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Content uploaded by Yannis Stavrakas
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Using Structured Changes for Elucidating Data
Yannis Stavrakas1, George Papastefanatos2
Institute for the Management of Information Systems
Mpakou 17, Athens 11524, Greece
Abstract— In this paper we argue that changes should be treated
as first class citizens in data management systems. In our
approach, changes are not just transformation operations but
complex objects retaining structural, semantic, and temporal
characteristics. We believe that accommodating structured
changes in information modeling and querying can provide users
with new insights into data lifecycle. In previous work we
proposed a graph model called evo-graph for capturing in a
coherent way the relationships between evolving data and
changes applied on them. We also presented evo-path, a path
expression language for evo-graphs based on XPath. In the
present paper we define an XML representation of evo-graph,
and discuss the use of XQuery for expressing a number of
interesting query categories. We demonstrate the feasibility and
usefulness of our approach through an example inspired by
bioscientific databanks.
The wide availability and fast publishing of information
enabled by the Web unlocks new potential and new problems
for data management. Particularly, an emerging issue
concerns collections of Web data (often scientific) that evolve
independently, but remain in many ways interconnected.
Important interconnections may correlate data at different
points in their lifecycle, forming a data space where past and
current versions coexist and reference each other.
Consider, for example, biology research communities
[2],[11] that produce, consume, and archive rapidly large
amounts of data. Scientific communities like that rely
increasingly on the Web for the publication and integration of
experimental and research results. Moreover, scientists in
those communities would often like to review how and why
the recorded data have evolved, in order to compare and re-
evaluate previous and current conclusions. Such an activity
may require a search that moves backwards and forwards in
time, spreads across various databanks, and performs complex
queries on the semantics of the changes that modified the data.
In those cases, issues of evolution and provenance become
closely related, since evolution information is needed in order
to answer provenance queries; simply revising past document
snapshots and differences between versions is not enough.
So far significant work has been done on evolution
[5],[8],[14] and provenance [4] of XML and semistructured
data. However, previous approaches do not cover all the
aspects of the problem, since each of them focuses on the
specific questions regarding the framework it addresses.
In this paper we argue that in systems where evolution and
provenance issues are paramount, changes should not be
treated solely as transformation operations on the data, but
rather as first class citizens retaining structural, semantic, and
temporal characteristics. Modeling such complex changes
explicitly can leverage a number of new interesting queries,
and provide additional semantic information for elucidating
data evolution and interpreting past data.
In previous work [21] we have proposed a graph model
called evo-graph for capturing the relationship between
evolving data and changes applied on them. We employed this
model for representing simple as well as composite evolution
operations. Given a time instance, evo-graph can be reduced
to the past snapshot of the data holding under that instance.
Evo-path [21] is a path expression language for evo-graph that
extends XPath. Evo-path takes advantage of the complex
changes in the evo-graph in order to answer queries about the
interpretation of data evolution and the provenance of data.
XML is the standard format for Web data, therefore it is
natural to investigate the use of XML technologies for
representing and querying evo-graphs. In the present work we
introduce evoXML, an XML representation of evo-graph that
follows a non-replicated approach to transform graph
structures. We also demonstrate the use of XQuery for a
number of interesting categories of queries. Each query is
expressed in both evo-path and XQuery, in order to expose
their relative expressiveness and suitability in the frame of our
context. We employ a scenario inspired by bioscientific data
to motivate the use of evo-graph and evoXML, and to pose
example queries with evo-path and XQuery.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section II we
discuss related work. In Section III we present evo-graph, give
a motivating example, and discuss time propagation and
snapshot reduction. In Section IV we introduce evoXML, an
XML representation of evo-graph. In Section V we give a
number of example queries expressed both in evo-path and
XQuery, and provide a relevant discussion. Finally, Section
VI concludes the paper.
Modeling and managing evolving Web data has attracted a
growing interest in the database research community. Most
approaches address the problem of storing efficiently complex
and highly evolving data objects, while at the same time
providing querying and browsing capabilities over the
versioning schemes, semantics, and relationships that
characterize these objects. In one of the early works [5], the
authors deal with the representation of changes in
semistructured data, and propose DOEM, where evolution
operations are expressed as multiple annotations on the nodes
and the edges of the graph. In [12] a change-centric method
for managing versions in XML data is presented. The authors
employ a diff algorithm for detecting changes between two
versions of a document, and store the last version plus a
sequence of deltas. A similar approach is introduced in [6],[7],
where instead of deltas calculations, a referenced-based
identification of each object is used across different versions.
New versions hold only the elements that are different from
the previous version whereas a reference is used for pointing
to the unchanged elements of past versions. In [10] the authors
propose MXML, an extension of XML that uses context
information to express time and models multifaceted
documents. Recently, there are works that deal with modeling
[16] and detection [14] of changes in semantic data, in which
the problems of change identification, modeling of temporal
properties, and versioning are applied to ontologies and RDF.
Most approaches dealing with evolution and versioning of
semistructured data employ temporal extensions for
expressing the lifespan of the different versions. For example,
in [1],[5] they enrich data elements with temporal attributes
for holding valid and / or transaction time, and extend query
syntax with conditions on the time validity of data [8]. In [15],
a temporal model for XML is introduced, which attaches
transaction time information on the edges of the XML graph.
In [9] the authors propose a temporal query language for
adding valid time support in XQuery. In [17] the notion of a
temporally grouped data model is employed for uniformly
representing and querying successive versions of a document.
In a more recent work [13], the authors extend this technique
for publishing the history of a relational database in XML.
Lastly, an interesting technique is presented in [3], where the
problem of archiving curated databases is addressed. The
authors develop an archiving technique for scientific data that
uses timestamps for each version, whereas all versions are
merged into one hierarchy.
Compared to the above approaches, our model introduces a
change-based perspective for evolving data, in which changes
are not derived by data versions but are modelled as first class
citizens. Changes are not described through diffs or
transformations with edit scripts between document versions,
but are complex objects operating on data, and exhibit
structural, semantic, and temporal properties: they can be part
of other changes, correlate to each other, be transactional,
long-termed or instant. Thus, they are mapped to separate
elements in the proposed XML representation. Such modeling
allows to answer queries about “what” has evolved over time,
but also to provide information about “why” and “how” data
has evolved.
In this section we discuss evo-graph, a graph model for
evolving semistructured data where changes are given equal
importance as data objects. We give an example of using evo-
graph in a bioscientific scenario, and outline some temporal
properties of evo-graphs.
A. Modeling Complex Changes
A number of data models have been proposed in the past
for semistructured data and XML [5],[19]. In general, those
models represent data using trees or directed graphs with
values on the leaves. We will use the term snap-model for
referring to a model that represents data at a single time
instance. In the frame of this paper the snap-model is assumed
to be a tree, consisting of labeled data nodes (complex and
atomic), and edges connecting the nodes. Evo-graph uses
similar node and edge components under the following
• Data nodes correspond to the nodes of the snap-model
(depicted as circles). They are divided into complex and
atomic: VD = VD
c ∪ VD
• Data edges depart from every complex data node, ED ⊆
c × VD).
In addition, we introduce the following new concepts in
• Change nodes are nodes that represent change events:
basic change operations, and complex changes. Change
nodes are depicted as triangles, to distinguish from
circular data nodes. They are also divided into complex
and atomic: VC = VC
c ∪ VC
• Change edges connect every complex change node to
the (complex or atomic) change nodes it consists of: EC
⊆ (VC
c × V
C). Change edges are depicted as dashed
• Evolution edges are edges that connect each change
node with two data nodes, the object version before the
change and the object version after the change: EE ⊆
(VD × VC × VD). Evolution edges are depicted as thick
A formal definition of evo-graph is given in [21].
Intuitively, the evo-graph consists of two connected graphs: a
data graph comprising different versions of data, and a tree of
changes. The data graph defines the structure of data, while
the change graph defines the structure of changes on data.
These two graphs interconnect via evolution edges.
Consequently, there are two roots: the data root, rD, and the
change root, rC. The change root is assumed to be always
linked to an evolution edge that originates from the version
T=start of the data root, and points to the version T=now of
the data root. Moreover, there are two types of paths: the
change paths that follow successive change edges, and the
data paths that follow successive data edges.
The main objective of the evo-graph is to represent
arbitrarily complex changes. The semantics of a complex
change is implied by its structure and constituents, as defined
by the users of the databank. An atomic change can only
represent one of the basic change operations of the snap-
model, however there is no restriction on how atomic changes
are combined to form complex changes. Note that, as long as
the set of basic change operations is complete (operations can
lead the snap-model to any possible state), the choice of basic
change operations is not restricted by the evo-graph;
alternative sets of basic change operations may be adopted,
while the properties of evo-graph remain largely insensitive to
which set is selected. We consider a typical set of basic
change operations for the snap-model, comprised of:
• create: creates a new child node, and connects it with
the parent node.
• remove: removes an edge, deleting a child.
• update: updates the value of an atomic node.
Fig. 1 Modeling of basic change operations with evo-graph
The evo-graph is constructed step by step, as changes occur
at the current version of the snap-model. Our approach creates
a new object version in the evo-graph whenever a change
occurs to the value of that object. The value of an atomic node
is a literal attached to the node, while the value of a complex
object is the list of references to its children. Each change
creates a new change node and a new evolution edge,
connecting the previous version with the new version of the
object. The new version of the object is then connected to the
latest versions of its parents, and the latest versions of its
children. Fig. 1 shows how the basic change operations
update and remove are represented in the evo-graph. Nodes
contain their respective node ID, while node labels are placed
next to each node. In the case of remove, when node &4 is
removed from the children of node &2, a new version of node
&2 with ID &5 is created in the evo-graph to reflect this
change. Note that a number of removals and creations of
sibling nodes will result to an equal number of parent node
versions. In this way evo-graph keeps a detailed record of the
data evolution. The number assigned to each change
represents the time instance the change occurred. We assume
a linear time domain and two special time instances: start,
representing the beginning of time, and now, representing the
current moment. As a general rule, changes that affect child
nodes create new versions of the parent nodes. The same
holds for update, since the atomic node &2 can be considered
as the parent of an implied “value node”.
B. Recording Evolution: an Example
We present a simple scenario which demonstrates how the
evo-graph can be used to record changes and relationships
between changes in an evolving Web databank that publish
bioscientific data. Through this example we attempt to
establish the importance of treating complex changes as first
class citizens, since they convey indispensable information for
interpreting the evolution of data as well as the reasons for
their current and previous states.
Fig. 2 State of Web databank at T=start
The initial state of the example databank is depicted in Fig.
2 and contains two miRNAs. A miRNA is a part of the DNA
chain associated with the production of proteins, and under
certain circumstances it can attach itself at certain points on
the DNA chain, causing important effects. A miRNA is
defined by a start point in the DNA chain (corresponding to
pos in Fig. 2) and a length. Knowledge on miRNAs advances
rapidly, and the databank in Fig. 2 changes often to reflect this:
a miRNA may change name and properties, split into two
distinct miRNAs, merge with another to form a new miRNA,
Fig. 3 shows the evo-graph at T=5. For simplicity, the data
root and the change root are omitted, while the arguments of
change operations are implied and do not appear on the figure.
At time instance 1 (T=1) the length of the miRNA with ID
“m1” is updated from 9 to 19. This basic change operation is
expressed by the change node &11 that creates a new version
of the length (node &10). After this update, “m1” occupies the
positions 100 to 119. This, however, causes a collision with
miRNA “m2”, which on T=1 starts at position 110. Therefore,
the start position of “m2” (node &8) must be updated, as a
consequence of the change occurred to “m1”. For the sake of
the example, we assume that the end position of “m2” at the
DNA chain remains fixed. Therefore, an update of the start
position of “m2” must be followed by an update of its length,
so that its end position remains the same. This is modeled by
the complex change pos-len-update that appears in Fig. 3 as
node &17. This complex change creates a new version of the
specific miRNA, and consists of two atomic changes: an
update of the start position of “m2” (node &13 introduces
node &12), and an update on the length of “m2” (node &15
introduces node &14).
Fig. 3 Evo-graph at T=5
Note that newly introduced nodes are connected only to the
latest versions of their parents and children, ensuring that the
complexity of incoming and outgoing edges is contained
within a “local” area. For example, in case node &14 is
updated again at T=6, the resulting node &20 (not shown in
Fig. 2) would be connected to node &16 but not to node &6.
Change nodes &11 and &17 are further composed into the
complex operation m1-length-change, represented by node
&19. This operation is associated with node &1 and causes
the creation of a new version of the miRNAs node (node &18).
Complex change nodes can represent relationships between
changes that take place in disparate places of the databank,
and would otherwise be treated as unrelated. In this way, it is
possible to model any change operation, like for instance,
move, split, merge, etc.
Summarizing, the evo-graph models evolution using
arbitrarily complex changes, with sub-changes applied to
objects that can reside far from each other in the data graph. In
[21] we also show that the same principles can be used to
create and maintain links between disparate databanks, as in
the case of copying and pasting information.
C. Time Propagation and Snapshot Reduction
Evo-graph captures in a uniform way multiple data versions
along with the evolution operations applied on each version,
and represents them in a coherent graph enriched with
temporal information. A key difference from existing
versioning and temporal approaches on XML and
semistructured data, where transaction and valid time are
explicitly expressed though timestamps or time intervals
assigned to nodes, edges, or paths [20], is that the time
dimension is not assigned on the data elements of the graph;
instead it is the change nodes that retain and propagate all
temporal information on the evo-graph.
Fig. 4 Annotating the evo-graph of Fig. 3 with validity timespans
A timestamp is assigned to each change node in VC,
denoting the time on which this change occurred (transaction
time). Change timestamps determine the validity timespan of
data nodes and data edges. Every change affects the validity
timespan of the two data nodes it is connected with (through
the respective evolution edge), in the sense that the previous
version of an object stops being valid the moment a new
version is created. Timespans propagate to child data nodes,
since a child can only exist if it has a valid parent.
In what follows we give a process for obtaining the validity
timespans of the data nodes in an evo-graph.
− Step 1. Set as the current node v the data root rD
− Step 2. For each outgoing data edge ei = (v,vi)∈ED set
TS(ei) = TS(v), i.e. the timespan of the current node is
propagated to all outgoing edges.
− Step 3. Set TS(vi) = ∪TS(x,vi), where (x,vi)∈ED, i.e.
the timespan of a node is the union of the timespans of
all incoming edges (or equivalently to the union of the
timespans of all its parents).
− Step 4. If an evolution edge eev = (vi,c,v'
i)∈EE exists
with timestamp tc, then do steps 4a and 4b, else go to
step 5.
− Step 4a. The timespan of vi becomes TS(vi) =
− Step 4b. The timespan of v'
i becomes TS(v'
i) =
− Step 5. Set vi as the current node and return to step 2.
The evo-graph of Fig. 3 is shown in Fig. 4 annotated with
the validity timespans of data nodes.
The validity timespans of data nodes and edges allow us to
perform the operation of snapshot reduction, for extracting the
specific version that holds under a given time instance.
Snapshot reduction takes as input an evo-graph plus a time
instance, and produces a snap-model consisting only of those
data nodes and data edges for which their validity timespan
contains the given time instance.
Fig. 5 Snapshot reduction for T=5 of the evo-graph in Fig. 4
The algorithm starts from the data root, and performs a
recursive DFS on the evo-graph. It evaluates the time validity
of each data node, and if it contains the given time instance
the node is added to the output, along with its incoming edge
through which it was accessed.
The tree snapshot for the time instance T=5 of the evo-
graph in Fig. 4 is shown in Fig. 5. Since the resulting tree does
not contain any change nodes or evolution edges, it can be
easily transformed to XML format, following a non replicated
top-down traversal [15].
There are two main techniques that can be employed for
representing evo-graph with XML: the one follows the
replicated approach, and the other follows the non-replicated
approach [15]. A replicated representation dictates that a node
with many parents is replicated as a child element under every
different parent. The non-replicated approaches use XML
references to connect the parent nodes to the common child
element. In the latter approaches, shared children can be
contained as elements either in the oldest, or in the latest
version of the parent (with all the other versions connected to
them through references). Moreover, shared children may use
references to point to their parents (bottom-up representation),
or alternatively be pointed to by their parents (top-down
representation). Evidently, non-replicated techniques are
more space efficient, since they avoid the constant replication
of potentially big subtrees.
<evo:evoXML xmlns=””
<evo:DataRoot evo:id=”dataroot”>
<miRNAs evo:id=”1”>
<miRNA evo:id=”2”>
<ID evo:id=”3”>m1</ID>
<pos evo:id=”4”>100</pos>
<length evo:id=”5”>9</length>
<length evo:id=”10” evo:ts=”1”
<miRNA evo:id=”6”>
<ID evo:id=”7”>m2</ID>
<pos evo:id=”8”>110</pos>
<length evo:id=”9”>30</length>
<evo:ChangeRoot evo:id=”changeroot”>
<update evo:id=”11” evo:tt=”1”
evo:before=”5” evo:after=”10”/>
</evo:evoXML >
We choose a top-down non-replicated approach for the
XML representation of the evo-graph. The resulting
representation, called evoXML, integrates into a single XML
document all the different versions of the data nodes as well
as the change nodes, along with some temporal attributes. To
distinguish domain elements from special-purpose elements
and attributes, we use a namespace called evo for qualifying
the latter. In evoXML the data root, rD, and change root, rC, of
the evo-graph are mapped to the elements evo:DataRoot and
evo:ChangeRoot respectively. These top-level elements
contain child elements that correspond to the data node
hierarchy and the change node hierarchy of the evo-graph. An
element is tagged with the label of the respective node, and
has an attribute called evo:id whose value is the respective
node ID in the evo-graph. The values of atomic data nodes
become the content of the respective elements, whereas
atomic change nodes are represented by empty elements. A
change edge between two change nodes is captured as the
parent-child relationship of the corresponding elements. A
data edge between two data nodes is represented in the same
Note that if a child node is pointed to by multiple parent
versions, the element corresponding to the child node is
contained in the oldest parent element, while subsequent
parent versions contain “clone” elements of the child. The
“clone” elements are empty elements that point to the
“original” child element via the special-purpose attribute
evo:ref. As an example consider node &6 and node &16 that
point to node &7 in Fig. 3. Table 2 shows the evoXML
representation for the evo-graph in Fig. 3. In Table 2, node &7
corresponds to the ID element with evo:id=“7” and content
“m2”. Node &7 is contained in the miRNA element with
evo:id=“6”. Notice that the miRNA element with evo:id=“16”
contains an ID element with a reference to the “original” ID
<evo:evoXML xmlns=””
<evo:DataRoot evo:id=”dataroot”>
<miRNAs evo:id=”1”>
<miRNA evo:id=”2”>
<ID evo:id=”3”>m1</ID>
<pos evo:id=”4”>100</pos>
<length evo:id=”5”>9</length>
<length evo:id=”10” evo:ts=”1”
<miRNA evo:id=”6”>
<ID evo:id=”7”>m2</ID>
<pos evo:id=”8”>110</pos>
<pos evo:id=”12” evo:ts=”2”
<length evo:id=”9”>30</length>
<length evo:id=”14” evo:ts=”3”
<miRNA evo:id=”16” evo:ts=”4” evo:previous=”6”>
<ID evo:ref=”7”/>
<pos evo:ref=”12”/>
<length evo:ref=”14”/>
<miRNAs evo:id=”18” evo:ts=”5” evo:previous=”1”>
<miRNA evo:ref=”2”/>
<miRNA evo:ref=”16”/>
<evo:ChangeRoot evo:id=”changeroot”>
<m1-length-change evo:id=”19” evo:tt=”5”
evo:before=”1” evo:after=”18”>
<update evo:id=”11” evo:tt=”1”
evo:before=”5” evo:after=”10”/>
<pos_len_update evo:id=”17” evo:tt=”4”
evo:before=”6” evo:after=”16”>
<update evo:id=”13” evo:tt=”2”
evo:before=”8” evo:after=”12”/>
<update evo:id=”15” evo:tt=”3”
evo:before=”9” evo:after=”14”/>
</evo:evoXML >
For representing an evolution edge eE(v1,c,v2)
E, we
introduce the two special-purpose attributes evo:before and
evo:after, which are part of the evoXML element
corresponding to the change node c, and reference the
elements that represent v1 and v2 respectively. In addition, we
use the attribute evo:previous in the element representing a
new version v2 of a node v1 to reference the element
representing v1. This enables us to directly spot the previous
version of an element without having to refer to the
evo:before attribute of the corresponding change element.
Finally, we use the attribute evo:tt for recording the
timestamp (transaction time) of a change node, and the
attribute evo:ts for recording the beginning of the validity
timespan of a data node. We do not keep the end of the
validity timespan, because it can be derived from the evo:ts
attribute of the element representing the next version. The
attribute evo:ts is used only in elements representing nodes
that have evolved (nodes connected to an evolution edge);
especially for the first version of such nodes the
evo:ts=“start” is implied and does not appear explicitly in
the element. Moreover, the validity timespan of an element
that has not evolved is implied, and is the same as that of its
In Table 1 we give the evoXML for the evo-graph in Fig. 3
until the time instance T=1 (inclusive), while in Table 2 we
give the evoXML for the whole evo-graph in Fig. 3 (until the
time instance T=5, inclusive). Elements in Table 2 that do not
exist in Table 1 appear in bold. Observe that our approach to
XML representation is additive with respect to evo-graph
operations: as the evo-graph changes, only additions of new
elements are performed in the corresponding evoXML
In [21] we have presented in detail how temporal snapshots
can be extracted from evo-graph. The extraction of a specific
document version for a given time instance is performed on an
evoXML document in a similar way: by traversing the data
part of the document, and keeping only those elements that are
valid for the specified time instance.
In this section we give query examples on a number of
distinct query categories, and illustrate how they can be
answered using both evo-path and XQuery.
A. Evo-path Syntax
In [21] we have proposed evo-path as an extension of
XPath [18] used to navigate evo-graphs. Similarly to XPath,
evo-path uses path expressions to move through and select
data nodes. Moreover, evo-path uses constructs that allows the
navigation through change nodes, plus predicates that express
conditions on evolution edges. Consequently, there are two
kinds of path expressions in evo-paths: data path expressions,
and change path expressions.
Data path expressions start from the data root of the evo-
graph and return data nodes. Similarly to XPath they are
written as a sequence of location steps separated by “/”
characters. Shortcuts can be used in data path expressions just
like in XPath, as shown by the following two equivalent evo-
Change path expressions start from the change root of the
evo-graph and return change nodes. They have the same
syntax as data path expressions, but are enclosed in square
A temporal predicate is introduced in evo-path in order to
express temporal conditions on the evo-graph nodes. The form
of the temporal predicate is:
[ts() operator {timespan_1, timespan_2, …,
where operator is [not] (in | contains | meets |
equals). The ts() evaluates to the validity timespan of the
context node, which is calculated through the process
described in Section III-C.
Evolution predicates are used to assert the existence of
evolution edges at specific points in the graph. The form of
the evolution predicate is:
[evo-filter data_path_expr | change_path_expr]
The evo-filter can be one of: evo-before(), evo-
after(), and evo-both(). The filters evo-before() and evo-
after() retain only those data nodes that are on the correct
side (left and right respectively) of the change specified by the
evolution predicate. On the other hand, evo-both() returns
true for the data nodes on both sides of the evolution edge.
B. Querying Evo-graph and EvoXML
In what follows we continue the scenario presented in
Section III-B, and give a few query examples on a number of
distinct query categories (appearing in brackets in the
headings below). We express each query both as an evo-path
and as an XQuery, in order to expose their relative
expressiveness and suitability in the frame of the current
context. Evo-paths are evaluated against the evo-graph of Fig.
3, while XQueries are evaluated against the corresponding
evoXML of Table 2.
1) History of a data element (temporal queries): While
browsing the current snapshot of the databank (Fig. 5) a bio-
scientist named Brian realizes that the length of the miRNA
with ID ‘m2’ is not what he expected, and engages in finding
out what has happened and why. He starts by retrieving the
previous versions of the data node &14 (see Fig. 3):
//miRNA [ID=’m2’] /length [ts() not covers {now}]
This is a data path expression that returns the length data
nodes of miRNA objects with ID=’m2’. The temporal
predicate ts() evaluates to false for the current version of
length (&14) that holds under now, and true for every other
version. The evo-path returns node &9 in Fig. 3.
1 for $m in //miRNA,
2 $i in $m/id,
3 $i2 in $m/id,
4 $l in $m/length,
5 $l2 in $m/length
6 where ($i = ”m2” or
7 ($i/@evo:ref = $i2 and $i2 = ”m2”))
8 and
9 $l2/@evo:previous = $l/@evo:id
10 return $l
A key part in this XQuery is the use of the variables i and
i2 in order to implement the test ID=’m2’ (lines 6 and 7).
Notice that our decision to use a non-replicated approach for
the XML representation forced us to use a self join. This self
join ensures that the miRNA element with evo:id=16 is not
excluded, and that the reference to the ID element with
evo:id=7 is correctly evaluated to ‘m2’. Another self join is
used in line 9 to ensure that the length versions that will be
returned will not include the current version. The query
returns the length element with evo:id=9 from the evoXML
of Table 2.
2) Changes applied on data elements (evolution
queries): Brian checks the value of node &9 and wants to
learn more about the hows and whys for updating the value 30
of length to the current value 20. He wants to get all the
complex changes that contain the relevant update operation
(node &15), and check whether this update was part of a
larger modification within the miRNAs subtree:
<//* [evo-both() //miRNAs//*]
[.//update [evo-after() //length
[ts() covers {now}] = 20]]>
The first predicate of the above evo-path returns all the
change nodes that are applied to a miRNAs data node or any of
their descendants. On the next two lines, the second predicate
dictates that only the changes that have an update descendant
applied on a length object with current value 20 can be
returned. The evo-path returns nodes &19 and &17 of Fig. 3.
1 for $c in /changeroot//*,
2 $l in /dataroot//length,
3 $l1 in /dataroot//length,
4 $d in //miRNAs//*,
5 $u in $c//update
6 where ($c/@evo:before = $d/@evo:id
7 or
8 $c/@evo:after = $d/@evo:id)
9 and
10 $u/@evo:after = $l/@evo:id
11 and
12 $l[not
13 (./@evo:id = $l1/@evo:previous)]
14 and
15 $l = 20
16 return $c
Lines 6, 7, and 8 require that the returned changes apply to
some element of the miRNAs subtree. Line 10 ensures that the
changes have some update descendant applied on some
length element. In lines 12 and 13 a self join ensures that
only the latest (current) version of length elements survives
for the next condition $l=20 in line 15. The query returns the
m1-length-change element with evo:id=19 and the pos-len-
update element with evo:id=17 from the evoXML of Table 2.
3) Relationships between change elements (causality
queries): Realizing that the update of the length of ‘m2’ has
something to do with the complex change &19 m1-length-
change, Brian decides to check all the prior versions of the
data objects affected by m1-length-change and its
descendant changes.
//* [evo-before() <//m1-length-change//*>]
Not taking the predicate into account, the data path
expression evaluates to all the data nodes in Fig. 3. The
evolution predicate evaluates to true only for the data nodes
that are connected through an evolution edge with a m1-
length-change change node (&19) or one of its descendant
change nodes (&11, &17, &13, &15). These nodes are &1,
&18, &5, &10, &6, &16, &8, &12, &9, and &14. However,
due to evo-before() in the evolution predicate, only the
following nodes are returned as the result: &1, &5, &6, &8,
&9. Brian links the dots and realizes that the updates on the
miRNA ‘m2’ are a consequence of the change of the length
of ‘m1’.
1 for $c in
2 /changeroot//m1-length-change//*,
3 $d in /dataroot//*
4 where $c/@evo:before = $d/@evo:id
5 return $d
The query returns all the elements that correspond to nodes
modified by some change located under the m1-length-
change. The elements with evo:id 1,5,6,8 and 9 are
returned from the evoXML of Table 2.
C. Discussion
The XQuery expressions in this section are equivalent to,
but not a formal translation of the corresponding evo-path
expressions. A formal translation would address, part by part,
the elements introduced by evo-path that do not exist in XPath,
like for instance the temporal predicate (Section V-A) and the
ts() function. Instead we used XML references to go around
the XQuery implementation of the temporal predicate for the
specific examples.
The XQuery examples in this section are quite complex.
This complexity comes from two main reasons. The first
reason is our choice of XML representation. The non-
replicated approach we followed uses references to represent
common children in the data part of the evo-graph. Conditions
on such children require self joins in XQuery in order to take
references into account. The second reason has to do with the
temporal properties of nodes and edges in the evo-graph.
Temporal predicates are not straightforward to express in
XQuery. Notice that the third XQuery example above is easy
to follow because it does not involve time constraints, and
does not pose conditions on the data part of the evo-graph.
The change part of the evo-graph is a tree, and it is simple to
access with XQuery.
Summarizing, the modeling of complex changes in evo-
graph enables a wide range of useful queries to be expressed
in a uniform way. The above discussion leads us to believe
that it would be meaningful for a query language in our
context to provide direct support for complex changes and
evolution edges.
In this paper we argued that changes should be treated as
first class citizens in data management systems. Evo-graph is
a graph model that represents, in addition to data, arbitrarily
complex changes. We discussed how evo-graph is constructed
through an example on bioscientific data, and showed how
temporal snapshots of the data can be produced. Moreover, we
introduced evoXML, an XML syntax for representing evo-
graphs. We presented a number of interesting query categories
that can be answered by evo-graph and evoXML, showing the
potential of using change objects just like data objects in
models and queries. Evo-path is an extension of XPath for
navigating and querying evo-graphs. We expressed our
example queries in both XQuery and evo-path, for giving an
intuition of the difference between the two. Concluding, we
argue that treating changes as first class citizens enables a
uniform solution to a number of evolution and provenance
issues in Web data.
Although XML technologies seem a natural choice for
representing evolving Web data, the principles behind evo-
graph (the treatment of changes as first class citizens) can be
applied to other data management frameworks like RDF. In
addition to investigating this direction, the next steps of our
ongoing work include: (a) to finalize a query language for
evo-graphs and evoXML, (b) to specify a language for
defining types (templates) for complex changes, and
investigate their instantiation on data, and (c) to implement
and experiment with tools for recording and querying complex
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