... al., 2017) Plume ToxicityNodules:(Peukert et al., 2018; SPC, 2013a) Sulfides:(ECORYS, 2014;Halfar and Fujita, 2002; MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b;Narita et al., 2015) Crusts: (SPC, 2013c) All:(Ahnert and Borowski, 2000;DNV-GL, 2016;Gollner et al., 2017;Hauton et al., 2017) Alteration of Water PropertiesNodules:(Peukert et al., 2018; SPC, 2013a) Sulfides:(Halfar and Fujita, 2002; SPC, 2013b) Crusts: (SPC, 2013c) Sediment Particle Size Changes Nodules: (ECORYS, 2014; Sharma et al., 2001; SPC, 2013a) All: (Gollner et al., 2017; Weaver et al., 2018) Masking of Bioluminescence Sulfides: (Gwyther, 2008) Sunlight Attenuation All: (Weaver et al., 2018) Seabed Tailings Return Plume Organism Burial Nodules: (Jones et al., 2017; (MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b) Sulfides: (Fukushima and Okamatsu, 2010; Gwyther, 2008; Steiner, 2009) Clogging of Suspension-Feeding Structures Nodules: (MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b) Sulfides: (Coffey Natural Systems, 2008; Fukushima and Okamatsu, 2010) Crusts: (Weaver et al., 2018) All: (Miller et al., 2018) Alteration of deposit-feeding activity Nodules: (MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b) Plume Toxicity Nodules: (MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b) Sulfides: (ECORYS, 2014; Gwyther, 2008; MIDAS (Managing Impacts of Deep Sea Resource Exploitation), 2016a,b; Narita et al., 2015; SPC, 2013b; Steiner, 2009) Crusts: (SPC, 2013c) All: (Hauton et al., 2017; Miller et al., 2018) Alteration of Water Properties Nodules: (Peukert et al., 2018; SPC, 2013a) Sulfides: (SPC, 2013b; Steiner, 2009) Crusts: (SPC, 2013c) All: (Hauton et al., 2017; Van Dover et al., 2011) Masking of Bioluminescence All: This Study Sunlight Attenuation Nodules: (SPC, 2013a) All: (ECORYS, 2014) Increased POC Deposition Nodules: (SPC, 2013a) Crusts: (SPC, 2013c) Nutrient EnrichmentNodules:(Sharma et al., 2001) Sulfides:(Fukushima and Okamatsu, 2010) All:(DNV-GL, 2016;Weaver et al., 2018) (continued on next page) ...