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The Connectedness to Nature Scale: A Measure of Individuals’ Feeling in Community with Nature


Abstract and Figures

Five studies assessed the validity and reliability of the connectedness to nature scale (CNS), a new measure of individuals’ trait levels of feeling emotionally connected to the natural world. Data from two community and three college samples demonstrated that the CNS has good psychometric properties, correlates with related variables (the new environmental paradigm scale, identity as an environmentalist), and is uncorrelated with potential confounds (verbal ability, social desirability). This paper supports ecopsychologists’ contention that connection to nature is an important predictor of ecological behavior and subjective well-being. It also extends social psychological research on self–other overlap, perspective taking, and altruistic behavior to the overlap between self and nature. The CNS promises to be a useful empirical tool for research on the relationship between humans and the natural world.
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Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503– 515
The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’
feeling in community with nature
F.Stephan Mayer, Cynthia McPherson Frantz
Department of Psychology, Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH 44074, USA
Five studies assessed the validity and reliability of the connectedness to nature scale (CNS), a new measure of individuals’ trait
levels of feeling emotionally connected to the natural world. Data from two community and three college samples demonstrated that
the CNS has good psychometric properties, correlates with related variables (the new environmental paradigm scale, identity as an
environmentalist), and is uncorrelated with potential confounds (verbal ability, social desirability). This paper supports
ecopsychologists’ contention that connection to nature is an important predictor of ecological behavior and subjective well-
being. It also extends social psychological research on self–other overlap, perspective taking, and altruistic behavior to the overlap
between self and nature. The CNS promises to be a useful empirical tool for research on the relationship between humans and the
natural world.
r2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
The topic of environmental sustainability may very
well become the major social issue of the present century
(Wilson, 2001). Current rates of population growth,
consumption, and the use of nonrenewable resources are
not sustainable (Oskamp, 2000); thus individual, socie-
tal, and structural changes on a fairly large scale will
have to occur in the near future. Because issues of
environmental sustainability are in large part about
human choices and actions, psychologists have much to
contribute to understanding and formulating how such
change might occur.
To date, social psychologists interested in environ-
mental sustainability have applied knowledge from the
research literatures on attitudes (Kellert, 1993;Rauwald
& Moore, 2002), persuasion (Gonzales, Aronson, &
Costanzo, 1988;Davis, 1995), commitment (Pallak,
Cook, & Sullivan, 1980;Werner, Turner, Shipman, &
Twitchell, 1995), normative influence (Aronson &
O’Leary, 1982;Cialdini, Reno, & Kallgren, 1990), and
incentives (Stern et al., 1985;Levitt & Leventhal, 1986).
Early research in this field addressed very specific, local
environmental issues, such as energy use in the home
(Pallak et al., 1980), littering (Cialdini et al., 1990), and
the re-use of materials (Burn, 1991;Heckler, 1994;
Oskamp et al., 1994). However, more recent efforts have
moved away from specific, localized approaches to
broader reconceptualizations of our relationship to
nature: cultural values (Stern & Dietz, 1994;Stern,
2000), how concern for nature can be increased through
empathy (Schultz, 2000), and how our identity is shaped
by the natural environment (Clayton & Opotow, 2003).
Although primarily nonempirical, ecologists and
ecopsychologists have long theorized about humans’
psychological relationship to the natural world. The
importance of feeling connected to nature is an early
theme in the writing of both ecologists (Leopold, 1949;
Orr, 1994;Berry, 1997;Norberg-Hodge, 2000;Pretty,
2002) and ecopsychologists (cf. Roszak, Gomes, &
Kanner, 1995;Roszak, 2001;Fisher, 2002). They have
0272-4944/$ - see front matter r2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Order of authorship was determined by coin toss; both authors
contributed equally to this article.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 440 775 8499.
E-mail address: (C.M. Frantz).
argued that this connection to nature is a key
component of fostering ecological behavior. For exam-
ple, the influential ecologist Leopold (1949) wrote years
ago: ‘We abuse land because we regard it as a
commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a
community to which we belong, we may begin to use it
with love and respect.’ Ecopsychologists (cf. Roszak et
al., 1995;Roszak, 2001;Fisher, 2002) have echoed
Leopold’s statement that feeling a sense of belonging to
the broader natural community may be a prerequisite
for increasing environmental protection. They argue for
fostering ecological behavior through expanding our
sense of self, for ‘if the self is expanded to include the
natural world, behavior leading to destruction of this
world will be experienced as self-destruction’ (Roszak,
Such an argument is inherently psychological, and
also plausible in light of recent empirical work by social
psychologists on interpersonal closeness, perspective
taking, and altruism. The extent to which one includes
another person as part of the self is a core operationa-
lization of relationship closeness (Aron, Aron, Tudor, &
Nelson, 1991). Further, as relationship closeness in-
creases, so does empathy and willingness to help
(Cialdini, Brown, Lewis, Luce, & Neuberg, 1997).
Similarly, acts that lead to a greater self–other overlap,
such as perspective taking (Davis, Conklin, Smith, &
Luce, 1996;Galinsky & Moskowitz, 2000), also increase
willingness to help (Coke, Batson, & McDavis, 1978).
Among humans, then, expanding one’s sense of self does
lead to more empathic and altruistic behavior. In the
empirical literature, however, this logic has never been
extended to the context of the natural world.
Thus, measuring one’s affective sense of connected-
ness to nature is important for empirical progress to be
made on these issues. This article presents a scale
designed to measure individuals’ experiential sense of
oneness with the natural world. We also begin to
evaluate whether this sense of feeling connected to
nature does in fact lead to ecological behavior. To place
our scale in perspective, we will now examine three
previous approaches to measuring humans’ fundamen-
tal relationship with the natural world.
The new environmental paradigm (NEP) scale (Dun-
lap, Van Liere, Mertig, & Jones, 2000) is a 15-item self-
report measure that aims to measure individuals’
‘primitive beliefs’ concerning their relationship to the
natural world. These beliefs, which comprise an
individual’s worldview, are thought to form the basic
core of individuals’ belief systems, the foundational
truths about self, the physical world, and social reality
(Rokeach, 1968), and are thought to impact more
specific attitudes and beliefs about environmental issues.
Measuring these core beliefs is clearly important.
However, the NEP is not an adequate measure of one’s
affective, experiential relationship to the natural world,
for two reasons. First, it seems to measure cognitive
beliefs rather than affective experience. For example, the
item ‘We are approaching the limit of the number of
people the earth can support’ taps a cognitive belief
about environmental sustainability, not an emotional
reaction to nature. Second, items such as ‘Humans are
severely abusing the environment’ measure beliefs about
humans in the aggregate, not the individual’s personal
relationship to nature.
Connectedness to nature has been discussed more
directly by Schultz (2002, p. 67) as ‘the extent to which
an individual includes nature within his/her cognitive
representation of self’. Schultz has used a single item
measure, the inclusion of nature in the self (INS) scale
(Schultz, 2001) to operationalize this construct. The INS
consists of seven pairs of circles—labeled ‘me’ and
‘nature’—that range from barely touching to almost
completely overlapping. Respondents are asked to
choose the pair that best represents their sense of
connection to the natural world. However, as Schultz,
Shriver, Tabanico, and Khazian (2004) note, single item
scales cannot be assessed for reliability. Further, to
complete the scale participants must have—or form—an
abstract representation of their relationship with nature.
People may not be able to accurately report their
connection to nature at this abstract level.
Schultz, et al., (2004) have also used a modified
version of the implicit associations test (IAT, Green-
wald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998) to measure connect-
edness to nature. The IAT asks participants to
categorize two different types of words using two keys
on a computer. In this case, participants distinguish
between words that suggest ‘me’ (I, mine) and ‘not me’
(it, their). They also distinguish between ‘nature’ words
(animals, trees) and ‘built’ words (car, city). Participants
perform these two kinds of categorization tasks
simultaneously, once while pairing ‘me’ and ‘nature’
together on the same computer key, once while pairing
‘me’ and ‘built’ together on the same key. The extent to
which one pairing is easier than the other indicates how
implicitly associated ‘me’ is with ‘nature’. This approach
has much to recommend it, as it has been used to
measure attitudes that have a strong affective compo-
nent (reaction to insects, see Greenwald et al., 1998;
racial attitudes, see Dasgupta & Greenwald, 2001) and
does not rely on accurate self-report. However,
researchers typically find startlingly low correlations
between IAT scores and measures of relevant behaviors
(e.g. Schultz et al., 2004), raising questions about what
the IAT actually measures (Karpinski & Hilton, 2001).
In addition, the computer apparatus needed to take the
IAT makes it logistically more difficult to administer
than paper and pencil measures.
In this paper, we present the connectedness to nature
scale (CNS), a measure designed to tap an individual’s
affective, experiential connection to nature. The CNS
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515504
follows from Leopold’s contention that people need to
feel they are part of the broader natural world if they are
to effectively address environmental issues. For Leo-
pold, this meant understanding the extent to which
people experientially view themselves as egalitarian
members of the broader natural community; feel a sense
of kinship with it; view themselves as belonging to the
natural world as much as it belongs to them; and view
their welfare as related to the welfare of the natural
The CNS scale is designed to be different from the
empirical work reviewed above in several ways. Unlike
the NEP and Schultz’s conception of connection to
nature, our measure is affective. Unlike the INS, it is a
reliable, multi-item scale. And unlike the IAT, it is easy
to administer and predicts behavior quite well. In five
studies using both community and college samples, we
demonstrate the internal consistency, unidimensionality,
test–retest reliability, and convergent validity of the
scale. We also show its ability to predict lifestyle
patterns (Study 1), ecological behavior (Studies 2, 4,
and 5), and curriculum decisions among students
(Study 3).
2. Study 1
Study 1 had two aims. First, we wanted to test
whether the items that comprise this scale have an
internal coherence. Second we sought to establish both
convergent and discriminant validity with theoretically
related variables. Participants took the CNS, the NEP,
and completed a series of questions describing their
lifestyle patterns and time spent outdoors. Given our
previous reasoning that feeling a sense of connectedness
to nature should give rise to greater environmental
concern, we predicted a moderate positive correlation
between the CNS and NEP scale. However, because the
CNS measures one’s experiential, emotional connection
to nature while the NEP focuses on more rational,
cognitive beliefs about humans’ relationship to the
environment, we hypothesized different correlates. For
instance, we expected that the amount of time partici-
pants spent in nature would be positively associated
with their CNS score, but not their NEP score. After all,
more time spent in nature should be associated with a
greater sense of connection to it, whereas we do not
expect that time spent in nature will impact, indepen-
dently of CNS, individuals’ estimation that humans can
upset the balance of nature, their sense that there is a
limit to growth of human societies, or their views of
We also predicted that the CNS would predict
ecological behavior better than the NEP. This prediction
is based on three arguments. First, as suggested above, if
individuals’ sense of connectedness to nature is based on
their direct experience of being in nature to a greater
extent than NEP scores, then CNS scores should be
more strongly associated with actual ecological behavior
than NEP scores, since a variety of studies have
demonstrated the impact that direct experience has on
increasing attitudinal/behavioral consistency (see Fazio
& Zanna, 1981). Second, research (Iozzi, 1989;Kals,
Schumacher, & Montada, 1999;Pooley & O’Connor,
2000) also has demonstrated that an affective relation-
ship with nature may have a stronger impact on
ecological behavior than more knowledge-based infor-
mation, such as the more rational, cognitively based
NEP scale. Lastly, helping behavior, which in this
instance can be viewed as ecological behavior, is
impacted by the degree of ‘we-ness’ that exists bet-
ween a person and the object of concern. Given this
relationship, the CNS should clearly be a better
predictor of ecological behavior than the NEP, for
the CNS is fundamentally a measure of the ‘we-ness’
that individuals experience in their relationship with
Additionally, Study 1 investigates ecopsychologists’
argument that modern Western culture undermines our
sense of belonging and a sense of being in community
with nature. Ecopsychologists argue that modern life
has led to a greatly decreased self-nature overlap, and
that this fundamental change in our relationship to
nature explains, at least in part, our slow response to the
modern environmental crisis.
The magnitude of these modern changes should not
be underestimated. For instance, Pretty (2002) estimates
that for 350,000 generations humans lived close to the
land as hunter–gatherers, and that a sense of belonging,
place, and feeling embedded within the broader natural
world characterizes these cultures. As illustrated in a
description of an Inuit boy growing up in Northern
You must be in constant contact with the land and
the animals and the plantsyWhen Gamaillie was
growing up, he was taught to respect animals in such
a way as to survive from them. At the same time, he
was taught to treat them as kindly as you would
another fellow person. (from Pretty, 2002, p. 8)
Only since the industrialization and urbanization of
the Enlightenment have we moved away from close
contact with nature.
One consequence of industrialization and urbaniza-
tion is that we characteristically spend increasing
amounts of time indoors in both our leisure and work
life. In fact, Evans and McCoy (1998) estimate that we
spend 90% of our lives within buildings. However, the
hypothesis that increasing amounts of time indoors
leads to a decrease in individuals’ feeling a sense of
connectedness to nature has not been tested in any
empirical way. If time spent indoors correlates with
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515 505
people’s experiential sense of feeling connected to
nature, this would provide initial support for ecologists’
claim about the structural effects of modern life on
individuals’ sense of feeling connected to nature.
2.1. Method
2.1.1. Subjects
Sixty individuals (31 male, 29 female) ranging in age
from 18 to 68 were approached in public places in the
community of Oberlin. The average age was 31 years
(S.D.¼13 years). Of this sample, 30 were students;
occupations of the others ranged from homemaker to
office worker to attorney. The sample was better
educated than the general American public: 58% had
completed some college, 21% had a bachelor’s degree,
and 20% had completed some graduate school. Twenty-
three percent of participants grew up in a city, 57% in
the suburbs, and 20% in rural areas.
2.1.2. Procedure
Potential participants were approached by a research-
er, provided with a general verbal introduction to the
study, and were then asked to volunteer to complete the
survey. Those who agreed completed a questionnaire
anonymously. They supplied basic demographic infor-
mation, including gender, education level, age, and
whether they grew up in a rural, suburban, or urban
environment. In addition, all participants completed the
following scales.
2.1.3. Connectedness to nature scale
This scale was initially developed in an Environmental
Psychology Course. After reading Leopold’s work and
related approaches, the instructor and students gener-
ated a host of possible items. Items that seemed either to
be redundant with other items, unclear, or not reflective
of the general approach were then eliminated. The
resulting scale consisted of 17 items designed to measure
the extent to which participants generally feel a part of
the natural world (see Appendix A). Participants
responded on a 5-point scale, where 1 ¼strongly
disagree and 5 ¼strongly agree. The reliability of the
initial scale was fairly low, alpha ¼.72. This was
primarily due to three items that had negative inter-
item correlations. These three items were dropped,
which increased the reliability considerably,
alpha ¼.84. To ensure that the scale consisted of only
one factor, we subjected the items to factor analysis
(using a nonorthogonal rotated solution). In this data
set and all others, three items (numbers 4, 12, and 14 in
the final scale) were reversed scored before conducting
factor analysis. Based on eigenvalues and the scree plot,
we determined that a one-factor solution was best. The
eigenvalue of the first factor was 5.29, explaining 38% of
the variance. All items loaded on it positively, from .28
to .83, average factor loading ¼.61 (see Table 1). The
next factor had an eigenvalue of 1.76, explained only
12% of variance, and had only two items (8 and 12) with
loadings above .5. The mean score on the CNS was 3.65,
2.1.4. New environmental paradigm
The NEP, originally developed by Dunlap and Van
Liere (1978) and recently updated (Dunlap et al., 2000),
assesses ‘‘primitive beliefs’ about the nature of the earth
and humanity’s relationship with it’ (p. 427). Partici-
pants rate items such as ‘Humans are severely abusing
the environment’ on a 5-point scale (1 ¼strongly
disagree, 5 ¼strongly agree). The mean across all
participants was 3.94, S.D.¼.50. In this sample, the
NEP was acceptably reliable, alpha ¼.75.
2.1.5. Lifestyle indices
A series of questions were devised to assess the extent
to which participants had contact with natural settings.
The first set of 15 lifestyle questions asked participants
to reflect on what their ‘typical day’ was like. They were
asked to respond to items such as ‘My work keeps me
indoors most of the day’ (reverse scored) and ‘I can see
the weather outside from my office’ on a 5-point scale
(1 ¼strongly disagree, 5 ¼strongly agree). These items
were averaged together for an index of Lifestyle A. The
mean score was 3.39, S.D.¼.59. A second set of
questions (Lifestyle B) asked participants to describe
how much time they spend in various locations (in front
of a computer, in a car, outdoors) on a typical ‘work
day’, (M¼3.59, S.D.¼.32) on a 5-point scale (1 ¼not
at all, 5 ¼a great deal). A corresponding third set of
questions asked participants to indicate how much time
they spent in various locations on a typical ‘free day’
(M¼3.64, S.D.¼.41).
Table 1
Studies 1–5: factor loading for individual items of the CNS
Item Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Study 4 Study 5
1 .680 .661 .769 .709 .767
2 .802 .799 .729 .593 .165
3 .728 .531 .561 .604 .487
4 .550 .535 .313 .436 .689
5 .587 .740 .633 .558 .787
6 .762 .335 .395 .606 .463
7 .341 .697 .624 .577 .511
8 .403 .429 .286 .431 .673
9 .829 .382 .659 .687 .472
10 .822 .242 .226 .671 .790
11 .667 .748 .694 .742 .218
12 .284 .569 .366 .392 .395
13 .470 .730 .594 .335 .282
14 .680 .607 .769 .443 .767
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515506
2.2. Results and discussion
2.2.1. Demographics
We used a series of one-way ANOVAs to determine
whether different segments of the population scored
differently on the CNS. For comparison purposes, we
also looked for demographic differences on the NEP.
There were no differences on either CNS or NEP scores
due to level of education or childhood residence,
F’so2.57, p’s4.15, average F¼1:54:Age did not relate
to either scale, r’so.12. However, while men (M¼3:54;
S.D.¼.74) did not differ significantly from women
(M¼3:76;S.D.¼.47) on the CNS, F(1, 58) ¼1.77,
n.s., there was a significant difference between men and
women on the NEP, F(1, 58) ¼7.02, po.01. Women
scored higher on the NEP (M¼4:10;S.D.¼.37) than
men (M¼3:78;S.D.¼.56). This gender difference on
the NEP has been observed before (Zelezny, Chua, &
Aldrich, 2000).
2.2.2. NEP, CNS, and lifestyle indices
Not surprisingly, the correlation between CNS and
NEP was high, r¼:52;po:001:Both the CNS and
NEP were correlated with the three Lifestyle scales (see
Table 2). In addition, we conducted partial correlations
to determine the extent to which the variance in the
lifestyle questions could be explained by the CNS or the
NEP. Both the CNS and NEP related significantly to all
three lifestyle scores. However, the correlations between
CNS and lifestyle remained significant when controlling
for NEP, while the correlations between the NEP and
lifestyle were not significant when controlling for CNS
(see Table 2). That this finding theoretically makes sense
and adds further support to our argument that the CNS
is measuring something different than the NEP.
3. Study 2
Study 1 provides evidence for the internal consistency
of the CNS and evidence for the discriminant and
convergent validity of the CNS with the NEP. Study 2
not only adds additional evidence for the internal
consistency of the CNS, but also extends this work to
the critical question of whether the CNS is actually
associated with ecological behaviors and identity as an
Study 2 also attempts to place this research within the
context of previous work on perspective taking and
self–other overlap. As noted before, perspective taking
leads to greater self–other overlap. Extending this to the
natural world, we predicted that experiencing a greater
sense of connectedness to nature would be positively
related to the extent to which people take the perspective
of the natural world. This may also be associated with
individuals’ chronic tendency to take the perspective of
another person.
In addition, Study 2 seeks to further establish the
discriminant validity of the CNS by examining its
relationship to verbal and quantitative SAT scores
and social desirability scores. We hypothesized that
the CNS would not significantly correlate with these
measures, as there is not theoretical reason to suppose
that CNS is influenced by scholastic aptitude or self-
presentational concerns. Also, a subset of participants
was asked to take the CNS again, to establish test–retest
3.1. Method
3.1.1. Participants
Participants were introductory psychology students
(42 males and 60 females) participating in research for
course credit.
3.1.2. Procedure
Data were collected at several points in the semester:
during a prescreening procedure on the first day of class,
midway through the semester during class, and as part
of a laboratory study.
3.1.3. Measures
The NEP (alpha ¼.72) and the CNS (alpha ¼.84)
were administered during a mass-testing procedure on
the first day of class. A nonorthogonal rotated factor
analysis of the CNS (with negatively worded items
reversed prior to factor analysis) again confirmed a one-
factor solution. The first factor accounted for 35% of
variance, with an eigenvalue of 4.96. All items loaded
on it positively, from .24 to .80, average factor
loading ¼.57 (see Table 1 for factor loadings). The
next eigenvalue was 1.33, accounting for 9.5% of
variance. Only three items (5, 8, and 12) had factor
loadings over .5 on the second factor. The same scale
was given a second time in class 2 months later (the
number of students present at both testing
sessions ¼65). Reliability at this second testing was
also high, alpha ¼.82.
The prescreening procedure also included two other
relevant measures. First, participants completed two
items designed to assess participants’ identity as an
Table 2
Study 1: correlation between CNS, NEP, and lifestyle measures
Lifestyle index CNS NEP CNS
(A) Typical day .55*** .35** .46*** .10
(B) Time spent/work day .37** .24* .30** .06
(C) Time spent/free day .43*** .25* .36** .04
***po.001, **po.05, and *po.10.
Partialling out the effects of NEP.
Partialling out the effects of CNS.
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515 507
environmentalist (alpha ¼.74). These items were ‘En-
vironmental concerns outweigh all other concerns in my
life’ and ‘I would call myself an environmentalist’;
participants responded on the same scale used for the
CNS. In addition, participants completed the seven
items perspective taking subscale of the Davis Inter-
personal Reactivity Index (1980) as a measure of
dispositional perspective taking ability. The scale
includes items such as ‘I sometimes find it difficult to
see things from the ‘other guy’s’ point of view’ (reverse
scored) and ‘I try to look at everybody’s side of a
disagreement before I make a decision’. Participants
respond using a 7-point scale, where 1 ¼strongly
disagree and 7 ¼strongly agree. The scale was reliable,
alpha ¼.79.
A subset of these participants (N¼65) volunteered to
participate in a laboratory study in exchange for course
credit. In the laboratory portion of the study, partici-
pants were presented with an environmental dilemma.
They read about a fictitious town in which a proposed
courthouse would be built on protected public lands
that provided habitat to a locally endangered species. In
the description of the dilemma, equal numbers of
arguments were presented in favor of building the
courthouse (it would create needed jobs) and against (it
would harm the town’s eco-tourism industry). After
writing open-ended responses to the dilemma, partici-
pants responded to six questions designed to measure
the extent to which they viewed different perspectives to
be important. For example, ‘It is important to consider
possible environmental consequences of the construc-
tion project like the fact that some plants and animals
may die or suffer’ assessed the extent to which
participants believed the perspective of the environment
was important. The item ‘It is important to consider that
the preservation of the woodland around Falton may
stifle the economic growth of the town and reduce the
convenience and effectiveness of the judicial system’
assessed the extent to which participants believed the
human perspective was important. Participants used a
7-point scale, 1 ¼‘strongly disagree’ and 7 ¼‘strongly
This subset of participants was also asked how often
they performed each of 24 behaviors relevant to
environmental protection. Behaviors included ‘turn off
the lights when a room is vacant’ and ‘use Styrofoam or
other disposable containers’ (reverse scored). Partici-
pants responded on a 7-point scale with 1 ¼very rarely
and 7 ¼very often. These items were averaged to form a
single measure of ecological behavior; the scale was
reliable, alpha ¼.79.
Additionally, participants completed the Marlowe–-
Crown Social Desirability Scale (alpha ¼.59). They
were also asked to report their SAT quantitative and
verbal scores. Response rate for these two questions was
unfortunately quite low (n¼36).
3.2. Results and discussion
The genders did not differ on CNS, t(1 0 1) ¼1.59,
n.s., and, in contrast to Study 1 and previous research,
women also did not score higher on the NEP than men,
t(1 0 1) ¼.22, n.s. Similar to Study 1, the CNS and NEP
were observed to be moderately positively correlated
with one another, r¼:35;po:01:The CNS time 1 and
time 2 scores correlated highly, r¼:78;po:001
Table 3 shows that when controlling for NEP scores,
the CNS and ecological behavior correlate positively
with each other. In contrast, the relationship between
ecological behavior and NEP disappears when control-
ling for CNS. This finding provides support for
Leopold’s assertion that feeling a sense of connectedness
to nature, and not simply our cognitive beliefs, shape
how we treat the environment.
The CNS was also significantly associated with both
the general perspective taking measure and the more
specific measure of perspective taking for the environ-
ment, while the NEP was significantly associated with
only the environmental perspective taking measure.
Once again, then, the CNS and NEP are found to
diverge from one another, and this particular divergence
suggests why the CNS is related to ecological behavior,
while when controlling for CNS the NEP is not.
Although the sample size is small and thus conclu-
sions must be tentative, another interesting divergence
between the CNS and NEP can be seen in their
relationship to SAT verbal scores. The CNS is
negatively correlated with verbal ability, while the
NEP is positively correlated. This finding is also
consistent with our argument that, in comparison to
the CNS, the NEP is more of a knowledge-based,
cognitive measure. As for SAT quantitative and social
desirability scores, both the CNS and NEP were found
to be independent from these measures.
Overall, then, the pattern of results provides strong
support for the argument that the CNS is related to
ecological behavior, and is not confounded with the
extraneous influence of social desirability or scholastic
aptitude. Moreover, these findings strongly argue that,
although related, the CNS and the NEP are clearly
distinct from one another.
4. Study 3
Study 3 makes a known-group comparison to
establish the validity of the CNS and its ability to
The war against Iraq began between Time 1 and Time 2, and may
have influenced scores. To assess this possibility, we asked participants
to indicate the extent to which they were influenced and disturbed by
the war, and whether or not they agreed with the war. There was no
relationship between the CNS at Time 2 and the answers to these
questions, however.
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515508
predict real life decisions. Students enrolled in an
introductory environmental studies class were compared
to samples of introductory psychology, math, and
chemistry students. We hypothesized that environmen-
tal studies students, who are motivated to study the
connectedness of humans to nature, would score higher
on the CNS than students in the other three areas of
4.1. Method
Students enrolled in introductory chemistry (n¼27),
environmental studies (n¼78), math (n¼44), and
psychology courses (n¼121) completed the CNS at
the start of class. The total sample showed high
reliability on the CNS, alpha ¼.82. A nonorthogonal
rotated factor analysis of the CNS (with negatively
worded items reversed prior to factor analysis) again
confirmed a one-factor solution. The first factor
accounted for 32% of variance, with an eigenvalue of
4.46. All items loaded on it positively, from .23 to .77,
average factor loading ¼.54 (see Table 1). The next
eigenvalue was 1.30, accounting for 9.2% of variance.
Only two items (items 3 and 13) had factor loadings
over .5 on the second factor. These items were not
the same items that loaded onto the second factor in
Studies 1 and 2.
4.2. Results and discussion
A one-way ANOVA was conducted comparing the
four classes’ scores to each other. There was a main
effect of sample source, F(3, 266) ¼14.86, po:001:
Scheffe comparisons revealed that environmental stu-
dies students (M¼3:82;S.D.¼.48) had significantly
higher connectedness to nature scores than chemistry
students (M¼3:4;S.D.¼.59, po:02), math students
(M¼3:2;S.D.¼.55, po:001), and psychology students
(M¼3:37;S.D.¼.62, po:001). Those who chose to
study environmental issues were indeed more connected
to nature that those who chose to study other topics.
This provides evidence that the CNS does in fact capture
a personality trait relevant to real world decisions.
5. Study 4
Study 4 seeks to locate the CNS in relation to the
more current work in psychology on subjective well-
being. The biophilia hypothesis (cf. Wilson, 1984;
Kellert & Wilson, 1993) argues that people have a
biologically based need to affiliate with and feel
connected to the broader natural world. This work
emphasizes the psychological benefits associated with
being exposed to nature (Kellert & Wilson, 1993).
A similar argument is made in mainstream social
psychology for the need to belong to human groups (e.g.
Myers, 2000). For example, Baumeister and Leary
(1995) have proposed that individuals have a basic need
to feel a sense of belonging, to feel like a valued member
of a community. From an ecopsychological and
biophilia perspective, however, this sense of belonging
extends beyond our city limits (Roszak, 1995), and
includes a sense of belonging to the natural world. If in
fact people derive a sense of well-being from feeling
connected to nature, those who are more connected
should experience higher life satisfaction. We hypothe-
sized that the CNS would correlate with life satisfaction.
Study 4 also investigates how the CNS relates the
motivations behind ecological behavior. Stern and Dietz
(1994) and Stern, Dietz, and Guagnano (1995) have
identified three general value orientations (biospheric,
altruistic, and egoistic) associated with environmental
behavior. Biospheric values are related to concern for
the natural world (e.g. plants, trees, and animals);
altruistic values are related to concern for other people
(e.g. family, community, and friends); and egoistic
values are centered on self-concerns (e.g. one own
personal well-being). Research support for the existence
of these three general value orientations comes from a
variety of sources (Thompson & Barton, 1994;Stern et
al., 1995;Schultz & Zelezny, 1999;Schultz, 2000;
Schultz, 2001), including a 14-country study by Schultz
and Zelezny (1999). Because connectedness to nature
involves feeling like an equal member of the ecological
community, we hypothesized that biospheric values
would correlate with the CNS, while the more human-
centric altruistic and egoistic values would not.
5.1. Method
5.1.1. Participants
Members outside the college community served as our
sample. There were 135 respondents total (31 men, 89
women, and 15 who did not disclose their gender). Their
ages ranged from 14 to 89 years, with a mean of 36 years
(S.D.¼19.) Twenty-two were college students. The
Table 3
Study 2: correlations between the CNS, NEP, and environmental
Ecological behavior 65 .44** .20* .42** .15
Environmentalism 102 .56** .23* .53** .04
Dispositional perspective taking 102 .37* .11 .36* .10
Environmental perspective taking 65 .50** .32** .47** .32**
SAT verbal 36 ".23 .26 ".32* .32*
SAT quantitative 36 .14 .16 .13 .05
Social desirability 65 .17 ".01 .17 ".03
**po.01 and *po.05.
Partialling out the effects of NEP.
Partialling out the effects of CNS.
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515 509
sample was predominantly Caucasian (89%), with 5%
identifying as African America, 2% has Latino/a, and
4% as Asian.
5.1.2. Procedure
Members of the community were approached in
public places (libraries, coffee shops, schools, etc.) by a
researcher, who provided them with a general verbal
introduction to the study. They were then asked to
volunteer to complete the survey. Those who agreed
completed a questionnaire anonymously.
5.1.3. Measures
Participants completed the CNS (M¼3:52;
S.D.¼.56, alpha ¼.79). A nonorthogonal rotated factor
analysis of the CNS (with negatively worded items
reversed prior to factor analysis) again confirmed a one-
factor solution. The first factor accounted for 29% of
variance, with an eigenvalue of 4.04. One item (item 8)
had a weak, negative factor loading in the single factor
solution ( ¼".10). All other items loaded on it
positively, from .34 to .74, average factor loading ¼.56
(see Table 1). The next eigenvalue was 1.29, accounting
for 9% of variance. Only two items had factor loadings
over .5 on the second factor (items 10 and 11), and these
were not the same items that loaded on factor 2 in the
other three studies. Thus, there is no empirical support
for a reliable second factor.
Participants also completed the NEP (alpha ¼.79),
the ecological behavior scale used in Study 2
(alpha ¼.80), and the measures of environmentalism
(alpha ¼.55) and consumerism (alpha ¼.68) used in
previous research. They answered five items designed to
measure life satisfaction (e.g. ‘I am satisfied with my
life’) on a 7-point scale, 1 ¼strongly disagree and
7¼strongly agree. The scale was reliable, alpha ¼.84.
They also completed the general value scale (cf.
Schultz, 2000), a measure of biospheric, altruistic,
and egoistic motivations for environmental protection.
In this measure, participants read ‘people around the
world are generally concerned about environmental
problemsyHowever, people differ in the consequences
that concern them most’. They then rated each of 12
items (e.g. animals, children, and me) on a 7-point
scale (1 ¼not important, 7 ¼supreme importance) in
response to the prompt ‘I am concerned about
environmental problems because of the consequences
’. Four items represented each of three value
orientations. All three subscales were reliable, egoistic
(alpha ¼.85), altruistic (alpha ¼.84), and biospheric
(alpha ¼.93).
Finally, participants indicated where they grew up
(rural, suburban, or urban environment), where they live
now, their political orientation (liberal, moderate, and
conservative), their income, and level of education.
5.2. Results and discussion
5.2.1. Demographics
Taking advantage of the community nature of our
sample, we examined whether CNS scores differed on a
variety of demographic measures. Once again there were
no gender differences on the CNS, t(1 1 8) ¼.56, n.s.
There was a slight tendency for liberals (M¼3:85;
S.D.¼.42) to scores higher on the CNS than moderates
(M¼3:59;S.D.¼.71) and conservatives (M¼3:44;
S.D.¼.66), but this was not significant, F(2,
53) ¼2.10, p¼:13:CNS scores did not differ as a
function of income, but did differ among education
levels, F(5, 114) ¼9.25, po:001:High school and
college students (M¼3:27;S.D.¼.53) were less con-
nected to nature than those with college or graduate
degrees (M¼3:87;S.D.¼.48), t(1 1 8) ¼6.43, po:001:
5.2.2. Perspective taking, general value orientations,
environmentalism/consumerism, and green behavior
Table 4 illustrates that, similar to Study 2, the CNS
was significantly associated with the general perspective
taking measure. In contrast to Study 2, however, the
NEP was significantly but weakly associated with this
measure after controlling for CNS. This divergence of
the CNS and NEP is also highlighted in their relation-
ship to the environmentalism and consumerism mea-
sures: controlling for NEP, CNS was still observed to be
positively related to environmentalism and negatively
related to consumerism. However, when controlling for
CNS, the NEP was not significantly related to either of
these measures. Lastly, in contrast to Study 2, in the
present study both CNS and NEP related to green
behavior when controlling for the other variable.
As expected the CNS was positively associated with
the general biospheric value orientation, but not with
the more human-centric altruistic and egoistic value
Table 4
Study 4: correlations between CNS and NEP with environmental
values and behaviors
Measures CNS NEP CNS
Perspective taking .51** .40** .39** .18*
Biospheric .45** .48** .27** .33**
Altruistic .13 .07 .11 .00
Egoistic ".07 ".29** .09 ".29**
Environmentalism .61** .40** .51** .14
Consumerism ".36** ".27** ".27** ".12
Ecological behavior .45** .49** .28** .32**
Life satisfaction .20* .12 .17* .03
Age .33**
.21* .27** .05
**po.01 and *po.05.
Partialling out the effects of NEP.
Partialling out the effects of CNS.
r¼.02 when education is controlled for.
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515510
orientations. The NEP was also correlated with bio-
spheric value orientation. The CNS and NEP diverged,
however, in that the NEP exhibited a negative relation-
ship with the general egoistic value orientation while the
CNS did not.
5.2.3. Life satisfaction
As predicted, the CNS correlated positively with the
subjective well-being scale, but the NEP did not. It is
also important to note that the magnitude of this
correlation, although small, is similar to the magnitude
for variables like marriage (r¼:14;reported by Haring-
Hidore, Stock, Okun, & Witter, 1985), education
(r¼:13;reported by Witter, Okun, Stock, & Haring,
1984), and income within countries (r¼:17;reported by
Haring, Okun, & Stock, 1984;r¼:12;reported by
Diener, Eunkook, Lucas, & Smith, 1993, in a nationally
representative sample in the United States). In this
context, then, various factors can be viewed as
contributing to overall life satisfaction, and connected-
ness to nature appears to be as important a contributor
as other variables more traditionally associated with
subjective well-being.
6. Study 5
In Study 5, we compare the CNS to measures used in
previous research (Schultz, 2001;Schultz et al., 2004) to
measure connectedness to nature. As discussed earlier,
Schultz has used the INS to measure connection to
nature, as well as a version of the IAT. Because Schultz’s
conception of connection to nature is cognitive, whereas
ours is affective and experiential, we hypothesized only
moderate correlations between the CNS and the INS
and IAT. In addition, we hypothesized that the CNS
would predict ecological behavior better than the INS
and IAT.
6.1. Method
6.1.1. Participants
Undergraduate psychology majors (N¼57) were
invited to take part in a study on memory in exchange
for $10. Computer data for 11 participants were lost due
to computer malfunction; thus, only 46 people com-
pleted the IAT portion of the study.
6.1.2. Procedure
Data collection relevant to this study was embedded
between the encoding and retrieval parts of a study on
memory. Participants were run in groups of six, seated
in front of a computer screen.
After viewing words on the computer, participants
took the IAT, as administered by the software
DirectRT. The stimulus words were identical to those
used by Schultz et al. (2004). The reaction time data
were prepared as described in Greenwald et al. (1998):
extremely short (rto300 ms) or long (rt43,000 ms)
reaction times were changed to 300 and 3000 ms,
respectively, and reaction times for trials on which an
error was made were deleted. No participant was
eliminated due to excessive error rates (average error
rate ¼5.1%). All scores were log-transformed, and the
difference between the me/nature trial and the me/built
trial was calculated for each subject. Positive scores
indicate a stronger association between ‘me’ and
‘nature’, while negative scores indicate a stronger
association between ‘me’ and ‘built’. The average IAT
score ¼.22, S.D.¼.19.
Upon completion of the IAT, participants completed
the CNS, which showed acceptable reliability,
alpha ¼.79. A nonorthogonal rotated factor analysis
of the CNS (with negatively worded items reversed prior
to factor analysis) again confirmed a one-factor solu-
tion. The first factor accounted for 32% of variance,
with an eigenvalue of 4.51. All items loaded on it
positively, from .17 to .79, average factor loading ¼.53.
The next eigenvalue was 1.66, accounting for 12% of
variance. Only three items (items 3, 8, and 14) had factor
loadings over .5 on the second factor.
Participants also completed the general value scale used
in Study 4. All three subscales were reliable, egoistic
alpha ¼.82, altruistic alpha ¼.60, biospheric alpha ¼.84.
Finally, they completed the INS and the ecological
behavior scale used in Studies 2 and 4 (alpha ¼.74).
6.2. Results and discussion
The sample size of this study is relatively small for
correlational techniques, so the results should be viewed
as tentative. However, the data largely confirmed our
predictions. The CNS correlated moderately with the
INS (r¼:55;po:001) and marginally with the IAT
(r¼:27;p¼:07). The INS and IAT were also margin-
ally correlated, r¼:25;p¼:10:
Table 5 presents the correlations of the CNS, IAT,
and INS with the three value orientations and ecological
behavior. The CNS again correlated with biospheric
values and with ecological behavior, but not with
Table 5
Study 5: correlations between CNS, IAT, and INS with ecological
values and behaviors
Measures CNS IAT INS
Biospheric .35*** .24* .28**
Altruistic .18 ".05 .09
Egoistic ".23* ".01 .11
Ecological behavior .39*** .19 .28**
***po.01, ** po.05, and* po.10.
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515 511
altruistic and egoistic values. As expected, the IAT did
not correlate significantly with behavior. The INS,
however, yielded a similar, albeit weaker pattern of
correlations as the CNS. The results from this study are
tentative, but the moderate correlation between the CNS
and INS, combined with their similar pattern of
correlates, suggests that the INS may prove to be an
adequate measure of connection to nature when time
and space are limited.
7. General discussion
Using both student and community samples, the
combined findings from the five studies reported in this
article provide strong evidence that the CNS is a reliable
and valid scale. Besides the high test–retest consistency,
the items comprising the scale repeatedly have been
shown to load on a single factor and exhibit high
internal consistency. The scale relates to other scales
that are conceptually related (NEP, identity as an
environmentalist, perspective taking for nature, INS,
and IAT), but does not relate to potential confounds
(verbal ability and social desirability).
The studies presented here also provide evidence for
the coherence of Leopold’s vision that feeling a sense of
community, kinship, egalitarianism, embeddedness, and
belongingness to nature are all aspects of a broader
sense of feeling connected to it. They support Leopold’s
contention that connectedness to nature leads to
concern for nature, as the CNS has also been shown
to relate to a biospheric value orientation, ecological
behavior, anticonsumerism, perspective taking, and
identity as an environmentalist. Lastly, they suggest
that personal well-being is linked to a sense of feeling
connected to nature.
A general perspective of this work, then, is that if
people feel connected to nature, then they will be less
likely to harm it, for harming it would in essence be
harming their very self. While we view this statement as
generally true, it is worth noting that many people
knowingly engage in self-destructive behavior. Addi-
tionally, people are also at times simply unaware that
their actions are destructive. In other words, if an SUV
driver really is unaware that his or her behavior is
destructive to nature, then increasing this person’s
feeling of being connected to nature in all likelihood
will have little if any impact on this person’s driving
habits. Nevertheless, our findings demonstrate that, in
general, there is a moderately strong positive relation-
ship between the CNS and eco-friendly actions, meaning
that while this relationship may not hold for everyone, it
does hold for most people and in a rather robust
manner. Future research, however, does need to
investigate the limiting conditions associated with this
general perspective.
Another issue that future research needs to address
concerns the relationship between the CNS and eco-
friendly acts. At this time we have established that a
significant positive relationship exists between these
measures. Establishing a causal relationship between a
person’s sense of feeling connected to nature and eco-
friendly acts is another matter, however. Additionally, it
may very well be the case that there is a bi-directional
relationship between these variables, such that feeling a
connection to nature leads to eco-friendly acts and that
eco-friendly acts leads people to feel more connected to
the natural world. Furthermore, future research needs to
elaborate on whether simply feeling a sense of connect-
edness to nature in itself leads to eco-friendly acts, or
whether feeling connected to nature establishes the
necessary condition that makes a request for eco-
friendly acts more effective. While these alternative
views of the relationship between connectedness to
nature and eco-friendly acts are not mutually exclusive,
clarification is called for.
Future research is also required to establish whether
there is a causal path between connectedness to nature
and life satisfaction. If connection to nature leads to
greater subjective well-being, this would allow envir-
onmentalists to put a more positive spin on ecological
behavior than the doom and gloom messages that warn
the public to change or die. As excessively fearful
messages often lead recipients to either engage in
denial or to discount the message as being alarmist, a
positive framing may in the long run provide a more
effective means of promoting environmentally friendly
8. Conclusion
There is growing consensus that individuals in the
Western world need to change their behavior and
consumption patterns in profound ways to create an
environmentally sustainable society. And while inter-
ventions aimed at specific environmental issues have
been shown to be effective, increasingly it is also
becoming apparent that the magnitude of the environ-
mental problems we face necessitate a broader interven-
tion aimed at changing our cultural worldview. The
CNS is a tool for activists and researchers alike to
monitor the extent to which they are effective in
promoting these necessary changes. For example, the
CNS is already being used to test the effects of
situational factors and personality characteristics that
might impact connection to nature (Mayer, Frantz,
Norton, & Rock, 2003). It could also be used to
evaluate whether interventions aimed at increasing the
contact of children or adults with nature actually
increase their sense of feeling connected to nature.
Another potential application includes assessing the
F.S. Mayer, C.M. Frantz / Journal of Environmental Psychology 24 (2004) 503–515512
impact of architectural factors, such as windows looking
out onto natural settings, on connection to nature.
We also see the CNS as a vehicle that can bring the
less research oriented discussion of ecologists and
ecopsychologists into the research oriented realm of
psychology. The collaboration of empirical approaches
and ecopsychological perspectives promises to be fruit-
ful for both disciplines. For example, our results add
substance, persuasiveness, and clarity to the argument
made by others (Roszak, 1995;Pretty, 2002) that aspects
of our modern lifestyle relate to our sense of feeling
connected to nature. Similarly, the ecopsychological
perspective has something to offer more empirically
minded researchers. Conceiving of the need to belong
(Baumeister & Leary, 1995) more broadly as need for
connectedness to others and to nature adds another
dimension to the social psychological theorizing that
broadens this perspective in important ways. That a
sense of feeling connected to nature has now been shown
to predict life satisfaction adds an empirical finding to a
discussion that has lacked empirical facts. This finding
highlights the psychological significance of the human–-
nature relationship not just for well-being of nature, but
for humans as well.
Appendix A
Please answer each of these questions in terms of the way you generally feel. There are no right or wrong answers.
Using the following scale, in the space provided next to each question simply state as honestly and candidly as you can
what you are presently experiencing.
Neutral Strongly agree
____1. I often feel a sense of oneness with the natural world around me.
____2. I think of the natural world as a community to which I belong.
____3. I recognize and appreciate the intelligence of other living organisms.
____4. I often feel disconnected from nature.
____5. When I think of my life, I imagine myself to be part of a larger cyclical process of living.
____6. I often feel a kinship with animals and plants.
____7. I feel as though I belong to the Earth as equally as it belongs to me.
____8. I have a deep understanding of how my actions affect the natural world.
____9. I often feel part of the web of life.
____10. I feel that all inhabitants of Earth, human, and nonhuman, share a common ‘life force’.
____11. Like a tree can be part of a forest, I feel embedded within the broader natural world.
____12. When I think of my place on Earth, I consider myself to be a top member of a hierarchy that exists in
____13. I often feel like I am only a small part of the natural world around me, and that I am no more important
than the grass on the ground or the birds in the trees.
____14. My personal welfare is independent of the welfare of the natural world.
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... To take efficient actions, people need the right attitude, motivation, and competences . In particular, we will focus on connectedness to nature and action competence for sustainability, as they are considered two of the strongest predictors of actual proenvironmental behaviors (Martin et al. 2020;Olsson et al. 2020), and the latter is often considered as a key educational outcome (Martin et al. 2020;Mayer and Frantz 2004;Oinonen, Seppälä, and Paloniemi 2024;Olsson et al. 2020;Rosa, Profice, and Collado 2018;Sass et al. 2020). Nature connectedness refers to an individual's subjective sense of their relationship with nature (Mayer and Frantz 2004). ...
... In particular, we will focus on connectedness to nature and action competence for sustainability, as they are considered two of the strongest predictors of actual proenvironmental behaviors (Martin et al. 2020;Olsson et al. 2020), and the latter is often considered as a key educational outcome (Martin et al. 2020;Mayer and Frantz 2004;Oinonen, Seppälä, and Paloniemi 2024;Olsson et al. 2020;Rosa, Profice, and Collado 2018;Sass et al. 2020). Nature connectedness refers to an individual's subjective sense of their relationship with nature (Mayer and Frantz 2004). This has been established as a key predictor of proenvironmental behaviors (Martin et al. 2020;Whitburn, Linklater, and Abrahamse 2020). ...
... The factorial validity of the CNS and SPACS scales was also ascertained because they were never extended to Italian adolescents (Mayer and Frantz 2004;Sass et al. 2021). ...
... A recurring theme in this body of research is the concept of "connectedness" to nature, which has been identified as a predictor of pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors. This is corroborated by the works of Mayer and Frantz (2004), Nisbet et al. (2009), Olivos et al. (2011), Frantz and Stephan Mayer (2014, and Pasca et al. (2017), all highlighting the impact that a sense of connection to nature has on fostering a commitment to environmental stewardship. This sentiment underpins a study by Pirchio et al. (2021) in Rome, which identified a correlation between students' sense of connectedness to nature and their pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors. ...
... Such engagement in outdoor learning has been documented to foster positive environmental attitudes among students, leading to an increased sense of connection with nature. This connection is critical in cultivating stronger pro-environmental behaviors, as Mayer and Frantz (2004) outlined. These findings collectively underscore the potential of outdoor learning in developing a more profound, empathetic understanding and appreciation of the natural world among students, thereby encouraging more environmentally responsible behavior. ...
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This chapter explores the integration of outdoor learning within geography education, emphasizing its methodologies, benefits, and barriers. It examines how outdoor learning enhances students’ understanding of geographical concepts through direct engagement with the natural environment. The discussion highlights the range of benefits, from academic improvements to developing teamwork skills, while addressing common barriers to implementation, including logistical challenges and curriculum constraints. Finally, practical recommendations for introducing and running outdoor-based classes in geography education are provided.
... This scale had a unifactorial structure. In our study, we used a short version of the scale (Mayer and Frantz, 2004) consisting of 10 items, with a 7-point Likert-type response scale (ranging from 1 "Strongly disagree" to 7 "Strongly agree, " with 4 as "Neutral"). The CNS measured an individual's subjective cognitive connection to nature, assessing the degree to which people feel part of the natural world. ...
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Introduction The interplay between motor skills and emotions in the brain represents a significant and longstanding research question. Recently, posturography has provided new insights into this subject. Understanding the biological processes that influence the appreciation of nature and landscapes is also a crucial concern, prompting various experimental methods and theoretical frameworks. This research aimed to propose, for the first time, the use of posturography to study the different ways postural control is modulated by visual perception of pleasant scenes. Methods A total of 37 participants (27 females, 10 males; mean age = 24 years ±5 years) were shown images of pleasant and neutral landscapes, while posturographic data were collected. Two viewing conditions were employed: passive vision and active vision, where participants were instructed to envision themselves in the presented scenes. Results The results indicated a differential modulation of the postural response based on valence factors (pleasant vs. neutral) and mental simulation (passive vs. active). Notably, significant differences in approach-avoidance behavior were observed approximately 7 s after the onset of stimulus viewing. Discussion The findings are discussed in relation to major theories in environmental psychology, highlighting the central role of emotional and embodiment processes in appreciating pleasant environmental scenes and related motor behaviors.
... A structured questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior, according to Mayer et al. [43] and Liu et al. [44] was developed. The questionnaire in Spanish is presented in supplementary material (Questionnaire S1) and assesses the following aspects: ...
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Ecosystem restoration success heavily depends on community participation, yet the psychological factors influencing local commitment and sense of ownership in mangrove conservation remain understudied. The Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), Colombia, represents a critical case where community engagement is essential for successful mangrove restoration. This study investigates the relationship between environmental psychology and community participation in mangrove reforestation, focusing on identifying key psychosocial factors and barriers that influence participation in ecosystem restoration. Through a mixed-method approach involving quantitative surveys (n = 100), semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions, the research examined psychosocial factors and participation indicators using correlation and regression analyses. Results revealed a strong emotional connection to the mangrove ecosystem (r = 0.62, p < 0.01) and predominantly positive attitudes toward conservation (85% of participants). Social norms showed a significant influence on participation (r = 0.56, p < 0.01), with social norms and community sense explaining 64% of participation variance (adjusted r2 = 0.64, F(3,96) = 58.92, p < 0.001). However, low perceived self-efficacy emerged as a significant barrier, present in 40% of participants. The findings suggest that interventions strengthening self-efficacy and promoting community commitment could significantly increase reforestation participation. Success depends on integrating technical training with psychosocial support and establishing appropriate logistical frameworks. These findings provide practical guidelines for designing more effective community-based restoration programs in similar socio-ecological contexts.
... These are probably people with a stronger connection to nature benefitting from being outside. Connectedness to nature is the emotional connection to living animals and nature 84 . This emotional connectedness to nature can influence participation in nature-based activities 85 and probably also does so in our study. ...
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Being outdoors benefits both humans’ physical and mental well-being, but the reasons for this connection are difficult to pinpoint. This study examines 40 recreational areas to understand their individual characteristics’ impact on mental well-being. We interviewed 1184 visitors on their perception of the place and feeling of mental well-being. In a second survey, 49 participants were shown images of the areas to assess whether they perceived them in the same way as people on-site did. Biologists then evaluated the areas through bird and biotope surveys, also assessing various other landscape characteristics of the study areas. Analysis using a two-level multivariate GLM revealed that perceived naturalness and perceived bird diversity are significant predictors of improved mental well-being. On the flip side, mental well-being declines with increased human impact, as indicated by the amount of infrastructure and the Human Footprint Index value. Notably, perceived naturalness positively correlates with actual bird diversity (p = 0.005) and negatively with human impact (p = 0.006). A strong perception of birds enhances the mental well-being of greenspace visitors (p < 0.001), while a high birding specialization negatively affects recalled restoration (p = 0.014). The estimated restoration value (p = 0.001) and estimated beauty (p < 0.001) from the online survey correlate positively with emotions experienced on-site. The perception of naturalness in images aligns with on-site perception, suggesting pathways for future research and the design of recreational areas.
... A growing number of studies highlight the positive links that exist between direct experiences of nature and pro-environmental attitudes -such as a sense of connection to nature (Mayer andFrantz 2004, Schultz et al. 2004) or attachment to place (Korpela 2012) -and between direct contact, attitudes and behaviour favourable to environmental conservation (Rosa and Collado 2019). More specifically, the effects of children's contact with nature -on their health, development and pro-environmental attitudes -are a major focus of research and practice aimed at building sustainable relationships with the environment (Chawla andDerr 2012, Ewert et al. 2005). ...
In urban areas, the implementation of schoolyard facilities (especially through the greening of these spaces) aims to promote children's contact with nature to improve well-being and increase their awareness of environmental preservation. In this study, we use the prospect of schoolyard landscaping in two French schools to conduct research on pupils’ relationship with nature and well-being at school. We explore cognitive and social mechanisms that affect children's perceptions and behaviour in their relationships with nature on a daily basis and in the school context, with a view toward implementing schoolyard designs. The research aims are (i) to gain a better understanding of the perceptions and uses that shape children's day-to-day interactions, (ii) to document their perceived well-being in the school environment, and (iii) to elicit pupils' views on changes to the school grounds, in order to better understand the characteristics and dynamics underlying the organisation of direct and sensitive relationships with nature. The results of this study are intended to contribute to an understanding of the issues, obstacles and levers involved in implementing schoolyard development projects, and to provide input for a reflective approach to these initiatives. The results show that children's daily experiences of nature are constructed at the convergence of direct contact with the environment and the social framework that supports these interactions. These experiences foster the construction of perceptions and links with the natural environment, which reciprocally feed into further experience. The presence of nature in school grounds directly promotes pupils' perceived well-being; a greater degree of experience and appreciation of nature positively influences it. We observe a lack of explicit recognition of nature's contribution to well-being and examine the social and contextual reasons behind this, as well as the impact on pupils' choices about schoolground planning. We then discuss the limits of urban policies based on schoolyard modifications and explore ways of including social-ecological relationships through children’s participation.
... Vorstellungen und Vorerfahrungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen spielen eine bedeutende Rolle, wenn es um Bewusstseins-und Verhaltensänderungen geht. Die Motivation, urnweltbewusst zu leben, steht dabei in engem Zusammenhang mit den sozialen Einflüssen auf die Jugendlichen, wie bereits im Rahmen der Social Influence Theo ry erläutert, und mit dem Naturbezug, den die Jugendlichen in ihrer Kindheit hatten (Chawla, 1998(Chawla, , 2007Cheng & Monroe, 2012;Mayer & Frantz, 2004 (de Haan, 1995, S. 197). Das Um weltwissen ist aufgebaut aus System-, Aktions-und Effektivitätswissen (Liefländer et al., 2015). ...
Im Animationsfilm Wall-E in der Regie von Andrew Stanton aus dem Jahr 2008 räumt ein letzter noch funktionierender Roboter eine vollständig vermüllte Erde auf. Tag um Tag presst er Müll zu handlichen Quadraten, die er stapelt, was im Laufe der Zeit Müllberge in der Höhe von Wolkenkratzern ergeben hat. Leben ist auf diesem Planeten schon lange nicht mehr möglich. Nur ein kleines Insekt ist der einzige Gefährte von Wall-E, dem mit einiger künstlicher Intelligenz ausgestatteten Roboter. Eines Tages entdeckt Wall-E den Sprössling einer Pflanze, der in einem Schuh wächst. Diese Pflanze ist künftig sein größter Schatz. Die ewige Routine wird unterbrochen, als ein Raumschiff landet und einen weiteren Roboter auf die Erde bringt. Anders als der selbst schrottähnlich anmutende Wall-E hat Eve die elegante Design-Anmutung von weißen Apple-Geräten. Die beiden kommen sich näher, und auf Dauer kann Eve dem etwas robusten Charme Wall-E's nicht widerstehen. So zeigt Wall-E Eve seinen größten Schatz, die Pflanze im Schuh. Eve reagiert schlagartig, schiebt sich die Pflanze in eine Öffnung, verschließt sie und sich selbst und wird zu einer apathischen Kapsel, deren einziges Lebenszeichen ein grün leuchtendes Blinklicht wird. Alle Wiederbelebungsmaß nahmen Wall-E's bleiben erfolglos, und so nimmt er das Eve-Kokon in seinen Container auf, bis eines Tages das Raumschiff zurückkehrt und Eve abholt. Wall-E klammert sich an den Transporter und fliegt mit zu einem Raumschiff, das seit Generationen um die Erde kreist und eine heile Welt zu beherbergen scheint. Von Robotern vollständig umsorgte Menschen leben auf diesem Schiff, auf dem alles sauber und vollautomatisiert abläuft. Die Menschen müssen und können nichts mehr tun, sich nicht einmal mehr selbst bewegen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Menschheit vor Generationen den vermüllten Planeten Richtung Weltraum ver lassen musste. Alle paar Jahre haben kleine Sonden den Auftrag zu erkunden, ob der Planet sich so weit regeneriert hat, dass wieder Leben auf dem Planeten möglich ist. In diesem Fall sollte das Raumschiff zurückkehren. Ein geheimes Zusatzprotokoll aber vertraut dem Schiffscomputer an, dass diese offizielle Hoffnung niemals zu erwarten ist und er also die Rückkehr verhindern muss. Die Pflanze, die Eve mit bringt, muss deshalb vernichtet werden. Wall-E versucht, dies am Ende mit Hilfe des 104 8 Müll-Welterfahrung und Verhaltensänderungen durch Umweltbildung auch schon reichlich degenerierten Kapitäns des Schiffes zu verhindern. Als Zu schauer''innen werden wir mitgenommen aus dem aseptischen Promenadendeck in die Unterdecks des Schiffes und sehen hier, dass der Umgang mit Müll genauso weitergeht wie auf dem Planeten, den man verlassen hat. Maschinen fegen den Müll zusammen, pressen ihn in Würfel und entlassen ihn in die Weite des Weltraums, der zusehends ebenfalls vermüllt. An Bord machen sich die rundum unterhaltenen Menschen ohnehin um kaum etwas Gedanken, schon gar nicht um den Müll, den sie produzieren. Dieser Realitätsschock, die Konfrontation mit den Folgen des eigenen Lebensstils, führt im Film zu einer Bildungserfahrung, zu einer Katharsis (Reinigung), die mit dem Bewusstsein für die Vermüllung der Welt eintritt. Pixar/Disney griff mit diesem Film 2008 ein Thema auf, das brisanter kaum sein könnte, das unser aller Alltag berührt und das dennoch kaum im Bewusstsein ist, weil es weitestgehend aus unserem Blickfeld zumindest in den reichen Ländern entsorgt, bzw. externalisiert, d. h. in den globalen Süden oder die Meere exportiert ist: Müll. Dabei ist seit dem Bericht des Club of Rome (Meadows/Meadows et al., 1972) klar, dass die Grenzen des Wachstums mit der Endlichkeit der Ressourcen korrelieren und dass die Vergiftung des Planeten durch menschengemachten Müll eines der ernsthaftesten Probleme des Anthropozäns (Crutzen & Stoermer, 2000) ist. Dass der Earth-Overshoot Day Jahr für Jahr im Kalender weiter nach vorn rückt ( macht deutlich, dass es sich hier nicht um ein abstraktes Problem handelt, sondern wir nicht nur in Bezug auf den Ausstoß von Klimagasen oder dem Artensterben, sondern auch in Bezug auf die Umwandlung von Ressourcen in Müll immer schneller an dem Ast sägen, auf dem wir sitzen. Dass dies auch ein fundamental pädagogisches Problem ist, wird in dem Maße zuneh mend deutlich, in dem die ein gewisses Maß an Sicherheit, auf das pädagogische Prozesse bei aller Offenheit angewiesen sind, nicht mehr gegeben ist (Schluß, 2021). Wie also könnte die Schule zur Bildung eines Bewusstseins für diese Problematik und vielleicht sogar zu einer Verhaltensänderung beitragen? Ein entsprechendes Vorhaben soll in diesem Text vorgestellt werden und so Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für Bildungsprozesse mithilfe eines schulischen Projekts am außerschulischen Lernort der Abfallverwertungsanlage vorgestellt werden.
We conducted a clinical trial on nature prescriptions measuring baseline moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). 433 children between 6-16 years old completed baseline measures (49.2% female, 50.8% male). Participants self-identified as Latino (88.2%), African-American (9.7%), Asian (0.5%), and other or unknown (1.6%). The mean BMI% was 94.9 (SD 6.2), and mean age is 10.4 years (SD 2.7). The mean MVPA was 16.6 minutes, the mean daily accelerometer wear time was 728.8 minutes (SD 126.6), and the average number of days the participant wore the accelerometer for >8 hours (per day) was 6.8 (SD 3.8). Multivariate regression analysis showed that age was not associated with MVPA. However, boys engaged in 38 more minutes of MVPA per week than girls ( P < .0001). Season was associated with MVPA with 5.4 more minutes of MVPA/day in the Fall ( P < .01) and 4.8 more minutes in Spring ( P < .01) as compared to winter and summer. Participant attitude toward nature was significantly associated with MVPA. One unit of positive increase in individual attitude toward nature was associated with 3 additional minutes of MVPA per day (β = 3.1, P < .001), or 21.7 minutes per week.
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Łączność z naturą jest kluczowym i wielowymiarowym konstruktem w psychologii środowiskowej, który odzwierciedla złożone relacje człowieka z przyrodą. Mimo braku jednej powszechnie akceptowanej definicji, łączność z naturą jest szeroko badana, a różne modele teoretyczne interpretują je w kategoriach emocjonalnych, poznawczych i behawioralnych. Istnieje wiele skal mierzących łączność z naturą, które obejmują trzy wzajemnie powiązane wymiary: afekt, czyli uczucia wobec natury; poznanie, czyli wiedza i przekonania o naturze; oraz zachowanie, czyli działania i doświadczenia w naturze. Wczesne koncepcje łączności z naturą koncentrowały się głównie na jednym z tych aspektów, jednak współczesne podejścia coraz częściej podkreślają wielowymiarowość tego konstruktu, wyróżniając różnorodne formy łączności z naturą, takie jak materialna, doświadczalna, poznawcza, emocjonalna i filozoficzna. Niniejszy rozdział to próba syntezy dotychczasowych podejść w oparciu o metodologię desk research, odwołującą się do analizy danych podstawowych, uwzględniająca różnice oraz podobieństwa w zakresie podejść, założeń teoretycznych oraz konceptualizacji konstruktu łączności z naturą.
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The chapter discusses the role of the manner of attitude formation. It focuses on the development of an attitude through direct behavioral experience with the attitude object and examines whether such attitudes better predict subsequent behavior than attitudes formed without behavioral experience. The chapter provides an overview of the attitude-behavior consistency problem and describes the effect of the manner of attitude formation through the “housing” study, the “puzzle” experiment, and the “subject pool” study. The prior-to-later behavior relation is also discussed in the chapter, wherein it has described the self-perception of past religious behaviors, attitudes and self-reports of subsequent behavior, an individual difference perspective, and a partial correlation analysis. The chapter discusses attitudinal qualities—namely, confidence and clarity, the persistence of the attitude, and resistance to attack. The reasons for the differential strength are also explored in the chapter—namely, the amount of information available, information processing, and attitude accessibility. The chapter briefly describes the attitude-behavior relationship, personality traits, and behavior.
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Dunlap and Van Liere's New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale, published in 1978, has become a widely used measure of proenvironmental orientation. This article develops a revised NEP Scale designed to improve upon the original one in several respects: ( 1 ) It taps a wider range of facets of an ecological worldview, ( 2 ) It offers a balanced set of pro- and anti-NEP items, and ( 3 ) It avoids outmoded terminology. The new scale, termed the New Ecological Paradigm Scale, consists of 15 items. Results of a 1990 Washington State survey suggest that the items can be treated as an internally consistent summated rating scale and also indicate a modest growth in pro-NEP responses among Washington residents over the 14 years since the original study.
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Human survival is directly tied to our relationship with the natural environment. Achieving a sustainable lifestyle depends on establishing a balance between the consumption of individuals, and the capacity of the natural environment for renewal. Yet, we often act as ifwe are separate from nature — as if we can get along without nature. Indeed, built environments serve as barriers between individuals and the natural environments in which they live. Offices, schools, homes, cars, restaurants, shopping malls, and many other built environments segregate people from nature. This chapter examines the implicit connection that individuals make between self and nature, and the impact of built environments on these implicit cognitions. A psychological model for inclusion with nature is presented, containing cognitive (connectedness), affective (caring), and behavioral (commitment) components. Implicationsfor theory, design, and sustainability are discussed.
The main focus of environmental education programs has been to change environmental behavior through increasing environmental knowledge. As many environmental studies have failed to apply successfully attitude theory in researching environmental attitudes, the present study investigated the cognitive and effective bases of environmental attitudes to indicate that it is what people feel and believe about the environment that determines their attitudes toward it. The findings suggest that for environmental educators interested in changing environmental attitudes, emotions and beliefs, rather than knowledge, need to be targeted as sources of information on which to base their environmental programs.
Signs were placed in the field house shower rooms of a university campus exhorting people to conserve water and energy by turning off the water while soaping up. Making the signs more obtrusive increased compliance but also increased resentment. Far greater compliance was achieved through a combination of a sign and an accomplice modeling the appropriate behavior. Still greater compliance was achieved when two accomplices performed the requested behavior simultaneously.