Let S={x1,…,xn} be a set of n distinct positive integers and f be an arithmetical function. Let [f(xi,xj)] denote the n×n matrix having f evaluated at the greatest common divisor (xi,xj) of xi and xj as its i,j-entry and (f[xi,xj]) denote the n×n matrix having f evaluated at the least common multiple [xi,xj] of xi and xj as its i,j-entry. The set S is said to be lcm-closed if [xi,xj]∈S for all
... [Show full abstract] 1⩽i, j⩽n. For an integer x>1, let ω(x) denote the number of distinct prime factors of x. Define ω(1)=0. In this paper, we show that if S={x1,…,xn} is an lcm-closed set satisfying maxx∈S{ω(lcm(S)x)}⩽2, and if f is a strictly increasing (resp. decreasing) completely multiplicative function, or if f is a strictly decreasing (resp. increasing) completely multiplicative function satisfying 0f(p)⩽1p (resp. f(p)⩾p) for any prime p, then the matrix [f(xi,xj)] (resp. (f[xi,xj])) defined on S is nonsingular. By using the concept of least-type multiple introduced in [S. Hong, J. Algebra 281 (2004) 1–14], we also obtain reduced formulas for det(f(xi,xj)) and det(f[xi,xj]) when f is completely multiplicative and S is lcm-closed. We also establish several results about the nonsingularity of LCM matrices and reciprocal GCD matrices.