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Abstract and Figures

Maytenus heterophylla (Eckl. and Zeyh.) N.K.B. Robson and Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell are two African shrubs or trees that go under the common name of spike thorn, which belong to the Celastraceae family. Different plant parts of this species are largely used in traditional medicine for infectious and inflammatory diseases treatment. Several studies have been reported for both these species, but there are no recent review articles focusing microscopic, phytochemistry and pharmacological studies. The aim of this review is to summarize the information about these two African traditional medicines. Such kind of data can be applied in future experimental work and may guide future studies, namely in the field of validation of traditional medicine.
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59 Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
Maytenus heterophylla
, two traditional herbal medicines
Review Article
Maytenus heterophylla (Eckl. and Zeyh.) N.K.B. Robson and Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell are two African shrubs or trees
that go under the common name of spike thorn, which belong to the Celastraceae family. Different plant parts of this species are
largely used in traditional medicine for infectious and in ammatory diseases treatment. Several studies have been reported for
both these species, but there are no recent review articles focusing microscopic, phytochemistry and pharmacological studies.
The aim of this review is to summarize the information about these two African traditional medicines. Such kind of data can be
applied in future experimental work and may guide future studies, namely in the eld of validation of traditional medicine.
Key words: African traditional knowledge, ethnopharmacology, Maytenus heterophylla, Maytenus senegalensis, microscopy,
G. da Silva, R. Serrano,
O. Silva
iMed.UL, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 1649-019 Lisboa, Portugal
Address for correspondence:
Gustavo da Silva, iMed.UL, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto,
1649-019 Lisboa, Portugal, E-mail:
African traditional medicine is one of the oldest and
perhaps the most diverse of all medicine systems. Africa
is considered to be the cradle of mankind, with a rich
biological and cultural diversity, and there are marked
differences between different regions of this continent
when it comes to healing practices.[1]
Maytenus heterophylla (Eckl. and Zeyh.) N.K.B. Robson and
Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Exell are African shrubs or trees
that go under the common name of spike thorn, which
belong to the Celastraceae family. According to Neuwinger,
M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis are two of the most
frequently used species of the Maytenus Molina genus in
the African traditional medicine (along with M. acuminata,
M. buchananii, M. mossambicensis, M. obscura, M. peduncularis,
M. putterlickioides, M. serrata and M. undata).[2]
In this paper, we will summarize and review the information
about these important African traditional medicines
that are currently of particular interest in new product
Most of the African cultures have a verbal tradition and,
therefore, written information on cultural features in the
past are not so readily available from Africa as from many
other parts of the world.[3] The ethnobotanical information
on the uses of these plants was sometimes documented
on herbarium labels and, in this way, ethnobotanical
information on a number of plants began to accumulate.[3]
Systematic accounts in written form dealing with medicinal
plants in Africa are of a fairly recent date, while reports
dealing with ethnopharmacological aspects are more
recent. A number of traditional national pharmacopeias
have appeared, starting with the Madagascar Pharmacopeia
in 1957, and research in the eld of ethnobotany and
ethnopharmacology has developed rapidly in many African
countries.[3] The African Pharmacopoeia, covering traditional
medicine of many African countries, has been published
by the Scienti c Technical Research Commission of the
Organization of African Unity, starting with volume 1 in
1985 (African Pharmacopoeia, Vol. 1, 1985). Recently,
the Association for African Medicinal Plants Standards,
from Mauritius, started the publication of Medicinal
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Da Silva
et al
Maytenus heterophylla
Maytenus senegalensis
ethnobotanical review
60Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
Plants Monographs, providing botanical, phytochemical,
pharmacological and commercial information on the most
important medicinal plants used in Africa.[4]
In Africa, the ethnopharmacological and botanical
knowledge on the uses of medicinal plants is often orally
passed down from generation to generation.[5] Although
traditional medicine has been recognized as a part of
primary health care programs in many African countries,[6]
there is a need to evaluate scienti cally the crude extracts
of plants for their medicinal and pharmacodynamic
properties, clinical usefulness and toxicological potential.[7]
Higher plants are still poorly explored as sources of
new drugs.[8] There are several ways in selecting plant
materials when searching for new medicinal plants/
active compounds. Ethnopharmacological information
on medicinal plants is often of substantial importance for
the nding of new potential medicinal plants/new ways
of using an already known plant. It has been estimated
that 74% of the pharmacologically active plant-derived
components were discovered after the ethnomedical
uses of the plants started to be investigated.[9-10] Another
important way of discovering new medicinal plants and
lead compounds is the phylogenetic approach, in which
a number of closely related species of plants, assumed to
contain related chemical compounds (chemotaxonomy),
are screened for their biological effects.[11-12] Random
sampling, i.e. collecting plant samples from certain habitats
with high-species diversity (e.g., tropical rainforests), can
be bene cial for nding novel chemical entities, but is
somewhat time-consuming and requires hard work.[12] This
kind of sampling is likely to be the industrial approach and
most likely to be used for evaluating plants for bioactive
Both species mentioned above are traditionally used
as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agents. More
speci cally, M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis are used to
treat respiratory ailments and in ammation.[14-15] Table 1
compares M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis, referring the
respective synonyms (the most common ones appear in
bold), the English names, the local vernacular names (in
Mozambique and in the Zulu territories) as well as the most
common traditional uses. The use of these plants as anti-
in ammatory herbal drugs is also common in other African
countries like Benin, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Senegal
and Zimbabwe. In Tropical and Southwestern Africa,
M. heterophylla leaves are also employed in the treatment of
dysmenorrhoea and M. senegalensis leaves are used to treat
toothaches, in India.[14-17]
Botanical description
The Celastraceae classi cation at the generic level has
undergone changes. As currently circumscribed, the
genus Maytenus Molina, even after the reinstatement of
Gumnosporia, is still clearly a heterogeneous group of
species, a view also supported by others authors.[18-22]
M. heterophylla [Figure 1] has Gymnosporia heterophylla
(Eckl. and Zeyh.) Loes. as synonym homotypic, and
is an evergreen shrub, tree or, more rarely, a shrublet,
often spreading or straggling, which grows up to 9 m
high, unarmed or with green to brown spines up to 24
cm long (axillary spines or terminating short axillary
branches), glabrous or very rarely with young branches
lined or angular. The leaves are petiolated, alternated
or often fascicled. The lamina of M. heterophylla is pale
to deep green (or rarely glaucous above, concolorous
or often grey–green below), often with a pale midrib,
petiole up to 10 mm long. Spathulated, oblanceolated to
ovated or elliptic margins, up to 9.5 cm × 5 cm, irregularly
serrulated to entire. Dichasial cymes, located on solitary
and axillary shoots or in axillary panicles. The owers
are dioecious, unscented, with peduncle 1–30 mm long,
pedicels up to 7 mm, circular to triangular–lanceolate
sepals 5(6) up to 1.5 mm long, white elliptic–oblong to
oblong–spathulate petals 5(6) up to 3.5 mm long (with
margin nely ciliolate to entire). The owers bloom in
dense, short racemes between the leaves (May/June),
sometimes not until December. Yellow to red obovoid
or subpyriform to subglobosoid capsule, 3–10 mm long,
ovary 2–3 locular, coriaceous or succulent, smooth or
rugulose. Reddish–brown 1–3(4) seeds, glossy, with a thin
yellowish aril obliquely covering the lower 1/2–2/3.[14,23]
M. senegalensis [Figure 2] has Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.)
Loes. as synonym homotypic, and is a shrub, tree or, more
rarely, a shrublet, which grows up to 15 m high, unarmed or
with spines up to 7 cm long (axillary or terminating short
axillary branches), glabrous, without latex, young branches
almost unlined, often glaucous.
Leaves are petiolated, alternated or fascicled, usually
glaucous, and coriaceous (with lateral nerves and
relatively lax reticulate venation slightly prominent or not
prominent). The lamina of M. senegalensis is pale green pale,
petiole up to 20 mm (9) long. Margins are spathulated,
ovated to oblong–elliptic, up to 13 cm x 6 cm, often
densely serrulated. Dichasial cymes located on short axillary
shoots (or occasionally in axillary panicles). The owers are
dioecious (or rarely monoecious), scented peduncle 1–16
mm long, pedicels up to 6 mm long, oblong–lanceolate
to ovate–triangular sepals (5) up to 1.2 mm long, pale
yellow elliptic or oblanceolate petals 1–3.5 mm long (with
margin nely ciliolate). The capsule is reddish, globosoid
or pyriform, 2–6 mm long, ovary 2–3 locular, smooth.
Reddish–brown 1–2 seeds, glossy, with a eshy smooth
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Maytenus heterophylla
Maytenus senegalensis
ethnobotanical review
61 Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
woody lianas with a Gondwanan distribution.[24]
Geographically, M. heterophylla is mainly distributed in the
east coast of Africa, whereas M. senegalensis has a wider
distribution, concerning Arabia, Afghanistan and India
Table 1: Comparasion betwen the synonyms, common names and the ethnopharmacological uses of
M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis
Maytenus heterophylla Maytenus senegalensis
Synonyms Catha heterophylla (Eckl and Zeyh.) Presl.[15]
Celastrus buxifolius L.[15]
Celastrus heterophyllus Eckl. and Zeyh.[15]
Celastrus lanceolatus E. Mey. ex Sond[15]
Celastrus linearis L. f.[15]
Gymnosporia buxifolia (L.) Szyszyl.[15]
Gymnosporia crataegi ora Davidson[15]
Gymnosporia heterophylla (Eckl. and Zeyh.) Loes.[15]
Gymnosporia lanceolata (E. Mey. ex Sond.) Loes.[15]
Gymnosporia linearis (L. f.) Loes.[15]
Maytenus angolensis Exell and Mendonça[15]
Maytenus cymosa (Soland.) Exell[15]
Celastrus senegalensis Lam.[15]
Catha senegalensis (Lam.) G. Don[15]
Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes.[15]
Common spike-torn[15]
Gewone pendoring[15]
Red spike-thorn[15]
N’qokola, chichangua (Maputo), chichangua (Gaza),
libatzondze (Inhambane), dimbazou (Manica), muiua
(Zambézia), khala-mavu (Tete).[14]
Zulu territories
Ingqowangane, ingqwangane yehlanze, isibhubu,
isibulu, isihlangu, umkhokhozo, umquqo, usala,
Chichanga, chicangua, xihlangua, xilangua (Maputo), chixangua,
chilhaungua (Gaza), nhaquitoforofo (Inhambane), tambanzato,
cungamacheze, tombanzato, mutumbotumbo, mutunga-macheche
(Sofala), mutuluca (Manica), muia, tombassato, patchocolo
(Zambézia), tsucamano, sucamano, tombatsato, tomatsatu (Tete),
napidji, nacôtocôto, m’tocoma (Nampula), bobué, fogolia (Cabo
Zulu territories
Ubuhlangwe, isihlangu, isihlangwane.[15]
Leaf infusion for pulmonary coughs.[14]
Leaf infusion for amebic dysentery.[14]
Crushed leaves applied on wounds.[14]
Roots or thorns for coughs.[14]
Leaves and roots used as anti-in ammatory.[14]
Leaves macerated in water to be consumed twice a day for the
treatment of tuberculosis.[14]
Leaf infusion considered to be very ef cient in the treatment of
amebic dysentery.[14]
Roots or leaves are used for various respiratory ailments, including
pneumonia and tuberculosis.[14]
Roots or leaves used for snakebites.[14]
Figure 2: General aspect of
Maytenus senegalensis
in the natural
habitat. Reproduction size: column width
rose–pink in yellowish aril obliquely covering the lower
Geographic distribution
Celastraceae is a large family comprising trees, shrubs and
Figure 1: General aspect of Maytenus heterophylla in the natural
habitat. Reproduction size: column width
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Maytenus heterophylla
Maytenus senegalensis
ethnobotanical review
62Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
as well.[14] Therefore, the distribution of M. heterophylla
is apparently con ned from Ethiopia, the Sudan and East
Congo southward to the Cape and westward to Angola and
Southwestern Africa (Matobo and Bulalima-Mangwe districts
of Zimbabwe), whereas M. senegalensis is widespread in the
Savannah regions of tropical Africa.[23]
The habitat of these species is also different. M. heterophylla
grows in forest, fringing forest margins, thickets and woodland
or on termite mounds or sand dunes, whereas M. senegalensis
occupies a wide variety of habitats, from deciduous woodland,
thickets, scrub and wooded grassland and also on river banks
and swamp margins.[23]
Establishment of the quality control parameters necessary to
pro t herbal materials as raw materials for the manufacture
of herbal medicines is one of the goals of our research
team. Microscopy is one of the recognized techniques of
identification of herbal raw materials and a mandatory
technique for identi cation of herbal drugs according to
of cial pharmacopoeias.
Some South American species of the genus Maytenus
(M. ardisiaefolia, M. brasiliensis, M. cestrifolia, M. communis,
M. ilicifolia and M. obtusifolia) were already microscopically
characterized by other authors.[25-26] However, no studies
were found to be related to the botanical identification
of M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis leaves as herbal drugs
and, in sequence, these kind of studies were conducted by
our research team. The methodology includes the analysis
of the whole, fragmentized and powdered plant material
(M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis leaves) by light and scanning
electron microscopy techniques.
• For M. heterophylla, among the identi ed characters, the
most useful for leaf identi cation of M. heterophylla
includes the typical leaf bilateral organization; the
presence of anomocytic stomata, more frequent in
lower epidermis, and surrounded by a ring of four to
six subsidiary cells appear with an irregular distribution;
papillate cells on the surface of epidermal cells;
multicelled uniseriate covering trichomes (rare). Calcium
oxalate cluster crystals are present frequently in the
palisade parenchyma, near the phloem cells of the midrib
and occasionally occur on the epidermis.[27]
• For M. senegalensis leaf identi cation, the most useful
characteristics are the isobilateral organization of
the parenchyma, with palisade parenchyma on both
epidermises; the presence of calcium oxalate cluster
crystals, isolated or inserted into the palisade parenchyma;
and the characteristic epidermal cells with sinuous walls,
a smooth cuticle and paracytic stomata more frequent in
the lower epidermis.[28]
The Celastraceae family is a source of important bioactive
secondary metabolites. Alkaloid amines such as cathine
often occur in this botanical family as also, rarely,
benzylisoquinolide alkaloids.[15] Celastraceae members
are commonly tanniferous, containing anthocyanins,
sometimes saponiferous, only rarely cyanogenic and
without iridoid compounds.[15] Among the compounds
isolated from their species, triterpenes and triterpenoid
quinonemethides are of great interest due to their wide
range of biological activities.[17] Constituents as β-amyrin,
lupane derivatives and quinoid pigments are considered
typical of the Celastraceae family members.[15]
Compounds isolated from the Maytenus genus include
the ansa macrolide, maytansine, and related macrolides
such as normaytansine, maytanprine and maytanbutine.[15]
Other isolated compounds include spermidine alkaloids
(celacinnine and celallocinine) and nicotinoyl sesquiterpene
alkaloids (maytoline and maytolidine) as well as catechin,
procyanidins and phenoldienone triterpenoids.[16]
Table 2 summarizes the chemical compounds identi ed in
M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis.
Previous biological studies were reported in both species.
The in vivo antiplasmodial activity of M. heterophylla and
M. senegalensis root-bark extracts against resistant strains
of P. berghei was determined.[34] M. senegalensis root and
stem extracts demonstrated in vitro antiplasmodial activity
against a cloroquine-sensitive strain of P. falciparum
[35] Another study evaluated the in vitro activity of M.
senegalensis leaf and stem-bark extracts against two strains
of P. falciparum (cloroquine and pyrimethamine sensitive
3D7 strain; cloroquine-resistant and pyrimethamine-
sensitive Dd2 strain).[36] An extract of the stem-bark of
M. senegalensis demonstrated in vitro antileishmanial activity
against promastigotes of Leishmania major reference
vaccine strain (5AKSH).[37] Pristimerin was identi ed as
the antileishmanial agent of M. senegalensis and proved to
be active against resistant strains of P. falciparum.[38]
Stem-bark and root-bark extracts of M. senegalensis
were tested against Bacillus subtilus, Micrococcus luteus and
Staphylococcus aureus.[39] Maytenonic acid-isolated root-
bark has a proven antibacterial activity against B. subtilus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and S. aureus.[33] An
acetone extract of the aerial parts of this species has
been revealed to be active against a sensitive strain of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv strain, 0.5 mg/mL).[40]
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Maytenus heterophylla
Maytenus senegalensis
ethnobotanical review
63 Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
Table 2: Chemical constituents of M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis
M. heterophylla M. senegalensis
Alkaloids 1β-acetoxy-9α-benzoyloxy-2β,6α-dinicotinoyloxy-β-
Alkanes and alkanols Hexacosanol[30]
Maytansinoids Maytansine[15] Maytanbutine[30]
Phenolic compounds ()-epicatechin[29] Anthocyans[30]
()-4-methylepigallocatechin[29] epicatechin (4β8) epicatechin[31]
Tannins[14] ()-epicatechin (4β8)
epicatechin (4β8) epigallocatechin[31]
Ferula acid[30]
Kaempferol derivatives[17]
(+)-4-methylepigallocatechin 3’-O-β-
()-4-methylepigallocatechin 5-O-β-
Phloroglucinol 1-O-β-D-
Quercetin derivatives[17]
Vanillic acid[30]
Sugars Dulcitol[15] Dulcitol[17]
Monoterpenes Geraniol[30]
Triterpenes β-amyrin[29] 3-O-acetyloleanol acids[30]
Friedelin[15] Iguestrin[30]
3α-hydroxy-2-oxofriedelane-20α-carboxylic acid[30]
Maytenoic acid[32]
Maytenonic acid[33]
Maytenfolic acid[29] Pristimerin[30]
β-sitosterol xyloside[17]
Other constituents Celastrin[15] Quinoid pigments[17]
Despite the use of different species of the genus Maytenus
in African traditional medicine to prepare infusions or
decoctions as anti-in ammatory and analgesic remedies
for oral and/or topical administration,[41] biological studies
concerning the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory
activity of the African Maytenus species are scarce.
However, the anti-in ammatory activity of the South
American species of this genus was already performed,
and the activity of M. ilicifolia,[41] M. aquifolium,[42]
M. boaria[43] and M. rigida[44] was already veri ed. This kind
of activity could be justi ed by the presence of phenol
and triterpen metabolites.[41]
Recently, the anti-in ammatory activities of M. heterophylla
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Maytenus heterophylla
Maytenus senegalensis
ethnobotanical review
64Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine | January 2011 | Vol 2 | Issue 1
and M. senegalensis ethanol extracts (70%) were determined
in Wistar albino rats by the carrageenan-induced paw
edema method. These extracts exhibited signi cant anti-
in ammatory activity (120 mg/kg, per os), reducing edema
by 51% and 35%, respectively.[45]
Toxicity studies are particularly relevant because the risks
differ from the type of extract and depend on the route
and form of administration. Tradition and the knowledge
accumulated over generations are commonly evoked to
justify the activity and harmlessness of herbal products.
Therefore, pharmacological and toxicological assays are
essential to substantiate this knowledge and to guarantee
that these extracts are devoid of toxicity (the difference
between medicine and toxin is the dose).
Acute and sub-acute toxicity screening of M. heterophylla
and M. senegalensis ethanol extracts (70%) was evaluated
in adult male CD-6 mice. While M. heterophylla extract at
1200 mg/kg is shown to be non-toxic, M. senegalensis extract
indicated some toxicity.[45]
It can be concluded that M. heterophylla and M. senegalensis
have been used in African traditional medicine for the
treatment of numerous ailments, including respiratory
diseases, in ammation, microbial affections and topical
application for healing wounds.
Biological activity studies con rm most of the traditional
uses of these herbal drugs and toxicity studies meet the
safe use of M. heterophylla. However, further detailed in
vivo studies are needed to investigate this possibility. Most
of the active compounds have not yet been isolated.
There are still many constituents of M. heterophylla and
M. senegalensis, with potential pharmacological activity,
which have never been investigated. It is very likely that
both species contain many bene cial pharmacological
properties due to their wide spectrum of uses in the
African traditional medicine. Therefore, in vivo and clinical
investigations regarding their pharmacological effects
could provide valuable evidence and insights into their
potential bene ts for future clinical management of many
human diseases.
There is also a great deal of research pertaining to the
discovery and characterization of new active therapeutic
agents for several diseases such as tuberculosis and
cancer. Academic institutions should invest more in
ethnopharmacological researches and, thus, contribute
to a wider bene t of the populations where this kind of
medicine is essential to a better healthcare system.
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from: h p://
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How to cite this article: da Silva G, Serrano R, Silva O. Maytenus
heterophylla and Maytenus senegalensis, two traditional herbal medicines.
J Nat Sc Biol Med 2011;2:59-65.
Source of Support: Nil. Con ict of Interest: None declared.
... It lacks thorns or may have spines measuring up to 7 cm, found either in the axils or at the tips of short axillary branches. The plant is smooth, devoid of latex, and its young branches are mostly unlined, often displaying a glaucous appearance (Da Silva et al., 2011). In tropical Africa, Maytenus senegalensis is found in the Savannah regions, thriving in diverse habitats such as deciduous woodlands, thickets, scrub, wooded grasslands, as well as along riverbanks and swamp margins (Da Silva et al., 2011). ...
... The plant is smooth, devoid of latex, and its young branches are mostly unlined, often displaying a glaucous appearance (Da Silva et al., 2011). In tropical Africa, Maytenus senegalensis is found in the Savannah regions, thriving in diverse habitats such as deciduous woodlands, thickets, scrub, wooded grasslands, as well as along riverbanks and swamp margins (Da Silva et al., 2011). ...
... At 500 mg/kg body weight, the extract lowered ulceration in a manner akin to that of omeprazole (30 mg/kg body weight), offering virtually equal levels of gastro-protection. Studies on the effects of Maytenus senegalensis on animal models revealed that its aqueous oral extract was generally harmless (Da Silva et al., 2011;Ahmed et al., 2013). Jigam et al. (2020) analyzed the leaf extract of Maytenus senegalensis, demonstrating the existence of bioactive substances like phytol, 3,5,7-tetraen-carboxylic acid-methylester, 20α)-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-24-nor-friedela-1, 2(4H)-Benzofuranone, and 3-hydroxy-20-lupen-28-ol. ...
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Study’s Novelty/Excerpt This review systematically explores the anti-ulcerogenic potential of medicinal plants, emphasizing their bioactive compounds and pharmacological properties, a topic underexplored in the context of peptic ulcer management. The inclusion of 33 studies from 2010-2024 offers a comprehensive analysis of plant species like Curcuma longa, Moringa oleifera, and Allium sativum, highlighting their multiple mechanisms of action, including anti-inflammatory and anti-H. pylori effects. The findings highlights the potential of these ethnobotanical resources to complement or replace synthetic drugs, addressing the growing need for safer and more effective peptic ulcer treatments. Full Abstract The common gastrointestinal ailment known as peptic ulcer is characterized by damage to the stomach and duodenum's mucosal integrity, mostly as a result of an unbalanced interaction between mucus production and other defensive systems and aggressive elements like gastric acid. Pain, loss of appetite, bloating, nausea, perforations, weight loss, bloody stools, or vomiting are some of the signs that identify the condition. The necessity for efficient treatment plans is highlighted by the rising incidence of peptic ulcers, which is made worse by conditions including Helicobacter pylori infection and NSAID use. Herbal drugs are emerging as alternative remedies for various health conditions. With an emphasis on the bioactive chemicals and pharmacological properties of these plants, this review investigates the therapeutic potential of medicinal plants in the management of peptic ulcers. A PRISMA-compliant systematic review was carried out to evaluate the anti-ulcerogenic qualities of a variety of medicinal plants. We looked through scientific databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, to find pertinent research that was published between 2010 and 2024. Terms like "peptic ulcer," "anti-ulcer plants," "plant-derived drugs for peptic ulcer," "herbal drugs," and "phytomedicine for peptic ulcer" were used in the search. Thirty-three (33) full-text articles out of 2,650 entries that were examined and found to match the inclusion criteria were included. Plant species, bioactive chemicals, and their proven effects on peptic ulcers in preclinical research were the main topics of data extraction. This review highlights the many modes of action and therapeutic applications of the several medicinal plant extracts that have been connected to anti-ulcer properties. The ethnobotanical plants were discovered to be a rich source of phytochemicals, including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, simple phenols, and saponins. Numerous therapeutic plants with potent anti-ulcerogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial qualities have been found to exist, such as Curcuma longa, Moringa oleifera, and Allium sativum. These plants improve mucosal defence systems, lower stomach acid output, control inflammatory mediators, and inhibit H. pylori, offering considerable therapeutic potential. More research is required to fully understand the medical potential of these natural medicines, as the findings show that they can successfully complement current treatments for peptic ulcers, lowering dependency on synthetic pharmaceuticals and minimizing associated adverse effects.
... It is a shrub or tree commonly found across most African nations, as well as in regions of Arabia, Afghanistan, and India. 32,33 It grows up to a height of 5-8 meters with a display of a dense and thorny crown. The leaves are oblong, alternate, and glossy green on the surface with a pale underside and occur in groups as an impenetrable bush. ...
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Carapa procera DC (C. procera), Trichilia monadelpha (Thonn.) Wilde (T. monadelpha), Spathodea campanulata P.Beauv (S. campanulata) and Gymnosporia senegalensis Loes (G. senegalensis) are medicinal plants which are used folklorically in Ghana, West Africa, for the treatment and management of diseases. However, there is little scientific evidence and documentation regarding their ethnobotanical uses, phytochemical constituents and pharmacology activities. The objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive literature synthesis of the ethnobotanical uses, phytochemical composition and pharmacological significance of C. procera, G. senegalensis, T. monadelpha and S. campanulata for future research and health benefits. Databases utilized in the literature search included PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, PubChem and DrugBank. All plant names were checked with “World Flora Online” ( Pharmacological studies conducted in majority of cases indicated anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant or antimicrobial activities of C. procera, T. monadelpha, S. campanulata and G. senegalensis. Phytochemical analysis also revealed botanical constituents that may potentially be involved in the observed pharmacological properties. This review will go a long way to promote the efficacious use of these plants. However, much remains to be done with respect to preclinical and clinical investigations in order to harness their full potential.
... However, the ethnomedicinal versatility of the total number of ailments treated with M. indica was higher in this study than in previous studies. G. senegalensis ethnomedicinal applications are well documented for folk medicine (da Silva et al. 2011) and ethnoveterinary application in treating livestock (Koné et al. 2008;Yirga et al. 2012). However, its mention in ethnoveterinary applications for managing poultry disease, particularly chicken diseases, is limited in other parts of Africa. ...
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Background: Indigenous chickens raised in free-range production systems constitute a significant source of poultry products, particularly in rural communities. The free-range system exposes indigenous chickens to diseases, with access to veterinary services constrained by the remoteness of most rural settlements. Ethnoveterinary practice is used to manage indigenous chicken diseases in Ghana. This study aimed to take an inventory of the plant species used to treat indigenous chicken ailments and determine their cultural importance in the Adaklu district of the Volta region. Methods: Ethnoveterinary data on botanicals used for treating chicken diseases were gathered from 120 respondents in the Adaklu district of the Volta region. The cultural significance of species for ethnoveterinary purposes was evaluated using quantitative ethnobotanical indices. Results: A total of 36 plant species from 25 botanical families were identified to be used for treating chicken ailments. Word frequency of ailments using WordItOut revealed that Newcastle Disease (ND) symptoms, commonly associated with free-range indigenous chickens, were the most common conditions. Mangifera indica and Gymnosporia senegalensis were the most culturally important and versatile plant species applied to treat symptoms associated with Newcastle Disease. Conclusions: Most plant species cited in this study can be grouped as belonging to fringes of cultural practices due to their infrequent number of mentions and low cultural importance indices. The study recommends documenting indigenous knowledge about ethnomedicine recourses in local communities before they are relegated to fringes of cultural practices. Keywords: Volta region, Newcastle Disease (ND), Mangifera indica, Gymnosporia senegalensis, idiosyncratic knowledge, perceived efficacy
... Several members of this genus are used in traditional medicine to treat cancer [2], gastric ulcers [3], and arthritis [4]. Maytenus species are known to contain a diverse group of triterpenoids [5][6][7], flavonoids [8,9], tannins [10], lignans [11,12], dihydro-β-agarofurans [4,13,14] and sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloids [15][16][17] that display remarkable structural diversities and cytotoxicity [18][19][20][21][22], as well as insecticidal [23], antitumor-promoting [13], MDR-reverting [24][25][26], antitubercular [27], neuroprotective [28], immunosuppressive [29], anti-HIV [30], antiinflammatory [18], and medicinal properties [3,[31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...
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Maytenus dhofarensis Sebsebe (Celestraceae) is a naturally growing shrub in Oman. It is not a reputed medicinal plant in Oman, but it is regionally endemic and causes shivering attacks on goats that graze on it. The chemical investigation of the hexane and chloroform extracts of the fruits and stems of M. dhofarensis afforded dihydro-β-agarofuran-type sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloid (1), lupanyl myristoate (2) and lignanolactone (3). Compounds (1–3) are new isolates from M. dhofarensis. The structures of these compounds were assigned through comprehensive IR, NMR, and ESI-MS analyses, and the relative configurations of compounds 1 and 3 were deduced from density function theory (DFT) calculations and NMR experiments. Compound 1 was assayed against the kinase enzyme and showed no inhibition activity for p38 alpha and delta at a 10 µM test concentration. Compound 3 inhibited the 2,2′-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) by 69.5%, compared to 70.9% and 78.0% for gallic acid and butylated hydroxyanisole, respectively, which were used as positive controls.
... Most members of the family are shrub to small trees, although members of some genera such as Bhesa, Koona, and Lapophetalum, reach up to 50 m high and have buttressed trunk. Most Celastraceae are erect but members of some genera such as Celastrus, Euonymus, Maytenus, etc are scandent [5]. The genus has been reported to contain various phytoconstituents such as flavonoids, phenolic glucosides, triterpenes. ...
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Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the pharamacognostic parameters for the plant M. senegalensis, to ensure its purity, quality and safety. Methodology: Whole powdered leaves and methanolic extract were used. Pharmacognostic standards were determined according to the guidelines given by the World Health Organization (WHO). Parameters determined are macroscopic and microscopic characters (quantitative and qualitative), physicochemical parameters as well as preliminary phytochemical tests. Results: Macroscopically the leaves of M. senegalensis are alternately arranged with glabrous surface, serrated margin, and a characteristic taste and odor. Microspically, the leaves have stomata that is anomocytic type on both upper (SN= 80.50-70.00-59.50, SI= 10.81-12.72-14.63) and lower epidermis (SN= 101.78-88.50-75.23, SI= 10.65-12.53-14.41), the epidermal cells were polygonal in shape and trichomes were absent. The vein islet number was determined to be 23.46-20.40-17.34 and the vein let termination number was 17.94-15.60-13.26. Transverse sections of the leaves revealed a dorsiventral type having a singled layered epidermis, palisade cell beneath the upper epidermis, with some vascular bundles at the center covered by a bundle carp, and some spongy mesophyll. Chemo-microscopical study revealed the presence of cellulose cell wall, lignified fibers, starch grains, calcium oxalates, fixed oil and fats. Other determinations include: moisture content (9.33 % w/w ± 0.01), total ash (7.83.00 % w/w ± 0.004) acid-insoluble ash (01.67% w/w ± 0.01), alcohol-soluble extractive values (12.00% w/w ± 0.10), and water-soluble extractive values (13.25%w/w ± 0.04). Preliminary phytochemical screening of the methanolic leave extract reveals the presence alkaloids, saponins, tannins, anthraquinones, cardiac glycosides, carbohydrates and flavonoids. Conclusion: The drug can be stored in powdered form for a long time without worrying about its purity based on the moisture content value obtained. The high digestibility of the plant when eaten is indicated by the low total ash and acid-insoluble ash values obtained (i.e can be safely eaten). The drug may be very significant in the development of phytomedicines, according to the results of the phytochemical screening.
... Te interview enabled the collection of sociodemographic information concerning the age, gender, educational level, ethnic group, and religion of the respondents who specialized in the treatment of fractures, sprains, and wounds. Healers were in the 21-90 age range, with 35% between (31-50) years and (51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56)(57)(58)(59)(60)(61)(62)(63)(64)(65)(66)(67)(68)(69)(70) years and 25% between (71)(72)(73)(74)(75)(76)(77)(78)(79)(80)(81)(82)(83)(84)(85)(86)(87)(88)(89)(90) years. In addition, only 3% of healers were represented in the 21-30 age range. ...
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Medicinal plants are frequently used in African countries due to their importance in the treatment of various conditions. In the northern Republic of Benin, traditional healers are recognized as specialists in the treatment of fractures, wounds, and sprains. The present study was conducted to document the practices (diagnosis and materials) and traditional knowledge accumulated by healers in this region on their area of specialty. In addition, literature-based research was performed to support the usage of the most cited plants. Sixty traditional healers identified as “reference persons” from Atakora and Donga departments in the northern Republic of Benin, who specialized in the treatment of fractures, wounds, and sprains, were interviewed in their communities through a semi-structured questionnaire. Information about the practice, age of the healers, medicinal plants used in this treatment, methods of preparation, and administration were collected. Samples of the plant species were also collected, identified, and stored in the national herbarium at the University of Abomey-Calavi, the Republic of Benin. The study enabled the identification of thirty-four (34) species belonging to twenty-three (23) families. Ochna rhizomatosa and Ochna schweinfurthiana (21%) were the most quoted plants among the species, followed by Chasmanthera dependens (12.1%), Piliostigma thonningii (11.3%), and Combretum sericeum (8.1%). These plants were reported to strengthen bones, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and promote healing in the northern part of the Republic of Benin. Besides their ability to treat fractures, wounds, and sprains, they are also used for multiple purposes in the West African subregions. According to the available literature, some of the plants will need to be investigated for their phytoconstituents and pharmacological activity to validate their ethnobotanical uses. These results confirm the need for documenting traditional knowledge since it represents an opportunity for exploring plant species with potentially good pharmacological effects, which have been barely investigated. Plants identified may constitute a significant source of bioactive compounds in the treatment of various ailments such as skin inflammation and musculoskeletal disorders. They can be further explored to justify their use in traditional Beninese medicine.
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The activity budget of giraffe in various African populations has been studied extensively, revealing that it is affected by body size, foraging patterns, and sex. Foraging patterns show an animal's feeding choices in its environment and are influenced by resource availability, competition, and predation risk. The ability of giraffe to survive and reproduce is significantly impacted by the variation in activity budget and foraging across different ecosystems. Our study focused on evaluating the seasonal activity budgets and foraging patterns of Nubian giraffe in Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. We used the scan sampling method to record the activity budget of giraffe which included foraging, movement, resting, and drinking water. We then evaluated if activities varied with the seasons. A total of 11,280 activities were documented, with 4560 (40.4%) occurring during the dry season and 6720 (59.6%) during the wet season. Foraging accounted for 53% of the time budget during the dry season, but increased to 57% during the wet season. There was a slight drop in records of movement (22%; n = 995 of 4560) and resting (25%; n = 1145 of 4560) from the dry season to the wet season (20%; n = 1375 out of 6720 and 22%; n = 1515 of 6720). During the dry season, females (53%) foraged longer than males (47%), whereas males (44%) had longer resting periods than females (56%). Giraffe frequently fed on Vachellia xanthophloea (67%; n = 4136 of 6215 foraging records), Maytenus senegalensis (19%), and Solanum incanum (9%) over both seasons. Overall, seasons had little impact on giraffe activity time budgets and foraging patterns in Lake Nakuru National Park. A better insight into the behavioural patterns of this subspecies will allow managers to enhance the protection and conservation of the species and its habitat. Heavy foraging on Vachellia by giraffe at LNNP has been associated with a population decline in number, so perhaps planting more of this species in LNNP could promote a rebound in numbers.
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Investigation of the non-polar (rich in chlorophyll) and polar fractions of the ethyl acetate extract of Gymnosporia senegalensis (Lam.) Loes. leaves led to the isolation of nine compounds, including one new megastigmane derivative, (3 R*,5 S*,6 R*,7 E,9ξ)-7-megastigmene-3,6,9-triol-3- O-β-D-(6′- O-galloyl)glucopyranoside (1), four known galloylated derivatives (2, 3, 8, 9), three known chlorophyll derivatives (4–6), and one known fatty acid (7). The structures of the isolates were determined by means of spectroscopic and spectrometric data, as well as by comparison with literature values. The extracts and isolated compounds were tested for their antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant activities. The isolates showed weak to high antimicrobial activities with phaeophytin A (4) being the most active one whereas phaeophorbide-a (5) and Chlorine e 6 trimethyl ester (6) exhibited the highest antioxidant activities.
Medicinal plants have been the basis of treatment of various diseases by man over the years and a large portion of the world population are depending on the use of traditional medicine. Medicinal plants are known to be source of bioactive compounds that have therapeutic values, the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages the inclusion of herbal medicine in health care because of the great potential they possess. In this research work five different medicinal plants were subjected to antimicrobial study against Klebsiella pneumonia and Candida albicans at different concentrations. The plants were extracted using hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. The ethyl acetate extract of Parinari curatellifolia exhibited better antibacterial activity than the other extracts at all concentrations, having 26.00±0.00 mm zone of inhibition at 100.00 mg/ml concentration. The ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Hilleria latifolia exhibited the highest zone of inhibition against Candida albicans, having zone of inhibition value of 20.00±0.00 mm at 100.00 mg/ml concentration. None of the extracts exhibited higher zone of inhibition than the standard drugs used. The study has shown that Parinari curatellifolia is a better antimicrobial agent against infections caused by Candida albicans and Klebsiella pneumonia.
Medicinal plants have been the basis of treatment of various diseases by man over the years and a large portion of the world population are depending on the use of traditional medicine. Medicinal plants are known to be source of bioactive compounds that have therapeutic values, the World Health Organization (WHO) encourages the inclusion of herbal medicine in health care because of the great potential they possess. In this research work five different medicinal plants were subjected to antimicrobial study against Klebsiella pneumonia and Candida albicans at different concentrations. The plants were extracted using hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. The ethyl acetate extract of Parinari curatellifolia exhibited better antibacterial activity than the other extracts at all concentrations, having 26.00±0.00 mm zone of inhibition at 100.00 mg/ml concentration. The ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Hilleria latifolia exhibited the highest zone of inhibition against Candida albicans, having zone of inhibition value of 20.00±0.00 mm at 100.00 mg/ml concentration. None of the extracts exhibited higher zone of inhibition than the standard drugs used. The study has shown that Parinari curatellifolia is a better antimicrobial agent against infections caused by Candida albicans and Klebsiella pneumonia.
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This paper describes anatomical approaches to study the Genus Maytenus Mol. Emnd. Mol. (Celastraceae). The genus is the largest in the family Celastraceae, and in Brazil is represented by approximately 80 species. Maytenus is a polyphyletic genus and additional research is required to better understand its taxonomy. Maytenus ardisiaefolia Reiss., M. brasiliensis Mart., M. cestrifolia Reiss., M. communis Reiss. and M.obtusifolia Mart. are difficult to identify because of similarities in their reproductive structures and variations in the size and shape of their leaves. The anatomical structures observed within various parts of the leaves were similar in all the species studied and, as such, are of taxonomic and probably phylogenteic value for the genus Maytenus. The organisation of the epidermis and subepidermal layers in M. obtusifolia proved to be an important diagnostic character in comparison with M. ardisiaefolia. Similarly, the occurrence of acicular crystals in epidermal cells of M. communis and M. ardisiaefolia separates M. cestrifolia where crystals were not seen. These results highlight the role of anatomy as an important tool to be exploited in taxonomic studies of other species within the genus Maytenus. The observation and description of cork warts in the epidermis of the leaf blade could contribute to Celastraceae taxonomy.
Nearly all cultures, from ancient times to today, have used plants as a source of medicine. In many developing countries, traditional medicine is still the mainstay of health care and most of the drugs and cures used come from plants. In developed countries many people are turning to herbal remedies. With this widespread use has come the assumption that plants identified as having medicinal qualities will be available on a continuing basis. However no concerted effort has been made to ensure this and in the face of the threats of increasing demand, a vastly increasing human population and extensive forest destruction, there can be no guarantee that we will continue to benefit indefinitely from this valuable resource. In light of this situation the World Health Organisation held a meeting in 1988. This book is the outcome of that meeting, detailing in a series of papers by leading experts the problems of which need to be addressed, the existing experiences from a range of countries and the future direction which must be taken to ensure the conservation of the world's medicinal plants.
The genus Maytenus in southern Africa is replete with taxonomic problems, both at specific and supra-specific levels. Chemical data in taxonomy are an important adjunct to morphological evidence as it reflects on relationships of plants at another level of structural organization. In this study fourteen species of Maytenus (mainly from the Pondoland Centre of endemism) have been used to test the applicability of an easy-to-use thin layer chromatographic (TLC) technique. Leaf extracts provided chemical 'fingerprints' which were diagnostic for each species. Chemical evidence thus obtained also supports the reinstatement of the segregate genus Gymnosporia. The technique described holds considerable promise, not only for resolving classification problems in Maytenus, but also for taxonomic application in other groups of plants.
A cladistic analysis of Celastraceae sensu late (including Hippocrateaceae) was conducted using 69 informative morphological characters representing variation in gross morphology, seed anatomy, seedling development, leaf anatomy wood anatomy, pollen morphology, and karyotype. The 82 taxa sampled included 31 genera of Celastraceae sensu stricto. 22 genera of Hippocrateaceae, 7 genera that have been associated with Celastraceae (Brexia, Canotia, Forsellesia Goupia, Lophopyxis, Plagiopteron, and Siphonodon), and outgroups from Corynocarpaceae. Crossosomataceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geissolomataceae, Huaceae, Saxifragaceae, and Stackhousiaceae. Character state changes mapped onto the phylogenetic hypotheses were generated to infer patterns of evolution of characters, including the aril in Celastraceae s.l. Based on this analysis, the inclusion of Bhesa and Goupia within Celastraceae s.l. is ambiguous, and Siphonodon should be excluded from Celastraceae s.l. Forsellesia (= Glossopetalon) is supported as closely related to Crossosomataceae. Lophopyxis is supported as a member of Euphorbiaceae. Canotia is resolved as the sister group of Acanthothamnus. included within Celastraceae sensu stricto. Brexia is resolved as the sister group of Celastraceae s.l. Theodor Loesener's subfamilies and tribes of Celastraceae s. str. are generally not supported. The Hippocrateaceae are resolved as having a single origin, and as nested within a paraphyletic Celastraceae s, str. with Brassiantha, Dicarpellum; and Sarawakodendron as "transitional'' genera between the groups. Campylostemon appears as a derived group within Hippocrateaceae, not as a "transitional" genus. Nicolas Halle's subfamilies of Hippocrateaceae are supported, but his tribes generally ale not, with Campylostemoneae and Helictonemateae nested within Hippocrateeae. Plagiopteron is resolved as nested within tribe Hipocrateeae.
Gymnosporia (Wight & Arn.) Hook. f. (Celastraceae) is an Old World genus of about 99 species and 19 infraspecific taxa. A historical review of the genus and its conserved status are given. Sectional subdivision of Gymnosporia into eight sections is based mainly on characters from fruit morphology and leaf anatomy. Taxonomically useful characters at section level include: presence or absence of leaf and fruit indumentum, number of values in the fruit, aril colour and the degree to which it covers the seed. Diagnostic leaf anatomical characters are epidermis cell size, presence or absence of a hypodermis, uni- or multi-seriate epidermis, dorsiventral or isobilateral mesophyll and presence or absence of trichomes or papillae. The newly described sections (species/infraspecific taxa in brackets) are Buxifoliae (29); Capitatae (1); Gymnosporia (6/3); Mossambicenses (11/4); Vaccinifoliae (1/2); Pubescentes (1); Putterlickioides (1/2) and Tenuispinae (49/8). A key to the sections and a list of species in each section are provided. Morphological as well as leaf anatomical characters to assist in the identification of sections are tabulated. Eleven new name combinations, three new ranks and two new names are proposed.
Maytenus senegalensis is an important medicinal plant in East Africa. Methanolic extracts of the root-bark exhibit antibacterial activity. The isolation of the antibacterial compound, 3-oxo-friedelan-20α-oic acid, more commonly known as maytenonic acid, from the root-bark of M. senegalensis is described herein. This compound was first described in 1971 but the structure was not completely settled upon. The configuration at C-20 was corrected on the basis of chemical transformation and X-ray data of its methyl ester. Using improved NMR techniques a full set of spectral data for this compound is now given and configuration at C-20 confirmed by NOE contacts observed in 2D-ROESY spectrum.
Two new methylated flavan-3-ol glucosides and a methylated proanthocyanidin were isolated from the MeOH extract of the stem-bark of Maytenus senegalensis, together with five known compounds. The structures of the new compounds were determined as: (−)-4′-methylepigallocatechin 5-O-β-glucopyranoside, (+)-4′-methylgallocatechin 3′-O-β-glucopyranoside and (−)-epicatechin (4β→8) (−)-4′-methylepigallocatechin by chemical and spectroscopic means. The MeOH and H2O extracts showed moderate inhibitory effects against HIV-1 protease.