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Characterizing Player's Experience From Physiological Signals Using Fuzzy Decision Trees


Abstract and Figures

In the recent years video games have enjoyed a dramatic increase in popularity, the growing market being echoed by a genuine interest in the academic field. With this flourishing technological and theoretical efforts, there is need to develop new evaluative methodologies for acknowledging the various aspects of the player's subjective experience, and especially the emotional aspect. In this study, we addressed the possibility of developing a model for assessing the player's enjoyment (amusement) with respect to challenge in an action game. Our aim was to explore the viability of a generic model for assessing emotional experience during gameplay from physiological signals. In particular, we propose an approach to characterize the player's subjective experience in different psychological levels of enjoyment from physiological signals using fuzzy decision trees.
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Characterizing Player’s Experience From Physiological Signals
Using Fuzzy Decision Trees
Florent Levillain, Joseph Onderi Orero, Maria Rifqi and Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
Abstract In the recent years video games have enjoyed
a dramatic increase in popularity, the growing market being
echoed by a genuine interest in the academic field. With this
flourishing technological and theoretical efforts, there is need
to develop new evaluative methodologies for acknowledging
the various aspects of the player’s subjective experience, and
especially the emotional aspect. In this study, we addressed
the possibility of developing a model for assessing the player’s
enjoyment (amusement) with respect to challenge in an action
game. Our aim was to explore the viability of a generic
model for assessing emotional experience during gameplay from
physiological signals. In particular, we propose an approach
to characterize the player’s subjective experience in different
psychological levels of enjoyment from physiological signals
using fuzzy decision trees.
Fun is a crucial component of video games. Video games
are purposely designed to elicit positive experiences, where
every obstacle standing on the player’s path should be an
excuse for entertainment. Yet, when it comes to defining
the factors determining such an experience, quantifying fun
remains a complex task. In the domain of game design,
empirical methods still rule the process of making a game
enjoyable, and objective and systematic methods are still
lagging behind the sheer interest for theoretical approaches
in game design. In the recent past, research has focused
on machine learning approaches, with the goal of modeling
emotional experiences related to gameplay. In this direction,
considerable progress has been made in using physiological
signals as a source of input [32], [22], [7], [41].
However, despite these promising scientific advances,
physiological computing still face a number of obstacles [12].
Fundamental issues such as the generality and standard-
ization of the methodologies developed [1], are yet to be
fully addressed. The approaches tend to be too specific
and dependent on the laboratory experiments, making it
difficult to compare results and validate their applicability
in real-time applications. Indeed, in order to realize the full
potential of affective computing, more emphasis should be
put in developing generic user models that represent the
players [15]. The aim of this work was to address some of
these fundamental challenges.
Florent Levillain is with the Laboratoire Cognitions Humaine
et Artificielle (CHART), Universit´
e Paris 8, France (email:
Joseph Onderi Orero, Maria Rifqi and Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier
are with the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris 6 (LIP6), Universit´
Pierre et Marie Curie, France (email:{joseph.orero,maria.rifqi,
First, it is necessary to express in fuzzy terms the mapping
of affective markers from physiological data. It can be argued
that, changes from one emotional state to the next is gradual
rather than abrupt and that we need to take into account
the overlapping of class boundaries [14]. Moreover, the
physiological data from sensors is itself imperfect, such that
it is difficult to express the results in crisp terms [2]. Fuzzy
set theory based models seem more applicable to represent
these continuous transitions, uncertainties and imperfections.
As a result, fuzzy set theory based approaches have been
proposed with promising prospects to assess player’s sat-
isfaction [22], [32], [39]. Nevertheless there is need to
advance further in this direction, especially by exploring
methods able to extract relations that define the optimal
combination of measures. Despite their many advantages in
real-time applications, physiological measurements do not
provide a lateral, isomorphic representation of the emotion or
intention [12]. Consequently, in this work, we employ fuzzy
decision trees to extract psychophysiological relations.
Secondly, to guarantee the viability of the developed mod-
els in real-time application, the experimental setup should be
as close to normal human situations as possible. In order to
ensure a natural sense of immersion in the players, we put
some efforts in creating an adequate experimental situation.
We recruited our participants with no other incentive than
to have fun playing the game. To respect their spontaneous
pace, we placed no constraints on the way the game has to be
played. We chose a popular game, well known for its smooth
control system and its sense of balance and immersion but
selected episodes in the game with a clear contrast in terms
of difficulty, although each of them was worth playing.
Finally, to gather different layers of players’satisfaction, we
used two types of questionnaires: one immediately after each
sequence, to probe the most recent memories of the feelings
elicited by the game; another one, more retrospective, at the
end of the session, to promote a comparison between the
different sequences.
Overall, our main goal was to distinguish typical phys-
iological signatures associated with various gaming expe-
riences. In order to correlate these physiological measures
with subjective evaluations in different psychological levels
of enjoyment, we recorded physiological signals with the
hope of finding features able to distinguish between the levels
of engagement elicited by these sequences.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section II
we outline how to assess player’s experiences. In Section III
we give justification of machine learning approaches. We
then describe the experimental setup in Section IV before
978-1-4244-6297-1/10/$26.00 c
2010 IEEE 75
hal-00589944, version 1 - 2 May 2011
Author manuscript, published in "IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) 2010, Copenhagen : Denmark
giving our results in Section V. Finally, we give conclusions
and future perspectives in Section VI.
A. Objective Measures
Until now, modeling of the player’s emotional experience
during gameplay has mainly relied on traditional methods
through subjective self-reports such as questionnaires, in-
terviews and focus groups. Although these subjective self-
report methods are used virtually in all fields to give a
global view of the user experiences on specific aspects of
interest, they have limitations. One of them being that they
only generate data at the moment the question is asked, and
not through a continuous process. Secondly, it is difficult
for participants to self report their behaviors during game
situations [28]. Since the main goal of video games is to
entertain through a continuous renewal of the user’s interest,
controlling the emergence of certain affective states is crucial
in achieving a truly immersive experience. Therefore, in
evaluating video games, it would be more appropriate to
use more objective measures that can assess continuously
the emotional responses in relation to variations of scenarios
and tasks at hand in the game.
Among a vast range of possible ways to continuously
assess a user’s emotional responses such as facial gesture
or voice recognition through video and audio recording,
physiological measures stand out. Although physiological
recordings have problems of their own (they produce noisy
data, they are not yet fully wearable and require a certain
immobility from the user), they grant an access to non con-
scious and non reportable processes [4] and may to a certain
extent be unobtrusively monitored [35]. Since video games
tend to promote a natural sense of immersion, physiological
recordings seem appropriate when it comes to measuring
how much cognitive effort, or active coping is involved in
a particular task. Thus in this work, we focused on the
use physiological signals as a more objective measure to
continuously assess the players’ emotional experience.
B. Modeling the Player’s Experience
There is much debate concerning how to conceptual-
ize emotions, whether they must be considered as static,
biologically-rooted states [11] or as dynamical, boundaries-
free states [27]. The dimensional theory of emotions holds
that all emotions can be resumed as coordinates of valence
and arousal [18], [34]. For instance, in the domain of game
studies ([22], [5] and many others), the player’s experience
is defined as a compound of a certain amount of arousal and
a certain degree on a valence scale.
But when trying to model the player’s subjective experi-
ence, an approach based only on valence and arousal might
come short. Specifically, this approach does not take into ac-
count the possibility that the player’s satisfaction comes from
two different sources: (i) the (meta)cognitive assessment of
the challenge at stake, reflecting the recognition of the game
designer’s intentions to manipulate the affective/immersive
component of the game, (ii) the affective evaluation of the
pleasure gained from experiencing a certain amount of chal-
lenge. In other words, a player may recognize the intention of
the game to vary the level of excitement, although he may
not enjoy such a variation. This is coherent with a dual-
system of evaluation based on distinct anatomical pathways,
a cognitive pathway and an emotional pathway [19].
In this respect, considering the player’s appraisal of the
challenge at stake might be a more promising approach.
In this domain, one key approach concerns the theory of
flow [9]. This theory states that in order to elicit positive
emotions in the player, one should be certain that the player
is maintained in a narrow channel (the flow channel) where
he/she is not overcome by difficulty, although at the same
time challenge should not fail to engage the player. The limits
of the state of flow are thus boredom in the one hand, when
the player feels insufficiently engaged, anxiety in the other
hand, when challenge exceeds the player’s skills. To put it
in simple words, a game should be neither too hard nor too
easy [13], which is represented by a recent tendency in game
design to address several levels of skills by promoting multi-
layered games. In order to satisfy the player, therefore to
maintain a state of flow as frequently as possible, it is thus
extremely important to learn to recognize, with the help of
objective indicators, what is a state of optimal satisfaction in
his/her experience.
C. Application of Gameplay Experience Modeling
The approach of modeling player’s experience with re-
spect to appraisal of challenge, has been widely explored,
especially in the recent past ([7], [40], [32] among others).
Although the methodologies may seem similar, there seems
to be two research concerns in this direction. One approach
concerns the qualitative evaluation of the game to ensure that
the final product gives the desired experience. In this case,
the interest is more on determining the nature of combination
of factors that make a computer game fun [21]. A game
should be designed to combine these aspects such that it
leads to the best experience. For instance, Yannakakis and
his team [39], [40], [41] have carried out extensive work
developing models able to recognize games designed to give
more fun with respect to Malone’s factors [21].
On the contrary, a second approach seeks to hold certain
factors constant, while varying certain aspects of interest.
Unlike the former approach, this approach is more concerned
by the implicit manipulation of the player’s experience during
interaction. When it comes to the evaluation of challenge,
triggering an optimal experience implies the player’s ability
to handle the task at hand while being actively engaged.
The assumption is that for well-designed game sequences,
the appreciation will vary depending on the mastery of the
skills required. For instance, Rani et. al. [33], [32] induced
different levels of anxiety by varying the challenge. In a
similar way, Chanel et. al. [7] tested the hypothesis that the
experience in a game level depends on the player’s mastering
of the skills required in that specific level. In this direction, a
76 2010 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG’10)
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major concern is to enable the possibility for games to adjust
online the level of difficulty based on the player’s skills.
Although the two approaches are closely interrelated, our
focus in this work was more on the second approach. We
propose to advance further in this direction by proposing a
machine learning approach that could be more applicable in
real-time applications. The aim was to extract information for
developing a generic emotionally adaptive control [15], that
induces a given experience on the player through challenge
variation. As outlined by Fairclough’s [12] four zones of
distress and engagement, the game should maintain a con-
tinuous loop between the stretch zone (when engagement
and distress are both high) and comfort zone (when the
user is comfortable with the level of demand yet remains
motivated by the task at hand). The corrective mechanisms
of the emotionally adaptive control will depend on whether
the player is experiencing:
i) Low Distress
- Game Engagement (Comfort zone)
- Game Disengagement *
ii) High Distress
- Game Engagement (stretch zone)
- Game Disengagement *
Therefore, our experimental setup was geared towards ex-
tracting the characteristics of the physiological features that
can be used to discriminate these experiences for an adaptive
control to provide appropriate corrective mechanism.
A. Classification Methods
A wide range of methods have been proposed for emotion
recognition from physiological signals such as linear discrim-
inant analysis, k-nearest-neighbor (KNN), neural network
and decision trees [30], [25], [37], [32], [16]. Although the
results from these methods seems comparable (see in [37]),
decision trees appear to be better suited for this kind of
problem. A major advantage of decision trees lies in the fact
that they induce explicitly defined rules used in classification.
Our interest is not only to achieve high rates of classification
but also to determine the relationship between the physiolog-
ical signals attributes and the emotional states. The success
of affective computing [29] depends on establishing the
optimal combination measures and features to discriminate
emotional categories. Unlike other classifiers, decision trees
not only perform classification but also evaluate attributes
by selecting the best attribute that discriminate the classes in
each node of the tree. Indeed, with a reasonable tree pruning
and sample size, decision trees give characterization of the
training set indicating how attribute values differ between
different classes.
B. Fuzzy Decision Trees
As we have already pointed out, it is preferable to use
an approach based on fuzzy sets theory. In fuzzy sets
theory [42], a fuzzy set is represented by a membership
function, µA:A[0,1], indicating the degree to which
an element belongs to a given set A. This is a contrast to
{0,1}in a crisp set, in which an element can only belong to
a given set A(membership value of 1) or not (membership
value of 0). It is interesting for this kind of recognition to
express our output in a gradual scale [0,1] especially in
order to continuously assess the emotional change during
gameplay. In this respect, fuzzy expert systems designed
with rules based on psychophysiological literature [22], [32]
and learning from fuzzy neural networks [39], have been
In this work, we consider a machine learning by means
of fuzzy decision trees. Fuzzy decision trees automatically
construct from the data a set of fuzzy rules which is knowl-
edge base for a fuzzy expert system. This approach is an
automatic method to build fuzzy partitions from attributes
to avoid prior definition of fuzzy values and enables us to
test and compare them in the process of classification. In
addition, like classical decision trees, they represent induced
knowledge in a very expressive way in which the path of a
decision tree is equivalent to an IF . . . THEN . . . rule. This
is a contrast to black box methods such as neural networks
in which the model is represented by values of a network
weights. Moreover, in fuzzy decision trees, as changes from
one rule to another is gradual with fuzzy values [0,1] instead
of crisp values{0,1}in classical trees, they have proved to
provide better classification rate [23].
The objective of this work was to explore automatic
generation of psychophysiological relations based on the
players’ physiological data. We used Marsala’s Salammbˆ
Fuzzy Decision Tree [23] and compared our results with
Quilan’s C4.5 decision trees [31] and KNN [8].
A. Participants and Setting
The experiment was conducted at the LUTIN (Labora-
toire des Usages en Technologies d’Information Num´
Paris, France. Participants in the experiment were recruited
from visitors of the nearby museum, Cit´
e des Sciences et
de l’Industrie. They were all aged between 15 to 39 and no
specific expertise in the field of video games was required, al-
though we selected participants able to manipulate a gamepad
and to orient themselves in a virtual environment. We tested
a total of 39 participants. However, due to failures in the
physiological recording, we kept data from 25 participants
for whom all the sensors worked.
We tested a game belonging to a popular genre in the
game industry, Halo3, which is a First-Person Shooter (FPS).
This game is one of the best genre that promotes a sense of
immersion in that it propels the player at the heart of action
through a first-person perspective. Halo3TM was played on
a Microsoft Xbox 360T M on a 32-inch LCD television. A
camera captured the TV screen. Participants were seated
at approximatively one meter from the screen, they were
explicitly told not to move and keep the game pad onto
their laps in order to avoid any muscular artefact in the
physiological recording.
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B. Physiological Signals and Features
In order to discriminate emotions from physiological sig-
nals, a wide range of measures have been proposed such
as electromyography measuring facial muscle tension, the
blood volume pulse, the skin conductance, respiration rate
and measures related to the brain activity. In this work,
based on the previous literature, we identified a subset of
these measures that can be used almost non-intrusively while
yielding optimal results. We chose to collect galvanic skin
response (GSR), heart rate (HR) and respiration rate (RR)
data during gameplay. GSR which is a measure of the
conductivity of the skin is considered as an effective correlate
to arousal [18], [3], [10] and has been extensively used
in the domain of affective computing [35], [38], [22]. On
the other hand, heart rate (HR) and blood pressure may
also give an indication about stress-related activities with
heart rate accelerations mediated by the sympathetic nervous
system [20], [24]. But as a result of a dual innervation of
the heart by both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic
nervous systems, HR could also index moments of atten-
tional surge. For instance, increased cardiac parasympathetic
activity causes HR to decelerate when attention is paid to an
external (e.g., media) stimulus [17][36].
To collect the physiological measures we used the Biopac
M P 35 acquisition unit and the software BSLPro to visualize
the data. We collected heart rate (HR) through a measure
of cardiovascular activity by measuring the electrocardiogra-
phy (ECG) through a Einthoven derivation II placing pre-
gelled surface electrodes on the ankles and on the wrist.
We recorded GSR using surface electrodes attached with
VelcroTM Straps that were placed on two fingers of the left
hand. The fingers wearing the electrodes remained wedged
under the gamepad. We recorded the respiration rate (RR)
with a stretch sensor positioned around the thorax. ECG,
GSR and RR data were collected at 200Hz. As noisy ECG
data may produce failures in computing the HR, we inspected
the HR data and corrected manually every erroneous samples.
The same method was applied to the RR.
In respect to physiological feature extraction, for each
signal, we chose to calculate the features shown in Table I
that we belief are very relevant based on results from past
research and our earlier preliminary work [26].
Feature Total
Maximum value of raw signal 3
Minimum value of raw signal 3
Mean value of raw signal 3
Standard deviation of raw signal 3
Mean of absolute first derivative of raw signal 3
Maximum gradient of the raw signal 3
Power Spectrum Density 0-0.8 frequency range (∆0.2) 12
Total 30
C. Game Sequences
As a baseline, we used a resting period during which
participants watched the introductory screen from the game.
This screen is appropriate to elicit a relaxing state in that
it depicts a contemplative scene with slowly moving objects
accompanied by a soft soundtrack. Participants played suc-
cessively to four short sequences, each of them followed
immediately by a questionnaire and a two-minutes resting
period. The game sequences were as follows:
i) Sequence 1: The game session always started with an
introductory sequence corresponding to the first minutes
of the game. In this sequence, the transition from explo-
ration to combat is smooth, and specifically designed
not the challenge excessively the player enjoying the
game for the first time. After having played Sequence 1,
participants were asked to complete the three following
sequences. The order of presentation of these sequences
was counterbalanced.
ii) Sequence 2: the player is driving a powerful tank, he
is heavily protected and benefits from a highly effective
iii) Sequence 3: the player is equipped with a sniping riffle,
and is allowed to shoot enemies at a distance. The
player is in a tactical advantage, as he stands in a upper
iv) Sequence 4: the player is confronted to the highest
difficulty level of the game. The player is equipped with
a very basic arsenal, whereas ennemies are well armed,
ferocious and very resistant.
D. Self-Assessment Reports
At the end of each game episode, we asked the participant
to rate both her evaluation of the level of certain psycholog-
ical parameters, as well as the pleasure gained from these
parameters on a six-point ranking scale such as:
i) How much concentration is required in this sequence?
ii) Did you enjoy that the sequence requires this particular
amount of concentration?
iii) How arousing is this sequence?
iv) Did you enjoy that the sequence elicits this particular
amount of arousal? ....
Then, at the end of the experiment (after the participant
had completed the four sequences), we asked him to an-
swer four questions where a comparison between the four
sequences was proposed:
i) Which sequence is the most amusing?
ii) Which sequence is the least amusing?
iii) Which sequence is the most challenging?
iv) Which sequence is the least challenging?
A. Learning Set Construction
To have a more objective correlation of the subjective
experiences and the physiological measures during classifi-
cation, we used the evaluation at the end of the experiment.
As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, we found that the
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sequences considered as the most/the least challenging were
not the ones considered as the most amusing. Specifically,
we can see that the Sequence 4, which were clearly used as
a representative of a very difficult game episode, was chosen
by almost every participant as the one considered the most
challenging. On the other hand, few participants considered
this sequence as the most amusing. This probably reflects
the fact that participants felt their skills exceeded in this
episode, with a feeling of frustration as a consequence. On
the opposite side, the Sequence 1, which was the introduction
of the game, was clearly picked up as the least challenging
sequence, no participant chose it as the most amusing. In this
case, the lack of challenge is certainly the factor determining
a weak sense of fun. These two results confirm the fact that
in order to optimize the sense of fun, the player must be
maintained in a state of flow, between boredom and anxiety,
with the Sequence 2 and Sequence 3 standing here in the
closest position to this state of flow.
Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Sequence 4
Number of Participants
Most Amusing Most Challenging Least Challenging
Fig. 1. Most Amusing vs Challenge
Sequence 1 Sequence 2 Sequence 3 Sequence 4
Number of Participants
Least Amusing Most Challenging Least Challenging
Fig. 2. Least Amusing vs Challenge
First, since there was a variation of the length of the
episodes from participant to participant and to minimize the
effect of the transition periods, we used only the physi-
ological recordings of the last two minutes of the game
sequence. Then we subdivided the signals into 10 seconds
(2000 data points) segments. As attributes for the classifiers,
we calculated the features explained in Section IV. Secondly,
to account for variations between participants, we calculated
each participant’s attribute normalized value, nAi, from the
row value, Ai, using the attribute’s standard deviation, Asdv,
and its mean, Amean as shown in Equation 1.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Fuzzy Output
High Amusement Low Amusement
Fig. 3. Example of Output from Fuzzy Decision Tree
The output from the classifiers was in linguistic variables
for each of the dimensions. The output from the fuzzy
decision tree was in continuous values [0,1] indicating the
membership grades of a given sample to a particular linguis-
tic variable. Figure 3 shows an example of fuzzy decision tree
output from one of the participants. Samples 1 to 12 were
samples from the sequence evaluated as the least amusing
sequence while the rest were from the sequence evaluated as
the most amusing. As it can be seen, although some samples
from the least challenging sequence were classified as high
and vise versa, we have more information as regards to the
gradual change from one point in time to the next. This kind
of information is critical towards building expert systems.
We defuzzified the output into values {0,1}and compared
the results with other classifiers.
B. Results of Classification
Our main objective was to extract physiological features
that characterize player’s level of enjoyment (amusement).
In order to have two clearly distinct categories of game
sequences, we contrasted between the game sequence iden-
tified as the most amusing against the one identified by
the player as the least amusing. We obtained the results
shown in Table II. Figure 4 shows a sample of decision tree
for discriminating most and least amusing game sequences.
In particular, when GSR mean was greater than 0.22, the
majority of the sequences are of low amusement.
Alternatively, as already discussed we can consider
the amusement with respect to challenge. As we already
noted, we can distinguish two possible undesirable player
2010 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG’10) 79
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o FDT Quilan C4.5 DT KNN(k=10)
Least Amusing 80.40% 78.80% 77.50%
Most Amusing 71.30% 70.00% 76.30%
Overall 75.85% 74.40% 76.90%
Low/High Amusement Decision Tree
GSR mean <= 0.22266
| HR min <= 67.90785
| | RR derivative<= 3.02265:Low Amusement (21):High Amusement ( 6)
| | RR derivative > 3.02265
| | | RR min <= 16.44860: Low Amusement (4)
| | | RR min > 16.44860: High Amusement (17): Low Amusement (2)
| HR min > 67.90785: High Amusement (89): Low Amusement (20)
GSR mean > 0.22266
| GSR min <= 6.33326: Low Amusement (78): High Amusement (12)
| GSR min > 6.33326
| | GSR min <= 8.76122: High Amusement (14)
| | GSR min > 8.76122: Low Amusement (19): 1.00 (6)
Fig. 4. Sample Extract of High/Low Amusement Decision Tree
experiences (a) moments disengagement due to low distress
, when the player is likely to feel insufficiently challenged
by the task (too low distress disengagement) and (b) those
moments when the player is overstretched beyond his/her
ability leading to anxiety (high distress disengagement).
As our interest is in developing emotionally adaptive
system, it is important to identify the physiological features
that characterize them as they require different adaptive
mechanisms. First, as shown from Figure 1, Sequence 1
which was the least challenging game sequence, was not
identified by any participant as the most amusing. Therefore,
to extract physiological features that characterize a game
sequence of low distress disengagement (low challenge), we
contrasted Sequence 1 and the sequence identified by the
participant as the most amusing and found the results shown
in Table III. We pruned a sample decision tree to produce
the following two rules:
GSRmin<=0.33239 : T ooLowDistr ess(104) :
GSRmin>0.33239 : MostAmusement(125) :
T ooLowDistr ess(40)
The GSR signal can thus be successfully used to detect
periods when the player is insufficiently challenged (too low
distress disengagement).
o FDT Quilan C4.5 DT KNN(k=10)
Too Low Distress 77.40% 79.90% 80.60%
Most Amusing 86.30% 82.30% 78.50%
Overall 81.85% 81.10% 79.50%
Secondly, in order to ascertain the physiological features
that characterize moments when the player feels overloaded
by the task (overload disengagement), we contrasted the
sequences judged as the most challenging with the one
identified as the most amusing. As shown in Figure 1,
Sequence 4 is clearly judged as the most challenging, but
22 participants out of 25 did not find it the most amusing.
Using data from these 22 participants, we contrasted between
sequences identified by the player as most amusing against
Sequence 4 (the most challenging sequence). We obtained the
results shown in Table IV. Globally, the generated decision
trees revealed that, the GSR (min), HR (min amplitude value,
maximum value of the first derivative) and RR (maximum
value of the first derivative and power spectrum density),
were the most relevant features.
o FDT Quilan C4.5 DT KNN(k=10)
Overload 92.59% 78.20% 55.60%
Most Amusement 62.37% 65.50% 75.90%
Mean 69.17% 72.10% 65.40%
In this study, we set up an experiment to enable us model
the player’s experiences. We used fuzzy decision trees to au-
tomatically characterize the behavior of physiological signals
with respect to players’ evaluation of challenge in a game
episode. We managed to identify with considerable success
amusement level in respect to variation of challenge at stake.
Our results thus show that it is possible to gain information
from physiological signals considering the optimal state of
satisfaction of a player. Flow, in terms of physiological
activity, is reflected by variations in GSR and other range
of physiological activations that may be considered as the
sign of a deeper immersion in the game.
80 2010 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG’10)
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Eliciting a state of higher arousal by increasing the chal-
lenge faced by the player is one of the component necessary
to get a positive reaction. However, this component, when not
coupled to a possible immersion component, may impede
the sense of positive involvement in the game. In our
experiment, this seems to happen especially when players
face the highest level of difficulty of the game. Therefore,
flow might be characterized as a sense of high physiological
arousal coupled with a (possibly more cognitive) feeling of
adequation between the level of difficulty and the skills at
However, much is still to be done before getting access
to the structure of the player’s emotional processes. Our
results further confirm the difficulty in performing machine
learning due to inter individual variations of physiological
signals. Physiological signals seem to vary considerably from
participant to participant. Indeed, although we attempted to
minimize these variations by normalizing the features for
each participant, it may not have been successful due to
enormous variations between individuals’ physiological data.
We thus need to consider better algorithms to tackle this
Altogether, the road map for the forthcoming investigation
of affective states in video game will get through a clear
definition of the most relevant dimensions to account for
the emotional response we target, as well as a thorough
examination of other machine learning approaches. In this
work, we introduced the aspect of correlating objective with
subjective measures. Some more work is needed to under-
stand how to combine subjective measures with multiple
objective measures. This way, we hope for a truly systematic
affective recognition procedure to be incorporated to the
games evaluation routines.
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... For personalization, the following key terms (and variations on them) were proposed: personalization, individualization, (dynamic) difficulty adjustment, adaptive systems, experiencedriven procedural content generation, personas, individual differences, player modeling, and player types. It was immediately acknowledged that the latter key terms would lead to literature results that only provided empirical results on player differences [e.g., 14,99,124]. While such papers may not explicitly describe or perform personalization, they could provide a theoretical framing and directions for how to personalize game systems. ...
... The second emergent theme is modeling player affective states which includes predicting or getting insight into player's emotions such as enjoyment, engagement, and frustration. Within this work we found that many approaches relied on physiological data in order to build their models [27,99,112,123,186,200,203], while fewer relied on gameplay data [32,91]. Additionally, several approaches leveraged player survey data and ratings in order to build models of player experience [131] and find relationships between affective states and player types [43,129,130,149]. ...
... The game design literature surrounding design patterns discusses the ways in which different patterns of gameplay and different design patterns can effect the player's experience [47,84,209,210]. Additionally, in the personalization and player modeling literature there have been many empirical studies exploring how different changes in a game can effect the player's affective state and enjoyment of a game [4,99,206]. ...
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Personalization has been explored in the context of games in many forms (e.g., dynamic difficulty adjustment, affective video games, adaptive systems, experience-driven PCG, etc.). The majority of techniques used in these fields have relied on data-driven or manual methods for identifying game components to modify for personalization. We propose a theoretical framework for identifying and categorizing low-level components of games that can be personalized. In this paper we first perform a review of game design frameworks and personalization approaches. We then systematically identify the aspects of games which have been utilized for personalization and which components have been identified in game design frameworks as building blocks of games. We synthesize the identified components into categories of game elements. We then propose PEAS, a theoretical framework for personalization through the adaptation of the Player, Environment, Agents, and System.
... Csikszentmihalyi's work also strongly stresses that for the gamer to experience flow, not only does the game have to stretch the gamer's skills, but the gaming experience must also be self-rewarding. However, the common feature of the studies mentioned so far is that they share a narrow view of game enjoyment, which is mostly based on the pleasure gained from the game as measured through self-reported assessment, 3 GEQ questionnaires [24], or physiological measures [2,18,25,26]. Two drawbacks can also be mentioned here when using questionnaires. ...
... As Nacke and Lindley [26] who established a correlation between objective and self-reported measures, it could be interesting to examine whether physiological measures validate this causal model, and confirm both the typology of the players' experiences and their link with enjoyment-based challenge mapping. This work should be done in the first place with physiological data from Levillain et al. [25] which were collected during this very same experiment. ...
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Applied to video games, Csikszentmihalyi’s work on flow evidences that a positive gaming experience is intrinsically self-rewarding and primarily determined by the skill/challenge balance. A multi-layered measure of enjoyment is built to take these components into account. Gamers were asked to report the concentration-enjoyment they experienced during a first-person shooter game, and to better assess the gap between skill and challenge, the challenge enjoyment was also rated. Along with concentration level, concentration enjoyment is used to build a gaming experience typology that accounts for the self-rewarding component. An enjoyment-based challenge mapping is also drawn up, crossing challenge enjoyment and challenge level. The results show that this integrative enjoyment measure strengthens the causal link between challenge and gaming experience. Most importantly, the findings suggest that challenge or concentration-based enjoyment measures outweigh the standard concentration and difficulty measures as they are more likely to ensure a pleasant and positive experience (flow or relaxation) for the gamers. Indeed, regardless of the reported level of challenge, a gamer is more likely to have a positive experience when challenged at a level she perceives as pleasant. This article emphasizes the importance for game publishers of gathering enjoyment-based concentration and challenge assessments to ensure a positive gaming experience and gamers’ commitment.
... There are many other papers that use and study those physiological factors as well, although they describe primarily the application of these factor to varied games and/or learning methods: Ravaja et al. [25], Drachen et al. [26], Levillain et al. [27], Wu and Lin [28], Gualeni et al. [29], Vachiratamporn et al. [30], Martey et al. [31], Abhishek and Suma [32], Landowska and Wróbel [33], Li et al. [34], Giakoumis et al. [35]with the automated boredom detection, Chanel et al. [36,37] presenting a classifier for emotional Table 1 Summary of reviewed papers in Direct feedback → Detecting and measure of player's affective state and their respective topics. ...
... Scheirer et al. [14] Skin conductivity, blood pressure and mouse patterns for affective analysis Sakurazawa et al. [15] Skin conductance response as emotional state detector Mandryk et al. [16][17][18][19] Efficiency of several physiological measures Hazlett and L. [20] Facial electromyography Nacke and Lindley [21], Nacke et al. [22,23] Multiple measures and flow between affective states Perez Martínez et al. [24] Generality of physiological features Ravaja et al. [25], Drachen et al. [26], Levillain et al. [27], Wu and Lin [28], Gualeni et al. [29], Vachiratamporn et al. [30], Martey et al. [31], Abhishek and Suma [32], Landowska and Wróbel [33], Li et al. [34] Applications of physiological measures Giakoumis et al. [35] Automated boredom detection Chanel et al. [36,37], Nogueira et al. [38] Machine-learning classifiers for emotional states Jones and Sutherland [39] Emotion detection from player's voice Garner and Grimshaw [40], Nacke et al. [41], Nacke and Grimshaw [42] Effect of the sound in players' fear level Christy and Kuncheva [43] Computer mouse with affective detection classes, and Nogueira et al. [38] with a classifier of different levels of arousal and valence. ...
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A taxonomy and state of the art revision on affective games R Lara-Cabrera, D Camacho Future Generation Computer Systems online 1 January 2018
... Scheirer et al. [14] Skin conductivity, blood pressure and mouse patterns for affective analysis Sakurazawa et al. [15] Skin conductance response as emotional state detector Mandryk et al. [16][17][18][19] Efficiency of several physiological measures Hazlett and L. [20] Facial electromyography Nacke and Lindley [21], Nacke et al. [22,23] Multiple measures and flow between affective states Perez Martínez et al. [24] Generality of physiological features Ravaja et al. [25], Drachen et al. [26], Levillain et al. [27], Wu and Lin [28], Gualeni et al. [29], Vachiratamporn et al. [30], Martey et al. [31], Abhishek and Suma [32], Landowska and Wróbel [33], Li et al. [34] Applications of physiological measures Giakoumis et al. [35] Automated boredom detection Chanel et al. [36,37], Nogueira et al. [38] Machine-learning classifiers for emotional states Jones and Sutherland [39] Emotion detection from player's voice Garner and Grimshaw [40], Nacke et al. [41], Nacke and Grimshaw [42] Effect of the sound in players' fear level Christy and Kuncheva [43] Computer mouse with affective detection Going a step further, Nacke and Lindley [21], Nacke et al. [22,23] studied how to measure the global player experience while playing a game analysing the same physiological metrics as before: electromyography, electrodermal activity and so on. Regarding the player experience, the authors measured the flow between varied affective states, such as anxiety, apathy and boredom. ...
... There are many other papers that use and study those physiological factors as well, although they describe primarily the application of these factor to varied games and/or learning methods: Ravaja et al. [25], Drachen et al. [26], Levillain et al. [27], Wu and Lin [28], Gualeni et al. [29], Vachiratamporn et al. [30], Martey et al. [31], Abhishek and Suma [32], Landowska and Wróbel [33], Li et al. [34], Giakoumis et al. [35] with the automated boredom detection, Chanel et al. [36,37] presenting a classifier for emotional classes, and Nogueira et al. [38] with a classifier of different levels of arousal and valence. ...
Affective games are a sub-field of affective computing that tries to study how to design videogames that are able to react to the emotions expressed by the player, as well as provoking desired emotions to them. To achieve those goals it is necessary to research on how to measure and detect human emotions using a computer, and how to adapt videogames to the perceived emotions to finally provoke them to the players. This work presents a taxonomy for research on affective games centring on the aforementioned issues. Here we devise as well a revision of the most relevant published works known to the authors on this area. Finally, we analyse and discuss which important research problem are yet open and might be tackled by future investigations in the area of affective games.
... Classification is a process of determining a categorical label for the feature vector, which consists of one or more psychological classes like "boredom", "arousal" or "worry". Novak et al. (2012) compare different classification methods such as k-nearest neighbor (kNN), Bayesian networks (BNT), regression trees (RT) and decision trees (DT) (Liu et al., 2009;Levillain et al., 2010), and naïve Bayes classifier (NBC) (Ayaz et al., 2009), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) (Tognetti et al., 2010), and support vector machines (SVM) (Chanel et al., 2008), as well. As the authors note, direct comparison of their accuracy rates is dependent on types of extracted features, normalization method and ways for reducing features vector dimension. ...
... All they presented research works in the field of behavioural signal processing used for emotion recognition; however, relatively few of them were developed in an ecologically valid context such as computer gameplay. On other hand, many of found studies of emotions in game play aimed only at discovering some elicited emotional responses to game events such as of arousal, valence, boredom, frustration or dominance (Mandryk & Atkins, 2007;Tijs et al., 2008), or at exploring dependencies between physiological signals and gameplay preferences and experiences (Yannakakis & Hallam, 2008;Nacke & Lindley, 2008;Levillain et al., 2010). All of these research works demonstrate significant correlations between objectively measured affect signals and player's experiences (Jennett et al., 2008) subjectively reported by means of self-report methods like SAM and GEQ, however, they do not apply the inferred emotions for adaptation of any game features (Yannakakis & Paiva, 2013). ...
... Classification is a process of determining a categorical label for the feature vector, which consists of one or more psychological classes like "boredom", "arousal" or "worry". Novak et al. (2012) compare different classification methods such as k-nearest neighbor (kNN), Bayesian networks (BNT), regression trees (RT) and decision trees (DT) (Liu et al., 2009;Levillain et al., 2010), and naïve Bayes classifier (NBC) (Ayaz et al., 2009), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) (Tognetti et al., 2010), and support vector machines (SVM) (Chanel et al., 2008), as well. As the authors note, direct comparison of their accuracy rates is dependent on types of extracted features, normalization method and ways for reducing features vector dimension. ...
... All they presented research works in the field of behavioural signal processing used for emotion recognition; however, relatively few of them were developed in an ecologically valid context such as computer gameplay. On other hand, many of found studies of emotions in game play aimed only at discovering some elicited emotional responses to game events such as of arousal, valence, boredom, frustration or dominance (Mandryk & Atkins, 2007;Tijs et al., 2008), or at exploring dependencies between physiological signals and gameplay preferences and experiences (Yannakakis & Hallam, 2008;Nacke & Lindley, 2008;Levillain et al., 2010). All of these research works demonstrate significant correlations between objectively measured affect signals and player's experiences (Jennett et al., 2008) subjectively reported by means of self-report methods like SAM and GEQ, however, they do not apply the inferred emotions for adaptation of any game features (Yannakakis & Paiva, 2013). ...
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Playing computer games is a predominantly emotional than rational process. Video games with affect-based adaptation measure player’s behavior signals and recognize player’s emotional states in order to adapt specific game features in a dynamic manner and to improve player’s engagement, immersion, excitement, and challenge. The present review deals with models for the presentation of emotions, techniques for measuring behavioral signals, emotion recognition and adaptation mechanisms applied in video games with affective feedback including methods for their assessment and validation. Studies using self-reports, observational methods and psychophysiological measurements of both autonomic and central nervous systems including processing and interpretation of signals are systematically reviewed with regard to their results concerning emotional adaptation in games. Next, the article provides a comparative analysis of affect-based adaptation methods and techniques applied in 14 adaptive video games developed in last ten years. Based on this comparison, we summarized future directions in research, design and evaluation of video games with affective adaption.
... The comfort zone is the area on which a player focuses more than on others, giving it more attention, spending more time exploring it and checking it more frequently. According to (Levillain et al., 2010) users get engaged in the game once they are comfortable with it and while still motivated by the task at hand. The importance of the This is the most beautiful location, why it is not there anymore? ...
... The comfort zone is the area on which a player focuses more than on others, giving it more attention, spending more time exploring it and checking it more frequently. According to (Levillain et al., 2010) users get engaged in the game once they are comfortable with it and while still motivated by the task at hand. The importance of the This is the most beautiful location, why it is not there anymore? ...
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Al Madinah, in Saudi Arabia, is the second most holy city for Muslims throughout the world and has a long and rich heritage. However, most of the historical and traditional buildings, city walls and holy places have been replaced with modern structures. But, there have been several attempts, many by individuals, to preserve the heritage of Al Madinah. This thesis took an in-depth look at the history of Al Madinah, with emphasis on a 3D virtual environment which was produced as part of this project and inspired by a 3D model depicting the historical city of Al Madinah. First, this research examined the documentation of the historical city and identified its limitations by visiting location museums and evaluating the display mediums concerned with the heritage of Al Madinah. To contrast the traditional methods employed in local museums, eight museums in the UK were visited to explore their use of technology and digital devices. After these two initial steps, the main contribution focused on developing an effective installation to present the heritage of Al Madinah using first hand material. The Madinah Virtual Heritage (MVH) installation was developed in two main stages and tested for its usability. MVH provides a virtual reality experience by using an affordable head-mounted VR display, which would be especially beneficial for local museums with limited budgets. This thesis gives an overview of how to create a virtual heritage environment, and the principles can be applied to other fields. The findings show that there are limited resources available to understand the heritage of Al Madinah, especially because local museums are self-funded and use traditional media and redundant displays. The use of 3D is a possible solution to reconstruct the demolished buildings. Virtual reality brings interactivity and engagement to the installation, which could be used in local museums as it is now available in head-mounted format at an affordable cost.
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Digital monitoring of physiological signals can allow computer systems to adapt unobtrusively to users, so as to enhance personalised ‘smart’ interactions. In recent years, physiological computing has grown as a research field, and it is increasingly considered in diverse applications, ranging from specialised work contexts to consumer electronics. Working in this emerging field requires comprehension of several physiological signals, psychophysiological states or ‘indices’, and analysis techniques. The resulting literature encompasses a complex array of knowledge and techniques, presenting a clear challenge to the practitioner. The Psychophysiology Primer provides a foundational review of the field of psychophysiology to serve as a primer for the novice, enabling rapid familiarisation with the core concepts, or as a quick-reference resource for advanced readers. It places special emphasis on everyday human–computer interface applications, drawing a distinction from clinical or sports applications, which are more commonplace. The Psychophysiology Primer provides the reader with a framework of commonly understood terms associated with experiential constructs and physiological signals. Then, 12 short and precisely focused review sections describe 10 individual signals or signal sources and present two technical discussions of online data fusion and processing. A systematic review of multimodal studies is provided in the form of a reference table. It concludes with a general discussion of the application of psychophysiology to human–computer interaction, including guidelines and challenges.
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Digital monitoring of physiological signals can allow computer systems to adapt unobtrusively to users, so as to enhance personalised ‘smart’ interactions. In recent years, physiological computing has grown as a research field, and it is increasingly considered in diverse applications, ranging from specialised work contexts to consumer electronics. Working in this emerging field requires comprehension of several physiological signals, psychophysiological states or ‘indices’, and analysis techniques. The resulting literature encompasses a complex array of knowledge and techniques, presenting a clear challenge to the practitioner. We provide a foundational review of the field of psychophysiology to serve as a primer for the novice, enabling rapid familiarisation with the core concepts, or as a quick-reference resource for advanced readers. We place special emphasis on everyday human–computer interface applications, drawing a distinction from clinical or sports applications, which are more commonplace. The review provides a framework of commonly understood terms associated with experiential constructs and physiological signals. Then, 12 short and precisely focused review sections describe 10 individual signals or signal sources and present two technical discussions of online data fusion and processing. A systematic review of multimodal studies is provided in the form of a reference table. We conclude with a general discussion of the application of psychophysiology to human–computer interaction, including guidelines and challenges.
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Provides an introduction to the contents of this handbook as well as a brief history of psychophysiology and the current state of the field. This chapter aims to define psychophysiology, briefly reviews major historical events in the evolution of psychophysiological inference, outlines a taxonomy of logical relationships between psychological constructs and physiological events, and specifies a scheme for strong inference within each of the specified classes of psychophysiological relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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The implementation of physiological signals, as an approach for emotion recognition in computer systems, is not a straight forward task. This paper discusses five main areas that lack of standards and guided principles, which have led Human- Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers to take critical decisions about (i) models, (ii) stimulus, (iii) measures, (iv) features and (v) algorithms with some degree of uncertainty about their results. Methodology standardization would allow comparison of results, reusability of findings and easier integration of the various affective recognition systems created. The background theory is given for each of the five areas and the related work from psychology is briefly reviewed. A comparison table of the HCI common approaches of the five discussed areas is presented, and finally some considerations to take the best decisions are discussed. The aim of this paper is to provide directions on which the future research efforts for affective recognition in HCI should be focused on.
Aggregation Operators for Fusion under Fuzziness: S. Ovchinnikov: On robust aggregation procedures R. Mesiar, M. Komornikova: Triangular norm-based aggregation of evidence under fuzziness J. Fodor, T. Calvo: Aggregation functions defined by t-norms and t-conorms.- Aggregation in Decision Making and Control: M. Grabisch: Fuzzy integral as a flexible and interpretable tool of aggregation A. Kelman, R.R. Yager: Using priorities in aggregation connectives V. Cutello, J. Montero: Aggregation operators for fuzzy rationality measures M.T. Lamata: Aggregation in decision making with belief structures J. Kacprzyk: Multistage fuzzy control with a soft aggregation of stage scores.- Fusion of Complementary Information: S. Benferhat, D. Dubois, H. Prade: From semantic to syntactic approaches to information combination in possibilistic logic S. Moral, J. del Sagrado: Aggregation of imprecise probabilities I. Bloch, H. Maitre: Fusion of image information under imprecision G. Mauris, E. Benoit, L. Foulloy: Fuzzy linguistic methods for the aggregation of complementary sensor information A. Appriou: Uncertain data aggregation in classification and tracking processes M. Sato, Y. Sato: A generalized fuzzy clustering model based on aggregation operators and its applications.
In this paper, I will describe my intuitions about what makes computer games fun. More detailed descriptions of the experiments and the theory on which this paper is based are given by Malone (1980a, 1980b). My primary goal here is to provide a set of heuristics or guidelines for designers of instructional computer games. I have articulated and organized common sense principles to spark the creativity of instructional designers (see Banet, 1979, for an unstructured list of similar principles). To demonstrate the usefulness of these principles, I have included several applications to actual or proposed instructional games. Throughout the paper I emphasize games with educational uses, but I focus on what makes the games fun, not on what makes them educational. Though I will not emphasize the point in this paper, these same ideas can be applied to other educational environments and life situations. In a sense, the categories I will describe constitute a general taxonomy of intrinsic motivation—of what makes an activity fun or rewarding for its own sake rather than for the sake of some external reward (See Lepper and Greene, 1979). I think the essential characteristics of good computer games and other intrinsically enjoyable situations can be organized into three categories: challenge, fantasy, and curiosity.