
Costs and benefits of implementing HACCP in the UK dairy processing sector

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This paper reports the results of a study of the costs and benefits associated with the implementation and operation of HACCP in the UK dairy processing sector. The results suggest that the major cost of implementing and operating HACCP in dairy processing plants is staff time required to document the system. The costs of capital investment and external technical expertise are less important. The most important benefit is the enhanced ability to retain existing customers. The results have implications for the adoption of HACCP in the UK dairy processing sector as well as the food industry as a whole.

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... Previous studies have demonstrated that knowledge is the main challenges to practice food safety, including less understanding about food safety program (Liu et al., 2019;Karaman et al., 2012). Followed by financial issue, either lack of fund or considered expensive (Karaman et al., 2012;Tomasevic et al., 2013;Escanciano & Santos-Vijande, 2014), and a longer process for installation of food safety (Henson et al., 1999). Banzon et al. (2013) points out the evidence, numerous constraints to good agricultural practice (GAP) adoption but the major ones were categories in four: (i) knowledge, (ii) cost, (iii) process, and (iv) reward/ incentive. ...
... In addition, several lines of evidence suggest that, the main difficulties in practice food safety is related to staffing (Maldonado et al., 2005). While, investment in new equipment, civil work, time for staff to document the system and personal training were listed as the cost related to the installation of food safety control measures (Henson et al., 1999;Maldonado et al., 2005;Tomasevic et al., 2013). In spite of the business runner faced difficulties in installing and practice food safety, factor such as existing of demand by consumer on hygiene product was motivate owner of the farm (or firm) to install and practice food safety in their business (Khatri & Collins, 2007). ...
... Since food safety is essential part to ensure the hygiene of product, it become a catalyst to producer in exploit the market either locally or internationally (Maldonado et al., 2005;Khatri & Collins, 2007;Maldonado-Siman et al., 2014) apart of improve the compliance of firm on legal issues (Karaman et al., 2012). Furthermore, as the consumer are conscious on the health risk and beware with the food they taking daily, food safety capable to convince the consumer to purchase their product regularly a part of attracting new customer (Henson et al., 1999). As point out by Owusu-Sekyere, Owusu and Jordaan (2014), consumer are willing to pay more in order to ensure they obtain high quality of product which free from any contaminant. ...
... Therefore, in small or medium-sized companies, the use of HACCP is still restricted (Taylor 2003 ;Ehiri et al. 1995 ) . According to Henson et al. ( 1999 ) , high costs related to the economy of scale and the lack of a clear understanding of the benefi ts, considered to be limited or of an intangible nature, hinder HACCP adoption. The implementation of the system is still more diffi cult in companies that operate with small profi t margins. ...
... Maldonado et al. ( 2005 ) emphasized the importance of evaluating the magnitude of costs before the system is implemented. However, this is quite uncommon, as confi rmed by Henson et al. ( 1999 ) , who showed that less than 15% of the companies estimated the costs involved before they began HACCP implementation. ...
... The technological level of the inividual plant and noncompliance with prerequisite programs contribute to greater costs in the implementation of the system (McAloon 2003 ;Suwanrangsi 2000 ) . Prerequisite programs determine adequate implementation of good manufacturing practices, and make adoption of the program easier owing to the reduction of the number of CCPs (Bata et al. 2006 ;Henson et al. 1999 ) . A great number of CCPs make management diffi cult and make auditing procedures too time-consuming (Wallace and Williams 2001 ) . ...
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The present economic situation and global market conditions have led companies to look for ways to increase competitiveness by improving production processes, reducing production costs, and improving product quality. In terms of the food industry, two other factors should also be included: the need to ensure food safety and the need to protect consumers' health. Therefore, the existence of a system that ensures food safety is crucial to preserve a company's image and reputation and to increase local and international market shares. Food safety has become a common concern worldwide, making public health agencies and governments of several countries look for more effi cient ways to mon-itor production chains (Makiya and Rotondaro 2002) . The hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system is widely recog-nized as a management tool capable of ensuring food safety. The keyword of the system is "prevention" (Mortimore and Wallace 1998) , by means of the identifi ca-tion of possible contaminations before they occur, and of the defi nition of control measures to maximize food safety in every step of the process (Cullor 1997 ; Leitão 1993) . Compared with traditional methods of inspection and quality control based on the analysis of fi nished products, HACCP facilitates a stricter control of contami-nations (Stevenson 1990) . The HACCP system is recognized as an important tool in the reduction of food-borne diseases (FBDs), and it is a global reference in terms of food safety control. It is recommended by the World Health Organization, the International Commission on Microbiological Specifi cations for Foods, the Codex Alimentarius , and food regulatory agencies in various countries.
... A study of HACCP adoption in the UK dairy industry shows that firms are adopting HACCP in order to meet customer requirements and legal requirements, and to gain improvements in operating efficiency (Henson et al, 2000). It is also argued that firms have incentives in reducing sanitary deficiencies due to the threat of huge costs and loss of reputation incurring from the sale of contaminated products (Ollinger, 2000). ...
... They argue that HACCP can improve allocative and technical efficiency by reducing product reworks and inefficiency in the use of inputs. Henson et al (2000) in their study of HACCP adoption in the UK dairy industry also report similar benefits such as the reduction in wastage, increases in product shelf life, and decreases in production costs. ...
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Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives Vol 2004, Paper 64 ISSN 1442-6951
... Today for businesses to survive on the market competition, they must differentiate themselves by pursuing better alternatives. The application of quality improvement concepts allows businesses to better participate in the dispute for market share, since both markets and clients are demanding higher standards for products and services, stimulating the continuous evolution of processes (Henson et al., 1999;Unnevehr, et al., 2000;Maldonado et al;2005;Coradi et al., 2010b). Cereal grains and associated byproducts constitute important sources of energy and protein for all classes of farm livestock, however, when cereal grains and animal feed are colonized by fungi and bacteria there is a significant mycotoxins production risk, affecting the animals and humans productivity. ...
... Cereal grains and associated byproducts constitute important sources of energy and protein for all classes of farm livestock, however, when cereal grains and animal feed are colonized by fungi and bacteria there is a significant mycotoxins production risk, affecting the animals and humans productivity. Many species of Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Alternaria are not only recognized plant pathogens but are also sources of the important mycotoxins of concern in animal and human health (Tabib, 1981;Henson et al., 1999;Unnevehr, et al., 2000;Maldonado et al;2005). Bacterial contamination of animal feed is another important point and it must be controlled, as infection and colonization of livestock and poultry with these pathogens can be transmitted later to humans causing human food-borne illness (Hinton, 2004;Roberts et al., 1995). ...
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The objective of the study was to survey the microbiological indexes and to evaluate the effects of the feed processing in the reduction of the present contamination in the raw materials and feedstuffs of a feed mill unit with capacity production of 1,000 , located at Minas Gerais State, Southwest at Brazil. For evaluation samples of products in different points of the equipment surfaces and in the flow feed production were collected. The Aspergillus candidus (3.7x10 5), Penicillium duclauxii (4.6x10 5), the Clostridia perfringens (1.6x10 5), Listeria monocytogenes (6.1x10 3) and Escherichia coli (2.4x10 3) were the microbiological contamination most identified on the surface of equipments. Moreover, the higher contamination indexes (100% of contaminated samples) occurred in the silos of expedition and trucks of feed transport. Furthermore, during the feed production steps there were decreasing the microbiological contamination from 5.3x10 5 to 0.2x10 1 in the final product. The microbiological contamination identified in the flow of production characterized by the set materials, equipment, machinery used in formulating feed. Positively, the processing of feed especially the pelletizing step reduced microbiological contamination in the final products.
... In addition, the use of HACCP increases exporting possibilities, because the system enables harmonization with international trade requirements (Cusato et al., 2011) and contributes to a positive image of the company, improving consumer confidence and reducing the possibilities of product recall (Ehiri et al., 1995). In this context, many companies have been motivated to adopt HACCP system (Henson et al., 1999). Thus, the aim of this work was to guarantee the safety and quality characteristics of the production of canned tuna, in a Tunisian by the implementation of the HACCP system. ...
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The challenge of this work was to guarantee the safety of canned tuna by HACCP implementation system. 4 critical control point (CCPs) were selected by an experienced team HACCP to evaluate the efficiency of the system in a tuna fish Industry. The CCP1 is the control of the freshness of the flesh of tuna fish on receipt. The CCP2 is a determination of the levels contents of the histamine and of the mercury of the tuna on receipt. The CCP3 is the control of the seams. The CCP4 is the sterilization. The levels of histamine and mercury contents in fish receipts were aranged between 10.5-29.5 and between 0.022-0.055 mg/kg respectively. No microbiological contamination was detected. pH values were ranged between 5.65-6.02 and the cold chain was respected. Thus, the results show that all CCPs are controlled and validated.
... Over the last decade, the increase in the number of food-borne pathogens and poisoning has altered the demands on and characteristics of the food supply chain (Lao et al., 2012;Henson et al., 1999;Unnevehr and Jensen, 1999). Quality assurance in the food supply chain is becoming more and more important, as it is necessary to satisfy customer needs that are directly related to social responsibility (Roth et al., 2008;Tse and Tan, 2012;Lao et al., 2012). ...
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In recent years, food supply chains have faced increased quality risk, caused by the extended global supply chain and increased consumer demands on quality and safety. Given the concern regarding quality sustainability in the food supply chain, much attention is being paid to continuous planning and monitoring of quality assurance practices in the supply chain network. In this research, we propose a supply chain quality sustainability decision support system (QSDSS), adopting association rule mining and Dempster 0 s rule of combination techniques. The aim of QSDSS is to support managers in food manufacturing firms to define good logistics plans in order to maintain the quality and safety of food products. We conduct a case study of a Hong Kong red wine company in order to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of QSDSS. Implications of the proposed approach are discussed, and suggestions for future work are outlined.
... The percentage in Figure 7. shows the frequency of the respondents mention of these parameters but has not shown the weight of importance/significance. This cost parameters were in line with parameters in study from Maldonado et al., (2005), who conducted research on the application of HACCP in the Mexican Meat Industry, and Henson et al., (1999), who examined the cost-benefit analysis of HACCP implementation in the UK dairy industry. ...
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In 2015, the Indonesian FDA issued Head of Indonesian FDA Regulation Number 14 of 2015 revised by Head of Indonesia FDA number 2 of 2017 then Head of Indonesia FDA number 21 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of the Risk Management Program (RMP) on Food Safety in Food Industry. This regulation mandatory requires foodstuff intended for particular nutritional uses (such as milk formula) and low acid can food industry in Indonesia to implement a risk-based food safety self-regulatory control system. This study aims to identify parameters of costs, problems, challenges, and benefits in implementing and operating RMP as a policy evaluation in the perspective of economic aspect. The result showed cost parameters that were considered important in the implementation of RMP, including documenting system, costs related to staff training, the cost for investment in new technology and equipment, and external consultant. While the benefit parameters that are expected by the industry in implementing RMP include the fast-track scheme optimization which is a special benefit from RMP, RMP branding to the public, and lifting obligation for HACCP certification for foodstuff intended for particular nutritional uses industry. These parameters are expected to be the basis for policymakers to improve the implementation of RMP.
... HACCP implementation has continued expanding internationally (Cusato and Fernandes de Oliveira 2011). Several developed nations including China and the United Kingdom have implemented HACCP, either in part or in its entirety (Henson et al. 1999;Jin et al. 2008). Companies should comply with FSMA by incorporating food safety plans such as HACCP to improve consumer health, avoid illness-related costs, increase consumer confidence in food products, and bolster their reputations as perceived by consumers (Caswell 1998;Taylor 2011). ...
This new publication discusses the costs and long-term benefits associated with the implementation of food safety programs. This 5-page fact sheet covers the history of HACCP, costs associated with the application of food safety programs, reasons to improve food safety, and the financial impact of foodborne illnesses. Written by Annelys Hessing, Renée Goodrich Schneider, Alan Gutierrez, Rachael Silverberg, Michael S. Gutter, and Keith R. Schneider, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, October 2015. FSHN15-07/FS270: The Cost of Food Safety (
... Regarding the livestock industry, cost-benefit analysis has been used to analyze the costs and benefits of improving pig breeding facilities to reduce their odor [10]. At the beginning of the introduction of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP), cost-benefit analysis was used to clarify the effects and costs for the meat and milk processing industries [11,12]. Case studies have been recently under taken in which this analysis was used to assess the economics of a complex division automation system that can automate splitting and spinal cord removal [13]. ...
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Currently, the pork industry is incorporating in-line automation with the aim of increasing the slaughtered pork carcass throughput while monitoring quality and safety. In Korea, 21 parameters (such as back-fat thickness and carcass weight) are used for quality grading of pork carcasses. Recently, the VCS2000 system—an automatic meat yield grading machine system—was introduced to enhance grading efficiency and therefore increase pork carcass production. The VCS2000 system is able to predict pork carcass yield based on image analysis. This study also conducted an economic analysis of the system using a cost—benefit analysis. The subsection items of the cost-benefit analysis considered were net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and benefit/cost ratio (BC ratio), and each method was verified through sensitivity analysis. For our analysis, the benefits were grouped into three categories: the benefits of reducing labor costs, the benefits of improving meat yield production, and the benefits of reducing pig feed consumption through optimization. The cost-benefit analysis of the system resulted in an NPV of approximately 615.6 million Korean won, an IRR of 13.52%, and a B/C ratio of 1.65.
... The results from this study confirm that employees associated difficulties are very important restrains toward GB14881 implementation in food companies. Employees related difficulties were also found as restrains of great importance for both Mexican meat producers and UK dairy producers (Caswell, 2004;Henson, Holt, & Northen, 1999), while the requirement of professional management was one of the major problems for Polish food sector (Konecka-Matyjek, Turlejska, Pelzner, & Szponar, 2005). The other major difficulties to implementation of GB14881 was reported to be inadequate infrastructure and facilities, 65% (68/105), microbial contamination during processing, 54% (57/ 105), insufficient cleaning and disinfection, 41% (43/105), and deficient record management, 31% (33/105). ...
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This paper reports the findings on the implementation of compulsory food safety standard General Hygienic Regulation for Food Production (GB14881) in China. 18 of regulatory agencies (17.1%), 11 of research institutions (10.5%) and 76 of food enterprises (72.4%) were involved in this study. Overall, food enterprises had a higher awareness rate of GB14881 and there was an high level of satisfaction among the local regulatory agencies、research institutions and food enterprises. The results indicated that the major difficulty encountered during GB 14881 implementation was lack of finance. The most important motivation for implementing GB14881 was to comply with regulatory requirement. Structural changes to plant, investment in new equipment and product investigation/analysis were the biggest cost. The most important identified benefit was regulatory approval. The comprehensive data obtained from the implementation of compulsory food safety standards in China would be valuable consultation for substantial improvement to the policy makers on the standards.
... If not a mandate, now it has become an industry norm that in certain sensitive food markets, especially those in the developed countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK, and the US, that food manufacturing firms have progressively been moved towards adoption of enhanced food safety meta systems such as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO 22000 in the firm (Mortimore and Wallace, 1994). In many economies where there is no such a mandate, firms adopt such systems in light of the economic incentives that they are faced with, along with market-based, regulatory and legal (Henson et al., 2000;Henson and Heasman, 1998) considerations. ...
Surrogating technology for human beings is a widely discussed topic in today’s turbulent environment that has its own advantages and disadvantages. This study empirically explores the impact of Automated Teller Machines on the employment of the Bank of Ceylon, Sri Lanka. The research has been conducted using annual secondary data from 1990 to 2011, gathered from the Bank of Ceylon. The study employs the Constant Elasticity of Substitution production function in identifying the degree of substitutability between tellers and Automated Teller Machines. The results of the study confirmed that there is a negative relationship between cost per Automated Teller Machine to the cost per teller and number of automated teller machines to the number of tellers. Further it is indicated that there is a substitutability of 26 percent between Automated Teller Machines and tellers. The research findings indicate that replacing human tellers by Automated Teller Machines has led to a reduction of job opportunities at the Bank of Ceylon and suggest policy recommendations regarding the efficient re-allocation of employees in the bank.
... In early HACCP research, the production benefits of implementing HACCP has been found to be greater than its costs, thereby encouraging food companies to implement it (Henson et al., 1999;Unnevehr and Jensen, 1999). Furthermore, Hulebak and Schlosser (2002) argued that HACCP could reduce the rate of defective products through effective control of the production process, thereby also reducing manufacturing costs. ...
Ensuring food quality and safety in a fiercely competitive market is one of the most important tasks of a food company. An emerging conflict in operations management and production economics has arisen from the varied interpretations of the roles and effects of safety management systems. Although most studies have confirmed that Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is an effective management tool in ensuring the safety of finished food products, empirical clarity has yet to be attained with respect to the financial impact of HACCP implementation by firms. Using an event study methodology, we collected a set of food industry panel data to determine differences in firm performance between HACCP adopters and non-adopters through the lens of institutional theory. The results indicate that HACCP certification has both short- and long-term impacts on firm profitability, manufacturing productivity, and asset turnover. Additionally, this study reveals that the implementation of HACCP leads to rapid market growth in the short run. Finally, it also explores the practical implications for food companies of product safety management.
... The main benefit from the implemented food safety management standards is an increase in the safety of food products Chen et al. 2015;Mensah and Julien 2011). Many reports have confirmed that consumer confidence is an added value of implemented food safety standards (Karaman et al. 2012;Henson et al. 1999). This is connected with the better reputation and image of the companies within the food chain. ...
The growing importance of food safety in international trade is influencing the importance of developing and implementing both legal requirements and international standards. Food safety regulations comprise general principles for three main stakeholders - public authorities, food establishments, and consumers. International food safety standards are developed for food establishments and are basically implemented on a voluntary basis. Today, consumers require high-quality food products in broad assortments throughout the year and for competitive prices. At the same time, they are aware and well informed of all different aspects of food quality and safety. The aim of food regulation is to protect the consumer's health, to increase economic viability, and to harmonize well-being and allow fair trade of foods within and between nations. Food products originating in developing countries are often present on the global food market, and therefore their control system must be adequately harmonized with at least basic food safety regulation.
... In line with the data reported by Wallace et al. (2014) and Lowe and Taylor (2013), our study findings suggest that higher perceived complexity gives rise to the costs of adoption, misapplication of the system, and resistance to adopt it. Increased time pressure due to the additional documentation introduced by HACCP FSMS found in this study was previously reported by Henson et al. (1999). Demonstrable benefits and valuable consequences of HACCP FSMS adoption were not clear to some late adopters in this study, who were not prepared to take adoption risks without 11 Armenian dairy industry understanding what they can expect after initiating the adoption. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a study that investigated the barriers and facilitators associated with the adoption of a hazard analysis critical control point based food safety management system (HACCP FSMS) in dairy processing companies of Armenia. Design/methodology/approach A cross-sectional qualitative research design was employed to examine managerial experience and perceptions of barriers and drivers to organizational adoption of HACCP FSMS procedures. The data were collected in 20 food processing facilities in the dairy industry through individual in-depth interviews with their representatives and in governmental and non-governmental organizations through focus group discussions with 23 policy makers and food safety consultants. Diffusion of innovations theory provided a framework for systematic exploration of the phenomenon under study. Findings Most frequently reported drivers of adoption included enhanced traceability, increased export opportunities, improved organizational image, and broader accountability. Major impeding factors, such as high investment costs, value incompatibility, excessive documentation, inadequate physical and technological infrastructures, and low observability led to less favorable attitudes toward the organizational change needed for HACCP FSMS adoption. The results indicate that larger organizations with well-developed infrastructures and skilled workforce have an advantage over smaller organizations in the process of adoption. Originality/value This study provides a comprehensive theory-based analysis of perceived determinants of organization-wide adoption of HACCP-based system in Armenia. The results of the study support and extend the findings of earlier research and provide new insights into HACCP FSMS adoption across different contexts.
... The available literature data also demonstrated many other benefits of implementing HACCP system as: providing evidence of product safety and ensure the safety and reproducibility of customer trust [Panisello et al. 1999], reducing the number of microbiological hazards in the product and extend shelf life [Henson et al. 1999], improving consumer confidence and preventing food poisoning [Bas et al. 2007], customer satisfaction [Panisello et al. 1999, Beyer andKrieger 2004], confidence in their products [Panisello et al. 1999] and increase of employee satisfaction [Beyer and Krieger 2004]. ...
... In the latter case, preferably by the mother's own supply, otherwise, infant formula produced from cow's milk (Peter, 2006). Milk quality control has been practiced and performed since many years ago (IDF, 1991a; IDF, 1991b ; Henson et al. 1999a; Henson et al., 1999b;Roberto et al., 2006;Tamine, 2008). ...
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This paper deals with the use of HACCP and how to do it implementation in small dairy industries or companies for production of microbiologically, biochemical and chemical safe and /or high quality raw and fermented milk. In Burkina Faso small food industries become more and more important but food quality assessment methods are not know and used. Different critical control point in milk small industries were summarized and analysed. The HACCP system offers an approach to the control of hazards in all dairy food processing, food technology and properly applied, identifies areas of concern and appropriate control for improving foods quality.
... The Japanese 5S has played a major role in improving infrastructure and training of workers where visual implementations were highly concerned. Nevertheless, factories with HACCP based FSMS has better infrastructure and systematic operations with trained operators rather than factories without any HACCP based FSMS, because food producers adopt HACCP in order to satisfy downstream customers in the food chain (Mazzoco, 1996;Henson et al., 1999). ...
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A study was conducted to identify and assess the major food safety violations in low grown orthodox black tea manufacturing process while assessing impact of HACCP based food safety management system (FSMS) in tea industry. Stratified random sampling was used where qualitative data was weighted averaged against GMP requirements and converted in to quantitative values to be used in statistical analyses. The impact of HACCP based FSMS in improving food safety was evaluated using representative sample. Organization and management responsibility was strongly correlated with establishment design and facilities while quality assurance had a strong or moderate correlation with all the factors. Pest control and personal hygiene was not satisfactorily developed according to the results. Establishment design and facilities (ED&F) was the major root cause for the food hygiene problems identified where continuous attention and top management commitment as well as additional capital investments were needed to improve design and facilities of manufacturing plants in the sector. Similarly, Quality assurance systems were not in complete compliance with food safety, mostly due to the incomplete system developments, lack of expert knowledge in the industry as well as inappropriate practices. However, HACCP based FSMS have created enabling environment to improve GMP requirements while increasing food safety implementation in tea industry. Nevertheless, factories with HACCP based FSMS had better infrastructure and systematic operations with trained operators rather than factories without any HACCP based FSMS. The efficacy of processing, recording and personnel hygiene were satisfactorily improved in factories which had implemented HACCP based FSMS.
... According to Ollinger and Moore (2009), the USDA started only in 2000 to collect data for food safety process control costs at the plant level. Past studies that investigated the costs of food safety interventions concentrated mostly on the implementation of HACCP (Hazard Analytical Critical Control Point) (Crutchfield et al. 1997, Henson et al. 2000, Ollinger and Moore, 2007, Nganje et al., 2007. Recently, the assessment of specific interventions, has gained importance in Europe Lawson et al., 2009) and the U.S. (Malcolm et al, 2004, Nganje et al., 2006, Miller et al. 2005. ...
... Despite many obstacles that companies face in the context of HACCP implementation (Azanza & Zamora-Luna, 2005;Baş et al., 2007;Lücke & Janssen, 2002;Lücke & Trafiałek, 2010), this system provides many advantages for consumers and business operators alike, namely improved product safety, lower levels of biological hazards associated with the product itself, shelf life extension, improved consumer confidence, enhanced employee quality responsibility, reduced complaint rates and improved competitiveness. (Baş et al., 2007;Beyer and Krieger, 2004;Henson, Holt, & Northen, 1999;Hielm, Tuominen, Aarnisalo, Raaska, & Maijala, 2006;Lücke & Trafiałek, 2010;Panisello et al., 1999). ...
... In the plants under study, a high participation was reported of advantages connected with a change in employees' attitude to the work effected thereby, which was not confirmed by Henson et al. [1999] in the English plants. Other advantages that are specified in available literature data can be classified as non-material ones, e.g. ...
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This study has examined the impact of Poland's accession to the European Union in 2004 and that of implementation of EU legal regulations in food legislation on the decision of the HACCP being implemented by middle and small size food production companies in Poland. Problems accompanying the system implementation and advantages ensuing it were reviewed. The biggest problems included the necessity of the processing plant incurring expenses and being revamped, incomprehension of the HACCP system idea by employees, and the quantity/quality barrier. The greatest advantage is an increase in employees' responsibility for production hygiene, improved safety of manufactured products, an increased prestige of the company and its products, a growth in employees' involvement in their work and enhancement of their qualifications as well as improved safety of manufactured products and maintenance of the market position. © Copyright by Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
... It was also noticed that after implementation of HACCP principles the employees are more aware of their responsibility for the food safety (Beyer & Krieger, 2004;Eves & Dervisi, 2005;Trafialek & Kolo _ zyn-Krajewska, 2011). Moreover, customers' satisfaction, as well as employees' work satisfaction and their confidence in products they produce also increase (Beyer & Krieger, 2004;Fotopoulos, Kafetzopoulos, & Psomas, 2009;Henson, Holt, & Northen, 1999;Herath & Hensons, 2010;Taylor & Baker, 1994). ...
... In Mexico, there are 97 companies classified as Federal Inspection Type enterprises, and 22 of them are registered as exporters of processed pork with the National Services for Safety and Quality and Animal Health of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food. The survey designed by Henson et al. (11) was used to collect data. The questionnaire was divided into six sections containing 23 questions. ...
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Requirements of hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) are becoming essential for international trade in food commodities as a safety assurance component. This research reports the level of the adoption of ISO 9000 and the HACCP system by Federal Inspection Type (TIF) pork-exporting enterprises. Implementation and operating costs are reported as well as the benefits involved in this food industry process. In Mexico, there are 97 companies classified as TIF enterprises, and 22 are registered as exporters of processed pork with the National Services for Safety and Quality and Animal Health of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food. Surveys were administered to 22 companies, with a 95.2% response rate. Enterprise characteristics were evaluated, as well as their operating activities. Fieldwork consisted of administering structured questionnaires to TIF exporters. All the surveyed enterprises had implemented HACCP, whereas the ISO 9000 regulation was applied in only 30%. Of total production, 75% is exported to 13 countries, and 25% goes to the Mexican market niche. Results indicate that the main factors for adopting HACCP are related to accessibility to international markets, improving quality, and reducing product quality audits by customers. The results also indicated that staff training was the most important issue. Microbiological testing was the highest cost of the operation. The main benefits reported were related to better access to international markets and a considerable reduction in microbial counts. This study shows the willingness of Mexican pork processors to implement food safety protocols for producing safe and quality products to compete in the international food trade.
... In the plants under study, a high participation was reported of advantages connected with a change in employees' attitude to the work effected thereby, which was not confirmed by Henson et al. [1999] in the English plants. Other advantages that are specified in available literature data can be classified as non-material ones, e.g. ...
... Studies on food safety issues initially focused on the quantity of food security. [11], [12]; Based on the view that government is the agent of public interests, the other regarded government regulation as a necessary means to compensate for market failure as for market externalities and asymmetric information problem [13]. ...
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Food safety issue exists not only in developing countries, but also it is actually a global problem. At present, China's food safety is a serious issue and major fatal food safety incidents occurred occasionally. Based on empirical study, this paper analyzed food safety issues and their causes from government regulation perspective. Food safety is closely related with ineffective government regulation-- lacking of credit and coordination mechanisms. Therefore, this paper proposed some suggestions to solve those problems, such as establishing a credit management platform for food safety and strengthening government regulation synergy mechanism.
... In other words, they were implemented HACCP system as a way of improving their profit. Madonado et al. (2005) and Henson et al. (1999) reported that the major benefit of implementing HACCP in the Mexican meat industry and the UK milk processing industry were to reduce product wastage. Compared to other countries, our results suggest that Korean livestock product plants were more likely to implement HACCP to improve hygiene ability rather than for other reasons. ...
The objective of this study was to investigate the problems and benefits associated with the implementation of HACCP on livestock product of plants in Korea. The survey was carried out by randomly selecting 115 HACCP accredited meat processing plants, all across the country. A total of 105 complete responses were selected for analysis. The results were as follows: approximately 60% of the respondents employed less than twenty workers. The average period of operating HACCP system was 3.4 years. The respondents replied that the major incentive to implement the HACCP system was to improve hygiene management ability. More than half of the respondents (59.05%) claimed that the implementation of the HACCP system cost less than 400 million won, and the highest investment in terms of cost was the freezer/refrigerator. In the preparation period taken to implement the HACCP system, the 6-12 mon category had the highest percentage (55.24%). Most respondents replied that there was an increase in the customer satisfaction, plant image and turnover, after HACCP implementation (p
... Consumers are expecting a permanent standard of food quality and safety. It brings also many benefits for food producers like: product safety guarantee, reduced the number of microbiological hazards and extended shelf life of food product, as well as improved consumer confidence to the product, increased accountability of employees for the product, reduced the number of consumer's complaints and increased of the ability to compete in the food market (Bas et al., 2007;Beyer & Krieger, 2004;Henson, Holt, & Northen, 1999;Hielm, Tuominen, Aarnisalo, Raaska, & Maijala, 2006;Panisello et al., 1999). Nevertheless, the key issue is effectiveness of the system. ...
... In order to collect the best possible data to identify effects of both, food safety and quality management systems in Serbian meat industry (SMI), all chosen companies were contacted in advance to organize on-site visits and direct interviews with selected representatives (owners, management representatives and/or HACCP team leaders). A structured questionnaire for FSMS, based on the available literature [19,20,29,38], included the issues regarding general information about the meat processing companies (such as the number of employees, status of HACCP system, the information about the educational level, age, work experience and number of HACCP team members). Questions related to prerequisite programs (PRPs) implemented in the companies, were also included. ...
... The survey was conducted from June 2011 till September 2011 involving 77 producers of meat products in Serbia. Based on the available literature (Henson, Holt, & Northen, 1999;Herath & Henson, 2010;Maldonado, etal., 2005), an overall questionnaire was developed to identify the effects of HACCP implementation in Serbian meat industry which included the issues regarding general information about the food business operators (such as the number of employees, status of HACCP system, the information about the educational level, age and work experience of HACCP team members). Questions related to prerequisite programs that should be implemented in the company were also included. ...
Purpose In Taiwan, hypermarket stores should implement hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) according to regulations. The aim of this study was to investigate key factors influencing successful implementation of HACCP in hypermarket stores that prepare hot meals. Design/methodology/approach We used a survey design and thus posted four questionnaires to each of the 136 hypermarket stores in Taiwan (two questionnaires for employees and two for managers). Therefore, a total of 544 questionnaires were posted, and 188 responses were received, yielding a 34.6% response rate. Findings Food safety knowledge, teamwork, perceived cost, perceived benefit and leadership were tested. Binary logistic regression results indicated that food safety knowledge and teamwork were key factors related to successful HACCP implementation. Perceived cost, perceived benefit and leadership were not related to successful HACCP implementation. Control variables, such as number of full-time employees and number of products sold, were discovered to be related to successful HACCP implementation. Originality/value Overall, the findings of this study can help the hypermarket industry assess its current quality management practices and focus on food safety performance improvement.
Gıda endüstrisi hem ülke ekonomisi hem de insanımızın yeterli gıdaya erişimi bakımından, gıda güvenliği ise gıda endüstrisinin sürdürülebilirliği, beslenme ve tüketici sağlığı açısından önem arz etmektedir. Gıda güvenliğinin sağlanmasında bir araç olan gıda denetimleri; işletmelerin gıda güvenliği sistemlerini değerlendirmeyi, gıda güvenliği ve kalite standartlarına ilişkin sertifikaları kontrol etmeyi amaçlar. Ayrıca gıda denetimleri, gıda işletmelerindeki işleyiş ve prosesi gözden geçirmek, yasal uygunluğu takip etmek, tüketicilerin kaliteli, güvenilir gıda teminini sağlamak hedefiyle yılda bir veya birden fazla sayıda yapılmaktadır. Son zamanlarda tüketiciler, gıda güvenliği ve kalite konularına daha duyarlıdır. Özellikle gıda sektöründe yaşanan olumsuz tecrübeler, kamu kontrolünde gıdanın güvenliği ve kalitesi konularında çeşitli standartların gelişmesini sağlamıştır. Bu standartların etkinliği, gıda denetçilerinin bilgi, beceri, yetkinliği ve standartların uygulama yöntemine bağlıdır. Bu makalede, Türkiye’de gıda endüstrisinde gıda güvenliği ve denetimler hakkında bilgi sunmak, kamu otoritesinin rolünü ortaya koymak, ülkenin gıda mevzuatındaki değişim ve gelişmeleri kronolojik olarak yansıtmak ve Iğdır ilindeki gıda işletmelerinin mevcut durumu, yıllar itibariyle yapılmış denetim faaliyetleri ve sonuçlarını değerlendirilmek hedeflenmiştir.
Conference Paper
The endowment characteristics of enterprises were studied, including the basic information, conditions of adopting standards, cost paid for implementing standards by the sample enterprises, benefits from implementation standards, motivation for adopting standards. The influence relation of the benefits from the implantation of the standards were analyzed. The results showed that the interpretation ratio of the cumulative for explaining variance of the three common factors reached 73.646%, which were extracted from the observation variables of 15 items of the benefits. A related model was established, and the benefits influencing factors for the enterprises implementing the consumer goods standards were analyzed. The results showed that the sales of products in the enterprise endowment had a significant positive impact on the benefits.
Conference Paper
As the most stringent and effective food quality assurance system, the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system is widely valued by global food companies. Foreign research shows that the motivation of adopting HACCP in the enterprise will affect its implementation effect of the quality assurance system. Based on the large sample research of HACCP certified or validated food enterprises, in the form of questionnaire survey, this paper uses the factor analysis method to analyze the influence factors of enterprises with different characteristics adopting HACCP. The results here show that the motivation of enterprises adopting HACCP varies with the basic characteristics of the enterprise. "Sales network" has a positive impact on the strategic motivation, the enterprises that have exported products are more inclined to adopt HACCP initiatively; the enterprise scale is larger, the strategic motivation tendency is more obvious; meanwhile, the impact of "sales network" to the followership motivation is also significant.
Food safety and quality audits are used widely in the food industry for various reasons (to evaluate management systems, obtain certifications to certain food safety and quality standards, assess the condition of premises and products, confirm legal compliance, and so on). Nowadays, the increased interest of consumers on food safety and quality matters, triggered mainly by recent food scandals, has enabled the public and private food sectors to develop a variety of food safety and quality standards. These standards have both advantages and disadvantages and their effectiveness depends on several factors such as the competency and skills of auditors and the standard used in each case. Although the industry continuously invests in developing and improving these systems, the number of foodborne outbreaks per year appears to be quite stable in both Europe and the United States. This may be an indication that additional measures and techniques or a different approach would be required to further improve the effectiveness of the food safety and quality management systems. This article examines the role of audits and food safety and quality assessment systems in the food industry, presenting the results of several studies and briefly describing the main food safety and quality standards currently used in Europe (with particular emphasis on the United Kingdom and Greece), the U.S., Australia–New Zealand, and Asia.
This project evaluated the impact of a food safety and sanitation training program, developed for farmstead cheesemakers, by investigating its effects on the cleanliness of cheesemaking rooms of dairy farms in Pennsylvania. Participating farms (n=16) were divided randomly into control (n=6; no training) and two treatments, consisting of a food safety and sanitation training program without a video vignette (treatment 1; n=5) and a training program supplemented with a video vignette (treatment 2; n=5). Before the training and again 3-4 months after the training, environmental samplings were conducted on select surfaces in cheesemaking rooms. Surfaces were swabbed and evaluated for aerobic bacterial counts (AC), Enterobacteriaceae (EB), yeast and molds (YM), and for levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The results demonstrate that the training program, with or without the video vignette, significantly reduced (p<0.05) populations (log10 CFU/100 cm²) of AC (treatment 2 = 1.23), EB (treatment 1 = 1.18; treatment 2 = 0.89), and ATP (treatment 1 = 0.41; treatment 2 = 0.61) in samples taken from floors and drains. The results from this study may serve as a reference for future evaluations of food safety-related training programs that look beyond changes in employee knowledge, attitudes, skills, or behavior, and address or correlate to other potential indicators of sanitation, such as microbial counts and ATP levels.
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This paper reports incentives, costs, difficulties and benefits of food safety management systems implementation in the Serbian dairy industry. The survey involved 27 food business operators with the national milk and dairy market share of 65%. Almost two thirds of the assessed dairy producers (70.4%) claimed that they had a fully operational and certified HACCP system in place, while 29.6% implemented HACCP, but had no third party certification. ISO 22000 was implemented and certified in 29.6% of the companies, while only 11.1% had implemented and certified IFS standard. The most important incentive for implementing food safety management systems for Serbian dairy producers was to increase and improve safety and quality of dairy products. The cost of product investigation/analysis and hiring external consultants were related to the initial set-up of food safety management system with the greatest importance. Serbian dairy industry was not greatly concerned by the financial side of implementing food safety management systems due to the fact that majority of prerequisite programmes were in place and regularly used by almost 100% of the producers surveyed. The presence of competency gap between the generic knowledge for manufacturing food products and the knowledge necessary to develop and implement food safety management systems was confirmed, despite the fact that 58.8% of Serbian dairy managers had university level of education. Our study brings about the innovation emphasizing the attitudes and the motivation of the food production staff as the most important barrier for the development and implementation of HACCP. The most important identified benefit was increased safety of dairy products with the mean rank scores of 6.85. The increased customer confidence and working discipline of staff employed in food processing were also found as important benefits of implementing/operating HACCP. The study shows that the level of HACCP implementation was high, either as standalone food safety system or incorporated in the ISO 22000 and its benefits to the dairy industry in Serbia were significant.
The adoption of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in foodservice establishments is voluntary. Investment in HACCP usually requires a diverse set of financial and non-financial resources. Such costs can create constraints for management to adopt HACCP voluntarily, unless the costs versus expected benefits are known and can be evaluated.This study addresses a critical gap in understanding the costs associated with HACCP in foodservice establishments. We propose a costing framework based on a recent study conducted to assess HACCP implementation costs in selected foodservice establishments.This study chose a qualitative research design through an organizational ethnographic approach and case study based assessment of costs.The six establishments surveyed included two of each of the following: restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores, serving ready-to-eat foods.The proposed costing framework characterizes costs and their characteristics. Such a framework would be valuable in understanding management biases and preferences in handling food safety.The discussions suggest a gap in management's understanding of perceived versus actual costs. For example, most HACCP implementation costs were ongoing, except for the cost of buying new equipment. Personnel costs (wages) were a significant portion of these ongoing costs. None of the establishments surveyed incurred costs for public communication/consumer awareness regarding HACCP or food safety. Lack of effective communication of HACCP and food safety principles could create an information asymmetry and have negative implications for consumers' perception of food safety.The development of a costing framework could systematically address research regarding management decision-making by making foodservice HACCP costs more transparent.
The HACCP system is based on an assumption that the virtual hazard and irregularities in food processing may be detected before or during technological processes, so that their risk is minimalised. Preventing health hazards is a major objective of the HACCP system, which is currently considered as one of the most efficient tools available in this respect. The aim of the present study is to elaborate selected sections of the HACCP system for meat products, to adapt and verify it in the production chain. The study involved a description of selected representative meat product - Pork Loin Chops, the production design, designation of critical control points (CCP) in the process, the hazard and the development of a hazard identification analysis sheet. A monitoring system, prevention and correction measures were also planned. The HACCP system was practically verified by testing its introduction and implementation during the production process.
The objective of this study was to determine by interviews the level of adoption of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO 9000 among Mexican Federal Inspection Type slaughterhouses. Among 39 slaughterhouses interviewed in 1999, only 18% had implemented HACCP, 57% were implementing or planning to adopt it, while remaining 25% showed no interest in implementation. Exporting slaughterhouses which supply to specific domestic niche markets first implemented HACCP. The major costs reported to HACCP adoption were staff time required to document the system and laboratory microbiology product testing, whilst reduced microbial counts in products was the most important benefit. Adoption of ISO 9000 in some of these Mexican slaughterhouses was a preliminary step and registered even lower rate of adoption than HACCP. Slaughterhouses with HACCP and ISO 9000 were located at the North border, where higher exporting trade activities take place. It may be concluded that the majority of the Mexican Federal Inspection Type slaughterhouses could not access to foreign trade nor to niches of domestic markets with high quality demands, because in the near future they will not have quality and safety systems operating.
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Purpose This paper seeks to report the perceptions of costs and benefits of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) implementation, according to the level of HACCP implementation and operation, for the Greek food industry. Design/methodology/approach A questionnaire was developed to identify the costs and benefits of HACCP implementation. Data were collected among 91 companies located in northern Greece. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS – Release 12.0.0, September 2003, for Windows) was used for the data analysis. Findings The results indicate that the major difficulties encountered during HACCP implementation and operation were associated with two factors: staff training and motivation and production flexibility. The reported benefits derived from HACCP implementation operation were ascribed to three factors: clientele benefits, product improvements, and improvements in production procedures. In addition, the survey revealed that there was a significant variation in the cost of implementing and operating HACCP between individual companies. Moreover, in most cases, both HACCP implementation and operation cost were inaccurately estimated by previous budgeting. Originality/value It is certain that a good understanding of the costs and benefits associated with the HACCP implementation and operation can be helpful to food businesses. The motivation of food businesses to implement and operate an HACCP system will reflect upon prior expectations of the costs and benefits involved.
This study was conducted to analysis the reason for implementing HACCP system, advantage and disadvantage of HACCP system implemented laying hen farm. The study was carried out by randomly selected fifteen laying hen farms located in all around Korea. All data were collected from fifteen laying hen farms before and after the implementation of HACCP system. The results were as follows: The egg production rate, livability rate and monthly used animal medicine fee did not changed after HACCP system implementation. However, monthly used disinfectant fee tended to be higher in HACCP farm compared to non-HACCP farm. 26.92% of the laying hen farmer responded enhancement of their farm competitiveness as the major propose for implementing HACCP system. The advantages of HACCP implemented laying hen farms were methodical farm management (22.39%), improvement of awareness (21.18%), improvement of the farm sanitation management level (15.30%), safety egg production (15.05%), productivity enhancement (7.29%), reduction of mortality rate (6.82%), and improvement of labor`s welfare (5.89%). The disadvantages of HACCP implemented laying hen farms were HACCP recording (43.30%), alteration of consciousness (22.60%), HACCP monitoring (11.11%), HACCP education (9.97%), HACCP verification (6.90%), and A high turnover of labor (6.13%). In conclusion, implementation of HACCP system to laying hen farm did not affect on the productivity or the use of animal medicine. However, the HACCP system may enhance safety and sanitation of egg production for consumer.
This paper reports the levels of HACCP implementation, costs of implementation and operation, and benefits of implementation for the Mexican meat industry. One hundred and sixty Federal Inspection Type (TIF) enterprises were surveyed, with a 58% response rate. Only 18% of the TIF enterprises interviewed had totally adopted HACCP, while 20% did not have an interest in adoption. The norm of ISO 9000 appeared to be an intermediate step in HACCP implementation. The results show that investment in new equipment and microbiological tests of products accounted for most of the implementation and operational costs, respectively. The main benefit reported was reduction in microbial counts, while staff training was reported as a significant problem. The study shows that although the level of total HACCP implementation is not high, HACCP has implications for both the domestic and international markets.
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Lebensmittelbetriebe sind rechtlich dazu verpflichtet, Maßnahmen zur Gewährleistung der ebensmittelsicherheit nach den HACCP-Prinzipien umzusetzen. Ziel eines deutsch-polnischen Gemeinschaftsprojekts ist es, die Erfahrungen kleiner und mittlerer Lebensmittelunternehmen bei der HACCP-Umsetzung auszuwerten, um so Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen deutschen und polnischen Lebensmittelunternehmen herauszufinden. Erste Ergebnisse liegen nun vor.
Investment in quality systems to guarantee the hygiene-sanitary safety of meals provided by foodservices has become necessary considering the constant increase in food poisoning outbreaks. This survey was carried out in 22 towns in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, using questionnaires given to managers responsible for the quality of foodservices (FS). The survey asked about adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices norms (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems, and the costs of implementing and maintaining these systems. The majority of FS had still not implemented these quality systems. Nonadopters included hospitals, asylums, schools, and nurseries. The main reason for failure to adopt these quality systems was a lack of knowledge of the subject. Foodservices producing fewer meals showed the lowest levels of adoption and the highest costs of implementation of GMP norms. Despite recognizing the important role of a HACCP system in the hygiene-sanitary safety of their meals, the majority of the quality managers surveyed gave priority to quality attributes such as the nutritive value, taste, and presentation of their meals rather than to attributes related to food safety.
This paper explores the interaction between food standards and vertical coordination in the Vietnamese pangasius sector. For farmers and processors alike, the adoption of standards is motivated by a desire to improve market access by ensuring high quality supply. Instead of encouraging the application of standards and contract farming, processing companies prefer to vertically integrate primary production largely due to concerns over the stable supply of pangasius with satisfactory quality and safety attributes. These tendencies increase the market dominance of industrial farming and worsen the position of small household farms.
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The present study describes the costs for implementation of food safety systems in a small dairy plant located in the central region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The steps involved in the implementation of a food safety system include a diagnosis of the prerequisites, implementation of the good manufacturing practices, standard sanitation operating procedures (SSOPs), training of the food handlers and hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). After implementation of the food safety system, the total cost of implementing the food safety system was US61,812.00, signifying an impact of US 3.81/t of yogurt packed (0.5% of the production costs). The resources used for investment signified an additional US$ 12.92/t (1.5% of the cost per kg of yogurt packed). It was concluded that the application of HACCP considered in this study for the yogurt production line presented an adequate cost-benefit relationship, which would improve with the passage of time and with the improvement and sedimentation of the culture of food safety in the company.
In recent years, food supply chains have faced increased quality risk, caused by the extended global supply chain and increased consumer demands on quality and safety. Given the concern regarding quality sustainability in the food supply chain, much attention is being paid to continuous planning and monitoring of quality assurance practices in the supply chain network. In this research, we propose a supply chain quality sustainability decision support system (QSDSS), adopting association rule mining and Dempster's rule of combination techniques. The aim of QSDSS is to support managers in food manufacturing firms to define good logistics plans in order to maintain the quality and safety of food products. We conduct a case study of a Hong Kong red wine company in order to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of QSDSS. Implications of the proposed approach are discussed, and suggestions for future work are outlined.
An international consensus now exists for the principles of HACCP and how they should be implemented. The relative roles of industry and regulatory agencies has been described. A generic flow diagram is outlined and briefly discussed. A questionnaire for use in HACCP verification is provided. A rationale is suggested for determining when HACCP should be mandatory. The transition from theory to practice and regulatory involvement raises a variety of issues, some of which are discussed.
The ‘due diligence’ defence available under UK legislation and the way it has been interpreted by the courts is examined. Five specific cases are used to illustrate the general points which the courts have made and which have been applied to subsequent cases. A comparison is made between the points raised in the cases and the requirements of a Quality Management System and ISO 9000 (or BS5750 within the UK).
In recent years, work to implement the ISO 9000 standard has been intensified in Swedish industry. A rapidly growing number of companies in various industries and lines of business have already been certified or are working towards certification. This situation is very interesting from the point of view of research, as it provides the opportunity to make observations in companies where the work towards change has been going on for a couple of years, at the same time as this work can be studied within new lines of business from the start. Recently, extensive research has been carried out regarding experiences of implementing of ISO 9000 in Swedish industry. Reports the results of this research. In an explorative phase, generates different research questions. Descriptive studies were then made based on these results. In addition, longitudinal in-depth studies focusing on the management of change and based on case studies were carried out in this phase. In all, more than 50 per cent of the Swedish ISO 9000 companies certified in 1993 were investigated. Shows the most common reasons for certification, the positive and negative effects and the companies’ experiences of certification. On the basis of these results, and on earlier known models of change work, draws normative conclusions with implications for more efficient management of change.
Whilst major multiple food retailers in the UK have gained commercial advantage from increased sales of own-branded food products, this trend has exposed them to greater risks of product failure. In a bid to manage these risks, multiple food retailers have implemented complex and very costly food safety control systems in the procurement of own-branded products. Using a transaction costs framework, the paper suggests that multiple food retailers have encouraged the development of third party agencies as institutions through which the costs associated with food safety controls can be reduced, whilst maintaining an acceptable risk of product failure. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Proposed Rules to establish Procedures for the Safe Processing and Importing of Fish and Fishery Products. Food and Drugs Administration
  • R A Williams
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Williams, R.A., & Zorn, D.J. (1994). Preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis of the Proposed Rules to establish Procedures for the Safe Processing and Importing of Fish and Fishery Products. Food and Drugs Administration, Washington. Fig. 6. Bene®ts of operating HACCP compared with expectations prior to implementation.
Public and private regulation of food safety: the case of the UK fresh meat sector
  • S J Henson
  • J Northen
Henson, S.J., & Northen, J. (1997). Public and private regulation of food safety: the case of the UK fresh meat sector. In: G. Schiefer and R Helbig (Eds) Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in Agriculture and Food. University of Bonn.
HACCP Costs of Small Meat Packing Plants: Summary of Survey Results. Working Paper 970527, Food and Agribusiness Management Programme
  • W E Nganje
Nganje, W.E. (1997). HACCP Costs of Small Meat Packing Plants: Summary of Survey Results. Working Paper 970527, Food and Agribusiness Management Programme, University of Illinois.
Food Safety, Transaction Costs and Institutional Innovation Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in Agriculture and Food
  • M E Bredahl
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Bredahl, M.E., & Holleran, E. (1997). Food Safety, Transaction Costs and Institutional Innovation. In: G. Schiefer and R. Helbig (Eds) Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in Agriculture and Food. University of Bonn. Buttle, F.A. (1996). Does ISO 9000 Work? Manchester Business School, Manchester.
Experiences of implementing ISO 9000 in Swedish industry The European Observatory for SMEs Third Annual
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Carlsson, M.,, & Carlsson, D. (1996). Experiences of implementing ISO 9000 in Swedish industry. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 13(7), 36±47. European Observatory for SMEs (1995). The European Observatory for SMEs Third Annual Report. European Network for SME Research, The Hague.
Due diligence and quality assurance in the UK Pathogen reduction: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Systems; Final Rule
  • D Fidler
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HACCP in the meat and poultry industry Small Businesses and BS 5750
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Tompkin, R.B. (1994). HACCP in the meat and poultry industry. Food Control, 5(3), 153±161. Small Business Research Trust (1994). Small Businesses and BS 5750. Small Business Research Trust, Open University, Milton Keynes. Vanguard Consulting (1993). BS 5750 Implementation and Value Added. Vanguard Consulting Ltd, Buckingham.
Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in Agriculture and Food
  • M E Bredahl
  • E Holleran
Quality Management and Process Improvement for Competitive Advantage in Agriculture and Food
  • S J Henson
  • J Northen
Economic Analysis of HACCP Procedures for the Seafood Industry
  • S A Martin
  • B J Bowland
  • B Calingaert
  • N Dean
An IQA Survey on the Use and Implementation of BS 5750 Standards by Third Party Assessment Bodies as Seen by the End User
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Compliance Cost Assessment: Dairy Products (Hygiene) Regulations, 1995. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
  • Maff
BS 5750 Implementation and Value Added
  • Vanguard Consulting