... Flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere Gudanescu (2010), Hamid (2002), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Fry (2001), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Self-directed and personalized learning Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Consistency of training and delivery Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Permanent availability of cumulative archive of course content and timely updates Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Faherty (2003, Chen (2008), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Saving of time and minimization of time away from work Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Cost effective delivery and travel cost minimization Tarr (1998), Fry (2001), Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Faherty (2003) Increase in productivity, improved value chain activities, ROI Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008) Increased employee and customer satisfaction Faherty (2003), Gwebu and Wang (2007), Benninck (2004), Kramer (2007) Globalization Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Chen (2008) Improvement of workforce Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Chen (2008), Fry (2001) Table 2 Disadvantages of e-learning. ...