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Scale-dependant control of motile epifaunal community structure along a coral reef fishing gradient (vol 278, pg 1, 2002)


Abstract and Figures

Large-scale fishing is mostly conducted using towed gears that reduce the biomass and diversity of benthic invertebrates. However, it is impossible to differentiate between the physical disturbance effect of towed gears from the effect of fish predator removal upon benthic invertebrate communities. Here we explore the impact of fish removal alone on the community structure of small motile coral reef invertebrates (epifauna) along a subsistence fishing intensity gradient in the Lau group, Fiji. We deployed settlement plates at three areas in each of six fishing grounds and examined the density and class richness of the motile epifaunal communities and the associated algal communities in relation to the structure of fish and benthic communities. Motile epifaunal density was unrelated to fishing intensity. However, at smaller inter-area scale (0.5–10 km) motile epifaunal density was negatively related to plate algal biomass, whereas at the larger inter-fishing-ground scale (4–180 km) motile epifaunal density was positively related to the rugosity (substrate complexity) of the surrounding benthos. The class richness and diversity (Margalef's d) of motile epifaunal communities were negatively related to fishing intensity, but unrelated to grazing intensity, rugosity or algal biomass at either scale. Benthic community structure varied significantly with fishing intensity; hard-coral cover was lower and turf-algal cover was higher at high fishing pressure. The variation in benthic community structure was associated with variation in fish community structure, which in turn varied with fishing intensity. Motile epifaunal community structure upon plates was linked to the structure of the surrounding benthic community, but was not directly linked to the plate algal community. We suggest the decline in richness of the motile epifauna community along the fishing gradient is attributable to either to exploiter-mediated coexistence or the reduction in ‘habitat quality’ of the surrounding benthos. At the large spatial scale substrate complexity is the key determinant of motile epifaunal density, suggesting predation by fishes plays an important structuring role at this scale. Assuming that rugosity is inversely related to predation risk then this study represents the first evidence for spatial-dependence on the top-down (predation) vs. bottom-up (algal biomass) control of community structure. We argue fisheries exploitation, in the absence of a physical disturbance can negatively influence motile epifaunal community structure at large spatial scales.
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Scale-dependant control of motile epifaunal
community structure along a coral reef
fishing gradient
Nicholas K. Dulvy *, Rebecca E. Mitchell, Douglas Watson,
Christopher J. Sweeting, Nicholas V.C. Polunin
School of Marine Science and Technology, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Received 15 April 2002; received in revised form 11 July 2002; accepted 18 July 2002
Large-scale fishing is mostly conducted using towed gears that reduce the biomass and diversity
of benthic invertebrates. However, it is impossible to differentiate between the physical disturbance
effect of towed gears from the effect of fish predator removal upon benthic invertebrate communities.
Here we explore the impact of fish removal alone on the community structure of small motile coral
reef invertebrates (epifauna) along a subsistence fishing intensity gradient in the Lau group, Fiji. We
deployed settlement plates at three areas in each of six fishing grounds and examined the density and
class richness of the motile epifaunal communities and the associated algal communities in relation
to the structure of fish and benthic communities. Motile epifaunal density was unrelated to fishing
intensity. However, at smaller inter-area scale (0.5 10 km) motile epifaunal density was negatively
related to plate algal biomass, whereas at the larger inter-fishing-ground scale (4– 180 km) motile
epifaunal density was positively related to the rugosity (substrate complexity) of the surrounding
benthos. The class richness and diversity (Margalef’s d) of motile epifaunal communities were
negatively related to fishing intensity, but unrelated to grazing intensity, rugosity or algal biomass at
either scale. Benthic community structure varied significantly with fishing intensity; hard-coral cover
was lower and turf-algal cover was higher at high fishing pressure. The variation in benthic
community structure was associated with variation in fish community structure, which in turn varied
with fishing intensity. Motile epifaunal community structure upon plates was linked to the structure
of the surrounding benthic community, but was not directly linked to the plate algal community. We
suggest the decline in richness of the motile epifauna community along the fishing gradient is
attributable to either to exploiter-mediated coexistence or the reduction in ‘habitat quality’ of the
0022-0981/02/$ - see front matter D2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0022-0981(02)00327-1
Corresponding author. Present address: Lowestoft Laboratory, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and
Aquaculture Science, NR33 OHT, UK.
E-mail address: (N.K. Dulvy).
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
278 (2002) 1– 29
surrounding benthos. At the large spatial scale substrate complexity is the key determinant of motile
epifaunal density, suggesting predation by fishes plays an important structuring role at this scale.
Assuming that rugosity is inversely related to predation risk then this study represents the first
evidence for spatial-dependence on the top-down (predation) vs. bottom-up (algal biomass) control
of community structure. We argue fisheries exploitation, in the absence of a physical disturbance can
negatively influence motile epifaunal community structure at large spatial scales.
D2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Caribbean; Intermediate disturbance; Beam trawl; Herbivory; Predation risk; Pollution
1. Introduction
Habitat destructive fishing gears such as bottom trawls modify benthic habitats and
reduce the biomass and diversity of invertebrate communities affecting secondary
production at large spatial scales (Kaiser, 1998; Collie et al., 2000; Kaiser et al., 2000;
Jennings et al., 2001a). However, towed fishing gears have two inseparable impacts on
benthic invertebrate community structure: the physical disturbance effect of towed gears
and the removal of predatory target and nontarget fishes. The physical disturbance of
towed gear results in direct mortality or reduced survivorship of benthic invertebrates
(Kaiser and Spencer, 1995; Collie et al., 1997). Fishes can potentially influence benthic
invertebrate community structure via predation pressure (Whitman and Sebens, 1992;
Greenstreet et al., 1997). Exploitation-mediated changes in fish community structure have
also been inferred to result in variation in the taxonomic composition of temperate soft-
bottom invertebrates (Frid et al., 1999). Fishing is known to reduce the biomass of
predatory fishes (Russ and Alcala, 1989; Jennings et al., 1995; Jennings and Polunin,
1995a,b, 1996, 1997); however, an unresolved issue is whether fish removal alone can
influence benthic invertebrate communities, in the absence of the physical disturbance
effect of fishing gears.
In hard substrate systems, such as coral reefs and kelp beds, fishes exert predatory
control on large motile invertebrates ( > 0.5 mm), such as urchins, molluscs and lobsters,
and smaller motile invertebrates ( < 0.5 mm) (McClanahan, 1994, 1995; McClanahan and
Sala, 1997; Sala et al., 1998; Steneck, 1998; Tegner and Dayton, 2000). The exploitation
and depletion of predatory fishes at the top of food webs has led to the proliferation of
large grazing invertebrates, such as urchins, which have in turn altered algal abundance or
community structure at lower trophic levels. The indirect ecological interaction between
predators and the base of the food web via key intermediary species is known as a trophic
cascade (Kitchell and Carpenter, 1993; Pinnegar et al., 2000). While the role of large
motile invertebrates as cascade intermediaries has been well documented, the potential
ecosystem role of small motile invertebrates ( < 0.5 cm) remains largely unexplored in hard
substrate systems, such as coral reefs.
Grazing motile epifauna potentially has an ecosystem role on coral reefs because they
consume 1% of daily epilithic algal standing crop and between 19% and 31% of daily net
areal production (Klumpp et al., 1988; Klumpp and Polunin, 1989; Polunin and Klumpp,
1992) and can have substantial impacts on algal biomass in areas protected from larger
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–292
herbivores (Brawley and Adey, 1981). Hypotheses on the control of motile epifaunal
density include both top-down and bottom-up possibilities. Top-down hypotheses high-
light the importance of fish predation and the availability of refugia from predation in
structuring motile epifaunal communities (Vadas, 1985; Carpenter, 1986). There are
generally greater densities of motile epifauna in refugia and examples of refugia include
the high local algal biomass of damselfish territories and areas where fish foraging is
limited, such as wave swept areas or small crevices (Bailey-Brock et al., 1980; Lobel, 1980;
Carpenter, 1986; Klumpp et al., 1988; Klumpp and Polunin, 1990). The bottom-up
argument stems from the observation that little energy, typically 10– 20% of algal biomass,
is transferred up through a typical herbivore food web, suggesting there is little scope for
herbivore (e.g. motile epifaunal) control of algal populations (Vadas, 1985). This hypoth-
esis is supported by the positive relationship between algal biomass and the density of
epifaunal groups, e.g. amphipods, copepods, molluscs and polychaetes, which suggests
algal biomass determines epifaunal density (Bailey-Brock et al., 1980; Klumpp et al.,
1988). Experimental increases in algal cover have led to 10-fold increases in motile
epifauna, and polychaete abundance was approximately eight times higher in algal-
dominated areas compared to nearshore areas lacking algae (Bailey-Brock et al., 1980).
Further evidence for bottom-up algal control is evinced by declines in motile epifaunal
abundance as algal density decreases in the austral summer (Klumpp et al., 1987). The
prevailing view is that motile epifaunal density is determined by algal biomass at relatively
small scales ( <3 km), however, it is not known whether this is true at larger spatial scales.
Scale is a pertinent issue in ecology because the knowledge gained about key structuring
processes at one scale cannot necessarily be used to understand or predict patterns at another
scale (Levin, 1992; Willis and Whittaker, 2002). The top-down role of fish predation in
structuring coral reef fish communities appears to be scale-dependent. At small spatial scales
(10100 m) fish predators strongly influence the structure of prey fish communities (Caley,
1993; Hixon, 1993; Caley and St. John, 1996; Beukers and Jones, 1998), but at large spatial
scales (0.15 km) no influence of aggregate predator depletion upon the structure of prey
fish assemblages has been detected (Jennings and Polunin, 1997). In contrast to predation,
fishalgal interactions do not appear to vary with scale in hard substrate systems. The
pattern of fish algal associations at large spatial scales is consistent with the small-scale
response of fishes to experimental manipulation of algal communities (Williams and
Polunin, 2001; Levin and Hay, 2002; Williams et al., 2002).
Few shelf areas remain where fish are exploited without substantial disturbance to
benthic habitats by mobile benthic fishing gears (Watling and Norse, 1998). One such area
is Fiji, where reef fish are routinely exploited by nondestructive fishing gears, such as
spears and hook and line methods (Jennings and Polunin, 1995b). Fiji offers an almost
unique opportunity to study fishing effects at large spatial scales because mapped marine
tenure systems exist where residents have sole long-term access to defined fishing
grounds (Jennings et al., 2001b). The variation in human population size and coral reef
area among fishing grounds has been successfully used to provide a spatial gradient of
fishing intensity and successful testing of fishing effects hypotheses (Jennings and
Polunin, 1995a,b,c, 1997).
Given the potentially important grazing role of motile epifauna and the role of fish
predation in structuring motile epifaunal communities, it is plausible that (a) they form an
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 3
intermediary role in a trophic cascade, and (b) fishing could disrupt this linkage
between fish communities and benthic community structure by changing the motile
epifaunal community structure. Here we examine whether community structure of motile
epifauna associated with algal communities varies along a fishing intensity gradient
consisting of six fishing grounds (islands) in the Lau Island group, Fiji. We also examine
variation in fish and benthic communities along the fishing intensity gradient to
determine correlates of motile epifaunal community structure. Epifaunal community
structure can either be sampled directly from benthic substrata or by sampling the
community which develops on settlement plates (Vadas, 1985; Carpenter, 1986; Klumpp
et al., 1988). The large spatial scale of this study (0.5180 km) and small-scale habitat
heterogeneity restricted our study to sampling epifaunal communities that had been left
to develop on coral settlement plates for six months. First, we expect increased density
of motile epifauna at high fishing intensity due to the reduction in predatory fishes.
Second, we expect motile epifaunal density to be linked to either the algal biomass on
settlement plates or reef substrate complexity (rugosity), or a combination of both. In this
case, we assume that rugosity is an indirect measure of epifaunal shelter or refugia
availability. There is the possibility that the sign of the correlation varies with spatial scale,
with one variable explaining density at smaller scale and the other variable explaining
most of the variation at a larger scale. Third, we expect motile epifaunal diversity to
decline along the fishing intensity gradient, as has been found with other benthic
disturbances, such as trawling and pollution (e.g. Warwick and Clarke, 1994, 1995;
Schratzberger and Warwick, 1998).
2. Methods
2.1. Study location and fishing intensity in Fiji
The Lau Island group in the eastern division of Fiji is relatively isolated and only
subject to subsistence levels of agriculture and fisheries (Fig. 1). Each island in this
study constituted a single discrete fishing ground (qoliqoli), where the exclusive
fishing rights of each island’s inhabitants extend from the shoreline to approximately
200 m beyond the outer reef. Fishing grounds were chosen based on the similarity of
outer reef architecture. Fish and benthic surveys were conducted on shallow (7 m chart
datum) leeward (western) outer reefs during three cruises (Apr May 1999, SeptNov
1999, FebMar 2000) at six fishing grounds (Table 1). The barrier reef front of each
fishing ground was divided into areas, each 400 m in length, on the appropriate
marine chart. Fishing grounds of various sizes were sampled in a proportional manner
by randomly selecting one third of all available areas (between 3 and 8). Three areas
were surveyed at the smallest fishing grounds while eight areas were sampled at the
largest fishing ground (Table 1). Sample areas within each fishing ground were
relocated using geographical positioning system, however, we did not attempt to
exactly relocate each replicate site among sampling dates; consequently, variation at
site level among sampling dates is a combination of both seasonal and sample location
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–294
A fishing intensity index for each fishing ground was obtained by dividing the human
population (Anonymous, 1998) by the length of barrier reef front measured from aerial
photographs (scale = 1:50,000; Australian Aerial Mapping 1994, available from the
Department of Land and Surveys, Suva, Fiji). Two fishing grounds, Vuaqava and
Tavunasici, were uninhabited and the effective human population sizes were calculated
from the average number of visiting fishers from the tenure-holding village and the
estimated number of fishing visits per year. The fishing intensity index is strongly
Table 1
Survey details including names of fishing grounds, number of areas surveyed, number of areas from which coral
plates were recovered, number of plates recovered, human population size, coral reef front length and fishing
intensity index
of areas
Number of areas
from which plates
were recovered
Total number
of plates recovered
(coral, ceramic)
Fishing intensity
(population km
reef front
A Tavunasici 3 3 15, 22 20 7.6 2.6
B Vuaqava 3 3 13, 19 100 15.1 6.6
C Totoya 5 3 13, 18 806 44.7 18.0
D Matuku 6 3 12, 21 854 35.0 24.4
E Moala 8 1 8, 20 1596 60.9 26.2
F Kabara 5 2 5, 11 1012 23.4 43.3
Fig. 1. The fishing grounds (islands) selected for study labelled in alphabetical order of fishing intensity (see
Table 1). Inset shows the location of the Lau islands within Fiji.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 5
positively correlated with the actual fishing activity and fish yield (Jennings and Polunin,
2.2. Fish census
Fish density was estimated using SCUBA underwater visual census (UVC) of 7-m
radius point counts. A total of 182 diurnally active reef associated species from 18 families
were censused (Appendix 1). Fishes of >8-cm fork length were censused using six
replicate point counts ( f154 m
) haphazardly distributed within each area (Fig. 2) (as
described by Jennings and Polunin, 1995b, 1997; Samoilys and Carlos, 2000). Point
counts have similar power to transect methods at the level of replication used here
(Samoilys and Carlos, 2000). The boundary of the point count was first estimated and
noted relative to reef landmarks, and the radius was confirmed using a tape measure on
completion of each count. The surveyor (NKD) was trained in underwater estimation of a
7-m point count radius distance and radius estimates were accurate to within F5 cm.
Individual fish were counted and fork length estimated to the nearest 1 cm. The surveyor
was trained in fish size estimation to a resolution of 1 cm using objects of fixed sizes
presented at 3-and 7-m distance underwater (Bell et al., 1985; Darwall and Dulvy, 1996).
Fish size estimation was found to be accurate to within F0.7 cm at both distances.
Underwater visibility was >20 m throughout the study and all surveys were conducted in
daylight at least 1 h after sunrise and 1 h before sunset. Mobile species were censused first
followed by territorial and cryptic species. Individual fish entering the point count during
the survey were not recorded. Count time was not standardised because this was dependent
on fish abundance, diversity and habitat complexity. The mean count time was 9.5 min
(range 416).
Estimates of fish length were converted to biomass using species-specific length
weight conversions (Wright and Richards, 1985; Letourneur et al., 1998). If a length
weight relationship was not available, the relationship for a species of similar morphology
in the same genus was used. Densities from point counts were expressed as g m
, which
is equivalent to kg km
Fig. 2. Hierarchical sampling design and the spatial scale of sampling in the Lau Islands, Fiji.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–296
2.3. Benthic community structure
Digital video footage was recorded at 70 positions haphazardly distributed in a zigzag
manner either side of the 7-m-depth contour, centred on and largely within each UVC
replicate. Each position was approximately 65 F1.6 (mean FSE) cm apart. The camera was
kept at a fixed distance (26 cm) above the substrate using a spacing rod which provided a
22.5 22.5 cm ( f500 cm
) quadrat. Video tapes were replayed on a television screen
overlaid with one of five randomly chosen transparent acetate sheets containing 20 randomly
located 1-cm-diameter circles (Williams et al., 2002). The number of circles occupied by
each benthic category was recorded and raised to a percentage. Aggregate categories
recorded in this analysis included: ascidians, ‘bare’ substrate (i.e. imperceptible algal
biomass), blue-green algae, crustose coralline algae, coralline lethal orange disease (CLOD),
hard coral, macroalgae >5 cm in height, Palythoa spp., soft coral, sponges and filamentous
turf algae < 5 cm in height. Analysis began with the first video frame of each UVC site, and
the tape was advanced and randomly paused at the next or next-but-one frame until 30
frames had been analysed for each UVC site. The total area photographically sampled in
each UVC site comprised 15 m
, which was f10% of the area of each UVC site.
Rugosity was measured by fitting a 3-m length of small-link chain to the reef surface
perpendicular to the reef crest at the centre of the census area. The corresponding horizontal
distance was measured by tape and the ratio of chain length/horizontal length calculated
(McClanahan and Shafir, 1990). Low rugosity ratios correspond to low surface relief.
2.4. Settlement plates
Five coral plates (12 12 cm) and 10 unglazed ceramic plates (15 15 cm) were
haphazardly placed on the reef surface approximately 30 50 cm apart along the 7-m-
depth contour (McClanahan, 1997) in three areas, picked at random, in each of six fishing
grounds during the first cruise and retrieved after 6 months. The coral plates were cut from
cross-section slices of freshly harvested heads of the massive coral Porites lutea using a
commercial rock-cutting saw (McClanahan, 1997). The square coral plates were approx-
imately 1-cm thick with a mean surface area of 144.3 F2.9 cm
(mean FSE). On
retrieval, the plates were bagged in situ using ziplock polythene bags and returned to
the surface. On board, formalin was added to achieve a buffered concentration of
approximately 5%, and each bag was sealed and returned to the laboratory in padded
lightproof storage boxes. Motile epifauna were collected by washing each coral plate over
5- and 0.5-mm sieves using filtered seawater; the intermediate motile epifauna fraction
was protein-stained using rose bengal and preserved in 70% ethanol. Care was taken to
minimise the inclusion of motile epifauna from plate underside and edges in the study
samples. Motile epifauna was then identified to varying levels of taxonomic resolution
(suborder-class) and counted. No attempt was made to recover motile epifauna from
ceramic plates.
The percent cover of filamentous turf algae < 5 cm, crustose coralline algae and
macroalgae on each plate was determined by superimposing an acetate sheet of 100
randomly placed circular points onto each settlement plate and counting the number of
points occupied by each algal category. Algal biomass was estimated by sub-sampling
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 7
three randomly placed 1-cm
quadrats from each plate (N.V.C. Polunin, unpublished data).
Each quadrat was excavated to a depth of approximately 3 mm, to include any endolithic
algae, and the sample was decalcified with dilute HCL. The sample was filtered onto
predried and preweighed filter papers and oven-dried at 60 jC for 3 days until a constant
weight was achieved (using a Shimadzu Libror AEX-200G balance). The average number
of bite marks cm
was used as an indication of grazing pressure. The number of bite
marks and excavations on each plate was counted along three transects randomly placed
across the face of each coral plate. Transects were placed perpendicular to the plate edge.
Parrotfish excavations on the plate edge were excluded as these often overlapped and were
difficult to count accurately.
2.5. Analysis
The unbalanced sampling design required analysis using general linear models. Fish
and motile epifaunal densities were log
(x+ 1) transformed; benthic and plate algal
percent cover data were arcsine transformed to achieve normality and homogeneity of
variance. For the analysis of fishing effects, data were aggregated at the lowest hierarchical
level of replication (sites), and then nested at successively larger spatial scales, i.e. UVC
sites < areas < fishing grounds (Fig. 2). For analysis of spatial scale effects, data were
Table 2
The effects of sampling date, fishing intensity and their interaction on mean density (g m
) of (a) all censused
fish and (b) fish trophic categories, fish families and percentage cover of benthic categories
(a) All fish (dependant variable) Two-way GLM ANOVA
Fvalue Pvalue
Fishing intensity 10.4 < 0.001 *
Sampling date 2.0 0.14
Interaction 1.3 0.23
(b) Community (dependant variable) Two-way GLM MANOVA Two-way crossed ANOSIM
Fvalue Pvalue Global RPvalue
Fish trophic category
Fishing intensity 4.4 < 0.0001 * 0.25 0.001 *
Sampling date 5.3 < 0.0001 * 0.11 0.04 *
Interaction 1.2 0.08
Fish family
Fishing intensity 4.0 < 0.0001 * 0.15 0.001 *
Sampling date 4.3 < 0.0001 * 0.07 0.043 *
Interaction 1.0 0.35
Benthic category
Fishing intensity 11.4 < 0.0001 * 0.64 0.001 *
Sampling date 4.4 < 0.0001 * 0.2 0.001 *
Interaction 2.4 < 0.0001 *
Significance at < 0.05 is represented by an asterisk.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–298
Fig. 3. Boxplots of the variation (%) explained by sampling date, fishing intensity and their interaction, for (A)
fish trophic categories, (B) fish families and (C) benthic categories. The central line represents the median; the
box represents the 50% interquartile range of observations and the whiskers represent the limit of observations
(1.5 interquartile range).
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 9
analysed at two levels; among areas (0.510 km) and among fishing grounds (4– 180
km). Two-way parametric (MANOVA, Wilk’s k, as implemented by SAS, SAS
Institute) and nonparametric randomisation (ANOSIM, as implemented by PRIMER
version 5.2.2.) were used to explore the effects of fishing intensity and sampling date
on fish trophic, fish family and benthic community structure. We used multidimensional
scaling (MDS) and ANOSIM was applied to similarity matrices calculated using a
BrayCurtis similarity measure (Clarke and Warwick, 1994). This combined MAN-
OVA/ANOSIM approach was chosen because although the data were parametric the
number of areas sampled at each fishing ground was not uniform, and MANOVA is
sensitive to unbalanced sampling designs (Johnson and Field, 1993).Plateswere
recovered from three areas at each fishing ground, with the exception of Moala where
coral plates were recovered from only one area. Therefore, subsequent analyses of
motile epifaunal density and richness were restricted to the remaining five fishing
grounds. Cross-correlations of algal plate, motile epifauna plate, benthic and fish
community structures were determined using the RELATE procedure of PRIMER
(Clarke and Warwick, 1994).
3. Results
3.1. Fish density
Total fish density varied significantly with fishing intensity, but not with sampling
date (Table 2a). The mean biomass of fish trophic categories and families varied
significantly with both fishing intensity and sampling date, but the interaction was not
significant (Fig. 3A,B;Table 2b). There were significantly lower densities of all
trophic categories at more heavily fished grounds, apart from territorial omnivores,
which exhibited a dome-shaped response, and omnivores which did not exhibit a
response (Fig. 4;Table 3a). The effect of fishing intensity upon fish families was
generally much weaker compared to trophic categories, however, there were signifi-
cantly lower densities of the parrotfishes at more heavily fished grounds (Fig. 5;Table
3b). There was also significant variation in butterflyfish and goatfish densities among
grounds, but these taxa did not decline along the fishing gradient as would have been
3.2. Benthic community structure
The benthic community structure varied significantly with fishing intensity and among
sampling dates, but the proportion of variance explained by fishing intensity was on
average 10 times greater than that explained by sampling date (Fig. 3C;Table 2b). There
was also a significant interaction between sampling date and fishing intensity, but this
explained less than half of the variance of fishing intensity alone.
At more heavily fished grounds there was a significantly lower cover of hard corals and
significantly greater cover of turf algae, coralline algae and blue-green algae (Fig. 6;Table
3c). There were also significant differences in the cover of macroalgae and sponges, but
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2910
Fig. 4. Relationships between the total fish biomass, the biomass of fish trophic categories and fishing intensity in
six fishing grounds (meanFstandard error). Trophic categories are arrayed in descending order of biomass.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 11
Table 3
The effects of sampling date, fishing intensity and their interaction on the mean density (g m
) of (a) each fish
trophic category, (b) each fish family and (c) percent cover of each benthic category
Community (dependant variable) Two-way GLM ANOVA
Sampling date Fishing intensity Interaction
Fvalue Fvalue Fvalue
(a) Fish trophic categories
Corallivores 0.6 2.4* * 1.4
Herbivores 0.8 5.6* * * 0.6
Invertivores 6.7* * 3.5* * 1.1
Omnivores 1.3 3.3* * 1.7
Piscivores 2.4 9.8* * * 2.0 *
Planktivores 4.1 * 3.6* * 1.2
Territorial omnivores 34.9* * * 15.4* * * 1.1
(b) Fish families
Surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) 0.1 0.8 1.4
Triggerfishes (Balistidae) 0.01 0.6 1.0
Butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) 5.2* * 2.8 * 2.4 *
Porcupinefishes (Diodontidae) 0.6 0.5 0.9
Grunts (Haemulidae) 0.3 2.1 1.3
Chubs (Kyphosidae) 0.6 1.0 0.9
Wrasses (Labridae) 0.2 1.0 1.5
Emperors (Lethrinidae) 0.1 0.4 0.7
Snappers (Lutjanidae) 4.5 * 1.9 3.6* * *
Filefishes (Monacanthidae) 0.6 1.3 1.2
Goatfishes (Mullidae) 0.2 2.7 * 4.7* * *
Threadfin breams (Nemipteridae) 0.5 0.4 0.4
Boxfishes (Ostraciidae) 0.4 0.7 1.7
Parrotfishes (Scaridae) 0.2 2.8 * 2.6 *
Groupers (Serranidae) 1.0 1.4 1.6
Rabbitfishes (Siganidae) 0.4 2.0 1.5
Pufferfishes (Tetraodontidae) 0.2 0.5 1.0
(c) Benthic categories
Ascidians 4.7 * 3.3 * 3.1* *
Bare substrate 0.7 1.2 1.4
Blue-green algae 0.01 3.9* * 2.1 *
Crustose coralline algae 2.0 5.0* * * 1.1
CLOD disease 0.7 1.7 1.3
Hard corals 3.4 * 31.2* * * 8.7* * *
Macroalgae 4.1* 17.9* * * 3.0* *
Palythoa spp. 1.2 3.7* * 3.0* * *
Soft corals 3.7 * 21.0* * * 3.6* * *
Sponges 4.4 * 13.6* * * 3.9* * *
Turf algae 0.4 21.9* * * 7.8* * *
Note that territorial omnivores are solely composed of species from the fish family, Pomacentridae. Significance
is represented by asterisks as follows: * P< 0.05; * * P< 0.01; * * * P< 0.001.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2912
Fig. 5. Relationships between the biomass of fish families and fishing intensity in six fishing grounds
(mean Fstandard error). Families are arrayed in descending order of biomass density.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 13
these were not consistent with a linear fishing effect. There was no significant difference in
either measure of rugosity or reef slope among fishing grounds.
3.3. Plate algal community structure
Turf algae (54%) and coralline algae (31%) dominated both the coral and ceramic
plates. There was little ‘bare’ area (3%), and some fleshy macroalgae were present (11%,
mainly Padina and Lobophora with some Halimeda) on the plates.
There was no significant difference in algal community structure between the different
plate materials (coral vs. ceramic), but there was a significant difference among fishing
Fig. 6. Relationships between the percent reef cover of selected benthic categories and fishing intensity in six
fishing grounds (mean Fstandard error).
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2914
Fig. 7. Relationships between the percent cover of turf algae, coralline algae and macroalgae on settlement plates
and fishing intensity in five fishing grounds (mean Fstandard error). (.) Coral plates; (o) ceramic plates. Note:
endolithic algae was not observed on ceramic plates.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 15
grounds (two-way ANOSIM; plate material Global r= 0.0, P= 0.5, fishing intensity
Global r= 0.18, P= 0.026). From here on, only the results from coral plates are considered.
There was no consistent effect of fishing intensity on plate algal communities; endolithic
Table 4
The effect of fishing intensity on algal community metrics on settlement plates
Algal communities One-way GLM ANOVA
Fvalue Pvalue
Algal biomass (mg cm
) 0.3 0.8
Bite marks (no. cm
) 0.4 0.8
‘Bare’ (%) 0.6 0.7
Endolithic algae (%) 11.1 0.002* *
Turf algae (%) 1.9 0.2
Crustose coralline algae (%) 0.6 0.7
Macroalgae (%) 19.5 < 0.001* * *
Significance is represented by asterisks as follows: * P< 0.05; * * P< 0.01; * * * P< 0.001.
Fig. 8. Relationships between the total algal biomass and fish grazing intensity (A) across all 14 areas, and (B) at
five fishing grounds. Pvalues were derived from linear regression tests and NS means the test was not significant;
see text for details.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2916
algal cover exhibited a dome-shaped response to fishing intensity; and turf algae and
coralline algae did not differ among fishing grounds and macroalgal cover was greater
only at the most heavily fished ground (Fig. 7;Table 4). There was no significant
difference in algal biomass or the mean number of bite marks cm
on plates among
fishing grounds. Algal biomass was positively related to the mean number of bite
marks cm
, but only at the largest scale (Fig. 8;F
= 24.2, P= 0.016). There was
no relationship between algal biomass and rugosity at either area or fishing-ground
Table 5
The mean density of each taxonomic class of motile epifauna (individuals per 100 cm
) at each fishing ground
and the combined percent abundance of each class
Class Fishing ground code (fishing pressure index, persons km reef front
A (2.6) B (6.6) C (18) D (24.4) F (43.3) Percent
Malacostraca 64.2 175.3 107.5 91.5 73.9 54.1
Polychaeta 27.5 61.6 35.6 25.9 71.6 23.5
Copepoda 5.6 40.0 9.8 3.4 13.3 7.6
Gastropoda 10.1 16.9 5.3 9.3 11.1 5.6
Nematoda 2.4 8.0 7.0 9.2 6.8 3.5
Echinoidea 22.5 3.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 2.8
Stelleroidea 1.9 2.8 0.6 1.0 2.4 0.9
Bivalva 1.5 2.4 1.9 0.6 1.2 0.8
Turbellaria 4.2 2.1 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.8
Ostracoda 0.6 1.0 0.7 1.3 0.0 0.4
Holothuroidea 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.1
Table 6
The effect of fishing intensity on the density (individuals 100 cm
) of motile epifaunal classes on settlement
Epifauna, taxonomic class One-way GLM ANOVA
Fvalue Pvalue
Malacostraca 1.7 0.2
Polychaeta 1.1 0.4
Copepoda 4.8 0.024 *
Gastropoda 3.8 0.046 *
Nematoda 0.7 0.6
Echinoidea 5.2 0.019 *
Stelleroidea 1.5 0.3
Bivalva 1.4 0.3
Turbellaria 4.3 0.03 *
Ostracoda 1.8 0.2
Holothuroidea 0.7 0.6
Total combined 2.1 0.2
Significance is represented by asterisks as follows: * P< 0.05; * * P< 0.01; * * * P< 0.001.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 17
3.4. Plate motile epifauna community structure
The density of motile epifauna averaged 189 individuals 100 cm
and the most
abundant classes were Malacostraca (54% of individuals), Polychaeta (23.5%), Copepoda
(7.6%) and Gastropoda (5.6%) (Table 5). Several taxonomic classes exhibited significant
differences in density among fishing grounds, but only Echinoidea and Turbellaria
declined systematically with fishing intensity (Tables 5 and 6). Motile epifaunal density
was negatively related to algal biomass at area scale, but unrelated at fishing-ground scale
(Fig. 9A,B;areaR
= 0.33, F
= 7.25, P= 0.02; fishing ground R
=0, F
P= 0.97). Motile epifaunal density was weakly positively related to reef rugosity at area
scale and strongly related to rugosity at fishing-ground scale (Fig. 9C,D; area scale
= 0.20, F
=4.2, P= 0.064; fishing-ground scale quadratic regression R
Fig. 9. Relationships between motile epifaunal density and the total algal biomass (A) across all 14 areas, and (B)
at five islands (mean Fstandard error). Relationships between motile epifaunal density and rugosity (C) across all
14 areas, and (D) at five fishing grounds (mean Fstandard error). Hollow data points are used to highlight nearly
overlapping points. Pvalues are from linear regression tests, except for (D) where quadratic regression was used
and NS means the test was not significant; see text for details.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2918
= 724, P< 0.001). When both explanatory variables are considered together, algal
biomass explained more variation (77%) in motile epifaunal density than rugosity (33%) at
the area scale (multiple regression, R
= 0.40, F
= 5.27, P= 0.025). However, at fishing-
ground scale, rugosity explained 99% of the variation in motile epifaunal density. There
Fig. 10. Relationships between (A) density, (B) taxonomic class richness and (C) class diversity of motile
epifauna and fishing intensity (persons km reef front
) at five fishing grounds (mean Fstandard error).
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 19
were no relationships between the density of motile epifauna and the fish grazing intensity
on the coral plates at either area or fishing-ground scale.
Motile epifaunal density did not vary systematically along the fishing intensity
gradient (Fig. 10A). However, the class richness and diversity of motile epifaunal
communities were significantly lower at the more heavily fished grounds (Fig. 10B;
richness, F
= 5.75, P= 0.011; Fig. 10C; Margalef’s d,F
= 8.09, P= 0.004). The rare
epifaunal classes (Echinoidea, Turbellaria, Ostracoda and Holothuroidea) were absent at
Fig. 11. (A) k-dominance curves for coral plate motile epifauna classes at five fishing grounds. (B) MDS
ordination of the motile epifaunal communities at 15 plate sites at five fishing grounds. Areas are shaded from
light to dark and labelled in alphabetical order corresponding to increasing fishing intensity (see Table 2). These
analyses were based on the proportion of Annelida, Asteroidea, Bivalva, Caprillidea, Copepoda, Crinoidea,
Cumacea, Decopoda, Echinoidea, Gammaridea, Gastropoda, Holothuroidea, Isopoda, Natantia, Nematoda,
Nudibranchia, Ophiuroidea, Ostracoda, Platyhelminths, Polyplacophora, Pycnognida, Tanaidacea at each site.
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2920
the most heavily fished ground and only Polychaeta exhibited greater density at the
most heavily fished ground (Table 5). This pattern was reflected in the k-dominance
curves, with the curve representing the lightest fishing intensity lying below and to the
right of the others, and the curves shifting upward and to the left with increasing
fishing intensity, suggesting fewer classes contributed to dominance at higher fishing
intensities (Fig. 11A). The MDS ordination indicated significant grouping of areas
within fishing grounds, indicating a link between motile epifaunal community structure
and fishing intensity (Fig. 11B; ANOSIM Global r= 0.527, P= 0.001). There were no
relationships between class richness or diversity of motile epifauna and fish grazing
intensity, algal biomass on coral plates or benthic rugosity at either area or fishing-
ground scales.
3.5. Correlations among fish, benthic, plate algal and motile epifaunal communities
Motile-epifaunal community structure was strongly correlated with benthic community
structure using cross-correlation of similarity matrices (rho = 0.512, P= 0.001) and weakly
correlated with plate algal community structure (rho = 0.24, P= 0.068). Benthic commun-
ity structure was significantly correlated with fish community structure (fish families,
rho = 0.388, P= 0.002; fish trophic categories, rho = 0.245, P= 0.047). However, fish
community structure, using either families or trophic categories, was not significantly
correlated with either the algal communities or motile epifaunal communities on settlement
4. Discussion
This study indicates fishing can influence the community structure of small motile
epifauna, in the absence of physical disturbance. There were clear differences in the k-
dominance of these epifaunal communities along the fishing intensity gradient, which
was consistent with lower epifaunal class richness and diversity at grounds with higher
fishing intensities. There was a clear multivariate link between fishing intensity and
community structure of small epifaunal (Fig. 11B), but there was no clear effect of
fishing on total epifaunal density (Fig. 10). However, epifaunal density was determined
by a combination of settlement-plate algal biomass and coral reef rugosity. The relative
importance of algal biomass and rugosity for structuring epifaunal density was scale-
dependent; at smaller spatial scales (among areas, 0.5 10 km) algal biomass was more
important, and at larger spatial scales (among fishing grounds, 4 180 km) rugosity
was more important. To the best of our knowledge, this study constitutes the first
evidence to suggest that the processes controlling community structure may vary with
spatial scale.
The conclusions of this study are potentially limited by a number of factors; here
we address each in turn. The settlement plates were deployed for a relatively short
period of time, which raises the possibility that algal and epifaunal communities might
not have stabilised, and therefore our findings may not be representative over longer
time scales. However, this is unlikely to be important to our findings because
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 21
communities of small epifauna develop rapidly, and the time to reach short-term
(weeks) stability in algal cover and diversity is approximately 100 days on coral
settlement plates (Martin-Smith, 1994; McClanahan, 1997). Another limitation was that
while there was a multivariate link between fish and other communities, it was not
possible to determine the proximate links between benthic and plate community
structures and particular fish trophic or family groupings. Most of the significant
differences in fish community structure were heavily dependent on the high densities
found in the least fished ground. In order to understand the proximate links between
fish and benthic communities, we suggest greater replication at the fishing-ground scale
is required. The recruitment of epifauna is often cited as having a major structuring role
in benthic communities (e.g. Sutherland, 1981). The variance of fish and benthic
communities associated with sampling date subsumes variation associated with both
recruitment and sampling error. The variance attributable to sampling date of fish and
benthic communities was minor compared to variance attributable to fishing intensity;
we suggest that the recruitment of fish or benthos did not contribute significantly to their
observed community structures over the duration of this study. This raises the possibility
that recruitment may also be less important relative to fishing intensity for structuring
coral reef epifaunal communities. However, we caution that direct measurement of the
effects of fish benthic and epifaunal recruitment would be required to test this
possibility. A key limitation of our study is that an experimental manipulation would
be required to confirm the causal links among rugosity, predation risk and epifaunal
density. However, there are two fundamental constraints to confirming causality at the
large spatial scale studied here. First, manipulating small-scale factors requires caging of
substrata; this would be expensive and logistically difficult to construct and maintain in
the required hierarchical design at such large spatial scales (Vadas, 1985; Raffaelli and
Moller, 2000). Second, large-scale influences, such as fishing and recruitment, cannot be
manipulated experimentally; in this situation the only available test for causality is a
comparative one, as was performed here (Petraitis and Latham, 1999). Finally, we only
examined the role of fishing as a causal factor in determining fish and benthic
community structures; we have not examined the importance of nutrient input or
island-scale oceanographic factors, which may also have the capacity to influence coral
reef communities.
4.1. Factors influencing motile epifaunal density
The density of motile epifauna is known to be a function of either substrate
complexity (rugosity), algal biomass (habitat quality) and recruitment success (Bailey-
Brock et al., 1980; Lobel, 1980; Vadas, 1985; Carpenter, 1986; Klumpp et al., 1988;
Klumpp and Polunin, 1990). The only study which examined the relative importance of
these factors concluded that algal biomass was the major determinant of epifaunal
density at small scales ( < 4 km) (Klumpp et al., 1988). Our data were consistent with
this finding; at the smaller spatial scale algal biomass was the major determinant of
motile epifaunal density. However, at the larger spatial scale rugosity was the most
important determinant, and explained 99% of the variation in the density of small motile
epifauna. Why should rugosity be an important determinant of epifaunal density? We
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2922
suggest that rugosity is a measure of epifaunal shelter availability or refugia from
predation. Rugosity is strongly related to more direct measures of shelter availability
such as the size of holes in the substrate (Friedlander and Parrish, 1998). Predation
generally appears to have an important structuring role on coral reefs; shelter availability
is a major determinant of coral reef fish community structure at large spatial scales (e.g.
Caley and St. John, 1996; Friedlander and Parrish, 1998). Adult fish abundance is
strongly determined by predator density and refuge availability, and the importance of
shelter availability is underscored by the finding that juvenile survivorship of fishes is
enhanced by providing more complex substrata (Beukers and Jones, 1998). Therefore,
rugosity can be thought of as an indirect measure of predation risk or top-down control
upon motile epifauna. If this assumption is valid, then top-down factors were a more
important predictor of the density of small motile epifauna than bottom-up factors such
as algal biomass at large spatial scales. To the best of our knowledge, scale dependence
in the processes structuring the density of community components has not been
described. However, it is becoming clear that diversity of communities is structured
in a scale-dependent manner (Willis and Whittaker, 2002), so the finding of scale-
dependent structuring of density is not unexpected.
If predation risk were a major structuring force of epifaunal communities, then one
would predict that the reduction of fish biomass along the fishing gradient would lead to
higher densities of motile epifauna via prey release. Predatory release of motile epifaunal
prey is a prerequisite for the existence of a potential trophic cascade involving epifauna.
There was no evidence for prey release and epifaunal densities did not vary with fishing
intensity in this study (Fig. 10A); therefore, at these light fishing intensities, it is also
unlikely that epifauna is involved in a trophic cascade. The absence of prey release
suggests the reduction in predator biomass may be insufficient to invoke prey release or a
consequence of the absence of any link between fishing intensity and rugosity at these
light levels of fishing pressure. In more heavily exploited systems, fishing is known to
reduce substrate complexity by facilitating the proliferation of bioeroding herbivorous
urchins (McClanahan and Muthiga, 1988; McClanahan, 1992). The absence of a link
between rugosity and fishing intensity is possibly due to the relatively low density of
grazing urchins in this study, which is a tenth or less (< 1 urchins m
) than found in
heavily fished coral reef systems, such as found in the Caribbean and also in East Africa
(c. 10 urchins m
)(Carpenter, 1986; Lessios, 1988; McClanahan and Shafir, 1990;
McClanahan and Kurtis, 1991; McClanahan, 1994; McClanahan and Mutere, 1994). The
urchin densities in Fiji are possibly insufficient to measurably reduce substrate complexity
at the comparatively low fishing intensities studied, but the potential for prey release of
epifauna and a trophic cascade role should be borne in mind where fishing pressure is
sufficiently high to influence substrate complexity.
4.2. Factors influencing motile epifaunal richness
Ultimately, understanding the forces structuring motile epifaunal diversity will be
challenging because almost nothing is known of their life histories, dispersal strategies and
niche ecology (Carpenter, 1986; Klumpp et al., 1988). The class richness and diversity of
motile epifauna were independent of the structure of plate algal communities. This
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 23
evidence combined with the known rapid colonisation ( < 2 weeks) suggests the epifaunal
communities on settlement plates reflected the larger benthic epifaunal pool (e.g. Caley
and Schluter, 1997). Assuming this is true, then we can examine three possible
explanations for monotonic decline in epifaunal class richness and diversity along the
fishing intensity gradient, namely differential vulnerability, exploiter-mediated coexistence
and decline in habitat quality. Larger-bodied animal species tend to have lower intrinsic
population growth rates and lower resilience to mortality and would be expected to suffer
most under a disturbance regime (Collie et al., 2000; Frisk et al., 2001; Reynolds et al.,
2001). In these Fijian fishing grounds, increased fishing intensity should be associated
with reduced predation pressure upon motile epifauna, unless there is an extra trophic
group between target fishes and the motile epifauna. Therefore, large-bodied epifauna
should exhibit elevated density at the most heavily fished grounds. However, there is no
clear sign of increased densities of larger epifaunal classes (e.g. malacostracan crustaceans
and gastropods) at the most heavily fished grounds (Table 5), which suggests the
‘differential vulnerability’ mechanism does not underlie the observed reduction in
epifaunal richness and diversity. The second mechanism is exploiter-mediated coexistence,
in which diversity is structured or maintained by frequency-dependent mortality; the most
abundant taxa are predated in proportion to their abundance, facilitating the coexistence of
competitively inferior taxa (Lubchenco, 1978; Menge, 1995). At heavily fished grounds,
the lower density of invertivorous fishes (and potentially lower predation) could have
increased the dominance of competitively superior motile epifaunal taxa at the expense of
less competitive taxa—resulting in a decline in motile epifaunal richness and diversity—
which was consistent with the pattern described here. Another possible explanation for the
change in epifaunal class richness and diversity is the change in the ‘habitat quality’ of the
surrounding benthic community. Coral reef benthic communities are highly heterogeneous
on a very small scale of < 1 m (N.K. Dulvy, unpublished data) and a reduction in patch
heterogeneity of surrounding habitat would be expected to result in lower diversity
(Austen et al., 1998). Hard-coral cover declined and turf-algal cover increased along the
fishing intensity gradient and the variation in benthic community structure was statistically
correlated with the change in fish community structure. However, at present we cannot
explain the causal mechanism(s) underlying this statistical link. The increase in motile
epifaunal habitat (turf algae) on the coral reef and the possible homogenisation of benthos
would be expected to result in a proliferation of primary colonising motile epifaunal
taxa—which is also consistent with the pattern described here.
The spatial variance of abundance and diversity and the underlying structuring
processes are not only of fundamental importance; spatial scaling is also a practical
issue. If we are to understand and manage environmental impacts at large spatial
scales, the analyses of underlying processes must be applied at the appropriate scale.
Inferences drawn from small-scale studies may be erroneous because larger-scale
structuring processes are not necessarily predictable from an understanding of small-
scale processes (Willis and Whittaker, 2002). Finally, management must be feasible at
the appropriate spatial scale. Fortunately, management can directly influence predator
density at large scales through restricting fishing effort or the implementation of no-
take zones, but not algal abundance, except by managing watersheds to reduce nutrient
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–2924
We wish to thank Robin South and the staff of the Marine Studies Programme at the
University of the South Pacific for providing facilities and continued support; the Tui
Nayau, chiefs and turaganikoro of all the islands for granting permission for this study; K.
Wynn, C. Glendinning, A. Haddock, R. Ekeheien, C. Gough and B. Vasconcellos for
logistical support and field assistance. We thank D. Stanwell-Smith for help with the
identification of the epifauna. We thank I.D. Williams, T.J.T. Murdoch and also S.
Jennings and an anonymous referee for their useful comments. This study was funded by
the Natural Environment Research Council, UK and the Fisheries Society of the British
Isles. [RW]
Appendix 1
Fish speciesin UVC, maximum lengths (cm) and tropic category (co—corallivore, he—
herbivore, in—invertivore, om—omnivore, pi—piscivore, pl—planktivore, to—terrtorial
omnivore, uf—urchin feeder).
Acanthuridae Acanthurus albipectoralis 33 pl, A. blochii 42, A. guttatus 26 he, A.
lineatus 38 he, A. nigricans 21 he, A. nigricauda 40 he, A. olivaceus 35 he, A. pyroferus 25
he, A. thompsoni 27 pl, A. triostegus 26 he, A. xanthopterus 56 he, Ctenochaetus binotatus
22 he, C. striatus 26 he, C. strigosus 18 he, Naso brevirostoris 60 pl, N. caesius 60 pl, N.
hexacanthus 75 pl, N. lituratus 30 pl, N. tuberosus 60 pl, N. unicornis 70 pl, N. vlamingii
50 pl, Zebrasomsa scopas 20 om, Z. veliferum 40 om.
Balistidae balistapus undulatus 30 uf, Balistoides conspicillum 50 in, B. viridescens 75
uf, Melichthys vidua 35 om, Rinecanthus rectangulus 30 uf, Sufflamen bursa 24 uf, S.
chrysopterus 30 uf, S.fraenatus 38 uf.
Chaetodontidae Chaetodon auriga 23 in, C. baronessa 15 co, C. bennetti 18 co, C.
citrinellus 13 in, C. ephippium 23 in, C. flavirostris 20 C. kleinii 14 in, C. ornatissimus 20
co, C. pelewensis 12 in, C. plebeius 15 in, C. quadrimaculatus 16 co, C. rafflesi 15 in, C.
reticulatus 16 co, C. trifascialis 18 co, C. trifasciatus 15 co, C. ulietenis 15 in, C.
unimaculatus 20 in, C. vagabundus 23 in, Forcipiger flavissimus 22 in, F.longirostris 22
in, Hemitaurichthys polylepis 18 pl, Heniochus acuminatus 25 pl, H. chrysostomus 18 co,
H. monocerus 23 in, H. singularius 25 in, H. varius 19 in.
Diodontidae Diodon hystrix 90 uf.
Haemulidae Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides 72 in, P obscurus 100 uf, P. picus 84 uf.
Kyphoside Kyphosus cinerascens 45 he.
Labridae Anampses caerulopunctatus 42 uf, A. neoguinaicus 15 in, A. twistii 18 in,
Bodianus anthiodes 21 in, B. axillaris 20 in, B. diana 25 in, B. loxozonus 47 in, B.
mesothorax 19 in, Cheilinus chlorourus 45 in, C. fasciatus 38 in, C. oxycephalus 17 in, C.
trilobatus 45 uf, C. undulatus 229 in, Coris aygula 120 uf, C. gaimard 38 uf, Epibulus
insdiator 35 pi, Gomphosus varius 28 in, Halichoeres hortulanus 27 in, H. margaritaceus
13 in, H. marginatus 17 in, Hemigymnus fasciatus 50 uf, H. melapterus 50 uf, Labrichthys
unileatus 16 co, Macrophargodon meleagris 14 in, Oxycheilinus diagrammus 30 pi, O.
unifasciatus 46 uf, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia 7 in, P. octotaenia 12 uf, Stethojulius
N.K. Dulvy et al. / J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 278 (2002) 1–29 25
bandanensis 16 uf, Thalassoma amblcephalum 14 in, T. hardwicke 20 in, T. jansenii 20 pi,
T. lutescens 30 uf, T. quinquevittatum 16 uf.
Lenthrinidae Gnathodentex aureolineatus 24, Lethrinus atkinsoni 45 uf, L. erythra-
canthus 70 uf, L.nebulosus 86 uf, L. olivaceaus 100 uf, Montaxis grandoculis 60 uf.
Lutjanidae Aphareus furca 40 pi, Aprion virenscens 100 in, Lutjanus bohar 90 pi, L.
fulviflamma 35 pi, L. fulvus 40 pi, L.kasmira 35 pi, L. monostigma 53 pi, L. russelli 50 pi,
L. semicintus 35 pi, L. vitta 40 pi, Macolor macularis 55 in, M. niger 66 in.
Monacanthidae Aluterus scriptus 110 in, Amanses scopas 16 in, Cantherhines
dumerilii 38 in, C. pardalis 25 in, Oxmonacanthus longirostris 12 co, Pervagor
melanocephalus 10 in.
Mullidae,Mulloidichthys vanicolensis 38 uf, P. bifasciatus 35 in, P. ciliatus 38 in, P.
cyclostomus 50 in, P. miltifasciatus 30 in.
Nemiptridae Scolopsis bilineatus 23 in.
Ostraciidea Ostracion meleagris 16 in.
Pomacentridae Plectroglyphidodon dickii 11 to, P. johnstonianus 9 to, P. lacrymatus
10 to, Pomacentrus bankanesis 9 to, P. vaiuli 9 to, Stegastes fasciolatus 15 to, S. lividus 13
to, S. nigricans 13 to.
Scanridea Cetoscarus bicolor 80 he, Chlorurus frontalis 50 he, Hipposcarus longiceps
60 he, Scarus alptipinis 60 he, S. chameleon 31 he, S. dimidiatus 30 he, S. forsteni 55 he,
S. frenatus 47 he, S. ghobban 75 he, S. globiceps 27 he, S. longipinnis 40 he, S. niger 35
he, S. oviceps 30 he, S.psittacus 30 he, S. rubroviolaceus 70 he, S. schlegeli 38 he, S.
sordidus 40 he, S. spinus 30 he.
Serranidae Anyperodon leucogrammicus 52 pi, Cephalopholis argus 40 pi, C.
leopardus 24 pi, C. urodeta 27 pi, Epinephelus fuscoguttatus 90 pi, E. hexagonatus 26
pi, E howlandi 44 pi, E. maculatus 50 pi, E. polyphekaion 75 pi, Gracila albomarginata
40 pi, Plectropomus areolatus 73 pi, P. laevis 110pi, P. leopardus 70 pi, P. maculatus 70
pi, Variola louti 80 pi.
Siganidae Siganus doliatus 24 he, S. punctatus 40 he, S. stellatus 35 he, S. uspi 24 he.
Tetraodontidae Aronthron mappa 65 in, A. nigropunctatus 33 uf, Canthigaster
valentini 10 he.
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... Finally, both parks are patrolled and enforced but poaching still continues at some level. It has been shown that even limited fishing pressure can significantly impact fish population, especially of target species (Dulvy et al. 2002, McClanahan et al. 2009). Thus, protection effects could be largely negated by insufficient enforcement that allows even low-level poaching inside the reserve. ...
... Reef macroalgae differ in their palatability (Paul and Hay 1986, Steneck and Dethier 1994, Arnold and Targett 2000, and different species of herbivores vary in their foraging behavior and food preferences (Bruggemann et al. 1994b, Burkepile andHay 2008) so algal assemblages may depend on both herbivore abundance and species composition. Further, reported impacts of herbivores commonly include large-scale spatial confounds (Dulvy et al. 2002, Wismer et al. 2009), and variations in habitat types or depth (Lewis 1985, Wismer et al. 2009). In addition to herbivory, algal abundance and species composition are also determined by physical energy regime, disturbance history, and competition Littler 1984, Steneck andDethier 1994). ...
... Polunin avaient traditionnellement recours au calcul d'un tonnage de poisson par surface, prenant généralement en compte le nombre de pêcheurs par qoliqoli 1 (Jennings and Polunin 1995a;Jennings and Polunin 1995b;Jennings and Polunin 1996a;Jennings and Polunin 1996b;Jennings, Reynolds et al. 1999). Dernièrement, cet aspect méthodologique a évolué vers le calcul d'un tonnage de poisson par longueur de récif 2 (Dulvy, Mitchell et al. 2002;Dulvy, Polunin et al. sous presse). Des discussions préliminaires avec la socio-économiste, en amont du calcul de toute pression de pêche, ont abouti au choix unanime de ne pas appliquer littéralement cette approche. ...
... En revanche, la possibilité de calculer un effort de pêche qui s'exercerait spécifiquement sur les zones entre 0 et 15 m de profondeur (Jennings and Polunin 1996a), à savoir dans la tranche de profondeur correspondant aux CVS, aurait peut-être permis l'amélioration de nos résultats, notamment en ce qui concerne le rôle de la pression de pêche intra-site. Ce n'est pas le cas d'une approche qui utiliserait la longueur du front récifal (Dulvy, Mitchell et al. 2002;Dulvy, Polunin et al. sous presse) qui reste, à notre sens, inadaptée au contexte tongien. Au-delà des problèmes d'adéquation des surfaces avec les niveaux de prises, une amélioration notable du calcul de la pression de pêche dans les pêcheries récifo-lagonaires artisanales devrait venir des aspects socio-économiques inhérents à ces pêcheries, comme tendent à le prouver des approches impliquant les aspects écologiques, halieutiques et socio-économiques (Kronen, Clua et al. sous presse). ...
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Two fishing grounds were selected in each of the three archipelagos of Tonga, according to fishing pressure (high and low). In each ground, socioeconomic surveys provided an evaluation of fishing pressure. Reef fish stocks were assessed through underwater visual censuses along 241 transects and their habitat was described with a novative method (Medium Scale A p p r o a c h ) , better adapted to their life territories. The analysis of ecological and fishing data showed a variation between global fishing pressure at the archipelago level, which was responsible, in combination with ecological factors, for more differences than between the pair of sites within each archipelago. The fishing factor explains globally less variance of fish populations (1.6 to 5.7%) than factors acting at micro-scale (depth, hard substrate and live coral coverages, heterogeneity and topographic complexity) and at meso-scale (oceanic influence), that explain 23.3 to 34.3% of variance. The study confirmed fishing effects already known (such as reduction of fish populations average size, compensatory increase of density in the small size classes) and showed, at least for scarids, a “shifting dominance” phenomenon, based on the decrease of large-size target species, which benefits to small size species, less vulnerable to fishing. Clustering of species according to diet or life history traits revealed gradual changes of density and biomass in specific groups according to fishing pressure gradient. This result provides potential for setting up indicators of stock status for better management of reef fish resources.
... For instance, the reduction of abundance of higher trophic levels in shallow waters is reflected in changes in the abundance and size structure of fish communities. More important is the potential to create a top-down ecosystem effect, generating ecological imbalance and changing the composition of natural communities (Dulvy et al. 2002;Lloret et al. 2008). ...
Marine recreational fishing (MRF) in Portugal is a traditional leisure activity with considerable importance for coastal populations. In the absence of available information from the national data collection framework, this article aims to review the existing information on MRF across the country. MRF was an open access fishery until recently, but with rising evidence of overexploitation of coastal resources, a precautionary approach was imposed top-down, without consulting recreational fishers. In Portugal, the MRF participation rate is comparable to the European average (2%). The most important fishing mode (according to the official issued licenses) is shore angling. Mainland Portugal marine recreational catches (0.8% of total commercial landings) are likely underestimated, while the estimate for the Azores (6% of total commercial landings) is probably closer to the national reality. The Portuguese MRF sector faces several challenges, including: (1) the need for a definition of a national data collection framework; (2) the inclusion of MRF harvest estimates in stock assessments for key captured species; (3) management approaches which also take into account the ecosystem approach to fisheries and any potential effects of climate change; (4) additional research on post-release mortalities for the most important MRF species; and (5) a stronger involvement of all stakeholders in the decision-making process of MRF. The latter would be critical to improve the adequacy of regulations to the MRF reality, mitigate conflicts with other sectors (e.g., commercial fishing), and potentially increase fishers compliance.
... This could be due to their tendency to fracture and injure easily, making corals of this growth form less popular in the emerging discipline of reef restoration, where practitioners are more focused on proof-of-concept studies. However, as plating species contribute significantly to coral cover on reefs (Goh and Chou, 1993;Dikou and van Woesik, 2006) and can host a multitude of epifauna (Dulvy et al., 2002;Herler, 2007), successfully transplanting such corals would help to enhance the ecological value of the target site. In this study, fragments of M. ampliata performed well in the nursery but suffered a net loss in live tissue area after transplantation. ...
Seawalls, which have replaced many natural shorelines in coastal cities, are increasingly built to alleviate the impacts of rising sea levels. To mitigate the consequential loss of biodiversity, novel approaches such as ecological engineering have been adopted to enhance the biodiversity on these artificial structures. However, the majority of research to date has focused on physical modifications of intertidal seawalls, and such habitat enhancement efforts are labour- and cost-intensive. We examined the feasibility of transplanting nursery-reared scleractinian corals on subtidal seawalls in Singapore with the help of volunteers. Fragments of six hard coral species (Pocillopora damicornis, Hydnophora rigida, Merulina ampliata, Podabacia crustacea, Echinopora lamellosa, Platygyra sinensis) were tested. Fragments of all species fared well in the nurseries with a mean survival rate of 98.5% and 1.1 to 4-fold increase in live tissue area. Six months after transplantation to a seawall, only 50% of P. damicornis transplants survived, while those of M. ampliata decreased in size. Transplants of the other four species exhibited sustained growth and high survival rates (>90%), suggesting that they were more suitable than the former two species as candidates for transplantation onto subtidal seawalls. Scleractinian cover at the transplant site increased from 3% to 20% and generic richness increased from two to eight. The estimated project costs were almost US$ 23,000 if only researchers were involved in the effort, but the inclusion of volunteers in fieldwork and data analyses could help to bring the expenditure down by up to 23%. The study demonstrated the feasibility of transplanting corals onto subtidal seawalls to mitigate the impacts of coastal development, and highlighted its potential for application on other artificial structures. The findings also show that synergy between the community and scientists helps to reduce overall costs and is beneficial for biodiversity enhancement initiatives.
... Nous pouvons également noter une modification de la structure des peuplements à l'extérieur des AMP. Cette fonction de source de larves et d'adultes repeuplant les stocks en dehors de l'AMP est toutefois très discutée (Roberts et Polunin, 1991;Bohnsack, 1996;Roberts, 1998;Polunin, 2002;Russ, 2002;. ...
... If this happens, it can change the trajectory of ecosystem structure in what Scheffer & Carpenter (2003) call alternative attractors. Our understanding of phase shifts and the role of herbivores as a driver of ecosystem structure on coral reefs has focused on (1) small-scale herbivore exclusion experiments (Lewis 1986), (2) natural field experiments where fishing levels have manipulated herbivory (Dulvy et al. 2002), (3) large-scale correlations between herbivores and macroalgal cover , and (4) ecological models of processes (Mumby et al. 2007). Despite this broad range of studies, we lack experimental evidence of the mechanism by which depletion -but not exclusion -of herbivores leads to a loss of coral. ...
Dominance shifts in ecosystems can occur rapidly, resulting in alternative stable states. While some coral reef ecosystems shift and recover relatively quickly, others recover slowly or not at all over periods of centuries. We explore the role of large (fishing-susceptible) parrotfish in triggering algal phase shifts as alternative attractors that may lock reefs into coral-depleted alternative stable states. We designed an experiment to modestly reduce herbivory only from large parrotfish in the immediate vicinity of experimental coral settlement nursery habitats. We used vertical pegs ('parrotfish deterrents' or PDs) around coral settlement plates on 2 Belizean fore reefs. Time-lapse videos and a year's accumulation of bite-marks on plates confirmed that only herbivory from large parrotfish declined significantly due to PDs. Patches of macroalgae developed around PDs reducing coral recruitment in this treatment only. Two dominant reef-dwelling coral genera (Porites and Agaricia) recruited to our settlement plates. The fast-growing, high-light requiring, reef-building coral Porites was more negatively affected by phase shifts; this coral failed to recruit at and above mid-levels of algal abundance. We illustrate the direct roles ecological processes such as herbivory from large parrotfish play in regulating algal abundance, which in turn reduces the recruitment potential of reefs and thus the ecosystem's capacity to recover. Combining our empirical results with an individually-based ecological simulation model, we determined that these processes cascade to drive alternative states and create a 'hysteresis' effect delaying or preventing recovery of the coral reef ecosystem.
... Across those inhabited islands, human population density spanned values from <0.02 to nearly 40 people per hectare of forereef habitat. Sharp declines in fish biomass at the low end of that human population scale are consistent with earlier smaller-scale studies on human impacts to coral reef fishes along fishing-intensity and population gradients in Fiji and the Seychelles [33][34][35]. Precipitous declines in abundance even at low levels of human population density have also been shown for sharks [8], large-bodied excavating parrotfishes [36], and other large fish species [37]. Collectively, there is strong evidence that key aspects of reef fish assemblages including total biomass, top-predator density, and grazing potential, are highly susceptible to even low levels of human impacts, and therefore that full protection over large areas is probably necessary for a natural coral reef ecosystem to persist. ...
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Coral reefs around US-and US-affiliated Pacific islands and atolls span wide oceanographic gradients and levels of human impact. Here we examine the relative influence of these factors on coral reef fish biomass, using data from a consistent large-scale ecosystem monitoring program conducted by scientific divers over the course of >2,000 hours of underwater observation at 1,934 sites, across ~40 islands and atolls. Consistent with previous smaller-scale studies, our results show sharp declines in reef fish biomass at relatively low human population density, followed by more gradual declines as human population density increased further. Adjusting for other factors, the highest levels of oce-anic productivity among our study locations were associated with more than double the biomass of reef fishes (including ~4 times the biomass of planktivores and piscivores) compared to islands with lowest oceanic productivity. Our results emphasize that coral reef areas do not all have equal ability to sustain large reef fish stocks, and that what is natural varies significantly amongst locations. Comparisons of biomass estimates derived from visual surveys with predicted biomass in the absence of humans indicated that total reef fish biomass was depleted by 61% to 69% at populated islands in the Mariana Archipelago ; by 20% to 78% in the Main Hawaiian islands; and by 21% to 56% in American Samoa.
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Macroalgae constitute an important habitat for several marine invertebrates, and their biomass and structural complexity modulates the abundance and diversity of species that live on them. Overall, fluctuations in algae biomass inflict fluctuations in the abundance of the associated mobile macrofauna, but the structure of the community may vary according to how each group/species uses the resources provided by the algal habitat. Here, we evaluated how temporal variations in the biomass of Sargassum algal bed (increase, decrease, or maintenance) can affect the abundance, density, and assemblage structure of distinct associated faunistic groups. The collections were performed in three rocky shores located on the north coast of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, during Fall and Spring. We observed different patterns of algal substrate variation between sampling events, and this reflected on variable effects on the associated fauna. The algal substrate reduction was accompanied by the reduction in the abundance and density of all associated faunal groups. However, the increase or maintenance of the algal substrate was accompanied by an increase in the abundance of peracarids, due to the dominance of herbivorous species, while other taxonomic groups like mollusks and polychaetes decreased or maintained their abundance, although with higher species evenness of gastropods when alga increases. Seasonal biomass variations in macroalgae beds are relevant for the dynamics of its associated fauna, and our results indicate that some taxonomic groups may preferentially use the available extra resources originated from biomass increment when compared to other groups.
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Information about the distribution and abundance of the habitat-forming sessile organisms in marine ecosystems is of great importance for conservation and natural resource managers. Spatial interpolation methodologies can be useful to generate this information from in situ sampling points, especially in circumstances where remote sensing methodologies cannot be applied due to small-scale spatial variability of the natural communities and low light penetration in the water column. Interpolation methods are widely used in environmental sciences; however, published studies using these methodologies in coral reef science are scarce. We compared the accuracy of the two most commonly used interpolation methods in all disciplines, inverse distance weighting (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK), to predict the distribution and abundance of hard corals, octocorals, macroalgae, sponges and zoantharians and identify hotspots of these habitat-forming organisms using data sampled at three different spatial scales (5, 10 and 20 m) in Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico. The deeper sandy environments of the leeward and windward regions of Madagascar reef were dominated by macroalgae and seconded by octocorals. However, the shallow rocky environments of the reef crest had the highest richness of habitat-forming groups of organisms; here, we registered high abundances of octocorals and macroalgae, with sponges, Millepora alcicornis and zoantharians dominating in some patches, creating high levels of habitat heterogeneity. IDW and OK generated similar maps of distribution for all the taxa; however, cross-validation tests showed that IDW outperformed OK in the prediction of their abundances. When the sampling distance was at 20 m, both interpolation techniques performed poorly, but as the sampling was done at shorter distances prediction accuracies increased, especially for IDW. OK had higher mean prediction errors and failed to correctly interpolate the highest abundance values measured in situ, except for macroalgae, whereas IDW had lower mean prediction errors and high correlations between predicted and measured values in all cases when sampling was every 5 m. The accurate spatial interpolations created using IDW allowed us to see the spatial variability of each taxa at a biological and spatial resolution that remote sensing would not have been able to produce. Our study sets the basis for further research projects and conservation management in Madagascar reef and encourages similar studies in the region and other parts of the world where remote sensing technologies are not suitable for use.
Fishing experience and skills are not commonly considered in recreational fishery studies. To analyse potential different biological/ecological impacts of three experience levels of spearfishers (novice, intermediate and experienced), access point surveys were conducted over a period of 10 months in São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago). Groups differed in terms of catch rate and composition, species size and vulnerability (i.e. intrinsic vulnerability index of fishes to fishing). Experienced spearfishers explored different areas along the island coast, fished deeper and farther off shore, were more selective regarding fish size and target species, reached higher catch weights and had catches with a higher mean index of vulnerability. Results suggest that catch composition and rate not only depend on fish community and ecosystem health, but also on the expertise of the fishers who operate in a given area. Consequently, scientific studies should consider fishers’ experience in the survey design and data analysis to not over- or underestimate their potential impact.
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Published life-history parameters for sharks, skates, and rays over a wide geographic range were used to develop predictive models to estimate parameters that are difficult to measure or have not been previously estimated in elasmobranch species. We determined empirical relationships between body size (total length) and length at maturity (Lm) and age at maturity (Tm). The data used in determining these empirical relationships, the von Bertalanffy parameters asymptotic length (L∞) and growth rate (k), and natural mortality (M) and maximum age (Tmax) were used to describe the life-history strategies of elasmobranch fishes. M/k and Beverton's growth-maturity-longevity plots were used to make comparisons between teleost fishes, reptiles, and elasmobranchs. We found that the M/k ratio in elasmobranchs is significantly different from those for other fish and reptile taxa. We linked elasmobranch species fecundity (f) and Tm to potential vulnerability to population decline under exploitation. We found that larger species of elasmobranchs have lower growth rates (k) and potential population increases (r ′). Elasmobranchs can be categorized by species maximum length to determine susceptibility of decline under exploitation. Generally, species greater than 100 cm are characterized by life-history and population traits that place them at greater risk of population decline.
Marine ecologists have been leaders in a trend to break down the traditional compartmentalization of the life sciences. This is evident from a large volume of research on plant-animal interactions within the marine environment, which has contributed greatly to our understanding of coastal ecosystems and to general ecological concepts. In this book, leading experts consider the current state of our knowledge of plant-animal interactions as they influence the distribution, community structure, and abundance of benthic marine organisms. Interactions in different habitats are authoritatively reviewed from both regional and global perspectives, emphasis being placed on the relationship between herbivorous animals and their food plants. Special consideration is given to bioerosion caused by interactions and to endosymbiosis involving algae and cnidarians.
This book is the second of two volumes in a series on terrestrial and marine comparisons, focusing on the temporal complement of the earlier spatial analysis of patchiness and pattern (Levin et al. 1993). The issue of the relationships among pattern, scale, and patchiness has been framed forcefully in John Steele’s writings of two decades (e.g., Steele 1978). There is no pattern without an observational frame. In the words of Nietzsche, “There are no facts… only interpretations.”