User frustration with information and computing technology is a pervasive and persistent problem. When computers crash, network
congestion causes delays, and poor user interfaces trigger confusion there are dramatic consequences for individuals, organizations,
and society. These frustrations, not only cause personal dissatisfaction and loss of self-efficacy, but may disrupt workplaces,
slow learning, and reduce participation in local and national communities. Our exploratory study of 107 student computer users
and 50 workplace computer users shows high levels of frustration and loss of 1/3–1/2 of time spent. This paper reports on
the incident and individual factors that cause of frustration, and how they raise frustration severity. It examines the frustration
impacts on the daily interactions of the users. The time lost and time to fix problem, and importance of task, strongly correlate
with frustration levels for both student and workplace users. Differences between students and workplace users are discussed
in the paper, as are implications for researchers.