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J. Leitner, S. Harding, A. F ¨
orster, J. Schmidhuber
Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), SUPSI and
Universit`a della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland, juxi@
Automatically classifying terrain such as rocks, sand and
gravel from images is a challenging machine vision prob-
lem. In addition to human designed approaches, a great
deal of progress has been made using machine learning
techniques to perform classification from images. In this
work, we demonstrate the first known use of Cartesian
Genetic Programming (CGP) to this problem.
Our CGP for Image Processing (CGP-IP) system quickly
learns classifiers and detectors for certain terrain types.
The learned program outperforms currently used tech-
niques for classification tasks performed on a panorama
image collected by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit.
As more and more sophisticated robots are sent to Mars
to explore, the bandwidth required to send data back to
Earth becomes a bigger issue. In space all communi-
cation is limited by high-latency, low-bandwidth chan-
nels to Earth. Therefore nowadays all spacecraft need
to utilise autonomy when possible, these include usually
tasks like antenna pointing, star tracking, and failure re-
covery. The first extra-terrestrial surface exploration in
the 1970s done by the Soviet rovers exploring the Moon
used a 5-man team of “drivers” on Earth to tele-operate
the robot [1]. In 1997 the Sojourner rover became the first
robot to drive on another planet using semiautonomous,
purely-reactive terrain navigation [2]. The current Mars
Exploration Rovers (MER) were given incremental soft-
ware updates during their (exceptionally long) stay on
Mars, providing also more intelligence on-board. This
shows that to increase the scientific return from such mis-
sions on-board autonomy is applied more often.
Despite this Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
are still only in very limited use in space exploration. Re-
cently autonomous science detection has become more
interesting and was applied on the MER [3]. This ap-
proach was especially useful during dust devil detection,
where on-board image analysis was used to detect and
photograph relevant science events[4].
For missions such as MER, an important step is to allow
navigational autonomy, and for this robust detection of
the terrain needs to be performed. Our goal is to build a
learning system that can classify various terrains based on
visual information. This ability is of importance for such
tasks as autonomies exploration, navigation, mobility but
also autonomous science operations. We believe that the
requirements of systems such as MER, align closely with
capabilities of our machine learning based image classi-
fication system.
Cartesian Genetic Programming is an evolutionary algo-
rithm that is able to produce compact, fast, robust and
human readable computer programs. We show that this
approach can accurately classify terrain, and that it can
learn robust solutions from a small number of training
examples. This has two main benefits: not only does it
reduce the effort required by domain experts to provide
labelled learning examples, it also reduces the compu-
tational effort required to perform the learning. Genetic
Programming is amenable to the insertion of domain spe-
cific knowledge. For our image processing system, CGP-
IP, we exploit the functionality of the OpenCV [5] ma-
chine vision library. As the programs generated by CGP-
IP are based on OpenCV, the evolved code is familiar to
and understandable by humans. Further, CGP-IP pro-
duces compact programs that are highly suited for use
in embedded systems, where there are considerations for
limited processing power and memory.
To demonstrate our system, we classify terrain using data
from the McMurdo panorama image taken by the Mars
Exploration Rover (MER-A) Spirit (see Fig. 1). In this
work, we demonstrate the first known use of CGP to the
terrain classification problem.
In mobile robotics terrain classification is of interest to al-
low for more autonomous decision making about travers-
ing. Automatically classifying terrain such as rocks,
sand and gravel has been researched previously, both in
terrestrial and extra-terrestrial robotic applications. It
is especially interesting for robotic space exploration,
Figure 1. The McMurdo panorama image taken by the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (MER-A) .
where all communication is limited by high-latency, low-
bandwidth channels to Earth. As an example, the current
Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) are using fused infor-
mation from various sensors to build up a map of terrain
traversability. The vehicles repeat the process of detect-
ing hazards while moving towards a goal [3].
In computer vision this problem has been investigated
from various aspects. Helatci et al. [6] have previ-
ously published work on classifying terrains for plane-
tary rovers from images and also from vibrations sensed
at the vehicle. There aim was to classify three separate
types of terrain during a field test: rocks, beach grass
and sandy terrain. Both Low level and high level fea-
tures were used for classification. Using the vision ap-
proach alone they achieve an average accuracy of 77%,
which was increased to 84% by fusing the vibration data.
Their classification is reported to take approximately 29
seconds per 512 ×512 pixel frame on a Pentium 1.8 Ghz
desktop PC.
Shang and Barnes [7, 8] investigated terrain classification
from visual information only using fuzzy-rough feature
selection together with support-vector-machines. The
360-degree view provided by the MER Spirit, the Mc-
Murdo panorama image. It is a composed image pre-
sented in approximately true colour 1, consisting of 1449
separate images and representing a raw data volume of
nearly 500 megabytes. It shows the surroundings of the
rover and includes dark, porous-textured volcanic, as well
as, brighter and smoother-looking rocks. These are em-
bedded in a sandy terrain with ripples and gravel (mix-
ture of small stones). In their paper several classes of
terrain were defined and hand labeled, then a low-level
feature extraction was applied to generate 36 features per
pixel. An SVM is then used to classify the pixel based
on those features. With their technique a classification
of up to 92% was achieved on hand-selected parts of the
panorama. No runtime information is given for generat-
ing those 36 local features and classifying the terrain.
Distinguishing these topologies from visual information
only is a challenging machine vision problem. In addition
to human designed approaches, a great deal of progress
has been made using machine learning techniques to per-
form classification from images.
1Publicly available at
Image segmentation is the process of separating fore-
ground from background, or one object class from the
background. Most of the previous approaches to this
problem have been using features. Features are a brief yet
comprehensive representation of the image or scene that
possess the property of being interesting and repeatable.
Local image features (also called local descriptors) are
the entities that capture the information of region around
identified points called interest points. Local image fea-
tures have proven to be resistant to occlusions, local de-
formations of the objects, variation in illumination condi-
tions, and background clutter [9].
The images are then classified based on the features
found. Usually by clustering and matching algorithms.
Instead of a feature-based approach we use machine
learning in a way that does not need to select certain
points of interest but operates on the full input image.
Machine learning has been used in Computer Vision pre-
viously but has mainly focussed on techniques such as
Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbour
(kNN) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Herein
we use Genetic Programming (GP) which is a search
technique inspired by concepts from Darwinian evolu-
tion [10]. It can be used in many domains, but is most
commonly used for symbolic regression and classifica-
tion tasks. GP has also been used to solve problems in im-
age processing, however previous attempts typically use a
small set of mathematical functions to evolve kernels, or
a small number of basic image processing functions (such
as erode and dilate). Previously Spina used GP to evolve
programs performing segmentation based on features cal-
culated from partially labelled fore- and background [11].
Given the maturity of the field of image processing, it
should be possible to construct programs that use much
more complicated image operations and hence incorpo-
rate domain knowledge. Shirakawa evolved segmenta-
tion programs that use many high-level operations such
as mean, maximum, Sobel, Laplacian and product [12].
Herein we are using Cartesian Genetic Programming
(CGP), in which programs are encoded in partially con-
nected feed forward graphs [13, 14]. The genotype, given
by a list of nodes, encodes the graph. For each node in
the genome there is a vertex, represented by a function,
and a description of the nodes from where the incoming
edges are attached.
The basic algorithm works as follows: Initially, a popula-
tion of candidate solutions is composed of randomly gen-
erated individuals. Each of these individuals, represented
by its genotype, is tested to see how well it performs the
given task. This step, known as evaluating the ‘fitness
function’, is used to assign a numeric score to each indi-
vidual in the population. Generally, the lower this error,
the better the individual is at performing the task.
In the next step of the algorithm, a new population of
individuals is generated from the old population. This
is done by taking pairs of the best performing individu-
als and performing functions analogous to recombination
and mutation. These new individuals are then tested us-
ing the fitness function. The process of test and generate
is repeated until a solution is found or until a certain num-
ber of individuals have been evaluated.
CGP offers some nice features, for instance, not all of the
nodes of a solution representation (the genotype) need to
be connected to the output node of the program. As a re-
sult there are nodes in the representation that have no ef-
fect on the output, a feature known in GP as ‘neutrality’.
This has been shown to be very useful [15] in the evo-
lutionary process. Also, because the genotype encodes
a graph, there can be reuse of nodes, which makes the
representation distinct from a classically tree-based GP
representation. An example is shown in Figure 2.
Our implementation CGP for Image Processing (CGP-
IP) draws inspiration from much of the previous work in
the field (see e.g. [16]). It uses a mixture of primitive
mathematical and high level operations. It’s main differ-
ence to previous implementation is that it encompasses
domain knowledge, i.e. it allows for the automatic gen-
eration of computer programs using a large subset of the
OpenCV image processing library functionality [5]. With
over 60 unique functions, the function set is considerably
larger than those typically used with Genetic Program-
ming. This does not appear to hinder evolution, and we
speculate that the increased number of functions provides
greater flexibility in how the evolved programs can oper-
Executing the genotype is a straightforward process.
First, the active nodes are identified to perform the
genotype-phenotype mapping. This is done recursively,
starting at the output node, and following the connections
used to provide the inputs for that node. In CGP-IP the
final node in the genotype is used as the output. Next, the
phenotype can be executed on an image. The input image
(or images) are used as inputs to the program, and then a
forward parse of the phenotype is performed.
The efficacy of this approach was shown for several dif-
ferent domains (including basic image processing, med-
ical imaging, terrain classification, object detection in
robotics and defect detection in industrial application) by
Harding et al. [17].
5.1. Fitness Function
Depending on the application, different fitness functions
are available in CGP-IP. The thresholded output image
of an individual is compared to a target image using the
Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) [18, 19], which
has previously been observed to be useful for classifica-
tion problems solved using CGP [20]. The MCC is calcu-
lated based on the ‘confusion matrix’, which is the count
of the true positives (TP), false positives (FP), true nega-
tives (TN), and false negatives (FN), as follows:
c=T P ×T N −F P ×FN
√(T P +F P)(T P +F N)(T N +F P)(T N +FN)
A coefficient of 0 indicates that the classifier is working
no better than chance. A score of 1 is achieved by a per-
fect classifier, −1 indicates that the classifier is perfect,
but has inverted the output classes. Therefore, the fitness
of an individual is given by:
f itnes s =1−|c|(2)
with values closer to 0 being more fit.
+ min dilate avg
Figure 2. Example illustration of a CGP-IP genotype. In-
ternally each node is represented by several parameters.
In this example, the first three nodes obtain the image
components from the current test case (i.e. a grey scale
representation and the red and green channels). The
fourth node adds the green and red images together. This
is then dilated by the fifth node. The sixth node is not
referenced by any node connected to the output (i.e. it is
neutral), and is therefore ignored. The final node takes
the average of the fifth node and the grey scale compo-
nent from the current test case.
5.2. High Level Operations
Previous work on imaging processing with GP can be
divided into two groups. The first group operates on a
convolutional approach. Here, a program is evolved that
operates as a kernel. For each pixel in an image, the
kernel operates on a neighbourhood and outputs a new
pixel value. This is also the typical approach when other
machine learning approaches are applied to imaging. In
GP, the kernel is typically an expression composed from
primitive mathematical operators such as +,−,×and ÷.
For example, this approach was used in [21, 22, 23] to
evolve noise reduction filters. In [24], many different im-
age processing operations (e.g. dilate, erode, edge detec-
tion) were reverse-engineered. The second group oper-
ates on a functional level, where image operations such
as dilate and erode are applied to an entire image. This
is an obvious method to insert domain knowledge into
evolved programs, as now operations that we know are
useful can be used without having to re-evolve the same
CGP-IP combines both these methods. The function set
not only contains high-level image processing functions,
but also primitive mathematical operations. A complete
list can be found in [17].
The primitive operators also work on entire images i.e.
addition will produce a new image adding the values of
corresponding pixels from two input images. However,
this method does not directly allow for kernel-style func-
tionality to be found. Instead, GP has to use a combi-
nation of shifts and rotations and other existing kernel
methods to get information about a pixel’s neighbour-
hood. This is similar to the methods proposed in [24]
to allow for efficient parallel processing of images on
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).
5.3. Using Well Known Primitive Operations
Working at the functional level allows for the easy inclu-
sion of many standard image processing operations. In
CGP-IP a large number of commands from the OpenCV
library are available to GP. Additionally, higher level
functions, such as, Gabor filtering are available. Using
OpenCV we can also be confident about using high qual-
ity, high speed software. In CGP-IP, individuals are eval-
uated at the rate of 100s per second on a single core. This
makes it both efficient to evolve with, but also means that
the evolved filters will run quickly if deployed.
Much of the previous work on imaging with GP has fo-
cused on the use of grey scale images. Often this is for
performance considerations. But also this is out of con-
sideration for how the images will be handled within the
program. In CGP-IP, all functions operate on single chan-
nel images. The default treatment for colour images is to
separate them into both RGB (red, green and blue) and
HSV (hue, saturation and value) channels, and provide
these as available inputs. A grey scale version of the im-
age is also provided. Each available channel is presented
as an input to CGP-IP, and evolutions selects which in-
puts will be used.
5.4. Pruning Generated Programs
Our implementation of CGP-IP generates human read-
able C# or C++ code based on OpenCV. Although CGP
offers bloat free evolution, it often appears to leave redun-
dant nodes in the evolved program. Examples of these
include operations that add 0 to every value, or produce
a uniformly black image. Whilst the neutrality is impor-
tant in the genotype, in the phenotype (i.e. the evolved
program) it is undesirable.
To optimise the generated code, we implemented a
method of pruning that identifies unnecessary operations.
The process of pruning a program is as follows: for each
active node in the CGP program, replace it with a NOP
and re-run the fitness evaluation. If the fitness does not
change (or improves), leave the modification in place, and
move to the next node. If the fitness degrades, replace the
instruction with a node that generates a completely black
image, and retest. Again, keep the change if it does not
affect the program’s output. If it does alter the fitness,
a final substitution attempt is made with a white image.
If all of these changes degrade performance, the original
operation is restored.
It is typically found that this process reduces the num-
ber of used instructions, and hence reduces the execution
time of the evolved program.
5.5. CGP Parameters
As with other CGP implementations, CGP-IP does not
require many parameters to be set. The main parameters
•Graph length (i.e. the number of nodes in the geno-
type), which is set to 50 in this case.
•Mutation rate, 10% of all genes in the graph are mu-
tated when an offspring is generated. The threshold
parameter is mutated with a probability of 1%.
•Size of mutations
•Number of islands, this depends on the available
computing resources. CGP-IP has been tested suc-
cessfully from 1 to 24 islands.
•Number of individuals per island, which is set to 5 in
keeping with the typical 1+4 evolutionary strategy
used with CGP.
•Synchronisation interval between islands. Here each
island compares their best individual to the servers
individual every 10 generations.
Table 1. Parameters of CGP-IP encoded at every node.
Parameter Type Range
Function Int # of functions
Connection 0 Int # of nodes and inputs
Connection 1 Int # of nodes and inputs
Parameter 0 Real no limitation
Parameter 1 Int [−16,+16]
Parameter 2 Int [−16,+16]
Gabor Filter Frequ. Int [0,16]
Gabor Filter Orient. Int [−8,+8]
It is important to note that in the work presented here the
parameters have not been optimized other than by casual
experimentation. It may be possible to improve the per-
formance of CGP-IP by more carefully selecting these
parameters. In particular, we would expect the mutation
rate, genotype size and number of islands to be the most
important parameters to adjust.
CGP-IP needs a number of additional parameters en-
coded in each node, compared to classical CGP. They
are listed in Table 1. These are needed because often the
functions used require additional parameters, with spe-
cific requirements as to their type and range. Connection
0 and 1 contain the relative address of the node used as
first and second input. If a relative address extends be-
yond the extent of the genome it is connected to one of the
inputs. Specialised ‘Input’ functions are also provided
(e.g. INP, SKIP), which manipulate a pointer that indexes
the available inputs and return the currently indexed in-
put. A full description can be found in [25]. An illustra-
tive example is shown in Fig. 2. In addition to the graph
representing the program, the genotype also includes a
value used for thresholding the output. All parameters
are kept constant throughout the experiments presented
below. Again, whilst it may be possible to improve per-
formance for a given problem by optimising the parame-
ters, we believe that the apparent parameter robustness is
an important feature of this technique.
Figure 3. A brief overview of CGP-IP: From the input
(here a MER Image) together with a hand-labelled seg-
mentation, a program is evolved to perform the same seg-
mentation. The output of this program is shown in the
third column and is used as an overlay, for quick visual
inspection, in the last column.
5.6. Training
A handful of examples, in which the object of interest
has been correctly segmented, are used as a training set
for CGP-IP. The selection of this training set is of impor-
tance for the capabilities of the found solution. If chosen
correctly, the resulting programs are very robust filters.
In Fig. 3 the various stages are shown. The original im-
age is used to hand-label points of interest (in this case
rocks). This is then used as a training set for CGP-IP.
The output of the filter is shown in the third column and
is used again, just for visualisation, in the last column as
an overlay for the input image (in grey). .
An example of the human-readable output, in the form
of a C++ computer program, is shown in Listing 1. On
a single core of a modern desktop PC, the evolved pro-
grams run quickly and as these are largely linear in form,
the memory requirements are low. Speed and simplicity
of processing is important in many embedded systems,
making this approach suitable for implementation in con-
strained computing environments.
6.1. Learning to Detect Rocks
This experiment shows how our CGP-IP system can be
applied to assist autonomous navigation. We try to detect
all rocks (larger than a certain size) to calculate a simple
traversability map. The steps to learn a classification are
shown in Fig. 3. In one section of the panorama image all
rocks are hand-labelled and are used to learn a CGP-IP
program for this task.
The evolutionary search finds a useable program after
just 8000 evaluations (takes about a minute on a stan-
dard desktop PC). The runtime of the program classi-
fying the content of the training image (347 ×871 pix-
els) is around 400ms. On the scaled down version of the
panorama (8939 ×2308) the classification takes about 30
seconds2. Fig. 4 shows the result for a different section
2All tests were performed and runtimes reported for a 2.1 Ghz Intel
Core i5 laptop with 4GB of RAM.
Figure 4. Rocks detected by an evolved CGP-IP program
in a part of the McMurdo panorama.
ic Im ag e * R oc kD e te ct or : : r un Fi lt e r () {
ic Im a ge * n od e0 = In pu t Im ag e s [6 ]- > g a us s (3 );
ic Im ag e * no d e1 = n od e0 - > sq r t ();
ic Im ag e * no de 9 = In pu t Im ag es [ 5] ;
ic Im ag e * no de 12 = n ode 9 -> u ns ha rp en ( 13 );
ic Im ag e * no de 15 = no de 1 -> m ul c (7 .0 09 36 88 6 29 56 76 );
ic Im a ge * n od e 24 = n od e1 5 - > S mo o th B il at e ra l ( 9) ;
ic Im ag e * no de 31 = n od e2 4 - >N or m al iz e () ;
ic Im ag e * no de 33 = n ode 12 - > mu lc ( 4. 03 28 68 6 83 33 81 7) ;
ic Im ag e * n od e3 5 = no de 33 -> a dd ( no d e3 1 );
ic Im a ge * n od e 49 = n od e3 5 - > S mo o th B il at e ra l ( 11 ) ;
// e vol ved t hre shol d val ue = 17 7.2 417
ic Ima ge *o ut = nod e49 -> thr esh old (17 7.2 417 f);
// c lean up of m emor y ...
return ou t;
Listing 1. The generated code from CGP-IP for detecting
a specific type of rock. icImage is a wrapper class to
allow portability within our framework [26].
of the panorama. The C++ code is shown to perform this
segmentation is shown in Listing 1.
The output can then be used as a simple traversability
measure by simply summing up the pixels (which are ei-
ther 0 or 1) over image parts.
6.2. Detecting Specific Rocks
The second experiment aims to help autonomous science
detection on space robots. Rocks that are of similar visual
appearance as a labelled example are detected, as they,
like the hand-labelled rock, might be of scientific interest.
In contrast to Fig. 3, where all rocks (larger than a certain
size) were to be detected, the aim here is to detect specific
rocks of interest.
In a first step the rock (or multiple rocks) of interest is
labeled in an image. The section was cropped from the
original panorama image and resized to 539 ×471 pixels.
Figure 5 shows it together with the hand-labelled rock for
this experiment. The rock labelled has a different visual
appearance than most of the others in this section, similar
to porous, volcanic rock. Using this input a learned CGP-
IP program then performs its classification. Fig. 6 shows
the segmentation performed by CGP-IP in various sec-
tion of the panorama image. It can be seen that although
only this one input was used other rocks that are visually
similar were detected.
Speed and simplicity of processing is important in many
embedded systems. On a single core of a modern desktop
PC, the evolved filters run in about 150ms on image sec-
tions of 512 ×512 pixels, and as the program is largely
linear in form, the memory requirements are low. This
may make this approach highly suitable for implement-
ing in constrained computing environments.
Figure 5. A part of the panorama showing a rock of in-
terest. The hand-labelled segmentation on the left is used
for training.
Figure 6. A selection of scenes from the panorama with
the rock segmentation using a single learned program at
the bottom.
6.3. Learning to Classify Terrain From Images
To classify the terrain from visual inputs we use the same
5 segmentation classes as used by Shang et al. [7]. In-
stead of hand-labelling all test images we reuse their re-
sults to train our classifiers with. The slices, taken from
the full panorama, used in their publication vary in size
from 400 ×400 to 600 ×600 pixels.
Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 show the segmentation performed by
CGP-IP in two sections of the panorama. Gravel is shown
in yellow, sand in blue. Various types of rocks are de-
tected and shown in green, red and purple. Our approach
is quite fast as each class needs about 50 −150ms per
slice. To speed up execution those could be performed
in parallel. In comparison Helatci et al. [6] require 29
seconds for a 512 ×512 image frame.
In [7] 816 labelled feature patterns are needed to perform
the classification and no runtime information is given.
Herein we use only 7 hand-labelled slices as inputs to
learn the segmentation. We believe that an increase in
number of hand-labelled data will also allow for higher
accuracy. Since there is no dataset with ‘ground-truth’
available it is therefore hard to objectively compare the
accuracy of the various methods. Especially the defini-
tion of sand vs. gravel vs. small rock can be very tricky.
This is visible in the two figures, where the areas of yel-
low and blue vary between the two solutions.
Figure 7. The right is taken from Shang et al. [7], the left is the classification performed by CGP-IP.
Figure 8. A second area taken from Shang et al. [7] and compared to our CGP-IP classification.
Automatically classifying terrain such as rocks, sand and
gravel from images is a challenging machine vision prob-
lem. In addition to human designed approaches, a great
deal of progress has been made using machine learning
techniques to perform classification from images.
Herein we demonstrate our system, named Cartesian Ge-
netic Programming for Image Processing or CGP-IP. It is
the first known use of Cartesian CGP to the terrain clas-
sification problem. Herein we apply it to perform im-
age segmentation and classification on Martian images.
Data from the McMurdo Panorama Image taken by the
Mars Exploration Rover (MER-A) Spirit (see Fig. 1) was
used. Multiple experiments were presented. In the first
we evolve a detector for rocks larger than a certain size to
support the creation of traversability maps.
In the second our approach was used to learn a detector
for rocks of scientific interest from visual input only. The
third experiment compared the terrain classification ca-
pabilities of CGP-IP to previous approaches.
These results show that our technique allows classifica-
tion of various types of terrain, such as rocks, sand and
gravel. It does so after a short learning phase and creates
programs that execute considerably faster then previous
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