
Desmoid tumour compressing vital pelvic structures. A case report

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A case of a desmoid tumor is presented. The tumour was initially found in an appendectomy scar. Excision of the tumour was not radical enough and it recurred. During the second operation, a tumour weighing 940 g was excised. A segment of the right ureter and right iliac vessels were also resected and reconstructed. Recovery was uneventful. Moderate swelling due to lymphoedema in the right lower extremity persisted after the second operation. There has been no recurrence after the second operation eight years ago.

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... Harjolae ta l. beschreibene in Lymphödem, dasa ufgrund einesp ostoperativen Rezidivs einesdesmoidalenTumorsauftrat, derw egen seinerGröße pelvine Strukturen einengte und zu einemAbflusshindernis für die Lymphewurde (41). ...
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Zusammenfassung Neoplasien stellen eine wichtige Ursache für sekundäre Lymphödeme dar. Dabei kann der Tumor selbst (malignes Lymphödem) oder seine Therapie das Lymphödem auslösen. Die wichtigsten Neoplasien im Hinblick auf Lymphödeme betreffen – in absteigender absoluter Lymphödem-Inzidenz – die Mamma, die Prostata, die Haut (Melanom), das Ovar und die Harnblase. Jedoch können auch zahlreiche andere Tumore direkt oder indirekt ein sekundäres Lymphödem auslösen. Ganz klar erkennbar ist, dass mit der Radikalität der Therapien die Inzidenz von Lymphödemen zunimmt; Daten für einen Zusammenhang mit dem Schweregrad fehlen jedoch. Bei zunehmenden Überlebensraten steigt daher die Prävalenz von Patentinnen und Patienten mit einem Lymphödem mit physischen und/oder psychischen Beschwerden und Einschränkungen im Erwerbsund/oder Privatleben.
... Desmoid-associated complications include intestinal obstruction and fistulization, ureteral obstruction and fistulization and compression of vascular structures. These complications can lead to severe incapacitation and death (1,(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10). ...
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Segments of ileum are used as conduits following ureteral resection and for bladder augmentation to achieve adequate bladder capacity. We herein report the use of a segment of transplanted ileum for this purpose in a patient with Gardner's syndrome who underwent multivisceral transplantation. To our knowledge this is the first such case report.
Fibromatosis is a benign, infiltrating, nonmetastasizing neoplasm which is rarely completely resected. Therefore, the incidence of recurrence is high. Fibromatosis is more common in females and is frequently diagnosed during pregnancy. Inasmuch as fibromatosis of the female pelvis appears to be a discrete entity, management poses significant problems for the gynecologist. Radiation therapy, frequently used following incomplete resection or for recurrence, is undesirable due to the loss of ovarian function and fertility. Hormonal manipulation and combination chemotherapy are alternatives which have been effective in some reports. Three patients with pelvic fibromatosis, referred within 1 year, are reported. The various aspects of this neoplasm and the diagnostic procedures are discussed. Treatment modalities whose effects are reversible are recommended for recurrent fibromatosis. Radiation therapy can be reserved for patients in the older age groups or for those with progressive disease not responding to other therapy.
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