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Impact of introduced honey bees on native pollination interactions of the endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife, Canary Islands


Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to investigate effects of introduced honey bees (Apis mellifera) on native pollination interactions of Echium wildpretii ssp. wildpretii in the sub-alpine desert of Tenerife. We selected two study populations, one dominated by honey bees, while the other was visited by many native insects. During peak activity period of insects, nectar was nearly completely depleted in flowers of the first, but not the latter population. Thus, a high abundance of honey bees may have suppressed visitation by native animals due to exploitative competition. Honey bees stayed longer and visited more flowers on the same inflorescence than native bees, thus potentially promoting self-pollination of the plants. Level of seed set and viability was similar in the two study populations. However, we cannot rule out long-term changes in genetic population structure due to changes in gene-flow patterns caused by foraging behaviour of honey bees vs. native flower-visitors.
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Impact of introduced honey bees on native pollination interactions
of the endemic Echium wildpretii (Boraginaceae) on Tenerife,
Canary Islands
Yoko L. Dupont
, Dennis M. Hansen, Alfredo Valido, Jens M. Olesen
Department of Ecology and Genetics, University of Aarhus, Ny Munkegade Building 540, Aarhus C 8000, Denmark
Received 11 June 2003; received in revised form 6 September 2003; accepted 20 September 2003
The aim of this study was to investigate effects of introduced honey bees (Apis mellifera) on native pollination interactions of
Echium wildpretii ssp. wildpretii in the sub-alpine desert of Tenerife. We selected two study populations, one dominated by honey
bees, while the other was visited by many native insects. During peak activity period of insects, nectar was nearly completely de-
pleted in flowers of the first, but not the latter population. Thus, a high abundance of honey bees may have suppressed visitation by
native animals due to exploitative competition. Honey bees stayed longer and visited more flowers on the same inflorescence than
native bees, thus potentially promoting self-pollination of the plants. Level of seed set and viability was similar in the two study
populations. However, we cannot rule out long-term changes in genetic population structure due to changes in gene-flow patterns
caused by foraging behaviour of honey bees vs. native flower-visitors.
Ó2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Disruption of native mutualisms; Interspecific competition; Apis mellifera; Conservation
1. Introduction
In recent years the impact of introduced honey bees
(Apis mellifera L.) on native flora and fauna has been
much debated. Results of some studies indicate that
foraging patterns and abundance of native pollinators
are altered in the presence of honey bees (Roubik, 1978;
Schaffer et al., 1983; Sugden and Pyke, 1991; Paton,
1993; Wenner and Thorp, 1994; Vaughton, 1996; Gross
and Mackay, 1998; Gross, 2001; Hansen et al., 2002).
Although stressed as important by most researchers, it
has been difficult to investigate potential detrimental
effects of introduced honey bees on food storage or on
reproduction of native bee species (Roubik, 1983; Sug-
den et al., 1996; Butz Huryn, 1997; Steffan-Dewenter
and Tscharntke, 2000; Thorp et al., 2000). The impact of
honey bees on the pollination of native flora includes
effects on pollen dispersal and thus patterns of seed set
and genetic structure of plant populations. Honey bees
are often found to be less efficient pollinators compared
to native flower-visiting animals (Schaffer et al., 1983;
Taylor and Whelan, 1988; Westerkamp, 1991; Paton,
1993; Vaughton, 1996; Gross and Mackay, 1998; Han-
sen et al., 2002). However, other studies have found that
A. mellifera does not adversely affect plant reproductive
success, perhaps due to the numerical abundance of
honey bees compared to native bees (Vaughton, 1992;
Gross, 2001). Furthermore, effects of introduced honey
bees on native flora or fauna are often difficult to assess
due to a lack of suitable control sites (i.e., absence of A.
mellifera). Lastly, patterns induced by honey bees may
be swamped by demographic, stochastic, and environ-
mental variation.
Two features of island pollination networks leave
them susceptible to invasion by introduced generalist
species, such as honey bees: Low species diversity
(Kennedy et al., 2002) and the generalised nature of
interactions (Olesen et al., 2002). Several studies of is-
land ecosystems have reported a decline in both native
bee and bird species visiting flowers in the presence of A.
mellifera (Roubik, 1978; Kato, 1992; Wenner and
Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311
Corresponding author. Fax: +45-86-127-191.
E-mail address: (Y.L. Dupont).
0006-3207/$ - see front matter Ó2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Thorp, 1994; Kato et al., 1999; Hansen et al., 2002).
Honey bees are widespread in the Canary Islands, and
bee-keeping has been practiced for centuries (M
2000). The colonisation of the islands by A. mellifera is
ancient, and honey bees are considered native based on
mitochondrial DNA data (De la R
ua et al., 1998).
However, A. mellifera is absent from the two eastern
arid islands, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, where the
climate is dry and the flowering season too short to
support perennial colonies of bees (De la R
ua et al.,
2001). Similar climatic conditions prevail in the semi-
arid, sub-alpine desert zone, found in the mountain re-
gions above 2000 m a.s.l. on Tenerife. Combined with
the geographical isolation provided by both crater rim
and the surrounding pine forest, this suggests a natural
absence of A. mellifera in this habitat. Few, but very
distinct plant species inhabit these altitudes, exposed to
high irradiation, drought, strong winds and extreme
temperature ranges. Most of the native sub-alpine biota
is confined within Teide National Park (18,900 ha),
which is legally protected. However, apiculture is per-
mitted. Every year bee-keepers bring thousands of bee-
hives to the mountain areas of Tenerife during the short
sub-alpine summer (Anon., 2000).
Observations in 2000 and 2001 showed a marked
seasonal shift in the flower-visiting fauna of Echium
wildpretii ssp. wildpretii Pearson ex Hook. f. (Boragin-
aceae) in Teide National Park. In early season, native
passerine birds (Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot) and
Serinus canarius L.) and native insects visited the red,
nectar-rich flowers. However, coinciding with a sudden
increase in honey bee activity, the birds stopped forag-
ing for nectar (Valido et al., 2002; unpubl. data from
2000). These observations indicate that the introduced
honey bees may alter native pollination interactions.
While the cessation of bird visits was easily observed,
effects on native insects were less obvious. The main
objective of this study is to investigate the relative im-
portance of native insects versus introduced honey bees
as flower-visitors and pollinators of E. wildpretii. Na-
tional Park staff controls the placement and numbers of
beehives, and we were thus able to obtain information
about temporal and geographical distribution of hives
throughout the flowering season.
The controlled framework of bee-keeping in Teide
National Park provides a man-induced ecological ex-
perimental setup, allowing us to assess the impact of
introduced honey bees on reproductive success, and
hence long-term persistence of E. wildpretii. We chose
two study populations, one population close to man-
aged beehives within the caldera and an adjacent pop-
ulation on the outside of the crater rim. We hypothesise
that honey bees, when present in large numbers, deplete
flowers of nectar, thus leading to exploitative competi-
tion with native flower-visitors. Moreover, differences in
foraging patterns of honey bees and natives could alter
pollen flow, and thus affect seed set or seed viability of
E. wildpretii. Therefore, we studied the following key
aspects of the pollination interactions in the two study
populations: (1) Diurnal and seasonal patterns of visi-
tation by native and introduced flower-visitors. (2)
Nectar secretion in animal-excluded flowers and flowers
open to visitation. (3) Patterns of seed set.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study system
The study was carried out in Teide National Park,
which is part of the region Las Ca~
nadas, a volcanic al-
luvial plain delimited by a crater rim. The National Park
(NP) covers an area of 18,900 ha and encompasses the
high-altitude sub-alpine zone of Tenerife, Canary Is-
lands. Vegetation is a low and sparse shrub dominated
by a few species.
The Teide bugloss, Echium wildpretii ssp. wildpretii
(Boraginaceae) (E. wildpretii hereafter) was the focal
species of our study. This endemic plant is almost ex-
clusively confined to the sub-alpine mountain zone of
Tenerife (Bramwell and Bramwell, 1990). Although this
subspecies is categorised as rare (G
omez Campo, 1996),
it is locally abundant and the large red-flowered inflo-
rescences are conspicuous in the landscape during the
flowering season. The plant is monocarpic and grows as
a rosette for 5–10 years before producing a single
flowering shoot. The columnar inflorescence is ca. 0.5–
2.5 m in height, a basal diameter of 10–70 cm, tapering
towards the top. Flowers are borne in cymes, which are
arranged spirally on the inflorescence. Cymes have a
total of four (in apical cymes) to 30 flowers (in basal
cymes) with 1–3 open flowers at a time. The flower is
protandrous and is open for 2.5–3 days (Olesen, 1988).
Each flower contains four ovules, developing into a
maximum of four nutlets. Individual plants flower for 3–
5 weeks, but since the time of flowering varies among
individuals, the total flowering period of a population is
ca. 1–1.5 months. In addition to the passerine birds and
honey bees, 16 native insect species and juveniles of the
endemic lacertid lizard Gallotia galloti Dum
eril &
Bibron have been observed visiting the flowers (Valido
et al., 2002).
2.2. Experimental design
Beehives are brought to the park during the flowering
season of the nectar-rich plant species, mainly Descu-
rainia bourgeauana Webb ex O.E. Schulz (Brassicaceae),
Spartocytisus supranubius (L.) Webb & Berth (Fabaceae)
and E. wildpretii. The timing of flowering varies between
years and is tracked by the bee-keepers. Generally, a
maximum of 2500 hives at 25 sites are allowed in the NP
302 Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311
each year. Each hive houses 10,000–70,000 bees. How-
ever, due to drought and hence scarcity of floral re-
sources, the actual number of beehives placed in the NP
was lower than the allowed maximum in 2001, the year
of our experiment. A total of 1393 beehives were placed
at 17 sites in Teide NP from April 27 to June 10 2001.
Beehives were removed again from May 25 and on-
wards. By July 12th 2001 all hives had been removed
(Fig. 1). Information about numbers of beehives placed
and removed at each site throughout the flowering sea-
son was obtained from Teide NP office. Due to the
limited area of the national park, all populations of E.
wildpretii inside the caldera are located few kilometres
from beehives, and thus visited heavily by honey bees.
Only E. wildpretii populations isolated from bee hives by
a geographical barrier were visited by fewer honey bees.
For this reason, we selected two study populations ca.
2 km apart, separated by the crater rim surrounding Las
Population 1 (hereafter Pop1) was located at ÔCe-
menterio de los TajinastesÕ(28°130N, 16°380W, 2050 m
a.s.l.), on the inner slope of the crater rim. Within 5 km
of Pop1, there were a total of 356 beehives in five lo-
cations. Pop1 was expected to be heavily exploited by
honey bees, as 90% of foraging trips by honey bees are
within a 5-km radius of the colony (Visscher and Seeley,
1982). Vegetation at the study site was dominated by S.
supranubius. Other abundant species were Scrophularia
glabrata Aiton (Scrophulariaceae), Pimpinella cumbrae
Buch ex DC (Apiaceae), Erysimum scoparium (Brouss.)
Wettst. (Brassicaceae), Tolpis webbii Sch. Bip. (Astera-
ceae), and E. wildpretii. Approximately 120 flowering
individuals of E. wildpretii were found at this site.
Population 2 (hereafter Pop2) was located at ÔValle de
los TajinastesÕ(28°120N; 16°370W, 2150 m a.s.l.), less
than 2 km from Pop1, but on the outer side of the crater
rim. This study site was isolated from nearby beehives in
the NP by a 400-m high mountain ridge. Moreover,
Pop2 is isolated from beehives at lower altitudes by pine
forest, a uniform vegetation type consisting of few spe-
cies. We have no information about bee-keeping activity
outside the NP in the nearby pine forest. However, feral
colonies are unlikely to persist in this zone due to the
arid conditions. Thus, Pop2 was predicted to have a low
visitation by A. mellifera. Vegetation was dominated by
S. supranubius and Carlina xeranthemoides L. fil (As-
teraceae). Due to severe drought only very few plant
individuals set flowers in 2001, and most species were
only observed in vegetative condition. E. wildpretii,
represented by 60–70 flowering individuals, was the
most conspicuously flowering species and the only
species offering large amounts of floral resources to
To compare plant characteristics of Pop1 and Pop2,
we measured height of flowering plants, size of inflo-
rescences (length, basal diameter and surface approxi-
mated to a cone), flower density, number of flowers per
cyme and total number of flowers per inflorescence.
Since number of flowers per cyme varied along the
length of the inflorescence, 20 cymes from each of the
lower, mid and upper part of an inflorescence were used
to calculate the average number of flowers per cyme.
Furthermore, we measured the distance to the three
nearest neighbouring conspecific flowering plants and
the size of these. Data from the two study populations
were compared by t-tests when assumptions of para-
metric tests were met. Otherwise the non-parametric
Mann–Whitney U-test was used.
2.3. Flower visitation
To investigate diurnal and seasonal patterns of visi-
tation, we measured visitation rate of native insects and
honey bees from sunrise (ca. 8:00 h) to sunset (ca. 21:00
h) from early to late in the flowering season. We ob-
served bird visits with a binocular from a hideout >10 m
away, this is treated in further detail in another paper,
Valido et al. (2002). In Pop1 insect visitation rates were
recorded on nine observation days (1–27 May) and in
Pop2 on five observation days (15–30 May) interspersed
regularly through the flowering season. To capture
variation due to differences in floral display, spatial lo-
cation and stage of flowering between individual plants,
visitation rate was recorded alternately in 20 study
plants in Pop1 and in six plants in Pop2. Each plant was
observed for 10-min periods consisting of five 2-min
intervals. Depending on the level of visitation, one side
of the whole inflorescence, a proportion (1/2, 1/3 or 1/4)
or a square of 10 10 cm was observed. At the begin-
ning of each 2-min census period, all insect individuals
present on the observed part of the inflorescence were
Fig. 1. Columns indicate total number of beehives within the area of
Teide National Park during 10-day periods (days 1–10, 11–20, etc.).
Number of hives within 5 km of Pop1 is shown in black. Day 1 cor-
responds to April 27, 2001. The last beehives were removed on day 77 –
July 12, 2001.
Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311 303
counted, and during the 2 min all newcomers were ad-
ded to this number. One visit was defined as an indi-
vidual landing on the inflorescence foraging for nectar
and/or pollen until its departure from the inflorescence.
Since insect individuals were not marked, repeated visits
by the same individual were counted as new visits. Thus,
this census method could lead to an overestimate of
visitation rate especially in the 10 10 cm squares, since
an insect individual may arrive and depart from the
square several times during a single visit to the whole
inflorescence. For this reason we made simultaneous
measurements by two observers, recording visitation
rate in a whole (or half) inflorescence and in 10 10 cm
squares in 32 2-min periods. Based on these data we
constructed regression equations, which were subse-
quently used to convert visitation rate measured in
10 10 squares to visitation rate of the whole inflores-
cence. Visitation rates recorded in 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of an
inflorescence were multiplied by 2, 3 and 4, respectively,
to estimate visitation rate per plant. When insects were
counted only in a proportion of the inflorescence, we
alternately observed lower, mid and upper parts of the
inflorescences. Spatial differences in visitation rate were
investigated using seven different plants in Pop2, for
which visits to the upper and lower halves of the inflo-
rescence were recorded. During all visitation observa-
tion periods, we monitored air temperature at the
surface of the inflorescence at mid-inflorescence height.
To investigate differences in foraging behaviour be-
tween honey bees and native insects, we observed the
behaviour of individual honey bees, Anthophora alluaudi
Perez and Eucera gracilipes Perez (Apidae). These two
endemic anthophorid type bees were the most abundant
native visitors. For each bee individual we recorded the
time spent and the number of flowers probed per visit to
an inflorescence.
2.4. Nectar
To investigate diurnal patterns of nectar secretion
and the influence of flower-visitors on nectar availability
in E. wildpretii, we measured nectar volumes using mi-
cro-capillary tubes and sugar concentration using a
hand-held Bellingham–Stanley refractometer. Sampling
was done during peak flowering season, when the ac-
tivity of flower-visiting animals was high (May 13–14 in
Pop1, 15 and 17 May in Pop2). Two adjacent plants of
approximately equal size and stage of flowering were
selected in each study population. The inflorescence of
one plant was covered with fine nylon mesh prior to the
activity period of flower-visitors to exclude animals
(‘‘excluded’’). Flowers of the other plant were left non-
manipulated to be visited by flower-visiting animals
(‘‘open’’). Nectar volume per flower and sugar concen-
tration were measured from sunrise (8:00 h) to sunset
(21:00 h). Sugar weight in sucrose-equivalents was cal-
culated as volume concentration. In each sampling
period, nectar characteristics were measured in 10
flowers of each treatment, five in male and five in female
phase. The light regime (sun or shade) of the sampled
flowers was also recorded. When possible, equal num-
bers of flowers in sun and shade were sampled in each
period. Flowers were removed from the inflorescence
after sampling to avoid repeated sampling. An estimate
of the total lifetime nectar amount offered by an E.
wildpretii individual was calculated as total nectar pro-
duction per plant, based on number of flowers per plant
(using plants of average size and maximum size, re-
spectively), average nectar volume per flower per day
and an average nectar production period of 2 days per
2.5. Seed set and viability
After flowering had ended and fruit development
started, the level of seed set was recorded in 22 plants in
Pop1 and 12 plants in Pop2. In each plant, the infruct-
escence was divided into three parts (lower, mid and
upper). In each part, seed set per flower was counted in
flowers of 20 randomly selected cymes. Seed set was
calculated as a percentage of maximum seed set, which is
four seeds per flower. To assess the importance of ani-
mal pollinators for seed set, we excluded animal visitors
by bagging whole inflorescences of six plants in Pop1
and four in Pop2 before flowering. Using metal wire and
fine nylon mesh, we constructed cages around each in-
florescence, to avoid the mesh from touching (and thus
pollinating) the flowers. At the end of the flowering
season, cages and bags were removed and seed set re-
corded in 60 randomly selected cymes per plant.
Mature seeds from 19 plants of Pop1 and 14 plants of
Pop2 were collected and tested for viability using a 2,3,5
triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) enzyme activity
test (Heydecker, 1965, 1968). For each plant, 30 seeds
were collected from the lower, mid and upper parts of the
infructescence. Seeds were cut into halves, placed in petri
dishes with the 2,3,5 TTC solution and left in darkness
for 24 h. Seeds were considered viable if the embryo
turned red, a reaction indicating enzyme activity.
2.6. Data analysis
Average visitation rate per 2-min period was calcu-
lated for each 10-min census period for both honey bees
and native insects. Diurnal patterns were analysed by
dividing visitation rate observations into 2-h periods
from 7:00 to 21:00 h, pooling data from all observation
To investigate diurnal changes in nectar availability
of open and excluded flowers, the mean volume and
concentration in ten flowers sampled at each time
were used to represent nectar characteristics (volume,
304 Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311
concentration and sugar weight) at a given time of the
day. All analyses were run separately for Pop1 and
To analyse patterns of variation in final seed set (log
transformed) at different levels, we carried out an AN-
OVA (GLM procedure) with the levels: populations,
plants within populations, infructescence parts (lower,
mid and upper) within plants and cymes within parts.
All these variables were included in the model as ran-
dom effects and the Type III Sum of Squares were cal-
culated (Shaw and Mitchell-Olds, 1993).
3. Results
3.1. Plant characteristics
Although plants of Pop1 and Pop2 did not differ in
total height, inflorescences of plants in Pop2 were sig-
nificantly shorter, and thus had a smaller surface area.
Moreover, flower density was lower in Pop2, and plants
of this population generally had fewer flowers per in-
florescence per day compared to Pop1, although the
difference was not significant. Furthermore, number of
flowers per cyme was significantly lower in Pop2 (Table
1). Hence, in conclusion, plants in Pop2 had a lower
number of flowers, both on a per day and on a seasonal
basis. Spatial patterns of plants (nearest neighbours) did
not differ between Pop1 and Pop2, although neigh-
bouring plants in Pop2 were smaller, reflecting the
general difference in plant size between populations
(Table 1).
3.2. Flower visitation
A total of 16 native insect species and the introduced
A. mellifera were observed visiting E. wildpretii (see
Table 1 in Valido et al., 2002). Of these, the most
dominant species were A. mellifera,A. alluaudi and E.
gracilipes (Apidae). Diurnal visitation patterns of both
honey bees and native insects were strongly influenced
by temperature in both study populations: Visitation
started at sunrise (when temperatures were 10–11 °C)
and increased steadily until ca. 11:00 h, when the air
temperature levelled off at ca. 23–24 °C (Figs. 2 and 3).
Insect activity decreased again around 18:00 h, when the
temperature decreased. A marked difference in compo-
sition of the flower-visitor pool was found between Pop1
and Pop2. In Pop1, no significant difference was found
in levels of visitation by honey bees and native insects in
the early season (before the 8th of May). However, in
mid and late season (after the 8th of May), visitation by
honey bees increased suddenly, significantly exceeding
visitation by native insects (Fig. 4). This increase was
coincident with an increase in numbers of beehives
placed within the National Park, including the sites close
to Pop1 (Fig. 1). In contrast, in Pop2, level of visitation
by native insects was higher than that of honey bees
both diurnally (Fig. 3) and throughout the season (al-
though only significantly so in mid season) (Fig. 4).
Honey bees, A. alluaudi and E. gracilipes, differed in
foraging patterns, both in time spent per inflorescence
(ANOVA: N¼95, F¼31:31;P<0:0001, R2¼0:40)
and number of flowers probed per visit (ANOVA:
N¼95, F¼21:59, P<0:0001, R2¼0:32) (Table 2).
Table 1
Plant characteristics for E. wildpretii at the two study sites
Characteristic Pop1 Pop2 Statisticsc
Total plant height (cm) 188.5 34.9 (55) 182.5 34.6 (22) t¼0:61n:s:
Height of inflorescence (cm) 139.6 33.8 (55) 111.4 26.0 (25) t¼3:84
Basal diameter of inflorescence (cm) 28.8 11.3 (55) 27.6 6.7 (25) t¼1:10n:s:
Surface of inflorescence (cm2) 6795.3 4236.6 (55) 5087.9 2424.9 (25) t¼3:05
Density of flowers (no. of flowers/cm2) 0.40 0.09 (54) 0.32 0.08 (10) t¼2:89
Open flowers per plant per day 3301 2241 (20) 1836 762 (10) t¼1:97n:s:
Total number of flowers per cymea17.3 4.7 (1320) 15.5 5.5 (660) U¼7:21
Open flowers per cyme per day 1.76 0.52 (250)
Distance to nearest neighbour (m) 6.0 8.1 (22) 13.8 13.6 (12) U¼1:27n:s:
Mean distance to three nearest neighbours (m) 9.1 7.6 (22) 16.5 13.9 (12) U¼1:32n:s:
Surface of nearest neighbour (cm2) 4750.9 3877.9 (22) 5942.6 2370.1 (12) t¼2:43
Nectar volume per flower per day (ll)b9.79 4.61 (111) 4.99 2.13 (80) U¼7:95
Male phase flowers 8.73 3.38 (55) 4.88 1.40 (40) t¼7:35
Female phase flowers 10.82 4.77 (56) 5.09 2.69 (40) U¼5:91
Nectar sugar concentration (%) 15.5 4.1 (111) 15.3 3.3 (76) t¼0:09n:s:
Male phase flowers 13.4 1.9 (55) 14.0 3.2 (36) t¼0:89n:s:
Female phase flowers 16.7 4.6 (56) 16.6 2.9 (40) U¼1:22n:s:
All values are given as means SD (N).
Mean of 20 cymes from each of the upper, middle and lower parts of the inflorescence.
Excluded flowers, based on data from May 13 to 14 (Pop1) and May 15 and 17 (Pop2).
Pop1 and Pop2 were compared using t-tests when data conformed to assumptions of parametric tests, and the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-
test otherwise. Significance level: ,P<0:005,  ,P<0:0005, n.s., P>0:05.
Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311 305
Pair-wise comparisons revealed that honey bees spent
significantly more time and visited significantly more
flowers per inflorescence than the native bees. However,
A. alluaudi and E. gracilipes did not differ in foraging
pattern (Tukey–Kramer test). Furthermore, native in-
sects visited the upper part of the inflorescence much
more frequently than the lower part (Wilcoxon signed
ranks test, visitation rate of upper versus lower:
U¼141:5;P<0:001, N¼28). In contrast, visitation
rate of honey bees was higher in the lower part than in
the upper part of an inflorescence (t-test: t¼2:31,
P¼0:029, N¼28).
Two native species of passerine birds, the Common
chiff-chaff (P. collybita) and the Canary (S. canarius),
were commonly observed visiting the flowers for nectar
in early season in both populations. On one occasion we
observed a pair of another passerine, the Blue tit (Parus
caerulius), visiting six inflorescences for nectar in Pop2.
Bird visits continued occasionally in Pop2 throughout
the flowering season. However, after May 8 no bird
visitors were observed in Pop1. The disappearance of
birds was coincident with the increase in honey bee ac-
tivity (Fig. 4).
3.3. Nectar
In Pop1, nectar volume of excluded flowers remained
at a constant level throughout the day (regression:
6 10141822
6 10 14 18 22
6 10141822
6 10141822
Fig. 2. Diurnal variation in visitation rates (individuals/2 min/inflorescence) of native insects and honey bees in Pop1 in early (1–8 May) and late
season (8–27 May). Notice differences in levels of visitation between early and late season (different scales of the Y-axis).
6 10 14 18 22
6 10141822
Fig. 3. Diurnal variation in visitation rates (individuals/2 min/inflorescence) of native insects and honey bees in Pop2.
306 Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311
lnðvolÞ¼2:00–0.25 h, F¼0:03, P¼0:87, R2¼0:002).
In contrast, nectar volume of open flowers decreased
significantly during the day (regression: lnðvolÞ¼3:99–
0.26 h, F¼7:67, P¼0:01, R2¼0:34). Rapid decrease
to near-zero level occurred from sunrise to ca. 12:00 h,
after which nectar volume remained at a constant low
level until ca. 20:00 h, where a slight increase was ob-
served (Fig. 5). Hence, sugar weight of open flowers was
significantly lower than the level found in excluded
flowers from 09:50 h onwards (Mann–Whitney U-tests,
all P<0:05). In Pop2, nectar volume of excluded
flowers tended to increase slightly during the day (re-
gression: vol ¼)0.06 + 0.46 h, F¼5:61, P¼0:06,
R2¼0:48), albeit only to about half the level of that
found in Pop1 (Table 1). In open flowers, nectar volume
was constant throughout the day (regression: vol ¼3.65
– 0.07 h, F¼0:15, P¼0:71, R2¼0:024) (Fig. 5).
Overall, average values in the four groups (excluded and
open in Pop1 and Pop2, respectively) illustrate the ef-
fects of drought and nectar exploitation by visitors:
Differences in nectar level between excluded flowers of
Pop1 and Pop2 can be explained by extreme drought in
Pop2, while differences between open flowers reflect ex-
ploitation by a flower-visitor fauna dominated by honey
bees (Pop1) versus native insects (Pop2) (Fig. 5, dashed
Nectar secretion in excluded flowers in Pop1 was
significantly influenced by their sexual phase: nectar of
flowers in female phase had a higher sugar concentra-
TIME (h)
6 10141822
TIME (h)
TIME (h)
6 10141822
TIME (h)
Fig. 5. Diurnal variation in nectar volume of animal-excluded and open (non-excluded) flowers of E. wildpretii. Each point represents the mean of 10
flowers. Dashed lines indicate the mean daily levels of nectar in the four groups, plants with excluded and open flowers in Pop1 and Pop2, re-
spectively. Mean of open flowers in Pop1 was calculated excluding data before 10:00 h, when visitation was low.
*n.s. *** ***
1 6 11 16 21 26 31
** *
n.s. n.s.
1 6 11 16 21 26 31
Apis mellifera
Native insects
Fig. 4. Seasonal visitation pattern. Daily averages + SD of visitation
rates of honey bees and native insects in (a) Pop1 and (b) Pop2. Wil-
coxon signed ranks tests were used for comparisons. Significant dif-
ferences are indicated (* for P<0:05, n.s. for non-significance).
Numbers on the X-axis indicate dates in May 2001.
Table 2
Foraging patterns of two native bee species and the introduced honey
bee visiting Echium wildpretii
Species NSeconds/visit Flowers/visit
Eucera gracilipes 62 16.5 23.8 6.7 8.2
Anthophora alluaudi 13 18.7 10.8 9.9 9.5
Apis mellifera 20 137.1131.7 34.5 29.6
Values are given as means SD.
Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311 307
tion, larger volume, and hence higher sugar weight than
flowers in male phase (Mann–Whitney U-tests, all
P<0:0001) (Table 1). Sugar weight decreased during
the course of the day in male phase flowers and in-
creased steadily in female phase flowers (Fig. 6). In
Pop2, female phase flowers also had a larger sugar
concentration (U¼3:55, P<0:001, N¼76) and sugar
weight (U¼1:99, P<0:05, N¼80) than male phase
flowers. However, differences in nectar volumes were not
significant (U¼1:12, P¼0:26, N¼80). Light regime
(sun or shade) did not affect any nectar characteristics of
flowers in Pop1 or Pop2 (Mann–Whitney U-tests, all
Total lifetime nectar production differed greatly be-
tween populations and among plants within each pop-
ulation. In Pop1, an average-sized plant produced an
estimated amount of 0.54 L during its lifetime, while in
Pop2 this amount was 0.16 L. However, inter-plant
variation was considerable due to variation in size. The
largest plant in Pop1 was estimated to produce 1.75 L,
and in Pop2 the largest lifetime production of a plant
was 0.43 L.
3.4. Seed set and viability
Seed set per flower per plant was slightly higher in
Pop2 than Pop1 (Table 3), although the difference was
not significant (Table 4). Considerable variation in seed
set was found between plant individuals within the
populations, and seed set was positively correlated with
plant height (Pearson r¼0:42, P¼0:01, N¼34).
However, seed set did not differ between populations
when using plant height as a covariate (F¼3:12,
P¼0:11). Furthermore, all the interactions terms cal-
culated in the GLM analysis were highly significant, i.e.,
seed set varied among plants within populations, among
parts of the infructescence within single plants and
among cymes within parts of an infructescence (Table
4). Seed set of infructescences, which had been excluded
from flower-visiting animals, revealed that plants set
some seeds even in the absence of animal pollen vectors
(Table 3). However, seed set was much lower than in the
Table 4
Results of the ANOVA analysis (GLM procedure using Type III Sum of Squares) of seed set (log transformed) at different levels (population, plant
individual, part of the inflorescence and cyme)
Source of variation SS df MS FP
Population 0.49 1 0.49 0.15 0.709
Plant 93.57 20 4.68 1.47 0.263
Part 1.4 2 0.70 6.94 0.002
Cyme 0.72 19 0.04 0.96 0.527
Population Plant 34.14 10 3.41 129.81 <0.001
Plant Part 4.21 40 0.10 4.00 <0.001
Part Cyme 1.53 38 0.04 1.53 0.020
Error 882.47 33,556 0.03
All variables were treated as random effects. The obtained model was statistically significant (F¼2912:8; P¼0:008).
6 10141822
6 10141822
Fig. 6. Diurnal variation in sugar weight of nectar of excluded flowers in male and female phase. Each point represents the mean of five flowers. Data
were only obtained for Pop1.
Table 3
Seed set and viability in open pollinated flowers, and flowers excluded
from flower-visitors
Parameter Pop1 Pop2
Seed setb, open 48.0 27.1 (22,732) 54.2 23.7 (10,955)
Seed setb, excluded 23.3 27.2 (6020) 29.6 30.7 (3744)
Seed viabilityc, open 84.4 9.1 (57) 83.9 10.2 (48)
Means SD (N)a.
Seed viability N, number of viability tests. Seed set N, number of
Percentage of maximum seed set (four seeds per flower).
Percentage viable seeds in viability tests of 30 seeds.
308 Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311
controls for both Pop1 (U¼58:71, P<0:00005,
N¼28;752) and Pop2 (U¼44:26, P<0:00005,
There were no significant differences in seed viability
between populations (Table 3). Viability differed signif-
icantly among plants in Pop2 (ANOVA: df ¼15,
F¼3:84, P¼0:0007, R2¼0:64), but not in Pop1
(df ¼18, F¼1:68, P¼0:09, R2¼0:44).
4. Discussion
4.1. Impact of honey bees on native insects and birds
The potential impact of introduced A. mellifera in
native systems is a major concern, but few studies pro-
vide quantitative data and clear-cut evidence of the ef-
fects of honey bees (Sugden et al., 1996; Butz Huryn,
1997; Kearns et al., 1998). Results of this study show
that the site dominated by honey bees is characterised by
low visitation rate by native insects throughout the
season. In contrast, a high level of visitation by native
insects is maintained during the flowering season in
Pop2, which had a lower level of honey bee visitation.
The high abundance of honey bees may have resulted in
exploitative competition between honey bees and native
insects, as nectar standing crops were reduced to near-
zero levels in Pop1, but not in Pop2, despite the more
arid conditions prevailing there (Fig. 5). On the other
hand, the level of visitation by native insects remained
constant throughout the flowering season in Pop1, and
thus appeared to be unaffected by the emergence of
honey bees (Fig. 4). Two alternative scenarios may ex-
plain this pattern: (1) abundance of native insects was
limited by low temperatures in early season, and later
suppressed by honey bee dominance or (2) because ex-
tensive honey bee keeping has been practiced for cen-
turies in Las Ca~
nadas (M
endez, 2000), we may be
observing the Ôghost of competition pastÕ, i.e., numbers
of native flower-visitors may already have been reduced
by honey bee dominance in Pop1. It would be interest-
ing to address this question in a future study.
Exploitative competition may also be acting between
honey bees and passerine birds. In two consecutive years
we observed that nectar-feeding birds ceased flower-
visitation in Pop1 when honey bees became abundant.
At this stage it is not possible to determine if this pattern
is connected to depletion of nectar or to a seasonal
change in the diet of birds related to, e.g., availability of
insects or breeding activity. E. wildpretii is one of the
largest nectar resources in the otherwise very dry and
sparsely vegetated environment of Las Ca~
nadas. Thus,
overexploitation of E. wildpretii could force native
flower-visitors to switch to other, less profitable floral
resources. Furthermore, preliminary observations of
flower-visiting insects in a population of E. wildpretii
ssp. trichosiphon on La Palma Island revealed a lower
abundance of A. mellifera, higher levels of standing
nectar crop and a higher diversity of native insects
compared to the honey bee dominated population on
Tenerife (unpubl. data).
As mentioned in Section 1, other studies have shown
that introduced honey bees negatively affect visitation
rate and species diversity of native flower-visitors (Kato,
1992; Wenner, 1993; Kato et al., 1999; Wenner et al.,
2000; Gross, 2001; Hansen et al., 2002). An interesting
question is whether this pattern translates into reduced
reproductive output of native insects, and hence
threatens their long-term persistence in Teide National
Park. In a long-term study, Roubik and Wolda (2001)
found no decreases in population size of native insects in
the presence of africanised honey bees in a Central
American rain forest. On the other hand, an experi-
mental study in an Australian tree-grass plain showed
population declines of the native bee Exoneura asimil-
lima in the presence of managed bee hives, possibly due
to resource competition with honey bees (Sugden and
Pyke, 1991). Resource level has also been shown to af-
fect reproduction in the leaf-cutter bee Megachile api-
calis (Kim, 1999). Obviously, the long-term impact of A.
mellifera on a native pollination system varies between
regions and habitat types, and thus extrapolation of
above results to desert areas like Las Ca~
nadas should be
made with extreme caution (Paton, 1993). More long-
term studies are clearly necessary to assess the impact of
A. mellifera at the population level of native flower-
4.2. Impact of honey bees on E. wildpretii
Introduced honey bees are known to reduce fitness of
some native plant species (Gross and Mackay, 1998).
However, in other cases, seed set has been shown to be
unaffected (Vaughton, 1992) or pollination even aug-
mented by the presence of honey bees (Paton, 1993;
Gross, 2001). In our study, seed set was not significantly
different in the study population dominated by honey
bees and the population visited predominantly by native
insects, the level of seed set being only slightly lower in
the former. Hence, the effect of A. mellifera on seed
production is minor, if any. Some studies have shown
that honey bees are poorer pollinators than native spe-
cies (Westerkamp, 1991; Freitas and Paxton, 1998;
Gross and Mackay, 1998; Hansen et al., 2002), but a
high abundance may compensate for lowered pollina-
tion efficiency (Butz Huryn, 1995; Kraemer and Schmitt,
1997; England et al., 2001). Moreover, breeding system
of the plant influences level of seed set. E. wildpretii was
capable of producing a considerable number of seed
without being visited by animals, and thus may to some
extent be pollinated by wind or even set seeds by au-
togamy. On the other hand, open pollination increases
Y.L. Dupont et al. / Biological Conservation 118 (2004) 301–311 309
seed set, and most aspects of anthesis seem to be related
to animal pollination: Most flowers open in the morn-
ing, live for 2.5 days, with approximately 1 day in male
phase and 1 day in female phase (Olesen, 1988). Our
study showed that flowers had two peaks in sugar
weight of nectar, one in male phase and one in female
phase, separated by a minimum during the sexual
transition phase (Fig. 6). Thus, flowers are most at-
tractive to flower-visitors during peak pollen presenta-
tion and again during stigma receptivity.
It is difficult to assess the influence of animal visita-
tion for variation in seed set, superimposed upon the
background reproductive output by spontaneous au-
togamy and wind pollination. Our analyses indicate a
positive correlation between plant size and seed set,
which is concordant with a preference of animals to visit
larger plants (Valido et al., 2002). However, the same
pattern could be explained by resource allocation in
semelparous organisms, larger plants having accumu-
lated more resources before reproduction.
4.3. Future perspectives
Although level of seed set can be slightly affected by
foraging patterns of the visitors, the primary impact of
introduced honey bees may be changes in pollen flow,
and thus genetic structure of the plant population. In
contrast to native insects and birds, honey bees visited
many flowers on each inflorescence and rarely moved
between plants, which is likely to promote geitonogamy
and hence inbreeding. However, how and if this affects
long-term persistence of the plant population is un-
known. We found no differences in seed viability be-
tween plants pollinated mainly by honey bees or native
insects. One explanation could be that E. wildpretii is
relatively unaffected by inbreeding, since it is capable of
producing a large number of seeds by selfing alone (up
to 50% of the seed set level of open pollinated plants).
Plants in Las Ca~
nadas have been pollinated by honey
bees since these were introduced in the 16th century
endez, 2000). Thus, honey bees have influenced the
pattern of pollen transfer in 80–100 plant generations,
which may have contributed to purging of deleterious
alleles expressed through inbreeding. On the other hand,
inbreeding effects in life stages other than seed viability
cannot be ruled out. In a close relative, Echium vulgare
L., no effect of selfing was found at the stage of seed
production (Mensler et al., 1997). Yet, late-acting in-
breeding depression in male and female function of
offspring derived from selfing has been reported
(Mensler et al., 1999). Future studies should address
patterns of genetic variation in populations of E.
wildpretii pollinated predominantly by introduced honey
bees versus those pollinated by native animals. For in-
stance, in Grevillea macleayana (Proteaceae), which is
visited mainly by native birds and introduced honey
bees, outcrossing rate was reduced significantly when
birds were excluded from the inflorescences (England
et al., 2001). Furthermore, an interesting question is the
role of birds as pollinators and potential long-distance
pollen vectors of E. wildpretii in early flowering season,
before the onset of bee-keeping activities.
Many studies call for further investigation of the ef-
fects of honey bees on the reproductive output of plants
and long-term persistence of native flower-visiting animal
populations. However, impact of honey bees are difficult
to disentangle from confounding biotic and abiotic fac-
tors. Las Ca~
nadas offers a unique and simple study sys-
tem. The total flowering season of the sub-alpine desert
system is short (ca. 2 months) and the plant–flower-visi-
tor network is simple, consisting of a few species isolated
by the crater rim and surrounding pine forest (Dupont
et al., 2003). Furthermore, placement of beehives can be
controlled both spatially (as in Paton, 1993) and tem-
porally, creating gradients of honey bee visitation pres-
sure over the season and between plant populations.
We are grateful to M. Durb
an, A. Ba~
nares and J.
on (Teide National Park, Tenerife), and A. Palo-
mares and A. Revol
e (La Caldera de Taburiente Na-
tional Park, La Palma) for their collaboration, for
information about the bee keeping activities in the Na-
tional Parks, for research permissions and for letting us
stay at the field stations. We also thank C. Skov, E. P
and E. Portellano for help in the field and for fruitful
discussions. A. Sølling carried out the viability tests. The
manuscript was improved through comments and sug-
gestions by C. Rasmussen. This project received finan-
cial support from Mr. and Mrs. FiedlerÕs grant (to Y.L.
Dupont) the Augustinus Foundation (to Y.L. Dupont)
and the Danish National Science Research Council (to
J.M. Olesen). During the writing of this paper A. Valido
was supported by a Marie Curie individual fellowship
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... Therefore, beekeeping could interfere with the biodiversity conservation goals of protected areas. Several recent studies found negative effects of managed honeybee hives on the abundance and richness of native pollinator species, pollen and nectar availability, and reproductive success of native plant species (Dupont et al., 2004;Leguizamón et al., 2021;Shavit et al., 2009;Torné-Noguera et al., 2015;Valido et al., 2011Valido et al., , 2019, while other studies found no such effects (Dupont et al., 2004). ...
... Therefore, beekeeping could interfere with the biodiversity conservation goals of protected areas. Several recent studies found negative effects of managed honeybee hives on the abundance and richness of native pollinator species, pollen and nectar availability, and reproductive success of native plant species (Dupont et al., 2004;Leguizamón et al., 2021;Shavit et al., 2009;Torné-Noguera et al., 2015;Valido et al., 2011Valido et al., , 2019, while other studies found no such effects (Dupont et al., 2004). ...
... Managed honeybee hives could also impact native pollinators. Available evidence indicates that honeybees compete with native pollinators for floral resources (Henry & Rodet, 2018), influencing their foraging for floral resources (Dupont et al., 2004;Henry & Rodet, 2018;Sun et al., 2013;Torné-Noguera et al., 2015) and leading to a shift towards less profitable floral resources (Roubik & Villanueva-Gutiérrez, 2009;Schaffer et al., 1993;Valido et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
The honeybee, Apis mellifera, stands out for its positive image due to its contribution to crop pollination and honey production, which facilitated its widespread distribution. However, large apiaries resulting in high honeybee densities could increase pollination frequency while increasing competition for floral resources, ultimately affecting native plant fitness. We studied the impact of managed honeybee hives on pollination and reproductive success of native plants in Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina. During the flowering peak, we studied pollination and reproduction of three native plant species (Larrea divaricata, L. cuneifolia and Zuccagnia punctata) near and far from the hives. We estimated pollen deposition on flower stigmas, pollen tubes developed in flower pistils, fruit set, seed set and seed viability. We found that the honeybee hives had a positive effect on the reproduction of the self‐compatible species, L. divaricata. For the self‐incompatible species, results differed among species: Hives had positive effects on the pollination and negative effects on the reproduction of L. cuneifolia, while they had negative effects on the reproduction of Z. punctata. Synthesis and applications. Beekeeping is increasingly turning to natural areas in search of better quality honey; however, increased honeybee abundance in the field could influence the reproduction of native plants. Our results show that the introduction of managed hives negatively affected the reproduction of self‐incompatible native plants. This result allows us to make several recommendations for conservation and management actions concerning beekeeping in natural areas, regarding the among‐year rotation of the location of hives, the number of hives per site, and the need to monitor the reproduction of self‐incompatible species.
... This behavior, called grooming, leads to reduced pollen dispersal distance in other corbiculaate bees (Castellanos et al., 2003;Holmquist et al., 2012). Decreased pollen dispersal distance near honeybee hives could in turn lead to increased self-pollination and, as L. divaricata is a self-compatible species, increasing inbreeding (Dupont et al., 2004;England et al., 2001). In the long term, increased inbreeding could affect population persistence. ...
... Increased visits could in turn lead to increased pollen removal and decreased pollen availability for native pollinators. In addition, foraging honeybees tend to visit different owers of the same plant individuals(Dupont et al., 2011), decreasing pollen ow among different individuals and increasing self-pollination, resulting in the loss of genetic variability and increased inbreeding rates in self-compatible species(Brunet & Sweet, 2006;Dupont et al., 2004;Karron et al., 2004) or interfering with pollination in self-incompatible species(Mitchell et al., 2009). ...
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Biological invasions represent one of the main threats to biodiversity. The honeybee has been deliberately introduced into a wide range of habitats worldwide. Currently, beekeeping is turning to natural areas in search of better honey quality. This practice can boost honeybee abundance, with potential ecological consequences in the local ecosystems. Although previous studies have considered how female plant fitness responds to honeybees, we know little about their potential effects on male fitness. We studied experimentally the effect of increased honeybee abundance on male fitness of a dominant shrub, Larrea divaricata , in a dryland ecosystem in Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina. In replicated study plots near and far from managed hives we estimated pollen removal and dispersal, self-pollination and outcrossing rates, the number of mating couples, and self-pollinated flowers. Honeybees restricted pollen dispersal distance, with a potential effect on male fitness. Our findings have important implications for maintaining the reproduction and persistence of wild plants exposed to nonnative pollinators and can serve as a guide to decision making about the introduction of managed honeybee hives in nature reserves.
... First, they may exert an interference and exploitative competition for native bees due to their larger colony size, and dominance, which lead to competition for limited flower resources. Second, they may function as vectors of parasites and pathogens of bee communities and spread diseases among native pollinators (Dupont et al. 2004;Mallinger et al. 2017;Requier et al. 2019;Wignall et al. 2020;Henry and Rodet 2018;Valido et al. 2019). ...
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Communities are characterized by the dominance of a few species, which are crucial for shaping communities. Bees compete for scarce resources, and offer an ideal system to study the effect of dominance on the diversity of bees. The effect of bee dominance is studied predominantly for the western honeybee, which often is illustrated negative in introduced sites. Solitary bees, stingless bees, native honeybees and bumblebees can also be dominant on flowers. We test the hypothesis that dominance, regardless of the identity of the species, negatively influence diversity of bees on flowers. We analyzed 95,160 visits of 58 species of bees on 59,211 flowers of 12 plant species for five years. Before the analyses, the visitors were grouped into honeybees, solitary bees, and stingless bees. Proportion of the total abundance accounted by the most abundant species was considered as the measure of dominance. Dominance was negatively associated with richness and visitation rate of bees, but identity of bee taxonomic group predicted the magnitude of the effects. Richness decreased with the dominance of honeybees and solitary bees, but not with the stingless bees. Visits of honeybees decreased when solitary bees dominated the visits. Visits of solitary bees decreased when honeybees or stingless bees dominated the flowers. We have shown that native bees of different taxonomic groups can exert a similar negative effect on bee diversity in flowers as invasive and managed species do. Honeybees and stingless bees, though native to some parts, deteriorate bee diversity if unnecessarily augmented to ecosystems for beekeeping.
... For example, installing trap-nests, also called bee hotels, is effective to sustain cavity-nesting bees (Bosch and Kemp 2002;Junqueira et al. 2012;Maclvor 2017;Yamamoto et al. 2012), a guild including most of the (still few) non-Apis managed bee species (Garibaldi et al. 2017). By increasing nesting opportunities for such wild bees, together with sustainable honeybee management (i.e. that not limits wild bees' fitness (Dupont et al. 2004;Paini 2004;Mallinger et al. 2017;Lázaro et al. 2021)), farmers can help face the rising demand for pollinator-dependent crops and avoid experience pollination deficits due to decline of natural populations (Garibaldi et al. 2014;Isaacs et al. 2017). Such cavity-nesting bees possess a typical gregarious nesting behaviour and commonly accept man-made nesting structures, e.g. ...
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Wild bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) play an important role as pollinators of many crops and managed populations of Osmia spp. (Megachilidae), through the installation of trap-nests, proved to be efficient in several fruit orchards. In order to optimize the trap-nest protocols, it is necessary to understand which environmental factors play a major role in the reproductive success of these bees. Here, we studied how climate, land use and vegetation affect nest occupation rate (OR, i.e. total number of colonized tunnels/total number of tunnels in the trap-nest), brood productivity (BP, i.e. total number of brood cells built in a completed nest tunnel) and parasitism rate (PR, i.e. total number of parasitized brood cells/BP) in Osmia bees nearby almond orchards in South-East Spain, a largely understudied Mediterranean area. We found that the summer solar radiation positively influenced all three parameters, while spring solar radiation positively affected OR and BP, and negatively PR. Higher abundance of pastures and forests compared with crops increased OR, though not BP, and reduced PR. Vegetation evenness and diversity of dominant plant species also positively affected OR and BP, while they were unimportant for PR. OR was not affected by climate, but BP increased with maximum temperature in the warmest month and decreased with temperature annual range. PR also increased with high temperature, as well as with precipitation. Arid conditions limited OR and BP and boosted parasitism. Overall, it seems that Osmia bees nearby almond field in this area would benefit from trap-nest installation in well solar-radiated, hot and humid sites with a diverse vegetation. Since we have also found a negative association between PR and BP in nests with at least one parasitized cell, environmental conditions which improve productivity will also likely reduce parasitism in these bees. Implications for insect conservation: Optimization of trap-nesting protocols for maintaining abundant Osmia populations is crucial to an effective use of these bees as managed pollinators. In our study we suggest that trap-nests locations should be chosen also taking into account a number of local climatic and habitat factors, given their importance in affecting key traits of reproductive success in these solitary bees.
... This finding is consistent with empirical literature on the two most wellknown invasive pollinators in the United States: the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) and bumblebee species (Bombus spp.) such as Bombus terrestris. These species are highly generalized in the communities they invade and suppress native pollinator activity due to exploitative competition [58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65] . In terms of colonizers' niche flexibility enabled by adaptive foraging, empirical literature also supports that pollinator species with high niche flexibility are highly successful colonizers 66 . ...
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Understanding the assembly of plant-pollinator communities has become critical to their conservation given the rise of species invasions, extirpations, and species’ range shifts. Over the course of assembly, colonizer establishment produces core interaction patterns, called motifs, which shape the trajectory of assembling network structure. Dynamic assembly models can advance our understanding of this process by linking the transient dynamics of colonizer establishment to long-term network development. In this study, we investigate the role of intra-guild indirect interactions and adaptive foraging in shaping the structure of assembling plant-pollinator networks by developing: 1) an assembly model that includes population dynamics and adaptive foraging, and 2) a motif analysis tracking the intra-guild indirect interactions of colonizing species throughout their establishment. We find that while colonizers leverage indirect competition for shared mutualistic resources to establish, adaptive foraging maintains the persistence of inferior competitors. This produces core motifs in which specialist and generalist species coexist on shared mutualistic resources which leads to the emergence of nested networks. Further, the persistence of specialists develops richer and less connected networks which is consistent with empirical data. Our work contributes new understanding and methods to study the effects of species’ intra-guild indirect interactions on community assembly.
... Thus far we have focused on floral resource structure as a cause of pollinator communities, but causation also flows in the opposite direction. Over short time scales, the consumption of floral resources by pollinators yields patterns of standing crop and depletion rate (Heinrich 1976, Dupont et al. 2004, potentially with cascading effects on the structure of interaction networks and pollination services (Brosi and Briggs 2013). These impacts can be especially pronounced when a new pollinator species invades an existing plant-pollinator network, a scenario epitomized by the massive introduction of managed honey bees into habitats previously comprised of wild pollinator species (Valido et al. 2019). ...
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The mutualism between plants and pollinators is built upon the trophic ecology of flowers and florivores. Yet the ecology of flowers‐as‐food is left implicit in most studies of plant–pollinator ecology, and it has been largely neglected in mainstream trophic ecology. This deficit is especially evident in an emerging issue of basic and applied significance: competition between pollinators for floral resources. In this synthesis, we start by exploring the notion of floral resource limitation upon which most studies concerning competition between pollinators are tacitly predicated. Both theoretical and empirical lines of evidence indicate that floral resource limitation must be understood as a complex ecological contingency; the question is not simply whether but when, where and in what regions of floral trait space resources are limiting. Based on this premise, we propose a framework for understanding floral resource availability in terms of temporal, spatial and functional structure. While this framework is conceptually intuitive, it is empirically and analytically demanding. We review existing methods for measuring and summarizing the multi‐dimensional structure of floral resources, highlight their strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities for future methods development. We then discuss the causal relationships linking floral resource structure to species coexistence, plant–pollinator community dynamics, and exogenous drivers like climate, land use, and episodic disturbances. In its role as both cause and effect, floral resource structure mediates the relationship between behavioral ecology, landscape ecology, and coexistence theory with respect to flowers and florivores. Establishing floral resource structure as an object of study and application will both shed light on basic questions of coexistence and guide management decisions concerning contentious issues such as the compatibility of apiculture with wild pollinator conservation and the appropriate use of floral enhancements in agri‐environment schemes.
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Biological invasions represent one of the main threats to biodiversity. The honeybee has been deliberately introduced into a wide range of habitats worldwide. Currently, beekeeping is turning to natural areas in search of better honey quality. This practice can boost honeybee abundance, with potential ecological consequences in the local ecosystems. Although previous studies have considered how female plant fitness responds to honeybees, we know little about their potential effects on male fitness. We studied experimentally the effect of increased honeybee abundance on male fitness of a dominant shrub, Larrea divaricata, in a dryland ecosystem in Villavicencio Nature Reserve, Mendoza, Argentina. In replicated study plots near and far from managed hives we estimated pollen removal and dispersal, self-pollination and outcrossing rates, the number of mating couples, and self-pollinated flowers. Honeybees restricted pollen dispersal distance, with a potential effect on male fitness. Our findings have important implications for maintaining the reproduction and persistence of wild plants exposed to nonnative pollinators and can serve as a guide to decision making about the introduction of managed honeybee hives in nature reserves.
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The brown honeyeater ( Lichmera indistincta ) is a common bird species in Australia and is a pollinator of many native plant species but there are no records demonstrating evidence of effective pollination by honeyeaters in commercial cropping systems. We observed L. indistincta visiting rabbiteye blueberry flowers at a commercial berry orchard on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales and evaluated their capacity to transfer pollen. We did this by bagging flowers to prevent visitation prior to anthesis; after anthesis, we unbagged the flowers and waited for L. indistincta visits. After a single visit, we collected the stigma and mounted it on a slide to evaluate stigmatic pollen load. We observed the birds visiting blueberry flowers and foraging on nectar. We also found that L. indistincta deposited similar amounts of pollen to other common insect pollinator species, such as honeybees and stingless bees. As the commercial berry orchard blocks are surrounded by diverse remnant vegetation, we hypothesize that the vegetation is likely providing habitat for these birds. Our results indicate that berry growers with management practices that protect and support remnant vegetation surrounding blueberry orchard blocks may benefit from higher blueberry pollination services by supporting diverse pollinators within fields.
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Geitonogamy, the transfer of pollen from one flower to another on the same plant, is often the primary means of self-pollination in flowering plants. For self-compatible plants, self-fertilization may lead to greatly reduced offspring fitness via inbreeding depression. For self-incompatible plants, geitonogamous pollen transfer can result in low seed set, even when stigmatic pollen loads are substantial. For multiple self-compatible, native California plants, we found that honey bees visited more flowers per plant than native insects, and that offspring resulting from pollination by honey bees had reduced fitness relative to those resulting from native insect pollination. Here we investigate whether honey bees generally make more geitonogamous visits than other pollinators using data from a global survey of 41 manuscripts that reported floral visitation data. Compared to the average of all non-honey bee visitors in a plants pollinator assemblage, honey bees visit significantly more flowers per plant, though they do not differ from the non-honey bee visitor with the highest rate of geitonogamous visitation. However, the disparity between rates of geitonogamous visitation by honey bees and non-honey bee visitors is a function of the frequency of honey bees relative to non-honey bee visitors. As honey bees become increasingly numerically dominant, there is a trend for their rates of geitonogamous visitation to increase, accompanied by a significant decline in flowers visited per plant by non-honey bee visitors. While we found that honey bees visited more flowers per plant compared to the average of other visitors, large or eusocial pollinators were as likely as honey bees to be the most geitonogamous visitor.
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The structure of pollination networks is described for two oceanic islands, the Azorean Flores and the Mauritian Ile aux Aigrettes. At each island site, all interactions between endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators were mapped. Linkage level, i.e. number of species interactions per species, was significantly higher for endemic species than for non-endemic native and introduced species. Linkage levels of the two latter categories were similar. Nine types of interaction may be recognized among endemic, non-endemic native and introduced plants and pollinators. Similar types had similar frequencies in the two networks. Specifically, we looked for the presence of 'invader complexes' of mutualists, defined as groups of introduced species interacting more with each other than expected by chance and thus facilitating each other's establishment. On both islands, observed frequencies of interactions between native (endemic and non-endemic) and introduced pollinators and plants differed from random. Introduced pollinators and plants interacted less than expected by chance. Thus, the data did not support the exist- ence of invader complexes. Instead, our study suggested that endemic super-generalist species, i.e. pollinators or plant species with a very wide pollination niche, include new invaders in their set of food plants or pollinators and thereby improve establishment success of the invaders. Reviewing other studies, super generalists seem to be a widespread island phenomenon, i.e. island pollination networks include one or a few species with a very high generalization level compared to co-occurring species. Low density of island species may lead to low interspecific competition, high abundance and ultimately wide niches and super generalization.
Like other members of the Canarian flora, Echium wildpretii has often been considered to be pollinated by birds. Although the red flowers of Echium wildpretii secrete relatively large amounts of dilute nectar, birds could not be observed at the species. The main flower visitors are honeybees and the solitary bee Anthophora alluaudi, the latter being the most effective pollinator. Both bee species show an increase in nectar sampling activity during the hot daytime which may be a reaction to higher water demands. The highly concentrated nectar becomes diluted during the course of the day, thus meeting the energetic requirements of Anthophora bees in the morning as well as their water needs later on. Almost all the nectar produced is harvested by the bees, which probably accounts for the absence of bird visits.
Do honey bees compete for food with other bee species in nature? This question has been the focus of considerable scientific and political attention in recent years, especially, but not exclusively in Australia. In this article we provide the background and rationale of the argument and present scientific studies which have attempted to provide evidence. We also suggest some approaches to dealing with real issues related to honey bee competition, bee conservation, and honey bee management.
Ecological studies typically involve comparison of biological responses among a variety of environmental conditions. When the response variables have continuous distributions and the conditions are discrete, whether inherently or by design, then it is appropriate to analyze the data using analysis of variance (ANOVA). When data conform to a complete, balanced design (equal numbers of observations in each experimental treatment), it is straightforward to conduct an ANOVA, particularly with the aid of the numerous statistical computing packages that are available. Interpretation of an ANOVA of balanced data is also unambiguous. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, it is rare that a practicing ecologist embarks on an analysis of data that are completely balanced. Regardless of its cause, lack of balance necessitates care in the analysis and interpretation. In this paper, our aim is to provide an overview of the consequences of lack of balance and to give some guidelines to analyzing unbalanced data for models involving fixed effects. Our treatment is necessarily cursory and will not substitute for training available from a sequence of courses in mathematical statistics and linear models. It is intended to introduce the reader to the main issues and to the extensive statistical literature that deals with them.
The red corolla colour, the relatively large volume of nectar and the low concentration of sucrose in the nectar of Echium wildpretii are traits related to bird pollination, while its ultraviolet colour and floral morphology may attract bees. It is suggested that the species may serve as a water resource to solitary desert bees in nature.
Do honey bees compete for food with other bee species in nature? This question has been the focus of considerable scientific and political attention in recent years, especially, but not exclusively in Australia. In this article we provide the background and rationale of the argument and present scientific studies which have attempted to provide evidence. We also suggest some approaches to dealing with real issues related to honey bee competition, bee conservation, and honey bee management.
Previous studies of introduced honey bees foraging at Agave schottii flowers suggest that Apis mellifera preferentially exploits the most productive patches of flowers and thereby reduces the standing crop of available nectar and the utilization of these sites by native bees. Results of experiments undertaken to evaluate this hypothesis are given and discussed using Apis, Bombus and Xylocopa. -Authors