training users about phishing,
including: articles about phishing on websites [8, 9, 10, 24],
online cartoons about security [32], web-based phishing IQ tests
[23], classroom training [28] and sending security notices in
emails. These approaches vary in their cost as well as their
effectiveness. For example, classroom training may be mo re
effective than other training approaches because employees are
required to spend dedicated time for training, but this approach is
time-consuming for employees and expensive for companies that
have to train a large number of employees. Online training
materials are often an inexpensive approach, but it can be difficult
to get people to read these materials and they are not always
effective. PhishGuru approach is to present the training materials
when people fall for phishing emails. This approach creates
motivation among people and therefore can be effective in
2.2 User study methods
In order to develop effective anti-phishing training materials it is
essential to understand why users fall for phishing attacks and
how anti-phishing tools and training materials impact their
behavior. Researchers have used a variety of methods in user
studies designed to gain insights into these issues. Interview
studies have been conducted to gain insights into users’ mental
models and d ecision processes [7, 18]. Laboratory experimental
studies where participants played a fictitious role and used
personal information associated with that role have been used to
test users’ susceptibility to phishing attacks and evaluate the
effectiveness of anti-phishing toolbars and training materials [2, 6,
14, 19, 20, 21, 31]. Laboratory experimental studies where
participants used their own credentials have been used to evaluate
the effectiveness of mutual authentication tools [30]. Real world
studies have been used to evaluate participants’ susceptibility to
phishing, but not to evaluate the effectiveness of training [11, 15,
Laboratory experimental studies are very helpful in understanding
the user behavior in a given situation. However, each of these
study methods have tradeoffs and face validity challenges: most
of these studies are challenged with ecological (whether the
methods, materials, and settings are similar to real life) and
external (whether the results are generalizable) validity issues [3].
Laboratory experimental studies in the context of phishing are
also challenged with ethical issues of how much the researcher
should inform the participant about the study and how much
deception is acceptable [16, 17]. In one laboratory experimental
setup, researchers showed that people who role-play behave
differently from people who use their own credentials [30].
Understanding users’ behavior in real world settings is critical to
developing effective counter measures for phishing. Even though
real world studies provide richer data, it may be difficult to
control the study setup (due to many sources of variability) in the
real world [29]. It can also be difficult to make the arrangements
for a real world study, especially when it requires the cooperation
of a company to gain access to employees or customers.
Companies may not grant desired access or permit publication of
study data or results.
2.3 Experimental evaluation of anti-
phishing training
Few real world studies of users’ behavior in the context of
phishing have been conducted, and even fewer real world studies
have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-phishing
training. Real world evaluations of anti-phishing training involve
classroom and office training as well as training delivered via an
online game. Researchers have evaluated the effectiveness of
security notices and embedded training in laboratory studies.
The idea of sending fake phishing emails to test users’
vulnerability has been explored by several groups. Jagatic et al.
conducted a study in which they sent phishing emails to Indiana
University students that pretended to come from one of their
friends (this information was obtained through social networking
websites). A large percentage of students fell for these phishing
attacks [15]. Ferguson did a two-part study among West Point
cadets. In the first phase, cadets were tested for their ability to
detect phishing attacks. In the second phase, cadets were given
classroom training and lectures about phishing and then tested.
Ferguson showed an improvement in the cadets’ ability to identify
phishing emails after the training [11]. Similar to the West Point
cadet study, the New York state o ffice of Cyber Security &
Critical Infrastructure Coordination conducted a two-part study
among their employees. In this study, participants who fell for
simulated phishing attacks were presented with online educational
materials on how to protect themselves from phishing. This study
also showed anti-phishing training improved participants’ ability
to identify phishing emails [27].
Sheng et al. have shown that people can be trained about phishing
URLs through an online game called Anti-Phishing Phil. In a
laboratory study, they found that users made better decisions
when trained with the game than with existing online training
materials [31]. They found similar results while testing the game
in the real world [22].
Previous research results provide strong evidence that people
make better decisions when they are trained through embedded
training versus the current practice of sending security notices
[20]. Research also suggests that people retain and transfer more
knowledge when trained with embedded training than with non-
embedded training [21]. The focus of this paper is on testing
embedded training in the real world.
In this section we present participant demographics and study
methodology along with the hypotheses that we tested in this
3.1 Participants and demographics
This study was conducted at a Portuguese company. All emails
and the training materials were translated into Portuguese. All
participants in the study worked in the same floor of an office
building. Participants were from different areas of work in the
company: administration, commercial, design, editorial,
management, technical, and others.
The study included three conditions: “control,” “generic training,”
and “spear training.” Participants in the control condition did not
receive any training. Participants in the generic training condition
received a simulated spear phishing email and saw generic phish
training material (Figure 1) when they clicked on a link in the
email. Participants in the spear training condition received a
simulated spear phishing email and saw spear phish training
material (Figure 2) when they clicked on a link in the email. We
assigned 111 employees to the control condition, 100 to the
generic training condition, and 100 to the spear training condition.
Table 1 presents the demographics of the study participants.
3.2 Study setup
The company we worked with was primarily interested in
studying the vulnerability of their employees towards spear
phishing emails, so we used spear phishing emails for all
simulated phishing emails in this study. Targeted spear phishing
attacks have been more successful than generic phishing attacks in
coning people and causing damages to companies and individuals.
In total, participants received four emails during the study: three
simulated spear phishing emails and one legitimate email
containing a link. All the spear phishing emails and the legitimate
email were based on actual emails that the company had received
or the kind of emails that the system administrators were worried
The first email that employees received was a training email
(Train) and was delivered on Day 0. This email was sent only to
employees in the generic and spear conditions. This email was a
spear phishing email that asked employees to click on a link to
enter their user name and password in order to use the corporate
network. When employees clicked on the link in this email, they
were taken to the training material corresponding to the condition
they were in. Participants in the generic training condition saw the
generic phish training message shown in Figure 1, while
participants in the spear training condition saw the spear phish
training message shown in Figure 2.
The second email (Test 1) was designed to measure the
knowledge that employees acquired through our training
materials. In order to compare trained and untrained employees,
this email was sent to employees in all conditions. To measure
immediate effectiveness this email was sent on Day 2 of the study.
This simulated spear phishing email said that the recipient’s
internal network password has expired and asked them to click on
a link and change their password. When employees clicked on
link in this email, they were taken to a fake phishing w ebsite that
looked the same as th e real website and was hosted in a similar
looking domain name.
Table 1: Demographics of the participants.
Areas of work
Learning science literature defines retention as the ability of
learners to retain or recall the concepts and procedures taught
when tested under the same or similar situations after a time
from the time of knowledge acquisition [5]. The third
email (Test 2), which w as designed to measure retention, was sent
on Day 7. As in Test 1, to compare the trained and untrained
Figure 1. People in Generic condition saw this comic strip.
Figure 2. People in Spear condition saw this comic strip
employees, this email was sent to participants in all conditions.
This email asked employees to click on a link and update their
communication information for internal corporate communication
purposes. When employees clicked on the link they were taken to
a phishing website that looked the same as the real website and
was hosted on a similar looking domain name.
To test whether training increases participants’ concern level such
that they stop clicking on any links, even legitimate ones, we sent
a legitimate email with a link (Test 3) on Day 10 to all
participants in the study. To compare the trained and untrained
employees, this email was sent to participants in all conditions.
This email asked employees to click on a link to read the
company’s updated security policy. When employees clicked on
the link, they were taken to a legitimate webpage with the updated
security policy. Table 2 summarizes all emails, email types, days
on which the email was sent, the conditions to which the emails
were delivered, and relevant features of the email.
Phishing websites that were linked to the spear phishing emails
were exact replica of real company websites but hosted on a
domain that looked similar but not the same as the company’s
domain. All replicated websites were completely functional and
allowed employees to submit information. We wanted only the
employees of the company to access the training materials and
fake phishing websites, so, these websites were hosted in a way
that only IP addresses coming from the company’s domain were
able to access the websites. This also helped us in identifying the
IP address and thereby the user from whose machine the request
had come. We tracked the clicks to the phishing websites and the
training materials, as well as the information that was submitted to
the phishing websites.
To make sure the employees received the emails that were part of
the study, system administrators bypassed the corporate email
filters and placed them in participants’ inboxes.
We asked all participants to complete a post-study survey on Day
20. The survey consisted of questions regarding (1) the interest
level of participants in receiving such emails in future, (2)
participants’ feedback on the training, and (3) participants’
feedback on the instructions.
3.3 Hypotheses
In this section we introduce three hypotheses which informed the
study described in the paper.
3.3.1 Replicating laboratory study results
Earlier laboratory studies have shown that a large percentage of
participants who click on links in simulated emails proceed to
give some form of personal information to the phishing website.
This percentage was around 90% in earlier laboratory studies [20,
21]. Our goal was to investigate whether this is true in a real
world setting. This result may show that people have to be trained
not to click on links, otherwise, there is low probability that they
will click and not give personal information to phishing websites.
Hypothesis 1: A large percentage of people who click on links in
simulated emails proceed to give some form of personal
information in the real world.
A laboratory study showed that users learn, retain, and transfer
effectively when training materials are presented after they fall for
a phishing attack [21]. Our goal was to investigate whether this is
true in a real world setting.
Hypothesis 2: PhishGuru (embedded training) is effective in
Table 2: Summary of emails sent to study participants
Day of
Relevant features of the email
Spear phishing
Day 0
Generic and
To enter their user name and password in
order to use the corporate network
Test 1
Spear phishing
Day 2
Internal network password expired; to
change their password
Test 2
Spear phishing
Day 7
To update their communication
Test 3
Legitimate with link
Day 10
To read the updated security policy of
the company
Table 3: Translated English version of the instructions in the training materials.
Generic training instructions
Spear training instructions
1. Never click on links within emails
2. Never give out personal information upon email
3. Find and call a real customer service center
4. Type in the real website address into a web browser
5. Always be wary of suspicious websites
1. Never click on links within emails that appear to be
requesting corporate or financial information
2. Never give your corporate or financial information over
the email, no matter who appears to have sent it
3. If an email looks suspicious or you are uncertain about
whether to respond, call the person who sent it
4. Report any suspicious email that could b e spear phishing
5. Type in the real website address into a web browser
training people in the real world.
To evaluate the effectiveness of PhishGuru, we calculated the
following: (1) percentage of participants who clicked on a link in
phishing emails and gave information to fake phishing websites
immediately after the training; (2) percentage of participants who
clicked on a link in phishing emails and giving information to
fake phishing websites after a delay of 7 days from the training;
and (3) percentage of participants who clicked on a link in
legitimate emails after the training.
3.3.2 Generic and spear training instructions
The content of training materials makes a difference in the way
people learn and reproduce knowledge. Researchers have shown
that people make better decisions if the testing situation is the
same or similar to the training situation and the training materials
than if the testing situation is different [5]. To investigate the
effect of the difference in the instructions, we developed one set
with anti-phishing instructions that were generic and another one
specific to spear phishing emails. Figure 1 and Figure 2 have the
same content except for the instructions in the lower pane of the
material. As the training materials used in the study were in
Portuguese, the translated English version of the instructions is
given in Table 3.
Hypothesis 3: People trained with spear training material ma ke
better decisions in identifying spear phishing emails compared to
people trained with generic training material.
4 Results
In this section we present the results of our study. The results
from this study support Hypotheses 1 and 2, but not Hypothesis 3.
We found a large percentage of the participants who clicked on
links in simulated emails gave away some form of personal
information to the fake phishing websites that were part of the
study. We found participants in the training conditions made
significantly better decisions after the training compared to before
the training. Our results suggest that users retained knowledge
gained from PhishGuru for at least 7 days after the training.
However, the difference in the instructions in our training
materials did not have a significant effect on the participants’
ability to identify phishing emails. Surprisingly, our results also
suggest that PhishGuru training could be effective in training
other people in the organization who did not receive training
messages directly from the system. The complete decision tree for
all the three conditions is given in the Appendix.
4.1 Giving away personal information
In this study we found that a large percentage of the participants
who clicked on links in simulated phishing emails went ahead and
gave some form of p ersonal information to the phishing websites.
The system administrators in the company who helped us conduct
the study had access to the information that was entered into
phishing websites. They were able to check the usernames and
other details that were entered. We found that 88% of the
participants who clicked on links went ahead and gave some form
of personal information to the fake phishing websites. In
laboratory studies, researchers have found that 90 to 93 percent of
participants who clicked on links gave their personal information
to fake phishing websites [20, 21]. Table 4 gives the percentage of
participants in each condition who clicked on a link in phishing
emails, and who clicked and gave information to fake phishing
4.2 Phishing emails
We found that PhishGuru training improved participants’ decision
making on the phishing emails that they received as part of the
study. Before training, we see (Table 4) no significant difference
between generic (42%) and spear (39%) training conditions for
the percentage of participants who clicked on link in the phishing
email and gave information (two sample T-test, p-value = 0.6).
This shows that before the training, participants were at the same
level in both conditions.
In both the training conditions (generic and spear), participants
acquired and made improv ed decisions immediately after training.
We found (Table 4), in the generic condition, the percentage of
participants clicking and giving information reduced significantly
from 42% on Day 0 to 15% on Day 2 (paired T-test, p-value <
0.01). In the spear training condition the percentage decreased
significantly from 39% on Day 0 to 12% on Day 2 (paired T-test,
p-value < 0.01).
Trained participants (who clicked on the link in Train email and
saw the training materials) retained the knowledge gained from
PhishGuru training for at least 7 days after the training. Table 5
gives the percentage of those participants who got trained and
who clicked on link and gave information. The untrained group
includes participants both from generic training and spear training
conditions who did not see the training materials. From Table 5,
we see that participants did not lose significant knowledge on Day
7 compared to Day 2 in the generic training condition (Paired T-
test, p-value = 0.55) or in the spear training condition (Paired T-
test, p-value = 0.67).
Table 4: Percentag e of participants who clicked on the training link, only clicked, and clicked and gave information on other
Clicked on link
in training
email on Day 0
Clicked on link
on Day 2
Clicked on link
and gave
information on
Day 2
Clicked on link
on Day 7
Clicked on link
and gave
information on
Day 7
20 %
19 %
17 %
15 %
42 %
17 %
15 %
14 %
12 %
39 %
14 %
12 %
17 %
14 %
Table 6: Percentag e of participants correctly (did not click
on the link in the email) identifying the Day 2 and Day 7
emails. The untrained group includes participants from both
training groups who did not actually receive training.
Identified 2
1 email
0 email
58.2 %
32.8 %
8.9 %
70.4 %
18.5 %
11.1 %
65.2 %
30.4 %
4.3 %
73.4 %
22.8 %
3.8 %
We found that a significant number of trained participants
identified both of the test emails correctly. Table 6 shows the
percentage of control, trained, and untrained participants who
identified D ay 2 and Day 7 emails correctly. The untrained group
includes participants from both the generic and spear training
conditions who did not see the training materials because they did
not click on the link in the first phishing email. In the trained
conditions, we see significant number of participants identified
both emails correctly. We believe that retraining with a second
training email could further improve the percentage of participants
who could identify both emails correctly. Our results also show
that untrained participants identified phishing emails better than
trained participants. This suggests that most of these participants
did not need the training that they did not receive.
These results demonstrate that participants in the generic and
spear training conditions were able to make improved decisions
immediately after being trained and they were able to retain the
knowledge for at least 7 days.
4.3 Legitimate emails
We do not have enough data to conclude whether training
increased the concern level of the participants so much that they
refrained from clicking on any email links, even legitimate ones.
We found only three employees across all the three conditions
who clicked on the link in the legitimate email that was sent as
part of the study on Day 10. In order to verify this behavior, we
sent another legitimate email on Day 14 from the marketing team,
with a link to a company sales report. Again, only three
employees across all conditions clicked on the link in the
legitimate email. There was no difference between control and
training (generic and spear) conditions. This suggests that the
behavior we observed may not be the effect of training, but rather
the normal behavior of employees in this company towards such
corporate emails.
The content of the training and testing emails used in the study
has to be properly designed to provide incentives for the
participants. Employees in the company may not read email
messages unless they are very relevant to them or has severe
consequences. Ideally it would have been useful if we could have
sent a legitimate email before the training to understand the
baseline. Since we don’t have the baseline data of how
participants respond to their legitimate emails, we will not be able
to use this to either support or reject Hypothesis 2.
4.4 Generic vs. spear instructions
Our results suggest that the difference in the instructions that we
had in our training materials did not have an effect on the
participants’ ability to identify phishing emails. From Table 4, we
see that percentage of participants who clicked the link and gave
information on Day 2 for the generic training condition was not
significantly different from the spear training condition (two
sample T-test, p-value = 0.53). Similarly, we found the difference
on Day 7 also to be insignificant (two sample T-test, p-value =
0.67). In Table 5 we examine only those participants in the
generic and spear conditions who actually received training. We
see that there was no significant difference between the trained
conditions for the test email on Day 2 (two sample T-test, p-value
= 0.8) or Day 7 (two sample T-test, p-value = 0.7). This suggests
that participants don’t gain specific ability for identifying phishing
emails by seeing specific instructions rather than generic
Using both the total percentage (Table 4) and the percentage of
employees who got trained (Table 5), we found no significant
difference between employees in generic and spear condition in
their ability to identify phishing emails. Thus we must reject
Hypothesis 3. However, we b elieve this hypothesis warrants
further investigation. A more substantial difference between the
generic and spear training might produce a significant effect. In
addition, because all of the participants in this study worked on
the same floor of an office building, we are concerned that
participants across conditions may have shared the training
materials they received with each other. Further investigation is
needed to understanding the influence of instructions on decision
4.5 Observations
We have anecdotal evidence that employees discussed the study
among themselves and with their system administrators, and we
believe this had an impact on our results. Although only 50
employees clicked on the training material link, our logs show
that the material was downloaded 95 times during the study
(which means that some employees viewed the training material
multiple times). Some people may have shown the training to
colleagues in other conditions. We believe this is likely to have
caused participants in the control condition make right decisions
on Day 2 and Day 7, even though they received no direct training.
However, they may have received indirect training when
participants in the training conditions told them about their
training or showed them the training messages. We have
anecdotal evidence that employees did not receive any other
information about phishing from the company and there was no
drastic incident that could have influenced employees to change
their behavior during the study. This suggests that PhishGuru
training can be effective in training people who are not part of the
Table 5: Percentag e of those participants who clicked on link
on Day 0, and clicked on link and gave information on Day 2
and Day 7.
Day 0
Day 2
Day 7
100 %
19 %
12 %
100 %
18 %
15 %
0 %
10 %
13 %
study – it may be good enough to train a subset of employees who
may influence other employees in the company. Researchers have
shown that physical proximity and social structure of people may
trigger information flow [4]. We attribute this result to the way the
employees were seated in the company – all employees were on
the same floor. Further investigation may explain this
phenomenon better.
Job type did not have any influence on p articipants’ ability to
identify phishing emails either before or after th e training. In
particular, we compared technical and non-technical job types.
Before the training, the percentage of participants in the generic
training condition who clicked the link and gave information was
the same (42%) for technical and non-technical employees. For
the spear condition, this percentage is 48% for technical and 34%
for non-technical participants. This difference was statistically
insignificant (two sample T-test, p-value = 0.16). Similarly, we
found no significant difference b etween technical and non-
technical employees after the training.
We found no significant difference in susceptibility to phishing
emails between male and female employees (Two sample T-test,
p-value = 0.76). Other researchers have found similar results 6,
21, 31.
We circulated a post-study questionnaire to participants to get
their feedback about PhishGuru training and the training
materials. Unfortunately none of the employees turned in their
completed questionnaire. In future studies, we plan to give some
incentive for the participants to fill out the post-study
5 Discussion
The results from the study supported Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis
2 (for phishing emails and needs further investigation for the
legitimate emails). Further research is needed to investigate
Hypothesis 3.
Our results are consistent with earlier laboratory studies that
demonstrated the effectiveness of the PhishGuru embedded
training system. Our results suggest that a large percentage of
people who clicked on links in emails proceeded to give some
form of personal information. Other researchers have found the
same in laboratory studies [21]. Our results also strongly suggest
that PhishGuru is effective in training employees in the real
world. In the earlier studies researchers have shown that users
were motivated to learn when the training materials are presented
after users fall for the phishing emails (when users click on the
link in the email) compared to sending instructional materials
through email (non-embedded). In this paper we showed users’
ability to identify phishing emails improved after the training. Due
to lack of data we were not able to conclude anything about
legitimate emails, therefore, there needs further investigation on
whether training increases the concern level of the participants in
the real world. Our results also suggest that employees retained
for at least 7 days the knowledg e that they gained by reading the
training material. Other researchers have also found similar results
in laboratory studies [21]. Our results showed that significant
number of participants identified both the testing emails correctly
compared to participants identifying one or none correctly.
A laboratory study [21] showed that 79% of the participants
clicked and gave information before the training while this was
41% in the real world. Seven days after the training, the
percentage reduced to 35% in lab study and 13% in the real world.
This observed differences between the laboratory and real world
studies may be due to differences in demographics of the
participants, difference in language of the study materials
(English versus Portuguese), o r differences in the simulated
phishing emails used. It may also be due to the fact that real world
participants are using their own credentials while in the lab they
use fictitious details. Despite the initial differences, participants in
both the laboratory and real world study showed similar abilities
to learn from the training materials.
Our results suggest that there is no significant difference b etween
employees who got trained through generic training instruction
and spear training instruction in identifying phishing emails. We
believe that this may be due to small sample size of employees
who were trained and also who clicked on the link and gave
information for the testing emails, and employees discussing
among themselves about the study. We hope to investigate the
effect of difference in training materials in future studies.
The results also showed that employees discussed the phishing
emails and the training materials that were sent as part of this
study among themselves. This may not be good for our study, but
it suggests that by training a subset of employees, a company can
expect these trained employees to influence other employees who
were not part of the training. It would have been useful if we had
more data to show this effect, but this may be a good starting
point for further investigation on this topic.
6 Limitations and lessons learned
As in laboratory studies, our field study also had a few limitations.
We did not send a simulated phishing email to the control
condition on Day 0, so, we do not have baseline data for all
participants before training. If we had this data we could have
measured the effect of training more directly by comparing
participants in different conditions who clicked the link in the Day
0 email. In future studies we plan to send a simulated phishing
email linked to a functional fake phishing website on Day 0 to the
control condition. We also did not send a legitimate email before
the training and therefore we could not understand the behavior of
the participants towards legitimate emails before the training. This
restricts us from explaining the low percentage of participants
who clicked on the link in the legitimate email.
There were many lessons learned which will help future studies:
• Content of the email is important: The simulated emails that
are used in the study should be relevant and have a
compelling argument for participants to make a decision.
• Incentive for participants: The employees who are part of the
study may not have the incentive to provide feedback or
complete an exit survey. So, providing some form of
incentive (cash or prize) to the participants is necessary.
• Use participants from different locations: It is useful to select
study participants from different work locations so they are
less likely to discuss the study among themselves.
• Keep it simple: The companies that agree to do real world
studies may not have the incentive to collect data at the level
of detail that researchers would want. Therefore, the
procedures for collecting data should be minimized and made
7 Conclusion and future work
In this paper we presented the first empirical evaluation of
embedded training methods that teach people about phishing
during their normal use of email in the real world. In this paper we
showed that: (a) a large percentage of people who click on links in
simulated emails proceed to give some form of personal
information in the real world; (b) PhishGuru training, an
embedded training, is effective in training people in the real
world; (c) users retained knowledge for at least one week when
trained with embedded training in the real world; (d) people
trained with spear training instruction did not make better
decisions in identifying spear phishing emails compared to people
trained with generic training instruction.
Based on lessons that we learned from this study, we are currently
designing a study with another company. We plan to collect richer
data. We are also currently working on designing instructional
materials for other cues and strategies that users can be trained
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation
grant number CCF-0524189, Army Research Office grant number
DAAD19-02-1-0389, and by the Fundação paraa Ciênciae
Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, under a grant from the Information
and Communications Technology Institute (ICTI) at CMU. The
authors also thank the Portuguese company for helping us do the
study. The authors would like to thank all members of the
Supporting Trust Decisions project for their feedback. The authors
would also like to thank Dr. Vincent Aleven for his advice on the
learning science aspects and experimental setup of this study.
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Figure 3: Decision tree for control condition. Fallen refers to employees who clicked on link in the email and gave
information and Not fallen refers to employees not clicking on links.
Figure 4: Decision tree for generic condition. Fallen refers to employees who clicked on link in the email and gave
information and Not fallen refers to employees not clicking on links.
Figure 5: Decision tree for spear condition. Fallen refers to employees who clicked on link in the email and gave
information and Not fallen refers to employees not clicking on links.