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The female leadership advantage: An evaluation
of the evidence
Alice H. Eagly
*, Linda L. Carli
Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, 2029 Sheridan Road,
Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Psychology, Wellesley College, Wellesley 02481, MA, USA
Accepted 5 September 2003
Journalists and authors of trade books increasingly assert a female advantage in leadership, whereby
women are more likely than men to lead in a style that is effective under contemporary conditions.
Contrasting our analysis of these claims with Vecchio’s [Leadersh. Q. 13 (2002) 643] analysis, we
show that women have some advantages in typical leadership style but suffer some disadvantages from
prejudicial evaluations of their competence as leaders, especially in masculine organizational contexts.
Nonetheless, more women are rising into leadership roles at all levels, including elite executive roles.
We suggest reasons for this rise and argue that organizations can capture the symbols of progressive
social change and modernity by appointments of women in key positions.
D2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Leadership style; Sex differences; Prejudice; Meta-analysis; Gender
1. Introduction
After years of analyzing what makes leaders most effective and figuring out who’s got the
Right Stuff, management gurus now know how to boost the odds of getting a great
executive: Hire a female. (Sharpe, 2000, in Business Week)
1048-9843/$ – see front matter D2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Fax: +1-253-681-8041.
E-mail address: (A.H. Eagly).
The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807 – 834
The idea that women are effective leaders has jumped from the writers of feminist trade
books on management (e.g., Helgesen, 1990; Rosener, 1995) to the mainstream press and is
steadily making its way into the popular culture. Articles in newspapers and business
magazines reveal a cultural realignment in the United States that proclaims a new era for
female leaders. As Business Week announces that women have the ‘‘Right Stuff’’ (Sharpe,
2000),Fast Company concurs that ‘‘The future of business depends on women’’ (Hefferman,
2002, p. 9). Even more startling is Business Week’s subsequent cover story on the ‘‘New
Gender Gap,’’ maintaining that ‘‘Men could become losers in a global economy that values
mental power over might’’ (Conlin, 2003, p. 78).
The sharp edge of these female advantage articles must be quite baffling to the many
academic leadership researchers who have argued that gender has little relation to leadership
style and effectiveness (e.g., Dobbins & Platz, 1986; Powell, 1990). They might be tempted to
conclude that in our postmodernist world the voices of social scientists have not been accorded
any special authority. However, to earn the trust of journalists and the public, leadership
researchers must approach these issues with sophisticated enough theories and methods that
they illuminate the implications of gender in organizational life. Toward this goal, we show
that a careful sifting through social scientific evidence, separating wheat from chaff, suggests
that contemporary journalists, while surely conveying too simple a message, are expressing
some of the new realities associated with women’s rise into elite leadership roles.
To address these issues, researchers must confront the perennially important issue of what
behaviors characterize effective leaders. Is it the firm execution of authority over subordinates
or the capacity to support and inspire them? More likely, as situational theories of leadership
contend (e.g., Chemers, 1997), the effectiveness of leader behaviors depends on contextual
variables, such as the nature of the task and the characteristics of the followers. Yet,
historically, leadership has been construed as primarily a masculine enterprise, and many
theories of leadership have focused on the desirability of stereotypically masculine qualities
in leaders (e.g., Miner, 1993). Nevertheless, it is probable that stereotypically feminine
qualities of cooperation, mentoring, and collaboration are important to leadership as well,
certainly in some contexts and perhaps increasingly in contemporary organizations.
As we analyze these issues in this article, we contrast many of our views with those of
Vecchio (2002), who recently provided a review of some of the research relevant to the debate
about female advantage. The basic questions that we address in this article and that demand
attention in relation to these arguments are (a) whether men and women behave differently in
leadership roles, (b) whether women receive prejudiced evaluations as leaders and potential
leaders, and (c) whether leadership by women might be more effective or better meet the
needs of organizations than leadership by men. Although Vecchio addressed the first and third
of these questions, our conclusions differ from his, and he gave insufficient attention to the
second question—the crucial issue of female disadvantage from discriminatory processes.
In this article, the terms sex and sexes denote the grouping of people into female and male categories. The
terms sex differences and similarities are applied to describe the results of comparing these two groups. The term
gender refers to the meanings that societies and individuals ascribe to these female and male categories. We do not
intend to use these terms to give priority to any class of causes that may underlie sex and gender effects.
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2. The changing context of female leadership
Before delving into these issues of female advantage and disadvantage, we note that
women’s corporate and political leadership is on the rise. Whereas women held only 18% of
managerial and administrative positions in the United States in 1972, by 2002 that percentage
had increased to 46% (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1982, 2002). Moreover, in the Fortune
500, both the percentage of women among all corporate officers (15.7%) and CEOs (1.4%)
are at all-time highs (Black, 2003; Catalyst, 2002). Likewise, although women constitute only
14% of the Congress of the United States and 12% of state governors, 42% of the women
who have ever served in the Senate are in office now, as are 26% of the women who have
ever served as governors (White House Project, 2002). Also, 43 of the 59 women who have
ever served as presidents or prime ministers of nations came into office since 1990 (Adler,
1999; de Za
´rate, 2003). Despite these changes, men, far more often than women, occupy
positions conferring decision-making authority and the ability to influence others’ pay or
promotions (Smith, 2002).
The increase in female leaders has been accompanied by changes in theories and
practices of leadership. Whereas in the past, leaders based their authority mainly on their
access to political, economic, or military power, in postindustrial societies leaders share
power far more and establish many collaborative relationships (Lipman-Blumen, 1996).
Therefore, contemporary views of good leadership encourage teamwork and collaboration
and emphasize the ability to empower, support, and engage workers (e.g., Hammer &
Champy, 1994; Senge, 1994). Trade books urge managers to put people first by using
‘‘resonance-building styles...that support commitment, involvement, active pursuit of
the vision, and healthy, productive work relationships’’ (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee,
2002, p. 221).
These contemporary approaches to leadership not only recommend a reduction in
hierarchy but also place the leader more in the role of coach or teacher than previous models
of leadership. Although the specifics of these views vary, most such discussions emphasize
that leader roles are changing to meet the demands of greatly accelerated technological
growth, increasing workforce diversity, intense competitive pressures on corporations and
other organizations, and a weakening of geopolitical boundaries. As Kanter (1997, p. 59)
Managerial work is undergoing such enormous and rapid change that many managers are
reinventing their profession as they go. With little precedent to guide them, they are
watching hierarchy fade away and the clear distinctions of title, task, department, even
corporation, blur. Faced with extraordinary levels of complexity and interdependency,
they watch traditional sources of power erode and the old motivational tools lose their
Is it possible that the changing nature of managerial work accords female leaders some
advantages that they did not possess in the past? As we explain in this article, social scientists
have often emphasized the prejudicial disadvantages that women face because of the
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construal of leadership in masculine terms. To the extent that modern characterizations of
effective leadership have become more consonant with the female gender role, this female
disadvantage may be eroding.
The gradual erosion of female disadvantage would be consonant with the emphasis of
many popular mass-market management books on traditionally feminine communal behavior,
involving creating a sense of community, empowering subordinates, and communicating and
listening effectively (Fondas, 1997). Indeed, writers of popular books on leadership have
argued that effective leadership is congruent with the ways that women lead (Book, 2000;
Helgesen, 1990; Rosener, 1995). For example, Rosener (1995) labeled women’s leadership as
interactive, involving collaboration and empowerment of employees, and men’s leadership as
command-and-control, involving the assertion of authority and the accumulation of power.
Such authors construe men and women as quite different in the ways that they lead, with men
relying on a somewhat antiquated leadership style that does not fit the needs of most
contemporary organizations. These provocative descriptions of sex-typed leadership styles
invite careful scrutiny from social scientists.
3. Methods of studying gender and leadership
Before reviewing research on how gender impinges on leadership, we give some
consideration to the methods by which we draw our conclusions. Popular writing typically
has relied on qualitative analyses or on surveys or interviews with select groups of women
leaders (e.g., Helgesen, 1990; Rosener, 1990, 1995). Although such approaches can illustrate
many of the concerns and experiences of women leaders, they do not allow systematic
examination of sex differences and similarities. In contrast, social scientific research has
explored gender effects on leadership through a wide variety of research methodologies in
many hundreds of studies.
Making use of large numbers of studies is a formidable task. Using narrative methods,
some reviewers qualitatively analyze groups of studies to identify common themes or patterns
in the findings. Such reviews have value principally when there are few studies that have
addressed a particular question. Alternatively, reviewers summarize studies using meta-
analysis, which quantitatively combines the results of individual studies (Lipsey & Wilson,
2001). This method is especially useful for integrating large numbers of studies, which would
quickly overwhelm reviewers’ abilities to produce accurate generalizations from more
intuitive, narrative summaries.
In meta-analyses, the outcome of each study is computed using the common metric of
effect sizes, which in reviews of gender and leadership generally take the form of a
standardized difference (or d), defined as the difference between the mean scores of
women and men (e.g., on a measure of leadership style) divided by the pooled standard
deviation. The goal of meta-analysis is to combine study findings to yield measures of the
average magnitude of an effect and, even more important, to statistically test whether
variation in these findings can be accounted for by the characteristics of the studies
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834810
Given our and Vecchio’s (2002) reliance on meta-analyses, it is important to scrutinize
them with care, especially because they purport to provide authoritative summaries of
research literatures. To help readers of The Leadership Quarterly evaluate meta-analyses
pertaining to gender and leadership, we offer a very short primer on how to judge their
1. Evaluate whether a meta-analyst conducted an extensive enough search that virtually all
relevant studies likely were identified. The search should encompass unpublished studies,
to lessen publication bias (Sutton, Song, Gilbody, & Abrams, 2000). Multiple databases
should be searched as well as the reference lists of existing reviews and all located studies.
The exclusion of studies that tested the hypothesis of interest requires a defensible
justification. Of course, the cardinal rule of meta-analysis is that all data sets that are
included address the same hypothesis.
2. Determine whether at least two independent judges who achieved high interjudge
reliability coded the studies extensively enough to represent the differences in studies’
attributes, including features relevant to study quality.
3. Appraise whether a meta-analyst thoroughly analyzed the database of studies’ effect sizes
and coded attributes. Central tendencies of the effect sizes should be presented,
accompanied by counts of studies producing findings in each direction. The meta-analyst
should calculate all possible models relating study attributes to the effect sizes and report
the significant models.
4. Consider whether a meta-analyst appropriately discussed and interpreted the size
of effects, the relations between studies’ attributes and the effect sizes, the strengths
and weaknesses of the studies, and the theoretical and practical implications of the
To illustrate these criteria, we compare Dobbins and Platz’s (1986) meta-analysis of
sex differences in leadership style and effectiveness with those of Eagly and Johnson
(1990) on leadership style and of Eagly, Karau, and Makhijani (1995) on leaders’
effectiveness. Dobbins and Platz located 17 documents, yielding 8 studies of leadership
style and 16 studies of the effectiveness of leaders or satisfaction with leaders’ perform-
ance. In contrast, Eagly and Johnson located 161 documents, yielding 162 studies of
style, and Eagly et al. located 87 documents, yielding 96 studies of effectiveness
(including satisfaction with leaders’ performance). The discrepancy in the number of
studies derives primarily from the far more thorough search procedures of Eagly and her
In addition to using minimalist search procedures, Dobbins and Platz (1986) failed to code
the included studies. They presented only means and variabilities of the effect sizes and
dispatched discussion of these findings in three paragraphs, one of which called for a
moratorium on research comparing male and female leaders. In contrast, the Eagly and
Johnson (1990) and Eagly et al. (1995) meta-analyses included: (a) extensive coding of the
studies by two judges who achieved adequate intercoder reliability, (b) the computation of all
possible models relating study attributes to the effect sizes and the presentation of the
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significant models, and (c) a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses and the theoretical
and practical implications of their findings.
The most startling defect of the Dobbins and Platz (1986) review is its inclusion of studies
with designs inappropriate to drawing conclusions about sex differences in leaders’ style or
effectiveness. Reviews of these questions should include only studies that allowed leader
behavior to vary naturally and omit those that constrained or manipulated leader behavior.
However, Dobbins and Platz included seven experimental studies featuring male and female
behavior that had been made artificially equivalent by presenting participants with (a)
standardized written descriptions of leader behavior ascribed to a man or woman (Bartol &
Butterfield, 1976; Butterfield & Powell, 1981; Frasher & Frasher, 1980; Haccoun, Haccoun,
& Sallay, 1978; Rosen & Jerdee, 1973); (b) male or female experimental confederates who
had been carefully trained to lead in a particular style (Lee & Alvares, 1977); or (c)
videotapes of a man or woman portraying a leader by delivering the exact same script (Welsh,
These studies holding male and female behavior constant and varying only sex were
variants of the Goldberg paradigm, designed to investigate biases in perceptions of
equivalent male and female leader behavior (Goldberg, 1968). Despite the fact that 41%
of the included studies deliberately insured the actual equivalence of male and female
behavior, Dobbins and Platz (1986) announced conclusions about sex differences in
leadership style and effectiveness. The invalid conclusions from this meta-analysis spread
like a virus through organizational and management science, as shown by the 78 citations
of this project (ISI Web of Science, 2003).Vecchio (2002) repeatedly cited this defective
meta-analysis to support his views and even maintained that ‘‘Dobbins and Platz can be
applauded for focusing their analysis on more rigorous, published studies’’ (p. 651). In
this statement, he also wrongly maintained that published studies are more rigorous than
unpublished ones, which primarily consist of dissertations. In contrast, meta-analysts
judge study quality, not by publication status, but by coding of quality-relevant study
In this article, we rely on high-quality meta-analytic reviews because of their advantages in
producing valid conclusions from large research literatures. Of course, questions concerning
gender and leadership, as with any social science research question, are best derived from a
variety of different and valuable methods: true experiments, quasi-experiments, organiza-
tional studies, survey research, and studies using aggregate social statistics such as wages.
Both convergent and divergent findings across differing methods can yield important
Experiments can be useful for their excellent internal validity, especially when they are
considered in the context of studies using methods with excellent external validity, albeit
lesser internal validity (e.g., organizational studies, survey research). Vecchio’s (2002)
suspicion of true experiments derives in part from his inaccurate opinion that they are
conducted in laboratories with impoverished stimuli. Instead, experiments are defined only by
manipulated independent variables and the random assignment of participants to conditions.
The stimuli may be complex (e.g., realistic job re
´s, videotaped interviews) or simple
(e.g., brief descriptions of leaders). The participants can be managers or other nonstudent
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834812
groups, and the sites include organizations and other nonlaboratory settings. In contrast to
Vecchio’s tilt toward organizational studies, we thus adopt an ecumenical approach toward
research evidence.
4. Sex differences and similarities in leadership style
We first turn to the question of whether women and men differ in leadership style, an
issue that many researchers have addressed, primarily with organizational studies.
Although Vecchio (2002) questioned the value of this research because job descriptions
do not ordinarily stipulate particular styles, we believe that this research is important, well
beyond its potential to yield ‘‘developmental insights related to the understanding of others
and one’s self’’ (Vecchio, 2002, p. 649). Job candidates’ leadership styles are surely
among the attributes given special scrutiny in interviews of candidates for managerial
positions, and managers fired from their positions are often critiqued for their leadership
styles (e.g., faulty ‘‘top-down management style,’’ Steinberg, 2003). Moreover, the impetus
of this research was, in some cases, to investigate whether the dearth of women in high-
level positions could be explained by their leading with styles that are less effective than
those of their male counterparts, and in other cases, to investigate whether women
possessed superior leadership styles. To shed light on these issues as well as to participate
in wider scholarly debates about the magnitude and implications of sex differences in
behavior (Eagly, 1995), many investigators have compared the leadership styles of women
and men.
4.1. Task-oriented, interpersonally oriented, and autocratic– democratic styles
In the long-standing tradition of studying leadership style (see Bass, 1990), most research
conducted prior to 1990 distinguished between task-oriented style or initiation of structure
and interpersonally oriented style or consideration. A somewhat less popular distinction was
between leaders who (a) behave democratically and allow subordinates to participate in
decision-making, or (b) behave autocratically and discourage subordinates from such
participation. To examine sex differences and similarities in these styles, Eagly and Johnson
(1990) reviewed 162 studies that yielded comparisons of women and men on relevant
measures. Approaching this project in an exploratory frame of mind, Eagly and Johnson
began their analysis by discussing both reasons to expect the absence of sex differences and
reasons to expect their presence.
This synthesis found that leadership styles were somewhat gender-stereotypic in (a)
laboratory studies generally conducted as experiments on group processes with student
participants and (b) assessment studies using participants not selected for occupancy of
leadership roles (e.g., samples of employees or students in university business programs).
Specifically, in such research, women, more than men, manifested relatively interpersonally
oriented and democratic styles, and men, more than women, manifested relatively task-
oriented and autocratic styles. In contrast, sex differences were more limited in organizational
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 813
studies, which examined managers’ styles. Male and female managers did not differ in their
tendencies to manifest interpersonally oriented and task-oriented styles. However, in these
studies of managers, as in the laboratory and assessment studies, women manifested a
somewhat more democratic (or participative) style and a less autocratic (or directive) style
than men did.
This autocratic–democratic finding, which was based on 23 data sets and a heterogeneous
set of measuring instruments, produced a relatively small mean effect size (d= 0.22).
Nonetheless, 92% of the available comparisons went in the direction of a more democratic
or participative style among women. The diversity of measures of autocratic and democratic
tendencies, regarded as undesirable by Vecchio (2002), can be regarded as a strength because
the conclusion was not based solely on a particular measure and thus has potentially greater
generalizability. Moreover, some confirmation of Eagly and Johnson’s findings is contained
in a later meta-analysis that surveyed studies published subsequent to their review (van
Engen, 2001).
Vecchio (2002) would prefer that Eagly and Johnson (1990) had excluded studies that used
certain measuring instruments, especially Fiedler’s (1967) measure (Least Preferred Co-
Worker Scale [LPC]). Instead of excluding studies that used methods that some had criticized,
Eagly and Johnson adopted the more informative strategy of including them but then
disaggregating their meta-analytic data to test whether differing methods produced differing
findings. In particular, studies using the LPC and similar one-dimensional measures of task-
oriented versus interpersonally oriented style were aggregated separately from those that
assessed interpersonal style and task style on two dimensions.
Vecchio’s (2002) view that studies using leaders’ self-ratings should be deleted also
violates the meta-analytic principle of including a wide range of methods and disaggregating
based on method. Moreover, his opinion that leaders’ self ratings have less validity than
others’ ratings of leaders appears to be debatable. When Malloy and Janowski (1992) applied
the statistical analyses of Kenny’s (1991) social relations model to perceptions of leadership
(e.g., amount of talking, friendliness, leadership), self and other perceptions appeared to be
highly similar and in general quite accurate. It is apparently for strictly evaluative ratings of
managers’ effectiveness that self ratings may be more biased than others’ ratings (e.g., Atkins
& Wood, 2000). At any rate, the identity of raters was treated as a moderator variable in
analyses of the effect sizes. In fact, consistent with meta-analytic practice, all coded study
attributes were related to the effect sizes, and only the significant models were reported in the
Based on analyses of their large database, Eagly and Johnson (1990) concluded that
gender-stereotypic sex differences in leadership behavior were less common in organizational
studies than in other types of studies because male and female managers were selected by
similar criteria and subjected to similar organizational socialization—forces that tend to
equalize the sexes. Among managers, a sex difference was detected only in a fairly narrow
range of leadership behaviors assessed by measures of autocratic–democratic (or directive –
participative) tendencies, which relate primarily to the exercise of power. These findings
illustrate the value of comparing studies of different types: Without the context provided by
the laboratory and assessment studies of persons not occupying managerial roles, any
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834814
conclusion about the lessening of sex differences among managers would not have been
This meta-analysis included some possible interpretations of the autocratic – democratic
sex difference—specifically, (a) the greater social skills of women (vs. men) may have
facilitated collaborative, democratic leadership behavior and (b) such behavior may have
been especially advantageous for women because it placated subordinates and peers who
might otherwise have been resistant to female leadership. Although we do not concur
with Vecchio’s (2002) view that the demonstrated difference in autocratic– democratic
tendencies is unimportant, we agree that this style’s effectiveness depends on context
(e.g., Foels, Driskell, Mullen, & Salas, 2000; Gastil, 1994), as did Eagly and Johnson
(1990, p. 249), who were ‘‘unwilling to argue that women’s relatively democratic and
participative style is either an advantage or disadvantage.’’ Nonetheless, consistent with
Fondas’s (1997) analysis, democratic, participative leader behavior is more similar to the
leadership styles advocated by contemporary managerial writers than is autocratic,
directive behavior.
Another significant moderator analysis in Eagly and Johnson’s (1990) meta-analysis
established that leaders of each sex were especially task-oriented relative to the other sex
when their role was congruent (or congenial) with their gender—that is, defined in relatively
masculine terms for male leaders or in more feminine terms for female leaders. This finding
does not support Vecchio’s (2002) interpretation that ‘‘regardless of sex, individuals are
inclined to be work-focused’’ (p. 651), but rather that leaders’ work-related task behavior
occurs more often when the leader role is perceived as congenial to their gender.
4.2. Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire styles
Debates about the leadership styles of women and men gained momentum in the 1990s
because of new research attempting to identify the styles that are especially attuned to
contemporary conditions. The new emphasis was on leadership that is transformational in
the sense that it is future oriented rather than present oriented and that strengthens
organizations by inspiring followers’ commitment and creativity. As initially described by
Burns (1978) and elaborated by Bass (1985), transformational leadership entails establishing
oneself as a role model by gaining followers’ trust and confidence. Transformational leaders
state future goals, develop plans to achieve those goals, and innovate, even when their
organization is generally successful. By mentoring and empowering followers, such leaders
help followers to develop their potential and thus to contribute more effectively to their
Leadership researchers (e.g., Avolio, 1999) contrasted transformational leaders to trans-
actional leaders, who appeal to subordinates’ self-interest by establishing exchange relation-
ships with them. Transactional leadership involves managing in the conventional sense of
clarifying subordinates’ responsibilities, rewarding them for meeting objectives, and correct-
ing them for failing to meet objectives. In addition, researchers distinguished a laissez-faire
style that is marked by an overall failure to take responsibility for managing. These
distinctions between aspects of leadership style are commonly assessed by the Multifactor
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 815
Leadership Questionnaire, known as the MLQ (see Table 1 and Antonakis, Avolio, &
Sivasubramaniam, 2003).
Although Vecchio (2002) discounted the possibility that noteworthy gender effects might
emerge in research on transformational and transactional leadership, researchers in this area
have reasoned that transformational leadership might be particularly advantageous to women
because of its androgynous qualities (e.g., Yoder, 2001) and, indeed, the substantial research
literature comparing women and men on these styles has yielded interesting outcomes.
Pursuing these ideas, Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, and van Engen (2003) carried out a meta-
analysis of 45 studies that compared male and female managers on measures of transforma-
tional, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles. This meta-analysis encompassed a
large study conducted to provide norms and psychometric standards for the MLQ (Center for
Leadership Studies, 2000) as well as many studies conducted within specific organizations or
groups of organizations, the majority of which were in business or educational domains. The
Table 1
Study-level effect sizes for transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles
Leadership All studies Excluding outliers
measure kd
95% CI Q
unweighted d
Transformational 44 0.10 0.13, 0.08 152.94** 0.19 40 0.16
25 0.09 0.12, 0.06 51.61** 0.13 24 0.11
Idealized Influence
10 0.12 0.16, 0.08 16.56 0.06
Idealized Influence
15 0.02 0.06, 0.01 29.79** 0.07 14 0.02
Inspirational Motivation 29 0.05 0.08, 0.03 88.40** 0.10 24 0.06
Intellectual Stimulation 35 0.05 0.07, 0.02 150.74** 0.12 30 0.06
28 0.19 0.22, 0.16 37.31 0.20
Contingent Reward 21 0.13 0.17, 0.10 29.83 0.13
Management by
Exception (active)
12 0.12 0.08, 0.16 21.24* 0.11 11 0.13
Management by
Exception (passive)
18 0.27 0.23, 0.30 19.18 0.23
Laissez-faire 16 0.16 0.14, 0.19 18.74 0.06
Positive effect sizes (ds) indicate that men had higher scores than women on a given leadership style, and negative
ds indicate that women had higher scores than men.
k= number of studies; d
= mean weighted effect size; CI = confidence interval; Q= homogeneity of ds.
Table adapted from Eagly et al. (2003).
Significance indicates rejection of the hypothesis of homogeneity.
In some studies, the Idealized Influence (attribute) and Idealized Influence (behavior) subscales were
presented separately, and in some studies, they were combined into a Charisma subscale.
*p< .05.
**p< .01.
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834816
measures of leadership style were completed by leaders’ subordinates, peers, or superiors or
by the leaders themselves.
In general, Eagly et al.’s (2003) meta-analysis revealed that, compared with male leaders,
female leaders were (a) more transformational (significant in general and on all but one
subscale) and (b) engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviors (i.e., exchanging
rewards for followers’ satisfactory performance) that are one component of transactional
leadership (see Table 1). Also, male leaders were more likely than female leaders to manifest
two other aspects of transactional leadership: active management by exception (attending to
followers’ mistakes and failures to meet standards) and passive management by exception
(waiting for problems to become severe before intervening). Men were also higher on laissez-
faire leadership (exhibiting widespread absence and lack of involvement). These sex differ-
ences were small, but prevailed in the meta-analysis as a whole as well as in auxiliary
analyses of (a) the MLQ norming study, (b) the other studies that used the MLQ, and (c) the
studies that used other measures of these styles.
These provocative findings are unlikely to be an artifact of publication bias, given that the
majority of the included studies were unpublished and that the authors of the published
studies had often not included sex comparisons (but were willing to provide these data when
asked for them). In addition, contrary to the view, endorsed by Vecchio (2002), that sex
differences in style are an artifact of the placement of women and men in different leadership
roles, which often cede men more power than women (e.g., Kanter, 1977; Ragins, 1991), the
sex effects did not differ between (a) studies assessing leaders who had the same specific role
description (e.g., college hall directors) and (b) studies assessing leaders in a broad category
within which men and women were likely concentrated in different roles (e.g., managers of
various organizations). Also, these findings are unlikely to be a product of the application of
different standards in judging men and women (see Biernat & Kobrynowicz, 1999) because
the rating scales used in this research are not adjective rating scales but are behaviorally
anchored scales assessing the frequency with which a leader engages in each of the relevant
Interpretation of these findings included several possibilities (Eagly et al., 2003): (a) the
transformational repertoire (and contingent reward behaviors) may resolve some of the
typical incongruity that exists between leadership roles and the female gender role because
these styles are not distinctively masculine (see Eagly & Karau, 2002), (b) gender roles may
influence leadership by means of the spillover and internalization of gender-specific norms,
which could facilitate women’s focus on the more feminine aspects of transformational
leadership (e.g., individualized consideration), and (c) the glass ceiling and the associated
double standard for the selection and promotion of managers may produce more highly
skilled female than male leaders.
Sex differences in transformational and transactional leadership do have implications for
female advantage arguments because researchers defined these styles in an effort to identify
effective leadership. Substantiating these claims, a meta-analysis of 39 studies showed
positive correlations between effectiveness and all components of transformational leadership
as well as the contingent reward component of transactional leadership, the one aspect of
transactional leadership on which women exceeded men (Lowe, Kroeck, & Sivasubrama-
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 817
niam, 1996). The norming study of the MLQ measure produced similar effectiveness findings
(Center for Leadership Studies, 2000), and in addition, showed negative relations between
leaders’ effectiveness and two of the remaining measures: (a) passive management by
exception, which is one of the components of transactional leadership, and (b) laissez-faire
In view of these findings, the tendency of women to exceed men on the components of
leadership style that relate positively to effectiveness (i.e., transformational leadership and
the contingent reward aspect of transactional leadership) and the tendency of men to
exceed women on the ineffective styles (i.e., passive management by exception and laissez-
faire leadership) attest to women’s abilities. Thus, research on transformational, transac-
tional, and laissez-faire leadership styles does suggest female advantage, albeit a small
5. Prejudice and discrimination against women as leaders
Any female advantage in leadership style might be offset by disadvantage that flows from
prejudice and discrimination directed against women as leaders. Prejudice consists of unfair
evaluation of a group of people based on stereotypical judgments of the group rather than the
behavior or qualifications of its individual members. When people hold stereotypes about a
group, they expect members of that group to possess characteristics and exhibit behavior
consistent with those stereotypes. Perceivers then tacitly assimilate information to their
gender-stereotypic expectations (von Hippel, Sekaquaptewa, & Vargas, 1995) and sponta-
neously fill in unknown details of others’ behavior to conform to those expectations (Dunning
& Sherman, 1997). These stereotypic inferences yield prejudice against individual group
members when stereotypes about their group are incongruent with the attributes associated
with success in certain classes of social roles. This incongruity tends to produce discrim-
ination by lowering evaluation of such group members as potential or actual occupants of
those roles.
According to Eagly and Karau (2002), incongruity between expectations about women
(i.e., the female gender role) and expectations about leaders (i.e., leader roles) underlie
prejudice against female leaders (see also Burgess & Borgida, 1999, Heilman, 2001). This
explanation, based on Eagly’s social role theory of sex differences and similarities in social
behavior (Eagly, 1987; Eagly, Wood, & Diekman, 2000) asserts that the activation of beliefs
about women and men by gender-related cues influences people to perceive individual
women as communal but not very agentic and individual men as agentic but not very
Consistent with role incongruity theory, stereotype research reveals that people do consider
men to be more agentic than women and women to be more communal than men (Deaux &
Kite, 1993). Also, the communal qualities that people associate with women, such as warmth
and selflessness, diverge from the agentic qualities, such as assertiveness and instrumentality,
that people perceive as characteristic of successful leaders. In contrast, the predominantly
agentic qualities that people associate with men are similar to the qualities perceived to be
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834818
needed for success in high status occupations, which would include most managerial
occupations (see Cejka & Eagly, 1999).
Stereotypes about women and men, like other stereotypes of social groups, appear to be
easily and automatically activated (Fiske, 1998). Although stereotypes are not necessarily
activated or applied to bias judgments of individuals, many circumstances do favor both
activation and application (Kunda & Spencer, 2003). Because such circumstances are
common, we assume that, in general, perceptions of individual leaders reflect both beliefs
about leaders and beliefs about gender. Therefore, it is likely that judgments of female leaders
ordinarily manifest an amalgam of the communal traits associated with the female gender role
and the agentic traits associated with leadership roles (Heilman, Block, & Martell, 1995). The
typical similarity of the male gender role and leader roles requires no such amalgamation.
Ample evidence exists that managers (and undergraduate and graduate business students)
link management ability with being male and possessing masculine characteristics (Powell,
Butterfield, & Parent, 2002; Schein, 2001). Also, nationally representative survey data reveal
greater preference for male than female bosses, although this preference has been decreasing
over time (Simmons, 2001). Because of doubts about women’s leadership ability, they are
generally held to a higher standard of competence than men are. For women to be considered
as instrumentally competent as men, perceivers must be given clear evidence of women’s
greater ability or superior performance compared to their male counterparts (Biernat &
Kobrynowicz, 1997; Foschi, 1996; Shackelford, Wood, & Worchel, 1996; Wood & Karten,
Examples of the challenges women face in being perceived as competent leaders include a
field study examining judgments of leadership ability among U.S. Army captains attending a
leadership training course. This study revealed a bias favoring men in both self and other
judgments, even when controlling for years as captain and other status factors, and
particularly when women were in a solo or token situation in their groups (Biernat, Crandall,
Young, Kobrynowicz, & Halpin, 1998). A field study of a university cadet corps also showed
that judgments of competence and leadership qualities were biased against women, when
evaluated against the criterion of objective military performance (Boldry, Wood, & Kashy,
Despite the external validity advantages of organizational studies, they remain vulnerable
to the internal validity criticism that uncontrolled sex differences may account for apparently
prejudicial effects. To address this concern, researchers have turned to Goldberg paradigm
experiments that equate the objective characteristics of men and women other than their sex
and are carried out in a variety of settings with diverse participants, including managers and
other employee groups.
One popular variant of these Goldberg paradigm experiments involves presenting a
´or application for evaluation, with half of the participants receiving it with a female
name attached to it and half receiving it with a male name. Meta-analysis of these
experiments showed that men were preferred over women for jobs rated as male sex-typed
(d= 0.34) and women over men for jobs rated as female sex-typed (d=0.26; Davison &
Burke, 2000). Given that leadership roles are usually sex-typed as masculine, these
experiments suggest bias against female candidates for such positions. Other studies in
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 819
this tradition include some more naturalistic but less controlled field experiments conducted
by sending male and female job applications to companies (e.g., McIntyre, Moberg, &
Posner, 1980) or having male and female confederates respond by telephone to advertised
jobs (Levinson, 1982). These studies also showed sex discrimination that depended on the
sex-typing of jobs.
A meta-analysis of Goldberg paradigm experiments that investigated evaluations of male
and female performances on a wide variety of tasks revealed an overall effect favoring
male expertise (Swim, Borgida, Maruyama, & Myers, 1989). This overall prejudicial bias
was small (ds between 0.05 and 0.08, depending on the method of estimation).
However, consistent with the role incongruity theory, this bias was larger for masculine
and gender-neutral tasks (ds between 0.10 and 0.32) than feminine tasks (ds between
0.01 and 0.08).
Even in face-to-face interactions with no evidence of male superiority at the task
(Wood & Karten, 1986) or no objective gender differences in the quality of performance
(Carli, 1991, 1997), undergraduate participants rated men to have performed more
competently than women. Also, in an experiment manipulating managers’ speech, union
members rated female managers as less effective than their male counterparts when the
managers spoke in a relatively uncertain manner, although they gave the female and male
managers comparable ratings when they communicated more competently (Geddes,
1992). In addition, women’s task contributions in small groups are more likely to be
ignored or to evoke negative reactions from others than men’s contributions are (e.g.,
Butler & Geis, 1990; Propp, 1995). Consequently, women, more than men, face a
difficult challenge to prove that they have the high level of ability required to become a
Despite doubts about women’s competence as leaders, one might expect that highly
agentic female leaders would be able to overcome such difficulties. However, people may
perceive women who demonstrate clear-cut leadership ability as insufficiently feminine.
Thus, a female leader can be rejected because people perceive her to lack the agentic qualities
associated with effective leadership or because she possesses too many of them. This
rejection as ‘‘too masculine’’ results from injunctive or prescriptive gender role norms—that
is, consensual expectations about what men and women ought to do—that require women to
display communal behavior and not too much agentic behavior (Eagly & Karau, 2002; Fiske
& Stevens, 1993).
As a result of these injunctive demands, female leaders often receive less favorable
reactions than male leaders do for male-stereotypic forms of leadership. This generalization
was confirmed in a meta-analysis of Goldberg paradigm experiments on the evaluation of
male and female leaders (Eagly, Makhijani, & Klonsky, 1992). Although the overall bias in
favor of men was small (d= 0.05), women received lower evaluations than equivalent men for
autocratic leadership (d= 0.30) but comparable evaluations for democratic leadership. Also,
women encounter more dislike and rejection than men do for showing dominance, expressing
disagreement, or being highly assertive or self-promoting (e.g., Carli, 1998; Copeland,
Driskell, & Salas, 1995; Rudman, 1998). In addition, dominance lowers women’s but not
men’s ability to influence others (Carli, 1998; Mehta et al., 1989, cited in Ellyson, Dovidio, &
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834820
Brown, 1992). Greater penalties against women than men for dominant and assertive
behaviors reflect the constraints on women to avoid stereotypically masculine behavior.
The resistance to female leadership demonstrated by these findings is problematic for
female leaders, especially because it appears that, with some exceptions (e.g., Rudman,
1998), men, who currently hold most positions of power and authority, generally find female
agency and leadership more objectionable than women do. This generalization is consistent
with the Eagly et al. (1992) meta-analysis, which showed that male evaluators rated female
leaders less favorably than equivalent male leaders, whereas female evaluators did not exhibit
gender bias. For example, in one study, employees watched a videotape depicting an
assertive, confident target employee who expressed interest in advancement and later
disagreed with senior management (Geller & Hobfoll, 1993). Results revealed that, whereas
the male target received similar evaluations from the men and women, the female target
received less favorable evaluations from the men. Such findings are consistent with evidence
that, although both sexes view the social category of ‘‘successful managers’’ as more like men
than women, men show this ‘‘think manager, think male’’ effect more strongly than women
(Schein, 2001).
Male-dominated environments can be difficult for women. The Eagly et al. (1992) meta-
analysis of Goldberg paradigm experiments thus demonstrated that female leaders received
less favorable evaluations than their equivalent male counterparts in male-dominated leader
roles, but were equally evaluated in roles that were not male-dominated. Congruent evidence
in survey data emerged from an analysis of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (Hill, 1992),
which showed that, despite controls on numerous variables (e.g., human capital, family
characteristics, skill requirements of occupations), working in male-dominated occupations
increased men’s chances of promotions (as assessed by substantial wage increases in
successive years), but increased women’s chances of leaving their jobs (Maume, 1999).
Consistent with such findings, women appear to be disadvantaged in employment contexts in
which advancement depends on sex homophilous male networks, which are especially
prevalent in environments where men constitute a strong majority (McPherson, Smith-Lovin,
& Cook, 2001).
In terms of everyday organizational behaviors, discrimination in male-dominated settings
occurs through blatant and subtle stereotyping, questioning of women’s competence, sexual
harassment, and social isolation (e.g., Collinson, Knights, & Collinson, 1990; Fitzgerald,
Drasgow, Hulin, Gelfand, & Magley, 1997; Kanter, 1977; Martin, 1992). Stereotyping can
produce its own reality through expectancy confirmation processes that can derail women’s
performance in the stereotypic domain (Geis, 1993). In a demonstration of such processes,
experiments in the ‘‘stereotype threat’’ paradigm made the female stereotype especially
accessible to students by having them view female-stereotypic (vs. neutral) television
commercials (Davies & Spencer, 2003). Then in a subsequent procedure portrayed as an
unrelated experiment on leadership, the women, but not the men, who had been exposed to the
female-stereotypic portrayals, expressed less preference for a leadership role versus a non-
leadership role.
How can women cope with disapproval elicited by their assertive, directive, or highly
competent behavior (e.g., Carli, 1990)? Not surprisingly, given the injunctive demand for
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 821
female communality, one technique supported by research findings involves combining
agentic behavior with warm, communal behavior, which seems to mitigate suspicion of
agentic women. Women thus increase their likableness and influence by ‘‘feminizing’’ their
behavior and displaying increased warmth or cooperativeness, whereas men’s influence does
not depend on displays of communality (Carli, 2001, 1998; Carli, LaFleur, & Loeber, 1995;
Ridgeway, 1982; Shackelford et al., 1996). Because men are not penalized for communal
behavior but can gain from dominant and assertive behavior, male leaders may enjoy easier
access to a wider range of leader behaviors that can be tailored to fit the demands of the
In summary, research provides ample demonstration of bias against women as leaders,
despite the failure of some reviewers (e.g., Arvey & Murphy, 1998) to recognize important
moderators of these effects. Our conclusions are strengthened by converging results from
differing methods—specifically, organizational studies, survey research, and experiments that
equate the objective characteristics of men and women. Women thus face discriminatory
barriers mainly in male-dominated and masculine environments and with male evaluators.
Because higher levels of authority and higher wages are concentrated in such environments
and are controlled primarily by men, this prejudice is highly consequential for women’s
Traditional arguments against prejudice as accounting for women’s lower wages and lesser
workplace authority ascribed these phenomena to women’s lesser human capital in terms of
education, training, and work experience. However, women’s human capital investments
have increased (Eagly & Carli, in press). In addition, sex differences in human capital
investments account for only a portion of the male–female wage gap (e.g., 21% in O’Neill &
Polachek, 1993) and are clearly insufficient to explain women’s lesser access to higher-level
leadership positions in view of evidence that women receive substantially smaller gains in
workplace authority than men do for similar human capital investments (Smith, 2002).In
addition, considerable evidence argues against the ‘‘female choice’’ proposition that family
and domestic responsibilities cause employed women to avoid leadership responsibility (see
Smith, 2002).
Paradoxically, the discriminatory disadvantage that women encounter in male-dominated
environments can sometimes produce the appearance of a female competence advantage.
Given impediments to achieving high-level leadership roles, those women who do rise in
such hierarchies are typically the survivors of discriminatory processes and therefore tend to
be very competent. This increment of competence, driven at least in part by a double
standard, is no doubt one factor underlying social scientific evidence and journalistic claims
of female advantage (e.g., Eagly et al., 2003; Sharpe, 2000).
6. The effectiveness of male and female leaders
We have presented meta-analytic evidence that women are slightly more likely than
men to lead in the ways that managerial experts consider particularly effective and that
have been shown to be effective in research on transformational, transactional, and
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834822
laissez-faire leadership (Lowe et al., 1996). However, we have also presented evidence of
prejudice against female leaders and potential leaders in masculine domains. Given both
advantage and disadvantage, how do female leaders fare relative to their male counter-
parts? This question should be addressed with direct assessments of effectiveness
on appropriate measures, including performance appraisals and objective outcome
Given the findings we have presented on prejudice, it would be reasonable to expect that
the relative success of women and men in leadership roles depends on context. In
masculine contexts, prejudicial reactions not only restrict women’s access to leadership
roles, but also can reduce the effectiveness of women who attain these roles (Eagly &
Karau, 2002). Testing this role incongruity hypothesis, Eagly et al. (1995) conducted a
meta-analysis that included 96 studies that compared the effectiveness of male and female
leaders. As required to properly assess reactions to actual leadership, the review contained
only studies that did not artificially equate male and female behavior. In these 74
organizational and 22 laboratories studies, the male and female leaders held the same role,
which was sometimes given a general definition (e.g., middle managers in one or more
industries) and sometimes a specific definition (e.g., elementary school principals in a
particular city). Most of these studies used subjective ratings of performance or effective-
ness, and some included more objective measures. It is of course likely that subjective
ratings of effectiveness were biased to some extent, given the demonstration of some
gender bias in the evaluation of leaders in the Eagly et al. (1992) meta-analysis of Goldberg
paradigm experiments.
The results of these studies proved to be quite heterogeneous. Nevertheless, moderating
variables successfully predicted the effect sizes, revealing support for the incongruity
hypothesis that women are relatively less effective in leadership roles defined in
especially masculine terms and more effective in roles defined in less masculine terms.
The following findings were consistent with these expectations: (a) women were less
effective than men to the extent that leadership positions were male dominated; (b)
women were less effective relative to men as the proportion of male subordinates
increased; (c) women were less effective relative to men the greater the proportion of
men among the raters of leader effectiveness (see also Bowen, Swim, & Jacobs, 2000);
(d) women were substantially less effective than men in military organizations, a
traditionally masculine environment, but modestly more effective than men in educational,
governmental, and social service organizations; (e) women fared particularly well in
effectiveness, relative to men, in middle-level leadership positions, as opposed to line or
supervisory positions. This finding is consistent with the characterization of middle
management as favoring interpersonal skills that are in the more communal repertoire
(e.g., Paolillo, 1981).
To further explore the role congruity principle that the masculinity of leader roles affects
whether men or women are more effective, Eagly et al. (1995) ran six additional tests based
on a group of respondents’ ratings of each of the leadership roles in the meta-analytic sample
of effectiveness studies. These ratings were correlated with the studies’ effect sizes, which
represented the comparison between male and female leaders’ effectiveness. Although
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 823
Vecchio (2002) criticized Eagly et al. (1995) for using university students as raters, young
adults have experience with managers in many educational and business settings. More
important, Eagly et al. based their conclusions not merely on analyses using these ratings, but
also on the relations between the coded study attributes and studies’ outcomes (see prior
These respondents rated the leadership roles on three types of measures: (a) how
competent they thought they would be in each role and how interested they would be
in performing each role, (b) how interested the average man and the average woman
would be in occupying each role, and (c) how much each role required the ability to
direct and control people and the ability to cooperate and get along with other people.
Roles were considered congruent with the male gender role to the extent that the male
respondents indicated more competence and interest in them, the roles were perceived
as more interesting to the average man, and the roles were seen as requiring the ability
to direct and control people. Roles were considered congruent with the female gender
role to the extent that the female respondents indicated more competence and interest
in them, the roles were perceived as more interesting to the average woman, and the
roles were seen as requiring the ability to cooperate and get along with others. Using
these several measures of leader roles’ congruity with the male and female gender role,
Eagly et al. (1995) found that the relative effectiveness of female leaders compared
with their male counterparts decreased for the roles rated as more congruent with the
male gender role and increased for the roles rated as more congruent with the female
gender role.
In view of the consistent results produced by these 11 moderating variables (five based on
coded study attributes and six on ratings of the leadership roles), clearly the mean sex
difference in effectiveness in the meta-analysis depends on the balance of masculine or
feminine leadership roles that happened to be represented in the sample of studies. Overall,
there was no difference in the effectiveness of male and female leaders (d=0.02, indicating
nonsignificantly greater female effectiveness). Nonetheless, consistent with the prejudice we
documented in the prior section of this article, women do fare worse than men in masculine
settings. However, perhaps because of an advantage accorded by their tendency toward a
transformational (and contingent reward) leadership style, they fare somewhat better than
men in less masculine settings. In general, gender appears to be consequential in relation to
leaders’ effectiveness.
Finally, people’s perceptions of female advantage must be framed by the well-known
history of concrete walls and glass ceilings that have restricted women from positions that
carry substantial authority. Therefore, research findings or everyday observations suggesting
equality between women and men in their effectiveness as leaders likely appear notable
because men might be expected to be generally more able than women to justify their greater
success in obtaining higher-level leadership roles. In addition, because social perceivers often
believe that women in extremely male-dominated positions have had to overcome very
strong barriers, they may occasionally accord such women competence beyond what they
accord to equivalent men (e.g., Heilman, Martell, & Simon, 1988). This effect presumably
occurs because perceivers augment the causal importance of a force (i.e., task competence)
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834824
that they believe has prevailed over a countervailing force (i.e., discrimination; Kelley,
7. Conclusions
7.1. What has research established concerning female advantage and disadvantage?
Research has shown that women possess both advantages and disadvantages as leaders,
with the disadvantages arising primarily in roles that are male-dominated or otherwise defined
in masculine ways. Many of the difficulties and challenges that women face arise from the
incongruity of the traditional female role and many leader roles (Eagly & Karau, 2002). This
incongruity creates vulnerability whereby women encounter prejudicial reactions that restrict
their access to leadership roles and negatively bias judgments of their performance as leaders.
Easing this dilemma of role incongruity requires that female leaders behave extremely
competently while reassuring others that they conform to expectations concerning appropriate
female behavior. The double-standard requirement to display extra competence makes it
especially difficult for women to gain recognition for high ability and outstanding achieve-
ments (Biernat & Kobrynowicz, 1997; Foschi, 2000). Therefore, successful female leaders
generally work hard and seek leadership styles that do not unnecessarily elicit resistance to
their authority by challenging norms dictating that women be egalitarian and supportive of
Given these constraints, transformational leadership may be especially advantageous for
women (Eagly et al., 2003; Yoder, 2001) because it encompasses some behaviors that are
consistent with the female gender role’s demand for supportive, considerate behaviors. The
transformational repertoire, along with the contingent reward aspect of transactional leader-
ship, may resolve some of the inconsistencies between the demands of leadership roles and the
female gender role and therefore allow women to excel as leaders. Fortunately for women’s
progress as leaders, this positive, encouraging, inspiring style appears to have generalized
advantages for contemporary organizations (Avolio, 1999; Bass, 1998; Lowe et al., 1996).
One feature of some of the findings that we have presented is that their magnitude is small.
Critics such as Vecchio (2002) often suggest that such effects are therefore unimportant.
Contrary to this view, methodologists have agreed that effects that can seem quite small in
terms of most statistical metrics can have practical importance in natural settings (see
Abelson, 1985; Bushman & Anderson, 2001). For example, the relation between taking
aspirin and the prevention of heart attacks in a randomized double-blind experiment was only
r=.034, yet this effect corresponded to 3.4% fewer people experiencing heart attacks, a drop
meaningful enough to induce researchers to end the experiment prematurely because it was
deemed unethical to deny the benefits of the treatment to the individuals in the control group
(Rosnow & Rosenthal, 1989). Similarly, small biases against women in performance
evaluations, when repeated over individuals and occasions, can produce large consequences
in terms of the distribution of women and men in senior management (Martell, 1999; Martell,
Lane, & Emrich, 1996).
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 825
7.2. Why are women rising?
The analyses that we have presented so far do not sufficiently explain the shift toward
more women leaders. To address this, we suggest that several causes are at work, eroding
female disadvantage and augmenting female advantage. Specifically, at the individual level,
women’s characteristics have changed. At the organizational level, leadership roles have
changed and practices that constituted barriers to promoting women into positions of
authority have eroded. At the cultural level, appointments of female leaders have come to
symbolize progressive organizational change. We discuss each of these factors in turn and
also acknowledge that the more distal causes of these changes are embedded in the
weakening of the traditional family division of labor, the large increase in job roles that
are managerial, and general political, bureaucratic, and economic pressures that favor gender
equality (see Jackson, 1998).
7.2.1. Women have changed
As women shift more of their time from domestic to paid labor, they assume the personal
characteristics required to succeed in these new roles (Eagly et al., 2000). In addition to
women’s increased human capital investments, women’s psychological attributes and related
behaviors have changed in concert with their entry into formerly male-dominated roles.
Especially relevant to leadership are findings showing that the career aspirations of female
university students (Astin, Parrott, Korn, & Sax, 1997), women’s self-reports of assertive-
ness, dominance, and masculinity (Twenge, 1997, 2001), and the value that women place
on job attributes such as freedom, challenge, leadership, prestige, and power (Konrad,
Ritchie, Lieb, & Corrigall, 2000) have all become more similar to those of men. To the
extent that risk-taking is relevant to leadership, it is notable the sex difference in the
tendency to take risks has decreased (Byrnes, Miller, & Schafer, 1999). Given these
changes, it is not surprising that social perceivers believe that women are becoming more
masculine, particularly in agentic attributes, although not decreasing in feminine qualities
(Diekman & Eagly, 2000).
7.2.2. Leadership roles have changed
Some research indicates that the incongruity between leader roles and the female gender
role have diminished. For example, Schein’s (2001) ‘‘think manager, think male’’ studies
have revealed that, in the United States, but not in several other nations, women, but not men,
have adopted a more androgynous view of managerial roles. Although a definitive description
of secular trends in stereotypes of leaders and managers awaits an appropriate meta-analysis,
these changes may be modest. In general, consistent with the idea of cultural lag (Brinkman
& Brinkman, 1997), the ideological aspects of culture, including stereotypes, are slower to
change than shifts in social structure such as the actual content of roles. Therefore, gradual
change in stereotypes of leaders is not inconsistent with change in leadership roles to
emphasize qualities that are more consistent with the female gender role than traditional
characterizations of leadership. As leadership roles change, a larger proportion of them
provide environments that welcome women’s managerial competence.
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834826
7.2.3. Organizational practices have changed
Also important to women’s rise is change in organizational practices, brought about in
part by civil rights legislation, especially Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1967, which
deemed sex discrimination in employment illegal in the United States. With the authority of
such laws, discrimination has been challenged in the courts, and some organizations were
then required to give women access to leadership roles. For example, several women in
high executive positions in high-tech industry, including Carly Fiorina (CEO of Hewlett-
Packard) and Patricia Russo (CEO of Lucent), spent critical periods of their careers at
AT&T, which had been challenged for what the government deemed its ‘‘blatantly
unlawful’’ discrimination against women (Black, 2003). After signing a US$38 million
consent decree containing provisions to remedy its discrimination, AT&T allowed quite a
few women to rise as line managers, and some of these women have achieved distinction
as executives.
These legal challenges have continued. Currently in the courts is a discrimination suit
against Wal-Mart, which, if granted class-action status, would cover at least 500,000 female
employees (Zellner, 2003). This lawsuit may open up equitable managerial opportunities for
women in the world’s largest retail organization. Although obtaining legal remedies for sex
discrimination is time-consuming, costly, and not always successful, they have proven to be a
powerful force for increasing women’s opportunities in managerial careers.
Organizational changes that are not necessarily driven by lawsuits have also increased
the representation of women in leadership positions. To the extent that organizations have
become less hierarchical and more driven by results than ‘‘old boy’’ networks, they
reward talent over gender and present a more level playing field than do traditional
organizations (Klein, 2000). In addition, the culture of many organizations now embraces
the benefits of including women and minorities among their leaders. Such organizations
may support women by encouraging mentoring and networking and establishing more
family-friendly policies. Also critical is a clear message from executives at the top of the
organization endorsing equitable opportunities. Special efforts of these types have
increased women’s access to leadership roles. For example, at Deloitte and Touche, a
Big Five accounting firm that put forth such effort, the number of women in leadership
positions tripled between 1992 and 1998 (Trimberger, 1998). Also, because the U.S.
federal government has strongly endorsed equal employment opportunity, it is noteworthy
that, in the Senior Executive Service of a cabinet-level U.S. federal department that was
particularly noted for its commitment to equal opportunity, female applicants fared
somewhat better than equally qualified male applicants in recent years (Powell &
Butterfield, 2002).
7.2.4. The culture has changed
In view of changes in leader roles and organizational practices, female leaders have come
to symbolize new types of leadership that connote greater effectiveness and synergy than
leadership of the past (Adler, 1999). Appointments of women signal an organization’s
departure from past practices and help it to capture the symbols of innovation and progressive
change. For example, the choice of Shirley Tilghman as President of Princeton University
A.H. Eagly, L.L. Carli / The Leadership Quarterly 14 (2003) 807–834 827
expressed this Ivy League university’s transition to a progressive institution that fosters the
talents of women as well as men (Zernike, 2001). This new cultural symbolism may be fueled
in part by exposure of the illegal and unethical business practices of Enron and other
businesses led by men (e.g., Lavelle et al., 2002). Thus, after Smith Barney was exposed for
fraudulent financial research, Sallie Krawcheck became CEO, symbolizing competence and
honesty (Rynecki, 2003).
This symbolic shift in the meaning conveyed by appointments of women to high positions
is one force underlying the surge of claims of female advantage in trade books and
newspaper and magazine articles in the United States. However, concerning the specific
issues of sex differences in leadership style and effectiveness, scientific evidence produces
the narrower conclusions that we have set forth in this article. Nonetheless, consistent with
this evidence, gender-fair organizations substantially enlarge the pool of talent from which
they select their managers, and, for many managerial roles, the selection of women can
increase organizations’ chances of obtaining leaders who are especially effective under
modern conditions.
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