
Improving the Measurement of Service Quality

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SERVQUAL, which involves the calculation of the differences between expectations and perceptions on a number of prespecified criteria, is currently the most popular measure of service quality. However, there are some serious problems in conceptualizing service quality as a difference score; these are reviewed and empirically investigated in this paper. An alternative method for measuring service quality is found to have favorable psychometric properties and to be more efficient than SERVQUAL.

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... Zeithaml (2000) 1064 0.008860367 9 Dabholkar et al. (1996) 1047 Dabholkar et al. (1996) Zeithaml et al. (1996); ; Parasuraman et al. (2005); Brady and Cronin (2001); ; Pitt et al. (1995); Taylor and Baker (1994); ; Harrison-Walker (2001); Parasuraman et al. (1994); Dabholkar et al. (2000); Caruana (2002); Brown et al. (1993); Tsaura et al. (2002); Collier and Bienstock (2006); Grover et al. (1996); ; Spreng and Mackoy (1996) (2021) comprehensive list of highly cited studies related to the article's research approach, objectives, and the role of service quality. Table 6 includes information about highly cited studies conducted in different geographical scopes, along with details such as the period of study, sample size, sample unit, and respondents. ...
... Service quality affects service loyalty through customer satisfaction. Brown et al. (1993) 734 ...
... Caruana (2002) Is there an influence of corporate reputation on service quality, customer satisfaction, or a combination of both? Brown et al. (1993) What are the relative merits and effectiveness of different approaches in assessing and improving service quality? Tsaura et al. (2002) How can fuzzy set theory be applied to evaluate service quality in other industries? ...
... Researchers have given exclusive attention to examining the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance [72][73][74]. Job satisfaction increases job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which further enhances the motivation for work that eventually leads to better sales performance [72,75]. Another meta-analytical study by Bowling (2007) found that job satisfaction had a significant impact on sales performance [76]. ...
... Researchers have given exclusive a ention to examining the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance [72][73][74]. Job satisfaction increases job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which further enhances the motivation for work that eventually leads to be er sales performance [72,75]. Another meta-analytical study by Bowling (2007) found that job satisfaction had a significant impact on sales performance [76]. ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a salesperson’s techno-demands and techno-resources created by new sales-related information technology on salespersons’ attitudinal and behavioral outcomes such as job burnout, job satisfaction, turnover intention, and sales performance. In order to test the proposed framework, data were collected from 305 salespeople in Korea. The results of a partial least squared structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis showed that techno-demands have a significant positive effect on salespeople’s job burnout and techno-resources have a significant positive effect on salespeople’s job satisfaction. Salespeople’s job burnout has a significant positive effect on salespeople’s turnover intention, whereas salespeople’s job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on salespeople’s sales performance. Finally, salespeople’s job satisfaction has a negative effect on turnover intention. Theoretically, this study develops a new comprehensive framework of the techno demands–resources model and is empirically tested in the context of salespeople. Managerially, the findings offer important insights to practitioners to leverage techno-resources to accelerate the sales technologies for sales activities.
... Oliva et al. [11] argued that customer satisfaction is a business's mission expressed through the relationship between the value of that product or service and customers' previous expectations. Research by Brown et al. [12] concluded that satisfaction is a state in which what customers need, want, and expect from a product or service package is satisfied or exceeded, resulting in repeat purchases, loyalty, and the value of word of mouth. ...
... The research model and scales are borrowed and adjusted from previous studies [12]. The scale of the variables in the model is used a 5point Likert scale, from 1 representing strongly disagree to 5 representing strongly agree. ...
This study proposes a research model of the factors affecting customer satisfaction with the service quality of San Ha Retail Group. The study proposes a service quality measurement model with five factors and 20 observed variables. The study used the method of testing the reliability of the model scale by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, the exploratory factor analysis, and the multivariate regression analysis to explore the results of interviews with 130 customers who have used products and services of San Ha Retail Group. The results show that customer satisfaction with the service quality of San Ha Retail Group is influenced by five factors, including empathy, responsiveness, tangibles, reliability, and service capacity. The findings from the research suggest solutions to increase customer satisfaction when using products and services for San Ha Retail Group.
... Independent of access, poor quality can be a barrier to universal health coverage (Berendes et al., 2011). Perception of the quality of care often results from a combination of individual experiences, processed information and rumors (Adikwu, 1996), and is often largely based on experiences outside clinical settings (Brown, 1993). Hanefeld et al. (2017) established that the influence of perception on quality of care sometimes goes *Corresponding author. ...
... It was found that almost two-thirds of the respondents indicated PMVs as their preferred source of healthcare. This finding is consistent with reports of previous studies that PMVs often receive high patronage in rural and remote communities (Brown et al., 1993;Marriott, 2009; typically not because they perceived good quality care (Mashego and Peltzer, 2005) but because they are often the closest (Uzondu et al., 2015) or the only available point of healthcare in the underserved communities (Ali et al.,2012) Owumi and Raji (2013) explained that, where other informal healthcare providers are the alternative options, choices on where to receive care become explicit and patients make trade-offs between these alternatives. This implies that if the perception of poor quality of care is not addressed, the rural and remote dwellers may also consider healthcare from other unregulated informal health sector alternatives that may be available in their domain (Duku, 2018). ...
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Perceived quality of healthcare is a strong predictor of continuous utilization of healthcare. There is dearth of current evidence on the perception of the quality of the healthcare received from patent medicine vendors (PMVs) in low-and medium-income countries (LMICs). This study, therefore, through the lens of hard-to-reach communities in Nigeria seeks to assess the perception of the quality of healthcare provided by PMVs as well its determinants. It was a cross-sectional study of 339 residents of 20 purposively selected rural and remote villages conducted between January and May, 2022 in Jigawa State, Nigeria. We adapted, digitized, and used the interviewer-administered questionnaire on laypeople's perception of the quality of primary care to collect the data for the study. Data were analysed with the Stata version 16 and statistical significance was determined at P<0.05. We found that 62.5% of the rural and remote community dwellers that were studied perceived poor quality of healthcare services provided by the PMVs. Participants who were older than 44 years, are of the Hausa tribe and have health insurance coverage were more likely to perceive good quality care compared to others. The findings highlight that while many dwellers of rural and remote communities receive healthcare services from PMVs, they perceive the quality of care they receive to be poor. This could potentially limit the success of any proposed expansion of more basic health services to the PMVs in rural and remote communities.
... However, many researchers have argued that the assumption is not valid based on empirical observations. First, the five dimensions are not permanent, universal or homogeneous (Brown et al., 1993;Dabholkar et al., 1996;Park et al., 2021;Pitt et al., 1995;Van Dyke et al., 1997). Second, different numbers of dimensions are derived across service categories (Babakus & Boller, 1992;Bayraktaroglu & Atrek, 2010;Buttle, 1996;Carman, 1990;Chen & Ting, 2002;Park et al., 2021;Park & Yi, 2016;Rosen & Karwan, 1994). ...
... One is the difference measure assessing disconfirmation indirectly by subtracting expectation from performance. The other is the non-difference measure assessing disconfirmation directly with items with anchors such as 'falls far short of expectation' and 'greatly exceeds expectation' (Brown et al., 1993;Carman, 1990). Park et al. (2023) adopt the difference measure to compare additive models, because one can estimate additive models with the data set required for the SERVQUAL. ...
One may measure service quality either with additive models such as SERVQUAL, SERPERF, and two-predictor model of performance and expectation, or with multiplicative models obtained by log-transformation of variables in additive models. This paper analytically compares multiplicative models with additive models. In addition, it empirically compares predictive performance of alternative models on overall service quality and customer satisfaction with a three-way factorial design: 2 forms (additive vs. multiplicative) × 3 types (SERVQUAL vs. SERVPERF vs. two-predictor model) × 2 levels (5 dimensions vs. 22 items). The empirical comparison uses the data gathered to evaluate service quality in five service industries (Hamburger Shop, Pizza Shop, Family Restaurant, Movie Theater, and Bakery Shop) with a standard SERVQUAL questionnaire. The data set includes 1,410 respondents' evaluation of service quality. The analytical and empirical comparison shows that multiplicative models have three distinct advantages. First, multiplicative models are theoretically supported by the prospect theory and the Weber's law. Second, multiplicative models allow one to identify the optimal levels of performance and expectation maximizing overall quality or customer satisfaction. Third, multiplicative models predict overall service quality and customer satisfaction better than additive models do.
... Within the SERVQUAL framework, various interpretations and types of expectation can be employed (Boulding et al., 1993;Teas, 1993;Van Dyke et al., 1997;Yi, 1990): forecast, attribute importance, and classic ideal point; they will expectation, they should expectation, and the ideal expectation. The gap is measured using either the difference measure (indirectly calculating the gap with difference scores obtained by subtracting expectation scores from performance scores) or the non-difference measure (directly measuring non-difference scores obtained from items with anchors such as 'falls far short of expectation' and 'greatly exceeds expectation') (Brown et al., 1993;Carman, 1990;Yi, 1990). ...
Previous research recommends using measurement models of service quality such as SERVQUAL and SERVPERF. However, these models may be insufficient for measuring service quality in competitive markets, as they do not account for comparisons between competitive services. This paper proposes a new model for measuring service quality based on two comparison processes that consumers use: internal and longitudinal comparison versus external and cross-sectional comparison. The former involves comparing the experienced quality to the expected quality of a focal firm, while the latter involves comparing the experienced quality of the focal firm and that of other firms. This paper shows that internal and longitudinal comparison significantly influences customer satisfaction through external and cross-sectional comparison. It also highlights the advantages of the new model and advocates for its use in competitive markets. By comparing these dual comparison processes, the proposed model offers a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of service quality assessment in competitive market environments. --
... Roselius (1971) ha d included an additional type of perceived risk which was time risk meant the possible loss of convenience or time associated with the unsatisfactory delivery of a service. Corporate image could be simply defined as an accumulation of the impressions or perceptions held by external stakeholders (Bromley 1993;Davies & Miles 1998). Building up corporate image would be a lengthy process that could be improved by the successes and achievements of the company. ...
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The study aims in analyzing the use of internet in academic success of university students. The study has adopted survey research design. The convenience sampling method is used to collect the response from science, law and management students from different university. The total usable response is confined to hundred samples. The descriptive, Chi-square test, F-test and correlation analysis are conducted using SPSS software in the study. The analysis has found that male uses internet for communication purpose better than that of female students. NTC is found mostly preferred internet service provider for the respondents of education background. The analysis further concluded that there is no significant difference between the education background and the use of internet for doing assignment, social networking, entertainment and communication. However, there is no significant difference between faculty selected by students and choice of internet browsing speed. There is no significant association between pressure group and type of faculty chosen by students, although science students are more sensitive towards pressure group. There is no significant relationship between occupation of students’ guardian and preferred ISP. There is significant difference between type of ISP and level of satisfaction of respondents. The study revealed that there is no significant relationship between type of ISP subscribed and payment system. The study has found no significant relationship between amount charged and ISP subscribed. There is no significant relationship between overall performance and ISP subscribed. The study concluded that there is significant relationship between ISP subscribed and switching option of ISP. Finally, it is concluded that the use of internet in academic endeavor become essential in recent years. Thus, policy makers, service providers and university should develop a framework that can integrate their curriculum to go along with information and technology.
... As per Ethiopian Federal Police Commission Proclamation No.313/2003, the police are mandated to uphold laws aligned with the Constitution, equipped with the necessary training for their profession [2]. They are also tasked with serving the public, respecting and ensuring the observance of human and democratic rights, and maintaining peace and order in the community [3]. Despite these regulations, citizen satisfaction with police services has not seen an improvement [4]. ...
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This research involved 397 participants selected through stratified and simple random sampling methods. The objective was to assess the influence of service quality delivery on customer satisfaction within Nekemte Town Police Administration, utilizing the SERVQUAL model. To fulfill this goal, a quantitative research study incorporating both descriptive and causal (inferential) research designs was conducted. Questionnaires with a five-point Likert scale were employed, drawing from the annual target population of 51,480 Nekemte Town Police Administration customers. Data was gathered through personally administered questionnaires, and subsequent analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27, employing descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings indicated minimal customer satisfaction, making it challenging to precisely determine customers' expectations and perceptions regarding service quality dimensions. Notably, all service quality dimensions positively influenced satisfaction levels. Specifically, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy emerged as significant contributors to customer satisfaction, while reliability and tangibility had a comparatively lesser impact. In light of these results, the researcher recommends that the Nekemte Town Police Administration implement training, corrective measures to enhance responsiveness, motivational initiatives, and the utilization of fault-free technologies to improve overall customer satisfaction.
... In the literature, a few methods have been proposed to assess the service quality of healthcare facilities. Basically, they can be classified into three fundamental groups: stated importance methods (Brown et al., 1993;Kaplan and Norton, 1992;Schvaneveldt et al., 1991), derived importance methods (Kucukarslan and Nadkarni, 2008;Laschinger et al., 2005), and the MCDM based approach. The likert scale responses, of stated importance method and/or derived importance method, are imprecise as they include a high degree of fuzziness and consider experts' judgment in crisp number (Singh and Prasher, 2017). ...
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The study attempts to propose a conceptual framework for the evaluation of public healthcare service quality in the Indian context. First, it aims to construct and validate Public HealthCare Service Quality (PubHCServQual) scale for three decision models; Collective Decision Model (CDM), Independent Urban Decision Model (IUDM), and Independent Rural Decision Model (IRDM). Second, the study estimates and validates the relative importance of service quality constructs. Lastly, it evaluates Aggregate Risk Measures (ARM) by incorporating concepts of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP). Because of the importance of factors and the probability of occurrence of dissatisfaction due to factor, the aggregate risk was evaluated for CDM, IUDM, and IRDM, using FAHP. The study successfully constructed and validated PubHCServQual scale, which is original for CDM, IUDM, and IRDM. The study directs the management of public healthcare facilities towards the area of improvement and creates the value of service quality.
... In addition, although the perception of quality increases as loyalty to the team increases, as the research results show, the quality perception of hooligan and fanatic fans with high loyalty is not satisfactory. Therefore, although Theodorakis et al. (2001) do not agree with this view, the participation of highly committed fans in competitions may decrease due to low service quality, as Brown et al. (1993) stated. ...
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This research aims to develop a reliable and validated fan typology scale and to examine whether the perception of the quality of a sports event differs according to fan typology. In the first stage of the research, the scale was developed using quantitative research methods. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied to 339 fans, and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used on 260 fans. Analysis results show that the structure of the tested scale provides valid and reliable evidence, and the structure consists of 35 items gathered under seven dimensions. After the development of the scale, in the second stage of the research, the relationship between the typologies of the fans and the quality perceptions of the sports event was examined. While Gençlerbirliği and Ankaragücü supporters using the Eryaman Stadium constituted the universe of the research, the sample of the study consisted of 502 fans selected by criterion sampling method. A two-stage hierarchical cluster analysis was used to reveal the fan typology. In addition, the research questions were tested using the t-test, ANOVA, and χ². It was determined that four types of fans emerged: “hooligan,”“fanatic,”“classical,” and “social.” In addition, it was determined that the perceptions of event quality differed significantly according to the fan’s typologies. In this direction, it can be said that football clubs should develop different communication strategies to improve the perception of all fan types.
... Although there have been several studies conducted on the impact of perceived service quality, and customer satisfaction or repurchase intentions [13][14][15][16][17], very minute attention has been given to this issue in restaurants and the majority of these studies focused on just one or a few specific aspects of service quality. For example, Barber et al. [18], looked at how tangible aspects affect service quality, whereas Ha & Jang [9] looked into how service quality influences customer satisfaction based on a few variables such as assurance, reliability, and responsiveness [4]. ...
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The study investigates the influence of perceived service quality on customers' repeated purchases in restaurants in Yaoundé, Cameroon, providing insights into the factors that drive customer loyalty in the restaurant industry. In a dynamic business environment marked by increased technological advancement that exposes consumers to a multitude of service providers, the need for continuous improvement of service quality to satisfy current consumers and create a positive brand image to attract new customers and render existing ones loyal, cannot be overstated. Data was drawn through a self-administered questionnaire distributed to a sample of 71 restaurant customers in the city of Yaoundé drawn through simple random sampling. The research methodology employed multiple linear regression analysis, providing a quantitative approach to examine the relationship between service quality and customer repeated purchases. The results of the study indicate that both Tangible and Intangible perceived service quality dimensions have a positive and significant influence on customers’ repeated purchases in restaurants in the city of Yaoundé. The findings reveal that tangibles and intangibles perceived service quality have a positive and significant influence on customers' repeated purchases, highlighting the importance of physical evidence, employee appearance, reliability, responsiveness, trustworthiness, and assurance in enhancing customer loyalty. By implication, restaurant operators to ensure increased customer loyalty should capitalize on, physical evidence, employee appearance, reliability, responsiveness, trustworthiness, and assurance of client. The study suggests the inclusion of price as a dimension of service quality in future research, indicating the need for a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence customer behavior in the restaurant context. Nevertheless, given that clients often compare the quality of services with the price, it will be necessary to add price as a new dimension of service quality in future research. Also, researchers should attempt to test this model in new fields and with a larger sample size.
... There appears to be some agreement that service quality refers to the degree of discrepancy, or 'gap', between buyers' expectations and perceptions of the service received (Goodale et al., 1997). Service quality and its dimensions are first described by Grönroos (1984), Parasuraman et al. (1985), Brown et al. (1993) and Zeithaml et al. (1996). Grönroos (1984) classified service quality into two types; the first is technical (it is also called 'core' or outcome aspects) which means what a customer attains from the service; and the second is functional (also called 'relational' or process aspects) which is linked to how the service is provided (see Levesque, 1992, 2000). ...
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After the COVID period, customer expectations and company strategies have changed in many markets and products. It is very important to keep up with this change in academic studies and publications, to re-identify the differences as well as the similarities, and as a result, to offer new strategic change opportunities to the market actors. In this sense, the research aimed to present a regional and comprehensive study of the mobile phone market, which is the most developing and expanding market in recent years. The study obtained data as a result of the questionnaire applied to 1,189 people who are currently using mobile smartphones in the Kurdistan region, and after passing these data through validity-reliability analysis. Through a rigorous process of validity and reliability analysis, the gathered data underwent causality analysis utilising structural equations modelling. When the results were examined, it has been determined that the product users in the market shape their purchasing and loyalty according to the brand perception of the product, rather than their own product usage experience. In this context, strategic maps were presented to market actors.
... A complete service quality measuring scale (SERVQUAL) was empirically evaluated by Babakus and Mangold (1992) to determine whether a hospital service environment would benefit from using it. Brown et al. (1993) investigated experimentally to provide an alternate technique for assessing service quality and found that the conceptualization of service quality as a difference score had some series problems. The SERVQUAL model was modified to consider the environment of online shopping, a technique to gauge the aspects of e-service quality was created by Lee and Lin (2005). ...
SERVQUAL is a critical paradigm for evaluating and maintaining service quality in a variety of service contexts and cultures. The purpose of this study is to map the SERVQUAL literature based on the Scopus and Web of Science databases using the Bibliometrix R Package. This analysis includes 2397 scientific publications on SERVQUAL and those spread between 1990 and 2022. The analysis focused the general bibliometric characteristics and trending topics: three-fourths were published between 2009 and 2022, the United States was the leading country along with some smaller countries like Iran and Malaysia, top fifteen journals published 16% of total publications, service quality and customer satisfaction are prominent topics along with SERVQUAL, country-specific studies gained momentum and researchers focused on various topics in different periods. This first study on SERVQUAL’s scientific output may help researchers and decision makers find relevant topics and application areas.
... In her review article, Endeshaw (2021) cited several studies that assessed the quality of healthcare services, including 'servqual, ' 'servperf, ' 'healthqual, ' 'Pub-HosQual, ' and 'HospitalQual' and highlighted that the previous studies were limited, as they primarily emphasized the functional aspect of healthcare services while giving minimal attention to the technical components and relying heavily on the experience of healthcare service providers. The studies performed by Brown et al. (1993) and Babakus and Mangold (1992), much before the study performed by Endeshaw (2021), also emphasised both the functional and technical aspects of service while evaluating service quality for the health care sector. Technical quality is concerned with the technical outputs of the services, whereas functional quality is concerned with how the technical quality is communicated to the customer, resulting in the recipient's happiness with their service experience (Arora & Stoner, 1996). ...
... Service quality model (SERVQUAL) is used in assessing providers' service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985;Zeithaml et al., 2018). However, the SERVQUAL model has been heavily criticized (Brown et al., 1993). On that note, many scholars utilized various models to evaluate service quality since customer assessment obtains perceived service quality (Zeithaml et al., 1996(Zeithaml et al., , 2014. ...
Most theories are tested in developed countries; moreover, there is still lack of research on SERVPERF, especially in low-cost hotel. Hence, due to high competition among low-cost hotels in Nigeria, many low-cost hotels are seeking for alternative ways of competing apart from pricing or operational costs. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify the effects of SERVPERF dimensions on guests’ satisfaction and loyalty in low-cost hotels as well as the mediating role of guests’ satisfaction on the relationships between SERVPERF dimensions and guests’ loyalty. Data were collected from 300 guests at low-cost hotels and was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Also, composite reliability, Cronbach alpha and average variance extracted were used to test the reliability and validity of the instrument. Result revealed that empathy, responsiveness and reliability influence guests’ satisfaction. Furthermore, empathy, reliability and satisfaction influence guests’ loyalty. Results on mediation revealed that guests’ satisfaction partially mediates the relationships between empathy as well as reliability and guests’ loyalty, while guests’ satisfaction fully mediates the path between responsiveness and guests’ loyalty. This study recommends that low-cost hotels management should emphasize on empathy and reliability to increase guest loyalty.
... Service quality model (SERVQUAL) is used in assessing providers' service quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985;Zeithaml et al., 2018). However, the SERVQUAL model has been heavily criticized (Brown et al., 1993). On that note, many scholars utilized various models to evaluate service quality since customer assessment obtains perceived service quality (Zeithaml et al., 1996(Zeithaml et al., , 2014. ...
Most theories are tested in developed countries; moreover, there is still lack of research on SERVPERF, especially in low-cost hotel. Hence, due to high competition among low-cost hotels in Nigeria, many low-cost hotels are seeking for alternative ways of competing apart from pricing or operational costs. Thus, the aim of this study is to identify the effects of SERVPERF dimensions on guests’ satisfaction and loyalty in low-cost hotels as well as the mediating role of guests’ satisfaction on the relationships between SERVPERF dimensions and guests’ loyalty. Data were collected from 300 guests at low-cost hotels and was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). Also, composite reliability, cronbach alpha and average variance extracted were used to test the reliability and validity of the instrument. Result revealed that empathy, responsiveness and reliability influence guests’ satisfaction. Furthermore, empathy, reliability and satisfaction influence guests’ loyalty. Results on mediation revealed that guests’ satisfaction partially mediates the relationships between empathy as well as reliability and guests’ loyalty, while guests’ satisfaction fully mediates the path between responsiveness and guests’ loyalty. This study recommends that low-cost hotels management should emphasize on empathy and reliability to increase guest loyalty.
... The SERVQUAL model was initially developed by Parasuraman et al., (1988) and later redefined in 1991 as a multidimensional scale to capture customer perceptions and expectations of service quality (Brown et al., 1993). SERVQUAL emphasises the most important service quality requirements in five dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles (Zeithaml and Bitner, 2003;Zeithaml, 1990;and Buttle, 1994). ...
... The scale has been the focus of considerable psychometric evaluation, and the effectiveness of the scale as a measurement instrument has been used in a wide range of industries and environments (Babakus & Boller, 1992). It has been criticised for some aspects of its reliability and validity (Brown et al., 1993;Cronin & Taylor, 1994;Van Dyke et al., 1997) and for its gap format (Caruana et al., 2000). However, there have been equally robust rebuttals from the developers (Parasuraman et al., 1994) and other scholars (Pitt et al., 1995). ...
... There appears to be some agreement that service quality refers to the degree of discrepancy, or 'gap', between buyers' expectations and perceptions of the service received (Goodale et al., 1997). Service quality and its dimensions are first described by Grönroos (1984), Parasuraman et al. (1985), Brown et al. (1993) and Zeithaml et al. (1996). Grönroos (1984) classified service quality into two types; the first is technical (it is also called 'core' or outcome aspects) which means what a customer attains from the service; and the second is functional (also called 'relational' or process aspects) which is linked to how the service is provided (see Levesque, 1992, 2000). ...
... So QoS is a critical measure for the performance of elderly care. In the service marketing literature, QoS refers to a measure of how an organization delivers its services compared to the expectations of the users of the service [28]. In the gerontology literature QoS is defined by Campbell et al., [29] as to whether the individual has access to structures and processes of care and whether the care received is effective. ...
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Elderly care services are increasingly becoming more technology-supported due to the changing socio-demographics globally. In this paper, we study the use of privately owned technology to deliver more personalized elderly care services. The introduction of technology into existing elderly care service models presupposes new forms of organizing these services which in turn challenges the performance goals of elderly care services, and yet little empirical research can be found on this issue. In this paper, we examine the organizational changes that happen in the elderly care service models when new technologies are introduced and how those changes affect the performance of those services. In addition, we want to explore how service level agreements can be used to align the performance of the different actors involved in the delivery of technology-enabled elderly care services. We argue that technologically driven changes in traditional elderly care service models have performance consequences (e.g., on quality of services) which influence the cost and resource sensitivity of business models of most public organizations. To validate the arguments made, the study draws empirics from an ongoing project on technology development and deployment of ambient assisted living technologies in Lillehammer municipality in Norway.
... Gabbie & Neill, 1996;Bojanic & Rosen, 1994;Mehta & Durvasula. 1998;Brown, Churchill & Peter, 1993;Ryan & Cliff, 1996) Based on the literature the concept of service quality includes technical and functional quality (Gronroos, 1984). Rust & Oliver (1994) looked at the service quality of service products and service delivery. ...
... Where SQi =perceived service quality of individual "i" k -Number of items p -Perception of individual "i" concerning the performance of a service firm "j" Brown et al. (1993) created a new indicator of direct output analogies with preconceptions that use the Likert scale as a response to criticisms levelled against the psychometric validity of SERVQUAL. Their defence was based on the fact that no two people can give the same answers to questions about their goals and the outcomes they anticipate, and that despite this, there is a significant correlation between differences in responses and favourable results. ...
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This study created and evaluated a mediation model which allowsthe role of essential artificial intelligence (AI) in mediating the connection between service quality and behavioural intent to use AI security features in the United Arab Emirates.The primary objective is to improve the standards for customer service in the UAE's artificial intelligence security industry. The data to developed the model was derived from 389 valid questionnaires form the questionnaire survey. The data was screened and cleaned before uploaded in Smart-PLS software to developing and assessing the model.Based on the assessment on the model, it was found that the most fundamental form of artificial intelligence exerts a mediating effect to some extent, on the connectionthat exists between service quality and behavioural intention in terms of the application of Al security technology.The coefficient and t-value point to a substantial indirect relationship between the quality of the service and the intention to use artificial intelligence. This relationship is shown to be indirect rather than direct. It is possible to draw the conclusion that improved service quality raises people's likelihood of intending to use AI security technologies. This is due to the fact that the contribution of such technologies to improved job performance, as well as the convenience with which such technologies can be utilised, raises people's awareness of the perceived value of such technologies.
... The attributes of a destination's resources and attractions that attract tourists determine its image (Stojanovic, Andreu, & cures-Perez, 2018). Service quality is a fuzzy and difficult to measure notion, unlike commodity quality, which can be objectively validated by variables such as durability and fault count (Brown, Churchill & Peter, 1993). Ground-breaking research on the image of tourists' destinations undertaken in the 1970s and 1980s revealed basic theoretical and conceptual limitations that must be addressed (Echtner& Ritchie, 1993). ...
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This study investigates the impact of service quality dimensions on destination loyalty and secondly to examines the mediating effect of destination image. For instance, data was collected from 400 tourist, from northern areas of Pakistan. Data was analyzed by using the Hierarchical linear regression modal approach. The results revealed that service quality dimensions have positive impact on destination loyalty, furthermore, destination image meditate the association between service quality dimensions and destination loyalty. This might be the first study after covid-19 provides theoretical and practical implications for destination loyalty and have open avenues for future studies.
... The authors defined their research using a service quality measurement tool -SERVQUAL -which was then used in the company's internal services: INTSERVQUAL. According to Brown et al. (1993), one of the negative aspects of these two instruments is that a considerable part of the determinants they involve only concerns the direct actors. In 2005 Bell, Auh and Smalley developed a scale for banking services, which, in our opinion, corresponds to our questioning. ...
The objective of this work is to empirically show the active role of the management control performance variable, in improving management performance at public healthcare facilities. The determination of the levers on which management controllers can act to maximize the performance of this process, is also discussed. The results indicate the existence of a significant direct link between the performance of management control and that of managers of public health establishments. They also suggest interesting elements for practitioners, particularly as regards the levers to prioritize, to maximize management control performance and thus that of public managers. It turns out that the levers of the technical dimension are the most decisive for the sample of this study. L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer empiriquement le rôle actif de la variable "performance du contrôle de gestion", dans l'amélioration de la performance de gestion des établissements publics de santé. La détermination des leviers sur lesquels les contrôleurs de gestion peuvent agir pour maximiser la performance de ce processus, est également abordée. Les résultats indiquent l'existence d'un lien direct significatif entre la performance du contrôle de gestion et celle des responsables des établissements publics de santé. Ils suggèrent également des éléments intéressants pour les praticiens, notamment en ce qui concerne les leviers à prioriser pour maximiser la performance du contrôle de gestion et donc celle des managers du secteur public. Il s'avère que les leviers de la dimension technique sont les plus déterminants pour l'échantillon de cette étude.
... Este punto crítico del negocio bancario también ha sido considerado por los investigadores, los cuales reconocen que la calidad del servicio en el e-banking (banca por Internet) es un área de interés creciente. Diversos trabajos tratan sobre la calidad del servicio, Parasuraman et al. (1988), Cronin y Taylor (1992y 1994, Brown et al. (1993), Boulding et al. (1993) y más recientemente Dabholkar et al. (2000), Joseph et al. (2001), Zeithaml (2000) y Jiang et al. (2000); y son estos mismos trabajos los que dan una base teórica a esta investigación. ...
La calidad del servicio se ha convertido en uno de los conceptos empresariales más importantes de los últimos tiempos. A pesar de haber varios factores a la hora de nombrar elementos claves en la estrategia empresarial, tales como la imagen o el producto, la calidad del servicio se ha posicionado por sobre ellos por ser un elemento diferenciador de mucha importancia entre las empresas. Para la banca, la diferenciación se ha vuelto una necesidad, y la calidad del servicio puede ser la mayor herramienta para este objetivo. Es por ello que su medición se vuelve crucial para los directivos bancarios. Basándose en diversos estudios sobre la calidad del servicio, esta investigación trata de desarrollar un instrumento que permita a los directivos poder medir de manera confiable la calidad del servicio de la banca por Internet y lograr tomar decisiones que permitan una diferenciación de sus servicios en línea. La investigación también discute los problemas en el desarrollo del instrumento y termina con las conclusiones del mismo, no sin antes haber señalado ciertos alcances pertinentes al estudio.
... Furthermore, researchers noted that most health-care quality assessment models proposed were of Western origin and insufficient for measuring health-care quality and/or acceptability in diverse regions due to their incongruence with cultural and economic contexts of developing countries (Akachi and Kruk, 2017;Kruk et al., 2017;Endeshaw, 2021). Thus, there is growing consensus that developing countries should elaborate context-specific models for measuring health-care quality (Brown et al., 1993;Akachi and Kruk, 2017). ...
Measuring healthcare acceptability presents conceptual and contextual challenges, particularly in data-poor Multi-Island Microstates (MIMS). Thus, there has been limited evidence on acceptability of healthcare in MIMS, and scarce use of acceptability metrics in policy design and health system evaluation. In the present study, we developed and empirically validated a theoretical framework for measuring users' acceptability of healthcare in a Multi-Island Microstate in the Caribbean. Using a minimum-data approach, we used synoptic review of healthcare literature and consultations with experts and health system stakeholders to define, scope and select constructs for the theoretical framework of healthcare acceptability. Empirical validation of the modelled framework was performed using data collected from household expenditure and healthcare utilization surveys in Carriacou and Petite Martinique (n = 226), island dependents of Grenada in the Caribbean. Data were used to create health utilization profiles and analyse measurement scales of the healthcare acceptability framework using non-linear partial-least square structural equation modelling. The modelled framework included 17-items integrating economic and psychosocial concepts, with one dependent construct (utilization) and 3 independent constructs (users' perception, experience, and knowledge of health facility). Model analysis and validation indicated that the framework was significant, explaining 19% of the variation in healthcare acceptability. Users' experience construct was influenced by perception and knowledge of health facility, and was the only construct with a significant negative relationship with acceptability. Healthcare acceptability declined with increased waiting and travel times, and unsuitable opening hours. We conclude that acceptability comprises of a complex multidimensional concept, which is highly dependent on various interacting variables and contextual characteristics of the health system. Therefore, policies and actions to improve acceptability should be context specific and focused on evaluating factors infringing healthcare acceptability. Routine acceptability and/or satisfaction studies represent baseline evidence towards understanding and integrating acceptability in healthcare assessment.
... As discussed in detail in the Literature Review section, research based on the SERVQUAL scale spreads beyond the private corporate sector to the public management sector, including user satisfaction with government facilities. There is criticism against studies based on the SERVQUAL scale, which calculates the difference between the expected and actual perceived outcomes, regarding the method of gauging the difference (Brown et al., 1993). Cronin and Taylor (1992) argue that service quality can be measured by examining only perceived outcomes under SERVPERF. ...
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This study clarifies the main factors affecting user satisfaction in public facilities using a two-part questionnaire, specifically, the determinants of service satisfaction among users of a ward office in Tokyo. The questionnaire comprised three main categories of multiple-choice questions: A) facility equipment (physical elements in the government office), B) staff responses, and C) service delivery (e.g., promptness of services, whether visitors completed their scheduled errands). In addition, the questionnaire investigated the users’ personalities of each facility. During a 1-day survey, responses were collected from 400 women aged 30–59 years who had visited a ward office in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area within the previous month. This age segment was studied because it is the major segment of the panel of the internet research firm used. First, a factor analysis was used to check if the question groupings were appropriate based on eigenvalues and scree plots, and it was confirmed. Next, principal component and multiple regression analyses were conducted for each question category to examine the determinants of counter-service user satisfaction. The regression analysis, using the three main question categories and three other respondents’ personality-related question categories, shows that category C (service delivery quality) strongly influenced the dependent variable, followed by categories B and A. The adjusted R 2 value was .70. This is consistent with the author’s surveys of government offices in urban areas conducted for Higashihiroshima City Hall and Osaka ward offices. Concerning the hardware aspect, the principal component loadings, the analysis results show that 1) indoor atmosphere, 2) ease of following the layout of the floors and offices inside the building, and 3) ease of understanding the building’s locations and entrances at the site of the ward office, are important factors for overall satisfaction at the ward office.
... Customers will definitely be satisfied when their expectations, needs and wants are fulfilled. Satisfied customers endure loyalty towards the brand, repurchase, show positivity toward their satisfactory brand and speak good words for the organization (Brown, Churchill, & Peter, 1992) . This satisfaction also creates a chain of WOM. ...
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This study aims to test the empirical impact of the image of the brand, customer satisfaction and product & service quality on brand loyalty in territories of Pakistan. This study is applied research-based however there are many previous research studies related to the topic, but this research is different and unique as the data in this research is taken from the developing economy of Pakistan where there is a sharp dearth of these types of research investigations. The data was collected through secondary authentic sources. Moreover, the sample size of the study is 300. The data was analyzed through statistical softwares such as SPSS, AMOS and SMART PLS. The results indicate that there is a relationship linking brand awareness and brand loyalty with buying behaviour of the customer along with the mediation effect of sales promotion. The research is supported by descriptive analysis. This study is pervasive in nature as it enhances knowledge on the subject to help organizations, brand management and other related institutions.
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This study explores the level of service quality and member satisfaction within the context of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOS) in Nepal. By using data from a survey of 1209 randomly selected SACCOS members, the study dealt with the demographic composition, service quality perceptions, and member satisfaction levels across three distinct SACCOS: Bindabasini-Kavrepalanchock, Mahila Milan-Makawanpur, and Siddhartha-Kapilbastu. The analysis uncovers intriguing patterns in demographic characteristics and establishes a positive correlation between service quality dimensions and both member loyalty and positive words of mouth. The findings highlight the crucial role of tailored service quality dimensions in fostering member loyalty, positive advocacy, and overall cooperative success. Findings of this study not only contributes to the understanding of cooperative management strategies but also provides insights for the enhancement of member experiences, leading to sustained growth and impact. Thus, the findings of this study have important implications for cooperatives, researchers, policy makers, cooperative movement, government for devising appropriate intervention to enhance members’ satisfaction levels.
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A series of article by Parsuraman, Zeithmal, and Berry has traced the development of the theory that attempts to explain how consumer acquires perception of the quality of service firm. Parallel with their theory development, Parsuraman, et al. has experimented with various ways of measuring the hypothetical dimensions of service quality. The latest efforts resulted in asset of scale has designed and named RSQS. This paper describes a validation of the study of 28-items of RSQ scale on organized retail setting in Indian perspective. Exploratory factor analytic were used to explore the dimensionality of the scale. This study evaluates the scale developed in the US and considered valid in organized retail store. This paper addresses how customers view service quality of store in India. The frame work for service quality in the RSQ scale has five dimensional structure include Physical Aspects, Reliability, Personal interaction, Problem solving, Policy, also it has first three sub-dimensions comprise of two sub dimensions each.
As one of business entity engaged in airport services, Bali Airport is demanded to increase aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenue stream and also its service level. Where the non- aeronautical revenue produced from concessionaire activity in the airport terminal needs to have the right strategy.This study aims to investigate key atributes of the Service Quality of Travel Retail and analyze the influence of the Service Quality of Travel Retail on Non-Aeronautical Revenue. By using SmartPLS 3.0, the results of research showed that there was a low influence of the Service Quality of Travel Retail on Revenue performance.The research method used was quantitative design by distributing questionnaires to 160 respondents of Bali Airport passengers. The analysis process used was descriptive and validation by using SEM Partial Least Square (PLS) method Keywords :Service quality of travel retail, Bali Airport, Non-Aeronautical Revenue, revenue performance
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This study was undertaken to study the dimensions of deposit money banking operations and customers’ satisfaction in Ile-Ife, Nigeria with specific focus on customers of deposit money banks in Ile-Ife. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of bank operations on customers’ satisfaction; while the specific objectives were: to determine how deposit money bank charges affects customer satisfaction, examine how deposit money bank service offers affect customer satisfaction, insightfully examine how the selected common banking attributes affect customer satisfaction, and simulate which of the banks’ attributes combination would be most preferred in the future. A total of 100 respondents were sampled by using stratified and purposive sampling techniques, and data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire. Data on demographic, banking relationship characteristics of the customers and closed-end questions were analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analyses, using SPSS statistical software tool. Results showed that deposit money banking operations directly impact customers’ satisfaction with Pearson correlation coefficient R (0.967) and also significant since the signicant value (0.000) is less than 5% and therefore the variables have positive effects on customers’ satisfaction. Based on the findings of the study it was recommended that the managers of deposit money banks should pay attention to the pricing satisfaction of their products by ensuring these charges are legal, fair, reliable and transparent. The regulatory institutions, especially the Central Bank of Nigeria, should intensify monitoring of deposit money banks in the area of compliance with the extant rules and regulations that guide bank charges. Also the study suggested pricing and service satisfaction of bank customers should be given more academic coverage by conduction of further researches on the subject matter.
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này nhằm xác định và đo lường các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của phụ huynh về chất lượng giáo dục tại Trường Quốc tế Bắc Mỹ SNA. Nghiên cứu sử dụng phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính và định lượng. Trên cơ sở của mô hình chất lượng dịch vụ giáo dục của Fridaus Abdullah [1], nghiên cứu thực hiện khảo sát với 370 phụ huynh của Trường SNA và kiểm định bằng phương trình hồi qui tuyến tính. Kết quả cho thấy có 5 yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng của phụ huynh đối với chất lượng dịch vụ giáo dục của Trường, bao gồm: Dịch vụ hỗ trợ có hệ số (β4=0.432), Chương trình giảng dạy có hệ số (β2=0.375), Chương trình ngoại khóa có hệ số (β5=0.350), Cơ sở vật chất có hệ số (β1=0.256) và Đội ngũ giáo viên có hệ số (β3=0.252). Mức độ giải thích mối quan hệ giữa các yếu tố được xác định bằng phương pháp hồi quy với R2 hiệu chỉnh = 0.573. Tác giả đề xuất một số giải pháp cơ bản nhằm nâng cao chất lượng cung cấp dịch vụ giáo dục tại trường quốc tế Bắc Mỹ SNA.
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This study investigated quality service delivery in higher education based on students' perspectives. The study aimed to determine whether students' expectations of service quality in higher education significantly differed from what they experienced and whether their experience of service quality predicted their satisfaction and loyalty. Four hundred and twenty first-year students were sampled from two public universities to participate in the study. The data gathering instrument used in the study was the students' evaluation of service quality questionnaire. Analysis was done using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling techniques. Results showed that the average mean score of prior expectations of university service quality was significantly higher than the average mean score of experience, suggesting that what students expected of university service quality was higher than what they experienced. The results also indicated that students' experiences of service quality had a significant direct effect on their satisfaction levels. Students' levels of satisfaction in turn significantly and positively predicted their loyalty. The results further indicated that students' service quality experience had an indirect (mediated by satisfaction) significant and positive effect on loyalty. Higher education authorities are encouraged to improve service quality, which is a critical way to enhance students' satisfaction and, for that matter, their loyalty and stay intentions.
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This paper investigates how ethical leader influences employee engagement for enhancing the quality of public service in Sri Lanka while examines their customers’ perception of service quality, employees’ perception of the style of ethical leadership, and the level of employee engagement. For that, two questionnaires were distributed. The first questionnaire was distributed through 500 employees in 83 Divisional Secretaries to identify the level of ethical leadership and employee engagement. The second questionnaire was distributed to 2500 customers to identify the level of service quality. To measure these constructs customized scales were used. The results found that, the customers were generally satisfied with the service provided by the public service. Employees in public service were satisfied with the ethical leadership of their administrators and they engage well. The results indicate that ethical leadership and employee engagement significantly affect customers’ perceived service quality and employee engagement is partially mediates the association between ethical leadership and service quality. This study helps to identify the extent of ethical leadership exhibited by public officers, and how it influences service quality through employee engagement. The findings will help the public service to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and will serve as an important source of feedback to the public service that can be used in decision-making processes to better serve customers. In addition, this paper filled the gap in the literature by addressing the relationship between ethical leadership, employee engagement and customers’ perceived service quality. The empirical findings of this will help to enhance the body of knowledge in the area of service quality. The findings will help to uncover the nature of ethical leadership, and employee engagement in the existing public service in Sri Lanka
Abstract Purpose: The aim of this research is to compare the passenger perceptions on service quality for frontline Custom officers at Nadi International Airport. The research ascertains the dimensions of service quality and explains its contribution towards Fiji Custom service delivery. Design/methodology/approach: Data was collected using 300 self-administered questionnaires from two samples of passengers. The first 150 samples were collected from ‘International Arrivals’ and second 150 samples were collected from ‘International Departures’ Custom passenger processing areas. The service quality was measured using seven SERVQUAL dimensions of (i) tangibility, (ii) reliability, (iii) responsiveness, (v) assurance, (iv) empathy, (vi) accountability and (vii) respect. The dataset was analysed using the IBM Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Statistics 19 version (e.g. Pearson’s Correlation and Kruskal – Wallis tests). Findings: This research found passengers experienced high quality of service delivered from Custom officers at Nadi International Airport. This was confirmed using Parasuraman et al. (1988) and Cronin and Taylor (1992) service quality models. The service quality was measured using modified SERVQUAL and SERVPERF dimensions. These were: (i) tangibility, (ii) reliability, (iii) responsiveness, (v) assurance, (iv) empathy, (vi) accountability and (vii) respect. The results informed that arriving passengers experienced higher service quality compared to departing passengers. However, there were different findings witnessed when Parasuraman et al.’s and Cronin and Taylor’s theories were applied to the dataset. For example: There were different results found, when determining which service quality dimension had highest positive contribution to service quality delivered by frontline Custom officers. The Parasuraman et al.’s theoretical application found reliability (Gap score: 1.03), tangibility (Gap score: 1.06) and assurance (Gap score: 1.06) had highest positive contribution to service quality. The Cronin and Taylor’s theoretical application found reliability (Perceived score: 7.69), assurance (Perceived score: 7.64) and responsiveness (Perceived score: 7.63) had highest positive contribution to service quality. Pearson’s one tailed correlation test results found positive statistically significant relationship between seven service quality dimensions and performance variables (service quality, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer recommendation and organizational image). This proved that there is positive direct relationship between (i) service quality and customer satisfaction (‘International Arrivals’ sample: 0.904**; ‘International Departure’ sample: 0.777**); (ii) customer satisfaction and customer loyalty (‘International Arrivals’ sample: 0.593**; ‘International Departure’ sample: 0.530**); (iii) customer satisfaction and customer recommendation (‘International Arrivals’ sample: 0.635**; ‘International Departure’ sample: 0.708**); (iv) customer loyalty and customer recommendation (‘International Arrivals’ sample: 0.768**; ‘International Departure’ sample: 0.627**) and (v) customer recommendation and organizational image (‘International Arrivals’ sample: 0.729**; ‘International Departure’ sample: 0.689**). Finally, Kruskal Wallis results found passenger perceptions on overall service quality changed with different gender (‘International Arrivals’ sample: P-value = 0.952**; ‘International Departure’ sample: P-value = 0.025**). However, these perceptions were generally same for different (i) nationalities (‘International Arrivals’ sample: P-value = 0.396**; ‘International Departure’ sample: P-value = 0.57**), (ii) immigration status (‘International Arrivals’ sample: P-value = 0.186**; ‘International Departure’ sample: P-value = 0.57**) and (iii) age group (‘International Arrivals’ sample: P-value = 0.797**; ‘International Departure’ sample: P-value = 0.118**). Practical implications: This study reveals a need to provide a uniform quality service to all passengers irrespective of their different demographic backgrounds. It also reveals a need to equip passengers with information about Fiji Custom services and its requirements in passenger processing areas. The study highlights the need to have established customer service quality standards for frontline Custom officers to maintain uniformity in service delivery, while being flexible towards people of different nationalities and gender, especially in terms of respect, accountability and responsiveness. Originality/Value: While there has been substantial research carried out in general on customer satisfaction and service quality, very little research has been done on the quality of customer service delivered by the Fiji Custom Service at Nadi International Airport. This study attempts to bridge this gap and add to the literature concerned by presenting a better understanding of promoting quality in customer service by frontline Custom officers. The research will be of considerable importance to the Government of Fiji, Fiji Revenue and Custom Authority, Fiji Custom Service, Airports Fiji Ltd, Ministry of Tourism, investors, public/private stakeholders and general travellers and passengers who are using the Nadi International Airport. Keywords: Nadi International Airport, Fiji Custom Services, International Arrivals, International Departure, SERVQUAL, SERVPERF and Custom Passenger Processing areas. Paper Type: Supervised mini thesis research.
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Esta obra constituiu-se a partir de um processo colaborativo entre professores, estudantes e pesquisadores que se destacaram e qualificaram as discussões neste espaço formativo. Resulta, também, de movimentos interinstitucionais e de ações de incentivo à pesquisa que congregam pesquisadores das mais diversas áreas do conhecimento e de diferentes Instituições de Educação Superior públicas e privadas de abrangência nacional e internacional. Tem como objetivo integrar ações interinstitucionais nacionais e internacionais com redes de pesquisa que tenham a finalidade de fomentar a formação continuada dos profissionais da educação, por meio da produção e socialização de conhecimentos das diversas áreas do Saberes. Agradecemos aos autores pelo empenho, disponibilidade e dedicação para o desenvolvimento e conclusão dessa obra. Esperamos também que esta obra sirva de instrumento didático-pedagógico para estudantes, professores dos diversos níveis de ensino em seus trabalhos e demais interessados pela temática.
Despite all our theorizing efforts and the importance that we and our major information systems (IS) journals ascribe to theory development, making theoretical contributions to our field remains challenging. Recognizing that we cannot develop better theories without improving how we theorize, our field is now engaged in an in-depth discussion of the theorizing process. This manuscript contributes to this discussion by exposing why and how leveraging paradigms when theorizing can foster theoretical contributions within our field. Its premise is that we need to stop working within the confines of a limited set of well-entrenched paradigms and move beyond what is known as true and correct to come up with improvements that significantly alter the way we come to rationalize, explain, and master our world. Anchored on this premise, this manuscript begins by discussing the origin, role, and features of paradigms as well as explaining that they are of three different but interrelated forms (i.e., metaphysical, sociological, and artefactual). The manuscript then adds to this understanding of paradigms by detailing the unique relationships that tie paradigms of each form to theory and explaining why taking advantage of these unique bonds when theorizing may help us make theoretical contributions. Lastly, to foster theoretical contributions within our field, this manuscript proposes a set of guidelines to help us leverage paradigms of the different forms when theorizing.
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ÖZ Çalışmanın amacı, açık bankacılık uygulamalarının bankaları ve bankacılık uygulamalarını değiştirip değiştirmeyeceğini, ne yönde değiştireceğini ve bunların sektöre, bankaların iş yapış şekillerine, şube sayılarına, müşterilerin tercihlerine ve Türkiye’deki Bankacılık uygulamalarına muhtemel etkisinin ne olacağını incelemektir.Açık Bankacılık alanında Türkiye’de hâlihazırda akademik bir çalışma yoktur. Çalışma açık bankacılık alanında Türkiye’deki ilk/öncü akademik çalışma olarak kavramı sektöre tanıtma ve bu konuda yapılacak diğer çalışmalara öncü olmak ile değer katmaya çalışacaktır.Dünyadaki gelişmeleri değerlendirip Türkiye’deki muhtemel gelişmeleri tahmin etmektir. Bu bağlamda politika önerileri sunulmaktadır. Anahtar kelimeler:Bankacılık, Dijital bankacılık, Açık bankacılık, Rekaberlik, Fintech JEL Sınıflaması: G20, G21 OPEN BANKING AS A RESULT OF THE DIGITALIZATION OF THE PAYMENTS SYSTEM ABSTRACT Theaim of thestudy is todiscusswhether ‘Open Banking’ practiceswouldchangethebanksandthe banking practices, in which direction they would change if so and to explore the potential impact of these practices on the sector, ie. on the business manners of the banks, the number of branches, the customer preferences and the banking practices in Turkey in general.To forecast possible developments in Turkey by evaluating the developments in the world. In this respect policy recommendations will be presented. There is no academic study in the field of Open Bankingcurrently. The study, as the first/pioneering study in the field of open banking in Turkey, would try to enrich by introducing the concept to the sector and leading the way in other studies to be performed in this field. Keywords:Banking, Digital banking, Open banking, Coopetition, Fintech
ACASM is an automated procedure of text analysis that enables a large amount of data to be processed in an efficient, reliable, and valid way. ACASM is based on the view of meaning as a matter of sign transitions. In the case of texts, sign transitions consist of syntagmatic associations, namely co-occurrences between words within the same contextual units (e.g., a paragraph of the text). ACASM detects co-occurrences by means of a multidimensional procedure of analysis, applied to the corpus under investigation. The first part of this chapter describes the ACASM rationale and procedure. The second part reviews studies that have analyzed reliability and validity of the method as well as studies that have applied it.
This paper aims to introduce a review of the evolution of customer satisfaction in the context of service quality as a process of experiential co-construction of meaning. The chapter starts from the basic definition of the main models in the quality literature (SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, ECSI, ACSI) and presents the evolution of the role of the customer as the main actor in the service domain, where satisfaction is a dynamic rather than a static process. In this context, the Prosumership Service Quality Model (PROSERV) is described in detail as a theoretical framework for considering the customer not only as a user/consumer of a service, but, through his active role in the relationship with the producer, contributes to the development of the service; thus, she herself becomes a producer or, in other words, a pro-sumer.
Мақсаты: Медициналық қызметтер сапасын бағалаудың қазіргі тәсілдерін және медициналық мекемелер көрсететін қызметтер сапасының өлшемдерін зерттеу. Мақалада республикадағы денсаулық сақтауды цифрлық трансформациялаудың алғышарттары да қаралды.Әдістері: Қойылған мақсаттарды іске асыру үшін кабинеттік зерттеулер – медициналық қызметтердің сапасын бағалау саласындағы заңнамалық актілерге контент талдау және медициналық қызметтердің сапасын бағалаудың әдістемелік тәсілдерін ғылыми негіздеу үшін әдеби дереккөздерге шолу және салыстырмалы талдау жүргізілді.Нәтижелері: Мақалада медициналық қызметтердің сапасын бағалау үшін медициналық қызметтердің сапасы және медициналық қызметтердің сәйкестік сапасы сияқты сипаттамалар қолданылды. Медициналық қызмет көрсету сапасы медициналық қызмет іс жүзінде пациенттің қажеттілігін қанағаттандыратын дәрежесін көрсетеді. Медициналық қызметтің сәйкестік сапасы медициналық мекеме ұсынатын қызметтердің ішкі ерекшеліктер мен стандарттарға сәйкес келу дәрежесін анықтайды.Қорытындылар: Авторлар медициналық қызметтердің сапасын бағалаудың әдіснамалық негіздері мен критерийлеріне контент талдау жасау негізінде медициналық қызметтерді өндірушілер мен тұтынушыларды бағалаудың бірлескен тәсілін пайдалануды ұсынды. Медициналық қызметтер сапасын бағалаудың келесідей тәсілдері мен әдістерін пайдалана отырып, жиынтық кешенді бағалауды енгізу ұсынылды. Олар SERVQUAL моделінің индикаторларын қолданып, медициналық қызметтер сапасын бағалаудың тұтынушылық тәсілін, сауалнама әдісін, стандарттарға сәйкестік әдісін және сараптамалық әдісін ендіру.
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Discusses problems associated with the use of deficiency scores in job attitude research. A logical and a psychological constraint are identified and their operation is demonstrated with data from empirical and simulated studies using 66 nurses from 6 empirical levels. Part correlation and partial correlation techniques are recommended as ways of interpreting relationships between deficiency scores and other variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality A. PARASURAMAN Foley's/Federated Professor of Retailing and Marketing Studies Texas A & M University College Station, Texas VALARIE A. ZEITHAML Associate Professor of Marketing Duke University Raleigh-Durham, N. Carolina LEONARD L. BERRY Foley's/Federated Professor of Retailing and Marketing Studies Texas A & M University College Station, Texas This paper describes the development of a 22-item instrument (called SERVQUAL) for assessing customer perceptions of service quality in service and retailing organizations. After a discussion of the conceptu­ alization and operationalization of the service quality construct, the procedures used in constructing and refining a multiple-item scale to measure the construct are described. Evidence of the scale's reli­ability, factor structure, and validity on the basis of analyzing data from four independent samples is presented next. The paper concludes with a discussion of potential applications ef the scale. -
The use of difference scores as measures of organizational behavior variables is discussed. The basic difference score paradigm is presented, and literature is reviewed to illustrate several variations on this paradigm. These include the constructs purportedly measured by difference scores, the source of component scores, and the means by which difference scores are expressed. The basic problems of difference scores include potential unreliability, systematic correlation with their components, and spurious correlation with other variables. Threats to the meaningfulness of difference scores include questionable construct validity, expression as indexes of profile dissimilarity, and inadequate attempts to deal with the direction of differences. It is concluded that the use of difference scores whose components are provided by a single individual should be abandoned, and that the use of between-person measures must be carefully justified on both empirical and theoretical grounds. Reasons for the persistence of the incautious use of difference scores in organizational research are explored.
The purpose of the article is to propose and empirically test a model of the relationships among research design variables and the psychometric criteria of reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and nomological validity, and among the psychometric criteria themselves. A fundamental premise of the article is that these relationships are much more complex than a casual analysis would suggest. More specifically, though all of the research design variables and psychometric criteria are related at a conceptual level, there is no necessary relationship between many of the variables at an empirical level. Meta-analysis techniques are applied to 162 measures found in the marketing literature to examine the relationships among the research design choices of sampling characteristics, measure characteristics, and measure development processes and the various psychometric criteria of measure quality. The proposed model makes predictions for positive, negative, and no effects relationships. All of the hypotheses in the model except one are supported, with systematic variance apparently the common element producing correlations among the various indicants of measure quality. The primary conclusion is that researchers must pay much greater attention to non-empirical evidence when judging construct validity. Three recommendations are offered for measurement research in marketing.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature of the association between service quality as perceived by consumers and its determinants. In particular, the SERVQUAL instrument is discussed and then it is demonstrated how it can be adapted 1.0 fit the needs of small professional services firms using a CPA firm as an example. The entire analysis can be performed with a spreadsheet package and the results are easy to interpret. The results are presented and the managerial implications are discussed.
Investigated the importance of 5 dimensions of service quality (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) as perceived by participants in 4 public recreation programs (a painting class, a fitness class, gentlemen's ice hockey, and senior trips). To ensure diversity in the type of programs included, a taxonomy was used to guide program selection. Results of self-administered questionnaires support the hypothesis that dimensions of service quality would not be of equal importance to participants in the selected programs. Reliability consistently emerged across programs as the most important dimension of service quality, and in 3 of 4 programs empathy received the least support. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Describes the replication and testing of the SERVQUAL battery (A. Parasuraman et al; see record 1986-10681-001), which measures the perceived quality of a service situation. The scale was tested in 4 service settings different from those of the original test: a dental school patient clinic, a business school placement center, a tire store, and an acute care hospital. Six basic questions of interest to the retailer are discussed: (1) the number of dimensions and how generic they are, (2) the extent to which item wording can be changed, (3) service situations that include multiple service functions, (4) the validity of analyzing differences between expectations and perception, (5) the point at which expectations information should be obtained, and (6) the relationship between expectations and importance. SERVQUAL answered Questions 1 and 2 but needs adaptations with regard to Questions 3 through 6. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
textlessptextgreaterThe authors investigate the conceptualization and measurement of service quality and the relationships between service quality, consumer satisfaction, and purchase intentions. A literature review suggests that the current operationalization of service quality confounds satisfaction and attitude. Hence, the authors test (1) an alternative method of operationalizing perceived service quality and (2) the significance of the relationships between service quality, consumer satisfaction, and purchase intentions. The results suggest that (1) a performance-based measure of service quality may be an improved means of measuring the service quality construct, (2) service quality is an antecedent of consumer satisfaction, (3) consumer satisfaction has a significant effect on purchase intentions, and (4) service quality has less effect on purchase intentions than does consumer satisfaction. Implications for managers and future research are discussed.
Thesis (D.B.A.)--University of Colorado, 1974. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [140]-150).
This article illustrates the common use of difference scores in consumer research and discusses a number of potential problems with using them. Difference scores often have problems in the areas of reliability, discus validity, spurious correlations, and variance restriction. The article concludes that difference scores should generally not be used in consumer research and offers alternatives that overcome their limitations. Copyright 1993 by the University of Chicago.
This study provides an analysis of the real estate brokerage industry for the purposes of identifying the determinants of service quality, the level of service quality, and possible service quality improvement measures. Factor analysis of survey response data is used to develop an empirical application of a theoretical service quality model. Except for rank order, real estate service quality determinants are found to match those in other industries. Real estate service quality met expectations in three areas, and was below expectations in two areas. Salesperson performance evaluation measures are suggested to improve service quality.
Adapting the ‘SERVQUAL’ Scale to Health Care Environment: An Empirical Assessment
  • Babakus
Using Buyers' Perceptions of Service Quality to Guide Strategy Development
  • Cravens