
Let's talk about concession: The case of the Modern Greek particle as

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The aim of this paper is to suggest a semantic description of the concessive meaning of the polysemous Modern Greek particle as. It examines the linguistic notion of concession and draws attention to a confusion between language and metalanguage, which is common in the relevant literature. It argues that the concessive meaning cannot be analyzed as a speech act of concession but rather as a discursive strategy; furthermore, a description by argumentative topoi and through the theory of polyphony is provided. With regard to the origin of the concessive meaning of as, theoretical, historical and synchronic arguments are used to challenge recent discussions which derive this meaning from the modal notion of permission. Finally, the role of the euphoric and dysphoric nature of semantic units in the semantic description of Modern Greek is pointed out.

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... In an attempt to define concession, Karantzola (1995) states that in traditional grammar, the term 'concession' always refers to a class of subordinate clauses introduced by conjunctions considered a priori as concessive. Moreover, Crevels (2000) suggests four different levels of concessive meanings. ...
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The aim of the present study was to determine the main discoursal functions of the most commonly used Arabic coordinating conjunction, Wa (the English equivalent of 'and'). In order to do this, the researchers selected ten Jordanian parliamentary speeches to be used as the data of the study. In contrast to what has been heavily stated by Arabic linguists, the study showed that the Wa can have many discoursal functions. Upon analyzing the findings of the study in light of advancements made in The Relevance Theory, this research has provided further empirical evidence on how relevance considerations shape collaborative language use.
... @BULLET Prior studies: Theoretical explanation: König 1986, 1994, Sidiropoulou 1992, Winter& Rimon 1994, Athanasiadou 1997, Azar 1997, Iten 1997, 2002, Pander-Maat 1998, Mazzoleni 1991, Verhagen 2000, Blakemore 2000, König &Siemund 2000, Malchukov 2004, Umbach 2005, Izutsu 2007, Spenader&Maier 2008, diachronic perspective: König 1985a, 1985b, Elgenius 1991, Harris 1998, Mazzoleni, Barbera, Pantiglioni 2000, linguistic expression: (in one language) Bashewa 1980, Karantzola 1995, Crevels 1998, Risselada 1998, Couper-Kuhlen&Thompson 1999, Barth 2000, Barth-Weingarten 2003, Günthner 2000, Łyda 2007, (from contrastive perspective) König& van der Auwera 1988, Mazzoleni 1990, Rudolph 1996, Grote, Lenke & Steda 1997, Altenberg 2002, Latos 2006, (from typological perspective) Kortmann 1997, Haspelmath & König 1998, Crevels 19991986, 1988, 1992) -the so called Rhetorical Structure Theory). a formal unifying description of concession and semantic criteria for the discrimination of various 'functions' of single concessive and adversative markers are still to be developed. ...
The aim of this study is to provide a generally valid and detailed explanation (definition) of the conceptual structure of concession, delimiting its nucleus notional meaning and trying to identify its affinities as well differences in respect to other relations within the general domain of contrast. [Work presented during the Seminar at the Former Department of Linguistics of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (Leipzig, Germany) on 3rd March 2009]
... Finally, the particle as can only appear in matrix clauses. Just like the other two particles it also gives rise to modal interpretations, as shown below; examples (a)-(c) are from Karantzola ( 1995 ), (d)-(e) from Nikiforidou ( 1990 In (9a), as is a hortative, in (9b) it expresses permission, in (9c) concession, in (9d) a conditional, in (9e-f ) a wish (the latter unfulfi lled). According to Joseph & Philippaki-Warburton ( 1987 : 180) "Forms with as express exhortation, wish, consent, indiff erence, probable inference, and the like. ...
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In the present paper we consider the elements na, θa and as, which combine with the finite verb and give rise to a variety of modal readings, such as future, subjunctive, etc. On the basis of their distributional similarities and differences, we argue that the elements under consideration are situated in the left periphery and fall into two categories: θa and as have a verbal property, while na has a locative one which also underlies its deictic use. This approach allows us to get a better understanding of their current syntactic status, and also has certain implications regarding their diachronic development (e.g. 'grammaticalization'). Our analysis is consistent with the view that there is no syntactic category 'particle' (Zwicky 1985).
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325 ] Θ. Γιανναρης Εναντιωματικοί δείκτες με το καλά στη μεσαιωνική και πρώιμη νέα ελληνική: παράγοντες μεταβολής και γραμματικοποίηση Abstract This paper deals with an under-studied grammatical feature of Medieval and Early Modern Greek, viz. the concessive markers containing the adverb καλά/kala ('well'). The basic aim is to shed light on their historical evolution with a view toward understanding the complicated interconnection between the internal vis-à-vis the external factors in language change as well as the nature of the grammaticalization process allegedly involved in the change in question. Through a detailed investigation into the written record, it is illustrated that language contact and internal causes, though closely interwoven, they should be carefully distinguished with respect to the exact chronological period during which they were active. Further, the proposed analysis of the change takes a constructional perspective on the grammaticalization of the subordinating conjunctions and highlights the role of analogy as the principal mechanism in diachronic syntactic evolution. 1. Εισαγωγή 1.1 Οι δείκτες Κατά την ύστερη μεσαιωνική περίοδο κάνουν την εμφάνισή τους στα δημώδη κείμενα της ελληνικής ορισμένες προτάσεις με παραχωρητική και εναντιωμα-τική σημασία, των οποίων οι δείκτες εισαγωγής, παρόλο που εμπεριέχουν συ-νήθη στοιχεία για τέτοιες προτάσεις, δηλαδή το μόριο αν και τον σύνδεσμο και, δομούνται με βάση την παρουσία του επιρρήματος καλά: [1] η θυγατέρα τση, 'κεινής, δεν είχεν τέτοια χάρη, | καλά κι αν την εστόλιζεν πολύ μαργαριτάρι (Ριμάδα Απολλωνίου 1485, 1194· 14ος αι.) [2] Καλὰ καὶ νὰ κρατῶ τὰ λὲς νά 'ρχωνται ἀπ' ἀγάπης | καὶ ἀπὸ στεριότητα ψυχῆς, ἀπεὶν ἐποδιαντράπης, θέλω, γιὰ νά 'χωμεν καὶ αὐτὸν τὸν ὅρκο μαρτυρία, (Μαρί-νος Φαλιέρος 129, 723· 15ος αι.) Η χρήση παραχωρητικών/εναντιωματικών συνδέσμων με το καλά αυξάνεται χαρακτηριστικά κατά τους μεταβυζαντινούς αιώνες (16ο-18ο αι.), ενώ το αν Θερμές ευχαριστίες οφείλονται στους Ελένη Καραντζόλα και Νίκο Παντελίδη για την πολύ-τιμη βοήθειά τους σε διάφορα στάδια εκπόνησης αυτής της εργασίας, καθώς και στην Ιώ Μανω-λέσσου για τις εξαιρετικά χρήσιμες παρατηρήσεις της στο τελικό κείμενο. Για τα λάθη η ευθύνη είναι δική μου.
The paper presents and discusses some properties of a set of three modal particles in Modern Greek which have been claimed to form a well-defined category on the basis of a number of formal and functional characteristics despite their apparent differences at various levels. Each particle may be seen to have a number of distinct uses, which may be seen as instances of homonymy. It is argued, however, that the assumption of polysemy in the semantics of each particle can account for their overall behaviour. Crucially, polysemy need not depend on etymology or the assumption of grammaticalisation. On the one hand, in the context of grammatical categories, polysemy can only mean multiple category membership; e.g. each of the three particles under discussion appears to implicate more than one of the following categories: tense, aspect, mood and modality. On the other hand, the syntactic behaviour of particles is expected to differ from that of both inflectional categories and major lexical classes.
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textlessptextgreaterTypological and theoretical speculations about clitics require that the CLITIC be adequately distinguished from the INFLECTIONAL AFFIX on the one hand and from the INDEPENDENT WORD on the other. The first of these tasks has been attended to, but the second has been slighted, with the result that many items labeled 'particles' have been treated as clitics. After some remarks on the nature of 'tests' in linguistics, a series of tests is provided here for distinguishing clitics from independent words. On the basis of these, it is concluded that most of the 'particles' in the literature are simply words; from this conclusion, it is argued that treating words with idiosyncratic distributions as acategorial 'particles' is wrong. We then consider the relevance of various cases of 'particles'-in German, Chrau, Hidatsa, and Welsh-to theoretical proposals about special clitics. These examples include some items that are independent words, some that are inflectional affixes, and others that are independent words with simple clitic variants. Finally, a class of DISCOURSE MARKERS is delineated: a grammatical category of items which are often classified as 'particles' but which turn out, again, to be independent words rather than clitics of any sort.textless/ptextgreater
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Résumé Les phénomènes de type argumentatif amènent l’auteur à envisager une régulation en termes de gradation et non plus de vrai/faux. Le concept de topos joue un rôle essentiel dans la dynamique discursive.
Un mot Y est dit ‘modificateur déréalisant’ (MD) par rapport à un mot X si le syntagme XY a une orientation inverse ou une force argumentative inférieure à celle de X. Dans le cadre de la ‘Théorie de l'Argumentation dans la Langue’, on dit que Y s'oppose à l'application des formes topiques intrinsèques à X. Un critère pour reconnaître un MD est l'impossibilité de dire, sauf intention argumentative complexe, ‘X et même XY’. La notion de MD est utilisée pour définir la distinction entre ‘atténuateurs’ (un peu) et ‘inverseurs’ (peu), pour décrire le phénomène de la restriction (marqué par exemple par ne … que), et pour étudier la fonction argumentative de diverses indications temporelles.
The paper examines the historical development of concessive connectives and concessive sentences in English. Concessivity is shown to be a derived notion and the late development of this category, both ontogenetically and phylogenetically, is shown to be reflected in the morphology of the connectives: concessive connectives derive either from conditional connectives, from expressions asserting remarkable co-occurrence or co-existence, or from notions earlier only applicable to human agents or experiencers. Synchronic data taken from a variety of languages are shown to support the claims made on the basis of data taken from the history of English alone. The historical discussion throws some interesting light on the meaning and function of concessive constructions in present-day English.
This paper outlines three general tendencies in semantic change, and focuses on the third: meanings tend to become increasingly situated in the speaker's subjective belief state or attitude toward the proposition. Examples are drawn from the development of epistemic, including evidential, meanings in English in three domains: modal auxiliaries (e.g. must), assertive speech act verbs (e.g. insist that), and modal adverbs (e.g. apparently). It is shown that epistemics develop from less to more strongly subjective epistemicity. The process of change involved in the development of epistemics is hypothesized to be strengthening of pragmatic inferences to relevance, not, as has sometimes been suggested, generalization, bleaching, or metaphor.
The grammaticalization of as from a lexical imperative of Ancient Greek to a particle of Modern Greek follows some well-identified trends in historical linguistics. An adequate description of the change needs to refer simultaneously to semantic, syntactic and phonological parameters, which makes as a typical case of grammaticalization and a clear example of interaction of all such parameters. As, a highly polysemous category in Modern Greek, follows complex paths of development which for their description require also reference to 1) semantic relations such as metaphor and metonymy and 2) the interaction of existing grammatical patterns of the language with the emergent category.
Thesis (Ph. D. in Linguistics)--University of California, Berkeley, Dec. 1990. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-227).
Thèse (de doctorat) - Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1980. Bibliogr. : f. 895-914. Microfiches du ms dactylographié.
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