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A Silicon Die as a Frequency Source
M. S. McCorquodale, B. Gupta, W. E. Armstrong, R. Beaudouin, G. Carichner*, P. Chaudhari, N. Fayyaz+,
N. Gaskin*, J. Kuhn*, D. Linebarger, E. Marsman*, J. O’Day*, S. Pernia*, D. Senderowicz
Silicon Frequency Control, Integrated Device Technology, Inc.,
Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA, *Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA, +Windsor, Ontario, Canada
{michael.mccorquodale, bhusan.gupta, ed.armstrong, ralph.beaudouin, gordon.caricher, pruthvi.chaudhari, nader.fayyaz,
nathaniel.gaskin, jonathan.kuhn, daniel.linebarger, eric.marsman, justin.oday, scott.pernia, daniel.senderowicz}
Abstract—A monolithic and unpackaged silicon die is presented
as a frequency source suitable for quartz crystal resonator
(XTAL) and oscillator (XO) replacement. The frequency source
is referenced to a free-running, frequency-trimmed and tempera-
ture-compensated 3GHz RF LC oscillator. A programmable
divider array enables the device to provide frequencies ranging
from 6 to 133MHz. A post-processed Faraday shield contains
fringing electromagnetic fields and enables the device to be deliv-
ered in unpackaged form such that it can be assembled into any
package or via any assembly technique. The device dissipates
approximately 2mA from a 1.8–3.3V power supply and drifts no
more than ±300ppm over all operating conditions including a
panel of industry-standard reliability tests.
Recently, silicon frequency control technologies have been
developed into products targeted at replacing quartz crystal
resonators (XTALs) and oscillators (XOs). These products
include self-referenced RF CMOS oscillators [1]–[4] and syn-
thesizers referenced to silicon microresonators fabricated via
microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, such as
that presented in [5]. These new silicon frequency control
devices have been introduced in packages that are pin-com-
patible with standard 5.0mm × 3.2mm XO packages as shown
in Figure 1. However, it has been shown that the current per-
formance of these silicon devices is inferior to that of quartz
frequency control devices [1],[6],[7]. Thus, the advantage
gained by selecting a silicon device versus a quartz device
cannot be performance. Further, considering Figure 1 again,
there is no obvious product differentiation when the various
technologies are assembled into packages that are pin-compat-
ible with quartz devices.
Consequently, a variety of concepts have been proposed in
an effort to differentiate silicon frequency control devices
from the entrenched quartz technology. These include reduced
lead-time, smaller packages and lower cost than quartz
devices. In fact, all of these concepts relate to cost as short
lead-time addresses time-to-market and inventory manage-
ment. Similarly, a myriad of small packages is already sup-
ported by the quartz industry [7]; thus silicon frequency
control devices simply enable those same form-factors at
lower cost.
Compounding the challenge for silicon devices further, the
performance level currently achieved by these recently intro-
duced devices limits them primarily to consumer electronics.
In such applications, performance requirements are more
relaxed than that which is achieved with standard quartz-refer-
enced devices. For example, data interface protocols, such as
HS/SS-USB, S-ATA, PCIe, and 10/100/1000 Ethernet, require
the reference frequency source to maintain an accuracy of
±500/±300, ±350, ±300 and ±100ppm respectively. All of
these, and related interfaces, also include noise performance
requirements such as phase noise and timing jitter limits.
Beyond these performance requirements, selection of fre-
quency control devices in the consumer space tends to be
driven by price. Thus, performance is a threshold and price is
the criterion for device selection in these products. Consider-
ing this, frequency control devices in consumer applications
are often lumped together with passive devices at very low
average selling prices.
This work has been motivated by an effort to differentiate
silicon frequency control technology from quartz devices.
Thus, rather than develop the technology into packages that
are pin-compatible with XOs, the authors have considered the
Figure 1. MEMS and CMOS oscillators compared to a typical XO. All
devices are assembled in pin-compatible 5.0mm × 3.2mm packages.
978-1-4244-6400-5/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 103
unique aspects of a silicon frequency reference. As opposed to
silicon microresonators, self-referenced CMOS oscillators are
uniquely positioned for silicon integration into any device as
an intellectual property (IP) macro, just as the authors have
presented in [2]. However, the development of such macros is
often impractical due to added cost from increased silicon area
and additional production test requirements for calibration of
the frequency reference. Further, specific process options are
required for implementation, many of which may not be avail-
able in the target device.
Addressing these challenges, in this work, a programma-
ble and self-referenced unpackaged silicon die is presented as
a new frequency source which can be integrated into nearly
any package or via nearly any assembly technique. The die is
fabricated in a standard 0.13µm RF CMOS process and mea-
sures 920µm × 880µm. A free-running, frequency-trimmed
and temperature-compensated 3GHz LC oscillator (LCO)
serves as the reference. A Faraday shield is post-processed
over the die to contain fringing electromagnetic fields which,
if perturbed by the package or external fields, would introduce
frequency drift. Additionally, the back of the wafer is ground
to yield a die height of either 200µm or 350µm at the edges
and 250µm or 400µm in the center. This low profile and the
Faraday shield enable the die to be assembled in a multichip
module (MCM), with a chip-on-board (CoB) process or
stacked into a multichip package (MCP). The resulting device
does not require an external XTAL or frequency reference.
Additionally, to the end-user, the product appears to contain IP
though, in fact, the frequency generation function has been
optimized with the appropriate process technology.
A. Primary Frequency Drift Mechanisms
The natural resonant frequency, ωo, of an LCO is given by
, where L is the net inductance and C is the
net capacitance of the oscillator. In an integrated LCO, the
resistive losses in the coil and the net tank capacitance are
non-negligible. Thus, the zero-phase of the lossy network
must be redetermined and it is given by,
In (1), RL and RC are real, resistive losses arising from the
finite conductivity of the metal from which the components
are constructed. Both exhibit temperature coefficients. Typi-
cally, RL is much greater than RC and (1) can be approximated
RL(T) increases with temperature, thus the native temperature
coefficient of frequency (TCf) is negative, concave-down and
dominated by the loss in the coil.
In [1]–[4], a myriad of higher-order effects which contrib-
ute to frequency drift have been presented. Additionally, sev-
eral techniques have been introduced including frequency
trimming due to process variation and temperature compensa-
tion of the native LCO TCf. Those efforts have focussed pri-
marily on utilizing active compensation techniques with the
penalty of increased power dissipation. For example, the
device in [4] dissipated approximately 15mA. Additionally,
the work in [3] provided the first reported data indicating that
frequency drift can arise in silicon oscillators from stress on
the die and fringing electromagnetic fields into the package
molding compound, both of which are considered here.
B. Reference Oscillator Architecture
In this work, a new architecture for the LCO has been
developed. First, the resonant frequency has been increased
from 1GHz in [4] to 3GHz to increase the quality-factor of the
inductor. Next, considering (1), a simple and elegant observa-
tion is that if a lossy capacitance is introduced into the tank,
such that it matches the loss in the coil, the TCf can be can-
celled. Such an approach would enable the temperature coeffi-
cient to be compensated passively, thus minimizing power
dissipation while reducing noise from what would otherwise
be the active compensation circuitry.
Figure 2 presents a simplified schematic of the reference
oscillator. The LCO includes a cross-coupled complementary
ω1T() ω
Figure 2. Simplified architecture of the reference oscillator illustrating the
thin-film capacitor array for frequency trimming and the thin-film capacitor
array with loss for passive temperature compensation.
RC[Y: 0] RC [Y :0]
negative transconductance amplifier with a pMOS bias to
minimize flicker noise upconversion around the fundamental.
Similar to the approaches shown in [1]–[4], an array of pro-
grammable thin-film capacitors (CTR[X:0]) serve to trim the
frequency offset due to process variation through the corre-
sponding switches, TR[X:0]. The remaining programmable
array of thin-film capacitors (CTC[Y:0]) includes resistors
(RC[Y:0]) in series with each capacitor such that a loss can be
deliberately introduced into the capacitive network through
switches TC[Y:0]. Selecting the appropriate resistor species is
critical to minimizing nonlinearity in the TCf as the TC in RC
will inevitably differ from the TC in RL due to differences in
material properties.
The system architecture includes a programmable integer
divider array and nonvolatile memory (NVM) for storing
trimming, compensation and configuration coefficients. Addi-
tionally, the oscillator core is buffered from the external power
supply via a low drop-out regulator (LDO). Active power dis-
sipation is approximately 2mA from an external power supply
which can vary from 1.8–3.3V while the core operates at 1.2V.
A programmable divider array enables the device to support
frequencies from 6–133MHz with integer relationships to the
A. Package-Induced Frequency Drift
The unpackaged self-referenced silicon die shown in Fig-
ure 3 is subject to several influences that give rise to fre-
quency drift. For example, incident electromagnetic radiation
can pull the self-resonant frequency. Light can introduce an
undesired offset in the bias circuitry due to photo-current.
Additionally, fringing magnetic (B) fields from the coil and
electric (E) fields from the net tank capacitance exist as illus-
trated in Figure 4(a). The fields can be perturbed via several
mechanisms. For example, the fringing B-field can be modu-
lated by placing metal over the field. In such a case, an eddy
current sets up in the metal to terminate the B-field while
reducing the net tank inductance and causing a positive fre-
quency shift. Similarly, the E-field constitutes a stray capaci-
tance into free-space and can be modulated by any material
placed over the die, including (most obviously), the molding
compound of the package, as well as any changes in that mate-
rial. For example, it was reported in [3] that when a free-run-
ning silicon oscillator is packaged in plastic and exposed to
high relative humidity and pressure, the frequency drifts.
B. A Wafer-Scale Post-Processed Faraday Shield
A low-cost, wafer-scale post-process has been developed
to serve as a stress buffer between the top of the die and the
package. Additionally, the shield contains and terminates the
fringing electromagnetic fields, thus enabling the silicon die to
be tested at wafer and packaged with nearly any assembly
technique. As illustrated in Figure 4(b), the process includes a
thick dielectric mesa which is deposited using a photo-pattern-
able spin-on material. This dielectric layer must be deposited
with the maximum possible thickness to avoid reducing the
quality factor of the inductor and inducing frequency drift via
eddy currents. The top of the dielectric mesa is electroplated
with several microns of Cu, which is sufficiently thick to con-
tain the fringing B-field at 3GHz. Similarly, the backside is
Figure 3. Die micrograph of the self-referenced silicon frequency source in
a 0.13um RF CMOS process technology.
Si=200μm or 350μm
from coil
E-field stray
Topside Cu metallization
Backside Al metallization
Dielectric mesa
Die surface
Figure 4. (a) An illustration of the uncontained fringing magnetic (B) and
electrical (E) fields. (b) The same electromagnetic fields contained by the
wafer-scale post-process for the Faraday shield.
metallized with several microns of Al. A scanning electron
micrograph of the post-processed device is shown in Figure 5.
The device shown in Figure 5 has been fully characterized
and is currently in volume production. Here, only noise and
frequency stability results are reported as these are the two
key performance metrics which determine the applications
that the device can serve.
Though the dielectric mesa is thick, there was concern that
the Faraday shield might adversely affect the phase noise per-
formance of the reference oscillator by reducing the quality-
factor of the coil. Measured results of the single-sideband
(SSB) phase noise power spectral density (PSD) for a device
configured to 24MHz are shown in Figure 6. The noise floor is
below -155dBc/Hz. The integrated phase jitter from 12kHz to
5MHz is less than 2psRMS, using a brick-wall filter. No signifi-
cant spurs were observed in the spectrum. Additionally,
despite the low quality-factor of the reference oscillator, the
phase noise is better than -25dBc/Hz even at 10Hz offset from
carrier. Overall, the phase noise performance is superior to
that reported previously in [1]–[4] while power dissipation has
been reduced to approximately 2mA, primarily due to the pas-
sive temperature compensation technique introduced previ-
Production devices are tested, trimmed and configured at
the wafer-level with production test hardware and a propri-
etary test algorithm. Thirty-two devices were selected at ran-
dom and frequency stability was measured against
temperature. Results are shown in Figure 7 where the TCf for
all devices is better than ±80ppm over the commercial temper-
ature range of 0-70°C. Despite these results, TCf is only one
component of the total frequency drift. Devices were tested
over voltage, temperature (0-70°C), for thermal hysteresis,
wander, 1000hr. HTOL, 96hr. unbiased HAST and three
passes through the JEDEC standard solder reflow profile.
Each of these stress tests is independent and includes a mean
offset and a standard deviation (σ). Thus, the net 3σ frequency
error can be computed by adding all offsets and computing the
root of the sum of each variance. Results are summarized in
the Table I on the following page.
Figure 5. Scanning electron micrograph of the silicon frequency source die
from Figure 3 including the wafer-scale post-processed Faraday shield illus-
trated in Figure 4. The die was mounted atop another die and wire-bonded in a
ceramic package for initial characterization.
Figure 6. Measured SSB phase noise PSD from 10Hz to 5MHz for the silicon
frequency source configured to 24MHz. The integrated phase jitter from
12kHz to 5MHz is less than 2psRMS. The far-from-carrier phase noise is less
than -155dBc/Hz.
Figure 7. Measured TCf for 32 randomly selected devices which were tested,
trimmed and configured with production test equipment and the production
test algorithm.
Table I shows that the 3σ frequency stability of the device
is ±277ppm (121ppm + 3 × 52ppm), which has been rounded
to the aforementioned specification of ±300ppm. This fre-
quency stability can be achieved in any JEDEC moisture-sen-
sitivity level one (MSL1) plastic package over all conditions.
Process, voltage and temperature frequency stability are deter-
mined by the silicon design while frequency drift due to the
remaining stress tests is due to the package, which is con-
structed of epoxy molding compound. Interestingly, the stress
test with the largest offset and the second largest standard
deviation is HAST. It has not escaped the attention of the
authors that if frequency drift due to HAST were eliminated,
the total frequency stability would improve dramatically and
approach ±100ppm. Nevertheless, these drift mechanisms
reported here are generally not observed by the end-user as the
in situ environment required to cause such drift is hostile and
unlikely to be a represent any reasonable operating condition.
Nevertheless, and unlike much related work in this area, the
authors have elected to measure and report all of the measured
statistics for all of the possible frequency drift mechanisms in
the developed technology.
±300ppm frequency stability meets the technical require-
ments for many common wireline interfaces found in con-
sumer electronics including HS/SS-USB, PCIe and S-ATA.
Many of these applications are currently in production at very
high volume. For example, USB ports exceed over one billion
units annually. In these applications, there typically exists a
controller that contains a sustaining circuit to support an exter-
nal XTAL resonator. Rarely are active XOs utilized in such
systems due to cost-constraints. These passive resonators can
be surface mount devices (SMD) or packaged in metal cans.
The former enables platforms to be assembled with standard
solder reflow equipment while the latter requires manual
assembly. Additionally, SMD XTALs are much lower-profile
than metal can XTALs. Considering these factors, SMD
XTALs are often selected for low-profile consumer devices
such as USB flash drives (UFD), USB flash card readers
(UFCR) and solid-state drives (SSD). However, the price
point of SMD XTALs is significantly higher than that of metal
can XTALs.
The cost structure of the silicon die frequency source is
such that it can compete with typical prices for SMD XTALs,
even at very high volumes. Additionally, the silicon die offers
the opportunity to differentiate end-products. For example, the
200μm-thick silicon die can be assembled into an MCP as
shown in Figure 8, where a standard quad-flat package (QFP)
has been dissolved. The die on the bottom of the stack is the
wireline controller while the die on the top of the stack is a
previous version of the silicon frequency source first pre-
sented in [4]. The process of dissolving the package has also
dissolved the Faraday shield. The silicon die frequency source
has been mounted with standard die-attach material and wire-
bonded to the lead-frame such that it can be powered and
drive the output clock signal onto the XTAL input (XIN) pin
on the controller.
MCP assembly enables the controller to appear as though
the it contains silicon IP such that an external XTAL is not
required. However, the silicon die is a far superior embodi-
ment than IP. First, there is no additional non-recurring engi-
neering, capital investment in a new mask set or risk
associated with IP integration. The die can be assembled into
Test Method/Conditions μσ
Temperature 0-70°C 30 42
VDD 3.0-3.6 -2 2
Wan der 260 readings at 80, 50, 30 10, -10
(1300 total) 01
Pre. vs. post
125C operating life test
JEDEC 22-A 108-B 111
Pre. vs. post
96hrs 68 23
Pre. vs. post
3x solder
260°C profile 24 7
Soak at each point, in 10°C incre-
ments, measure frequency from
100°C to -30°C back to 100°C
Total 121 52
Figure 8. Scanning electron micrograph of the 200μm-thick silicon die fre-
quency source stacked in a dissolved QFP MCP on top of a wireline control-
ler. The die shown here was first presented in [4]. The Faraday shield has
been dissolved along with the package.
the MCP immediately. Next, complicated analog test is cap-
tured at the wafer-level and only a simple, low-cost final post-
assembly trim is required. Last, no silicon area, or associated
cost, is sacrificed on the controller, which is likely fabricated
in a deeper submicron technology node than the frequency
source. In the end, the device “appears” similar to a passive
XTAL which is simply wire-bonded inside the package.
Consistent with that, products where CoB assembly is
common are another application for the silicon die frequency
source. Figure 9 presents a dissolved USB drive-in-package
(UDP) including the 350μm-thick device. In this application,
there are no packaged components. The controller, memory
and the silicon frequency source are assembled on a substrate
as bare die and wire-bonded as shown. Passives are populated
and the device is reflowed. Then epoxy molding compound is
injection-molded over the entire substrate so as to protect the
silicon content. Of course, XTAL resonators can, and are, used
in applications such as this, but the silicon die frequency
source enables lower cost and the smallest possible form-fac-
tor while maintaining consistency with the assembly process
for the remaining silicon content in the product. Additionally,
the 350μm-thick die does not require post-assembly test or
frequency-trimming. That is because the final trim can be per-
formed at the wafer-level when the wafer is 350μm thick. The
200μm-thick device requires a frequency offset to be esti-
mated at the wafer-level because it warps after post-process-
ing and further test cannot be conducted. Thus, the final trim
must be performed in the package. The authors are developing
techniques to manage the wafer warpage and ultimately exe-
cute final test on 200μm, and potentially thinner, wafers.
It was shown that silicon frequency control devices that
are pin-compatible with quartz devices possess little differen-
tiation. Addressing that, an unpackaged silicon die was intro-
duced as a new frequency source. A frequency-trimmed and
temperature-compensated 3GHz LCO serves as the frequency
reference. In contrast to previous work by the authors, a new
passive temperature-compensation technique was demon-
strated where a lossy capacitance was deliberately introduced
into the LCO to cancel the loss in the coil. It was shown that
this technique enables the device to operate with a bias current
of approximately 2mA. Further, the effects of fringing electro-
magnetic fields from the die were discussed. A wafer-scale
post-processed Faraday shield was introduced to contain and
terminate these fields while not degrading performance. It was
shown that with this process, this silicon die frequency source
can replace passive XTAL resonators in many applications.
Both MCP and CoB assembly of the silicon die were pre-
sented. The authors intend to expand this work and introduce
devices with significantly higher frequency accuracy and
lower noise in the future.
The authors would like to thank Ravindra Savanur for col-
lection and collation of production test data and Dongtai Liu
for application engineering support.
[1] Michael S. McCorquodale, “Self-Referenced, Trimmed and Compen-
sated RF CMOS Harmonic Oscillators as Monolithic Frequency Gener-
ators,” Proc. of IEEE IFCS, May 19–21, 2008 pp. 408– 413.
[2] M. S. McCorquodale, et al., “A Monolithic and Self-Referenced RF LC
Clock Generator Compliant with USB 2.0,” IEEE J. of Solid State Cir-
cuits, vol. 42, no. 2, Feb. 2007, pp. 385–399.
[3] Michael S. McCorquodale, et al., “A 25MHz Self-Referenced Solid-
State Frequency Source Suitable for XO-Replacement,” IEEE Trans. on
Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, vol. 56, no. 5, May 2009, pp.
[4] Michael S. McCorquodale, et al., “A 0.5–480MHz Self-Referenced
CMOS Clock Generator with 90ppm Total Frequency Error and Spread
Spectrum Capability,” IEEE International Solid State Circuits Confer-
ence (ISSCC) Dig. of Tech. Papers, San Francisco, CA 2008.
[5] Wan-Thai Hsu, “Resonator Miniaturization for Oscillators,” Proc. of
IEEE IFCS, May 19–21, 2008 pp. 392– 395.
[6] David Kenny and Robert Henry, “Comparative Analysis of MEMS, Pro-
grammable and Synthesized Frequency Control Devices versus Tradi-
tional Quartz Based Devices,” Proc. of IEEE IFCS, May 19–21, 2008
pp. 396– 401.
[7] C.S. Lam, “A Review of the Recent Development of MEMS and Crystal
Oscillators and Their Impacts on the Frequency Control Products Indus-
try,” IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, pp. 694–
Figure 9. The silicon frequency source assembled via a CoB process in a
USB drive-in-package (UDP). The Faraday shield has been dissolved with the
package. Post-assembly test is not required because the die is 350μm thick.
Silicon die