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Surface treatment selections for automotive applications

  • J.Vetter-S3-consulting

Abstract and Figures

Surface treatments used in daily manufacturing of parts for the automotive industry are selected to serve functional and decorative requirements achieved by mass production. Increased loads (mechanical, thermal, etc.), longer lifetime, weight reduction, friction reduction, and corrosion resistance are demanded for modern automotive systems. Within the last decade, improved and new deposition techniques were developed in PVD, PECVD, thermochemical heat treatment and thermal spraying. These new treatments are becoming more and more common in powertrain and engine applications. Generating optimized surfaces for different types of substrate materials (e.g. Al-alloys, case hardened steels, etc.) and geometries (e.g. bores) also impacts the running costs. Due to the new developments within these competing surface treatments, it becomes more and more common to substitute traditional treatment-substrate-systems with advanced treatments. Both the application potential and selected examples of different surface treatments will be shown. Aspects of the internal coating of bores inside the engine by plasma spraying, features of the corrosion protection of parts for the powertrain by the IONITOX process and piston ring treatments are discussed in more detail.
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Surface treatment selections for automotive applications
J. Vetter
*, G. Barbezat
, J. Crummenauer
, J. Avissar
Metaplas Ionon, Am Bo¨ttcherberg 30-38, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany
Sulzer Metco AG, Rigackerstr. 16, 5610 Wohlen, Switzerland
Sulzer Metaplas (US) Inc., 222 Goldstein Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895, USA
Available online 25 October 2005
Surface treatments used in daily manufacturing of parts for the automotive industry are selected to serve functional and decorative
requirements achieved by mass production. Increased loads (mechanical, thermal, etc.), longer lifetime, weight reduction, friction reduction, and
corrosion resistance are demanded for modern automotive systems. Within the last decade, improved and new deposition techniques were
developed in PVD, PECVD, thermochemical heat treatment and thermal spraying. These new treatments are becoming more and more common
in powertrain and engine applications. Generating optimized surfaces for different types of substrate materials (e.g. Al-alloys, case hardened
steels, etc.) and geometries (e.g. bores) also impacts the running costs. Due to the new developments within these competing surface treatments, it
becomes more and more common to substitute traditional treatment-substrate-systems with advanced treatments. Both the application potential
and selected examples of different surface treatments will be shown. Aspects of the internalcoating of bores inside the engine by plasma spraying,
features of the corrosion protection of parts for the powertrain by the IONITOX process and piston ring treatments are discussed in more detail.
D2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: PVD; Nitriding; Thermal spraying; Automotive; Corrosion; Wear; Friction; Decoration
1. Introduction
Automobile manufacturers have to consider in addition to
the expectations and satisfaction of customers regarding the
reliability, functionality, comfort and safety, additional aspects
such as: production, consumption and environmental issues.
The search continues for flexible manufacturing, new design
concepts and vehicles that are easier to assemble. Regional
environmental legislation and shorter product life cycles
require higher quality and more stringent materials require-
ments. Even though these challenges affect all aspects of the
industry, they can be met and overcome with the correct set of
resources. In order to compete effectively in this fast paced
and increasingly complex competitive environment, enter-
prising automotive executives will need to constantly optimize
their business models and improve existing technical solutions
or create new ones. Surface enhancement engineering
solutions are becoming more and more the goal of the
automotive industry in reduction of wear, friction and
corrosion for powertrain parts and engine interiors [1].New
surface solutions are also applied for interior and exterior
decoration. Surface enhancement engineering basically
involves changes to the surface of a material by additive
processes such as thermal spray (named TS), PVD, plasma
enhanced CVD (named PECVD), thermochemical heat treat-
ment (named TCHT) like nitriding or nitrocarburizing (with
oxidation named IONITOX) [2– 6]. In effect, this surface
treatment creates a new material superior to the original. Also
hard carbon overlays become a solution for increased
demands in transmission parts (e.g. for synchronization rings).
2. Plasma assisted processes for surface treatments of
automotive parts
Plasma assisted surface treatments used for automotive
parts include different methods of plasma generation in
terms of the plasmas used, the material generated and the
interaction between the material flow and the substrate
0257-8972/$ - see front matter D2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 2204 299 261; fax: +49 2204 299 266.
E-mail address: (J. Vetter).
Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962 1968
surface during the deposition of a coating or during the
growth of a diffusion (and compound) layer.
Two plasma types are applied: the local thermodynamic
equilibrium plasma (LTE) and the thermodynamic non-
equilibrium plasma (cold plasma).
Plasmas in local thermodynamic equilibrium in which all
temperatures (except the radiation temperature) are equal in
each small volume of the plasma are the basis for plasma
spraying at atmospheric pressures (thermal plasma). This
thermal plasma is used for the melting of the material
resulting in the coating. The plasma does not play a
dominant rule during coating growth. Cold plasmas are
always generated by plasma assisted PVD and CVD
processes and in plasma assisted thermochemical heat
treatment (e.g. plasma nitriding processes). The cold plasma
is characterized by hot electrons and cold ions. The ions are
normally used during the coating growth or during the
diffusion treatment. Table 1 shows a summary of the
treatment types using different plasma states, the material
used and typical substrate materials.
Selected properties of the different treatments and
typical applications are shown in Table 2. It should be
Table 1
Summary of the treatment types of different plasma states, the materials used and typical substrate materials (GNC gas nitrocarburizing)
Type of plasmas Material source Plasma surface interaction Substrate material
plasma spraying
LTE-plasma Atmospheric arc
Nearly no plasma activity
at the surface
Metal alloys, e.g.
Plasma assisted
Cold plasma Pulsed glow discharge
in gas mixtures, e.g.
Ion impact Metals, e.g. heat treatable
steels Ti-alloys Surface acts as the
Species for diffusion
are generated
activation step
Cold plasma Pulsed glow discharge
in N gas mixtures
Ion impact Metals, e.g. heat
treatable steels Surface acts as the
Surface modification
after GNC; before
PECVD Cold plasma Pulsed glow discharge
in precursors, e.g. C
Ion impact Metals, e.g. bearing
steels Surface acts as the
Species for coating
growth are generated
PVD sputtering Cold plasma Atomizing by sputtering
due to glow discharge
at a target
Ion impact Metal alloys
Extracted Ar-ions Galvanized plastics
Sputtered atoms as
growth materials
PVD vacuum arc Cold plasma Evaporation by vacuum
arc discharge
Ion impact Metal alloys
Extracted metal ions Galvanized plastics
Evaporated atoms
and ions as growth
Table 2
Selected properties of the different treatments and typical applications
PVD PVD/PECVD Thermochemical heat treatment Spraying Bonding
MeNCO DLC PN/PNC PNC + OX Metal Metal + ceramics Carbon onlay
Thickness [Am] 2 50 1 5 DZ/CZ
50 500
+ oxide 1 3
100 400 200– 500 400 700
Hardness (micro) 1600 3500 1000– 3000 600 1200 500– 800 300 600 400– 1000 Not measured
Friction against
Dry 0.5 0.8 Dry 0.1– 0.3 Dry 0.7 0.9 Dry 0.6– 0.8 Lubricant
0.05 0.15
0.05 0.10
0.11– 0.13
temperature [-C]
50 (plastics) 500 60 250 350 800 (Ti) 400 570 50 –150 50 150 160 280
Piston rings Injection
Piston rings Ball pivots Piston rings Piston rings Shift forks
Pumps Tappest Syncroniz Gear selector
Synchroniz Bores Synchroniz
Decoration Gears Clutches Pumps Shift forks Break discs Clutches
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 1968 1963
mentioned that the plasma assisted surface treatments are
more or less in competition with the non-plasma surface
treatments. The term ‘Spraying’’ in the table does not
stand only for plasma spraying, but stands for the whole
group of thermal spraying. The newer material carbon
onlay which is bonded at selected functional surfaces is
included for comparison.
However, the main issue of the paper is the discussion of
plasma assisted surface treatments to point out the speciali-
ties to generate new surface conditions for a variety of
3. Functional plasma assisted surface treatments
Fig. 1 shows a variety of car parts treated by different
surface technologies. Parts of the powertrain, the engine and
components of the interior or exterior are finished by plasma
assisted surface technologies.
Different functional surface properties of various auto-
motive parts require a variety of surface treatments. A rough
classification of the four main required surface properties
and typical application of plasma assisted surface treatments
are shown in Fig. 2.
The surface requirements (low friction, low wear, etc.)
are often more or less overlapping. However it becomes
clear that the adjustable properties of the surfaces within the
above mentioned groups of surface treatments cover an
enormously wide range (mechanical, electrical, tribological,
corrosive properties).
4. Selected application examples
4.1. Cylinder bores: low wear rates by rotating plasma
The conventional Al cast alloys with 7% to 9% Si do
not produce the necessary tribological properties for the
piston group. The hypereutectic alloys with 17% to 20% Si
present several disadvantages concerning manufacturing
Fig. 1. Selected parts to be treated by surface technologies.
e.g. Injection
e.g. Ball pivot
e.g. Piston rings
Plasma spraying
e.g. Signs
Fig. 2. Main functional properties required in automotive application.
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 19681964
costs and inferior mechanical properties (low toughness).
Today, the most frequently used tribological solution for
engine blocks in aluminum cast alloys is the insert of cast
iron sleeves. However the insertion of cast iron sleeves
presents several disadvantages. The pitch distance is still
relatively high in comparison with the bore diameter. The
heat flow from cylinder bore to the cooling system is not
regular. The oxides between the cast iron sleeves and the
Al cast material have a negative influence, because they
are not homogeneously distributed and some distortion of
the bores results. The distortion of the bores increases the
tendency for blow-by and has a negative influence on the
power generated.
There are some galvanic solutions but these also present
several disadvantages in terms of environmental impact and
costs. For these reasons galvanic solutions are used only for
few special applications.
The internal plasma spray coatings are now used in the
production of a variety of gasoline and diesel engines [7,8].
The deposited plasma sprayed coatings show three signifi-
cant advantages in comparison with cast iron sleeves or
monolithic material cast iron with lamellar graphite [9,10].
The plasma sprayed coatings have the potential to reduce
the friction of the piston groups by roughly 30%. The
consequent fuel consumption reduction is around 3%.
The oil consumption can also be significantly reduced in
comparison with the cast iron (usually by a factor of two).
The wear rate is extremely low, only some nanometers
per service hour.
During the coating deposition of the low alloyed carbon
steel XPT 512 wustite FeO and magnetite Fe
produced. Both types of these crystals are working as solid
lubricants. The amount of iron oxide is controlled by the
choice of the spray parameters, primarily plasma gas
composition, dwell time of the particle in the plasma, and
plasma enthalpy. Table 3 shows typical deposited plasma
coatings and their characteristics.
The manufacturing steps of the cylinder bores finished
by plasma spraying are shown in Fig. 3.
4.2. Ball pivot: high corrosion resistance by IONITOX
The IONITOX process was developed as a combination
of gas nitriding and plasma activation processes to generate
surfaces with high corrosion resistance on carbon steels and
heat treatable steels. The plasma activation step is carried
out before the oxidation. Corrosion stability is reached due
to a dense oxide layer (Fe
) of a thickness of about 2 um.
Table 3
Typical plasma coatings for cylinder bore and their characteristics
Coating type Hardness
A: Carbon steel with
solid lubricant
wustite and
magnetite (XPT 512)
400 Ferrite with fine carbides,
FeO (wustite) and Fe
B: Composite of tool
steel and molybdenum
400 Ferrite with fine iron
carbides and isolated
phase of molybdenum.
Low level in iron oxides
C: Stainless steels
(Cr and Mo alloyed)
350 Iron awith fine carbides
and some oxides
D: Metal matrix
composite MMC
(type 1)
450 Material A with addition
of about 20% discrete
particle of ceramic
E: Metal matrix
composite MMC
(type 2)
400 Material C with addition
of 20% discrete particle
of ceramic
Fig. 3. Steps of bore coating solution: 1. Casting and machining, 2. Surface activation, 3. Coated cylinder bore, 4. Finish machining (diamond honing).
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 1968 1965
Different parts are treated in industrial scale: gear selector
shafts, pump cases, etc. Fig. 4 shows a typical application
ball pivots–with the improvements.
4.3. Piston rings: reduction of wear and seizure due to PVD
Piston rings have to seal the combustion gas and to control
the lubrication oil. The surface treatment is used to reduce
wear and to prevent seizure. A variety of piston rings exists
for different applications. Besides the different substrate
materials, also different surface treatments are used. Fig. 5
shows surface treatments developed and/or applied over the
past 20 years. Today nearly all these treatments are in the
industrial praxis. Depending on the application and the
manufacturing costs, spraying, galvanizing, nitriding, PVD
coatings and the combination nitriding plus PVD coating are
used. The most expensive method is the PVD-method. About
10–50 um thick Cr-based coatings are deposited mostly by
vacuum arc evaporation.
4.4. Decoration
Customers prefer attractive cars. The car’s interior and
exterior need to be styled according to modern trends. More
and more PVD coatings are deposited by sputtering and or
vacuum arc evaporation, and are applied to different
materials including galvanized plastics (ABS). The colours
can be adjusted over a wide range.
5. New developments
New developments in surface technologies, driven mainly
by material aspects, provide opportunities for improving
systems and their components. The new solutions have to be
able to compete with the classical solutions. Even if there are
apparent advantages, additional aspects such as financial,
reliability, compatibility with existing manufacturing methods,
etc., have to be considered. Newer developments are: plasma
borizing of gears [11], coatings for gears, plasma sprayed
bearing coatings, nitriding of powder metallurgical steels.
Four examples of surface treatments from the more or less
industrial development state will be discussed in more detail in
the following.
5.1. Deposition of coating for connecting rod bearing
The development of the internal plasma spraying
technology enables new horizons of application. Connecting
rod bores of 40 to 60 mm internal diameter can be coated
using the internal plasma spraying technology [12,13].
Especially interesting is the spraying technology for the
cracked connecting rod. The coating deposition can be
considered before or after the cracking of the parts. The
coating deposition is performed in stacks, so an interesting
productivity can be obtained. Primarily lead free copper
Fig. 4. Improvements of ball pivots by IONITOX treatment.
Evolution of piston ring surfaces: wear / scuffing resistance
Cr plat.
+ diam.
wear resistance
Cr plated
+ Ceramic
+ Cericam
scuffing resistance
Cr plated
Cr plat.
+ diam. PVD
Fig. 5. Different piston ring treatments and the trend of the wear and scuffing resistance; HVOF: High Velocity Oxygen Fuel spray; Cr plat. +diam.: Cr
plated + diamond.
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 19681966
base alloys can be deposited under good metallurgical
conditions using the atmospheric spraying process APS.
On the different heat treated steels for connecting rods
reasonable bond strengths were measuredto a thickness of 550
um. Bearing materials present different requirements concer-
ning mechanical properties, seizure resistance and the possi-
bility of embedding foreign particles for example. The plasma
spray technology using powder as feedstock is characterized
by an excellent flexibility regarding the choice of the materials.
Fig. 6 shows an example of typical copper base material
deposited by internal plasma spraying in a connecting rod of
diameter 40 mm.
5.2. Thermal barrier coatings also for the engine?
Thermal barrier coatings are used normally for turbine
blades. First studies were made also for engine components.
In the case of high performance combustion engine the
creep tendency of the aluminium piston head can be
significantly decreased by the deposition of a thermal
barrier in PSZ (partial stabilized zirconia). The coating
system (MCrAlY bond coat and PSZ) is deposited by using
the atmospheric plasma spray process. The coating allows
also the use of cheaper aluminium material and decreases
the sensibility to the material defects.
5.3. Gear coatings: lubrication reduction by DLC coatings
DLC coatings in the form of a-C:H:Me coatings deposited
by reactive PVD processes and a-C:H coatings deposited by
PECVD have been applied in injection systems since about
the year 2000. Fig. 7 shows the excellent improvements of
the gear performance by a-C:H:Me coatings. These improve-
ments are partially industrially realized, e.g. gears for wind
Fig. 6. Typical microstructure of CuAlSnalloy deposited by internal APS on connecting rod (40 mm bore diameter): porosity: 2%, HV
=162, thickness 550 um.
Fig. 7. Reduction of micro pitting and load increase by a-C:H:Me (W-C:H) coatings gears.
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 1968 1967
power transmissions. The potential of the gear coating to
minimize the required lubrication and or to increase the
specific loads is not utilized in industrial practice for the
powertrain. One of the reasons might be the high cost factor
of production due to the small lot production of coated gears.
5.4. Combination coatings: new properties by nitriding and
PVD coating
Plasma nitriding of metallic components of different
materials is one of the well established treatments (for
crankshafts, springs, synchronizers, etc.) resulting in
improved performance due to an increase of the hardness,
fatigue strength and creation of residual compressive
stresses. However, PVD coatings are more wear resistant
(adhesive wear, micro abrasion, oxidation, etc.). The
combination of nitriding and PVD provides a product
superior to both. Fig. 8 shows the change in hardness as a
function of the distance from the surface for the separate
treatments and the combined treatment. The nitriding before
the deposition of the hard coating increases the load bearing
capacity of the coating-substrate-system. This combination
treatment is industrially used for high loaded piston rings
(see also Fig. 5). However, more applications might be
realized in the powertrain and engine.
6. Summary
1. The variety of plasma assisted surface treatments applied
in the automotive industry will increase in the upcoming
years due to higher loads in the engine, injection systems
and the power train.
2. Corrosion protection of different parts of the power train
can be produced by the IONITOX process.
3. The internal plasma spraying technology allows treating
different inside diameters (bores) in the engine.
4. PVD coatings become more and more interesting not
only for decoration, but also for high loaded parts like
piston rings.
5. DLC coatings still have a high potential for lubrication
reduction and or for the increase of the load, e.g. for
6. The various surface treatments available for selected
parts (e.g. synchronizers) are competing with each other,
in terms of costs and functionality.
[1] T.H. Lampe, S. Eisenberg, E. Rodriguez Cameo, Surf. Coat. Technol.
174 175 (2003) 1.
[2] L. Pawlowsk (Ed.), The Science and Engineering of Thermal Spray
Coatings, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York, 1995.
[3] A. von Starck, A. Mu¨ hlbauer, C. Kramer (Eds.), Handbook of
Thermoprocessing Technologies, Vulkan Verlag Eifel, Essen, 2005.
[4] R.L. Boxman, P.J. Martin, D.M. Sanders (Eds.), Handbook of Vacuum
Arc Science and Technology, Noyes Publications, New Jersey, 1995.
[5] S. Hoppe, Surf. Coat. Technol. 98 (1998) 1199.
[6] J. Vetter, T. Michler, J.H. Steuernagel, Surf. Coat. Technol. 111 (1999)
[7] G. Barbezat, J. Automot. Technol. 2 (2001) 47.
[8] G. Barbezat, J. Schmid, MTZ, Mot.Tech. Z. 62 (2001) ) 314.
[9] M. Winterkorn, P. Bohre, L. Spiegel, G. So¨ lke, ATZ, Automobiltech.
Z. 102 (2000) 832.
[10] E. Pape, M. Kro¨ ll, M. Gerhardy, ATZ, Automobiltech. Z. 104 (2002)
[11] E.R. Cabeo, G. Laudien, S. Biemer, K.-T. Rie, S. Hoppe, Surf. Coat.
Technol. 116 (1999) 229.
[12] G. Barbezat, F.-G. Hermsen, J. Dohmen, MTZ, Mot.Tech. Z. 65
(2004) 15.
[13] G. Barbezat, Coating deposition of bearing materials on connecting
rod by thermal spraying, Proceeding DVS, May 2005, Basel, ITSC,
CZ CrN Core CrN
PN PVD-coated PN plus PVD
(0-20) µm (20-800)µm (1-50) µm
CoreDZ CoreDZ
Fig. 8. Hardness versus distance from the surface for soft steels with a plasma nitriding treatment (PN), PVD coating, and combination nitriding plus PVD
coating; CZ: compound zone, DZ: diffusion zone.
J. Vetter et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (2005) 1962– 19681968
... The use of appropriate coatings makes it possible to change the surface properties in the context of [3]:  mechanical (frictional wear, frictional resistance)  chemical (corrosion)  electrical (conductivity)  optical (transmittance, reflection, absorption, aesthetic effect). Examples of attempts to use coatings for mechanical purposes in the automotive industry are primarily:  Piston ringscoated with chrome galvanically, chromium nitride, titanium nitride in PVD techniques [3,18,36,38,40]  Cylinders in engine blocks (carbon steel reinforced with ceramicsthermal spraying) [3]  Crankshaft bearings -Al−Sn, Al−Sn−Bi alloys [3]  Ball pivotsplasma nitriding, oxidation [3,38]  Injector needles in gasoline enginescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,35,38]  Piston pinscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3]  Pushrodscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18]  Camshaft journals and camshaftscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,22]  Valvescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,22]  Gearboxescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,19,22,38]. Continuous research is being conducted, in which attempts are being made to create thin-film coatings for automotive applications, for example based on metal-doped DLC (diamond-like carbon) coatings, or boron carbide [16,26,34,43,44]. ...
... The use of appropriate coatings makes it possible to change the surface properties in the context of [3]:  mechanical (frictional wear, frictional resistance)  chemical (corrosion)  electrical (conductivity)  optical (transmittance, reflection, absorption, aesthetic effect). Examples of attempts to use coatings for mechanical purposes in the automotive industry are primarily:  Piston ringscoated with chrome galvanically, chromium nitride, titanium nitride in PVD techniques [3,18,36,38,40]  Cylinders in engine blocks (carbon steel reinforced with ceramicsthermal spraying) [3]  Crankshaft bearings -Al−Sn, Al−Sn−Bi alloys [3]  Ball pivotsplasma nitriding, oxidation [3,38]  Injector needles in gasoline enginescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,35,38]  Piston pinscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3]  Pushrodscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18]  Camshaft journals and camshaftscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,22]  Valvescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,22]  Gearboxescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,19,22,38]. Continuous research is being conducted, in which attempts are being made to create thin-film coatings for automotive applications, for example based on metal-doped DLC (diamond-like carbon) coatings, or boron carbide [16,26,34,43,44]. ...
... The use of appropriate coatings makes it possible to change the surface properties in the context of [3]:  mechanical (frictional wear, frictional resistance)  chemical (corrosion)  electrical (conductivity)  optical (transmittance, reflection, absorption, aesthetic effect). Examples of attempts to use coatings for mechanical purposes in the automotive industry are primarily:  Piston ringscoated with chrome galvanically, chromium nitride, titanium nitride in PVD techniques [3,18,36,38,40]  Cylinders in engine blocks (carbon steel reinforced with ceramicsthermal spraying) [3]  Crankshaft bearings -Al−Sn, Al−Sn−Bi alloys [3]  Ball pivotsplasma nitriding, oxidation [3,38]  Injector needles in gasoline enginescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,35,38]  Piston pinscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3]  Pushrodscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18]  Camshaft journals and camshaftscarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,22]  Valvescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,22]  Gearboxescarbon DLC coatings -PVD [3,18,19,22,38]. Continuous research is being conducted, in which attempts are being made to create thin-film coatings for automotive applications, for example based on metal-doped DLC (diamond-like carbon) coatings, or boron carbide [16,26,34,43,44]. ...
Full-text available
The article attempts to analyze the possible effects of using Ti−C:H DLC carbon coatings produced by pulsed magnetron sputtering (PVD) to reduce friction coefficient and wear in kinematic pairs found in internal combustion engines and powertrain systems used in automotive vehicles. The aim of such action is primarily to reduce internal losses in the aforementioned units. The coatings were deposited on heat-treated bearing steel 100Cr6, examined using a scanning electron microscope FEI Quanta 200 Mark II with the chemical analyzer EDS EDAX Genesis XM 2i, tribotester T−01M examining the friction coefficient in the ball-disc correlation and Hommel Werke T8000 profilometers, additionally, in order to check the coating thickness, studies were carried out using the Calotest method. The results obtained indicate that both the friction coefficient and wear are drastically reduced in relation to samples on which no DLC coatings were applied.
... Undoubtedly, the coatings field will continue to expand in the coming years and potentially play a crucial role in advancing many engineering fields. Coatings have already been essential to extend and improve the efficiency and reliability of conventional vehicles based on IC engines (Vetter et al., 2005;Cha and Erdemir, 2015;Tung and Wong, 2021). They can equally play pivotal roles in the advancement of electric vehicles (EVs), enabling unparalleled reliability (lasting nearly for the lifetime of such vehicles) and improved efficiency (through ultra-low friction), thus enabling an environmentally friendly, and efficient form of transportation in coming decades. ...
... Luckily, these coating systems with many targets are now more costeffectively available from multiple coating companies and have become affordable and upscalable lately. In the past, CrN and DLC coatings were used the most in IC engines (Vetter et al., 2005), but it is possible that they can also be tailored to deliver coated drivetrain components to be used in EVs. ...
Full-text available
Electric vehicles (EVs) represent a new paradigm for a sustainable transportation future with the potential to offer unparalleled energy security, environmental cleanliness, and economic prosperity for all humanity. However, rapid development and adaptation of this new transportation approach depend on addressing multiple challenges, including the development of new materials and coatings that can meet the more stringent thermal, electrical, and tribological requirements of EV drivetrains. Specifically, the operating conditions of moving mechanical assemblies (i.e., bearings, gears, among others) in EVs differ radically from those found in conventional internal combustion (IC) engines-thus giving rise to notable reliability issues. In particular, as the function of bearings and gear systems shift from mostly load-carrying (in IC engines) to the torque-transferring mode in EVs, durability concerns of these assemblies due to severe deformation, wear, micro-pitting, fatigue, and scuffing may worsen-as electric motors can generate maximum torque at near zero speeds but maximum efficiency at around 90% speed (this is opposite of conventional IC engines, which generate high torques at high speeds). These conflicting requirements require a different set of lubricant-material combinations to circumvent such problems under high loads and low-speed conditions of EVs. Therefore, new materials, coatings, and lubrication strategies need to be developed and implemented for future EVs to become tribologically viable and reliable. Accordingly, EV drivetrains can potentially benefit from advanced functional coatings that have already significantly improved the functionality of moving components of IC engines. The main objective of this article is to draw attention to some of the tribological issues in EVs and how advanced functional coatings can help resolve these issues due to their unique thermal, electrical, mechanical, and tribological properties, ultimately making EVs more durable and reliable.
... Protective coatings are often used to increase the hardness, strength, and resistance against wear, oxidation, or corrosion of parts. In particular, thermal spraying offers a wide range of coating systems that enable the protection of highly stressed parts in the automotive [1,2] and aerospace sectors [3], as well as in turbines and rotors [4]. Thermal spray coatings are often optimized regarding their specific properties, e. g. adhesion to the substrate [5] and wear and corrosion resistance [1,6], in the aforementioned environments. ...
... Thermal spraying uses various heat sources to force collision on the substrate surface to form a deposited coating layer. This process has the advantage that a wide range of materials can be used to form a coating layer, and it is a critical surface processing technology in many industries such as steel, shipbuilding, and automotive [4][5][6][7]. Thermal spraying can be classified into various processes based on the heat source, including arc spray, atmospheric plasma spray (aPS), and high-velocity oxygen fuel (HVoF) etc. The aPS process, in particular, uses plasma to melt the material in an atmospheric condition, accelerate the molten material and deposit the material to the substrate. ...
A pure molybdenum (Mo) coating layer was manufactured by using the atmospheric plasma spray (APS) process and its wear and corrosion characteristics were investigated in this study. A Mo coating layer was prepared to a thickness of approximately 480 μm, and it had sound physical properties with a porosity of 2.9% and hardness of 434 Hv. Room temperature dry wear characteristics were measured through a ball-on-disk test under load conditions of 5 N, 10 N and 15 N. Based on the coefficient of friction graph at 5 N and 10 N, the oxides formed during wear functioned as a wear lubricant, thereby confirming an increase in wear resistance. However, at 15 N, wear behavior changed, and wear occurred due to splat pulling out. A potentiodynamic polarization test was conducted under an artificial seawater atmosphere, and Ecorr and Icorr measured 0.717 V and 7.2E-5 A/cm2, respectively. Corrosion mainly occurred at the splat boundary and pores that were present in the initial state. Based on the findings above, the potential application of APS Mo coating material was also discussed.
... The applications and industrial significance of thermal engineering in steel alloy systems are extensive and profound. Steel alloys, optimized through controlled heat treatment, find widespread use in industries like construction, automotive (Funatani, 2004;Vetter et al., 2005), aerospace, and manufacturing. Their tailored properties, such as strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance, enhance structural integrity and performance. ...
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Surface engineering is one of the most extensive industries. Virtually all areas of the economy benefit from the achievements of surface engineering. Surface quality affects the quality of finished products as well as the quality of manufactured parts. It affects both functional qualities and esthetics. Surface quality affects the image and reputation of a brand. This is particularly true for cars and household appliances. Surface modification of products is also aimed at improving their functional and protective properties. This applies to surfaces for producing hydrophobic surfaces, anti-wear protection of friction pairs, corrosion protection, and others. Metal technologies and 3D printing benefit from surface technologies that improve their functionality and facilitate the operation of products. Surface engineering offers a range of different coating and layering methods from varnishing and painting to sophisticated nanometric coatings. This paper presents an overview of selected surface engineering issues pertaining to metal products, with a particular focus on surface modification of products manufactured by 3D printing technology. It evaluates the impact of the surface quality of products on their functional and performance qualities.
Description Thirty chapters provide a comprehensive overview of various lubrication aspects of a typical powertrain system including the engine, transmission, driveline, chassis, and other components. The manual addresses major issues and current development status of automotive lubricant test methods. Topics also cover advanced lubrication and tribochemistry of the powertrain system, such as diesel fuel lubrication, specialized automotive lubricant testing development, filtration testing of automotive lubricants, lubrication of constant velocity joints, and biodegradable automotive lubricants. Major chapters cover:
Description Thirty chapters provide a comprehensive overview of various lubrication aspects of a typical powertrain system including the engine, transmission, driveline, chassis, and other components. The manual addresses major issues and current development status of automotive lubricant test methods. Topics also cover advanced lubrication and tribochemistry of the powertrain system, such as diesel fuel lubrication, specialized automotive lubricant testing development, filtration testing of automotive lubricants, lubrication of constant velocity joints, and biodegradable automotive lubricants. Major chapters cover:
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Preface My contact with thermal spraying started in autumn 1973 as I was asked to choose the subject of MSc thesis.As most of my fellow - students of Electronic Technology Institute of Technical University of Wroclaw (Poland),I was attracted rather by the technology of semiconductors.Then,my tutor Prof.Licznerski changed my mind,by showing very thick coatings and explaining their deposition technique:plasma spraying. This deposition method is one from the family of thermal spraying techniques.Thermal spraying is today present in the research laboratories of universities and in the industry.The laboratories are about to complete the understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena at spraying.The industry explores new applications of the coatings.The expansion of the thermal spraying in the laboratories and industry created the need for the book. This book is therefore addressed to the professionals of different educational level.The highly trained researchers and engineers can find a physical background of the thermal spraying processes,the description of coatings characterization techniques and up-to-dated review of the coatings properties. The sales officers and technicians would hopefully appreciate the basic informations concerning the consumables using in thermal spraying and the methods of pre - and post - spraying treatment. Finally,the entrepreneurs,who wish to invest into thermal spray would find the description of the thermal spraying techniques and the remarks concerning organization of the thermal spray workshop. The book gives a complete description of the technology of thermal spraying,starting with the discussions of the powder manufacturing and testing techniques and the methods of pre-spray treatment.The most important techniques of thermal spraying being in present use as well as those in the research and development stage are discussed.Finally,the techniques of post spraying treatment such as mechanical finishing,high pressure and high temperature treatments and laser treatment are outlined. The book explains also the physics of thermal spraying and the phenomena as acceleration or heating the solid particles in the flames.The problems related to the coatings buildup,that starts with a splash of an individual particle until the generation of thermal stresses in the coating,are also discussed.The special attention is paid to the methods of the coatings characterizations including microstructure investigation as well as the testing of mechanical and physical properties and the non-destructive methods enabling control of their quality.The coatings properties determined with the discussed methods,their relation to the coatings microstructure and processing parameters are systematically reviewed.Similarly,the coatings applications in such important branches of modern industry as aeronautic,printing and electronic and others are presented. A chapter related to the creation and organization of modern thermal spray shop finishes the book. Many persons contributed in the more or less direct way in the book creation.I wish to acknowledge the friendly support of Prof.P.Fauchais - Head of Plasma Spray Laboratory at the University of Limoges (France).Ing.F.Kilp of Valco,Düsseldorf (Germany) made available the papers about the powders production methods and Prof.A.Vardelle of University of Limoges - about impact of sprayed particles.Dr.S.Sturlese of C.S.M. Rome (Italy) made a lot of useful comments concerning the thermophysical and electrical properties of coatings and Dr.R.C.Tucker,Jr.of Praxair,Indianapolis,Indiana (USA) revised a section concerning D-gunTM technique.Dr.J.Takeuchi of Tocalo,Kobe (Japan) made available the photographs of the coated elements applied in paper and steel industries. I want to express my gratitude to the following colleagues or the organizations who send me the requested photographs and permitted me to use them as the figures in the book:Mr.J.Andresen,Dr.Ing.Z.Babiak,Batelle Columbus Labs.,Dipl.Ing.P.Bork,Dr.T.Cosack,Mr.F.J.Driller,Prof.H.Herman, Mr.B.Kushner,Mrs. and Mr.Lemmens,Dr.E.H.Lutz,Dr.M.Marchese,Dr.A.Mascanzoni,Matrasur,Dr.Monerie-Moulin,Ms.B.Ottesen,Dipl.Ing.E.Prinz,Mr.G.Slaughter,Sherritt Inc. Finally,I appreciate an efficient and supportive collaboration with the editor John Wiley & Sons and in particular with Mrs. V.Lutman.Many thanks to Muryel Wehr for drawing a lot of figures and her support during the last months of the book writing. Nozay 14 april 1994
Conference Paper
A reduction of the size and weight of connecting rods can be obtained using the deposition of bearing materials by thermal spraying directly on the substrate. For this application several thermal spray processes are coming in competition. However the aspect of the metallurgical reactions during the coating deposition should be taken in count. The alternative of different technologies is presented with respect on the coating characteristics, the potential of industrialization and of the costs. The characteristics of the coatings are also strongly depending of the part geometry.
For the wear protection of cylinder bore in aluminum cast material the internal plasma spraying technology offers a new economical solution. The size and the weight of the engine blocks significantly can be decreased in comparison with the traditional cast iron sleeves. The coefficient of friction between piston ring and cylinder wall sensitively can be reduced and the wear resistance increased from several factors. The paper gives an overview of the technology from the AlSi cast alloys for engine block to the non destructive testing technology used after the machining by diamond honing. The actual results in engines of different types also will be shown. The economical advantages of the plasma spraying for the internal coating in cylinder bore also will be discussed in comparison with the different alternatives of technology. The aspect of the market introduction also will be discussed in this paper.
Das Thermisch-Spritzen wird in vielen verschiedenen Industrien für das Auftragen von Verschleiß-Schutzbeschichtungen auf der Basis von metallischen, karbidhaltigen, keramischen oder Verbundwerkstoffen angewendet. In der Automobilindustrie wird das Plasmaspritzverfahren für die Beschichtungen von Kolbenringen, Lambdasonden und anderen Komponenten seit Jahren verwendet. Eine hochflexible Auswahl bezüglich der Werkstoffe sowie die Entwicklung geeigneter Bearbeitungsprozesse macht das Plasmaspritzverfahren interessant. Die Firma Nagel in N ürtingen hat mit dem Verfahren bereits reichhaltige Erfahrungen gesammelt.
Nach dem 3-Liter-Auto von Volkswagen [1] folgt nun innerhalb der A00-Klasse mit dem Lupo FSI der nächste Schritt, mittels hochentwickelter Technik den Kraftstoff-Flottenverbrauch der Marke VW weiter zu senken. Neben umfangreichen, vom Lupo 3L TDI übernommenen Maβnahmen wie Leichtbau, Direktschaltgetriebe, verbesserter Aerodynamik und reduziertem Rollwiderstand, hat im wesentlichen ein neues Motorkonzept in diesem Fahrzeug der Lupo-Familie Einfluss auf die Effizienz: Die Direkteinspritzung beim Ottomotor mit Schichtladung. Kombiniert mit der besonders innovativen Abgasnachbehandlung, stellt sie den Beginn eines neuen Zeitalters im Hause Volkswagen dar.
Mit dem VW Touareg geht die Volkswagen AG in ein neues Fahrzeugsegment, das — vor allem auch in den USA - bei den Kunden eine stark wachsende Nachfrage verzeichnet. Der neue VW Touareg verbindet echte Off-Road-Fähigkeiten mit dem Fahrverhalten und der Anmutung der automobilen Oberklasse.
With the so-called IONIT®OX process, a combined plasma nitrocarburizing and oxidizing, iron based materials, especially non-alloyed steel, had been treated. It is shown that the oxidation of the nitrocarburized layers lead to a significant improvement of the corrosion resistance. The basic fundamentals of the formation of the oxide layer on nitrocarburized surfaces are discussed. The results of metallographic examinations explain the technological figures. Inspections of the oxide layer growth kinetics show a parabolic law. The growth rate depends on the oxidation temperature. Properties of plasma nitrocarburized and further oxidized components are summarized. Examples are given which demonstrate the wide range of potential applications.
The combination of a thermochemical heat treatment (e.g., nitriding or carburizing, with or without plasma enhancement) and a hard coating [e.g., titanium nitride (TiN), chromium nitride (CrN) or amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H)] is known as “duplex treatment”. It offers the possibility to improve the functional properties of tools and machine parts compared with a single treatment. The combination of plasma nitriding and physical vapour deposited hard coating has been investigated by various groups, mostly for increasing the wear resistance of tools. However, machine parts and precision components are also very promising candidates for duplex treatments, especially when they are made of soft steels such as stainless steels. This paper shows that the functional behaviour of duplex-treated parts is determined both by the application-oriented optimization of the thermochemical heat treatment and by selection of the appropriate hard coating. The hard coatings include TiN, chromium-containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon (a-C:H:Cr) and “pure” a-C:H. For demonstration purposes, this paper focuses on the ferritic stainless valve steel X20Cr13.
The influence of process parameters on plasma-assisted boriding of ferrous materials in a BCl3–H2–Ar atmosphere has been investigated. The elimination of pores in steel substrates is largely influenced by the discharge potential for a fixed BCl3–H2–Ar mixture. The electrical discharge is characterised by the belt of optical emission spectroscopy. Non-porous boride layers have been applied for oil pump drive gears which were then wear tested. The results show excellent wear protection properties of boride layers produced in a plasma-assisted process.