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A survey study of critical success factors in agile software projects
Tsun Chow, Dac-Buu Cao
School of Business and Technology, Capella University, Minneapolis, MN 55402, USA
Received 20 February 2007; received in revised form 12 August 2007; accepted 17 August 2007
Available online 26 August 2007
While software is so important for all facets of the modern world, software development itself is not a perfect process. Agile software
engineering methods have recently emerged as a new and different way of developing software as compared to the traditional method-
ologies. However, their success has mostly been anecdotal, and research in this subject is still scant in the academic circles. This research
study was a survey study on the critical success factors of Agile software development projects using quantitative approach.
Based on existing literature, a preliminary list of potential critical success factors of Agile projects were identified and compiled. Sub-
sequently, reliability analysis and factor analysis were conducted to consolidate this preliminary list into a final set of 12 possible critical
success factors for each of the four project success categories – Quality, Scope, Time, and Cost.
A survey was conducted among Agile professionals, gathering survey data from 109 Agile projects from 25 countries across the world.
Multiple regression techniques were used, both at the full regression model and at the optimized regression model via the stepwise screen-
ing procedure. The results revealed that only 10 out of 48 hypotheses were supported, identifying three critical success factors for Agile
software development projects: (a) Delivery Strategy, (b) Agile Software Engineering Techniques, and (c) Team Capability.
Limitations of the study are discussed together with interpretations for practitioners. To ensure success of their projects, managers are
urged to focus on choosing a high-caliber team, practicing Agile engineering techniques and following Agile-style delivery strategy.
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Software development; Agile methods; Critical success factors
1. Introduction
While software is so important for the all facets of the
modern world, software development itself is not a perfect
process. Despite the efforts to employ software engineering
methodologies, software development has not been consis-
tently successful, thus often resulting in delayed, failed,
abandoned, rejected software projects. Even those software
projects already implemented may need expensive on-going
maintenance and corrective releases or service packs.
The above shortcomings have affected the bottom line
for information technology (IT) and software development
organizations in a big way. The challenge here is how soft-
ware development management can be improved to avoid
the above problems of waste and inefficiency? There has
been a recent emergence of a new class of software develop-
ment process called Agile methods, which operate rather
differently from traditional methods.
The present research seeks to identify and provide
insight into the critical success factors (CSF’s) that help
software development projects using agile methods to suc-
ceed. The study compiled the success factors reported in
the agile literature, performed reliability analysis and factor
analysis on those factors and consolidated them into a final
12 possible success factors for Agile projects in five differ-
ent categories: Organizational, People, Process, Technical,
and Project. A web-based survey was conducted to gather
feedback from 109 agile software projects from 25 coun-
tries around the world, and the collected data were ana-
lyzed using the multiple regression method. The analysis
addresses the following questions: (a) Are these 12 factors
truly the critical success factors of Agile software develop-
ment projects?; (b) If so, what is the relative importance of
0164-1212/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 714 952 5590.
E-mail address: (D.-B. Cao).
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The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971
Author's personal copy
each factor when compared to other factors?; and (c) Is
there a difference among those five factor categories in
terms of their impact on the success of an Agile software
development project?
2. Background
This section reviews briefly two key concepts, Agile
method and Critical Success Factor (CSF). It is followed
by a discussion of failure and success research on Agile
projects. Finally, the research model is presented covering
the research hypotheses.
2.1. Agile methods
The word ‘‘agile’’ by itself means that something is flex-
ible and responsive, so agile methods implies its ‘‘[ability]
to survive in an atmosphere of constant change and emerge
with success’’ (Anderson, 2004, p. xxviii). This ‘‘maneuver-
ability’’ in software business is a characteristic that is more
important than ever these days since ‘‘deploying software
to the Web has intensified software competition further
than before’’ and ‘‘staying in business involves not only
getting software out and reducing defects but tracking con-
tinually moving user and marketplace demands’’ (Cock-
burn, 2002, p. xxii). The official definition of Agile
Software Development was contained in a form of ‘‘mani-
festo’’ in February 2001 by a group of 17 noted software
process methodologists, who attended a summit meeting
to advocate for a better way of developing software and
then formed the Agile Alliance. The ‘‘Manifesto for Agile
Software Development’’ posted on the Agile Alliance web-
site (<>) reads as follows:
We are uncovering better ways of developing software
by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work
we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we
value the items on the left more.
There are many software development methods that can
be called ‘‘agile’’, and the list varies depending on different
viewpoints, but in general the list in the literature includes
Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Feature-Driven
Development (FDD), Dynamic System Development
Method (DSDM), Adaptive Software Development
(ASD), Crystal, and Lean Software Development (LD).
2.2. The critical success factor approach
The Critical Success Factor (CSF) approach to identify-
ing and measuring an organization’s performance was first
developed by Rockhart (1979) and later on refined and
became well-established (Bullen and Rockhart, 1981;
Rockhart and Crescenzi, 1984). CSF is defined by Bullen
and Rockhart (1981) as ‘‘the limited number of areas in
which satisfactory results will ensure successful competitive
performance for the individual, department, or organiza-
tion. CSF’s are the few key areas where ‘things must go
right’ for the business to flourish and for the managers goal
to be attained’’ (p. 385).
As for software development project area, the CSF
method has also been considered in recent studies. CSF’s
in software projects are found to relate to fundamental pro-
ject management techniques (Reel, 1999), or to relate to the
combination of software engineering and business strategy
(Bytheway, 1999). Another case study finds that CSF’s in
software projects consists of various dimensions, from the
development life cycle and estimation and validation to
executive management, project management, and resource-
and strategic-level planning (Bosghossian, 2002). In the
context of the present study, the CSF’s can be defined as
the factors that must be present for the Agile project to
be successful.
2.3. Success factors in agile software development projects
There has not been any formal study on CSF’s in the
Agile software development project per se, based on recent
searches in peer reviewed academic literature or practi-
tioner literature related to this topic. However, there are
case studies and research theories on successes or fail-
ures/problems in agile implementation and agile software
development projects. The review of both failures and suc-
cesses in the literature will be beneficial in identifying the
possible success factors in agile software development pro-
jects, as failures can contribute to the understanding of
how to avoid certain serious pitfalls that are critical to
the success of a project.
2.3.1. Failure research
Failure or Problem research is typically based on ‘‘les-
sons learned’’ from certain types of projects, but they are
mostly similar enough to be generalized. Reel (1999)
focuses more on generic software development projects
and compiles 10 signs of software development project fail-
ure, at least seven of which are determined even before a
design is developed or a line of code is written. Cohn and
Ford (2003) study problems in transitioning organizations
to agile processes, while Larman (2004) discusses in detail
mistakes and misunderstandings occurred in agile projects.
A research by Boehm and Turner (2005) emphasizes on
management challenges in implementing agile projects,
whereas a study by Nerur et al. (2005) covers problems
not only in management aspect but also in people, process,
and technology dimensions of migrating to agile projects.
Based on the above-mentioned literature, failures/
problems can be classified into four categories: organiza-
tional, people, process, andtechnical, summarized in Table 1.
962 T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971
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2.3.2. Success research
Success research cited in the literature is mostly based on
case studies or meta-data or compilations and observations
of agile projects and practices. Specifically, Highsmith
(2002) reports from direct experience with agile implemen-
tations, while Schatz and Abdelshafi (2005) provide results
from the Primavera case study, and Karlstrom and Rune-
son (2005) give insight from the Star-Gate case study. Other
success researches which have a comparative flavor between
traditional and agile methods include Boehm and Turner
(2003), Augustine et al. (2005), and Ceschi et al. (2005).
Some studies focus on agile implementation on large orga-
nizations or scaling of agile methods to large projects, such
as Reifer et al. (2003), Lindvall et al. (2004), and Ambler
(2006). Finally, Koch (2005) makes research compilation
of a wide range of success factors of agile implementations.
Based on the above-mentioned literature, agile project
success factors can be classified into five categories: organi-
zational, people, process, technical, and project, summa-
rized in Table 2.
2.3.3. Success attributes
In terms of attributes of success, which depict the overall
perception of success of a particular project, Cohn and
Ford (2003) and Lindvall et al. (2004) suggest Quality
(i.e. delivering a good working product), Scope (meeting
all requirements by the customer), Timeliness (delivering
on time), and Cost (within estimated cost and effort). These
attributes can be summarized in Table 3 below.
2.3.4. Factor consolidation
From the two lists of possible factors (Tables 1 and 2)
which may affect the success or failure of an agile software
development project, a number of factors that share similar
characteristics were consolidated into a reduced list of fac-
tors which cover 39 attributes.
Table 1
Failure Factors
Dimension Factor
Organizational 1. Lack of executive sponsorship
2. Lack of management commitment
3. Organizational culture too traditional
4. Organizational culture too political
5. Organizational size too large
6. Lack of agile logistical arrangements
People 7. Lack of necessary skill-set
8. Lack of project management competence
9. Lack of team work
10. Resistance from groups or individuals
11. Bad customer relationship
Process 12. Ill-defined project scope
13. Ill-defined project requirements
14. Ill-defined project planning
15. Lack of agile progress tracking mechanism
16. Lack of customer presence
17. Ill-defined customer role
Technical 18. Lack of complete set of correct agile practices
19. Inappropriateness of technology and tools
Table 2
Success Factors
Dimension Factor
Organizational 1. Strong executive support
2. Committed sponsor or manager
3. Cooperative organizational culture instead of
4. Oral culture placing high value on face-to-face
5. Organizations where agile methodology is universally
6. Collocation of the whole team
7. Facility with proper agile-style work environment
8. Reward system appropriate for agile
People 9. Team members with high competence and expertise
10. Team members with great motivation
11. Managers knowledgeable in agile process
12. Managers who have light-touch or adaptive
management style
13. Coherent, self-organizing teamwork
14. Good customer relationship
Process 15. Following agile-oriented requirement management
16. Following agile-oriented project management
17. Following agile-oriented configuration management
18. Strong communication focus with daily face-to-face
19. Honoring regular working schedule – no overtime
20. Strong customer commitment and presence
21. Customer having full authority
Technical 22. Well-defined coding standards up front
23. Pursuing simple design
24. Rigorous refactoring activities
25. Right amount of documentation
26. Regular delivery of software
27. Delivering most important features first
28. Correct integration testing
29. Appropriate technical training to team
Project 30. Project nature being non-life-critical
31. Project type being of variable scope with emergent
32. Projects with dynamic, accelerated schedule
33. Projects with small team
34. Projects with no multiple independent teams
35. Projects with up-front cost evaluation done
36. Projects with up-front risk analysis done
Table 3
Success attributes
Dimension Attribute
Overall perceived level of
1. Quality (delivering good product or
project outcome)
2. Scope (meeting all requirements and
3. Time (delivering on time)
4. Cost (delivering within estimated cost and
T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971 963
Author's personal copy
Since this research is of exploratory nature, a reliability
analysis is necessary so that each and every factor is
ensured of a high level of reliability. Using reliability anal-
ysis, the researcher can determine the extent to which the
items in each factor are related to each other. This can pro-
vide an overall index of internal consistency of the vari-
ables, and also can help single out problematic items that
should be excluded from the variable and/or included in
another variable. According to Rubin and Babbie (1997),
‘‘the most common and powerful method used today for
calculating internal consistency reliability is coefficient
alpha.’’ Cronbach ais a coefficient alpha which is a direct
function of both the number of items and their magnitude
of inter-correlation, and is the lower bound to the test var-
iance attributable to common factors among the items
within each variable (Cronbach, 1951). For exploratory
studies, it is agreed that a coefficient alpha level of 0.5 could
be deemed acceptable (Nunally, 1967).
A reliability analysis was performed on all multi-item
factors using the Cronbach’s alpha method. After two
rounds of reliability analysis, the number of factors that
had Cronbach’s alpha value below the acceptable level
was reduced from 5 to 1.
One way to see if this factor could be reduced any fur-
ther is to perform factor analysis on it (Williams and
Monge, 2001). A principal component factor analysis with
Varimax rotation was performed on this factor.
The final results revealed 12 factors were identified,
which were translated into 12 main hypotheses, each link-
ing its existence as a critical success factor to the success
of the Agile software development project in terms of four
success dimensions: Quality, Scope, Time, and Cost.
Management Commitment
Organizational Environment
Team Environment
Team Capability
Customer Involvement
Project Management Process
Project Definition Process
Agile Software Techniques
Delivery Strategy
Project Nature
Project Type
Project Schedule
Fig. 1. The research model.
964 T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971
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The success factors used in the hypotheses included: (a)
Strong management commitment, (b) Agile-friendly orga-
nizational environment, (c) Agile-friendly project team
environment, (d) High-caliber team capability, (e) Strong
customer involvement, (f) Agile-style project management
process, (g) Methodical project definition process, (h)
Agile-style software engineering techniques, (i) Correct
delivery strategy, (j) Non-life-critical project nature, (k)
Variable-scope project type, and (l) Dynamic, accelerated
project schedule.
The hypotheses were numbered 1 to 12, and since there
were four success dimensions for each factor, the corre-
sponding success dimensions were identified by the letters
a, b, c, d. As a result, there were a total of 48 hypotheses,
starting at 1aand ending at 12d(see Appendix A).The final
list of 12 factors is depicted by the research model in Fig. 1.
3. Data collection
This study employed the web survey method to gather
data. The target population was members of the Agile Alli-
ance and its user groups. A web survey with Likert scale
questionnaires and demographic information collection
was distributed to the target population. There were four
sections in the survey. The first section was on demographic
data, which included both the respondent’s demographic
information as well as the agile project information. The
second section was on success factors. To measure impor-
tance of success factors, a 7-point Likert scale was used to
reflect the level of perception of the question by the respon-
dent. The third section was on perception of success, and
again, to measure perception of success of agile projects, a
7-point Likert scale was used to reflect the level of percep-
tion of the question by the respondent. In order to avoid
ambiguity in terms of perception of success on the part of
the respondent, the questions focused on one particular
project of the respondent’s choice in case he/she had been
involved in multiple agile projects. The last section was
for additional comments, where respondents were invited
to enter any feedback or thoughts on a free-form text area,
which might be used for follow-up for clarification if
As part of the pilot process to test content validity and
readability, five members of the Agile Alliance supplied
feedback on improving the survey. The feedback was incor-
porated into the survey before the survey invitation was
emailed to the group coordinators of all 83 Agile Alliance
user groups (42 in the Americas, 28 in Europe, 12 in Asia/
Pacific, and one in Africa), as well as to the contact persons
of all 60 corporate members of the Agile Alliance (29 from
the Americas, 30 from Europe, and one from Asia/Pacific).
In all, after a six-week survey period, a total of 408 peo-
ple responded by accessing the online survey and 109 pro-
jects were submitted with complete data. Table 4 displays
the breakdown of agile methods used in the 109 projects
submitted, while Tables 5–7 display the size, length, and
location of the projects, respectively.
4. Data analysis and results
4.1. Multiple regression models
Since this research is an exploratory study to find out
which factors can positively impact the success of an agile
project, it is appropriate for a multiple regression analysis,
where the relationship between multiple independent vari-
ables (success factors) and the dependent variable (agile
project success) is determined, and where the relative pre-
dictive importance of the independent variables is estab-
lished (Williams and Monge, 2001).
Table 4
Project profile – Agile methods used
Method Frequency Percent
Extreme programming 58 53.2
Scrum 23 21.1
Other 21 19.3
Feature driven development 5 4.6
Crystal 2 1.8
Total 109 100.0
Table 5
Project profile – Number of team members
Team members Frequency Percent
Less than 10 64 58.7
10–19 23 21.1
20–29 11 10.1
30–39 3 2.8
40–49 2 1.8
50–100 6 5.5
Total 109 100.0
Table 6
Project profile – Length of project in months
Months Frequency Percent
1–3 8 7.3
4–6 23 21.1
7–9 13 11.9
10–12 17 15.6
13–24 15 13.8
Over 24 33 30.3
Total 109 100.0
Table 7
Project profile – Project location (zone)
Location Frequency Percent
Europe 61 56.0
America 36 33.0
Asia/Pacific 10 9.2
Africa 2 1.8
Total 109 100.0
T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971 965
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According to McClave and Benson (1988), the general
multiple regression model, assuming that there are kinde-
pendent variables, can be written as follows:
where yis the dependent variable and x
,... ,x
are the
independent variables, and b
is the regression coefficient,
and eis the random error component. The value of the
coefficient b
determines the contribution of the indepen-
dent variable x
, given that the other xvariables are held
constant and b
is the y-intercept.
In the case of this study, the above translates to the fol-
lowing general equation:
YðQ;S;T;CÞ¼b1SF 1þb2SF 2þb3SF 3þb4SF 4þ...
þb12SF 12
where Yis Agile Project Success dependent variable, Qis
the Quality dimension, Sis the Scope dimension, Tis the
Time dimension, Cis the Cost dimension, B
is the Partial
regression coefficient for the ith Success Factor (SF).
The multiple regression analysis was done on both levels
– the full model and the optimized model. First, at the full
model level, all 12 independent variables were entered into
a regression model at the same time, with the expectation
that the calculation of the coefficients would take into
account the interaction of all other variables being present.
In this case, the relative importance of each and every inde-
pendent variable would be accounted for, and those vari-
ables that got top scores would be considered to be a
critical success factor. Second, at the optimized model
level, a stepwise regression screening procedure was carried
out in order to come up with as few variables as possible
while still predicting well the results of Agile projects. In
this case, those variables that made it to the model would
be considered to be a critical success factor, as they alone
could account for the outcome of the dependent variables.
At each level described above, the multiple correlation
coefficient (R) and the coefficient of determination (R
the model were calculated, and for each independent vari-
able, the coefficients B and bas well as the t-value were
computed. Additionally, the significance level of each inde-
pendent variable and the distribution normality of the
dependent variable were checked. Those variables with
top coefficient values that reached certain thresholds (i.e.
significance level p60.10 for the full model and p60.06
for the optimized model) would be recognized as candi-
dates for being critical success factors. Finally, the list of
candidates from the two model approaches were compared
and analyzed for inclusion in the list of critical success
4.2. Summary of hypothesis testing results
From the above analyses, we finally arrived at the list of
the most significant independent variables as shown in
Table 8.
The results show that for Time and Cost, both model
approaches arrived at the same conclusions, namely in each
case, Team Capability and Delivery Strategy were selected
as the most significant factors. For Scope, factors Agile
Software Engineering Techniques and Delivery Strategy
showed up in both approaches, but the stepwise optimized
model approach yielded another factor, namely Customer
Involvement. Finally, for Quality, each approach yielded
one similar factor, which was Agile Software Engineering
Techniques, while the second factor was different for each:
Team Environment in the Full model case and Project
Management Process in the Optimized model case.
With the above observations, the results of the hypoth-
esis testing can be finalized as follows: out of 48 research
hypotheses, a total of 10 hypotheses were supported, while
the remaining 38 hypotheses were rejected. Those hypoth-
eses were rejected due to their low coefficient values and
high probability level for their corresponding null hypoth-
eses, meaning the presence of those factors did not make a
significant difference to the value of the success dimensions.
Table 9 summarizes the results of the hypothesis testing.
The 10 supported hypotheses are labeled with a check mark
(U). Those without the check mark are rejected
Table 8
Summary of outcome from the two modeling approaches
Quality Scope Time Cost
Selected variable b
Selected variable b
Full model Agile SW engineering
0.39 Agile SW engineering
0.24 Team
0.30 Delivery
Team environment 0.20 Delivery strategy 0.19 Delivery
0.24 Team
Agile SW engineering
0.46 Agile SW engineering
0.27 Team
0.32 Delivery
Project management process 0.24 Delivery strategy 0.20 Delivery
0.31 Team
Customer involvement 0.20
966 T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971
Author's personal copy
4.3. Answers to research questions
Based on the outcome of the regression analysis and the
hypothesis testing results above, we now are in a position
to answer the research questions posed at the beginning
of the study. Although the success level was calculated
for each of the four success attributes as opposed to the
overall project success level, with each attribute carrying
a distinct aspect to the perception of success, we can use
the frequency of supported hypotheses to generalize the
overall perception of success. Each of the research ques-
tions is answered in each sub-section below.
4.3.1. Research question 1
The first research question was, ‘‘Are these 12 factors
truly the critical success factors of Agile software develop-
ment projects?’’ From the findings discussed above, the
answer is clearly No. Indeed, out of those 12 factors, only
half of them were represented in the list of supported
hypotheses. The factors that were candidates to be consid-
ered as critical success factors were:
1. Team Environment (in terms of Quality).
2. Team Capability (in terms of Timeliness and Cost).
3. Customer Involvement (in terms of Scope).
4. Project Management Process (in terms of Quality).
5. Agile Software Engineering Techniques (in terms of
Quality and Scope).
6. Delivery Strategy (in terms of Scope, Timeliness, and
4.3.2. Research question 2
The second research question was, ‘‘What is the relative
importance of each factor when compared to other fac-
tors?’’ Based on the hypothesis testing result, we can see
that Delivery Strategy had the most hypotheses supported
(three), followed by Agile Software Engineering Tech-
niques and Team Capability (two each), and finally fol-
lowed by Team Environment, Customer Involvement,
and Project Management Process (one each). However,
between Agile Software Engineering Techniques and Team
Capability, the former was more important than the latter
on the account of its higher Beta value. Likewise, among
the last three factors, Project Management Process was
more important than Team Environment and Customer
Involvement by virtue of its higher Beta value. Table 10
provides the details below (for a list of attributes of these
6 success factors, please see Appendix B).
4.3.3. Research question 3
The third research question was, ‘‘Is there a difference
among those five factor categories in terms of their impact
on the success of an Agile software development project?’’
Again, based on the regression analysis and the hypothesis
testing results, it was found that there was a marked differ-
ence among those five factor categories, namely Organiza-
tional, People, Process, Technical, and Project. It was
evident the Technical dimension, which included Agile
Software Engineering Techniques and Delivery Strategy,
was the most critical in impacting the success of Agile pro-
jects, as it covered all four success dimensions. It was fol-
lowed by the People dimension, which included Team
Capability and Customer Involvement, as this dimension
covered three success dimensions. The Organizational
dimension and the Process dimension each touched one
success dimension (Quality, in both cases). The only dimen-
sion which failed to make any impact at all was the Project
Table 9
Summary of hypothesis testing results
Quality Scope Timeliness Cost
1. Management commitment H1aH1bH1cH1d
2. Organizational environment H2aH2bH2cH2d
3. Team environment H3aUH3bH3cH3d
4. Team capability H4aH4bH4cUH4dU
5. Customer involvement H5aH5bUH5cH5d
6. Project management process H6aUH6bH6cH6d
7. Project definition process H7aH7bH7cH7d
8. Agile software engineering
9. Delivery strategy H9aH9bUH9cUH9dU
10. Project nature H10aH10bH10cH10d
11. Project type H11aH11bH11cH11d
12. Project schedule H12aH12bH12cH12d
Table 10
Ranking of critical success factors
Rank Factor Hypotheses supported Selection in the full model Selection in the optimized model
Frequency bvalue Frequency bvalue
1 Delivery strategy H9b,H9c,H9d3 0.37 3 0.36
0.24 0.31
0.19 0.20
2 Agile software engineering techniques H8a,H8b2 0.39 2 0.46
0.24 0.27
3 Team capability H4c,H4d2 0.30 2 0.32
0.23 0.17
4 Project management process H6a0 – 1 0.24
5 Team environment H3a1 0.20 0 –
6 Customer involvement H5b0 – 1 0.20
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Table 11 summarizes the level of impact of the five fac-
tor dimensions on the perceived success of Agile software
development projects based on the above discussion.
4.4. Research limitations
Based on the data collected from the survey, there are
five limitations that need to be recognized in this research.
First of all, the data did not represent all methods that were
considered Agile. Indeed, only four out of seven methods
were reported in the returned surveys, namely Extreme
Programming (XP), Scrum, Feature-Driven Development,
and Crystal. The other three (Dynamic System Develop-
ment Method, Adaptive Software Development, and Lean
Software Development) were not represented in the pro-
jects reported.
The second limitation is the possible bias toward XP in
the data reported. As Table 4 demonstrates, XP projects
occupied 53.2% of all projects reported, thus the findings
might have been rather influenced by the way XP projects
worked, with such practices as pair programming, refactor-
ing, continuous integration, 40 h work week, etc.
The third limitation is the possibility of survey partici-
pants’ subjective biases such as Agile proponents trying
to claim Agile success in introductory projects (in order
to promote the adoption of their methodology), and the
lack of independent, non-Agile advocates in the survey.
The fourth limitation is the relatively low US-based pro-
jects representation in the sample population. The US user
community had been the first to spread the Agile move-
ment, and it is the most experienced as well as the most
populous among Agile user communities worldwide. While
in this study the US was the top country with a 20% repre-
sentation of the projects, it may still be considered under-
represented, as according to the Agile Alliance web site
35% of all Agile user groups (29 out of 83) are US-based,
and its site demographic statistics shows over 58% of Agile
Alliance users (1783 out of 3057) are from the US.
Lastly, the sample size was still small, considering the
large Agile community population. A larger sample size
could provide more robust and accurate statistical calcula-
tion and analysis, and also could include other Agile meth-
ods that were missing in this sample size. Although as
many user groups as possible were contacted during the
two email campaigns, the response rate of 2.40% was rather
When interpreting the findings, the reader should be
aware this study was done based on data that reflected a
relatively immature state of the Agile development meth-
ods. As more and more organizations adopt Agile methods
in their software development, it is anticipated that critical
success factors may involve. It may be worthwhile to repeat
such a study again in five and ten years to see whether any
new factors may emerge or current key success factors
become no longer critical.
4.5. Possible interpretations for Practitioners
Despite its limitations, this research has provided some
interesting interpretations for practitioners. While the
empirical analysis validates some long-held beliefs, it also
provides some surprises. First of all, the findings agree with
many of the 12 principles of agile practices laid down in the
Agile Manifesto (Martin, 2003) that practitioners follow:
the three top critical success factors identified by the study
(Delivery Strategy, Agile Software Engineering Practices,
and Team Capability) consist of many attributes covered
in the Manifesto. Specifically, Delivery Strategy corre-
sponds to the first and the third Manifesto practices – con-
tinuous delivery of valuable, working software in short
time scales. Likewise, Agile Software Engineering Practices
are in line with the ninth and tenth practices – continuous
attention to technical excellence and simple design. Finally,
Team Capability is parallel to the fifth practice, namely
building projects around motivated individuals.
The other three auxiliary success factors identified by
the study also correspond to several Manifesto practices:
Project Management Process is related to the sixth and
eight practices (face-to-face conversation within team,
and sustaining a constant pace), while Team Environment
has to do with the eleventh practice (self-organizing team),
and Customer Involvement is comparable with the first and
the fourth practices (satisfying the customer, and business
people working closely with developers).
On the other hand, the study findings fail to support sev-
eral common assumptions about Agile success factors.
First of all, strong executive support and/or sponsor com-
mitment are found to be a non-factor, contrary to the belief
that strong executive support is critical to carry out an
Agile project. Moreover, the assumption that Agile-style
work facility, such as pair programming stations, commu-
nal areas, wall spaces, etc. which figure prominently in
Agile books, are prerequisite for successful Agile project
execution is not supported, either. This means that such
work facilities while nice to have may not be critical. The
project team may improvise the working environment to
suit their needs without having to rigidly follow the exact
physical set-up as suggested in Agile literature.
Perhaps the most interesting finding is that the Organiza-
tional Environment factor had a negative coefficient in both
the regression analyses of the Timeliness and Cost depen-
dent variables. This seems to suggest that Agile projects
could be done in a timely manner and within cost despite
Table 11
Impact level of factor dimensions on project success
Rank Factor
Success dimension
1 Technical H8a,H8b,
Quality, Scope,
Timeliness, Cost
2 People H4c,H4d,H5bScope, Timeliness, Cost
3 Process H6aQuality
4 Organizational H3aQuality
5 Project none –
968 T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971
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the lack of agile-friendly organizational environment fac-
tors, which include cooperative culture, oral culture, univer-
sal acceptance of Agile, appropriate reward system, etc.
This finding can be explained by the fact that Agile is rela-
tively new and those agile-friendly organizational traits
have not typically been introduced or entrenched in the
organizations where Agile projects were carried out; thus,
as long as the team is capable and has a correct delivery
strategy, a widely-accepted agile environment is not a prere-
quisite for success in terms of Timeliness and Cost.
In terms of the impact of the five factor categories on
Agile project success, the research findings show a rather
surprising unevenness in the distribution of supported
hypotheses among the categories. While the Technical
dimension and the People dimension weigh heavily as the
most important categories, the Process dimension and the
Organizational dimension are underrepresented in their
contribution to the Agile project success. Most notable is
the complete lack of contribution of the Project dimension
in the list of identified success factors, although there had
been ample discussion of this dimension in the literature.
This seems to suggest that project managers, when deciding
whether to go Agile for their software projects, may not
have to put too much weight on factors such as the project
nature, project type, or project schedule, thus broadening
the applicability of Agile development methods.
5. Conclusions
This research study set out to use survey data to explore
the critical success factors of Agile software development
projects using quantitative methods. The data collected
from 109 Agile projects from a diverse group of organiza-
tions of various sizes, industries, and geographic locations
provided enough empirical information for statistical anal-
ysis to arrive at a number of conclusions.
First of all, in spite of a large number of factors affecting
Agile projects discussed in the literature, the actual number
of critical success factors found here is quite small. Out of
48 research hypotheses, only 10 are supported. Through
multiple regression analysis, the only factors that could
be called critical success factors are found to be (a) a cor-
rect delivery strategy, (b) a proper practice of Agile soft-
ware engineering techniques, and (c) a high-caliber team.
Three other factors that could be critical to certain success
dimensions are found to be (a) a good Agile project man-
agement process, (b) an Agile-friendly team environment,
and (c) a strong customer involvement.
The study results have failed to find evidence that some
assumed prerequisites for success of Agile projects such as
strong executive support, strong sponsor commitment, ready
availability of physical Agile facility, or Agile-appropriate
project types, etc. are actually critical factors for success.
The key contribution of this research is to reduce a mul-
titude of anecdotal success factors to three critical ones
based on survey data analysis. As long as the Agile project
picks a high-caliber team, practices rigorous Agile software
engineering techniques and executes a correct Agile-style
delivery strategy, the project could be likely to be success-
ful. It provides a focus for the management when they
embark on adopting Agile methods in their software devel-
opment projects.
Appendix A
For testing purpose, the factors in the research model
were used for forming the corresponding 12 main hypoth-
eses, each addressing four success dimensions. Some of
these hypotheses have been reworded to properly represent
the various attributes that the literature review indicated as
possible success factor items:
1. Hypotheses related to the Organization dimension:
H1. The existence of a strong management commitment is
a critical success factor that contributes to the successful
agile software development projects in terms of (a) Quality,
(b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H2. The presence of agile-friendly organizational environ-
ment is a critical success factor that contributes to the suc-
cessful agile software development projects in terms of (a)
Quality, (b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H3. The existence of agile-friendly project team environ-
ment is a critical success factor that contributes to the suc-
cessful agile software development projects in terms of (a)
Quality, (b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
2. Hypotheses related to the People dimension:
H4.Having a team of high caliber is a critical success
factor that contributes to the successful agile software
development projects in terms of (a) Quality, (b) Scope, (c)
Time, and (d) Cost.
H5.Having a strong customer involvement is a critical
success factor that contributes to the successful agile soft-
ware development projects in terms of (a) Quality, (b)
Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
3. Hypotheses related to the Process dimension:
H6. The practice of agile project management process is a
critical success factor that contributes to the successful
agile software development projects in terms of (a) Quality,
(b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H7.The practice of a methodical project definition pro-
cess is a critical success factor that contributes to the suc-
cessful agile software development projects in terms of (a)
Quality, (b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
4. Hypotheses related to the Technical dimension:
H8. The practice of agile software engineering techniques
is a critical success factor that contributes to the successful
T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971 969
Author's personal copy
agile software development projects in terms of (a) Quality,
(b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H9. The execution of a correct delivery strategy is a crit-
ical success factor that contributes to the successful agile
software development projects in terms of (a) Quality, (b)
Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
5. Hypotheses related to the Project dimension:
H 10. Limiting only to non-life-critical projects is a critical
success factor that contributes to the successful agile
software development projects in terms of (a) Quality, (b)
Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H 11. Limiting only to projects of variable scope with emer-
gent requirements is a critical success factor that contributes
to the successful agile software development projects in
terms of (a) Quality, (b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
H 12. Limiting only to projects with dynamic, accelerated
schedule is a critical success factor that contributes to the
successful agile software development projects in terms of
(a) Quality, (b) Scope, (c) Time, and (d) Cost.
Appendix B
Summary of attributes of the 6 success factors found in
the study
Rank Factor Attributes
1 Delivery strategy •Regular delivery of
•Delivering most
important features first
2 Agile software
engineering techniques
•Well-defined coding
standards up front
•Pursuing simple design
•Rigorous refactoring
•Right amount of
•Correct integration
3 Team capability •Team members with
high competence and
•Team members with
great motivation
knowledgeable in agile
•Managers who have
adaptive management
•Appropriate technical
training to team
4 Project management
•Following agile-oriented
requirement management
•Following agile-oriented
project management
•Following agile-oriented
management process
•Good progress tracking
•Strong communication
focus with daily face-to-
face meetings
•Honoring regular
working schedule
5 Team environment •Collocation of the
whole team
•Coherent, self-
organizing teamwork
•Projects with small team
•Projects with no
multiple independent
6 Customer involvement •Good customer
•Strong customer
commitment and
•Customer having full
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Tsun Chow is an IT Management Faculty at Capella University. Dr.
Chow’s research interests cover a variety of IT management issues
including outsourcing, information assurance and process re-engineering.
Before joining Capella, Dr. Chow held many senior IT management
positions in a Fortune 100 company, covering data center management,
enterprise network management, application development, process re-
engineering and outsourcing management. He has published research
articles in software development, quality assurance and artificial intelli-
gence. He received his PhD in Computer Science and Electrical Engi-
neering from University of California at Berkeley.
Dac-Buu Cao is currently a Director of Product Development & Support
Systems at Siemens PLM Software, a division of Siemens Automation &
Drives Group. His research interests include software quality and software
engineering methodologies. Dr. Cao graduated in Computer Science
from University of California at Irvine and received his PhD in IT
Management from Capella University. He is a member of the IEEE and
the ACM.
T. Chow, D.-B. Cao / The Journal of Systems and Software 81 (2008) 961–971 971