... BramVanderborght et al. in (Ham, Verrelst, Daerden, & Lefeber, 2003), (Verrelst, Vanderborght, Vermeulen, Ham, Naudet, & Lefeber, 2005(Vanderborght, Bram, Ham, Verrelst, Damme, & Lefeber, 2008) and (Vanderborght B. , Verrelst, Ham, Vermeulen, & Lefeber, DynamicControl of a Bipedal Walking Robot actuated with Pneumatic ArtificialMuscles, 2005) controlled a bipedal robot actuated by pleated pneumatic artificial muscles using bangbang pressure controller. Stephen MCain et al. in (Cain, Gordon, & Ferris., 2007), studied locomotor adaptation to powered ankle-foot orthoses using two different orthosis 978-1-4673-7606, Sardellitti, & Khatib, 2008), proposed the concept of hybrid actuation for human friendly robot systems by using distributed macro-Mini control approach (Zinn, Khatib, Roth, & Salisbury., 2002). The hybrid actuation controller employ modified bang-bang controller to adjust the flow direction of pressure regulator. ...