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Synergistic effect of fly ash and blast furnace slag on the mechanical strength of traditional porcelain tiles


Abstract and Figures

Fly ash and blast furnace slag, the by-products of Indian thermal power plant and steel plant, were gradually added to a traditional kaolin—quartz—feldspar based porcelain tile compositions singly and in combination by replacing a part of quartz and feldspar, respectively. The effects of such additions were studied by measuring the linear shrinkage, bulk density, water absorption and flexural strength of the samples heated in the temperature range of 1150–1200 °C. The results reveal that additions of both the by-products have beneficial effects towards mechanical strength. The strength improvement was mainly due to the presence of microcrystalline components such as mullite and quartz in fly ash and alkaline earth oxides in blast furnace slag. Slag containing compositions with or without fly ash vitrified at an early temperature (1175 °C) and achieved highest strength at this temperature compared to 1200 °C for normal and fly ash bearing compositions. Specific combinations of fly ash and slag in the ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 have shown the development of highest flexural strength (>70 MPa) at 1175 °C due to their lowest R2O:R′O (R = K, Na and R′ = CaO, MgO) and moderately higher SiO2:Al2O3 ratio. Beyond this temperature, the strength drastically reduced due to the formation of glassy phases at higher temperatures. XRD studies were also carried out to find out the differences in phase evolution due to addition of fly ash and blast furnace slag to traditional porcelain composition.
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Synergistic effect of fly ash and blast furnace slag on the
mechanical strength of traditional porcelain tiles
Kausik Dana
, Jayanta Dey
, Swapan Kumar Das
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata 700032, India
College of Ceramic Technology, Kolkata 700010, India
Received 1 December 2003; received in revised form 17 February 2004; accepted 10 April 2004
Available online 7 July 2004
Fly ash and blast furnace slag, the by-products of Indian thermal power plant and steel plant, were gradually added to a traditional kaolin—
quartz—feldspar based porcelain tile compositions singly and in combination by replacing a part of quartz and feldspar, respectively. The
effects of such additions were studied by measuring the linear shrinkage, bulk density, water absorption and flexural strength of the samples
heated in the temperature range of 1150–1200 8C. The results reveal that additions of both the by-products have beneficial effects towards
mechanical strength. The strength improvement was mainly due to the presence of microcrystalline components such as mullite and quartz in
fly ash and alkaline earth oxides in blast furnace slag. Slag containing compositions with or without fly ash vitrified at an early temperature
(1175 8C) and achieved highest strength at this temperature compared to 1200 8C for normal and fly ash bearing compositions. Specific
combinations of fly ash and slag in the ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 have shown the development of highest flexural strength (>70 MPa) at 1175 8C due
to their lowest R
O:R0O (R = K, Na and R0= CaO, MgO) and moderately higher SiO
ratio. Beyond this temperature, the strength
drastically reduced due to the formation of glassy phases at higher temperatures. XRD studies were also carried out to find out the differences
in phase evolution due to addition of fly ash and blast furnace slag to traditional porcelain composition.
ß2004 Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
Keywords: D. Porcelain; Fly ash; Blast furnace slag; Ceramic tile
1. Introduction
A traditional porcelain batch consists of kaolin, quartz
and feldspar. The role of each of these raw materials on the
physico-mechanical behaviour of such triaxial porcelain
bodies has been studied in detail by many authors [1–9].
Due to the gradual depletion of naturally occurring minerals,
there is a recent trend to substitute these minerals by
alternative source of raw materials, which are abundantly
available as overburden wastes. In such attempts, few
authors have utilized fly ash, a by-product of thermal power
plant as alternative source of alumino-silicate raw material
by replacing a part of naturally occurring kaolinitic clays in
porcelain tile compositions [10–13]. They found that repla-
cement of 25–30 wt.% of kaolinitic clay by fly ash is
beneficial as it has close resemblance with clay in their
chemistry and inherently contain some micro crystalline
components such as quartz and mullite. Dana et al. [14] in
their recent studies substitute a part of quartz by fly ash in
triaxial porcelain tile compositions. They observed higher
mullitization in fly ash containing samples that resulted in
maximum strength at 1300 8C. Some authors also reported
use of iron and steel slag in porcelain tile compositions [15–
20]. They observed that alkaline earth oxides present in slag
favours early maturing of porcelain bodies due to their
strong fluxing action. Dana et al. [21,22] also found some
beneficial effect of blast furnace slag in triaxial porcelain
composition by replacing a part of feldspar. The research
work of the above authors mainly dealt with an individual
effect of fly ash and slag on the physico-mechanical beha-
vior in porcelain compositions. Combined effect of fly ash
and slag in traditional triaxial porcelain composition by
replacing a part of quartz and feldspars is rarely reported.
Ceramics International 31 (2005) 147–152
* Corresponding author. Fax: +91 33 2473 0957.
E-mail address: (S.K. Das).
0272-8842/$30.00 ß2004 Elsevier Ltd and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.
In the present investigation, the combined effect of y ash
and blast furnace slag is studied by replacing a part of quartz
and feldspars respectively in a triaxial traditional porcelain
tile composition. The physico-mechanical properties such as
shrinkage, bulk density, water absorption and exural
strength are compared individually with the traditional,
y ash and slag-based compositions. The differences in
their strength behaviour and phase evolution are also studied
and discussed in the paper.
2. Experimental
Two kilograms of each batch (NP, FP, SP, FSP-1, FSP-2
and FSP-3) were prepared according to batch composition
presented in Table 1.
All the batches were mixed separately and wet ground in
a pot mill for a duration of 14 h to get the desired neness
(residue less than 1.5% on 200 mesh BS sieve). The slurry
obtained was screened, dried at 110 8C, powdered to break
the agglomerate and granulated to small particles for better
compaction using 67% moisture. Samples of 60 mm
14 mm 5 mm were hydraulically compacted using uni-
axial pressing at 3035 MPa. The shaped samples were dried
at 110120 8C for 24 h till the moisture content reduced to
less than 0.5%. The dried samples were red at three
different temperatures (1150, 1175 and 1200 8C) for a
soaking period of 120 min in an electrically operated labora-
tory furnace using on/off control system. A constant heating
rate of 8 8C/min was maintained in each ring. Finally, the
red samples were subjected to physical tests such as linear
shrinkage (L.S.), water absorption (W.A.) and bulk density
(B.D.). Bulk density and % water absorption of the red
samples were measured using the conventional liquid dis-
placement method according to Archimedes principle. Flex-
ural strength (three point bending) of the red samples was
determined by universal testing machine (INSTRON
5500R). For X-ray diffraction experiment, Philips X-Pert
Pro diffraction unit, attached with secondary monochroma-
tor, automatic divergence slit and nickel lter, was used to
get monochromatic Cu-Karadiation. Vitried tile sample
was also tested for polishing with diamond paste after initial
grinding with SiC powder. Since, incorporation of y ash
and B.F. Slag to normal porcelain composition in place of
quartz and feldspar adds some extra amount of colouring
oxides such as Fe
and TiO
, colour measurement was
also carried on vitried tile surfaces. The resulting vitried
samples were investigated by colour measurement following
ASTM-C609-71, a colorimeter instrument type Hunter Lab
with attached standard colours was used.
3. Results and discussion
All the raw materials were chemically analyzed by the
known method [23] and the results are given in Table 2.
The analysis shows that kaolinitic clay, quartz and feld-
spar used in the present study are of normal type. Fly ash
contains SiO
and Al
as major oxide constituents with
, CaO and Fe
slightly in higher side. Blast furnace
slag has SiO
, CaO and Al
as major oxide constituents.
An earlier XRD study of the authors [16] conrms the
presence of mullite and quartz in y ash, whereas slag
shown only a diffused hallow around 308(2u) indicating
its glassy nature. The experimental compositions are exhib-
ited in the form of a triangle (Fig. 1)
Table 3 provides the chemical composition of the experi-
mental bodies. The major oxide constituents present are
shown in Fig. 2. Traditional porcelain (NP) is characterized
by high SiO
ratio and alkaline oxide (K
whereas y ash porcelain (FP) is characterized by moderate
ratio and higher alkaline oxide. Slag porcelain
bodies without/with y ash (SP and FSP series) are char-
K. Dana et al. / Ceramics International 31 (2005) 147–152148
Table 1
Batch compositions (wt.%)
Batches Kaolinitic clay Feldspar Quartz Fly ash B.F. Slag
NP 45 30 25 0 0
FP 45 30 10 15 0
SP 45 15 25 0 15
FSP-1 45 27 19 6 3
FSP-2 45 24 22 3 6
FSP-3 45 22 18 7 7
Table 2
Chemical analysis of the raw materials
Major chemical constituents (wt.%) Kaolinitic clay Feldspar Quartz Fly ash B.F. Slag
45.41 66.48 98.66 59.26 35.35
34.39 17.29 0.39 27.97 19.15
1.13 0.14 0.07 4.00 0.60
0.89 0.02 0.01 2.92 0.77
CaO 1.07 0.31 0.10 2.63 36.56
MgO 0.76 0.03 0.02 0.56 2.99
O 0.87 2.94 0.09 0.54 0.81
O 0.42 11.95 0.12 0.60 1.29
MnO ––2.09
L.O.I. 14.67 0.71 0.37 1.12 0.21
acterized by moderately higher SiO
ratio and higher
alkaline earth oxides (CaO + MgO).
The variation in % L.S. with temperature is shown in
Fig. 3. As normally observed, the shrinkage increases with
heating temperature for all the compositions. The only slag
containing body (SP) with higher amount of alkaline earth
oxides (lowest R
O/R0O) show highest shrinkage at 1175 8C
compared to NP, FP and FSP series. At 1150 8C, although
there is no distinct relationship observed between shrinkage
and alkaline earth oxide content, a correlation may be seen
from the Fig. 3 that shrinkage value increases with increase
in alkaline earth oxide content beyond 1150 8C.
In contrast to the present observation, Marghussion and
Yekta [15] reported that alkaline earth oxide cause less
shrinkage in comparison to alkali oxides, but at below
1100 8C, particularly for wall tile compositions. The nature
of Fig. 3 in the present study agrees with this observation at
below 1150 8C showing a tendency to cause less shrinkage
in slag containing composition.
Variation in bulk density (Fig. 4) and percent water
absorption (Fig. 5) also follow the similar trend. Slag
containing bodies (SP and FSP series) shown higher B.D.
in the temperature range of 11751200 8C followed by less
than 0.5% W.A. It may also be observed that FSP-3, contain-
ing y ash and slag in the ratio of 1:1, achieved highest
densication (2.71 gm cm
) and minimum W.A. (0.14%)
at 1200 8C compared to others.
An interesting feature may be noted from Fig. 5 that
water absorption of SP and FSP series of compositions has
been drastically reduced to less than 0.5% at 1175 8C while
K. Dana et al. / Ceramics International 31 (2005) 147152 149
Fig. 1. Classical triangular representation of the experimental porcelain tile
Table 3
Chemical compositions of the experimental bodies
Oxide constituents
70.06 63.80 64.99 66.11 66.37 62.11
22.36 26.86 22.65 24.45 23.51 24.95
0.61 1.25 0.69 0.89 0.75 0.87
0.44 0.91 0.56 0.70 0.65 0.73
CaO 0.65 1.06 6.50 2.01 3.14 3.32
MgO 0.38 0.47 0.86 0.77 1.12 1.15
O 1.40 1.47 1.05 1.29 1.18 1.11
O 4.10 4.18 2.37 3.62 3.23 2.98
MnO ––0.34 0.07 0.14 0.15
Fig. 2. Chemical composition of the experimental bodies, SiO
alkaline oxides (K
O)alkaline earth oxides (CaO + MgO). Fig. 4. Variation in bulk density with heating temperature.
Fig. 3. Variation in % linear shrinkage with heating temperature.
normal porcelain (NP) and y ash porcelain (FP) bodies did
not achieve full vitrication (W.A. <0.5%) even at 1200 8C.
Presence of alkaline earth oxides in SP and FSP series of
compositions might have assisted speedier formation of
glassy phases and promoted the reaction with clay minerals
present at this temperature. Harms [24] also observed similar
effect of alkaline earth oxide in a porcelain body.
Fig. 6 illustrates the exural strength behaviour of all the
compositions at various temperatures. It may be seen that
slag containing compositions with or without y ash devel-
oped higher strength at 1175 8C compared to others, beyond
which the strength decreases due to formation of more
glassy phases. Combination of y ash and slag in the ratio
of 1:2 (FSP-2) and 1:1 (FSP-3) have shown highest strength
development (>70 MPa) at 1175 8C. Addition of y ash and
slag singly in traditional porcelain composition although
improved the mechanical strength, the combined effect was
found to be more effective. Such synergistic composition of
porcelain bodies containing both y ash and slag shall be
useful to produce high-strength ceramic tiles for industrial as
well as domestic applications.
Strength variations of all the experimental bodies at
1175 8C with respect to R
O:R0O and SiO
ratio is
exhibited in Fig. 7. FSP-2 and FSP-3 are amongst the top in
strength values (around 70 MPa) due to their lowest
O:R0O and moderately higher SiO
ratio followed
by FSP-1and SP, the second highest (around 60 MPa). NP
and FP with higher R
O:R0O ratio possesses moderate
strength (30 and 45 MPa, respectively).
K. Dana et al. / Ceramics International 31 (2005) 147152150
Fig. 6. Variation in exural strength with heating temperature.
Fig. 7. Variation in exural strength of the experimental bodies at 1175 8C
with respect to R
O:R0O (R = K and Na, R0= Ca and Mg) and SiO
Fig. 8. XRD pattern of 1175 8C heated samples: (a) NP, (b) FP, (c) FSP-3,
(d) SP [, mullite; *, quartz; *, anorthite; ~, gehlenite].
Fig. 5. Variation in % water absorption with heating temperature.
Some of the selected samples (NP, FP, SP, FSP-3) heated
at 1175 8C were subjected to XRD study. The XRD pattern
conrms the presence of quartz and mullite in NP and FP
samples (Fig. 8a and b) as major phases, while FSP-3 and
SP (Fig. 8c and d) contain quartz, anorthite and mullite as
major phases with minor amount of gehlenite. Mullite
content in SP was signicantly less than FSP-3 and that
resulted lower strength in SP compared to FSP-3. The
vitried tile samples were also tested for polishing. A
surface nishing of 1 mm was achieved and no surface
defects were noted.
In modern day technology for the production of vitried
porcelain ware, particularly for tiles, greater attention is paid
to the industrial development of white base body. The
resulting vitried porcelain tile samples obtained in the
present investigation were subjected to colour measurement
using the opponent-colour coordinate system developed by
Hunter [25]. In this system, the third coordinate describes
the lightness of colour and is usually denoted by L. The
results are given in Table 4.
It may be noted that the normal porcelain tile composition
(NP) showed higher L-value (whiter) due to the presence of
lower amounts of Fe
and TiO
compared to the y ash
and B.F. Slag based porcelain tiles. However a tile body with
L-value of 7580 range can also be used for the production
of glazed ceramic oor tile.
4. Conclusion
Addition of y ash and blast furnace slag in a traditional
triaxial porcelain composition in the proportion of 1:1 and
1:2 was found to be benecial towards improvement in
mechanical strength and early vitrication at 1175 8C.
Presence of microcrystalline components of quartz and
mullite in y ash and alkaline earth oxides in B.F. slag
were responsible to develop anorthite and mullite phases
which ultimately improved the mechanical strength. Such
type of synergistic porcelain composition may nd poten-
tial applications to manufacture high strength ceramic oor
tiles for industrial as well as domestic buildings. Further,
part substitution of natural minerals (quartz and feldspar)
by overburden industrial by-products (yashandblast
furnace slag) reduce the cost of raw materials, thermal
energy without altering the requisite physico-mechanical
The authors would like to thank Dr. H.S. Maiti, Director,
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata,
India for his kind permission to publish this research work,
Prof. N.K. Mitra, Calcutta University, India for his valuable
guidance during the course of this work. The authors also
acknowledge the sponsorship of this research work by H&R
Johnson (India) Ltd.
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K. Dana et al. / Ceramics International 31 (2005) 147152152
... Although there are many literatures related to the value-added utilization of blast-furnace slag or sewage sludge in ceramic materials alone [24,25,35,36], there are few reports on the synergies of these two solid wastes in ceramic manufacturing. On another note, based on the optimal blast-furnace slag addition reported in our previous work [18], this study further explored the impact of firing temperature on the synthesis of sustainable and cost-effective ceramics by co-modified kaolin from sewage sludge and blast-furnace slag solid wastes to promote the high-value, high-quality, high-efficiency, green and large-scale utilization of bulk solid wastes, as well as to assist the construction of ecological civilization. ...
... And according to ISO-25178 standard [41][42][43], the measured arithmetic average deviation height (Sa), maximum contour valley depth (Sv) and peak height (Sp) are 2.89 μm, 31.38 μm, 15.41 μm (at 1150 • C) and 4.37 μm, 46.05 μm, 20.79 μm (at 1200 • C), respectively, as plotted in the 3D photographs in Fig. 3(s, t). Upon further raising the firing temperature, the color of ceramics darkens progressively from the original bright red, which may be caused by the evolution of mineral components inside the ceramics, especially the ironcontaining minerals, and this speculation is also confirmed by several reports [20,35,44]. Until the firing temperature rises to 1300 • C, the ceramic presents a dark red appearance, and some areas on its surface exhibit appreciable upward protrusions with roughness indexes of Sa, Sv and Sp being 5.34 μm, 22.92 μm and 38.81 μm (Fig. 3(v)), respectively, indicating that the ceramic undergoes expansion at this firing temperature. ...
... The manufacturing process used to produce porcelain tiles is well-established in the market and is similar to that of other types of ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles differ from other classes in the following ways: raw material composition, which is more stable in terms of thermal deformations; finer particle size distribution after milling (median size 5-10 µm with 3-6% above 45 µm); higher pressing pressure (35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45); and higher firing temperature (1180-1220 • C) and time (40-60 min, cold-to-cold firing). In addition Eng 2023, 4 2154 to these distinctions, the operational window is narrow in order to maintain competitive quality, productivity, and global costs. ...
... In this regard, two new ways to prepare alternative porcelain tiles have been developed. One is to add a green body enhancer [29,30] to produce porcelain tiles with less or no plastic minerals, and the other is to incorporate bulk urban/industrial waste [5,6,11,[31][32][33][34][35][36][37] in the porcelain tile manufacturing process. It is worth noting that for porcelain tiles prepared with less or no plastic minerals (such as clay mineral) the phase composition/ratio will differ significantly from that of traditional MPTs. ...
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This paper begins with an introduction to porcelain tiles. A review of the major scientific and technological features of mullite-based porcelain tiles (MPTs) and anorthite-based porcelain tiles (APTs), focusing primarily on the raw material, processing, phase evolution and mechanical behavior, is then presented. Based on the porcelain tile firing behavior and a series of physical and chemical changes that can occur, a comprehensive comparison is described. In the last part, the prospects for further developments related to MPTs and APTs are discussed.
... Especially, these needle-like mullite crystals enhanced the mechanical properties of the bodies. These images indicates that the interlocking of mullite needles is responsible for the porcelain strength according to mullite hypothesis [19][20][21][22]. Also, according to this hypothesis, the strength increases with the increase in the mullite content. ...
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Ceramic sanitaryware products are produced using inorganic and non-metallic raw materials such as clay, kaolin, quartz and feldspar at certain rates. After mixing and grounding process, the slip is obtained. The products are shaped in gypsum or synthetic resin moulds. Green bodies are fired at 1250 °C for 16–18 h, and their water absorption values are less than 0.5%. Nowadays the most important issues are raw materials and energy costs. In this study, the sintering behaviour of Na-feldspar and K-feldspar, which are widely used in ceramic sanitaryware, is analysed by reducing to different grain sizes. The grain sizes of the samples containing Na-feldspar were reduced under 63 µm. It was found that the decrease in grain size of Na-feldspar contributed to the decrease in sintering temperature. Potassium feldspar was also added instead of Na-feldspar in order to develop deformation behaviour at higher temperature. The increase in the amount of K-feldspar contributed to the decrease in deformation values. However, the flexural strength of the bodies decreased. A decrease in grain size of Na-feldspar resulted in a reduction of 10 °C at the sintering temperature. The decrease in sintering temperature will provide a cost advantage of around 3%. It was also found that technical properties such as firing shrinkage, bulk density, and flexure strength increased as the grain size of Na-feldspar decreased.
... The manufacturing process used to produce porcelain tiles is well-established in the market and is similar to that of other types of ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles differ from other classes in the following ways: raw material composition, which is more stable in terms of thermal deformations; finer particle size distribution after milling (median size 5−10 µm with 3−6% above 45 µm); higher pressing pressure (35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45); and higher firing temperature (1180−1220 °C) and time (40−60 min, cold-to-cold firing). In addition to these distinctions, the operational window is narrow in order to maintain competitive quality, productivity and global costs. ...
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This paper begins with an introduction to porcelain tiles. A review of the major scientific and technological features of the mullite−based porcelain tile (MPT) and anorthite−based porcelain tile (APT), focusing primarily on the raw material, processing, phase evolution and mechanical behavior, is then presented. Based on the porcelain tile firing behavior and a series of physical and chemical changes that can occur, a comprehensive comparison is described. In the last part, the prospects for further developments related to MPT and APT are discussed.
... When the sintering temperature is 1100 • C, the diffraction peaks of perovskite, part of spinel and anatase in the structure disappear. Quartz and other silicates melt to form new phases, albite and amphibole, and albite has been proved to improve the strength of sintered bricks [45,46]. sistent with the research of Zhang [44]. ...
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Polyaluminum chloride slag produced in the production of water treatment agents pollutes the environment and wastes land resources in the process of landfill and waste. In order to solve the resource waste of researching polyaluminum chloride slag, it was used to prepare sintered bricks. In this study, sintered bricks were prepared from polyaluminum chloride slag and glass powder. Taking compressive strength, water absorption, linear shrinkage and bulk density as measurement indexes, the effects of the glass powder content (0–10 wt%), molding moisture (10–20%), molding pressure (15–27.5 MPa), heating method (heat preservation at 400 °C and 1000 °C for 2 h, heat preservation at 500 °C and 1000 °C for 2 h, and heat preservation at 1000 °C for 2 h), heating rate (2–10 °C/min) and sintering temperature (900–1100 °C) on the performance of sintered brick and the conditions for meeting Chinese standards were studied. Then, the sintered bricks prepared at different temperatures were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the compressive strength (bulk density) increases and the water absorption decreases with the increase of the glass powder content, molding pressure, molding moisture and sintering temperature. Moreover, the linear shrinkage increases with the increase of the molding pressure, molding moisture and sintering temperature, but decreases with the increase of the glass powder content. When the glass powder content of the sintered brick is 10 wt%, with molding moisture of 20 wt%, molding pressure of 25 MPa, heating mode to directly raise the temperature to the target temperature, heating speed of 10 °C/min and sintering temperature of 1100 °C, the properties, pH value and leaching toxicity of sintered bricks meet the requirements of Chinese standard brick MU15. XRD and SEM analyses showed that with the increase of the sintering temperature, new albite and amphibole phases were formed in the structure, and quartz and other silicate minerals melted to form a liquid phase, making the structure more compact and the performance better. The research results provide a reference for the comprehensive utilization of polyaluminum chloride slag.
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this study is to utilize industrial sludges as additives in the production of clay bricks. Incorporation of several industrial wastes in ceramic masses is used as a method for solving hazardous waste problem and reducing the production costs. The effect of sludges with different replacing ratios on firing parameters and properties of laboratory samples were studied. Samples were subjected to different tests concerning mineralogy, chemical content, mechanical properties etc, in order to determine the applicability of the procedure, as well as optimal sludge content.
In this study, the use of rheologically problematic carbonate-bearing clay from the Bilecik and Çanakkale Region of Turkey in porcelain tile bodies was investigated using the dry preparation method. Firstly, the chemical–mineralogical and technological properties of clays were determined, and characterization studies were performed. Then, an attempt was made to determine the optimum usage possibilities by using these raw materials instead of the standard clay-kaolin mixture raw material at the ratios of 10, 20, 30, and 40% in the standard porcelain tile structure. The sintering behavior of the standard bodies, carbonatic clay containing bodies, was studied comparatively using a double-beam optical non-contact dilatometer. Shrinkage (%), water absorption (%), bulk density (gr/cm3), dry strength (N/mm2), flexural strength (N/mm2), and color L, a, b tests were performed on the developed bodies. Mineralogical and phase analyses have been carried out by XRD. The results showed that carbonatic clays, which have rheological problems, could be used in porcelain tiles with dry preparation systems.
The primary goal of this research is to determine the mechanical properties of opaque glazed ceramic tiles containing fly ash, tincal waste, and recycled red clay, including to assess if the results meet international requirements. Opaque glaze and tincal waste were the main components of all glaze compositions of four groups, which were named OG (original), FA, RC, and FC (mixture) according to the additive. The ceramic tiles were prepared by dipping the biscuits in the glaze composition and firing them at 1150°C. The water absorption of the FA, RC, and FC tiles was less than that of the OG tiles (< 0.52%) and the scratch hardness values were between 6 and 7. All the experimental groups were also resistant to thermal shock, chemicals, and staining showing high opacity (L* > 92) and having a light yellow–red color. The micro- and crystallographic structure of some selected tiles were determined by scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction techniques. Zircon, diopside and augite phases were recognized.
The hydration characteristics, performance, and economic feasibility of inorganic cementitious materials prepared using circulating fluidized bed fly ash (FA), carbide slag (CS), and flue-gas-desulfurization gypsum (FGDG) are investigated, focusing particularly on FA-CS binary and FA-CS-FGDG ternary cementitious systems. Experimental results show that the compressive strength of the binary system is less than that of the ternary one. The ternary cementitious material exhibits strong synergistic effects, as the 28 days compressive strength of the ternary system can reach 6.35 MPa, suggesting that it has good prospects for practical application. A dry-mixed mortar using the material has been manufactured and tested in a pilot project; it meets Chinese government quality standards and reduces cost and carbon emissions relative to traditional mortar. The 28 days compressive strength of dry mix mortar can reach 13.1 MPa, the production cost of solid waste-based dry-mixed mortar was reduced by approximately 48.8%, and the carbon dioxide emission reduction ratio was 82.9%.
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The iron and steel industries around the world are responsible for the generation of large amount of waste materials mainly because they process huge quantity of raw materials. Neither the governments nor the society have forced the industries to develop ways and means of managing the waste in a creative way. However, with very little land available for disposal of wastes and also because whatever was a waste material two decades ago can not be considered a waste today due to ever increasing shortage of natural resources including ores, minerals and fuels, the pattern of thinking of scientists and technologists have changed. Newer materials and products are now being developed from wastes generated from different process industries including metallurgical industries. In this paper, the authors aim to present the development of a few products carried out at the National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur from solid waste generated from iron & steel industries including captive power plants. Some of these products are wear resistant ceramic lining materials, refractory aggregate for high alumina cement ca stable, ceramic floor & wall tiles, etc. The theoretical aspects behind development of these products have also been touched upon.
A comparison of the formation of mullite from kaolinite and an equivalent alumina-silica mixture, and the effect of additives on microstructure development at high temperatures have been studied. Numerous researchers have investigated the effect of additives on mullite formation in kaolinite and from oxide mixtures, generally at temperatures up to 1400 degree C in air. The presence of iron oxide affects the morphology of the mullite crystals, causing a change to more platy, well-formed, acicular shapes.
The efficiency of hydraulic powered roof support systems mainly depend upon the efficient control and operation of hydraulic valves and their associated accessories. From 1961 to 1994 tremendous efforts had been made for the development of higher and higher efficient, reliable but simpler control systems starting from the manual hydraulic to electro-hydraulic and finally computer based electronic control system. A global survey of development of various types and design of control systems of powered roof supports has been made and many of them are highlighted in the paper for making this work a small emblem regarding the efforts of development of the controls of powered roof support systems by the global engineers of the 20th century. Many of the control systems are no longer in use and have totally vanished from this earth and many more control systems including their literatures may vanish from this world in the coming decades. This work may give a guideline regarding the selection of right type of control systems for the powered supports in future.
The grain size distribution of raw materials and microstructure of their fired bodies indicate that the grain size of Hizen commercial raw porcelain bodies is too coarse to obtain desirable mechanical properties. The strength of fired bodies from commercial raw porcelain bodies increased with milling, and it increased further by removing grains coarser than 20 μm from the milled powder. These treatments increased the mean bending strength of commercial porcelain bodies from 830 kgf/cm2 to 1450 kgf/cm2. The results obtained with a commercial porcelain body are in agreement with those of previous works, in which the control of size and its distribution of quartz grains governed the mechanical properties.
Densification process, phase component and mechanical strength of the feldspathic porcelain bodies were investigated. Packing ratio and flexural strength showed a linear correlation and its gradient (k-value) indicated a degree of the effect for the reinforcement during densification. The k-value was greatly influenced by mullite/glass ratio, and needlelike crystals of mullite was considered to accelerate the reinforcement of bodies. Fracture toughness increased with the residual amount of quartz. It is considered that, although the mechanisms are different, mullite and quartz strengthen the body.
INTRODUCTION. Ceramic Processes and Products. CHARACTERISTICS OF CERAMIC SOLIDS. Structure of Crystals. Structure of Glasses. Structural Imperfections. Surfaces, Interfaces, and Grain Boundaries. Atom Mobility. DEVELOPMENT OF MICROSTRUCTURE IN CERAMICS. Ceramic Phase Equilibrium Diagrams. Phase Transformation, Glass Formation and Glass--Ceramics. Reactions with and between Solids. Grain Growth. Sintering and Vitrification. Microstructure of Ceramics. PROPERTIES OF CERAMICS. Thermal Properties. Optical Properties. Plastic Deformation, Viscous Flow and Creep. Elasticity, Anelasticity and Strength. Thermal and Compositional Stresses. Electrical Conductivity. Dielectric Properties. Magnetic Properties.
Iranian blast furnace slag was added in different amounts to a single fast fired wall tile body composition. The chemical reactions occurring during firing and the formation of different phases were followed by differential thermal analysis, dilatometry, and X-ray diffractometry. The effects of composition on bend strength, water absorption, and firing shrinkage of different compositions were investigated. The most promising body, containing 30 wt-% blast furnace slag, after firing at 1060°C for 5 min had a bend strength of 24 MN m-2, water absorption of 16 wt-%, and a firing shrinkage of 0.1%. The effect of deflocculation of the body was also investigated and was shown to increase the bend strength by 25%.
This Investigation was carried out to incorporate fly ash, a waste material generated from thermal power stations, as a replacement of sandstone and to some extent feldspar in the earthenware type glazed wall tile body composition. Test specimens of eight different body compositions incorporating fly ash were prepared and fired at five different test temperatures, viz., 1000°, 1050°, 1100°, 1150° and 1200°C in an electrical furnace. Dry and fired properties like dry MOR, fired shrinkage, fired MOR, apparent porosity, water absorption, bulk density, thermal expansion of the optimized body and glaze etc were determined and compared with those of the specimens of a traditional earthenware tile body used as a standard composition. It was observed that the incorporation of fly ash in the tune of 30 wt% was the optimum In achieving the requisite thermo-mechanical properties In wall tile body.
Citation RICHARD S. HUNTER, "Photoelectric Tristimulus Colorimetry with Three Filters," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 32, 509-538 (1942)