A set of percussive timbres was generated using a hybrid resynthesis that was based upon the analysis of recorded conga and bongo drums. Comprising the set were drum timbres resulting from parametric variation in both damping of the low-frequency resonance associated with pitch of the drum, and variation in a higher-frequency resonance associated with percussive attack transients. Listeners were
... [Show full abstract] presented with all pairwise comparisons of the synthetic drum sounds, and were asked first to perform timbral discriminations for each pair, and subsequently to produce pairwise dissimilarity judgments. Underlying perceptual scales values were derived for each timbre from discrimination performance along the two manipulated stimulus dimensions, and these values predicted well the perceptual distances that were fit to the stimulus space coordinates derived from the dissimilarity judgments. Taken together, the results provide a basis for developing a reliable control structure for the synthesis of such percussive timbres.