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International fisheries agreement: Review of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas: Case study—Shark management

  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

To properly manage world fisheries, especially highly migratory species, there are numerous treaties that have been implemented by specialized international fishery commissions. One of the oldest organizations is the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The main focus of this review was to summarize the history, roles and responsibilities of ICCAT, and to evaluate ICCAT's management of sharks in general and specifically for shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) shark. This review found that the Convention was established 40 years ago, but it was not until 2004 that the commission conducted its first population assessment on pelagic sharks.
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Marine Policy 32 (2008) 528–533
International fisheries agreement: Review of the International
Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
Case study—Shark management
Juan C. Levesque
Levesque Environmental and Fisheries Research, 8021 Quail Hollow Boulevard, Wesley Chapel, FL 33544, USA
Received 24 August 2007; received in revised form 21 October 2007; accepted 21 October 2007
To properly manage world fisheries, especially highly migratory species, there are numerous treaties that have been implemented by
specialized international fishery commissions. One of the oldest organizations is the International Commission for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The main focus of this review was to summarize the history, roles and responsibilities of ICCAT, and to
evaluate ICCAT’s management of sharks in general and specifically for shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) shark. This review found that
the Convention was established 40 years ago, but it was not until 2004 that the commission conducted its first population assessment on
pelagic sharks.
r2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Environmental treaties; ICCAT; Shark management; Shortfin mako shark; Isurus oxyrinchus
1. Introduction
In 1868, one of the first environmental multilateral treaties
was implemented [1]. Today, there are approximately 502
environmental international treaties. Most treaties (60%)
were developed and implemented after 1972. To properly
manage world fisheries, especially highly migratory species,
there are numerous treaties that have been implemented by
specialized international fishery commissions such as the
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) in the
Eastern Pacific, the FAO Indian Ocean Fisheries Commis-
sion, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) Indo-Pacific Fisheries Commission and the
Southern Bluefin Trilateral Arrangement (between Australia,
Japan and New Zealand) [2]. In the Pacific Ocean, the South
Pacific Commission (SPC) conducts research on tunas
in the Commission’s area of competence and the South
Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency (SPFFA) is responsible for
regulating access to tuna resources within the jurisdiction of
its Member States [2]. Presently, various agreements such
as the Eastern Pacific Tuna Fishing Agreement (EPTA),
the Eastern Pacific Ocean Tuna Organization (OAPO), the
Western Indian Ocean Tuna Organization (WIOTO), and
the FAO Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) are
continuing negotiations to formally establish additional tuna
management bodies in the world [2]. One of the oldest
organizations is the International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).
The main focus of this paper is to summarize the history,
roles and responsibilities of ICCAT, and to evaluate
ICCAT’s management of sharks in general and specifically
for shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) shark. This review
evaluates ICCAT reports, reports obtained from other
international fishery organizations such as the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the Untied Nations, and other
peer-reviewed published papers.
2. ICCAT: history, purpose, and shark management
ICCAT is an inter-governmental fishery organization
responsible for the conservation of tunas and tuna-like
species in the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas. ICCAT
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was established at the Conference of Plenipotentiaries and
signed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1966. After an approval
process, the legally binding Convention was implemented
in 1969. As categorized in [1] by the essay Multilateral
Environmental Agreements: A summary, the Convention
can be categorized as a cluster 1 type agreement:
biodiversity-related. Through the 1969 Convention, IC-
CAT was responsible for carrying out the Articles of the
Convention and designated as the only fisheries organiza-
tion that would study and manage tunas and tuna-like
fishes in the Atlantic Ocean. Since the signing of the
Convention, the number of contracting parities continues
to rise (Fig. 1). Today, there are 43 contracting parties.
ICCAT oversees the Convention area (Fig. 2) and some of
ICCAT’s work requires the collection and analysis of
statistical information relative to current fishing conditions
and population trends [3].
Article IV of the Convention states that the Commission
shall be responsible for the study of the populations of tuna
and tuna-like fishes (the Scombriformes with the exception
of the families Trichiuridae and Gempylidae and the genus
Scomber) and such other species of fishes exploited in tuna
fishing in the Convention area that are not under
investigation by another international fishery organization
[4]. Article IV instructs that such study shall include
research on the abundance, biometry and ecology of the
fishes; the oceanography of their environment and the
effects of natural and human factors upon their abundance.
The Commission, in carrying out these responsibilities
shall, insofar as feasible, utilize the technical and scientific
services of, and information from, official agencies of the
contracting parties and their political sub-divisions and
may, when desirable, utilize the available services and
information of any public or private institution, organiza-
tion or individual, and may undertake within the limits of
its budget independent research to supplement the research
work being done by governments, national institutions or
other international organizations [4]. The Commission also
assumes work in the compilation of data for other fish
species that are caught incidentally during tuna fishing in
the Convention area and which are not investigated by
another international fishery organization.
Among various responsibilities, ICCAT (1) compiles
fishery statistics from its members and from all entities
fishing for these species in the Atlantic Ocean; (2) coordinates
research, including stock assessment, on behalf of its
members; (3) develops scientifically based management
advice; (4) provides a mechanism for contracting parties to
agree on management measures, and (5) produces relevant
publications. Contracting parties either have 6 months to
implement the requirements or to submit an objection. If an
objection is submitted, ICCAT is required to review the
objection and make a ruling [4].
Article VI of the Convention indicates that the
Commission may establish a Panel to investigate individual
species, a group of species or a geographical area. Each
Panel in such case (a) shall be responsible for keeping
under review the species, group of species, or geographic
area under its purview, and for collecting scientific and
other information relating thereto; (b) may propose to the
Commission, upon the basis of scientific investigations,
recommendations for joint action by the contracting
parties; (c) may recommend to the Commission studies
and investigations necessary for obtaining information
relating to its species, group of species or geographic area,
as well as the co-ordination of programs of investigation by
the contracting parties. In addition, the Convention
(Article XI) establishes a working relationship with FAO
in order to institute international consistency [4].
Since the Convention was implemented in 1969, ICCAT
has mostly focused on managing all the highly migratory
species, except bycatch species like sharks, sea turtles, and
birds. In reviewing all the historical ICCAT management
recommendations and resolutions for the conservation of
Atlantic tunas and tuna-like species, only five management
recommendations or resolutions have been initiated for
either Atlantic shark species or shark fisheries in general
[4]. For the other bycatch species, there has only been one
Fig. 1. Number of ICCAT members [3].
J.C. Levesque / Marine Policy 32 (2008) 528–533 529
resolution established for sea turtles and another for
sea birds. However, in contrast, there have been about
117 recommendations or resolutions that have been
made regarding species such as tunas, swordfish, billfish,
monitoring and compliance, and other ICCAT working
duties. It is difficult to ascertain why bycatch species, such
as sharks, have been valued lower in terms of management,
but it is presumable to believe that it may be a lack of
funding or resources. In addition, although sharks are a
valuable economic bycatch group, sharks are not as
economically valuable as some of the other highly
migratory teleost; therefore, it is possible that ICCAT
has been evaluating fishery stocks based on economic
It was not until 1995 that ICCAT made its first
resolution on the status of stocks and bycatch of shark
species [5]. Through the resolution, ICCAT recognized the
importance of the FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible
Fisheries report [6], the work of the Study Group on
Elasmobranch Fishes of the International Council for the
Exploration of the Sea (ICES), and the Ninth Meeting of
the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna
and Flora (CITES). Based on this importance, ICCAT
established the FAO as the focal organization for shark
information and it also required contracting parties to
provide shark catch information to the Commission and to
the FAO. In 2002, a resolution on Atlantic sharks required
that contracting parties implement and submit their
Nation’s International Plan of Action for the Conservation
and Management of Sharks (IPOA) [7]. The resolution also
stated that the Commission should hold an interim meeting
in 2003 regarding the Atlantic blue shark and the shortfin
mako shark, should conduct a stock assessment on the two
species in 2004, and should volunteer not to promote
the directed catch of these two species until population
stock assessments had been conducted. In 2003, ICCAT
implemented another resolution regarding Atlantic shark
fisheries. In this resolution, ICCAT required contracting
parties to provide the Commission with all available shark
fishery catch information by 2004, stressed that only a
limited number of contracting parties had developed their
Nation’s IPOA, and required that all remaining Nations
submit their IPOAs within 6 months. On 13 June 2005,
recognizing the ecological importance of sharks to the
ecosystem, two resolutions were implemented by ICCAT
regarding sharks and shark fisheries. In resolution 04-10,
among other things, ICCAT required contracting parties to
submit annual shark catch information, implemented a
maximum 5% fin to shark carcass weight ratio limit,
Fig. 2. ICCAT Convention Management Area [3].
J.C. Levesque / Marine Policy 32 (2008) 528–533530
recommended shark research in various areas, and
recommended that shortfin mako shark and blue shark
assessments be conducted in 2005 and then again in 2007.
On 14 December 2005, resolution 05-05 stressed the
importance of reducing shortfin mako shark bycatch in
commercial fisheries and added the following paragraph:
‘‘Contracting Parties, Cooperating non-Contracting Par-
ties, Entities or Fishing Entities (CPCs) shall annually
report on their implementation of this Recommendation.
CPCs that have not yet implemented this recommendation
to reduce North Atlantic shortfin mako shark (Isurus
oxyrinchus) mortality, shall implement it and report to the
Commission.’’ However, a few months later ICCAT
amended the resolution to read: ‘‘Standing Committee on
Research Statistics (SCRS) shall conduct stock assessments
of, and recommend management alternatives for, shortfin
mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and blue sharks (Prionace glauca)
in time for consideration at the 2008 annual meeting of the
Commission. A data preparatory meeting will be held in
2007 to review all relevant data on biological parameters,
catch, effort, discards, and trade, including historical data.
Parties should submit all relevant data sufficiently in
advance of the meeting to allow the SCRS adequate time
to review and incorporate the data into the assessment.’’
Recently, on 14 February 2007, ICCAT again stressed the
importance of compliance, reminded the contracting
parties of various Articles in the Convention, and highly
recommended that each Nation submit their catch data on
tuna, tuna-like species, and Atlantic sharks by the due
dates. The due date for Atlantic sharks was established as
11 June 2007.
3. Shark fisheries: Mako shark population status
Similar to most world ocean fisheries, sharks are taken in
great number in the Atlantic Ocean as a bycatch of many
inshore and offshore commercial fisheries with various
types of gear including longlines, hand-lines, trawl, and
gillnet fisheries. Not only are sharks important commercial
fisheries, but they are also targeted and taken by many
recreational fishermen throughout the world. Shark fish-
eries have continued to increase as the market for shark
meat and shark products has expanded [2].
There are few well-documented shark fisheries through-
out the world, but the major fishing nations are from Asia
and Europe and include Taiwan (Province of China),
Japan, Republic of Korea, France, Norway, Russia, Spain,
United Kingdom, and the United States. Historically,
commercial shark catch statistics have been inadequate,
unreliable, and there is virtually no species-specific catch
information available. Although, the recreational catch of
sharks is substantial, especially in some countries, the lack
of information is even greater than in commercial fisheries;
thus, the overall population status on most shark species is
In 1991, approximately 700,000 t of cartilaginous fishes
were landed, of which 220,000 t were identified as skate and
rays, 170,000 t as sharks, and 310,000 t remained unidenti-
fied [8]. Overall, landings of identified sharks have
increased from 148,000 t in the mid-1970s to 170,000 t in
1991. In general, shark landings, mostly demersal species,
have continued to increase while pelagic shark landings
have slightly decreased over the last 20 years [8]. The FAO
report stated that this may be a warning of global pelagic
shark overfishing and a reflection of increased utilization of
elasmobranch bycatch from demersal fisheries.
One of the most commercially valuable pelagic sharks
taken in commercial fisheries under the jurisdiction of
ICCAT is the shortfin mako shark. The shark genus Isurus
is cosmopolitan and represented by two species: shortfin
mako and longfin mako (Isurus paucus). Besides a few
cetaceans [9] and man, the adult mako shark is not prey to
any marine animal, but is considered an apex predator at
the top of the marine environment food web. The mako
shark is a pelagic shark often captured incidentally in
various offshore fisheries throughout the world [9]. The
shortfin and longfin mako shark may be vulnerable to
overfishing since the genus has a low reproductive
capability, matures late in life, and grows slower than
most shark species [10–12]. Researchers have documented
such activities and many shark populations at various
geographical locations are believed to be at critical
population levels or may have already collapsed
[11,13,14] due to direct or indirect fishing activities [16].
Sharks are long lived, slow growing, reach sexual
maturity late in their life history and produce few offspring,
thus making population recruitment slow [16]. According
to the IUCN world conservation union’s Red List of
Threatened and Endangered Species, the shortfin mako
shark was assessed and listed under the category Lower
Risk (Near Threatened (NT)) in 2002. Taxa under this
category do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but
which are close to qualifying under the Vulnerable
category. From 14 to 18 June 2004, ICCAT conducted its
first assessment of the shortfin mako shark. Conclusions
from the assessment determined that preliminary data for
the shortfin mako shark suggested that, although catches
continue to rise, the species may have suffered 50%
depletion in the North Atlantic Ocean based on historical
catch-per-unit of effort (CPUE) trends [17]. In the South
Atlantic Ocean, the working group pointed out that stock
depletion had also occurred since 1971, but the magnitude
was less severe than in the North Atlantic [17]. Overall,
the ICCAT sub-committee on bycatch indicated that the
conclusions were preliminary and additional data was
necessary to make any final recommendations [17].
In 2005, the longfin mako shark was assessed and listed
in the Vulnerable category under the same Red List of
Threatened and Endangered Species. In 2006, the Com-
mittee on the Status of the Endangered Wildlife in Canada
(COSEWIC) recently drafted an assessment and conducted
a population status for the shortfin mako shark [18]. Based
on the review, the committee decided to list the species as
Threatened under criteria A2b. More recently, Levesque
J.C. Levesque / Marine Policy 32 (2008) 528–533 531
[10] conducted a comprehensive review on the shortfin
mako shark and discovered that the species is one of the
most unique ecological shark species, but due to declining
populations as a result of commercial fishing activities and
the lack of species-specific management, the species is in
need of further domestic and international protection or it
may never recover.
4. Conclusions
Since the Convention was implemented in 1969, ICCAT
has been successful at managing some highly migratory
species, but unsuccessful at others, especially the bycatch
species, such as sharks. Using the criteria established
by the essay ‘‘Multilateral Environmental Agreements: A
Summary’’ in Green Planet Blues [1], there are some
strengths and weaknesses of the Convention for the
conservation and management of Atlantic tuna-like fishes.
ICCAT has been successful at providing clustering and
opportunities for synergies, opportunities for scientific
cooperation, and in providing cooperation among different
conventions. However, as pointed out by this review, it is
evident that ICCAT has been extremely unsuccessful at
managing bycatch species (sharks, seabirds and protected
species: sea turtles and marine mammals). Overall,
ICCAT’s weaknesses include the ability to harmonize
national reporting, inadequacy at the implementation
and coordination of efforts at the national level, and
inadequacy in compliance and enforcement. More
importantly, ICCAT lacks performance indicators for
measuring the effectiveness of the Convention. Moreover,
based on the first and only stock assessment conducted on
pelagic sharks (blue shark and shortfin mako shark),
ICCAT has failed in properly addressing shark manage-
ment issues effectively. As previously stated, the Conven-
tion was established 40 years ago, but it was not until
2004, some 37 years later, that the Commission conducted
its first population assessment on pelagic sharks. Require-
ments of the Convention under several Articles direct
ICCAT to effectively manage all highly migratory species
including bycatch species such as sharks, sea turtles,
sea birds, and marine mammals. Unless, ICCAT prioritizes
sharks at the same level or even above some fishes,
shark populations will continue to decline to levels of
economic commercial collapse. Presently, ICCAT will
not be conducting another pelagic shark stock assessment
until 2008.
Many researchers have reviewed and reported that many
shark populations have already declined to critical levels
[10,11,13]. The porbeagle shark, Lamna nasus, is another
pelagic shark often captured in pelagic longline fisheries
throughout the world. Recently, the porbeagle shark stock
was assessed and based on the results, indicating the
population was about 12–15% of its 1961 size [19]; it was
recommended that the species be designated as Endangered
[20]. As of today, the Canadian government is proposing to
list the species under the protection of the Species At Risk
Act (SARA). Even the blue shark, Prionace glauca, the
most abundant pelagic shark in the world’s oceans, has
also declined due to overfishing [21]. Pelagic sharks need
additional management; most pelagic sharks share similar
life history characteristics and vast migration behavior
patterns making them vulnerable to various fisheries
throughout the world. Therefore, international shark
management is vital for their survival and recovery.
Because of shark life history biology, even with dramatic
improvements in shark management, recovery may take
many decades or may never occur at all. Thus, it is critical
that ICCAT and other fishery governing world organiza-
tions prioritize fisheries management not only on econom-
ics and politics, but also on vulnerability and conservation.
Since elasmobranchs are so diverse and unique, the
conservation of this group is essential for sustaining
biodiversity [15].
This paper is dedicated to R. Aidan Martin, who was
one of my professors at Nova Southeastern University
Oceanographic Center. The late A. Martin dedicated his
career to highlighting the diversity of elasmobranchs.
Committed to marine conservation, his enthusiasm for
elasmobranchs was addicting. I would also like to thank
the participants of the U.S. commercial pelagic longline
fishery for the friendships, memories, and their awareness
of safety during my 7 years as a fishery observer. I would
like to thank J. Dougan of Nova Southeastern University
Oceanographic Center for initially reviewing this paper and
providing suggested revisions.
[1] Conca K, Dabelko G. Green Planet Blues: environmental politics
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[2] FAO. World review of highly migratory species and straddling
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[3] ICCAT, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic
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[4] ICCAT. Basic texts for the International Commission for the
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mission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), 2005.
[5] ICCAT. Compendium management recommendation and resolutions
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Tuna-like species. International Commission for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), 2006, p. 222.
[6] FAO. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Rome: Food and
Agricultural Organization of the United Nations; 1995. p. 20.
[7] FAO. International Plan of Action for the Conservation and
Management of Sharks. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization
of the United Nations; 1999. p. 33.
[8] FAO. FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings.
Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations;
1993. p. 654.
[9] Visser IN, Berghan J, van Meurs R, Fertl D. Killer whale (Orcinus
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paucus) mako sharks. Master of Science Capstone Thesis, Nova
Southeastern University Oceanographic Center, Dania, FL, 2007,
p. 265.
[11] Baum J, Myers R, Kehler D, Worm B, Harley S, Dohery P. Collapse
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[12] ICCAT. Report of the 2004 Meeting of the Standing Committee on
Research and Statistics (SCRS). International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), 2004.
[13] Baum JK, Myers RA. Shifting baselines and the decline of pelagic
sharks in the Gulf of Mexico. Ecology Letters 2004;7:135–45.
[14] Baum JK, Kehler RA, Myers RA. Robust estimates of decline for
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[15] Martin A. Conservation of freshwater and euryhaline elasmobranchs:
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[16] Musick JA, editor. Life in the slow lane: ecology and conservation of
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[17] ICCAT. Report of the 2004 Inter-sessional Meeting of the ICCAT
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14–18 June 2004). International Commission for the Conservation of
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[18] COSEWIC. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the shortfin
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on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, 2006, p. 24.
[19] COSEWIC. Stock assessment report for on NAFO subareas 3–6,
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[21] ICCAT. Catch, bycatch and indices of the population status of the
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J.C. Levesque / Marine Policy 32 (2008) 528–533 533
... Regardless of the motivation for the movement this again highlights one of the many problems associated with managing stocks of sharks and other HMS. Many other shark species have been document to make movements/migrations across EEZs (Kohler et al., 1998, Skomal et al., 2009, Gore et al., 2008, therefore in order to effectively protect a shark species such as N. brevirostris for the duration of its complete life-history , Levesque, 2008. In addition to protection throughout the annual distribution of its movements, it is necessary to have cooperation and uniformity in regulations across state boundaries, fisheries management regions and intentional distribution limits (Levesque, 2008. ...
... Many other shark species have been document to make movements/migrations across EEZs (Kohler et al., 1998, Skomal et al., 2009, Gore et al., 2008, therefore in order to effectively protect a shark species such as N. brevirostris for the duration of its complete life-history , Levesque, 2008. In addition to protection throughout the annual distribution of its movements, it is necessary to have cooperation and uniformity in regulations across state boundaries, fisheries management regions and intentional distribution limits (Levesque, 2008. For example, despite receiving full protection in Australian waters, Bradshaw et al. (2008) found R. typus abundance to decline by 40% over a decade, as the result of fishing pressures in other geographical areas visited in their seasonal migrations. ...
... For example, despite receiving full protection in Australian waters, Bradshaw et al. (2008) found R. typus abundance to decline by 40% over a decade, as the result of fishing pressures in other geographical areas visited in their seasonal migrations. Politically, international cooperation in shark management can be extremely difficult to achieve (Levesque, 2008). In this particular documented case for N. brevirostris, the relationship between the U.S. and Bahamian government is reasonably favourable. ...
Full-text available
Coastal shark populations have been subject to increasing anthropogenic pressure over the past two decades. This study focused on two lemon shark (Negaprion brevirostris) populations, the site-attached maturing sub-adults at the Island of Bimini, Bahamas, threatened by a large-scale resort development, and adults forming winter aggregations off the coast of Jupiter, Florida, subject to direct fishing pressure. For the sub-adult population, analysis was carried out on the long-term temporal patterns in abundance and population structure, relative to potential driving factors, and the influence of variables affecting longline catch-rates used as the basis for stock assessment. For the aggregating adult population, life-history aspects of population structure and distribution were investigated for relative implications on the species' vulnerability status. The following analysis and methodologies were utilised to investigate the two populations: longline catch records from 1982 – 2008; monitoring of variables potentially affecting longline catch-rates; documentation of shark behavioural interactions with longline equipment using underwater video surveillance; aerial surveying for abundance estimates; comparison of spatial utilisation patterns with longline catch locations; external tagging; the utilisation of archival satellite tags; passive tracking with Vemco acoustic monitoring system and research collaborations with other scientific groups utilising the same acoustic monitoring system. The key findings of this study were that in the northwest Atlantic, N. brevirostris populations are experiencing considerable anthropogenic pressure at all life-stages. In Bimini, the effects of a large-scale resort development have resulted in a significant decline in abundance, to a level (~52 individuals) well below the temporal average (~158). On the U.S. east coast, seasonal aggregating behaviour has further increased Steven Kessel Ph.D Thesis ii vulnerability through increased catchability, beyond the highly vulnerable status already attributed to this species, and targeted N. brevirostris fisheries appear to be currently operating at unsustainable levels. Shark longline catchability was noted to be significantly influenced by multiple shark presence, resulting in greater susceptibility for N. brevirostris (and other similar species) that naturally exhibit group behaviour. Incidental encounterability and predation risk significantly influenced longline catch-rates. Adult N. brevirostris exhibited large-scale seasonal migrations on the U.S. east coast, which, in addition to documented international transitions, supports existing evidence for genetic mixing across the distribution. Water temperature was found to be a significant driver of N. brevirostris behaviour at all life-stages, with an apparent adult temperature preference of ~24°C. This study represents the first long-term abundance assessment for sub-adult N. brevirostris, and the first in-depth study to focus on an adult N. brevirostris population. The results provide essential life-history information, revealing that at all life-stages N. brevirostris appear to be highly sensitive to anthropogenic activities, relative to other species, and therefore require enhanced management for species protection. It is therefore highly recommended that N. brevirostris be added to the U.S. prohibited species list.
... The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is the organization responsible for the stock assessment and management of the populations of tunas and tuna-like species across the Atlantic Ocean and its adjacent seas [36]. This includes small tuna species such as Euthynnus alletteratus. ...
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The shape of sagitta otoliths was used to compare individuals of little tunny (Euthynnus alleteratus) harvested on board commercial fishing vessels from the coastal areas along the Eastern Atlantic, including the Mediterranean Sea. Fish sampling and selection was designed to cover possible seasonal changes and tuna size. The research encompassed both morphometric and shape analyses of left sagittal otoliths extracted of 504 fish specimens. Four shape indices (Circularity, Roundness, Rectangularity, and Form-Factor) were significantly different between two groups, showing a statistical differentiation between two clear spatial units. The degree of divergence was even more pronounced along the rostrum, postrostrum, and excisura of the generated otolith outlines between these two groups. One group corresponds to the samples from the coastal areas in the Northeast Temperate Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (NETAM Area) and a second group from the coastal areas off the Eastern Tropical Atlantic coast of Africa (ETA Area). This study is the first to use otolith shape to differentiate tunas from separate spatial units. These results could be used to re-classify previously collected samples and to correct time series of data collected.
... In 1995, it created the first resolution on the status of stocks and bycatches of shark species and carried out an assessment of the stocks of the blue shark and the shortfin mako shark in 2004. Additionally, ICCAT was responsible for implementing the resolution, which requested all available information on shark fishing until 2004, since a limited number of nations had developed their National Plans of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (NPOAs) (Levesque 2008). These measures have contributed to reducing fishing mortality for oceanic sharks (Camhi et al. 2008). ...
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The blue shark ( Prionace glauca ) is a large predator in marine ecosystems, figuring as the most common and abundant species in oceanic fisheries. For this reason, many studies on this species were conducted throughout its entire distribution range. However, no comparison has been made regarding the variability of the aspects addressed herein. Thus, the present study aims at analyzing the available information on P. glauca . This species constitutes between 85 and 90% of the total elasmobranchs caught by oceanic fisheries with pelagic longlines. Growth parameters reveal that individuals in the Atlantic Ocean show the highest asymptotic lengths when compared to those found in other oceans. Females present an average uterine fecundity of 30 embryos. Although it shows a diverse diet, it is mainly composed of teleost fish and cephalopods. Currently, the main threat to the species is commercial fishing, being listed in Brazil and worldwide, according to IUCN as Near Threatened. Regardless, information on crucial aspects, such as its population dynamics, are still scarce or unreliable for many areas. Despite the number of studies regarding its distribution, abundance, and biology, data for new stock assessments of P. glauca are still needed to improve the species’ management.
... While the focus of this study was on US-based species, many of these species are wideranging or highly migratory and face threats when they leave US waters. The United States also plays a role in international conservation and management policy negotiations (e.g., Levesque, 2008 ...
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Chondrichthyan fishes are ecologically and economically important, yet many are overfished or at elevated risk of extinction. Researchers report a desire to perform policy‐relevant science that can generate data in support of effective conservation and management plans, but also report a lack of clarity about how to most effectively to do that. To address this gap, we created a list of research and policy priorities for chondrichthyan species of conservation concern in US waters using a modified expert solicitation horizon scan approach. Thirty‐five policy‐relevant research priorities and twenty‐seven policy priorities are presented here, a list which can help to guide scientists and conservationists to maximize the effectiveness of their research and policy advocacy.
... In the Atlantic, shortfin makos are caught as bycatch in commercial longline fisheries targeting tunas and swordfish. They are assessed and managed by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and historically have been one of the most commercially valuable sharks (Levesque, 2008). The population dynamics models used in the most recent stock assessment (Anonymous, 2017) and stock assessment update (Anonymous, 2019a) agree that the North Atlantic stock is overfished and experiencing overfishing. ...
Shortfin mako sharks, Isurus oxyrinchus, were listed under Appendix II of CITES in 2019 in part due to the results of the last stock assessment for the North Atlantic population, which determined the population is overfished and experiencing overfishing. With population numbers expected to continue to decline, the managing body, the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), has called for efforts to reduce shortfin mako bycatch. We evaluate the potential for reducing mako bycatch by identifying mako hot sets, those with particularly high shortfin mako bycatch. Environmental conditions were evaluated for their influence on catch per unit effort (CPUE) of shortfin mako sharks. Standardized CPUEs were calculated from the US pelagic longline observer program (2004–2012) using a generalized additive model (GAM) with a delta-lognormal approach applied to the environmental variables sea surface height, sea surface temperature, bathymetry, and chlorophyll-a concentration. Quantile regression (QR) was also performed to evaluate whether environmental variables can predict fishing conditions with high CPUE. The results of the GAM and QR methods were compared and assessed for their ability to predict and identify locations where shortfin mako CPUE is particularly high. The results suggest that using the binomial portion of the delta-lognormal model, the probability of positive bycatch, is the best basis to define an algorithm to avoid setting in conditions that might have high mako bycatch. Bycatch avoidance strategies built from probability of positive bycatch perform well enough at identifying hot sets to avoid half the shortfin mako bycatch with only a 20% reduction in effort.
... In 1995, it created the first resolution on the status of stocks and bycatches of shark species and carried out an assessment of the stocks of the blue shark and the shortfin mako shark in 2004. Additionally, ICCAT was responsible for implementing the resolution, which requested all available information on shark fishing until 2004, since a limited number of nations had developed their National Plans of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks (NPOAs) (Levesque 2008). These measures have contributed to reducing fishing mortality for oceanic sharks (Camhi et al. 2008). ...
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The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a large predator in marine ecosystems, figuring as the most common and abundant species in oceanic fisheries. For this reason, many studies on this species were conducted throughout its entire distribution range. However, no comparison has been made regarding the variability of the aspects addressed herein. Thus, the present study aims at analyzing the available information on P. glauca. This species constitutes between 85 and 90% of the total elasmobranchs caught by oceanic fisheries with pelagic longlines. Growth parameters reveal that individuals in the Atlantic Ocean show the highest asymptotic lengths when compared to those found in other oceans. Females present an average uterine fecundity of 30 embryos. Although it shows a diverse diet, it is mainly composed of teleost fish and cephalopods. Currently, the main threat to the species is commercial fishing, being listed in Brazil and worldwide, according to IUCN as Near Threatened. Regardless, information on crucial aspects, such as its population dynamics, are still scarce or unreliable for many areas. Despite the number of studies regarding its distribution, abundance, and biology, data for new stock assessments of P. glauca are still needed to improve the species' management.
... Major information gaps exist for important fisheries of both industrialized and developing nations (Kelleher 2005), for distant water fleets operating within foreign exclusive economic zones (EEZs) and on the high seas (Kaczynski & Fluharty 2002, Xue 2006, and for intergovernmental fisheries management organizations (e.g. Fromentin 2003, Levesque 2008. Fisheries data are also widely misreported (Watson & Pauly 2001), and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fisheries are responsible for unknown but potentially high levels of bycatch around the globe (Nel et al. 2002, Sumaila et al. 2006. ...
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Several high-profile examples of fisheries bycatch involving marine megafauna (e.g. dolphins in tuna purse-seines, albatrosses in pelagic longlines, sea turtles in shrimp trawls) have drawn attention to the unintentional capture of non-target species during fishing operations, and have resulted in a dramatic increase in bycatch research over the past 2 decades. Although a number of successful mitigation measures have been developed, the scope of the bycatch problem far exceeds our current capacity to deal with it. Specifically, we lack a comprehensive understanding of bycatch rates across species, fisheries, and ocean basins, and, with few exceptions, we lack data on demographic responses to bycatch or the in situ effectiveness of existing mitigation measures. As an introduction to this theme section of Endangered Species Research 'Fisheries bycatch: problems and solutions', we focus on 5 bycatch-related questions that require research attention, building on examples from the current literature and the contributions to this Theme Section. The questions include: (1) Where is bycatch most prevalent? (2) Which species are taken as bycatch? (3) Which fisheries and gear types result in the highest bycatch of marine megafauna? (4) What are the population-level effects on bycatch species? And (5) How can bycatch be reduced? By addressing these questions, we draw attention to several emerging issues: the importance of artisanal fisheries bycatch, the demographic effects of bycatch, and the need for comprehensive, trans-national mitigation efforts. Although science alone cannot address the complex social, economic, and political factors that contribute to the bycatch problem, this review illustrates ways in which research can contribute to effective bycatch solutions.
... Given the expanded distribution, this species is likely to be more commonly caught as by-catch by offshore longline vessels in the North Atlantic than was previously believed (Moreno and Moron, 1992;Buencuerpo et al., 1998). Moreover, a wider distribution coupled with a slower growth rate, low reproductive capability and later maturity than most sharks species, suggest that I. paucus is highly susceptible to overfishing (Levesque, 2008). In fact, I. paucus were also listed as highly migratory in the conservation of migratory species of wild animals (Bonn Convention) under Appendix II, and classified as vulnerable (Reardon et al., 2006) in the Red List of Threatened and Endangered Species because it is believed to have undergone significant declines in the Atlantic. ...
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The occurrence of longfin mako Isurus paucus was confirmed over an extensive openocean area of the mid-North Atlantic, with a total of 68 new records of longfin mako sharks extracted from logbooks annotations between 1999 and 2011. New distributed range in the North mid Atlantic ranged between 6º and 44º N and 19º to 54º W and sea surface temperature between 14.9-27 ºC. Implications of the expanded distribution on management and conservation are discussed.
... In many ways, these problems have been more vexing than the complicated underlying biological processes such as recruitment (i.e., the production of juveniles), dispersal of larvae , and annual or decadal shifts in ocean condition (Chavez et al. 1999; Hare and Mantua 2000; Kinlan and Gaines 2003). Fishery management tools that seek to address these problems include marine protected areas (Halpern and Warner 2002), payments to fishers in exchange for exiting the fishery (Holland et al. 1999 ), international fishery treaties (Levesque 2008), and seafood eco-labeling (Potts and Haward 2007), in addition to more traditional approaches such as caps on catch, landings, and effort. Catch shares, or individual fishing quotas (IFQs), have been implemented in some jurisdictions as a promising method to address many of the core problems related to fisher behavior, incentives, and governance (US Commission on Ocean Policy 2004; Costello et al. 2008; Heal and Schlenker 2008 ). ...
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Any fishery management scheme, such as individual fishing quotas (IFQs) or marine protected areas, should be designed to be robust to potential shifts in the biophysical system. Here we couple possible catch scenarios under an IFQ scheme with ocean acidification impacts on shelled benthos and plankton, using an Atlantis ecosystem model for the US West Coast. IFQ harvest scenarios alone, in most cases, did not have strong impacts on the food web, beyond the direct effects on harvested species. However, when we added the impacts of ocean acidification, the abundance of commercially important groundfish such as English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus), arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), and yellowtail rockfish (Sebastes flavidus) declined up to 20%80%, owing to the loss of shelled prey items from their diet. English sole exhibited a 10-fold decline in potential catch and economic yield when confronted with strong acidification impacts on shelled benthos. Therefore, it seems prudent to complement IFQs with careful consideration of potential global change effects such as acidification. Our analysis provides an example of how new ecosystem modeling tools that evaluate cumulative impacts can be integrated with established management reference points and decision mechanisms.
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Over the last few decades, much effort has been devoted towards quantifying and reducing bycatch in marine fisheries. Of late, there has been a particular focus on sharks given that bycatch is a frequently listed threat for sharks on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List. However, currently there are no quantitative reviews or syntheses that explore the issue of shark bycatch globally which is problematic given that such a synthesis could inform conservation actions and identify pressing research gaps. We performed a qualitative and quantitative survey of the peer-reviewed literature to characterize trends in shark bycatch research with a particular goal of identifying research needs and opportunities. Using a structured literature review we identified 103 papers that met our search criteria, with the first one published in 1993. Early research efforts focused on documenting the scope of bycatch (i.e., determining that sharks were indeed captured as bycatch), but more recently there have been increased efforts devoted to developing and evaluating bycatch reduction strategies for sharks. Research activity was most common in the North Atlantic (~40 % of the total articles analysed) with comparatively less research in other areas such as the Indo-Pacific region where shark bycatch is regarded as particularly common and problematic. Most studies were observational with comparatively fewer experimental and modeling studies, and even fewer that combined research approaches. Gear modifications (e.g., hook size and type for long lines, net size and mesh design for nets) were the most commonly evaluated strategy for reducing shark bycatch; however, development and use of techniques like repellents, or seasonal area closures, or a combination of strategies, offer interesting possibilities that require further study. In addition, although many sharks are discarded, little is known about post-release survival or sub-lethal consequences of fisheries interactions, or evaluations of different fish handling strategies, making it difficult to quantify the true cost of bycatch or to recommend handling strategies to fishers. Although there are some inherent challenges with developing and testing shark bycatch reduction strategies, there is an urgent need to do so and this would be best achieved through interdisciplinary research that spans field, laboratory, and modeling realms.
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Porbeagle sharks produce few offspring and mature at a late age compared to the age of first capture. This combination of life history characteristics makes porbeagle highly susceptible to over-exploitation. The ESU for porbeagle in the NW Atlantic is represented by a single, largely Canadian population inhabiting the area from Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine to Newfoundland and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The virgin porbeagle population in the NW Atlantic was fished intensively at catch levels of about 4500t per year in the 1960s before the fishery collapsed 6 years later. The population slowly recoverd during the 1970s and 1980s when annual landings averaged 350t. Catches of 1000-2000t throughout the 1990s appear to have once again reduced population abundance, resulting in very low catch rates and disturbingly low numbers of mature females. Based on an extensive reconstruction of porbeagle shark abundance, all indicators of population size have declined substantially since 1961. Current population size is estimated to be 10-20% of that of the virgin 1961 population. All lines of evidence indicate that fishing mortality is largely or solely responsible for the decline in population abundance since 1961. The most recent stock assessment indicates that catches averaging 1000t per year in the 1990s have resulted in an F of about 0.20. Life table analysis indicates that a fishing mortality above 0.08 will cause the population to decline. The current catch quota of 200-250t corresponds to a fishing mortality at or below MSY (F of 0.04-0.05), and will allow population recovery. Thus the population decline has ceased, is reversible, and will increase in numbers at a rate of about 2.5% per year. The maximum rate of increase in an unfished population is about 5% per year. The current area of occupancy varies seasonally due to large-scale migrations. Summing across the yearly distributional range (Gulf of Maine, Scotian Shelf, southern NF, Gulf of St. Lawrence) gives a total area of about 425,000 square kilometres. There does not appear to have been any change in area of occupancy or degree of fragmentation since 1961. The current estimate of mature females in the population is 6075, which is about 10% that of the virgin populations 3 generations earlier.
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The nominal catch of blue sharks in the Canadian Atlantic grossly underestimates the actual catch mortality; the sum of landed catch and by-catch mortality in the Canadian Atlantic has averaged about 1000 t annually since 1986. Several indices of population health suggest that blue shark abundance has declined, and mortality has increased, in the past decade. Median size in the catch has declined, as have standardized catch rates from both commercial longline fisheries and recreational shark tournaments. Catch curve analysis suggests a very high fishing mortality on the population. However, Petersen analysis of tag recaptures indicates that the exploitation rate in Canadian waters was <1%. Two independent approximations of total North Atlantic blue shark catch mortality suggest North Atlantic catches of more than 100,000 t and catch mortalities of 26,000-37,000 t. Blue sharks have low commercial value and are discarded in great numbers by commercial pelagic fisheries. Life table analysis indicates that blue shark populations are both productive and resilient compared to other shark species, a fact which may help explain their persistence in the face of a high overall catch mortality and a decline in relative abundance. Nevertheless, steps to reduce their mortality appear to be warranted. RÉSUMÉ La prise nominale du requin peau bleue dans l'Atlantique canadien sous-estime considérablement la mortalité par pêche réelle ; la somme des prises débarquées et de la mortalité des prises accessoires dans l'Atlantique canadien s'est élevée en moyenne à environ 1.000 t par an depuis 1986. Plusieurs indices de la santé de la population suggèrent que l'abondance du requin peau bleue a diminué, et que la mortalité a augmenté au cours de ces dix dernières années. La taille médiane de la capture a chuté, tout comme les taux de capture standardisés des pêcheries palangrières commerciales et des tournois de pêche récréative de requins. L'analyse de la courbe des prises suggère une mortalité par pêche de la population très élevée. Toutefois, l'analyse de Petersen des récupérations de marques indique que le taux d'exploitation dans les eaux canadiennes était inférieur à 1%. Deux approximations indépendantes de la mortalité par prise totale du requin peau bleue de l'Atlantique Nord suggèrent des captures nord-atlantiques supérieures à 100.000 t et des mortalités par pêche de 26.000-37.000 t. Les requins peaux bleues ont une faible valeur commerciale et sont rejetés en grands nombres par les pêcheries pélagiques commerciales. L'analyse de la table de survie indique que les populations de requins peaux bleues sont à la fois productives et résistantes par rapport à d'autres espèces de requins, ce qui pourrait expliquer leur persistance malgré une forte mortalité par prise globale et une chute de l'abondance relative. Néanmoins, des mesures visant à réduire leur mortalité semblent être justifiées. 892 de la curva de captura sugiere un alto nivel de mortalidad por pesca de la población. Sin embargo, el análisis Petersen de las recuperaciones de marcas indica que la tasa de explotación en las aguas de Canadá era < 1%. Dos aproximaciones independientes de la mortalidad por captura total de tintorera en el Atlántico norte sugieren unas capturas en el Atlántico norte de más de 100.000 t y una mortalidad por captura que oscila entre 26.000 y 37.000 t. Las tintoreras tienen un bajo valor comercial y las pesquerías pelágicas comerciales descartan un gran número de tintoreras. Los análisis del ciclo vital indican que las poblaciones de tintorera son productivas y elásticas en comparación con otras especies de tiburones, un hecho que puede explicar su persistencia frente a una alta mortalidad global por captura y a un descenso en la abundancia relativa. Sin embargo, las medidas para reducir la mortalidad parecen estar justificadas.
The authors of the critiqued shark articles describe and defend their use and analysis of the data sets and conclude that their results are robust and their conclusions are balanced.
, Long-lived marine animals generally have slow growth and late maturity. In ad-dition, many long-lived species have low fecundity or variable and infrequent recruitment. Long life span may be an evolutionary adaptation to promote iteroparity and maintain fitness. Long-lived marine animals tend to be particularly vulnerable to excessive mortali-ties and rapid stock collapse, after which recovery may take decades. The von Bertalanffy growth coefficient (k) is a useful index in addressing the potential vulnerability of stocks to excessive mortality. Groups that have k coefficients at or below 0.10 seem to be particularly vulnerable and include most elasmobranchs, most chondrichthians, some teleosts, and the cheloniid sea turtles. Another useful index in assessing the vulnerability of stocks to excessive mortality is the intrinsic rate of increase (r). Vulnerability is inversely proportional to r with groups that have annual increase rates less than 10% being particularly at risk. These include most elasmobranchs, most chondrosteans, some teleosts, all sea turtles, many sea birds, and large cetaceans. Traditional surplus production models may be inappropriate for most long-lived ma-rine animals because of the long lag time in population response to harvesting. Rather, demographic models based on life history parameters have provided useful recently in assessing impacts of mortality on long-lived species. The greatest threats to long-lived marine animals come from mixed species fisheries in which long-lived species are taken ancillary to more abundant, productive species. Such fisheries may reduce long-lived spe-cies to critical levels while the more productive species sustain catches. Resource managers need to be more aware of the critical management requirements of long-lived marine animals. In most instances such species can sustain only limited ex-cess mortality. To ignore the special nature of the population dynamics of long-lived spe-cies leads inevitably to stock collapse or even extirpation.
A four-year research program to obtain information for assessing the condition of the Atlantic skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis, population and for developing plans for the rational exploitation of the resource was initiated by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in 1979. The program has so far contributed to the development of a new fishery off Brazil, completed exploration of potential fishing areas in the Caribbean Sea and off Angola, sponsored tagging of 27,700 fish, and generated a considerable amount of fishery statistics and biological information. Analysis of the data and information is planned for 1982 and a scientific meeting is planned for 1983 to review the results and relate them to the needs of the ICCAT.
Published data on the diversity, life history, ecology, and status of freshwater and euryhaline elasmo-branchs was reviewed in the context of anthropogenic threats and principles of conservation biology. At least 171 species of elasmobranch, representing 68 genera and 34 families, are recorded from fresh or estuarine waters. Of these, over half are marginal in estuaries, less than one-tenth are euryhaline, and one-¢fth are obligate in fresh water. Obligate freshwater elasmobranchs are dominated by myliobatoid stingrays, of which two-thirds are potamotrygonids endemic to Atlantic drainages of South America. Freshwater and euryhaline elasmobranchs adhere to strongly K-selected life histories and feed at high trophic levels, similar to those of their marine relatives. However, freshwater and euryhaline elasmo-branchs are also subject to habitat constraints, notably more limited volume and physicochemical variability than the ocean, that may render them more vulnerable than marine elasmobranchs to the e¡ects of human activities. The greatest diversity and abundance of freshwater and euryhaline elasmo-branchs occur in tropical countries with enormous and rapidly increasing human populations, notably South America, West Africa, and south-east Asia. Knowledge of the biology, distribution, ecology, and status of freshwater and euryhaline elasmobranchs is frustrated by unresolved taxonomic problems, which are brie£y summarized. To clarify selected issues in the conservation of freshwater and euryhaline elasmo-branchs, special attention is given to sharks of the genus Glyphis, pristids, and potamotrygonids. To foster live release when possible as well as prevent discard of specimens and loss of data, an illustrated key to di¡erentiate Carcharhinus from Glyphis sharks is provided. Obligate freshwater elasmobranchs with limited geographic ranges are deemed most vulnerable to extinction, but euryhaline elasmobranchs that require access to the sea to breed are also at signi¢cant risk. Based on the foregoing data and principles of conser-vation biology, suggested action plans for the conservation of freshwater and euryhaline elasmobranchs and the conservation of freshwater habitats are provided.