
The effectiveness of distance learning initiatives in organizations

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Today, organizations are increasingly adopting distance learning methods to train and develop their employees. Despite the widespread use of these methods, little research has been done regarding their effectiveness. The present paper reviews current literature on the effectiveness of distance learning methods in terms of employees’ reactions, learning, behavior, and organizational results. Suggestions for future research and practice are also offered.

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... In addition to this row-and-column counter provides the row and column position to each block and select signal decides the window size. Various modules used such as 2 FIFOs [19] for Gaussian convolution stage if we are using 3x3 convolution mask and 4 FIFOs if 5x5 calculation of gradient we are using 3x3 convolution mask, so we required 2 FIFOs in non maximum suppression stage we need 256x18 bit FIFOs, and in thresholding stage we need 256x1 bit FIFO [21]array. 3 x 3 windows for 3x3 mask. ...
... The Brightness is given below. Various modules used such as 2 FIFOs [19] for Gaussian convolution stage if we are using 3x3 convolution mask and 4 FIFOs if 5x5 mask. For calculation of gradient we are using 3x3 convolution mask, so we required 2 FIFOs in non maximum suppression stage we need 256x18 bit FIFOs, and in thresholding stage we need 256x1 bit FIFO [21]array. ...
... The general idea of Ultrasonographic Imaging System Model Figure: -Actual Simulation Model for ultrasonographic imaging system PtolemyIV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF ULTRASONOGRAPHIC IMAGING SYSTEM Block diagram of system to[19] implement image processing operations such as Median filter and Sobel edge detector in the hardware is shown infigure. ...
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... Flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere Gudanescu (2010), Hamid (2002), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Fry (2001), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Self-directed and personalized learning Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Consistency of training and delivery Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Permanent availability of cumulative archive of course content and timely updates Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Faherty (2003, Chen (2008), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Saving of time and minimization of time away from work Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Cost effective delivery and travel cost minimization Tarr (1998), Fry (2001), Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Faherty (2003) Increase in productivity, improved value chain activities, ROI Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008) Increased employee and customer satisfaction Faherty (2003), Gwebu and Wang (2007), Benninck (2004), Kramer (2007) Globalization Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Chen (2008) Improvement of workforce Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Chen (2008), Fry (2001) Table 2 Disadvantages of e-learning. ...
... Flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere Gudanescu (2010), Hamid (2002), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Fry (2001), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Self-directed and personalized learning Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Consistency of training and delivery Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Permanent availability of cumulative archive of course content and timely updates Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Faherty (2003, Chen (2008), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Saving of time and minimization of time away from work Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Cost effective delivery and travel cost minimization Tarr (1998), Fry (2001), Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Faherty (2003) Increase in productivity, improved value chain activities, ROI Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008) Increased employee and customer satisfaction Faherty (2003), Gwebu and Wang (2007), Benninck (2004), Kramer (2007) Globalization Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Chen (2008) Improvement of workforce Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Chen (2008), Fry (2001) Table 2 Disadvantages of e-learning. ...
... Flexibility to learn anytime, anywhere Gudanescu (2010), Hamid (2002), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Fry (2001), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Self-directed and personalized learning Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Consistency of training and delivery Benninck (2004), Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Permanent availability of cumulative archive of course content and timely updates Hamid (2002), Gudanescu (2010), Tarr (1998), Faherty (2003, Chen (2008), Batalla-Busquets and Pacheco-Bernal (2013) Saving of time and minimization of time away from work Nisar (2002), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003) Cost effective delivery and travel cost minimization Tarr (1998), Fry (2001), Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008), Newton and Doonga (2007), Faherty (2003) Increase in productivity, improved value chain activities, ROI Burgess and Russell (2003), Chen (2008) Increased employee and customer satisfaction Faherty (2003), Gwebu and Wang (2007), Benninck (2004), Kramer (2007) Globalization Setaro (2000), Faherty (2003), Chen (2008) Improvement of workforce Benninck (2004), Setaro (2000), Chen (2008), Fry (2001) Table 2 Disadvantages of e-learning. ...
As companies are driven to reshape their established practices with the impact of advancements in information and communication technologies, corporate training emerges as a distinct area requiring technological transformation. This exploratory study aims to examine the attitudes of a sample of 106 of the top 500 corporations in Turkey regarding the usage of e-learning for corporate training. Findings show that most of these firms currently have a hesitant attitude toward this development. Through factor analysis, the main advantages for using e-learning in corporate training have been classified as employee commitment and motivation, convenience and accessibility, customization and outsourcing, and cost effectiveness while the disadvantages have been grouped as personal and organizational. Consequently, attitudinal differences toward e-learning between companies have been explored according to two scale-related variables (employee size and company revenue) and two variables about organizational readiness (the existence of a Learning&Education Department and the current use of e-learning).
... On-the-job training methods can frequently suffer from inconsistency, whereas online training is often standardized (Barmak, 2014). Online training can also be less expensive because many of the administrative expenses can be effectively and significantly reduced (Burgess & Russell, 2003;Chen, 2008;Newton & Doonga, 2007;Ozturan & Kutlu, 2010;Schweizer, 2004;Womble, 2008). Thus, many major hospitality companies are increasingly using online training for newly hired employees and for professional development of current employees. ...
... Training programs are one of the best tools to ensure that employees learn all the procedures to be successful in their job (Burgess & Russell, 2003;Chen, 2008;Newton & Doonga, 2007;Ozturan & Kutlu, 2010;Schweizer, 2004;Womble, 2008). Because the millennial generation is the largest generation in the labor force and is the most computer-literate generation, many organizations are using online methods for their training (Gibson & Sodeman, 2014). ...
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Because the millennial generation is the largest generation in the U.S. labor force and is the most computer-literate generation, many organizations are investing in online methods for their training. From a recruitment perspective, applicants can use training information to form attitudes about an organization, such as their attraction. Yet, research has not examined whether organizational attraction is influenced by the type of training method an organization offers. Using two experiments, the purpose of the current article was to examine organizational attraction as a function of whether a training program is described as online or on-the-job, and pretraining satisfaction and perceived utility as mediators of this relationship. Study 1 used a two-group (online and on-the-job) between-subjects experimental design. Study 2 used a three-group (online, on-the-job, and combined online and on-the-job training) between-subjects experimental design to replicate Study 1 and add an additional condition: combining online and on-the-job methods. Participants were instructed to read a hotel’s recruitment information for a front office position and evaluate the hotel assuming the role of an applicant. Participants had higher organizational attraction when training was described as on-the-job training than as online training. The effect of training method on organizational attraction was mediated by training satisfaction and utility. The most important theoretical contribution of the current studies is that the results contradict the general stereotypes and expectations of millennials. The results contribute to understanding how prospective applicants use organizational characteristics, such as the type of training they offer, to form attitudes, such as organizational attraction.
... In this paper from the consideration that elearning is based not only on technological tools but also on a complex environment in which the process of teaching/learning occurs [10] [11] [12], some of the main aspects of e-learning are focused and an overview on the situation in the Italian Universities is presented. In particular, the e-learning platforms adopted by the different Italian Universities are firstly discussed. ...
... In the academic field, the choice of a Learning Management System (LMS) is of great relevance for any e-learning activity/project intended to deliver didactic modules for higher education. In this paper from the consideration that elearning is based not only on technological tools but also on a complex environment in which the process of teaching/learning occurs [10, 11, 12], some of the main aspects of e-learning are focused and an overview on the situation in the Italian Universities is presented. In particular, the e-learning platforms adopted by the different Italian Universities are firstly discussed. ...
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In the era of globalization of goods and services difficulties in knowledge diffusion still remain. The effective exchange of experiences and skills is not guaranteed by the enormous potentials of internetworking systems and devices. E-learning technologies represent a good opportunity to reduce the digital divide and to ensure faster and higher development trends. Several universities and companies are currently involved in using e-learning systems to provide a valid solution; this notwithstanding several problems related to e-learning activities still remain open. This paper presents an analysis of the e-learning technologies used in the Italian Universities. The most widespread open source and commercial Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are investigated and presented. Successively, a simple model is proposed and used to perform a comparative evaluation of the adopted systems. Finally, the activity experienced at the "Rete Puglia" Centre of the University of Bari is described and the most relevant results are illustrated.
... (3) flexibility and convenience in access, pace, and delivery of training; (4) standardized and consistent delivery methods; (5) self-paced learning opportunities; (6) diversity and permanency of available con-tent; (7) remaining competitive and up-todate; and (8) encouraging, facilitating, and developing critical thinking and other higher order skills potentials (Ozturan & Kutlu, 2010;Chen, 2008;Womble, 2008;Newton & Doonga, 2007;Schweizer, 2004;Burgess & Russell, 2003;Bonk, 2002;Nisar, 2002;Setaro, 2002;Strother, 2002;Fry, 2001). ...
... The use of ICT-through an e-learning intervention such as online training program-is less expensive than traditional training delivery methods. Many administrational and academic expenses-such as trainers' costs, booking training facilities' costs, travels' costs, training materials' costs, and time away from the job as wellcan significantly and efficiently be condensed (Ozturan & Kutlu, 2010;Chen, 2008;Womble, 2008;Newton & Doonga, 2007;Schweizer, 2004;Burgess & Russell, 2003;Bonk, 2002;Strother, 2002). ...
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Computers, the Internet, smartphones, and telecommunication technologies have all changed the way we live—how we think, socialize, entertain, work, teach, learn, and train as well. One of the modern ICT trends of organizations involve the integration of e-learning, in general, and online training systems, in particular, as new methods for delivering training programs/courses online. This longitudinal study aimed to scrutinize and assess the reaction-based satisfaction level, indeed the first level of Kirkpatrick’s classic 4-level evaluation research model, of Kuwait University’s (KU’s) students regarding the online training system service provided by KU to its faculty, students, and employees alike. A total of 700 undergraduate students from the College of Education (COE) at KU participated in this study. Even though the majority of the participants, 97.4 percent, were not aware about the online training system service. However, the findings demonstrate that the reaction-based satisfaction level of KU’s students is significantly high. Students’ feelings, perceptions, and attitudes toward e-training courses are significantly encouraging. KU’s students consider the contents/materials provided in the online training courses as being pertinent and useful to their work/study. They were satisfied with what they learn using the online training system. The majority of the participants, about 95 percent, asserted that they are eager to take more training courses offered online.
... En las últimas dos décadas, las organizaciones han usado de manera frecuente la tecnología para ofrecer programas de formación para sus empleados, debido a los efectos beneficiosos, tales como: la reducción de costos en los gastos de viaje y el tiempo de formación, la flexibilidad en el ritmo de impartición de la formación, la variedad de contenidos estandarizados disponibles, el uso permanente de material dentro de la empresa, la mejora de la productividad del trabajador, el aumento de personas capacitadas, el mantenimiento de la competitividad empresarial, entre otros (Chen 2008;Womble 2008;Schweizer 2004;Burgess y Russell 2003;Bonk 2002;Nisar 2002;Setaro 2002;Sthrother 2002;Fry, 2001;Minton 2000;Tarr 1998). ...
... ISSN: 2254 -3376 DOI: 40 encontrado que la formación basada en la tecnología conduce a una reducción del 50% en el tiempo y los costes en formación en el aula (Burgess y Russell, 2003). ...
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En el contexto actual, donde medios de comunicacion y grupos de interes cuestionan la inversion en formacion para el empleo, se presenta un estudio de caracter exploratorio de evaluacion de los costes de la formacion, en concreto en la modalidad elearning. Tras una exhaustiva revision de la literatura, se proponen factores clave y recomendaciones para la implementacion del modelo de evaluacion. Se justifica la necesidad de obtener un nuevo parametro de evaluacion basado en el retorno de la inversion (ROI, Return On Invest) que hasta ahora no se ha utilizado en la inversion publica en formacion.
... The advantages of distance learning include teaching multiple students quickly, reducing costs, and disregarding distances. Learners can register with international quality programs, access multiple sources of knowledge, and manage thousands of sites provided by experts in their educational fields, stimulating a culture of self-learning while enjoying flexibility [26][27][28][29][30]55]. During study periods, distance learning increases the continuity of educational programs through participatory learning and allows communication with colleagues and counterparts, stimulating reflective thinking and brainstorming. ...
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Education has rapidly shifted into distance learning after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students with varying learning levels from Saudi Arabian universities started online lessons through programs and applications. Supporters and opponents of distance learning have different opinions about distance education. In this context, this study focused on actual quality standards of distance learning and identified five axes of education quality to improve learning and develop technical tools for learning. The findings of the study are relevant to the specific context of the crisis and aim to meet international quality standards. We adopted the social survey method using the five axes. A questionnaire and a study sample of 1240 respondents from 42 universities and colleges were used. The data determined the level of quality of distance education and the extent to which students benefit from it. The interactive axis achieved the highest average rating, whereas the evaluation axis achieved the lowest average rating. Furthermore, the study shows that students agreed that distance education was useful during the pandemic, but it is less effective than face-to-face learning, and they value the elements of live lessons and interactions. These findings can be used to develop teaching practices in distance learning through the adoption of technology in line with global trends; through the use of learning to overcome difficulties; through open, unlimited areas of learning during crises; and through the development and activation of these dynamics. These outcomes can deliver higher results at a desired scientific level.
... Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Численні наукові дослідження змісту загальної професійної компетентності викладача, що деталізується у низці компетентностей, представляють намагання авторів виокремити структуру означеного утворення залежно від змісту діяльності викладача закладу вищої освіти та вимог до якості такої діяльності, особливо в умовах дистанційного навчання [2,3,4,6,7,9,10]. Враховуючи думку експертів-роботодавців щодо діяльності освітніх інституцій, представлену на Всесвітньому економічному фо-румі (World Economic Forum) (Давос, Швейцарія, січень 2016 р.), у знаковій доповіді «Майбутнє професій» ("The Future of Jobs") було визначено такі компетентності: комплексне багаторівневе вирішення проблем (complex problem solving); критичне мислення (critical thinking); креативність у широкому сенсі (creativity); уміння керувати людьми (people management); взаємодія з людьми (coordinating with others); емоційний інтелект (emotional intelligence); оцінка та прийняття рішень (judgment and decisionmaking); орієнтація на послуги, або клієнтоорієнтованість (service orientation); уміння вести переговори (negotiation), тобто готовність до обговорення, спрямованого на досягнення угоди (discussion aimed at reaching an agreement); когнітивна гнучкість (cognitive flexibility) [5]. ...
The article notes that the problem of organization of professional development of teachers of higher educational institutions is related to the orientation of the higher education in Ukraine towards the European educational standards and is associated with the need for continuous professional development of the teaching staff at the tertiary level. Another factor is the necessity in actual professional reaction to the challenges brought about by the world pandemic and, as a result, digitalization of the basic social spheres and institutions, educational, in particular. The article provides the analysis and implementation of the world experience in organization of the process of educating and further professional development of teachers using contemporary educational online platforms. Based on modern research on the problem and taking into account the socio-economic requirements of the time, the main competences that determine the required level of the professional level of a teacher of the higher educational institution are determined. The article presents the experience of implementing upgrading skills programs for teachers of higher educational institutions using online platforms: trainings, webinars, master classes, participation in academic mobility programs, Master degree training programs which have been piloted at the universities of Kharkiv to develop certain competences.
... Palmer et al. [2] deemed that project-based learning is a well-known method of engineering design education, and learners' learning enthusiasm can be enhanced by the personalized marking of highly complex group work activities. Burgess et al. [3] summarized the current literature on the effectiveness of distance learning methods from the perspectives of employees' reactions, learning, behavior, and organizational results. ...
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Institutions of higher learning in China actively promote the deep integration of information technology (IT) with education and teaching by using big data technology to collect and analyze data on education and teaching activities as well as students’ behaviors, to provide feedback. The objective is to support and promote personalized learning and targeted teaching in the online learning environment. The data on students’ learning effectiveness are collected timely and accurately during online teaching. Based on these data, teaching and learning activities are adjusted periodically to enhance the learning enthusiasm of college students and further achieve the goal of high-quality online teaching. In this study, an influencing factor index system for college students’ learning enthusiasm in the online learning environment was established based on existing literature. The relationships of learning enthusiasm with learning needs, motivation, attitude, and interest were measured through structural equation modeling. Next, the hierarchy of 17 factors influencing college students’ learning enthusiasm was analyzed using interpretive structural modeling. The results reveal that the influencing factor index system for college students’ learning enthusiasm in the online learning environment is highly scientific and reasonable. Learning needs, motivation, and attitude have an evident promoting effect on learning enthusiasm. Four factors, namely, numbered B5, C4, D1, and D3, are the direct factors affecting learning enthusiasm. Moreover, three factors, namely, numbered A4, B3, and C3, are the fundamental reasons that affect learning enthusiasm. The research results have significant reference values in identifying the causes of the change in learning enthusiasm induced by the online learning environment and proposing pertinent measures to enhance college students’ learning enthusiasm.
... Based on previous research, it has been proven the effectiveness of distance learning in improving student learning outcomes [19]. However, to obtain the desired learning outcomes at students' higher order thinking, it is necessary to evaluate. ...
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Distance learning during covid 19 is in line with future learning in the era of the Industrial revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. The purpose of this study is to evaluate students' higher order thinking on geometrical optics material as a result of the implementation of distance learning during the covid 19 pandemic. This study uses a cross sectional approach and quantitative descriptive data analysis by investigating the distribution of students' abilities for each aspect, which is then made a percentage based on the assessment criteria. Number of participants N=306 students from class XI for the academic year 2020/2021, using cluster random sampling based on geographic location. The physics question instruments used are multiple choice questions and descriptions, based on Bloom's revised taxonomy for cognitive levels of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5) and creating (C6). The results showed that the overall high order thinking of students was in the sufficient category (27.02%). The implications of the results of this study are providing good facilities, emphasizing collaborative learning strategies, and providing application of questions in an effort to improve students' higher order thinking.
... Many companies openly share their successful experience in this field. These include Daimler Chrysler and General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Novell, MCI World Com, Dunkin Donuts, the World Bank, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which use these technologies to train and improve the skills of workers (Chute, Thompson, & Hancock, 1999;Burgess, & Russell, 2003). ...
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The radical transformations caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies in the mid-1990s prompted the transition to the knowledge society which identified the key role of knowledge as the most important and valuable capital of organizations and had a decisive impact on the development of corporate training. In our study, we aimed to analyze the training methods used in American companies in the knowledge society, particularly, their feasibility, features, benefits and possible limitations. The results of our study show that, at present, e-learning is considerably more widely used in American companies than instructor-led classroom training. Most organizations use blended learning which implies the combination of e-learning methods and instructor-led learning methods. A powerful stimulus for the wide implementation of e-learning methods was produced by the COVID-19 pandemic when the use of educational technologies made it possible for the companies not only to continue training and development of their employees but also to implement tactical and strategic practices which will have long-term implications for the future of the training industry. The most widely used e-learning methods in American companies are virtual classroom/webcast, online or computer-based methods, social learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. In spite of certain limitations of e-learning methods, they have a number of important benefits which allow companies to expand access to training, save costs, increase adaptability and flexibility of learning programs, etc., and thus satisfy their needs in qualified employees.
... Today, organizations are increasingly adopting distance learning methods to train and develop their employees (Burgess & Russell, 2003). The increase in the use of VLE by universities and other institutions is a reality and will definitely have an important impact on the learning process (Oproiu, 2015). ...
Conference Paper
Today, the didactic act is inconceivable without the broad integration and use of educational resources in various digital formats. In this context, the author of the present paper describes the consecutiveness of steps for scenarios of video tutorials and the importance of developing these kinds of resources with the perspective of its implementation in the teaching-learning process.
... The levels of income of the population, infrastructure development, material and technical equipment have determined the speed and quality of educational services provided (Roberts et al., 2011;Cojocariu et al., 2014). The strongest imbalances were found: from the widespread distribution of remote platforms and innovative practices for the implementation of distance learning in the central part of Russia to power outages and the lack of a stable Internet channel in peripheral regions (Moore et al., 2011;Burgess & Russell, 2003). ...
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In the article, the authors have analyzed the problems of providing educational services during the pandemic. The position of the determination of the institution of education from the level of socio-economic well-being of the region is justified. The authors have substantiated the position on the formation of new challenges to the institute of education, caused by the formation of a new social reality in the conditions of isolation and restrictions of the communicative space. The social, economic and psychological factors of reducing the degree of satisfaction with educational services during the period of large-scale restrictions of full-time education have been considered. The problems of organizing a distant learning mode for the heads of educational organizations, the teaching staff and the children's audience have been identified. The authors consider the most significant problems to be: increasing stratification of the Russian regions, polarity of their economic condition, which reveals differentiation in the technical equipment of educational organizations and the availability of educational services and resources to provide a modern educational space; the polarity of the technical equipment of educational organizations; organizational and technical difficulties; the lack of knowledge of teaching staff about the rules of organizing video content.
... Since the main purpose of the exploratory work was to carry out not quantitative (for example, what percentage of students of Kazan Federal University are dissatisfied with distance learning or how many students missed more than one class for no reason), but qualitative analysis. The format of the interview is productive in a situation where it is necessary to get an insight about beliefs, personal experience, experiences that cannot be formalized into a questionnaire list of questions, there and then, where there is a need for a detailed understanding of the respondents' thinking (Markova et al., 2017;Burgess & Russell, 2003). ...
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An existential problem for modern society is the stability problem when the ambiguity of extended forecasts becomes characteristic even for the foreseeable future. Consideration of this problem from the perspective of the digital space is especially important for two reasons. First, the bulk of modern communication processes takes place in the network space. Second, the processes of searching, consuming, exchanging information and acquiring new knowledge are directly or indirectly connected today with digital resources. This article deals with the analysis of the specifity of the implementation of distance learning in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The empirical study base is a group interview with students of Kazan Federal University which has highlighted students’ attitudes over online education in the face of a pandemic. The analysis of the respondents’ viewpoints reveals several common stances towards understanding their individual educational strategy, and the results of the study enable to determine the specific features of the implementation of training for students of Kazan Federal University, to show the features of the influence of distance learning on the choice of educational technologies. The differences between the students’ attitudes over the development of remote education are revealed.
... Many studies indicate that online learning is considered more effective in several areas, such as organizations, students' achievement, and learning process as in [1] [2] [3]. In this spirit, the learning process in universities also undergoes a paradigm shift in which online learning becomes an integrated part of higher institutions. ...
... Furthermore, this allowed us to investigate the effect of educational information on prediction accuracy. Second, compared to simple descriptions of validity differences between mechanical-and holistic combination (Arkes et al., 1986;Eastwood & Luther, 2016), we presented educational information in the form of a short video, which increases ecological validity as videos are often used in organizational trainings (Burgess & Russell, 2003). Third, providing educational information is only practically useful if it has a long-lasting effect on evidence-based decision making. ...
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Robust scientific evidence shows that human performance predictions are more valid when information is combined mechanically (with a decision rule) rather than holistically (in the decision-maker’s mind). Yet, information is often combined holistically in practice. One reason is that decision makers lack knowledge of evidence-based decision making. In a performance prediction task, we tested whether watching an educational video on evidence-based decision making increased decision-makers’ use of a decision rule and their prediction accuracy immediately after the manipulation and a month later. Furthermore, we manipulated whether participants earned incentives for accurate predictions. Existing research showed that incentives decrease decision-rule use and prediction accuracy. We hypothesized that this is the case for decision makers who did not receive educational information about evidence-based decision making, but that incentives increase decision-rule use and prediction accuracy for participants who received educational information. Our results showed that educational information increased decision-rule use. This resulted in increased prediction accuracy, but only immediately after receiving the educational information. In contrast to the existing literature, incentives slightly increased decision-rule use. We did not find evidence that this effect was larger for educated participants. Providing decision makers with educational information may be effective to increase decision-rule use in practice.
... In his book Towards a Dynamic General Didactics (1992), Nérici points out that the teaching methodology is a set of didactic procedures expressed by teaching methods and techniques, tending to bring to fruition the didactic action, which means achieving the objectives of teaching and, therefore, of education. On the other hand, the didactic strategy is understood as the planning of how the training process will be carried out; it includes a diagnosis of reality, the definition of objectives, the selection of didactic methods, tasks to be carried out and activities, resource planning and the form of the training process evaluation (Burgess and Russell, 2003;Cid-Sabucedo, Pérez-Abellás and Zabalza, 2009b;González and Ramírez, 2010). From the above, methodology in education is understood as a way to teach using didactic strategies that include techniques and methods to reach the ultimate goal: learning. ...
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In recent years, inclusion in Mexico has caused higher education institutions to open their doors to people with disabilities who want to access an education program. Taking into account that the word include is bound to accept, it is important to have the appropriate knowledge, tools, spaces, and attitudes for the reception of these people in campuses, both private and public, to achieve a synergy among all the involved in the binomial teaching-learning. All this with the objective of strengthening inherent competencies of people with disabilities and granting others in order to let them compete in the chosen institution. In this document, different learning theories will be analyzed, in order to know their strengths and suggest a methodology that allows teacher and student to be aware of their inherent competences as well as know the ones needed to have a good performance in the class. Through a concept map that describes the key points of the aforementioned theories to reach the final result. It should be noted that until now there is little information regarding the study of a specific practice for the inclusion of people with disabilities in higher education in Mexico. For this reason, this analysis is relevant.
... It reduces the organization cost, everyone easily access the training program, make familiar employee with the technology and provide effective learning (Chiu and Wang, 2008). Online training eases the compulsion of the employees and organization because it provides easy access and comfort to get training at any time and any place effectively (Burgess and Russell, 2003). ...
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The purpose of the study is to analyses the acceptance of online training by Iraqi employees by using the UTAUT model. Training which is being provided through online is an easy and cost effective method to develop required skills and abilities. It is also known as the electronic learning. The research is based upon quantitative method for which respondent are the staff members of Iraq. The selected sample size is 130 employees. The results suggested that performance expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions and effort expectancy is having positive and significant relations with the behavioral intention of the Iraqi’s employee to get trained through online. Keywords— Acceptance; online training; Iraqi employees; UTAUT model
... Existing research on online learning in corporate settings has identified a number of benefits in terms of flexibility, time and cost efficiency, employee and customer satisfaction, and personalized and self-regulated learning [6] [7][8] [9]. These positive outcomes are all sought after in education of practitioners as a part of lifelong learning. ...
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This Work in Progress paper presents an ongoing study of blended learning approaches applied to Artificial Intelligence (AI) online courses in professional education. Online learning events have gained significant importance as companies and individuals are increasingly required to engage in lifelong learning and capacity building. Still, factors that enhance or hinder professionals' ability to take on lifelong learning through education and put new knowledge into practice are underexplored. We present our conceptual framework and research design based on well-developed theoretical and operationalized concepts from cognitive, meta-cognitive and motivational theories of learning. The expected results reveal key factors affecting individuals learning in online corporate training and their implications for educational practice.
... Majharul (2014) states that the organization's influence will motivate employees to accept innovation. These influences are different, according to different authors, but most agree that they can be summarized in several main parts: (1) conditions, (2) organization support, (3) management support, (4) job support, (5) training, (6) incentives (Burgess and Russell, 2003;Lee et al., 2011;Majharul, 2014;Mohammadyari and Singh, 2015). In this paper, following a detailed systematic review of the literature and expert opinion, the following determinants were analyzed: organization support, management support, and task support. ...
Purpose- Conceptual model in this paper combines existing scientific knowledge grounded in theories of planned behavior, diffusion of innovation and a unified theory of acceptance and use of technology, while aiming to identify relevant determinants of continuous use of e-learning by employees who used e-learning in the past year at their workplace. Design/methodology/approach-The authors developed and empirically tested the positive impact of professional, personal, IT and environmental factors on the continued use of e-learning among 672 employees across different sectors using the structural equation modeling technique. Findings-Research results suggest that the most powerful determinant of continuous use of e-learning are personal factors. Environmental influences and technological aspects also exhibit a positive and significant impact on the continuous use of e-learning. Research hypothesis related to the positive influence of professional factors on the continuous use of e-learning has not been empirically confirmed. Also, results demonstrated that continued use of e-learning contributes to better individual business performance. Practical implications-The practical contribution is threefold: to companies, education institutions and human resource managers. For companies, identification of key determinants will lead to a better understanding of employees needs regarding continuous job improvements. The findings can be used by educational institutions to design e-learning programs according to results and real value to employees. On the other hand, human resource managers can benefit from this study in terms of getting concrete factors that motivate employees for continuous job improvement. Originality/value-The research sheds light on the proposed integrated model that tests the post-adoption of the continuous use of e-learning within an organizational context.
... Praktik pengelolaan SDM berikutnya adalah e-learning yaitu sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh dimana pekerja (pembelajar) dan instruktur dapat menjalankan proses belajar mengajar pada waktu dan jarak yang terpisah dengan media elektronik (Kaplan-Leiserson, 2002). Manfaat yang dapat diperoleh antara lain fleksibilitas, dapat melatih karyawan dengan cepat dan efisien lintas batas, mendapatkan instruktur yang berpengalaman, pembaharuan materi pelatihan, komitmen belajar tinggi dari peserta pelatihan, serta biaya dan waktu yang relatif efisien (Kozlowskiet al., 2001;Burgess & Russell, 2003). ...
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Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas limpahan rahmat-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan tulisan buku ini dengan judul “DIGITAL BUSINES”. Teknologi merupakan keseluruhan sarana untuk menye-diakan barang-barang yang diperlukan bagi kelangsungan dan kenyamanan hidup manusia. Era digital merupakan suatu masa di mana sebagian besar masyarakat pada era tersebut menggunakan sistem digital dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Dalam ilmu ekonomi, bisnis adalah suatu organisasi yang menjual barang atau jasa kepada konsumen atau bisnis lainnya, untuk mendapatkan laba. Secara historis kata bisnis dari bahasa Inggris business, dari kata dasar busy yang berarti “sibuk” dalam konteks individu, komunitas, ataupun masyarakat. Dalam artian, sibuk mengerjakan aktivitas dan pekerjaan yang mendatangkan keuntungan. Digital business atau disebut juga bisnis digital adalah bisnis tercanggih saat ini yang diperkirakan terus berkembang setiap tahun dan semakin lama akan meningkat tajam. Bisnis digital di sini adalah bisnis online. Bisnis digital atau bisnis online adalah bisnis riil yang menggunakan media internet. Bisnis digital adalah bisnis yang menggunakan teknologi sebagai keunggulan dalam operasi internal dan eksternal. Teknologi informasi telah mengubah infrastruktur dan operasi bisnis sejak Internet menjadi tersedia secara luas untuk bisnis dan individu. Transformasi ini telah sangat mengubah cara bisnis melakukan operasi sehari-hari mereka. Ini telah memaksimalkan manfaat dari aset data dan inisiatif yang berfokus pada teknologi. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua.
... VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) memfasilitasi penggunaan keduanya dan komunikasi suara untuk mendorong kolaborasi melalui internet. F. e-Learning e-learning merupakan pelatihan yang memanfaatkan berbagai teknologi pelatihan baru seperti pelatihan berbasis web dan CD-ROM (Burgess & Russell, 2003). e-Learning saat ini mengacu pada penggunaan teknologi jaringan untuk merancang, memberikan, memilih, mengelola, dan memperluas pembelajaran dan kemungkinan yang disediakan oleh internet untuk menawarkan kepada pengguna pembelajaran yang sinkron dan sinkron, sehingga mereka dapat mengakses konten program kapan saja dan di mana pun ada adalah koneksi internet (Ghislandi, 2012). ...
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Program pelatihan dan pengembangan di BP Jamsostek tetap berlangsung di tengan pandemic Covid-19. Wabah virus corona telah menjadi issue global sejak WHO telah mengumumkanya pada pertengahan bulan Maret 2020. Dampaknya berimbas pada seluruh lapisan negeri serta mengubah berbagai segi kehidupan tanpa terkecuali pekerjaan, pendidikan dan pelatihan. BP Jamsostek sebagai lembaga public yang bergerak dalam bidang jaminan sosial ketenagakerjaan melalui Deputi Direktur Bidang Learning turut merasakan dampaknya. Berbagai pelatihan yang seharusnya dilaksanakan secara tatap muka (face-to-face) dihentikan sejalan dengan merebaknya penyebaran Covid-19. Kondisi ini memerlukan penyesuaian baik metode pembelajaran maupun waktu pelaksanaanya. Desain pelatihan dirancang sedemikian rupa agar tujuan dan sasaran organisasi tercapai yakni dengan metode pembelajaran contructive learning dengan penyampaian pembelajaran berbasis digital yakni virtual learning dengan menggunakan aplikasi zoom cloud dan Learning Management System/LMS atau e-learning BP Jamsostek. Era globalisasi menuntut setiap generasi untuk mampu berdaptasi dengan perkembangan teknologi teknologi khususnya internet saat ini sangat mempengaruhi segenap aspek kehidupan, termasuk pada bidang pendidikan dan pengembangan yang ada di organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana BP Jamsostek mendesain pelatihan dan melaksanakan pelatihan yang berlangsung pada masa pandemic Covid-19. Program pelatihan di desain dengan metode contructive learning yang menekankan pada keaktifan peserta dengan penyampaian pembelajaran virtual learning untuk memenuhi tujuan bisnis organisasi. Tujuannya adalah memenuhi pengetahuan, memperkuat ketrampilan sikap dan perilaku karyawan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam mas pandemic Covid-19. Dari hasil observasi menunjukkan bahwa desain pelatihan program dilaksanakan sesuai dengan tujuan dan sasaran desain pelatihan yang telah dirancang. Segenap element pelatihan berepran serta aktif dalam pelaksanaan program ini. Program ini terselenggara tidak hanya untuk memenuhi program kerja dari organisasi namun juga sebagai langkah positif dalam membantu pemerintah dalam menekan penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia. .
... VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) memfasilitasi penggunaan keduanya dan komunikasi suara untuk mendorong kolaborasi melalui internet. F. e-Learning e-learning merupakan pelatihan yang memanfaatkan berbagai teknologi pelatihan baru seperti pelatihan berbasis web dan CD-ROM (Burgess & Russell, 2003). e-Learning saat ini mengacu pada penggunaan teknologi jaringan untuk merancang, memberikan, memilih, mengelola, dan memperluas pembelajaran dan kemungkinan yang disediakan oleh internet untuk menawarkan kepada pengguna pembelajaran yang sinkron dan sinkron, sehingga mereka dapat mengakses konten program kapan saja dan di mana pun ada adalah koneksi internet (Ghislandi, 2012). ...
... Development of LMS with open online learning, able to offer a means to connect thousands of students doing various learning activities to achieve more effective learning [16]. E-Learning is not only considered as a training medium, but can also be used as a learning strategy [17], or learning environment [18]. ...
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A current higher education curriculum has shifted from a training and professional development model to a capability development model, from work-oriented to a life orientation, from a teaching paradigm to a learning paradigm. The logical consequence of this shift requires innovation not only in the form of instruments and digitization of learning but also in learning innovation in the learning process and student learning experiences. This study aims to design learning innovations using research-based learning models that are integrated through e-learning to improve student capabilities. This study used research and development method with a 4-D model. This study found that there was an increase in the quality of learning in social studies learning courses and an increase in student capabilities through a research-based learning approach implemented through the e-learning system.
... The effectiveness of learning programs is characterized by the following characteristics: (a) Successfully delivering students to achieve the specified instructional goals, (b) Providing an attractive learning experience, actively involving students as to support achievement instructional objectives, and (c) Having facilities that support the teaching and learning process [12]. ...
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the application of e-learning media in science lessons on the learning outcomes of fourth-grade students in elementary school. Experimental research was conducted for four weeks with learning using e-learning media as an experimental group (n = 32) and using book-based learning as a control group (n = 30). This study used a quasi-experimental method with a pretest and posttest control group design. The research instrument was taken from observations and scores on student learning outcomes. The data were analyzed using a quantitative statistical method. Based on data, the researchers know that a teacher plays an essential role in developing student learning media through ICT based learning design. Also, the results of the study based on Mann-Whitney N-gain score of students' comprehension ability obtained a significance value of 0.00 less than α = 0.05 so that H0 was rejected. This result shows that the ability of students to understand science using e-learning media is significantly better than students who get book-based learning.
... A laudable solution to such needs is the development of the eLearning, which can be defined as the delivery of course content via electronic media, such as the Internet, Intranets, Extranets, satellite broadcast, audio/video tapes, interactive TV, and CD-ROMs [2]. Organizations may well deliver consistent training to their employees in the workplace, update training content where necessary, reduce travel costs to outside training facilities, and provide training to employees on demand, anytime, and anywhere [3]. ...
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The aim of this study is to investigate the adoption and use of e-learning by business employees in Cameroon. To this effect, it seeks to: (1) identify the variables that influence the intention to use of e-learning; and (2) determine the impacts of the usage behavior on employees. To achieve these objectives, a mixed method approach combining quantitative and qualitative analyses was used. The quantitative approach is an analysis of research model obtained from a Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) that was modified by adding two other constructs: facilitating conditions from UTAUT, and well-being to measure the impact of eLearning. Then, with a sample of data collected from 159 business employees in Cameroon by means of a questionnaire, structural equation was measured for this analysis. The qualitative approach was applied concomitantly through the analysis of data collected during an interview with 10 employees who had always experimented eLearning before. The main result obtained from this study is that, in Cameroon-based enterprises, well-being at workplace is determined by usage behavior irrespective of gender and educational attainment when there is any intention to use e-learning.
... Over a decade, businesses are regularly using technology to deliver training programs for their employees due to a bundle of benefits such as cost saving in travel expenditures and training time, flexibility and delivery of training, diverse content availability, standardized and constant course delivery, permanent use of resources within the company, enhancing worker productivity, rise in the number of trained employees, staying competitive, etc. (Chen 2009;Womble 2008;Newton and Doonga 2007;Schweizer 2004;Burgess and Russell 2003;Bonk 2002;Nisar 2002;Setaro 2002;Sthrother 2002;Fry, 2001;Minton 2000;Tarr 1998). ...
... A laudable solution to such needs is the development of the eLearning, which can be defined as the delivery of course content via electronic media, such as the Internet, Intranets, Extranets, satellite broadcast, audio/video tapes, interactive TV, and CD-ROMs [2]. Organizations may well deliver consistent training to their employees in the workplace, update training content where necessary, reduce travel costs to outside training facilities, and provide training to employees on demand, anytime, and anywhere [3]. ...
Conference Paper
The aim of this study is to investigate the adoption and use of e-learning by business employees in Cameroon. To this effect, it seeks to: (1) identify the variables that influence the intention to use of e-learning; and (2) determine the impacts of the usage behavior on employees. To achieve these objectives, a mixed method approach combining quantitative and qualitative analyses was used. The quantitative approach is an analysis of research model obtained from a Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) that was modified by adding two other constructs: facilitating conditions from UTAUT, and well-being to measure the impact of eLearning. Then, with a sample of data collected from 159 business employees in Cameroon by means of a questionnaire, structural equation was measured for this analysis. The qualitative approach was applied concomitantly through the analysis of data collected during an interview with 10 employees who had always experimented eLearning before. The main result obtained from this study is that, in Cameroon-based enterprises, well-being at workplace is determined by usage behavior irrespective of gender and educational attainment when there is any intention to use e-learning.
... Today, organizations are increasingly adopting distance learning methods to train and develop their employees (Burgess & Russell, 2003). The increase in the use of VLE by universities and other institutions is a reality and will definitely have an important impact on the learning process (Oproiu, 2015). ...
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The article discusses the opportunity of e-learning to provide equalaccess to high qualityeducation. Based on scientific publications and our observations the review of possibilities offered by the distance education to those willing to study have been made; the reasons to impose distance in front of traditional training also; and the Moodle's advantages as a platform for the development of e-learning.The conclusions are that e-learning has agreat potentiality for acquiring high qualityeducation under different forms of training. The one of positive side of e-learning is that it allows applying DL and can be recognized as a tool for equal access to education. The DL allows to be realized in practice the right for anyone to be educated. The existed barriers to learning in DL can be overcome in future.
... In addition, Kirkpatrick's level four should include not only financial factors but any factors which impact organizational performance (Dick & Johnson, 2007). In addition to fiscal outcomes, many organizations consider learning outcomes and performance change (Burgess & Russell, 2003). It is also common for organizations to include intangible outcomes, such as increased employee satisfaction, in their calculation of impact. ...
With the advent of Web 2.0, e-learning has the potential to become far more personal, social, and flexible. Collective Intelligence and E-Learning 2.0: Implications of Web-Based Communities and Networking provides a valuable reference to the latest advancements in the area of educational technology and e-learning. This innovative collection includes a selection of world-class chapters addressing current research, case studies, best practices, pedagogical approaches, and strategies related to e-learning resources and projects.
... Although elearning settings are increasingly being used in the corporate context (DeRouin et al. 2005; MMB-Institute for Media and Competence Research [MMB] 2010), this development is not sufficiently considered in training evaluation research. While several reviews of e-learning in research and practice have been published (e.g., Burgess and Russell 2003;Kosarzycki et al. 2003;Welsh et al. 2003), DeRouin et al. (2005) have pointed out that more empirical research on the effectiveness of e-learning needs to be conducted in real workplace settings. Likewise, Aguinis and Kraiger (2009) have stated that training evaluation research is in need for effectiveness studies in e-learning that document their benefits. ...
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The study contributes to training evaluation research by systematically comparing training outcomes between corporate e-learning and classroom training. We investigated a sample of vocational trainees (N = 86) in a field experiment with a time-lag design and examined their subjective as well as objective training success. While training success was subjectively perceived to vary in effectiveness depending on the setting right after the training, with higher scores for trainees in classroom training, it was perceived similarly effective in both training settings after six to eight weeks. With regard to objective training success, we found that whereas declarative and procedural knowledge scores increased for e-learning trainees, they decreased for trainees in classroom training. However, strengths of e-learning become more prevalent six to eight weeks after the training. Thus in the end, e-learning is as effective as classroom training for procedural knowledge and more effective than classroom training for declarative knowledge as e-learning trainees catch up on previous differences across time. We conclude that it is not the training setting or delivery media per se that leads to higher levels of trainings success in the long run but in order to be effective, trainings should be designed taking especially the type of learning content (declarative or procedural knowledge) into account.
... Training should be focused on how to maintain open communication between the telecommuter and nontelecommuters, and to stimulate synergy between disparately located employees. Increasingly, organizations are using distance learning and e-learning to train their employees (Burgess and Russell, 2003) and online-mentoring (Ensher, Heun, and Blanchard, 2003). More research to assess the effectiveness of these new initiatives is needed. ...
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The study examines the challenges faced by Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics students at Gordon College in implementing hybrid learning for the academic year 2022-2023. The research involved 73 students, primarily in their first year, and found that online students face difficulties with math symbol encoding, connectivity, time management, and financial constraints. Onsite students face learning gaps, commuting and access issues, and require additional financial support. The study found no significant difference in challenges based on profile-variables in online mode, but differences exist based on year level and municipality. Recommendations include enhanced technical support, online tool training, time and stress management programs, financial assistance for low-income students, and improved accessibility in onsite mode.
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Similar to its influence on other spheres of life, globalisation is changing the teaching and learning context, causing universities to explore new curriculum formats that may offer better fit with diverse student learning needs. One such format in the intensive mode delivery (IMD) category is the block – release part – time degrees programme, which comprises conventional traditional approaches and open and distance learning aspects. This case study sought to find out if the Bachelor of Education (BED) Degrees block release part – time programme offered in Zimbabwe by University R at Teachers’ College M as a centre, was developing desired teacher competences. Through structured interviews, data were collected from teacher educators and in – service teachers / teacher candidates in the programme. Coding and data reduction cumulated into themes upon which interpretation was based. Findings show that the BED block release part – time programme is a viable option which equips in – service teachers with degree qualifications for effective secondary school teaching and learning. However participants raised concerns about lack of time for them to develop competences in using learner – centred strategies. Teacher educators’ modelling of application of learner – centred teaching and learning strategies and teaching and learning media were identified as empowering in developing desired competences for in – service teachers to facilitate learning of diverse learners. However, based on findings, it is recommended that textbooks, time and teaching and learning media which currently lack, should be made available in the block release part – time degrees programme at University R centres, to ensure that in – service teachers are fully prepared to facilitate learning, through learner – centred strategies.
E-learning is the application of technology to traditional learning methods and is a useful and interactive form of learning. In the digital era, organizations are innovating and putting e-learning to use in a variety of ways to make use of technology to solve their problems. And training is one of the old challenges in organizations. Adding to training the changing nature of sales and marketing is another challenge. E-learning provides a variety of solutions regarding the issues of training employees in organizations. It adapts traditional solid methods of learning and training to an electronic and flexible setting in which the time and location of learning can be adjusted accordingly. Also, with e-learning training programs are able to easily adapt to changing sales and marketing requirements. This chapter focuses on the concept of elearning, its advantages and issues, and how to make use of e-learning in training sales and marketing employees.
COVID-19 brought very big challenges for business, and organizations needed to react immediately. In the new circumstances, the knowledge of employees must not be neglected even in situations when the implementation of traditional forms of training is not possible. This put in focus online learning as a method of acquiring knowledge that is cost-efficient and effective. The aim of this chapter is to point out the new circumstances, limitations, and possibilities for the development of e-learning that have arisen as a consequence of the pandemic. The purpose of this chapter is to point out the possibility that the existing situation can be significantly used for the period of normal business that should follow after the stabilization of the pandemic. Perception of employees in companies in Serbia demonstrate that there are possibilities for implementation of online learning. Still, there are differences in point of views depending on certain aspects such as gender or experience in using internet browsers, and this opportunity should be used for enhancement of this tool.
This study examines emerging trends in organizational learning and their profound impact on modern businesses. In an era marked by rapid technological developments, globalization, and changing customer expectations, businesses must constantly adapt to remain competitive. Organizational learning as a strategic tool plays a crucial role in fostering employee development, supporting innovation, and improving overall business performance. The paper begins by providing an overview of traditional approaches to learning in organizations and highlights the limitations that hinder their effectiveness in the dynamic business world. In conclusion, this study shows how adopting the latest trends in organizational learning can increase competitive advantage and foster a culture of innovation in businesses. By empowering employees with personalized, collaborative, and data-driven learning experiences, businesses can adapt more effectively to change and unlock their full potential in an ever-evolving business environment.
In today’s world, change is the only constant. Organisations must become more agile and proactive to stay relevant. The nature of knowledge has become extremely volatile and new developments are making older insights obscure and obsolete at an alarming speed. Hence, managers are faced with the uphill task of bringing their human resources up to speed. One way of helping employees equip themselves with new paradigm shifts is through e-learning initiatives, which help in making the learning self-paced and convenient. However, implementing such initiatives can be a challenging task. This article provides a brief overview of key benefits of such initiatives, followed by three case studies: a public sector enterprise, an IT consultancy firm and a business analytics consultancy firm.
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This anthology contains an interdisciplinary analysis of crisis phenomena and social challenges through historical comparisons and interdisciplinary reflection in order to causally understand the deeper dynamics of social and political processes as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. From an academic perspective, a variety of questions arise about structural challenges in the economic, working and living worlds, which are discussed here within the framework of an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialogue between historians, economists, psychologists and sociologists. With contributions by Andrea Bianchi-Weinand, Yves Gensterblum, Thomas Haipeter, Rolf G. Heinze, Annette Kluge, Stefan Müller, Greta Ontrup, Christina Reinhardt, Wiebke Roling, Michael Roos, Kathrin Schäfers, Jochen Schroth and Manfred Wannöffel.
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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar/estudar Projeto Piloto de Cursos na Modalidade a distância numa Operadora de plano de saúde. Programas de Educação Continuada nas organizações, buscam formar profissionais críticos, reflexivos e competentes. Nesse contexto, a educação a distância pode ser uma das estratégias para ampliar e contribuir no atingimento de tal objetivo. A competitividade enfrentada pelas instituições de saúde estabelece que estratégias voltadas para o controle dos custos, gestão da qualidade e de processos e sejam implementadas. A implementação destas estratégias, por sua vez contempla esforços ininterruptos para: eliminação de desperdícios; capacitação profissional e consequente melhoria dos processos; uso eficaz da automação e facilidade de acesso à informação. Com esta pesquisa constatou-se que, de forma geral, os resultados demonstraram que: a) os respondentes sinalizaram familiarização com a internet e disponibilidade para estudar na modalidade de Educação a distância; b) 81% dos respondentes apontam que fariam cursos na modalidade a distância (graduação e pós-graduação); c) 49,28% dos respondentes consideraram como item principal para a escolha de um curso a distância o nome da instituição; d) 25% consideraram relevante para tal escolha, a flexibilidade de horários. Constatou-se que existem instituições reconhecidas que oferecem, além de cursos presenciais, cursos na modalidade a distância com ótimo conceito, com flexibilidade para adaptar as necessidades e particularidades da operadora. Palavras-chave: Educação a distância, Educação continuada. Gestão do Conhecimento XXXV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO Perspectivas Globais para a Engenharia de Produção Fortaleza, CE, Brasil, 13 a 16 de outubro de 2015.
У статті представлена технологія організації та проведення екзамену в умовах дистанційного навчання. Розкриті загальні підходи, що треба враховувати під час віддаленого прийняття звітностей. Представлено дистанційний варіант класичного варіанту екзамену, що здається за білетами. Для інструментального забезпечення запропоновано застосовувати такі програмні продукти як Google, Zoom, TeamViewer. Застосування представлених програмних продуктів дозволить реалізувати запропоновану технологію дистанційного прийняття екзамену в умовах будь-якого навчального закладу. Технологію проведення екзамену у дистанційній формі представлено за етапами: підготовки екзаменаційних білетів, організаційних заходів та безпосередньо проведення самого екзамену. Розглянута процедура створення білетів за допомогою Google диска, Google документа та Google таблиці. Представлена можливість автоматизації процесу доступу до білетів за рахунок використання інструменту гіперсилок Google таблиць. Запропоновано механізм обмеження доступу сторонніх осіб до матеріалів білетів під час проведення екзамену. Надано варіант організації спільної роботи членів екзаменаційної комісії під час проведення екзамену та перевірки результатів складання іспиту з використанням електронного журналу у Google таблиці. Представлено варіант організації екзамену, який дозволить забезпечити адекватність перевірки знань курсантів, мінімізувати ймовірність не відповідності матеріалів екзамену результатам навчання, визначених робочими навчальними програмами. Запропоновано підхід, що обмежує тролінг під час застосування програми Zoom, а також зменшує шанс зриву екзамену у результаті доступу до програми Zoom сторонніх осіб. На основі технічних можливостей програми Zoom описаний порядок дій щодо зменшення негативного впливу сторонніх осіб, а також обмеження їх доступу до інструментів програми Zoom.
The effectiveness of American corporate education in the knowledge economy is ensured by the diversification, variability and flexibility of forms, methods and learning technologies, the choice of which largely depends on the purpose, objectives and content of learning, individual characteristics of the learners, material base and financial support of the learning process. Our analysis shows that these methods and technologies are highly interactive, innovative and practice focused, which ensures a high quality of training and its compliance with the needs of today’s global market. Both traditional and electronic learning methods are widely used, though a tendency has been observed over the last ten years to the decrease in the percentage ratio of traditional classroom training hours and the increase in the percentage ratio of technology-based learning hours. The use of technology-based learning methods is rapidly promoted in view of the increasing mobility of employees whose learning needs cannot be met in the traditional classroom only and this process is accelerating in the context of further globalization of the economy. Internet and intranet technologies in American companies create conditions for distance learning of employees. Flexibility and accessibility of e-learning technologies also provide for extensive use of new methods of non-formal learning: mobile learning, social networks, e-coaching, corporate blogs, corporate online libraries (wikis) etc.
This paper provides a detailed review of the emerging themes on e-learning methods in organizations. It critically examines the advantages, disadvantages challenges, critical success factors, theories and models from the stakeholder’s perspective. The paper also elucidates the changing trends in these themes along the progression of Web era. Electronic database like PROQUEST, EBSCO and JSTOR were accessed to search for tiered articles published between 2000 to 2018 using keywords such as “e learning”, “web-based learning” and “online learning” in organizations. 138 articles from tiered journals were critically reviewed. It was found that in the last two decades there have been various social, technological and organizational factors that have impacted the e learning stakeholders and no stakeholder influences the world of electronic learning in isolation. All of the stakeholders have to keep up to the changing trends of technology and the associated learning environment. Rapid technological advancements and aligned changes in the learning environment is the unremitting challenge that stakeholders’ face, which when tackled competently yields an effective e learning environment.
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years to come as India will have world's largest tertiary-age population and second largest graduate talent pipeline globally by the end of 2020. Enrollment in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is decreasing in last learning market in India. It is essential that policies are proactively formulated along with codes of practices, so that a conducive environment is created for distance learning and there is more credibility in the programs enrolled in total and out of them 50.57% was male and 40.57 per cent women students. Taking a look at the Male-Female ratio at each level , the trend is of higher males than females in almost every level but in overall 2013-14. This trend of relatively higher male enrolment than female enrolment of students is also seen across the levels in the state-wise distribution.
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Предметом дослідження статті є особливості електронного навчання та тренінгу персоналу в IT-компаніях. Мета роботи - аналіз основних особливостей сучасних систем електронного навчання (LMS) та систем тренінгу персоналу (TMS) у відповідності до вимог IT-компаній, класифікація таких систем задля визначення чинників впливу на ефективність процесів їх вибору, впровадження та подальше функціонування; розробка пропозицій щодо їх вдосконалення. В статті вирішуються наступні завдання: аналіз переваг та недоліків використання LMS, TMS в ІТ-компанії; визначення загальної структури та класифікації систем електронного навчання; характеристика основних особливостей впровадження і використання LMS-, TMS- систем у малих та середніх ІТ-компаніях; характеристика типових функцій систем електронного навчання та тренінгу персоналу. Використовуються такі методи: системний підхід. Отримано наступні результати: проаналізовано особливості корпоративного навчання та визначено специфіку використання LMS, TMS в ІТ-компанії; надано характеристику основних проблем та складностей, які виникають при впровадженні таких систем в роботу ІТ-компанії; визначено типовий функціонал систем електронного навчання та тренінгу персоналу та можливі аспекти його вдосконалення. Проаналізовано проблеми, пов’язані з організацією роботи систем електронного навчання та тренінгу персоналу, серед яких найбільш вагомими є фінансовий аспект, складність технічної реалізації та побудова навчального контенту. Висновки: на прикладі діяльності компанії «AcademySmart» визначені особливості впровадження LMS та TMS у бізнес-процеси ІТ-компанії.
With the proliferation of e-learning in the workplace, the academic and professional literature on workplace e-learning has increased considerably in the past decades. A variety of topics and issues have been explored and discussed in various studies, showing the complex, dynamic, and multidisciplinary nature of the field. This chapter provides a meta-analytic review of the workplace e-learning literature based on previous reviews and a bibliometric analysis of the literature.
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Distance Education is more preferable by both learners and institutions in the 21st century. The technology, teaching-learning and communication processes are in a change that each stakeholder should comply with. One up-to-date form of these processes is social networking. Social networks have the potential of providing access to more resources and improving the quality of communication and interaction. Social Network Analysis and Network Weaving approaches are useful to determine the social network structure and improve it. Further to that, in this chapter, “Social Network Synthesis” approach is introduced, obtained by applying synthesis process on Social Network Theory. The approach is thought to allow for the establishment of optimum relationships between the concerned actors in a newly configured goal-directed social network. An illustrative framework that can be used for building Distance Education programs is also presented.
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Meta-analysis provides a method of quantitatively summarizing and comparing empirical literature to reduce Type I and Type II error. The meta-analysis described here indicates a slight student preference for a traditional educational format over a distance education format (average r = .031, after the deletion of outliers), and little difference in satisfaction levels. A comparison of distance education methods that include direct interactive links with those that do not include interactive links demonstrates no difference in satisfaction levels. However, student satisfaction levels diminish as additional information is added to the available channel of instruction (e.g., written to audio to video). The findings support those of researchers arguing that distance education does not diminish the level of student satisfaction when compared to traditional face-to-face methods of instruction.
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Distance independent learning has the potential for a fundamental and beneficial transformation of higher education. By combining the best aspects of our present university and college systems with the opportunities offered by recent developments in communications and information technology, distance independent learning could lead to high quality, highly individualized instruction and the creation of intellectual communities that transcend the limitations of time and space. This potential infuses the rhetoric of the proponents of distance independent learning. But much of the rhetoric around distance education is misleading and fails to articulate the potential negative effects of widespread adoption of these new instructional delivery vehicles. In this article, the authors examine the motivations behind proponents of distance education, as well as the potential impact of distance learning upon instructors and students. They also raise questions as to curricular subjects and pedagogical styles that may not be appropriate for this type of instructional delivery. The authors emphasize that the educational community must consider not just the benefits but the non-monetary costs of relying on distance independent educational delivery. Educators must not see distance education as a universal innovation applicable to all types of instructional situations, but must carefully analyze the appropriateness of distance independent learning to various types of instructional situations. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
As the technology advances, J more and more employees are reaping the benetits of distance learning.
Online classes keep reps up-to-date and in the field.
This article describes the design and delivery of a graduate-level course in management at two universities via advanced information technology, which was used to enable collaborative learning, teaching with transcontinental student teams and multiple instructors, and integration of external expertise. This partnership enriched student learning and expedited faculty and institutional development. We predict that such transformations will increase as schools of management and institutions of higher learning in general seek to add educational value at low cost.
Eleven community college instructors and the 334 students in their distance learning classes were surveyed. Data showed instructors had conflicting attitudes about distance education. They were willing to teach a distance learning class again, but they rated the quality of the courses as equal or lower quality than other classes taught on campus. Their students, on the other hand, were highly satisfied with these instructors and the courses . But the critical factor in much of traditional classroom instruction, direct interaction with instructors, played no role in determining students' satisfaction in these courses. This difference in the nature of student-teacher interaction in distance learning classes may explain instructors' conflicting attitudes.
Student ratings in 2 special education courses offered on campus and off campus using different means of instruction, including electronic media, were compared. Ratings also were compared when distance classes were taught at local and remote facilities. End-of-course student evaluations were examined using a counterbalanced design. A comparison of outcome measures revealed no difference in the overall course means. Outcome measures for on-campus students versus off-campus students for the 2 courses were examined, but no differences were found in the overall ratings. Course, instructor, teaching, and communication ratings were similar across settings and courses. Implications for future research in evaluating instruction at a distance are suggested.
Marketing education may be delivered through a number of different methods from face-to-face to distance education. This study analyzes MBA student perceptions and preferences with regard to face-to-face versus distance education methods for delivering a course in marketing management. The results indicate that consistent course structure can be developed across delivery formats but that some pedagogical adjustments may be required for the distance education format, particularly in the areas of class participation and course-related activities. The findings also show that students appear to select the distance education delivery method because of convenience, not quality, since distance education was found to be the least effective and least satisfying method of delivery for the students studied. The study concludes by discussing the implication of these results.
Technology-mediated distance learning is becoming increasingly important to business curricula. However, little theoretical development or empirical research has examined teaching effectiveness in distance learning. Thus, this article draws from research in management communications, education, and information systems to develop an initial conceptualization of influences on technology-mediated distance learning outcomes. It then reports on an exploratory study utilizing both qualitative and quantitative techniques to examine 247 students' reactions to such distance learning.
Discusses results of a content analysis of the "Journal of Distance Education", 1986-2000, that focused on item type, topics, research method, and biographical information about first authors. Topics include a comparison of the information with the aims and purposes of the journal and with other analyses of similar publications; and trends in distance education. (Author/LRW)
Two-way interactive television (ITV) can be a viable alternative to traditional course delivery in Early Childhood Special Education. ITV involves students and faculty at different locations in the live transmission of two way auditory and visual signals simultaneously between sites. Two preservice master's level courses in Early Childhood Special Education, Characteristics of Young Children with Disabilities and Methods of Young Children with Disabilities, were taught twice across two academic years through distance learning using ITV Results from structured telephone surveys evaluating student satisfaction with ITV are presented. Factors critical to the successful implementation of an ITV model are discussed and include establishing a collaborative learning environment, providing an experienced instructor who can promote interaction, promoting a support system for ITV within and across institutions of higher education, and assuring high quality and delivery of the technology used.
The real advantage of electronic learning is the ability to transfer timely information from one computer to another instantaneously at minimal cost. That capability must be further developed in terms of training applications and learning. (JOW)
This article describes the design and delivery of a graduate-level course in management at two universities via advanced information technology, which was used to enable collaborative learning, teaching with transcontinental student teams and multiple instructors, and integration of external expertise. This partnership enriched student learning and expedited faculty and institutional development. We predict that such transformations will increase as schools of management and institutions of higher learning in general seek to add educational value at low cost.
This article outlines the technological development of distance education and the affect that these developments have had on the cost-efficiency, costutility, cost-effectiveness, and cost-benefit of distance education institutions and systems. It endorses the view that some forms of distance education can result in lower unit costs than those of classroom-based instruction, while pointing out some of the factors that determine whether or not this is so. There is, however, little evidence about the relative costs of information-technology-based distance education. The article also suggests that flexible learning approaches within a campus setting may be a more cost-efficient option than purpose-built distance education approaches (though more research is required here). Finally, it points out why decision makers find little practical guidance in the case studies to date and where areas of future research might focus.
A review of learning styles and their implications for distance learning.
This study focuses on the impact of previous experience with automation implementations on experienced stress associated with different work aspects, following the introduction of computer-based office automation. One hundred and ninety-one full-time secretaries at a large university in Canada completed questionnaires related to stress perception and prior experience with office automation. Results indicated that those without previous experience reported higher levels of experienced stress associated with work content aspects such as task difficulty and interest in the task, whereas those with prior experience reported greater problems with contextual aspects such as training and instruction. These findings are discussed in the context of research on ‘technological change as a source of organizational and occupational stress’.
In answering the journalistic questions involved in telling a good story (who, what, when, where, why, and how), this article's goals are to provide an historical overview of the issues and opportunities presented by distance education throughout the world and to offer some thoughts about what the future may hold. To meet these objectives, it very briefly highlights: (1) Those who develop and those who participate in distance education courses and programs; (2) what distance education is and what subjects lend themselves to this approach; (3) where distance education is currently used; (4) when distance education started and how it has evolved over time; (5) why individuals and institutions participate; and (6) how to implement distance education effectively. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Evaluation of training Training and Development Handbook: A guide to Human Resource Development
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Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1976). Evaluation of training. In R. L. Craig (Ed.), Training and Development Handbook: A guide to Human Resource Development. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Education and training alternatives
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Six ways technology improves training
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Budget drives savings
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The no significance difference phenomenon. NB TeleEducation (on-line) (http:// Or Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University Best of all worlds Intelligence in space: How satellites are put to the test in the learning environment
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Russell, T. (1997). The no significance difference phenomenon. NB TeleEducation (on-line) (http:// Or Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University. Office of Instructional Telecommunications. Sabia, C., & Cassarino, C. (1999). Best of all worlds. Inside Technology Training, 44, 45, 47. Sayre, A. (1998). Intelligence in space: How satellites are put to the test in the learning environment. Satellite Communications, 22, 28–32.
A touch of virtual class
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Alexander, S. (1998). A touch of virtual class. Computerworld, 32, 77-78, 82-83.
Association of cognitive style and satisfaction with distance learning
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Evaluating the effectiveness and the return on investment of e-learning. American Society for Training and Development
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Galvin, T. (2002). 2002 Industry report. Training, 39(10), 24–28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39–40, 42, 44, 46, 51–52, 54, 56–58, 63–64, 66, 68–70, 72–73.
Introduction to E-Learning
  • American Society
  • Training
  • Development
American Society for Training and Development, 2003. Introduction to E-Learning. Retrieved January 30, 2003, from
Intelligence in space: How satellites are put to the test in the learning environment
  • Sayre
Sayre, A. (1998). Intelligence in space: How satellites are put to the test in the learning environment. Satellite Communications, 22, 28-32.
Learning styles: Implications for distance learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education
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James, W. B., & Gardner, D. L. (1995). Learning styles: Implications for distance learning. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 67, 19-31.
The 2002 ASTD state of the industry report: Executive summary
American Society for Training and Development (2002, February). The 2002 ASTD state of the industry report: Executive summary. Alexandria, Virginia: Mark E. Van Buren and William Erskine.
2002 Industry report
  • Galvin
Galvin, T. (2002). 2002 Industry report. Training, 39(10), 24-28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39-40, 42, 44, 46, 51-52, 54, 56-58, 63-64, 66, 68-70, 72-73.
Training and Development Handbook: A guide to Human Resource Development
  • D L Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1976). Evaluation of training. In R. L. Craig (Ed.), Training and Development Handbook: A guide to Human Resource Development. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Dazed and confused about e-learning
  • Segers
Segers, G. (2002). Dazed and confused about e-learning. Training and Development Journal, 56(10), 33-34.
Network for the Evaluation of Education and Training Technologies
American Society for Training and Development, 2003. Introduction to E-Learning. Retrieved January 30, 2003, from Distance learning resources à American Center for the Study of Distance Education. American Society for Training and Development. Center for Distance Learning Research. Distance Education and Training Council. Federal Government Distance Learning Association. International Center for Distance Learning. International Society for Technology in Education. International Teleconferencing Association. Network for the Evaluation of Education and Training Technologies. srnet/evnet.htm Office of Learning Technologies. Primelearning, Inc. Society for Applied Learning Technologies. Society for Human Resource Management. United States Distance Learning Association. Note. The resources listed above are not meant to be exhaustive. In addition, for information on actual types of distance learning programs and methods available refer to a special issue (Training, 1998, October).
Five common questions—and the answers
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Evaluation of training
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