... @BULLET Prior studies: Theoretical explanation: König 1986, 1994, Sidiropoulou 1992, Winter& Rimon 1994, Athanasiadou 1997, Azar 1997, Iten 1997, 2002, Pander-Maat 1998, Mazzoleni 1991, Verhagen 2000, Blakemore 2000, König &Siemund 2000, Malchukov 2004, Umbach 2005, Izutsu 2007, Spenader&Maier 2008, diachronic perspective: König 1985a, 1985b, Elgenius 1991, Harris 1998, Mazzoleni, Barbera, Pantiglioni 2000, linguistic expression: (in one language) Bashewa 1980, Karantzola 1995, Crevels 1998, Risselada 1998, Couper-Kuhlen&Thompson 1999, Barth 2000, Barth-Weingarten 2003, Günthner 2000, Łyda 2007, (from contrastive perspective) König& van der Auwera 1988, Mazzoleni 1990, Rudolph 1996, Grote, Lenke & Steda 1997, Altenberg 2002, Latos 2006, (from typological perspective) Kortmann 1997, Haspelmath & König 1998, Crevels 19991986, 1988, 1992) -the so called Rhetorical Structure Theory). a formal unifying description of concession and semantic criteria for the discrimination of various 'functions' of single concessive and adversative markers are still to be developed. ...