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Abstract and Figures

Gas pressure regulators are widely used in both commercial and residential applications to control the operational pressure of the gas. One common problem in these systems is the tendency for the regulating apparatus to vibrate in an unstable manner during operation. These vibrations tend to cause an auditory hum in the unit, which may cause fatigue damage and failure if left unchecked. This work investigates the stability characteristics of a specific type of hardware and shows the cause of the vibration and possible design modifications that eliminate the unstable vibration modes. A dynamic model of a typical pressure regulator is developed, and a linearized model is then used to investigate the sensitivity of the most important governing parameters. The values of the design parameters are optimized using root locus techniques, and the design trade-offs are discussed.
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Stability of gas pressure regulators
Naci Zafer
, Greg R. Luecke
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Makine Muhendisligi Bolumu,
26480 Bati Meselik, Eskisehir, Turkey
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50010, USA
Received 1 May 2005; received in revised form 1 June 2006; accepted 2 November 2006
Available online 3 January 2007
Gas pressure regulators are widely used in both commercial and residential applications to control the operational pres-
sure of the gas. One common problem in these systems is the tendency for the regulating apparatus to vibrate in an unsta-
ble manner during operation. These vibrations tend to cause an auditory hum in the unit, which may cause fatigue damage
and failure if left unchecked. This work investigates the stability characteristics of a specific type of hardware and shows
the cause of the vibration and possible design modifications that eliminate the unstable vibration modes. A dynamic model
of a typical pressure regulator is developed, and a linearized model is then used to investigate the sensitivity of the most
important governing parameters. The values of the design parameters are optimized using root locus techniques, and the
design trade-offs are discussed.
2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Dynamics; Modeling; Stability; Vibrations; Pressure regulator
1. Introduction
Gas regulators are devices that maintain constant output pressure regardless of the variations in the input
pressure or the output flow. They range from simple, single-stage [1,2] to more complex, multi-stage [3,4], but
the principle of operation [5] is the same in all. High pressure gas flows through an orifice in the valve and the
pressure energy in the gas is converted to heat and flow at the lower, regulated, pressure. The orifice faces a
movable disk that regulates the amount of gas flow. A flexible diaphragm is attached to the disk by means of a
mechanical linkage. The diaphragm covers a chamber such that one side of the diaphragm is exposed to atmo-
spheric pressure and the other is exposed to the regulated pressure. When the regulated pressure is too high,
the diaphragm and linkage move the disk to close the orifice. When the regulated pressure is too low, the disk
is moved to open the orifice and allow more gas pressure and flow into the regulator. On the opposite side of
the diaphragm, an upper chamber houses a wire coil spring and a calibration screw. The screw compresses the
0307-904X/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 222 239 3750x3387; fax: +90 222 239 3613/229 0535.
E-mail addresses: (N. Zafer), (G.R. Luecke).
Tel.: +1 515 294 5916; fax: +1 515 294 3261.
Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
spring, which changes the steady state force on the diaphragm, allowing for the adjustment of the regulated
pressure set point. If the regulated gas pressure rises above the safe operational pressure, an internal relief
valve is opened to vent the excess gas through the upper chamber and into the atmosphere to prevent the dan-
ger of high pressure gas at the regulator outlet.
Little information is published regarding these devices, due to concerns over proprietary information. One
reported study concerning high-pressure regulators is done by Kakulka et al. [6]. The regulator studied was a
piston pressure-sensing unit that had a conical poppet valve that regulates the gas flow. The dynamic effects of
restrictive orifices and the upstream and downstream volumes were addressed in the modeling and analysis.
However, the source of the oscillations in the downstream exiting area, as well as the damping and the friction
effects in the physical system, were left out. Several researchers have, on the other hand, addressed the
unwanted oscillations and noise. Waxman et al. [7] eliminates the noisy oscillations with the implementation
of a dead-band achieved by two micro switches. The design includes a stepping motor activated with the signal
from a differential pressure transducer. Baumann [8] proposes a much less expensive solution, the use of a sta-
tic pressure reducing plate with multiple holes. Ng [9] compares the effectiveness and cost of several methods
that reduce or minimize the noise. Ng [10] addresses pressure regulators for liquids and names cavitations, the
damage caused by continuous formation and collapse of microscopic bubbles, to be the cause of hydrody-
namic noise. Cavitations produce noise, vibration, and even cause significant damage. Ng states that the
use of quiet valves, or an orifice with multiple holes are not the solutions to this problem, since they are expen-
sive and the small passages are most likely to be plugged by solid particles in the flow. Dyck [11] states that a
larger restrictive orifice improves flow performance, but a small one makes the system more stable and is less
sensitive to downstream pressure fluctuations. Liptak [12] gives an equation for the offset in the regulated pres-
sure with changing flow and shows that any decrease in this offset pressure decreases the stability of the reg-
ulator, resulting in a noisy regulator with oscillatory pressure cycling. To stabilize the system he suggests using
larger downstream pipe, a more restrictive flow from orifice to the lower chamber, straight lengths of pipe
upstream and downstream. He also points out that maintaining gas flow at less than sonic velocities and elim-
inating changes in flow directions would reduce the noise. It is obvious that these changes are very restrictive
from the design and installation perspective, and are not guaranteed to stabilize the system.
In this study, we develop a comprehensive dynamical model for a gas pressure regulator from first principles
in order to gain a better understanding of its behavior. We first model an existing regulator and use empirical
data as necessary to identify parameter values for the model. Using a linearized version of this model, we inves-
tigate the effects of parameter variations using classical root-locus techniques. Our motivation is to design a tool
that allows for the identification of the most influential system parameters on the stability of the system, and to
allow an assessment of any effects that changes in these parameters have on stabilization of the regulator.
A schematic diagram of a typical gas pressure regulator (American Meter Gas Regulator, Model 1800) is
shown in Fig. 1. High pressure gas flows through an inlet orifice that is opened or closed by a disk and linkage
Fig. 1. Operational diagram of a typical gas pressure regulator.
62 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
attached to a diaphragm. The diaphragm moves in response to the balance between pressure inside the reg-
ulator body and the adjustment spring force. As the regulated pressure increases, the disk closes to restrict
the incoming gas. When the regulated pressure is too low, the disk opens to allow more gas into the body cav-
ity. The stability of the system depends on the amount of damping in the system, and much of the damping
comes from flow restrictions within the regulator. In order to develop our model, we define three control vol-
umes that are used in the dynamic analysis, identified in Fig. 2: the body chamber, the upper chamber and the
lower chamber. Each control volume is characterized by pressure, volume, and the density as a function of
time. For the purpose of this analysis, these control volumes are used to track the mass flow through the
2. Gas dynamics governing equations
Modeling of operation of the gas pressure regulator is based on the physical behavior of compressible fluid
flow. The modeling in this work uses the fundamental principles of ideal compressible flow, the principle of
conservation of mass, and well-known expressions for flow through orifices [13,14]. For the development of
the pressure regulator model, we assume that the operating fluid is a perfect gas. Kinetic theory is then used
to express the state of a particular control volume according to the ideal gas equation:
PV ¼mRT ;ð1Þ
where Pis the pressure, Vis volume, mis mass, Ris a gas constant, Tis temperature. Assuming the process is
adiabatic and reversible, the second law of thermodynamics provides a relationship between the pressure and
the density of the fluid:
Fig. 2. Pressure regulator schematic.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 63
By considering the time differentials of Eqs. (1) and (2) together with the definition of density, one can easily
show that
where kis the specific heat ratio, and
Because the density for a fixed operational flow rate is constant, volumetric flow rate will be used, rather than
the more conventional mass flow rate. Eq. (3) provides a basis for analysis and modeling of the pressure reg-
ulator and describes the relationship between pressure, volume, and the mass flow for a particular control
2.1. Lower chamber
Applying Eqs. (3) and (4) to the lower chamber, we get
Note that the minus sign indicates that our convention of the direction of positive flow, Q
, is out of the cav-
ity. The motion of the diaphragm is related to change in volume by
where _
xdand A
are the velocity and the surface area of the diaphragm. Because of the sign convention chosen
for the diaphragm motion, a positive change in the diaphragm position causes the lower chamber volume to
decrease. Although A
has a nonlinear relationship with x
, it is assumed constant for linear simulations. This
assumption can be made because the operational inlet flow rates are, in general, small, less than 0.01 m
and the diaphragm travel also remains relatively small for these flow rates. For the nonlinear simulations, the
more accurate empirical relationship shown in Fig. 3 is used.
The overall equation governing the pressure–flow relationship in the lower chamber is then
Linearizing this equation using a Taylor series expansion and neglecting the higher order terms, we have:
VL0 ðe
where the notation ‘‘’’ is used to express an incremental change of the related quantity.
Fig. 3. Empirical data for diaphragm travel vs. diaphragm area.
64 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
2.2. Upper chamber
A similar analysis for the upper chamber yields the differential equation governing the change in the pres-
sure of the upper chamber:
where _
xdAd. The overall equation governing the pressure–flow in the upper chamber and the linearized
form are then
VU0 ðe
2.3. Body chamber
Although the flow out of the regulator is not steady, the gas pressure in the connected lower chamber and
body chamber cavities fluctuates as the regulator moves to equilibrium. For a compressible gas, these fluctu-
ations also compress the gas and change the density of the fluid. However, the changes in density in these
chambers is small compared with the change density as the fluid moves from the high-pressure inlet to the
lower pressure, regulated, body pressure. We can account for this change in density with an expansion ratio.
Solving Eq. (3) for the body chamber using the outlet pressure gives:
Pout ¼
Note that there is no change in volume for the body chamber, so that _
Vbody ¼0 and the mass balance for the
body chamber in Fig. 1 is obtained by summing the mass flow rates in and out of this chamber.
mbody ¼_
min _
mout þ_
Substituting _
m¼qQin this equation for each of the control volumes, it follows that
Qbody ¼jQin Qout þQL;
where Q
is the inlet flow-rate, and the expansion ratio
is used to account for the change in density of the inlet gas to that of the outlet gas. Again, note that q
is assumed because the differences in pressure are small compared to the difference in pressure
between these and the inlet pressure. Combining these equations gives the outlet pressure as a function of
the flow crossing the control boundary:
Pout ¼jQin Qout þQL
Pout ¼kout
Vbody ðjQin Qout þQLÞ:ð9Þ
Using a Taylor series expansion, we also obtain the linear, incremental, equation:
Pout ¼kout
Vbody0 ðje
Qin e
Qout þe
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 65
2.4. Flow governing equations
Fluid enters and exits the gas regulator through three flow holes, the inlet valve, the outlet orifice, and
through the relief valve on the top of the upper chamber, each of these flow components contributes to the
dynamic response characteristics of the overall regulator.
Because the pressure drop is very large from the inlet pressure through the orifice, the sonic, or critical, flow
into the regulator is proportional to the throat area [16], or the plunger travel. This provides a linear relation-
ship between the flow into the regulator and the effective flow area between the orifice and the disk. This effec-
tive area is dependent on the annular distance between the face of the disk and the orifice and the specific
geometry of both the disk and orifice, but is more or less constant in a specific valve.
Qin ¼Cinxp;ð11Þ
where the constant C
is obtained from empirical data shown in Fig. 4. This equation is already linear, and the
incremental representation is:
Qin ¼Cin~
Flow in or out of the upper chamber occurs through a relief cap with a small vent hole. Generally, the upper
chamber relief cap ventilation hole regulates flow during smaller adjustments of the diaphragm, and a spring-
loaded relief plate prevents pressure build-up during large diaphragm motions or in the event of a rupture of
the diaphragm. Using the assumption of a small orifice area when compared to the upper chamber cross sec-
tional area, the flow through the ventilation hole in the upper chamber is expressed with the well-known
square root relationship
QU¼CUt ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where C
is the nonlinear flow coefficient. With P
assumed constant, this equation is linearized using
Taylor series expansion to yield
with CU¼CUt
Note that for values of P
close to the atmospheric pressure, or e
PUclose to zero, the linearized flow coef-
ficient C
gets large and leads to large flows in response to small pressure changes to maintain the equilibrium
conditions. Theoretically, this square-root relationship leads to an infinite slope of the pressure–flow curve,
and this is borne out by the experimental data for flow through the upper chamber orifice at various pressure
differences, shown in Fig. 5. However, as the pressure difference gets very small, this theoretical square-root
Fig. 4. Empirical data defining flow into the regulator as a function of the plunger travel.
66 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
relationship breaks down and leads to a linear relationship with a very high gain. For the modeling in this
work, the empirical data depicted in Fig. 5 is used to get the flow coefficient for the nonlinear square-root
model, C
. For the linear model, C
is the slope of the curve in Fig. 5, and with low flow rates, C
be very large.
Flow out of the regulator is modeled using the assumption that the outlet orifice area is variable, which
affects the gas pressure in the regulator body. This approach assumes that the flow demand to the regulator
is not separated from the body by additional dynamics from subsequent piping, and that the changes in flow
demand can be modeled as a variable orifice area at the regulator outlet. Using this approach, the flow out of
the orifice is:
Qout ¼ACdffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pout Patm
where ‘‘A’’ represents the variable area or demand from downstream. Linearization of this flow relationship
about an equilibrium state has a slightly different result, because the pressure difference between the outlet and
the atmosphere never goes to zero. The outlet flow is a function of two variables, the pressure drop,
), and the flow area, A. This linearization leads to
Qout ¼Qout0 þoACdffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pout Patm
Pout Patm
oPout Pout¼Pout0
ðPout Pout0Þ
Qout ¼C10 e
AþC20 e
where C10 ¼Qout0
A0,C20 ¼A2
2Qout0. While we continue to use empirical data to find typical value for the discharge
coefficient, C
, in Eq. (15), for a given equilibrium condition the linear model uses the constant coefficients in
Eq. (16).
The flow into and out of the lower chamber is a complex function of the flow of gas through the regulator
and the shape of the flow cavity. The classical square-root relationship shown in Eq. (15) does not do a good
job of describing the pressure–flow relationships found for regulators experimentally. Fig. 6 shows a typical
relationship for the lower chamber and body chamber pressures at various steady state flow conditions. This
data indicates that the lower chamber pressure is lower than the outlet pressure in the body of the regulator.
This is known as the ‘‘boost effect’’ and is caused by the venturi effect of the dynamic flow through the valve
body. In practice, this boost effect is carefully designed into the regulator as a means of obtaining constant
regulation pressure over a wide range of flows, but using a model such as that in Eq. (15) means that there
should always be flow from the lower chamber into the body. Since the lower chamber is a fixed volume at
steady state flow, this clearly cannot happen. Multiple flow paths, the dynamics of the fluid, and the geometry
of internal obstructions make it difficult to develop an effective analytic model, but one approach is to imagine
Fig. 5. Empirical data for the upper chamber defining pressure as a function of the flow.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 67
a reversed pitot tube as shown in Fig. 7, where the tube is oriented to face downstream to allow measurement
of the venturi effect of the moving fluid. The static pressure head (the effective lower chamber pressure), mea-
sured at P
is found using Bernoulli’s equation:
out ¼PLþqout
where A
is the outlet orifice effective area, and P
is the measured pressure inside the lower chamber (which is
also the pressure inside the tube in Fig. 7).
At steady state, the pressure difference, P
LPout, should be zero, since there is no flow in or out of the
closed lower chamber, and we can use the experimental test data in Fig. 6 to compute the effective coefficient
on the last term in Eq. (17):
L¼Pout )Pout PL¼P
The pressure difference from Fig. 6,P
, should be proportional to the square of the flow, and from
Fig. 8a, the empirical data for lower flow rates shows that the effective venturi coefficient is:
Natural gas is mostly methane, and the density at atmospheric pressures is approximately 0.7 kg/m
. Using
this density leads to an effective outlet area of A
= 2.5 ·10
Fig. 6. Empirical pressure and flow relationships.
Fig. 7. Reversed pitot tube.
68 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
In our model, we used a maximum 3/4 in. (0.019 m) diameter outlet orifice (hardware outlet diameter) and
for this the actual area is 2.8502 ·10
. Although the flow path for the actual body chamber is more com-
plex than any standard nozzle, it is well understood that flow though an orifice generates a vena contracta such
that the effective flow area is smaller than the actual hole size. Comparing the flow area from the test data with
the actual hardware hole size indicates that we need to use a coefficient for the area contraction of 0.877. This
value for the flow coefficient due to the effect of vena contracta corresponds well to typical published values
between 0.73 and 0.97, depending on the shape of the opening [17].
For our linear model, Eq. (17) becomes
with KL¼A2
qoutQout0 , representing the boost factor. Fig. 8b shows the experimental pressure difference along with
a linear least-fit approximation of the constant, K
leading to 2.3 ·10
Also shown in Fig. 8b is a cubic least-square regression for the effective pressure that is used in the full non-
linear model. Note that the linear approximation compares favorably with the nonlinear experimental data up
to about 0.007 m
. In simulation, this model of the boost effect resulted in a satisfactory response for both
the linear model and the nonlinear model at both low and moderate flow rates (as illustrated later in Section
3). At very high flow rates, the venturi effect begins to fall off, and for the nonlinear model a cubic regression is
used to develop a more accurate representation of the pressure–flow relationship. This polynomial has been
implemented as the function for P
L, the fictitious equivalent pressure of the lower chamber:
The resulting model output for steady state conditions is shown for both the linear model and the nonlinear
models in Fig. 8b. Using this effective pressure in the lower chamber, the flow between the body and the lower
chamber is then
QL¼CdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
In order to determine the flow coefficient, a test was performed by removing the diaphragm and pumping air
from the lower chamber and out through the valve body. This data is shown in Fig. 9a for flow from the lower
chamber to the valve body chamber for a particular valve, and this substantiates the use of Eq. (19) in the
model. The data was taken by removing the diaphragm and just flowing air from the lower chamber out of
the body, with no venturi effects. The discharge coefficient for Eq. (20) was found by plotting (P
vs. Q2
L, as shown in Fig. 9b, and finding the square root of the slope. The value of the nonlinear discharge
coefficient used in simulations is C
= 5.5 ·10
Fig. 8. Pressure difference between lower chamber and body chamber for various flow rates.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 69
We can linearize Eq. (21) as
QL¼QL0 þoCdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
oPout P
ðPout Pout0Þþh:o:t;
QL0 þ1
2CdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
L0 Pout0
L0ÞðPout Pout0 Þ
Defining CL¼1
2CdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pand using e
KL, we develop a linear flow model for lower chamber:
The linearized discharge coefficient, C
, is slope of the line in Fig. 9a at the particular flow rate of interest.
2.5. Mechanical system governing equations
The mechanical parts of the system also contribute to the dynamic response of the system. The gas pressure
regulator is represented with a simplified model as shown in Fig. 10. Free body diagrams are given in Fig. 11.
A simple dynamic analysis of the free body diagrams leads to
Fig. 10. Pressure regulator.
Fig. 9. Pressure–flow relationship between the lower chamber and the body chamber.
70 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
where the equivalent system mass is a combination of the mass of each part
Here we have used the traditional analysis for the effective mass of a spring, based on the concept of
conservation of total energy in the spring [15], even though this is likely a negligible component of the total
inertia. Because we make an assumption that the mechanical linkage shown in Fig. 10 is rigid, the inertia and
damping are reflected by the square of the motion ratios, where L=R
. Note that the diaphragm and the
plunger displacements are related by x
and that the effect of any flow forces on the plunger has been
3. Dynamic system response
The mechanical and fluid equations developed in the previous sections are used to simulate the operation of
the gas regulator. Combining the incremental equations (6), (8), (10) and (23) together with Eqs. (12), (14),
(16) and (21) to express the system as a set of dependent differential equations at a steady state operating point,
we obtain the four governing equations for the system;
Pout þe_
Pout ¼kout
Pout þCLe
These equations are also illustrated by the block diagram shown in Fig. 12. The numbers in parenthesis in the
figure correspond to equation numbers in the text.
For the nonlinear model, four independent equations govern the dynamics of the system. These equations
are obtained by combining Eqs. (5), (7), (9) and (22) together with Eqs. (11), (13), (15) and (20);
Fig. 11. Free body diagrams.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 71
xdAdCdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
xdAdþCUt ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pout ¼kout
Pout Patm
pþCdL ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Here, P
Lis the equivalent pressure of the lower chamber described by Eq. (17) for the pitot, or by Eq. (19) for
the cubic fit approaches. Lower and upper chamber volumes may be approximated by V
, where initial diaphragm position is xd0 ¼L
Cin Qin0 ¼L
qNL and A
is a function of x
scribed in Fig. 3. Because x
50, a force to initially calibrate the regulator is required. This is done by adding
the term F
/Linto the mechanical system equation.
The simulation is used to verify the basic operational characteristics of the system, including the time
response and the stability of the regulator. The full nonlinear model is used to validate the overall operation
of the regulator, including the transient response to large and small changes in outlet flow rates and steady
state pressure and flow conditions. Our main objective is to show that the simulations operate in a reasonable
way in response to normal inputs, and in a manner consistent with observed behavior of the physical gas reg-
ulator. Fig. 13 shows the simulation results for the steady state outlet pressure as a function of the outlet flow
rate. The three modeling approaches are compared with the empirical data, and it is clear that there is a dif-
ference in the steady state response using the linear and nonlinear models, particularly at higher flow rates.
Fig. 13 also shows the input values used to test the models: a small flow demand of 0.001 m
and larger
demands of 0.0065, 0.0071, 0.0092 and 0.0098 m
, along with the outlet orifice areas used to generate these
flows. First, the linear model will be compared to the nonlinear simulations to show that the linear model is
valid for small amplitude response about an equilibrium point. Next, using the linear model, we will apply the
powerful root locus techniques to investigate the effects of changes in various parameters on the system
response and stability.
Fig. 14 shows the time response of both the linear and the nonlinear models to a small step input in flow
demand, corresponding to case I in Fig. 13. The initial outlet flow rate was set to Q
= 3.9329 ·10
and the step change for the outlet orifice area was taken as e
A¼1:5355 105m2. Note that the sudden
change in the outlet valve orifice area causes the pressure to drop, and then come back to the steady state.
The sudden change first causes a drop in the regulated pressure, which is then restored as the plunger moves
to a new steady state location. The small steady state errors are caused by the differences in the model assump-
Fig. 12. System block diagram.
72 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
tions, and while there are differences in the amplitude of the oscillations, the frequencies and settling times
match well.
Operational data for typical gas regulators show that the hardware has a tendency to exhibit dynamically
unstable behavior under certain operating conditions. This instability causes the regulator to vibrate, or hum,
although the gross operation of the regulator is not affected. Indeed, one major problem with this dynamic
instability is that the causal observer may become alarmed by the noise, requiring replacement of the unstable
regulator. One common factor of instability is the coupling of the upper chamber with a large volume dis-
charge tube for venting purposes. While changes in many other factors, including temperature, flow, and
atmospheric pressure, affect the unstable response, empirical evidence indicates that it is possible to tune this
discharge volume to induce the unstable behavior regardless of other factors.
In order to establish the conditions for the regulator to hum, we studied the time response of the regulator
with an upper chamber volume about four times larger than the nominal value of the actual hardware,
= 0.0025 m
, and the time response is shown in Fig. 15. This condition caused instability in both the non-
linear and the linear model. The time response of both the linear and the nonlinear models at these large upper
chamber initial volumes predict the frequency of oscillation at about <133 Hz. Fig. 15b also shows that the
frequency is the same for both the linear and nonlinear models, although there is a phase difference between
them. This phase difference is caused by a very small difference in frequency between the nonlinear models and
the linear model, which adds up over many cycles. The small lag gets larger if the initial displacement from the
equilibrium is made larger [18].
Fig. 16 shows the time response of the regulator models for large and small inputs at the intermediate flow
rates of cases II and III in Fig. 13. In the center plot, there are two step changes in the flow demand, a large
change at time = 0 corresponding to an initial outlet flow area of A
= 1.6903 ·10
and changing to
Fig. 13. Outlet pressure and flow relationships: (I) A= 3.2258 ·10
; (II) A= 2.7493 ·10
; (III) A= 3.013 ·10
; (IV)
A= 3.93 ·10
; (V) A= 4.2344 ·10
Fig. 14. Time response to step change in outlet area, A= 3.2258 ·10
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 73
A= 2.7493 ·10
, and a small change at time = 1.0 corresponding to a change in outlet flow area from the
steady state at A
= 2.7493 ·10
and changing to A= 3.013 ·10
thereafter. The flow rate settles to
a steady state of Q
= 0.0065 m
during the first second, and to Q
= 0.0071 m
by the end of the
simulation. Because the step change for the first second is quite large, only the nonlinear models are used in the
simulation. Once the steady state is reached, the flow and pressure values are used to update the linear model
parameters and the response of the linear and nonlinear models are compared for the small amplitude input,
shown in the zoomed portion on the right of Fig. 16. Thus, both the nonlinear and the linear model are com-
pared after the step at 1 s in the simulation. For small amplitude inputs, the linear model dynamics closely
match the nonlinear model simulations, although there are steady state errors predicted by Fig. 13.
This same set of large and small inputs is shown in Fig. 17, but in this case, with a large upper chamber vol-
ume V
. Again, the initial, large step input is only simulated using the nonlinear models, and
the linear model is compared to the nonlinear responses for the small step input at 1.5 s. In this case, the linear
model response still follows the nonlinear dynamics, although for both linear and nonlinear cases we see that
the increase in the upper chamber volume has the effect of slowing the settling time of the regulator.
Fig. 18 shows the time response of the regulator for very high flow rates corresponding to cases IV and V
from Fig. 13. These step changes in the outlet orifice area from A
= 1.6903 ·10
to A= 3.93 ·10
in the first 1 s and A= 3.93 ·10
to A= 4.2344 ·10
at 1.5 s correspond to steady state flow rates of
= 0.0092 m
and to Q
= 0.0098 m
respectively. Again, the steady state values of the nonlinear
Fig. 15. Regulator response with large upper chamber volume, A= 3.2258 ·10
Fig. 16. Time response to step changes in outlet area, V
(nominal value).
74 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
model after the first large step input are used update the linear model parameters. Thus, both the nonlinear
and the linear models are compared in the second part of the simulation, shown in the right of the figure. Note
that during the initial response for the large step input, the system is very under damped, as shown by the
oscillations in the left-hand portion of Fig. 18. For the smaller input at the higher flow rate, however, the
dynamics show considerably more damping, indicating that higher flow rates tend to stabilize the system.
Fig. 19 shows the response for this same set of inputs with the larger upper chamber volume, V
. Here again, it is clear that the higher flow rates tend to stabilize the system response.
These simulations show that the mathematical models of the gas regulator produce reasonable response to
changes in flow demands. The dynamic instability seen in real regulators for small flow rates can be repro-
duced in the simulations by increasing the upper chamber volume, which is also true for regulators in actual
operation. The linear model closely matches the nonlinear model close to equilibrium positions and for small
inputs. We will now use linear analysis methods to identify design parameters that have an effect on the sta-
bility of the system.
4. Linear system analysis
In order to understand the effects of various parameters on the stability of the system, an analysis of the
linear system has been examined in the form of a root locus diagram for several parameters. This method
Fig. 17. Time response to step changes in outlet area, V
Fig. 18. Time response to step changes in outlet area, V
(nominal value).
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 75
allows for the determination of the effects on stability from changes in each model parameter separately. The
root locus analysis was implemented for various design parameters that could be realistically modified to
improve the stability of the regulator. These include the damping, b, the upper chamber volume, V
, the
lower chamber volume, V
, the discharge coefficient between the upper chamber and the atmosphere, C
the discharge coefficient between the lower chamber and the body chamber, C
, and the area of the dia-
phragm, A
For the system with nominal parameter values, the system was stable, although there are roots close to the
right half plane. The roots of the characteristic equation for the transfer function of the block diagram in
Fig. 12 are 7306.4, 27.7 ± 801.9i, 62.7 ± 41.1i when V
, and 7306.3, 92.3, 21.9,
1.9 ± 655.7i with V
= 0.0025 m
We use the root locus for the linear model to investigate the effects of changes for various design parameter
on system stability. The parameters chosen for investigation are those that can be realistically changed in the
design of the regulator to improve stability. The nominal values used in the root locus come from the analytic
development and incorporate measured values where possible, and are shown in Table 1.
4.1. Root locus on the damping coefficient
Increasing the mechanical damping in the system has the effect of stabilizing the system. This damping coef-
ficient is very difficult to measure in the real hardware, and in our simulation, this value has been adjusted
heuristically as a means of adjusting the system models to more closely match the experimental performance
of the hardware. The adjustment of the damping coefficient, however, must be made within realistic limits.
Fig. 20 shows a root locus plot for variable damping. There are two plots shown, one for a small upper cham-
ber volume, V
, and one for a large upper chamber volume. While increasing the damping reduces the ten-
dency toward unstable behavior, excessive increases in damping tends to increase the transient response time
of the system, and lead to undesirable steady state effects such as dead-band.
Fig. 19. Time response to step changes in outlet area, V
Table 1
Nominal values of parameters used in the linear simulation
A= 3.2258 ·10
= 1.6903 ·10
= 0.0139 m
= 2.5 ·10
= 1.7814 ·10
b= 5 N s/m C
= 0.5495 C
= 5.5 ·10
= 2.649 C
= 5.9 ·10
= 4.2 ·10
= 3.75 ·10
= 23.2672 C
= 1.097 ·10
= 1.31 K= 700 N/m
= 2.3 ·10
L=4 M= 0.1491 kg P
= 308.2 kPa
= 103.15 kPa P
= 101.35 kPa Q
= 3.9329 ·10
= 1.6387 ·10
= 3.2823 ·10
= 0.7 kg/m
j= 2.3061
76 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
Changes in the upper chamber volume also affect the stability of the regulator. As this volume decreases, the
system becomes more stable, as shown for the root positions when the damping b= 5 N s/m. At the larger vol-
ume, the system is unstable and at the smaller volume, the system is stable. This corresponds with known design
goals, where the upper chamber volume must be large enough to accommodate the diaphragm diameter and
travel, but is designed to be as small as possible. In addition, the oscillatory ‘‘hum’’ can often be induced by sim-
ply attaching a larger volume pipe to the vent discharge valve, effectively increasing the upper chamber volume.
4.2. Root locus on the diaphragm area
Another parameter that is a candidate for design change is the diaphragm area. The root locus for A
shown in Fig. 21, shows some interesting trends. While the root locus shows that the diaphragm could be
made very small and result in stable performance of the regulator, this size diaphragm is not large enough
to counteract plunger flow forces or even allow mechanical connections necessary for the physical hardware.
The remaining locus indicates that diaphragm area cannot be chosen smaller than 0.0084 m
in order to retain
stability. Larger diaphragm areas, on the other hand, improve the response time of the system, although in the
extreme, these roots also become under damped. However, because changes in diaphragm area usually imply
changes in lower and upper chamber volumes, care must be taken when implementing a larger diaphragm.
4.3. Root locus on the upper chamber initial volume
The physical conditions surrounding the onset of instability include a large volume or pipe attached to the
upper chamber. Often, just attaching a vent hose, common in Europe where the regulators are installed
Fig. 21. Root locus on A
= 0.0139 m
(nominal), r:A
= 0.0084 m
Fig. 20. Root locus for the variable bwith two values of V
;h:b= 5 N s/m.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 77
indoors, is enough to excite oscillations, or ‘‘humming’’. This indicates the need for examination of the system
stability characteristics as the upper chamber volume parameter, V
, is increased. Note that the root locus
shown in Fig. 22 is for the variable 1/V
, so that origin, typically shown with an ‘‘x’’, is the root locations
for a large upper chamber volume. In this sense, the locus in Fig. 22 is ‘‘backwards’’, with a larger volume
pushing the root locations away from the zeros and toward the poles. A close-up view of the root locus, also
seen in Fig. 22, shows that increasing V
generally decreases the system stability. The roots associated with
these locations will always tend to cause under damped response, but as the upper chamber assumes values
close to nominal, the response due to these roots settles quickly.
Because there are many parameters involved in the overall response, we examine another root locus for
in Fig. 23, which shows how the system roots are affected by changes in the upper and lower discharge
Fig. 22. Root locus on 1/V
with changing b;h:V
(nominal), :V
Fig. 23. Root locus for the variable 1/V
with changing values of C
and C
(nominal value).
78 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
coefficients. These coefficients are mainly a function of the hole sizes of the cap in the upper chamber, a design
parameter that is relatively easy to change. The nominal values of all parameters except V
and C
are used
in Fig. 23a, where we see that increasing the upper chamber discharge coefficient, corresponding to increasing
the size of the vent hole, improves stability for small upper chamber volumes but does not substantially affect
stability when these volumes get large. As the lower discharge coefficient is decreased, shown in Fig. 23b and c,
the entire locus tends to move away from the imaginary axis, with an associated improvement in stability. As
pointed out in Fig. 22, reducing the initial size of the upper chamber still does improve the behavior of the
system, but pipe and venting installations in the field will always tend to increase this volume and drive the
system toward instability. Most importantly, the lower values of C
move the root locus entirely into the sta-
ble region. This indicates that lowering the value of C
, by reducing the associated flow area between the lower
chamber and the valve body by at least a factor of two, will enhance system stability over a wide range of
upper chamber volume values.
4.4. Root locus on the lower chamber initial volume
We also explore the effects of the lower chamber volume on the stability of the regulator. The root locus
analysis on V
is shown in Fig. 24a. We can see that in general, changes in the lower chamber volume have
only a slight effect on the system roots, causing very little change in the damping ratio and settling time. Using
the general trend from Fig. 23, that decreasing the lower chamber discharge coefficient improves stability,
Fig. 24b shows that decreasing C
tends to pull the root locus into more stable regions, where ‘‘’’ indicates
the location of the nominal design value of V
. This indicates that reducing the size of the flow path between
the lower chamber and the body chamber tends to increase system stability.
Fig. 24. Root locus for the variable 1/V
with changing values of C
and C
= 3.3 ·10
(nominal value).
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 79
Fig. 23 also indicates that increasing the upper discharge coefficient, C
, may improve stability, Fig. 24c
shows the locus with a the nominal value of C
, but with a range of values for C
, as the lower chamber vol-
ume, V
, is changed. As the upper chamber discharge coefficient is increased by a factor of ten, the locus
moves toward instability. It is natural to try decreasing the value of C
, but this change also pushes the locus
toward instability.
4.5. Root locus on the upper chamber discharge coefficient
The analysis of the lower chamber volume in relation to upper and lower discharge coefficients warrants a
closer look at the stability effects of these two coefficients. Fig. 25 shows the roots of the system as C
, the flow
coefficient in the upper chamber, changes for various fixed values of C
, the discharge coefficient for flow
between the lower chamber and the valve body control volumes. With C
at the nominal value, 5.9 ·10
it is clear that for both very large and very small values of C
, the roots tend toward oscillatory or even unsta-
ble behavior. Again, this compares with the known behavior of the regulator, in that very small vent holes
produce unstable oscillations, as does removing the upper chamber cover completely. Notice that as the value
of C
is decreased, which corresponds with decreasing the flow hole between the lower chamber and the body
chamber, both end points of the root locus, and those in between, are pulled into the stable left half plane. This
also indicates that reducing the flow area between the body and the lower chamber will enhance the stability of
the regulator.
We also note that there is an optimum C
value, located at the left-most point on the curve. Indeed, this
value of C
was a relatively constant value for a large range of C
, and corresponds to a upper chamber vent
hole about 3 times larger than the nominal size. This provides a guide for selecting the most robust value of the
upper chamber discharge coefficient for all cases of the lower chamber parameter.
4.6. Dynamic simulation with improved parameters
Our root locus analysis indicates that very simple changes to the flow areas in the two chambers can have a
significantly improve the performance of the regulator. In order to verify this, Fig. 26a shows the time
response of the full, nonlinear simulation with changes in the upper and lower discharge coefficients. In this
case, the input is a small amplitude change in outlet demand, and the response to both small and large upper
chamber volumes is shown. The upper chamber flow diameter has been increased by a factor of 3, based on the
root locus of Fig. 25, and the effective lower chamber flow diameter has been decreased by a factor of ten,
based on the root locus of Fig. 23. Recall that with the nominal values for the flow diameters, an upper cham-
ber volume of 0.0025 m
was sufficient to cause instability at low output flow rates using both the linear and
nonlinear models as shown in Fig. 15a. Fig. 26 shows that these two simple changes the upper and lower dis-
charge coefficients are sufficient to stabilize the system response for smaller output flow rates regardless of the
size of the upper chamber volume.
Fig. 25. Root locus on C
with changing C
= 3.9 ·10
80 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
Larger output flow rates tend to stabilize the system as shown in Figs. 17–19. However, even at the low flow
rates and with the larger upper chamber volumes, the changes in the two flow coefficients stabilize the oper-
ation of the regulator as shown if the response of Fig. 26a. Although both of these design changes
= 3.375 ·10
= 5.5 ·10
) are very easy to implement in hardware, care must be taken to allow
for sufficient flow capability through the two chambers and out of the upper chamber vent hole in case the
inlet flow orifice from the high pressure gas is stuck open, either though debris or mechanical failure. As noted
earlier, the upper chamber vent is often a dual stage, spring loaded plate with a small discharge hole specif-
ically for this reason.
5. Results and conclusion
This study establishes methodology to accurately model and analyze the behavior of self-regulating high
pressure gas regulators. The model used has been developed from first principles to couple the mechanical
and fluid system dynamics. A linear version of the model has also been developed to allow the application
of root locus techniques to study the stability of the system with changes in various design parameters.
Estimation of important parameters, such as damping and discharge coefficients, was based on available
steady state empirical data. Both the linear and nonlinear models produce transient and steady state responses
that compared favorably with the expected behavior of the typical gas regulator. Small errors in the steady
state response of the model can be attributed to the simplifying assumptions in the gas dynamics involved with
the venturi effect of the flowing gas. Transient response characteristics of the linear model match the nonlinear
model for small amplitude inputs, although there are significant differences in steady state values for large
amplitude inputs.
One of the main reasons for the development of this model was the fact that these types of regulators tend
to vibrate or hum when the relief port is connected to an extended pipe and the flow rate is kept small. This
phenomenon was simulated as an increase in the upper chamber cavity on the regulator. Simulation results
support the loss of stability with an increase in this volume, indicating that the model provided an accurate
representation of the hardware.
In order to gain insight into the possibility of stabilizing the system through redesign, root locus techniques
were used on the linear model to predict the effects of changes in various design parameters on the system
response and to identify the most influential system parameters. Physical parameters that were shown to have
a significant effect on stability include the damping coefficient, the diaphragm area, and upper and lower
chamber volumes. Added damping, however, is difficult to control when relying on friction, may require add-
ing hardware for accurate control, and increases the system dead-band and response time. Physical limitations
on size restrict the effectiveness of changes in the sizes of the chamber volumes and the diaphragm area.
The effect of the size of the flow paths from the upper and lower chambers was also seen to have a signif-
icant effect on the system stability. Using the root locus approach, we find that reducing the size of the flow
Fig. 26. Time response with changes in the upper and lower flow paths.
N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82 81
path between the regulator body and the lower chamber provides a distinct improvement in stability. In addi-
tion, we show that there is an optimum size for the discharge hole on the upper chamber. We use the root locus
techniques to show that decreasing the effective diameter of the lower chamber flow path by a factor of 10 and
increasing the diameter of the upper chamber flow path by about three times theoretically improves the sta-
bility of the regulator. While there are limits on the allowable sizes for these holes, based on the discharge flow
that must be allowed in the case of catastrophic failure of the regulator, we show that using these changes in
the nonlinear simulation eliminates the vibration and hum and provides satisfactory performance of the
The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for the insightful comments and suggestions which
helped greatly improve the quality of this paper.
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82 N. Zafer, G.R. Luecke / Applied Mathematical Modelling 32 (2008) 61–82
... In order to operate the expansion train in constant pressure mode [29] as for the McIntosh CAES plant, pressure regulators (PR) are modeled as adiabatic processes [40]: ...
... For given values of both the rated power of the compression train and the turbines, the charge time and the discharge time strictly depend on the air and hydrogen storage capacities. The air storage volume and the hydrogen storage volume are calculated by starting from the required nominal flow rate of air and fuel [40]. ...
Full-text available
Globally, the increasing share of renewables, prominently driven by intermittent sources such as solar and wind power, poses significant challenges to the reliability of current electrical infrastructures, leading to the adoption of extreme measures such as generation curtailment to preserve grid security. Within this framework, it is essential to develop energy storage systems that contribute to reinforce the flexibility and security of power grids while simultaneously reducing the share of generation curtailment. Therefore, this study investigates the performance of an integrated photovoltaic-hydrogen fuelled-compressed air energy storage system, whose configuration is specifically conceived to enable the connection of additional intermittent sources in already saturated grids. The yearly and seasonal performance of the integrated energy storage system, specifically designed to supply flexibility services, are evaluated for a scenario represented by a real grid with high-variable renewables penetration and frequent dispatchability issues. Results show that the integrated system, with performance-optimized components and a new energy management strategy, minimizes photovoltaic energy curtailment, otherwise around 50%, to as low as 4% per year, achieving system efficiencies of up to 62%, and reinforces the grid by supplying inertial power for up to 20% of nighttime hours. In conclusion, the integrated plant, operating with zero emissions, on-site hydrogen production, and optimized for non-dispatchable photovoltaic energy utilization, proves to be effective in integrating new variable renewable sources and reinforcing saturated grids, particularly during spring and summer.
... A rising amount of experimental data indicates to microscale vortex cavitation as a primary event in the origin of life. [22] 2006 This study examines the research done to better understand cavitation damage. The study also examines the work done on cavitation damage in liquid sodium, and it finishes with a discussion of the reasons for the report's poor effectiveness in predicting damage. ...
... Cavitation results in pitting & its reduces the strength of pressure vessel & may lead to an accident. The work discusses the theoretical formulation of cavitation bubble collapse and the estimation of bubble collapse pressure, as well as experimental methodologies for measuring cavitation damage [22]. ...
Pressure regulators have been part of industries to address various requirement related to pressure settings. Being in industry since long time, lot of research's have already been done to address issues & improve performance. The published research papers had addressed the performance issues like cavitation (that happens due to sudden pressure drop causing the bubble formation at localized area which in term results in cavitation), high pressure, high-pressure differential(which is normally achieved by multistage of regulator as single stage regulator cannot work above certain pressure differential), pressure stability (by adding sensitive diaphragm & high precision controlled orifice seat),corrosion (by using high grade NACE complain material like 316L & duplex stainless steel),various failures (like galling, mushroom formation, pitting, diaphragm rupture) & safety (by designing regulator as per various internal standard like PED, ASME BPVC). Ergonomic aspect of pressure regulator considering the human comfort found missing. This paper addresses the ergonomic aspects pressure regulator to ease setting downstream pressure with non-stretching & frictionless material. Research will also address to make pressure regulator setting uniform torque across the pressure range making regulator more sensitive for precise pressure setting. It also addresses the requirement of high flow through controlled orifice by introducing a bypass system working in parallel with controlled regulator to achieve fast volume filling at high pressure.
... A rising amount of experimental data indicates to microscale vortex cavitation as a primary event in the origin of life. [22] 2006 This study examines the research done to better understand cavitation damage. The study also examines the work done on cavitation damage in liquid sodium, and it finishes with a discussion of the reasons for the report's poor effectiveness in predicting damage. ...
... Cavitation results in pitting & its reduces the strength of pressure vessel & may lead to an accident. The work discusses the theoretical formulation of cavitation bubble collapse and the estimation of bubble collapse pressure, as well as experimental methodologies for measuring cavitation damage [22]. ...
Conference Paper
Pressure regulators have been part of industries to address various requirement related to pressure settings. Being in industry since long time, lot of research’s have already been done to address issues & improve performance. The published research papers had addressed the performance issues like cavitation (that happens due to sudden pressure drop causing the bubble formation at localized area which in term results in cavitation), high pressure, high-pressure differential(which is normally achieved by multistage of regulator as single stage regulator cannot work above certain pressure differential), pressure stability (by adding sensitive diaphragm & high precision controlled orifice seat),corrosion (by using high grade NACE complain material like 316L & duplex stainless steel),various failures (like galling, mushroom formation, pitting, diaphragm rupture) & safety (by designing regulator as per various internal standard like PED, ASME BPVC). Ergonomic aspect of pressure regulator considering the human comfort found missing. This paper addresses the ergonomic aspects pressure regulator to ease setting downstream pressure with nonstretching & frictionless material. Research will also address to make pressure regulator setting uniform torque across the pressure range making regulator more sensitive for precise pressure setting. It also addresses the requirement of high flow through controlled orifice by introducing a bypass system working in parallel with controlled regulator to achieve fast volume filling at high pressure.
... Zafer and Luecke proposed a nonlinear model and analyzed the behavior of a self-regulating high-pressure gas regulator [8]. A linear version of the model was also developed, which made it possible to analyze the stability of the system with changes in various design parameters using the root locus techniques. ...
... Taking into account the throttle block, the energy equations for variable mass of gas in cavities A and E can be written as: , (8) , (9) As a feedback pipeline, we consider a pipeline of constant cross-section with a gas flow model in lumped parameters neglecting heat exchange with the environment. Then, the mass flow equation taking into account active and reactive resistances is: , To obtain more general solutions, it is expedient to represent the system of Equations (1)-(10) in dimensionless form. ...
Full-text available
Gas pressure regulators are widely used in gas transportation and distribution systems. They are designed for deep pressure reduction and maintainance with high accuracy over a wide flow range. Operation at a high pressure drop is accompanied by a high level of noise, for reduction of which, silencers are used. However, installation of a noise suppressor into the regulator design has a significant impact on its static and dynamic characteristics. This can lead to a decrease of accuracy, loss of stability and occurrence of self-oscillations of the valve. These, in turn, lead to increasing noise and vibration, wear of contact surfaces and premature failure of the regulator. The paper presents results of a study of dynamic characteristics of a modernized serial regulator with a built-in noise suppressor. A mathematical model was compiled and its study was carried out in the SimulationX software package. The joint influence on the system stability of the parameters of the muffler and the block of throttles, designed to adjust the static characteristic of the regulator, is considered. It is shown that the proper choice of throttle resistances can ensure the stability of the control system in a wide range of gas flow rates. The results can be used when designing regulators with built-in noise suppressors.
... Rami et al. [6] developed mathematical models for direct acting and pilot-controlled PRs and identified the parameters that were responsible for their instability. Zafer and Luecke [7] developed a dynamic mathematical model for a spring-loaded PRs, studied the possible causes of vibrations, and suggested design modifications. Wang et al. [8] developed a dynamic model and self-tuning method for pneumatic pressure regulating stations. ...
Full-text available
Many cities have extensive distribution networks that supply natural or town gas to domestic, industrial, and power plant consumers. A typical network may have hundreds of pressure regulating stations that are of different types and capacities, but most legacy networks are sparsely instrumented. The reliability of these stations is the first priority for ensuring uninterrupted gas supplies; hence, condition monitoring and prescriptive maintenance are critical. In this study, mathematical models were developed for two types of commonly used regulators: spring-loaded and lever-type regulators. We also considered three faults that are typically of interest: filter choking, valve seat damage, and diaphragm deterioration. The proposed methodologies used the available measured data and mathematical models to diagnose faults, track prognoses, and estimate the remaining useful life of the regulators. The applicability of our proposed methodologies was demonstrated using real data from an existing distribution network. To facilitate industrial use, the methodologies were packaged into a user-friendly dashboard that could act as an interface with the operational database and display the health status of the regulators.
... One inherent drawback comes from their working principle, according to which the valve spool position is controlled by a wire coil spring or a motorized actuator to achieve the correct pressure drop across the orifice [55]. Therefore, commercial pressure regulators may vibrate in unstable patterns during operation [56], resulting in inadequate accuracy for high-precision laboratory measurements [57]. In addition, the valve body and spool of most commercial pressure regulators are made of stainless steel or Nickel-based alloys, which limit their maximum working temperature below 750 • C [58]. ...
A novel gas turbine simulator is developed to establish controllable boundaries for investigating the characteristics of key components in gas turbine based hybrid energy systems under different operating conditions. The gas turbine simulator consists of a compressed air system, an electrical heater, a mass flow controller, a proportional solenoid valve, a dual-flow choked nozzle, and a PLC-based control system. With the proposed control strategy, the fluid parameters, such as temperature, mass flow rate, and pressure, can be automatically regulated to simulate the boundary conditions of a gas turbine under various workloads. Experimental results for both cold and hot states have validated the capabilities of the gas turbine simulator to deliver convergent control results with fast response. The gas turbine simulator has demonstrated considerable performance in stabilizing system boundaries with the precision in terms of pressure control reaching ±0.004 bar for steady states, and ±0.018 bar to ±0.076 bar for transient states with mass flow and temperature perturbations. The gas turbine simulator can also accurately track linear and nonlinear trajectories during operating point migrations, and effectively limit deviations within ±0.037 bar.
A study is carried out to examine the effects of design parameters on operating performance of a compressed natural gas (CNG) injection system. This system consists of a solenoid-type injector, a solenoid pressure regulator, and a rail tube. To depict the operation of the injection system, mathematical models are built, including electrical and mechanical models of a solenoid pressure regulator and a solenoid injector. To control rail tube gas pressure, a control model is built using proportional integral derivative (PID) algorithm. The simulated gas pressure is compared with experimental result for validating the mathematical models. The influences of design parameters, including rail tube volume, stiffness of spring, and number of coil turns in the solenoid pressure regulator, on the operating performance of the CNG system are examined. The simulation results indicate that the stability of controlled gas pressure is increased when increasing the volume of the rail tube and spring stiffness. Besides, by decreasing the number of coil turns in the solenoid pressure regulator, the stability of controlled gas pressure and flow rate of the injection is increased.
A model-based study is conducted to examine the operating characteristics of an injection system applied on CNG fueled vehicles. This injection system is a combination of an electric pressure regulator, a rail tube, and a solenoid injector. The electric pressure regulator has a great potential to be widely used in injection systems of natural gas-fueled engines due to its flexible operation, which can help to improve the engine performance and reduce emission. This paper presents a simulation study using mathematical models to describe and analyze the operating characteristics of the gaseous fuel injection system, in which models of electric pressure regulator, solenoid fuel injector, and control model for electric pressure regulator are presented. The simulation results are compared with experimental data to validate the simulation models. Effects of working conditions, including coil resistance of the electric pressure regulator, inlet gas pressure, and set pressure in the rail tube, on the operating characteristics of the gaseous fuel injection system are investigated. Simulation results show that when the coil resistance of the electric pressure regulator is increased from 3.1 Ω to 4.1 Ω, the maximum fluctuation of the controlled gas pressure in the rail tube is reduced from 0.017 to 0.012 MPa, respectively. By decreasing the inlet gas pressure of the electric pressure regulator from 2.5 to 2.3 MPa, the controlled gas pressure in the rail tube is more stable with the maximum fluctuation significantly reduced from 0.012 to 0.002 MPa, respectively, which leads to stability in injection flow rate. The increase of set pressure in the rail tube from 0.5 to 0.7 MPa can help to improve the stability of the controlled gas pressure in the rail tube with the maximum fluctuation respectively reduced from 0.002 to 0.001 MPa.
The existing analyses of integrated natural gas and power systems generally ignore gas temperature variations, which may misjudge gas pressure and jeopardize natural gas transmission. Furthermore, the conventional Newton-Raphson based natural gas flow analysis methods may cause non-convergence or unnecessary computational burden. Based on topology decoupling, an efficient energy flow analysis method is proposed in the paper for integrated natural gas and power systems with the consideration of temperature distribution in natural gas systems. A lumped parameter model of natural gas flow in pipelines considering temperature is developed based on the Weymouth and Shukhov formulas. A natural gas flow model considering temperature is then established. According to the topological characteristics of natural gas systems, a topology decoupling based natural gas flow analysis method is proposed to improve computational efficiency and to lower the requirement of initialization. An energy flow analysis method for integrated natural gas and power systems is presented based on a Newton-Raphson method. The correctness and adaptability of the proposed method are verified using three widely-used test systems. The obtained simulation results show that the temperature distribution and natural gas pressures of a natural gas network can be accurately described and estimated to ensure the secure operation of integrated natural gas and power systems, and the computational efficiency and convergence performance are largely improved.
As a result of the research work based on comprehensive numerical and experimental studies, an analytical method for predicting direct action gas difference pressure regulator (DPR) characteristics for dry gas seal (DGS) system allowing to build up from the possible mode of dynamic instability and to ensure the maintenance of required difference pressure for the overall operating range of compressor has been developed. The method of static and dynamic characteristics analysis of the regulator is based on solving equations of the mass flow rates and the forces acting on the slide valve balances, the single-mass dynamic model of the movable part and the mass flow rates balance in the upper and lower chambers with the use of the analytical methods of the automatic control theory (ACT). The experimental verifications of the single-seated and the double-seated DPR designs with the inlet pressures of 9.28, 6.98, 5.0, 3.2 MPa have been satisfactory agreed with the calculation results. So at difference pressure on a slide valve more than 2.4 MPa with constant external actions, a loss of stability of the movable part of the DPR may occur. The damping chamber with the laminar flow restrictor, at a suitable choice of its geometry, provides the necessary attenuation of the vibration process. The conductivity of the feeding channel has a significant influence on the static characteristics of the DPR. Under the condition of the inlet restrictor significant resistance, it is provided a rather narrow range of the variations for the difference pressure across the slide valve.
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Noise produced by valves and regulators is now an increasingly critical consideration in plant design. The control valve noise problem involves not only occupational health and safety but also maintenance, structural fatigue, and system failure. The need for a better understanding of valve noise generation, measurement, prediction and reduction techniques is evident. An overview is provided for each areas of concern of these valve noise pollution. However, focus is made on aerodynamic noise rather than hydrodynamic noise.
Self-operating regulators are intended to maintain system pressure while safely meeting customer demand. Success working with regulators arises from a familiarity with the basic design and a grasp of the factors that affect the device's performance, sizing and capacity. Understanding regulator fundamentals starts with the basic design and performance.
Pressure regulators are special classes of valve systems, which contain integral sensing, comparison, feedback, and control elements, and are operated entirely by energy derived from the flowing streams. Loading, balance, functions, and sizing of regulators are considered, as they effect selection.
Reducing high pressures in gases or liquids using control valves or regulators involves converting potential energy (pressure) into kinetic energy (velocity) and, finally, thermal energy (turbulence). This 'throttling' process generates some undesirable side effects, primarily noise, vibration and cavitation, leading to equipment failure and violations of safety standards. One way of minimizing these problems - with only a moderate increase in overall cost - is to use static pressure-reducing plates downstream of the valves and regulators. In their simplest form, these devices are multiple-hole orifice plates clamped between a pair of pipeline flanges. The plates are sufficiently strong to withstand the fluid's maximum working pressure at a given temperature, while the holes are small and strategically placed to obtain maximum noise reduction. In a more sophisticated form, a number of pressure-reducing plates, or perforated screens, are stacked in layers. Each plate - or stage - is larger than the previous one, to adjust for increases in fluid volume as the pressure is decreased. Static pressure-reducing plates, also called resistance plates, are simple devices. Nonetheless, little is understood about how they work, or how one should go about selecting, sizing and installing them for a particular application. This article discusses the theory and calculations for these devices.
The types of regulators specified by individual companies depend on the operating and ambient conditions, as well as company policies and philosophies. The process of choosing a regulator so its flow performance matches the expected system demands is called sizing the regulator. Until residential gas regulator manufacturers begin to publish flow performance tables without resetting their regulators at each listed inlet pressure, utilities should ask the manufacturers for tables or performance curves based on actual use conditions. Utilities may wish to verify manufacturer-supplied flow performance information with their own tests when initially qualifying regulators for use. The smallest orifice size to provide the desired capacity at the minimum inlet pressure should be selected.
There are two kinds of regulators that both control downstream pressure and upstream pressure. They are: A self-operated type, consisting of a spring diaphragm and restricting valve. Pilot-operated type that uses a high-gain pilot system to position a valve mechanism and control the gas flow and pressure. A pilot-operated pressure regulator is a valve mechanism that is controlled by a pilot system to control pressure. This mechanism manipulates the valve's position by varying the loading pressure. This article describes pilot systems and discusses pilot systems, unloading systems, pressure-loaded regulators, self-operated regulators, and other aspects of the subject.
The complex and turbulent pressure instrument market is rapidly moving in two directions. At the low end are inexpensive transducers with diffused silicon sensors. At the high end are the smart transmitters with intelligent integrated circuits.
A description is given of pressure regulators which combine the three main components of a control loop into a single device which is simple, dependable, rugged and inexpensive. The self-contained regulator has no adjustments in terms of capacity (reduced valve trim) or of stability (proportional band and reset adjustments). It has a fixed proportional band of about 5%, or a gain of about 20. Descriptions are provided of the most common designs along with their inherent advantages and disadvantages. Factors such as droop or offset, stability and safety, sizing and rangeability, noise and cavitation are discussed. Various types of regulator designs are outlined along with an analysis of the pilot-operated regulator which is a two stage device. Finally, since many applications in pressure control can be handled by either a regulator or a control valve, the author provides an analysis designed to make selection easier. Regulator applications are also given.
Preliminary considerations applying to the necessary instrumentation for the use of sonic nozzles is reviewed. A way to make sonic nozzles for industry, together with a method to determine the discharge coefficient of a convergent nozzle operating in the sonic regime in conditions of ideal flow is suggested. The results obtained for the behaviour of the discharge coefficient of sonic nozzles, in the range from 4×104 to 2×105 are compared with the standard ISO 9300 (Standard ISO 9300. Measurement of gas flow by means critical flow Venturi nozzles, 1990) and the curve proposed by Ishibashi et al. (M. Ishibashi, M. Takamoto, N. Wanatabe, Y. Nakao. Precise calibration of critical nozzles of various shapes at the Reynolds number of 0.2–2, 5×105. Proceedings of FLOMEKO 94).
A dynamic, lumped parameter, numerical mathematical model of a pneumatic pressure regulator was developed to digitally predict the pressure/time response of a regulator. The purpose of this study is to provide a greater understanding of regulator operation and to serve as a useful tool in the design stages of regulator development. The regulator studied was a high pressure, piston pressure sensing unit that had a conical poppet valve that regulates gas flow. A model was developed that allowed the piston and poppet the freedom to move independently, travel together or collide. Comparing transient, theoretical predictions of the pressure/time response to experimentally determined results, the theoretical results were determined to be very accurate.