
Some Unique Properties of Eigenvector Centrality

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Eigenvectors, and the related centrality measure Bonacich's c(β), have advantages over graph-theoretic measures like degree, betweenness, and closeness centrality: they can be used in signed and valued graphs and the beta parameter in c(β) permits the calculation of power measures for a wider variety of types of exchange. Degree, betweenness, and closeness centralities are defined only for classically simple graphs—those with strictly binary relations between vertices. Looking only at these classical graphs, where eigenvectors and graph–theoretic measures are competitors, eigenvector centrality is designed to be distinctively different from mere degree centrality when there are some high degree positions connected to many low degree others or some low degree positions are connected to a few high degree others. Therefore, it will not be distinctively different from degree when positions are all equal in degree (regular graphs) or in core-periphery structures in which high degree positions tend to be connected to each other.

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... Nodes with high eigenvector centrality are connected to other well-connected nodes, creating a network of interconnected critical points. According to Bonacich (2007) eigenvector centrality of node is given by [77]: ...
... Nodes with high eigenvector centrality are connected to other well-connected nodes, creating a network of interconnected critical points. According to Bonacich (2007) eigenvector centrality of node is given by [77]: ...
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This study introduces a resilience-oriented framework to enhance the performance of energy distribution networks under partial high workload conditions with a particular emphasis on natural gas systems. Given the critical role of gas delivery in economic stability and societal well-being, ensuring the reliability and robustness of its network design is imperative. This research adopts a Social Network Analysis (SNA) methodology, augmented by an artificial intelligence-based approach, to appraise the dynamics and interdependencies of gas distribution networks under varying operational conditions. The proposed framework integrates SNA with simulation-based network analysis to enhance resilience by identifying critical nodes and edges susceptible to disruption, especially during demand fluctuations periods. A key advantage of this approach lies in its applicability as a consumer vulnerability mitigation strategy during high-demand scenarios, thereby reinforcing network robustness. The findings offer significant insights and methodological contributions applicable across gas networks, ultimately promoting smarter and more resilient energy solutions. Overall, this research provides a comprehensive strategy for strengthening network resilience, supporting the broader objectives of energy security and sustainability.
... Eigenvector centrality [15] evaluates a node's importance based on the importance of its neighbors, in contrast to degree centrality, which only considers the number of direct connections. As a result, eigenvector centrality provides a more comprehensive assessment of node significance in a network [16], incorporating the influence of well-connected nodes with high centrality [17]. ...
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This study utilizes the danmaku on the Bilibili platform as the research subject to examine how their characteristics vary according to the nature or focus of English teaching videos. By employing social network analysis, the study reveals distinctive features in danmaku. For videos categorized under linguistic knowledge (phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar), the danmaku comments predominantly center around topics such as phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar. Conversely, in videos categorized under language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), the danmaku comments primarily reflect a vocabulary review for three of the four skills, with only the listening skill showing slight deviations. This underscores the centrality of vocabulary in skill-oriented videos. The findings highlight the unique role of danmaku in distinguishing between knowledge and skills within the context of English teaching videos.
... In general, there are two main methods for cyberspace data sparsification. The first method involves ranking and selecting nodes based on their importance or attributes, such as degree centrality [45], betweenness centrality [46], closeness centrality [47], or eigenvector centrality [48]. The other method involves ranking and selecting edges based on their weights or attributes. ...
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Integrating cyberspace and geographic space through map visualization is a valuable approach for revealing distribution patterns and relational dynamics in cyberspace. The interdisciplinary integration of network science and geographic science has gained increasing attention in recent years. However, current geographic information data models are not suitable for representing cyberspace features and their relations, and there is a lack of general and systematic cyberspace map visualization methods. To address these problems, this paper introduces an integrated data model that aligns spatial and cyberspace features based on a “proxy mode”. This model is designed to support both the visualization of data maps and the analysis of complex networks and graph layouts. In addition, a framework for cyberspace map visualization is introduced, comprising three main stages: “cyberspace data processing”, “cyberspace data rendering”, and “base map processing and map layout”. Using the Routers, BrightKite, and Cables datasets, we developed a web-based CMV system and generated a statistical map, a node-link map, an edge bundling map, a flow map, and a feature distribution map. The experimental results showed that the proposed data model and method framework can be effectively applied to represent the distribution and relations of cyberspace features and help reveal the interaction patterns between cyberspace and geographic space.
... We gathered attachment network data following a similar approach to that in Berán, Pléh, Soltész, Rácz, Kardos, Czobor, and Unoka [41], which asked participants to name 5-8 members of their core support network and to rate each of these alters along several dimensions, such as con ict, trust, and shared values. We then also asked them to rate how close each alter was to the others, generating an alter-alter network that was used to calculate eigenvector centrality, which estimates centrality both on the nodes' own place in the network in addition to how well-connected their neighbors are [42]. After review, three participants were excluded from the analyses involving this support network due to illogical responses in the name generator (listing plurals like "my friends," etc.). ...
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Researchers have established that dreams are intensely social and populated by diverse characters, including important figures from the dreamer’s daily life. This study examines the types of characters that appeared in participant dreams over two weeks. We found that the majority of dreams include strangers in addition to known individuals, and that personality measures impact the likelihood of dreaming about different types of people. Appearance of known individuals from daily life in dreams was assessed by comparing dream reports to the core support networks of participants and daily diaries. We found that relationship-specific variables and daily interaction were important predictors of the likelihood of support network dream appearances. While daily interaction generally increases the likelihood of dream appearances, this effect is reversed for important family members like parents or siblings, indicating that dreams may play a compensatory role in maintaining relationships with close others when they are not present.
... Degree is computed as the row sum of the binary matrix, B, with entries b ij = 1 is node i and node j are connected and b ij = 0 otherwise. Similarly, eigenvector centrality is a measure of influence of a node on the network and provides a value for each node based on the idea that a highly central node is connected to other central nodes even if the node does not have many direct connections [16]. Finally, closeness centrality is a metric that provides information of how close a node is to the other nodes in the network [17]. ...
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This paper analyzes the impacts of shocks on the price system of the economy. We investigate how variations in retail prices, in the exchange rate, and policy interventions affect the diffusion of inflationary pressures in Mexico, based on open data from the Consumer Price Index. We propose to analyze the processes of price formation and diffusion through network techniques. Empirical results allow us to identify the most relevant nodes in the price network of the Mexican economy. Results also show a dynamic network structure that evolves according to a core-peripheric structure, with important implications for the policies that are usually applied against inflation. The network analysis based on price correlations using the T-MDS methodology and a sensitivity analysis revealed that results are robust to adjustments in the threshold value. Finally, the examined dynamic network measures are related to the rate of inflation and rapid fluctuations in the official exchange rate. We found that staple foods are highly relevant to the network’s structure based on several centrality measurements.
... Сделаем дополнительные предположения относительно вида матрицы W. Будем характеризовать важность каждого пользователя с помощью центральности по собственному вектору [3]: c = Ac max (A) Здесь max (A) соответствует максимальному по модулю собственному значению матрицы A. Так как рассматриваемый граф является ненаправленным и связным, то его матрица смежности неразложима, а значит, в силу теоремы Фробениуса-Перрона собственное число max (A) положительно. Соответствующий собственный вектор c 2 R N также можно выбрать так, что все его компоненты будут положительны. ...
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Рассматривается задача прогнозирования динамики общественного мнения на лонгитюдных данных высокой гранулярности, добытых из социальной сети ВКонтакте. Данная задача была предложена участникам Хакатона <<УБС Challenge'2024>>, как одного из досуговых мероприятий XX Всероссийской школы-конференции молодых ученых <<Управление большими системами>> (УБС), проводившейся в г. Новочеркасске в 2024 году. Настоящая работа посвящена подробному описанию проведенного Хакатона и решений, предложенных его участниками. Для выборки из N=1,648,829 пользователей на основании двух снимков их мнений, сделанных с разницей в полгода (в феврале и июле 2018 года), было необходимо построить прогноз распределения общественного мнения в декабре 2018 года. В распоряжении участников также была информации о структуре дружеских связей пользователей. Наибольшую точность прогноза показал ансамбль из двух моделей -- модели Абельсона, усиленной при помощи оценки влиятельности по собственному вектору, и модели постоянного тренда.
... Entities with high betweenness centrality act as bridges and control information flow across the network. Eigenvector centrality measures an entity's influence not just based on the number of connections but also on their centrality scores [50][51][52]. This means that if an entity is connected to other highly central entities, its own influence is correspondingly enhanced. ...
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In traditional group decision-making models, it is commonly assumed that all decision makers exert equal influence on one another. However, in real-world social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, certain individuals—known as top persuaders—hold a disproportionately large influence over others. This study formulates the consensus-reaching problem in social network group decision making by introducing a novel framework for predicting top persuaders. Building on social network theories, we develop a social persuasion model that integrates social influence and social status to quantify individuals’ persuasive power more comprehensively. Subsequently, we propose a new CRP that leverages the influence of top persuaders. Our simulations and comparative analyses demonstrate that: (1) increasing the number of top persuaders substantially reduces the iterations required to achieve consensus; (2) establishing trust relationships between top persuaders and other individuals accelerates the consensus process; and (3) top persuaders retain a high and stable level of influence throughout the entire CRP rounds. Our research provides practical insights into identifying and strategically guiding top persuaders to enhance the efficiency in consensus reaching and reduce social management costs within social networked environments.
... A network can be represented as a matrix. Laplacian and adjacency matrixes are important tools capable of showing the topology of a complex network; therefore, eigenvalues and eigenvectors are proposed to describe the network dynamics [8,9]. For example, Zheng et al. found that the threshold value of time delay is proportional to the minimum eigenvalue of the network matrix when studying the impact of both network and time delays on Turing instability [10]. ...
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Network science is a powerful tool for understanding the complex interactions between individuals and is widely used to study the spread of infectious diseases. Men who have sex with men (MSM) have a high risk of HIV transmission, and sex-role preference is an essential element of HIV spread. Considering the preferences of MSM groups and the effective connections with actual transmission rates, this study established a random network (symmetric degree distribution) and a scale-free network (asymmetric degree distribution), respectively. The matrix centrality theory and computer numerical simulation are combined to analyze HIV transmission patterns in MSM groups. The results indicate that the stochasticity in the asymmetric degree distribution network is higher than in the symmetric degree distribution network. Degree and eigenvector centrality are similar in asymmetric or symmetric degree distribution networks. The centrality eigenvector can reflect more information because it includes both the node’s degree and its connections’ degrees. However, when many individuals are infected, the degree of centrality may directly come into play.
... Therefore, it considers the entire connectivity pattern of the network. It has been shown to be a more adequate index to measure the entire connectivity of a network than other measurements like degree centrality or betweenness centrality (Bienenstock & Bonacich, 2021;Bonacich, 2007;Lohmann et al., 2010). ...
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Will our brains get to know a new face better if we look at its external features first? Here we offer neurophysiological evidence of the relevance of external versus internal facial features for constructing new face representations, by contrasting successful face processing with a prototypical case of face agnosia. A woman with acquired prosopagnosia (E.C.) and 14 age-matched typical participants (7 women) were exposed to a face-feature matching task. External (E), internal (I) features, and whole target faces of unknown individuals (from an IdentiKit gallery) were displayed according to two different sequences: E → I → whole faces, or I → E → whole faces. Then, we studied the induced EEG activity using ‘isolated effective coherence’ to analyse the intracortical causal information flow among face-sensitive nodes. Initial presentation of external features (E before I), when compared to internal ones, triggered connections encompassing extensively the right-hemisphere face processing pathway [from posterior visual cortices for initial structural analysis, towards both intermediate (occipitotemporal) and high-level (prefrontal) relay stations], in which face-identity is thought to emerge progressively. Also, whereas exposure to internal features as second stimulus seemed to demand some sort of basic visual processing, external features triggered again more widespread and integrative connections. Connections for whole faces closing the E-I sequence resembled those for external features initiating the same sequence. Meanwhile, the predominant connections for whole faces completing the I-E sequence were more restricted to specific brain areas, with relevant prefrontal activity and a few connected nodes in right posterior regions, suggesting high attentional load plus initial and intermediate processing of face identity. Interestingly, the pattern of connections that distinguished typical participants from E.C. in the I-E sequence was the recruitment of left posterior visual regions, presumably underlying analytical subroutines for structural encoding of facial stimuli. These findings support that initial exposure to external features, followed by internal ones, provides the best visual cue to acquire new face configurations. Nevertheless, in case of face agnosia after right posterior damage, relying preferentially on internal features and left hemisphere specialized subroutines might be an alternative for cognitive training.
... Eigenvector centrality values take the entire network into account, such that nodes may obtain a high centrality by being connected to many low-centrality nodes or by being connected to a smaller number of high-centrality nodes (Bonacich, 2007). We extracted undirected eigenvector centrality, which is a combined measure of the individual's direct and indirect associations. ...
... While BioGRID and iRefIndex displayed clear linear correlations between these two measures, there are some genes in ReactomeFI and STRING that have low degrees but high eigenvector centrality. By the definition of eigenvector centrality, these low-degree genes are typically connected to some high-degree genes [40]. This connection suggests that, although indirect, their positions in a PPI network are significantly inf luenced by the degree bias. ...
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Network-based methods utilize protein–protein interaction information to identify significantly perturbed subnetworks in cancer and to propose key molecular pathways. Numerous methods have been developed, but to date, a rigorous benchmark analysis to compare the performance of existing approaches is lacking. In this paper, we proposed a novel benchmarking framework using synthetic data and conducted a comprehensive analysis to investigate the ability of existing methods to detect target genes and subnetworks and to control false positives, and how they perform in the presence of topological biases at both gene and subnetwork levels. Our analysis revealed insights into algorithmic performance that were previously unattainable. Based on the results of the benchmark study, we presented a practical guide for users on how to select appropriate detection methods and protein–protein interaction networks for cancer pathway identification, and provided suggestions for future algorithm development.
... The performance of ISCG-IM was benchmarked against a wide range of adaptive centrality-based methods, including degree(k), k-core [41], betweenness [48], closeness [49], eigenvector [50], Katz [51], subgraph [52], collective influence [47], and non-backtracking centrality [53]. These methods iteratively recalculate node importance after each selection, dynamically adapting to structural changes in the network. ...
Contagion dynamics in complex networks drive critical phenomena such as epidemic spread and information diffusion,but their analysis remains computationally prohibitive in large-scale, high-complexity systems. Here, we introduce the Iterative Structural Coarse-Graining (ISCG) framework, a scalable methodology that reduces network complexity while preserving key contagion dynamics with high fidelity. Importantly, we derive theoretical conditions ensuring the precise preservation of both macroscopic outbreak sizes and microscopic node-level infection probabilities during network reduction. Under these conditions, extensive experiments on diverse empirical networks demonstrate that ISCG achieves significant complexity reduction without sacrificing prediction accuracy. Beyond simplification, ISCG reveals multiscale structural patterns that govern contagion processes, enabling practical solutions to longstanding challenges in contagion dynamics. Specifically, ISCG outperforms traditional adaptive centrality-based approaches in identifying influential spreaders, immunizing critical edges, and optimizing sentinel placement for early outbreak detection, offering superior accuracy and computational efficiency. By bridging computational efficiency with dynamical fidelity, ISCG provides a transformative framework for analyzing large-scale contagion processes, with broad applications for epidemiology, information dissemination, and network resilience.
... Closeness centrality indicates the proximity of a node to all other nodes, thereby giving insights into its potential to inf luence them efficiently [57,58]. Eigenvector centrality takes the connectivity of the associated nodes into account, indicating that a taxon plays a significant role in the overall community by being part of an important subnetwork [59,60]. Transitivity, also known as clustering coefficient, quantifies the clustering of nodes in a network by measuring the probability that the neighbors of a node are connected and may give indications about niche specialization [57]. ...
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The intensification of agriculture has led to environmental degradation, including the loss of biodiversity. This has prompted interest in perennial grain cropping systems to address and mitigate some of these negative impacts. In order to determine if perennial grain cultivation promotes a higher microbial diversity, we assessed the endophytic microbiota of a perennial grain crop (intermediate wheatgrass, Thinopyrum intermedium L.) in comparison to its annual counterpart, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The study covered three sampling sites in a pan-European gradient (Sweden, Belgium, France), two plant genotypes, three plant compartments (roots, stems, and leaves) and two sampling timepoints. We observed that the host genotype effect was mainly evident in the belowground compartment, and only to a lesser extent in the aboveground tissues, with a similar pattern at all three sampling sites. Moreover, intermediate wheatgrass roots harboured a different bacterial community composition and higher diversity and richness compared to their annual counterparts. The root bacterial diversity was influenced by several soil chemical parameters, such as the carbon:nitrogen ratio, but also soil microbial parameters, such as soil respiration and dehydrogenase activity. Consistent findings across time and space suggest stable mechanisms in microbiota assembly associated with perennial grain cropping, underscoring their potential role in supporting biodiversity within sustainable agricultural systems.
... For data analysis, SNA was used to create a network that related all sequences of game complexes by set, considering undirected nodes, allowing observation of how game complexes connect based on their effects. Eigenvector centrality was utilised, as it reflects the relationship among game complexes, based on the understanding that a node has higher centrality when it is connected to more central nodes, with a centrality value ranging from 0 to 1 [27,28]. therefore, node centrality depends on adjacent nodes and their interaction characteristics [19]. ...
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Purpose The objective of the present manuscript was to analyse the flow of play in high-level women’s volleyball by sequencing game complexes per set. Methods The sample analysed 135 matches played in the 2021/2022 Brazilian Women’s Superliga, with the number of matches analysed ranging from 14 and 25 matches for all teams participating in the championship. Eigenvector Centrality and Social Network Analysis conducted the connectivity and specificity of relationships as, and inferential analysis was performed using the chi-square test with a Monte Carlo correction. Results The results showed that the highest eigenvalues were for the continuity effect, except for complex 0. Regarding the continuity effect, the eigenvalues in the first four sets were higher for complexes III, IV, and V. In the fifth set, the highest eigenvalues were close between complexes II, III, IV, and V for the continuity effect. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was no association between the sequencing of game complexes and the set played (f? = 2470.01 and φ = 0.34, p = 0.272), nor between the number of complexes and the set played = 17.63 and φ = 0.03, p = 0.346). Conclusions In conclusion, women’s volleyball presents gameplay strategies to sustain play, promoting game continuity, regardless of the set played. The number of game complexes required to secure a point varies between two and three game complexes. Coaches should consider the dynamics in women’s volleyball matches, preparing teams for less risky and more continuous play.
... The same idea can be extended to centrality properties other than the degrees of the nodes. For illustration, we now consider the so-called eigenvector centrality, i.e. we rank the nodes' importance based on the eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix [49,50]. ...
Networks model the architecture backbone of complex systems. The backbone itself can change over time leading to what is called `temporal networks'. Interpreting temporal networks as trajectories in graph space of a latent graph dynamics has recently enabled the extension of concepts and tools from dynamical systems and time series to networks. Here we address temporal networks with unlabelled nodes, a case that has received relatively little attention so far. Situations in which node labelling cannot be tracked over time often emerge in practice due to technical challenges, or privacy constraints. In unlabelled temporal networks there is no one-to-one matching between a network snapshot and its adjacency matrix. Characterizing the dynamical properties of such unlabelled network trajectories is nontrivial. We here exploit graph invariants to extend to the unlabelled setting network-dynamical quantifiers of linear correlations and dynamical instability. In particular, we focus on autocorrelation functions and the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. We show with synthetic graph dynamics that the measures are capable of recovering and estimating these dynamical fingerprints even when node labels are unavailable. We also validate the methods for some empirical temporal networks with removed node labels.
... Over 30 different centrality measures (e.g., degree centrality, betweenness centrality, closeness centrality, eigenvector centrality, and control centrality) have been examined in the literature [6][7][8][9] . Among these, eigenvector centrality, defined as the leading eigenvector of the adjacency matrix of a graph, has received increasing attention 10,11 . It is worth noting that PageRank, a variant of eigenvector centrality, is the primary algorithm used in Google's search engine 12,13 . ...
Centrality is widely recognized as one of the most critical measures to provide insight in the structure and function of complex networks. While various centrality measures have been proposed for single-layer networks, a general framework for studying centrality in multilayer networks (i.e., multicentrality) is still lacking. In this study, a tensor-based framework is introduced to study eigenvector multicentrality, which enables the quantification of the impact of interlayer influence on multicentrality, providing a systematic way to describe how multicentrality propagates across different layers. This framework can leverage prior knowledge about the interplay among layers to better characterize multicentrality for varying scenarios. Two interesting cases are presented to illustrate how to model multilayer influence by choosing appropriate functions of interlayer influence and design algorithms to calculate eigenvector multicentrality. This framework is applied to analyze several empirical multilayer networks, and the results corroborate that it can quantify the influence among layers and multicentrality of nodes effectively.
... This model predicts possibility of total eradication of an epidemics through preventive behaviors [34]. In a subsequent study [40], authors considered an information-dissemination network as an alternative alerting mechanism, and proposed the optimal design solution for an information-dissemination network based on eigenvector centralities [41] in the contact network graph. The SAIS model has been further explored in [42]- [44]. ...
People change their physical contacts as a preventive response to infectious disease propagations. Yet, only a few mathematical models consider the coupled dynamics of the disease propagation and the contact adaptation process. This paper presents a model where each agent has a default contact neighborhood set, and switches to a different contact set once she becomes alert about infection among her default contacts. Since each agent can adopt either of two possible neighborhood sets, the overall contact network switches among 2^N possible configurations. Notably, a two-layer network representation can fully model the underlying adaptive, state-dependent contact network. Contact adaptation influences the size of the disease prevalence and the epidemic threshold---a characteristic measure of a contact network robustness against epidemics---in a nonlinear fashion. Particularly, the epidemic threshold for the presented adaptive contact network belongs to the solution of a nonlinear Perron-Frobenius (NPF) problem, which does not depend on the contact adaptation rate monotonically. Furthermore, the network adaptation model predicts a counter-intuitive scenario where adaptively changing contacts may adversely lead to lower network robustness against epidemic spreading if the contact adaptation is not fast enough. An original result for a class of NPF problems facilitate the analytical developments in this paper.
... In some methods, instead of considering the single term quantities, it is more appropriate to take into account these quantities only when the corresponding terms appear along with other highly frequent terms (see survey [3]). We propose to rank the importance of a keyword in a static semantic network using the eigenvector centrality [7], and then introduce the dynamic eigenvector centrality to capture emergent keywords and summarize the trends. We also generalize the frequency and degree centralities with similar dynamic versions. ...
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Methods for detecting and summarizing emergent keywords have been extensively studied since social media and microblogging activities have started to play an important role in data analysis and decision making. We present a system for monitoring emergent keywords and summarizing a document stream based on the dynamic semantic graphs of streaming documents. We introduce the notion of dynamic eigenvector centrality for ranking emergent keywords, and present an algorithm for summarizing emergent events that is based on the minimum weight set cover. We demonstrate our system with an analysis of streaming Twitter data related to public security events.
... Eigenvector centrality measures the connectivity of a user as well as the connectivity of its network neighbours; a user can acquire a high connectivity from the number and weight of his interactions or from being connected to highly connected users [13]. Eigenvector centrality can be easily calculated for large weighted network [14]. The average eigenvector centrality values of the 2836 Twitter users who wrote about the strike both before and after the passage of Bill-78 Twitter users decreased after Bill-78 (paired permutation test with 9999 permutations, p=0.001). ...
Social media have been widely used to organize citizen movements. In 2012, 75% university and college students in Quebec, Canada, participated in mass protests against an increase in tuition fees, mainly organized using social media. To reduce public disruption, the government introduced special legislation designed to impede protest organization. Here, we show that the legislation changed the behaviour of social media users but not the overall structure of their social network on Twitter. Thus, users were still able to spread information to efficiently organize demonstrations using their social network. This natural experiment shows the power of social media in political mobilization, as well as behavioural flexibility in information flow over a large number of individuals.
... Towards this direction, there are many problems to be solved. The influential degree in the proposed discount strategy may be replaced with other influence indexes [42][43][44][45][46][47], resulting in many similar discount strategies. A comparative study can be conducted so as to find out the best one. ...
This paper addresses the discount pricing in word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing. A new discount strategy known as the Infection-Based Discount (IBD) strategy is proposed. The basic idea of the IBD strategy lies in that each customer enjoys a discount that is linearly proportional to his/her influence in the WOM network. To evaluate the performance of the IBD strategy, the WOM spreading process is modeled as a dynamic model known as the DPA model, and the performance of the IBD strategy is modeled as a function of the basic discount. Next, the influence of different factors, including the basic discount and the WOM network, on the dynamics of the DPA model is revealed experimentally. Finally, the influence of different factors on the performance of the IBD strategy is uncovered experimentally. On this basis, some promotional measures are recommended.
... Specifically, for an undirected simple network, ( , ) G V E with p nodes and q edges, we use the topological features of nodes in the network as the input, including the degree of the node, the average degree of its neighbors, the average clustering coefficient 97 of its neighbors, the number of internal edges of its egonet (the substructure of a node and its first-order neighbors) 98,99 , the number of external edges of its egonet, the eigenvector centrality 100 ...
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Network robustness design is a significant engineering task in complex systems including urban planning, communication programming, and chip designing. With the embedded vulnerability of complex networks, the relationship between network topology and its robustness remains unknown, presenting a significant challenge in designing robust networks. Existing approaches—ranging from empirical manual designs, statistically-driven rules to optimization via Monte Carlo simulations, struggle to meet the design demands of large-scale networks under multidimensional attacks. Here, we introduce a general framework for designing robust networks based on AI reinforcement learning. This framework establishes an interactive environment between network attack strategies and design models, enabling the learning of effective robustness design strategies against specific attacks. Our framework enables efficient design of robust large-scale networks for a given cost, surpassing existing methods. Notably, we find that during the design process, the network may develop suitable multilayer backbones that mitigate its current vulnerability, offering insight into higher-order relations in real-world networks. Our approach can be adopted to various network design scenarios, which provides an integrative intelligent solution for designing robust complex systems.
... The importance of an individual in a network depends not only on its own network position characteristics, but also on the position characteristics of the other network individuals to which it is connected. The eigenvector centrality takes into account both the network structure type and the importance of network nodes (Bonacich, 2007), and describes the relative influence and connection quality of marine cities in the internal circulation network. The larger the value, the greater the influence of the member and the more important it is as a core participant in the interaction. ...
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Introduction China’s marine cities have reached a critical juncture after 40 years of rapid development. In this new stage, where internal circulation is the main focus, there is a need to enhance the internal circulation capabilities of these cities and unleash their full economic potential. This paper aims to explore the positioning and improvement path of marine cities in China's internal circulation network, and fully unleash the development potential of marine cities. Methods Based on data from 284 prefecture-level cities in China, this paper constructs the social network of China's urban internal circulation with the help of the modified gravity model, and explores the conditional configuration of the improvement of the status of marine cities in internal circulation network by using the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) method. Results and discussion (1) The development level of marine cities' internal circulation can be categorized into three tiers, led by Shanghai. The development gap between the 14 marine cities has gradually widened over recent years. (2) Chinese marine cities can be divided into three groups in the topological structure of China's urban internal circulation network: core, periphery, and edge, with Shanghai being the core "bridge" in the network. The traditional advantages of some northern economically strong cities in the construction of the internal circulation network have gradually been lost, and many marine cities have seen their leadership and control over the internal circulation network significantly weakened. (3) No single factor is a necessary condition for achieving a high-level status of marine cities in the internal circulation network. (4) The four conditional variables of demand side, supply side, industrial linkage and inter-regional integration have two sufficient condition configurations to enhance the status of marine cities in internal circulation network. Among them, the "industry-regional integration"-dominated configuration with the core of unblocking the bottlenecks of the internal circulation is the main path.
... The node degree is the sum of the weighted edges connected to a node. The eigenvector centrality represents the transitive influence of a node 57,58 . Betweenness centrality is the sum of the fraction of all-pairs shortest paths that pass through a node 59,60 . ...
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Despite the prevalence of sequencing data in biomedical research, the methylome remains underrepresented. Given the importance of DNA methylation in gene regulation and disease, it is crucial to address the need for reliable differential methylation methods. This work presents a novel, transferable approach for extracting information from DNA methylation data. Our agnostic, graph-based pipeline overcomes the limitations of commonly used differential methylation techniques and addresses the “small n, big k” problem. Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma (PPGL) tumours with known genetic aetiologies experience extreme hypermethylation genome wide. To highlight the effectiveness of our method in candidate discovery, we present the first phenotypic classifier of PPGLs based on DNA methylation achieving 0.7 ROC-AUC. Each sample is represented by an optimised parenclitic network, a graph representing the deviation of the sample’s DNA methylation from the expected non-aggressive patterns. By extracting meaningful topological features, the dimensionality and, hence, the risk of overfitting is reduced, and the samples can be classified effectively. By using an explainable classification method, in this case logistic regression, the key CG loci influencing the decision can be identified. Our work provides insights into the molecular signature of aggressive PPGLs and we propose candidates for further research. Our optimised parenclitic network implementation improves the potential utility of DNA methylation data and offers an effective and complete pipeline for studying such datasets.
... Here, C denoted as eigenvector centrality (EC) [50], the isolating eigenvector centrality of node u is computed as ISEC(u): ...
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Identifying influential nodes within complex networks holds significant importance for enhancing network resilience and understanding vulnerabilities, thereby providing insights for both theoretical exploration and practical applications. Understanding how quickly information spreads highlights the need to identify influential nodes promptly. Certain global centrality measures, including betweenness (BC), closeness (CC), eigenvector (EC), katz centrality, and coreness score (CR), fail to recognize influential nodes situated near the periphery of the network and those with direct connections to the target node. In response to these challenges and to enhance the influence of identification, we have developed a comprehensive framework, namely ISC, grounded in isolating coefficient, encompassing both a node’s direct connections and those of its neighbors. Using the proposed approach, we defined six new centrality measures, including isolating katz centrality (ISKC), isolating coreness centrality (ISCR), isolating eigenvector centrality (ISEC), isolating betweenness centrality (ISBC), isolating closeness centrality (ISCC), and isolating clustering coefficient centrality (ISCL). Through comparative analysis across five real-world networks, ISC is evaluated alongside existing centrality measures, confirming its effectiveness in identifying influential nodes while maintaining reasonable computational efficiency. The experimental results affirm that ISC outperforms other centrality measures in locating influential nodes within complex networks. Additionally, we evaluate the similarity between our proposed methods and both conventional and recent measures by assessing rank correlations using Kendall’s tau coefficient. The simulation outcomes indicate that one of the proposed methods ISCR, utilizing a lower-complexity algorithm, effectively identifies the most influential nodes with high accuracy. Furthermore, statistical techniques were employed to evaluate the proposed methods, demonstrating high reliability and precision in predicting influential nodes across various datasets, as indicated by low standard deviations and narrow confidence intervals.
... pruning the least significant edges. The former gives higher scores to organisations that not only have many ties themselves but share ties with those organisations that also have many ties, while the latter does the same for accounts that are being reshared by other important accounts (Bonacich, 2007;Gleich, 2015). To appropriately account for edge weights, we log-transformed them. ...
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Coalitions that engage in political advocacy are constituted by organisations, which are made up of individuals and organisational subunits. Comparing the coalitions formed by organisations to the those formed by their constituent parts provides a means of examining the extent to which their coalition memberships are aligned. This paper applies inferential network clustering methods to survey data collected from organisations engaging in Irish climate change politics and to X (formerly twitter) data extracted from both the primary accounts of these organisations and the accounts of the individuals and subunits affiliated with them. Analysis of the survey-based organisation-level policy network finds evidence of an outsider coalition, formed by non-governmental organisations, labour unions and left-leaning political parties, and an insider coalition formed by the two main political parties in government, energy sector organisations, business and agricultural interests, scientific organisations, and government bodies. An analysis of the X-based account-level endorsement network finds evidence for a nested coalition structure wherein there are multiple distinct communities, which largely align with the organisation-level coalitions. Most interestingly, the largest and most active community is formed by accounts affiliated with the organisations with agricultural interests—the sector most opposed to ambitious climate action in Ireland. The results show how the somewhat disjoint behaviours of formal organisations and their affiliates give rise to nested coalitions, which can only be identified by disaggregating organisations by their constituent parts.
Cutting-edge platforms of graph neural networks (GNNs), such as DGL and PyG, harness the parallel processing power of GPUs to extract structural information from graph data, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in fields such as recommendation systems, knowledge graphs, and bioinformatics. Despite the computational advantages provided by GPUs, these GNN platforms struggle with scalability challenges due to the colossal graphical structures processed and the limited memory capacities of GPUs. In response, this work introduces Capsule, a new out-of-core mechanism for large-scale GNN training. Unlike existing out-of-core GNN systems, which use main or secondary memory as operative memory and use CPU kernels during non-backpropagation computation, Capsule uses GPU memory and GPU kernels. By substantially leveraging the parallelization capabilities of GPUs, Capsule significantly enhances GNN training efficiency. In addition, Capsule can be smoothly integrated to mainstream open-source GNN frameworks, DGL and PyG, in a play-and-plug manner. Through a prototype implementation and comprehensive experiments on real datasets, we demonstrate that Capsule can achieve up to a 12.02× improvement in runtime efficiency, while using only 22.24% of the main memory, compared to SOTA out-of-core GNN systems.
The graph-based analysis of complex networks has emerged as a powerful mathematical tool to explore natural, social, and biological systems. The potential of graph features in reflecting the interconnected elements in a complex system makes it suitable for analyzing various biological phenomena and thereby enabling it as a diagnostic tool. Today, graph theory finds extensive application in biomedical signal and image processing. The present review deciphers the potential biomedical applications of graph theory, starting from the fundamentals. Special emphasis has been given to the application of graph theory to cancer, brain, cardiovascular, and protein–protein networks. The systematic approach of evaluating the literature through the PRISMA 2020 standards is followed to map the research done in this domain and identify the gaps in the field. The clinical relevance of graph-based disease detection with machine learning makes the identifying, predicting, and prognostic treatments of various illnesses easier. Novel developments in the examination and characterization of the network topologies of several biological networks indicate that complex networks may play a role in the early detection and treatment of a range of diseases. Amid challenges like large dataset handling capability, precise gene detection, and targeted drug delivery, future directions in this field would involve exploring graph-based deep learning and transfer learning techniques to analyze complex biological information, providing predictive treatment for various maladies.
The networked nature of complex systems determines the way in which “information” navigates the system from a source to a target. This navigation is governed by the lack of central controllers and the fact that every individual entity ignores the global structure of the system. Consequently, targeted shortest-path searches are almost automatically excluded in these systems, leaving the more blind diffusive processes as the main mechanism for navigating complex networks. Here we show that non-conservative diffusion has some advantages over the “classical” (conservative) diffusion for searching a target in a network. The non-conservative nature of the diffusion process is given by the possibility that the network “communicates” with the environment in which it is embedded. We use analytical and computational methods to show that non-conservative diffusion uses trajectories which are more prone to find a target than the conservative one. We illustrate the existence of this mechanisms in systems as varied as traffic in urban environments, volume transmission in the brain, and communication through online social networks.
The situation of deep uncertainty is defined by the absence of any statistical evaluations of the situation development. For instance, such situations may include events that occur for the first time. We use scenario analysis to model the potential outcomes of events affecting networks under deep uncertainty. Centrality indices are used to identify vulnerable vertices in networks. We consider classic and new centrality indices. The new centrality indices take into account the properties of vertices and group influence. We have constructed a network of export/import and production data of basic crops (rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, barley, rye, millet, buckwheat, oats), as well as oil and rare earth compound trade for 2020. We have considered scenarios of various situations and identified the most vulnerable countries in these scenarios.
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This article analyses the legislative activity and connectedness of the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) who dealt with the topic of ‘demography’ in the 2019–2024 EP term. A novel dataset of legislative amendments was analysed to identify those MEPs who were the most active and connected in the last five years in this policy domain.We found that MEPs from Spain, France and Germany were the most active ones and the ones from the S&D (Socialist & Democrats), RE (Renew Europe) and EPP (European People’s Party) groups. Slovenia and Hungary were the most impactful countries, while the number of successful amendments was the highest for RE, EPP and S&D.The social network analysis identified the S&D Group as the biggest and most connected community, which was corroborated by the rankings of different network centralities. The rankings also highlighted that Spanish MEPs played a key role in the legislative network.
The importance of social network alignment (SNA) for various downstream applications, such as social network information fusion and e-commerce recommendation, has prompted numerous professionals to develop and share SNA tools. However, malicious actors can exploit these tools to integrate sensitive user information, thereby posing cybersecurity risks. Although many researchers have explored attacking SNA (ASNA) through network modification attacks to protect users, practical feasibility remains challenging. In this study, we propose an effective node injection attack via a dynamic programming framework (DPNIA) to address the problem of modeling and solving ASNA within a limited time and balancing the costs and benefits. DPNIA models ASNA as a problem of maximizing the number of confirmed incorrect correspondent node pairs with greater similarity scores than the pairs between existing nodes, thereby making ASNA solvable. A cross-network evaluation method is employed directly to identify node vulnerabilities, facilitating progressive attacking from easy to difficult. In addition, an optimal injection strategy searching method based on dynamic programming is used to determine which links should be added between the injected and existing nodes, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of the attack at a low cost. Experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrated that DPNIA consistently and significantly surpasses various baselines when attacking both multiple networks simultaneously and a single network.
Measures of complex network analysis, such as vertex centrality, have the potential to unveil existing network patterns and behaviors. They contribute to the understanding of networks and their components by analyzing their structural properties, which makes them useful in several computer science domains and applications. Unfortunately, there is a large number of distinct centrality measures and little is known about their common characteristics in practice. By means of an empirical analysis, we aim at a clear understanding of the main centrality measures available, unveiling their similarities and differences in a large number of distinct social networks. Our experiments show that the vertex centrality measures known as information, eigenvector, subgraph, walk betweenness and betweenness can distinguish vertices in all kinds of networks with a granularity performance at 95%, while other metrics achieved a considerably lower result. In addition, we demonstrate that several pairs of metrics evaluate the vertices in a very similar way, i.e. their correlation coefficient values are above 0.7. This was unexpected, considering that each metric presents a quite distinct theoretical and algorithmic foundation. Our work thus contributes towards the development of a methodology for principled network analysis and evaluation.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak a growing body of literature has observed uncertainty among the main factors driving investor behavior, with these becoming more likely to seek risk minimization strategies, such as the minimum variance approach based on Modern Portfolio Theory. In this chapter a network-based minimum variance approach to portfolio diversification is carried out with assets from Latin America's five largest stock exchanges between 2018 and 2021. Global Minimum Variance Portfolios are obtained with the use of structural information contained in partial-correlation networks and a community detection process. The main objective is the investigation of the implications of the pandemic on minimum variance diversification in the region through an analysis of portfolio asset selection and allocation results, including risk and return performance, benchmarked against naïve investment portfolios.
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The process of understanding and analyzing the structure and the evolution of protein–protein interaction networks is not only getting a deep insight into cellular life but also significantly helping us in drug discovery. Given the intricate nature of biological systems, creating a trustworthy experimental framework is a formidable challenge in experimental biology. Systems biology aims to construct suitable, trustworthy models through computational methodologies that leverage observational biological data stored in bioinformatics databases. These models make predictions, which, in turn, prove valuable in shaping subsequent experimental designs. The proposed model is explained by analysing the protein–protein interaction networks of SARS-CoV-2 and (H1N1) influenza using 31 centrality measures, and the common substructure has been predicted with graph theory concepts. The unsupervised learning method ‘Principal Component Analysis’ has been used to predict the most influenced centrality measures on the protein–protein interaction networks, which will turn to help in predicting the root node of the tensor product graph to finalize a large-sized common substructure of the protein networks. The trustworthiness of the proposed paradigm is ensured with a sequence of comparisons to predict the similarity and dissimilarity responses of various centrality measures on the protein networks with r Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Spearman rank correlation. Utilizing centrality measures, an unsupervised learning approach, and concepts rooted in graph theory, the ultimate result of the proposed model comprises a set of influential and crucial proteins. Furthermore, it identifies the shared substructure among these highly essential proteins within the protein–protein interaction networks of SARS-CoV-2 and (H1N1) influenza. This study reveals that centrality measures such as eigenvector, eigenvector Numpy, degree, Laplacian, betweenness, current flow betweenness, Communicability Betweenness, load, Pagerank, and Katz centrality play significant roles in predicting the essential proteins within PPI networks. The proposed paradigm enables the prediction of essential proteins and the identification of common patterns between two PPI networks. This approach effectively reduces the search space and accelerates the drug discovery process. However, users of this model must possess a deep understanding of PPI networks to develop novel drugs successfully.
Various forms of networks in education have been proposed by scholars, policymakers, and educational administrators as a strategy for school improvement. However, there are few empirical studies on the effect of interschool networks. We analyzed data from 76 elementary schools in a Midwestern state to examine the association between interschool relationships and student achievement by employing social network analysis and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM). After controlling for school and district demographic characteristics, we found that (a) schools that reported to have a stronger relationship with other schools had better math achievement, and more growth in reading achievement; (b) schools with reciprocal relationships had better math and reading achievement, and more growth in reading achievement; and (c) schools that connected to more influential schools in the network had better math and reading achievement, and more growth in reading achievement. We discussed the implications for research, policy, and practice.
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This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the structural determinants of power in exchange networks, along with research findings from laboratory experiments and a computer simulation of bargaining in network structures. Two theoretical traditions are dealt with: (1) point centrality in graph-theoretic representations of structure, as an approach to power distributions; and (2) powerdependence principles applied to exchange networks. Measures of centrality available in the literature have the advantage of being easily applied to large and complex networks. In contrast, powerdependence concepts were conceived for use in microsociology and are found to be cumbersome in the analysis of complex networks. But despite the relative difficulty of applying power-dependence theory to network structures, that approach generates hypotheses about power distributions which are confirmed at nearly every point in a laboratory experiment with five-person networks and at every point in a computer simulation of networks too large for laboratory study. In contrast, centrality measures applied to the type of networks studied fail to predict power distributions. Although centrality measures might predict power in some networks, their generality is limited. Toward resolution of the issues raised, this study offers two theoretical points: (1) a distinction between two different principles of "connection" in social networks suggests that current measures of centrality might predict power in one type of network but not in the other; and (2) it offers a first step toward a fusion of power-dependence theory and structural centrality in a way which might be general across networks of both types.
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In this article we have developed a generalization of Heider's theory of balance by use of concepts from the mathematical theory of linear graphs." "Although Heider's theory was originally intended to refer only to cognitive structures of an individual person, we propose that the definition of balance may be used generally in describing configurations of many different sorts, such as communication networks, power systems, sociometric structures, systems of orientations, or perhaps neural networks." 21 references.
A new measure of status or network centrality that takes into account both positive and negative relationships is suggested. This measure is based on the eigenvector measure of centrality, a standard measure in network research. Its use is illustrated with data from Sampson's well-known study of monks in a monastery.
Networks of social relations can be represented by graphs and socio- or adjacency-matrices and their structure can be analyzed using different concepts, one of them called centrality. We will provide a new formalization of a “node-centrality” which leads to some properties a measure of centrality has to satisfy. These properties allow to test given measures, for example measures based on degree, closeness, betweenness or Bonacich’s eigenvector-centrality. It turns out that it depends on normalization whether eigenvector-centrality does satisfy the expected properties or not.
2In an influential paper, Freeman (1979) identified three aspects of centrality: betweenness, nearness, and degree. Perhaps because they are designed to apply to networks in which relations are binary valued (they exist or they do not), these types of centrality have not been used in interlocking directorate research, which has almost exclusively used formula (2) below to compute centrality. Conceptually, this measure, of which c(ot, 3) is a generalization, is closest to being a nearness measure when 3 is positive. In any case, there is no discrepancy between the measures for the four networks whose analysis forms the heart of this paper. The rank orderings by the
Conference Paper
Methods for ranking World Wide Web resources according to their position in the link structure of the Web are receiving considerable attention, because they provide the first effective means for search engines to cope with the explosive growth and diversification of the Web. We show that layouts for effective visualization of an underlying link structure can be computed in sync with the iterative computation utilized in all popular such rankings. Our visualizations provide valuable insight into the link structure and the ranking mechanism alike. Therefore, they are useful for the analysis of query results, maintenance of search engines, and evaluation of Web graph models.
Methods for ranking World Wide Web resources according to their position in the link structure of the Web are receiving considerable attention, because they provide the first effective means for search engines to cope with the explosive growth and diversification of the Web. We show that layouts for effective visualization of an underlying link structure can be computed in sync with the iterative computation utilized in all popular such rankings. Our visualizations provide valuable insight into the link structure and the ranking mechanism alike. Therefore, they are useful for the analysis of query results, maintenance of search engines, and evaluation of Web graph models.
Many infectious diseases spread through populations via the networks formed by physical contacts among individuals. The patterns of these contacts tend to be highly heterogeneous. Traditional "compartmental" modeling in epidemiology, however, assumes that population groups are fully mixed, that is, every individual has an equal chance of spreading the disease to every other. Applications of compartmental models to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) resulted in estimates of the fundamental quantity called the basic reproductive number R0--the number of new cases of SARS resulting from a single initial case--above one, implying that, without public health intervention, most outbreaks should spark large-scale epidemics. Here we compare these predictions to the early epidemiology of SARS. We apply the methods of contact network epidemiology to illustrate that for a single value of R0, any two outbreaks, even in the same setting, may have very different epidemiological outcomes. We offer quantitative insight into the heterogeneity of SARS outbreaks worldwide, and illustrate the utility of this approach for assessing public health strategies.
We introduce a new centrality measure that characterizes the participation of each node in all subgraphs in a network. Smaller subgraphs are given more weight than larger ones, which makes this measure appropriate for characterizing network motifs. We show that the subgraph centrality [C(S)(i)] can be obtained mathematically from the spectra of the adjacency matrix of the network. This measure is better able to discriminate the nodes of a network than alternate measures such as degree, closeness, betweenness, and eigenvector centralities. We study eight real-world networks for which C(S)(i) displays useful and desirable properties, such as clear ranking of nodes and scale-free characteristics. Compared with the number of links per node, the ranking introduced by C(S)(i) (for the nodes in the protein interaction network of S. cereviciae) is more highly correlated with the lethality of individual proteins removed from the proteome.
Eigen analysis of networks://
  • Richards
  • Seary
  • W D Richards
  • A J Seary
  • Richards
  • Seary
  • W D Richards
  • A J Seary
Subgraph centrality in complex networks Eigen analysis of networks
  • E Estrada
  • J A Velá
  • E
  • G H Golub
  • Van Loon
Estrada, E., Rodr ıguez-Velá, J.A., 2005. Subgraph centrality in complex networks. Physical Review, E7. Golub, G.H., Van Loon, C.F., 1983. Matrix Computations. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Richards, W.D., Seary, A.J., 2000. Eigen analysis of networks, Journal of Social Structure. project/INSNA/joss/index1.html.
Visual ranking of link structures
  • Brundes