Undernourished is one of the health problems faced by the world today, especially in Indonesia, with the percentage of undernourished children under 5 years old is 19.6% or 4,646,933 out of 23,708,844 children. For young children, breastmilk is the best food and complementary food after six months that is usually produced from cow milk is needed. Another problem comes, 2-7,5% children have the allergy of cow milk and choose soy milk as recommended by health workers, although it is more expensive (100,000,00 IDR or 6.9 USD/1000 grams) than cow milk (68,000,00 IDR or 4.74 USD/1000 grams). To solve this issue, goat milk is one of the good alternatives food for considering as a complementary food. Goat milk has beneficiary things such as treating malabsorption syndrome and undernourished children. Besides that, according to the Statistic Center Board/Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), the number of the goat population in Indonesia is 18,879,596, more than the cow population which is 16,019,459. For further evaluating the advantage of goat milk, we conducted a review study. Methods: We searched all literature published in 2004-2014 on PubMed and Science Direct using the keywords "goat milk", "nutrition", and "content". Result: There were 311 journals that appeared in the selection, but we selected 10 journals which showed a clear comparison between goat and cow milk, especially in young children. After making the table with special consideration on population, place, age of the subject and nutrient content in both kinds of milk, we conclude all the studies. The studies showed that goat milk has the advantage not only for treating undernourished children but also many disorders and diseases such as malabsorption syndrome, malnutrition in infants and children, and cardiovascular (heart) disease, due to its small globule of fat which is a digestible and short and medium-chain fatty acid. Mineral content in goat milk such as Calcium, Phosphor, Magnesium, Natrium, Potassium, Chloride, Iron, and Zinc is higher than human's, that's all useful for preventing bone demineralization and iron deficiency anaemia which is still high in Indonesia. Conclusion: goat milk treated undernourished children and prevented several diseases and food disorders and it is suitable due to economic reasons compared to cow milk. Furthermore, we could state that cow milk seemingly could be a promising treatment for undernourished children in developing countries to reduce morbidity and mortality related to malnutrition-related diseases.
Keywords: Goat Milk, Complimentary Food, Undernourished