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Performance of forest plantations in small and medium-sized farms in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica


Abstract and Figures

Exotic tree species predominate in reforestation in tropical regions worldwide. However, some native species are suitable for plantations, providing a wider variety of products. Adequate government programs of incentives, coupled with good technical advice to farmers, are needed to stimulate reforestation, especially among small and medium-sized farmers with limited financial resources. This project evaluates growth of native and exotic tree species on plantations in small and medium-sized farms in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica, Central America. A total of 210 pure plantations, ranging in age from 6 to 11 years, were evaluated on 123 farms that had used government incentives for reforestation, and had received technical advice from local non-government organizations. For each species, seven plantations were chosen at random for study. In each plantation, plots of 15 trees each were chosen systematically for evaluation of diameter at breast height (dbh), total height, number of trees per hectare, tree form and spacing. Terminaliaamazonia (J.F. Gmel) Exell, Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemao, and Vochysiaguatemalensis Donn. Sm. were the most frequent species found in plantations in the region of study. Gmelinaarborea Roxb. (exotic) and V. guatemalensis (native) had the highest mean annual diameter increment with 2.90 and 2.59 cm, respectively. Calophyllumbrasiliense Cambess. (native) had the lowest mean annual diameter increment (1.48 cm). G.arborea and V.guatemalensis had the highest mean annual volume increment, followed by Tectona grandis (L.f) Lam. (exotic), and T. amazonia and Cordia alliodora (R&P) Cham. (both native). Although G. arborea had the greatest mean annual diameter increment, it had the lowest plantation density and problems with form. V. guatemalensis and T. amazonia, two native species, were the most promising species for reforestation, due to good growth in volume, good form, and adaptability to a variety of sites. The poor form of exotic species was related to the low intensity management methods of small farmers. Exotic species had the highest performance variability between sites, while native species showed relatively high growth homogeneity. Therefore, native species seem more promising than exotics for general use across varying ecological conditions.
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Performance of forest plantations in small and medium-sized
farms in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica
Daniel Piotto
, Florencia Montagnini
, Luis Ugalde
, Markku Kanninen
Centro Agrono
Âmico Tropical de Investigacio
Ân y Ensen
Äanza (CATIE), 7170 Turrialba, Costa Rica
Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, 370 Prospect St., New Haven, CT 06511, USA
Received 19 December 2001
Exotic tree species predominate in reforestation in tropical regions worldwide. However, some native species are suitable for
plantations, providing a wider variety of products. Adequate government programs of incentives, coupled with good technical
advice to farmers, are needed to stimulate reforestation, especially among small and medium-sized farmers with limited
®nancial resources. This project evaluates growth of native and exotic tree species on plantations in small and medium-sized
farms in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica, Central America. A total of 210 pure plantations, ranging in age from 6 to 11
years, were evaluated on 123 farms that had used government incentives for reforestation, and had received technical advice
from local non-government organizations. For each species, seven plantations were chosen at random for study. In each
plantation, plots of 15 trees each were chosen systematically for evaluation of diameter at breast height (dbh), total height,
number of trees per hectare, tree form and spacing. Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmel) Exell, Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemao,
and Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm. were the most frequent species found in plantations in the region of study. Gmelina
arborea Roxb. (exotic) and V. guatemalensis (native) had the highest mean annual diameter increment with 2.90 and 2.59 cm,
respectively. Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (native) had the lowest mean annual diameter increment (1.48 cm). G. arborea
and V. guatemalensis had the highest mean annual volume increment, followed by Tectona grandis (L.f) Lam. (exotic), and
T. amazonia and Cordia alliodora (R&P) Cham. (both native). Although G. arborea had the greatest mean annual diameter
increment, it had the lowest plantation density and problems with form. V. guatemalensis and T. amazonia, two native species,
were the most promising species for reforestation, due to good growth in volume, good form, and adaptability to a variety of
sites. The poor form of exotic species was related to the low intensity management methods of small farmers. Exotic species had
the highest performance variability between sites, while native species showed relatively high growth homogeneity. Therefore,
native species seem more promising than exotics for general use across varying ecological conditions.
#2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Costa Rica; Degraded sites; Incentives; Native species; Reforestation
1. Introduction
On a global scale, native species arewidely extracted
from natural forests. However, use of native species for
reforestation is minimal, and exotic tree species pre-
dominate both in industrial as well as in rural devel-
Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-203-436-4221;
fax: 1-203-432-3929.
E-mail address: (F. Montagnini).
Current address: Rua Afonso Bra
Âs 295, Vila Nova Conceicao,
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, CEP 0451-011.
0378-1127/02/$ ± see front matter #2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0378-1127(02)00127-5
opment plantations (Evans, 1999). In humid tropical
regions of Latin America, forest plantations provide
wood, as well as various environmental services, such
as carbon ®xation, soil stabilization, maintenance of
biodiversity, and restoration of degraded areas. To
ensure success of reforestation programs, farmers must
have access to adequate technical assistance for species
and site selection. In addition, effective programs of
government incentives to stimulate reforestation are
needed, especially for small and medium-sized farmers
with limited ®nancial resources (Segura, 2000).
In Costa Rica over the past 15 years the supply of
wood from natural forests has diminished due to
deforestation combined with the establishment of con-
servation areas (Gonza
Âlez and Fisher, 1994). In
response, more forest plantations have been established
for timber, and a number of these have been established
by small and medium-sized landowners through credit
and government incentives (Watson et al., 1998). Until
1987, one native species (Cordia alliodora (R&P)
Cham.), and three exotics (Gmelina arborea Roxb.,
Pinus spp. and Eucalyptus spp.), made up 94% of the
plantation productionon the Atlantic lowlands of Costa
Rica (Direccio
Ân General Forestal, 1987).
In Costa Rica studies on native species for use in
plantations began in the mid 1980s with research
conducted at La Selva Biological Station of the Orga-
nization for Tropical Studies (OTS) (Butter®eld, 1990;
Espinoza and Butter®eld, 1990). Their research shows
that several native species that had not previously been
used for reforestation had good growth and adapt-
ability to degraded soils.
Between 1987 and 1996, the Costa Rican govern-
ment promoted reforestation through economic incen-
tives, such as the Fund for Forest Development (FDF)
and the Forest Payment Certi®cate (CAF) (Segura
et al., 1996; Watson et al., 1998). Farmers in the
Atlantic lowlands region, in association with local
non-governmental organizations (NGOs): the County
Agricultural Center of Sarapiquõ
Â(CACSA), and the
Foundation for the Development of the Central Vol-
canic Range (FUNDECOR), began establishing forest
plantations. CACSA is an organization made up of
small farmers and supported by the Costa Rican
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), while
FUNDECOR provides technical advice to farmers in
sustainable forest management and reforestation.
When CACSA and FUNDECOR began working on
reforestation projects, they recurred to the OTS for
assistance in species selection. Species were selected
for their promising performance and rapid growth
(Table 1). With the work of CACSA and FUNDECOR,
reforestation in the region passed from a phase of pure
investigation to a phase of implementation (FUNDE-
COR, 2001). By 1999 the projects were responsible
for planting approximately 1500 ha in the Atlantic
lowlands (FUNDECOR, 2001).
However, the investigations at the Biological Sta-
tion La Selva, administered by OTS, only covered the
®rst phases of plantation development (3 and 4 years).
Information about the long-term performance of the
plantations is necessary to guarantee better results and
diminish the investment risk for the rural farmers. The
objective of the present study was to evaluate the
growth of native and exotic tree species in plantations
ranging in age from 6 to 11 years. The plantations
were established by farmers using government incen-
tives, and with the assistance of the local NGOs in the
Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Site description
The plantations were established between 1990 and
1995 on the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica. The study
sites are located at 108120±108470north latitude and
848090±838450west longitude (Fig. 1). Mean annual
temperature is 24 8C. Mean annual precipitation is
3500±5000 mm, and in no month is precipitation less
than 50 mm. Elevation is between 30 and 200 m. The
overall topography is ¯at to undulating terrain. In
general, soils belong to the Ultisol and Inceptisol
orders. There are various limitations of the soil, such
as slow or impeded drainage, and very low to medium
fertility. These limitations restrict land uses to per-
manent crops and reforestation. However, projects
require careful management because of the area's high
susceptibility to erosion (Costa Rica, 1979).
2.2. Characteristics of the farms used in the
present research
This study examines 210 pure plantations on 123
farms, as part of a larger study on farmers' preferences
196 D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
for reforestation in the region (Piotto, 2001). Fig. 2
shows total area planted for each species, and the
number of projects established between 1990 and
1995 by the local farmers with assistance from the
local NGOs (CACSA and FUNDECOR).
The majority of the farmers (60%) had less than
10 ha, and only 10% had farms larger than 50 ha. The
plantations had areas between 0.1 and 5.0 ha. Table 2
shows the size and number of farms where the study
areas were located. The majority of the farms were
used for agriculture (bananas, plantains, heart of palm,
maize, cassava, pineapples, black pepper, and a few
ornamentals) (60%), and less for cattle. On 40% of the
farms, the only use of the land was reforestation. The
principal previous land use on reforested lands was
pastures (57%), followed by agriculture (24%) and
young secondary forest (19%). No new areas were
deforested for the establishment of the plantations.
The farms were primarily on undulating terrain (57%),
followed by ¯at terrain (43%). None of the farms were
on steeply inclined terrain.
All the farmers had land titles and received govern-
ment incentives for plantations (22% FDF and 78%
CAF). Incentives were paid in cash and farmers
bought supplies for their plantations individually.
Economic bene®t from harvesting wood was the
Table 1
Species most used by small and medium farmers in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica
Species Family Natural distribution
Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess Clusiaceae Mexico to N. South America
Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm. Vochysiaceae Mexico to Peru
Hieronyma alchorneoides Allemao Euphorbiaceae Mexico to Brazil
Virola koschnyi Warb. Myristicaceae Central America
Cordia alliodora (Ruiz and Pavo
Ân) Cham. Boraginaceae Mexico to South America
Terminalia amazonia (J. Gmell) Exell. Combretaceae S. Mexico to N. South America
Tectona grandis (L.f.) Lam. Verbenaceae Asia, Malaysia and Indochina
Dipteryx panamensis (Pittier) Record and Mell Fabaceae Nicaragua to Colombia
Gmelina arborea Roxb. Verbenaceae South Asia
Ânez and Poveda (1997), and Carpio (1992).
Fig. 1. Map of Costa Rica showing location of study sites.
D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204 197
motivation of the majority of farmers (62%) (Piotto,
2001). Nonetheless, some of the farmers reforested for
environmental reasons (38%). These farmers planned
to keep reforested areas as permanent reserves.
2.3. Methods
All plantations in the region were identi®ed and
then a random subset of seven plantations was selected
for study of each species (9 species7 plantations
each 63 plantations total). The number of planta-
tions was decided in order to obtain a 20% sampling
error, which is the highest acceptable error allowed in
forest inventories by the Costa Rican government. The
study used the mean annual increment of diameter at
breast height, dbh variable for Virola koschnyi Warb.
using data already available for this species from
FUNDECOR. This variable was used because the
plantations in this study are of different ages. If basal
area or volume had been used to study plots of
different ages and different spacing between trees,
outcomes would have lacked uniformity.
The following formula was used to calculate the
number of plantations needed to perform this study:
where nis the number of plantations, CV the coef®-
cient of variation (%), t
the values from the Stu-
dent's t-test at 5% probability, and SE the sampling
error (%).
Because of the lack of information for other species,
this study used a calculated size of the samples for
V. koschnyi and applied this value to all species. How-
ever, differences between species were expected, and
each species had its own sampling error (Table 3). The
table shows that only in the G. arborea and Dipteryx
panamensis (Pittier) plantations was sampling error
above 20%. Because this study was meant to be an
exploratory study comparing growth of different spe-
cies, the study area was not enlarged to address this
problem. Species like Calophyllum brasiliense Cam-
bess, which has nearly the same number of plantations
as T. grandis in the region, had a sampling error of
10%. The species with the largest number of planta-
tions in the area, Terminalia amazonia (J. Gmell)
Exell, had the lowest sampling error (Table 3).
For this project, a multi-series sampling design was
used for each species. The primary units of study were
the plantations, chosen at random. The secondary
Fig. 2. Number of plantations and total planted area for the species most used by farmers with the assistance of local NGOs in the Atlantic
humid lowlands of Costa Rica (plantations established between 1990 and 1995). CA, Cordia alliodora; CB, Calophyllum brasiliense;DP,
Dipteryx panamensis; GA, Gmelina arborea; HA, Hieronyma alchorneoides;TA,Terminalia amazonia; TG, Tectona grandis;VG,Vochysia
guatemalensis; VK, Virola koschnyi.
Table 2
Size and number of farms where tree measurements were taken in
the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica
Farm size (ha) Number of
farms sampled
Mean area of
farm sampled (ha)
10 25 0.98
10±50 13 1.10
>50 5 2.68
198 D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
units of study were temporary plots of 15 trees each.
The 15-tree plots were chosen systematically.
Plots were designed by number of trees because
trees on the plantations showed homogenous spacing,
but with different arrangements (3 m 3m;3:5m
3:5m and 4m4 m). This design guaranteed a uni-
form number of observations per plot, independent of
initial tree spacing. The use of 15-tree plots is sug-
gested by Wright (1964), who compared performance
of 15-tree plots with 200-tree plantation plots. Wright
demonstrated that both plot sizes gave similarly valid
estimations of tree growth relative to height and
Systematic plot placement was used in this inves-
tigation to diminish cost and time related to the
investigation. In the majority of the cases, the sys-
tematic approach produces more precise results than
random sampling (Kleinn and Pe
Ârez, 2000). A random
procedure was used to place the ®rst corner of the ®rst
tree-plot, and the following tree-plot was located 50 m
from the initial tree plot. Sampling intensity was
four plots per hectare, representing 5.4% of the area
where plantations were at 3 m 3 m planting dis-
tance, and 9.6% when plantations were at 4 m 4m
2.4. Data analysis
In each plot, dbh, total height, number of trees per
ha, tree form, and spacing, were evaluated. Trees
were placed in one of the three categories of form
(straight stems, slightly sinuous or very sinuous
stems). Bifurcation in the stem at height less than
4 m was also recorded. The MIRA-SILV software
was used to analyze the ®eld data (Ugalde, 2000).
Tree survival, basal area and volume were calculated
for each plot. Calculation of volume was done using a
0.5 volume factor (Newbould, 1967). Analysis of
variance was used to compare mean annual incre-
ments in dbh, height and volume, and survival
between species. Means were compared using the
Turkey H SD test.
3. Results
3.1. Plantation spacing
Plantations with spacing of 3 m 3m;3:5m
3:5m and 4m4 m were found for each species.
The most common spacing scheme was 3 m 3 m for
all species. For G. arborea,3m3 m was the only
spacing scheme used. D. panamensis was the only
species with plantations in all three spacing schemes,
including 3:5m3:5m.
3.2. Tree survival and number of trees per hectare
Survival of species in this study re¯ected the per-
centage of trees remaining in plantations after replant-
ing, thinning and natural mortality. The species with
the highest survival was C. brasiliense, with 87.1%
of the trees initially planted still living. The species
with the second highest survival was V. guatemalensis
with 75.1%. G. arborea had the lowest survival with
59.5%. This is a signi®cant difference P<0:01when
compared with C. brasiliense and V. guatemalensis
(Tab le 3).
The number of trees per hectare, which represents
the density of the stands, had low variation without
signi®cant difference between species P<0:01.
The exception to this observation was C.brasiliense
which had the highest density.
3.3. Tree growth and productivity
Signi®cant differences were found P<0:01in
mean annual increments in dbh and mean annual
Table 3
Survival and number of trees per hectare and sampling error on
small and medium farms in Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica
Species Survival
Number of
error (%)
C. brasiliense 87.1 a 840 a 9.8
V. guatemalensis 75.1 a 647 b 10.0
H. alchorneoides 72.4 ab 634 b 10.3
V. koschnyi 72.4 ab 681 ab 12.9
C. alliodora 71.9 ab 693 ab 15.7
T. amazonia 69.0 ab 597 b 16.0
T. grandis 68.0 ab 689 ab 17.0
D. panamensis 66.6 ab 654 b 22.2
G. arborea 59.5 b 653 b 26.8
For each variable, differences among means in the same
column followed by the same letter are not statistically signi®cant
D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204 199
increments in height between species (Table 4). G.
arborea and V. guatemalensis were the species with
greatest mean annual dbh increments, with 2.90 and
2.59 cm, respectively. Differences among these
growth rates were highly signi®cant P<0:01when
compared with other species in the study. T. amazonia
and T. grandis were the exceptions, with similar dbh
growth of 2.36 cm per year. C. brasiliense had the
lowest mean annual dbh increment (1.48 cm). This
was signi®cantly inferior P<0:01to other species,
with the exceptions of Hieronyma alchorneoides
Allemao and D. panamensis (with 1.85 and 1.73 cm,
G. arborea,T. amazonia and D. panamensis had
the largest mean annual increment in height with
2.24, 1.97 and 1.94 m, respectively. G. arborea and
V. guatemalensis had the highest mean annual incre-
ment in volume, followed by T. grandis,T. amazonia
and C.alliodora.C. brasiliense and D. panamensis
had the lowest mean annual increment in volume.
3.4. Tree form
V. koschnyi and V. guatemalensis had the highest
proportion of straight stems, and the lowest proportion
of sinuous or bifurcated trees. H. alchorneoides and
T. grandis had the highest percentages of bifurcated
stems with 14.7 and 8.5%, respectively. G. arborea
also had inferior stem form when compared with
native species, despite being the species with the
highest growth (Table 4).
4. Discussion
4.1. Promising species for reforestation: productivity
and economic and environmental values
Use of exotic species predominates in tropical
timber and rural development plantations worldwide
(Evans, 1999). However, in the Atlantic lowlands of
Costa Rica, 88% of plantations established between
1990 and 1995 used native species. The high use of
native species in the region is largely due to the results
of tree planting projects at La Selva Biological Station,
as well as to the technical assistance regarding species
selection provided to farmers by the local NGOs.
Projects at La Selva demonstrated that some native
species, which had not previously been used for
reforestation, were in fact appropriate for silviculture
(Butter®eld, 1990; Espinoza and Butter®eld, 1990). In
addition, the government subsidies provided at the
time were effective in promoting reforestation with
native species by small and medium farmers through-
out the region.
The results of this investigation show that the
majority of plantations in the area had grown well,
and some advantages of using native species over
exotics were apparent. Although an exotic species
(G. arborea) had one of the greatest annual growth
in dbh and height, it had the lowest plantation density
and problems with tree form. This species has been
studied extensively in the neotropics, and similar
results have previously been reported in Costa Rica
Table 4
Mean annual increment in diameter (MAIDBH), mean annual increment in height (MAIH), mean annual increment of volume (MAIV) and
tree form of the nine species most used by small and medium farmers in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica
Species MAIDBH
(cm per year)
(m per year)
/ha per year)
stem (%)
sinuous (%)
sinuous (%)
trees (%)
G. arborea 2.90 (0.49) a 2.24 (0.42) a 31.49 (14.3) a 86.2 12.2 1.6 0.8
V. guatemalensis 2.59 (0.29) a 1.90 (0.26) b 23.51 (13.0) ab 96.8 2.6 0.6 1.3
T. amazonia 2.36 (0.25) ab 1.97 (0.31) ab 17.66 (7.16) bcd 96.6 3.4 0.0 7.6
T. grandis 2.36 (0.57) ab 1.88 (0.42) b 21.39 (12.7) b 78.9 17.6 3.5 8.5
C. alliodora 2.09 (0.38) bc 1.68 (0.32) bc 15.67 (6.36) bcde 86.0 12.0 2.0 4.0
V. koschnyi 1.95 (0.34) bc 1.41 (0.37) c 11.47 (7.67) cdef 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
H. alchorneoides 1.85 (0.26) bc 1.71 (0.27) bc 10.21 (6.13) def 84.0 15.3 0.7 14.7
D. panamensis 1.73 (0.50) c 1.94 (0.47) ab 7.90 (4.39) ef 89.2 10.1 0.7 5.8
C. brasiliense 1.48 (0.16) c 1.29 (0.19) c 5.95 (3.13) f 95.1 4.9 0.0 4.4
Differences among means for each variable are statistically signi®cant when the standard deviation is followed by different letters
200 D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
(Centro Agrono
Âmico Tropical de Investigacio
Ân and
Äanza, 1991; Gonza
Âlez and Fisher, 1994).
Vochysia guatemalensis and T. amazonia were the
most promising native species for reforestation, with
annual growth comparable to the most commonly used
exotic species (Martõ
Ânez, 1981). Similar results for
younger trees of these species have been reported in
other studies conducted in the same region (Butter®eld
and Espinoza, 1995; Gonza
Âlez and Fisher, 1994;
Espinoza and Butter®eld, 1990). The results of this
investigation are therefore, in accordance with pre-
vious projects, demonstrating the viability of using
native species for timber-producing reforestation in
the region. Although at present the total rotation times
for these species are not known, expected volumes at
harvest are estimated as 170 m
/ha for T. amazonia
after 25 years, and 250 m
/ha for V. guatemalensis
after 20 years (Montagnini, 2001). These yields make
them attractive alternatives for farmers. Fuelwood
from thinnings represents an additional source of
income for the farmers (Montagnini and Mendelsohn,
The four species with best growth were two native
species (V. guatemalensis and T. amazonia) and two
exotics (G. arborea and T. grandis). Nonetheless,
when comparing tree form, native species were super-
ior. The poor form of exotic species could be related to
the low intensity of management applications by small
farmers (Haggar et al., 1998). Normally, these exotic
species require intensive management to guarantee
productivity and high wood quality.
In the present research, for each exotic species,
there is a native species that is comparable in wood
quality and growth. G. arborea (exotic) and V. gua-
temalensis (native) produce light wood with speci®c
weight of approximately 0.34 and 0.35 g/cm
, respec-
tively. T. grandis (exotic) and T. amazonia (native)
produce heavier wood, with mean speci®c weights of
0.61 and 0.68 g/cm
, respectively (Carpio, 1992). Use
of native species, which are better adapted to local
conditions, instead of exotics is one way to maintain
wood production and increase the conservation value of
plantations (Keenan et al., 1999; Parrotta et al., 1997).
In addition, native species are better suited to low-input
forestry practices (Haggar et al., 1998), common on
small and medium-sized farms in tropical regions.
D. panamensis and C. brasiliense had the lowest
growth in dbh and height, and could be classi®ed as
slow-growing species. These species need long rota-
tion periods to produce saw timber. Estimated rotation
times are 35±40 years, with estimated volumes at
harvest of 200 m
/ha for C. brasiliense and 300 m
ha for D. panamensis (Montagnini, 2001). C. brasi-
liense was the slowest growing species, with growth
rates slightly lower than those found by Butter®eld and
Espinoza (1995) and by Montagnini et al. (1995) in 4-
year-old pure plantations. Nonetheless, many small
farmers have chosen to plant these species because of
the high priced wood and their good form. The high
value of the wood compensates for the low annual
increments in volume. These species also have a high
social and environmental value. D. panamensis seeds
are an important food source for fauna, including the
green macaw (Ara ambigua) (an endangered species)
and some rodents like Sciurus granantensis,Dasy-
procta punctata,Agouti paca, and Proechimys semi-
spinosus.D. panamensis also contributes to the
establishment of other vegetation because of its inter-
actions with several seed dispersers and pollinators
(Bonaccorso et al., 1980; Terborgh and Wright, 1994).
H. alchorneoides,C. alliodora and V. koschnyi are
other native species that had relatively good growth,
although lower than the exotic species (G. arborea and
T. grandis) and than the other more productive native
species of this research, such as V. guatemalensis and
T. amazonia.H. alchorneoides has a relatively high
percentage of bifurcated trees (14.7%) and some
problems with tree form. However, estimated revenues
from harvesting H. alchorneoides are high due to
relatively high market prices, making its planting an
attractive alternative (Montagnini and Mendelsohn,
1997). This species requires intensive management
during initial phases of a plantation development, such
as pruning, to guarantee higher quality stems for ®nal
harvest. Nonetheless, for small farmers interested in
high value timber, these species could be used to
obtain a greater variety of products to respond to
market uncertainty (Montagnini et al., 1997).
4.2. Effects of site and silvicultural practices
on species performance
The sites where the plantations were established are
marginal lands for traditional agriculture because of
their poor and degraded soils. In these zones, as in
many regions of the humid tropics worldwide, forestry
D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204 201
activities are relatively new, and are generally prac-
ticed by small and medium farmers (5±50 ha farms).
These farmers generally use low inputs, give little
preparation to the sites, and manage the plantations
with low intensity. Varying site conditions and low
intensity management can create a high variability in
productivity of the same species on different planta-
tions. For higher growth homogeneity across planta-
tions, foresters should use more stable genotypes
(Butter®eld, 1996). That is, genotypes that maintain
a certain level of productivity across varying condi-
tions should be used. Using dbh, mean annual height
increment, and variance between plantations (S
(Fig. 3), this study provides insight as to which species
have higher performance homogeneity.
Exotic species had the highest performance varia-
bility across sites and under different management
plans. Exotic species had relatively higher growth in
height and dbh, but also had high variability between
sites (Fig. 3). These ®ndings indicate that these exotic
species could be considered ``specialists'', i.e., site
variability and management have a substantial impact
on growth and development of these species. None-
theless, if the variables affecting growth could be
identi®ed, the exotic species could be planted in
adequate sites and managed in a way to maximize
productivity (Butter®eld, 1996).
On the other hand, native species had relatively high
growth homogeneity across the entire study area, with
the exception of D. panamensis. Native species seem
more promising than exotics for general use across
varying ecological conditions. For example, V. gua-
temalensis and T. amazonia, in addition to having
similar growth rates to the exotic species and good
expected volume yields at harvest, displayed high
plasticity in relation to site conditions. These two
species seem to be the best alternative for local
plantations, as well as for plantations in other regions
with similar ecological conditions.
The rest of the native species, which displayed
relatively lower growth rates but high plasticity, could
be used on less favorable sites. These species should
be planted on soils that are compacted from previous
land use, have poor drainage, low fertility, and in areas
where there is limited management.
4.3. Farmer objectives and needs for the
promotion of reforestation
Previous studies indicate that many farmers
throughout the tropics perceive reforestation as a
way to make marginal farm areas productive, both
environmentally and economically (
Âaz, 1995; Kor-
honen, 2000). The primary objective of plantations in
this study was to bring economic bene®ts to farmers
and increase forest products for farm use. Environ-
mental objectives have prevailed in importance in
previous studies in Costa Rica (Martõ
Ânez et al.,
1994; Current and Scherr, 1995; Dõ
Âaz, 1995; Schelhas
et al., 1997; Thacher et al., 1997). A farmer's objective
in establishing a plantation is associated to his/her
Fig. 3. Variance (S
) versus mean annual increment in dbh
(MAIDBH) and mean annual increment in height (MAIH) for the
nine species most used by farmers in the Atlantic humid lowlands
of Costa Rica. CA, Cordia alliodora; CB, Calophyllum brasiliense;
DP, Dipteryx panamensis; GA, Gmelina arborea; HA, Hieronyma
alchorneoides;TA,Terminalia amazonia; TG, Tectona grandis;
VG, Vochysia guatemalensis; VK, Virola koschnyi.
202 D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
economic situation and level of education. Poorer
farmers plant trees for economic bene®t and domestic
needs. Current and Scherr (1995) found that economic
bene®t is the primary reason for the establishment
of plantations in Central America, where high levels
of poverty predominate, especially in rural areas
(Kaimowitz, 1996).
Most farmers in the region believe that the govern-
ment established forest policy for long-term planning
(Piotto, 2001). They believe that the government must
guarantee ®nancial support to ensure that plantations
complete a productive rotation. The government must
also simplify bureaucratic procedures for distribution
of incentives. Many studies have demonstrated that in
most developing countries, projects developed and
maintained with incentives are not sustainable after
®nancial support ends (Roche, 1997).
The forestry sector needs greater emphasis on social
implications of reforestation, especially because
incentives tend not to bene®t the poorest farmers
(Watson et al., 1998). Small scale reforestation pro-
jects are apparently more expensive, but small projects
are a better way to distribute bene®ts. Without ®nan-
cial support, forest resources on farms will continue to
be managed unsustainably.
Farmers in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica
are willing to continue reforestation (Piotto, 2001).
Forestry is commonly perceived to provide many
goods and services. However, farms have low income,
limiting the establishment of plantations due to long
rotations and high risk (Segura, 2000). Therefore,
programs and projects to support reforestation on
small farms should be improved to satisfy social,
economic and environmental goals.
5. Conclusions
Widespread use of native species for reforestation
programs in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica was,
as the results of this study show, a good decision.
Native species had better or equal performance than
exotic species, and also had greater adaptability to a
variety of site conditions than exotic species. Use of
native species helped create greater production diver-
si®cation on the plantations. Also, the use of medium
and high quality native species in reforestation pro-
jects can alleviate logging pressure on natural forests.
The majority of native species used demonstrated
high potential productivity for commercial planta-
tions. The native species, particularly V. guatemalensis
and T. amazonia, showed rapid growth, high survival
rates, and plasticity to respond to different site con-
ditions. Therefore, these species could also be used
successfully in reforestation in other regions with
similar ecological conditions. Programs for genetic
improvement should be considered to increase pro-
ductivity and reduce rotation cycle length. Further
work to improve native species for commercial use
will make them more attractive to small farmers, and
reduce the need for government incentives.
This project was funded by FINNIDA. Daniela
Cusack translated the manuscript into English. M.
Ashton and M. Wishnie gave useful comments on
this article. The authors thank CACSA and FUNDE-
COR for their generous assistance.
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204 D. Piotto et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 175 (2003) 195±204
... Firewood from thinnings is an additional source of income. Recently, interest in establishing mixed plantations and agroforestry systems including native tree species has grown among small farmers in Central America Montagnini and Mendelsohn, 1997;Piotto et al., 2003a;2003b). Farmers have interest in planting native species because many of the native species whose timber has wide acceptance and an established demand in local markets are becoming increasingly scarce in natural forests due to logging, or in some cases because their extraction has been banned recently. ...
... They consider reforesting their farms with valuable species as a viable alternative to past land uses, such as extensive cattle ranching, which became unprofitable and degraded their lands. Most farmers who own small and medium-sized farms are often willing to allocate limited portions of their land to native species, while keeping major portions of their properties for other land uses, including reforestation with better known exotic species, such as Tectona grandis (teak) and Gmelina arborea (Piotto et al., 2003a;Piotto et al., 2004). ...
... As a result of this research, scientists have been able to indicate which tree species are best for reforestation and agroforestry systems. For example, in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica recent experiments have tested growth and agroforestry potential of several native tree species, such as Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, Dipteryx panamensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Vochysia guatemalensis, Hieronyma alchorneoides, and Calophyllum brasiliense Montagnini and Porras, 1998;Byard et al., 1996;Kershnar and Montagnini, 1998;Horn and Montagnini, 1999;Piotto et al., 2003a;2003b;Petit and Montagnini, 2004). All these species are frequently grown by farmers as part of plantations or agroforestry systems subsidized by the PES program (Piotto et al., 2003a). ...
... Em plantações experimentais manejadas através de desbastes, aos dez anos de idade as árvores atingiram uma altura média de 13 m e diâmetro médio de 19,4 cm. (Piotto et al., 2003b). ...
... Schneider & Schneider (2008) destaca que o incremento em volume dos povoamentos é imprescindível para manejo e determinação da taxa de corte sustentada e é resultado do incremento acumulado que ocorre em três dimensões: diâmetro, altura e forma, sendo fortemente influenciado pela densidade da população. Piotto et al. (2003b), em seu trabalho sobre o desempenho das plantações florestais em pequenas e médias explorações agrícolas nas terras baixas, na Costa Rica, analisaram 210 plantios puros, na faixa etária de 6 a 11 anos, em 123 fazendas que utilizaram incentivos do governo para reflorestamento e tinham recebido pareceres técnicos de organizações não governamentais locais onde em seus estudos foram escolhidas, aleatoriamente, sete plantações para cada espécie e em cada fazenda, parcelas de 15 árvores cada foram escolhidas de forma sistemática para a avaliação de diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), altura total, número de árvores por hectare, forma de árvore e espaçamento. O Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. ...
... O Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. (nativo) teve o menor incremento em diâmetro médio anual que foi de 1,48 cm, e as espécies exóticas tiveram a maior variabilidade de desempenho entre os locais, enquanto Capítulo 2 as espécies nativas mostraram relativamente alta homogeneidade do crescimento (Piotto et al. ,2003b). (2009) ...
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A viabilidade técnica de plantios comerciais de Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. foi avaliada na empresa JAMP Agropecuária e Reflorestadora Ltda. no município de Dueré, estado do Tocantins no período de 2009 a 2014 a partir da instalação de um inventário florestal sistemático contínuo. Foram amostrados 384 indivíduos em 35 ha distribuídos em 96 subparelas (0,96% de intensidade amostral) de 32m2 . O plantio apresentou baixa variabilidade (CV < 20%) para variável HT (CV = 14,82%) e para variável DAP (CV= 18,60%) aos 74 meses de idade. Também apresentou distribuição normal de frequência (≥ 68% dois indivíduos devem estar entre o intervalo de mais ou menos um desvio padrão da média) aos 74 meses tanto para a variável HT (68,70%) quanto para variável DAP (70,51%). A densidade do povoamento de 1.250 árvores/ha (espaçamento de 4 x 2m) mostrou que, aos 74 meses de idade, tem um crescimento da HT médio de 5,43 m (variando de 8,20 a 2,80m) com IMA de 0,88m e em DAP uma média de crescimento médio de 7,47 (variando de 12,96 a 3,5 cm) cm com IMA de 1,21 cm e com IMA em volume de 5,33 m3 /ha/ano. As curvas de produção para HT, DAP e volume feitas a partir do agrupamento dos IMA apresentou forma linear de crescimento indicando que o povoamento está em fase inicial de crescimento. A variação do crescimento da altura dominante pela idade foi determinada a partir da capacidade produtiva, onde foram construídas de cinco curvas de índice de sítio do tipo monomórficas, respectivamente de 1 a 9 m na idade índice de 74 meses (idade mais velha do povoamento) com intervalo de 2 m de forma a cobrir toda a amplitude de alturas totais observadas na área de estudo. Todos estes valores analisados em conjunto indicam que a espécie é viável para ser utilizada em plantios comerciais no estado do Tocantins.
... The kind of thinning is mostly thinning from above defined by the removal of social tree classes (Kairiūkštis and Juodvalkis 1985;Kennel 1965;Pretzsch 2009). The pattern of tree removal is either schematic (removals of rows) or selective (removal of competing neighbors) (Piotto et al. 2003). In case of mixing in groups or clusters, prescriptions focus on determining patch size and number of trees per species in a patch (Kennel 1965). ...
... The strength of thinning is defined by set point tree numbers (Hynynen et al. 2011, Piotto 2003, basal area (Aldea et al. 2017, de-Dios-García et al. 2015, or standing volume (Beliajeva and Ischuk 2010;Danilov et al. 2014;Jacobsen and Thorsen 2003;Lundqvist et al. 2014;Zalesova et al. 2016). The removal results from the reduction in the standing stock to the set point level. ...
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Compared with far-developed measures and methods for mono-specific forest stands, the silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species stands are at their early beginning. However, they are essential for the well-conceived establishment, design, and control of mixed-species stands, currently promoted in many countries worldwide. Here, we review the state of the art and we further develop silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species stands for steering of experiments, stand modeling, and silviculture. We review which aspects of tree species mixing are most relevant for management goal achievement. We found the maintenance of species diversity and structural heterogeneity for ecological purpose, stabilizing productivity, and social-economic performance as main objectives. We give an overview of quantitatively formulated silvicultural prescriptions for steering mixed-species stands for forest practice, long-term experiments, forest stand models. Compared with the sophisticated guidelines for mono-specific stands, prescriptions for mixed stand are often mainly qualitative and vague. Then, we introduce methodological approaches in development for steering mixture: measures for spatial and temporal separation, species-specific growing space requirements for crop trees, coefficients for equivalence and density modification, and basic relationships for steering tree number and area-based mixing proportions. Finally, we draw conclusions for further development of methodological approaches for silvicultural steering of experiments, implementation in stand simulators, and for silvicultural operations. We see the need for improving the quantitative spatially explicit rules based at tree or cohort level, for substantiating the knowledge on species-specific allometry, growing area, tree-to-tree distances, and position-dependent competition indices for steering tree removal. We discuss the prospects and limitations of establishing silvicultural prescriptions for mixed-species stands that inevitably will be more complicated than those for mono-specific stands, and we draw conclusions for next steps in science and practice.
... Tropical forest leguminous trees and their soil microbiomes in either natural or assisted reforestation practices provide the principal pathways for the recovery of the tropical forest soil N and C cycle dynamics following deforestation [25][26][27][28][29][30]. These abilities have led to the common use of these trees in tropical forest restoration strategies [29][30][31]. Members of the genus Inga are leguminous trees common throughout the tropical Americas, are ecologically important for enhancing accumulation of both soil N and C, are presumed to influence the soil microbial communities associated with these biogeochemical cycles, and are commonly used in restoration practices [29,32]. However, little is known of how Inga spp. ...
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Leguminous Inga trees are thought to enhance soil carbon (C) accumulation following reforestation, through mostly unknown mechanisms. This study amplified soil DNA using the ITS1F and ITS4 primers for PCR and Illumina MiSeq methods to identify fungal taxa, and traditional C analysis methods to evaluate how planted 4-, 8-, and 11-year-old Inga punctata trees affected soil fungal community compositions and C utilization patterns compared to old-growth I. punctata trees and an adjacent unplanted pasture within the same reforestation zone in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Along the tree age gradient, the planted I. punctata trees enhanced the tree soil C capture capacity, as indicated by increased levels of soil biomass C, Respiration, and efficiency of organic C use (with lower qCO2 values), and development of increasingly more abundant, stable, and successionally developed fungal communities, including those associated with the decomposition of complex organic C compounds. The level and strength of differences coincided with differences in the time of separation between the pasture and tree age or between the different tree ages. Fungal taxa were also identified as potential indicators of the early and late stages of soil recovery. Thus, planting I. punctata should be part of future reforestation strategies used in this region of the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica.
... These results agreed with Heuveldop et al. [71] in Costa Rica (15 m 3 ha −1 year −1 ) at 600 m elevation, with 278 trees ha −1 . Piotto et al. [81] reported a MAI of 16 m 3 ha −1 year −1 for Laurel in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica. In contrast, Somarriba and Beer [69] observed a superior MAI (20 m 3 ha −1 year −1 ) in the canton Turrialba, province of Limón, Costa Rica. ...
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Laurel (Cordia alliodora Ruiz & Pav. Oken) is a Neotropical native tree that is easily regenerated in the secondary forest within the Amazon region. Amazonian smallholders use this tree regeneration to obtain a homogeneous forest cover when developing local agroforestry systems, which do not depend on nursery seedling production for tree planting. The objective of the present investigation was to develop growth and yield models for Laurel within the local agroforestry systems. A total of 226 sampling plots were measured between 2010–2011 and 2014–2015. Chapman- Richard, Hosslfeld II, and the generalized algebraic difference approach (GADA) form of the Chapman-Richard’s function was used for modeling height-age and diameter-age relationships. Eight volume models were tested to describe total stem volume. The GADA method was suited to describe the Laurel height and diameter-age growth. The cutting cycle for agroforestry systems with a density of 300 trees ha−1 at the best site index (SI) (22 m) produced 13.9 m3 ha−1 year−1 and a total wood yield of 195.1 m3 ha−1 at age 14. In the worst SI (14 m), the average annual yield was 3.5 m3 ha−1, with a total yield of 83.3 m3 ha−1 at age 24 years. The Spurr potential model was the best fit to describe the volume of the Laurel according to the Akaike information criteria. The Laurel biological (optimal) rotation age suggests that the minimum cutting diameter should be lowered from 30 cm of DBH in the research zone. Management of the natural regeneration of secondary forests by smallholders is a local agroforestry practice that should be given greater attention, especially within protected forest areas.
... According to Vega [44], laurel showed a diameter increase of 2.1-3.5 cm year −1 in good site index locations in Suriname. Piotto et al. [45] observed a growth of 2.09 cm year −1 at ages 5-10 years in pure laurel stand plantations in the lower Atlantic part of Costa Rica. ...
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1) Background: The Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken (laurel) natural regeneration management is a widespread practice among smallholders in the Amazon upper basin for the establishment of traditional agroforestry systems. This tree management approach is opposite to the development project proposals that contemplate reforestation with nursery seedlings in the Amazon region. The present study evaluated the effects of thinning levels on the diameter and basal area increment of laurel in a traditional agroforestry system; (2) Methods: A randomized complete block design with three replications was used, and the target variables were the growth rate of diameter at breast height (DBH) and the basal area of trees. Twelve square field plots, 400 m2 each, were established in a plot network covering a 1.0 km × 0.5 km area. Three thinning levels were applied: light, moderate, and intensive thinning; (3) Results: The traditional agroforestry system investigated was characterized by a marginal growth of laurel trees, with an average yield of 125.26 m3 ha−1 (±15.39) and MAI of 13.92 m3 ha−1 at 9 years of age with a tree density of 418 trees ha −1. The average value of the relation between the number of trees and the basal area removed (NG value) was 1.15, with small variation among plots, so all of them were thinned from below. The intensive thinning treatment, leaving 200 trees ha −1 , caused the greatest annual increase in individual tree DBH (2.03 cm) and basal area (61.37 cm2) in both absolute and relative terms and improved tree height/diameter ratio; (4) Conclusions: Management of laurel natural regeneration for the establishment of traditional agroforestry systems could be improved by thinning at early ages, leaving 200 well-spaced laurel trees per ha.
... As the spacing is reduced, tree competition for resources (light, nutrients, water, among others) increases, causing the plant to focus on vertical growth as a response to stress and thus have a greater dominance on the site, so that diameter becomes a secondary growth, an aspect that was noted that the smaller spacing presented low diameters compared to the larger spacing (Resquin et al., 2018;Flores-Pinot et al., 2018). Furthermore, Piotto et al. (2003) mentioned that competition in H with more than 5000 trees.ha -1 is relevant in the first three years of life because the more significant the H and development of Leaf Area Index. ...
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Background The use of tree plantations for energy purposes has shown an increase in their use in tropical regions due to the species' rapid growth and low cost of energy generation. This has led to the development of optimization studies of crop conditions. However, the determination of the effect of spacing on physical, chemical and energy properties has not been precise for Eucalyptus tereticornis, which limits the development of plantations with optimal silvicultural conditions. Results The study analyzed the growth and chemical, physical and energetic properties in a four-year-old plantation. The results showed that mortality ranged from 29 to 69%, being the 1.0 x 2.0 m spacing the one that presented better yields with a significantly higher diameter and height (9.13 cm and 14.17 m, respectively) with a higher biomass accumulation (140.04 ton ha ⁻¹ without treetop) concentrated mainly in the stem. The other two spacings presented statistically lower and non-significant values. The physical properties were obtained densities of 0.57 to 0.66 g cm ⁻³, with a specific density of 0.58 and moisture content of 57.7%. The chemical properties only showed differences in carbon concentration (50.11 to 69.16%). The energetic properties showed a caloric power between 4780 to 6059 kcal kg ⁻¹, with a variation in volatile content of 10.9% and 1.6% in ash. Conclusion The planting spacing generates a gradient in the production, mortality and property of the biomass, being the spacing of 1.0 x 2.0 m being optimum for establishing the study species for Costa Rica. Keywords: Bioenergy; biomass; wood properties; Costa Rica
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Discerning whether certain timber species were harvested from natural forests versus often less restricted planted forests can help ascertain the legality of wood products that enter the global market. However, readily available global planted forest data to the species level have been scarce. We confronted the need for such data by developing a two-pronged dataset, consisting of ‘polygon’ and ‘non-polygon’ location-based data, collectively, Planted Forest Timber Data. We obtained the polygon data from the World Resources Institute’s Spatial Database of Planted Trees v2.0, extracting data specific to traded timber species. We derived the non-polygon data from peer-reviewed literature and government documents. The polygon dataset encompasses 27 countries and 253 species and the non-polygon dataset spans 91 countries and 447 species. We envision that the more these two living datasets grow, the more they will mutually benefit from one another for data cross-validation. This assembled information is meant to equip global leaders in forest governance, policy, enforcement, and research with vetted data for promoting legal timber trade and protecting biodiversity.
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Leguminous Inga trees are thought to enhance soil carbon (C) accumulation following reforestation through mostly unknown mechanisms. This study amplified soil DNA using the ITS1F and ITS4 primers for PCR and Illumina MiSeq methods to identify fungal taxa, and traditional C analysis methods to evaluate how planted 4, 8, 11-year-old, Inga punctata trees affected soil fungal community compositions and C utilization patterns compared to old growth I. punctata trees and adjacent unplanted pasture within the same reforestation zone in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Along the tree age gradient the planted I. punctata trees enhanced the tree soil C-capture capacity as indicated by increased levels of soil Biomass-C, Respiration, and efficiency of organic C use (as lower qCO2 values), and development of increasingly more abundant, stable and successionally developed fungal communities, including those associated with decomposition of complex organic C compounds. The level and strength of differences coincided with differences in time of separation between the pasture and tree age or between the different tree ages. Fungal taxa were also identified as potential indicators of early and late stages of soil recovery. Thus, planting I. punctata should be part of future reforestation strategies used in this region of Costa Rica.
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AimsThis study was designed to determine if planting the leguminous tree Inga punctata in cleared former tropical premontane wet forest lands changed the Nitrogen (N)-fixer and Lignin Degrader bacterial community compositions, complexity and stability, to enhance the soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) components.Methods Soils were collected from old growth, 4, 8 and 11-year-old I. punctata trees, and assessed for differences in various soil C and N metrics, and the mean of percent sequences (MPS, as “relative abundance” via Next Generation eDNA Sequencing), composition, stability and complexity of the community of N-fixer and Lignin Degrader genera.ResultsThe MPS N-fixer genera decreased and that of the Lignin Degraders increased over time, as did the composition and stability of both groups. There were negative correlations between the MPS levels of the N-fixer and Lignin Degrader genera, positive correlations between the MPS levels of Lignin Degraders, TN, NO 3 ⁻ , TOC, and Biomass C, negative correlations between the MPS levels of Lignin Degraders and NH 4 ⁺ , and opposite correlations between these C and N metrics and MPS levels of N-fixers.Conclusions This is the first evidence that I. punctata facilitates changes over time in the amount and composition of tree soil N-fixer and Lignin Degrader genera, enhances the stability and complexity of both groups, increases the accumulation of tree soil C and N, thus, increasing the potential for these soils to serve as C and N sinks, and supporting the future use of this reforestation management strategy.
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Management of tropical timber plantations is generally based on a single-product output, high-input model, often using an exotic species, that has been successfully used for plantation timber production in many temperate regions. This intensive model may be appropriate in areas designated solely for wood production but where the aim is to produce a wider range of conservation benefits and maintain more ecosystem functions, alternative plantation management approaches will be required. In this paper we describe some alternative management options for tropical forest plantations, incorporating ecosystem management concepts, that can potentially result in a wider range ecosystem benefits from tropical landscapes. Some of these practices have been used by plantation management agencies for some time. Others have been applied on a small scale or are still to be tested operationally. Options include: (1) consideration of the forest landscape and management of the matrix in which the plantation is established, (2) the use of native rather than exotic species, (3) using mixed species plantations rather than monocultures, (4) using the plantation to facilitate natural understorey regeneration, and (5) incorporating more structural and compositional diversity in plantations for wildlife habitat.
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The use of improved fallows has been proposed as a management alternative to shifting cultivation in the tropics. Managed fallows are quite widespread in the Americas, producing biological and economic benefits, however, cases in which both advantages are realized are scarce. In this article was we evaluate the economic viability of forest fallows managed with planted timber tree species to replenish soils and provide economically valuable timber. At a 5% real interest rate, the enriched fallow-subsistence agriculture system yields land values from USD 5000-12 000 ha-1. The results suggest that managing forest fallows in this manner can make shifting agriculture sustainable and economically competitive. Although the experiences are site-specific, the species used have broad distribution in Latin America and we expect that the systems could be transferred to other areas with similar ecological and socioeconomic conditions.
There is evidence that because of donor policies, which are strongly influenced by the views of urban electorates, a significant percentage of official development aid, ear-marked for the forestry sector, is in fact increasingly allocated to the agricultural sector outside the legally constituted national forest estate and under a variety of banners such as community forestry, social forestry or the umbrella term participatory forestry. The consequences are that the role of the forestry sector per se has been blurred, the scale of its operations extended across the agricultural landscape without a corresponding increase in resources, and its institutional arrangements weakened. More specifically the productive and conservation values of the gazetted forest estate are downplayed, industrial plantations are to be confined to the developed world and the industrial wood requirements of the developing world are to be met, now and in the future, by forms of participatory forestry. There is a need to reassess official development aid policies and to ensure that these policies are directed to assisting the forestry sector in the developing world to achieve levels of manpower and material resources, standards of professionalism and sustained political support comparable to those which exist in most developed countries. When this is achieved the countries of the developing world will be in a better position than they are now to conserve and manage sustainably their forest resources and to ensure the well-being of rural peoples. These are the basic premises which should guide the allocation and acceptance of official development aid.
Many forest plantations in the humid neo-tropics are established on degraded soils in abandoned pasture land and, with some exceptions, the species planted have not grown successfully. Studies of adaptability and growth under these conditions are scarce, particularly for native species. In this paper we present data on growth and tree form at 3 years of age for 11 species planted in abandoned pastures. The research plantation was established at La Selva Biological Station, in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica (10 degrees 26'N, 83 degrees 59'W). Survival, diameter at breast height (DBH),total height, basal area, volume index and tree form were used to evaluate the species performance. After 3 years, Vochysia guatemalensis displayed a survival significantly higher (98%) than that of the other species. The lowest survival was 75% for Pinus tecunumanii. There were significant differences in growth measures among species. Acacia mangium exhibited significantly higher growth rates than the other species. Although this species grew rapidly, it did not develop straight single stems. About 14% of trees of A. mangium had bifurcation below DBH and more than 50% showed multiple axes or branches as large in diameter as the principal axis. The native species with the highest growth rate was Vochysia guatemalensis (DBH 12.7 cm, total height 7.5 m, volume index 55 m(3) ha(-1) at 3 years of age). Vochysia ferruginea exhibited a slightly lower growth rate. Both Vochysia species were ranked highly with regard to tree form, with more than 80% straight single stemmed trees. The lowest growth rates were exhibited by Pentaclethra macraloba, Pirhecellobium macradenium and Virola koschnyi; however, the latter two species formed straight single stems. Pentaclethra macroloba and Inga edulis failed to form straight single stems. In general, the growth rates of the species studied were high in comparison with results reported from other tree plantations in the tropics. In spite of this, it is not prudent to draw final conclusions on the basis of these 3 year measurements.