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Pelletier, N., Arsenault, N. and P. Tyedmers. 2008. Scenario-modeling potential eco-efficiency gains from a transition to organic agriculture: Life cycle perspectives on Canadian canola, corn, soy and wheat production


Abstract and Figures

We used Life Cycle Assessment to scenario model the potential reductions in cumulative energy demand (both fossil and renewable) and global warming, acidifying, and ozone-depleting emissions associated with a hypothetical national transition from conventional to organic production of four major field crops [canola (Brassica rapa), corn (Zea mays), soy (Glycine max), and wheat (Triticum aestivum)] in Canada. Models of these systems were constructed using a combination of census data, published values, and the requirements for organic production described in the Canadian National Organic Standards in order to be broadly representative of the similarities and differences that characterize these disparate production technologies. Our results indicate that organic crop production would consume, on average, 39% as much energy and generate 77% of the global warming emissions, 17% of the ozone-depleting emissions, and 96% of the acidifying emissions associated with current national production of these crops. These differences were almost exclusively due to the differences in fertilizers used in conventional and organic farming and were most strongly influenced by the higher cumulative energy demand and emissions associated with producing conventional nitrogen fertilizers compared to the green manure production used for biological nitrogen fixation in organic agriculture. Overall, we estimate that a total transition to organic production of these crops in Canada would reduce national energy consumption by 0.8%, global warming emissions by 0.6%, and acidifying emissions by 1.0% but have a negligible influence on reducing ozone-depleting emissions.
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Scenario Modeling Potential Eco-Efficiency Gains from
a Transition to Organic Agriculture: Life Cycle Perspectives
on Canadian Canola, Corn, Soy, and Wheat Production
N. Pelletier Æ N. Arsenault Æ P. Tyedmers
Received: 4 May 2007 / Accepted: 12 May 2008
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008
Abstract We used Life Cycle Assessment to scenario
model the potential reductions in cumulative energy
demand (both fossil and renewable) and global warming,
acidifying, and ozone-depleting emissions associated with
a hypothetical national transition from conventional to
organic production of four major field crops [canola
(Brassica rapa), corn (Zea mays), soy (Glycine max), and
wheat (Triticum aestivum)] in Canada. Models of these
systems were constructed using a combination of census
data, published values, and the requirements for organic
production described in the Canadian National Organic
Standards in order to be broadly representative of the
similarities and differences that characterize these disparate
production technologies. Our results indicate that organic
crop production would consume, on average, 39% as much
energy and generate 77% of the global warming emissions,
17% of the ozone-depleting emissions, and 96% of the
acidifying emissions associated with current national
production of these crops. These differences were almost
exclusively due to the differences in fertilizers used in
conventional and organic farming and were most strongly
influenced by the higher cumulative energy demand and
emissions associated with producing conventional nitrogen
fertilizers compared to the green manure production used
for biological nitrogen fixation in organic agriculture.
Overall, we estimate that a total transition to organic
production of these crops in Canada would reduce
national energy consumption by 0.8%, global warming
emissions by 0.6%, and acidifying emissions by 1.0% but
have a negligible influence on reducing ozone-depleting
Keywords Life cycle assessment Organic
Conventional Efficiency Nitrogen Green manure
Modern agriculture largely owes it successes to an abun-
dant supply of inexpensive fossil fuels, which are
prerequisite to synthetic fertilizer production, suppressing
insect damage and weed competition through pesticide/
herbicide production and application and supplying
mechanical advantage in the form of farm machinery and
irrigation (Pimentel and others 2005). However, energy-
intensive agriculture has been implicated in a broad range
of proximate, ecological impacts, including water pollution
(Carpenter and others 1998), soil erosion (Gerhardt 1997),
pesticide toxicity (Carvalho 2006), and selection for pest
resistance (Carvalho 2006; Fournier 1999). Moreover, the
finite nature of fossil fuel reserves as well as the macro-
scale environmental impacts of extracting and consuming
the fossil energy that underpins intensive agriculture are of
increasing concern (Pimentel and others 2005) and merit
closer attention.
Organic agriculture has been promoted as a means to
reduce many of the negative impacts associated with con-
ventional food production (Pimentel and others 2005;
Stolze and others 2000). In a broad sense, organic farmers
strive to sustain agricultural production while minimizing
external inputs (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in par-
ticular) in favor of resources found on or near the farm.
These resources generally include biologically fixed
N. Pelletier (&) N. Arsenault P. Tyedmers
School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Dalhousie
University, Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building, 6100
University Avenue, Suite 5010, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3J5
Environmental Management
DOI 10.1007/s00267-008-9155-x
nitrogen, mineral-bearing rocks, and biological pest con-
trol. Fallowing, intercropping, use of buffer zones, and
integrated production of both plants and animals are
common as well (El-Hage Scialabba and Hattam 2002).
Organic production practices have also been criticized as
inefficient relative to conventional production technologies
due to lower yields (Offerman and Nieberg 2000), although
some large-scale reviews examining comparative yields in
conventional and organic agriculture strongly challenge
this critique (Badgley and others 2007; Stanhill 1990).
Improving the sustainability of agricultural production
systems requires the promotion of farm practices that
provide high-quality, affordable food in sufficient quantity
while ensuring appropriate economic returns and mini-
mizing negative environmental effects. Although numerous
researchers have described the local-scale ecological ben-
efits of organic versus conventional farming as well as
reduced fossil energy dependency (as summarized in
Stolze and others 2000), many of the broader, macroscale
environmental implications of these alternative production
technologies, including their comparative emission inten-
sities of globally problematic compounds, have historically
received considerably less attention. However, rising
awareness of energy security issues and broad-scale
anthropogenic perturbations of biogeochemical cycles such
as ozone depletion, acid precipitation, and climate change
has spurred interest in understanding the comparative eco-
efficiency (i.e., the resource and emissions intensity per
unit service) of conventional and organic food production
strategies, and research in this area is increasing.
In a 12-year study of energy use, energy output, and
energy-use efficiency in conventional and organic crop
rotations and crop production systems in Canada, Hoeppner
and others (2006) found that energy use was 50% lower with
organic compared to conventional management. Although
energy output was 30% lower per hectare with organic
management, overall energy efficiency (output energy/input
energy) was highest in the organic rotations. Similarly, Pi-
mentel and others (2005) found that industrial energy use in
organic cropping systems was 28–32% less than in con-
ventional rotations for a 25-year trial in the United States.
Smolik and others (1995) compared the relative sustain-
ability of alternative (organic), conventional, and reduced-
till farming systems in South Dakota. Productivity relative to
total energy consumption (including fuel, fertilizers, and
pesticides) was two to six times higher in the alternative
systems than in the conventional and reduced-till systems.
Whereas energy use is often a good proxy for fuel
combustion-related emissions intensity, other accounting
methodologies are available to accurately describe a wider
suite of the macroscale environmental dimensions of
industrial activity. This is particularly valuable in the
context of crop production, where field-level greenhouse
gas and acidifying emissions related to nitrogen fertilizers
typically exceed those associated with crop input produc-
tion (i.e., fertilizers, seed, and pesticides) and fuel use
(Williams and others 2006).
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an ISO-standardized
biophysical accounting framework used to inventory the
material and energy inputs and emissions associated with
each stage of a product life cycle and to express these in
terms of their quantitative contributions to a specified suite
of environmental impact categories (Guinee and others
2001). Such analyses facilitate the identification of life-
cycle stages that contribute disproportionately to specific
areas of environmental concern, as well as comparisons of
environmental performance between competing production
technologies. Because LCA impact assessment methods
require discrete, quantifiable relationships between the
inputs and emissions of product/service systems and their
environmental impact potentials, the tool is not well suited
to accounting for contributions to local-scale environmen-
tal degradation (e.g., biodiversity loss) that results from
multiple, synergistic influences or context-specific bio-
geochemical conditions (Pelletier and others 2007). Rather,
it is best suited to evaluating how product/service systems
contribute to broader-scale environmental change through
resource appropriation and globally problematic chemical
Several researchers have used LCA to compare con-
ventional and organic food production technologies. In an
LCA of intensive, extensive, and organic grassland farming
in southern Germany, Haas and others (2001) found that
organic farms consumed less energy and generated lower
greenhouse gas emissions. This was primarily due to
foregoing the use of nitrogen fertilizer. The organic farms
also scored better in terms of lower contributions to acid-
ification and eutrophication. Mattsson (1999) reported
trade-offs in environmental impacts between organic and
conventional carrot production systems in Sweden.
Organic production created higher acidification and eutro-
phication impacts due to the use of manure as fertilizer and
it required more arable land. However, energy use was
higher in the conventional system due to the production of
pesticides and fertilizers, both of which also contributed to
greater toxicity impacts. Similar analyses include com-
parisons of conventional and organic milk production in
the Netherlands (Thomassen and others 2008), a hybrid
input/out-LCA study of conventional and organic farming
in Australia (Wood and others 2006), and an analysis of
feed production systems for conventional and organic
aquaculture (Pelletier and Tyedmers 2007).
Conventional canola, corn, soy, and wheat together
accounted for 75% of both seeded area and production for
all field crops (excluding hay) produced in Canada in 2005
and occupied 24.2 million hectares of the Canadian
Environmental Management
agricultural landscape (Statistics Canada 2007). Given this
scale of production, changes in production technologies
that influence eco-efficiency might have non-trivial impli-
cations in terms of total resource use and emissions at the
national level. This study used LCA to quantify the cumu-
lative energy demand (both fossil and renewable) and
greenhouse gas, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions
associated with generic models of conventional and organic
canola, corn, soy, and wheat production in Canada. The
information derived subsequently informed an assessment
of how the specific production strategies characteristic of
conventional and organic farming differentially affect eco-
efficiency and the magnitude of energy savings and emis-
sions reductions potentially associated with a national
transition to organic production of these crops.
Goal Definition and Scoping
The goal of this research was to generate generic life-cycle
models of contemporary conventional and organic canola,
corn, soy, and wheat production systems in Canada in order
to predict the cradle-to-farm gate cumulative energy
demand (both fossil and renewable) and greenhouse gas,
ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions associated with
these distinct production technologies, as well as to assess
the magnitude of energy use and emission reductions that
might be achievable through a nationwide transition to
organic production practices for these crops. The system
boundaries encompassed all direct inputs and emissions
associated with the use of farm machinery (i.e., fuel for
field operations and crop drying), the production of fertil-
izers/soil amendments, seed, and pesticides, as well as
field-level nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from
fertilizers and crop residues. Inputs and emissions associ-
ated with the production and maintenance of farm
machinery and infrastructure as well as transportation of
inputs were not included, nor were anticipated differences
in soil carbon sequestration or methane production.
Although each crop was modeled and analyzed indepen-
dently, for the sake of calculating and assigning input costs
of green manure nitrogen provision in the organic systems,
corn–soy and wheat–canola rotations with green manure
intercrops or cover crops were assumed. The functional
unit was 1 kg of each crop produced, at the farm gate.
Life Cycle Inventory
The life cycle inventory (LCI) stage of an LCA involves
collecting relevant data regarding the material and
energetic inputs and emissions associated with each stage
of the product life cycle. Data for material inputs (fertilizer,
fuel, seed, pesticides, etc.) and yields for the conventional
production systems were derived from Canadian GHGe-
nius reports (Levelton Engineering and (S&T)
2003, 2005) and represent average contemporary
Canadian conditions. Specific fertilizer mixes for N, P
and K
O were based on average fertilizer use in the major
production regions for each crop (corn and soy in Ontario,
canola and wheat in the western Prairies/Alberta) as
reported in Korol (2002). Field-level nitrogen emissions
and CO
emissions from urea fertilizers were calculated
following IPCC Tier 1 Guidelines (IPCC 2006).
Comparable, broadly representative data were not
available for organic agriculture in Canada. Hypothetical
organic models were therefore designed to maximize
comparability with the conventional systems while
reflecting key similarities to and differences from con-
ventional production technologies based on the Canadian
Organic Production Systems Permitted Substances list
(Canadian General Standards Board 2006) and broad trends
identified through a literature review of comparative inputs
and emissions in conventional and organic crop production.
Key aspects of the modeled organic systems included the
Fertilizer Inputs: Quantities of fertilizers (N, P
O) required in the organic systems were assumed to
be equivalent to fertilizer inputs in the conventional
systems on a per-hectare basis. Nitrogen inputs were
assumed to be derived from the cultivation of sweet
clover green manure intercrops or cover crops.
Reported estimates of the fertilizer replacement value
of sweet clover vary widely, with a high of 450 kg/ha, a
more typical range of 40–225 kg/ha and an apparent
mode of roughly 100–120 kg/ha, depending on seeding
density, biomass yield, and seasonal factors (e.g., see
Killpack and Buchholz 1993; Leikem and others 2007;
Rehm and others 2002; Shelley 2004; State and Posner
1995). Given that nitrogen inputs to the conventional
systems were 140 kg/ha for corn and 59, 7.9, and
65.6 kg/ha for canola, soy, and wheat, respectively, we
assumed that a single sweet clover green manure
intercrop or cover crop that did not displace productive
land use was cultivated to satisfy nitrogen requirements
for each corn–soy rotation, and similarly for each
canola–wheat rotation. Individual crops were assigned
the energy and seed input costs of green manure
production weighted for their total share of nitrogen
demand in the rotation. Input data for green manure
production were 16.1 L of diesel and 45 kg of seed/ha
based on long-term field trial data collected at Agri-
culture Canada research stations (Zentner, personal
Environmental Management
communnication). Finally, phosphate rock was
assumed to replace conventional concentrated phos-
phorus fertilizers in the organic systems, and potash
was assumed to supply potassium.
Machinery use differs between conventional and
organic systems, with conventional producers employ-
ing machinery more frequently for fertilizer and
pesticide application and organic producers relying on
increased tillage for weed control as well as green
manure production. Consistent with field trial data
reported in Hoeppner (2001), which were derived from
long-term multiple-replicate trials at Agriculture Can-
ada research stations, fuel inputs/hectare were assumed
to be similar for organic and conventional production
but were adjusted per unit mass produced to account for
anticipated yield differences.
Based on a global review of datasets examining
comparative yields in established conventional and
organic crop production systems (Badgley and others
2007), yield rates for organic canola, corn, soy, and
wheat were assumed to be 90%, 95%, 100%, and 90%
of conventional yields, respectively.
Considerable uncertainty exists regarding comparative
field-level nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from
nitrogen fertilizers in conventional and organic agri-
culture. Stolze and others (2000) reviewed existing
literature and concluded that no significant differences
can be identified. We therefore assumed identical
emissions between organic and conventional systems
on a per-hectare basis, but we adjusted per unit mass
produced to account for yield differences.
The organic systems did not employ pesticides.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment
Impact assessment, which is the third stage of an LCA,
involves calculating the potential environmental burdens
associated with specific life-cycle activities by quantita-
tively expressing all inputs and emissions tabulated in the
LCI according to their contributions to a suite of specified
environmental impact categories (Pennington and others
2004). Numerous environmental impact categories have
been developed for use in LCA (Pelletier and others 2007)
and should be chosen according to the specific goals of the
study at hand. Because the purpose of the present study was
to compare contributions to macroscale environmental
concerns between conventional and organic production
systems, the impact categories considered were cumulative
energy demand (in MJ), global warming potential (as CO
equiv.), ozone-depletion potential (as CFC-11 equiv.), and
acidification potential (as SO
equiv.). Cumulative energy
demand (including both fossil and renewable sources) was
quantified following the Cumulative Energy Demand
method v 1.03 (VDI 1997). Global warming, acidification,
and ozone-depletion potentials were calculated according
to the CML 2 Baseline 2000 method (CML 2001). All
impact assessment calculations were carried out using the
SimaPro 7.0 LCA software package from PRe
2006). Proximate ecological impacts such as eco-
toxicity effects from pesticide use and potential
eutrophication impacts were not addressed.
In order to identify life-cycle ‘hot spots,’ relative
contributions to each impact category associated with fuel
inputs to machinery, fertilizer production, nutrient emis-
sions, and other inputs (pesticides, seed, sulfur) were
evaluated for each crop system, as were the proportional
contributions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
inputs to overall impacts for each crop. The impacts
associated with the production of 1 kg of average con-
ventional nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers
[based on Canadian fertilizer mixes as per Korol (2002)] as
well as phosphate rock and potash were also calculated
using average European process models from the EcoIn-
vent database (EcoInvent 2007) that were modified to
reflect the Canadian electricity mix. The impacts of green
manure nitrogen production were calculated assuming a
conservative yield of 110 kg N/ha. Finally, 2005 Canadian
national crop production statistics for canola, corn, soy, and
wheat (Statistics Canada 2007) were used to estimate the
total potential energy savings and emission reductions
associated with a hypothetical nationwide transition from
conventional to organic production of these crops in Can-
ada. In light of the conflicting claims regarding yield
potentials in conventional and organic crop production, a
sensitivity analysis was carried out to determine the yield
levels for the organic crops at which contributions to the
impact categories considered would be equivalent to those
of conventional crops.
Life Cycle Inventory Results
Table 1 reports the LCI data and data sources that informed
our generic models of the inputs and emissions associated
with the cradle-to-farm gate production of conventional
and organic canola, corn, soy, and wheat in Canada.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment Results
Table 2 reports total cradle-to-farm gate life-cycle impact
assessment results for the cumulative energy demand and
global warming, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions
associated with the production of 1 kg of conventional and
organic canola, corn, soy, and wheat in Canada. Due to the
Environmental Management
assumed lower yield rates for canola (90% of conventional
yields), corn (95%) and wheat (90%) in the organic crop
models (soy yields were assumed to be equivalent), with
inputs and emissions per hectare held constant, the pre-
dicted impacts associated with fuel inputs to machinery and
field-level emissions from nitrogen fertilizers were corre-
spondingly slightly higher per kilogram of crop produced
for organic compared to conventional production (Fig. 1).
Specifically, fuel-related impacts were, on average, 8%
higher for organic production of canola, corn, and wheat
across impact categories, whereas fertilizer-related field
emissions were 7% higher (only applies to global warming
and acidifying emissions). Conversely, averaged across the
three crops and all impact categories, impacts related to
both fertilizer and seed/pesticide production (Other) for the
conventional systems were 845% and 380% of those for
Table 1 Cradle-to-farm gate LCI data for the production of 1 kg of conventional and organic canola, corn, soy, and wheat in Canada
Canola Corn Soy Wheat
Org. Con.
Org. Con.
Org. Con.
(g) 46.1 19.5 3.3 24.4
(g) 50.4 56.0 6.3 6.6 30.7 30.7 28.1 31.2
(g) 12.0 13.4 3.8 4.0 53.5 53.5
Sulfur (g) 8.0 8.9 1.7 1.7
(g) 1.4 0.4 0.5 1.6
Diesel (mL) 35.2 39.1 6.6 7.0 14.2 14.2 10.8 12.0
Diesel for GM
(mL) 6.6 2.2 0.4 3.5
Gasoline (mL) 4.5 4.5
Natural gas (cm
) 181.7 191.3 6.3 6.3
LPG (mL) 1.4 1.4
(kJ) 7.0 7.0
(g) 5.2 5.8 2.6 2.7 45.0 45.0 46.0 51.1
Seed for GM
(g) 18.4 6.2 1.0 9.8
Fertilizer emissions
O (g) 1.2 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.8
(g) 9.7 10.8 3.0 3.2 2.9 2.9 4.9 5.4
(g) 0.9 1.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.6
from urea (g) 15.6 8.7 1.5 8.2
Yield (kg/ha) 1288 1159 7180 6821 2380 2380 2690 2421
Data from (S&T)
Consultants (2005)
Data from Levelton Engineering and (S&T)
Consultants (1999)
Data from (S&T)
Consultants (2005)
Data from (S&T)
Consultants (2003)
For conventional, assumes any manure N is ultimately derived from synthetic N and is modeled based on a regional fertilizer mix for dominant
production region of each crop (Korol 2002)
For conventional, modeled based on P
content of regional P fertilizer mix for dominant production region of each crop (Korol 2002); for
organic, modeled based on P
content of phosphate rock
For conventional, modeled based on K
O content of regional K mix for dominant production region of each crop (Korol 2002); for organic,
modeled on K
O content of potash (IFIA 2007)
Active ingredients
Diesel for green manure calculated based on average fuel inputs of 16.1 l/ha as per data collected at Agriculture Canada research stations
(Zentner, personal communication) and is apportioned to each crop based on its share of nitrogen demand in the assumed corn–soy and canola–
wheat rotations
Based on electricity mix in dominant production region for each crop
Modeled as if derived from same production system
Seed input for sweet clover green manure is 45 kg/ha, based on data collected at Agriculture Canada research stations (Zentner, personal
communication.) and is apportioned to each crop based on its share of nitrogen demand in the assumed corn–soy and canola–wheat rotations
Calculated following IPCC Tier 1 Guidelines employing all default values as listed and assuming a 90%/10% NH
split for volatization
(IPCC 2006)
Environmental Management
the organic systems (Fig. 1). For soy production, where
yields were equivalent, only fertilizer- and seed/pesticides/
sulfur (Other)-related impacts differed, with the organic
crop generating, on average, 37% and 53% of the impacts
of the conventional crop for these respective inputs.
The production of fertilizer was the dominant contrib-
utor to cumulative energy demand for conventionally
produced crops (average of 62% across all crops), with fuel
inputs contributing 30% and seed, pesticides, and sulfur
(Other) contributing only 8% (Fig. 1). In contrast, fuel
inputs were most important to cumulative energy demand
for organic production (average of 66% across all crops),
with fertilizer production contributing 32%. The produc-
tion of seed and sulfur (Other) contributed a nominal 2% in
organic production, suggesting that avoidance of pesticide
use resulted in a small but nontrivial energy savings. Fer-
tilizer production was the dominant contributor to ozone-
depleting emissions for both conventional (78%) and
organic (57%) crops. A notable exception was the case of
corn production, for which the use of natural gas for crop
drying increased the contribution from fuel inputs to 39%
and 93% of ozone-depleting emissions for conventional
Table 2 Cradle-to-farm gate life-cycle impact assessment data for the cumulative energy demand and global warming, ozone-depleting, and
acidifying emissions associated with the production of 1 kg of conventional and organic canola, corn, soy, and wheat in Canada
Canola Corn Soy Wheat Ave. D in
Con. Org. Con. Org. Con. Org. Con. Org.
Cumulative energy
demand (MJ/kg)
5.2. 2.2 (42%) 2.4. 1.3 (54%) 2.3. 1.5 (65%) 2.7. 0.8 (30%) 48%
Global warming potential
(g CO
696.3. 541.0 (78%) 330.1. 256.3 (78%) 247.6. 190.3 (77%) 382.2 290.6 (76%) 77%
Ozone-depletion potential
(lg CFC-11 equiv./kg)
27.6 4.3 (16%) 15.1 6.6 (44%) 10.4. 5.0 (48%) 15.2. 0.8 (5%) 28%
Acidification potential
(g SO
20.2. 19.8 (98%) 5.6. 5.4 (96%) 7.2. 5.7 (79%) 10.2. 9.7 (95%) 92%
Ave. D in Org./Conv. 59% 68% 67% 52%
Note: Values in parentheses are the relative magnitudes of impacts in organic systems relative to conventional systems
Fertilizers (N,P,K) FuelEmissions Other
A) Cumulative Energy Demand
B) Global Warming Potential
C) Ozone Depletion Potential D) Acidification Potential
CFC-11 equiv. (µg/kg)
SO2 equiv. (g/kg)
CO2 equiv. (g/kg)
Organic Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic Organic
Fig. 1 Cradle-to-farm gate cumulative energy demand and global
warming, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions associated with
the production of 1 kg of conventional and organic canola, corn, soy,
and wheat in Canada. ‘Fertilizers’ refers to the production of N, P,
and K inputs. ‘Emissions’ refers to field-level emissions of N
compounds and CO
associated with fertilizer use. ‘Fuel’’ refers to all
energy inputs to farm machinery and crop drying. ‘Other’ refers to
production of all other field level inputs (seed, pesticides, sulfur)
Environmental Management
and organic production, respectively. Field-level emissions
associated with fertilizer use contributed the majority of
global warming and acidifying emissions for all conven-
tional and organic crops. Specifically, this accounted for
(on average) 50% of global warming and 76% of acidifying
emissions in the conventional systems and 66% of global
warming and 88% of acidifying emissions in the organic
systems. Fertilizer production was the second most
important contributor to these impact categories for con-
ventional production (31% and 15% of global warming and
acidifying emissions, respectively), whereas fuel use was
the second largest contributor to these impact categories in
the organic systems (22% and 6%, respectively) (Fig. 1).
Overall, however, the organic crop production models
generated consistently lower contributions to all impact
categories considered (Table 2, Fig. 1). Averaged over the
four crops, cumulative energy demand for organic pro-
duction was 48% of that for conventional crop production,
whereas global warming potential for the organic crops
was 77%, ozone depletion potential was 28%, and acidi-
fication potential was 92% relative to the conventional
crops (Table 2). Differences were greatest for canola and
least for soy, which have the highest and lowest nitrogen
requirements, respectively.
These differences were almost exclusively due to the
varied life-cycle impacts associated with the production of
the fertilizers particular to conventional and organic
farming. More specifically, they were most heavily influ-
ence by the different nitrogen procurement strategies
characteristic of conventional (using synthetic nitrogen
fertilizers) and organic (using green manure cultivation)
crop production, although differences in phosphorus fer-
tilizer production for conventional and organic systems
was the most important factor for acidifying emissions
(Fig. 2).
For all conventionally produced crops other than soy (a
legume requiring nominal nitrogen inputs), nitrogen fer-
tilizer production was the dominant contributor to
fertilizer-related cumulative energy demand (on average,
75% for canola, corn, and wheat production), global
warming (72%), and ozone-depleting emissions (78%).
Green manure nitrogen production was proportionally less
important for these impact categories in the organic sys-
tems, contributing, on average, 52% to fertilizer-related
cumulative energy demand for organic canola, corn, and
wheat production, 64% to global warming, and 1% to
ozone-depleting emissions. In contrast, green manure
nitrogen production accounted for 78% of fertilizer-related
acidifying emissions for these crops (Fig. 2). Phosphorus
fertilizer was the major contributor to fertilizer-related
acidifying emissions in the conventional production sys-
tems (average of 76% for all crops). In the organic systems,
Phosphorous Potassium
Cumulative Energy Demand
Global Warming Potential
Ozone Depletion Potential
Acidification Potential
CFC-11 equiv. (µg/kg)
SO2 equiv. (g/kg) CO2 equiv. (g/kg)
Organic Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic
Organic Organic Organic
Fig. 2 Cumulative energy demand (A), global warming (B), ozone-
depleting (C), and acidifying emissions (D) associated with fertilizer
provision for the production of 1 kg of conventional (using average
N, P
, and K
O fertilizers) and organic (using green manure N,
rock phosphate, and potash) canola, corn, soy, and wheat in Canada
Environmental Management
the use of phosphate rock contributed, on average, only
19% to acidifying emissions. The contributions from
potassium fertilizer to fertilizer-related impacts were small
for all impact categories for both conventional and organic
production of all crops other than soy, for which potassium
inputs were relatively high (Fig. 2). Overall, cumulative
energy demand associated with fertilizer production in the
organic systems was 25% of that in the conventional sys-
tems, whereas global warming, ozone-depleting, and
acidifying emissions were 22%, 17%, and 14%, respec-
tively (Fig. 2).
The large differences in the contributions of specific
fertilizers to the life-cycle impacts of crop production were
partially attributable to the varied application rates modeled
for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for each crop
(Table 1). For example, canola receives high levels of
nitrogen, whereas soy receives very little. However, the
actual magnitude of impacts associated with the production
of specific fertilizers played a still more important role
(Table 4). For conventional fertilizers, the magnitude of
cumulative energy demand as well as global warming and
ozone-depleting emissions for nitrogen production was two
to three times that of phosphorus production on a per-
kilogram basis and approximately six times that of potas-
sium production. In contrast, phosphorus production
generated much higher acidifying emissions than either
nitrogen (4 times higher) or potassium production (17 times
higher), largely due to the production and use of sulfuric
acid to concentrate the phosphates derived from phosphate
rock (Table 4). These differences were more variable and of
consistently lesser scale among the fertilizers used in
organic production.
More interesting in the context of this study, however, is
the difference in impacts associated with the specific fer-
tilizers used to supply nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
in the conventional and organic production systems,
respectively. On a per-kilogram basis, the impacts associ-
ated with the modeled production of the average synthetic
nitrogen fertilizer mix employed in Canada were
approximately five times higher than those of producing an
equivalent amount of nitrogen through green manure cul-
tivation. Similarly, the impacts of producing the typical
Canadian conventional phosphorus fertilizer were, on
average, six times higher than those associated with pro-
ducing the phosphate rock used in organic agriculture. In
contrast, the differences between the conventional potas-
sium mix and the potash used for organic production were
much smaller (Table 3). This is attributable to the fact that
potash makes up the majority of the conventional potas-
sium fertilizer mix used in Canada.
Given the large differences in cumulative energy demand
and global warming, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emis-
sions among conventional and organic corn, canola, soy, and
wheat production in Canada, most of which are attributable
to the fertilizer-related impacts characteristic of these dif-
ferent production technologies, it is worth considering the
magnitude of energy savings and emissions reductions
potentially achievable through a nationwide transition from
conventional to organic production of these crops. Based on
the differences in contributions to each impact category for
conventional and organic production as predicted by our
models (Table 2) and total 2005 Canadian production vol-
umes for each of these crops (CANSIM 2007), we estimate
that a complete transition to organic production would
reduce cumulative energy demand by over 90 billion
megajoules (Table 4) which is equivalent to the combustion
energy of approximately 2.5 billion liters of diesel fuel and
equals roughly 0.8% of Canada’s total energy consumption
in 2004 (Environment Canada 2006). Such a transition
would similarly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
4.8 million tonnes (Table 4)-approximately 0.6% of Can-
ada’s total greenhouse gas emissions and 8.7% of
greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture in 2004 (Envi-
ronment Canada 2006). The most recent estimate of
Canadian emissions of ozone-depleting substances was 2000
tonnes of CFC-11 equiv. per year (Canadian Council of
Ministers 2001), suggesting that a transition to organic crop
production would have negligible impact in reducing
Table 3 Cumulative energy demand and global warming, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions associated with the production of 1 kg of
N, P
O in fertilizers used in conventional (average nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer mixes) and organic (green manure
nitrogen, phosphate rock, and potash) crop production in Canada
Inputs/emissions Con. N
manure (N)
Con. P
Con. K
Cumulative energy demand (MJ/kg) 52.7 6.7 (13%) 20.0 4.9 (25%) 9.6 9.2 (96%)
Global warming (kg CO
equiv./kg) 3.2 0.5 (16%) 1.4 0.2 (14%) 0.5 0.5 (0%)
Ozone-depletion (lg CFC-11 equiv./kg) 374.0 0.4 (.1%) 121.0 24.4 (20%) 66.0 63.1 (96%)
Acidification (g SO
equiv./kg) 10.3 5.8 (56%) 43.2 1.3 (3%) 2.6 1.7 (65%)
Note: Values in parentheses are the perecentages of impacts generated by organic fertilizer relative to conventional fertilizer
Inputs and emissions for Green Manure (N) based on the fuel, nutrient and seed requirements for the cultivation of the 90.9 m
of sweet clover
required to yield 1 kg of N, assuming a fertilizer replacement value of 110 kg N/ha
Environmental Management
national emissions. Acidifying emissions would be reduced
by 24.5 thousand tonnes of SO
equivalents (Table 4)-
approximately 1% of Canada’s estimated emissions in 2000
(Environment Canada 2007).
Due to the sensitivity of the reported results to
assumptions regarding comparative yields between the
conventional and organic systems, a sensitivity analysis
was conducted to determine the yield levels for the organic
crops at which the estimated impacts would be equivalent
per unit yield to those predicted for the conventional sys-
tems (Table 5). To consume equivalent amounts of energy
per unit yield, organic crop yields would have to drop to
between 27% (wheat) and 65% (soy) of conventional
yields. Similarly yields would have to range from 68%
(wheat) to 77% (soy) to produce equivalent greenhouse gas
emissions per unit yield and from 5% (wheat) to 48% (soy)
for equivalent ozone-depleting emissions. In contrast, due
to the much smaller difference in acidifying emissions
between the conventional and organic systems, yields
would only need to dip from 79% (soy) to 91% (corn).
To produce food crops at rates greater than those afforded
by unmanaged ecosystems, intensive modern agriculture
replaces or augments ecosystem goods and services with
industrial inputs such as fossil fuels, pesticides, and syn-
thetic fertilizers. However, it is clear that such increases in
material and energy throughput result in both benefits
(higher yields) and costs (local and nonlocal environmental
impacts). It is thus of value to understand the environ-
mental trade-offs associated with alternative production
technologies that are characterized by variable resource
and emissions intensities. More specifically, in an energy-
constrained world increasingly compromised by anthro-
pogenic perturbations of biogeochemical cycles directly
attributable to unsustainable levels of material and energy
consumption and waste production, the identification and
promotion of more ecologically efficient production tech-
nologies must be prioritized (Hall and Klitgaard 2006;
MEA 2005).
The results of this study suggest that organic crop
production systems for canola, corn, soy, and wheat con-
sume considerably less energy and produce lower
greenhouse gas, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions
relative to conventional systems. This result is driven
almost exclusively by differences in the fertilizers char-
acteristic of conventional and organic crop production and,
in particular, the much lower impacts of green manure
Table 5 Estimated yield levels relative to yields achieved in con-
ventional crop production at which organic production of canola,
corn, soy, and wheat in Canada would generate equivalent impacts
per kilogram of crop produced to those associated with conventional
crop production
Cumulative energy demand 38 51 65 27
Global warming potential 70 74 77 68
Ozone-depletion potential 14 42 48 5
Acidification potential 88 91 79 86
Table 4 Projected reductions in cradle-to-farm gate cumulative energy demand and global warming, ozone-depleting, and acidifying emissions
associated with a total transition of Canadian canola, corn, soy, and wheat production from conventional to organic methods [based on total
national production data for each crop in 2005 (CANSIM 2007) and differences in energy inputs and emissions for each crop as calculated in this
study (Table 2)]
Production (tonnes) Canola Corn Soy Wheat Total %D
9.11 9 10
9.27 9 10
3.53 9 10
2.73 9 10
4.92 9 10
CED (MJ) Con. 4.74 9 10
2.22 9 10
8.12 9 10
7.37 9 10
1.51 9 10
Org. 2.00 9 10
1.21 9 10
5.29 9 10
2.18 9 10
5.92 9 10
D 2.74 9 10
1.01 9 10
2.83 9 10
5.19 9 10
9.18 9 10
GWP (tonnes CO
equiv.) Con. 6.34 9 10
3.06 9 10
8.74 9 10
1.04 9 10
2.07 9 10
Org. 4.93 9 10
2.37 9 10
6.72 9 10
7.93 9 10
1.59 9 10
D 1.41 9 10
6.90 9 10
2.02 9 10
2.47 9 10
4.80 9 10
ODP (tonnes CFC-11 equiv.) Con. 2.51 9 10
1.40 9 10
3.67 9 10
4.15 9 10
8.43 9 10
Org. 3.92 9 10
6.12 9 10
1.76 9 10
2.18 9 10
1.40 9 10
D 2.12 9 10
7.88 9 10
1.91 9 10
3.93 9 10
7.03 9 10
AP (tonnes SO
equiv.) Con. 1.84 9 10
5.19 9 10
2.54 9 10
2.78 9 10
5.39 9 10
Org. 1.80 9 10
5.01 9 10
2.01 9 10
2.65 9 10
5.15 9 10
D 4.00 9 10
1.80 9 10
5.30 9 10
1.30 9 10
2.40 9 10
CED: cumulative energy demand; GWP: global warming potential; ODP: ozone-depletion potential; AP: acidification potential
Environmental Management
nitrogen production in organic farming compared to con-
ventional synthetic nitrogen fertilizer production. These
findings are consistent with other LCA research, as well as
numerous energy analyses of conventional and organic
crop production (Ess and others 1994; Haas and others
2001; Mattsson 1999; Pimentel and others 2005; Smolik
and others 1995).
This conclusion is not surprising considering that
nitrogen fixation via plant/bacteria symbiosis is solar dri-
ven and, hence, essentially free, whereas the production of
nitrogen fertilizer is a highly energy-intensive process
(Bhat and others 1994). Moreover, the policy relevance of
this distinction should not be overlooked. According to
Smil (2001), 40% of the human population is at present
fundamentally dependent on synthetic nitrogen use in
agriculture, and Crews and Peoples (2004) questioned the
life history strategy of a species that has become funda-
mentally dependent on the abundant and inexpensive
availability of nonrenewable energy sources for the pro-
curement of food. This issue is especially pertinent for
developing nations, for which synthetic nitrogen fertilizers
might become unaffordable due to rising energy costs and,
more generally, for nations lacking in the natural gas
reserves necessary for synthetic nitrogen production. It
would appear that organic crop production offers sub-
stantial eco-efficiency gains with respect to energy use.
Although important, comparative energy intensity in
agriculture must be considered in tandem with other eco-
efficiency measures. Our analysis indicates that fertilizer
production strongly influences the comparative eco-effi-
ciency of conventional and organic crop production in all
impact categories considered, with organic fertilizer pro-
curement strategies resulting in consistently lower
emission intensities per unit yield. However, we also found
that field-level emissions related to nitrogen fertilizer use
were the dominant contributor to overall greenhouse gas
and acidifying emissions for both conventional and organic
production. For this reason, despite the fact that fertilizer
production for the organic systems had substantially lower
associated emissions, much of this gain was overshadowed
by the much larger field-level emissions from nitrogen
fertilizer use, which, consistent with available literature (as
reviewed by Stolze and others 2000), our models assumed
were comparable between conventional and organic crops
on a per-hectare basis. This is in agreement with Williams
and others (2006), who described the importance of con-
sidering the nitrous oxide footprint of agriculture over the
greenhouse gas emissions associated with fertilizer pro-
duction and on-farm fuel use.
Given that field-level emissions are central to green-
house gas and acidifying emission intensities in crop
production and that they are notoriously variable within
and between production systems because they are
influenced by a wide variety of factors, including climate,
season, soil, fertilizer type, and management practices
(Dobbie and others 1999), comparisons of these dimen-
sions of eco-efficiency in conventional and organic
production systems must therefore be approached with
caution. Moreover, other factors such as soil carbon
sequestration, which we did not consider in our analysis,
might also have a strong influence on comparative green-
house gas intensities. For example, Robertson and others
(2000) compared the total greenhouse gas emissions
associated with legume and fertilizer-based cropping sys-
tems and found that the global warming potential of
conventional systems was almost three times higher than
that of legume-based systems. However, conventional no-
till systems were less emissions-intensive than were the
legume-based systems due to greater soil carbon seques-
tration. Further research in this area should be prioritized,
as this consideration might be a critical determinant of
comparative greenhouse gas emissions in conventional and
organic systems.
One of the most common arguments against organic
farming is that reduced yields per hectare and the necessity
of devoting land to green manure rotations would require
the cultivation of additional land at the expense of wild
ecosystems. Given that 670 million hectares of land were
dedicated to cereal production in 2000, each 10% decrease
in yield would require an additional 6.7 million hectares of
land to maintain productivity (MEA 2005). That said, any
net loss in caloric production could easily be mitigated by
allocating greater shares of crop production for direct
human consumption rather than animal husbandry. More-
over, as evidenced by this study and others, the production
and use of fertilizers and pesticides on conventionally
managed croplands also have clear environmental costs.
Weighing the relative merits of highly intensive, land-
efficient production technologies versus lower intensity but
less land-efficient practices demands a complex calculus
Several extensive published literature reviews suggest
that for most crops, organic yields are very close to,
equivalent to, or greater than yields of conventionally
managed crops (Badgley and others 2007; Lockeretz and
others 1980
; Stanhill 1990). In a comparison of 26 com-
mercial mixed-grain and livestock farms covering a range
of soil types in the western Corn Belt, the mean yield for
corn was 8.5% higher on conventional fields compared to
fields grown without pesticides and conventional fertiliz-
ers, although the difference was not statistically significant.
Yields tended to be higher for conventional fields under
favorable conditions but lower under adverse conditions
(Lockeretz and others 1980). Stanhill (1990) compared the
productivity of organic and conventional systems in a wide
range of environments, including the eastern US Corn Belt,
Environmental Management
Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Israel, and Aus-
tralia. On average, yields in organic systems were within
10% of yields obtained in conventional systems. More
recently, Badgley and others (2007) compared yields of
organic versus conventional food production using a global
dataset of 293 examples and estimated the average
organic:conventional yield ratio of different food catego-
ries for the developed and the developing world.
Generally, the average yield ratio was slightly \1.0 for
studies in the developed world and [1.0 for studies in the
developing world. These findings suggest that the pre-
dicted yields and associated energy use/emissions for
conventional and organic crops employed in the present
study are realistic. Moreover, as evidenced by our sensi-
tivity analysis, yields in organic crop production would
have to be substantially lower before cumulative energy
demand and emissions intensity per unit yield would be
equivalent to that predicted for conventionally produced
Although our analysis suggests large differences in
energy use and emissions intensity between conventional
and organic crop production and despite the fact that the
four crops considered account for three-quarters of field
crop production (excluding hay) in Canada (Statistics
Canada 2007), it would appear that a nationwide transition
to organic production of these crops would have a rela-
tively small influence on total energy use and emissions of
greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting, and acidifying com-
pounds at the national level. As a policy instrument for
improving national eco-efficiency in terms of the impact
categories considered in this study, there are therefore
likely more effective leverage points than a wholesale
transition to organic cropping practices. However, these
gains must be considered in concert with other measures of
socioeconomic and ecological integrity—an exercise far
beyond the scope of this article.
Several important simplifying assumptions in our anal-
ysis should also be noted. For example, only industrial
fertilizers and green manure were modeled as potential
nutrient sources. In reality, manure might be an important
nutrient source in both conventional and organic systems.
However, because manure is simply a conduit for nutrients
originally derived from either industrial sources or bio-
logical nitrogen fixation, we do not consider its exclusion
from our analysis to be problematic. It could also be argued
that inputs and emissions related to crop production are
context dependent, regardless of whether the system is
conventional or organic. For this reason, we believe that
modeling average systems based on national production
data provides a realistic and useful comparison of the
tradeoffs associated with these competing production
Certainly, there are many more trade-offs associated with
a conversion from conventional to organic agriculture than
have been addressed in this study. However, ample literature
is presently available regarding the numerous proximate
environmental interactions characteristic of conventional
versus organic farming technologies (Stolze and others
2000). What is clear from our work is that, given the
important role of nutrient provision in the environmental
performance of crop production and the varied life-cycle
impacts associated with the production and use of different
fertilizers (Brentrup and others 2001), the identification and
promotion of least-environmental-cost nutrient sources and
efficient fertilizer use should be a research priority. It might
be that combining elements of conventional and organic
production (e.g., using pesticides to maintain high yields but
relying on green manure as a nitrogen source) would actually
optimize environmental performance according to the
impact categories considered in this study, although a con-
sideration of additional trade-offs such as toxicological
impacts might again shift the balance in favor of organic
production technologies. However, rather than a simple
transition from conventional to organic nutrient procure-
ments strategies, it should also be considered that the goal of
achieving sustainable food production systems might be
much better served by a transition away from many annual
crops such as corn and soybeans, which are used predomi-
nately for animal fodder, toward perennial cropping systems
and crops for direct human consumption. Cox and others
(2006) and Jordan and others (2007) suggested that such a
transition would reduce problems frequently associated with
annual crop production, including water degradation due to
sedimentation and nutrient/pesticide runoff, groundwater
depletion, soil erosion, and higher greenhouse gas emissions,
while increasing biodiversity value and soil organic carbon
Global grain production is expected to double by 2050
(Alexandratos 1999; Cassman 1999) to satisfy the demands
of a growing population consuming increasing volumes of
grain-fed meat and biofuels. How to achieve this objective
as well as respond to the pressing needs of the estimated
3.7 billion currently malnourished people (Pimentel and
Pimentel 2006) without further compromising the ecolog-
ical integrity of agroecosystems and biogeochemical cycles
is among the most pressing challenges of the 21st century.
A transition to organic crop production practices might be
instrumental in meeting this goal, although insufficient in
isolation to substantially mitigate human-induced envi-
ronmental perturbations.
Environmental Management
Food is a fundamental human requirement. Although
much of the material and energy throughput of contem-
porary society is nonessential and can be pared away as
resource constraints require, we cannot change the basic
human physiological requirement for a minimum amount
and quality of food energy. What we can change is the
efficiency of our food production systems, such that we
satisfy human needs in ways that minimize environmental
harms. Such considerations must necessarily be central to
the development of a sustainable human society.
Our analysis underscores the importance of considering
the broader, macroscale implications of conventional and
organic crop production (and industrial activities gener-
ally), with particular reference to present and future
constraints on fossil fuel availability and contributions to
climate change, acid precipitation, ozone depletion, and
other concerns. Certainly, ignoring the contributions of
industrial agriculture to the disruption of the biogeochem-
ical cycles that cumulatively provide the implicate order
for biological productivity is, at best, a serious oversight.
Acknowledgments This work was generously supported by the
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the
Killam Trust, and the Natural Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada. We also acknowledge the thoughtful and con-
structive input of three reviewers. Any errors are, of course, the sole
responsibility of the authors.
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... The requirement for a detailed description of feed ingredient origin and composition, including the inclusion of zootechnical supplements, is a good case in point. Higher welfare systems may rely more on 'home-grown' feed ingredients (Fatica et al. 2022), which have a lower environmental impact in comparison to imported soya from Brazil or Argentina (Pelletier et al. 2008;Prudêncio da Silva et al. 2014). ...
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1. Shifting to higher welfare systems is expected to increase their environmental impact and mitigation strategies need to be identified. The environmental impacts associated with various broiler production systems (BPS: conventional, higher welfare indoors, free-range or organic) and the characteristics of BPS which contribute to these impacts were investigated via a literature review and meta-analysis. 2. The impact metrics considered were global warming (GWP), acidification and eutrophication potentials, NH3 emissions, land use, water use, energy use (EU) and biodiversity. Due to the paucity of data, analysis was limited to the impacts of the characteristics of the BPS: stocking density (STD), slaughter weight (SW), feed conversion ratio (FCR), on GWP, NH3 emissions and EU. 3. After correction for system boundaries and functional units, no statistical effects of BPS on GWP were found, while higher welfare systems were associated with higher EU. Reduced STD was associated with reductions in GWP and EU. The SW was positively associated with GWP and NH3 emissions, while higher FCR was associated with increased NH3 emissions and EU. 4. Environmental impacts arose from feed-associated activities (>75%). Most of the GWP impacts were associated with land use change (LUC), especially when associated with ‘unsustainable’ soya. High variation in values for different environmental metrics within BPS indicated a lack of standardisation in the assessment of environmental impact across the industry. 5. The results suggested that practices within a system contributed greatly to the environmental impact of the system. Rather than comparing systems, it may be more productive to focus on improving practices that have the potential to reduce environmental impacts within a system, without compromising animal welfare.
... Despite the potential benefits of IOFS, its adoption has been limited due to several barriers, including a lack of knowledge and technical expertise, inadequate policy and institutional support, financial, sociocultural, and biophysical constraints, and market demand. Specifying the finitude of energy capital supporting food logistics combined with a restricted range of ecosystems to appropriate residues from energy production along with conversions, the ramifications for food systems deserve critical deliberation (Pelletier et al., 2008;Paramesh et al., 2022). Therefore, there is a need to undertake research and development in IOFS to universalize adoption. ...
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Food is a basic human requirement which sustains the dynamics of the Earth’s in habitants by satisfying hunger, providing nutrition and health, and catering to culture, tradition, and lifestyle. However, the rising global population coupled with climate change including calamities, diseases, conflicts, as well as poor agricultural practices put a huge constraint on the quantity and quality of food. Modern agriculture propelled by the green revolution has somehow been able to meet the food requirements of the ever-increasing population and is heavily dependent on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and machinery, reducing the quality of food, and simultaneously posing a great risk of environmental quality degradation and genetic diversity reduction. The Integrated Organic Farming System (IOFS) is a novel approach that holds the potential in addressing the challenge of reconciling food production with environmental preservation. As this approach embraces zero or minimal chemical use, adopting the reprocessing and reuse of agricultural residues has led to a sustainable system that can be viewed as the closest approach to nature and a circular economy. However, certain constraints need to be addressed, such as ascertaining the e􀀀ectiveness of organic fertilizers, the complexities associated with weed management, and the inadequacy of proficiency, financial resources, and technical expertise required to implement the IOFS. Therefore, this study emphasizes the comprehensive benefits that could be derived from IOFS, particularly agroforestry, including e_cient food production, improved food quality, biodiversification of crops by the adoption of lesser-known crops to cater to cultural requirements and minimal capital input to achieve environmental sustainability and a carbon neutral economy.
... Exceptionally, the authors reported higher loads in organic systems for TA attributed to significant NH 3 emissions from animal manure. Similarly, Pelletier et al. (2008) showed a reduction in global warming gases, ozone depletion and acidification when fertilizing wheat crops with sweet clover green manure. ...
... Several frameworks exist in the literature that addresses the issue of eco-efficiency in the dairy sector (e.g. Pelletier et al. 2008;Picazo-Tadeo et al. 2011;Shortall and Barnes 2013;Perez-Urdiales et al. 2015;Wettemann and Latacz-Lohmann 2017;Le et al. 2020;Czyżewski 2021;Baležentis et al. 2022). The studies used different methods to assess eco-efficiency scores, with each approach having its strengths and weaknesses. ...
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This study aims to estimate eco-efficiency scores and identify determinants of Norwegian dairy farms using a parametric approach that accounts for methane emissions. The study incorporates an environmental output measure and draws on 30 years of panel data from 692 specialist dairy farms (1991-2020). The findings indicate that Norwegian dairy farms are inefficient, with room for improvement in the dairy production system and the environment. According to the average eco-efficiency score, conventional dairy farms could cut input use and CH4 emissions by 5% while maintaining output. Furthermore, the study found that land tenure, experience, and government subsidies all positively impact eco-efficiency. Policymakers should encourage the best-performing dairy farms to share information on increasing productivity while considering environmental concerns to achieve better social and agricultural development. It should be noted that the study only looks at livestock methane emissions; future research may investigate other environmental factors.
Sustainable agriculture (SA) is an approach to farming that aims to meet the current and future needs of the growing global population while minimizing negative environmental impacts. It encompasses various practices and principles that focus on conservation of natural resources, biodiversity preservation, soil health and fertility, water management, organic farming, agroecology and agroforestry, integrated pest management, economic viability and social equity, education and knowledge sharing, policy and market support, and technology and innovation. SA embraces the use of appropriate technologies and innovations to improve farming practices such as precision agriculture, digital farming tools, genetic engineering, and innovative farming systems that optimize resource use, reduce waste, and increase productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. By integrating these fundamentals, SA aims to create resilient and productive farming systems that can meet the global demand for food while safeguarding the environment and ensuring the well-being of present and future generations. SA is gaining increasing attention around the world as a way to meet the challenges of climate change, population growth, and food security. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has identified SA as one of the key pillars of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are many opportunities and challenges to the widespread adoption of SA. Therefore this chapter intends to report the fundamentals of SA, global overview, and current developments in SA globally to the scientists and students who are working in the field to use this chapter as reference material.
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In recent years, interest in studying the climate and environmental impact of organic food has grown. Here, we compared the environmental impacts of organic and conventional food using data from 100 life cycle assessment studies. Most studies focused on climate impacts, with fewer addressing biodiversity loss and ecotoxicity. Findings revealed no significant differences in global warming, eutrophication potential, and energy use per mass unit. However, organic food showed lower global warming, eutrophication potential, and energy use per area unit, with higher land use. Additionally, organic farming showed lower potential for biodiversity loss and ecotoxicity. Challenges in life cycle assessment include evaluating biodiversity, toxicity, soil quality, and carbon changes. The choice of functional units influences results, highlighting the importance of considering multiple units in assessing organic food’s environmental footprint. This study emphasizes the necessity for comprehensive assessments at both product and diet levels to support informed decisions.
We rely upon plastics for a great many functions in everyday life, from the cases of consumer electronics to disposable cutlery, plastics are versatile and convenient. However, with the supply of fossil fuels from which fossil-based plastics are derived becoming smaller and more expensive the need for alternatives is becoming increasingly apparent. Policy makers, environmentalists and consumers are increasing pressure on plastics manufacturers to look for greener alternatives to fossil-based plastics. Bioplastics are materials that are derived wholly or partially from biomass feedstocks, making them renewable, whilst maintaining the desirable properties of fossil-based plastics. Many, although not all, bioplastics are also more readily degradable than conventional plastics, a property increasingly desired by consumers. A variety of different bioplastics have already been developed and the field continues to grow. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the diverse subjects relating to bioplastics, including materials science, manufacture and processing and social and environmental impacts. It provides a valuable introduction both for those studying plastics at a graduate level and those starting to work in the field.
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Topicality. One of the alternatives to the intensification of agricultural production is the introduction of new ecological technologies that are aimed at realizing the natural potential of agrophytocenoses and are based on the effective use of their biological capabilities. Climate changes and development of environmentalization in agriculture create prerequisites for the selection of soybean varieties of different maturity groups and the study of their productivity potential and grain quality indicators under different cultivation technologies. Purpose. Assessment of soybean varieties by yield and grain quality indicators under traditional and organic technologies. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical, statistical analysis. Results. It was established that the grain yield of mid-early ripening soybean varieties (Everest, ES Professor and DH530) was 2.88 t/ha under traditional technology, and 2.24 t/ha under organic technology, and of mid-ripening soybean varieties (Winsdor, ES Pallador and Emperor) – 3.25 and 2.44 t/ha, respectively, that is higher than in mid-early ripening varieties. The difference in grain yield under traditional and organic technologies was 0.63 t/ha for mid-early ripening varieties, and 0.81 t/ha for mid-ripening varieties. Over two years of research, we found that soybean grain contained an average of 39.8–42.5 % protein, 20.1–21.7 % fat, and 11.7–13.9 % moisture. Protein yield ranged within 1.11–1.42 t/ha and fat yield – 0.57–0.72 t/ha due to higher soybean grain yield under traditional technology, which was by 21.0–24.7 and 21.5–25.6 % higher than under organic cultivation. It was found that the level of correlation between grain yield and protein content was above the average (r = 0.69 and 0.78) for traditional and organic cultivation, and the correlation between yield and fat content was high (r = 0.97 and 0.95). Conclusions. The quality indicators (protein and fat content) and grain moisture content of soybeans depended on the varietal characteristics and weather conditions and remained unchanged under the influence of cultivation technology. The soybean of Emperor variety had the highest grain yield (3.35 and 2.47 t/ha), protein yield (1.42 and 1.05 t/ha) and fat yield (0.72 and 0.54 t/ha), respectively, under traditional and organic cultivation technologies. Therefore, this variety can be recommended for cultivation under both technologies. Key words: soybean, productivity, protein content, fat content, grain moisture content
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Various organic technologies have been utilized for about 6000 years to make agriculture sustainable while conserving soil, water, energy, and biological resources. Among the benefits of organic technologies are higher soil organic matter and nitrogen, lower fossil energy inputs, yields similar to those of conventional systems, and conservation of soil moisture and water resources (especially advantageous under drought conditions). Conventional agriculture can be made more sustainable and ecologically sound by adopting some traditional organic farming technologies.
The history of the development of agriculture during the last half-century highlights that crop protection plays a leading role. Pesticides provided ideal conditions for other agricultural development factors in order to increase yields and improving product quality. They have proved to be the favourite tool for protecting crops. Plant protection methods become much more respectful of environmental concerns, involving a move towards diversified, integrated solutions. This paper provides a review of the major discoveries in terms of crop protection products and compiles the professional institutions. It reports also on the different problems encountered, poisoning of non-target plants, environmental harm and resistance of harmful organisms.
Jerome believed that the task of the commentator was to convey what others have said, not to advance his own interpretations. However, an examination of his commentaries on the Prophets shows that their contents are arranged so as to construct a powerful, but tacit, position of authority for their compiler. By juxtaposing Jewish and Greek Christian interpretations as he does, Jerome places himself in the position of arbiter over both exegetical traditions. But because he does not explicitly assert his own authority, he can maintain a stance of humility appropriate for a monk. Here, Jerome may have been a more authentic representative of the tradition of Origen than was his rival, for all that he was willing to abjure Origen's theology.
The use of legume cover crops as green manures is a means of reducing the amount of N fertilizer used in corn (Zea mays L.) production, but has not been adequately tested in the upper Midwest. A field study was conducted from 1989 to 1993 near Arlington, WI, to determine the value of legume cover crops in a 2-yr oat (Avena sativa L.)/legume-corn rotation. The objectives of this study were to identify the most productive legume species and planting method to be used with oat, to measure the effect on subsequent corn grain yield, and to evaluate the economic viability of oat/legume-corn rotations. Corn yields following the legumes were compared with those of corn following oat without a legume, using six rates of N fertilizer to estimate the fertilizer replacement value of the legumes. Maximum seeding year N yields (tops and roots) were produced by medium red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) companion seeded with oat, and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) seeded after oat harvest. Averaged over years, these two cover crop options yielded 118 Ib N/acre in the seeding year. Mean corn grain yields (bushels per acre) following these two legumes were 163 for red clover and 167 for hairy vetch. Estimated fertilizer replacement values of these legumes ranged from 65 to 103 Ib N/acre. Gross margins (2-yr rotation mean) of these oat/legume-corn rotations were 166/acreusingredcloverand166/acre using red clover and 153/acre using hairy vetch and were similar to those obtained with an oat-corn and continuous corn rotation where corn was grown with 160 Ib fertilizer N. These results indicate a great potential for reducing fertilizer N inputs in corn production by using legume cover crops, without economic penalty for producers who adopt the practice.
In the past decade there has been increasing scientific interest in organic farming, especially in comparison with commercial agriculture. Although many comparative studies involving these two agricultural systems have been undertaken, few assess the impact of these two fundamentally differing systems on soil structure, and none on soil microstructure. In this study, two adjacent, paired farms in eastern Iowa, one managed according to organic, and the other according to conventional, farming methods, were studied to determine the effects of these two agricultural systems on soil structure and microstructure. At both farms colour, texture, ped type and degree of development, depth of the A horizon and porosity were described in the field, organic matter content was determined, and microstructural and organic characteristics were described using micro-morphology. The organic farm had a significantly ameliorated soil structure: with an increased A horizon depth, organic matter content, porosity, earthworm abundance and activity, and coarser, better developed aggregates than the conventional farm. Moreover, the conventional farm also suffered from compaction and erosion. This study indicates that, over the long-term, organic management methods are able to maintain and improve the structure of the soil, resulting in a soil with tilth more conducive to promoting crop growth, than conventional methods which degrade the soil.
Emissions of nitrous oxide from intensively managed agricultural fields were measured over 3 years. Exponential increases in flux occurred with increasing soil water- filled pore space (WFPS) and temperature; increases in soil mineral N content due to fertilizer application also stimulated emissions. Fluxes were low when any of these variables was below a critical value. The largest fluxes occurred when WFPS values were very high (70-90%), indicating that denitrification was the major process responsible. The relationships with the driving variables showed strong similarities to those reported for very different environments: irrigated sugar cane crops, pastures, and forest in the tropics. Annual emissions varied widely (0.3-18.4 kg N2O-N ha-1). These variations were principally due to the degree of coincidence of fertilizer application and major rainfall events. It is concluded therefore that several years' data are required from any agricultural ecosystem in a variable climate to obtain a robust estimate of mean N2O fluxes. The emissions from small-grain cereals (winter wheat and spring barley) were consistently lower (0.2-0.7 kg N2O-N per 100 kg N applied) than from cut grassland (0.3-5.8 kg N2O- N per 100 kg N). Crops such as broccoli and potatoes gave emissions of the same order as those from the grassland. Although these differences between crop types are not apparent in general data comparisons, there may well be distinct regional differences in the relative and absolute emissions from different crops, due to local factors relating to soil type, weather patterns, and agricultural management practices. This will only be determined by more detailed comparative studies.
Because of increases in the price of chemical inputs to agriculture, uncertain supplies, and environmental concerns, a reduction in pesticide and fertilizer use may become increasingly desirable, if it could be achieved without a major reduction in output. For this reason, it is of interest to compare yields obtained under present conventional practice with those obtained at the lower limit of chemical intensiveness. This paper reports maize ( Zea mays L.) yields on two groups each of 26 commercial mixed grain and livestock farms covering a wide range of soil types in the western Corn Belt. One group was managed with conventional fertilization and pest control practices, while no herbicides, insecticides, or standard commercial fertilizers were used on the other. The mean yield from the convenional fields was 8.5% higher than from the matched fields on which conventional fertilizers or pesticides were not used. The difference was not statistically significant (P<90%). Conventional maize yields tended to be higher than maize yields on fields which received no pesticides or fertilizers under favorable growing conditions and lower when conditions were adverse. Grain from the fields receiving pesticides and fertilizers had a significantly higher crude protein content. These fields also had a significantly higher incidence of Diplodia stalk rot and lodging. Soils from fields receiving no pesticides and fertilizers had a significantly higher (P>95%) organic C content, as well as higher total N (P>90%), but lower P 1 phosphorus (P>90%). Differences in P 2 phosphorus, exchangeable K, C:N ratio, CEC, and pH were not significant (P<90%)